#i literally have an oc who is a priest that was turned into a vampire and believes he was cursed by god so like. this is definitely a part
vampyretaemin · 6 months
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im obsessed with taemin’s kcon la outfit ngl its giving both priest and vampire. a little more priest with the jacket on and a little more vampire with it off, but still both at the same time. its a little gothic, its sleek and form fitting, sexy without showing any skin, its literally perfect for him. you are everything to me
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see-arcane · 9 months
I wish for something Dracula as sort of post-apocalypse. Maybe killing him did not stop the infestation, maybe it emboldened other vampires and you have now 100 Ruthvens in his wake having turf wars, maybe his visit awakened legendary dormant ancient evils, maybe it inspired ambitious lords of the dying british/european aristocracy wanting to copycat him and make devil pacts and training in the mountains. And the survivors who experienced it all first hand dealing with it.
Honestly, it stuns me how little has been done with the 'Dracula technically leaving an open spot at the top of the vampire food chain' possibilities. I think Castlevania kind of touches on it, but overall there's just a whole lot of nothing going on in Dracula-adjacent media about it.
Though I will hand the other public domain vampires a pass because, to be honest, I think Count Dracula was the only vampire in literature who was ever concerned about Taking Over the World. Everyone else in the undead scene is just sort of doing the smart thing and. You know. Chilling.
Lord Ruthven wasn't out to conscript others. Dude went out of his way to kill his victims with knives and drink the red runoff, as if to explicitly avoid making other vampires.
Carmilla was out there romancing and drinking girls like an undead Casanova. The vampire who turned her first when she was Countess Mircalla might have been different! But we never find out who that vampire was; we just know about Millie and the growing list of broken/siphoned hearts left in her wake.
Clarimonde, the dead woman in love~, was so bad at making another vampire. Comically, tragically bad at it. All she could bring herself to do was construct a fantasy dreamscape to live in with her human priest crush while taking literally only a single pinprick's worth of blood from him to keep herself going. This, when the priest in question openly declared SHE COULD HAVE HIS ENTIRE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM if she wanted it!
Varney the Vampire was and remains just...terrible at being a vampire. In general.
Countess Dolingen and her undead village, along with Gorcha and the Vourdalak village, both seem to have the whole 'conscript everyone around me/all those I love' angle handled. Except neither group ever ever expands past the borders of their territory. Maybe it's a rule? Maybe they just ran out of people they felt like drinking? Either way, they stopped caring about collecting others and just tucked themselves in their graves to doze once their respective villages were turned.
In short, for somebody to take over Dracula's ~King of the Vampires~ role, we'd actually need an OC to step in. All the actual classic literary vampires, many of whom were kicking well before Dracula appeared on the scene, just are not interested in the undead tyrant game.
(Probably why Dracula had to go around recruiting in the first place. None of the other vampires returned his letters or carrier pigeons for centuries. No, they don't want to join his pyramid scheme vampiric onslaught campaign, thanks. Too busy minding their business and/or dealing with personal drama. Please lose their address.)
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sepublic · 1 year
Finished S1 of Castlevania Nocturne! I gotta say, that one vampire wife of the Marquis who kept his head around was the funniest character in the entire show so far.
In all seriousness, Alucard!!! I was wondering when he'd show up and by the time he did, I'd completely forgotten and thought it was Olrox who saved Richter from Drolta! Speaking of Drolta, she dresses very similar to the Succubus from Symphony of the Night, and even has a similar attack where she spreads out her wings, and sharp tendrils emerge from them; Plus with Alucard being the one to kill her, I'm just gonna treat her as the Succubus. RIP Queen you were a good one.
Does anyone else think Emmanuel is Shaft? He looks like Shaft, he's an evil priest, he's working for an evil vampire, him being human makes him necessary to pull souls from hell. That forgemaster contraption kinda reminds me of that weird orb-thing his ghost fights with in Symphony of the Night...
Speaking of that! Olrox muses on the demon that Emmanuel made a deal with to create that machine, and because of its creator, it's indestructible. Could this be pointing towards Galamoth as the final enemy of the show; He's the hardest boss of Symphony of the Night, Alucard has just shown up, and the two technically fought in... Kid Dracula. Where he was also the final boss for Alucard. The demon might just be Death, but then he's described as an elemental spirit.
