theflyingchair-mhj · 1 year
I did the playlist in a bottle thingy
Honestly only did because the bg music while you're doing it is absolutely immaculate
(Song name: Synthtech 4 - Extended Version, by Zablonski) pls it's great
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nimb00s · 3 years
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tanto1983 · 3 years
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A post I’ve honestly meant to write for years but kept putting off because I was overly concerned about whether or not people would be interested but I honestly don’t care so ANYWAY: my Star Wars OCs
gonna toss this under a read more though especially since I plan on reblogging this a few times, so yeah
Also guess I should also have some semblance of organization, so I’ll do them in order of when I conceptualized them. The first four are all my core characters whom I’ve conceptualized as all generally hanging out on various escapades.
Deak Idanian
- Male Human of Corellian, Socorran, and Alderaanian descent
- Attended Coronet City campus of Corellia University with a major in xenoarchaeology focusing on anthropology with a senior thesis analysis of Pre-Republic primitive lithic weaponry points and their use. Also took correspondence courses in basic starship systems and was a hobbyist racer for extra spending money.
- has always had a passion for galactic history, particularly in those parts of the GFFA considered to be backwater. Unfortunately for him, Deak is prone to occasionally neglecting to fill out all pertinent legal documents before an excavation because of being too enthusiastic. Sometimes this neglect is rather more intentional than it should be especially if stealing it from under the nose of the legal claimant coincides with that legal claimant being a dickish private collector. This puts Deak solidly in the very large category of “semi-legitimate field researcher,” which wasn’t exactly his plan but there’s worse he could be stuck doing.
- Related to the above, while he tends to try to work only for actual accredited institutions or for communities seeking repatriation, economic realities in the galaxy do lead him to working for less-than-legitimate clients as well. Or sometimes just for the hell of it. Retains a small personal collection of art and antiquities that he uses as a good source of income when jobs are few and far between.
- likes to think of himself as some sort of crack shot with a blaster. In reality, is more along the lines of Uncharted’s Nathan Drake and goes for the “try to aim when I can but otherwise just shoot vaguely in the enemy’s direction and hope for the best” school of firearms training. Has a small collection of blasters he considers his own including  Blastech A180, DL-44, and rifle model DH-17; and both a Merr-Sonn Power 5 and Model 434 Death Hammer.
- Hella bi, not a lot of past relationships but not exactly a dearth of them either. Has largely retained amicable relationships with his exes, though he doesn’t talk to one ex-boyfriend who sold a Pre-Clone Wars Corellian battle helm Deak was preparing to donate in order to fund the downpayment on a new airspeeder.
- Eclectic tastes in fashion by some standards, is a big fan of the finer end of galactic fashion when it comes to dressing for business but often opts for basic durable spacer garments for casual settings and field research
- [started life when I was in middle school as basically me but as Indiana Jones as Han Solo. Last name was shamelessly stolen from the Legends EU while the first was taken from early drafts of the first movie. Now visually less brown haired white guy if you couldn’t gather from his ancestry and the general trend in the ethnicity of the actors who have portrayed canon characters from those planets (hint: Han is Corellian, Lando is Socorran, and Bail Organa is Alderaanian)]
- Began life as an RA-7 protocol droid, externally still largely remains as such due to sheer number of potential surplus bodies in the galaxy. Internally upgrades wiring alongside each major generation of protocol droid, tosses an eclectic mix of military-grade wiring and sensor systems in when the occasion calls for it. Droid brain consists of a core of a Synthtech AA-1 Verbobrain with a TranLang III communications module with T-series tactical droid combat-analysis software installed in place of superfluous language software (which, for ELE, is anything that isn’t linguistically related to Galactic Basic or Hutteses) mated to an Intellex VI R4 astro-agromech computer. There are at least three spares of this modified computational core squirreled away both on and off ship. Most notable external differences are the heavier duty torso plating and bulkier aftermarket legs that increase both height and mobility, and the fact that ELE sometimes wears a utility vest.
- Can interface with the ship directly in a secondary body of their own design. Said secondary body is an R4 unit with an old Clone Wars-era commando droid head and the arms of a KX-series security droid unceremoniously welded to one of the engineering station’s stools.
- Does not bother with and was never programmed to have a specific gender; through decades of life with very few memory wipes of any sort has become rather fast-talking and fluctuates between feminine and masculine vocal modules within the same conversation and often the same sentence.
