#tablet of isis art
artthemasquerade · 7 months
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Ife x Seth CG Redraw
So I've finished playing through the first book of Tablet of Isis (from the League of Dreamers app) with Seth's(Set) romance route and oh gosh I do adore this romance with this God of Storms so much so far, and I'm excited to see more of what this route has in store, I want to squee about it but I also don't want to spoil it, but to say it has a lot of the tropes that I like in a complicated romance route! :D I will say that tho I am enjoying Tablet of Isis a lot, it isn't the most accurate about Egyptian mythology so I wouldn't play it if that would annoy you too much XDD Anyway, this picture is a redraw of this cg you get in Seth's route
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where he gifts Ife a lotus necklace since she had to leave behind the lotus flower he had given her when they first met, and I was so taken by it that I wanted to redraw it, namely cause I really loved it and also cause I was annoyed by the fact League of Dreamers keep having the MC having red hair or brown hair in cgs when my hair is always black. and why yes I do have a fondness for god like beings giving their loved one a necklace, a sign of their care and devotion to them XD
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Also I want to mention that I am taking a break from commissions for a week since I am a little burned out from working on four commission at once for the past week and will be taking it easier on art for now. :3
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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thesirenisles · 2 months
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Pharaoh’s Dancers 🪄🐍
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enetriss · 8 days
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I often draw fanarts from the visual novel "League of Dreamers", but I do not share them here 😄 Decided to share it because I really love the stories from this app 💜✨
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jonnyobrien-jo · 11 months
Commission art
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leeloo-l · 1 year
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"Love is the death of duty"
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santoschristos · 27 days
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Art by Brock Springstead | 14.09.18
"Man is in the process of changing, to forms that are not of this world; grows he in a time of a formless, a plane on the cycle above.
Know ye, ye must become formless before ye are one with a light."
"Thoth, in Egyptian religion, a god of the moon, of reckoning, of learning, and of writing. He was held to be the inventor of writing, the creator of languages, the scribe, interpreter, and adviser of the gods, and the representative of the sun god, Re. His responsibility for writing was shared with the goddess Seshat. The cult of Thoth was centred in the town of Khmunu (Hermopolis; modern Al-Ashmūnayn) in Upper Egypt.
In the myth of Osiris, Thoth protected Isis during her pregnancy and healed the eye of her son, Horus, which had been wounded by Osiris’s adversary Seth. He weighed the hearts of the deceased at their judgment and reported the result to the presiding god, Osiris, and his fellow judges. Thoth’s sacred animals were the ibis and the baboon; millions of mummified bodies of those animals have been found in cemeteries near Hermopolis and Memphis. Thoth was usually represented in human form with an ibis’s head. The Greeks identified Thoth with their god Hermes and termed him “Thoth, the thrice great” (Hermes Trismegistos). Important philosophical works were attributed to Hermes Trismegistos." (Britannica)
From the 'Emerald Tablets'
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As above. So below. As within. So without. As the universe. So the soul.
Art by Brock Springstead | 03.12.18
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mountphoenixrp · 5 months
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
           Thoth, the Egyptian God of Knowledge.            He is a City Council member and law professor.
FC NAME/GROUP:  Luo Yunxi/Actor GOD NAME:  Thoth PANTHEON:  Egyptian OCCUPATION: Mount Phoenix University Professor of Law, Egyptian Pantheon City Council Representative DEFINING FEATURES: Tall and willowy figure, necklace bearing a golden crescent moon pendant that transforms into his crown at will, often seen with a pen in his breast pocket which transforms into his staff, a golden Ankh bracelet on his right wrist, usually carrying a digital tablet.
PERSONALITY:  With a great wealth of knowledge, arrogance would be expected, but arrogance is something Thoth lacks.  True, he seemingly knows EVERYTHING, but he is not boastful and he never uses information for personal advantage.  He is considered “the great mediator”, not only serving as scribe to the gods but also as counselor and peacemaker, the grand mediator.  As expected, this introverted deity favors the company of books over people, but he is by no means standoffish or unkind.  Quite the opposite, Thoth is very approachable and considerate, always respectful to others, and does not talk down to them even the slightest bit.  Though clearly wise, he prefers to take an advisor role as opposed to being someone in a higher leadership position.  Seeing every moment as a teachable opportunity, he has a knack for guiding others through a lesson of which they may or may not be aware is happening.  Though gentle as moonlight and just as soft spoken, his presence is weighted with the gravitas of wisdom harnessed within his very essence; gazing into his eyes, entire universes can be seen.  Yet it is also a comforting thought that despite his vast wealth of knowledge, he never abuses it.  He could, oh how he COULD, but he chooses not to do so, which also speaks volumes of his character.  But also, just because someone knows how to do something, doesn’t mean they have the capabilities to do it.  
HISTORY:  In the beginning, there was One, and the essence of all things produced its own sentient presence known by many names, master of mortal and divine law.  Thoth birthed the calculations that would establish the heavens, the stars, the earth and all things in between.    From there, he authored works of mathematics, science, astronomy, medicine, government, languages both written and spoken, seasons, and astrology.  He played a crucial role in designing the pyramids, creating the connection between realms.  
Along with Ma’at, he maintained the balance of the universe.  He laid the eggs that would hatch Ra, Atum, Nefertum, and Khepri.  When the gods squabbled, Thoth was there to record and mediate and is known as the great mediator of the divine.  When the battles became physical, he used his wealth of medicinal and magical knowledge to heal the injured party so neither good nor evil would have decisive victory over the other.  When Nut was cursed with sterility, he made a bet with Khonshu for 1/72nd of the moon’s light which resulted in the creation of five extra days in the year which Thoth then gave to Nut so she could bear children.  He taught Isis the words and ritual to resurrect Osiris and Horus.  
With such a distinct concentration of gods and demigods in one place, Thoth saw Mount Phoenix University as a prime opportunity to teach the young ones about both mortal and divine law in an attempt to maintain the balance of the universe.  Thus, he accepted the position of Professor of Law as well as a seat upon the City Council.
SIEVE OF KNOWLEDGE:  As the God of Knowledge, Thoth has the innate ability to recall documented history, rituals, and magical spells from any moment of time, be it recorded through written, video, audio, digital, art, or any other mediums, including live theatrical performances.  This does not make him omnipotent, just an excellent source for verified information.
THOUGHT TO MEDIA TRANSFERENCE:  As Scribe to the Gods, he also has the ability to instantly transfer thoughts into a coherent medium such as a scroll, painting, or video for the sake of documentation.  In the cases of willing recipients, he can immediately transfer a thought from their mind to another with a single “pluck”, though this is reserved primarily for those who have difficulty articulating their thoughts.
THE ORIGINAL OMNIGLOT:  The creator of language, both spoken and written, he has the ability to communicate in any and all languages fluently, including those long dead and once forgotten as well as “made up” languages. 
STRENGTHS:  Intelligent, patient, calm, nonjudgmental, great at giving advice, considerate, master strategist
WEAKNESSES:  Introverted, know-it-all, stubborn, people who purposefully do illogical things for attention annoy him, tends to avoid large crowds. 
