#tae vs namjin
taejinchronicles · 7 years
So just curious how are you differentiating jealous tae and rbf tae? He's called blank tae for a reason right, so can you elaborate a little?? He seems to have a blank/neutral face so I can't tell haha
Hello there Plannbee (are you secretly Brad Pitt? cause that’s almost the name of his film company!)!!!
Well I think I differentiate Jealous Tae from Blank Tae by the body language analysis and the psychological understanding of the situation mainly. Also cause he is never jealous of other members, his behaviour gravitates just Jin. 
We all know Blank Tae, that amusing phenomenon consist of our boy’s facial expression being neutral or totally lost in his own dream world. Here are some examples:
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On the other hand Jealous Tae gives those indisputable micro expressions and unconscious body behaviours that are scientifically related to possessiveness on people who are in a romantic relationship with the object of affection. There are many actions that our body expresses when we feel jealousy for a romantic partner like uneasiness, touching the ear, eyes, mouth, frowning, trying to call the attention for yourself, staying between your lover and the “rival”, blocking the rival with your body, the death stare, puffing the chest. Basically we see him doing a long list of all those behaviours combined every time someone comes near Jin these days. 
Here we have some combos of Jin with each member and Taehyung’s extremely possessive reaction:
Jin + Rapmon = Jealous V
As we all know by now V really can’t with he highly popular ship of Nam’jin. When it comes to Nam’jin he just cannot even hide his discomfort and possessiveness towards his boy, it’s so obvious even I feel uncomfortable for him. But for the purpose of our analysis we will see his Nam’jin kiss reaction. He looks like he is in physical pain, poor baby. Here Taehyung examines the situation, his body moves in discomfort like he wants to run away from there and take Jin with him, he watches Jin’s reaction over the monitor, glances at RM’s happy reaction, has a gloomy droopy mouth, places his hand on his temples like he’s got the worst love migraine, hides his eyes, he looks away, gives a frustrated sign. He legit looks desperate and it’s painful to watch the entire segment. 
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Jin + Jimin = Jealous V
He might be his bestie, but DO NOT MESS WITH HIS JINNIE being Jimin or not it doesn’t matter, V will turn into this possessive beast. Here we see the same pattern, examines the situation, V moving uncomfortably, looking straight at the Jin’min interaction, giving them the death stare, coughing to call the attention for himself, the very obvious jealous sigh of the ear touch, gloomy droopy mouth and looking away, very annoyed. I guess Jimin Third Wheeling is not always so welcomed…
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Jin + Kookie = Jealous V
Here is the classic one that this confused fandom still believe as being a V’kook moment. Sorry but it’s Tae vs Jinkook moment. The same typical Taehyung jealous moves happen here. He tries to be subtle (epic fail) in examine the situation, after noticing how Jin’s entire body is spooning Kookie he gives the most annoyed sigh, presses his lips like he is mad as F, his body moves as if he could not control his actions and then he acts. We all know what happens next so yeah, sorry to break your hearts V’kookies but this nothing special, this is just another day of V being extremely territorial with his Jinnie. Also that ISAC day was too much to poor Taehyung’s heart since we saw moments of him following KenJin like he was about to combust in a jealous pit and Taejin having olympic lovers quarrels.  
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Jin + J-Hope = Jealous V
Who would have wondered that even the sunshine rainbow duo of 2seok would troubled our Tae Tae that much??? Taehyung is sooooo done with Jin and J-Hope’s audacity of doing, well NOTHING AT ALL hahaha. As usual our V looks around to analyse the situation, then he cannot believe the audacity of Hoseok taking pictures of Seokjin’s luscious lips without his permission, in a deep dragon sigh he follows his actions with his best death stare hoping in earnest that they can read his behaviour and just stop this disrespect, right now! Mad as F pressed lips and hands on pockets to prove his masculinity just in case a medieval joust is needed to save his Jinnie’s honour from this green villain. HAHA Seriously V, I know Jin is the most precious gem of the universe but they are just taking pics babe, relax ok!  
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Jin + Suga = Jealous V
Here is a combo of breathing on their necks, displeased face, following Yoongi’s action like a hawk, wanting to do the same and more to Jin and the death stare. Notice that this was waaaay before the love conquered phase and we are already seeing some signs of super possessive V. Also cause Yoongi knows better, we will hardly see him caught in a situation like that now a days. Our Suga has a strong survival instinct! 
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These are just a few examples of the countless times V was extremely proprietorial of his Jinnie. What is most amusing is the fact this happens only with Jin, he never acts like that with anyone else or when the other boys interact. There is this sense in Taehyung that Jin’s affections needs to be exclusively his, even when nobody is watching (like on Jimin’s example, he prob had no idea he was being filmed) so his jealous nature extends beyond the fan service ships. Let’s say he is the jealous type.
Seeing those moments you can see he gets very annoyed with anyone that approaches or is approached by Jin in a touchy or more intimate way. It doesn’t really matter if it is Namjoon for the Nam’jin push, his bestie getting along to his boyfriend Jinnie, Kookie who is Jin’s golden baby being cuddly, J-Hope who is a harmless rainbow just taking pics or Suga treating Jin like he deserves to be treated. If they get too near Jin, there will be consequence! Of course Taehyung will never confront the boys, it’s not in his nature to be aggressive but he punishes Jin by ignoring him quite often (remember bon voyage, remember isac, remember before 2016). Being Jin the affectionate love cloud he is, V’s crescent possessive volcano behaviour, it is safe to say these two headstrong boys probably tend to have some epic fights that end in Jin being V’s little spoon LOL. 
I hope that now you can have a guideline to see the difference a little better and spot Jealous Tae moments more often. Sorry for the late reply darling, I wasn’t planning a MASTERPOST so soon but you deserved it, tkx for your patience!
Lots of love
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
the summary at one of the bily chapter, it's like JK being a kid getting too excited to show his little baby sibling a stuff toy to play with😏,, i somehow have expectation that hobi and m/c would get to align their similarities (due from their past experience) when the courting initiates and they'd be able to take just a teeny-tiny itty bitty step of healing. tae would buy skin care products and do it with m/c at the library room, i was thinking that if one of them buys m/c skin care products she'd ask mommy tae to do it with her, she'd also address herself as 'mommy' too when m/c is nearing into the omega space when they cuddle.
quick question, one a scale of 1 to 10 (1 is lowest and 10 is highest), which among the pack members is the most freakiest when it comes to sex?
will hobi and m/c process to a romantic relationship instead of a platonic one or the opposite? i also feel like a proud mom seeing m/c doing all the talking and getting to decide for herself, handling the aftermath of being caught and all. inserting the comedic line lifted the mood, i couldn't stop giggling after reading JK sipping his smoothie like 'can he read the mood of the room or just lost enjoying his smoothie because damn that be a hell of a good smoothie'
okay so i think as far as highest to lowest sex drive its probably like jungkook > namjoon = jin = jimin > hobi > m/c > Tae > yoongi, which isn't to say that tae the m/c or yoongi don't like sex or seek it out, it's just not their preference to have it every day, they're more once or twice a week people. also 👀 the m/c's gonna move up on that list once she realizes how good being the packs little fuckpup feels and starts to feel more confident in her body.
