jhye-lee · 4 years
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒚 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒈 
Author: Skylarbeyond
Posted on Asianfanfics
Lee Taeyong x OC
Lee Taeyong who other people see
Lee Taeyong who the fans see
Lee Taeyong who I see.
 I wonder who is the real Lee Taeyong?
There was this boy in her class who looked like he came out from the manhwa she used to read. She heard how her fellow female classmates were talking about the parcular boy. He sat alone in his seat while reading something quietly. Few other boy talking to him and they laughed together before they left him alone again in his seat. "Hwayoung-ah, isn't he cute?" One of  her friends asked her. Hwayoung smiled and nodded. "Yes he is." She answered. Her friends were giggling while making a comment about the cutest boy in the class. They were making plan to make a move to the boy. But Hwayoung only looked at him curiously. He just as bright as the sun. And at that time she was very curious of how it would feel to stand behind the sun...
“At times like this, I wish I could drink and forget everything.”
The moon shone brightly this night but the person beside her who always as bright as the sun looked dimmer than the moon. He was supposed to be the bright one between the two of them but this night, the role was switched. She pushed a can of her half-drank beer to him. He looked at her questionably. “If you want to drink, just drink.” She said while staring at the huge billboard which could be seen from her balcony. The billboard was playing Super Human by NCT 127. Taeyong took the can and looked at it with an uncharacteristically sad smile. “You’re supposed to give me a reason of why I shouldn’t drink.” He trailed off.
Hwayoung chuckled. “When do I ever tell you to do something not ‘bad’?” Hwayoung wiggled her perfectly drawn eyebrows. Taeyong let out a small laugh. “Yeah yeah. You always be the bad one between us.” Then he sighed. A smirk made its way to his lips. “But I was the bad one in others eyes.” He said with a heartbreaking voice.
Taeyong finally decided to succumb to the dark side as he took a sip of the remaining bitter beer. His face scrunched up as the bitter taste made its way to his throat. Dizziness attacked him almost immediately. “This is disgusting. Why do you like this kind of things?” He asked her while trying to keep sober; as if he could do that. Hwayoung took back the can from Taeyong’s hand and gulped down the remaining beer in one shot. Taeyong looked at her in disgust.  “This is tastier than your yogurt milk.” Hwayoung spat back at Taeyong.
Taeyong pouted at her childishly. It looked like the alcohol finally took control of him. “Whhhaattt? You are crazy Youngieee. How can thissss beeeer taste bettah?” He slurred. Hwayoung only looked at him blankly then shook her head. “Only a sip and you are gone.” Taeyong scooted closer and rested his head on her shoulder. “Ahhh, Youngie shoulder is the bessstt.” Taeyong grinned stupidly with closed eyes as he snuggled closer to her. Hwayoung sighed. She pushed back his bang so it didn’t poke his eyes.
“I don’t want to be a bad guy.”
Taeyong whimpered. Seeing him like this always so heartbreaking for her. Hwayoung rested her head on top of his head. Now the billboard was playing a Soju commercial. The sounds of the buzzing city filled the silence in the dim balcony. Hwayoung glanced at her friend. Without all that heavy make-up adorning his face, she could see the tiredness that already seemed to stay permanently on his face. She could see his lips turned into a frown. Even in his sleep, he still looked so terribly sad.
“I don’t know the entire truth about your past but...”
“I just hate seeing you sad Taeyong-ah…”
 [+142][-15] He was a scammer and a bully. What a trash.
[+152][-16] Please leave him alone. He apologized even when he’s not wrong.
[+132][-42] Look at his fans. Defending him like a fool.
[+122][-15] You don’t know anything either. Just stop bullying him. You are no different than him then.
[+142][-17] I hate him. He can’t even rap or dance properly. All he has is his face and trashy attitude.
[+172][-81] Can you f*cking leave him alone dear netizen?
[+192][-11] Pretty face just go to hell.
[+152][-21] I don’t know how many people can defend him. He’s a bully and a scammer. Open your eyes pleaseee…
[+192][-32] LOL. SM likes him because he s*ck Sooman d*ck every day.
[+122][-11] SM golden boy. Sooman whore.
[+17][-81] Just die.
[+193][-91] Just die.
[+143][-30] Just die.
“Have you read the news?”