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sicher-stark-team · 14 days
Influencer*innen in Sozialen Medien
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Von Veronika Wittig Immer mehr Kinder nutzen schon in jungem Alter selbstständig Smartphones, Laptops und Tablets und sind damit auch in Sozialen Medien unterwegs. Dort begegnen sie meist zwangsläufig sogenannten Influencern. Dabei können versteckte Werbung, verzerrte Wirklichkeitsdarstellungen oder Körperbilder und problematische Rollenbilder einen negativen Einfluss auf junge Heranwachsende ausüben. Welchen Einfluss haben diese Influencer*innen auf Kinder und was können Eltern ihren Kindern hier mitgeben? Was sind Influencer*innen? Auf Instagram, TikTok und YouTube sind zahlreiche Influencer*innen unterwegs. Ob Outfits, Rezepte, Sport oder Gaming – Influencer*innen sind die neuen Stars und geben vor, was gerade Trend und angesagt ist. Wie der Name „Influencer“ bereits nahelegt, versuchen Personen mit ihren großen Accounts und Reichweiten, mit ihren Beiträgen, Reels und Storys ihre Fans und Follower zu beeinflussen. Meist vermarkten sie für große Firmen Produkte und dienen so als Werbe- und Marketingplattform. Diese Art der Werbung ist deshalb für Kinder so gefährlich, weil sie so subtil stattfindet. Ein großes Reklameplakat an einer Bushaltestelle ist leicht als Werbung zu identifizieren. Aber Influencer*innen teilen häufig nahezu ihr ganzes Leben mit ihren Fans und nehmen sie mit durch ihren Alltag – oder das, was sie als ihren Alltag verkaufen. Häufig entsteht so für junge Heranwachsende das Gefühl, ihre Idole privat zu kennen. Dabei fließt die Werbung meist nebenbei mit ein. Zwischen den vielen Storys und Reels ist es teilweise schwer zu erkennen, wo gerade bezahlte Werbung anfängt oder welche Empfehlung vielleicht gerade aus dem Bauch heraus und ehrlich getätigt wird. Mit Rabattcodes locken Influencer*innen dann zum Kauf der Produkte und profitieren meist selbst davon. Kinder stoßen meist automatisch auf diese großen Accounts, wenn sie selbstständig in den Sozialen Medien unterwegs sind. Doch welchen Einfluss haben diese Influencer*innen auf die Kinder? Studie zeigt: Influencer*innen beeinflussen Kinder Wie eine Studie im Auftrag der Influencer-Marketing-Plattform Influry und des Bundesverbands Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) bereits 2017 nachweist, vertrauen gerade junge Heranwachsende ab 14 Jahren besonders stark den Einschätzungen von Influencer*innen und anderen Online-Vorbildern oder Stars. Zahlen der Studie zeigen, dass 36 Prozent der Befragten sich über Produkte vor dem Kauf auf YouTube oder Instagram informieren. Influencern wird dabei vor allem eine sehr hohe Glaubwürdigkeit attestiert (41 %). Dabei können die Kinder aber oft nicht (bezahlte) Werbung von anderen Inhalten trennen bzw. als Werbung einstufen und vertrauen deshalb den Meinungen von Influencern*innen. Kinder können versteckte Werbebotschaften schwerer als solche erkennen und deshalb leichter manipuliert werden. Dazu trägt auch bei, dass die bezahlte Werbung häufig nicht ausreichend gekennzeichnet ist oder die Hinweise optisch schnell übersehen werden können. Dies birgt die Gefahr, dass Kinder die Aussagen nicht hinterfragen. Auch eine Befragung von klicksafe im Rahmen des Safer Internet Day 2020 bestätigt die Analyse der o. g. Studie von 2017. 2020 gaben dabei knapp 1/3 der Befragten an, dass soziale Medien die Meinungsbildung beeinflussen, ein Fünftel sagte sogar, dass sie explizit von Influencern in ihrer Meinungsbildung gelenkt würden. Das Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI fand im Forschungsprojekt FAIR gemeinsam mit der Hochschule Darmstadt und der Universität Mannheim 2024 heraus, dass circa die Hälfte von mehr als 1000 befragten Jugendlichen bereits in der Vergangenheit ein Produkt gekauft haben, das von einem/r Influencer * in beworben wurde. Dabei gab mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten an, innerhalb der letzten 6 Monate bis zu 50 Euro für von Influencer*innen beworbene Produkte ausgegeben zu haben. Tipps für Eltern Eltern ist deshalb zu empfehlen, Kindern früh zu zeigen, dass auch in den Sozialen Medien Werbung kursiert und Influencer*innen für ihre positive Bewertung Geld bekommen. Eltern können ihren Kindern alternative Bewertungsplattformen zeigen und erklären, wie sie zu Produkten weitere Informationen und Bewertungen erhalten, um sich eine fundierte Meinung bilden zu können. Generell empfiehlt es sich, grundsätzlich bei der Mediennutzung auf werbefreie Inhalte zu achten. Insbesondere junge Kinder sollten deshalb geschützte Surfräume mit werbefreien, kindgerechten Inhalten nutzen. Eltern sollten zudem mit ihren Kindern vereinbaren, dass Downloads, Bestellungen und Anmeldungen auf Plattformen nur gemeinsam bzw. in Absprache mit ihnen getätigt werden. Das Sicher-Stark-Team hilft mit Unser Sicher-Star- Team gibt hilfreiche Tipps, damit Kinder sicher und selbstbewusst aufwachsen können. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Homepage der Bundesgeschäftsstelle. Lesen Sie auch unseren Artikel über Internet-Zugang für Kinder einschränken - Aber wie? Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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xtrablak674 · 7 months
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I think I have played this game before, Google's algorithm in their Photos app creates these collages like a digital "This is Your Life", I loved the mix here so decided to see what I could remember of the origins of these images. From left to right starting at the top:
1. Twenty years ago was the last time I really dated, that was Paul and me, we dated for 4.5 years, 2003
2. 2011 I did the journey home with Museum of Contemporary African Diasporic Art, a local museum that I have also exhibited with had a ten day trip to Ghana. This was my first and last time on the continent. I hope to get back there again.
3. 1997-2000 its gotta be a range for this image of me in a shake-and-go wig for a Halloween party at my first advertising agency Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners, this was great time of my life. Young enough to be still figuring out what I wanted to do, but also getting a great foundation in marketing and advertising which would effect the rest of my working career.
4. 2013 - 2014 once again a range as I had recently had these suits made for a wedding that would be the end of a friendship and much later lead to a lawsuit with the guy who created these suits. Now that was extraneous information but top of mind, cause these suits now have a tainted history, no matter how good I look in them.
5. I think this is 2003 when my beau at the time Paul and my best friend at the time Adam took me out to a birthday dinner? at a local Brooklyn restaurant. I have written about Adam in another post here. He more than likely took this photo of me looking quite demure.
6. This tablet taken self-portrait I think was done in 2023, I had accidentally styled my hair in a way that I thought would be really photogenic. I am sitting in my window seat for this shot.
7. 2009, when my late brother was still alive this was at a monitored visit with the parents and their six children which they no longer had custody of. I am pictured with my niece Isis who I think is nineteen now. She is wear one of the animal mask I had bought to the visit. I was the only adult who thought to bring something for the children to do at these visits.
8. 2023 I think, I am trying to remember when I bought that red poncho from Ecuador, which curiously I have only worn in the house to-date. Its just like a nice shrug to throw on quickly if it gets a bit cold. I didn't realize I have clothing pieces that I have just worn in the house.
9. This might be 2022, but I could be wrong even with the same fabric panel in the back, I cycle the panels out all the time. But The Equalizer sweater came into my life in the winter I think cause I remember it was like two-hundred dollars less during the summer. Its such a statement piece this granny-square crotched turtle neck sweater.
10. I am going to guess this is like 1986 or so, and here I am photographed with my late great aunt Rose at Sunday school at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Harlem. This church was a place my grandparents were very invested in. I think I was wearing all white cause I was briefly on the usher board.
11. 1991 this I can say definitively because this was my employment photo for my work-study job at Ithaca College, I worked at the Information Desk and with the A/V crew setting up for meetings around campus.