where as jungkook needs to cum everyday or else he starts getting fucking whiney, jin and namjoon are every other day people, Jimin's like every 3-4 days and hobi's whenever he needs more than just simple physical intimacy, i think he goes through fazes where he's more hypersexual vs hyposexual.
i think hobi and the m/c progress to a seriously emotional intimate relationship before they start like- anything romantic. it's hard to figure out how to describe it in my head, but you know the feeling when you're driving in a car with someone you love and you just feel so lucky to be in the passenger seat or driving them around? thats what it feels like to read their love story.
also...jk was 100% just doing that for comedic relif, he knew exactly what he was doing. Even going as far to suck loudly whenever namjin got too snippy with each other.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Can you please explain what the difference is between jikook and kookmin? Like obviously they're both unit names for jimin and jungkook, but is one a ship name vs an official unit name? Is it like the difference between taekook and vkook where the connotations are different (one of romantic shippers, the other of more professionalism and stage names - neither of which a true representation of their bond imo but that's a separate rant)? Or is it more like yoonkook vs sugakookie where one is fan assigned and the other was chosen by the members? (Also side note inspired by the other anon and the sugakookie, I too am extremely excited about your dynamics post on them, but like you I see literally no sus moments between the two. I really really love their dynamic though, I like that they have an understanding between each other and seak each other out when they want a break from the carnage of the others. I also love that jk looks up to yoongi so much, and yoongi is very protective and proud of jk, it very much screams brothers to me. But no, truly one of my top three relationships I think!)
Thank you for all your hard work on your posts, I really enjoy them and I hope you can answer my question but don't worry if you have no answer, I'm just curious!
Lol Hi Sweetie.
No there really is no difference. It's just preference honestly at what people call them. K army tends to lean more towards kookmin or vkook. Fansites mix it up because there are generally a couple that combine unit names.
They all created most of their unit names honestly. Like from a fansign when asked, Jimin created Jikook. Translation is:
Question: "Jimin Oppa. What would your teams name be if you did a duet with Jungkook Oppa?"
Jimin: "minkook, jikook"
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Taekook created the name Taekook for themselves:
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Sope called themselves Sope, Yoongi and JK created SugaKookie, YoonMin created MiniMini for themselves. Tae and Hobi created Vope. Tae and RM created RV and RMV for themselves. RM and Jin created RJ for themselves too, but also use Namjin. Vmin said skip the unit names and just make everyone call us soulmates. 3J made their name. JinKiMin (jimin, Jin, yoongi) made theirs. Jungkook named JinJiKook once knowing that's that's the fans call them. I'm sure there are more they created themselves but this is just off the top of my head. Tae in particular seems to get a kick out of making unit names up for his units. (Gave up on finding the moments where the exact creation occurred for all of those. Lol if you really want to know for one of them, feel free to ask and I'll try to find it for you! Sorry.)
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In the end, no the connotations aren't different. They are all just names for units being put together. One doesn't mean it's romantic and one mean it's just the unit. They are all just about those 2 (or more) members being in a unit together. They get used for shipping purposes as well, but they any or all of them are just meant to refer to those 2 members doing something together, either a dance, an activity, a song, hanging out, etc.
Hope this helped explain things a little bit 💜
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk about: RUN! BTS episode 125
by Admin 1 and Admin 2
So, episode 125 of RUN BTS aired yesterday and we thought it’d be fun to talk about it, share our favorite moments, things we noticed, and other miscellaneous things we thought would be nice to mention. The episode was filmed at their dorm and featured a special guest in form of Baek jong-won who is a famous Korean chef. The episode was special because of that, but also due to the fact that it was used to highlight Korean pork ham which uses the parts of pigs that usually don’t get chosen by restaurants and the average consumers, and also to honor Korean pig farmers in times of COVID.
The members were split into two teams, though Yoongi was missing in the episode which leads us to believe that the episode was likely filmed sometimes in December 2020 (as well as the fact that Tae had that pimple on his cheek which he also had in his birthday vlive). The teams—Tae, Jimin and Seokjin vs. Hoseok, Namjoon and JK—consisted of one person per team who knows what they are doing—Seokjin and JK—and two people with limited or a complete lack of knowledge in the kitchen. Each team was given a recipe they were supposed to cook using the aforementioned ham and that’s what they did, driving Chef Baek slightly crazy (but also making him seem endeared by Bangtan’s cluelessness and kind of lack of confidence within the kitchen) with their constant questions and requests for assistance.
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Now that we have the general gist of the episode down, lets jump into the actual point of this post (it turned out quite long, if you don’t want to read the entire thing, perhaps at least read the last couple of paragraphs since they’re kind of important):
One thing that made both of us very, very happy was the fact that Tae was in an outstandingly good mood, cracking jokes and smiling the entire time. We’ve seen his quieter mood in episodes filmed in the first half of 2020, so seeing him this happy while filming this episode was truly amazing and once again made the episode even more special in that regard.
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We also had Tae turn to Chef Baek and tell him about how his mom learned how to cook from him and if he could potentially get an autograph from him for his mom. This had Chef Baek all surprised and flustered, since he likely didn’t expect a member of the biggest group in Korea to want his autograph, saying that if anything shouldn’t he be the one asking this question. At that also Namjoon spoke up and quietly asked if he could get one for his mom as well since otherwise he wouldn’t be allowed to come home. In his vlive after the RUN episode was posted, Namjoon mentioned how yes, he did get that autograph in the end and that he also gave the knife to his mom as well since a knife like that is dangerous. Adorable.
At some point JK asked Chef Baek the golden question of whether or not he likes mint chocolate ice cream, followed by the question of pineapple on pizza, yes or no, and how that’s a question they are, for some reason, asked quite frequently when abroad. This was followed by Tae asking if he can eat eight crackers in a minute which led to the following commentary from Jimin:
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Another detail we thought was quite funny was how instead of doing something related to cooking, Tae spent some time moving around the kitchen space cleaning away trash or washing dishes, therefore evading having to cook since it seems that isn’t his forte or he simply knew that Jimin and Seokjin would manage to do it just fine. But he did attempt to make rice, which though it turned out well, still was accompanied not only by him asking Chef Baek if he should use cold or warm water, but also Tae grabbing Jimin to ask him for help with the rice cooker.
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Speaking of the rice cooker, the very one they used in the episode seems to be the same one they’ve been using since about 2014 and, if I remember correctly, might’ve been a gift from ARMY. This isn’t the only kitchen item they got from ARMY and still own and use to this day, since they also (among other things) have a set of colored bowls that can be seen standing on the shelves.
