gordvendomewhore · 2 years
o and v? only if u want to ofc >:)
WAHHHH omg thank u so much for leaving an ask, i absolutely adore your art!!!!!!
O - choose a song at random. which ship or character does it remind you of:
all i ever wanted - futurist: i discovered this song after my first big bully phase, so i never thought about it in regards to bully, but god DAMN does it click in my head now...
this is...parker/tad. spencilvie, if you will.
parker/tad is one of my favorite ships, and i always characterized being trapped in this one-sided love (from parker's side) that isn't actually one-sided, but more a product of their circumstance. i think out of all the preps, parker is one of the most likely to become disillusioned with with the title and the wealth and eventually grow out of that obsession and fall deeper into the pit of loneliness he canonically suffers from.
i imagine him and tad would find solace in each other -- parker in tad because he always admired tad's charisma and leadership while not being entirely a douche like derby, and tad in parker because he enjoyed the lighthearted conversations and perspectives parker brought to the table -- solving each other's loneliness and becoming genuine friends within a clique of fake bitches lol.
but i think parker would eventually catch feelings, mainly because he's never really been close to anyone and is very emotionally raw overall. it's just destined to go that direction lol. but tad, being tad, is so utterly broken. i don't think he would be in the right state to be romantically involved with parker, but mental health wouldn't be the only deciding factor: stigma around homosexuality, dedication to family titles and wealth, already strained relationships with his family -- a relationship with parker would only add to the stress.
so anyway, after all that prelude lmao, i think this song would be from parker's pov, talking about his feelings for tad but how it's not something he could rely on because he knows tad does not feel the same way. the song is nice and upbeat with this psychedelic feel to it, and i think it's a perfect way to encapsulate parker and his outlook on everything -- even during a bout of deep sorrow, he would still find a way to put a positive tone to everything, even if it just makes it more bittersweet in the end.
wahh i wanted to do more songs but this singular one got so fucking long omggg maybe i'll do more in future posts just for funsies
V - which character do you relate to most?
shit, this is a really loaded question lmao.
most of the time, i feel like i don't really know myself as a person lmao. when i've talked about bully characters i relate to in the past, i usually just say derby because he's (arguably) my favorite character, and like him, i'm a bit of an arrogant bitch who uses it as a disguise for insecurity.
i think that's just a lot of self-projection though, and i think in reality, i'm too grounded, self-aware, and melancholy to relate to someone as intense as derby harrington. he's a bad bitch and he knows it.
i think i'm more of a fanon bif taylor. still a bit arrogant, quite the force to be reckoned with, loyal, and a bit too introspective for my own good. i strive to have a fuck/frat boy vibe out of the sheer irony of a 5 foot asian girl having those vibes, and i think it feeds into the bif taylor of it all. i'm not exactly the voice of reason and spend a lot of time feeding into the chaos around me, but i know how to calm everything down when needed.
a fanon bif taylor! or at least, my interpretation of a fanon bif taylor
again, thank you sooo much for the ask!!! it was really fun doing these!!!!
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tales-of-witchery · 11 months
I love you The Amazing Devil's leitmotifs in lyrics and melodies
I love you The Amazing Devil's overlapping lyrics
I love you The Amazing Devil's harmonies and dissonances
I love you The Amazing Devil's complex storylines contained in a single song
I love you The Amazing Devil's very specific situations that are so deeply human even though they are masked as fantasy concepts
I love you The Amazing Devil
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lemonsaltt · 4 months
gord: well, I'm going to work on my dad's firm this summer
parker: is he making you work? what a bastard
tad spencer subplot:
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chronicallyadhdexmo · 10 months
chords is underrated honestly like wtf. i feel like a 45 year old sending their first kid off to college while simultaneously feeling like like a child being told that everything will be ok and that someone will be waiting for me no matter how far I go
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
I think it’s be funny to have a Spider-Man that is genuinely just a kid, not like a teenager or a kid who understands the gravity of his abilities but a kid who does heroics simply because that’s cool to a kid.