I'm also curious as to how Edouard's story will turn out! Between him and Jacques and the Night Creature with a suspicious amount of mouths (as Bathory noted), the show seems to be going back to the whole idea of Night Creatures remembering their humanity and being rehabilitated. Which just begs the question of what happened to Isaac's kingdom of Styria, meant to be a place for Night Creatures to heal? Will we see that come back for Edouard? Isaac was once a slave himself, just as Annette was, so seeing all three come together would be wonderful! It's poetic, as Night Creatures are literally dehumanized slaves, so seeing Isaac, as well as Edouard (someone who helped liberate slaves) resonate with them works.
I wonder if we'll see the Moth Princess from Bloodlines; She's the penultimate boss, and Bathory had her starring role in that game. She looks human enough, but she's probably a vampire, so it'd be easy to adapt her as another lieutenant, especially in the wake of Drolta's death.
DAYUM Olrox and Mizrak! Firstly I'm glad they made Olrox turn into a green reptile monster like in the games... I was joking about the more comfortable place to meet being a bed, but holy shit it actually happened. I love all the references to Olrox's game lore, like his skulls and floating around... Here's hoping we get to see him dramatically unfold his legs in a chair, and then stand up!
I had a lot of fun; Richter was great, Maria was adorable and she is my precious child and I love her so much!!! I love her turtle and I hope we get to see her summon a whole-ass dragon as her most powerful spell, something like that.
I wonder how Emmanuel will go from here, if he's meant to be Shaft; Will he dive into full villainy, or will he be like Isaac, in that his show counterpart will have a happier ending? As Tera said, Emmanuel got his ram; Could it lead to him developing a messiah complex, thinking God rewarded him for his faith? Or will he know better? If he's Shaft, I better see him throw some... *snrk*... balls.
And did anyone else find the Night Creatures in this season to be particularly horny? Like that one moth girl who looks like a monsterfucker's OC, I mean I'm not complaining! Is this just a creative decision by the animators or does Emmanuel have anything he wants to share with the class... It all started with Abel it seems.
AND JUSTE!!! I managed to guess it; The white hair always made me wonder how Juste might be adapted, hypothetically, so it seems the show just portrays him as an old man for that! When he took Richter's whip, I had my suspicions and made the hair connection, it was wonderful... And they referenced Lydie and Maxim!!! Unfortunately it was yet another tragic ending for a Belmont... Man, what happened to the previous season's ending suggesting a happier route, only for us to go back to a "Last of the Belmonts" situation??? At least we got a Sypha shout out!
One more thing I just remembered; Annette's favorite color is Green. I believe that's a reference to her sometimes being depicted with a green dress in the source material? And in-universe, might reference Edouard... I love the connection between Annette's manipulation of metal, and her whole thing of banishing the demonic machine; Here's hoping she gets to pull it off!
All in all, I'm excited to see how things go in the second season! Which will really suck waiting for, but that's the price for quality I'm afraid. Ethical quality at least. But I gotta wait, what other choice do I have? Here's looking forward to how Alucard interacts with yet another Belmont... When Richter almost drank, I could just SEE him become Trevor again and I bet Alucard felt a chill down his spine for some reason.
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divinedeathbed · 5 months
Show me
Your OCs
!!!!oh sure i love showing them :]]]
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Augustine... auggie... my one and only gold watcher fellow. Effeminate bisexual ass mfer. His weapon of choice is a rapier but hardly uses it. Much prefers standing and taunting humans. Other hobbies include flirting with other gold watchers, sometimes humans too!
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Gabriel and his god Rogue.
Gabriel is a lovely old man who is a priest in his world. Genuinely a nice man who is pretty progressive compared to other priests/the clergy in general. He loves reading and gardening and when he's not leading sermons or in his church he has a lovely little garden by his rectory that he maintains.
Rogue is. Well. It's a God. One of the gods in its world (ive turned @a-rogue-god into the main lore/story blog if you're interested) unlike its siblings who have abandoned humanity, Rogue keeps an eye on them. Rogue comes off as scary but really it's just a jokester shithead. (That isn't to say rogue is never scary. If you try hurting Gabriel, Rogue Will make you experience Some Nightmares) believing in the rogue is kinda like a death sentence in Gabriel's world, but Gabriel gets a pass by and large simply because he's such a beloved nice figure
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Victor is. Um. Something.! They will sum up what they are as a vampire. They're not though. Their species do eat people, and I mean that literally. Victor just has a code where they eat the worst of humanity lol. You're an asshole? Well lol. You're their snack now! They're flirty and love interacting with people
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Romeo is my oldest oc I currently have any semblance of thoughts about. Idk what to do with him though! He's had a lot of story changes and whatnot. He loves writing poetry?? He loves flirting with women?? He's. Um. He's there certainly.