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Something very endearing and cute though was Namjoon peeling a potato in tiny, which reminded me very much of that time around the campfire in Bon Voyage 4. Knowing Namjoon, looking at him peeling it so carefully, we were both kind of worried he might somehow hurt himself while doing it, which by no means is us trying to portray Namjoon as too stupid to do it or anything like that, but he himself said he isn’t that great in the kitchen after all.
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After waiting for it since summer 2019, we finally also got a look at JK’s forearm and all the tattoos on it in HD, a big step up from looking at the blurry shots of it in Bon Voyage 4 or their refection in some microwave. ARMY on sns went crazy over it, most staying respectful while also curious, though of course there were also some idiots who felt the need to voice their negative opinions no one asked for. I think it’s an interesting step, and perhaps a really valuable one, that he felt confident and assured enough to show them to us instead of having the editors blur them like they’ve done so in episodes of In The SOOP (both the TV and Weverse versions).
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At the end of the episode they all sat down together so that Chef Baek could try their dishes, with someone asking him if maybe they could all win those special engraved knives after all but Chef Baek seemed adamant about how only one team can win. While he tried their dishes Chef Baek complemented different things that the members had done well, leading Seokjin to turn red as he does whenever someone complements him, as well as Jimin looking fond and proud of Tae when Chef Baek complemented something Tae had done and they even high fived each other. Very cute and supportive, love that.
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Before he chose a winner, everyone in their respective teams held hands and waited in anticipation to see who won. Thanks to editing we didn’t see the moment of Chef Baek raising the winner’s hand, which created a comedic moment where Seokjin stood up yelling triumphantly just to be very confused when also the other team was cheering. Meaning in the end all of them won and received the knives, including Yoongi despite him not being present. The teams stood up for group hugs where, I don’t know if you noticed, but we thought it was quite cute how vmin hugging seemed so natural and like something they’ve done this way a million times already with Jimin slotting his shoulder below Tae’s arm and his body against Tae’s “automatically” while being a little unsure what to do with his other arm before moving it to pull Seokjin into the hug as well. It’s these little things about Tae and Jimin that get us, you know.
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Also someone pointed out a cute parallel between a famous vmin hug picture and Jimin’s arm/hand on Tae’s back during the group hug that I thought we’d show you as well.
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Something I think this episode showed us in terms of vmin content is that, even if there aren’t many obvious “moments” (due to obvious reasons I kind of really don’t like that term but for a lack of a better one…), it’s still clear to see in the background how they gravitate toward each other, which of course you can argue was because they’re in the same team, but that doesn’t change the fact that Tae or Jimin could’ve just as well interacted with/asked Seokjin for things or giggled with him, but instead they still had their little moments with each other, while of course also interacting with Seokjin. We’re definitely curious if the Behind cut will show us some more of the vmin moments that we just got glimpses at in the background in the main episode.
As for namjin, since they were on different teams, there weren’t really any interactions between those two but that’s okay. Their interactions with their own teammates were great enough, Namjoon’s team trying to include him in the process even if he himself said the only thing he actually did was peel those potatoes.
A final thing we’d want to mention is a glimpse we got of the sheer number of cameras and people that were present in the background while they were filming this episode, which are likely also present during every other episode and piece of content they film. Looking at that, it doesn’t surprise us in the slightest that vmin (and even namjin, and the other members) might not be as eager/willing to show the true version/amount of affection they have for each other. I mean, who would want to showcase themselves in such a manner in front of so many lenses and eyes, even more so since for the filming of this episode surely also staff belonging to Chef Baek were present?
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I think it’s important to keep these things in mind when we discuss vmin (and namjin) interactions in most of their content. Since we usually don’t see their staff and cameras, it creates this illusion of it just being them present and doing their thing, when in reality they are constantly being watched by a number of staff and cameras. Would you really want to be all over your soulmate while you’re being watched like that? Especially in more meaningful ways? Surely these things were easier for them when they were younger, a little greener and more inexperienced, so to speak, and not yet quite so (potentially) emotionally involved with each other, but now? After?
It certainly explains quite a bit of what some insist on classifying as “cold” or “distanced” behavior, doesn’t it? It’s easier to play the role you created for yourself and, in a way, use as shield (BTS V and BTS Jimin, BTS RM and BTS Jin) instead of showing your private (Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin) emotions and behaviors with each other, you know what I mean?
All in all, it was a really, really fun episode that had us howling with laughter.
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themoonispurple7 · 4 years
Many Jikookers refer to themselves as supporters vs. shippers. Supporters see a genuine potentially romantic bond. Romance shippers tend to like something shallow or “trope like” about the relationship (fantasy). For example, many people think TKs like the ship because JK and Tae look good together. NamJin gets the Mom/Dad trope. Many Jikookers are supporters but there must be some shippers. What about KMs dynamic (beyond looks) could appeal to people's fantasies or tropes.
I always thought that “shipping” means wanting for a certain couple to be together, while “supporting” would be cheering them on, no matter what, and not throwing an angry tantrum if they turn out not to be real. 
If you’re asking me about some KM tropes... Maybe friends to lovers? Destined to be together? I’m large but he’s in charge? Everything he does is so endearing I can’t help but melt on the spot? Sorry, those aren’t really tropes 😂
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featherypromises · 5 years
Waiting for the medical green light:
(Once I get the all clear to write. These are clues to 20 fic ideas I have planned!)
VMIN: Hiding only works if you can be quiet
Joon vs BTS: Being a leader by example
Hoseok: Hoping for Spring to be over
Jin vs. Jungkook: Temper, Temper.
Sugamin: Different methods, same result
Taekook: Heck on Wheels in a handbasket
Namjin: "I'm touched." "In the head, maybe."
Sope: "What were you thinking?! Wait you didn't think..."
Namkook: Nice and warm... almost.
Yoongi & mline: lights, shadows, & fevered dreams
Jimin vs. Hobi: "I just know..."
Jikook: "Coffee..." "No, you're coughy enough."
Seokjin vs "the kids": No sick days in Fatherhood
Namhope: "CNS: the dance was easier."
Namjoon vs. Spring: Not Youniverse, Achooniverse.
Tae & Tannie: Puppies are the best medicine
Suga vs JK: "Slowly! You act like I don't feed you!"
VMINKOOK: "Y-you just had to... ATCHOO! Go ice-skating." "K'tshuh!" "HAESSH!"
Taegi: Playing with Fire
Namgi: "You're not fooling anyone."
I miss you all. Love, Dee.
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 5 years
Works in Progress
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This will act as an ongoing Sweet Teeth WIP page, including requests and non-requested works, series and the like. It doesn’t include asks or tag games. 
If you are waiting on a request and it isn’t here, it is either a) not in the process of being written yet, b) hasn’t been accepted, which I will usually explain, or c) was either lost (sorry!) or was so rude I didn’t reply (sorry not sorry). 
Feel free to send an ask for clarifications. 
Most of the works included here are either in the draft process or at the least are bulletpointed/first draft stage. It is possible for fics to disappear off this list, for whatever reason, but again, I will usually notify people as to why. 
