#t; fame has its perks (sometimes)
mimssides · 4 years
Life on Crow Avenue: Part 17
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Remus checked himself out in the mirror. Lime t-shirt with the motive of a red rose being stabbed with an intricately carved knife. Black washed-out jeans. His favourite khaki jacket with the anarchist patch he sewed on it, next to it the Mexican flag. His worn-out converse with the rainbow laces and the black beanie with the white stars stitched on it.
With a sigh he turned away from the mirror and joined Roman in the kitchen. He was in his usual casual weekend wear; grey sweatshirt, light-blue jeans and red sneakers. The jeans were one of Remus’s most hated pieces in Roman’s wardrobe. It was an ill-fit for Roman’s body type, too big and the colour was just terrible. He had more than once tried to kidnap and then destroy the hideous abomination which called itself jeans. To his chagrin Roman had always caught him before and stopped his attempts at pant assassination.
Yet right now Remus did not worry about the jeans. He exchanged a look with his brother and they simultaneously let out a sigh.
“We’re doing this?” Remus made sure, as Roman grabbed the keys for the delivery van.
Roman shrugged and opened their door stopping for Remus to follow him.
“Apparently we are. Virgil was very insistent on going to buy furniture with us. He even did not open the store for his emergency service, so we kinda have to. Right?” Roman answered sounding rather unsure but walking down the stairs with his brother anyway.
This time Remus just shrugged as they left the building and walked onto the sidewalk. He wasn’t sure what the correct protocol in their situation was and he just hoped everything would turn out to be alright. And before either twin could muse any longer, they were spotted by Patton and Logan, who had been dragged along by Virgil to join the whole let-us-buy-furniture-for-the-twins operation. Both seemed to be in a rather good mood and greeted them, while waiting for Janus and Virgil to show up.
After five minutes the two joined them and the six men split up with Remus, Logan, Janus and Patton in Patton’s car while Virgil would go with Roman in the twins’ delivery van. Like that both groups had someone in the car who knew where the place was where they would go and buy furniture.
With them all split up they set off to the thrift store which belonged to a friend of one of Janus’s brothers.
“So, which one of your famed uncles has recommended this place we’re going to?” Roman asked Virgil as soon as they had hit the road.
“Mars. He’s not my favourite but he knows a lot of people and I’ve actually been there before,” Virgil answered as he typed the street name of their destination into his phone.
Roman hummed and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.
“I thought you knew the way?”
“I do!” Virgil said defensively. “It’s just- Rather safe than sorry, am I right?”
Roman chuckled and looked over to the younger man with a smirk when they halted at a stop sign.
“No need to fright, Virgey. I’m messing with you,” Roman told Virgil with a wink and watched him pout before he continued driving.
After a few minutes Roman began to ask what he had bought at “Bottom Drawer” before and what kind of stuff they offered. Virgil told him that they were focused on second hand furniture but also sold some new stuff, which they had been able to buy cheaply from bigger stores because pieces were slightly defect or they just hadn’t been able to sell it in time. Roman listened closely and Virgil didn’t notice how he started to talk about first moving into the flat with Janus, when they had opened Zookeepers two years ago.
Roman was a little surprised by Virgil’s openness. He had assumed that Virgil was rather reserved and generally only seemed to talk more when Janus was around. It was what he had gathered from the meals and the few Friday nights he had spent with others but around Roman alone the younger man opened up quite a bit. Roman was grateful for it even though he didn’t quite understand. While Patton, Logan and Janus were great people, and he liked all of them a good bit, Virgil was a little different from them. He had something that Roman had missed, a quality he had hoped to find in his friends again for a long while. He was not quite sure yet what it was but he was not in a rush and kept contently listening to Virgil talking about the shenanigans with his uncle and sometimes telling him in which direction to turn.
After an hour and a half, they had reached their destination and the six men found themselves in front of an older-looking storage hall. Janus took the lead after stretching his back for a bit and led them into the “Bottom Drawer”.
“So, we are looking for two bedframes, a couch, a coffee/side table, a dining table and matching chairs as well as decorative accessories. Is that correct so far?” Logan said while looking on the notes on his phone after they entered.
Roman shot Remus a look and the older twin shrugged with a grin: “He was trapped in the backseat with me. So, he started making conversation after the front seat people got annoyed with me commenting what I saw outside.”
“It wasn’t annoying!” Patton protested as Janus visibly rolled his eyes.
“Just- a little distracting in the way you did it,” the tattoo artist added sheepishly.
Roman pressed his lips together to keep a grin from spreading and glanced to Remus who looked exceptionally proud of himself. Quickly Roman shook his head and confirmed Logan’s list. They decided to first go for the bedframes and started with their search for a bedroom section.
The hall was quite big and there were a few people walking around and looking through the aisles. From almost vintage looking chairs, over to weirdly modern looking lamps they seemed to have everything. There wasn’t really an obvious system behind the setup and it was comfortably disorganized with leaving the customers enough space to walk by the furniture and knickknacks on the shelves.
After a few minutes of searching and then debating if they should ask a someone who worked there where to look for bedroom furniture, Virgil caught a glimpse of a bunk bed and the group made its way to the bedframes. As they wandered around Janus pointed a few bedframes out to Roman and eventually both of them stopping in front of a simple frame out of redwood. Roman checked the measurements of the frame as to see if his mattress at home would fit, when he heard an excited yelp from behind.
Confounded both he and Janus turned and saw Remus quickly jumping on the spot before he actually jumped over the edge of a bed to get across it. With furrowed brows Roman watched his brother for a second until he spotted the traitorous object of Remus’s interest and let out an annoyed groan.
“What is going on?” Virgil asked with slight panic creeping into his voice, while Roman walked past the others and followed his brother.
Roman shook his hands over his head and said without looking back: “Noting! Nothing but stupid neon orange!”
That confused Virgil so much that he forgot his panic and just blankly stared at Roman’s back until he finally lifted his gaze and saw what he was walking towards. And that was indeed neon orange.
Very loud neon orange.
Baffled Virgil and now also the rest of the group stared and Remus hopping onto a neon orange bedframe, smiling widely and enthusiastically as Roman approached. Quickly the others got out of their shock and followed the younger twin.
“Really? It has to be this one? This hideous orange?” Roman asked in an irritated tone.
Triumphantly Remus lifted his chin and wiggled his eyebrows.
“We both know the answer and I’m winning.”
Dramatically Roman shook his hand over his head and turned around with a look of lost faith in the gods above. The sheer dramatics of this display led Virgil to snicker and Roman shot him an annoyed look before he announced he’d go and look for a side table. Remus just snickered and got up from the bed, checking for the price tag and the number on the thing, so they would find it later when they would go and buy all of it.
The group rummaged a little longer in the bedroom section, both brothers having found a side table and Roman also a little desk and matching chair for his room. They then went on to the dining and living room stuff. It was there where Roman suddenly let out a happy sound and hurried up to a rather big round table made of walnut. The foot in the middle was round and had a little rose pattern carved in the bottom. Fascinated Roman touched the tabletop and joyfully realized that it was extendable.
“I need to see how big this one gets,” Roman mumbled under his breath and perked up looking around for someone who worked there.
“Seriously? Don’t you think that’s enough table for us? Like it already fits 8 people at least!” Remus said while Roman waved somebody over.
Roman just shot him a look and said: “You get a neon orange bedframe and I get to have a table for huge get togethers. Also, we have the space and I let you choose the chairs.”
Remus rolled his eyes, as the retail worker came over and helped Roman figure out how to extend the table. Childishly happy Roman shook his hands for a moment and then turned to Remus to check if they could afford all of what they had seen so far. After a shockingly short moment Remus had added up all the prices in his head and confirmed that they still could look for chairs.
“And a couch,” Janus pointed out when both brothers already turned to look for some chairs.
They shot Janus a look, exchanged a short glance and promptly walked over to where they had seen a few couches standing around. Not thirty seconds passed when they both steered towards a dark grey three-seater and plumped down on it simultaneously.
“This one,” they agreed in unison and got back up to look for chairs.
Baffled from the sudden agreement of the twins the others exchanged a few startled looks before they followed them again for the search for chairs. Luckily, they were rather at deciding on a few rather simplistic looking white chairs and then went to the next retail worker to help them get all the pieces they needed. The young woman who they had approached seemed a little surprised at first when they told her what they all wanted to buy but quickly got hang of herself and got a trolley and they collected most pieces but the bedframes and the table. For Roman’s bedframe and the table they got a separate bigger trolley and as for the neon orange bedframe; they still had models of it in storage, so they could get a boxed one and put it together at home.
The whole ordeal took quite a while and somehow Roman managed to recruit another worker of the ‘Bottom Drawer’, as well as two guys who had been browsing through the store to help them carrying everything to the van after paying. With a flashing smile he thanked them and told Janus almost within the same breath: “Can you take one of the chairs? Or can’t you do that?”
Confused Janus blinked and said: “I could take one but isn’t it more efficient if someone would carry several chairs? I do not see how me taking one would contribute to the whole thing.”
“Bah, bah, bah! Just take one, so you have something to do as well. Otherwise you’d just stand around and like that you’ll have contributed to all of this. Now, take the chair and stop arguing with me. This was your idea as well and you’re going to help!”
A laughing Remus walked by Janus’s side and the man with the bowler hat huffed and pouted picking up one of the white chairs. Soon after they had everything packed up and drove back home again.
It was pushing 6 pm and the old furniture of the twins was standing on the sidewalk, the new one upstairs and Roman was kneeling on the living room floor beginning to assemble the most orange piece of furniture the twins had ever possessed. Originally, Patton had offered him some help but after watching him looking at the Allen key with dread in his eyes, Roman took it upon himself. Well, Remus had helped him unpack at first but got distracted when Logan had asked him about their flower encyclopaedia and abandoned his brother in favour to talk with the nerd. Roman didn’t really mind, especially not when he watched Patton join them and ask if he had also one with flower meanings since flowers were a quite popular motive with his clients lately.
No, Roman was happy with Janus commenting on him reading the instructions and making small piles of all the different screws, chubs, nuts and chubs that had come with it.
“Stop being so cocky, Janny,” Roman said with a smirk and pushed his hair back out of his face. “At least I know how to read an instruction and put together a bed frame. I would be far more embarrassed if I couldn’t do that despite being the one initiating this whole operation.”
Janus let out an appalled gasped and Roman laughed heartily. Meanwhile Virgil sat down next to Roman looking at the little instruction booklet and the piles Roman had made. He wanted to help. After all, this had been his idea and even though he did not know how to assemble a bedframe and was quite honestly a little scared of it, he wanted to try and help.
“Uhm, so,” Virgil mumbled with a testing glance at Roman, “where do you start? I never, uh, did this before?”
Roman laughed a bit and told him to scoot over to his side so he could see the booklet from the right side. With a gentle jab then and there Roman explained Virgil what to do, while also bickering with Janus when the latter made a snide comment. Slowly, but steadily they put the thing together and when it was around seven and it looked like they were almost about finished, Roman sat back for a moment and stretched his back.
Roman was tired. He was clammy and hungry from all the work they did. He was also a little worn out from the chatter, the people, the interacting and directing all these people as much as he had done today. And he hadn’t felt so much at peace since –
He didn’t remember anymore and exhaled lengthily with a dopey smile.
“You eat cheese?”
Virgil almost dropped the screw driver when Roman asked him that and turned to him in confusion.
“Yeah? I’m vegetarian not vegan,” he answered and observed Roman grin a little.
“That’s great. Rem?”
Remus sitting at the new table with Patton and Logan, turned on his seat and quirked his eyebrow up in anticipation.
“I assembled this monstrosity which will be your bed, so could you make mac and cheese? Otherwise, I’m going to faint soon,” Roman whined.
A grin curled up around Remus’s lips and he got up, made a dramatic bow and answered: “As you wish, príncipe!”
Remus disappeared in the kitchen and Roman told Patton, Logan and Janus to come help him and Virgil hold the last part and then carrying it into his brother’s room. There was some swearing and complaining (latter mostly from Janus’s front) but eventually they got everything in place and they all felt satisfaction wash over them. It was done.
“I’m done soon! Change your shirt Ro! I don’t wanna eat next to a stinky prince!” Remus shouted from the kitchen.
With a huff Roman walked out of his brother’s room, already beginning to pull his sweater over his head. A bit scandalized Janus watched the warm beige skin which was suddenly exposed and felt something drop within him, as the made out the lighter markings of a burn just above his hip and a few light cuts above it.
But he did not get to linger too long on the look of Roman’s exposed back, as he soon disappeared in his room and shouted to his brother annoyedly: “I’m sorry that I worked so hard on your stupid bed! I better half-ass my job the next time!”
“Stop being a diva!” Remus shot back from the kitchen and the two brothers bantered for a while.
Amused the four other man walked back into the living room. Patton went to help Remus with the cutlery and plates, which he should bring over to the tv, while Janus sat down on the edge of the couch. Logan joined him and Virgil said he’d step out for a second to make a call home. Irritated Janus looked after him but did not comment on it. Roman waked into the room soon after, now wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. With a grin he planted himself next to Janus and then asked him if he was less concerned sitting on this couch than on their old one.
“I do. In fact, I am very positive that it will not give me a deadly disease like the last one very certainly would have,” Janus answered.
Roman snorted and laid his head against the back lean watching Janus unmistakeably fondly. He was so exhausted and happy. Everything was a little blurry but in a good way. He could be quiet and not listen for a bit. He saw Virgil coming back inside, taking a seat on the beanbag next to the couch and how Janus talked to him. He saw how Logan turned to see Remus and Patton come into the living room, bringing them all their plates and food. He ate his mac and cheese happily, just as the others did and gave the plate back to Remus and Patton when they all had finished. He noticed the tv being turned on in the background, and that there was some kind of movie running, when his eyes fell shut and he dozed off.
He was holding something. It was warm. It smelled nice. It had the potential to become home.
He felt a flick on his knee and opened his eyes. For a moment the buzz was still there and then it was clear. He let go of Janus’s arm and apologized despite not feeling very sorry and got up from the couch with a stretch.
“Sorry guys, ‘m beat. Thanks for today, I’m gonna test my bed now,” Roman said nudging Janus’s shoulder and then walking towards the bathroom to brush his teeth before going to bed.
In his tired state he had not noticed Janus utterly flushed face nor Remus’s snickering or Virgil’s shyly hopeful grin. He just knew that he wanted to lie down in his bed for the first time in a few years and sleep in the next day.
@sammy-is-obsessed / @exhaustedfander
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sonofsallyjackson · 4 years
Family Never Truly Leaves Us: Chapter 1 featuring Baby Lost Trio
Summary:  Thalia Grace was very good at finding her family.  Keeping that family together was a completely different story.  Her first family collapsed when her brother’s disappearance became too much to bear.  She died for her second family, only to wake up years later and not recognize them anymore.   Her third family is literally twenty-odd teenagers and an immortal virgin goddess, but she’s never been one for traditional. 
AN: Basically this is a three part story that was inspired by @silima’s incredible art of the lost trio together as kids.  I mean just look at it.  Baby Piper, Leo and Jason are absolutely adorable and deserved to be celebrated.  However, this turned into a Thalia piece and the three different families she’s made for herself.  As I initially planned to have this chapter out by Jason’s birthday and it’s now the last hours of Leo’s, I cannot hope to have the next section up by Annabeth’s birthday even if that’s my unofficial deadline.  
Thalia Grace was very good at finding her family.  Keeping that family together was a completely different story.  
Her first family was one pulled together just as much biologically as it had been by circumstance.   Beryl Grace lacked the maternal instinct necessary to be a good mother, but she did have a strong ability for finding people who might be useful to her.  Of course, her definition of useful was particularly fickle.  Some days useful meant the literal king of the gods, who she would beg to make her queen of his dominion, to revere her above all others.  Other days it meant the personal assistant, all too willing to fill their mansion with a never-ending supply of alcohol.  On the best days, it brought Tristan Mclean, Esperanza Valdez and their children into their lives.  
Beryl had mocked her agent at first.  You really couldn’t get me anything better?  The Oscar committee hates fantasy.  But she had wanted to dive back into the world of Hollywood elite where she belonged.   She wanted to prove that her second child didn’t mean she had let herself go or was less worthy of the public’s adoration.  If anything Beryl claimed to six-year-old Thalia, I’m more worthy.  Who can say they’ve attracted a god twice?    
