#tks for all of your aks
im gonna fucking kill myself i est sl much im sl fat im so fat im so fat fickinf heellom fuck fuck fuck fuck i derve tk die i age so much YOURE A FUCKING PIG YOURE A FUCKING PIG YOU FUCKING PUG GREEDY FUCKIN GREEDY YOURE DISGUSTIMG WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS HKUFE HORRIBLE AMS DISGJSTKNG DOE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DUE DUE SUE DIE
fucking die
i wanna cuy mhself sl bad
its blunt its fuckjng bljnt
and all
my ling sleeves are glne
im glnna kill
0 notes
taejinchronicles · 7 years
BV2EP3 | Taejin theory masterpost: U ok Tae?
So it was highly requested by you pretty cupcakes (tks for the asks and messages!!!) the continuation of my Bon Voyage 2 Taejin masterposts with analysis, pix and my two cents on the Taejin cause. Let me tell ya, this will be a huge masterpost, so grab yourself some snacks and lets do this!!!
Even upset, VV looks like the most gorgeous creation in the universe:
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If you read my Ep2 masterpost, Taehyung was really annoyed about the Namj*n bromance day and decided to go full possessive mode with Jin. We have been left wondering what would happen since our boy was clearly sad and jealous of Jin’s day with RM and about the exchange of gifs between them. The sculpted turtle that RM gave to Jin was something symbolic to V cause he and Jin went on a beach date by themselves on day 1 and saw the turtle. Perhaps this is why the turtle gift was so upsetting to V, he knew that this moment was stolen from him because to the grand public the turtle thing would automatically become a Namj*n thing. I put myself in VV’s shoes, and knowing his history with being overshadowed by Namj*n I understand why Day 3 was mostly about him sulking, avoiding Jin, sulking, possessive about Jin, sulking, annoyed with Namj*n and so on...
1. Matching red hats + close watch on Namj*n: BTS’s first commitment was the hike to the waterfall. V was wearing a red cap to match the red hat he gave to Jin cause ya know how Taejin has a thing for couple’s outfits right. And also V was legit breathing on Namj*n’s neck during the hike.
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2. The Namj*n pas de deux: Poor V was jamming violently to Spine Breaker while being exposed to Namj*n’s happy dorky pas de deux.
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3. Namj*n pose & jealous V: Taehyung's torture continues as Jin and RM pose really close and cutely on the waterfall group pic. When the pic is taken the camera focus on V who looks straight at Namj*n with THAT FACE...a picture worths more than a thousand words.
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4. ETS and V sulking: BTS decides what to eat and VV is sitting far away. V was tired and distant. And also kinda sad. On some moments it almost felt like he was about to doze off or cry. 
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5. Taejin, together but apart: At the van Taejin was sitting next to each other as they often do, but not engaging any physical or verbal contact. As RM continued talking about the Namj*n friendship day, V blocked Jin and everyone else by wearing headphones. Meanwhile Jin was staring pensively at the landscape.
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6. RM’s Bon Voyage reaction: it was Joonie’s turn to do the Bon Voyage thing so everyone’s reaction to RM’s cutesy hat flip was enjoyment but V gave that “not so amused” look, esp after Jin’s spontaneous compliment to RM.
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7. Taehyung love sick over Jin: I had to gif this cause, come on, that’s just so freaking cute. The way V looks at Jin! His love sick expression, eyes dancing from Jin’s face to his “south area” than up to his face again. Taehyung’s bedroom eyes, sorry but that’s not bromance, that is not complimenting Jin’s looks, that is not even a boy crush. Grab that info, take into consideration.
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8. V’s territory: As BTS walked towards their picnic spot, V obviously placed himself between Namj*n (yeah, that is a trend my people) making everything possible with his body movements to make sure there was plenty of space between Jin and RM. 
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9. V’s territory part 2: At the picnic table of course V sat in between Jin and RM. With an effective angular body language, V expressed the desire to create a clear barrier separating his territory.
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10. Happy meal together: Meal is ready and Eat Jin is celebrated with his expertise on the yummy food. V is happier being closer to Jin and, for the first time on the day, exchanges words with the object of his angst and affection.
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11. Taejin’s domestic bliss: At the grocery store RM, Suga, Jimin, V and Jin got their food cash to spend. Soon as they enter Jin goes domestic mode and starts to talk just to Taehyung about the huge american apples. RM and Jimin go their own separate ways leaving Taejin alone.
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12. Side by side: it’s no biggie but I find it extremely cute how Taejin always walk side by side or close to each other. When there is no fixed formation predefined by management, you can see that they are naturally drawn to each other like it’s their second nature. The couple matching outfit makes it even cutter!
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13. Visual duo doing their visual thing: on that group pic, Jin was holding V’s shoulders so lovingly. And the way their heads lean towards each other, awww so cute how the body speaks. Ahhh, one romantic scenery can mend a jealous heart.
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14. Jin is taking care of V: Remember last year on BV1 that iconic moment when V was so moody texting and sulking and Jin was carefully watching him from a distance only to back hug him for centuries? There is this season’s version of it. VV is again sulking, texting and turning his back to Jin, attentive loving gorgeous Jin is watching our angsty boy’s every move, his entire body facing V and even if he is speaking to J-Hope, his eyes don’t leave him. Wasn’t that the perfect moment and scenario for an iconic Taejin back hug?
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15. Third wheeling Cupid Jimin: when BTS discuss their goals Jin says he wants to perfect his guitar technique. Our official third wheel angel Jimin said Jin sent him a video of his guitar practice. Although the rest of BTS was totally unaware of the video of Jin’s evolution on guitar, V promptly said (the video or Jin playing guitar) was so cool. Lovely Jinnie was flustered by Vmin’s double love.
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16. I give Jinnie my stars: At the observatory V and Jin were together and V showed him the stars and planets. Only to Jin. He was so proud of his astronomy knowledge saying he studied it! My heart was touched by this moment cause we can see how important it is for him to please and surprise Jin, to make Jin proud of him, he was like a kid all excited to tell an adult he learned something at school. And Jin the sweetheart, the true gentleman showing genuine interest and excitement, making V’s planet naming sound as important as Galileu Galilei’s life work. Not to mention that Venus is the planet of LOVE…We see you Taehyung…we see you!
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17. Taejin sleeps together funny drama feat. Hobi: at BTS’s lodge, the one filled with lizards, they were playing rock paper scissors (I swear the day BTS don’t play that game, catastrophe will fall upon us) for the beds and bedrooms. Jin was playing opposite J-Hope and won. V was the “MC” of the game and soon as he knew Jin would probably share a bedroom with Hobi or someone who was not him, he grew unease. Smiling but his body language touching the back of his neck, gave away his discomfort about the bedroom situation. When Hobi also wins and Jin celebrates him him, V’s instant reaction is to cover his mouth. In body language that means he cannot speak against awful news and his hands in begging position tries to reach for Jin, meaning he is begging Jin to come back to him. Notice that after Jin’s bedroom is decided the rest of the game with the other members runs smoothly and V doesn’t respond that way to the rest of BTS. The funny thing is that V ended up sleeping with RM! Well better sleep with RM than RM sleeping with Jinnie right Tae?!
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That was it! What an episode that was!
V was obviously upset about something. Maybe it was just him being sleepy, tired or moody, but it feels very coincidental that the mood corroborates his behaviour towards Jin on the previous day. As I said on my last masterposts on Jealous V vs Namj*n, I don’t think this is about RM as a treat to his relationship, I don’t think he sees RM as a rival for Jin’s love. It is about his growing desire of Taejin being the stablished Jin love reality. He knows the ARMY ship Namj*n so add it to V’s constant need to express romantic affection for Jin versus Jin’s acceptance of the necessity for fan service ships then we have a recipe to Taehyung’s angst.