✏️Marks a work that is coming soon, or is closest to being finished. 
*Can’t believe I have to type this but, please don’t steal my ideas. 🙅🏼‍♀️
✏️Mafia!Jin - one shot solos, (plot pointed not drafted)
✏️ A Song for Pallas (first draft, fully plotted)
✏️ Caspar & Gemini (plot pointed) 
French & Sway (plot pointed)
Balthazar & Artemis (plot pointed)
House of Cards 3: Intermission - Jimin, Yoongi & Reader, 18+, tw/nsfw work, (1/2 drafted via bulletpoint) 
Coming Out to Taehyung - Requested fic about coming out to Tae as pansexual, originally planned as part of a pride BTS collection but now removed into a one shot. (Drafted)
First time sex w/ Hobi - Requested fic about first time sex w/ Hobi, trans male reader. (Bulletpointed)
Dom Wars (feat. Kim Minseok vs. Jung Hoseok) - Requested 3-4 part series, multiple POV, cross-fandom. (1 of 3 drafted, 1/2 planned)
Dom Wars (feat. Kim Minseok vs. Jung Hoseok) - 3-4 part series, multiple POV, cross-fandom. (1 of 3-4 drafted)
Star gazing with BBH oneshot, requested for soft!hours (Bulletpointed) 
Missing Minseokie daydream oneshot, requested for soft!hours (Bulletpointed)
Elevator!Soo? - Requested fic, potentially SciFiSoo 2 (Bulletpointed) 
Seokjin, Ghost/doppelgänger!Jimin x Reader Au - Our Little Sister (2016) meets When Marnie Was There (2014) meets How To Make an American Quilt (1995), (Plot pointed) 
NamJin!Mythology/Gods as Mortals Au Oneshot (inspired by @ennunanaiurov​‘s Myth series) (Bulletpointed)
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daegisus · 7 years
You ain’t gucci - Coming Soon // Gang AU  BTS fake texts
Valentine’s Day 
Yeontan is evil? 
Let me hold it 
Why are you ronnin’?
The best compliment from Jk 
Jimin is tall? 
Girl, spill the tea
Charlie Puss 
Yoongi can’t handle the cuteness...again 
Are you related to Yoda? 
BDSM thingies 
Seokjin got handcuffed 
Run ep 100 
Storytime, kids 
New Year New Me 
WYD tonight? 
Boo boo the fool 
Romeo and Juliet Namjin ver.
What if the sun would disappear for like 24 hours?
The sweet potato 
I can’t sleep 
Love you too, bitch 
Jimin vs Yeontan 
The show is over 
So Namjoonie.. 
What’s your fave song? 
The cute thing that I left on my bed 
The shameless flirt 
Seoul Fashion Week? 
Sope’s first date 
Our chemistry 
The end of world 
TBC I’m lowkey lazy to continue this and I need to study lol.
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v-kook-hell · 7 years
in fact I noticed something may be that you too have noticed but the jikook moments are accepted by bigit while korea is a homophobic country but bigit never leaves jungkook and tae together?
Gonna be brutally honest with you…Ok, let’s just start from beginning and face one fact - you said that Korea is a homophobic country, but bighit still puts jikook moments out to public like everything is cool…So now we have two main words here - homophobia vs jikook.And the first question that comes to my mind is actually completely out of this concept - what do you consider as a homosexual… (jeez, don’t know how to call it) “activity” - moments/behavior between two people. Like what should people do to make you think they are homosexual? (when they don’t actually say it themselves)The answer for most people is probably very obvious - kissing, holding hands or showing they’re intimately connected with each other in any other way.Now let’s get back to “bighit putting jikook out” and put it next to “homosexual moments” - these don’t have a fuk in common, since bighit is putting moments of jikook being cute on their trip, spending time, having fun together, etc. NOT for example them holding hands, kissing or something like that.They’re showing FRIENDS not DATING (homosexual) PEOPLE for those are completely different things.There’s no reason to ask why homophobic people don’t react negatively to jikook’s trip video - it’s simply video about two FRIENDS not BOYFRIENDS going on a trip.There’s nothing homosexual about two guys laughing at each other, happily spending time together or filming each other to make an artistic video like Jk did.“bighit never leaves Jk and Tae together” - what do you mean by that? Bighit tells them to not interact with each other? Or they need to film and show boys to us, just to convince you that they are actually doing something together?Also you’re saying that bighit chose to rather not hide jikook moments, but they stay out from showing more taekook moments.They also don’t show a lot of jihope, namjin, taegi, jinkook and all other ships’ moments too, so what’s the problem? Just because it was jikook it doesn’t mean it was planned or meant to show them more and other members (ships) less
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nanamismoonchild · 7 years
NamTae Shippers vs NamJin Shippers
NamTae Shippers: *calm, collected, just want to let it slide, fangirling/fanboying on the inside, " I am God( good). "
NamJin Shippers ( me): "HE'S TALKING ABOUT JIN YOU FUCKING IDIOTS NOT TAE!" not okay, high key fangirling/fanboying, thinking about how lucky they are to witness love, namjoon you made a mistake at posting this babe, "why he change it English just to say love you?"
Everyone: Just believe in every ship gosh darnit. This is so immature.
NamJin Shippers and NamTae Shippers: Preparing the powers of beauty, destruction, and Gucci to unleash upon everyone else who dare disturbs their quiet debate.