12. Also '91 and I assure you I am not smiling, Eva Matuka one of my classmates who was also a model was standing by the photographer and assisting folks in getting better graduation shots. She did or said something to get me to laugh and get this now legendary shots of it looking like me smiling. I come from a long line of folks who don't really smile, lookin' at the rest of the images here you can see this is quite evident.
13. 1981 or '82 this is a school portrait at Uriah Hill my Elementary school in Peekskill where I was raised. Its also important to note my mom was still alive at the time of this photo. I recall I really loved that shirt I was wearing it was really soft.
14. 1998 just eyes and teeth in this no flash picture where I think I am at KB&P but the t-shirt I am wearing was from my volunteer work at the New York Peer AIDS Education Committee. There was a bit of controversy because as a part of my volunteer work I handed out condoms and did so while working at Reception. But this shot makes me think I was in the Interactive Department which I would eventually end up leading before I left the agency in two thousand.
15. 2023 December, coming back from small claims court where I was suing the tailor I had mentioned earlier in this list. This was one of the shots that Google edited to remove the color from the background.
[Photos by Brown Estate]
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sybilslibrary · 3 years
CHAOS MAGICK  Phil Hine - Condensed Chaos Peter Carroll - Liber Null & Psychonaut Peter Carroll - Liber Kaos Stephen Mace - Stealing the Fire From Heaven
DIVINATION & TAROT John Greer - The Art and Practice of Geomancy AE Waite - Pictorial Key to the Tarot Robyn Valentine - Magickal Tarot Grand Orient - A Manual of Cartomancy Paul Foster Case - The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of Ages
GOETIA (Mathers & Crowley translation) - The Lesser Key of Solomon
CEREMONIAL MAGICK Rufus Opus - Seven Spheres
HERMETICISM Cicero & Cicero - The Essential Golden Dawn Three Initiates [William Walker Atkinson] - The Kybalion Israel Regardie - The Tree of Life Israel Regardie - A Garden of Pommegranates [Scrying on the Tree of Life] The Three Initiates - The Kybalion Hermes Trismegistus - Corpus Hermeticum Hermes Trismegistus - The Divine Pymander Terrence McKenna - Exploring Hermetic Traditions
QABALAH Lon Milo Duquette - Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford William Wynn Westcott - Sepher Yetzirah [Book of Creation] Manly P Hall - Occult Anatomy of Man Manly P Hall - The Sacred Magic of the Qabalah [the Science of Divine Names] Élias Gerwuz - Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah Gareth Knight - A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism Dion Fortune - The Mystical Qabalah Aryeh Kaplan - Sepher Yetzirah
ANGELIC | ENOCHIAN Lon Milo Duquette - Enochian Magick Geoffrey James - The Enochian Magick of John Dee George J Marshall - Angels Anton LaVey - The Satanic Bible Edward Kelly - The Stone of the Philosophers Portal: Enochian Magic Archives
OCCULT PHILOSOPHY Cornelius Agrippa - 3 Books of Occult Philosophy Cornelius Agrippa - The Philosophy of Natural Magic Francis Barrett - The Magus [A Complete System of Occult Philosophy] Carl G. Jung - Psychology & the Occult MATHEMATICS, GEMATRIA, GEOMETRY & NUMEROLOGY William Wynn Wescott - Numbers: their Occult Powers & Mystic Virtues Various - the Quadrivium Wade Coleman - Sepher Sapphires [A Treatise on Gematria]
DICTIONARIES, ENCYCLOPEDIAS JP Cooper - an Encyclopaedia  Julian Franklyn - A Dictionary of the Occult
ALCHEMY Albert Pike - Magnum Opus [the Great Work] Robert Allan Bartlett Edward Kelly - The Stone of the Philosophers Basil Valentine - Triumphant Chariot of Antimony Portal: the Rosicrucian Order’s Alchemical Manuscript
SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS The Bhagavad Gita Swami Sivanada Radha - Hatha Yoga
PLANT ALLIES Dale Fendell - Pharmako Poeia [Plant Powers, Poison & Herbcraft] Scott Cunningham - Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
CEREMONIAL AE Waite - The Book of Ceremonial Magic
TRANSCENDENTAL MAGICK Éliphas Levi & AE Waite - Transcendental Magic
HIGH MAGICK Éliphas Lévi - The Doctrine & Ritual of High Magic
DARK STUFF Richard Cavendish - The Black Arts Reginal Scott - the Discoverie of Witchcraft
PAGANISM, PRAYER Ceisiwr Serith - A Book of Pagan Prayer
MISC William Wynn Wescott - The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo Malaclypse the Younger - The Principia Discordia Manly P Hall - The Secret Teachings of all Ages Manly P Hall - The Initiates of the Flame Richard Cavendish - Man, Myth & Magic Charles Walker - The Encyclopedia of Secret Knowledge Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising Dion Fortune - Applied Magic Dion Fortune - Psychic Self Defense Mason HW - The Eloquent Blood Llewyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences  Keith Readdy - One Truth & One Spirit Aleister Crowley - Magick Helena Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine Helena Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled Tanzin Wangyal Ripoche - The Tibetan Yogas of Dream & Sleep Aleister Crowley - the Book of Thoth Brian R Pellar - On the Origins of the Alphabet
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queeriboh · 2 years
watching memory world in Japanese since my stream group finally got to start it dubbed last night so here's Thoughts
the art in the first episode is so deceptively good. what the fuck happens to Joey's hair. please I want to go back--
wow the Tablet of Memories looks great for having just been on display halfway around the world a week ago
speaking of the Tablet. whoever decided to depict Atem in pants??? bad call
oh thank god it's not Bobassa
I'm still unbelievably disappointed about TKB. I knew that he got done absolutely dirty compared to the manga but god fucking damn. just threw him out entirely huh. that Sucks actually
anyway Atem is so pretty when the art behaves
Isis is a mom
Kalim wears a sash because there isn't a tunic in Egypt that can contain that 24 pack. goddamn
I think I actually prefer Mahaad's English voice ? he sounds so gentle ,,,
hey so does the dub just. never talk about Ba and Ka ? bc that also Sucks
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@bounce-a-coin-off-your-witcher has blessed me with the permission to turn this post into a drabble and istg yall this just wrote itself. I went a different route with the whole ‘foreign exchange student’ part, I hope you don’ mind 😘
Pairing: Geraskier
Warnings: talk of shitty classes, mentions of ISIS, talk of triggering materials in classes, so much cursing I am worse than the old men i used to bar-tend for
“This class was fuckin weird. Who the ever loving fuck puts “Middle Eastern History and English 203 Combined” on the roster then does a miserable current events class with a heavy, and frankly depressing, background on ISIS? Like? Cool, I get it, teach what you’re interested in, but give us some warning?! Maybe write in the description that it’s predominantly covering some fucked up shit? Not way-back-when like one assumes?!” Jaskier had launched into the rant he was planning all day when his coworker asked how the first day of the semester was going. 
Essie just nodded at the appropriate times, raising her eyebrows when necessary as she ran cleaning tablets through the espresso machine. 
“My day is already weird enough working here. Plus! Where’s the trigger warning?! Some kids have trauma! How the fuck are they gonna know the first day is a slideshow full of horrific images?! Fucking irresponsible.”
Essie started tamping down some coffee to test the shots, “So are you gonna try to switch into something else?”
Jaskier grinned, his eyes lighting up, “Not a chance.”
She sighed, rolling her eyes and tinkering with the settings on the machine, “Tell me about him.”
“Oh Ess, he’s gorgeous. He’s definitely not from the states, but I only caught a few words from him so I can’t place his accent-”
“Ah, yes. The accents always get you.”
