#sxf 84
ackergarden · 9 months
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littleholmes · 10 months
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I don’t know for sure but I think she knows you have Twilight—and Nightfall loves Twilight.
Winston….you better let him go and run
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spy x family chapter 84 spoilers with no context
Nightfall is about to drop the greatest rap album of all time
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[beat boxing]
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randombook4idk · 10 months
me: ooh boy, i sure do hope i dont fall down for a ship that would be considered problematic-
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me: well fu-
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mj-ackerman · 10 months
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tare-anime · 10 months
SxF Mission 84
(Beware of spoilers)
Oh woooooowwwwwwwwww!!!
Wheeler is really one capable spy!!!
Totally love him, Endo!!!
He can easily defeat 3 WISE agents!
Turning the table when it seems like he was already arrested
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Using a small knife to nullified gun threats
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And not falling for Twilight's tricks, even beat him down!!
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Yea I know Twilight is already injured. But Wheeler really is a league of his own
With that kind of stamina, agility, skills, and adaptable analysis accuracy, are we sure he is not triple agent? That he's actually part of Garden?? Because I don't think SSS can have an agent of this caliber 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (sorry SSS).
Anyway, the chapter end with unhinged Fiona.
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After unhinged Melinda back then, now we have unhinged Fiona. Endo sure loves his female characters, eh?? (And I love Endo for that 🥰)
Now the questions are, what is the reason for Fiona's rage? Is it:
1. A simple fangirl getting angry because her idol is hurt? Which is, tbh, rather meh. I really hope Endo use this narrative to develop Fiona's character. Which make possible reason no.2 is more interesting. That is...
2. Fiona's ideal or perfect Twilight (in her fantasy) is being broken to dust. She has to accept a bitter truth that at the end, Twilight is just another human and that's he is not invincible. So she better stop putting him on pedestal, and worship him. It is about time she surpass her mentor.
"Ambitious Fiona" is still a far more interesting characterization rather than "crazy fangirl with crazy dreams Fiona".
3. Fiona that has realized that Twilight is just mere human, now change her target to Wheeler. She has to kill this man (but Wheeler survive) and thus begin the cat and mouse game between the two. (What? Fiona and Wheeler? Don't you guys see it in that panel? How Wheeler flirt with Fiona by mocking her incapability? Fiona-Wheeler--> Feeler? 🤣🤣🤣 lol, I'm joking. Or maybe not 👀)
4. Fiona and Yuri first meet! She is upset cause Yuri is getting beaten down! (Ok, this is just my YuriIona impossible wish 🤣)
Ahem, what? Twilight is destinied to be with Yor. So let's make harem for Fiona instead.
Ok ok.
Angsty thought now.
What will happen when Yor heard the news that both of her boys has now been hurt and hospitalized? They might tell her that both got in a "totally happen in different place" car accident. But Yor herself is not a stranger to martial arts. She would definitelly recognize the wounds on Loid's and Yuri's body as a result from fighting. She will be devastated for sure. But her reaction can be:
1. She blame herself, and then start to do her night job harder. Kill harder. Clean the place harder.
2. She connects the dots and realized that Loid and Yuri has fight the other. She might be very upset at both of them. Yor herself might be not thinking about the boy's secret identity, but this will lead Yuri to realize who Loid really is.
Either way, this arc is getting more and more interesting!!!
I can't wait to read more, Endo! 🥰🥰
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yuzukahachimir · 10 months
The whole fandom reaction:
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We got twiyor hugging!!!!!!!!!
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But is all product of Fiona imagination:
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 10 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 84... You have been warned...! 👌
(How do you keep on doing it Endo?! 😵)
But, before I start discussing this chapter, I'd like to say something about what happened in the fandom recently...
If anyone here is unaware, an account by the name of shinybluebirdwizard deactivated their account after being harassed for answering an ask about who they thought Anya loved more... Thinking back on the post, to me it felt like shinybluebirdwizard's answer was more of a joke then anything super serious, but we'll never really know for sure... As of right now, my biggest hope is that Shiny is doing alright and will one day return to the fandom... But, I also completely understand if they decide that they don't want to ever come back either... All I can truly ask for now from this fandom is to be kinder to one another and not be at each other's throats for a difference of opinion...
Anyway, let's get back to the review shall we...?
We start where we basically left of at in Mission 83, with Wheeler cornered by Nightfall and another agent...!