Everyone: o.o
Me: But like am I the only one thing TAE is trying to split Namjin up. I mean we already had Taejin and now NamTae wanna pop up *blah blah blah*
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kimjoonjin · 7 years
Bon Voyage S2 Ep 6
Episode 6 highlights (or is it): - First off, shark tour! - Only JK would get excited for a shark tour - "Just hit the shark on the nose!" - Or Hobi can stare it down - OR Jeon Cena can fight it off... Jin doesn't doubt it one bit - Hobi's genius idea: Use a taser IN THE WATER - Random fact for the day: Spongebob lives in the Marianas Trench - ONLY JK WOULD GET EXCITED FOR A SHARK TOUR - But in the end, they all enjoy it, EVEN HOBI 😄 - Sharks are adorable after all, they eat fish cutely like "nyAM💕" - Now for lunch! (Poor Hobi got seasick so he couldn't go) - As usual, they split up: meat team and seafood team - Suga and the sunscreen boys 😂 - Jin's "Aloha" gets slighted for the first time, but a group of teens (?) greet them - International Pop-K Sunshine Sensational BTS - Correction, "International Pop-K Sensational Sunshine Rainbow Traditional Transfer USB Hub SHRIMP BTS" ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ - Muscle-bun waits (impatiently) while Jin and Suga do his bidding - Also, if you make your bros wait, just send them a flying kiss or two and it'll be all good - More English lessons with R&V ft. Jimin - Chimchim getting soft for birds - They wait so long, they start getting sentimental - Finally getting to eat!! Ft. soft manggae cheeks in action - Now for the friendship dates 💗 - Let's start with JinJiKook, aka the straw hat bros - "A friendship (itself) can be a souvenir" - Dad Jin entertaining the kids with jokes - But he fails to read a map so there's mutiny - "Our friendship has shattered" - Also, everyone's just waiting for a chance to say "Important business" - JinKook handshake - Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope: the Revival - We interrupt this program for a NamJin moment (sorry for non-shippers, but I live for this bromance) - Namjoon: If I give you info, what's in it for me? - Jin: Our bromance will deepen? - Namjoon: I don't really want that to happen, but I'll give you info anyway - aka Namjoon is a tsundere in front of the others - Jin: I LOVE YOU - Me: ahshdjfkgkdlfga ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(❤Д❤)ノ︵ ┻━┻ - That HopeMon bromance tho - Hobi's sister thinks the members are manlier these days (I second the emotion) - Namjoon lowkey looking after his seasick buddy - But it's not a ship because: - HopeMon are too "bro" for your usual gay stuff (like holding hands and piggyback riding) - It's TaeGi who does that soft stuff, but let's get to that later - Because HopeMon pretends to get near a limo, only for the door to open and people get out of it 😂 - They keep walking and play it cool tho - They end up in the same Korean resto as JinJiKook - The straw hat beggars vs. The filthy rich - "Wonhae money money, ya!" - HopeMon talk about their mutual admiration and respect for one another, and their friendship in general 💗💗💗 - "I shouldn't have been inviting you out for beer, it should've been peppermint tea" 💗 - Everybody gets sentimental over Korean food, but the straw hat bros' friendship keeps shattering coz they're broke af - Also, did anybody say RAPLINE CONCERT?!?! sjdjffjfjfkdjssh - JinJiKook is done with dinner so they mess around and embarrass themselves in public - Kookie dying from second-hand embarrassment 😂 - Jin is a tiny little hula dancer - $1 ukulele key chains/earrings - Lastly, TaeGi!!! The combination we never expected to see! - SO SO SO SO SOFFFFT - "If we wear this, we can't take it off until we get back to Korea" - Suga being unusually soft for dongsaeng, Tae being equally soft (and NOT tsundere) for his hyung - more getting soft and emotional over Korean food - Tae giving food to his hyung 💗💗💗 - This pair is just made out of kittens and marshmallows and other fluffy stuff - Rock, paper scissors on the stairs - Ending with Taetae carrying grandpa Min 💗 (P.S: I might be writing separately about HopeMon and maybe TaeGi, because they deserve their own post)
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peerfectbts · 6 years
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Yoongi VS JUNGKOON OK. NOP @md.baam.7 #bts #bangtan #v #tae #jungkook #RM #rapmonster #jin #Jimin #bt21 #jhope #suga #agustd #stream #fakelove #ibighit. #parkjimin #army #kimtaehyung #minyoongi #jikook #yoomin #namjin #vkook #vhope #sope #stream #fanbase #반탄소넨단 #김대현
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
BV2EP3 | Taejin theory masterpost: U ok Tae?
So it was highly requested by you pretty cupcakes (tks for the asks and messages!!!) the continuation of my Bon Voyage 2 Taejin masterposts with analysis, pix and my two cents on the Taejin cause. Let me tell ya, this will be a huge masterpost, so grab yourself some snacks and lets do this!!!
Even upset, VV looks like the most gorgeous creation in the universe:
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If you read my Ep2 masterpost, Taehyung was really annoyed about the Namj*n bromance day and decided to go full possessive mode with Jin. We have been left wondering what would happen since our boy was clearly sad and jealous of Jin’s day with RM and about the exchange of gifs between them. The sculpted turtle that RM gave to Jin was something symbolic to V cause he and Jin went on a beach date by themselves on day 1 and saw the turtle. Perhaps this is why the turtle gift was so upsetting to V, he knew that this moment was stolen from him because to the grand public the turtle thing would automatically become a Namj*n thing. I put myself in VV’s shoes, and knowing his history with being overshadowed by Namj*n I understand why Day 3 was mostly about him sulking, avoiding Jin, sulking, possessive about Jin, sulking, annoyed with Namj*n and so on...
1. Matching red hats + close watch on Namj*n: BTS’s first commitment was the hike to the waterfall. V was wearing a red cap to match the red hat he gave to Jin cause ya know how Taejin has a thing for couple’s outfits right. And also V was legit breathing on Namj*n’s neck during the hike.
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2. The Namj*n pas de deux: Poor V was jamming violently to Spine Breaker while being exposed to Namj*n’s happy dorky pas de deux.
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3. Namj*n pose & jealous V: Taehyung's torture continues as Jin and RM pose really close and cutely on the waterfall group pic. When the pic is taken the camera focus on V who looks straight at Namj*n with THAT FACE...a picture worths more than a thousand words.
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4. ETS and V sulking: BTS decides what to eat and VV is sitting far away. V was tired and distant. And also kinda sad. On some moments it almost felt like he was about to doze off or cry. 
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5. Taejin, together but apart: At the van Taejin was sitting next to each other as they often do, but not engaging any physical or verbal contact. As RM continued talking about the Namj*n friendship day, V blocked Jin and everyone else by wearing headphones. Meanwhile Jin was staring pensively at the landscape.
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6. RM’s Bon Voyage reaction: it was Joonie’s turn to do the Bon Voyage thing so everyone’s reaction to RM’s cutesy hat flip was enjoyment but V gave that “not so amused” look, esp after Jin’s spontaneous compliment to RM.
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7. Taehyung love sick over Jin: I had to gif this cause, come on, that’s just so freaking cute. The way V looks at Jin! His love sick expression, eyes dancing from Jin’s face to his “south area” than up to his face again. Taehyung’s bedroom eyes, sorry but that’s not bromance, that is not complimenting Jin’s looks, that is not even a boy crush. Grab that info, take into consideration.
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8. V’s territory: As BTS walked towards their picnic spot, V obviously placed himself between Namj*n (yeah, that is a trend my people) making everything possible with his body movements to make sure there was plenty of space between Jin and RM. 
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9. V’s territory part 2: At the picnic table of course V sat in between Jin and RM. With an effective angular body language, V expressed the desire to create a clear barrier separating his territory.
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10. Happy meal together: Meal is ready and Eat Jin is celebrated with his expertise on the yummy food. V is happier being closer to Jin and, for the first time on the day, exchanges words with the object of his angst and affection.
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11. Taejin’s domestic bliss: At the grocery store RM, Suga, Jimin, V and Jin got their food cash to spend. Soon as they enter Jin goes domestic mode and starts to talk just to Taehyung about the huge american apples. RM and Jimin go their own separate ways leaving Taejin alone.
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12. Side by side: it’s no biggie but I find it extremely cute how Taejin always walk side by side or close to each other. When there is no fixed formation predefined by management, you can see that they are naturally drawn to each other like it’s their second nature. The couple matching outfit makes it even cutter!