They met in the middle, as Beryl Grace’s fame was crashing, and Tristan Mclean's was preparing for a meteoric rise.  He'd worked with the director on a few minor projects, but it was his first starring role in such a big-budget film.  Regardless, it had taken a little convincing.  After all, he was a single father with a daughter under the age of two, and his closest family was halfway across the country.  But the director was insistent, sending scripts, pictures of the prototype animatronic dragons, and finally, a pretty young woman from the special effects department who also had a little kid.  Esperanza Valdez and her honest approach to how she was handling her "tornado with legs" did more to calm his fears than anything else did.  Tristan signed on enthusiastically after making sure childcare was handled.    
Beryl Grace didn’t bother to consider something as bland as childcare.  After all,  she accumulated a list of nannies over the years.  No one stuck around very long.  The latest, Mrs. Costa, thought their house was haunted.  She didn’t like the way wind danced through the house or the lightning that flashed even when the sky was completely clear.  One day Mrs. Costa ran out of the house, screaming that the baby was floating and needed to be exorcised.  
"I don't have time to be dealing with this, Thalia." Beryl snapped as if this was all Thalia’s fault.  “I’m calling the studio.”  
It turned out the studio had no problem with adding two more children to their makeshift daycare.  Beryl Grace dropped them off at Tristan Mclean’s trailer, apologizing all the way as she runs to makeup.  The trailer was a mess of children’s toys and storybooks.  Thalia was not impressed, but Jason squealed excitedly at the other children already on the floor.   The girl definitely dressed herself, decked out as she was in a rainbow tutu, a camo t-shirt and rainboots despite the fact they’re in the middle of a drought.  The boy didn’t say anything but offered Jason the red block he’d previously been playing with.   He’s smaller than Jason, with dark curly hair and an infectious smile.  Thalia’s never felt more out of place as she watches the three of them play.  She’s used to being Jason’s whole world, the one who always keeps him entertained and safe.   The blond intern boredly watching them, jumped to her feet as the door opened again.   A woman slightly younger than her mother with dark skin and twinkling brown eyes smiled at her easily.  
"Thanks so much for covering for me, Sarah.  We should be good to go.  I only had to explain the controls about six times to Pat.”
"Really,  Esperanza? They're letting Pat handle it."  There's clear annoyance in her voice, but she also seems resigned to the fact.  
"It turns out being the producer's son has its perks."   Esperanza patted Sarah's shoulder encouragingly.   "If it were up to me, you'd be the one running it.”  
“I’ll come get you if we run into problems, but I think you’re good to stay with the kids.”  Sarah glanced in Thaila’s direction as if to remind her boss of their unusual charges.  
“Well, you’ll know where to find me.”  
After Sarah had left, Esperanza set her walkie talkie on the table before kneeling down, so she was eye to eye with Thalia.  "Hello Mija,  you must be Thalia.  I don't know what your mother told you, but my name is Esperanza. I’m going to be looking after you and your brother today.”  
Thalia nodded uncertainly.  She was used to new people coming into their lives, but that didn't mean she liked it.  And she knew all too well, that even the people with the brightest smiles could bring trouble.
"The other little munchkins are Piper and Leo." Piper didn't even react to her name as she was too busy building a tower, so a giggling Jason could knock it over.  Leo, on the other hand, gave his Mama a curious glance before promptly shoving a block in his mouth.  
“Jason tries to eat everything too!” Thalia said with a slight laugh.  
“They tend to do that at this age.  It helps them explore their world better.”  Esperanza gently encouraged Leo to take it out only to have her son holding tightly to her like a spider monkey.  
Thalia sort of understood that.  She didn’t understand the world either, but she didn’t think knowing how blocks tasted really made Jason any more of an expert.  
“Most of the toys we have are meant for someone their age, but I’m sure we can find something for you to play with.”      
In the end, Thalia settled down with a stack of paper and crayons.   She sat as close to Jason as possible, just on the outside of the trio’s little circle.  Even though she already felt like Esperanza was better at keeping an eye on Jason than Mrs. Costa, Thalia continually checked in on her brother, although her glances slowly subside from one for every new line she added to her drawing to only when she grabbed a new crayon or when one of the kids let out an indignant squawk or a giggle.  
When Piper requested a song for naptime,  it’s easy to slip into a gentle sleep until the trailer door opened, and Thalia heard her mother's voice.
Beryl fluttered her eyelashes at Tristan as she leaves exaggerated kisses on her children’s heads.  “I really can’t thank you enough for helping today.”  
He let out the hearty genuine laugh that he’ll be known for one day.  “It was all Esperanza, really.” He said as he offered the other woman a smile.  “In this industry, single parents need to stick together.  Helping out for the week is the least we can do.”  
It ended up being much more than a week.
Many days on set are often the same as their first, although a collection of toy cars, a robot, and a pair of lightsabers are added to the more toddler-friendly options.  There are days when the kids are so full of energy there’s no possible way to stay in the trailer.  The trio ran laps around the trailer or race between wherever Thalia and Esperanza are standing.  
Sometimes if they promise to be good, they even go on adventures to see different parts of the studio lot.  The women in the hair and makeup department dote on Piper.  Leo is happiest in his mother’s workshop.  Jason proclaimed he wants to be exactly like the stunt actors, which made Thalia’s heart skip a beat.  Despite all of the cool things she’s seen on set, Thalia loved the days they watch their parents act the most.  When Thalia watched her mother, she felt like she understands why Beryl is so determined to make it here.  She thrived in front of the lights and camera.   There's an ease to her smiles that Thalia hasn’t seen since her father left.
After one late-night shoot where the children all slept over in the Mclean house, the families traded the trailer for their homes. Esperanza's schedule barely overlapped with the other two. She got to set early to set up her machines, or she went later for the nightly repairs.  In the hours where makeup calls overlapped with set-up, a tired production assistant lazily watched the kids in Tristan’s trailer.  There are days where Beryl filmed, and Tristan didn't, and vice versa. Days when Tristan took all four children because Esperanza needed to get some decent sleep.  They look out for each other. While Beryl was not thrilled about the idea of two additional kids in her house, it’s a lot easier to keep a babysitter than a nanny.
Undoubtedly, this strategy would have been completely impossible if the three toddlers hadn't been friends.  Luckily, the kids got along almost too well.  Even if they saw each other nearly every day, separating them was a nightmare.  They also were more than willing to help out in each other's schemes.  Jason’s determination to put absolutely everything in his mouth had only grown as he got older.  Sure things kept falling off of high shelves as if pushed by some invisible force, but Thalia thought she’d probably be able to handle that if it hadn’t been for Leo.  He was a week younger, but when he got the occasional look of mischief on his chubby face, Thalia knew it was over. She’d walked in from school twice now to find Jason chewing on something she knew was in one of the locked cabinets and Leo proudly smiling on the counter.  
Of course all good things come to an end.  Thalia worried that with no movie bonding the three families together, everything would fall apart, that she and Jason would be left to their own devices.  She realized she shouldn’t have worried when Beryl mentioned they’re spending the Premiere night at the Valdez’s.  Three assistants needed to sew Beryl into a form-fitting dress with embroidery that looks like the night stars.   Her mother may have looked radiant on the red carpet, but Thalia preferred Esperanza’s mismatched pajamas and the genuine smiles she gave as she tucks the four of them in.  
In the end, the film flopped.  The only things critics deemed worthy of any praise are Esperanza’s mechanical dragons.  The fans seem to prefer the shirtless Tristan Mclean scenes.  It had the potential to be a cult classic one day, but Beryl Grace didn’t care about being famous someday.   She wanted the world now when she’s young and beautiful.  She already deserved the world.  
It was probably for the best that Beryl misses most of the party.  It's the easy sort of affair that she would hate.  She's always been one for spectacle, and three kids sitting in highchairs flinging red frosting at each other was not a spectacle.   She chose her career over her son’s third birthday.  It didn’t even surprise Thalia anymore.  
“You know I can’t Thalia.  My agent says this is a big opportunity we’ve been waiting for. I just know it’s the one.”   Beryl said as she pulled up to the Valdez’s apartment building.  
Thalia didn’t mention that every audition, every lunch, every cocktail hour seemed to be the one lately.  Her mother is frazzled in a way she’s never seen her before.  She hasn’t accepted that there is no new movie coming.  A new blonde-haired, blue-eyed ingenue showed up in Hollywood every day, and they’re almost all younger and easier to work with than Beryl Grace.  
“I’ll be there later, Sweetie.”  She handed Thalia a disposable camera. “You’ll just have to show me what I miss.”  
It’s almost funny how their birthdays align so perfectly.  Piper’s is in June and  Leo and Jason’s a week apart.  They held the party together since the kids wouldn't know differently anyway.  Unlike Beryl, Tristan took the day off from auditions.   Esperanza had already spent the entire night before making enough food for an army.  
Thalia blew up a hundred silver balloons, never realizing that an eight-year-old should have been out of breath much sooner and that without helium, her balloons should stay firmly on the ground.   Some of them do, but most float easily around the apartment.  Piper and Leo bounced one back and forth to each other, giggling the entire time.  Jason practically pounced on one and tries to eat it.  It pops beneath him, which seemed to be enough to convince him not to put this strange thing in his mouth.  He joined the other two, although he took great pleasure in hitting the balloon as hard as he can at Thalia to convince her to join them.  
There’s easy laughter, homemade tamales, and little shouts of “Tree! Tree! Tree!”  as the birthday kids marched around the room, announcing their age proudly for everyone to hear despite not mastering the sound an h makes.   The pictures Thalia took are more for herself then Beryl, to remind herself of how happy she was.  This is probably for the best as Beryl never asks to look at the pictures.  
Maybe in another world, Thalia would feel like it was impossible to go to school, to leave Jason alone with their mother or the nanny of the month for the day.  But in this world, Thalia has other adults in her corner.  The three children stayed together in a play-pin in Esperanza’s workshop or Tristan’s office as he looked for his next big role.  It wasn’t an ideal scenario since by the time they were three and a half,  they were more than capable of making a break for it.  But they’d learned early not to touch anything besides their toys, that masterful escapes were meant for playing in the yard or for grabbing extra crayons and that if necessary the parents could find other arrangements, potentially separate arrangements.  Personal assistants and nannies filled in where the parents couldn’t, but these had been hired by parents who actually cared about their children.  
School was hard enough in this world where the letters floated off the page, and Thalia couldn't sit still, so Thalia truly couldn’t imagine a worse one.  But after school, when there were no glowering teachers or odd children with one eye, Thalia relaxed.   She sat at the short wooden table in whoever’s living room they were staying at for the day and stubbornly work on her homework as Leo put together puzzles, and Piper roped Jason into creating larger than life storylines for her Barbies.
Piper seemed to know when her homework made her want to scream because she would ask in her sweetest voice, “Tally, play now?”  
“Who am I today, Pipes?”  
Jason might try to hand her the doll he'd previously been sucking on, but usually, Piper had something very specific in mind.   There’s Sofia, the redheaded murder suspect complete with purple crayon scars.  Or Ama, the princess in disguise that Jason attacked with a pair of safety scissors, so she's almost bald.   Or a million other characters with intricate backstories.  
Piper occasionally needed to pause their play because “Jason was doing it all wrong” or because she needed to ask Leo to build their characters a castle out of Legos.  But overall, Thalia could play with the kiddos for hours after school.  
Occasionally things were bad.  Beryl would be sent home from a shoot early, alcohol heavy on her breath.  Daytime soap actresses were a dime a dozen, and no one had the patience for a woman past her prime who could barely remember her lines and couldn't even stand without swaying.  (Beryl’s character was given a brain tumor to explain her behavior and allow the writers time to get rid of the fan favorite.)  Those days featured doors slamming and screaming.  If they’re at the Grace Mansion, Thalia made sure the kiddos were safely out of sight and occupied, before ducking behind the kitchen counter so she can call for reinforcements.  Mostly though, she found about these sorts of days after the fact, when Tristan’s assistant drove the two of them home, and there would be broken glasses and picture frames with their mother passed out in her bedroom.  
Despite this, Thalia grew up loved, even if that love didn’t come from her biological parents.  Tristan tried to entice her to read even though it's hard.  He pretended he needed someone to run lines with and encouraged Thalia to be as dramatic as possible.  Somehow it didn’t matter that the words are swimming in front of her,  she’s only nine, and the idea of collapsing dramatically into fake tears is so much more powerful than her fear of getting something wrong.  It certainly helped that her captive audience of toddlers seems to love everything she did.   Piper and Jason always seemed to giggle when she reads the lines in a sing-song voice, so Thalia goes out of her way to do it, even when the part didn’t call for it.  Esperanza played rock music that allowed Thalia to scream out her frustration and dance around the kitchen in the Valdez apartment.  It's a wild mass of limbs, and she doesn’t even know which language Leo is yelling in half the time.  But it feels right.  She has a family that loves her.  
When they moved out of the mansion into a cramped apartment,  Thalia told herself it didn't matter.  This cold house with its glass walls and minimalist furnishings never really felt like home.  The new apartment sort of did after Thalia covered her side of the room in scotch tape and pictures. She's collected evidence of everything her mother missed during her auditions, her soap operas, and eventually her hours as a waitress.  There's Tristan playing ring-around-the-Rosie, and Piper refusing to wear anything not dinosaur themed.  Jason smiling despite his stitches because he tried to eat a stapler.  Leo stands proudly in front of his first project, little wrench still in hand.  There's a slightly blurry picture of Esperanza teaching her how to make enchiladas.  Thalia captured everything.  Maybe someday her mother would see them and be sorry she missed this.
On Thalia’s 10th birthday, her mother didn’t give her a gift.  It’s almost like she can’t see her anymore.   Beryl spent the entire day reminiscing about Zeus.  Thalia is not her own person.  She’s her father’s black hair and startling blue eyes.  She has Zeus’ determined face and his chin.  Thalia is proof that in the long scheme of things, Beryl has won, won the affection of a god, and that no matter how much further they fall, no one can take that prize away from her.  
Thalia didn’t particularly like the idea of being the child of a god, especially since she hasn’t seen her father since Jason was born.  She wasn’t sure she truly believed it either.  It seemed like just another fantasy Beryl latched onto the idea in a drunken haze.  Thalia barely saw her mother sober anymore.  If she was a child of a god, Thalia should feel powerful and important.  Instead, she's just alone with her baby brother on her birthday.  
She got birthday phone calls from both the Mcleans and the Valdezs, but they’re not here.  It’s three days before Christmas after all.  Esperanza’s extended family in Texas took the holiday very seriously, and Tristan finally had a long enough break from shooting to go home to Oklahoma.  She smiled brightly when they gave her presents later, a leather jacket and extra cameras, and doesn’t tell them the truth that even thinking about her birthday made her heart ache.  
In the weeks leading up to Jason’s fifth birthday,   Beryl got worse. She didn’t acknowledge her children, wandering the house in a daze, muttering under her breath.  
Thalia put on a brave face and told Jason, “Mom’s just practicing for a new role,” but she was terrified.  
Thalia saw her arguing with people who aren’t there, her mother’s eyes wide and tortured.  None of her pleas made any sense.  "No, you can't have him.  I need more time."   “He’s my son, not hers! You didn’t even let me name him.”  “Why can’t you protect us?”  
Jason nearly threw a tantrum when Beryl suggested they have a birthday picnic.  “No!  We always celebrate with Piper and Leo!”  
Thalia glared at her mother before kneeling to face her brother. "We'll see them tomorrow, Jay. But for now, we'll go see the woods and the stars.  You'll be able to run around as much as you want."  
“Really? As much as I want?”  
Thalia almost groaned, knowing she'll regret those words later.  She’ll have to chase him down, and Jason runs like he's practically flying.  
Beryl gave her a grateful look, but Thalia didn’t return it.  Sure her mother was making an effort, but they both deserve so much more after everything she has put them through.  
Jason was the only one to speak the entire drive to the state park.  He sang the alphabet about six times and twinkle-twinkle little star twice.  But he never stopped talking, not even as Thalia unbuckled him from his car seat, and the three of them walked through the state park.
Beryl’s hands shook as she set their picnic basket by the pond. “Sweetheart, I think we forgot the blanket.  Why don’t you run back to the car and grab it?”  
“Sure,”  Thalia shrugged.  “Jason, why don’t you come with me?”  
He looked ready to shout that he’ll “race her back” when Beryl put an arm around his shoulder, a sickly-sweet smile on her face.  “Really, Thalia.  I can watch my own son for two minutes.”    
