#swtor: knights of the eternal throne
tiredassmage · 1 year
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the great big tirall family reunion!
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swtorpadawan · 5 months
SWTOR Headcanon: The fate of Leontyne Saresh
The failure of Leontyne Saresh to usurp the Outlander as Commander of the Eternal Alliance is one of the most talked about moments during "Knights of the Eternal Throne". Many if not most players thoroughly enjoy her downfall, and I've seen more than a few just "take her out" even if their characters were not particularly dark-side.
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My main OC in the Halcyon Legacy is Corellan Halcyon. To those who aren't familiar, he's… a bit of a goody two-shoes. Former Jedi Knight. I literally only have two dark-side choices on my playthrough.
So killing Saresh wasn't a real option for him, tempting as it was.
But what happens to her?
In my headcanon, she is given a (very) secure prison cell on the lowest level of the Alliance base, with security measures designed by Lana Beniko and Theron Shan keeping her under lock and key.
The (current) Supreme Chancellor and (most of) the Galactic Senate want nothing to do with Saresh. And they recognize the necessity of maintaining relations with the Eternal Alliance. BUT - politically, they need to keep Saresh's old supporters in line. There are too many of them, and if the Senate didn't try to free her, at best, they would force a constitutional crisis. At worst, they could spark a violent uprising.
So once a year, the Senate of the Galactic Republic formally requests that Saresh be released, all while privately imploring the Alliance to keep her locked up.
It got to the point where - during negotiations on a formal treaty - Lana Beniko threatened her counterpart with releasing Saresh. The diplomat quickly caved to her terms.
Meanwhile, Saresh is still locked up.
Eventually, she gets a next door neighbor in Syndic Zenta, the Chiss head of House Inrokini from "A Traitor Among the Chiss".
More on that another time.
Tagging! @domnorian @reconstructionlegacy @raven-of-domain-kwaad @0alix0 @ospreyeamon @theshijlegacy @pineaberry @defira85 @palepinkycat @angstmongertina @erichan-legacy
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the-tomato-patch · 1 year
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Koth Vortena
"The roguish charm tip you off?"
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mrssgreenleaf · 2 months
the realest enemies to lovers in the entire Star Wars franchise HANDS FUCKING DOWNNN 🗣️🗣️
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taseric · 2 years
random ramblings about kotet (spoilers for kotet and i guess Agent)
Vaylin's lack of redemption in kotet was weird because it felt kinda fence-sitting, if that makes sense. Like, "yeah it was messed up but she kinda deserved it so lets go fight some mandalorians to take our minds off it"
A lot of people (myself included) wanted a full and proper redemption for Vaylin, but part of me wonders what kotet would have been like if they made it even more messed up. If they really made it a true tragedy that we 'have' to kill Vaylin.
What if Vaylin was just a legitimately good ruler whose only crime was that she wanted to kill Valkorion, who just happened to be in your head. What if there was no grand destiny or grave injustice to face, and we were only fighting Vaylin because it was a 'Us or Them' situation that Valkorion forced us into. What if she was just someone that was very easy to regret killing instead of Bioware trying to justify her death at every turn.
Regret is something swtor very rarely dabbles in, and it's very easy for it to just come across as the developers making fun of us for playing their game. But they already kinda did this pretty well in the Agent class story.
y'know how during the Darth Jadus confrontation, it's almost meta in how it pokes at both yours and your character's egos to make you into playing your hand. Most players are forced to do something truly awful because they weren't able manipulate Jadus to get the 'best' ending. You literally fail at playing the role of the Agent. (this is why the Jadus confrontation is best RPG moment ever but that's not my point)
What if kotet was like that? What if there was a way to redeem Vaylin, but it was genuinely difficult to do without a guide because Valkorion actually manipulates you instead of just telling us Vaylin is bad. What if killing Vaylin was given the horrific weight of tragedy it always should have had?
idk I'm not a writer and this would be very hard to do without sounding pretentious, but would've been interesting at least.
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thenachlegacy · 2 years
Thexan and Arcaan deserved so much better I’m just saying.
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mad-badger19 · 8 months
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Playing TeTK quest again with my jedi. I'm trying to keep track of Torian's Quote. Sorry for the french version.
Picture 1 : Thanks Ner vod, I wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. I'll do you and Mand'alor honor. Things are different here. I didn't expect that. I just move in and already have supporters. We call them "cyar'tomade" in mando'a, a loving team. I never see that in clans. What Khomo did was unique. Your people love my hair. I don't know what to think about that. What I mean is, we all need a brother in arms. I'll stand at your sides. Let's send The Eternal Throne pack its bags !
Picture 2 : Stay all together ! Fight like as one !
Picture 3 : Alliance don't bow !
Picture 4 : I'll be fine ! We meet at the other side, Commander !
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arvadthecursed · 1 year
I just finished KOTET so here are my thoughts:
The story was really good! I think the shorter story (in terms of chapter number) helped a lot. KOTFE was good but started to drag in the middle, and toward the end. KOTET had decent pace throughout.