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13. Visual duo doing their visual thing: on that group pic, Jin was holding V’s shoulders so lovingly. And the way their heads lean towards each other, awww so cute how the body speaks. Ahhh, one romantic scenery can mend a jealous heart.
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14. Jin is taking care of V: Remember last year on BV1 that iconic moment when V was so moody texting and sulking and Jin was carefully watching him from a distance only to back hug him for centuries? There is this season’s version of it. VV is again sulking, texting and turning his back to Jin, attentive loving gorgeous Jin is watching our angsty boy’s every move, his entire body facing V and even if he is speaking to J-Hope, his eyes don’t leave him. Wasn’t that the perfect moment and scenario for an iconic Taejin back hug?
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15. Third wheeling Cupid Jimin: when BTS discuss their goals Jin says he wants to perfect his guitar technique. Our official third wheel angel Jimin said Jin sent him a video of his guitar practice. Although the rest of BTS was totally unaware of the video of Jin’s evolution on guitar, V promptly said (the video or Jin playing guitar) was so cool. Lovely Jinnie was flustered by Vmin’s double love.
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16. I give Jinnie my stars: At the observatory V and Jin were together and V showed him the stars and planets. Only to Jin. He was so proud of his astronomy knowledge saying he studied it! My heart was touched by this moment cause we can see how important it is for him to please and surprise Jin, to make Jin proud of him, he was like a kid all excited to tell an adult he learned something at school. And Jin the sweetheart, the true gentleman showing genuine interest and excitement, making V’s planet naming sound as important as Galileu Galilei’s life work. Not to mention that Venus is the planet of LOVE…We see you Taehyung…we see you!
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17. Taejin sleeps together funny drama feat. Hobi: at BTS’s lodge, the one filled with lizards, they were playing rock paper scissors (I swear the day BTS don’t play that game, catastrophe will fall upon us) for the beds and bedrooms. Jin was playing opposite J-Hope and won. V was the “MC” of the game and soon as he knew Jin would probably share a bedroom with Hobi or someone who was not him, he grew unease. Smiling but his body language touching the back of his neck, gave away his discomfort about the bedroom situation. When Hobi also wins and Jin celebrates him him, V’s instant reaction is to cover his mouth. In body language that means he cannot speak against awful news and his hands in begging position tries to reach for Jin, meaning he is begging Jin to come back to him. Notice that after Jin’s bedroom is decided the rest of the game with the other members runs smoothly and V doesn’t respond that way to the rest of BTS. The funny thing is that V ended up sleeping with RM! Well better sleep with RM than RM sleeping with Jinnie right Tae?!
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That was it! What an episode that was!
V was obviously upset about something. Maybe it was just him being sleepy, tired or moody, but it feels very coincidental that the mood corroborates his behaviour towards Jin on the previous day. As I said on my last masterposts on Jealous V vs Namj*n, I don’t think this is about RM as a treat to his relationship, I don’t think he sees RM as a rival for Jin’s love. It is about his growing desire of Taejin being the stablished Jin love reality. He knows the ARMY ship Namj*n so add it to V’s constant need to express romantic affection for Jin versus Jin’s acceptance of the necessity for fan service ships then we have a recipe to Taehyung’s angst.
I think Taehyung wants to be as public as possible about Jin cause it is in his nature to be truthful, I don’t think he can perpetuate secrets. He’s not reckless and understands he’s an idol who cannot open up about everything, but there is this real sweet boy inside the idol facade that just desires to be proudly recognised by everyone he loves. His loyal friendship with Jimin, his admiration for RM and Suga and Hobi, his big brother protectiveness towards Kookie, his respect for his family, V wants all his emotional allegiances to be out there, so of course he wants his relationship with Jin to be seen and accepted. It’s still that same 4 years ago shy Taehyung who looked at Jin as he could not believe his luck to be living with the most handsome man he has ever seen. The same boy that everybody noticed from day one he had a crush on Jin. The same boy that has been crawling to Jin’s bed for years. The difference is that now he’s got hit by the intensity of conquered affection, he has won a place in Jin’s heart so it is upsetting for V to be contradictory to his heart just cause they are in public. I can imagine the frustration. It explains the mood changes, the introspection, the jealousy and possessiveness, his need to please Jin and praise/defend him to earn his love and respect and the passive aggressiveness when he feels that Jin denies him or promo another ship loudly in front of the cameras.
Because that adoration is so intense and he is so young, I think when it comes to Jin he even forgets BTS is their job and he’s got to separate what’s performance from what’s real. Someone as gentle and emotional as V is, really wants to wear his heart on the sleeve, he wants PDA, he needs to touch, hold, hug and confess to the four corners of the world that Jin makes him happy. So when he sees Jin being affectionate to RM, someone who is legit shipped with Jin by the fandom “stealing” his official role as Jin’s (visual BTS pair?, lover?, boyfriend?, partner?, platonic sleep together for years buddy? true ship?) number one interest, he snaps and shuts Jin out. It’s the same possessive-jealous pattern we saw on ISAC because of KenJin, Jin running around after V like a lost puppy while he ignored Jin like some sort of punishment. And we can notice that behaviour pattern only happens with Jin, he is not possessive with the other boys not even with his bestie Jimin.
Jin on the other hand loves to socialise with all the members (not only RM but also Kookie on this episode) and even talk to total strangers. He is comfortable in being social and he is aware of their roles as entertainers and how to separate business from personal life. Although he is not impulsive and explicit about it, he cares about V’s feelings more than anything even if that means the need to keep a safe distance to protect what they have. I feel like Jin tries constantly to shelter him, to create a safe haven when the innocent beautiful and delicate true Taehyung can be free and happy, even if the price is to have Taejin as a ship ignored by the fandom. It’s in Jin’s nature to protect and love all his boys but with V it’s like he is always walking on thin glass. There is deep affection but also Jin’s necessity for secrecy, not cause he is ashamed of V but cause he is protective of what they have.
Because the nature of their relationship in my perspective romantic, Jin doesn’t know how to behave in front of the cameras with him. Jin refrains himself to be engulfed by affection like on that iconic stage kiss or like when he shares too much information (we shower together, we sleep together and so on) so he prefers not to focus on V while on camera. Both Jin and V can’t quite behave bro-like around each other actually. Since the start there has always been awkwardness and tension between Taejin, it used to be polar opposites they were superglued platonic flirting or just pretending they didn’t exist. Although now things have changed and we don’t see that unrequited love tension anymore, I think both Jin and V go back to that pattern when things go a bit sour. They oscillate between “you are all I see" to "you don’t even exist" all the time, there is no in between “bro-like” Taejin. For a ship that legit doesn’t have promo at all (for instance there is never vlives with just Taejin like there is with jinmin, sope or jinkook) Taejin is the one pairing that despite of the lack of fan service push, do behave like two people who know each other intimately and really spend a lot of time together (notice that semi off-camera like on BV2 with their beach date, matching hats shopping, V picking Jin the shirts he wanted him to wear and off-camera like on their fancafe talks, secret dates, singing the same love songs of each other’s spotify playlists, sleeping together, matching outfits, walking around holding each other’s arms when they think nobody is watching, answering the same things about what they plan for their future...they act like well...like partners).