I think Taehyung wants to be as public as possible about Jin cause it is in his nature to be truthful, I don’t think he can perpetuate secrets. He’s not reckless and understands he’s an idol who cannot open up about everything, but there is this real sweet boy inside the idol facade that just desires to be proudly recognised by everyone he loves. His loyal friendship with Jimin, his admiration for RM and Suga and Hobi, his big brother protectiveness towards Kookie, his respect for his family, V wants all his emotional allegiances to be out there, so of course he wants his relationship with Jin to be seen and accepted. It’s still that same 4 years ago shy Taehyung who looked at Jin as he could not believe his luck to be living with the most handsome man he has ever seen. The same boy that everybody noticed from day one he had a crush on Jin. The same boy that has been crawling to Jin’s bed for years. The difference is that now he’s got hit by the intensity of conquered affection, he has won a place in Jin’s heart so it is upsetting for V to be contradictory to his heart just cause they are in public. I can imagine the frustration. It explains the mood changes, the introspection, the jealousy and possessiveness, his need to please Jin and praise/defend him to earn his love and respect and the passive aggressiveness when he feels that Jin denies him or promo another ship loudly in front of the cameras.
Because that adoration is so intense and he is so young, I think when it comes to Jin he even forgets BTS is their job and he’s got to separate what’s performance from what’s real. Someone as gentle and emotional as V is, really wants to wear his heart on the sleeve, he wants PDA, he needs to touch, hold, hug and confess to the four corners of the world that Jin makes him happy. So when he sees Jin being affectionate to RM, someone who is legit shipped with Jin by the fandom “stealing” his official role as Jin’s (visual BTS pair?, lover?, boyfriend?, partner?, platonic sleep together for years buddy? true ship?) number one interest, he snaps and shuts Jin out. It’s the same possessive-jealous pattern we saw on ISAC because of KenJin, Jin running around after V like a lost puppy while he ignored Jin like some sort of punishment. And we can notice that behaviour pattern only happens with Jin, he is not possessive with the other boys not even with his bestie Jimin.
Jin on the other hand loves to socialise with all the members (not only RM but also Kookie on this episode) and even talk to total strangers. He is comfortable in being social and he is aware of their roles as entertainers and how to separate business from personal life. Although he is not impulsive and explicit about it, he cares about V’s feelings more than anything even if that means the need to keep a safe distance to protect what they have. I feel like Jin tries constantly to shelter him, to create a safe haven when the innocent beautiful and delicate true Taehyung can be free and happy, even if the price is to have Taejin as a ship ignored by the fandom. It’s in Jin’s nature to protect and love all his boys but with V it’s like he is always walking on thin glass. There is deep affection but also Jin’s necessity for secrecy, not cause he is ashamed of V but cause he is protective of what they have.
Because the nature of their relationship in my perspective romantic, Jin doesn’t know how to behave in front of the cameras with him. Jin refrains himself to be engulfed by affection like on that iconic stage kiss or like when he shares too much information (we shower together, we sleep together and so on) so he prefers not to focus on V while on camera. Both Jin and V can’t quite behave bro-like around each other actually. Since the start there has always been awkwardness and tension between Taejin, it used to be polar opposites they were superglued platonic flirting or just pretending they didn’t exist. Although now things have changed and we don’t see that unrequited love tension anymore, I think both Jin and V go back to that pattern when things go a bit sour. They oscillate between “you are all I see" to "you don’t even exist" all the time, there is no in between “bro-like” Taejin. For a ship that legit doesn’t have promo at all (for instance there is never vlives with just Taejin like there is with jinmin, sope or jinkook) Taejin is the one pairing that despite of the lack of fan service push, do behave like two people who know each other intimately and really spend a lot of time together (notice that semi off-camera like on BV2 with their beach date, matching hats shopping, V picking Jin the shirts he wanted him to wear and off-camera like on their fancafe talks, secret dates, singing the same love songs of each other’s spotify playlists, sleeping together, matching outfits, walking around holding each other’s arms when they think nobody is watching, answering the same things about what they plan for their future...they act like well...like partners).
Jin being the business driven man he is, understands the responsibilities of being and entertainer, he gives his body and soul to BTS, he is professional about it and knows he is protecting V and the boys by keeping their thing (and all the boys personal relationships) private. With V’s emotional nature, RM’s introspection, Suga’s dedication to his craft, Jimin’s loyal heart and Jungkook’s innocence, Jin and J-Hope are the ones who really are conscious about the importance of protect their privacy, Jin being the entertainer one and J-Hope the practical one. This is why of all the members of BTS Jin is the one who really engages dynamic relationships with all the other boys constantly, regardless of the predefined ships and subunits management and the fandom has specified. He doesn’t exclude anybody and in a sense he is the heart of BTS, the loving glue that keeps them strong.
This is a study and analysis, I dunno the boys so situations can have a complete different meaning since no one knows what’s going on on their private lives. This is why rather focus on behaviour and body language, cause that is an unconscious way to express the truth and one’s emotions. So it doesn’t really matter the nature of Jin and V's intimate emotional bond, we can see that Jin doesn’t need his personal relationships to be publicly accepted therefore understands the need for privacy while Taehyung is keen to make his affection known therefore he is often jealous of sharing Jin with others either by insecurity or by fear of non-acceptance. This is a pattern that has been going on for quite sometime and I’m afraid it’s the pattern we will keep seeing in the near future. 
Oh boy that was one huge masterpost! This episode was a full angsty trip on jealousy, understanding the dynamics and differences between Jin and V and the dynamics between ships. Regarding the ships, I still have not done the masterposts on some subjects I often got messages about like comparing Taejin to Vmin or Namjin and Jinkook (send me msgs of what ship you want me talk about first) or the rest of BV2 (gonna do those...weekly I hope!!!), tks for the patience dear readers. You can also read the first episodes analysis here:
Lots of love.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
I feel bad for JK. He's the jealous BF in every pairing. I say support who you want, but if JM came out tomorrow and said come out of your imagination about Vmin (The way V did about TK) or V went on camera saying his and JM's relationship was awkward (The way JK did about V), I would pack it up. Yet Tkrs continue to disrespect Tae and JK. Sometimes JKrs too cause they also cast JK as the jealous, insecure boyfriend. Too bad, neither group sees One half of their ships are in love with each other
This turned into a bit of a rant, I hope you don’t mind...
Leaving aside my opinions on T*ak*ok and J*k*ok as “romantic ships” and focusing just on the actual people, or more specifically on Jungkook (as well as those who use him for their ships in toxic manners), I very much agree. 
Jungkook is a good person, a kindhearted one at that, he works incredibly hard, he’s incredibly hard on himself, holds himself to a sky high standard, and is a perfectionist at that, he tries his best regardless of what it is he’s doing, his heart is so big, pure and filled with love not only for his hyungs but also for ARMY, even though some have done him incredibly dirty in the past, and others continue to do so to this day and chances are they likely won’t stop any time soon. Jungkook is also a romantic, someone who believes he will hear bells when he’ll meet/look at the person he’s destined to be with/his one true love, someone who wrote Still With You for ARMY and tried his best to convey his emotions just right, who even has the word tattooed on his hand, is someone who’s sensitive to smells, likes doing laundry and snuggles against his hyungs when he’s cold. He cried and was inconsolable when Hobi temporarily left Bangtan, recorded a song cover in 30 minutes simply because Namjoon said the song would fit his voice, and he painted a pretty painting for Hobi simply because he asked him for it.
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Remember when Jungkook was a guest on Yoongi’s ‘radio’ in May 2020? How nervous he was and how he felt the need to explain himself and apologize to ARMY for potentially having upset us, even though, realistically, there was nothing really there for what he would have to apologize and with how some were quick to throw him under the bus (again), if anyone should’ve apologized, it would’ve been those people. To this day Jungkook continues to rarely be on social media, rarely posts a selca and goes on vlive even less, and honestly, I completely understand him. I would do the same, though I won’t pretend that I know his exact reasoning.