The gimmick is that the villains think it’s a gimmick and Spider-Man(?) fucks with them by acting like a kid to make ‘em feel bad or embarrass them only for them to realize he’s a literal child due to a forced team up where they like offer him a brewski afterwards and he’s legitimately like “Mr I am 9 years old, I just do this cause my aunt can’t take me to the park every afternoon.” And they grill him on adult things and he sits there just blanking cause he’s fucking 9.
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itsyoung8 · 5 months
The age of the students at Bullworth Academy (part II)
Hello! Today in this second part I'm going to talk about the age of preppies. Happy reading!
-> I'm going to assume that Bullworth Academy is a high school
-> Since it is a high school located in the United States, four years ago and not three as in Europe (ex: France). That's why I'm going to make the following cut:
1st year: 14-15 years old - Freshman
2nd year: 15-16 years old - Sophomore
3rd year: 16-17 years old - Junior
4th year: 17-18 years old - Senior
Derby Harrington:
When Derby speaks when he walks alone, he can be heard saying this: "Why won't my father let me cash in my trust fund? It's like he doesn't understand: I need a yacht too!" After doing a lot of research, it turns out that, in most New England states, you have to be at least 16 years old to be able to drive a boat alone without the assistance of an adult. Derby's line of dialogue suggests that he can drive his own yacht himself. We can then deduce that Derby is either a 16-17 year old junior or a 17-18 year old senior
Bif Taylor:
Two lines of dialogue from Bif can guide us on an age. The first: "She'd totally dig me if I had a car". As seen with Russell, the minimum legal age to drive a car is 16 years and a few months (for some New England states) but with restrictions, otherwise you have to be 18 to drive without restrictions. We can already say that Bif is at least 16 years old or older.
The second line of dialogue reads as follows: "Does my trust fund kick in at eighteen or twenty-one?" The majority in all New England states is 18 years old and this line of dialogue makes me think that Bif is very close to reaching the majority. I came to think that Bif must be a 17-18 year old senior
Pinky Gauthier:
Pinky in conversation: "Daddy says he'll buy me an Italian convertible when I turn sixteen!" This line of dialogue allows us to rule out the possibility that Pinky is a junior or a senior. In addition, "I heard we'll be allowed to bring our own servants next year!" This suggests that Pinky was already at Bullworth Academy last year as if this year and last year, servants were not allowed. I conclude that Pinky is a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Tad Spencer:
"They'll have a hard time topping last year's carnival." We know from this line of dialogue that Tad is not a freshman otherwise he wouldn't use the words "last year". Also, in The Eggs, Tad explains to Jimmy that he's not an old rich guy like all the other Peppies but a new one. This suggests that Tad probably arrived at Bullworth Academy a year before Jimmy, otherwise the new term wouldn't make sense if he had been in school longer than that. I've come to think that Tad is probably a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Gord Vendôme:
What I'm saying for Gord is not certain.
During a mission, he can be seen talking with Parker. If we listen to their conversation, Gord says he's going to work in his father's office this summer. In the United States, the minimum age required to work is 14 years old with constraints, otherwise it is 18 years old without constraints. So all years of high school are possible for Gord. However, the fact that he talks quite often about law school and how much he is looking forward to it may make us think that he may be a 17-18 year old senior.
Parker Ogilvie:
"Dr. Crabblesnitch is making Hopkins a Prefect, even though it's his first year." We can see that Parker is probably not in his first year at Bullworth Academy, so not a freshman. When he gets hit by a bicycle, he can be heard saying: "I should have daddy drive me." This sentence may make us think that Parker is not yet old enough to drive a car. So, we can deduce that Parker is a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Chad Morris:
Chad is the one who gives me the most trouble because there are hardly any clues that could tell us how old he is. The only thing I found is: "want to ride on my scooter, jimmy, next weekend sounds good?" As seen earlier, the minimum legal age in New England to drive a vehicle is 16 years and a few months or so. He is then either a 16-17 year old junior or a 17-18 year old senior.