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Wheeler tries to convince Nightfall to let him go and that he doesn't have the documents, but of course, it doesn't work and the other agent subdues Wheeler and finds the documents...! Wheeler tries one more time to persuade Nightfall in letting him go, but she knows that he may have the documents memorized, so Wheeler will be imprisoned... But then...:
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Wheeler tells Nightfall to drop her gun or he'll break the other agent's neck, then exchange happens between Wheeler and Nightfall:
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Damn...! 😲 Does anyone else feel like Wheeler was being a little flirty with Nightfall...? 👀 No? Just me...? Okay... 🤷
Anyway, Wheeler escapes into the sewers and Nightfall goes to pursue him...! Then, um... Nightfall has this thought of if she were to ever die, and well...:
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Oh, Nightfall... 😌 No words can describe the amount of crazy you are...! 😏
After... THAT...! We catch back up with Twilight after his brutal fight with Yuri...:
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Twilight tries to get out of the sewers, but he overhears some footsteps and decides to be cautious... But then, the footsteps stop, and Twilight is unsure of where they were coming from... When suddenly...
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After Wheeler's initial attack, Twilight tries to convince him that he's with the SSS...
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...But it doesn't work...
Then, Wheeler figures out that this must be Twilight in disguise and says this to him:
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We cut back to Nightfall as she hears some fighting in the sewers, but when she finds where it's coming from, she sees this: 😰
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As Nightfall is shocked and stunned by what she sees, Wheeler proceeds to remove Twilight's mask, when...:
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and that's how the chapter ends, and HOO BOY...!! That chapter was INTENSE!! 😰 Especially at the end...!! 😥 And I know that this arc isn't over with just yet, but... I think that this might my new favorite arc of the series...!! 😆
The only thing that kind of confused me in this chapter was the part Nightfall was like: "No no no, that's Yuri Briar. He's no friend of mine!" and started saying "That's Yuri Briar" over and over again... I believe that was her starting realize that was Twilight on the ground defeated, but I don't know for sure...! 🤷 In any case, this chapter was still amazing and I'm eagerly awaiting for the next one to drop...!! 😆
Lastly, I'm sorry to anyone that just came here to read my review, but it was very important to me to talk about what happened to shinybluebirdwizard...
I was raised to treat others how I wanted to be treated, so whenever I see how mean people can be sometimes, it truly breaks my heart... We don't have to agree on everything, but we can at least try to be respectful to someone else's opinion... And if that means not interacting with them at all, then by all means, avoid them at all costs... But the one thing that I wish for the most is for everyone to be more kind and understanding of one another...! And then maybe, something like this won't again...
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say and I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of y'alls day...! Take care, be safe out there and be kinder to one another...! 💗 Later...! 👋
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ackergarden · 6 months
winston wheeler owned the mole hunt arc with his beefy muscles and i’ll never forget that. i’d defect westalis with AND for him 100%
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thetreeshavenotongues · 10 months
Spy x Family ch 84 Spoilers-ish:
This is shaping up to be one of the best arcs of the manga to date. So far we have:
- A potential threat that has both most of WISE and a good chunk of the SSS mobilized
- A small side plot with Yor actually beginning to question her feelings for Loid
- Some character development from Twilight during the fight with Yuri which will probably lead to Mr. Overthinker having some very sleepless nights (more so than the normal level of sleepless I guess) wondering why he didn’t pull the trigger because really, Yor would never know it was actually him even if he had.
- an incredibly capable “bad guy” who is proving extremely difficult for WISE to subdue
- some very nice action sequences that has me chomping at the bit to see them animated
- AND we know that the SSS has already captured the WISE mole planted in their ranks so no matter what, WISE will not be making it out of this unscathed.
And now Nightfall is alone in a sewer with Wheeler, an agent she acknowledges is more proficient than she is, tasked with not only subduing him but saving Twilight who looks gravely injured. Despite her absolutely hilarious inner thoughts about Twilight running to Yor in the event of her death (the woman’s commitment to her obsession is truly staggering😂) and what looks like some kind of shock induced Thorn Princess meets Super Saiyan power up happening, this is a very bad situation for her.
Oh! And Yuri is also somewhere in the sewer too, maybe passed out, maybe conscious with Twilight - his brother-in-law and most hated spy- on the brink of being unmasked.
I have no idea how this arc is going to go but it’s definitely going to herald some kind of change for the series as a whole.
Ughhhh chapter 85 cannot come soon enough.
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dk-wren · 10 months
Twilight's Masks
As I've gone back and reread chp. 84, as well as looked through others reactions, theories, observations, etc., one thing has kinda been lingering in my mind. Now, I will preface this by saying I got into sxf through its anime and have gone back to read the manga (but not in its entirety yet), so perhaps my observation is wrong.
This is a bit of a drafted thought, but Twilight is the master of disguise and I think it's fair to say, pretty well known for his mask (which is how he disguises himself so well). Therefore, whenever he is finished with a mission and/or disguise, it's always him removing it. In chp. 1/episode 1, we literally meet Twilight as he pulls off one mask and moves into his next disguise.