Thalia swallowed.  She seemed more put together today, but her mother is an actress, and appearances can be misleading. Thalia practically ran from their spot near the ruins to the car.  
It took a few minutes to realize there was no picnic blanket.  Thalia wanted to think it's a coincidence that Beryl actually thought they brought the blanket, but the sinking feeling in her stomach let her know it was likely always a distraction, a wild goose chase to get her away from Jason.  
Thalia slammed the trunk of the car closed. Ten minutes.  How much trouble could her mother cause in ten minutes?  She ran until her lungs hurt, her heart throbbing in her chest.  The path was uneven under her worn-out sneakers.  Thalia tripped over a tree root and barely noticed her scraped knee as she set off again.  It felt hard to breathe, but Thalia isn't sure if that's coming from her worry or her running.  
Upon first glance, the meadow with the ruins of the old house was empty.  As Thalia got closer, she saw her mother hunched over on the ground.   Beryl was sobbing like she would never run out of tears.   She’s alone.  
Thalia couldn’t help but shake her mother desperately, “What’d you do? Where is he? How could you?”  The questions rolled out of her uncontrollably.  
She was barely gone ten minutes, but it felt like something has drastically changed.  
“Hera claimed him.  He’s as good as dead.”   Beryl was able to manage between sobs.
Her mother had no right to cry.  She didn’t know Jason, not really, not the way Thalia did.  She didn’t know that Jason liked to pretend he can fly and preferred the Buzz Lightyear band-aids when he inevitably scrapes himself up jumping from furniture or the playground equipment to demonstrate.  She didn’t know that Jason liked to build block towers just as much as Piper did, but he liked knocking them over more because he got to roar like a dinosaur or howl like a wolf.   She didn’t know about the bird’s nest Jason decided to camp outside protecting because he was worried the mama bird wouldn’t come back.  Thalia knows those things.  She thinks he’s the most important person in the universe and now he’s gone.  
They stayed for two hours.  Thalia combed every inch of the area, looked behind every tree, in every bush.  She screamed Jason’s name until she can’t anymore. When Beryl dragged her away from the site, Thalia didn’t even have the energy to fight her.  
The drive home was oddly silent without Jason’s chatter.  
Beryl disappeared into the confines of her bedroom as soon as they got home.  She would wallow in her own grief away from her remaining child.  Beryl knew Thalia deserved to be comforted, but she also knew that people seldom got what they deserved.  
Thalia ran to her spot behind the kitchen counter.  She wished it was a normal day as she picked up the phone.  She wanted to just be able to call Esmeralda and tell her that her mother was having a rough day, to ask that someone come pick up Jason and her.  But this time was different.  This time Thalia calls 911.  
The police cars pulled up to their apartment in a flurry of sound and lights.  Thalia can’t move from her spot behind the counter even when they demanded someone open the door.  She hugged herself tightly as her mother opened the door.  
"Really, Officer, I don't understand what the problem is,"  Beryl said earnestly but firmly kept them outside.
“We have a report of a missing child from a Miss Thalia Grace.”  
Thalia can’t see her mother’s face, but her mask must not firmly be in place.  They knew something was wrong, even as Beryl attempted to push them away.  "Oh, that's just my daughter.  What a frightful imagination she has.  I'm sure it's nothing, Officers.  I'm sorry for bothering-.”      
A female officer cut off Beryl's apology.  "Even If it's just a simple mistake, it's still best that we talk to her.  We'll even let her know that this isn't the sort of thing to joke about."
Thalia felt her tears grow heavier at that.  There is no way she could ever joke about this, not with a memory of her baby brother singing twinkle twinkle little star running through her head.  
The officer walked past a reluctant Beryl into the apartment.  Her partner, a Hispanic man with greying hair, stayed with her mother as she sought out Thalia.  The blonde woman didn't need to look far before she found her curled in a ball in the corner against the lower cabinets.   Thalia was a mess, covered in scrapes and dirt from her time spent searching for her brother.  The officer gingerly sat down across from her.  
“You must be Thalia.  I’m Officer Joan. You did a really good job calling us tonight.  I know you told the person on the phone a little bit of what happened, but can you tell me everything please?”  
Thalia’s words spilled out of her, a desperate flood of information on the off chance that literally anything is even the slightest bit helpful in finding Jason.   She didn’t know if these people even can help.  This felt strange, like her one-eyed classmates or her mother begging people who aren’t there, but Thalia needed them to be able to do the impossible anyway.  She won’t ever forgive herself if the police could have done something and they didn’t
When she finished, Officer Joan nodded to her partner before helping Thalia to her feet.  "Now, I know this isn't going to be fun, but we need to take your mom to the station so we can ask her more questions.
Thalia nodded, slightly unsure.  She understood, but every second that someone wasn’t looking for her brother was time he could spend hurt.   Why weren’t they moving faster?  
“Do you have someone you can stay with while we do that?  A relative?”
When the police car pulled up to the Valdez apartment,  it is seven hours since she last saw her brother.  Thalia thinks it isn’t possible to cry anymore.  She’s done almost nothing but cry since Jason disappeared.  She used up all her tears.  
Esperanza answered the door with a look of confusion on her face.  Her curls were already wrapped in a purple headscarf.  Her fingers kept her thin robe closed over her nightdress.   The look of confusion turned to one of worry when she saw Thalia.  Officer Joan briefly explained the situation, but Esperanza never truly took her eyes off Thalia’s face.  
“Tally!” Leo exclaimed as he saw the people at the front door.  He peered around their legs eagerly before the smile fell from his face.  “Where’s Jay?”  
Thalia broke down into a fresh set of tears.
“Leo, why don’t you go pick out another book to read while I get Thalia settled?”   The little boy looked confused.  Thalia and Jason were a package set.  If Thalia was here, his best friend should be too.  
Esperanza pulled Thalia into a tight hug.  "Oh, sweetheart, everything's going to be alright.  You just let it out.  I know it's been a hard day."
Esperanza maneuvered the two of them, so they're sitting on the sagging couch, all the while clutching her tightly.   Esperanza wrapped her in a blanket and fixed some hot chocolate before she finally left to put Leo to bed.  
After Leo’s safely asleep, Esperanza came back with a washcloth and a glass of water.  She doesn’t force Thalia to say anything.  She merely wiped away the grime of the day from her face before gently helping the girl lay down with her head in Esperanza’s lap.  She ran her fingers through Thalia’s short hair until the girl settled into an uneasy sleep.  
The police come back the next day. She remembered getting frustrated that they were here again, asking her the same questions instead of being out there finding her brother, but the rest of the interview is a blur.  She sat on the couch,  watching the rain pound harshly against the glass.  A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, and Thalia prayed to whoever may be listening that Jason is somewhere safe and dry.  The thunder didn’t stop all day.    
Her mother must have been sober enough to give the performance of her life because she wasn't charged for Jason's disappearance.  There is no body.  It's Thalia's word against hers, and Thalia was just a kid.  Still, the papers had a field day. “Who is Beryl Grace’s super-secret custody agreement with?” “Did Disgraced Soap Opera Star Kill Her Own Son?” “Where is Jason Grace?”  Her brother’s face smiled at her on the cover of tabloids for weeks, and it just felt like too much.  
Thalia tried to stay. She really did.  She barely entered the apartment that she shared with her mother, instead crashing on Esperanza’s couch or the guest room in the Mclean house.  These people seem to understand, at least. They’ve seen Beryl Grace at her worst.   They believe Thalia without question.  Although after Tristan gets reprimanded for drawing negative attention to himself, they don’t press the issue publicly anymore.  No one says it, but the odds are Jason is dead already.  
Thalia pretends she doesn’t hear Esperanza and Tristan’s frantic whispers late at night, knowing they’re talking about what to do with her.   She ripped down every photo she ever put on her bedroom wall the one time she can bring herself to go back inside the room she shared with her brother.  She can’t look at them, can’t see Jason grinning back at her with a red party hat holding up three fingers proudly or Jason making funny faces with Piper and Leo, without wanting to scream.  Thalia tried to avoid looking at Piper and Leo’s disappointed faces.  They don’t understand what’s happening, but their best friend is gone.  Their little questions of “But is Jay coming back tomorrow?”  break her heart.  She can’t bear to stay here, but she also has nowhere else to go.  
In the end, Thalia didn’t make the decision to leave so much as the monsters did.
She noticed the looming shadows before she saw them.  Thalia ducked behind a mailbox to get a better look at them.   They're over double her size, with wild eyes, pointy teeth, and hairy arms covered in tattoos.    Their clothes wouldn’t look too out of place at a rock concert if it weren’t for their necklaces.  The giants proudly wore chains with everything from beaded necklaces to gleaming weapons attached to it.   Souvenirs, Thalia thought to herself.  The spoils of war from the people who they killed before.   She would not let herself be next.  
“The hero is close.  Their scent is strong.”  
Thalia did not feel like a hero, especially as she studied the swords and spears that rattle against their chests.  She’s only ten years old, but no one else on the street seemed to notice them.  
"You better be right, brother.  Halfblood is a treat, but I'm hungry now."  Scraps of blood-soaked denim clung to the ogre's face.
Would they just eat whoever they come across if she didn’t come forward?  This is a busy road, only a few blocks from the school.   They could grab anyone; her classmates are at risk the longer she stays hidden. She knows in her bones that she’s the person they’re looking for. She may not know the word “Halfblood," but it felt right to her.  Thalia wished she was in a position where she could fight, where she could leap up and just fight them.  But all she has is a backpack, and as scary as math is, she didn’t think her textbook can do much damage.    
Thalia was so absorbed in trying to think of an escape plan, something that both didn't draw attention to herself and minimized the casualties, that she didn't notice the hand inching toward the mailbox until it was too late.  She jumped back.
The giants leered at her.  “Little hero.  I see we won’t have to wait long for dinner.”  
She’s not an especially fast runner, but she is small enough to maneuver quickly, to change paths even as they lumbered toward her.   They recognized that they could not win on speed alone.  They use the very features of the street as projectiles. The giants lift cars as if they weigh nothing. Shop awnings fall in their grasp.  Thalia did everything she could to avoid them.  
Still, it was not enough.  The stoplight may not have hit her, but she needed extra time to jump around it to avoid the sparks flying off it.   It was time she did not have to lose.  
Thalia can’t explain why she did it.  Her back was against the rough concrete wall.  She was out of options.  So Thalia raised her right hand and directed it toward the closer giant.  She just wanted a way out of here, any way.  The lightning flashed until there was nothing left of the giant but the smell of burning flesh and his spoils of war.
“Child of Zeus, you shall pay for that.” He lunged for her, but missed, his hand impeding deep into the wall behind her.  
Thalia swallowed, surprised despite the absurdity of her current situation that her mother was telling the truth.  A god. Her father really had been a god.  After Jason had disappeared, Thalia had completely dismissed the notion. What sort of god didn’t even protect his own son?  
"I will have revenge, godling."  The remaining giant ripped one of the streetlamps up from the base.  It flew to her left, even if the miss was a little too close for comfort.  
Thalia tried to recreate the feeling, the tug in her stomach, but no matter what she did, she could not summon more lightning. She had another option, though.  The giant may have disappeared, but his necklace of souvenirs had not.
Thalia tugged a spear loose from the chain. It feels right in her hand.  
“There is no escape, little hero. I will feast on your bones.”  
Thalia didn’t have any time to think as the monster stalked forward.  There was no time to worry about all the ways this can go wrong, that she's never held a spear, let alone thrown one.  She flung the spear with all her might,  hoping it would go straight.
Amazingly it did, and the Laistrygonian howled as he disappeared.  
Even as the ogre crumbled into dust, Thalia kept panicking. He said her scent was strong, which meant more monsters would be coming.  What would happen if she was with Piper and Leo next time?   They were just little kids. Plus, Tristan and Esperanza had gone out of their way since they’d met to make sure that she was safe and loved.  It wasn’t fair to involve them or put them at risk.  
Thalia couldn't be here the next time a monster attacked. She wasn't going to let them get hurt.  Thalia couldn't watch someone else she loved die and know she could have prevented it.  She had to gather some supplies first, but then she was leaving.  If the price to pay for her family’s safety was never seeing them again, she’d gladly pay it.
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ohblackdiamond · 5 years
all of your b-films (peter/ace, nc-17)
“Don’t kid yourself about the guys. They want the old days back as much as we do. Maybe even more.” Nine years after Peter leaves KISS, Ace unexpectedly joins him for a part of his club tour.
Notes: Thank you @collatxral-damage for the initial inspiration and showing me a lovely picture of Peter and Ace from around the fic’s time period that warms my heart every time I look at it.
Thank you Peter and Ace for just being messy, sweet boys.
“all of your b-films”
by Ruriruri
           “Morning, man.” Ace closes his eyes, rubs them with one hand—he looks like a kid when he does that, looks almost innocent. There’s never been anything innocent about Ace Frehley. Not since Peter’s known him, at least. Known him. Fucking known him.
           Peter shifts, forcing himself to sit up in bed as the old aches and pains rush through his bones. It hadn’t been a good crowd last night. The club circuit, lousy as hell even on its best days, isn’t where Peter wants to be, but it’s where he’s ended up. Paul’s there, too, though he’s booking the clubs out of his own vanity and desperation to tour, a fact that amuses the hell out of Peter—both of them going it alone and trying to pump up a crowd that hasn’t been around for either of them in almost ten years. The only thing really separating Peter from anyone still in KISS is the balance in his bank account.
           The only thing separating Peter from Ace is the carton of orange juice Ace is pushing to his lips. Peter takes a gulp, but Ace keeps holding the carton up anyway, so he manages a few more swallows before Ace, satisfied, sets the carton down.
           “Doing all right there?”
           “Yeah. Yeah, I’m doing all right.”
           “Good.” There’s the familiar pop of a beer can. Peter doesn’t question where Ace got it when this hotel isn’t even classy enough to offer a minibar, just watches Ace down half the can in three swallows flat before he continues. “You got this room booked for tonight, too, don’t you?”
           “Yeah. The gig’s only an hour away.”
           The corners of Ace’s mouth perk up.
           “You wanna have a cheerleader? I think I did pretty good there last night, even if I didn’t have the skirt.”
           “I want another lead guitarist, is what I want.” Peter laughs, dryly, then adds, “I mean it. You were something else back there.”
           He had been, too. Just like the good old days. No, better. Just like the days when they’d rented out ballrooms. Before Ace’d got on coke but way, way after he’d started drinking. Back when he thought he was untouchable and that made him untouchable, like a gulped-down placebo. He’d been good enough to make Peter want to do better, want to pound those skins with a fervor and a fever. Peter had watched the audience, those loaded expressions on their faces, how they shifted like kaleidoscope beads when he started bearing down, really bearing down. Laying into those drums, unleashing something he hadn’t had in eleven years now. Course, he was paying for it this morning, arms feeling like cement blocks, but Ace… Ace was all right. Ace could’ve played the whole damn show and been all right.
           Ace just shrugs.
           “’S nothing. I wanted to. Figured while I’m in town, y’know.” There’s not the ease to Ace’s words that used to be there. There’s an edge, an anxiousness. Peter hates to hear it. Hates to hear it because he’s heard it so much from his own throat. Ace shouldn’t have to worry like that. Should be spending his time in his recording studio, or helping Monique out with the multiplication tables, anything, just anything, but Peter knows damn well Ace’s time is split between when he has his coke and his pain pills and his booze and when he’s trying to get more of all three.
           “The hell’re you doing in town, anyway? This isn’t L.A. Isn’t even fucking Fremont.”
           Ace quirks a small smile.
           “Well, I thought you knew, Peter.”
Peter shakes his head.
But Ace can’t be here for any solid reason. Nothing out in some nowhere California suburb. Nothing he could want out here. Even a drug contact wouldn’t make sense. Neither of them can get the good stuff anymore, the pure shit that Ezrin used to pile on the studio desks like an early snowfall. The old dealers are long gone. Ace doesn’t really want to shove out the albums these days—he’s just looking to fund his binges. He’s doing magazine interviews, news spreads. Tapping the vein of one twenty-something KISS Army vet at a time, hoping they’ll buy whatever he’s selling out of pure nostalgia for being twelve and pimpled.
           Peter’s not much better. He’s not much better, but he’s trying. Sometimes he’s trying. He winces in pain as he reaches for the orange juice carton, taking another sip, remembering, faintly, that in Europe they just drank it at room temperature. The milk, too. No, no, the milk was warm. They acted like ice was a foreign concept. The girls, though—the girls spoke the same language all over. Legs spread like peanut butter across a piece of bread. Money changed, races, nationalities changed, but the groupies had never seemed any different. All of them just as eager to suck his cock or let him fuck them or both, depending on mood and inclination.
