#tag yourself i’m dynamite making it into my top 100
bisexualrapline · 2 years
14 and 97 :)
hiii bennie i’m not sure we’ve ever actually chatted before but let me take this chance to say that i’m glad we’re mutuals and always love to see you on my dash congrats on having one of the biggest brains in this part of the internet 💗💗💗
send me numbers 1-100 and i’ll respond with songs from my replay 2022 playlist 💗
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midwestmade29 · 5 months
Here For You ❤️
What a sweet request 🥺 I loved it! Thanks for sending it in. I hope you like how I used the prompts 🖤 Word Count: 746 Divider by: @saradika-graphics *GIF is not mine
Original Request from @judgementdaysunshine: Can I have Adam Copeland x Fem reader with the prompts “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what” + “You’re one of the best people I know”
Disclaimers: None! 100% fluff 🙂
When you're going through a rough patch, Adam Copeland is there to help you through it...
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Lately you’ve been down on your luck, most days it feels as if nothing goes right. There was one incident in particular that you felt set things in motion though. During Dynamite a couple weeks ago, you had a title match against the TBS champion Julia Hart. Everything was going well until the last few minutes when you slipped on something in the ring, causing you to stumble and mess up the move you were trying to land on Julia. In the end, both of you ended up getting hurt. Julia suffered a shoulder injury, and you sprained your ankle.
 While slipping wasn’t your fault, there were several fans and even a few coworkers that blamed you for everything. The number of hateful comments and posts you were tagged in on social media took a toll on your psyche, really hurting your self-esteem and mental health. You already felt terrible about the injuries you and Julia both sustained, but the added hate you were receiving made it that much worse.
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You were still traveling with AEW, even with your ankle in a boot and walking with crutches. You saw the way some of the people backstage looked at you making it clear that they were still skeptical or upset about the incident. You had turned off notifications for all your social media accounts and stopped checking it as often as you used to. One night during Dynamite, you were standing off to the side backstage watching on a monitor when you heard a familiar voice call out to you, “There’s my girl!” If it weren’t for Adam, the last couple of weeks would’ve been so much worse than they already were. While you were falling apart, he was there for you every step of the way. He was your protector and confidant, the giver of the best bear hugs. The weight of the world didn’t feel as heavy when you turned slowly and took in the sight of his bright smile, releasing a sigh of relief when he wrapped you in his arms. “I’m glad I found you, I’ve been looking everywhere. How are you?” Adam spoke softly with his cheek resting on the top of your head. You nuzzled in closer to him, enjoying the safety his arms provided from the world around you. “I’m fine, just glad you’re here now,” you replied timidly. Adam pulled back a little, not letting you go completely before he called you on your bluff, “That’s not very convincing. What’s wrong?” You tried reassuring Adam that you really were fine, but he knew better. He probably knows you better than you know yourself! He invited you back to his locker room so the two of you could talk more, and you happily agreed after getting a dirty look from a production team member.
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Adam closed the door behind him before taking a seat next to you on the couch. “So, what’s up? And don’t say nothing because you know I won’t let that slide,” he prompted. You took a deep breath and began explaining everything you had been feeling recently. “I just can’t believe anyone would think I would hurt Julia on purpose! That’s not my style or how I do things. It’s like no matter what I do or what I say, no one believes it. I talked to Julia about everything and she’s not even mad at me. It was an accident, but it feels like I’m guilty until I can prove that I’m innocent, you know?” Adam sat back and listened to everything you had to say, not interrupting you once or acting uninterested as you carried on. He knew that letting all your thoughts and emotions out would be therapeutic, so he didn’t want to say anything until you were finished. “The people who really matter know it was an accident Y/N. It’s easier said than done, but you just gotta ignore the hate. It’ll all blow over eventually and things will get back to normal. You’re one of the best people I know! You’d never hurt anyone on purpose,” Adam spoke gently. Your conversation continued for a while longer, and by the end of it you felt so much better. You thanked Adam for listening to you and for his advice, earning a warm smile from him in return. Before the two of you left the locker room, he reminded you of one last thing, “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what…”
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
Voice Sweet as Caramel
Pairing: deaf!Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader Genre: fluff, slight angst? Warnings: none Summary: You meet Dynamight and don’t know that he’s deaf. Luckily for him though, when you find out, your quirk comes in handy Word Count: 5.1k words A/N: I did a lot of research to make Bakugo’s experience seem as real as possible. If there is smth that I did wrong, worded incorrectly, etc., please don’t hesitate to inform me. Thank you and enjoy!
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It didn’t really bother him at first. Being deaf, I mean. He didn’t have to listen to a bunch of nonsense all the time, he could sleep in peace, villains trying to goad him on and agitate him didn’t work anymore, and so on. 
It didn’t take him long to realize just how many downfalls there are with that though. He started to fall behind in class because he could no longer hear his teachers. He wasn’t able to hear plans of attack or hear an enemy sneak up on him. 
He can’t hear your voice. 
He became deaf in the middle of his third year. It happened in the middle of a fight with the league of villains and he didn’t really have time to panic about it at the time. When school let out and he became one of the top heroes, he tried not to be bothered by it and for the most part, it worked. His other senses heightened as time went on but that doesn’t mean it made the reality that he’s deaf any easier. There were still the setbacks that will always hold him back from reaching top potential. Because of this, he’s the number three hero, right behind Deku and Todoroki. 
That’s what really crushed him. 
He never shows anyone, heroes, friends, and villains alike, that being deaf is a struggle for him, even when he gets used to it. He wants to hear the villains he defeats beg for mercy. He wants to hear his friends laugh when someone does something stupid. He wants to hear the praise of civilians when he saves them. 