“They do.” He sighed like a middle schooler in the school play as a car pulled up to their little stand, “There’s more, I promise.”
“Oh I’m sure.” Essie sighed.
Jaskier handed the customer the card reader as he started pulling the shots on the other machine, “He’s so pretty. Holy shit Ess. All jawbone and eyebrows. And his hair. I wanna know who does it because it is pure white and it still looks healthy? He’s probly my height but he looks like he could break a linebacker in half. Oof. He’s one whole lotta man, and you know me, I’m a sucker for a good set of shoulders. He doesn’t strike me as the athletic type though, ripped jeans, wallet chain, Soundgarden t shirt, flannel in his belt. Mm. Tall grunge drink of water.” he paused to hand off the customer’s beverage and take the card reader back, “And his eyes are fucking gold, I shit you not.”
Essie gave him a skeptical look, “Gold? You mean light brown?”
He shook his head aggressively, “I. Mean. Gold. Straight up sunflower eyes.”
She still didn’t look like she believed him, “He must actually be hot if you’re this excited.”
It was Jaskier’s turn to roll his eyes, “I’m not that much of a ho.”
“Not a ho, you never follow through.” She teases.
Before they head out to their classes, Jaskier makes them each the most ridiculously caffeinated and sugar loaded drink he can think of, as is tradition. 
He takes a picture of his latte art and posts it straight to twitter with the caption “Quad caramel, toffee, burnt marshmallow, and hazelnut breve (with a penis heart) #wifemeup” then tops the drink with as much whipped cream as possible.
His first class is statistics, and honestly fuck stats. He struggles through it, remembers nearly nothing, then moves on to the combo class of his nightmares. 
This boy better be gay or bi or pan or something other than straight. 
He sat roughly in the middle of the amphitheater-like classroom and kept an eye on the door by holding his phone up with his elbows resting on the desk and slouching like a child. True to his nature, he got lost in his phone and failed to notice when Hot Babe walked in and plopped into the seat to his left.
Jaskier squeaked, clutching his pearls and immediately trying to suppress his giggles, “Holy shit.”
“Sorry, you alright?”
Jaskier stared up at him, dumbstruck for a moment.
Oooooo, English.
“Yeah! Yeah, good.Hi!”
Hot Brit grinned, setting up his laptop, “Hi.” 
Jaskier took another deep breath to calm his heart, but he couldn’t decide if the jump scare or Hot Brit’s collar bones were making it beat like this. 
“You don’t have a heart condition do you?” Hot Brit was smirking now, only looking at him out of the corner of his eye as he pulled up his notes from last class. 
Jaskier tilted his head, oh shit, he’s clever too, “No, thank fuck.” he laughed.
Hot Brit gave him an amused huff as the prof walked in and started shouting housekeeping announcements to the hall.
As the man was droning on about things that truly didn't matter, Hot Brit leaned over, eyes still on the prof, and whispered, “Oh yeah, I meant to ask you, will you marry me?”
Jaskier’s eyes bulged out of his head, frozen focusing on the whiteboard, “Uh, yo- what?” He whips his head around to look at Hot Brit, still looking forward, but openly smiling now. He set his phone on Jaskier’s desk, open to his tweet from this morning.
“I’m not stalking you, honest. You were on my Suggested page.”
Jaskier let the breath he was holding go, “Ooooohhh. Oh! Oh’ho’ho. Cute.” he chuckled. 
Goddamn he’s funny and smooth?
Hot Brit just wiggled his eyebrows, looking at Jaskier with an almost perfect mask of confidence.
Jaskier took the phone and entered his number in the messenger app, “How about dinner?”
Hot Brit nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes, “I’m Geralt, by the way.”
Jaskier texted himself before handing the phone back, “Geralt. Sounds very knightly.”
Geralt snorted, earning a couple glares, as the lecture had started, “Hardly.”
Jaskier settled in with his laptop, clicking the ‘audio to text’ button, “I guessed. With all the flannel and holes.”
The two grinned at each other before Geralt focused back on their lecture. Jaskier bit his lip to keep from smiling like the Cheshire Cat. 
Essie is gonna shit herself.
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mystical-flute · 3 years
Uncharted Waters (ch 8)
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AO3 || Ko-Fi
She had half a mind to turn around and have someone else do this. The Pharaoh had been cagey enough prior to his ascension to the throne, but now, with the war over and rebuilding efforts underway, his temper had grown even shorter.
But, they had already established a level of trust with each other prior to their promotions to their respective positions, and, if the gods had chosen her for this duty, so be it.
She took a deep breath and stepped into the room. “My king - ”
He turned away from the window, his blue eyes narrowing slightly. “Is it time already?” he asked with a sigh. “Fine. Please, make it quick. I have a lot of work that needs to get done.”
He sat in a free chair as she shuffled over to him, spreading her medical equipment in front of her before bowing.
“They say you have not been eating well, my king. Are you in pain?” she asked, delicate hands taking his pulse.
“I am the ruler of Egypt. The rebuilding efforts are taking most of my time,” he scoffed. “Perhaps I should execute those that gossip about me.”
“It is not gossip to me when it is about your health! It is my job to keep you alive!” she snapped, rising to her feet. “Seto, no one on this court knows how great the pain of losing A - him was more than you, but that does not mean you can waste away because of it! Egypt has been through enough. We cannot lose another pharaoh. Please - ” her voice cut off as a ball of emotion lodged in her throat. “ He would not want that. I do not speak to you as a swnwt, but as a friend.”
There was a high chance that she shouldn’t be speaking to him as a friend, given his position, but she would not allow him to waste away. If he wanted to execute her for it, she would go to the afterlife as a proud woman.
Seto sighed, leaning his head against the back of the chair. “He wouldn’t. You’re right. But there is one thing I need you to do.”
“What is that?”
“The dye in your hair. Rinse it out. If we are to follow his wishes, then we must remove even the smallest traces of him.”
Azila glanced down at the multicolored strands that hung past her shoulders. “I understand, my king. The dye will be gone by morning.”
Everything was too still.
She hadn’t noticed it before, but the shop in the dawn hour was just so still . Yes, she heard the muffled sounds of snoring coming from the living room, but her bedroom was just so quiet . So still.
Even on the calmest days at sea, there would be a gentle rocking of the waves, making her sway in the hammock she’d slept in.
She didn’t get that moment of peace here.
“Your thoughts are scattering again…”
She sighed, staring up at the ceiling in a fruitless effort to fall back to sleep. “It’s nothing serious this time.”
“You are certain?”
“Yes. Why?”
Azila materialized next to the bed. “Osiris allowed me another memory while you were asleep.”
Reika sat up on her elbows. “Oh? And?”
Distress was written on Azila’s face. “The spirit of the puzzle… was the pharaoh before my husband. I do not know his name, but I do know it is important we return to the museum.”
“Your god only just allowed you access to that memory? After we’ve been connected for a year ? No offense, Azila, but Osiris sounds like an asshole.”
“Reika!” Azila admonished. “You should not insult the gods like that. You will never end up in the Field of Reeds!”
“Azila. We’ve been connected long enough for you to know there is no paradise waiting for me when I die.” She felt the slippery ooze of blood on her hands, the weight of all she’d done in Eturn.
“That’s not true. You are a good person, Reika.”
She let a bitter chuckle escape her. “Am I?”
A couple hours later, she stepped out of her bedroom to get breakfast. It was probably still early for teens at a sleepover, but she was starving and there were only so many stupid videos she could watch online.
Not to mention, it was getting a little weird seeing her face plastered all over the internet.