Like you said, there is a large portion of shippers (not all of them, of course, but I’m specifically talking about the bad ones here, and my opinions on these shippers have no connection whatsoever with my opinions on and love for the maknaes and their bonds, just so we’re clear) who have created this alternative reality version of him which shares no resemblance with who he actually is beyond the name and body. Somehow, they’ve created this jealous, possessive and toxic version of him that constantly feels the need to mark his territory, gets angry and has controlling tendencies toward either Jimin or Tae (oddly enough I haven’t seen that happen as much when he’s shipped with a member of the hyung line), depending on which camp you ask. How long did it take for “JK was so jealous” analysis videos to appear after RUN episode 128 and that moment of Tae kissing Seokjin’s cheek? An hour, two?
And if that’s not what they are doing, they overs*xualize him to the point where it just feels gross and so dehumanizing it crosses every imaginable line. Or they infantilize him as though he were still the teenage boy we got to know when they debuted 7.5 years ago, which is especially ironic and weird when the people who do this are younger than him.
Of course this isn’t just an issue with Jungkook, it’s something that happens with all three of the maknaes, but I feel like it happens a little differently (or manifests itself differently) for each one of them, and Jungkook, being involved in both of the main big ships, basically has it worst. He isn’t treated as someone they love or admire, not because he’s part of their ship but because of his talents and other qualities as idol and human being, but as basically a human Sim that shippers project their own fantasies onto. They lack respect and the bare minimum of human decency. They don’t care about him as person, barely care about his music if they can’t find a way to connect it to their ship, they just want him to look pretty and act accordingly so they can continue living their shipper lives and search for “proof”, even if sometimes that means twisting reality, ignoring context, and making someone out of Jungkook who he really is not.
And honestly, just like you, if Tae or Jimin would come online and say “get out of your imagination” about vmin, I would accept that immediately and move on. Sure, I’d be a little sad and surprised, but I wouldn’t look for ways to twist their words to create some kind of false deniability of their statement, wouldn’t try to find some kind of loophole that would allow me to ignore their words and continue doing what we do. But, unfortunately, many don’t think that way. Clearly.
At some point, I think, some have forgotten why we are here in the first place, as well as the fact that Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung are actual living, breathing human beings, and not fictional characters. We are here, first and foremost, for their music, since that’s what got us interested in them in the first place, right? Or at least that’s how it should be, though I know visual stans are a thing, and apparently shipping stans also seem to be a thing that exists. And sure, shipping is fun, having a pair you particularly like together for one reason or another, because you think there might actually be something there, like we do as vminnies, or because you simply like their dynamic, but the moment your entire existence as ARMY is merely revolving around your ship and finding ways to prove, against all logic and contextual evidence, that they are real, even if it means disrespecting the people that are part of your ship, as well as the other five people in the group they love more than anyone, that’s when you’ve gone too far. Way too far.
We know how much Jungkook loves the members, how much he respects them, and we know he had a bit of an awkward rough patch (at least partially) with Tae, since they told us about that, and he enjoys spending time and being silly with Jimin, and yet ship camp one and two have no issue disrespecting, belittling, badmouthing and erasing his friendships with either of them, or basically flat out calling him a liar (or a BH controlled puppet with no free will or ability to speak out when he doesn’t like something) because what he said about his friendship with Tae doesn’t fit their agenda.
Jungkook is basically stripped of all agency, humanity, free will, and everything else that makes him a person, an idol, and just an extremely talented and kind individual. They even try to take away his name despite the well-known fact that Koreans don’t change last names. It’s upsetting, unsettling, and wrong on every possible level.
I couldn’t care less which BTS duo others ship, I’m not the kind of person who will go and try to convince others that I’m right and they are wrong because, for all we know, we could all be wrong, but I think the least anyone in the shipping world can do is have enough restraint and humanity in them to show a bare minimum of respect for the people they ship and treat them like human beings, not Sims or dolls. Especially since we know the members are aware of all of this to some degree because there is no way they didn’t notice all the comments during vlives across the years, didn’t notice the videos on YouTube (we know Jungkook looks up reaction videos etc), and didn’t notice the posts on Weverse, after all we had Tae tell off a shipper.
All I really wish for is for people to see and treat Jungkook as the good, kind, intelligent and talented person he is. Ship him with whoever you want, that’s none of my business, but please respect him and see him for who he is, not who you’d want him to be so there would be more drama to theorize about. It’s the least he deserves. It’s the least all of them do.
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beeexx · 4 years
Set after 1x10 Carlos and TK have another moment. It’s basically a long extended scene. Can be read on ao3 as well. Enjoy When TK asks, a little hesitant, about going back to Carlos’ place Carlos has to stop and think about it. He wants to say yes, but a part of him knows it would be a really bad idea to jump back into bed with each other again. There is an overdue conversation and words to be exchanged between them and TK makes him stupid, resisting him out here on the hood of the car already turning into a bit of a struggle for him. He takes too long to answer because TK’s face falls, closing off and Carlos scolds himself. Before the hand can be retracted from his grip he squeezes it tightly making TK’s eyes snap to his.
“Yes, but only to sleep, nothing else.” He says kindly, he doesn’t want it to come off as rejection. TK searches his face before he smiles a little, making Carlos’ heart flutter.
“Okay.” He promises. 
The drive back is silent, but not uncomfortably so. Carlos can feel tiredness seeping into his bones, the cataclysmic day he’s had, along with probably everyone in the state, finally beginning to take its toll on him. TK doesn’t say much either, but he looks lighter and a little more settled than he has for a while, and that, that is something. When they get to his place he unlocks the door and switches the lightswitch on and TK stumbles into him, his face showing clear discomfort. Maybe he’s thinking of the last time he was here and how the night that was supposed to be nice and romantic ended up pretty terrible. Carlos coughs, pointedly and TK looks at him in embarrassment. Carlos just rolls his eyes and smiles because in this moment he can’t bring himself to bust his balls about what happened.
“Come on.” He says and TK follows him. He opens the door that leads to his bedroom, a room TK’s never made it to before because all the sex has literally only happened on the couch, against a wall or on the floor. It was honestly mind blowingly good sex according to Carlos, but it never felt very intimate to him. It always lacked a certain kind of softness or caring to it, that Carlos somehow knew they could have. But a wall was always up with TK, even when they were literally fucking against one, which is what he would describe what they were doing, definitely fucking, but not having sex. TK looks hesitant again, like he’s thinking along the same lines and his eyes keep flitting around the room in uncertainty. His eyes land on a photo that’s sitting on his nightstand where there’s a picture of him, his three sisters, and his parents. Carlos loves that picture. He walks over to his closet, and leaves TK standing in the middle of the room, eyeing the bed, and starts looking for something for TK to wear. It feels appropriate for some reason, even though Carlos’ seen everything underneath, a few times already. 
“Here.” He says and tosses him a T-shirt and some pyjama pants he hasn’t used in ages. TK catches them easily enough and Carlos turns around to give him some privacy to change. He changes out of his jeans and steps into a pair of shorts. He doesn’t miss the look TK sends him when he takes the shirt off and he hides his smirk. Being appreciated is always nice. TK changes out of the tracksuit bottoms but when he tries taking his shirt of he grimaces in pain. Carlos knows he will push through and take the shirt off himself, but he steps up close anyway.
“Here, let me.” He says and sees TK gulp at the sudden closeness. He nods numbly though and drops his arm to the side. Carefully Carlos fits his hands underneath the jumper and slowly lifts it over his head. He makes sure to be careful when he gently pulls TK’s hand over his head, and not graze the wound. He puts the jumper down on the chair by the mirror.
“You want to keep your own T-shirt?” He aks and TK shakes his head.
“No I’ll take yours.” He says quietly. Carlos nods before he repeats the motion, even gentler than before. His fingers accidentally caresses TK’s side and he doesn’t miss how the skin jumps underneath the touch or how TK very audibly gulps. He tosses the shirt towards the chair, hopefully doesn’t miss it, and finds he can’t take his eyes off the very glaring plaster over TK’s heart. A part of him wants to reach out, feel his heart underneath his fingers to reassure himself it’s still beating. He sighs and the gently reaches forward, places his hand just underneath the plaster and rests his palm there instead. TK’s eyes flutter close and his breathing picks up, Carlos can feel it, faintly, but still feel it, even with his hand a little misplaced. He hears TK bite back a whine as he takes his palm away and he smiles cheekily at him when TK opens his eyes again.