It hadn’t become a creature comfort for Peter the way it had for Gene. It hadn’t become something he needed, just something he liked. A fringe benefit a wife back home had never kept him from enjoying. Ace, either. Ace had told him once that Jeanette understood and Peter had laughed at him.
           “Lydia understands, too. She understands enough that she tries following me every fucking tour—really thinks I’m gonna leave her—”
           “No, no, I mean she really understands.”
           “About the girls?”
           “Not just that.” Ace’s face had scrunched up, just briefly, and Peter glanced away. Hadn’t pushed for more, but from then on, the knowledge was there, right there. From then on, he couldn’t so much as give Jeanette a hug without thinking about it. Feeling sorry for her, even, for taking it, for understanding, whatever that shit really meant. Ace was too much of an open book. Every lousy thing about him ended up tugged to the surface eventually, like an oil spill cresting over ocean waves. He couldn’t hide things. Didn’t have the heart to.
           Right now he’s watching Ace finish off the beer—behind him, he can see the remnants of a six-pack Ace left on the table near the closet.
           “You wanna go on with me again tonight?” Wouldn’t even be fifty people there, but they’d go nuts. For Ace they’d go nuts. “Just a couple songs… ‘Black Diamond,’ ‘Hard Luck Woman,’ what do you say?”
           “Aw, Peter, whoever you got as your lead guitarist is gonna be pissed if I show up again.”
           “Nah, he’ll just ask for your autograph.” In fact, last night he had asked for it, secondhand, too shy to ask Ace directly. Could you, could you get him to write his name on the setlist for me, he’d asked, and Peter had honestly meant to, but then another round of drinks had found its way backstage and he’d been useless again. “C’mon. Old time’s sake, Ace.”
           “Don’t maybe me, Ace, either say you’re gonna do it or say you’re not—”
           “Let’s get out of here first.” Ace sets the beer down on the nightstand, and then he flicks it, frowning as it topples over. There isn’t a single drop draining out from the lid. He holds his hand out like an afterthought. “I’ll drive.”
           “Fuck, no. I’ll drive.”
           “Peeeeeterrrr,” Ace drawls, then giggles. “C’mon. One more car crash and we both get our names in the paper.”
           “One more car crash and I’m down another life.”
           “You got at least four more.”
           “I’m driving, man.”
           “All right, all right.” Ace shambles to his feet properly, yanking on last night’s jeans and t-shirt. Another nostalgia piece. This one’s got Debbie Harry in all her blonde bombshell glory silkscreened across the front. Debbie’s still taking care of her man, or so claim the tabloids, but Blondie’s long gone. Another fucking shame. Peter takes awhile longer to get dressed himself, lugging out his suitcase from under the bed and pulling out a fresh t-shirt and slacks. Ace watches him get dressed, which ought to rankle Peter more than it does, ought to make him snap out that he’s not some cripple, that he just hurts sometimes, that’s all, but that vague concern on Ace’s face stops him as he zips up his slacks and stuffs his keys and wallet in his pocket.
           “You ready?”
           “Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready.”
           They listen to the car radio, same as they’ve always done. Ace switches stations constantly, beer in one hand, the dial in the other, like he’s trying to hone in on a signal he can’t find. The heavy metal crap’s oversaturating the market. It’s not like it was back in KISS, back when they weren’t even solid on the word for it. There’s no soul to it now. No hunger. Just scrawny kids with shitty hair bitching about money and fame they don’t even fucking have. Peter keeps the radio on anyway. The wheel feels familiar in his hands as he turns off on an exit, directionless, aimless. Traffic’s not so terrible when he doesn’t know where they’re going, when they’re passing all sorts of kitschy shops and storefronts and letting mohawked teenagers cross the street in front of them. Traffic’s not so terrible at all.
           They ran out of the old topics last night. Wives and kids. So now they’re onto talking about Ace’s new album, coming out later this year—maybe, maybe. Peter’d done some of the drumming for it, even some of the backing vocals. There’s some good stuff there.
           “It’s all timing,” Ace says, dryly. “They’re working on another album, too, so if I can get mine out just before or just after—”
           “You’re better than that.”
           “’M not better than that.”
           Peter doesn’t answer. Peter doesn’t answer, and Ace doesn’t defend himself, just turns the radio dial again, finds an oldies station, and soon, there’s “Get Off of My Cloud,” slamming in as irreverently as ever. Jagger singing about parking tickets. Peter doesn’t even know what Jagger’s singing about these days, what album he’s promoting now, but he knows he still has an audience for all Brian’s been dead in his pool for twenty years now.
           “They’re still really good guys, y’know.” Ace is conversational, his sneakered feet tapping out of time against the rental’s dash. “Eric and Bruce are nice. I don’t wish them anything bad.”
           “I didn’t say I did—”
           “Gene and Paul, too.”
“Okay, now, that’s bullshit, Ace.”
“It’s not! You know it’s not, man.”
“Maybe you don’t wish them anything bad, but you’re not telling me they’re good guys.”
“You know ’em as well as I do, Peter.” Ace exhales. Out of the corner of his eye, Peter watches him lean forward and retie his shoelace as he talks, the beer can nestled between his thighs. “Paul’s always been a nervous wreck. You get past that and he’s all right.”
“You got past it, you mean. You used to blow him on tour.”
“You’re damn right I did.” Ace laughs and takes another gulp of beer. “Never did calm him down any, but—”
“Did you fuck him, too?” Peter’s not sure why he’s bothering to ask when it doesn’t matter. Ace’s list of conquests never got too extensive. He’d always done far more champagne and coke than groupies.
“Paulie? Nah. Don’t think he was up to it.”
“What about Gene?”
Ace blinks, then laughs again.
“Fuck, no. He’s an opportunist, but he’s not all that queer. You know that.” Ace pauses. Peter can feel his stare, brief but way too knowing, given how drunk he is, on his face. “You jealous, Cat?”
Peter snorts and changes the radio station.
           “Why the fuck would I be? I don’t care where your dick’s been.”
           “Dunno. Pretty late in the day to be asking me all that, is all.” Ace takes another swallow of beer.
“Just curious.” The words hang in the air for a couple seconds too long, and Peter clears his throat. “Figured it might make it feel like a high school reunion or some shit. Hearing ’em on the radio and thinking, Jesus, I fucked that bastard.”
Ace crooks a grin.
“You think that about me?”
“Maybe if I heard you more.”
Ace’s expression shifts briefly before that spaced-out, dopey look slips right back on like a baby’s bib. He doesn’t say anything for a good half a mile, doesn’t even hum along to the radio, which makes Peter a little on edge, but then Ace finally starts up again.
“Don’t kid yourself about the guys. They want the old days back as much as we do. Maybe even more.”
           “You’re a fucking liar. Keep going.”
           “You ever watch their music videos?” Ace closes his eyes and laughs. “Christ, poor Paulie. I haven’t seen anyone that desperate since Carter tried to get reelected.”
           “Good.” Peter reaches over for the beer in Ace’s hand. Ace doesn’t even blink before lifting it and tipping it to Peter’s lips, not that it shuts out his next comment. “They never did any better than ‘Beth.’ They never will. Nobody’s gonna let ’em forget that.”
           “Yeah. Yeah, I know.”
           Ace lowers the beer. It’s as good a signal as any.
“Where’d you want to go, Ace?”
           “Mmm. I think it used to be just over… oh, change lanes, change lanes. There, yeah. Take a left.”
           Peter obediently makes the turn.
           “You sure about this?”
           “’S an adventure, Pete.” Ace cracks another grin. “All right. Pull in over there.”
           “The bakery?”
           “Ace, I can’t parallel park for shit.”
           Ace laughs and fumbles over Peter, one leg on his lap, the other straddling the gear shift. Peter lets out a litany of curses, but Ace just keeps on, pushing Peter’s hands off the steering wheel and managing to park the rental—perfectly—amid a chorus of honking horns.
           “You crazy fucker!”
           “We got in, didn’t we? C’mon.”
           “I can’t come on with you on top of me, asshole!”
           Another snort.  Ace’s hair, plenty dark enough, but limper than it used to be, brushes against Peter’s face for a second as he climbs off him and steps out of the car, holding the door open for him. Peter stumbles out, breathing still a little heavy, following Ace into the dingy bakery.
           Inside, the counters are still laden with early morning pastries. Doughnuts and cinnamon rolls and muffins laid out beneath the glass. Some cookies and chocolates up top. Peter cocks his head, wondering what Ace wants, resigning himself to cleaning up the rental after. But Ace doesn’t even spare the pastries a glance before striding over to the counter.
           “You got any white cakes?”
           The counter girl nodded.
           “With white icing… nah, nah, it’s not for a birthday. Don’t write on it. It—” Ace pauses, glances briefly at Peter, furtive look on his face. “Didja have the tiered kind?”
           “The tiered kind?”
           “Fuck, gimme a pencil, I’ll just draw it.” Ace’s brow furrows. For a second Peter thinks Ace is still talking to him, but then he sees the girl hand him a pen and a napkin. Peter starts to look over as Ace draws, but Ace just curls his free hand around the napkin, like a kid hiding his answers. He pushes the napkin over to the girl at the counter without another word.
           “I’ll pick it up tomorrow morning. You got my name, right?”
           “Yeah.” The girl’s staring at the napkin. Peter recognizes that expression, that dawning look. It’s not one he gets these days outside of the clubs. Sometimes not even then. “You were in that band. KISS.”
Ace just nods and tosses his arm over Peter’s shoulders before they head toward the door.
“Yeah. He was, too.”
           Ace has Peter stop at a couple more places after that. Lunch at a soup and sandwich shop. Twenty minutes or so at a record store, Ace flipping through the rock magazines, brow furrowed. He’s looking for an advertisement for his upcoming album. Peter, meanwhile, skims the teenage girl shit, stuff like Tiger Beat and Rock Scene, snorting at the pinups. Ratt grimacing. Jon Bon Jovi shirtless. And, inevitably, there’s Paul with his fly unzipped and his tanktop askew, with Gene standing sullenly next to him, neither even trying to smile for the camera.
           “Look on the back side,” Ace says absently. Peter flips the page, half-surprised to see his own face staring back. His and Ace’s and Paul’s and Gene’s. It’s from the Japan concerts. It’s from when they sold out the Budokan five nights in a row.
           “Jesus Christ, doesn’t this shit piss you off?”
           Ace shrugs and doesn’t answer.
           “I’ve been out almost ten years and they’re still getting every drop of use from me they can!”
           “Hey, now. Marilyn Monroe’s been dead almost thirty years and she still sells pinups.” Ace pauses. “Course, you’re not quite that cute, but—”
“It’s fucking trashy.”
“You’d be more pissed off if you weren’t in there at all, man. It’s a good picture.” Ace leans over, tracing Peter’s face on the magazine spread with his fingernail. “It’s a real good picture.”
           “You’re an idiot,” Peter responds on idle automatic. Ace laughs again as Peter creases the magazine cover before he sets it back on the stand
           “They don’t have the ad in yet. ’S all right, though.” Ace cocks his head. “When’s your show start?”
           “Then we got time.”
           Peter almost expects him to ask for the keys again, but he doesn’t. There’s the familiar, brief clasp of Ace’s hand against his arm as they head out of the music store, too. Peter feels like an urchin, walking out of these shitty little shops without buying anything, when ten years ago, he’d been worth ten million. There’s nothing he wants here, but that doesn’t matter. He can’t help feeling fleeced. He can’t help feeling cheated.
           Once they’re back in the car, Ace is hopeless as usual. He’d stashed another beer in the backseat floorboard this morning, apparently, and now he’s swilling it down. He’s cracking jokes and making passes as if he has to anymore, as if he really ever had to, while Peter tries to keep his eyes on the road. It’s not until Ace strokes his arm that his concentration really starts to falter, and falter badly, and by that time, they’re almost at the hotel.
           Fucking around is thoughtless as ever. Peter pulls into the parking lot and they’re scrambling in the backseat before too long, but something about it feels pathetic now, like chasing that first cocaine high with the honest hope of catching it again. The scars from ’74 aren’t so bad on Ace’s face as they ought to be, but the lines sinking into his forehead and around his jaw aren’t just vague insinuations these days. They don’t keep Peter from kissing him. They don’t keep Peter from wanting him.
           “Let’s go in,” Peter finally says, armrest digging into his back, half breathless for all that they’ve only been groining around. Clothes not even off yet. Ace’s hand is wormed down beneath Peter’s slacks, but he hasn’t managed to get more than a few fondles in, and he’s been too damn lazy to even unzip him. “I’m not cleaning this shit up after.”
           “Who says there’ll be a mess?”
           “There always is.”
           “All right, all right,” and they stumble out together, Peter having to hold him steady. The hotel receptionist doesn’t blink, but Peter could swear he feels her stare on them both. Two middle-aged guys faltering around at only three in the afternoon. She’s got to be judging them, but Peter barely gives a fuck by the time they’re back in the room, sinking onto clean sheets and making each other ordinary again.
It’s better in the hotel. It’s a lot better. Ace never gets desperate for it even when he’s drunk; there’s this eerie, canny awareness to him that makes Peter wonder. Peter presses a couple kisses up Ace’s neck, trailing to meet his chin and finally his lips, remembering the sticky taste of black lipstick and the burn of first-rate champagne. He can’t leave a smudge on him with both their faces bare, but sometimes he wants to. Right now, he wants to. Ace, gasping beneath him, pistons his hips eagerly.
They used to keep it going forever. Usually there’d be a girl between them, sometimes two or three and they’d entertain those girls first, hotel overflowing with booze and blow and the pungent smell of sex. Three in the morning and they’d still be at it, the warm, wet heat molding skin to skin, and fuck, wasn’t it sordid, wasn’t it rotten, except when Ace would smile or crack a joke or—or some stupid shit like that, and yank the whole sorry lie out from under his feet. Remind him, crazily, that under the greasepaint, he was just some guy from Brooklyn who’d gotten lucky. Peter didn’t think Ace meant to do it. It didn’t even make him mad to be torn out of the reverie; in fact, there was something weirdly refreshing about it. Every tour had leeched a little more out of shy, cautious Paul until he’d all but replaced himself with that prima donna Starchild; every tour had hardened Gene up from a workaholic Kelly girl to an overbearing, self-righteous bastard. Ace had drowned in coke and booze, sure, but at least there was always something about him Peter could recognize. Something Peter could come back to.
Could keep coming back to, even now. Peter leans over, licks absently at the sweat beading and dripping on Ace’s face as he yanks down his jeans, yanks off his shirt. The rest of him’s softened up, but Ace’s legs are still skinny as ever, thighs twitching when Peter reaches for his cock and slowly eases into a steady rhythm around him. Ace paws lazily at Peter’s fly a few times, and at first Peter bats his hand back, until Ace’s fingers get a little more meaningful, the dreamy, dazed look in his eyes fading, and then Peter lets Ace unzip him and start stroking his dick in turn.
“Remember?” Ace says, all of a sudden.
“Remember what?”
“That first time. That first time, with Sweet Connie.” Ace isn’t breathing much heavier yet for how hard he is. No surprise. Peter had never gotten a great look at him from the drumkit, but any guy who’d get off onstage every night he could and still manage to stumble through choruses and encores afterwards had something, some kind of stamina holding him up. “Back in ’76. She was trying to be coy, y’know, like she hadn’t fucked every rockstar who’d come through Little Rock…”
“Yeah, I remember.” Connie had been a badge of honor. A sign of making it. Biggest whore in the whole damn South and yet they’d all wanted a piece of her. She’d taken turns with KISS, going from bed to bed like a demented circuit rider. “She dove right down under the covers like she was bobbing for apples.”
Ace snickers.
“Yeah, and then I got her outta the way…”
“I didn’t even know you’d switched at first.” They’d both been down there, after all. Ace had been pulling Peter’s toes, giggling like a Bond villain on acid as Peter spewed at him to knock that shit off while he was getting blown. Then there’d been a little rustling, a little mumbling, and then Connie’s mouth was off his dick and Ace’s was there instead, mouth tight and hot and wet around him. Didn’t feel any different. Didn’t panic when Connie popped back up for air and planted a hard kiss right against his mouth, confirming everything. Didn’t panic at all, just peeled back the covers to meet a pair of sleepy brown eyes, still half-covered in eyeshadow and greasepaint. Ace hadn’t stopped. Just given him a thumbs-up.