Fuck the walker segments.
Also, fuck BioWare for making me fight Vaylin TWICE, and the second time, w Arcann, she was at her full max health. Arcann had ~220,000 health in that fight. Vaylin still had 1.3 MILLION. Absolutely absurd. It took me like, 4 tries in the her and Arcann fight. Eventually I just stood w my back to a wall so she couldn't throw me around as much, and that worked, but by god, it was a drag. If they had knocked her health down a little -- even to like, 750k -- it would've been better.
The final Valkorion battle was a lot more fun, thank god. I liked the force-switching, even though I wish it had more abilities on the hotbar, or a few more interesting ones.
I chose to save Torian, btw. I love Vette so much, but I figured than in lore, Thali would choose Torian bc he's a Mandalorian, and the Alliance couldn't afford to lose the support of the Manda'lor herself. It was a quick decision, it was made with the galaxy's best interests at heart, but Thali is torn up with guilt over Vette dying.
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Finished KotET, liked much better than KotFE, storywise. However, some of the gameplay mechanics (walkers), and a few of the boss fights made me want to scream and cry, so much I hated them...
Dear SWTOR, I'm playing you for the story, not for migraines, thanks.
I especially liked that I could play as Valkorion for a while. All that Boss Power... Yummy.
Arcann turned out to be such a cinnamon roll that my Inky almost started flirting with him, but then Theron gave him a nasty death-glare, so he changed his mind.
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sainamoonshine · 2 years
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darth-atarah · 2 years
EPISTULAE - Those Five Years
A series of letters my characters send to each other or to some companions between 16 and 21 ATC, while the Outlander is frozen in carbonite. I may write more of them in the future as I figure out what everyone of them was doing, and I will update this post.
See the end for some notes.
The Force has spoken to me once more. For what our differences are, I know it has spoken to you as well.
I am going into hiding, and bring those who want to follow me. You may criticize me for my cowardice or inertness in your next letter if you wish, but I hope one day I can explain you my reasons for such a choice in person, and that you will understand.
For the first time in months, the path is clear. It is now the moment for us to retire, so we can return stronger in the future, and fight once more.
“When the Faithful shall doubt
When the Proud shall rest in pride
and the One who once escaped will dare to look behind,
The Spark shall ignite once again”
This is what my visions said to me, this is the time when we will act. Though when this future will come, I do not know. For now, all I can hope is that, when the signs will manifest, you and I will be able to recognize them.
Until then, stay safe.
[Classified dispatch delivered to Darth Nox, 18 ATC]
I had good news from my sister, more or less. Some days ago, a group of Zakuulans arrived to her enclave, disguised as refugees. They definitely knew were to look and for who. Sofia obviously had them spitting out everything in a matter of hours with all that charm of her. I would have opted for a blaster to their heads, but that’s not the point.
They’re deserters, Theron, DESERTERS. And apparently willing to give some infos you and Lana might want to hear, but let’s leave the rest for when we meet in person. Those fuckers already know too much about my businesses for my own tastes.
As if we hadn’t our hands full already, their leader says one of the damn Knights is hunting him down. We have to move quickly, I’ll find a way to have him brought here, so I can see for myself if this guy is as useful as Sof says. She also kept mentioning some Force vision and one of those cryptic poems she writes, but I think I’ll keep relying on facts.
Whatever blasted hell you are in, fly safe.
[Message delivered to Theron Shan’s personal shuttle, 19 ATC]
By the time you read this, I will already be in the Unknown Regions.
I know I will disappoint you with my decision, and as I leave Dromund Kaas that is my only regret. But my instincts have never betrayed me, and it is my intention to follow them, even if this time they bring me far from you, from our son and our home.
For the first time, Lana and Theron seem to have a true lead. A part of me still refuses the idea of a single Jedi being the key of this war, but I am willing to take the risk if this can save the Empire from its degrading condition.
I now speak to you not as your Lord, not as the Empire’s Wrath, but just as a wife, and a mother. In the name of what we shared, I ask you to read carefully.
This message will automatically delete as soon as you close it. For no reason you must be linked to my actions in any way. If there is any affection for me left in your heart, do not try to reach out to me until I do it myself. Do not try to find me, or send agents trying to.
Take our son and leave Kaas City. To defy the Council has consequences, the capital is NOT safe.
Watch over Vidarr and stay safe, my love.
[Automatic message sent to Captain Malavai Quinn’s personal frequency, 19 ATC]
Consider yourself lucky, for your husband had the sense to contact me instead of his dear High Command before the whole Empire could learn about your foolish act.
I won’t even begin to explain how much of what we were planning is now undone. I thought you had come to terms with your mistake of favoring Acina, years ago. All she was able to do was condemning us all to this humiliating subjection. Your support to my claim as Emperor would have been invaluable, since every other remaining Lord seems to lack any sense or nerve in these times. In light of your recent actions and the chaos that will succeed, I have no other choice than to keep working in the shadows.