“It’s been that long huh?” He’s being presumptuous but a part of him doesn’t care and kind of feels like he deserves to gloat a little bit about TK’s apparent lack of sex life.
“Shut up.” He grumbles, and the moment is broken by that as Carlos laughs and pulls his shirt over TK’s head. It’s a lot too big for him and while TK is in no means small, he’s definitely smaller than what he is. The look is doing things to Carlos and he has to force his eyes away, because seeing TK disappear in his clothes is making his heart jump in his chest, while it also kind of makes him a little horny. It’s a very odd combination.
“Bed time.” He says and turns over to the side he always sleeps on. He pulls the covers back and gets inside, settling against the headboard and waits for TK to do something other than just stand in his room, looking a little lost. When he finally comes back to it he moves to the other side of the bed and gets in. He pulls the cover up and lies on his side where the wound isn’t and then groans.
“I need to text my dad.” He says and slowly and awkwardly gets out of bed again. Carlos gives him a look.
“Yeah well how many 26 year olds do you know that are recovering addicts with bullet wounds in their hearts?” It’s meant to be a joke, but it falls a little flat, the reminder of how many bad things have happened recently to him, so Carlos’ eyes soften.
“Only one.” He says, heavily and TK looks at him for a long time, a little vulnerable, so Carlos smiles reassuringly at him.
“I’ve met your dad in passing, I’d say texting is a good idea.”
“You’ve met fire captain dad, overprotective dad of only son is a whole different story.” He chuckles and Carlos snorts. 
“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”
“He can be a little… much.” TK settles on. 
“Because he cares.”
“Yeah.” TK. says softly, and puts the phone down. He gets comfortable again and pulls the covers back over his arms as he settles on his side. Carlos looks at him for a while, how soft he looks with his hair unstyled and wearing Carlos’ clothes. He doesn’t look small but he looks like someone Carlos wants to care for, to pull close and hold against him and reassure that things will be okay. It’s an overwhelming ache, a need to do it that comes out of nowhere, that is almost so overpowering that he almost does it, almost. They’re not there yet so he clenches his hand and exhales through his mouth. Despite all the emotions TK brings out in him he’s happy he’s here in his bed with him at least. And with that the tiredness and exhaustion is creeping back in, and he allows himself to fully feel it, doesn’t think it will take long until he falls asleep after this. Slowly he reaches forward, TK’s eyes widening as he strokes his cheek, and wipes the corner of his mouth, smiling softly. TK exhales loudly and Carlos pulls back and turns off the light.
“Good night TK.”
“Good night Carlos.” He whispers. 
When Carlos wakes the next morning it’s to an empty bed. It disappoints him more than it probably should because no promises were made between them. Honestly, not many words were spoken between them at all last night. Once the light was out he had fallen asleep rather quickly, the day finally taking its toll. He woke up around 4am though because he was overheating, and the answer to that was that in their sleep they had both seemed to move, with TK securely tucked into his side, his breathing heavy and fluttering against Carlos’ cheek. Carlos hadn’t wanted to move away from the position and had chosen to suffer through the warmth until he fell back asleep again. The clock says it’s 11am, which is very late for him. He’s always been an early riser but after a solar storm even he seemed to have some limits when it came to waking up. He sighs but gets out of bed, in search for some coffee. When he opens the door he is met by the fresh roast of just that wafting through the air and TK sitting on his kitchen island with his phone, still in Carlos’ clothes. He stops for a moment, taking in the view and his heart flutters against his ribs, unable to stop the feeling it brings when he sees TK in his kitchen.
“Spending the night and staying to drink coffee in the morning, that must be some sort of record, huh?” He jokes, making TK look up and blush a little.
“I made some coffee, there’s some for you too, I hope you don’t mind.” He says and points to the mug on the counter.
“No not at all.” He walks up to it and takes a sip, smiling around the mug. Honestly, nothing beats the first taste of coffee in the morning. TK’s back is still turned away and Carlos puts the mug down again, sensing that something’s not quite right.
“I’m surprised you stayed.” He can’t help but say and sees TK take a deep breath.
“I thought about leaving but it didn’t seem… right, after everything.”
“Okay.” Carlos steps around him and leans against the chair, opposite TK. He looks small on the counter, his legs dangling off the edge, and Carlos’ clothes hanging off him loosely. He bites at his lip before he glances at Carlos and then to the ground.
“What is it?” He prompts, unable to leave whatever it is hanging between them.
“I need a favour.” The words are rushed out and Carlos frowns. 
“Okay.” But he can’t take the insecure look that keeps on passing over TK’s face so he takes a step forward, and another, until TK’s eyes widen and his body seems to move on autopilot and his legs open up for Carlos to step in between. He rests his hands on either side of TK’s body and looks at him with what he hopes is an honest and open look. 
“What is it?” He says gently and TK’s eyes flit away from him again, but this time he follows them and finds an orange pill bottle beside TK’s cup of cooling coffee. He frowns and looks back at him. 
TK sighs.
“It’s pain medication from the hospital. I just… I don’t fully trust myself with those…”
“Oh.” Carlos say like and idiot and TK grimaces and looks at the bottle warily.
“Have you taken any before?”
He shakes his head.
“I asked specifically to only be given ibuprofen when I got discharged the first time. But after yesterday when I pulled the stitches and overstrained, well everything, I got given those to take and was too distracted to say otherwise. But…”
“Are you in pain?” Carlos frowns and TK grimaces, which is all the answer he needs.
“A little, it’s manageable, but not exactly comfortable.”
“So can you keep those for me then?” He sounds ashamed and defeated and he’s shrunk in on himself and Carlos’ stomach twists itself into a knot.
“Of course.” He says and takes the bottle in his hand before he very gently lifts TK’s shin up to meet his eyes. 
“Hey.” He says gently and TK’s lip twist upwards, not really a smile, but something almost like that. 
“Do you want one now?”
TK doesn’t look away but he seems to think about his answer.
“Not the best question to ask an addict.” He says and Carlos rolls his eyes at the bad joke.
“Can you take them on an empty stomach?” He rephrases another question and TK shrugs.
“Yeah but it’s not advised.”
“Okay, well you’re definitely staying for breakfast then.”  
TK bites his smile down, his cheeks flushed and Carlos is fucking overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him. He tracks the movement with his lips, eyes dark and hungry and TK exhales meaningfully. 
“Breakfast first before any life altering decision are made.” Carlos decides and it makes TK chuckle, the moment once again broken. Carlos knows he keeps avoiding the elephant in the room that keeps growing between them, because he knows that if he were to overstep this made up boundary they would end up where they started months ago, which was eventually what broke them to begin with. TK’s words about a team hangs heavy in his mind, and while he agrees that they do, he’s not sure it’s enough. Or he needs something that is a little more of a reassurance of friendship, or something.
“What do you want to eat?”
TK just shrugs as a response which is unhelpful and Carlos lifts an eyebrow. 
“Okay, well I’ll think of something.” He’s stepping away, but he doesn’t get far before he’s pulled back forcefully, maybe a little too much so because he stumbles and almost knocks TK off the counter. He steadies himself with a hand on his side.
“I’m not easy to love.” Carlos stops moving and frowns at TK who looks like he hadn’t mean to say that.
“I mean - “
“What makes you say that?” Carlos doesn’t move his hand away from TK’s waist, if anything he brushes his hand across his side, feeling the lean muscles underneath the thin shirt he’s wearing. TK opens and closes his mouth a few times.
“My track record kind of agrees with that.” Carlos just frowns, waiting for more of an explanation.
