#tabris x alistair
awhekate · 1 year
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quick random warmup because i remembered that alistair is probably quite tall and my warden is an elf so she's right at a perfect height...
world scary and blighted, warden titty soft and warm
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Alistair and Layenne Tabris spending a free afternoon together 🙂​
This took me 84 years because things have been stressful and for my standards this was a really big project. Definitely gonna do something simpler next.
Originally I wanted Barkspawn the mabari to lie at their feet but turns out drawing dogs is difficult. 🥲​
Oh and this is the first project I finished on my new PC! Drawing is way smoother for me now.
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sinizade · 1 year
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"You must think I'm royally stupid."
"I think you're royally tough to kill, And utterly gorgeous."
A remake of one of my first Zevran drawings
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A lovely Warden Tabris x Alistair commission from a little while ago for @redplaidtrenchcoat ✨
Commissions (OPEN) I Patreon I Ko-fi
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alilyhn · 1 year
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She loves his big personality
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cyanorhis · 3 months
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the nightmares or the feelings?
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flashhwing · 1 year
accidentally triggered Alistair's rose scene in the middle of the zombie fight at Redcliffe and lemme tell u there's nothing like telling your crush to strip out of his armor while knights and zombies are duking it out around you and in the background the ramparts are on fire
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just1gnome · 5 months
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modded nerith run is going very well
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floppycacti · 4 days
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You know when there’s just something you’re never going to finish because your brain is being pulled in a million directions? No? Just me?
I’m currently replaying all of the dragon age games right and honestly the fact that Anders took out his slutty little hoop earring is a tragedy I will never get over it.
My excitement for da4 is astronomical. I just finished Origins romancing the sweet sweet boy <3 which I hadn’t done in a while (I’m a Zevran girly to the end) and had them both live? It’s been a minute since I’ve done the weird god baby thing with Morrigan and honestlyyyyy what a world.
Anyway this drawing took me 8 hours and frankly I just don’t think it’s ever going to get finished and I’m decently happy with it right now — so therefore I must post so I can delete it from my procreate (ง •̀_•́)ง
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valsnotgothstuff · 8 months
arl eamon: so hey, i wanna set you up with anora
alistair: oh i’m engaged to the warden :)
arl eamon: i thought you were gay
alistair: then why would you want to set me up with anora?
arl eamon: i don’t know
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rogalekk-k · 1 year
thinking about tabris x alistair romance
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Original tweet by someone else but we know it would fit Alistair and his wife
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maskwoodsart · 9 months
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“He’s more than I deserve… and I hope I make his days easier as well."
I haven't drawn Tabristair in actual YEARS (Last one in 2019... oy). I need to do it more often I love my warden, he's my little guy.
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dragon-age-fame · 7 months
Edit: I want to thank you guys for the interest. She is 14 pages in now. Low key might skip work today to write. Keep up the good work. I answer some of your questions and replies uwusl
Hwy guys.
I'm hoping to generate some interest for my current project with my bestie. We are writing a dragon age fanfic. Instead of one origin surviving, Duncan recruited all of them.
It will have romance, adventure, friendship, politics, betrayal and hope.
Our goal is to keep it true to the story to lore as possible.. hope to eventually write through all 3 games. (Possibly dreadwolf too depending on how that turns out)
The romance list is F. Maharel x Zevran, F. Tabris x Leliana, M. Adecan x Morrigan, F. Cousland x Alistair.
Surana and Brosca will be announced later.
How it will work is we are splitting the chapters. She writes one half. I write the other. We have different writing styles so I hope this will be a fun and relatively unique project.
Bestie says she will be more.motivated to write if people are interested. So I am hoping to show her to get her on the ball.
Please feel free to comment with any thoughts, comments, questions or ideas.
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exalted-dawn-drabbles · 3 months
edddd happy dadwc :3 i come for the beloved shaesa/alistair + ♡: Accidentally falling asleep together    
hehehehehe okay so I had a LOT of fun with this one. Thank you so much for this prompt and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did XD for @dadrunkwriting
Rating G: Slice of Life, Comedy, ~500 words
A Perilous Place for a Nap | By Exalted_Dawn
“Do you think we should wake them?” 
It was Zevran’s voice, curling and playful like a cat’s tail. The tone he uses when he knows he’s going to get in trouble for something, but finds the situation too amusing to care. 
“No, no. It is kinder to let them rest.” That was Leliana who was talking this time, and though she did not sound nearly so shit-eating, the slightest chuckle punctuated the end of the suggestion, like a dash of honey thrown into tea to make the swallowing less bitter. 
Groaning, Shaesa murmured a question. Or at least she tried to. But instead of an answer, she was met with swift-hushed silence. Blearily, she tried to fight the shackles of half-sleep and force her eyes open, but a gentle back and forth sway kept her just on the edge of waking and sleep. Too lulled for stirring. 
“Are you quite certain? Their situation looks rather… precarious.” Zevran again. 
“I for one would love to see them fall into the mud,” Morrigan hummed, somewhere nebulous ahead of her. Them…?
“True,” Zevran conceded. “But think of how much funnier it would be if one of them woke up right now. Alistair would be red as an Orlesian in Antiva.” 
Ohgren made a gravelly sort of chuckle, the sound of it somewhere behind her. “Heh, but do ya think Shae will punch him fer all the drool he’s getting on her face?”
What? Drool?
Shaesa tried stirring awake again, this time managing to scrunch her face and as she tried to turn her head away from the sunlight, she did indeed feel something cold and wet against her cheek. She also felt the rasp of something rough and scratchy, like a brick on skin. 
Whatever it was, she felt it lurch against her again before pulling away entirely, causing her head to fall sharply forward in the absence of any support. Shaesa reeled, her eyes snapping open as she wobbled in her saddle. “Fuck-” And then slipped sideways from it entirely. 
There was another silence this time, far more pregnant than the first as Shaesa stared dumbly up at the world above where she lay in the rain-mottled earth. Almost everyone had stopped to stare at her: Leliana, Zevran, Oghren, and Wynne all blatantly biting back laughter in their own ways– behind a hand, a turned face, or a broad grin. Morrigan feigned disinterest from the head of the riding column, and Sten behind her was actually disinterested as he continued on past her, riding his large, buckskin dun draft horse. And then there was Alistair, immediately above her staring down from his own mare, squinting at her through sleep-crusted eyes. A damning stripe of drool ran down one side of his chin, mysteriously stemmed right around where it had pressed against her own face. 
He frowned. “...Shaesa…? Why are you on the floor?”
And before she could even begin to answer, the spell-bound silence was broken by a crow-like cackle. Head thrown back, Zevran began to laugh.
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alilyhn · 1 year
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meme redraws ft my warden and her babygirl
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