#taeho gyeon
il3x · 5 months
Anyways, clambers up on my soapbox, who wants to talk about the similarities in the ever-present danger that Taeho experienced growing up & how Samin grew up when Sara and Mr. Lee were still around?
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And how Sayeon's life, eventually, was ruled by fear of Samin?
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Who wants to talk about Aberrant parents ruling by fear, intentionally or no, and raising their children to be feared at all costs?
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my friend has brainrot about this guy so he gets to be a cat now
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missiletoe · 3 months
And Ryujin is her fucking Frankenstein at this point, with how many times Sayeon’s brought her reanimated corpse back to life.
Again and again. She scrapes bottom and then digs another two feet deeper and Sayeon’s sure she’ll pay the price for it later down the line but right now the thought of being alone swallows up her typical sturdy reasoning. (She’s cheating life and she knows you don’t get to make that bargain without losing something in the process.)
But it doesn’t matter. Again and again and again, she snaps her fingers and Ryujin opens her eyes. Blue washes over the world as Ryujin’s cells stitch themselves back together across time. Sayeon brings her back to life just to have her spit in her face and trample over her ideals and then wonders why she does it at all.
The alternative scares her more than the reality though she isn’t quite sure why. But she can’t lose Ryujin—she just can’t.
She’ll rewind time as many times as it takes.
hello i hope everyone enjoys angsty hand jumper that simply gets more and more depressing as you read it, i put my whole [IRL NAME REDACTED]-pussy into this one so YAY hope u all like it!!
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sayeonlee · 10 days
my biggest fears of hand jumper going viral is
a) people sucking all the uniqueness out of ryujins design and drawing her hair with straight hair and solid grey eyes
b) fannon cell 4
c) the possiblity of no girl coded taeho
d) no one still not drawing twink socal iseul with pro clubs and jorts w either an essentials tee or stussy sweater
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queenxfirefly · 23 days
Halloween-themed fanfiction of Hand Jumper! Summary: In the quaint town of Aberrant Grove, where autumn leaves whisper secrets and the old clocktower stands sentinel, time has always moved a little differently. As October dawns and the veil between worlds grows thin, the students of Aberrant High prepare for their annual Halloween festival, unaware that this year, the boundary between the ordinary and the extraordinary is about to blur in ways they could never imagine.
Go check out the original story by SleepAcross on Webtoons!!
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blacklem0ns · 2 months
hand jumper fast pass spoilers episode 77
i LOVED this episode. it's always so fun to see sayeon from the perspective of the other characters, and iseul up until this point hasn't gotten a lot of attention so it was nice to see his feelings about sayeon more in depth (also more of sayeon just being absolutely unhinged). ik a lot of ppl think isuel is secretly a psycho like the rest of his cellmates and i can see where they're coming from (i haven't completely ruled out the possibility myself), but seeing taeho actively call out iseul's naivety makes me lean more towards iseul just simply being a bit ignorant about sayeon's true nature. it could be both of course but still.
i also wanna talk about taeho for a bit bc as much as can't his draco-looking ass, he's actually kinda starting to grow on me. let's be real, if we were in taeho's position, we would also assume the absolute worst of sayeon's intentions for going to the factory alone, knowing that she's willing to do morally dubious/reckless things to advance her cell. taeho both acknowledges sayeon's manipulative nature yet underestimates her at the same time. he calls her out in episode 60 for her scheming and tells her to stay away from cell 3, but doubts that she'd be able to hold her out against a member of the begonia group. unlike cell 4 and tsubaki and jungwoo, taeho hasn't been able to witness sayeon combat abilities. and the one time she tries to fight her head on, she's saved by min. i also think his status as a member of the gyeons plays into his frustration with sayeon as well. her writes her off as unassuming and weak yet here she is rising her and her cell above his. he has a reputation to uphold as a gyeon and she's essentially making a mockery of him.
lastly, i wanna touch on min's sudden change in behavior towards sayeon. to be blunt, min hasn't really done anything significant outside of episode 62 in regards to protecting sayeon (ryujin ironically doing a better job w/o even trying or really wanting to). seeing him get mad on her behalf as taeho trash talks her was surprising. but it begs the question of if he's doing this for samin or bc he himself is starting to respect sayeon and care for her. when they fight back in s1 he says that she's weak. and in the beginning of s2, he says he doesn't know what samin sees in her. all the members of the crimson society seem to be pretty protective of samin, so it wouldn't impossible that min's annoyance is an offshoot of his feelings towards samin (caring about what she cares about). i'd like this to mean that he's starting to care sayeon but we'll have to find out later.
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free my boy taeho he did nothing wrong #taehogoat 4 life!!
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binnieceo · 7 months
Hoof Jumper Race Headcanons
Hello! I am 10 years old and every so often I catch myself thinking about the Hand Jumper characters in the MLP universe so I'm gonna make a post detailing what pony race each character would be :]
Cell 4
Sayeon Lee - Unicorn. She is classy, she studies a lot. If she were in the MLP universe she'd live in canterlot.
Ryujin Kang - Earth pony. She is strong, she is connected to the world around her and doesn't give a SHIT about what other unicorns think
Min Woo - Unicorn with a broken horn
Iseul Kim - Pegasus. He is very sporty and hiper-active
Cell 3
Dahee Eun - Earth pony
Tsubaki Sumishiro - Pegasus (but she doesn't fly, she is too scared of heights)
Taeho Gyeon - Earth Pony
Jungwoo Do - Earth pony as well
Corps Officers
Juni Chang - Earth pony
Ishaan Cha - Earth pony
Hayoon Ahn - Pegasus. She's been described as an angel multiple times.
Miyeon Sang - Unicorn. She's regal. Unicorns EXUDE power
Sangwoo Han - Not sure exactly since I didn't see much of him. But he'd probably be a unicorn or an alicorn
Minguk Gyeon - Either Unicorn or Earth pony
Crimson Society
Samin Lee/Red - Not sure, exactly. But I have a feeling she'd be a unicorn, too.
Jungwoo - Pegasus
Pink - Unicorn
Black - Earth pony
Begonia Group
Big Bad head Begonia - Pegasus
Butcher - Earth Pony
Minnie - Unicorn
Sea Wolves
Sara Lee - Unicorn, but just as tall as celestia
Daddy Lee - Earth pony
Yesol Na - Pegasus
Jaeil Kim - Pegasus. He is sporty, never stays in one place
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il3x · 4 months
sometimes hard to remember that child min isn't actually a killing machine or trained assassin or whatever he's just some kid with a bat. like i'm used to the edgy scarred white-haired characters with unusual combat prowess having been Raised As A Weapon but he probably just hit people with stuff and learned via trial and error and eventually samin. the guy actually raised as a weapon is the world's preppiest private-school asshole Taeho Fucking Gyeon
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il3x · 3 months
Massive L for the Gyeons to terrify their kid and yet not manage to teach him that Aberrants can reattach severed limbs. Come the fuck on mate. Laughed out of the abusive anime parent olympics
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taeho dog for you all
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il3x · 5 months
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that's a strange way to spell "trauma-induced hypervigilance"
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il3x · 5 months
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he's literally a sad beige baby
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sayeonlee · 3 days
someone draw taeho getting hit by a bus like regina george
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sayeonlee · 3 months
new taeho x sayeon ship name: snowbunny!
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