TK sighs and waves his hands around them expasterly, and grimaces as his shoulder hurts but Carlos waits him out, kind of demanding an explanation he knows is behind the outburst.
“Okay fine, I’m a mess half the time and honestly probably not only because of being an addict. But when I’m not a mess I am either too much or too little so I always give people a reason to leave.”
He’s sad and it makes Carlos ache for him, while at the same time feeling such anger on his behalf because of what he knows of TK, he’s pretty special, and none of what he’s just said is true.
“Or maybe you haven’t met the right person yet.”
TK scoffs, but it’s not cruel, it’s more in a self-deprecated kind of way.
“I just… everyone leaves Carlos, everyone. So that either makes it something wrong with me or with the whole word. And the statistics for something being wrong with every person I meet and want to date is much lower than something being wrong with me, so the conclusion is pretty obvious.”
“There is nothing wrong with you.” 
TK shakes his head.
“Right.” He mutters.
“It’s not.” He cups both his cheeks, forcing him to look at him. Reluctantly he meets his eyes. “I want to convince you that’s the truth but I’m not sure I can either. So I’ll say this, you think you are too much? Well okay, so I misread the signals completely and made you a romantic dinner when clearly you were only looking for a hookup.”
“Yeah, I’m still very sorry about that.” And Carlos believes him.
“I know but my point is I can be pushy and ‘too much’ as you put it, too. That is not a trait significant only to you. Hell we don’t know each other that well and I already care about you a lot, possibly more than you care about me. But just like you, I have a job that sometimes demands too much of me, to the point where I want to withdraw into myself for days and not speak to anyone. I once didn’t show up to my sister’s birthday party because of a really rough day and she didn’t speak to me for a month.” TK winces and grimaces and Carlos nods.
“Yep. So guess what pretty boy you really aren’t the only one here that’s made mistakes or are going to make mistakes either. Are these just not excuses?”
“You told me you’ve felt numb every since you came to Texas, but aren’t you just punishing yourself in some kind of way. Or are you thinking you’re not worthy of feeling anything that could be good because you’ve gotten hurt in the past so you force yourself to feel nothing at all instead.”
TK’s eyes widen and Carlos can literally see his defences falling apart, the wall breaking, he’s been seen. 
“W-what?” He chokes out and Carlos smiles kindly. 
“Did I hit it on the nail?”
“Maybe…” He confesses and Carlos squeezes his face gently between his hands. 
“It’s not living, if you’re hiding, if you’re not yourself even when you have made mistakes. You shouldn’t be alone with it at least.”
TK has unshed tears in his eyes and his breathing is a little shaky. Carlos removes his hand but not before stroking his cheeks gently. He puts his hands down on either side of TK and nudges his nose with his own. TK’s lips twitches and that’s something. 
“You should let yourself feel the good things too. You have people who care a lot, that much I know. I went to the hospital and your dad was there every day while you were in the coma, and he had to literally force the others to go back to work, otherwise they would have stayed right there with him. You have me, so if you want to be friends we can be, no hard feelings.”
TK shakes his head quickly.
“No, no, I don’t want to be just friends though.” Carlos bites down his smile, but he thinks it slips through anyway.
“Well that’s something, progress.” 
“But I did mean it when I said my last relationship ended badly. I-I proposed and he broke up with me because he found someone new so I relapsed and I almost died. My dad found me in my apartment and managed to bring me back. So this is the second time this year I’ve almost died.” He grimaces at the painful memory and Carlos sighs heavily, feeling, well… a lot and mostly just very badly for him.
“That’s rough, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, I go to meetings and it’s something, sometimes it doesn’t feel like it’s enough though, so I don’t know.”
“And therapy?”
“That too.”
“Normalise guys who go to therapy 2020.” And the joke makes TK snort, but it turns into a small smile in the end.
“Shut up dork.”
“Me? A dork? Don’t think that’s quite right.”
“Please you were totally into Star Wars growing up.”
“Maybe you’ll find out if you date me.” He smirks. TK laughs and it makes Carlos smile, something settling a little steadier into his chest when he hears it.
“So…” Carlos says, because he needs to hear some more words before this conversation is over. TK sighs but looks determined after a little bit of contemplation.
“So, I would like to date you, get to know you, take things slow and then we will see.”
“Ah, so dating huh?”
“Yes. Exclusively though, I like you so I’d hope we wouldn’t be seeing other people, is that too much to ask?” He asks, the uncertain tone back again. Carlos honestly think that’s going to be the least of his problems. He’s already hooked on TK and only him. 
“So, you like me huh?” He settles for, teasing, and hoping to make TK comfortable again. 
“Yes.” He scrunches up his face in an adorable little grimace and it makes Carlos laugh, happily and a little more freer. 
“You’ve suddenly gotten tight lipped on me?” 
“What can I say I like watching you sweat a little bit.”
“Rude.” He pouts and oh no. Carlos grips the counter tighter because he’s looking extremely kissable at the moment, lashes long and a little redness to his cheeks.
“Well I like you too, dating sounds like a good idea to me.” 
They stare at each other none of them saying anything, the tension in the room suddenly back in full force. Carlos thinks TK knows exactly what he’s doing and that thought alone is making him even harder to resist. He coughs to break the tension.
“So, breakfast?”
TK groans.
“You’re really going to make me ask aren’t you?”
“Ask what?”
“To ki - no you know what…”
Carlos doesn’t have time to ask what before TK is pulling him down and slotting their lips together. His eyes falls shut and one hand settles on TK’s side the other finds his way onto his face, cradling his face close while TK’s hand settle in his hair. He hums happily against TK’s lips and feel him smile in return. When Carlos nibbles at his lip playfully TK opens it up and he has to stifle a groan when their tongues meet, TK’s tongue curling around Carlos which just makes him kiss hungrily back.
And that’s where he stops and pulls back. This time TK chases after him whining loudly before he pouts when he doesn’t get another kiss.
“Fucking tease.”
“Kissing without even a proper date, doesn’t seem right.”
“You and I definitely skipped a few steps when it comes to the dating rule book.”
“Yep, so breakfast?” He asks cheekily and TK rolls his eyes but nods.
“Yeah sure.
“Okay.” But he leans in and gently pecks TK’s lips before he steps back, slowly discarding himself from where he has gotten a little tangled into TK, who has swollen lips and messy hair and dark eyes, and who Carlos now gets to date.
Not a bad start to the day. He thinks it can only get better.
“So eggs?”
“Yeah, sounds good.” He hears TK jump off the counter and come join him in the kitchen.
Carlos has a feeling it’s the start of something good. And that’s enough for now.
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wtftarot · 2 years
Hi, I'm not sure if you're still doing free reading as I saw you've done quite a lot.
So, my question is about this guy,, AK(Sagg). I was so sure we were meant to be together but now it seems as if it was all in my mind. Like you know when you have a crush,, you feel like that person likes you too? Even though it's not the case??
So I feel that everything about AK and me was just a hallucination, like a dream. Could you please give me some clarity on how he views me and if he has any romantic interest in me? If he's willing to be friends?
This was ....long. I'm so sorry for that but I thought i better explain my situation. If you don't feel like answering, it's alright!
Tk(Scorpio)(sun and moon: Scorpio. Rising: Capricorn)
Thank you so much ❤️❤️
Hey, @tropicalflowers
It looks like your perception may have been a lil skewed. Only seeing things you want, or things that confirm what you want. I wouldn't bet on him being into you romanticly at least not right now. Friendship may still be on the table though. I am seeing some encouragement for you to not let this make you doubt yourself or discount what you see. Everyone makes mistakes or interprets things wrong sometimes, it's easy for us to let our own emotions cloud what were seeing. This will help you have clearer judgment in the future and not let it be clouded. There was also some assurance that you will find someone in the future, I don't know if this situation has made you worried or doubt that you will but you will. And that message came out with both the Empress and the Emperor, so whoever you end up with, y'all will be pretty awesome together.