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Yay michael he's like. My favorite oc of all time I used to talk about him A LOT... all the time. He's an oc of the archangel michael. Um. He's very nice and very lovely. Kind of sad. Tired. Loves being on Earth and pretending to be a human. Um. Very comforting presence to be around. Come to him sad? Oh you bet your ass he's giving you the best hug in your LIFE!!!
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Mariel.... mariel is an interesting uh. Angel. It's kind of insane! Silly thing loves being taller than everyone else in the room! Will ramble on and on about some random object and how cool it is. Mariel is actually a cherub who somehow lost its mind so it tends to not be allowed around other cherubs and sticks to earth or other lower angels. Gaining Mariels trust is suuuper easy which is beneficial if you want to use it to get whatever you want :) it is quite quite naive.
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Mariel's true form holding Michael ^
I have a couple others but I don't like. My brain isn't as huge about them as these ones. But here's a bunch that I enjoy and like sharing info about ^^
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chadgaming · 10 months
Infodump ab Margo to me rn.
I am gohing to kiss you on the Mouth
I feel so cringe about it, but tl:dr she's my favoritiest girl on the whole world. She's a vampire, well kinda, she's more like a vampiric zombie than a full-fledged vampire. A "failed" attempt at a thrall, whereas instead of being a mindless husk of a creature, she sorta held out against decades of essentially torture. Eventually, being let out as a sorta science experiment by the vampiric lord of the house she's a part of to see what would happen. Surprising literally zero (0) people involved she skedaddles the fuck outta there first chance she saw. Whereas she was taken in by an old war veteran-turned-priest named Logan who she referred to as "Buck". She outlives Buck whose essentially just her adoptive father, being she's kinda-sorta-immortal as long as she doesn't get stabbed etc etc. After his passing she leaves the country and takes up work as a smuggler and information broker until she takes up a job that leads her to another vampire lord who tips her off to an adventuring party in the city. Leading her to the adventuring party who she now considers her family.
This is so tl;dr I have like 3 years of story for this character at this point but I don't wanna talk too much it's so embarrassing ;; thank you for this ask tho it really does mean sm to me when ppl ask about my ocs
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satanfemme · 3 years
hello i would like to know about the vampire ocs,,,
putting this under a readmore cause it got LONG long lol 😳. but if u read any part of this I'll love u forever!!! kisses!
YES. so I've got two (2) that I'm focused on rn. both of them live in a fictional island town in lake superior called backbone island (it's based off a mixture of mackinac island michigan as well as rural upper peninsula michigan) and both of them r involved in faustian packs, which is basically what the vampirism is representative of (since faustian packs tend to be done by "signing in blood"... and well.... to become a vampire u certainly "sign" in blood so to speak LMAO). basic world building u gotta know is just: backbone island is fairly cut off from the mainland (very limited cell service/cable, and therefor not a lot of casual tech despite being in the modern day. also NO cars at all due to island law). also the island's economy relies Very heavily on tourism from rich people, which was at its peak in like the 80s, and been much lower ever since (making the economy for the actual locals... kinda bad)
AS FOR THE OCS: the first is named Hunter! and he's a FUCKED UP little guy (I love him) he grew up on backbone island as a repressed gay man, tho luckily he's genuinely big into traditionally-masculine interests like hunting (lol like his name) fishing etc, and altho in theory I think he could have a more fem side too, his fashion sense is also Very masculine (think camo hats and red flannel shirts). so like. all things considered he doesn't necessarily need to "hide" his "real self" or anything. he's just a bit weird about romance/sex (also the island is fairly lgbt friendly ftr!)
and his big thing is he's BIG into catholicism. like to the extent that he's pretty obviously relying on it to Cope with a thing or two and it's his #1 interest. he's also a deacon for the local church, Saint Michael's, which is something he's very proud of (he enjoys helping the church more than anything but would Never enjoy any real spotlight positions like being a priest). unfortunately (for him) church attendance + the influence of the church on the island has also been on a big decline since the 80s. speaking of, the economy being rough hit him personally big time too as a young adult, and he spent a good while Very Poor.