She glanced over. “Hey Yugi. I didn’t wake you up, did I?”
Yugi flinched as a particularly loud snore came out of Joey. “No.”
“Your friends are something else, you know,” she chuckled, steeping a mug of tea. “But they seem like good people.”
“You mean it? You didn’t seem thrilled at Duelist Kingdom.”
She sighed. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It was a rough weekend for all of us. Did you find anything out at the museum about the puzzle?”
“No, but Azila thinks we need to head back there, so there’s probably something I missed,” Reika explained, reaching into the fridge. “Do you want me to make you some eggs?”
“Uhh, are you sure you want to cook? Last time you did, we ended up having to order takeout,” Yugi said, looking a little nervous at the thought of her cooking. “And mom made banana bread yesterday.”
Kumi’s banana bread for breakfast was a tempting idea as she spun a pan in her hand. “Yeah, it’s fine. My friend Sanji is a culinary arts student.”
“Scrambled, then.”
“Oh nice, are we making breakfast? I’m starved!” Duke suddenly said, lifting his head from the ground.
Téa let out a soft groan. “Do you guys have to be so noisy?”
Duke and Téa joined Yugi at the table as Reika cracked more eggs, the low sounds of conversation making for a peaceful morning, until -
“Reika, look out!”
Reflex took over as she grabbed a clean spatula, batting away whatever it was that had come flying toward her, adrenaline surging through her veins. Was it the Marines? Baroque Works? Bounty Hunters come for -
A pillow.
She blinked down at the pillow that lay on the boundary between the kitchen and living room. Yugi and his friends stared at her with wide eyes.
“... You okay?” Tristan asked.
A laugh escaped her. Domino. She was still in Domino. Safe.
“I’m fine. Sorry. I just had a weird dream about being chased by a dinosaur and I think my imagination got the best of me. You two go sit at the table, I’m making scrambled eggs!”
The promise of food distracted all but one of the teenagers. Yugi’s worried gaze cut through her, but she forced herself not to look at him.
“Wait a second, you have the spirit of an Ancient Egyptian queen living in your bracelet?” Joey asked as the group quietly wandered through the museum.
“Azila. Yeah.”
“And the spirit in Yugi’s puzzle is a pharaoh ?”
“That’s what Azila said this morning, yup.”
“Okay. So, now what?”
Reika sighed, rubbing her eyes. “I don’t know. I feel like we’ve looked at everything twice, but there’s nothing about a mysterious, nameless pharaoh listed anywhere.”
“Guys? I think he found something!” Téa said.
They followed the pharaoh down a flight of stairs she knew they probably shouldn’t be going down, and approached a large tablet on the wall.
Azila gasped, appearing before them. “I - I remember this! My husband had this commissioned. It was the only way he could think of to keep your spirit alive… my pharaoh.”
“Thank you for bringing him here, Reika Muto.”
This one was a new voice. An unfamiliar woman stood behind them, dressed in white. What caught Reika’s attention immediately was the symbol on the necklace.
“Isis?” Azila asked with wide eyes.
“It’s Ishizu, actually,” the woman replied, turning to the pharaoh. “This tablet depicts you and your greatest rival. Priest Seto, playing the ancient version of Duel Monsters with your magic.”
Tristan groaned. “Priest Seto? Please tell me you don’t mean - ”
“Seto Kaiba, yes. He was in awe of this tablet last night.”
Reika could hear Seto’s grumbling about magic tricks and lunacy rather than the supposed awe .
“Pharaoh, I’m afraid the war to return your memories has only just begun,” Ishizu continued. “There is a group soon to arrive in Domino, called the Rare Hunters. You must use caution against them.”
“Pfft, I’m sure they’re nothin’ compared to us!” Joey declared, punching the air.
“I am glad you seem to be so confident, Mr. Wheeler,” Ishizu said with a weak smile. “I fear the battle will not be easy, but I am pleased to see that the pharaoh has those willing to fight for him. Here. There is something I would like to show you.”
A bright light filled the room, transporting them… somewhere.
Azila looked up, startled. “Yes, Pharaoh? Is something wrong?”
“No, no, nothing is wrong. I was hoping you could help me with something.”
“I am hardly an advisor, sir.”
“Which is what makes you perfect for the question I have,” the pharaoh gestured to a nearby chair. “Please, sit.”
Azila did so, apprehension on her face.
“I want to know what you think of Seto.”
Azila went quiet for a moment as she thought, then reached down and plucked a coin from her bag, flicking it in the air. “In truth, my king, sometimes it feels like you and Seto are two sides of the same coin.” It was clear Azila was choosing her words very carefully. “You both care deeply about this country and the success of our people. It is just… you have your methods and he has his.”
“I cannot tell if that is good or bad.”
Azila only shrugged. “As I said, my king, I am not an advisor. That will be up to the gods to decide.”
“Did we all just see that, or am I going crazy?” Duke asked as the light faded and the museum came back into existence.
“We all just saw that,” Téa said. “Hey - where did Ishizu go?”
An eerie silence fell over the room.
“Let’s go home. We can talk more there,” Reika said, before frowning as her phone began to buzz.
Meet at my house at one?
Reika checked her phone. Twelve-thirty. It wasn’t a lot of time, but she would probably be able to drop Yugi and his friends off, grab a suit blazer, and rush to Tanaka Manor.
I’ll be there.
“Something is coming, Reika. Something that will expose Earth and Eturn,” Ishizu’s voice said quietly as Yugi and his friends raced ahead of her.
Reika paused, clutching her phone tighter in her hand. “Then we’ll stop it. The worlds aren’t ready.”
“It’s too late. A floodgate has opened.”
She turned. “Ishizu - ”
But she was alone in the hall.
It was quiet in the boardroom, five teenagers rooted to their chairs in shock. They’d been told to do their homework, but no textbook was open on the table.
Gozaburo Kaiba, the man who had brought them all together when they had been just children, was dead. By his own hand.
Reika had known something had happened with the swarms of emergency vehicles and press surrounding KaibaCorp as she’d tried to squeeze through the crowds.
Leichter had found her then, tried to shield her from the tarp on the ground as he took her around the back, but she’d realized something terrible had transpired.
She just hadn’t realized it was Gozaburo, of all people.
“What do you think is going to happen now?” Hideo asked, his usually loud, brash voice hushed.
“Seto’s going to be CEO now, right?” Reika said, biting her lip. “I don’t see why anything would change. Besides, Seto’s our friend.”
“Can we trust him, though?” Katsuo asked, lacing his fingers together. “I mean, he was ruthless enough to yank KaibaCorp out from under Gozaburo.”
“Even so, he should be aware that he needs allies in the wake of just… how this all happened,” Mei said.
“Who better to be on his side? We were all featured in the news just last week!” Sora added.
The door opened then, the five executives sweeping into the room with worn faces.
“Mr. Leichter, is everything okay?”
Leichter dropped a hand to her shoulder, squeezing it with a tired smile. “Yes, Miss Reika. Everything is going to be okay.”
“Fucking liar,” she muttered to herself as she parked her car and made her way to the large back gardens of Tanaka Manor.
“Reika, there you are!” Sora called.
She forced a smile and a wave, taking a seat at the table. “It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been on the same continent.”
“You aren’t kidding about that,” Katsuo said with a weak smile. “How was America?”
She paused, trying to find the right word. “A learning curve,” she settled on. “But at least the food was good.”
“And how is Seto ?” Mei asked with a smug smirk. “I saw the news this morning. Tell me, just what did you do in order to snatch him up?”
“Seto’s fine.” Reika shrugged. “Nothing special. But I feel like this isn’t a totally innocent conversation about my love life.”
