#tagging all the ships for blacklists and for my own organization
Thanks for your response. I was the anon who ended the ask with 'the fandom can suck it'. When I saw that anon who you and twinanimatronics had assumed to be the one that keeps you know starting shit with you, I really hated that they labeled us as shipbrain or whatever they said. I am aroace who finds comfort in shipping characters and that doesn't make me any less aroace. Can't people like them just let us have this, let us share it and stop taping our mouths? God. We are not even hurting anyone. I posted a solarxmoon and solarxearth mini comic thing yesterday and behold, I believe that same anon found it and is looking adamantly through the solarxmoon and even solarxearth because I didn't use the tsams tag for my comic. I took the comic down fast and turned off anon messages so quick because God that anon was quick to leave nasty messages, six in total and that was panic attack inducing. I'm sorry for rambling about this. I don't know anyone else who got that same anon on their back. It looks like they are persistent for lack of better term and it annoys me+scares me. Can't even share things I like about here anymore. Hoping solarxmoon becomes canon so that anon can shut up already
If Solar Moon became canon, they don't even need to change anything.
The actors don't even need to pretend to kiss or be romanically involved at all.
It's literally as simple as "Oh yeah, we were dating for months, anyway..."
OH AND... FUCK THAT ANON. I know the user you are talking about, I think there's around two or three of them... and it seems like they're dead set on hunting down people who use that Solarmoon or Solar x Moon tag.
Going into popular users in the tsams fandom that I personally don't know... and spreading bad lies and rumors about me.
Like, they typically try to keep it as vague as possible, like "oh I am not talking about dana-chan-the-control-brain specifically....." but they often steal the exact wording and turn of phrase I use.
Cause I have an overly wordy way of talking on the internet.
I've always been this way since I was 15, so I feel my style of speaking is pretty overly wordy, rambly and long compared to most people just because I don't have a lot to share with my opinions with in real life. And I also misspell things a lot cus spellcheck has gotten worse since it became AI trained and it doesn't help my dyslexia.
But how sad is that? That someone is searching out the tag for a ship that they don't like, claim that "it's everywhere" and I'm "poisoning the fanbase" when I'm just.... here... playing with my own dolls, doing my own thing.... and not bothering anyone... Not even putting the ship in the tags publicly because I have Such respect and love for the silly little youtube show, who also plays with fnaf characters like they're dolls.
(just saying.. "bio-organic" and interdimensional travel did NOT come from fnaf I can tell you that much. )
And yeah, if they're really stumbling across Solarmoon or these ships on accident.......Blacklist the tags and move on? Don't come to my messages... Don't harass my friends...
And don't harass other people I DON'T EVEN KNOW because someone just said "hehe but what if they kissed" on the internet?
Like blocklist the tag, and move on.
I know the blocklisting tagging system sucks sometimes, so maybe it's picking up "Solar" like in that case? Just scroll super fast and don't look at it?
And yeah. You don't deserve those nasty messages sent your way at all!
Oh, and if you feel brave enough to reupload your art to tumblr and DM me, I will gladly reblog it here. <3
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aventurine-official · 7 months
((any tips for starting an rp blog?))
(Mod Minie's rp tips and tricks!
I have quite a few tips, but of course, they don't work the same for everyone. Feel free to use only what you think is necessary!
~ First of all, most definitely do make guidelines. Make the rules clear for people who will be doing rp with you, and respect their boundaries in return. It's most definitely okay to tell others you will not be discussing nsfw topics even if you are not a minor. I've just found that having rules is a nice way to set your boundaries and to avoid incidents easily. I have a rulelist in my intro post, and if you'd like to borrow it or interpret it into your own words or adapt it to fit your needs, then by all means!
~ If your rp blog is a sideblog, send your asks on anon, naturally. But no matter what kind of asks you send, it can be useful to tag your url as a signoff so that when the other person answers your ask, you get a notif from the tag.
~ One of the most "obvious" tips is to have different symbols or font styles for different parts of your rp. Every system is different, and none are expected to be alike. For example, many people use brackets ( ) for when they are speaking out of character, and quotation marks " " for when characters speak. I like to use italics and asterisks * * for my muses' actions, but there are many other ways to do so. Don't be afraid to be creative, as long as the difference is clear to identify.
~ Another tip is to slowly make yourself comfortable in the rp community you're in. Don't be afraid to talk to other moderators because most of them are really great people! This is also a skill that will come in handy later if you need to discuss the conditions for a rp thread or about doing rp for a certain ship together.
~ This is not necessary at all, but I highly recommend making tags. Whether it's to separate your asks from your reblogs, to sort interactions with certain other characters, or to identify your anons, tags are super useful for being able to organize your threads. As some people might not want to see the rp threads that get very long on their dash and instead want to see asks, that way other people can benefit from your tag system too by either following tags or blacklisting as they need. Also-- as a person who like showing some of my rp to other people, the tags are handy for me, too.
~ If possible, find a mod with a masterlist for your rp community. In my case, @/dr-ratio-official holds the HSR masterlist :) It can make it easier for people in your community to find you and to interact!
Mod Minie's rp advice!
These next ones are not tips, necessarily, but I find them incredibly important to know, especially if you're a beginner.
~ There is no rush. Rp doesn't have a time limit, and most other mods will be thankful they get a response from you at all and do not mind waiting from a few days to a month. Please do not let anybody pressure you into answering an ask or into replying to a thread when you do not have the energy. Rushed rp might not always be in character.
~ Don't worry about picking a character somebody else has roleplayed for! Picking a new character can be a handy choice to integrate into a community and to make yourself known, but you should only rp as muses you like! Don't worry if you share the same muse as other mods, just have fun!
~ Don't be afraid to have headcanons for your muse! You don't need to run around trying to prove it's true or get it approved officially. If your headcanons apply to your interpretation of your muse, so be it! If it bothers other people, that will be their choice to avoid interactions or not. In fact, I've often seen other mods agree with headcanons lsagdkagskf
~ Do not feel forced into discussing topics you do not want to discuss, whether in character or out. If you get an ask you'd feel uncomfortable answering, just delete it. It's easier and much less stressful.
~ Do not feel guilty about having favourites or about being someone's favourite, if your muse (or someone else's) has several mods who rp as them. Of course, certain people will have bias towards certain interpretations of characters. Some mods like doing more multi-paragraph rp, and will tend to interact more with certain mods who rp a muse versus other mods who rp the same muses. It's the same thing for more silly, less serious rp! It all depends what style you like, and I'm sure you'll find wonderful people who you enjoy doing rp with :)
~ Make sure your rp community (whomever you choose to interact with) is a safe and fun space for you and others! Do not be afraid to speak up if something makes you uncomfortable, and do not feel badly for cutting off interactions with a specific mod or anon if they do not respect your rules or begin to harass either you specifically or somebody else.