Justin Vandervelde:
Another one that I can't give a specific age range on lol. Well, I can say that Justin is not in his first year because during a free conversation with another preppie, one of those lines of dialogue is: " My dad arranged for me to get perfect marks this year." This clearly means that he is not a freshman. Then, with this line of dialogue: "I think I'll skip university and go straight to my father's business." I figured that by saying that, he must be close to going to college. I've come to assume that he may be a 17-18 year old senior but nothing is certain.
Bryce Montrose:
Bryce is not in his first year as he has been working at Golf & Yacht to pay for his studies and has been for several years (starting in the 1st year). In addition, he uses the word "kid" in several lines of dialogue. Suggesting that he's older than Jimmy, in which case he wouldn't call him that if he was the same age as him. Finally "I'm making valuable contacts at the Golf & Yacht club. One guy offered me a VP job when I finish at Bullworth". This line of dialogue leads us to believe that he is very close to completing his studies at Bullworth Academy. I'm starting to think maybe he's a 17-18 year old senior
Here is the end of this second part. In the next part, I'll talk about Greasers. A la prochaine!
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vandertones · 1 year
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(pretend there are small chairs)
hey this took me too long. did some minor fixes so we’d be able tell them apart. this has been a fun process!
… derby and bif? idk shopping? leave them alone
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nllick · 7 months
I very much believe each and every single one of the preppies are queer. I just refuse to believe they're straight.
Chad and Bryce are canonically dating
Gord is openly bisexual
Derby is a closeted gay man who's forced to be with his cousin, and Bif is madly in love with Derby which they're implied to be in a relationship anyway.
Justin fangirls over Ted and even questions his sexuality in voice lines
Tad is gay in his own ways..Parker I don't even have to explain you can just tell
and Pinky really doesn't care who she's with she just wants to be treated like the princess she is and she'll be happy. Although she's definitely the type to prefer girls because they just..understand her🤷‍♂️
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disneytva · 6 months
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Writer: Jeff Parker
Artist: Ciro Cangialosi
For Negaduck to prove he's the rightful leader of all villains, he needs to pull off an impossible crime — and this means he'll need the help of his fellow menaces! But just as our foul fowl settles into his top-duck position, he finds out the society's true plan — and it does not involve Negaduck! (Not in a way he'd like, anyway…)
On Sale Date: 3/27/2024
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bi0-12 · 7 months
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Little Preps
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saturdayschwartz · 2 years
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cats cuddling expresses more than enough love, i think
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aardvaark · 3 months
the fact that parker "who knew a sedan could hit 140?" leverage has driven perfectly normally before makes her terrifying driving that much funnier. she knows full well how to drive safely & at a normal speed, but have you considered that she doesn’t want to, your honour??
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arya-ender · 2 months
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hello chaps
since y'all really seemed to like my greaser scribbles, it's only natural that I follow up with my favourite preps ✨️
Strangely enough Tad was the only one I had trouble drawing 😭 but Parker, Derby, and Bryce were a literal BREEZE. Regardless, I love how each of them came out 🥹
Who I will do next I do not know but stay tuned :)
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frog-with-no-therapy · 3 months
I want a spider X dcu but have Peter working at the league's base in space as a mechanic or a scientist, cause of course they will have the best material and information to help him make a way home. Except that Peter is weird.
Like, weird weird. Like, spider bite kind of weird with a hint of different culture from a different world kind of weird.
Listen most of his interactions with humans in their world is with them cause he's at the watchtower all the time, so his understanding of what is normal is a bit skew, and he probably also got used to acting more spidery, especially when in a lab or sm (courtesy of his time at the avenger tower where he doesn't really have to hide his spidery side)
Then you take into account him having a different kind of humour and a different set of memes and you have the whole justice league thinking he's secretly an alien
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chronicallyadhdexmo · 4 months
wait wait wait omg how did I miss this. I have been out of the loop. someone sedate me please I will loose my damn mind omfg
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if I get new tad music I stg I'll pass away on the spot omfg
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jimothy-hopkins · 6 months
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Merry Christmas
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