He wants to hear your voice but he’d, obviously, never tell a soul that. 
He didn’t meet you until a year after he graduated.
You showed up when he was fighting some villains, and he’ll never admit that he was struggling a little bit. Somehow though, villain after villain suddenly couldn’t see him and they panicked. They’d run into buildings and each other before Bakugo beat them all to a pulp. 
Seeing as how you’re the only one else there with a hero costume on, he assumes you had something to do with it. As he hands the villains over to the police, you come over with a warm smile aimed directly at him. He stares at your lips as you speak, his ears ringing with the silence that he’s grown used to. 
He doesn’t really understand why you’re trying to talk to him, seeing as how everyone knows that the great hero Dynamight is unable to hear. So, why are you wasting your time trying to talk to him? Maybe you think he can read your lips. That is, after all, a common misconception about deaf people.
Without a word on his part, he turns and walks away from you. He doesn’t hear you stop in the middle of congratulating him. He doesn’t hear how you scoff a bit. He doesn’t see you frown at how rude he is. 
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You walk into the building with a bright smile already on your face, excited for something you literally do every day of your life. It doesn’t matter how many times you do it though. This will always make you happy. Plus, you just came to Japan from America a couple of weeks ago. You haven’t been here in years. You are excited to use your improved quirk to help others. 
You greet the lady at the front desk as you grab your sticker name tag that the staff makes for you every day. You then go to your first stop, gently knocking on the door and coming in once you get the go-ahead. 
“(Y/n)! You’re back!” the little girl squeals, a large smile coming to her face. Your smile stretches out further as you walk over to her. 
“Hi, Keiko! How have you been?” you say as you move your hands slowly for her to read. She watches them attentively before perking up, her mother beside her smiling softly at the interaction. 
“I’ve been really good! I’m glad you're back!” she says happily, her ‘accent’ coming through more now that she’s calmed down and isn’t shouting. 
“I’m happy to be back too,” you agree, your hands moving with your words. 
“(Y/n),” the mother says, grabbing your attention, “Thank you for coming back. You have no idea what this means to me. To us. After the villain attack...” Her eyes are watery as she speaks, her hand coming up to pet her daughter’s head. 
You smile softly at her, coming over to sit in the empty chair by her bed. “Don’t even mention it, Mrs. Suzuki. It’s an honor to be of use to you and your daughter,” you reassure. You then look to Keiko, seeing her body impatiently wiggling around as she waits for you to work your magic. 
You chuckle as you raise your hands, her eyes widening, despite knowing what you were doing. She turns to look at her mom as she shouts, “Mommy! I can hear again!” You read her lips and smile as she wraps her arms tightly around her mother. You watch with a soft look in your eyes, trying to ignore your oncoming sadness that will come when her hearing comes to an end again. 
“Keiko, I noticed that you are getting better at JSL. You must be studying so hard!” you praise, watching her chest puff out at the praise. 
“You bet I am! It’s so easy and my tutor says I’m really good at it!” she brags while using her hands for you to read, a chuckle escaping you at how proud she is. She has every right to be though. 
“That’s so cool! Can you show me what else you’ve learned?” 
You stay with the girl and her mother for their hour before slowly taking away her hearing again. She doesn’t seem to mind though. Even at her young age, she’s grateful for the opportunity that others don’t get to have and she knows that you can’t let her have her hearing back forever. 
You walk down the hall and walk into the next room after knocking. “Daiki? It’s (Y/n),” you greet softly, not wanting to spook the teen. He perks up at the sound of your voice, a smile coming to his face as he turns to face you. 
That has to be the best part of your quirk. You bring all of these smiles to these unfortunate people whose lives were changed at the hands of villains. 
“(Y/n)! I’m surprised to have you come back so soon!” he greets, holding his arms open for a hug. You happily accept it, returning his sight as you pull away. He brightens up more as the life returns in his eyes, your eyes catching the sight of his gums showing from how big he’s smiling before your own vision goes dark. 
“I’ll never get tired of seeing your pretty face,” he playfully flirts, making you chuckle as you take a seat by his bed. 
“You’re such a flatterer.” When visiting Daiki, he prefers to use his time wisely. He likes to memorize the faces of loved ones, read, watch tv, and other things that he can’t do.
When his time comes to an end, he sighs as he closes his book he was reading, a sad smile on his face. “You really are my hero, (Y/n),” Daiki says softly, his eyes roaming your face to now memorize it without your knowledge. 
“I’m just doing what anyone else would do with my quirk,” you reassure, giving him a sad smile as you slowly take his sight away again. He sighs and picks up the same book from before but with braille instead of typed words. 
“Still. See you next week?” 
“You betcha,” you say softly before kissing his cheek and leaving. 
Your quirk allows you to eliminate or heighten the five senses. You can only do one sense at a time though. You can do it in increments too, meaning you can completely eradicate or heighten a sense, or you can do it partially. For example, you can increase someone’s smelling to 100% and they can suddenly smell ten times better than a bloodhound. Another example, if someone is getting a headache by a smell, you can remove someone’s smell by 50% and leave them able to smell but not as strongly as they normally would be able to. Also, when you use your quirk, that sense is completely removed from you but only while you’re using it on someone. You also can’t use your quirk on yourself. 
It’s when you’re leaving the RCV, the Recovery Center from Villains, you notice the fight between a hero and multiple villains. You raise your hand to one of the villains, removing his, and your, sight. When you hear a loud explosion and a cry of pain, you turn off your quirk to find the villain you used your quirk on laying on the ground. You repeat this process with the other villains until there was none left standing. 