But it is not my intention to send my army after you, or the Intelligence, not for the moment, even if it would be my pleasure to scold you in person. Another one already came to me before, sure that what you, Shan and Beniko intend to do it is the ultimate solution to turn the tables of this conflict. I remain skeptical about said “solution”, but should you succeed in your search, I will follow the developments with great interest.
I will do what I can so no one learns about your true purpose. However, I don’t think I will be able to do much for the reputation you shall gain in the eyes of the Dark Council and of the Empress. Most likely, they will decide to mark you as a traitor when Zakuul comes to us, demanding explanations for the sudden absence of the Wrath.
I trust you won’t be foolish enough to answer this message. I will wait for more favorable times, should you hear from me again.
[Encrypted message delivered to the Empire’s Wrath personal ship, 20 ATC]
It has to be tonight, Elara.
We finally have a lead. If what I learned from Theron and Lana is true, we are closer to Master Mynehart than ever before.
My family got us an unregistered ship that will be ready by the end of the day, settled on a route for Zakuul. No one will stop us at the spaceport.
Aric and Yuun are coming too, and I was able to persuade the others. We’ll leave Forex behind for now, too many risks. And I heard nothing from Tanno.
I am aware of the position I am putting you in, but this inertness is sickening to say the least. Havoc’s dismissal was the last insult; as a soldier of the Republic I can’t tolerate this situation any longer.
Docking bay 61-b, 20.00
I trust to see you there, my friend.
[Message delivered to Sergeant Elara Dorne, later turned in to Supreme Commander Jace Malcom, 20 ATC]
[Transmission repeated on every available frequency approximately 48 hours after the Outlander’s escape, 21 ATC. Zakuulan Intelligence wasn’t able to detect the exact source]
Battlemaster Phoebe Mynehart is the Outlander.
My Sith Warrior, Rhy’Lis Akrasia, joined Lana and Theron on their search for the Outlander.
Barsen’thor Sofia Naerie and Domiras Kallig aka Darth Nox have been secretly in contact, exchanging informations and trying to limit the sabotage actions between the Republic and the Empire. Rumor has it that they have been emotionally involved.
My Smuggler, Elias Naerie, is Sofia’s older brother and helps her by smuggling goods and transporting refugees to various safehouses around the Galaxy.
Clotilde Feyre, my Trooper, remained in command of Havoc Squad, and is an open opposer to the peace treaties with Zakuul.
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the-tomato-patch · 1 year
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swtor-legacy-sitcom · 2 years
Valkorian Will Beg for Mercy
me as outlander: “hey Valky ol’ buddy ol pal ol boy. omg he could not come to Earth. like... fuck... yes, metaknowlege meeting charles boyde fucking the multiverse and EU, but also “fuck you creep, take your immortal empire and shove it. You THINK I have time to play video games with my life schedule? OK BOOMER. 
meanwhile ‘gifted child’ fuckers with adhd etc like me who are spiteful pricks for a reason:   “hey Valky ol’ buddy ol pal ol boy, my most second favorite little shit right after me, myself and I we’re going to Arbies, want some roast beefs?”
Valkorian on his “live a million lives shit”
“good for you, you hob goblin living rent free with my anxiety AND MENTAL ILLNESS. good news! we work for a temp agency, I hope you have fond memories of the wars, its holiday season. lock and load bitch, the sacking of coruscant ain’t shit”
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imperial-topaz2003 · 1 year
For the SWTOR question meme :D (feel free to pick out whichever questions you wanna answer if this is too many)
21: Favorite planet? 34: Satele Shan or Darth Malgus?
27: Favorite companion? 28: Least favorite companion?
47: Your greatest moment in-game to date? 50: One hope for the future of SWTOR?
-Parseolegacy ✰
Thank you for the ask! Sorry it took so long.
21: Favorite Planet
This is a tricky one. I'm gonna say it's a tie between Alderaan and Onderon.
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34: Satele Shan or Darth Malgus?
Satele. Space mom ftw
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27: Favorite companion?
Another tricky one, but I'll go with my idiot spy boyfriend
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28: Least favorite companion? On the other hand, this one is easy: Kaliyo
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Fuck this Jack wannabe.
47: Your greatest moment in-game to date?
Beating KOTET. I just felt so happy when I finished the main storyline. I was literally jumping with joy.
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50: One hope for the future of SWTOR?
Honestly, I just hope they can make something as epic as KOTFE again. That would be really fun to see.
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taseric · 2 years
consider this:
KOTET Chapter 7/8 takes place during Life Day. The Force is pissed off with Valkorion being Valkorion, so inexplicably uses space magic to retell A Christmas Carol (a Life Day Carol?) with Vaylin.
I just think that would be cool. Maybe even make it the Muppet version for a laugh. Does Star Wars have muppets? use skytroopers instead of muppets. none of the new expansions have any joy or whimsy and it is slowly killing me
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