- Gets flirty with the crew and the passengers that tag along on certain jobs, both for the hell of it and to get something they want. ELE does generally consciously choose a gendered vocal module in these cases, going for some form of old fashioned holofilm stars and starlettes’ affected Mid-Inner Rim accent. Knows this works most often on Deak and regularly uses this fact to their advantage.
- [ELE was conceived of in my last couple years of high school, initially as a droid character in a potential fan film in which only one organic being survives a freighter crash on a deathworld that’s also in the middle of a war zone and finds the head of one of the ship’s droids conscious but damaged enough to have fluctuating vocals as the deuteragonist. Obviously never made the fan film and actually fleshed out the droid character into something far better than that, I hope]
Kolgrahgth the Hutt
- A relatively young Hutt by his species standards (approx. 250 standard years old) Kolgragth is the owner and sometimes operator of both Krazy Kol’s Certified Pre-Owned Speeder Emporium and the Rusty Sparnacle tavern, a family-friendly dining establishment with tasteful Mon Cal oceanside resort decor. He is strictly above-the-table and by the books in all business and prides self on being a completely legal business-being of the highest breeding to the obvious point of personal flaw. Much to his chagrin however, his celebrity doppelganger is a younger version of the infamous Jabba and this perception does not only apply to members of other species who are prone to lumping all Hutts together, but to other Hutts as well. Kol does not enjoy this fact.
- while he himself sticks with the letter of the law in all business, he has no compunctions about the other crewmates operating in a less-than-legal manner as long as he doesn’t get roped into their nonsense. As such he does not wind up taking part in very many major misadventures space-side
- Is the head of the local HOA, VERY vocal about violations in the color of exterior house trim and lawn ornamentation
- Kol is also an avid Loth-cat fancier and owns about 15 felines. He would never admit it to himself or the other cats, but his favorite is actual an elderly one-eyed neutered mixed-species former stray feline named Grand Admiral Biggles.
- [Came up with Kol roughly the same time as ELE, also much more one dimensionally. Originated from the thought “what if there was a Hutt whose biggest dick move was instating and running a homeowner’s association”. On another note that doesn’t technically apply in-universe the same way as the rest of his backstory, despite the Disney-era Canon now stating that Hutts exist as a species in which some individuals produce one sex gamete or the other I have and always will personally stick with the old Legends EU approach of “Hutts are giant sapient gastropods and as such are hermaphroditic”]
Jasna Vintrakahs
- A Devaronian female who started her career path solidly on the wrong side of the law due to growing up in a poor formerly industrial city and the costs of genetic and hormonal therapies on Devaron being, at the time, exorbitantly out of range and the off-world options being more effective in a shorter time-span but still very expensive. Her greatest shame was stooping to bounty hunting and mercenary work to expedite her financial growth after transitioning, though she certainly appreciated and kept the skills and fun little toys that come with working in that field. Does now balance professional life on both sides of the legal line, but genuinely enjoys the rough and tumble fringe spacer life at this point due to more adventure and more interesting individuals. Also because it’s generally more accepted for a fringe spacer to nonverbally respond with the good old fashioned “fuck you” that is a pair of knuckledusters when some stranger asks why she’s a female Devaronian with horns than it would be for an accountant or a trader.
- Depending on the particulars of the job, will often undercut her competitors’ bids on smuggling runs to the point of intentionally being deeply in the red. Doesn’t do this out of a need to repent for her past but rather out of a deep sense of the rights of all beings to live a comfortable life free from external control by privileged outsiders and class traitors. Can usually count on Deak to find one of his less-than-legitimate antiquities obtainment jobs along the way or after delivery given the parts of the galaxy a lot of these vaguely humanitarian smuggling runs tend to be in.
- Captain of our merry band, or as much a captain as anyone can be in an eccentric group of friends and acquaintances. Okay, it really just boils down to she’s the one who owns the ship, but when they’re on-board everyone defers to her hard-earned experience. Passengers can be dicks, but that’s what turning down the inertial dampeners in the guest berths during rough patches of flight is for.
- Met ELE by purchasing the droid as a gift to herself for retiring from bounty hunting, manumitted them after modifying them from near-stock protocol droid and gave them back-pay for the year it took to get to that point.