When the hero hands them over to the police, you run over with a grin. “Hi, I just wanted to say that you were incredible! I know you probably didn’t need my help but I just wanted to-”
You cut yourself off with a scoff when the blond suddenly walks away from you, a frown coming to your face as you watch him go. Well, that was rude. Especially after you just helped him take down four villains! 
“Excuse me. Were you the one to help Dynamight?” an officer asks. You give her a kind smile as you nod your head, turning to face her now. 
“Yes, ma’am. I have a senses quirk, so I eliminated their sight so, uh, Dynamite could get the upper hand,” you explain. She smiles at this, becoming more fascinated by the second as you explain what happened. You answer any questions she has, noticing the sun is starting to go down. 
“Well, it’s getting dark. I’ll let you go! Have a great day—oh! What’s your hero name?” 
“It’s Esthesia,” you say before saluting and walking away. 
On your walk home, a guy gives you an unseemly smile as his eyes flicker up and down your body. “Hey, baby. Where you going?” You give him a bored look as you raise your hand, taking his, and your, sight away as you continue to walk straight. He begins to panic, your ears listening as he runs around frantically before crashing into a brick wall. When his body hits the ground, you return both of your vision with a smirk. 
“Have a nice night!” you sarcastically call to his groaning figure. 
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The second time you meet Dynamight—you learned from the news how it’s actually spelled—it was under pretty much the same circumstances. You stay by the sidelines, appearing as a civilian to everyone which is exactly what you wanted. 
You raise your hand and remove the villain’s sight, listening for signs that the villain is defeated. When you return your vision though, you find a villain coming from above to attack Dynamight. 
“Dynamight!” you shout in warning, pointing up for him to see what your warning is for. He never looks at you though, allowing the villain to attack him from above. You quickly remove that villain’s sight, hoping that you weren’t too late. Why did he just ignore you like that? Is he that stubborn?
When your vision comes back, you find that he has taken out all of the villains again. You charge towards him once you see this, coming up behind him. “Why did you ignore me? You could’ve been killed!” you shout, afraid for the hero’s life. He keeps his back to you though, his eyes moving from villain to villain to make sure that they will stay down. “Hey!” you shout as you lightly shove him to gain his attention. 
“Hey!” he copies as he catches his balance and spins around, his eyes alight with an inferno that’s normally directed at villains. When he sees it’s you though, that inferno shrinks to a flame. “What is your problem?” he screams. 
You scoff as you cross your arms over your chest, a glare of your own staring right back at him. “My problem? My problem is that you keep ignoring me! I was trying to help you back there and you didn’t even turn to acknowledge me! You could’ve avoided that attack altogether!” you shout right back, your eyes moving to the wound on his shoulder that he received from that villain. Your eyes return to his face when he huffs and looks away from you. 
And just like before, he walks away from you, causing your jaw to drop open. “Hey! You don’t get to do this to me again!” you shout, running to stand in front of him. You notice that the police have arrived to take the bad guys away, which Bakugo also notices. 
“Get out of my way,” he snaps, moving to go around you until you just block his way again. 
“No! This is the second time I’ve helped you! You can at least thank me!” He doesn’t react to your words. He doesn’t even have an expression on his face anymore. He, again, just moves around you and walks away. This time though, you let him go. 
“Fine! That’s the last time I help you then!” you declare. 
It’s not. 
He just seems to have an invisible sign that you can’t see that says, “Come attack me! I’m alone! Please beat me up!” You don’t understand why he never has backup. Well, besides you, that is. 
After helping out several times though, you finally come across him in battle with another hero. About time. Where was he the last six times you’ve helped him?
You watch from afar, only helping if one of them seems to be struggling a bit. You notice that the other hero acts differently around Bakugo. Their body language is different and he never calls out to him. Does he not like him? Cause you sure don’t. 
After the fight is over and the police have escorted the villains away, the heroes leave after interacting with the civilians for a bit. You notice that no one talks to Dynamight though. How is he the number three hero but isn’t popular amongst the civilians? That makes his situation even odder to you. 
When they finally leave, you quickly catch up to them. “Hey! Hi, sorry! I just wanted to say that you guys did a great job!” you congratulate with a grin, not even looking in Dynamight’s way. 
The guy with flaming red hair, named Red Riot you believe, gives you a toothy grin. “Oh, thanks! You’re Esthesia, right? I’ve seen you on the news with Bakubro a couple of times.” You raise your brow at the nickname but realize he’s talking about Dynamight. 
“Oh, yes! It’s nice to meet you! You’re Red Riot, right?” At this, his smile gets even brighter, if possible. 
“Sure is! You can call me Kirishima though! This is Bakugo,” he introduces. It takes everything in you not to scoff. 
“Yeah. I’ve saved his ass a time or two before,” you say as calmly as possible. Kirishima looks to Bakugo and finds that he’s not even looking at you. 
“Sorry about him. He can be so moody.” You raise your brow when Bakugo doesn’t come to his own defense, seeming to just take the playful blow. 
“That’s one word to describe him. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you guys up. I just wanted to congratulate you,” you explain with a warm smile. 
“Oh, it’s no problem at all! It was nice to finally meet the hero who has saved Bakugo’s ass so many times! Say, how about we meet up sometime? It’d be great for you to meet some of the other heroes. Your quirk is really useful!” You blush at this but nod nonetheless. 
“Oh, that would be great! I love helping where I can!” You pull out your phone for Kirishima to put his number into your phone, this finally grabbing Bakugo’s attention, but he remains quiet. 
“Super! I’ll text you when some of the others are free. We can all get drinks or something,” he says as he hands your phone back to you. 
