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@symbolofpxace​ said: ❝ SURPRISE HUG! ❞ ( let a dad hug his son! He’s proud! KH verse please c:)
After several weeks of training with All Might, he’d finally managed to summon his very own keyblade.
It was something that Izuku didn’t think was possible, but here, in his hands - silently showing All Might the blade. Green upon green intertwined with shooting stars, a hint of red and a rabbit keychain. Wordlessly, he turned to his mentor, eyes welling up.
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“All Might...I did it! I finally have my own keyblade!” His words came out barely louder than a whisper. “Look, look! I can help save other people now! we can find my Mom-” and he was rapidly cut off by the shout of the other and arms wrapping around him.
For a few seconds, Izuku didn’t know what to do. He flailed, then stiffened - before finally relaxing in the other’s grip, head resting on a broad shoulder and cuddling into the warmth. “T-Thank you so much for everything, All Might...”
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ofquirkss · 5 years
Send ⭐ and I will compliment random muns!
@offragrance - yang is simply amazing and i love her so much ??? She puts so much work into all her muses and her writing is amazing. Yang honestly is superb human being.
@rewindruled - let me tell you about bee. Bee is a trip and a half and an utter joy to speak to. The amount of things we end up coming up with is amazing, and she may be relatively "new" in terms of things, but shes so good. I really am excited to see how much she grows.
@createinfinity - birb is one of the kindest, most understanding and amazing human beings. It may be me mostly coming into their DMs and !!! at them, but they're always game to talk about my weird ass ideas and bounce things back and forth. All of their muses are so well thought out and so much is fleshed out, sometimes I forget that their OC's aren't actually canon. ( which they should be )
@riotlike - echo? Echo. I've just recently started to really get to know them and just talking and throwing out ideas with eachother makes me very excited for the future. Not to mention how amazing their kiri is and I could literally read their interactions all day. Not to mention, tiny dragons are the best.
@symbolofpxace - reb is one of the main reasons I actually got into this fandom! Reb is the OG and I've known her for over 5 years! Which is nuts, but I've watched her writing, world building and character creating evolve. She always tries her hardest and is amazing.
@removesquirks - kat! Kat has managed to adopt several of my muses and her aizawa portrayal is sooo good. Not to mention Aizawa and Zach ( @siirensxng ) are the literal cutest.
@icyhotbastrd - Tab was one of the first people I got to know when coming to this fandom. She has several blogs and she does each portrayal so much justice. Somehow we've even managed to ship most of our muses and it's so much fun just goofing around with her.
@sickbrn 😘😘 that's all izzy. That's all.
So, td;lr, if you're not following any of these amazing people, you're really missing out on some amazing human beings.
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bcdtouch-a · 5 years
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            "ALL FOR ONE Is a bitch?  Oh, i’m sorry -- Where were you when I needed a hero? Funny.  Looks like YOU are the bitch, All Might.”
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enigmatias · 5 years
“ 🔥 “
🧂🧂🧂 meme / not accepting
i feel it’s fitting i begin this meme to talk about this fandom’s odd… approach to male authority figures since yanno, you happen to roleplay one of the most wholesome father figures that has ever existed and we are blessed to have Toshi in our lives. 
I’m speaking mostly of older male authority figures and people’s vitriol towards them. Like a lot of the hate is pretty valid. Ansem the Wise? Yeah that guy deserves it for all he did. Yen Sid? Okay… a bit weird, he hasn’t outright done anything shitty. He’s made questionable decisions that are obviously the product of retcons that make him look shitty as a result, but what character hasn’t suffered from retcons? But uhhh, the one that always has me raising an eyebrow is Eraqus.
Like really? I’m not saying he’s the best father figure ever since no, he too has made some pretty bad decisions that have adversely affected his pupils especially Terra as a result, but it wasn’t anything he did out of malice. The worst thing he ever did was being so blinded by his own beliefs that he tried to kill his son and within that same scene, not ten minutes later, he’s so horrified by his own actions that he’s filled with regret and then the narrative punishes him for it too by killing him. I’m not saying Eraqus is a good father since terrible decisions as a parent still has long lasting effects on their children no matter if those decisions were meant to harm at all. BUT on the flip side, I’m also baffled by how I’ve seen quite a few people try to squeeze Eraqus into this role of as a stern, contemptible father figure which doesn’t jive with what’s presented either. 