and ok, so that's his backstory, but as for the fucked up and evil "present" about him: between poverty + his church struggling, he got pretty fucking Desperate for a fix to these problems and "accidentally" fell headfirst into hardcore occultism. this "isn't at odds with his catholic values" at all tho... due to the very extreme mental gymnastics he internalizes to excuse it to himself FGHDFGH. but basically he ended up summoning a demon and/or a devil (tbh might straight up write this guy as mephistopheles himself, but I'm undecided yet. I think the nature of the retrospective demon reveal is gonna rely heavily on what kind of tone this story naturally falls into) and this demon promises, ofc, to fix all these problems for him at a price. the price being he gets turned into a fucking vampire baybeeeeee. I will say tho, as much as I love fun vampire lore, the lore in this story will probs be a Lil more down to earth than usual with the main points being: 1. he's technically dead now. doesn't need to breath, doesn't need to eat, etc. 2. he'll stay young and ~beautiful~ forever unless he's killed by someone else. and 3. about once a month he needs to drink one human worth of human blood (and communion "blood" doesn't count 😔). uhmmmm he's lowkey hot about it tho (ofc) and basically uses his sexy hunting gear, like hunting bows and knives and axes (no guns tho; that's not sexy enough for this), to kill tourists/mainlanders for his meals, guilt-free from his perspective (notably: not just the rich ones tho. he literally kills a sad working class guy - who doesn't even want to BE on the island - in the opening chapter :-( so, sorry he's for real kinda evil and I'm not just saying that. and once again, he's doing moral gymnastics about it lmao dumbass <3)
speaking of tourists tho!!!!!! the demon ofc fulfills their end of the bargain (for now) and 1. tourism starts going up again helping the island economy!!! and 2. hunter gets RICH rich. like. "practically infinite money, you could never spend it all without laundering it" rich. he buys himself a nice house and then donates large-but-not-too-suspiciously-large funds to Saint Michaels, helping revive his beloved church
and OC TWO: Johann!!!!!! Johann is one of the very few new people to move into backbone island, and is doing so because he has major sad backstory issues (family deaths, mostly) and feels like he could use the rural isolated forest-y beach-y vibes for a fresh start (tho whether or not this is a genuine need vs just self-isolation is debatable at best). he's got a gray australian shepherd named kipper who he loves more than anything and he's an artist! (not that he feels like he can identify as one, despite his many gen beautiful paintings and drawings... r u picking up on the low self esteem depression issues yet? :-( poor little meow meow unlimited). he's some brand of atheist (haven't decided yet if he'll be culturally-christian or not) and financially he's not poor poor, the uhhhhh family members' will inheritances have certainly been a help for that, but he's def nowhere near as comfy as post-contract hunter is.
oh and also he's un-repressed homosexual <3 he's not loud about it but he's gay as hell and looking for love 👀 and he has cute braids!
sooo anyway basically he moves into town and, despite him being from the mainland, hunter pretty quickly takes interest in him (it's the homosexuality). I haven't quiteeee figured out the specifics of this part yet but after a lil while they'll meet officially and become casual friends (tho hunter is always the one pushing for more. johann likes hunter a lot too but, u know, has the whole self-isolation complex. tbh he's borderline annoying with the depression, but I support him <3) hunter also starts pressuring johann into attending church, which johann agrees to do only because hunter is there.
well, etc etc etc they get closer over time and share a few "dates" and more or less become an unofficial "thing", tho they're rarely physically romantic with each other and never kiss.
well eventually johann's gonna find out that hunter's been lying about where he got his money. cause like. OFC johann knew hunter was rich beyond reason, more or less anyone who knows of hunter on the island knows that (in fact a lot of the church's community projects make sure to publicly name hunter as the main contributor!) but hunter's excuse has always been "inheritance from the kelloggs" (<-michigan specific rich family. I mean. I'm assuming u know who the kelloggs are, but jic u don't know why I chose them specifically for my michigan-located story), BUT unfortunately hunter's surname does Not line up with any part of the kellogg family tree at all. I'm not positive yet what'll prompt johann to look into this but it'll def be because of hunter benig weird and suspicious, so johann's gonna have a gut feeling that something is up. (I know telling-not-showing about these guys in this post probs doesn't make their personalities come across fully, but I prommy u hunters a fucking weirdo sometimes, Especially especially post-contract. it probs scrambled him a bit tbh)
so johann's gonna find out hunter's been lying about a major part of his personhood, and possibly even got all that money from morally-dubious means or something!!! (which I mean... isn't wrong. I would call demon money dubious). so johanns gonna straight up stop speaking to hunter for a while out of anger and mistrust </3 buttttt unfortunately oops! turns out johanns in love with him for real. so johann gets Real sad about the situation too, in addition to the anger, and does nothing but sulk and think about how much he misses hunter for days on end, and also becomes a bit reckless in seeking out the isolation he feels he "needs".