           Peter had given him one back.
           “Didn’t you? Nngh, thought my… technique might… might be distinctive…” Ace trails. That glazed look in his eyes is getting a little worse with every shove of his hips as Peter’s fingers rub against his dick. “Fuck, you’re not gonna stop at handjobs today, are you? Figured you were a little more romantic…”
           “Turn around, then.”
           “Nah, nah, just get over here,” and then Peter, grumbling, stops jerking Ace off long enough to shift and close that last lonesome distance between them. Straddling him like he’d done a hundred times before, easy. Easy. Ace slides his hand down, starts stroking their cocks together in an smooth rhythm while Peter shudders above him. His dick’s throbbing almost painfully against Ace’s, precum slickening Ace’s grip, always so casual, so relaxed. Only Ace could ever make fucking around seem almost languid and still manage to drive Peter insane with it. Every needy drive, every urgent breath he presses against Ace’s skin, the needy roll of his hips, craving more pressure, more intensity—every bit of it doesn’t seem to do a damn thing until Peter grasps at Ace’s hair, pulling roughly, until he presses a few more kisses to his neck and cheek and mouth. Until Peter’s teeth catch on Ace’s earring and tug, making Ace groan, turn his head from side to side.
           “Fuck, Peter…”
           Peter watches the focus fade in and out of Ace’s expression like a flickering lightbulb. There’s something different about it than usual, something he can’t place. Like something’s bothering him. But he’s close. Too close to play around anymore. Ace’s strokes get more purposeful, free hand clasping Peter’s shoulder, leaving faint pink indents among the freckles, and Ace comes only a couple seconds later with a quick jerk and a curse, eyes sliding shut, grip loosening, come mingling with the scent of sweat in the air, all over both their stomachs and cocks. Peter half-expects Ace to finish stroking him off like usual, but instead he lets go entirely.
           “Mm, just use me, you wanna?”
           “You’re so fucking lazy,” but there’s no rancor in Peter’s words, none at all, as he repositions his painfully hard dick between Ace’s thighs. Ace smiles and squeezes them tight around him, enveloping Peter’s cock in a soft, slick heat that’s so easy to thrust and grind against.
           “’S a nice view. Always is.”
           Ace plays for him that night after all. “Black Diamond” and “Hard Luck Woman” both. He’s not on, really on, the way he was the night before, but that doesn’t really matter. The crowd still goes insane. Some guy, some fan comes up to Peter afterwards, asks if they’re gonna tour together, really tour together, the two of them, and Peter hasn’t felt so warm in years.
           “It isn’t the same without you guys,” he confesses, and maybe he’s drunk, but Peter doesn’t care. It feels good to hear. It feels good to be wanted. “KISS, I mean.”
           “It’s not,” Peter says, and he waits, wondering when he’s expected to give those stupid pat answers just to guarantee Gene’ll throw some backing vocals his way next album, or Paul’ll toss in a song from his discard pile. Peter hasn’t been playing their game over the last couple years and the last dozen interviews, and he knows it rankles the hell out of them, Paul especially, to still be dodging questions on why he left nearly a decade on. Has to be hurting Eric’s feelings, too, but… well. The only crime Eric committed was showing up for an audition, but on Peter’s lowest days, that’s crime enough.
           The guy doesn’t push for more, though, just leaves after a handshake. No opportunity to splatter his bitterness in front of an eager audience. Instead it’s just his band again—a band it’s bleeding him to keep—and Ace, sunk down in his seat, gulping down champagne like water. Peter hasn’t been keeping track of Ace’s drinks, but he has been paying attention to Ace’s demeanor. He’d autographed all the setlists, sloppily. Even a couple napkins. Added a star onto his name sometimes, the playing card others, like he’d forgotten his own moniker. Peter only knows because he’d signed them right after.
But what’s really concerning is that he’s not cutting up with the band. None of the half-remembered jokes, not even the old drunken bullshit about aliens and Jendell. No, Ace is just being quiet. A lousy sign if ever there was one. Peter sighs, checks his watch—half an hour since he had a drink of his own, which is downright impressive, and good enough for him to opt to lean in, nose brushing against Ace’s hair, not even half on accident.
“I’ll take you back to the hotel.”
           “Peter, ’s fine—"
           “You’re gonna pass out. I’ll take you back.”
           “Oh, the fuck do you really care, man?”
           “Jesus, Ace, just c’mere—”
           “No, I mean it, I really mean it.” Ace takes another swallow of champagne, then pushes the glass down the table. “Always figured I knew you better than anybody. Always figured I knew what you wanted.”
           “What’re you talking about?”
           “I mean…” Ace exhales, “Christ, Petey, you still got Gene’s bass. Sentimental as fuck. You can’t tell me you don’t know.”
           “Don’t bullshit me. What do you mean, I don’t know?”
           Ace’s eyes narrow. He grabs his arm and gets up abruptly, half-lugging Peter out of the chair.
“I ain’t gonna say all this shit in front of your band.”
Any other time, that would’ve rankled the saboteur in him. Would’ve made Peter want to demand Ace say exactly what he had to say right now, in front of God and the band and whoever the hell else cared to listen in. His pulse is already up higher than it needs to be when he takes a good look, a really good look, up at Ace’s face, those odd, dark eyes that always saw too much, the purse of those lips that he’d tried to kiss to bruising only hours before. The way his mouth’s starting to twitch down.
He’s not holding it together. Unbelievably, Ace isn’t holding it together.
“C’mon, then,” Peter grumbles out, and leads him out of the club and back to the rental the way he has two dozen times before. The drive back to the hotel is almost unbearable. Ace is quiet, mostly, for the hour it takes. Never offers any apologies or explanation, just changes the radio station every so often. Once Peter steals a glance to the side just to find that he’s passed out—but he jerks back awake when Peter makes too sharp a turn on an exit.
“You think I came clear over to fucking California for the hell of it?” he says softly, finally, after Peter pulls into the hotel parking lot.
“Figured it might be for the album. Figured you had somebody you wanted to see.”
“Only showed up for you.” In the dim light of the streetlamps, crossing over from the lot to the hotel entrance, Ace rubs his neck like he’s feeling around for a choker that isn’t there. He’s not stumbling quite so badly now. Peter’s seen him so much worse and still coherent. “I keep up, y’know? I keep up.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” They all keep up. They all fucking keep up. Gene knows what Paul’s doing knows what Ace’s doing knows what Peter’s doing, and vice-versa, all around the bend. Any given month. Any given month. That obsessive, incestuous circle of awareness. That underhanded vibe to following each other, endlessly following each other, through magazines and MTV, scattered columns and radio ads. He doesn’t understand it for all that he’s a part of it.
“You know why I came by, don’t you? Pete, don’t you?”
Peter knows. Maybe, deep down, he’s known the entire time.
           The next morning, Peter gets up early. Watches Ace sleep for a minute or two—he’ll be dead to the world way past check-out, if Peter doesn’t rouse him himself—but Peter doesn’t really mind. Another charge on a second-rate hotel isn’t the worst expense he’s dealt with over the last couple years. The days he had more money than God are gone, aren’t ever coming back, but he can afford this.
           And he can afford a cake from that little bakery, even if he can’t parallel park over there. Three tiny tiers, white icing. Not terribly bigger than a baby’s cake, the kind the parents buy just so they can tape the kid wrecking it. No real decoration beyond the little piped-on stars surrounding each tier. No writing on it, either, not when the whole of it’s gone unsaid and barely-said for going on thirteen years now.
           Thirteen years.
           Peter gets back to the hotel with the cake box under one arm, fumbling with the key. Fumbling with the crappy little saucers and the plastic flatware and the plastic cups that’re all the kitchenette offers. Trying to make everything presentable, neatly arranged on a tray, the cake right there in the center. He pours what’s left of that orange juice carton into the cups. It’s not champagne, but it’ll do. It’ll do for today.
           “Hey. Hey, Ace.”
           Peter has to poke Ace to get him to as much as open his eyes. Ace grunts, tries to just roll back over, but Peter clamps down on one of his arms, yanks him into sitting up in bed.
           “Ace, c’mon, man—”
           He’s afraid Ace is going to slink back down into the covers just to spite him. He’d deserve it. Deserve it as much as he deserved anything he ever got from a bedmate or a wife. But then Ace catches sight of the tray and that tired expression shifts to something else. Something warm. Something that could be all right, whether or not they ever make it again.
“You picked up the cake.”
“Course I did.”
“Pete,” and there’s a heaviness to Ace’s tone that isn’t just from waking up, maybe a slight, unbelievable crack, “Pete, you didn’t have to—”
“I did.” Peter swallows. “Thirteen years. Hell of a long time to put up with me.”
“Aw, Pete, you’re not so bad—”
“Nah, I’m worse.” The smile’s tugging on his face, pulling up his cheeks. His heart’s beating too hard as he reaches over, brushes Ace’s mussed, wavy hair back behind his shoulder, hand lingering there. His arms haven’t hurt all morning. Not a twinge of pain. It might as well be ’76 again for how good he feels right now. “Hey, let’s get this cut, yeah?”
Ace’s fingers catch his. Lace around his, really, callused fingertips against the back of his hand, stroking his knuckles. Peter rubs them in return. Every movement seems lighter. Every moment seems softer. Like something he can believe in, like a gentler reality than he’s pictured in years, as Ace rests his head against his shoulder, and smiles.
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
My Soul to Keep
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Genre: Demon AU
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Kris Wu
Summary: Kris never had a problem with what he was. He’d bargain and make deals with mortals in exchange for their souls. It was just the job. But when an assignment puts you in his path, he’s suddenly questioning his existence. As the consequences of his choices catch up with him, how much in harms way will you be?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I Final
You took a deep breath as you stood outside the building. The sign above the door read “Wu Law Firm” and seemed legitimate from what you could see. But you still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up. Maybe it was just the fact that your life had been absolute shit for the better part of it and now this miracle seemed too good to be true.
“Just suck it up and go inside,” you growled at yourself. Taking one more lung-filling breath, you grabbed the door handle and went inside.
The lobby was a decent size, with very comfortable looking chairs lined up against the wall and a very pretty receptionist sitting at the front desk. You approached slowly, not wanting to disturb her as she typed away on her keyboard.
Hearing you approach, she looked up and gave you a genuine smile.
“Hi, how can I help you?”
“Um,” you cleared your throat to try and stable out your voice. “My name is (y/n) (l/n). I have an appointment with Mr. Wu?”
Her face lit up and she jumped out of her chair. “Yes! Follow me!”
She headed down a hallway to your right, her heels clicked on the hardwood floor. The door she stopped in front of simply read “Wu”. Softly, she knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
The receptionist turned to you. “Go on in.”
Before you could thank her, she was off down the hall and back to her desk. You turned the doorknob and entered the office.
Everything was decorated in shades of gray. Nothing personal hung from the walls that gave you any clues to the owner’s private life, just vague painting replicas and blown up landscape pictures. The furniture was all dark woods, beautifully polished to perfection. Mr. Wu sat at the oversized desk in front of a large window where the shades were drawn. He was focused on the task at hand, going over papers laid out before him. When he looked up at you and smiled, you froze.
Whether it was the grief, the shock, or the sunglasses, you hadn’t realized how handsome he was back at the funeral. During your life, the other lawyers you’d interacted with were usually middle aged men with hair plugs and a beer belly. But Mr. Wu’s face was clean shaven, showing off a sharp jawline. His jacket was draped over the back of his chair, leaving on just the white button-down with the sleeves rolled up to show off his toned forearms. A pair of cute round glasses sat on his nose, completing the look.
Stop it, (y/n)! He’s your aunt’s lawyer, not a guy in a bar for you to ogle at.
You were just still disoriented from losing two family members so close together. You needed to keep your mind on the reason you were here, nothing more.
Mr. Wu stood up and gestured to the chairs resting in front of the desk. “Please, sit.”
You did, trying to remain focused.
“Thank you for coming today,” he said, shuffling the papers together and placing them off to the side. “I’ll try to make this quick.” He pulled more papers out from a drawer and laid them out, facing you. After sliding a pen towards you, he folded his hands in front of them. “All I need is your signatures accepting the inheritance and then I can get everything transferred to your accounts. You should be able to access the money by tomorrow.”
Your jaw dropped. “That fast?”
He nodded. “Yes. Everything else has gone through and I’m taking the fast channels so your aunt’s estate could be settled quickly. As for the house, you can move in there as well.”
You shook your head. “No, I’ll just sell it.”
From what you’d been told, your aunt lived in a mansion-like house in the fancy neighborhood north of town. You didn’t need - nor did you want - that kind of space. Instead, you’d find yourself a smaller house, something simple where you wouldn’t feel the emptiness as much.
“It’s your choice,” Mr. Wu shrugged.
You grabbed the pen, skimming over the documents before signing on the dotted line. Once you were finished, Mr. Wu stacked them up again.
“I’ll get this taken care of for you right away,” he promised.
You smiled, feeling like some weight had been lifted off your shoulders. “Is there anything else?”
He shook his head, standing up. “No, that’s it.” He held his hand out to you, “It was a pleasure doing business with you, Miss (l/n).”
You took it, somewhat disappointed by the sense of finality in his voice. “Thank you, Mr. Wu.”
It’d been a month since you signed the papers and Kris had moved on to other “clients”. But he couldn’t shake you for some reason. You weren’t anything special. You weren’t a Mother Teresa or an angel or anything else that was extraordinary.
Maybe it was the way your brother had pleaded and fought for you. Maybe it was how ultimately good you were. He’d kept an eye on you, making sure that the transfer had really gone as smoothly as he’d promised. He watched you move out of the dingy studio apartment you’d been inhabiting into a small two bedroom house. The new home was in a much nicer neighborhood, but still simple; nothing extreme or outlandish. Nothing that someone who had just inherited a fortune would buy.
And that was how you were living your life. You didn’t go shopping at the high end stores, overstocking your wardrobe with designer brands or buying the latest technology. You’d set most of the money up in Time Deposits, just letting it sit. As for working, you kept at it. Sure, you’d quit two of your jobs, but you kept going to the animal shelter, spending five days a week there, taking care of the cats and dogs housed within its walls.
After snagging another soul wishing for fame and fortune, Kris was itching to see you, to be near someone not so selfish. So, like an idiot, he jumped in the car (a slow but less attention-seeking mode of travel) and drove to the shelter.
You were in the back of the kennels, washing the coat of a golden retriever. The dog was sitting obediently as you rinsed out the shampoo with the detachable shower head. You were wearing a simple t-shirt displaying the name of the shelter and khaki shorts sporting plenty of pockets. There was nothing glamorous about your appearance, and yet, somehow, Kris found himself smiling.
At his approach, the dog barked, alerting you to the visitor.
Your eyes lit up at his presence and Kris found himself liking that a bit too much.
“Mr. Wu!”
The retriever shook out his coat, spraying water droplets all over you. Kris bit back a snicker as you laughed, wiping the water from your face. You turned off the water and grabbed a towel to start drying the dog’s fur.
“Miss (l/n),” he feigned surprise. “What a coincidence. I wasn’t expecting to see you here. I figured you’d spend your days relaxing.”
“Money or not,” you laughed, a strangely pleasant sound, “I couldn’t give up my time here. You can call me (y/n), by the way, Mr. Wu. I was never too big a fan of my last name.”
“Well, (y/n), I’m glad to see that you’re not just sitting poolside for the rest of your life,” Kris commented, putting his hands in his pockets and leaning up against the chain link fence that separated the dogs. “And you can call me Kris.”
You smiled. “Okay. Kris.”
Seemingly satisfied with your work on the golden retriever, you grabbed its collar and guided it back to its kennel. Turning back to Kris, you asked, “So, what brings you here?”
“Um,” Kris scratched the back of his head. He hadn’t quite thought that far. “The apartment gets a bit lonely sometimes, so I thought maybe a pet would help?” That made sense, right? Not that his actual home ever got lonely. Quite the opposite.
You pursed your lips. “Are lawyers ever home?”
Kris laughed. Did you catch his lie? “I like to take evenings off.” Not exactly a fib. He managed to work his own time that way. 
Nodding, you crossed your arms lazily over your stomach. “Okay. How’s your schedule?”
Kris frowned. “Excuse me?”
“Your daily schedule?” you explained. “Do you have the same routine every day or is it pretty erratic?”
“The latter,” he answered honestly. You motioned for him to follow you.