Jin being the business driven man he is, understands the responsibilities of being and entertainer, he gives his body and soul to BTS, he is professional about it and knows he is protecting V and the boys by keeping their thing (and all the boys personal relationships) private. With V’s emotional nature, RM’s introspection, Suga’s dedication to his craft, Jimin’s loyal heart and Jungkook’s innocence, Jin and J-Hope are the ones who really are conscious about the importance of protect their privacy, Jin being the entertainer one and J-Hope the practical one. This is why of all the members of BTS Jin is the one who really engages dynamic relationships with all the other boys constantly, regardless of the predefined ships and subunits management and the fandom has specified. He doesn’t exclude anybody and in a sense he is the heart of BTS, the loving glue that keeps them strong.
This is a study and analysis, I dunno the boys so situations can have a complete different meaning since no one knows what’s going on on their private lives. This is why rather focus on behaviour and body language, cause that is an unconscious way to express the truth and one’s emotions. So it doesn’t really matter the nature of Jin and V's intimate emotional bond, we can see that Jin doesn’t need his personal relationships to be publicly accepted therefore understands the need for privacy while Taehyung is keen to make his affection known therefore he is often jealous of sharing Jin with others either by insecurity or by fear of non-acceptance. This is a pattern that has been going on for quite sometime and I’m afraid it’s the pattern we will keep seeing in the near future. 
Oh boy that was one huge masterpost! This episode was a full angsty trip on jealousy, understanding the dynamics and differences between Jin and V and the dynamics between ships. Regarding the ships, I still have not done the masterposts on some subjects I often got messages about like comparing Taejin to Vmin or Namjin and Jinkook (send me msgs of what ship you want me talk about first) or the rest of BV2 (gonna do those...weekly I hope!!!), tks for the patience dear readers. You can also read the first episodes analysis here:
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
Hi! I love your blog. It is great to find a Taejin blog 🤗 i can't figure out how this ship is so slept on. I have a feeling this comeback is gonna be awesome and am looking forward to more moments like we have had recently 😁
Hey Throwsherbet,
Thank you so much for the lovely compliments on my blog, I really appreciate it. Yeah, Taejin is absolutely beautiful, completely obvious, truly real and yet pretty much overshadowed by the majority of BTS ships. 
Your question: “i can’t figure out how this ship is so slept on.“
Two reasons:
1. Collective ship denial 
Taejin is left alone since a huge portion of this fandom seems to believe that V’s life exists exclusively to gravitate the maknae line while Jin is either RM’s wife or/and everybody’s mom, with no masculinity, sexuality or choice at all. To this vast majority of people even Jin kissing V on stage can be called “a mother and son” moment.
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Also like this week, Jin literally being a soft little spoon boyfriend on V’s bed but being sadly ignored by the fandom just cause in their minds all that is real is V’min and V’kook ship war, like I still cannot believe people were actually arguing about what was more valid: Jimin hugging V or Kookie filming V. Why was everybody blinded by the fact V looked at Jin’s face like that?! That he caressed Jin’s face and then rested his hands on Jin’s shoulders so lovingly? That he locked his legs around Jin’s hips his like that!? That Jin was his little spoon and had no inhibitions in jumping on V’s arms? That Taejin was so into in their own usual bed dynamic that Jimin disappears like a pillow between them? That V did not searched for Jimin’s face? That the bed moment was so alien to Jimin that he had to bromance up and hit taejin’s bottoms and awkwardly laugh like he was self-conscious of the intrusion? Like you don’t have to be an expert or anything to see what was on that video. Don’t get me wrong, the Jimin Third Wheeling in bed thing was super cute but that’s so bonkers, this collective Taejin denial in favour of the maknae ships.
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So you can understand a little bit better, even to this day people still mock and ignore Taejin’s romantic interactions saying both are cheating on Namjoon and Kookie and Jimin. On the surface, the ship push doesn’t seem to bother Jin but for V the miscomprehension of the nature of their relationship might be the reason for his long well documented battle against any Nam’jin push (see all my Tae vs. NamJ*n masterposts), the uncontrollable possessiveness and his ever growing need to be as vocal as possible about being Jin’s significant other.
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2. Collective heteronormative denial
On every fandom there are the heteronormative ones who choose to live in their own reality. Hugely successful artists as BTS have to understand and “work” with the fantasy that they provide to this fraction of the fandom (especially in the conservative asian market) who deeply believe and consume the dream of the boys heterosexuality. The band and the management are clever enough to present the fandom a “clouded” concept like HER, using the female gender to suit the heteronormative audience while making a gender neutral album with extremely “rainbow” lyrics like Taejin’s favourite Best of Me. 
Personally, I prefer Taejin as a ship not being as pushed as the pop fan service ships. Our two shinning stars can have the freedom to be themselves and keep on their mutual adoration bubble without the fandom bothering them too much. In that sense I think the collective blindness on Taejin are a safe lucky destiny to Jin and V, esp being who they are and living where they live. 
Comeback has already been awesome and I feel we will be seeing a lot of Taejin on Love Yourself era. 
Tks again and have a Taejin pic to sweeten your day darling!
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Lots of love. 
PS: I love Jin + RM and maknae line interactions a bromance and I’m not saying every V’kook and V’min shippers are attackers, but we all know there are “those ewww people” (esp in the pop ships) who just cannot even let other ships breathe. As I said tons of times in the past, ships are here to bring happiness and there is plenty of room to everybody’s tastes and convictions without attacking other people’s opinions. It’s all about fun and love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
Tae vs Namj*n strikes again
Not to be a future reader, but this episode was basically V confirming the Tae vs Namj*n post I did a couple of weeks ago. Here is my detailed analysis (spoiler alert) on the second episode of BV.
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I loved this episode. There was cute SOPE (my second fav BTS ship), dolphins, wet BTS, mermen Taejin, Jin opening up his heart and JM+JK super happy in spending time with V. And of course, the talk of the town, Namj*n being The Thing. 
All was very cool but it is impossible not to notice how super jealous and annoyed V was with the that Namj*n friendship day. It was written all over his face he got upset as soon as he heard the groups were already set by the production cause perhaps Jin and V intended to spend the second day together again. But when he heard that Jin was RM’s partner, he got so annoyed and the poor boy just cannot hide when he is jealous, esp when the matter is Jin+RM. 
After the game, when Jin hand clasped RM, V just gave them the ultimate irritated cold stare. He has jealousy written all over his face and body language. 
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You can notice that all the other groups (SOPE, his own group of JM+JK) were sitting together but V was between Jin+RM, even though there was plenty of space on that sofa next to JM+JK. As he usually does with Jin, he was trying to claim his territory and create a barrier between Namj*n. When Jin reached out to RM and looked happy with the result of the game, V went to full annoyed mode and by the look of his face, I bet it was kinda complicated for Jin to deal with him behind the cameras. 