Hwayoung locked her phone and put it on her table. She looked at her colleague questioningly. “That Idol Bully, Lee Taeyong. Turns out he is homophobic too.” Her colleague snickered. “Here look at this. His stupid fans even defend him and saying it’s Lee Taeyon not Lee Taeyong. Stupid hormonal teenager.”  Hwayoung looked at the phone screen blankly as her colleague pointed all the news she could find.
Again. Another news about him.
“Sure he is handsome. But I guess pretty package doesn’t guarantee the inside.”  By now, it was hard for Hwayoung to maintain her expression. “Miss Park, aren’t you too old to talk about idol?” Hwayoung asked politely with a smile. She hoped her smile could conceal her murderous aura. Miss Park looked at her weirdly. “Oh come on, it’s fun. Look at all these comments. His fangirls really are stupid.”
Hwayoung stood up abruptly and startled Miss Park. “Yah! You surprised me.” Miss Park scowled at her. Hwayoung maintained her smile. “Oh I’m sorry. But I need to go home now.” Hwayoung took her bag and jacket and bows politely before leaving her office. She walked a few steps then halted. “Oh by the way Miss Park.” Hwayoung turned around and faced Miss Park once again. The older girl perked up. “Why do you think all the rumor about Lee Taeyong is true?” She asked.
Miss Park seemed to be taken aback by her question. Her eyes looked at anywhere but her. “W-Well, they have a proof. Everyone is talking about it in Pann.” She answered nervously. Hwayoung only smile and nodded. “Why do you ask?” Miss Park asked.
With that, she left the room and made her way home.
“Hello, what’s your name?”
“Hwayoung. Moon Hwayoung.”
“Youngiee then… What do you want me to write?”
Hwayoung flashed him a bright smile. “Anything. Write whatever you want.” Taeyong chuckled and nodded. “Okay then Youngie.” They didn’t say anything else as Taeyong signed her Super M album. Taeyong in front of the spotlight always looked so vibrant. No matter how sad or tired he was, everything changed as soon as he stood under the spotlight. But he always looked the happiest whenever he was with his band mates and his fans.
“Thank you for coming all the way here and see me. It means a lot for me.” He grinned widely and gave the album back to Hwayoung. She didn’t read his message on the album right away as she was busy looking at him. “I just thought that maybe you need some kind of moral support.” A laugh erupted from his body. When she saw him like this, it made her wonder how people could hate a sweet guy like him and started so many rumors about him. The Taeyong she knew since high school was the sweetest man she’d ever known. Just like any normal teenager, he cursed a few times (Hwayoung used to always insert a curse on her every sentence). He also wasn’t a social butterfly who befriended everyone in the town. It wasn’t a crime but yet, even a smallest flaw of him became a crime in front of other people.
Then her times up. “I’ll see you later.” Taeyong whispered before she left. Hwayoung waved cutely at him and earned another laughed from him. Hwayoung left the venue and took a look at the album in her hand.
To: Youngie, my only friend ©
Dinner at the hotel? My threat.
Ps: Please bring me some yogurt milk T^T
Hwayoung chuckled at the message he left her. It almost sounded like he was asking her on a secret date. She shook her head and put the album to her bag. Hwayoung took one last look at the venue. Many people, mostly girls, came to see SuperM. She found many of them bringing a fan with Taeyeong face on it or a banner with Taeyong name. It’s a relief to know that he still had many people love him despite all the nasty rumors.
“I’m going to see Taeyong oppa!”
“I can’t believe it! I’m going to see Taeyong oppa.”
“Let’s show him how much we love him, okay!”
“We must show our love for him!”
“Let’s cheer up our Taeyong oppa!”
“They asked me to apologize.”
“Was all the rumor true?”
“If I say no, will you believe me?”
For the first time ever, Lee Taeyong looked so broken. His eyes were red even though no tears were coming out from his beautiful eyes. There’s a hope in his sad eyes, a hope that she would say ‘yes’ in a heartbeat.
“Yes. I’ll believe you.”
  Taeyong’s eyes light up and his downturned lips curve into a smile. “Thank you.” He choked out, his voice hoarse. It felt as if something pierced her heart. It was hurting her so much to see how tormented he was. “C’mere. Your friend Youngie will hug your sadness away.” Taeyong chuckled. Hwayoung pulled him into a hug and he buried his face on the crook of her neck. “I swear, I never do anything like that. How can people be that cruel to me?” He sobbed quietly. Hwayoung gently patted his back as she listened to him quietly. 
He was supposed to debut as confident and strong leader of NCT. But how came he became like this? Accused of something he didn’t do and forced to apologize. All his sunshine was gone. His world crumbled down. And yet, he needed to act as if nothing happened to him. Even if he apologized, people would call him shameless and mocked him.