one of these days goes for a scenic walk at night. however this dumbass spent, like, probably months at this point doing nothing but follow hunter around the island like a sad puppy tho, so he is NOT directionally aware of the forest on a personal level At All, especially at night. so he gets lost or twists an ankle or both (whichever feels right vibes wise once I write it, I'll pick whatever really emphasizes how hopeless he's feeling, without overdoing it hopefully). LUCKILY (for a fun story, not lucky for these character themselves) as u may have guessed: hunter is out hunting (humans, cause he's a vampire) at this time of night and finds johann. he does NOT kill johann (yet..) dw but instead brings him back to his church to make sure he's doing alright. physically, he is fine btw. but he's reluctantly REALLY glad to see and be speaking to hunter again. they decide to stay the night (deacon privileges) and it's a bit like a sleepover for them, goofing off, trying on the chasubles. the tense air between them fades and one thing leads to another and they just start kissing right there in the pews <3
uhmmm but, again as u may have guessed by now, hunter who is a literal vampire is Pretty fucking hungry for human blood after being interrupted on a hunt. and is also very in love with johann. so he def already has the thought in the back of his mind to do the occult shit that the demon did to him, but to johann this time, so that his boyfriend can be a vampire with him too... and also so he gets to drink that sweet sweet male wife blood in the process. and then johann, who is naive to this fact, and is just a bit of a sappy romantic, is all like "oh hunter~ I missed u SO so much, I was SO sad without you, I never ever want to be without you ever again, I want to live with u FOREVER and ever <3 <3 <3 <3." so hunter's like, "ok, real shit?" and turns him into a vampire right then and there. which sucks for johann who meant those facts more in a metaphorical sense and is now being painfully killed without explanation for what he "wished" for. and like for real I'm considering both these vampire's turnings as "pacts" but johann's is so one-sided it's practically fraudulent 😭 literally rip king u didn't deserve that (btw of note: often in vamp media, when a vampire is exchanging blood with the human they're turning, they'll use like wrist blood or maybe tiddie blood if they're old school. for these pacts tho, I'm gonna use palm blood for that SWEET sweet stigmata imagery)
ok anyway SORRY this is so long and rambly so I'm gonna wrap this up right about now. but all that's ^ literally gonna probs be at least the first half of these guys' stories. cause unfortunatallyyyyy after this things get pretty locked into stone into their tragic endings. (relatively) immediately after johann's turning things get somewhat good-ish for them at first! they're in love and kinda cute sometimes and all their superficial problems like finances are 100% taken care of. but there's obviously new issues/tensions at play with the whole "hey hunter, why didn't u tell me that you're literally an undead demon-worker as a side gig to your day job as a catholic deacon (?!). and why did you literally kill (and then un-kill) me in an occult ritual 😐" thing. and also, in case the "turning johann into a vampire without his real consent" thing didn't make this obvious, hunter is somewhat ~toxic and controlling~ even if he means best from his pov. this gets worse over time btw. so it isn't too much later that things start going to shit for these two, again, but even worse this time cause in addition to their respective personal traumas they're also now both DEAD and need to KILL and EAT PEOPLE on a semi-regular basis. ("need" to the extent that they couldn't even starve to death if they want to!!!!! if they get hungry to the point of starvation, the evil demon vibes they've got going on in their soul-less bodies will simply take over and they'll go feral until they're satisfied again).
tl:dr I love toxic fucked up gay people and I can't wait to torture these characters AND make them kiss, for my enjoyment.