Leaving the area housing the dogs, the two of you made it to the other side of the shelter where the felines were stored.
“I think a cat may be a better choice for you,” you suggested. The cages were stacked on each other, four up and across, in one giant box-like structure that covered a majority of the wall. “They take care of themselves pretty easily and don’t need as much attention as dogs do.”
Almost immediately, one creature caught the demon’s eye. Kris walked up to the black cat at was sitting as his eye level. Its ears perked up at his approach. Sticking a finger into the cage, he waited as the cat slowly crawled towards him and then started rubbing its head against his exposed digit. Cats always like his kind better than dogs. This one was still a kitten, just the size of his hand, maybe a bit smaller.
“Aw, he likes you,” you smiled, leaning against the cages. “Funny. Midnight hasn’t really liked anyone. It doesn’t help that he’s a black cat. Pets of that color have a lower adoption rate.”
Midnight. What a cliché name for a black cat. Kris maneuvered his finger to scratch Midnight’s chin. The cat was loving that given the steady purr in its throat.
“Do you want to hold him?” you asked.
Before Kris could protest, you’d already unlocked the cage and reached in, pulling the cat out. You held the poor thing out to him and Kris couldn't even find it in him to protest. He didn’t actually have any intentions of getting a pet; it was simply an excuse to see you. How did it come to this? The cat immediately cradled in the crook of his arm, purring in satisfaction.
“I think we just made a match,” you laughed.
Kris wanted to curse. The sparkling look on your face made it impossible for him to put the cat back. Junmyeon was going to kill him.
“So,” you traced the crisscross pattern on the cage near your hip, not meeting Kris’ eye, “would you like to come over for dinner?”
Kris nearly choked on the air in his throat. This wasn’t exactly the plan. He just wanted to see you, maybe chat a little. He was teetering on a very dangerous line. “D-dinner?”
“Yeah,” you answered meekly. “A-as friends, of course. I just like to cook, but it feels almost pointless doing all that work for only myself. You don’t have to, of course! I won’t be offended if you don’t want to.”
For a moment, Kris thought about it. Relationships with humans were strictly forbidden. In ten centuries, he’d never broken that rule. But it was just dinner. He’d already deliberately sought you out. Perhaps he could maintain his balance on the line and even cross back over to the side that was safe after he’d satisfied his curiosity.
He could go over, tell you some lie about him moving out of town or something and then never see you again for the rest of your life. It was a treacherous game he was playing. Especially if he ended up not being able to tell you good bye. But he couldn’t stop himself. Maybe it was how boring and monotonous his life had become. Maybe he just wanted something to play with for a while. Whatever it was, it made him agree.
“Sure,” he nodded, scratching the space between Midnight’s ears. “Dinner would be nice.”
You beamed at his answer.
A treacherous game indeed.
@sassyattackdog @lovebuginlove
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goddamnitdazai · 6 years
rockstar au {chuuya}
Chuuya started singing at a very young age. Music was the only thing that got him through the boring rotation of foster families, orphanages, and multiple schools he spent the majority of his adolescence life in. Music was his only consistency and it was easy to keep his favorite bands’ music with him when he moved from place to place.    
His singing and vocal range is self taught. Chuuya would often walk around at night listening to his favorite vocalists and try to mimic their ranges. Empty parking lots, the docks, on the scaffolding of old abandoned buildings. Anywhere with a decent echo and silence.
Chuuya started his first band with a few kids he met in the neighborhood of his last orphanage before he turned 17 and decided to drop out of school and venture out on his own. Eventually they started booking gigs when the other members graduated the following year. His voice got him instant recognition, the sharp tones he could hit differed from any of the other rock music out there.
They got noticed after two rough years of playing small clubs, touring around Japan in a shitty van living off of chips and instant ramen. Chuuya was extremely weary about signing with the record company and it took over a month for the contract to be exactly the way he wanted. He wasn’t about to lose his band over some legal bullshit he didn’t catch because they were too excited to read a contract.
Their first signal dropped in the spring and by summer time the anticipation for a third single and full album was all over social media. Before they announced a concert the band did a photo shoot that focused on Chuuya in a white t-shirt and leather jacket, soaked in water and winking. Their first concert sold out a day after tickets went on sale.
Chuuya almost always plays encores for his fans even if he’s exhausted. Unless he’s feeling sick or there’s something else he has to do right after he loves giving fans an extra song or two even after performing a full concert.
Almost every concert ends with him shirtless. He tosses his water bottles, his shirt, and sometimes little pre-signed keychains with a microphone on it during big events. He wears the same leather jacket he’s had since he was fourteen, but leaves it open so all the hard work he’s done on his body isn’t covered once his shirt ends up tossed to the crowd in the middle of a song.
Chuuya tied his hair up once during a rehearsal they released on Snapchat and it became a massive thing. He was slightly confused on the appeal but ended up making it a habit during outdoor concerts. The only time Chuuya doesn’t throw his hair up is during slower songs where he makes it very clear he knows how to move his hips. His hands wind around the microphone stand and he lets the metal rub against his chest and abdomen.
After parties for his band are the opposite of calm. He knows better than to let them do stupid shit when they’re drunk, but that doesn’t mean he’s not popping expensive bottles in the penthouse suite of one of the most expensive hotels in Yokohama. Getting an invite to these are rare, as much as he appreciates the perks of fame Chuuya prefers to spend the after-concert high with close friends.
Chuuya pours on the charm during autograph signings and photo ops with fans, but sleeping with them is a strict ‘No’ in his book. He’s known far too many people in his position that cross that line and end up having to shell out tons of money to keep it quiet or something more dramatic happens that has to be covered for months. He doesn’t have the patience or the time to deal with some bullshit scandal, if he wants to get laid he’ll stick to meeting through friends (even if its a one night stand).
Chuuya is always exploring his vocal range. In the car, in the shower, when he’s relaxing at home. Innovative vocals are what got him noticed and he doesn’t want to throw away his natural given talent; besides sticking to the same routine is incredibly boring. When he’s in a slump Chuuya often listens to old favorites or delves into obscure artists from all over the world to study and advance his technique.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Games to Play in 2021
While 2020 was a landmark year for the gaming industry thanks to the release next-gen consoles and PC graphics cards, there are plenty of exciting new games coming in 2021. From highly-anticipated sequels like God of War: Ragnarok and Resident Evil Village to brand-new experiences such as Chorus and Deathloop, there’s plenty to look forward to this year.
To start the year off right, we’ve curated a list of the 2021 games we’re most excited about, including big AAA blockbusters as well as imaginative indie titles. Keep in mind that we’ve only included games that at the very least have a vague “2021” release window attached, which is why we’re not including games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel or Final Fantasy XVI. We’ll of course update this article as new 2021 titles are announced.
Here’s what you have to look forward to this year:
The Ascent
TBA | Neon Games | XSX, XBO, PC
The Ascent was originally planned as an Xbox Series X launch title before it slipped into 2021. A twin stick shooter at its core, The Ascent features a cover system as well as the ability to target high and low points on enemies, all in a destructible, open world cyberpunk setting. You can also fully customize your character with a variety augments.
Though Neon Games is a small studio, Epic Games was so impressed with early work on the title, that Neon was awarded a grant to help cover development costs. We’re really looking forward to this smaller take on the cyberpunk genre.
Axiom Verge 2
TBA | Thomas Happ Games | Switch
Metroidvanias from indie developers are a dime a dozen nowadays, but the original Axiom Verge stood out thanks to its tight controls, varied weapons, and compelling story. Axiom Verge 2 looks to largely be more of the same, but with even better graphics and more complex enemy patterns. The game has been in development for the past four years, but should finally be out in early 2021.
Balan Wonderworld
March 26 | Balan Company and Arzest | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
Balan Wonderworld has positioned itself as a modern take on classic platformers of the 32-bit era. You’ll choose from one of two characters, exploring a variety of worlds mixing reality and imagination, but the real hook is the 80 different costumes that will unlock new abilities for your characters.
The game is being directed by Yuji Naka of Sonic the Hedgehog fame. And the trailer has already been favorably compared to his other seminal work, Nights into Dreams. Platformer fans won’t want to miss this one.
Back 4 Blood
June 22 | Turtle Rock Studios | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Valve may not have been able to get its act together to make a new Left 4 Dead game, but the developer behind the best-selling franchise has a spiritual successor in the works. Just like in Left 4 Dead, you’ll team up with three other players to take on waves of the undead in missions that change every time you play. There will also be a competitive 4v4 mode with one team taking the role of the zombies.
We went hands-on with the Back 4 Blood alpha, and so far, it does play a lot like Left 4 Dead with updated graphics, which isn’t a bad thing at all if you miss the classic horde shooter. The card system, which bestows interesting perks (and buffs) to players and zombies, does add a bit of variety to the usual formula that make this one a sleeper hit in the streaming world.
Bravely Default II
February 26 | Claytechworks | Switch
The first two Bravely Default games released on the 3DS were typical fantasy RPGs bolstered by their unique risk-reward battle system. Players could use brave points to stack up attacks for big damage, or default to save them up and take less damage in a turn. It kept those games fresh, even if they sometimes dragged on for too long.
Bravely Default II brings the series’ unique combat exclusively to the Switch for the first time. And true to its Final Fantasy inspirations, the characters and story will be completely original, so you don’t need any familiarity with the earlier games.
Chivalry 2
TBA | Torn Banner Studios | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare was a huge multiplayer hit on the PC when it was released in 2012. Unfortunately, with lagging developer support, most of the community moved on to other games long ago. Now, Torn Banner is hoping to bring players back with the sequel, which boasts next-gen graphics, improved combat, and massive 64-player battles. Needless to say, Chivalry 2 could be the next big thing in multiplayer. The game is currently in Closed Alpha, so you might be able to check it out before release if you sign up here.
TBA | Fishlabs | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Stadia
There’s been a serious lack of good third-person space combat shooters in recent years, but Chorus looks to rectify that. In this single-player game, you’ll play as Nara and her sentient ship Forsaken as they work together to track down the cult that created them in what Fishlabs is calling a “dark new universe.” It kind of looks like Goth Star Fox.
Unfortunately, we haven’t really seen anything more from Chorus since it was announced last summer. Hopefully, the radio silence ends soon.
TBA | Smilegate Entertainment and Remedy Entertainment | XSX, XBO
CrossFire is a hugely popular tactical first-person shooter in China and South Korea, even though it’s barely made a mark in the West. Fortunately, Microsoft is bringing an updated version of the shooter exclusively to its consoles in hopes that it’ll catch on. Expect lots of tense, objective-based multiplayer action, and though the series isn’t known for its single-player, we’re looking forward to what Remedy can do with this mode hot on the heels of the excellent Control.
Like several of the titles on this list, CrossfireX was planned as a launch title for the Series X, but was delayed into 2021 due to development issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait that much longer for this one.
May 21 | Arkane Studios | PS5, PC
What if you could combine the movie Groundhog Day with the Hitman series? It’s likely that no one had actually asked that question before Deathloop. You play as Colt, an assassin stuck in a time loop on an island in the midst of a party that resets every day. You have to eliminate eight targets before midnight and avoid dying yourself, or you’ll end up at the beginning of the loop again.
Deathloop also features a multiplayer component that allows players to jump into your game as an assassin named Julianna, who is tasked with taking Colt down before he can complete his mission. This PvP aspect should result in some very interesting playthroughs.
While Microsoft now owns Arkane as part of its purchase of ZeniMax Media and Bethesda Softworks, don’t expect Deathloop on the Xbox any time soon. It’s still launching exclusively on the PS5 and PC.
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny
TBA | Nippon Ichi Software | Switch
After a couple of well-received remakes, the first new Disgaea title in more than five years should be out in 2021. This time around, the offbeat story focuses on Zed, a zombie who attempts to use something called “super reincarnation” to stop the seemingly invincible God of Destruction who is slowly destroying all worlds.
While both the PlayStation 4 and Switch are dialed in for Japanese releases in January, so far only a Switch version has been announced for the West.
Evil Dead: The Game
TBA | Boss Team Games and Saber Interactive | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
The Evil Dead movies are considered all-time horror classics, but success has always eluded the franchise in the world of video games. But that could be about to change. Announced at The Game Awards, Evil Dead: The Game sees Ash and friends taking on waves of Deadites on several maps, including the iconic cabin in the woods. Gameplay appears to be similar to Saber’s previous adaptation, World War Z, which was a solid title that never quite seemed to find an audience.
Far Cry 6
TBA | Ubisoft | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Stadia, Luna
By now we all know what to expect from Far Cry: hop into a tropical paradise, blow up a bunch of outposts, and methodically take back the land from the big bad guy. After a detour into the American wilderness with Far Cry 5, the next entry in the series heads to Yara, a fictional Caribbean country heavily based on Cuba. And with Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad and The Mandalorian fame playing the big bad El Presidente, you know we’re in for some especially awesome villainy.
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
TBA | Steel Wool Studios | PS5, PS4, PC
The Five Nights at Freddy’s series has been terrorizing gamers for more than a half decade now, and Steel Wool Studio is looking to up the scares with the power of next-generation graphics. We don’t know how exactly the game will play yet, but the announcement video showcased a very cool looking shopping mall with an ‘80s motif. On the PS5 and PC, Security Breach will support real-time raytracing, so Freddy and the gang should look better than ever.
Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection
February 25 | Capcom | Switch
After a lengthy absence, the crushingly difficult Ghosts ‘n Goblins series is just a few weeks away from a new release. The debut trailer from The Game Awards shows off the series’ classic 2D gameplay, with the knight Arthur fighting his way through hordes of familiar enemies. Of course, the new graphics look much better than the old NES and SNES games.
Start honing those classic platforming skills now, because if Resurrection is anything like the previous games, you’re going to die. A lot.
Ghostwire: Tokyo 
TBA | Tango Gameworks | PS5, PC
Tango Gameworks has only released two titles to date: The Evil Within and its sequel. Anyone who played those games can tell you, the developers know horror. With a variety of deformed enemies and a mind-bending plot, The Evil Within titles are two of the scariest games of the last decade.
Ghostwire: Tokyo is a brand new IP that moves the action to the third-person. Instead of the typical firearms, you’ll be dispatching ghosts with psychic powers. Expect an exceedingly creepy experience regardless.
God of War: Ragnarok 
TBA | SIE Santa Monica Studio | PS5
Sony has said almost nothing about the next God of War game except that it’s coming next year. One thing we do know is that Ragnarok is the mythical battle leading to the death of the Norse gods. With Kratos’ history of deicide, it only makes sense that he’ll be killing a whole lot of them in the next game. The previous title also hinted at a showdown with Thor, the god of thunder (no, not the Marvel guy), which should be pretty epic.
Gotham Knights
TBA | WB Games Montreal | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Batman is finally returning to PC and consoles in 2021, or rather, his sidekicks are in Gotham Knights. With Batman and Commissioner Gordon apparently dead, it’s up to Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, and Red Hood to clean up the streets of Gotham. The entire campaign can be played solo or in two player co-op, with each player able to level up their character as they tackle increasingly difficult missions. 
Guilty Gear Strive
TBA | Arc System Works | PS5, PS4, PC
The latest in the long-running Guilty Gear franchise should be out early in 2021 with some interesting new fighters as well as exciting returning characters. There will be a dedicated dash button and a new feature will let opponents who are knocked into walls cling to them. If you can land enough attacks, you will break through the wall and initiate a stage transition.
Arc has promised “a completely new Guilty Gear” with Strive. We’re not sure about that, but the trailers showcasing the franchise’s trademark mix of 2D and 3D graphics look better than ever.
Halo Infinite
Fall | 343 Industries | XSX, XBO, PC
After a disappointing reveal last July, Halo Infinite was bumped from the Series X launch to Fall 2021. The game has been described as both a sequel and a “spiritual reboot” for the series, so it will be interesting to see how far 343 Industries handles Cortana’s heel turn after the fan backlash Halo 5: Guardians received.
Many fans weren’t happy to hear more microtransactions will be added to Infinite in the form of “coatings” (shaders) that can be purchased to customize Spartans in multiplayer. It doesn’t help that players have yet to even see any multiplayer gameplay from Infinite.
Hopefully, the delay will give 343 the time it needs to put out a game that lives up to the series’ reputation.