“We want to know what happened to the Big Five.”
Reika leaned back in her chair. “They staged a coup to take KaibaCorp back from Seto and Mokuba, aided and abetted in a kidnapping of Mokuba, locked Seto in a video game, then tried to kill my cousin and his friends when they went to go rescue them. Any other questions?”
Mei’s eyes were damp with tears, understandable considering Johnson was her uncle. “Why would they do something like that?”
“Because they were old men obsessed with power,” Hideo said, narrowing his eyes. “You know the old saying. Absolute power corrupts absolutely… and it happened to the Big Five.”
Sora bit her lip, reaching to squeeze Mei’s shoulder. “I saw Seto last night at the museum gala. He said our standings with KaibaCorp will not change, so we’ll all still have our positions. It’s just…”
“Time for the new generation to fully take over,” Hideo finished, leaning against his elbows. “I can handle that, can’t you guys?”
“This is what they took us under their wings for,” Katsuo agreed. “It’s just weird to think that they were the last pillars standing of the old KC. Noah, then Gozaburo, and now the Big Five. Gone. What happened to them, anyway?”
Reika shrugged. “I don’t know. By the time the police got there, they were gone.”
The others had worried looks on their faces.
“What do we do, then?” Sora asked. “What if they come back?”
“Then they know their place,” Hideo replied, lifting his glass in the air. “Their time is over. It’s our turn now. To the new generation of KaibaCorp.”
There was an awkward clinking of glasses and several long drinks of champagne before Mei broke the silence.
“Noah. I haven’t thought about him in a long time.”
“Do you ever think what KaibaCorp would be like if he hadn’t died?” Sora asked.
“The old farts would still be in charge. They’d still be focused on war tech instead of things like games,” Hideo replied. “A lot of people would be unhappy.”
“What do you mean?” Mei questioned with a frown.
Hideo shrugged. “Have contracts that deal with weapons of war, build and design weapons for war, or deal with, build and design games that make people happy, and even a theme park if he can get the specs off the ground. It’s simple math. Plus it’s a lot easier on the consciousness. I don’t know how much longer I would have been able to take the war profiteering.”
“I have to agree,” Sora said. “I’m grateful for the opportunity for hands-on engineering lessons from Mr. Nezbitt, but some of the weapons he built were truly just… awful. There’s a reason he was called the Demon Warlord of the Factory.”
Reika shuddered. “I actually had a dream a few nights ago about Noah. He wasn’t pleased that he’s been a secret. I ended up telling Seto about him.”
Katsuo stared at her. “You did? How’d he take it?”
“More pissed at Gozaburo than at any of us. Said it wasn’t fair that he threatened us the way he did.”
“He’s not wrong about that. Threatening twelve year olds? Gozaburo was a damned lunatic,” Hideo snapped. “KaibaCorp - no, the world - is better off without him.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Reika replied, clinking her glass against his.
Katsuo and Mei seemed more quiet as the meeting went on, but whenever it was brought up, they brushed it off, which made Reika suspicious.
She was surprised to find Yugi alone in the apartment when she got home.
“Your friends left?”
“Yeah. Duke had to help his dad at their shop, Serenity’s operation is tonight, so Joey went to the hospital, Tristan’s babysitting his nephew, and Téa needed to catch up on homework. How was your Young Five thing?” Yugi asked as Reika collapsed on the couch with a groan. “It went well, huh?”
“It was fine. It just brought up a lot of old emotions, that’s all,” she said, resting her hand on her forehead. “We talked about the Big Five. No one has heard from them since the day you went into that virtual world.”
“And the police haven’t found anything?”
“If they have, Seto hasn’t told me.”
Yugi frowned. “And it’d be pretty weird for him not to tell you.”
There was something hanging in the air between them, and Reika let out a sigh. “Go ahead, ask away.”
“Does Kaiba make you happy?”
Reika pushed herself into a sitting position. “He does.”
Yugi smiled. “I’m glad. I don’t like what he did to grandpa, but - ”
“Grandpa said he forgave him for what happened.”
“Good. You know, the other - er, the pharaoh and I were talking about that day before you got home,” Yugi said, taking a seat next to her. “He said Kaiba had a lot of darkness in his heart.”
“Well, that’s not a surprise, considering his father,” Reika said.
“Right… it got me thinking, what day was it that Gozaburo died?”
“May eighth, I think it was. Why?”
“That was the day Kaiba stole grandpa’s card.”
Reika’s eyes widened. “Oh. Oh ! I didn’t even realize that.No wonder the pharaoh felt a lot of darkness in his heart that day.”
“The pharaoh said he used some of his magic to get rid of it.”
She chuckled bitterly. “I’m glad. Gozaburo was… not a good man. It’s still something that weighs on Seto,” she said.
“I’m not surprised. It would weigh on anyone. I’m glad he has a friend like you, though.”
Yugi blinked. “It’s not that I’m happy for you, I’m just surprised that Kaiba would move so quickly.”
“Yeah, so here’s the thing, we’ve been dating for two years already.”
“Two - ?!”
“We wanted to take it slow. Keep it away from the press.”
Yugi laughed softly. “Are you sure you’re prepared for the press now?”
She grinned and ruffled his hair. “I’ve faced scarier things than cameras.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hm?” Crap. “Oh. I mean like… all the stuff I saw in the desert on that first expedition. Do you know how freaky it is to have to learn to protect yourself against snakes, scorpions, or coyotes? Hearing them howl at night, like you’re about to be their meal?”
“Uh, I can’t say I do, but it must be pretty freaky.”
“Yeah, kinda, but it was fun!” she said with a wide grin. “C’mon, I’ll tell you about it while we figure out dinner.”
Guilt twisted in her gut.
“The latest intel says the Marines took all the credit for what happened at Alabasta,” Aiko said the next day. “They say Captain Smoker was offered a promotion and everything.”
“Ugh, of course they did. Can’t have a pirate crew do something nice for the poor civilians, can we?” Reika replied with a roll of her eyes, glancing at the wanted poster of her captain. “At least Luffy’s happy.”
“Weird that someone would be happy having a bounty on their head.”
“Luffy’s a pirate, he wants to make a big name for himself,” she laughed. “Besides, he’s going to be the Pirate King. I’m sure the bounty’s going to be even higher before long. I just hope I can be there with them when it happens.”
“How can you be sure that he’ll be the one to find Roger’s treasure? If it even exists…”
Reika paused, setting the papers down on the table in front of her. “I… I don’t know. It’s just this feeling I have. It’s like I said at the meeting, Luffy just has this… energy around him that I was drawn to. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel like… he’s the one that’s supposed to find the One Piece.”
“Like that destiny shit you were talking about regarding Yugi?”
She shrugged. “I think we all have a destiny, Aiko. Something that our soul is drawn to do.”
“You sound like, like…”
“... Like I have an ancient spirit living in my head and talking to me all hours of the day?” Reika snorted.
“It is not all hours of the day.”
Aiko nearly fell out of her chair as Azila materialized in the room. “What the hell is that?!”
“My name is Azila. I am the guardian of the Millennium Bracelet. I am surprised your commander did not inform you of my presence.”
“Well, she did, most of us were just thinking she’d lost her mind.”
Reika rolled her eyes. “Your grandfather cracked a code that led us to another dimension, and your limit is Ancient Egyptian magic being real?”
“It just sounds so insane!”
Reika gestured to the computers and maps surrounding them. “And this doesn’t?!”
Her phone began to buzz before Aiko had a chance to reply.
“Aunt Kumi?” she frowned as her aunt sobbed on the other end of the line. “What’s wrong?”
“Reika, Yugi’s in the hospital.”