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linhgd9 · 3 years
Global Glufosinate Ammonium Market SWOT Analysis,Key Indicators,Forecast 2027 : Bayer CropScience,Monsanto Company,Dow AgroSciences
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The report titled “Glufosinate Ammonium Market : Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts 2021-2027” utilizing diverse methodologies aims to examine and put forth in-depth and accurate data regarding the global Glufosinate Ammonium market. The report is segregated into different well-defined sections to provide the reader with an easy and understandable informational document. Further, each section is elaborated with all the required data to gain knowledge about the market before entering it or reinforcing their current foothold. The report is divided into:
Market Overview
Key Players and Competitive Landscape
Growth Drivers and Restraints
Regional Analysis
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The Glufosinate Ammonium report through its overview section provides the overall scenario and dynamics of the global Glufosinate Ammonium market with it definition and others details. Further, the key player and competitive landscape segment of the report enlist the various players actively participating and competing in the global market. The report also entails the new market entrants. The key major market players include. The report encompasses the leading manufacturers along with their respective share in the global market in terms of revenue. Moreover, it mentions their tactical steps in the last few years, leadership changes, and product innovation investments to help in making well-informed decision and also to stay at forefront in the competition.
Major Competitive Players : 
Bayer CropScience, Monsanto Company, Dow AgroSciences, Syngenta, Nufarm US, Jiangsu Huangma Agrochemicals, YongNong BioSciences, Lier Chemical, Shandong Weitian Fine Chemical Technology, ABI Chemicals, AK Scientific, Alfa Aesar, Angene, Apollo Scientific, Conier Chem
Based on products type, the report describes major products type share of regional market. Products mentioned as follows: 95?TC, 50?TK.
The report defines major Application share of worldwide market. Application mentioned as follows: Herbicides, Fungicides, Desiccant, Defoliant, Others.
Moving to the growth drivers and restraints section, one will be presented with all factors that are directly or indirectly aiding the growth of the global Glufosinate Ammonium market. To get acquainted with the market’s growth statistics, it is essential to assess the several drivers of the market. In addition, the report also puts forth the existing trends along with new and possible growth opportunities in the global market. Moreover, the report includes the factors that can possibly hinder the growth of the market. Understanding these factors is similarly crucial as they aid in comprehending the market’s weaknesses.
Promising Regions & Countries Mentioned In The Glufosinate Ammonium Market Report:
North America ( United States)
Europe ( Germany, France, UK)
Asia-Pacific ( China, Japan, India)
Latin America ( Brazil)
The Middle East & Africa
Request Report TOC (Table of Contents) @ https://www.mraccuracyreports.com/reportdetails/reportview/187483
The segmentation of the global Glufosinate Ammonium market segregates the market based on different aspects such as Further, each segment is elaborated providing all the vital details along with growth analysis for the forecast period. The report also divides the market by region into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. The regional analysis covers the volume and revenue assessment of every region along with their respective countries. In addition, the report also entails various market aspects such as import & export, supply chain value, market share, sales, volume, and so on.
Primary and secondary approaches are being used by the analysts and researchers to compile these data. Thus, this Glufosinate Ammonium Market : Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts 2021-2027 report is intended at directing the readers to a better, apprehensive, and clearer facts and data of the global Glufosinate Ammonium market.
Key Details & USPs of the Existing Report Study:
Worldwide-level market size of Glufosinate Ammonium Market in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Region-level (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa) market size of Glufosinate Ammonium Market in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Country-level (U.S., Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Mexico, GCC, South Africa, RoW) market size of Glufosinate Ammonium Market in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Type market size bifurcated into its individual Product Type (Concentration, Temperature, Combustion, Conductivity, and Others) in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Demand Side and Supply Side Perspective and analysis
Company/Players/Manufacturers/Vendors/Service Providers Market Share
Competitive Landscape, Competition Matrix, and Player Positioning Analysis
Market Dynamics, Trends, Factors affecting market growth during upcoming year
Key Buyers and End-User Analysis
Value Chain & Supply Chain Analysis including Distribution and Sales Channels as well as Forward and Backward Integration scenarios
Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
Key Raw Materials Analysis
Key Pricing Strategies adopted in the market
Key Marketing Strategies adopted in the market
Porters Five Forces Analysis
SWOT Analysis
PESTLE Analysis
Request coronavirus impact analysis on sectors and market
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What Reports Provides
Full in-depth analysis of the parent market
Important changes in market dynamics
Segmentation details of the market
Former, on-going, and projected market analysis in terms of volume and value
Assessment of niche industry developments
Market share analysis
Key strategies of major players
Emerging segments and regional markets
Testimonials to companies in order to fortify their foothold in the market.
Also, Research Report Examines:
Competitive companies and manufacturers in global market
By Product Type, Applications & Growth Factors
Industry Status and Outlook for Major Applications / End Users / Usage Area
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.
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coolcrownfury · 4 years
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Song information for Tera Hone Laga Hoon - Atif Aslam, Alisha Chinai on AllMusic.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
thousands of nonillions nonilion a side out now and in all of the four locations, adding a fifth dc..tons fight over it now. it is huge there are huge numbers of dead...huge...and Italy heats slowly and not a new area, the Carribean.  and it  is huge already and wie shouts yes....and is amuzed his look slowly...huge numbers now and they advacne and are at the door and are coming in and flood cali and heard and knew it is time and they tk it too whole..tons fight..there is a huge war there...adn we need it out. need it.  tons say it we have to. now too. and the rivers up norht are hot and boil all the fishare dead and dead offshore here the radiation..and it is fromthe river. tons seei t hugehuge things of fishfloat overand are tainted.  tonsuse it no...we can eatitup so you willsee we will be huge...tons dont want it but needit.  and the uppper mississipi is blown and is huge now many miles wide versus one.  i is vastthey say like the sea filledup quickly the snow melted recently and water ran fast..now very fast and it washed out bridges and roads as a vacuum of sors was made..tons saw it chur likeheck then paused themoverran and it is fast th greatlakes too empties and a hug huge storm formed and gathered moisture form the air like a wick....tons see it.  the rivers blow to the great lakes reagions..justin is up was and left. he suitedupandwill gonow.  and it will be hislast trip we feel..he isbeat tired angry  and quick. he sends his best and see you later justin he smiles...we are beat but this is fun we have fun...the shipos that saved me are here..im in good hands. ok then, no womenonboard no dresses...and crosses firmly ttached andno upside down crosses thats what i got i see ok...tom hanks says....we go now.  and plow through to the opening anddown and there.  and see how it really is asyou say....uh oh we do already u there a huge army and ourboys in sweats..we saw it.  died. ok back but ok they are talking he was right this is massvie growing and huge a terrifying conspircy of large magnitude.  growing still. we are out if this hits us all atonce. and we hear ti goes soon the Lawrence  and will flood nyc and dc fully.  and then it is AI time a brief windoew he cant ak it.  and after that a fiht on th ground to go up..most likely titan and his place there we all feel it is Jc.hedoes too tom hanks again okokwe heard fromyou we are here and we think it is him andheard his code today it is rich we fight now. preston and the two of you are buds but we know the feel it is treachery all over and here too mych of it and he sits yapping takes all the blame keeps it up nd bja copies him not seeing the problem..konws it is not blamed on him mostly..seeshow someis. though.my ship...i worked on it..and paid you ons of stuff...nd i admit there was no real pay so it is yours and hers butwhos going to pay or all this other stuff..hmmm he says ok we say it we may hve encouraged it but who cares we thought it her clan and so on they will see which. joe m
0 notes
researchkraft19 · 4 years
Glufosinate Ammonium Market by Technology Advancement and Business Outlook 2020 to 2027
The market study on the global market for Glufosinate Ammonium  examines current and historical values and provides projections based on accumulated database. The report examines both key regional and domestic markets to provide a conclusive analysis about the developments in the Glufosinate Ammonium market over the forecast period.