~ Lastly, just have a blast. That's what rp is for, bringing joy to yourself and others, as well as growing closer to your muse(s)!
I'm so glad you asked me for advice ahaha it makes me feel more experienced than I am! I hope this helps :) ~ Mod Minie)
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ship-talk · 10 days
This is a blog where I'll be analyzing ships, so literally shiptalking lol Everything is properly tagged and organized, so you shouldn't have much trouble navigating and finding your way around here ^^ I needed somewhere I could yap about the things I'm into without talking my friend's ears off, so I made a blog about it.
I'm big into organizing and listing things, and I really like thinking about all the possibilities of fictional relationships - my goal here is to share my thoughts about and analyze ships from the media I'm into. Don't expect constant or frequent posts, as I am a very very busy college student, but I'll try my best to post whenever I can :)
RULES - I will discuss and talk about pretty much every possible major ship from a specific media. Yes. It's almost every possible ship. This includes ships considered "problematic", "immoral" or "illegal" in any capacity. If that makes you weirded out or uncomfortable in any way, feel free to block or mute specific tags related to the content you do not want to see. Content warning for:
Mentions of abuse and violence
Toxic, unhealthy and codependent relationships
Fictional incest/pedophilia/etc.
Mentions of SH and illnesses (eating disorders, for example)
Canonical character death
Canon divergence
And possibly more. All of it will be properly tagged. Not all of the ships I analyze or talk about will necessarily be romantic or sexual in nature - I could analyze a ship as platonic, familial etc. But that doesn't mean it's the only possible perspective or interpretation of that ship - Those are just my thoughts. If you have diverging thoughts or want to add something to what I said, feel free to send an ask! This should be a given, but I feel like i need to outwardly state it: I do not condone, approve of or encourage any of the relationships considered toxic or problematic listed on this blog in real life. I will be talking, speculating and analyzing fictional relationships and fictional relationships ONLY. Emphasis on the fiction, here. This blog does not have a DNI list. However, if you are hateful, disrespectful or otherwise just rude towards me or other people, you will be blocked and ignored. Asks and submissions are okay! You can yap about the ships you like - Any headcanons or thoughts you have about them, things you like about them, etc. Pretty much everything is fair game, however, i will refrain from posting asks that are too negative or otherwise just rude towards other ships. Here are some examples of asks I will avoid posting:
"I hate X ship so much, It's gross"
"Anyone who ships X and Y are in need of serious help"
"X shippers are so annoying!"
"My favorite ship is X which is soo much better than ship Y in every way"
I also will not be publishing asks that contain disturbing or graphic descriptions or images, and you will likely be blacklisted from this blog. This includes real life images or descriptions of gore and abuse, death threats and violence.
Extra thing i would like to mention - My goal here is to analyze ships critically, giving my own opinion about them and whether they work or not, how they work, etc. I will try to be as fair as possible with my analysis, and will still talk about ships I don't particularly like or care about. However, I will try my best to stay civil about it and won't hate on any of the ships discussed here. I still have the right to have my own opinions about it, though.
Another thing, I will mostly only talk about ships from the media I'm into, and avoid talking about ships from media I have no knowledge about or interest in. FAQ -
Q. Who runs this blog? A. This blog is ran by only one person at the moment (me lol)
Q. Who are you? A. You can call me Nate (he/it pronouns only) I am an adult
Q. What is your main blog? A. I'd rather not share it for safety reasons
Q. Can I DM you? A. Sure! It might take me a little while to reply, though
Q. Don't you have anything better to do? A. Yes. However. I need. To make lists. And analyze things.
Q. What's your favorite ship from X media? A. Oh you will find out as soon as I start talking about it,
Q. When are you gonna analyze X ship? A. Pretty much whenever I feel like it. And have time for it
Q. What media are you going to analyze next? A. Who knows!
Q. Can I be an admin on this blog? A. Uhhh I just plan this to be my blog, so at the moment I am not interested in recruiting admins. Thank you for the interest though!
Q. Are you a Proshipper? A. I mean, I do believe in not harassing people for their fictional preferences, so I guess??
Q. What is the purpose of this blog? A. It makes me sad to see how negative fandom has become. Everyone focuses on the things they hate and instead of focusing on the things they love, people tend to spread hate and turn on each other for no reason. I just wanted to shed some light on ships that are either under explored, overshadowed, forgotten or have their tags filled with hate posts. I hate feeling like I'm alone in fandom spaces and I don't want people to feel that way either.
Q. Is Togekiss your favorite Pokémon? A. It's one of my favorites, yeah :)
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mha-ship-of-the-day · 6 months
Welcome to My Hero Academia: Ship of the Day!
New ships post every two days!
General Rules
Not spoiler free for the anime, manga, or spinoffs
SFW, any suggestive reblogs will be tagged as such
Be respectful to ships you don't like, shippers you don't agree with, and artists that are reblogged to this blog
Filter tags as needed (tag list below)
Tagging this blog on your own or someone else's art for that days' ship is highly encouraged and we will reblog
Ships can be read platonically if you choose but this blog will not specify
Any hateposting in the comments, reblogs, or inbox will cause a similar ship to be added to the queue (ex. "I hate dekumight" will result in shinzawa being posted) Reblogs of this nature will be tagged with #public suggestions
Submission Rules
EVERY SHIP IS ALLOWED! Every ship means every ship. Every combination of characters is on the table to be submitted. Extreme, weird, and/or personal rarepairs are highly encouraged.
Polycules of any size are allowed and encouraged
Canon x OC and OC x OC will not be allowed
Canon x real life people (such as voice actors or Horikoshi) are not allowed
Crossover ships are allowed as long as you list the media the other character is from
Submit as much as you want in the inbox or DMs. Submission asks will not be posted publicly
Polycule and Crossover pairings will be on a request only basis. They will not show up naturally if you do not submit them yourself.
Tag Categories
Every posted ship will be tagged with one of more category for organization and filtering purposes. Please read and blacklist any tags you are uncomfortable with for the best experience.
Student Ship - used for ships where all characters involved are under the age of 19 (ex. IzuOcha)
Adult Ship - used for ships where all characters involved are 19 or above in age (ex. DaveMight)
Age Gap - used for ships where one character is under 19 and another is 19+ (ex. TogaTwice) this tag will not be used for ships between two adults with a notable gap in age.
Incest - used for ships where two characters are confirmed to be biologically related (ex. DabiGeten)
Love/Hate - used for ships that are confirmed or can be reasonably assumed to be hostile to each other in the narrative. (ex. Shigahaul) The majority of ships involving Himiko Toga or Katsuki Bakugou will not be approved for this tag.