- Original ship was the Moldy Mynock, a twin-seat variant Incom Z95 Headhunter. Managed to keep this starfighter in such good repair and with a nearly pristine interior that a collector of vintage ships wound up paying close to double the original price. This made it pretty damn easy to purchase the ship that became the Starry Loth-bat, which started life decades ago as a YT 1200 freighter. By the time Jasna obtained it the ship had already become a haphazard blend of the base YT 1200 and a stock YT 1300, and eventually became a hybrid of a number of various YT models with some auxiliary gun ports on the forward starboard and port sides that were once TIE-series cockpits.
- When at home enjoys leatherworking (made Deak’s favorite satchel and ELE’s vest), traditional Devaronian blacksmithing (it’s handy to have a few blades on hand to use for barter in the Outer Rim), and pulp holoadventures. Which Jasna regularly takes the piss out of them for unrealistic tropes but is sincerely an avid fan of them.
- [Jasna started life as an unnamed female Twi’lek, then a male Twi’lek, around 2011-2012. Shifted to being Devaronian a couple years later, then shifted back to being a woman a little after that. Naturally, much like ELE, I am a bit nervous about having this character as she is. I’m cis and as far as I can tell will always identify as such, so y’know not exactly on the forefront of having the life experience of being trans to build off of. But on the other hand half the people I consider friends are trans, more trans characters need to exist, and gender as a whole is a fuck so I’ll be honest as a whole I’m pretty comfortable with Jasna being trans. I’m sure someone out there will read into the whole “gender of the character changed multiple times over the years I conceptualized her” thing alongside me quantifying my cis status as being “as far as I can tell”, to which I say...-shrug- eh, whatev. I wanted a trans OC]
A few unnamed ones that sort of exist in a void of “there for world building, may expand their characters later
Torgorian barkeep with the equivalent to Janus cat syndrome, a Barabel mechanic, Fonzi Kaz and the Boys (a Rodian singer, Bith Dorenian Beshniquel player, Weequay touchboardist, and Gungan lutenist), and a Chiss lawyer. There’s also Jasna’s partner whom I have not yet come up with a name for but she’s a cis Twi’lek artist with prosthetics. And I’m trying to come up with a good compelling Yuuzhan Vong OC too, though considering the dearth of them even now a full two decades after the NJO series began to be published I could probably go for a less compelling more stereotypical one for the first one and create a second one but yeah what I’ve got right now is extremely bare bones
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deepinthecuts · 7 years
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foundsoundau · 7 years
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#FoundSound #SynthTech Nathan has brought in his #Roland #TR909 for sale. Fully serviced and ready to drop the bass! Bass in your face! 🔈🔈🔈🔈 www.foundsound.com.au (at Found Sound)
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mikearauj · 5 years
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Golden era Roland: Roland MKS-80 Super Jupiter with MPG-80 ! . . . . #vintagesynth #rolandmks #rolandmks80 #analogsynth #mks #roland #synthesizer #rolandjupiter #superjupiter #jupiter #synth #synthporn #vintagesynthesizer #modularsynth #eurorack #studiovibes #mixengineer #audioengineer #sequentialcircuits #analoguesynth #synthguru #synthtech #musicstudio #dawless #synthgear #mpg80 #synths https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbwvH_BuRj/?igshid=dzqlztkkhe2x
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lowsodiumlevels · 3 years
Putting the synthtech studio workers through the incorrect quotes generator.
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▶ Character Info
AGE: Current Synthenix Frame: 1 month. AI Hardware: 5 years.
HEIGHT: 188cm.
WEIGHT: Bat Mainframe: 2kg. Hologram Form: Weightless. Titani-2 Frame: 100kg.
VOICECLAIM: Female Bumblebee / Beau Jordan’s Miku Append
SPONSOR: Ancestor by proxy.
▶ Lore
HOMEWORLD / PLANET: Cinixia is one of many moons circling the motherworld of the glamorous Aivu. With almost no natural resources of its own, it maintains an undesirable dusty and hazy climate. Most notably, is has a poor reputation that far precedes its punitive size, reknowned for being the sleazy, dirtbag satellite where technical junk and has-beens gets shipped from homeworld.