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cakrawalapersada · 3 years
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Sarana Kit dan Media Siap Nikah Anti Stunting:
1). Tablet Spesifikasi Tablet:
Ukuran minimal : 7,9 Inch
OS Android : Minimal Versi terbaru
Processor : Minimal Quad Core
Ram : Minimal 2 GB
Memory Internal : Minimal 16 GB
Casing diberi label pengadaan DAK Penugasan Sub bidang KB tahun 2021 (sesuai dengan tahun pengadaan).
Tablet wajib diisi aplikasi games edukasi dan Komik Edukasi GenRe (Genta dan Rere) versi Digital: Aplikasi game edukasi adalah permainan game dalam jaringan (online) maupun luar jaringan (offline) yang dapat diunduh di aplikasi playstore, terdiri dari 9 (sembilan) sub tema: pubertas, seksualitas, reproduksi, kesehatan dan gizi remaja, perilaku berisiko, tindakan berbahaya, kesiapan berkeluarga, tugas perkembangan dan fungsi keluarga serta pengasuhan keluarga sehat. Game Edukasi “Dawn of Civilization” dengan subjek “Generasi Berencana” didalamnya dapat diunduh melalui: – Google Play Store untuk perangkat smartphone berbasis Android – App Store untuk perangkat smartphone berbasis iOS – Website Dawn of Civilization untuk komputer/laptop berbasis Windows
2). Komik Edukasi Spesifikasi Komik 9 sub tema:
Judul Komik : – Genta Dan Rere Belajar Hidup Sehat. – Genta Dan Rere Beranjak Dewasa. – Genta Dan Rere Bertanya Pada Ibu. – Genta Dan Rere Baper. – Genta Dan Rere Mengenal Perilaku Beresiko. – Genta Dan Rere Belum Siap Nikah. – Genta Dan Rere Sudah Siap Nikah. – Genta Dan Rere Membina Keluarga. – Genta Dan Rere Menjadi Orang Tua .
Ukuran : B6
Bahan/Isi : Art Paper 100 gram
Jumlah Halaman : +iii, 1-26
Cetak Isi : Full Colour
Bahan Cover : Art Karton 230 gram
Cetak Cover : Full Colour
Finishing : Jahit Kawat/Straples
Cover : – Bagian atas terdapat logo BKKBN. – Bagian bawah terdapat logo Kab/Kota serta tulisan nama OPD kab/kota. – Terdapat tulisan DAK sub bidang KB tahun pengadaan 2021.3). Tas untuk menyimpan dan membawa Kit Siap Nikah Anti Stunting berbahan kain polyester D.1680, diberi label “Kit Cegah Stunting – Pengadaan DAK Penugasan Subbidang KB Penugasan tahun 2021”
Untuk informasi produk dan harga silahkan hubungi kami:Cakrawala Persada
Produsen dan Distributor Produk DAK BKKBN
Jl. Tarum Barat I blok G2 No.89 Cikarang Pusat
Telpon: (021) 89323145 / HP: 0852 1380 0036
1 note · View note
lanegrooms · 4 years
Mystery Babylon Revisited 03: Notes from “Egyptian Magic”
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Part 3 of Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon series:
These are not the beliefs of Bill Cooper or myself. These are the beliefs of the mysteries schools that make up what is known as, “Mystery Babylon” or the Babylonian religions.
Notes Below:
Mystery Babylon: Hour 03, Egyptian Magic [Bill Cooper’s “The Hour of the Time” Radio Broadcast]
“These are historic broadcasts, and by making these broadcasts, I have sealed my fate.”
Intro: More on the Sun
The sun enter each house of the zodiac at the 30th degree, and leaves in the 33rd.
A Freemason is not told the truth about the object of his worship until he obtains the 30th degree.
Thus Gods Sun is said to enter into his ministry at 30 and dies at 33.
This is why the 33rd degree is the highest, because no man can be higher than the Sun.
background lore
When viewing the Sun’s reflection on the water at dawn or sunset, you are witnessing the Sun walking on water.
Ancient man believed the Sun controlled the weather.
God’s Sun did this as he crossed the sky in his boat.
The boat of Isis.
Ra the sun god a.k.a. Osiris, wears a sun disk on his head.
symbolizing his power in the heavens
the boat is made of a serpent and bears his eye
seated on a pedestal representing Maet, or divine order.
Every king, prince, lord, dictator, national flag, coat of arms, citation, etc... uses the sun as a primary symbol.
Thus God’s Sun is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
They see Christianity as a perversion of these mysteries.
in ancient times, months followed the phases of the moon.
The scorpion betrays the Sun in autumn
The original October surprise.
Thirty moons of silver.
Scorpion: Judas
1307, Oct 13th in France, more on this later
Earth is considered the Mother
Rain is the fertilizing agent from the Father in Heaven
Intercourse between Earth and Heaven
The Canaan fertility rite: The Marriage Feast of Canaan.
over 5,000 years old
Egyptian Magic Background
Reiteration of Sun mythology
The child Horus was called the Logos: the Word
The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
The only begotten of the Father
The Word was lost.
The symbol of the Word today is the Obelisk.
The stone
The lost word of Freemasonry (more later)
Horus was later in Egyptian history was given another name: Isos/Isis: Jesus
If you want to follow the life of God’s Sun
You must follow the Sun/ face to the east
You must be born again
A former president did not directly claim to be a Christian, but to have been born again.
Life is symbolized by coming out of the water.
They hate Christians
and you are in danger
Old Testament:
Malaki: God is the Sun with healing in his wings.
Mathew and Luke: God’s Sun wanting to gather all under his wings
In ancient Egypt pictured the sun with wings
Jeremiah: God the Potter
Isaiah: You are the Potter, we are the clay
The images of “winged craft” depict the Sun
Ancient alien theory and UFO theories is compromised by masonic forces.
Man is considered sheep/flock
Kings: sheperds
blindly follow
born to be fleeced
lead to the slaughter
the skin is worn about the Freemason’s waist
the 23rd Psalm: go to sleep
Rod and Staff
Pharaohs wore the symbol of the rod and the staff on their chest.
The rod to beat with
The staff to lead
Note: Bill Cooper’s informants have infiltrated the lodge.
The god Nimu fashioned man from clay.
in some depiction Thoth is pictured also, marking the length of man’s life on a staff.
Morning Sun: Horus; At high noon: Aman-Ra
Called in 2 Corr, and other places, God is still called Amen.
Amon was said at the end of their prayers.
Reminder: We have only just begun to uncover the worship of Ba’al or Baal or B’el
Ba: the Sun
al/el: god
Reminder: Wake Up Now.
Bill states his allegiances
If you stand for nothing, you are already dead.
Egyptian Magic Continued
The use of magic is expressed in the Osirian Cycle
The redemption of the human soul
Isis was the patroness of the arts of Egyptian Magic
Applies the most potent charm when she resurrected Osiris
The gods of Egypt were part of a magical system
A cerimonial Kaballah
an elaborate metaphysical system
Egyptologist have no clue
Call them superstition
The Curse of Aman-Ra
The opening of King Tut’s Tomb
All but one who entered the cursed tomb died within a year
7 french authors and journalists died within 2 years of the visit.
A mark was found on the mummies face
a similar mark appeared on one of the tomb’s openers
Over the entrance of the Tomb was a magical tablet: The Stella of Malediction
O ye beings from Above;
O ye beings from Below;
Phantoms riding the breaths of men;
Ye of the crossroads and of the great highways;
Wanders beneath the shade of Night;
And ye from the abysses of the West on the fringes of the twilight;
Dwellers in the caverns of obscurity who rouse terrors and shuttering;
And ye walkers by night whom I will not name, friends of the moon;
and ye intangible inhabitants of the world of Night;
O people, O denizens of the tombs, all of you approach and be my witnesses and respondents,
Let the hand raised against my form be withered;
Let them be destroyed who attack my name, my foundation, my effigies, the images like unto me.