“Can’t wait! It was nice meeting you!” you say cheerfully before you leave the duo to go to the RCV, which is where you were heading before you stopped to help. 
About a week later, you get a text from Kirishima asking if you’d be free Sunday night. You agreed to meet him at a restaurant and you couldn’t help but grow excited at the chance to finally meet other heroes in the area. 
Sunday night came in a blink of an eye it seemed, your heart beating faster with each mile you get closer to the meeting place. You park your car and double-check that your outfit is in order before heading inside. You look around for spiky, red hair, and it only takes you a second to find him. 
“Kirishima!” you call as you near the table. Everyone but a certain blond turns at the sound of your voice. His eyes look at his friends before finally looking at you. You make eye contact with him for a moment before looking at Kirishima. 
“Hey, (Y/n)! You look great!” he greets, standing up and pulling out the only empty chair. 
“Thank you,” you say with a blush, slowly taking the seat, to which he pushes the chair in for you once you’ve sat down. 
“Everyone, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is everyone,” he introduces playfully as he takes his own seat. Once he’s settled, he properly introduces you to everyone, to which you happily greeted them all. 
“And finally, Mr. Grumpy-Mc-Grumpy-Pants over there is Bakugo, which you already know,” he says as he taps Bakugo’s arm. Bakugo turns to look at Kirishima before following his finger to you. 
“It’s nice to officially meet you,” you greet with much sarcasm. He, like always, remains silent and looks back down to his menu. You huff and decide to open up your own menu, trying not to be bothered by being shot down by the handsome male. 
For the rest of the evening, weird things occurred. Kirishima always taps him when someone says his name, Bakugo’s eyes roaming the table until he focuses on the person speaking. Kirishima taps him again when it’s his turn to order. You’ve seen people talk with their hands, both literally and figuratively, but these people really seem to get into it, making wide and crazy gestures. 
It wasn’t until your waiter came to your table with your food that you finally realized what was going on. 
“So, (Y/n), tell us about your quirk. Bakugo hasn’t shined any sort of light on what your quirk is and Kirishima seems a little lost at what your quirk actually is,” Mina says with a smile. 
Before you can reply though, your waiter and another worker bring your food to the table. “Who got the kung pao chicken?” the other worker asks, looking around the table. Kirishima was checking his phone when the question was asked, Bakugo not letting the waiter know that it’s what he ordered. 
This is when it hits you. 
The tapping. The blank, bored look. The quiet replies. The crazy gestures. 
He’s deaf. 
God, you’re such an idiot! You work with deaf people all of the time! How did you not realize until now?
“He got it,” you inform with widened eyes, your eyes staring at the blond. His eyes squint at you for pointing at him before realizing that you were just showing the waiter where his food goes. Once everyone has their food, you clear your throat. 
“So, um, Bakugo is deaf?” you shyly ask. This causes everyone to pause and stare at you for a moment. 
“Uh, yeah,” Kirishima answers, “Sorry, I assumed you knew…” he apologizes. 
You shake your head, turning your gaze to Bakugo as you continue. “But why does he act like that?” you ask. 
“Like what?” Kaminari asks with a furrow to his brows. 
“I work with deaf people all of the time. A lot of them are decent at reading lips to some extent and most know, or are learning, JSL. Bakugo seems...like he doesn’t care or that it doesn’t bother him? Does he know JSL?” you explain quietly despite the fact that the man you’re talking about can’t hear you. 
Kirishima sighs as he sets down his chopsticks. “Bakugo has been deaf for about a year and a half now. He knows JSL and uses it when necessary, but for the most part, he doesn’t like using it or when others use it to talk to him. It makes him feel....belittled, if you will. Like he has to have special treatment or something. I do my best to help him but I’m not perfect,” he explains, the last part being directed at what just happened. 
You slowly nod your head as you take this all in, a small frown coming to your face. “So, you guys don’t know what my quirk really is, right?” you ask softly, a smile starting to come to your face. They all look confused in your change of subject but nod along anyway. 
“Yeah, I was asking you about it before our food came. Kirishima says you can make people blind, or something?” Mina pipes up. You confuse them more when you begin to grin, all of them sharing a look amongst themselves. 
“Do you want to see something amazing?” you ask, your eyes flickering over to Bakugo. 
“Please don’t make me blind,” Denki begs, starting to ramble about needing to be able to see pretty girls. Jiro shushes him and then focuses back on you again. 
You raise your hand to Bakugo, taking a deep breath before slowly giving him the ability to hear. Everyone looks to him when he drops his chopsticks, his hands shaking as he stares wide-eyed at his plate. His chopsticks landing onto the table is the last thing you hear before your own hearing is gone. 
“I’m confused. What happened?” you read from Sero’s lips. You remain quiet and just keep smiling, your eyes focused on Bakugo. Bakugo’s eyes snap to Sero when he speaks, something seeming to lodge in his throat. 
Before he can stop it, he’s tearing up. 
“Bakubro! What’s going on?” Kirishima worriedly shouts, looking between you and him. “(Y/n)! What did you do to him?” Kirishima asks worriedly. At the mention of your name, Bakugo finally looks at you.
“I can hear,” he mutters, his voice barely being heard from how thick his throat feels. When everyone starts to say that they didn’t hear him and to repeat himself, he rubs furiously at his eyes and takes a deep breath. “God, I forgot just how annoying your voices are,” he complains, trying hard not to smile. 
Everyone freezes at this. 
“You can hear?”
“What’s going on?”
“My voice is just fine, thank you!” 
Everyone starts talking at once, bombarding him with their voices. A small smile comes to his face despite his best effort, looking at all of them fondly. He looks to you again, eyeing you up as the others continue to chatter on. 