Aivu, on the other hand, is a popular celebrity destination in the small Alleyah solar system. Renowned for the exoticism of its services and cutting edge technology, Aivu certainly revels in its success, and has a highly exclusive clientele. Fine dining, gambling and slave trading are among some of the most popular pastimes on Aivu, where certain species or pets can be bought for small fortunes. Among the many high powered corporations that call it home, Synthenix stands out for their highly customisable options for android and cyborg wares. They primarily create aesthetic and cosmetic upgrades for multiple species, but are best known for their extensive choice of androids. These often find their way into the trading rings for being convincing replicas or even upgraded versions of some of the most popular species for sale.
If you fall out of favour in the high-powered rings of celebrities, it’s not uncommon to disappear and reappear somewhere much less glamorous… Say, in the bootleg fighting arenas of Cinixia. Cinixians make the most of it in the scrap-heaps — a good bet and a good bot could be your ticket off this shithole.
It’s no secret that the higher denizens of Aivu occasionally tune into the illegal fighting rings popular on Cinixia amongst the scrapper community. Some even deign to visit or watch it remotely if they enjoy betting on the matches. Bots and betting are the lifeblood of the moon; without it, they’d simply be a galactic dumping ground.
SPECIES: BETS1E has been loaded into the skinned shell of an early Titani-2 Synthenix Corporation Android model. Originally built with functionality in mind, these androids are supposed to be a one-stop shop for household and factory service. You want a efficient worker, manual laborer, assistant or guard who doesn’t talk back? All of the above? Synthenix has you covered.
Considering that this model was one of the earliest ranges Synthenix introduced to the public, customisability and expansive personality modules came second to their durability and usefulness. They were built to be sturdy, a little stocky, and convincingly realistic at a glance. Looking closer, their muted range of emotes and novel voice-box technology is now janky and outdated by modern android standards. With enough mods, these Titani-2 bots could provide a pricy and pointless alternative to new, competitively priced models from Synthenix.
Like all SynthTech ranges, the user is never without control — all Synthenix androids have a built-in panic button and reset systems in case a machine ever goes rogue, or attempts to rebel. Synthenix machines should be anything you want them to be, but never upset the power balance between organic creatures and what they were designed to be. There’s a lot of failed models and janky tests to get to that point of perfection and balance though… The scraps all get shunted off to Cinixia. It was only a few shipments at first, before it got out of hand, and an entire galactic community formed around the buffet table of tech junk. Critters come from all over to get a shot at building a masterpiece from the heap, or even upgrading their own builds from the lucrative trash.
BETS1E is one of the bodies that rose from that trash pile. Lacking any of her original SynthSkin(tm) that was supposed to give Synthenix models their supple, artificially soft finish, BETS1E’s frame reveals the bare metal skeleton underneath, with plenty of illegal mods to fit her preferred aesthetic. She has a broken voice box, which she continues to elect not to fix. She also has a limited range of nuance in her facial expressions without the SynthSkin covering, but she likes it like this. Broken feels normal. Broken feels right. 
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detund · 5 years
DU™️ #Repost @ypsi_kid ・・・ Layerzzzz. Changed up the patch a bit, using the #orthogonaldevices #er101 for all cv pitch and gate info (all 4 tracks). Not quite as hands on, but getting decent results. Will post the full 14min jam on YouTube - one take record on this one. 🎧 recommended to pick up all the layerzzzz. . . #techno #livetechno #liveset #eurorack #modularsynth #breaks #samples #synth #live #synthpatcher #datacultaudio #detroitunderground #symbolicstudios #YpsiKid #subpac #feelsubpac #ogextracts #ogextractco #doepher #1010music #wintermodular #synthtech #ajhsynth #er301 #4ms #instruo #roland #headphones https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2SzN0lgN1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f73v3f8xg5pk
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theamishpirate · 9 years
SynthTech: “So? Learn anythin’ good from them other dogs?”
SandyDog: “M’sorry, sir. We got talkin’ about squirrels, an’ I lost track of th’ time.”
SynthTech: “You barked about squirrels for an hour?”
SandyDog: “They had a lot t’say on th’ subject.”
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jlertle · 4 years
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latenitesocialclub · 9 years
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deepinthecuts · 7 years
SynthTech E352 Rundown
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partymedia · 10 years
Varnish by Roqeja http://ift.tt/1ibgDCe
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scalenyc · 10 years
A morphing kinda night w the #synthtech E370-371 prototype... 4 channels of #wavetable bliss into 4 #analog VCFs.. getting that PPG sound after years of searching (at alternate area)
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