Hitman III
January 20 | IO Interactive | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch, Stadia
IO’s rebooted Hitman games are among the most underrated titles of the last few years, streamlining the series’ once finnicky systems and placing Agent 47 in huge sandbox levels with more ways than ever to eliminate his targets. If you own the previous two games, you can import maps and progress to take advantage of Hitman III’s improvements on any platform, but only the PS4 version will support the PSVR headset for the ultimate Hitman experience.
Hogwarts Legacy 
TBA | Avalanche Software | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Hogwarts Legacy is about the closest any of us will ever get to a Hogwarts acceptance letter. Set in the 1800s, you’ll get to choose your House, learn spells, brew potions, and live the life of a young wizard in an open world. But don’t think you’ll be stuck behind Hogwarts’ walls for the entire game. The trailer also showed off Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest.
Horizon Forbidden West 
TBA | Guerilla Games | PS5, PS4
Thanks to its unique post-post-apocalyptic setting and fluid gameplay, Horizon Zero Dawn was one of the best open world games of the previous generation. The sequel looks to out do the original with even more varied environments like deserts, beaches, and the ruins of San Francisco. And there will of course be more mechanized prehistoric beasts than ever before.
While Forbidden West is coming to the PS4 as well, the PS5’s DualSense controller should provide the definitive experience thanks to its haptic feedback. You should finally be able to feel what it’s like for Aloy to pull back on her iconic bow.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
TBA | Traveller’s Tales | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
There have been plenty of Lego Star Wars games, including one that already adapted the “complete” saga, but this will be the first to feature the entire Sequel Trilogy. Even if you’ve played through those other games, The Skywalker Saga will feature never-before-seen levels and gameplay.
Traveller’s Tales promises an absolutely massive game, too. Each of the nine films features five levels, and the movies can be played through in any order. Nearly 500 playable characters are expected to be included in the final game. We’d love it if Mando and Grogu make the final cut, too.
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
TBA | Daedalic Entertainment | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
Making a pure action game or an RPG based on The Lord of the Rings is the obvious choice, so it’s a pleasant surprise to see a developer try something different with the franchise. Since Gollum isn’t exactly known for his combat prowess, this titular adventure will largely focus on stealth, following the creature on an adventure set between The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring. Unlike most recent Tolkien media, Gollum is based solely on the books and not the movies, so we should see some new visual takes on the usual orcs and trolls as well.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition 
Spring | BioWare | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Nearly a decade since its conclusion, the Mass Effect trilogy remains a favorite among many gamers. BioWare hasn’t commented too much about what to expect from this remaster, but we know the visuals will be upgraded to 4K, and all of the excellent post-launch DLC will be included. The developer has also promised other upgrades to bring the titles up to modern standards, so maybe we’ll see some changes to the first game’s finicky combat. And if Bioware is feeling particularly ambitious, we might even get a few hints as to what they have planned for the upcoming sequel.
The Medium
January 28 | Bloober Team | XSX, PC
Originally announced way back in 2012 for the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U, The Medium was shelved for years due to technological constraints before finally resurfacing in 2020. Gameplay focuses on a medium who can instantaneously travel between the real world and the spirit realm to solve puzzles, something that just wasn’t possible until the current crop of consoles adopted solid state drives.
Bloober Team has quietly built a reputation for itself excellent single-player horror games like Observer and Layers of Fear, and The Medium looks to be their best and most ambitious game yet.
Monster Hunter Rise
March 26 | Capcom | Switch
The excellent Monster Hunter: World helped the series find a large audience in the West, although the game’s more demanding performance requirements kept it off the Switch. But that’s okay because Rise is coming exclusively Nintendo’s portable-console hybrid. And rather than a watered down port of World, Capcom has said it’s a full-featured sequel with a new, more vertical map and all 14 weapon types from Monster Hunter: World and Monster Hunter Generations.Capcom has also announced that Rise will have some sort of compatibility with the upcoming Switch RPG Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, although we don’t know what that’ll entail just yet.
Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139…
April 23 | Square Enix | PS4, XBO, PC
Before Nier: Automata was hailed as one of the best games of the last generation, there was simply Nier, a quirky, slightly janky action RPG that nevertheless found a devoted fanbase on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Square Enix has been cagey on exactly what improvements we’ll see in Replicant, an updated version of the original, saying only that it’s somewhere between a remaster and a full remake. 
The screenshots we’ve seen so far look absolutely gorgeous, and the combat system will also be updated to more closely resemble Automata’s gameplay. Considering that Nier‘s graphics and combat were criticized at the time, Replicant could end up being the definitive version of the experience.
No More Heroes III
TBA | Grasshopper Manufacture | Switch
Another game that was bumped into 2021 at the last minute, we actually haven’t seen that much from this one, even though it should be out soon. Screenshots show Travis Touchdown wielding his trademark beam katana and performing pro wrestling moves on enemies. And everything looks much better on the Switch than the first two games originally released on the Wii.
As we’ve all come to expect from Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture by now, the story sounds absolutely bonkers, involving a weird parody of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and aliens posing as superheroes who Travis must now defeat to save the world. It doesn’t make a ton of sense, but No More Heroes fans wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Outlast Trials
TBA | Red Barrels | PC
While The Outlast Trials will be the third game in the Outlast series, it won’t follow the plot of the previous games and instead will focus on the subjects of some sort of Cold War experiment. Those earlier games didn’t feature any combat, instead forcing you to evade enemies to survive, and it’s a safe bet that The Outlast Trials will follow a similar gameplay structure. It’ll also feature four-player co-op, a first for the horror series. Knowing Red Barrels, you should expect something really scary.
February 22 | People Can Fly | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Outriders combines the shooter and RPG genres in some unique and engaging ways. At the start of the game, you’ll pick from one of four classes: the time manipulating Trickster, fire-controlling Pyromancer, the seismic-powered Devastator, or the Technomancer, each of whom has a full-featured skill tree. The three-player drop-in, drop-out gameplay showed so far looks a lot like Gears of War with sci-fi powers. Some have compared the title to live service games like Destiny and The Division, but People Can Fly says that’s not accurate and that Outriders features a story campaign with a definitive ending.
Persona 5 Strikers
February 23 | Omega Force and P-Studio | PS4, PC, Switch
It’s a tradition at this point for Atlus to spin-off a Persona game into as many other titles as possible. We’ve already seen rhythm and dungeon crawler spin-offs of Persona 5 (and even a Super Smash Bros. cameo from Joker), but this will be The Phantom Thieves’ first foray into the hack and slash genre. Gameplay is a mix of the usual Dynasty Warriors combo attacks, but there will also be turn-based persona battles as well. And of course, expect plenty of Persona 5’s usual style and flare. 
Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
TBA | Sega | XSX, XBO, PC
Wait, didn’t Phantasy Star Online 2 just come out? Well yes, but only in the West. Japan has been playing the game since 2012, which is why the MMORPG might feel a little dated. New Genesis is a half update-half sequel with updated combat, and for the first time in the series, open world areas. It’s more like the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn update instead of a whole new game. The best part is that you’ll be able to transfer over your character from PSO 2 to New Genesis, and like its predecessor, it will be completely free-to-play.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake
March 18 | Ubisoft | PS4, XBO, PC
The Sands of Time was arguably the best game of the PS2 era, which is why a remake is long overdue. Fan reception regarding the new art style has been mixed, though it certainly does look better than the original 2003 release. But how this remake plays remains to be seen.
While lauded for its tight platforming and time-bending mechanics, The Sands of Time always suffered from lackluster combat. Let’s hope Ubisoft has ironed out all of the kinks with this remake, though.
Originally planned for a January release, Ubisoft recently pushed the game back to March 18, so we’ll have to wait just a little bit longer for the return of the Prince.
Psychonauts 2 
TBA | Double Fine | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Fans have been waiting for a Psychonauts sequel for 15 years now. Fortunately, it looks like Double Fine’s follow up will finally see the light of day in 2021. The first game was praised for its varied levels and puzzles, and Psychonauts 2 will again see Raz delving into the psyches of other characters, with hilarious and frightening results. Raz won’t be completely alone for this journey as Double Fine has announced that he will be joined by a new glowing companion voiced by Jack Black.  
Rainbow Six Quarantine 
TBA | Ubisoft | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Rainbow Six Siege is still one of the most popular multiplayer games on the market years after its release, which is why Ubisoft isn’t looking to get in the way of its own success with Quarantine. While Siege focuses on PvP combat, Quarantine takes its inspiration from that game’s popular limited time Outbreak mode. In this spin-off, teams of three work together to eliminate an alien threat controlled by the AI in dynamic missions. The game won’t be completely independent from Siege though, with at least some of its roster of operators also being playable in Quarantine.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
TBA | Insomniac games | PS5
There hasn’t been a bad Ratchet & Clank game yet, and Rift Apart seems poisted to continue that trend. The basic gameplay will be similar to the excellent 2016 reboot, but Insomniac is taking advantage of the power of the PS5’s SSD to introduce instant travel between completely different worlds. From what we’ve seen in gameplay trailer so far, the mechanic is very impressive in action. Equally stunning are the game’s visuals, which will support real-time raytracing and full 4K resolution.
Resident Evil Village 
TBA | Capcom | XSX, PS5, PC
Resident Evil Village is a direct sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, but don’t call it Resident Evil 8, as Capcom is emphatic that the focus will be on the mysterious occurrences in a European village and not the larger Resi universe. From the one trailer we’ve seen, we know that Ethan Winters will be returning from the previous game, and this time around he’ll be joined by series regular Chris Redfield. 
Gameplay will again be in first-person, so you should notice quite a few similarities with Resi 7, but with improved graphics and much shorter load times since this will be one of the first major next-gen releases that won’t have a PS4 or Xbox One version.
TBA | Ebb Software | XSX, PC
Scorn looks like an absolute nightmare, but in the best possible way. It is, after all, directly inspired by the art of H.R. Giger of Alien fame and Polish painter Zdzisław Beksiński. In Scorn, you play as a skinless humanoid searching for answers in a horrific techno-organic open world. At the very least, it promises to be the most disturbing title of the year.
Shin Megami Tensei V
2021 | Atlus | Switch
While the Persona spin-off series gets most of the attention nowadays, the original Shin Megami Tensei franchise is still going strong, and the latest title in the long-running series should be out worldwide next year.
This is the first Shin Megami Tensei developed using the Unreal Engine 4, so it should look fantastic, but expect similar gameplay to previous titles, including turn-based combat and lots of negotiating with demons to try to get them to join your party.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury on Switch
February 12 | Nintendo | Switch
When it was released in 2013, Super Mario 3D World was easily one of the best Mario games in years, effortlessly combining the 3D movement of newer games in the series with the level design and multiple characters of the original NES games. You could play as Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, or Rosalina, and they could each don catsuits that opened up all sorts of new platforming opportunities. But maybe 10 people played it because no one bought the Wii U.
Nintendo hasn’t said exactly what Bowser’s Fury is, but based on the trailer, a few new levels seem like a safe bet. Even if there aren’t a ton of new features, this is a welcome re-release of an underrated gem. And it will definitely be played more widely on the Switch.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
TBA | GSC Game World | XSX, PC
The original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games were praised for their horrifying atmosphere, survival horror gameplay, and unique setting in the radioactive Chernobyl zone. Even now, almost 14 years after its release, Shadow of Chernobyl holds up pretty well, even if the graphics are dated.
At this point, we know more about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2’s troubled development than the game itself. The title was first announced in 2010, cancelled in 2012, and then revived in 2018. The trailer released in 2020 looks promising though, and Microsoft has announced that the game will be available via Game Pass on release day.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 
TBA | Hardsuit Labs | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 may be the most unlikely sequel of 2021. The original game, released in 2004 exclusively for the PC, was a sales flop, criticized for its poor combat and myriad technical issues. Still, anyone who powered through the game was treated to some sharp writing and top-notch roleplaying. Needless to say, the game has built up a sizable fanbase over the years, with fan mods resolving many of its technical issues.
Bloodlines 2 moves the series to Seattle, with a new storyline emphasizing the struggle between vampire and human. Gameplay, which will mostly be in the first-person, focuses on choice, from which factions you side with to how you tackle each mission. If Hardsuit can avoid the technical problems that plagued the first game, this could be the redemption story of the year.
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide 
TBA | Fatshark | XSX, PC
Fatshark’s previous Warhammer Vermintide games were among the best co-op titles of the last generation, featuring heart-pumping four-player multiplayer action against hordes of rat men. The latest installment, Darktide, has a lot in common with previous Vermintide games, except that the setting has moved to the sci-fi-heavy Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players will control members of the Inquisition, who are sent on a mission to exterminate a heretical cult known as The Admonition. The game will feature the same visceral melee combat as its predecessors, but this time all that killing is done for the glory of the God Emperor. 
Werewolf: The Apocalypse-Earthblood
February 4 | Cyanide | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Despite their lengthy history in folklore, there have been remarkably few games that let you play as a werewolf. So, while there’s admittedly not much competition, Earthblood is already looking like the definitive lycanthrope experience.
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You play as Cahal, a werewolf seeking redemption in the Pacific Northwest after accidentally killing a member of his tribe. The game will feature the obligatory player choices and skill tree, but the real is the ability to shift between human, wolf, and werewolf forms at will. Should be interesting!
The post Best Games to Play in 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/384cD7p
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spencerthorpe · 7 years
Idealist City Guide: BOSTON food, design and style
The beautiful city of Boston is well known for its New England style food, history and accent. Just a short hop from New York on the eastern coast of the United States and famed for its place in New England history, for Harvard, MIT and the Kennedys, Kerouac and countless other famous names, it’s a great place to get a taste of America.
There are many great areas of Boston to enjoy, from the upscale stores downtown, Newbury Street and Back Bay, to the Italian neighbourhood in the North End, Charles Street on Beacon Hill and across the river into Cambridge and Harvard Square. Unlike many American cities, Boston is eminently walkable, although the T transit system is cheap and convenient too.
On our trip, we stayed across the river near Kendall Square, where thanks to MIT there’s a bunch of hotels and AirBnB choices. While in town we recommend visiting the Museum of Fine Arts, Harvard Square, the JFK Museum and if you have time taking a whale-watching trip off the coast.
Today’s tour is focused on great places to visit, shops for unique finds and fun spots to eat and stay.
Boston’s best Galleries & Museums
Boston MFA facade with the Appeal to the Great Spirit monument
Museum of Fine Arts: The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has a massive comprehensive art collection — over 450,000 pieces, in fact. Exhibits here range from traditional paintings to more abstract images and even films. It’s also a great place for newer fans of art to get a glimpse at some of the various styles and media.
465 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 (617) 267-9300
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 
Down the road from the MFA and the legacy of Isabella Stewart Gardner, art collector, philanthropist, and art patron, the museum emulates a 15th-century Venetian palace, drawing particular inspiration and houses an art collection of world importance including Titian, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Manet, Degas, Whistler and Matisse. It’s also home to exhibitions of contemporary art and many concerts and lectures. Visitors dressed in Boston Red Sox gear get discounted entrance and visitors called Isabella get in for nothing. Go Red Sox! The new wing by Renzo Piano cost a whopping $120 million.
25 Evans Way, Boston, MA 02115
Institute of Contemporary Art: The Institute of Contemporary Art was founded in 1936 to honour and preserve contemporary art. It features unique exhibitions which change regularly, so be sure to check out what they have while you’re in town. This is more of your edgy contemporary art, but the view of the harbour and the building itself are worth the trip alone.
25 Harbor Shore Drive, Boston, MA 02210 (617) 478-3100
Old State House: The Old State House is often considered to be where the American revolution started. It’s the oldest surviving building in Boston, and one of the oldest public buildings in the United States. Visitors can learn about the history of Boston and explore the actual site of the Boston Massacre of 1770.
206 Washington St, Boston, MA 02109 (617) 720-1713
Style Shopping Boston
South End is well known for its well-heeled neighbourhoods, so if you’re looking for home accessories, antiques or unique finds, start your search there. Across the river in Cambridge is the Cambridge Antiques Market (East Cambridge, near Lechmere in what is otherwise not the prettiest of areas) which is a fab spot for vintage interior pieces.
Art and Unique Objects
There are some great places to shop for interesting things to take home, from markets, to art and gift stores, comic book stores and bookshops. We love:
South End Open Market @ SoWa – Every Sunday from May through October, locals and tourists alike flock to the South End for this open market. Tents range from crafts, design, and vintage, to food trucks and farmers’ market.