“Well, you being able to do this would’ve been nice to know a long time ago,” he grumbles. You stare at his lips, doing your best to read them. The average deaf person can only understand about 30% of what someone is saying based on just their lips though. 
“Sorry, can you use JSL?” you ask politely before picking up your chopsticks to begin eating. 
This causes everyone to freeze once more. 
“But why?”
Seeing their confused faces, you realize that you never explained your quirk. You give them the rundown before finishing with, “When I use my quirk on someone else, I lose the sense that I’m taking away or giving. So, in this case, I gave Bakugo hearing so now I can’t hear. This is all temporary, of course.” 
The table vibrates with Bakugo’s hit, making your eyes widen as you look at him. “Take my hearing back away,” he demands, not using JSL despite your wishes. Your brows furrow at this, luckily understanding what he said anyway. 
“What? Why? You were so happy just a minute ago,” you reply confusedly. 
“No, I wasn’t! I’m perfectly fine being deaf! I don’t want your pity!” he shouts, grabbing the attention of nearby customers. With him talking so fast, you weren’t able to catch what he said. This is when an idea comes to mind. 
You simply look away from him and down at your plate, starting to eat without another word. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” Bakugo shouts, realizing too late that, duh, you can’t hear him. “Don’t ignore me!”
Ah, the irony.
The others eventually get him to calm down, bright and warm smiles on their faces at seeing him act like his old self. Don’t get them wrong, he still acts like this all the time but there’s this...new fire to him that hasn’t been there in a while. 
When he finally lets it go, you all start eating. The others use JSL to talk to you, seeing as how they all learned it for Bakugo, despite the fact that he didn’t want them to use it. It was a nice dinner, really. 
When the night comes to an end, you all stand up and walk out of the restaurant together. “So, when will Bakugo lose his hearing again?” Kirishima asks curiously, signing out the words for you.  
“Well, I can only use my quirk for so long before it starts to become dangerous, just like when you guys use your quirk for an extended amount of time. Because I use my quirk so much though every day all day, he could stay like this all night. I’m assuming we are all going our separate ways though…” 
“Oh, okay. Well, we all really appreciate what you’re doing for him,” Kirishima signs with a kind smile. You smile back at him, not seeing Bakugo say ‘I don’t.’ 
“It’s no problem at all, really. I just wish I knew about it earlier, so I could help him sooner,” you apologize, turning to look at Bakugo now. By the look on his face and the way his mouth moves, you’re assuming he scoffed.
“Do you think we could hang out again soon? I think it would be good for Bakugo to-”
“What’s with that crazy idea? I’m going home,” Bakugo snaps before turning to leave. Seeing him leave, you slowly raise your hand and switch both of your hearing back. You bite your lip when he stops, the sounds of cars going past on the road and the chatter of people nearby suddenly going silent for him once more. 
He almost feels like he’s going to be sick. 
He turns back around, wondering how he can get you to give his hearing back without actually saying he wants it back. His eyes widen in surprise when all of the sounds come back, a small smile coming to your face. 
“Not everyone has the opportunity to get their hearing back, even for just a little while. So, be grateful.”
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It took a while for Bakugo to finally warm up to you but after a month or so, he finally accepted your presence. It took him three to actually refer to you as a friend. It took half a year for Bakugo to admit to himself that you’re his best friend; he’d never tell you or Kirishima that though. It’s been a year and he still can’t admit to himself that he likes you more than as a friend. 
Bakugo takes a bite of the food you made, his face scrunching up in mock disgust. “What did you put in this? Rat poison?” he jokes. It honestly didn’t taste half bad but he wasn’t about to admit that out loud to you. 
He watches you dance to the music that he can’t hear, your lips moving as you sing. He wishes he could hear it. He watches you stop and turn to look at him at his insult, your mouth showing your scoff. 
“Do you want to die?” you ask as you swipe your thumb across your neck. He smirks at you as he makes a show of taking another bite. He doesn’t hear you hum but he watches as you sign, “Yeah, that’s what I thought, chump.” He’s the one to scoff now, his eyes rolling with his annoyance. 
He’s told you time and time again not to use JSL but you never listen. He secretly appreciates it because he doesn’t have to piece things together when you use it. He still acts peeved when you do it though. 
“I’m not a chump. You’re the chump,” he snaps. You set your food down before walking over to the big speaker on your kitchen counter that is currently playing one of your favorite songs. You stand in front of it and place your hands against it before raising your other hand over to Bakugo.
His ears are suddenly greeted with the sound of the music, a frown coming to his face as he looks at you. While he appreciates being able to have his hearing back, he hates that you lose yours in the process. He’s pulled out of his train of thought when you start singing, his eyes becoming wide. You use the vibrations emitting from the radio to keep tempo, singing in sync with the artist.
Talking without hearing was easy for you but you’ve never tried singing without your ability to hear before. This shows as you softly sing, your voice shaky and out of tune at some points. 
It’s the most beautiful thing that Bakugo had ever heard. 
Your voice is as sweet as caramel. He watches you with a soft smile on his face, not even realizing that it’s there. When the song comes to an end, you bring your food over to the speaker and eat while your free hand remains pressed against the speaker to ‘hear’ the music. 
To his surprise, one of his favorite songs comes on after a couple of minutes and you grew so excited when you realized this. You belt each word with immense confidence, not a sign of hesitation or worry in your voice. 
This is when he realizes that he’s in love with you.
More with Katsuki Bakugo
Tag List: @nojammsss03​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
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my-infp-world · 4 years
INFP Music Collaboration Project: Complete!