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funky-gobbo-art · 1 year
Disclaimer and CW: Okay so I'm a sap and I like corny sweet endings for ships I like. It's been really therapeutic making this cause it makes me happy, minus the internal cringe feeling I got. Okay so this AU has trans male pregnancy and themes related. I will tag this as both "mpreg" and "tmpreg" so it can be blacklisted from those who do not want to see. Past references to a toxic relationship, the Vietnam war, bigoted views of the time period and everything that Mafia 3 and the game series already has. Okay so that's the warning I'm gonna go into it now!
So, my previous post went into my trans headcanon for John Donovan and explaining how it works. Now I'm gonna go into shipping stuff and fan-kids/love children (whatever that trope is called).
Lincoln and Donovan met in 1966 in Vietnam under the same circumstances like in canon, they got along well and became close friends. Donovan thought Lincoln was trustworthy enough and decided to come out to him, Lincoln took it well, had some questions but he adjusted with no problems.
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Since they worked one-on-one a lot, they decided to have a "stress relief" arrangement only when they're working alone together. (You know what I'm talking about lol).
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Never got caught, used protection and other methods. Were able to focus on their tasks as they were ordered. Worked out for the most part. Kind of started to catch some feelings but nothing was ever acted on but it only hit when Lincoln was sent back home Feb. 1968.
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Lincoln got swept up in everything when he was back in New Bordeaux, reconnecting with his family and friends. This part still plays out like in canon, dealing with the Haitian mob on Sammy's behalf, the Federal Reserve heist, and finally the betrayal that same night.
Lincoln lost his family, friends, and was left for dead. Father James saved him from the burning bar and he was in a coma for a few months.
Before Lincoln went unconscious, he told FJ to call Donovan
Wherever John was and was doing, he dropped everything and went to Louisiana.
During Lincoln's time recovering, John got files on the Marcano's and anyone affiliated, stole from the F.B.I, etc.
By the time Lincoln's conscious and walking again, he starts his revenge plan to take out the people that took out his family and build his own criminal organization ontop of the ashes.
John promises to help anyway he can , despite not really being C.I.A business.
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Shortly after all that, Lincoln and John go back to the "stress relief" thing. Lincoln's other excuse for it is wanting to feel another person close, kind of coping with loss.
Game plays out, Lincoln is able to recruit Cassandra, Vito and Burke as his underbosses. Lincoln takes over territories that the Marcano's had control over.
The DLC stories play out in between the main events of the game, starting with Sign of the Times, Faster Baby!, and Stones Unturned. Lincoln still has a thing with Roxy, but nothing more comes between them, she leaves Sinclair Parish and the state and her and Lincoln just end as "just friends".
Stones Unturned is mostly the same but near the end of the storyline, Lincoln becomes fed up with John being so secretive and wasn't satisfied with what John told him earlier.
John finally reveals that him and Aldridge used to have a relationship years back and it wasn't the best, got worse actually when Connor started working for the NVA, he really messed with John's head during the time. Once he started catching a whiff that Aldridge might be working as a double agent, Aldridge "distracted" him and afterwards disappeared shortly after. Lincoln can tell John's holding back on some more details but is satisfied for now that John opened up that much to him.
Once Aldridge was dead and the warhead was secured, on the boat ride back to New Bordeaux, John finally tells Lincoln that him and Connor had an illegitimate child that Connor didn't know about.
The kid, a boy, was born a bit before Donovan and Aldridge's confrontation in that alley in Saigon. John had the kid in secret while working in his own to track down what Aldridge was really doing.
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John contacted Jackie back in the states so he can send the kid to her and she can find the baby a good home. She'll occasionally give updates with how he's doing these days, like when he got in contact with her in New Bordeaux, she told him how the boy, now named Jesse, is doing with his adopted family, before Lincoln comes to her for help in Frisco Fields.
After Lincoln left the submarine and before Aldridge is officially finished off, John drops the bombshell on Connor telling him finally he has a son and then leaving it there.
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Understandably this was a lot for Lincoln to take in, since earlier him and John were talking about this penpal girlfriend John had for a short time. Lincoln was just finally relieved that John was fully honest and vulnerable with him while telling him all this and Lincoln did his best to comfort him.
They get back to New Bordeaux and Lincoln finally makes to the Hotel Paradiso to finish off the Marcano's and complete his revenge.
Lincoln meets Donovan and Father James at the church, FJ tells him to leave, Donovan tells him to take out his underbosses. Donovan leaves first to leave Lincoln and Father James alone.
Eventually Lincoln decides to go to the Eaglehurst plantation to meet the underbosses, he spares them and they all celebrate their newfound success and their new crime family becoming official, the underbosses leave and Lincoln stays behind to think on things late into the night. Donovan drove past the plantation and noticed Lincoln's car was still parked in front and being as nosey as he is, he goes into the driveway to poke around to see if there's anyone alive in there.
Lincoln's pleased to see Donovan again, they talk, have a little argument about Lincoln sparing the underbosses but settled it cause Donovan ultimately trusts Lincoln's final decision and drops it. Lincoln tells him to stay awhile to celebrate since he still has some liquor left over and he knows John has more in his care. They can have a proper send off and goodbye without the place burning around them or Father James' prying eyes.
They drink throughout the night, get into their feelings, and....you know... get into it. Since it was kind of not planned and messy, there wasn't any protection or precautions. It was very much in the moment.
They wake up later hung over but Donovan finally says goodbye because he really wants to go back to Virginia to finally separate from the C.I.A, and they don't know honestly when they'll see each other again.
Lincoln goes back to The Hollow to get settled into his new life as the crime boss of New Bordeaux.
Since leaving the C.I.A takes a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy, John had some time to clean out his old living space and tuing up loose ends, he did start feeling sick during this and figured since he's not out yet, he might as well see the special doctors there before it's to late. One doctor he knows who knows about him being a trangendered man was the only one he trusted with full check ups. John thought he had some weird sickness he caught from the Louisiana swamp and did a few tests. After some time the doctor called him back to the office with some news.
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John knew it was Lincoln's because he hasn't been with anyone else and the timeline just makes sense. He had a lot of thoughts, whether or not he should keep it, or put it up for adoption, etc.
He was finally separated with the C.I.A in 1969, and gave Lincoln a call to tell him he's coming back down to New Bordeaux, he didn't say much else because he doesn't want Lincoln to worry but he'd rather also tell Lincoln in person, he feels he has a right to know.
Lincoln's still living in the basement of the now renovated Sammy's Bar, living relatively comfortably all things considered, all the bosses deliver on their kickback, Burke passed away and his daughter Nicki takes over the Irish Mob, which Lincoln likes cause now he actually has a FRIEND he likes as one of his underbosses. He has a lot of plans for New Bordeaux, he wants to use his ill gotten gains for some good. Of course after he gets the call from Donovan, he's happy he's going to see him again and he really wants to to ask him if he'll stick around to officially be his long term advisor since he helped so much.