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ycgii-blog · 5 years
@symbolofpxace  &&.  sc  ——  they’ll keep you running ,  ck9c
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       “      have   you    BEEN    HERE     before—?      i   can   tell   you’re   unsure ...     ”
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stolequirks · 5 years
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    ❝Where’s your smile hero? You aren’t yourself without it, All Might.❞
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imitationpersonne · 5 years
Looks down at the boy before giving him a stern look, "Okay, do you have any idea how dangerous that was? You could've been killed."
Monoma cringes under the burning gaze of the retired Symbol of Peace.
“I know…” He is fully aware, blood still racing from the peril of nearly vivisecting himself. This is why he’s largely avoided copying–or at least using–Tokage’s quirk in the past. This time, he’d lost track of his classmate to be able to touch her and reset his copy time during the exercise, had cut that time down to the wire and barely managed to rejoin all his pieces before his access to the quirk vanished. Thinking about those segmented parts of himself and how they might have stayed that way permanently…is truly horrifying to him in this moment.
But it’s not as if he did it without reason or saw a more optimal choice… He looks up to meet his teacher’s eyes, seeking some sort of shared understanding.
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“But I have to be able to work with what I’ve got. There are already enough quirks that mine isn’t compatible with copying. If I’m going to be a successful hero, I can’t afford to be picky with what’s available to me that does work. I learned that from finals of our first semester.”
The practical exam in which he had been matched up to face his homeroom teacher, Vlad King. In which he completely failed, because he was too cautious, too afraid to copy and manifest such a dangerous blood quirk within his restricted time limit. Those matches weren’t chosen at random. From his own experience and what he heard of his classmates’ trials, it seemed the setup of their exams was designed purposefully as a challenge, to target their weaknesses and require that they be overcome. So wasn’t that his lesson as well? To push the boundaries of what he’s considered his limits? He won’t let a loss like that go unlearned-from.
“I just have to be better at controlling the risks.” Somehow, to be both fearless and prudent, he just has to be better…
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flameambition · 5 years
@symbolofpxace ||  BNHA starter call. (accepting)
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     ALL Might’s ringtones were admittedly a bit OBNOXIOUS, since it was quite literally his own voice but with that in mind, Roy couldn’t help but wonder if it would be FUN to do one of his own. It wasn’t long before All Might returned to the faculty office, seemingly finished with his brief phone call. He stared at his coworker in contemplation before he turned back towards his desk ( yeah this paperwork wasn’t getting done anytime soon ). 
    ❛ Say, All Might. Do you think it would be fun to have a rap as a ringtone ? I’ve been writing some lyrics myself and I’d hate for them to go to waste. Would you care to listen ? ❜
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tears-like-snow · 5 years
symbolofpxace started following you
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    “It’s so nice to meet you in the flesh Mr. All Might...” Rei Todorki gave a shy bow of her head towards the former number One hero. He was such a kind and gentle man, a true sweetheart, someone she was quite happy to know was teaching her beloved Shouto. 
“You know Shouto goes on and on about you when he comes to visit me. I’m so thankful for your influence on him. Thank you for protecting my son, I-...I will always be in debt to your hard work sir.” She murmured quietly. “You really didn’t need to come all the way out here though to speak to me. I-...I’m sure Enji would have been better suited for this...” Even his name made her smile faultier ever so slightly. 
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removesquirks-blog · 5 years
symbolofpxace replied to your link: BLONO on Twitter
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⛈ (KH AU)
Upsetti Muse Meme - No Longer Accepting! - @symbolofpxace​
⛈ Extremely anxious
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“Mom? Mom, is that you?! M- Oh.” The last word died on slightly blue lips, green eyes being picked up from knees to observe the newcomer. Those eyes welled with fresh tears and he allowed his head to roll back to the makeshift pillow of his own knees. Arms cuddled his legs closer to his chest, attempting beyond anything to retain a tiny piece of warmth.
