#taem analysis
vampyretaemin · 6 months
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i was so captivated by Everything Else i didnt even notice how long his hair is. we’re entering bob territory here
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kunalp1234 · 2 years
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marshmellonew · 2 years
I'm sorry could you elaborate on the peaches era premarital sex post? 😶
lol nooo i'm pretty sure most people were joking, but there were a couple of posts about basically how kai indulged in sin/sex during peaches and compared it to taem's stuff with taem as like the prude of the two since he's openly religious
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scortchedtoast · 3 years
okay but have any of you actually read that book by jessica... it was marketed as spilling tea etc etc and i've seen theories and analysis but really it's just a fictional ya romance that didn't say anything interesting about sm or kpop in general. connections give you an advantage? duh.
as for aespa - i would certainly believe that karina is a nepotism case. let's not forget she also had that part in taemin's want that was just there to promote her and didn't really add anything to taem's performance lmao like good for her but the fact that no one even thought about shipping them or gossiping is very telling imo. i do enjoy the aespa though and i agree that the main problem is the weird concept
Lol no I haven't read jessicas book it didnt seem too appealing to me lol, but yea I'd believe karina has connections.
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commajade · 3 years
oooh analysis of the everybody mv???? pls tell us more
i'm working on a longer post talking about everybody but i found this kshawol thread i rly liked and wanted to share!!! it's talking about the chess themed concert vcr they had during this era.
i thought the chess analogy and the destruction of the chess pieces was really cool, showing like escaping control.
and this thread says that jinki is the king (which i wholly agree with i need him as a king in a drama)
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and jjong is the bishop with the staff and cross necklace
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key is the rook which i agree he's v mobile and straight forward, look at him leading the way and waving the flag
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and minho is the knight of course
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and taemin is the pawn
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i don't have real thinky thoughts but it's very fun!!!!! and in the vcr it's two white women that are moving the chess pieces and have like romantic/sexual scenes with the boys which could just be that kpop likes hiring white girls and can also be like in kai's mv where he shows the face of the enemy and that the battlefield is desire and control. and there's also black versions and white versions of each player and it's a destructive confrontation between them which is similar to taem's whole destructive relationship with himself thing.
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kurou3gi-blog · 5 years
i love cuddlekd but that post of her come off very badly. its almost like she attacking kd fandom who doesn´t think moonkai scooter date is the same as ks and his mom aren´t real kaisooist. People has the right to read things that are present to them w/o being called out fakes or people who only support one member who doesn´t really know one or the other. 1) none of us know either of them 2) this 2016 narrative seem very safe and unrealistic by what kd went throught after 2016 3) mk isn´t ks bff
Tbh that cuddlekd’s content made me wonder about her situation when I first saw and hesitated to reblog it or not even heart click….
But at last I chose to re it even I didn’t think the same as her because I want us to know the variety way that kaisooist chose to protect their emotional and mental now after we knew that announcement and saw ji with mk not hide himself like 2016 era for more choices or to make them sure that they’re not alone because some of us are thought same like other too….
And yes I although rebloged about someone that tried to say that don’t believe in tarot like I said when I play with my card too XD
I think most of us now ready to get mad that’s why at first I said I should stop my cardplayground at June but some anon requested it….
Tbh I think same as you that none of us completely know either of them and some of her narrative seem unrealistic and easy to make someone feel bad.
About ji’s family… If we remembered that ji’s mom once said that she shied to go out with him that’s why we didn’t see they altogether much. Then if we think about that ji’s 2 elder sisters one of them is a mother of 2 children now and other one has her own private life…. I don’t think soft and gentle like ji could choose to call his family out at that time for that shot….. 
And I think mk is one of ji’s best friend but if taemin is free now I think ji definitely to choose taem instead of mk or we can see 3p kaitaemoon instead XD
Oh sorry I forgot ravi again…..
About soo’s family…. I think everyone knew about ka di and already accepted it same as ji’s family if we think that soo’s mom can go out with soo and we saw soo at ji’s sister wedding ceremony…. Because if soo’s father does not accept the matter, he will not allow soo’s mom to come out with him and he can’t go back home.
And about ji’s 7/24 not sleep analysis….
Tbh I think ji can sleep on the plane…….
And I think jmk dating is a kind of ji’s massage to us that he is ok enough and eri don’t worry about him much…..
Sorry but believe me I love cuddle’s kaisoo content too….. XD 
P.s. After I intended to read that content, I no wonder why she showed us like that. And I no wonder why you feel like that too.