John comes back and decides to stay in another motel, since he set fire to the last one and calls Lincoln again telling him to meet him there. Lincoln shows up happy to see Donovan again but he can tell John's a bit uneasy. They have a quick catch up and John finally cracks and tells Lincoln the news.
Despite what John was anxious about, Lincoln was surprisingly happy with this news, he's always wanted his own kids someday and despite having a Crime Family now, he still wants to have an actual family as well, he just wasn't sure when it was going to happen. Since John wasn't sure what to do with this, seeing Lincoln's reaction gave him some relief and they both talked things out on what to do and how to handle this.
John also said he was going to come back to Louisiana anyways since he had some leads pointing back to the state for his side project he's been working on. Lincoln convinces John to live with him in Sammy's and tells him it's not a problem since John doesn't really have a lot of personal things to move in with. He just wants John close by so he can keep an eye on him and help him if he needs anything.
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John becomes a shut in once he starts obviously showing, which works for him cause he usually likes working behind the scenes, and also he doesn't want to be outside when it's hot out. Lincoln gets really protective and even smacks cigarettes out of John's hands if he catches him trying to smoke. John calls back on getting help from Robert Marshall on his side project and any time Lincoln isn't around to help him with errands and stuff. Marshall pokes fun at him, making some comments that annoy John a lot but he is used to it cause he's known Marshall for awhile. He'll tolerate being called a "cranky mom" if it means he can get drive through food.
Lincoln also eventually introduces John to Nicki Burke, making her the only underboss that knows about the gangs advisor, but Lincoln just wanted to introduce a friend to his partner and knowing she'll be understanding and supportive of the situation. They withhold the information that he's now an ex g-man though, maybe later.
During the whole pregnancy, Donovan was very moody/cranky and was forced to switch from cigarettes to chewing gum, drove Lincoln nuts with all the popping. But when it got closer to the time, Lincoln knew it would be safer if he just got one of his doctors to come to his house for the delivery. He was very anxious and kept telling the doctor if he makes any out of pocket comments about any of this, he will make him regret it.
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Their baby girl was born September 1st 1969. Her name is Danielle Clay, not named after anyone, John just thought it sounded nice. They call her "Dani" for short.
After she's born, John sleeps in for a bit and once he's feeling normal, he stretches his legs out by going on walks around the Hollow. If anyone gives him weird looks and asks questions, he'll either say he's a single father or lie and say Dani is his niece he's watching for his nonexistent twin sister. If Lincoln goes out with her, he'll proudly say that she's his daughter but then gets quiet when people ask who her mom is. Lincoln could use his newfound power to tell the truth and not let anyone try to attack him about it but he wants to do more good things for the community first before he does that, also him and John need to get their stories straight.
Despite how scary her parents are, Dani is a pretty happy little girl, she stares at people and smiles and once she can talk she says hi to a lot of people.
Even though Lincoln is happy he has a family now, he knows a lot of people wouldn't approve of them, and ofc since he's a powerful crime boss now, he knows he has enemies and if they find out about this, they will target them. He's not that worried about Donovan on his own since he can handle himself, he saw all he did in Vietnam, he knows what he's capable of, but if people set their sights on his baby.... it's something that stresses him out, he doesn't want to lose his new family. He will not let that happen again.
Donovan on the other hand has a lot of mixed feelings, he feels weird feeling settled and comfortable for once, he's happy he can keep this kid, but he also thinks back to his childhood, he wants to be the opposite of how his parents were, but he also keeps having things his mom said to him play on repeat over and over. Which flairs up his identity issues. For now he keeps trying to keep Dani from getting into his files while he works and he picked smoking back up but goes outside so it's not in Dani's face.
Lincoln, despite being told by the Father that they are done when he last saw him, goes back to FJ's house to ask for help. James refuses to talk to him until he hears Lincoln tell him he has a baby now and needs help with caring for her. FJ begrudgingly hears him out. Lincoln kind of helped with the younger kids back when he was in the orphanage but hasn't had much experience with babies before, he knows FJ is a good person to go for this since he's good with kids. Of course he wants to know who the "mother" is but Lincoln is apprehensive to tell him right away.
FJ does agree to ONLY be involved in Lincoln's life again just for the kids sake. Donovan loudly announces his presence by going "HAHA I GUESS WERE ALL FAMILY NOW PADRE!" and it's like FJ ages 20 years right there as soon as he hears Donovan's voice again. FJ has no problems with Lincoln being in a relationship with another man and that man being transgender, it's just....why did it have to be him??
Those 2 will never get along but FJ gets attached to Dani right away. He talks Lincoln into sending her to Catholic school when she's older because he knows people there that will keep and eye on her. Donovan hates that but allows it to happen.
During all this, Donovan keeps working on his side project and getting closer to discovering more about Senator Blake.
Will add more about Dani's childhood and what happens after the senate hearing.
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My name's L (they/them), and this is a sideblog for all of my unhinged reblogging, frantic organization, and a general collection of things like art, theories, or prompts that I want to use as inspiration for my own fanworks! My main is @that-tall-queer-bassist, and I have a side blog for s2 of empires smp prompts @s2esmpprompts :)
We like the minecraft roleplays in this house, so buckle up!
The Tagging System I use (masterpost soon to come i promise XD I just have to make sure it works first)
Rules are, 1. don't be a dick, and 2. keep criticism to yourself unless its requested. Exceptions will be made, if I spread misinformation or say something bigoted (I try my best not to, but I'd rather know if I mess up so I can fix it).
Feel free to send asks or dms about anything :)
Warning! -> this blog may contain nsfw recs, theories, or similar things. Shipping is on a "do what makes you happy" basis. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, either blacklist the appropriate tags that I have listed in the tagging system masterpost, or leave now.
If you'd like me to collect a certain type of resource/inspo/post, send an ask and I'll see what I can do :)
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the-fluffsticks · 9 months
Blog Information and Rules
Hi! This is Tumble speaking as myself. I just wanted to toss my goals for this blog alongside a quick set of rules and boundaries for interaction.
Goals and History
The fluffstick AU was first conceptualized in December 2020 when I decided that I wanted to figure out a way to toss my versions of the main sticks from Animator vs Animation into an ARPG I play called Kingdoms of Griffia.
Because designs for the game needed to be original, I enlisted help and started from my own personality concepts and worked backwards. This resulted in original designs for each of the stick figures that I could then mess about with as I wished.
Since then, the AU has been through many iterations but has always remained an Animator Vs Animation AU at its core. In fact, even now the early events of the AU continue to largely follow canon (though I fully expect that to be ending soon). The sticks start out as sticks and only become fluffsticks after they end up marooned in the world of the Griffia ARPG, an event taking place an indiscriminate time after the AU branches off from canon.