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As he rescues Anya after she is kidnapped, in the, what I would consider, iconic panel, Twilight removes and throws away his mask, the same mask that labels him as a spy. This example of Twilight removing his mask seems like a moment of clarity or perhaps a reminder of why he is a spy. He is removing his mask and letting [redacted] come out a little bit as he recalls his purpose.
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Moving on a little later when Twilight and Franky stop Yor as SSS agents, we again see Twilight remove his mask and perhaps show a little bit of emotion. Franky makes a comment on this, which if Twilight left the mask on a little longer, could have potentially made it a little harder for his thoughts/expressions to be read. In this moment, Twilight also pulls off Franky's mask, which I feel kinda symbolizes that he's in control of the situation and just who exactly gets to see through the disguises he makes.
(This is the best clip I could find of this scene. I know it doesn't show the exact moments I talked about)
There are other examples, but I don't feel it's necessary to go through all of them (Doggy Crisis arc, Tennis arc, even in the teaser for Code: White). Bottom line, what I'm currently thinking is that in all these previous situations, Twilight has been able to remove his mask/disguise when he is finished with it or with the mission. Thus, as I just said, representing his control over the situation.
This is not the case in chp. 84 though.
Again, I have not read every chapter of the manga, so perhaps I missed a moment that contradicts my point. But this chapter is potentially the first time Twilight will have his mask removed not on his own terms.
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Just something I've been thinking about, but not necessarily in a way that has led me to some new theory or big revelation about what will happen in the next chapter. I just see it as another sign that there's major trouble on the horizon for Twilight and all of WISE. All I feel I can say is if Wheeler truly does have the opportunity to pull off Twilight's mask, then Twilight has met an opponent that can and perhaps did best him. And also, it will be interesting to see how Twilight reacts (if he's able to) after more or less having his identity revealed and losing the upper hand.
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firlachieldraws · 7 months
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Spy x Family: Yor "Thorn Princess” Forger
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sister-cna-reader · 10 months
Crack Idea
So you know how fandom has been somewhat craving a "Jealous Loid/ second love interest" for Yor?
 hear me out: (Spoilers for Ch 84)
Yuri and Twilight have been retrieved by their respective organizations. They are hospitalized in separate areas and Just after Yor has gone in to check on Loid, she gets a call about her brother.
Her husband is black and blue all over from a “Car accident” but the gunshot would tells a different story. It sets her on edge.
She gets to her little brother’s side and finds him battered, but unconscious. The nurses won’t tell her what happened to him and she is desperately trying to come up with an answer and a target for her to kill. 
Yuri’s Captain enters the hospital room, still in uniform (cause that’s the fastest way to gain admittance to someone’s room besides family). 
He makes a show of offering a hand to shake and how “Yuri’s told us so much about you.” 
Yor refuses to shake his hand, standing up from her chair, clutching a pen knife in her hand: “ I thought I told you to keep away from my family you sonofabitch!” 
Captain tries to disarm the ‘civilian’.
 The above situation happens. Captain only knows Yor as Yuri's sister, and he gets his shit rocked by Yor in the hospital (maybe alley nearby who knows) and in the process Yor pins him to the wall 
 Captain has this moment of "she's the one that made Yuri so strong" AND "goddamn she's hot when she's mad" AND ALSO "Didn't Yuri want her to divorce her husband anyway?" and pursues her in some sort of way
So now we have an SSS member actively flirting with Dr. Forger's wife on the streets. 
Yor is trying really hard not to just kill the man, (Shopkeeper would disapprove) 
Loid is now doubling down on “For the mission” affection at home to stave off Captain’s attacks. 
Something Something TwiYor’s relationship gets even stronger.
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cresneta · 10 months
Wait, did Wheeler seriously just knock Twilight out offscreen or is this just part of his gambit to take him unawares and Twilight is just faking being out cold?!
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connoisseursdecomfort · 10 months
Endo trolling us in Ch.84
This chapter is a chapter about ships FOR SURE:
We've got
fake yuri and fiona meet
wheeler confessing (!?) to fiona that he likes cold-hearted women
fiona hc-ing she is twilight's love of his life
also fiona hc-ing about twiyor
twilight and wheeler
Fiona. Show me how Yor’s going to make Twilight forget about nightfall. SHOW MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Anyway. HC: Fiona is afraid of mice. That’s my biggest take.
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yuzukahachimir · 10 months
What kind of tease is this?!
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We got twiyor hugging and having a sweet moment together but is all product of Fiona imagination.....
If it isn't much to ask,we want this moment become real please.
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