Shake The Tree – carries handmade jewellery, home goods, stationery, small brand apothecary, craft cocktail supplies + barware, global cookbooks, and baby gifts. Inspired by travels to Paris, the souks in Morocco and the vibrant colours of flower markets in India, owner Marian Klausner has filled the brightly lit space with everything she loves. The store is located in Boston’s historic “North End” Italian waterfront neighborhood, close to the Freedom Trail. 67 Salem Street, North End, Boston 617.742.0484 [email protected]
The stores at the Museum of Fine Art, Institute of Contemporary Art and the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum (listed above). These are all great spots for tasteful stuff you can fit in your suitcase.
Furniture and accessories
Five floors of contemporary style
Located in the historic Sherman Building, Room & Board offers a wide selection of contemporary furniture, from living room and dining room furniture to outdoor sets. And with five floors to shop, there’s a good chance you’ll find something unique that you absolutely love here. We tend not to feature chain stores in our listings, but especially for visitors to Boston, this place is worth a stop.
375 Newbury St, Boston, MA 02115, (617) 351-0020
European Styling
Lekker Home: Even when you’re in Boston, you still see plenty of European influence. Lekker Home uses that inspiration for its selection of European furniture, their mainstay being Dutch furniture. But a great selection of furniture isn’t all you’ll find here — there’s also plenty of great lighting and other accessories.
1313 Washington St, Boston, MA 02118 (617) 542-6464
South American Styling
Diseño Bos: If you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary, check out Diseño Bos’s selection of South American furniture, accessories and lighting. Frank Campanale, the owner, found inspiration for his store after a month-long holiday in Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Chile, which still inspires the fur and hide rugs and colourful patterned textiles found in Diseño Bos today.
460 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118 (617) 423-2008
High end Italian styling
IL Décor: A range of stunningly beautiful modern furniture greets visitors of IL Décor, all of it carefully selected from contemporary designers with a unique, stylish take on interiors. And the best part is, IL Décor has almost everything, so you can find the perfect nightstand for your bedroom or give your living room an overhaul.
10 St James Ave, Boston, MA 02116 (617) 580-3443
Vintage modern
Abodeon: Adobeon’s slogan is “A celebration of modern design through the decades,” and it’s a fitting one. Here you’ll find a range of mid-20th century vintage modern furniture and current modern furniture, including unique lighting solutions and chic accessories.
1731 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 497-0137
Award-winning designers
Twelve Chairs: Miggy Mason and Roisin Giese founded Twelve Chairs in 2010 as a result of their combined passion for interiors. After gaining attention on both a local and national level, they moved their store to the historic south end of Boston where they design and sell their unique creations today.
581 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02118 (617) 982-6136
Staying Over
The Inn at St Botolph: The Inn at St Botolph is situated in a historic brownstone building in Boston. It’s a contemporary hotel with a twist — their aim is to make you feel like you’re living in your own fully furnished luxury apartment in the city.
99 St Botolph St, Boston, MA 02116 (617) 236-8099
The Godfrey Hotel Boston: The Godfrey is a chic hotel with luxury features located near downtown Boston, which makes it a great choice for visitors who wish to walk from destination to destination. And if you need something to perk you up in the morning (or at night), there’s a lobby bar and coffee shop in the hotel.
505 Washington St, Boston, MA 02111 (617) 804-2000
Hotel Commonwealth: If you want a great mix of luxury boutique, Hotel Commonwealth is the perfect choice for you. It’s located in Boston’s Back Bay near Fenway Park and has easy access to the subway. It houses a New England-style restaurant and an oyster and cocktail bar, so you can get great food without going out.
500 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 (617) 933-5000
Oishii: If you love sushi and other authentic Japanese food, Oishii is as good as it gets in Boston. From classics like spicy tempura tuna to more ambitious dishes featuring caviar or wagyu beef, Oishii has something to satisfy everybody. And if you’re not a sushi fan, don’t fret — there are plenty of other entree options.
1166 Washington St #110, Boston, MA 02118 (617) 482-8868
Harvest: Located in Harvard Square, Harvest is a staple of fine dining in Boston and a proponent of farm-to-table ingredients. They cook up all of the Boston staples, from pork loin and lamb to lobster and oysters. If you’re visiting in the summer, try getting a seat in the beautiful garden terrace.
44 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 868-2255
Rosebud American Kitchen: It’s always nice to try new foods, and fine dining is great, but sometimes you just can’t beat a classic diner. There’s no overly complicated, ultra-fancy menu here — just comfort food favourites like Korean BBQ sliders, mac ‘n cheese, fried chicken and fish and chips. If you want delicious, no-nonsense food, check out Rosebud.
381 Summer St, Somerville, MA 02144 (617) 629-9500
Must-See Attractions
Harvard Yard
Harvard: It doesn’t get much more revered than this. Harvard was built in 1636 and is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. The Harvard Information Center is dedicated to greeting visitors who come to see the school, and they can provide you with both historical information and tours.
(617) 495-1573 Smith Campus Center 30 Dunster Street Cambridge, MA 02138
Freedom Trail: If you love history, you’ll love the Freedom Trail. It’s a 2.5-mile path throughout Boston that takes visitors by 16 significant historical locations, giving them a taste of the United States’ past. If you’re particularly interested in a few historical sites, you can always skip some of the others to make more time.
The Freedom Trail Foundation 44 School Street, Suite 250 Boston, MA 02108 (617) 357-8300
Boston Common: The Boston Common is the oldest public park in the United States, dating all the way back to 1634. With sprawling green fields and plenty of activity, t’s a great place to relax, have a picnic, and people watch.
139 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02111
A flight from London to Boston will cost between £350 and £750 depending on the airline you choose and type of flight you take. You can also fly into Providence, RI or New York and get a train up the coast.
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Feature photo copyright: tonobalaguer, MFA demerzel21, Harvard janniswerner / 123RF Stock Photo.
The post Idealist City Guide: BOSTON food, design and style appeared first on The Idealist.
from The Idealist https://www.theidealist.com/city-guide-boston/ from The Idealist Magazine https://theidealistmagazine.tumblr.com/post/160902403913
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reminiscingdreamer · 8 years
Rating: G
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Summary:  It wasn't long after the rockslide and already there were problems. As always, it's Keith's fault.
Part of the Tales From the Odvirkast Mountain series
You can also read it on AO3
“There, that should do it.”
Final knot tied, Pidge (as he introduced while he mercilessly set his bones over his screams of agony) patted his shoulder just above his splinted arm.
Over his shoulder, a round rock floated in the air and actually chirped like a bird. Yeah, that’s weird. Just as weird as…
“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Lance was taught a lot by his mom not to stare at people and his older sister would’ve smacked him in the back of his head for being so rude but… holy shit! There were feathers growing out of the place where his ears were supposed to be! And he had wings! And let’s not get started on the legs (bird legs! He could rip people apart with his feet!)
“Do I have something on my face?” Pidge asked, lifting a brow. He was smirking and his tone was light and teasing, but Lance still flushed in embarrassment at being caught out.
“No! No, there’s nothing wrong with your face! Or any part of your head! O-or your body for that matter! Everything’s fine!” Lance squeaked and then he felt himself turn even hotter when his voice betrayed him. Stupid voice.
He heard a snort from across the room and he craned his head up to try to glare at stupid Keith. Maybe if he did it hard enough, daggers would fly out of the air even though he couldn’t see him, like that one saying or whatever.
“Right,” Pidge said slowly, drawing out the word and making Lance focus back on him. “I’m assuming you’ve never seen an Aviaer before.”
“Umm… No? I’ve heard stories though,” Lance admitted with a sheepish grin.
Pidge spread his arms and his wings with a plain expression. “Ta-da.”
Lance snorted a laugh. “You’re pretty cool.”
Pidge grinned back. “Thanks, you’re pretty cool yourself.”
“So… How’s Hunk?”
He turned his head in the direction of his best friend still lying unconscious a few feet to his left even through his screams of pain. It worried him.
Pidge nibbled his lip. “I don’t know. He should be fine. There was blood but…” He glanced behind himself towards where Keith, the guy who treated Hunk, was.
“The wound wasn’t deep,” he offered oh-so informatively.
Lance rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that makes me feel so much better.”
“What else do you want me to say?” He sounded irritated but then again, that was probably his default.
“A little more detail would be nice!”
“Do I look like a healer to you?”
“Guys,” came the low rumble outside the open door and Lance immediately shut up. So did Keith. You just didn’t mess with the dragon (and great Laktu he’s still not over that oh Laktu).
“I know this isn’t ideal for everyone, but until Hunk wakes up, we’ll have to make do,” he said in a surprisingly soothing way. “In the meantime, we’re going to have to start thinking of living arrangements since we don’t know how long Hunk and Lance will be here.”
Keith made a noise from the back of his throat that was half protest and half groan. Yeah, as if Lance was real thrilled about the thought of staying longer than he had to either.
“Yeah, I don’t think food’s going to be a problem with spring on its way, but this place is too small and they’ve taken the only two beds we have,” Pidge said.
“Sorry,” Lance apologized, suddenly very aware of the fact that this place was sparse but kind of cramped, barely fit for two people let alone four... plus a lērus. How in Fel did Keith tame one again? Scratch that. How was he even alive? Lērus were notoriously temperamental and territorial. Cross one and you’d be lucky to crawl away with just a mauling. Actually, that described Keith to a T so maybe they were relatives and that’s how they got along. Ha!
“Nah, it’s okay. I crashed here a few months ago and I’ve never been sorry since,” Pidge told him unashamedly.
Lance laughed. He really liked Pidge.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” protested the spoilsport. “This is my house.”
Lance began, “Your house is—”
“Say anything about my house and I’m dumping you out,” Keith said flatly.
Lance closed his mouth. As much as it was small, he kind of liked not moving or sleeping outside in the still-cold air at the moment, thanks.
“No one’s dumping anyone out,” though Shiro sounded amused by that. “But if you’d like, Pidge and Keith, you could come sleep with me outside. I could block the wind from making it too chilly and my wings could shield you if it rains.”
Pidge perked up at that. “Really?”
“Aw, no fair. You get to sleep with the dragon,” Lance complained because that sounded cool.
“Shiro isn’t some sort of attraction,” Keith snapped, like the jerk he was.
“I wasn’t saying he was,” Lance shot back, struggling to sit up without jostling his limbs. “What’s your problem anyway?”
He could see Keith with a dead serious look in his eyes and, well, Lance wouldn’t say he faltered, but it did throw him off. He expected anger, because c'mon, the guy came in two emotions: moody and mad. But... that was the kind of expression his uncle had just before he sat Lance down to talk about why it was wrong of him to rip Old Yelling Yelder's sails. “I don’t trust you.”
“Keith…” sighed Shiro.
“No, Shiro.” He turned to direct the look at the dragon outside and he grew quiet. It made Lance a bit nervous that it would shut even Shiro up. Pidge seemed to agree seeing as how fidgety he became. “This is important. We need to talk about this now.” Keith’s head swiveled back to him and his expression was intense, as though he could drill a hole through his head with that look alone. Now that was a very gory and unpleasant thought.
“What? Why’re you looking at me like that?” Lance chuckled uneasily. “You thinking of murdering me? ‘Cause I’ll have you know, I’m a master at—”
By the way Keith’s eyes narrowed and how his jaw and fists tightened, his attempt to lighten the atmosphere wasn’t appreciated. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t exactly the time for that. Lance could admit he had a bad habit of cracking jokes at funerals, so to speak, and he knew that most people didn’t really welcome that. It just slipped out sometimes anyway when he’s feeling jittery.
“Shiro isn’t just the Dragon or the Guardian of Glasycus. He’s Shiro. He has a life here and he’s important to the Odvirkast Mountains.” There was a tiny hesitation before he said Odvirkast and Lance wondered what he was going to say before he changed it. “And if your loud mouth got around town about seeing him, it’s all over for him. People won’t stop until they find him. They’ll hunt him down like some animal.” Keith snarled the last word like it was a scur on Earth and it clicked.
Lance really looked at Keith and he saw the tenseness around his shoulders and arms and the closed off expression as he spoke. Lance felt the annoyance sink to the pit of his stomach into oblivion to be replaced with the beginnings of understanding.
Oh… Keith was about to say “me” before he stopped himself. Shiro wasn’t just important to Odvirkast or Glasycus. He was important to Keith.
Lance understood that. He really did. He understood what it’s like to have people who were important, people who he wanted to protect. He had his family, his friends, and he watched Hunk’s back like Hunk watched his…
“I can’t let that happen and I don’t trust you to keep your trap shut,” Keith finished.  
Lance frowned at that. “I know how to keep secrets.”
“Really?” Keith challenged, crossing his arms. “Because you weren’t very convincing the both times I’ve met you.”
“But that was just normal conversation!” Lance couldn’t help but cry in exasperation. Well, as normal as it was with stupid Keith assaulting him both times but duh! “It’s not like I’m going to walk up to a bunch of random strangers and go, ‘Oh, by the way, there’s a real dragon in the mountains!’ That’s just stupid!”
“I don’t know. If Shiro hadn’t found us, you would’ve blabbed all the air out in under five minutes while we were trapped and that was life and death. Besides, how do I know you won’t go boasting about seeing Shiro for the fame it’ll give you?”
Lance spluttered. He didn’t even know where to begin with that.
“Yeah, if people didn’t think I’m nuts first! Besides, I don’t care about that kind of fame!”
He didn’t. All he wanted to do was make his family proud and selling out Shiro was definitely not something that’d do it. Besides, Shiro was… He was pretty cool and he helped him out. He owed him a lot for Hunk’s and his own life. He wasn't about to repay him by ratting out his existence if he didn't want people to know. Nuh-uh. Not a chance.
“Guys, I hate to interrupt, but we’re not really getting anywhere,” Pidge piped up. “Look, the whole issue is whether we can trust Lance and his friend with the secret or not, right?”
Keith nodded.
“Well then, let’s just give them a chance. We can’t exactly know if someone’s trustworthy without getting to know them first. Besides, it’s not like they can really go anywhere any time soon in that state.”
“Pidge is right,” Shiro agreed. “It’s too early to pass judgement on anyone.”
Keith’s eyes ran from Shiro to Pidge almost defiantly. “And what if it turns out they aren’t trustworthy?”
There was a long pregnant pause at the question wherein Pidge fiddled with his feathers, looking like he wanted to argue but hesitated in uncertainty.
“… Then we still let them go,” Shiro finally answered and Lance found himself slightly overwhelmed by that. It was like he was saying that even if someone with less decent intentions caught more than a glimpse of him, he’d still release them even if it endangered his own life. That was…
“Are you serious about that, Shiro?” Pidge asked slowly.
Keith’s whole body was trembling at this point. He looked like he could be the human incarnation of Fel. Somehow, that didn’t make Lance want to laugh. Keith stormed out.
After a moment, Pidge tentatively asked, “Should we go after him?”
“No, leave him for now. I’ll go after him in a bit. Right now, he’ll want space,” Shiro said quietly.
“Okay… But were you serious, Shiro?” Pidge had a frown on as he adjusted his glasses.
“Very,” Shiro confirmed gravely. “Not every rescue I do is going to go smoothly. Someone’s bound to see me at one point. I know that and I accept that. The fact is that there’s nothing I can do if someone does spot me. It’s not like I can keep them from returning home, right?”
“True…” Though Pidge seemed conflicted over that.
“Can’t you just use magic to, I don’t know, wipe the memories from their minds?” Lance asked. He’d heard a lot of stories about how powerful the dragon’s magic was. Maybe he could do that.
Shiro chuckled though it sounded a bit helpless. “I could control the wind and air however I want and do lots of other things, but I’m afraid mind wipe is a bit out of my reach.”
“Besides, memory magic is super tricky and hard,” Pidge added. “Too risky to do something like that. If you’re not careful, you could accidentally wipe out whole chunks.”
“Oh… Yeah, okay, let’s not do that. I’d prefer to be able to remember my own name, thanks,” Lance joked, but it was sort of weak. Pidge still smiled a bit though so he wouldn’t say it was a total loss.
“I think a lot of people do. Speaking of names, let me introduce you to Rover.” Pidge gestured towards the floating rock and it chirped, the tune high and fast as it came closer to Lance. “He’s my golem I created to detect magical energy and life signatures.”
Lance tentatively put his hand up and when there were no objections, he ran his hand over the rough, rocky surface of Rover. “Cool. Is he like a pet?”
“Not really. He doesn’t eat or anything but he still does need maintenance sometimes. I created him from scratch.”
“Whoa, really? You think you could make me one too?”
“Just because.”
Neither noticed when Shiro slipped away from the clearing outside.  
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