“My Mom’s gone, isn’t she…?”
It wasn’t particularly at the man. It was more muttered to himself, hands shaking from a mixture of terror and the cold air to lightly tug at his hair - knuckles turning white.
“M-My home is g-gone. It…it was f-fine, the world went d-dark and these….things…a-attacked me and my mom.” Eyes going distant, seemingly set somewhere else. “I- I tried to save her, b-but…the entire world w-went dark.”
The teen rubbed at his arms half-heartedly. He’d grown used to the cold here. The city streets were nothing like home, and he had nowhere to turn. Taking a gulp of air, eyes fresh with tears, he seemingly remembered he was no longer alone here.
“Have you…seen my Mom? She’s short, with green hair like mine, and her name is Inko…I h-haven’t seen her since waking up here three days ago. O-Or, know somewhere I can…go. I…I don’t know where I am.” He’d rocked himself backwards and forwards by this point, hugging his knees once again.
“I want to go home.”
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createinfinity · 5 years
@ice-aflame - megan. megan megan megan. what an absolutely wonderful human, megan is so sweet and so nice. she has more blogs but her fuuymi is the one i have interacted with the most, and i love her fuyumi so so much. megan does such a wonderful job with all of her muses, and i love talking about dabi’s relationship with her as well as fuyuko. i was introduced to megan originally by a mutual friend and honestly i am so glad that i was because she’s so wonderful.
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angelquirked · 5 years
|・ω・`) + my url
✩ || @symbolofpxace|| Accepting
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Hello can I bother the dash for a few moments to rave about a wonderful human being named Reb???
Also Happy Birthday Reb
Oh boy, Reb is one of the few where we have had minimal interactions IC but have had a lot of OOC talk and honestly???? No regrets on the OOC but all the regrets on the lack of IC ones. (i need to kick myself because I’m lazy and slow lol) BUT SERIOUSLY. Reb is one amazing writer and works so hard to put everything together and to tell such a beautiful and elaborate story. Their OCs are top notch. Himari? I LOVE her. My Tomura? Loves her. Best friend, best crush and a sprinkle of that toxic love. Reb has put so much care, love, blood, sweat and tears into their lovely OC, into all of their OCs and I fully support her and love her for it. It’s hard not to fall for such well thought out characters, its hard to stop my muses from becoming Canon or OC. That’s talented and beautiful writing. 
Now Reb as a person? Wonderful. Beautiful. Great. Amazing. Kind. Easy to talk to and always down to talk about our love Tomura. Always down to listen to ideas as well, or open to throw her own at me and I love that. She’s easy to talk to and calms my nerves! I’m happy that I ended up in a server with her that led us to talking in the first place because if not then I would have missed out on a great chance to meet not only an awesome person, but a great writer. Reb thinks about everything, all of it. She’s careful with all her Canon characters and her OCs and does a wonderful job in making everything make sense and I applaud her every time she does it. I love her Toshi, I can’t wait to see her Stain and Himari is a darling that needs to be protected. 
REB I LOVE YOU AND YOU GOT THIS HUN. I love chatting with you and I really am glad you love talking to me too whether it’s about Tomura or Himari or BSD. When I finally get my act together, it’s all over for the dash because we’re going to destroy them with Tomura x Himari content. 
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symbolicpeace · 5 years
“Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?” (Twins arguing? Twins arguing)
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“ ’cause it’s just you and me bro, and you don’t exactly set a high standard.”
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eriversible · 5 years
@symbolofpxace started following you
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“All Might-san, I got something for you.” She holds up a paper rose made of pipe cleaners and colored paper, something she apparently worked hard on after learning it from Lemillion.
“It isn’t real, but at least this way, you don’t have to worry about it wilting. Do you like it?”
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dekuiruyo · 5 years
symbolofpxace replied to your post:      STARES at phone, waiting for his father to...
Toshi vc: What are you talking about Young Midoriya? I answered your text five minutes ago
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     ❛ A - ALL Might ? ❜ His shoulders seized up in surprise by those words. ❛ I was -- uh, actually waiting for a text from my dad ... ❜
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