“Don’t think about it too much. They don’t deserve the stress. It’s only a bunch of unimportant person.”
Hwayoung tightened her hug.
“There are still so many people who love you; your parents, your sister, the members, you fans of course. And don’t forget that this bitch loves you too tyong-ah.” This time, Taeyong finally laughed and stopped sobbing.
“Aww… I love you too Youngiee, my only friend.” 
“I thought you gonna buy me something expensive.” Hwayoung frowned when Taeyong served one bucket of Mc Donald’s chicken and two bottles of Pepsi Blue. Taeyong grinned innocently as he plopped himself on the chair across her. “Nah, it’s been quite long since the last time we eat chicken and pepsi.”  Taeyong opened his bottle of pepsi and sipped it. Hwayoung only stared at him blankly. “It should be chicken and beer you dummy.” She deadpanned. She was disappointed. Well, she shouldn’t hope for a expensive dinner at the first place. Dummy Hwayoung.
“Let’s eat.” Taeyong beamed happily as he took one drumstick from the bucket and ate it happily. Hwayoung sighed in defeat and followed Taeyong. Actually, she was kind of worry about him. But thanks God he looked fine.
Taeyong noticed Hwayoung was staring him with that ‘momma-is-worry’ look. “Hey, stop worrying like that. I’m fine really. Now that I thinking of it, it just looks like a stupid joke.” He shook his head and continued eating his chicken. Hwayoung pressed her lips to thin line. “Yep, a very stupid joke.” Hwayoung agreed.
“I really don’t need to worry about you anymore, do I? You have a whole battalion of fangirls ready to take down the enemy.” She joked. Taeyong bursted out in laughing.  “And you are the commander.” He said between his laugh. “Then I’ll terminate every single person who makes our Taeyoungie sad.” She added.
 “It’s a lie if I said that I’m perfectly fine.” Taeyong said as he wiped the tears on the corner of his eyes. Then a sigh escaped his lips. “I just still don’t get it why they try so hard to find bad things about me.” He smiles sadly. “Do they hate me that much?” he asked. “And when I read the news yesterday, I just laughed. And I end up questioning what will the next news be?” Taeyong looked at Hwayoung with a surrender smile. “It’s getting old but still hurt the same.”
Hwayoung stretched out her oily right hand. “Hand.” She commanded. Taeyong looked at her oily hand in disgust although his hand was oily too. He still reached her hand and wrapped his bigger one around her smaller one.
“I solemnly swear that I won’t give a f*ck about the rumor.”
They said the vow together. It was a vow she made for him while did a Harry Potter marathon after Taeyong cried a river because of the rumor. So every time he felt sad because of the rumor, Hwayoung would force him to say the vow.
 “Thank God I have you as my personal moral support.” Hwayoung smiled brightly as Taeyong laughed happily once again. “You’re welcome TY.”
She was just like the other people. She had no right to judge Taeyong no matter how close they were. The Taeyong in front of her was different from the Taeyong his fans saw. The Taeyong she knew was different from the Taeyong people saw. The Taeyong who people called as a bully and scammer was the Taeyong who she always saw as the thoughtful and sweet guy.
Hwayoung didn’t know for sure which Taeyong was the real Taeyong. But she knew one thing that even if he turned out to be just like how people said, she would still stand firmly by his side and be his personal moral support. Because, before he was the famous idol Taeyong, he was her friend Taeyong.
And that would never change.
Which Taeyong did you see?
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sakuurae · 6 years
im forever and always rooting for taeyongxoc simply because im ulting taeyong❤ but jokes aside i cant wait for chapter 4 im so excited for it words cant explain it, your writing is so captivating
Aaah, i can relate completely !!! Hahaha. Im happy youre enjoying my series ^~^ i cant wait to write the next part as well, and thank you so much for your kind words, ehehe. I appreciate them !!
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leetaeyongbaby · 6 years
Happy New Year!
A fic with Taeyong!! 😏😏😏😏🔥🔥🔥🔥
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fynctfanfics-blog · 8 years
Title: Catch and Release Author: wildlings Pairing: Taeyong x OC Rating: PG-15 Genre: mystery Length: chaptered (ongoing) Summary: Taeyong's been guilty of countless mistakes in his life, but he's turned his life around and has been trying to make up for it. Unfortunately, it seems like someone doesn't want to let the past rest.
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