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The INFP Collaboration Playlist Project is now complete! 
In total we had about 200 songs submitted and that completely blew me away! Thank you all so much for participating, I had no idea that it would get this many responses! 
Thank you especially to @rokokokokolores,  @stillnotknowing, @anypassingthought, @2nerd4this, @sonsoftie, @aseratreasures, @infp-relatable, @lunagirl0013, @idunno-justpicksomething, and @namhamjoon (please let me know if I accidentally forgot to tag you)
These are just the participants who were okay with being named but also thank you to all of the anonymous participants!
Here’s the final playlist from everyone’s suggestions, including some of mine that I threw in even though some of you beat me to the punch for a few songs.
Here is the INFP Music Collaboration Project!
Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2F8xgXYEKiJSBOo7g8IvON
I was thinking of doing another one of these in the future but just make up my own prompts and put them all in one form and leave it open for a while or forever and just update the playlist twice a month or something like that. If you have ideas, just drop a comment or an ask if you want it to be anonymous. 
For those who want to know what the playlist turned out to be, here’s the list of songs with their categories below this break:
Silver Dagger - Live at Cecil Sharp House - The Staves
Today I Sing the Blues - Aretha Franklin
Pink Moon - Nick Drake
White Flag - Joseph
Black Swan - BTS
Indigo - Origa
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto
Yellow Lights - Harry Hudson
Red Hill Mining Town - U2
.stage 4 fear of trying. - Frank Iero
Symphony No.5 In B-Flat, Op.100: 2. Allegro marcato - Sergei Prokofiev
One More Time with Feeling - Regina Spektor
100 Bad Days - AJR
R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
+THNX190519+ - CL
100 Ways - Jackson Wang
Day 1 â—‘ - HONNE
18 - Anarbor
Two - Sleeping At Last
Three Tree Town - Ben Howard
Fumes - EDEN
Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey
T-Shirt Weather - Circa Waves
ME! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco) - Taylor Swift
Dream - Priscilla Ahn
Carnival Hearts - Kayla Diamond
Yam Yam - No Vacation
Motivation - Normani
Wake Me Up - Avicii
Alligator Alley - Michael Daugherty
Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
Sincerely, Me - Mike Faist
Cheerleader - OMI
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson
Shine A Little Light - The Black Keys
Dynamite - BTS
Prelude in E-flat minor - Dmitri Shostakovich
Sick of Myself - Matthew Sweet
Salute - Little Mix
Smother - Daughter
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
I Am The Best - 2NE1
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
King - Years & Years
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston
I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross
Rain - MIKA
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy
Jump in the Line - Harry Belafonte
We Are the Tide - Blind Pilot
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Open Road - Lost & Found Music Studios
Vasoline - Stone Temple Pilots
Walk in the Night - Kaori Kobayashi*
Fáinleog - Live - The Gloaming
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Kiss - Prince
Olalla - Blanco White
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Whiskey and Morphine - Alexander Jean
Meds - Placebo
High - Sir Sly
June - Florence + The Machine
Here's to Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
Void - The Neighbourhood
Clouds - BøRNS
Love Wins - Carrie Underwood
Shukumei - Official HIGE DANdism
Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey) - BTS
The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
Love Come Down - Kalafina
Here Comes The Sun - Remastered 2009 - The Beatles
You Are the Best Thing - Ray LaMontagne
Pokemon Theme Song - The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet
Someday - From "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"/Soundtrack Version - All-4-One
How We Love - Ingrid Michaelson
Everything You Ever - Neil Patrick Harris
Bluebird - Sara Bareilles
The Christmas Shoes - Newsong
Amen - Amber Run
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
The Beach - The Neighbourhood
Kimi Ga Hikari Ni Kaeteiku - Kalafina
Memories - Maroon 5
No Choir - Florence + The Machine
Should I Stay or Should I Go - Remastered - The Clash
Love On Top - Beyonce
Keep Your Head Up - Ben Howard
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Samson - Regina Spektor
One More Sad Song - The All-American Rejects
No One - Alicia Keys
Poison Prince - Amy Macdonald
Love Story - Taylor Swift
7 Things - Single Version - Miley Cyrus
Rude - MAGIC!