My main goal with this blog is to bring this story that I’ve been fleshing out for years now to a wider audience- both telling it and writing it using input from the asks I’ll (hopefully) be getting. My secondary goal is to become faster and better at drawing and writing in general. I’m hoping this project will be great practice. The final goal is to simply get this story out of my head and into one place. That in particular has always been a problem for me and I truly think that this format will be the best way to keep me motivated long enough to get all of the details out. XD
That being said though, I do have some pointers and rules I’d like to put out there regarding how this blog will be ran.
~~ Blog Rules and Guidelines ~~
- First and foremost, this ask blog is NOT first come first served.
As much as I would love to answer every single ask, some simply may not fit the story or vibe I’m working with. As such, I may hold them back for another time, reword them, or not address them at all. At the end of the day it’s totally up to me.
- Asks will be answered utilizing whichever form of media I prefer at the time.
To maximize motivation and minimize the possibility of burnout, I may switch between visual art, writing, or a combination of the two when answering.
I will not promise a certain type of response to any given ask and requests of that nature will be ignored.
- My characters are adults and shipping is a thing that I do. However, my content containing shipping will always be skippable.
I enjoy shipping my characters but I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. To accommodate this, none of the main story will involve romance or shipping and any shipping related asks will be optional.
Blacklist the tag “#fluffstick shipping” to banish this optional content. I promise I don’t mind. :)
- I’ll be using tags to organize the blog. If a topic comes up that I believe might be triggering, I’ll use a standard tw tag.
I haven’t decided yet if I’ll be putting a TW at the top of the post as well, but I’m leaning towards no as of right now. This is subject to change.
- If an ask isn’t canon to the story at all, I’ll use the #noncanon tag. If the answer to the ask is canon but the interaction isn’t, I’ll use the #ROC (rule of cool) tag.
In the Fluffstick AU’s canon, the fluffs are marooned on an isolated website and as such face to face interactions with other OCs aren’t possible. However, I love this kind of content in ask blogs so I’ll depict it when I feel it’d be fun!
“Rule of cool” simply means that while the face to face interaction in itself isn’t canon, what the characters are saying or how they are interacting is possible and/or accurate!
- More characters will be introduced over time, and their availability for asks will be announced when necessary.
Characters may become available or inaccessible for asks depending on where the story currently is.
- If you need to contact me (the author), please shoot an email over to [email protected].
This includes asking if your ask was eaten.
-These rules and guidelines are subject to change at any time!
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chaos-husband · 11 months
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Rules, Whitelist, and Blacklist
● I accept requests, but please do not demand for them to be done. Editing is a hobby for me and I have other obligations in my real life. I will do them when I am able to.
○ I support the critical consumption of media, but I do not tolerate pro-shippers or anything similar (pro-fic, anti-anti, com-ship, etc.) In that vein, I do allow requests for media deemed "problematic" as long as they are not listed on my blacklist.
● I will never allow requests that involve pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, or any form of bigotry or antisemitism!
○ Please read the info on each edit for crediting me. Most of my edits do not require credit, but there are exceptions while I must be credited.
● Do not use my work for commercial purposes, including NFTs. You are also not allowed to use my edits for roleplay, on or off Tumblr. This is a very personal thing for me, so please respect my wishes on the matter.
○ Do not repost my edits without my permission and never claim my work as your own. You're free to use my edits as page deco or materials for your own edits, but please do not claim everything as yours. - That said, if you are using my work for HTML or Markdown based websites then please use my posts as the image source or upload it to a PRIVATE image hosting source. Discord is no longer a viable host as of 2023.
● Anon is always turned on and you are allowed to claim an emoji, combination of emojis, or label/title for yourself. I will keep a list and tag.
○ This is NOT a trigger list. Its is just for personal comfort.
Any YouTuber-specific fandom
Yandere Simulator
Your Boyfriend (Game)
Harry Potter
Anything that focuses on eyes (more than 2, eye horror, realistic eyes, etc.)
Medical themes (plague doctors excluded)
Bugs and spiders (Muffet from Undertale excluded)
Real people (actors included)
● This list is long, but not full. There are some sources I no longer interact with, but am still willing to edit for (E.G. South Park). The list is also organized in alphabetical order.
○ I'm not opposed to spoilers for any sources I haven't caught up on yet! Feel free to spoil me on anything lol.
● I'm open to editing anything as long as it's not on my blacklist.
○ Anything in bold is a hyperfixation or special interest of mine!
AKIRA (Movie only)
The Amazing Digital Circus
BanG Dream: Girls Band Party
Chainsaw Man (Up-to-date on the manga!)
Demon Slayer
Dragon Ball (Classic, Z, Super, and GT)
Dragon Quest (7, 9, and 11)
Elder Scrolls (Oblivion, Skyrim, and Online)
Fallout (New Vegas and 4)
Final Fantasy (10 and 14)
Genshin Impact (Not an active player since 2.1)
Guilty Gear
The Legend of Zelda (Full series, but esp. Twilight Princess)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Murder Drones
My Hero Academia (First season only)
My Little Pony (Gen 1, 3, and 4)
MySims (Classic Wii, Kingdom Wii + DS, Agents Wii)
Naruto (No Boruto)
Okami + Okamiden
Persona (1-5 and spinoffs, but esp. 3 and 4)
Pokémon (Gen 1-8)
Project SEKAI (+ Vocaloid)
Shin Megami Tensei (3-5)
Sonic the Hedgehog
South Park
Splatoon (1-3)
Stardew Valley
Static Shock (2000s cartoon)
Steven Universe (Show + movie, not Future)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 and some 2003)
Total Drama (All seasons including 2023)
Undertale + Deltarune
Wings of Fire (Caught up to book 8)
Xenoblade Chronicles (1, 2, and X)
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roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 4/14/23
Title: your broken old sentimental heart
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Welcome to the Punch (2013)
Relationship: Max Lewinsky/Jacob Sternwood
Additional Tags: Needles, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, CANNON - Soulmates, On the Run, Scars, Kinktober 2017
Summary: Six months after he let Sternwood go a second time, Max feels the buzz again.
His soulmate is near.
This rec. Oh boy, this rec. *rubs hands together in glee*
Today’s rec comes from the beautiful, yet painful world of my rarepair collection. Because I am a glutton for punishment, I ‘enjoy’ latching on to ships with less than 100 fics to their name on Ao3. Every time is the last time, I swear to myself. But then I find another one.
This once specifically is Jacob/Max from the movie Welcome to the Punch - played by Mark Strong and James McAvoy, respectively. If you’ve seen the movie then you know. The chemistry is BANGING, their looks are FIRE. And you just know that the hatefucking would be Off. The. Chain.