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dongfangxunfeng · 3 years
hi shelley. ignore if you don't want to but I want to know more about your OCs 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
HIII OMG 🥺💖 okok!! i dont rlly have names for them yet except a general character so the one w the fan is named ‘hai’ (海) and the one w the bow is named ‘qiu’ (秋) for now bc chinese names are hard <3
so there’s this labrynthian city - no one gets in, no one gets out. the former, because to find your way in would be to forsake the rest of your life, and those that attempt to always turn back. the latter, because its all they know, and what they know is good. one of the things about this city as well is that it is ever changing, and changing quick, to find your way out would be nothing short of a miracle.
and within all of this is hai, who lives at the very central tower. ig the vibe of the city is like.....ancient buildings right beside urban skyscrapers, sort of like this. they are a scholar there, literally haunting the shelves; they’ve always been there and no one knows for sure if they actually exist, you can only catch glimpses of them between the shadows. the thing about this library is that it is a collection of everything that falls through the cracks, and so it is also ever-expanding.
not that hai ever realises, because it is his memories that shift the city. what he reads and remembers is what rebuilds the city, the city is built in his image but to do so requires that he cannot remember it afterwards.
and ig this is where qiu comes in, unlike hai she is free to roam the city and she does, a vampire who only surfaces when she deems it interesting enough. otherwise, she is just another face amongst the crowd, invisible in hyper visibility. her life is relatively quiet, merely just enjoying the ever-changing landscape, until she decides that it’s finally time to figure out what’s with this city in general.
thats how they meet - she easily finds them because they are both beings of the shadows, and she tells them stories that they cannot remember. but she notices how the city changes, afterwards, based on what vey tell him. but vey becomes complacent, while he feels restless as slowly holding on to more of his memories - he wants to live his own life. cue character conflicts etc etc plot <3
anyway i keep thinking abt shl and so uhhhh look away from the shl-isms my story now goodbye priest but THANKU for the ask!! MWAH <333
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littlegalerion · 4 years
I had previously thought about all this while working on character development for one of my own OCs, but:
My Headcanons for the Powers, Realm, and Patronage aspects of Divine Mannimarco (God of Worms)
As a divine, he can now freely alter his appearance however he wishes with the snap of a finger. Race, gender, age- there are no such concepts for gods.
He can possess any type of undead as a medium to speak to the mortal plane. Of course he can easily just speak through his servants, or show up in person, but where’s the entertainment in that?
No matter who summoned the undead, he can take command of them. Even if it wasn’t one of his own followers. The dead, when summoned through necromancy, will always bow to their one true master.
Any sort of necromantic act and study that takes a considerable amount of time to complete can now be done within minutes by his hand. A complicated bone colossus or flesh atronach? Child’s play.
He can easily appear in whatever “mortal” form he wishes- to perfection. His body perfectly simulates a living one. It IS living, but also not, all in one. So any cons against a lich body no longer apply to him.
The immortal realm taken as home by the God of Worms replicates one of the isles of Summerset, but it never turns day. A purple-scarlet moon hangs in an eternal twilight - night - twilight cycle. However, the plant life and tides hardly seem to suffer from this. Beautiful glowing purple, blue, and red blossoms are all over the isle, and rocks imitate either smooth or rough soul gems. The breeze smells of lavender and nightshade. The fauna consists of skeleton wolves, stags, serpents, gryphon, anything you have found on the isles. There are no towns, cities, or even lone housing. Only the Palace of the Worm God. After all, if you are a true servant, you would have pushed for lichdom by now to achieve eternal servitude under your master, so why would you need a home in the afterlife? Servants who utterly disappointed their divine have their souls trapped within the soul gemstone rocks of the isle. If you listen closely, you can hear their voices, but can never understand what they’re saying.
Perks of Patronage to the God of Worms
Your success in learning within Conjuration school comes more naturally, more so when dealing directly with Necromancy.  
You can, of course, collect black soul gems every eight days thanks to your Divine, which allows for better enchantment, recharge, or sweet, sweet revenge.
If you slay a victim with a sacrificial blade, directly sacrificing their soul towards the Worm God, you are granted the ability to summon their ghost to fight for you for a limited time. This is a one time deal for each individual sacrificed. It also breaks one black soul gem, which is the medium used for the soul to reach the God of Worms.
You have the ability to summon skeleton creatures from his realm, to fight for you for a limited time. This time can be extended, depending on your loyalty and sacrifice quota.
A con: As a direct servant/follower of the God of Worms, the Soul Cairn is out of question to venture into. The God of Worms now poses himself as a rival/threat to the Ideal Masters. Any such intruders to their realm will lead to the swift extermination and entrapment of said intruders.
Now, for my own self indulgence, the perks and abilities of demi-gods of the God of Worms
His demi-gods naturally can command the undead. Literally straight from the womb. A newborn could cry while being mishandled, and any nearby tombs would start rattling with skeletons coming to neutralize the problem. Highly advised to the mother/father/guardian-in-charge to have a specifically blessed item straight from their divine which will allow them to ward off such attacks.