V’s body language mirroring Jin and creating a barrier (open body to Jin and angle with his elbow towards RM) between Namj*n:
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Poor Jinnie probs had to deal with mad VV that night:
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On the snorkeling day, V as often next to Jin, but there was minimal interaction. V was not as lively and Jin was respecting his space. There was a little dance and the funny episode of the entire BTS freaking out with the sight of a male body (buahahah my boys cannot hide) but that was about it.
A little ‘Tae to Jin’ dance:
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Drooling over a guy:
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My two beautiful mermen:
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Just before they left for the Friendship Day, V was still not having it with Namj*n bromance and he again was all jealousy mode. When Jin+RM interact poor V shrivels to refrain himself from going possessive mode. 
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I loved how the Namj*n day went. Even as a full-time Taejin shipper, I can understand why ppl ship Jin+RM. They are so calm and adult together and RM is always a true gentleman to Jinnie, allowing him space and freedom to talk about himself. That chilled out atmosphere of them praying at the beach and then their dinner was lovely and as a Jin fan, I really appreciate what he had to say. On a side note, the fact that Jin admitted that Fire era was a turning point for him also makes sense with my Taejin changing after late 2015 theory. 
I loved this moment so much:
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On the other hand V was so not in the moment with JM+JK. Both JM+JK were so happy and lively, I think both enjoy and miss spending quality time Taehyung. But V was just not there, he could not focus on their day, could not relax and laugh as JM and JK and one can see he was miles away. Of course he was attentive and sweet to both boys but he was lacking that glow he often has when he is having fun. 
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When everybody got together later that night, V was sulking. He was possibly avoiding poor Jin (something that he does when he is jealous like that time on ISAC with KenJin). He side eyed when RM said Jin got him a necklace and looked sad when Jin said RM got him a turtle cause I think it was meaningful to him that they saw a turtle on their beach date. 
RM shows the necklace Jin gave him and V is sulking:
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Jin showing the turtle RM picked for him:
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V looking so sad cause the turtle was their beach date thing, Jin looks worried:
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So that was BV ep.2 on Taejin...angst, jealousy and sweet moments. I feel that there is a lot to happen between these two on the second season of BV now that their relationship changed so much. And BV always provides a more intimate and real view on their relationship since it is less filtered then when they are in “public”. 
My poor darling doll V, he just can’t hide when he is jealous and he gets super possessive of Jin with anyone, esp RM. But ya know, as they push v’mim and v’kook cause it’s what the fans want, I think V has to learn to understand Nam’jin also will be pushed since it’s such a pop ship. 
In view of the recent events regarding Jin, I think there could be another reason why Taehyung wants Taejin to be THE JIN SHIP but that’s a talk for another theory masterpost! Let me know if you want a master on this subject.
Thank you so much for the love on my masterposts, I really appreciate it!
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
Tae vs namjin. A study.
Many people have been asking for masterposts about taejin jealous moments. We all find it cute and mesmerising when our ship display jealousy, it’s like a confirmation that there is something more than just friendship cause bros don’t go mad cause some other bro just touched another friend. But usually there is more to jealousy than just possessiveness. So let’s do a masterpost and talk about VV first. 
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What’s with Tae’s jealousy + possessiveness lately? I mean we know he has always expressed jealousy in the namjin moments but lately... on BTS Home Party Encore, Jin actually had to check with Tae after helping Namjoon (gifs coming soon on my blog).
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Could that be one of the reasons why V is so determined the taejin PDA to be recognised? Could it be cause he wants taejin to be THE JIN SHIP? He was side-eyeing even Jimin and Kookie when they interact with Jin! I’m sure he has nothing against Namjoon but perhaps he despises namjin interaction so much cause he knows how the fandom ships them and he wants even the “public Jin” for himself. 
♡ When there is unstoppable Namjin pleasing the masses, Tae is like:
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♡Tae really really really gets upset with Namjin push:
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If you put yourself in V’s shoes, it is probably so frustrating to see many people shipping and pushing your boo with a friend, calling Jin someone else’s wife, while nobody gives credit to your real relationship. Can you imagine how it sucks for your relationship to be called “mother & son” when you are being legit romantic with your own significant other? It probably feels like lack of approval, like he is not good enough and that kinda worries me on Taehyung’s behalf. 
♡ A few of the many Taejin moments ppl claim as a “mother & son” (or worst like “stop cheating on Namjoon with your son”) when neither Jin or V called themselves as mother and son, not even as a joke:
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I think that for V it was like being thirsty for years, the ups and downs of showing affection and then retrieving, like what would Jin think if he acted this or that way. He likes to touch his friends and everybody, but with Jin it was almost as he had to control himself constantly to the point of being insecure and avoid Jin. I think he had to police himself constantly to don’t look too much obsessed, to don’t let anyone know he was enamoured with a bandmate cause he was so young and trying to figure out what was that affection about. And now it’s like he can finally express whatever he wants with Jin cause Jin knows and accepts whatever feelings he’s got. Now that he’s got permission to be affectionate, of course he will. 
♡ Heart eyes and the thirst:
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V has changed so much since last year, and he’s determined to show us (and himself) that things have changed for the better between him and Jin. He wants people to acknowledge their relationship. If he wanted things to be private he’d probably wouldn’t be doing the things he’s been doing since mid 2016. And I’m focusing this on V cause it is in Jin’s nature to keep feelings and what is private to himself, to be self-aware but that doesn’t stop him from indulging V’s constant need for PDA like he knows that this is important to V. They are in this together. 
♡ Tae always happy with Jin just for himself:
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So perhaps that’s the main reason why namjin bothers V so much, not cause it’s real or cause he distrusts Jin, it’s mainly cause namjin is easily accepted as a sure thing (as a cute joke or not) and Taejin, a relationship that for V was so hard to achieve, is mostly ignored or mocked as a mommy + son dynamic. It reduces taejin to just Jin being a mom and him just one of the babies (even less shipped than Jin with Kookie or Jimin). It also adds up to the theory on why V is acting all grown up after the Taejin Love Conquered phase, it’s almost like he doesn’t want to be seen as the cute baby anymore, he wants to step up, to be treated a an equal, to be worthy of Jin, to match him (couple outfits and all). Being the emotional sweetheart Tae is, I can understand the need to “claim Jin as his” all the time. 
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In my opinion it’s best when public figures can separate what’s real from what’s staged and keep the important things to themselves. Perhaps with time and emotional maturity Tae can get to that understanding. It’s something he will have to learn how to deal with cause people will always ship what they wanna ship, that’s how it is. Ships ain’t going nowhere even if Taejin gets like married. You gotta coexist...
And that my friends was a little conversation on the reasons why Taehyung is indeed a possessive partner.
If you want a Jin version, send me an ask!
Lots of love.
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