But this fic is a bit sweeter than your typical Jacob/Max fic (as typical as you can get in a ship with less than 50 fics?). A bit gentler. A nice little Soulmates AU. Well, slightly AU, that is. It’s implied that canon stuff still happened, but with the added bonus angst factor of them being soulmates on top of everything else. It’s short but sweet. The characterization is on point. The smut is hnnnnnnnng perfect. And there’s a nice little bit of hurt/comfort at the end. A truly great recipe for a stellar story. The real danger of a fic this good is that it makes me want to sit down and watch Welcome to the Punch again. And nobody should have to subject themselves to that movie more than once, lol.
Next Week: Controversial pick for next time, guys. Brace yourselves, because we’re diving into RPF fic! If it’s not your thing, don’t worry - it’ll be tagged appropriately for anybody’s blacklist, and I won’t hold it against you - but I still strongly feel like you’d like it if you gave it a chance. After all, it’s an AU. The characters in it are not supposed to be the actors themselves - one’s a doctor, the other a scientist - their names are just the same (and they look the same too, of course). So perhaps that mitigates the ick factor for you a little bit? Either way, I understand if you skip this next one. It’s really fucking good though.
See you next Friday!
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kurjakani · 5 months
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Hi! I'm Kani (or Kurja/Brutus). I'm an illustrator/graphic designer and fine arts student. I post art & other creations and ramble a BUNCH about my interests and life.
I also post a bunch in finnish since I'm trying to make more local friends :) oon vähä sosiaalisiin tilanteisii sopeutumaton erakko höperö aika awkward mut rakastan ihmisii ♡
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Oc blog @foulfeast
regular cohost and nsfw art cohost
i have a nsfw blog on tumblr w censored art & nsfw blorbo discussion, asl for the account in dms. age in your bio/pinned or note your age in your message!
Ask me about my professional instagram account or personal nsfw/kink blog
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kaniart kaniwips kaniedits (fandom edits) kanivids (my own videos) kanipics (photography)
kani goes to artschool kaniworks (job related)
kanitalk (all of my chatting) kani liveblogging (liveblogging stuff i watch/read etc) selfie kedonkukka (my dog) selkieposting / sealposting suomitumppu (finnish posting, both my own & reblogged)
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Ocean, ships, seals, water, medical stuff, old men and women, art, art history, sailors, lighthouses,
Horror movies, Columbo, Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul, AMC The Terror, Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit, The Magnus Archives, Baldurs Gate, Cyberpunk 2077, Bleach, Columbo, the Sopranos,
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ocean & shark dividers green dividers simple green dividers
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simpforroses · 2 years
1 Year Blog Anniversary
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—Law’s hat addition on my persona recommended by another lovely artist/writer @starrybrujita 💖 (it actually suits the Lady of Heart anniversary dress I designed lol)
It’s surreal how it’s been a year! Thank you to all 163 of you for taking a look at my small art corner on here and leaving a follow, along with all the positive and substantial feedback for miscellaneous creations I make too ❤️ It makes me happy to see that I can inspire some emotion and make someone’s day through my works or surprises that I sometimes do on a whim, as I take pride and genuine time in everything I make, since most of what I create here is from scratch and from the heart, whether it be art, writing, graphics, ideation, etc. As some may notice, I’m not as active as I used to be last August-March due to work and other reasons, but it was an experience being on the content-creating & active side of things, after years of only using this platform as a passive viewer for hobbies and fandoms ☺️ Once again, I can’t believe I made it this long and I am grateful for your support! 🌹
‼️Important Notes (please read)‼️:
-> I’ll continue posting art here & try for a rebound, but will go back to square 1 with making art for its own sake, without tagging people on my main account’s artwork—for now—to see how this blog continues organically (unless someone asks for a taglist or to be tagged. If so, please feel free to let me know which characters/content-type 😊). At the beginning & when I was most active, I usually was the one taking the 1st step towards people, bending over backwards, and speaking up for others, even if it did not directly affect me or could be shown on the surface-level of this blog, because in my mind, taking initiative was, and is, the right thing to do, even if it meant being ignored, burned, or blacklisted…it’s been a ride with ups & downs, but now it’s time I take a step for me.
->After some positive surprises on here during this week, I chose to set refresh instead of going with my other consideration to leave, so this blog can re-gear into the direction that I wanted it to be when I 1st started: a place that is artistic, fun, & unapologetically me, that still remains honest in integrity, actions, confidence, and eloquence of expression. I’ve tried quietly fading out from here, but wind up being pulled back in, in some way, so I may as well come back with a new approach. There are many things I can and wanted say about what led to these reflections. But, I won’t. After all, this is a small space that likes to make humble personalized tokens of happinesses, with big ideas, a big knowledge cache, and a bookish girl who only has 2 hands & voice that speaks more than what is seen or heard. Plus I’m going for a refresh, so I only look forward to what I can create from now on. I named this blog a “Shop of Embroidered Hearts” for a reason, after all ❤️ Though, I’ll also start being more active on Instagram by the same usernames:
@/simpforroses for general main art | @/scalpelandrose for OC/self-ship | @/michelle.hong is my personal account for general interests, memes, and hobbies. —I feel that who I am as an individual does not suit or ‘fit’ into what the Tumblr fandom environment is or has evolved into. After months of half-resolutions & holding out, I want to test my options with both platforms to see what happens (the ‘/‘ are there so there aren’t any pings)
I will be opening a digital commissions option sometime soon, as I now have a good workflow & am more confident in my skills 🎨
Writings & focused OC/self-ship content will still be on my sideblog or on my Blogger site once I fully set that up (for more personal freedom of content when it comes to naughty graphics) 🌹
I’ll still be around in the background per usual when I can ❤️ Occasionally for a few inbox drops, reblogs, or writing events when invited.
Thank you -M. 🌹
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parasiticghostwasps · 2 years
I’m Wasp, welcome to my blog! I’m an ace white trans dude and I like the visual novel with the pigeons a normal amount.
I tag my art as #wasp art and my other posts as #wasps text
I post some things that people may be uncomfortable with, in particular, fictional incest, fictional relationships with predatory age gaps, and pictures of bugs (including spiders and wasps).
Some notes on how I tag things for blacklist purposes under the cut.
I tag all insects, spiders, slugs, snails, and terrestrial isopods as #bugs. I also specifically tag #insects, #wasps, #spiders, etc, as much for my own organization as for blacklist purposes.
I tag incest ships as #shipcest.
From this point onward, I’m going to start tagging ships between teenagers and adults with a significant age gap as #ageship. I will not use this tag for age gaps between characters who are both solidly adults.
I will not tag art of canon incestuous or predatory relationships (such as Akio and Anthy or Akio and Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena) with ship blacklist tags unless I have reason to believe OP intended it as ship art.
For the most part, I tag for characters and fandoms in fandom posts. I usually tag characters with their full name if they have one. If they don’t have a full name, I tag their name with an abbreviation of the fandom they’re from (e.g. “sans ut” or “jinx arcane”). For characters with Japanese names, I tag with their given name first and family name second. For media that I’m not fannish about, I may just tag the title of the media.