His demi-gods of course grow to learn how to use the above ability to their benefit. They don’t need to bother with summoning spells. They simply command the dead to awaken, and the dead are forced to listen- unless protected by Arkay’s blessings.
His demi-gods can achieve lichdom more easily than mortals, although at a cost. Their father grants them this ability, and so, in exchange, they are entirely tied to him. If they betray his will, they are fatally punished.
His demi-gods can freely travel into his realm, and return. This acts as a safe haven, as his children are hunted more furiously after than werewolves, vampires, or other necromancers. The dem-god’s other parent is offered safe haven, for a time, during the child’s infancy, but prolonged exposure to the Worm God’s realm withers the mortal body- unless the parent decides to seek lichdom, they can not endure prolonged time spent in the realm.
His demi-gods do not require black soul gems to sacrifice a soul towards their father. Their very bodies act as an unbreakable medium. They gain considerable power for such feats, the level of such depending on the person sacrificed. Double that amount if the demi-god is a lich.
His demi-gods, unfortunately, have a natural weakness towards silver and fire magic. Also they can be harmed by certain spells/wards thrown against them by priests of Arkay. 
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koszmar-zycie · 6 years
What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? and What inspired you to create them? (for all of them! B-D )
Koszmar - For Koszmar, it’s a feeling of empathy and melancholy in a lot of ways! Even though Rahab is ultimately more my style (a cast who’s capable of full fledged combat), Ko was my original and true “avatar” as these games have always kind of been driven around. (at their origins, anyway) My Undead Warlock has a lot of problems, is often conflicted between personal experience with the world’s mistreatment, but also with a hopeful respect in that staying firm on his virtues will somehow change that. As stated, he was my first real character (on my own account), and so his origin was basically “how can I make me a guy”. Others kind of replicate “me” better, but he’s got a special place at the heart of it all.
Rahab - For my Blood Elf Death Knight, it’s a lot of pride and content. I’m proud of his character (literally, like his personality, behavior, etc). He’s similar to Ko, in that his past has plenty of tragedy and mental/emotional stress (thanks to the Scourge, obviously, it bears the same weight, but from a different perspective). I feel like his growth from that past, and outlook on handling it and the future are positive. I wouldn’t say better than Ko, but certainly different and as good. I always loved the idea of spellswords, and for me, the Death Knight class did that best. Paladins are cool, but being basically only holy themed didn’t quite do it for me, and I’ll always attach to vampiric themes more, given the option, hence his origin.
Roza - Roza is a darling. The also Undead sister of Koszmar, It’s hard to feel anything but just kind of a happiness to her. She’s kind of boring in one regard, which is that I feel like the way she is is the only way for her to be. She’s like Koszmar, but with a 100% pure optimism and heart. She doesn’t act or treat herself or anyone any differently in her state of unlife. She focuses solely on healing and helping, and the only real difference between now and when she was alive, is that she relies on her holy light to help preserve her body. I wanted a priest, and someone related to Ko for RP and story, and she as already written as a sister for him, so I just gave her life in game as an undead, with a different perspective on such an existence.
Taima - I love Taima. I feel like he’s the most grounded and earnest, along with Xiuying. Taima is like a spirit animal character of sorts for me. (ironic, as I’m a Taurus). The Shaman dedicated to the Tauren spirituality, family, and people first and foremost. And beyond that, he’s just a good, down to earth guy. I feel like he’d be one of those guy that are really easy to overlook, but you could never ask for a better friend. Taima’s creation is pretty much from “make my Yaqui side into a guy”. XD
Xiuying - Xiuying is impossibly adorable. Stone/JadeBlossom’s Kuina really helped flush her out a lot more, as their interactions let her character and behavior grow and shine more thoroughly. I always feel very happy and peaceful with her. Which is appropriate, being a monk. She’s definitely the most ‘feel good’ of my characters by far. I’ve always been attached to Taoism and Buddhism, so my love of traditional Chinese philosophy/religion and martial arts influences me heavily with her creation. Even though she’s a healer first and foremost.
Myriania - I feel a tremendous pride and fondness for Myri, the Nightborne Countess who loves marksmanship. It’s fun to get to write her, because she’s got that sort of Robin Hood vibe (well, the Costner version, anyhow) with the nobility, but also happy to get out and use her hands. She’s very proper and ladylike, but also thorough and hands on. I feel that pride and fondness for having a character that’s notably different, and yet still easy to write for. I wanted to go for that noblewoman aesthetic, while also indulging in the hunter thing. So she has a bit of that ‘highwayman’/’noble hunter’ thing that drove me to make her.