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vampyretaemin · 7 months
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ok no one asked but im gonna talk about this outfit. this entire outfit is very feminine. obviously hes wearing a skirt and that stands out on its own but the hoodie is also incredibly large and loose on him. the way its engulfing him and falling off of him at times is reminiscent of a girlfriend wearing her boyfriends hoodie. its hard to see it in still photos but in this performance you can really see how much it moves. the way they styled his hair in his face gives more of a feminine and kind of “innocent” look, as well. contrasted with the beginning of the mv where he has more of a casual masculine style (the tank and shorts), its stands out to me that the style evolves and the mv ends with a casual feminine style instead.
not to mention, this look is the one associated with abraxis, the god of all gods. the chicken fought its way out of the egg and had to destroy its world to do so, and flew to abraxis. etc. you know. taemin has stated this mv is connected to this concept. but i find it incredibly interesting that taemin has chosen to present abraxis as this masculine but feminine form. the masculine figure from the beginning of the music video fighting his way out of his prison to then become this very feminine figure. fascinating. amazing. im obsessed.
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vampyretaemin · 3 months
thinking about door by taemin this morning. the song is about not having privacy, being asked to share everything about himself, even things that will hurt the listener, and rejecting that. yet for the performance of it he is completely revealing himself to the audience. he is bound and blinded, vulnerable and exposed, dancing in his confines and eventually being released, all while asking the listener “do you really have to know everything? please close the door” and its just so striking to me.
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vampyretaemin · 6 months
taemin’s guilty music video makes me insane. its about love and being loved. its about control and being controlled; taking control of your surroundings the only way you can when you feel you have no control yourself. its about manipulation and abuse. its about toxic love. its about taboo relationships. its about the queer experience. its about rejecting yourself and others like you, then learning to accept yourself. its about gender and its presentation. its about breaking down boundaries. its about how love and sexuality can be grotesque but beautiful. its about destroying yourself for other’s gain. its about toxic masculinity. its about rejecting the narrative. its about making changes in the only way you can to live with yourself. you know?
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vampyretaemin · 3 months
taemin having incredibly feminine styling with long hair, heavy makeup and revealing clothes (while also revealing a huge hip tattoo!!!) for a song about how people judge everything he does and hes not going to listen to them was genuinely insane. what a power move.
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vampyretaemin · 2 months
literally all of the imagery taemin has used for guilty has been destruction and madness. the blackened wings and falling feathers and flames at metamorph. the asylum with cameras and bars and grasping hands in that one mnet stage. the ruined, burning house at the ngla performance. he has not once performed this song with the sole intention of being sexy and provocative. yes, the dance is sexy but thats not the whole point. this is not a Good song. it is about giving into temptation and being destroyed for it. it is about the horror of trusting others, of having that trust used against you and destroying you. being manipulated and ruined. playing this game of ruining your life, just for fun, and theres nothing you can do about it. and idk i am a little insane about it
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vampyretaemin · 2 months
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im obsessed with taemin’s kcon la outfit ngl its giving both priest and vampire. a little more priest with the jacket on and a little more vampire with it off, but still both at the same time. its a little gothic, its sleek and form fitting, sexy without showing any skin, its literally perfect for him. you are everything to me
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vampyretaemin · 5 months
i havent seen anyone mention this but all of taemin’s female backup dancers having visible tattoos (wether fake or not) during metamorph was very cool and based. i think it was on purpose and they were making a statement
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vampyretaemin · 5 months
the demon is in chains, acceptance of the situation on their face. they look up, almost as if to heaven, almost as if they are asking God what made them unworthy of His love. they eat their meal of rocks and coal with golden tear stains on their cheeks. they are forever condemned to this place and all they can do is accept it. as is their nature, they draw you in, tempting and corrupting you. what else are they supposed to do? you know they’re a demon. you know they’re evil. you know you’re in danger. and they do hurt you, you’re stabbed once, twice, but it’s not as vicious as you expect. they move slowly, cautiously. it almost feels like they regret it, just a little bit.
the angel is free and loved by God. of course, they are good and they are trusted. they can draw you in and you wouldn’t suspect a thing. why would you? they’re an angel, not a demon. they look at you with fascination, as if you are a Thing to be studied and experimented with. but you’re not worried because they’re an angel. you never expect the viciousness within them as you are stabbed. their head tilts as they pull the knife out, as if watching the way your blood pours out of you is interesting. even as they hunch themself over your dying body, you can feel how detached they are. you can feel they couldn’t care less wether you live or die. but it’s okay because they are an angel. imagine if you were with a demon instead.
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vampyretaemin · 7 months
it’s really sunk in recently that taemin is like. Doing Something with all of this. like his queer themes are intentional, he’s constantly challenging gender norms, exploring what is considered “taboo”, and seeing how far he can push things. hes been critiquing the kpop industry here and there for a while now in his comments and the way he does things. idk i feel like it’s not often that someone in kpop gets to this point, being a 15 year industry veteran with as much creative freedom as he has, and DOES something with it. he’s using his position to make a Statement and all the while he’s creating beautiful art. i respect him and what hes doing so much
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vampyretaemin · 5 months
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this concept is actually so interesting to me bc the light angel feels more monstrous, actively stabbing the apple, hunched over and staring at the camera like he just caught his prey, whereas the dark angel is sitting at a table, eating his meal of coal and rocks with a fork and knife, golden tears stained on his face. sure, the dark angel also stabbed the apple, but hes not actively doing it as he eats it. the light angel feels more dangerous than the dark one and thats so...
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