If Egypt’s magic gave them power over nature’s laws can we take them lightly?
Also look into the Cleopatra Tomb Curse.
After news of the curse, collectors of Egyptian artifacts began to send them into the British museums.
Few articles received had a return address or name.
“Scare gifts”
The priestess of Aman-Ra
Pictures taken of the Casket placed in a cabinet
the glass turned to dust
They found what was assumed to be a poisonous dust.
Although it defies analysis
Later it was blamed on a virus
Egyptians inherited the religion of Babylon.
Mystery Babylon
The Ancient Mystery Schools claim to have brought some of this forward
The Bible speaks of Pharaoh’s priest turning staves into snakes
Magic is to old to be explained away by tricks
highly educated scientific men
psychological impression
sent spirits forth from the body
read the secrets of the soul
employed music
perfected embalming the dead
Priests said to possess these power
walk the air
handle fire
live under water
read the past
see the future
harmlessly suffer mutilation
make themselves invisible
cure disease
Compare to Mystics of Tibet
tree withered by a pointed finger
dead raised to life
man surrounded by a blue aura
man lifted into the air by pure mental effort
Plato and Pythagorus were initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries
They said that the initiated priest was able to manipulate the seen and unseen to his will
the highest form of magic was the worship of the gods
able to ascend to a higher state and understanding in which high feats of magic were possible
Alister Crowley said the same thing.
Gen. Pike: the absolute science of nature and it’s laws
from this knowledge arises occult science
from this knowledge arises the theurgic arts
(more on Albert Pike later)
Men like Crowley have proven that the Mysteries have been passed down through the ages.
These arts are kept by those who call themselves the Guardians of the Secrets of the Ages.
“Just Wake Up”
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sicher-stark-team · 14 days
Influencer*innen in Sozialen Medien
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Von Veronika Wittig Immer mehr Kinder nutzen schon in jungem Alter selbstständig Smartphones, Laptops und Tablets und sind damit auch in Sozialen Medien unterwegs. Dort begegnen sie meist zwangsläufig sogenannten Influencern. Dabei können versteckte Werbung, verzerrte Wirklichkeitsdarstellungen oder Körperbilder und problematische Rollenbilder einen negativen Einfluss auf junge Heranwachsende ausüben. Welchen Einfluss haben diese Influencer*innen auf Kinder und was können Eltern ihren Kindern hier mitgeben? Was sind Influencer*innen? Auf Instagram, TikTok und YouTube sind zahlreiche Influencer*innen unterwegs. Ob Outfits, Rezepte, Sport oder Gaming – Influencer*innen sind die neuen Stars und geben vor, was gerade Trend und angesagt ist. Wie der Name „Influencer“ bereits nahelegt, versuchen Personen mit ihren großen Accounts und Reichweiten, mit ihren Beiträgen, Reels und Storys ihre Fans und Follower zu beeinflussen. Meist vermarkten sie für große Firmen Produkte und dienen so als Werbe- und Marketingplattform. Diese Art der Werbung ist deshalb für Kinder so gefährlich, weil sie so subtil stattfindet. Ein großes Reklameplakat an einer Bushaltestelle ist leicht als Werbung zu identifizieren. Aber Influencer*innen teilen häufig nahezu ihr ganzes Leben mit ihren Fans und nehmen sie mit durch ihren Alltag – oder das, was sie als ihren Alltag verkaufen. Häufig entsteht so für junge Heranwachsende das Gefühl, ihre Idole privat zu kennen. Dabei fließt die Werbung meist nebenbei mit ein. Zwischen den vielen Storys und Reels ist es teilweise schwer zu erkennen, wo gerade bezahlte Werbung anfängt oder welche Empfehlung vielleicht gerade aus dem Bauch heraus und ehrlich getätigt wird. Mit Rabattcodes locken Influencer*innen dann zum Kauf der Produkte und profitieren meist selbst davon. Kinder stoßen meist automatisch auf diese großen Accounts, wenn sie selbstständig in den Sozialen Medien unterwegs sind. Doch welchen Einfluss haben diese Influencer*innen auf die Kinder? Studie zeigt: Influencer*innen beeinflussen Kinder Wie eine Studie im Auftrag der Influencer-Marketing-Plattform Influry und des Bundesverbands Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) bereits 2017 nachweist, vertrauen gerade junge Heranwachsende ab 14 Jahren besonders stark den Einschätzungen von Influencer*innen und anderen Online-Vorbildern oder Stars. Zahlen der Studie zeigen, dass 36 Prozent der Befragten sich über Produkte vor dem Kauf auf YouTube oder Instagram informieren. Influencern wird dabei vor allem eine sehr hohe Glaubwürdigkeit attestiert (41 %). Dabei können die Kinder aber oft nicht (bezahlte) Werbung von anderen Inhalten trennen bzw. als Werbung einstufen und vertrauen deshalb den Meinungen von Influencern*innen. Kinder können versteckte Werbebotschaften schwerer als solche erkennen und deshalb leichter manipuliert werden. Dazu trägt auch bei, dass die bezahlte Werbung häufig nicht ausreichend gekennzeichnet ist oder die Hinweise optisch schnell übersehen werden können. Dies birgt die Gefahr, dass Kinder die Aussagen nicht hinterfragen. Auch eine Befragung von klicksafe im Rahmen des Safer Internet Day 2020 bestätigt die Analyse der o. g. Studie von 2017. 2020 gaben dabei knapp 1/3 der Befragten an, dass soziale Medien die Meinungsbildung beeinflussen, ein Fünftel sagte sogar, dass sie explizit von Influencern in ihrer Meinungsbildung gelenkt würden. Das Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI fand im Forschungsprojekt FAIR gemeinsam mit der Hochschule Darmstadt und der Universität Mannheim 2024 heraus, dass circa die Hälfte von mehr als 1000 befragten Jugendlichen bereits in der Vergangenheit ein Produkt gekauft haben, das von einem/r Influencer * in beworben wurde. Dabei gab mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten an, innerhalb der letzten 6 Monate bis zu 50 Euro für von Influencer*innen beworbene Produkte ausgegeben zu haben. Tipps für Eltern Eltern ist deshalb zu empfehlen, Kindern früh zu zeigen, dass auch in den Sozialen Medien Werbung kursiert und Influencer*innen für ihre positive Bewertung Geld bekommen. Eltern können ihren Kindern alternative Bewertungsplattformen zeigen und erklären, wie sie zu Produkten weitere Informationen und Bewertungen erhalten, um sich eine fundierte Meinung bilden zu können. Generell empfiehlt es sich, grundsätzlich bei der Mediennutzung auf werbefreie Inhalte zu achten. Insbesondere junge Kinder sollten deshalb geschützte Surfräume mit werbefreien, kindgerechten Inhalten nutzen. Eltern sollten zudem mit ihren Kindern vereinbaren, dass Downloads, Bestellungen und Anmeldungen auf Plattformen nur gemeinsam bzw. in Absprache mit ihnen getätigt werden. Das Sicher-Stark-Team hilft mit Unser Sicher-Star- Team gibt hilfreiche Tipps, damit Kinder sicher und selbstbewusst aufwachsen können. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Homepage der Bundesgeschäftsstelle. Lesen Sie auch unseren Artikel über Internet-Zugang für Kinder einschränken - Aber wie? Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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