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Lean on Me - Bill Withers
Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin
More Than a Feeling - Boston
Killing Me Softly - Frank Sinatra* 
How Sweet It Is - Michael Buble
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
Hold You in My Arms - Ray LaMontagne
Never Stop (Wedding Version) - SafetySuit
Skinny Love - Birdy
That's the Way It Is - Cassidy Janson
Angel - Darren Hayes
Titanium - Madilyn Bailey
There Must Be An Angel - ORIGA*
Mr. Tambourine Man - The Helio Sequence
Rude - Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
Bad Guy - The Interrupters
Africa - TOTO
Beautifully - Jay Brannan
Creep - Radiohead
Cupid - Sam Cooke
Your Favorite Thing - Sugar
Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
For Good - From "Wicked" Original Broadway Cast Recording/2003 - Kristin Chenoweth
Take Me or Leave Me - Idina Menzel
Something To Believe In - Jeremy Jordan
Dancing with the Devil - Wolf Gang
Holding Out for a Hero - From "Footloose" Soundtrack - Bonnie Tyler
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) - Train
Waterfalls - TLC
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Memories - Maroon 5
Men Of Snow - Ingrid Michaelson
The River - Kyla La Grange
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
The Fear - Ben Howard
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
The Good Part - AJR
Build It Up - Ingrid Michaelson
Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield
Happy Home - Lukas Graham
Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik
The Road - Hurts
Lost in My Mind - The Head and the Heart
Love Like You (feat. Rebecca Sugar) - End Credits - Steven Universe
Esmeralda - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Company
West Side Story: Act I: Maria - Leonard Bernstein
Nina Cried Power (feat. Mavis Staples) - Hozier
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Roxie - Renae Zellweger
Grace - Florence + The Machine
Sukiyaki - Kyu Sakamoto
Fuckin' Perfect - Melanie La Barrie
Who's Got a Match? - Biffy Clyro
Into The Fire - Thirteen Senses
Bang The Doldrums - Fall Out Boy
I Was Here - Beyonce
Neon Gravestones - Twenty One Pilots
Danzon No.2 - Arturo Márquez
Most Girls - Hailee Steinfeld
(Finally) A Convenient Truth - Get Well Soon
Stand by Me - Otis Redding
Such Great Heights - Remastered - The Postal Service
To the Beginning - Kalafina
Here Comes a Regular - 2008 Remaster - The Replacements
Night Rather Than Day - EXID
Wonderwall - Remastered - Oasis
Waiting for the End - Linkin Park
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
Human Nature - Michael Jackson
The Longest Time - Billy Joel
Love, You Didn't Do Right by Me - Rosemary Clooney
Before Our Spring - JONGHYUN
girls - girl in red
Conversations in the Dark - John Legend
Just like Heaven - The Cure
On The Street Where You Live - Frederick Loewe
Still into You - Paramore
Five Variants of "Dives and Lazarus" - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Black Woman - Danielle Brooks
Eyes Nose Lips (feat. Taeyang) - Epik High
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Requiem - Laura Dreyfuss
Hurt - Christina Aguilera
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Pretty Hurts - Beyonce
Just like Heaven - The Cure
i'm lonely - Luz
Skylark - Aretha Franklin
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
Going Under - Evanescence
Muddy Hymnal - Iron & Wine
Rush - Aly & AJ
Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) - Santana
Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men
She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds of Summer
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Vienna - Billy Joel
The Pros and Cons of Breathing - Fall Out Boy
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
Sweet Nothing (feat. Florence Welch) - Calvin Harris
Lonely Dance - Set It Off
*Could not be found on Spotify
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omgtaxtwerk · 6 years
Buy TrafficZion For More Traffic To Your Website!
Buy TrafficZion For More Traffic To Your Website!:
Read more >> https://ift.tt/2EKbK23
My Review
In today’s review we are discussing the software TrafficZion. Okay, so if you know me you will know I am completely biased about marketing software! What I mean is, I am in love with it! It’s my favourite thing to use in business. Plus it’s one of my favourite things to try, buy, read about and talk about! So when I discovered this little gem I had a lot of fun getting it setup and playing with it in my business. …Of course with the goal to grow my business and generate leads from now until the future. I totally geek out on new software that can help me get more exposure and shamelessly promote my business and to be honest, so should you. There is so much that needs to be done behind-the-scenes to grow a small business so thankfully God has given us the internet and the right to share our skills and services to serve others. I have to be honest with you seriously I did not want to share this one! So you can take it as a sign anytime I say, “I do not want to share it and I am being selfish!”, that is the benchmark for awesome results! Ha ha. Yet, I have a duty to share amazing tech and digital marketing tools that can help self employed peeps and entrepreneurs to grow so it’s better if I show you rather than tell you - Checkout the photos of videos below.   If you wish to keep reading then here is my opinion on it:  I absolutely love software that is designed with one main purpose for marketing on one main platform and TrafficZion definitely takes that into considersation, because if focuses on helping you to generate laser targeted traffic from a specific source which is very overlooked. It’s quite funny, because many people use WordPress and it’s very close to that, however, I did not think about this method until I heard about TrafficZion. So why do I love it so much?  Well it’s very simple; it works on autopilot and it does the leg work for me to engage with the people that I find interesting and then it attract them to my website showing the valuable information and services that we offer. People from a totally new social platform begin to engage and comment and even sign up and I really appreciate that. It is all ethical so what could be more enjoyable than adding this to your marketing Arsenal for boosting your traffic? We know that it can bring in new visitors, which way would not have connected with at this time because I simply would not have known about us however now they do and the small interaction really helps for the long term to grow a business full stop What is traffic In a nutshell?  So far I’ve told you exactly why I love it, so let’s talk a little about the features, because I really like to know exactly what I am getting when I’m investing in marketing software. TrafficZion is a software you pay for ones and you can download it and install it onto a Windows PC you then set it up once with your login information and link it to your Wordpress site and then it draws in hundreds of targeted people and doubles your traffic. Potentially it can even triple it and that depends on the keywords you are targeting and the quality of your site. The benefit is it saves you a boatload of time and you’re virtually getting traffic for free and your laptop is doing all of the work for you. another advantage is TrafficZion provide updates and they give improvements to the software completely free so you definitely can’t complain about that full stop on top of that they even have a Facebook support group where you can ask questions and get help from, Demetris Papadopoulos, the actual creator of the software! I believe that is very reassuring and it’s one of the things I love about independent web developers and software creators you definitely don’t get that Direct personal touch with mainstream marketing Solutions so why not take advantage of that now. furthermore comma traffic is iron works with any niche and any WordPress website so you have nothing to lose. For example if you are in finance coaching digital marketing web development blogging entertainments arts music law legal local business and the list goes on and on you can apply these exact strategies. I’ve also had a look behind the scenes and they have very helpful step-by-step tutorials on how to Leverage your software and really make the best of it using the strategies that they teach full stop you then use your creativity and your own business targeting to focus on growing the traffic to your website. Let me also clarify it does not depend on the age of your website or your location none of that matters not even if you are just starting no doesn’t matter if you’ve been in the game for decades. this is a great little software to add and use the whole year-long for increasing the visitors to website it really is that simple two thumbs up! I have to be transparent and tell you about some of the concerns before we go ahead and make your purchase today. the main factor to consider is that this software is really designed for one main website and one main marketing campaign, although it is unlimited and you can add different accounts if you wish however to comply with the terms and regulations of the social media sites I don’t recommend doing that because it’s better to focus your efforts in one place and use a software to grow naturally because that will protect your website and make sure you’re interacting in a compliant way ( I just tried to explain that as politically correct as possible!). What this really means is if you have a very large and established company then this one is probably not for you, however my dear friends who are self-employed individuals and solo digital entrepreneurs then I would say jump on this and jump all over it right now you have the advantage to use this TrafficZion method and software for your business development online. Another another factor I want to be care about is it does depend on the quality of your content when visitors come back to view your website and interact comma so there is no promise for overnight sales at the same time the sky is the limit if you have a mindset for Success. Faithful in your success!