I tag for specific ships, but I try not to tag posts as a ship in ambiguous cases unless I think the OP would be okay with the post being seen as shippy.
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ibukis-songbook · 3 years
𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 *+:。.。
Hey punks and party people! I’m Mod Ibuki and this here is an imagine/fanfic blog for Danganronpa! I have a few rules for general blog management and request rulez, ya know, just to keep the vibes from getting nasty. Hope we can all get along!
Respect the Does and Don’ts, as well as the Blacklist! I do not make exceptions, unless previously specified, so don’t be a jerk face. I WILL sick Peko on you! <3
I like to keep things organized here, so here is a list of tags to know:
ibuki originals: non-requested imagines or fanfiction
c to d: not safe for tumblr writing!!
mod ibuki: faq, announcements/notices, non-writing stuff
navigation: will show you the navigation post, as well as rules, my introduction, and the masterlist, just in case you get lost!
not dr: non-writing or non-Danganronpa related content
MINORS DNI WITH THE C TO D TAG! I don’t mind you reading my sfw content, but my other stuff is OFF LIMITS! Do not read it, do not request it.
Just don’t be a bigot!!
Danganronpa THH, SDR2, 3, NDVR3
One shots (other fics will be done at my own leisure)
One shot song fics
Please specify if you want a one shot, otherwise I will write it as an imagine.
Meme-y asks are acceptable and actually a nice break for me so please feel free to request them if you need a good laugh!
Most kinks are acceptable, but please ask/refer to the non-requestable list if you aren’t sure.
Fluff/romance/mushy stuff
I mostly do characters x reader/ s/o, but if you want a ship that bad, please ask!!
Max 8 characters please! I do best with 5 or less.
Comfort (Mental illness comfort included! We ain’t ableist here!)
Ask for anything you aren’t sure of! I promise I don’t bite (unless you want me to write Ibuki biting you???), so don’t feel shy!
𝔑𝔬𝔱 𝔄𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔡:
Gross shit like that!! Get that outta my inbox!
Non-con/consensual non-con. Dub-con will depend on context! Ask if you aren’t sure, but any dub-con on this blog will likely be in my non-requests, since those will be original ideas that I am comfortable writing.
Yandere stuff/romanticizing of unhealthy relationships
Anything involving bodily functions outside of c*m when I’m doing nsfw. It makes me very uncomfortable. Blood is acceptable depending on context. Do ask if you’re not sure!
Other limits will be added as needed
Haiji Towa
Lil Ultimates outside of platonic/familial relationships (so things like “adopting the Lil Ultimates” and “Lil Ultimates’ baby sitter” is okay, but asking for them in romantic/sexual context is strictly forbidden.)
Teruteru Hanamura
Hifumi Yamada
Hiyoko Saionji outside of platonic/familial relationships (sorry, I just don’t really feel comfortable writing for her in any other context)
Tenko with a male s/o
Monokuma/Monomi/The Monokubs
Any other characters I need to blacklist will be added, but as of now, everyone else is fine!
Ibuki Mioda
Nagito Komaeda
Kokichi Ouma
Makoto Naegi
Kaede Akamatsu
Chiaki Nanami
Shuichi Saihara
Miu Iruma
Fem!s/o, AFAB!s/o, and GN!s/o, but I accept requests for all gender and sex identities, so male!s/o, AMAB!s/o, nb!s/o, Intersex!s/o are all requestable. I just work better with the first three because of personal experience.
Sub/dom relationships
Soft dom, though I can and will write hard dom.
I have a hard time writing dom s/o just because I’m a sub, but that doesn’t mean I’ll refuse dom s/o asks. I’m just better at sub s/o.
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queenofnohr · 2 years
Okay I’m gonna start organizing my AshAias stuff more diligently cuz like I said before there are potentially 15 different versions of them that can be tied to each other and some of them have questionable dynamics that are not for everyone
Insofar my plans are to divide up both my ship tags & Aias solo tag into tags for lore and then tags for creative work (art, screenshots, potentially fanfic) since those are the two tags that get the most stuff shoved into them at present moment and I wanna actually be able to find things (and avoid the MadMarx problem I eventually had where there was too much art when I wanted to find lore and too much lore when I wanted to find art)
but then as for alternate versions of Asha & Aias (but still canonical, as in like Moros and Ajax where it’s like it’s them but also not)…….. would it be better to have tags for each individual character & their ship (so, for example, Ajax & Moros would have their own tags and they’d also have a ship tag for them together) or would only having ship tags be better?
I mostly ask because on one hand, just having ship tags might be simpler because I usually talk about them in pairs BUT the con to that is when Ascian!Ajax enters the picture since he can travel between reflections. Also I might get solo art…… at least of my Ajax shards lol. On the other hand, it would potentially be like 45 different tags if I do characters AND ships but on the other other hand I really don’t wanna go back and sort through a bunch of stuff if I do end up having to subdivide by character later on
If it helps, I’m planning to make a handy dandy Masterpost of all the tags and which character/ship/genre (lore/art split for my really big tags aforementioned like Aias’ or AshAias as a whole) they go to with handy dandy links right there on my nav bar so……. Hopefully won’t be so so confusing if I do decide to split them?
And on one hand I don’t want everyone to have to blacklist like 50 tags if you don’t want to see any AshAias/FFXIV blorbos at all (but then why are u here 🥺) but on the other if there’s one character or pairing you don’t wanna see but love everything else it’s like…… it’s more subdivided to allow for that
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 2 years
~∘❀♡❀∘~ Hello there! ~∘❀♡❀∘~
I'm kadoodles, a fanfic writer and general obsessive nerd, and this is my personal blog (where I often talk about my Xenoblade obsession and my projects/ideas that come from it) as well as catalogue-blog (cata-blog?) for my current OTP of Shulk x Melia, Shulkelia for short! (Thank you Pachi for creating that name it's so scrunkly I love it).
See below for more info, as well as the tags I use for easy browsing (because tumblr's search feature absolutely sucks, please click on the tag links themselves)!
I have amassed a collection of as many of the very few pieces of art that have been made for this rarepair that I could find, and I wanted to create a blog to both consolidate all the Shulkelia energy that exists in this world for anyone to access easily as well as have the ability to communicate with people via asks! (And post general life updates so you know I'm not dead, I swear, I promise I'll never give up on writing something!)
My ask box (and CuriousCat if you don't have a tumblr account!) will always be open with anon on, too, so feel free to talk to me or ask me about anything, Shulkelia-related or not! I'd love to chat with you! :)
Here are the tags I'll use to organize things on here:
#aside for any personal text posts I make (i.e. updates on progress with my fics, announcements, random thoughts, etc.)
#ask for any asks that I answer. Ask me about headcanons, WIPs, general concepts/fluff, or share your own with me!