Willow - Willow is a new kid on my roster, relatively speaking. She’s my Undead rogue, and the most patriotic in terms of being black and white on Azeroth politics. I feel a strong sense of fun and “being fired up” with her, because it’s so common to have “middle ground” characters (since many of us want to put our own player views in, as well as having more RP opportunities), but having someone who can say “Oh yeah, the so-and-so in the Alliance are alright I guess. But **** the Worgen bastards.” is SO much fun, and a breath of fresh air, since most of my kids are middle ground as well. That also sums up my motivation to make her. lol
Tirithon - The first of only two Alliance alts that really warrant attention. My Night Elf druid. I love him, and I like the kind of peaceful and playful nature he has. He’s very chill, and dislikes conflict. Even though he maintains a very placid and calm demeanor, he will sometimes have fun by playing minor pranks, or otherwise just having fun with friends. Tirithon was actually based on my DnD ranger-turned-druid who made the change between 3.5 to 5E. I wanted SOME kind of tribute to him in WoW, so Night Elf it was!
Haytham - My Worgen hunter! He’s my former Gilnean Navy officer turned ranger. I feel good with him, because I like writing for the other side (Genn is still a ***** who needs killing in a raid), as well as my appreciation for Gilneas style and theming. Haytham himself was just meant to be a Naval guy who also served as a ranger, so his motivation wasn’t terribly deep, but definitely came from big flavors that I adore. (naval war, and rangers)
Holy heck, that was a LOT. Thanks so much @stonestridernerd! It was a long day, so I’ll have to answer the other stuff later. XD
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nightmarist · 7 years
OCs i like to write about but never share:
Lady Emaria Dahlgard, a vampire who created her own house. The other four dominant vampire lords and ladies think her attempts are Cute. As an act of solidarity, the Lord of House Armont sent one of his own, Ser Marron Armont, to act as Lady Dahlgard’s hand as she slowly grew her house. Ser Marron Armont has been slowly falling in love with Lady Dahlgard and her passion, ambition, and her ability to get things done quickly and in her way.
Sigurd Helvega, a centuries old priest-turned-necromancer. In fervent desperation, he found himself a form of pseudo-immortality in attempts to try and one day bring back his gods, but unfortunately long having forgotten this purpose, wandering with flickers of lives he’s taken and possessed, occasionally fleeing into woods and mountains to refrain from destruction in the times his mind flickers and his body tears apart into a horrible abomination.
Virgil Vitale, a supervillain/antihero and artist, unfortunate abuse survivor and drug addict. He grew up forced into child trafficking, but once “rescued” he hopped home from home along with other surviving residents of the former small town he lived in. He eventually became an artist and art teacher with a penchant for sculpture. His crimes of preference are theft and murder, often creating art out of the corpses of child abusers to display in place of art he stole.
Lady of the Final End, a goddess of time/space whose husband, another god of space/time Lord of Eternity, betrayed her, killed their son, and seeks to freeze time into a single eternal moment. Finale took their remaining son, a weak child born from and lord of Affliction, and fled to a different realm. Finale created a small band of gods to seek to find her husband and kill him before he ruins all of creation. Vitality, Enigma, Scorn, and Fidelity each follow Finale and Affliction, only to discover that Eternity has been corrupted by a sickness, the same that Affliction was born from.
I dont know what it is, but I love the concept of eternal anythings and tragedy. Virgil is about the only mortal, but he was originally made to be a DC OC so he’s super edgy right now, I might still tweak him a little. Hes not angsty or anything but he’s super traumatized. His aesthetic is kind of a splice between NBC Hannibal and Every Gotham Villain. Finale and Eternity are basically a weird fanfiction about me shipping Ultimecia and Ardyn from FF8 and FF15 lmao. Their sons were, uh.... Lorian and Lothric..... from.... dark souls... Shut up, leave me alone. Lady Dahlgard and Ser Marron are literally just slightly changed Innistrad OCs. She was originally an Orzhov Planeswalker who came to Innistrad, wanting to escape her massive debts from Ravnika while stealing a fuckload of money to build a manor and village in her own name in Innistrad.
Sigurd is about my only “truly” original-original character lmao.
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