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Want More? Since I began my business I’ve been putting together a dynamite method using the best digital marketing tools that you can use to gain exposure, make money online and shamelessly promote yourself. Did you enjoy this review and insight into the marketing software? If yes, would you be interested in an easy and detailed guide on how to make money online? If you would, or you have questions regarding this post, let me know in comments below. Questions? Ask in comments >> Did you like this post / method?… Let me know in comment.
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  From The Desks Of Demetris  & Alek… Welcome
I want to get straight to the point with you… So let me start with the fact that  "Traffic" is the life line of any online business… When I started out in this industry, I didn’t know how to get traffic.  I was using one method I was doing manually, where it got me my Free Targeted Traffic, on a daily basis back to my own websites.  I had to do this manually and it was very time consuming. Hi, my name is Demetris Papadopoulos (DPAPA) and I’m a Successful Affiliate Marketer and Blogger, and I’m here to share with you a software tool, which I specifically created for anyone wanting free targeted niche based traffic back to their Wordpress websites or blogs. The trick here was to actually use un untapped reputable platform as a means of finding that traffic and the way I used to do this on my own, was usually, very time consuming, and most of the times, I would get lazy and really leave cash out on the table. I really wanted a tool to help me do that for me on autopilot. This idea has become a reality after partnering up with talented Alek Krulik, who saw my vision, and developed this new traffic software for all of us…..myself included. Once we developed it,  and turned it on…We were actually shocked by the results we saw. We started to see free organic traffic back to our website almost immediately… With new views, visits, follows, likes, engagement and leads, where we generated commissions through various offers we are promoting through our blogs as well as an increase in our Google Adsense Monetization, every single day, all done on complete autopilot, ethically, and effortlessly. There is no risk of you getting in trouble, since our software is ethically following the guidelines of the reputable platform we are getting our traffic from. Scroll down to learn more… From the Desks of, Demetris Papadopoulos & Alek Krulik  
Demetris Papadopoulos
Affiliate Marketer | Blogger  
Alek Krulik 
Developer | Internet Marketer 
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is TrafficZion in a nutshell? This is a simple-to-setup software that virtually ANYONE can use to start getting consistent FREE traffic on complete autopilot. The traffic comes from a legit untapped reputable traffic source.   *This is a Windows Based App (Mac Compatible through the use of Parallels Desktop)Q. What makes this different than other softwares  out there? No other software lets you set up a complete autopilot stream of targeted traffic for free. ! And this works in ANY niche.Q. Do I need tech skills to do this? We made sure that we made this a seamless and very SIMPLE process so that any newcomer can be up and running with TrafficZion in no time. With that said, no difficult tech skills are required whatsoever.Q. Do I need a list to make this work? Or any prior experience? No list is needed to do this. No prior experience is needed either. Literally all you need to do is follow our crystal clear steps for the initial setup process & you’ll be up and running with TrafficZion Q. Does this have to do with paid traffic? Are there any other investments required? Nope! The whole idea and concept behind TrafficZion is to get a constant flow of steady FREE highly-targeted traffic so you can monetize your websites and blogs quickly. Q. How SOON can I expect to see results? You can easily see results the same day! Because you’re controlling the outcome and can run it on autopilot. Q. Are there any upsells after I purchase? Yes - There are a couple upsells after you purchase and although they are optional, we highly recommend you consider picking them up because you will find that they are of huge benefit to you and can really SHORTCUT your success even more with the TrafficZion. Q. What if I need help or have questions? If you need help, get lost or have any questions, simply contact our support desk by clicking on the ‘Contact’ link below. We are 100% committed to your success with our TrafficZion Software. Q. Can I Get My WP Account Shut Down? No.  We have made sure that we are following the platforms guidelines, so that our software works ethically with the platform , to bring you the results we are mentioning above.   Nothing to worry about.  
TrafficZion Full Demo Walkthrough 
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We’re 100% Confident That You Will Love Our Amazing Product And Once You Set It Up , You Will Be Seeing Your Free Traffic Coming Right Back To Your Websites. We Are Offering A 30-Day,  Money-Back Guarantee With Our Software.    Show Us That TrafficZion Did Not Bring You Traffic Back, And Get Your Money Back.
All rights reserved | Copyright d-papa.com & http://TrafficZion.com 2018  | Privacy  |  Disclaimer  
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. TrafficZion is not endorsed by Wordpress Platform, in any way.  Wordpress or WP is a trademark of Wordpress site.  TrafficZion is a stand alone software helping users engage with the WP platform on autopilot, ethically. 
Read more: https://ift.tt/2EKbK23 from Tax Preparation Services https://ift.tt/2GYH7Yq
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