#fanart or #fanfic as appropriate for whichever type of fanwork the content is
#nsfw for any work that is sexually explicit (which will also always be hidden under a cut as well!). Please blacklist this tag if you are under 18/a minor and/or do not want to see these works!!!
#shulkelia will be used whenever the artist who made the work explicitly intended for it to be ship art between the two, whereas...
#xenoblade as a catch-all tag for everything on here that has to do with Xenoblade 1 in general!
#shulk and melia will be used whenever either the artist doesn't specify/intend for their art to be seen as romantic, or if it's just art of the two like standing next to each other or something. (Listen, there's not a whole lot of actual ship content out there, and I've seen too many wonderful artworks of the two that fill my heart with joy and reinforces my love of them together despite knowing the artist probably doesn't ship them. Plus if you're here you probably like just looking the two characters anyway!)
#xenoblade spoilers as well as #xenoblade chronicles spoilers whenever a post contains any spoilers at all for Xenoblade 1. Please blacklist these tags if you haven't completed the game yet!
Anything that I don't directly reblog from someone who posted their work on tumblr (which will end up being most things) will have both a direct link to its source so you can give proper love and appreciation to the artist who actually created each work, as well as an archive link I will make myself just in case something happens to the original. If you're an artist whose work is featured here and you do not want it reposted here, please let me know and I will take it down, no questions asked!
Have a lovely day! :D
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
gaylittlewizardcat’s tag master post
The purpose of this post is to avoid duplicate tags (such as having both “Mister Mistoffelees” and “Mr. Mistoffelees” as tags) and to easier navigate my blog (both for others and myself). It will probably get updated a lot with time
This post also includes tags I think I may have use for in the future, even if I haven’t used them yet, and may exclude some other tags I have used for varying reasons
(This also applies to reblogs on my main)
Accessibility tags:
I do my best to tag triggering content, though the format varies a bit (such as using tw or cw, putting it before or after etc) if there’s ever a post you feel is triggering that doesn’t have proper warnings please don’t hesitate to tell me! Anons are on if that makes you more comfortable :]
Negativity: the tag I use when complaining about stuff. I try to keep my blog fun and light hearted so it’s nothing super upsetting, but if you don’t want that this is the tag to blacklist
Undescribed: I try to add image descriptions to all posts with gifs or images, but sometimes I don’t have time or aren’t sure how to describe something, in which case they get this tag so I can easily come back to it later. Things like bingos, “get to know my ship” templates or videos are never described because I simply do not know how to format them in a sensible way. If you use a screen reader and would like for me to add a description to a specific image let me know and I’ll try to prioritize that post! Anons are on if that makes you more comfortable
“Type of content” tags:
My art: art I made!
Doodle: silly very low effort art I made!
Writing: something I wrote or plan on writing, really pretty much anything writing related
Drabble: something small I wrote, usually also has the “writing” tag
Fanfiction: something I wrote I also posted on AO3, always also has the “writing” tag
Gif: this post includes gif(s) I’ve made
Gay little ramblings: me just spewing whatever nonsense is in my brain in the moment
Reblog: self explanatory
Excellent addition: when someone adds stuff to my post I think is neat, always also has the reblog tag
Fandom event: sometimes people do things like ship weeks or gift exchanges! Sometimes I participate!
Cats fanart: both my own and gift exchange stuff!
Incorrect cats: incorrect quotes
Source: my wretched brain: Incorrect quotes I’ve thought up myself
Jellicle queues: queue tag, rarely sees usage lol
Jellicle memes: memes
Jellicle polls: polls! I think they’re fun and I post them sometimes
Jellicle asks: invitations to send asks (such as ask games)
Jellicle answers: answered asks
Cosplay: Cosplay stuff, mostly added to this list symbolically since most posts tagged with this are gay little ramblings about WISHING I did cosplay but not actually doing it
Video: some type of content in video form, most likely edits of some kind
Audio: sometimes I edit audios, most of the time they also have the “video” tag because I upload them in a video format
Edit: a variety of stuff, but usually me doodling over a screenshot
Year in review: yearly tumblr check-in cause I love stats and organization
Discord shenanigans: Discord related shenanigans
Character tags and any possible specific tags that only concerns one character:
Alonzo cats
Amunet cats (I also tend to tag her with “Exotica cats” so people who like her have an easier time finding her, but I use the name Amunet otherwise)
Asparagus Jr
Bustopher Jones
Cassandra cats
Demeter cats
Electra cats (Autistic Electra)
Etcetera cats (Autistic Cettie)
The Everlasting Cat
Jellicle dog George
Gus the theatre cat
Jemima cats (Cryptid Jemmy)
Mistoffelees (Cryptid Misto, Autistic Misto, Mute Misto, Misto and the Glitter Chronicles)
Mungojerrie (Trans Mungojerrie)
Munkustrap (Autistic Munkus)
Old Deuteronomy
Plato cats
Rum tum tugger
Victoria the white cat (Deaf Vicky)
Relationship tags (these tags may or may not get used together with both/all relevant character tags, depending on the specific post):
Bombatuggoffeleesandra (I am in rarepair hell)
Cassoffelees (platonic? romantic? qpr? Yes.)
Demecavity (Mostly past Demecavity)
Monochromatic siblings (Mistoffelees and Victoria)
Monochromatic family (Mistoffelees, Victoria and Bustopher (occasionally Alonzo too but much less frequently))
Chaos twins (Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer)
Chaos trio (Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer and Mistoffelees)
Mystic twins (Tantomile and Coricopat)
Mystic trio (Tantomile, Coricopat and Mistoffelees)
Deuteronomy brothers (Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger)
QPR Amulorum (queer-platonic relactionship between Amunet and Jellylorum)
Oldie squad (Jenny, Jelly, Amunet, Asparagus, Skimble, Bustopher, Gus and Ol’ Deut, on rare occasions also Griz)
The kittens (Electra, Etcetera, Jemima, Tumblebrutus, Pouncival, and sometimes Victoria)
Other tags:
Jellicle Cats
Pollicle Dogs
Cats OLC
Cats OBC
Timothy Scott (I usually don’t post about actors but I have a habit of not shutting up about Scoffelees)
Cats 1998
Cats international tour 2022
Cats non replica
I’m not going to mention all the different productions, I don’t keep great track of them so I just,,,, tag them only sometimes
Jellicle folklore (the Everlasting Cat as a deity and the beliefs Jellicles may hold regaring Her, and some stuff about how the magic in this world may work)
The man over there (sometimes the character himself, but mostly me complaining about people who hate on or fundamentally don’t understand the musical)
Human AU
Which Misto makeup design am I going to be Not Normal about today? (I am completely 100% biased but I think Mistoffelees has some of the most interesting makeup designs and they make me go just a little bit feral sometimes)
peak autism moment (when cats the musical,,,,, but autism <3)
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