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The Global Glufosinate Ammonium  market report provides a systematic picture of the sector by way of study, synthesis, and summary of info originated from different sources. The experts have provided the various sides of the sector with a particular goal on identifying the major manipulators of the sector. The Global Glufosinate Ammonium market report correspondingly comprises a detailed market & vendor landscape aside from a SWOT analysis of the major players.
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Fragmentation by Type Analysis
Fragmentation by Application Analysis
Fragmentation by Company Analysis
Bayer CropScience, Monsanto Company, Dow AgroSciences, Syngenta, Nufarm US, Jiangsu Huangma Agrochemicals, YongNong BioSciences, Lier Chemical, Shandong Weitian Fine Chemical Technology, ABI Chemicals, AK Scientific, Alfa Aesar, Angene, Apollo Scientific, Conier Chem
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North America
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
this is very random but,, do you think any other bts ship is real?
Hey there! Answering you with a masterpost right away, somehow I cannot add pics to my asks now. 
Lots of love
8 notes · View notes
angelicbab-stash · 6 years
Revaille: 45 oddly specific canons
01. How does your muse feel about seafood?
Nevie sa ho dojesť, predovšetkým ázijské spôsoby pr��pravy. Skúsila z neho mnohé. Miluje ryby, hlavne čo sa týka sushi a už mala mäso zo ��raloka či dokonca chobotnicu. Bolo to super.
02. What is their favorite piece of technology?
Jej počítač a mobil. Málokedy pozerá televíziu a ak áno, tak veci stiahnuté z internetu. Vlastne ju zapína a reálne pozerá to, čo vysielajú iba na Vianoce a Nový rok.
03. When did they lose their virginity?
(Zodpovedané v otázke číslo jedna.)
04. Was their anything their parents pushed them to do? (e.g. sports, theatre, band)
Jej otec ju nenútil do ničoho, zato mama do mnohých vecí. Okrem prehnaného nátlaku na dokonalé výsledky a predstava, že z Revi musí byť politička, podnikateľka, doktorka, právnička alebo čosi podobné, šlo o krasokorčuľovanie (to sa však Revi rýchlo zapáčilo). Čo sa jej však rozhodne nepozdávalo bola matematika a prírodné vedy (tie Revi šli horšie, no dokázala sa ich naučiť, matematika však bola najhoršia).
05. What keeps your muse up at night?
Strach zo spánku pre nočné mory súvisiace s jej traumou a zlou minulosťou tak vo všeobecnosti, či ten z duchov a toho, že sa niekto môže dostať do domu alebo niektoré z detí prestane dýchať. Ak Liam nie je doma, tak aj samota a obava, či je vporiadku.
06. Describe your muse’s worst nightmare.
Strata rodiny, že skončí sama, potrat / pôrod mŕtveho dieťaťa, znásilnenie a duchovia.
07. Does your muse wear glasses/contacts?
Občas nosí okuliare ale z estetických dôvodov. Taktiež nosieva farebné šošovky či circle lenses.
08. What is your muse’s favorite candy?
Je toho veľa, Revi miluje sladké! Najviac však gumené (hlavne mackov) a kyslé ovocné cukríky, sladké aj kyslé pelendreky, lízatká, karamelky, skittles a podobne.
Revi má cukríky a lízatká radšej ako čokoládu.
09. What are some warning signs that your muse is getting depressed?
Začne jej byť smutno a odťahuje sa aj od svojich najbližších. Je akási ,,vzdialená”, duchom neprítomná a odpovede má krátke. Nechce sa toľko objímať, hrať a pusinkovať. Má viditeľne podstatne menej energie a keď to začne byť horšie, nevládze ani len vstať z postele, očesať sa či osprchovať sa. Má nočné mory aj napriek Liamovi, deťom, plyšákom a iným veciam, ktorými sa poisťuje v tom, nech sa jej spí dobre.
10. What chronic illnesses does your muse have, if any?
Hraničnú poruchu osobnosti, depresie, hypersexualitu a má zhoršenú imunitu. V minulosti šlo aj o anorexiu. Tiež jej často krváca nos a ľahko sa jej robia modriny.
11. What is a deal-breaker when it comes to dating someone?
Neschopnosť prejaviť city a zahrávanie si s nimi, lži, podvádzanie a zlé správanie voči jej deťom. Taktiež si dáva dobrý pozor ako sa daná osoba správa predovšetkým deťom, ale aj zvieratám, slabším, chudobným a pod., či akékoľvek nenávistné a bigotné prejavy.
12. Where are your muse’s ancestors from? Do they keep any of their traditions?
Jej predkovia sú severoamerickí (kanadskí) Indiáni a Filipínčania. Tiež má v rodokmeni zopár belochov, najmä Francúzov. Tí sú však z doby kolonizácie a preto sa k nim z osobných dôvodov nehlási.
Nakoľko Revi príde uchovávanie istých kultúrnych tradícii dôležité a sú podľa nej fascinujúce, sa ich snaží dodržiavať a edukovať sa. Je veľmi hrdá na svoj pôvod.
13. Does your muse pray, whether it be to a God or some other force?
Začne sa modliť k vesmíru. Verí v čosi väčšie, nešpecifikované a nedosiahnuteľné, nech je to čokoľvek. Verí však v existenciu silných vesmírnych energií a dôveruje mesiacu, slnku, hviezdám a podobne. Často sa k nim obracia po radu vo forme astrológie, mágie a tak ďalej.
14. Has your muse ever lived in poverty?
Viacmenej áno. Do 17tich žili v rezervácii menom Listuguj. Jej rodina na tom bola na tamojšie pomery dobre, no oproti ľuďom v meste to bolo podstatne horšie.
Neskôr mala problémy, keď odišla Elizabeth a Revi zostala sama na syna, v tej dobe mala množstvo finančných problémov, kvôli ktorým sa uchýlila ku kradnutiu či sexu za peniaze, nech sa o malého postará.
15. When did your muse learn about sex?
Mala asi štyri roky, keď načapala svojich rodičov. Nerozumela však tomu a nejako sa to zahovorilo. Viac sa o sexe dozvedela až na škole od v tomto smere zvedavších spolužiakov a neskôr, bohužiaľ, si to proti svojej vôli zažívala od 12tich na vlastnej koži.
16. Who was your muse’s first kiss?
(Zodpovedané v otázke číslo dva.)
17. Does your muse hate their middle name? \ What is it?
Jej stredné meno je May a napriek tomu, že si mnohí myslia, že ide o mesiac máj, nie je tomu tak. May v skutočnosti znamená ,,dieťa svetla”. Kedysi ho nemala rada a vôbec ho nespomínala. Postupom času si však k nemu vybudovala vzťah a uvedomila si, aké je krásne a dal jej ho milovaný ocko. Nakoľko nadobudla bližší vzťah k spirituálnym veciam a trošku sa otvorila pozitívnejšiemu mysleniu si svoje stredné meno zamilovala. Mimo to, znie veľmi roztomilo.
18. Who do they tend to bicker with the most?
Neznáša arogantné a know-it-all typy, čo si myslia, že požrali všetku múdrosť sveta a majú patent na rozum. Taktiež prehnane cynické osoby a tých, ktorí sú zlí predovšetkým k deťom a zvieratám.
19. Do they have any distinct voice mannerisms? (e.g. saying ‘like’ or ‘um’ a lot, stutters)
Neznáša pauzy počas konverzácie a preto občas vydáva vtipné zvuky, pýta sa niečo čo už vie alebo hlúposti, prípadne prechádza očami po okolí. 
Ťuká jazykom o podnebie.
Má francúzsky akcent (už menej výrazný).
Často nadáva (menej často kvôli deťom).
Vie byť prehnane tichá alebo prehnane hlučná, to isté platí pre zhovorčivosť.
Nervózne sa smeje a šúcha si pri tom šiju, alebo sa hrá s prstami.
Často používa ,,ummmm”.
Prekecáva sa a hovorí nemiestne veci, prípadne čo znejú inak ako plánuje.
Používa zdrobneniny a pet names (zlatko, srdiečko a podobne).
Rozpráva sa so zvieratami, rastlinami a hračkami, obzvlášť plyšákmi.
Keď cíti úzkosť, stres či nervozitu, začne sa zakoktávať a červenieť.
20. How many hours a day do they spend on the internet/watching TV?
Revi nezvykne pozerať TV ako bolo spomenuté vyššie, no na internete (hlavne na mobile) vie stráviť množstvo času. Samozrejme, že kvôli tomu nezanedbáva svoju prácu, rodinu a ďalšie povinnosti. Je však pravda, že na sociálnych sieťach a pri Netflixe / online anime stránkach vie stráviť dosť času.
21. Does your muse have any trophies?
Má ich dokonca hneď niekoľko — hlavne tie za krasokorčuľovanie a z rôznych študenstkých, či najmä umeleckých súťaží.
22. What is the most common lie your muse tells themselves?
Že nežiarli.
23. If your muse was given the opportunity to go sky diving, would they?
Jedine s Liamom, bez neho rozhodne nie.
24. Has your muse ever had a pet? If so, what type?
Psov, mačky, zajačiky a koňa. Rada by mala aj korytnačku a malého ježka. Doslova vlastní malú súkromnú zoo.
25. What are your muse’s biggest pet peeves?
Nespoľahliví ľudia, keď niekto nepovie ,,ďakujem” po tom ako pre neho niečo urobíte, trolling, edgy osoby, ak ju ktosi zámerne ignoruje (ghostuje), ak sa niekto len tak dotýka jej vecí a podobne.
26. What is your muse’s first memory?
Keď mala tri roky a mojkala malého bračeka spoločne so šteniatkom, ktoré rodičia doniesli domov.
27. What was your muse’s happiest birthday?
Tie 25. Vtedy bola obklopená dobrými ľuďmi, darilo sa jej, bola po uši zamilovaná do Liama, Renko bol zlatíčko a čakala malú Reiničku. Vtedy aj dostala tú retiazku s jednorožcom a zajačikom od Liama, ktorú stále nosí.
28. What was your muses’s first job?
Stráženie detí rodín v okolí.
29. Has your muse ever been to a concert?
Miluje koncerty, chodieva na ne tak často ako sa dá — záleží však od detí, peňazí a času. Sama by už však na koncert nešla, potrebuje doprovod.
30. Describe the first person your muse remembers losing.
Volala sa Poppy Ravenelle, Revi ju poznala od 11tich rokov a šlo o jej prvý ,,crush” — pri nej si vlastne začala uvedomovať, že ju priťahujú (aj) dievčatá. Celé to však bolo veľmi nevinné — stali sa z nich kamarátky, zapletali si vlasy, zbierali kvety, prespávali u tej druhej, kreslili a podobne. Revi sa ju odhodlala maximálne chytiť za ruku a aj to zahovorila na ,,hej, to len kamarátsky.”
Prišla o ňu preto, lebo Revi sa cítila nečistá pre to, čo sa jej dialo. Mala pocit, že je nechutná a Poppy by ju nikdy nechcela. Nechala ju ísť, časom ich puto slablo, až sa za kamarátky viac nedali považovať. Revi to dodnes nesmierne mrzí a rada by sa jej ozvala, no hanbí sa a pokiaľ vie, ona ani jej rodina už v meste nežijú.
31. Would your muse ever roleplay?
Roleplayuje rada! Či už ide o rpg hry, alebo textové rpg, pripojí sa. A čo sa týka sexuálneho roleplayu... ten obľubuje ešte viac a aj ho častejšie praktizuje.
32. Name a song your muse can sing every word to.
Closer — Nine Inch Nails
Without you I’m nothing — Placebo
S(ain’t) — Marilyn Manson
Tell me what to swallow — Crystal Castles
Mean — Nicole Dollanganger
You’re so cool — Nicole Dollanganger
Serial Killer — Lana del Rey
Sex yeah — Marina and the Diamonds
Mooo! — Doja Cat
Unravel — TK 
33. What is your muse’s first thought upon waking up?
,,Mala by som urobiť raňajky.” 
,,Ešte chvíľku!”
,,Nemôžem sa len tulkať?”
34. What simple task is your muse surprisingly bad at?
Strkanie slamky do kúpeného mlieka či džúsu — vždy sa ofŕka.
 Otváranie obalov — nikdy ich neotvorí rovno.
Robenie rovných čiar — nevie to dokonca ani s pravítkom. Vôbec. Aj vtedy sa jej akosi podarí tú čiaru zakriviť.
Čokoľvek so zapaľovačmi.
Robenie doslova čohokoľvek vo Worde, Power pointe, Exceli a im podobnom.
35. What was the most embarrassing moment in your muse’s life?
Keď sa dostali na internet jej nahé fotky kvôli pomstychtivému ex, alebo keď mala sex so známym svojich rodičov, ktorý ju mal strážiť kým čakala Rena. A ten raz, ako si zákazník šiel dať tetovať nápis na podbruško a namiesto toho, aby si len dal nižšie nohavice sa vyzliekol kompletne celý.
36. Has your muse ever been hospitalized or institutionalized?
Niekoľkokrát. Ide napríklad o tri rázy, čo bola v nemocnici pre pokus o samovraždu a ďalšie štyri keď jej rodina mala závažnú obavu, že si niečo urobí a zrútila sa. Dvakrát bola aj na odvykačke (drogy a alkohol).
Čo sa týka pôrodov, tak Rena porodila doma, Reinu v nemocnici a Hannu v kaviarni. Zakaždým však šla aspoň na pár dní do nemocnice keby sa náhodou niečo pokazilo.
37. What is your muse most thankful for?
Za celú svoju rodinku, ich zvieratká, stabilitu, všetku lásku čo dostáva a zlepšenie zdravia.
38. Did your muse ever own a Tamagotchi?
Stále vlastní rovno tri Tamagotchi, no hráva sa s nimi pomenej, lebo je jej vždy smutno keď to zvieratko umrie.
39. What is your muse’s Hogwarts house?
40. What bra size is your muse?
E, prirodzené. Pôvodne boli DD, ale po deťoch sa zväčšili.
41. Does your muse usually go for truth or dare?
Ako kedy, zo zábavy sa to snaží obmieňať, ale radšej si vyberá pravdu.
42. What is your muse’s favorite holiday?
Vianoce, potom Nový rok a Halloween.
43. Who would your muse sacrifice themselves for, if anybody?
Rodinu a najbližších priateľov.
44. If your muse could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?
Nenávisti a predsudkov.
45. Does your muse get carsick?
Áno a veľmi ľahko. Pri nej treba šoférovať opatrne, pretože jej príde zle z nejakých zatáčok, rýchlej jazdy či prudkého brzdenia.
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all Bearded iris have stalks with a height of 70 cm (27 1/2 inches) and above, with branching and many buds. Each stalk, in itself, makes a stately arrangement in the garden or in a vase. In addition to a wide variety of colors and patterns, the TBs display other qualities (such as ruffling and lacing) more frequently than do the other classes. The highest award is the
Wister Medal
. Related links:
Cultivation of Bearded Irises
Historic Irises
Tall-Bearded Symposia
'Millennium Falcon'
Select a letter range to browse TB's by variety name:  
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all T's loads slowly
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 Tall bearded Irises are in the 5 alphabetical webs following below.
An advanced search checking the box “Search all public webs” will search all the TB webs. Or you can go to a particular web and search there, Or, the best way to find something is to browse a letter range above. First web;
A through E
Second web;
F through J
Third web;
K through O
Fourth web;
P through T
Fifth web;
U through Z
Please do not enter images that are not your own without owners' permission, this is against Wiki policy. "Although the Encyclopedia is free to all, it is supported by Emembership in AIS, If you would like to help sustain this reference, for $15 you can become an Emember,
click here
." Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit:
Tall-bearded Iris Society Website
Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.
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unnotantei · 7 years
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