#tagging everything just in case bc it's pretty heavy shit
corn-fanfiction · 6 months
SAVIOUR COMPLEX (Mark Hoffman x F!Reader) (Pt. 12)
(Pt. 11) (Pt. 13)
Rated: M
Tags/TWs: aftercare/ language/ past abuse/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader's life is complicated/ Mark is protective bc it's his job but he's also problematic/because he's a c*p/ Detective Gibson/slight description of bloody boo boos
“You know what I was thinking?”
You and Mark lay in your bed. He's caressing your head and you have a hand resting on his broad chest. Your bodies are slack from sex and you're still coming down from the high.
“What's that?”
“Something Gibson said,” you feel Mark stiffen. “No, not that. But…I think he had a point. A shitty one, but maybe true? He said that I was wasting my life. My talent.”
“Prick doesn't know what he's talking about.”
“I don't know. Maybe not. But still, it got me thinking…what if I could be doing more?”
“What if?”
“You gonna talk in more than one sentence at a time?”
“Fine. Do you remember what you said when we first met?”
“Um…I'm pretty sure I said a lot. Which part?”
“You said that you keep your life small on purpose. That it was control.”
“I said that?”
“You know you did.”
“Hm.” You kiss his bicep. “What about it?”
“Well, what if your desire for control is what's holding you back? That you're scared of letting it go?”
“You're a psych now?”
“Alright, fine.”
He goes to move from the bed but you pull him back playfully. He falls, you hold him to you and run your fingers through his hair.
“I don't know…you know, I have a BFA.”
He smiles up at you. “No shit.”
“Yep. English. Wanted to go into publishing.”
“So why didn't you?”
You shrug. “Ted. Needed me to work so I put everything else on hold.”
“What about now?”
“I don't know. How do I move away from the control without being afraid to fail?”
“Well, you just have to trust that someone will catch you.”
You laugh a little. “No one can guarantee that. We're all alone at one point or another.”
“Not you. Not again.”
“Yes, even me. Things happen, Mark.”
Sensing your shift in mood, Mark sits up and brings you with him.
“Hey, look at me. You're never gonna be alone again, you hear me? Never. I won't let it happen.”
You stare deep into his eyes and can barely see color for the way his pupils are blown. His breathing is heavy. He means it.
You almost feel bad for getting him worked up so you pull him in for a kiss. A hand comes to rest on the side of your neck and you sigh, leaning into his touch.
“I guess I never really thought about what else my life could be. Never thought I'd have time.”
“You do. As long as you're with me, I guarantee it.”
Maybe something about that phrasing should strike you as odd but when he takes you into another kiss you hardly care, just allow yourself to fall into him.
If he wasn't so caught up in you, Mark would be horribly bored.
Nothing at his day job, and his night job is suspended indefinitely until he can shake the precinct from you.
It's a standard day of Mark clocking in, going to his office, paperwork, patrol, stopping by some crime scenes.
It's a standard day, until he gets a phonecall.
Mark creases his brow in curious thought. “Gibson?”
“Hey, we’re down at the abandoned museum on the Bailey Waterfront. We need you down here now.”
The corner of Mark’s mouth quirks up. “Hang on, let me get my recorder. Say that again.”
“Dammit, Mark. I’m being serious. It’s an active Jigsaw trap. I’m not stupid enough to think you won’t be helpful here.”
Fuck! Mark curses to himself. Who the fuck is this guy?
“Alright, I’m on my way.”
You get the call in the middle of work and you have Gerri speed you from the restaurant to the hospital. They don't mind to do it, of course, especially considering the fact that you can't stop shaking. It's bad enough that Mark's a cop; it's even worse that he's attached to the Jigsaw case, even if unofficially at this point.
You have to press your forehead to the cool glass of the window simply to focus on that sensation, rather than the nausea emanating through your bones. You've never been a patient person. Today it's worse.
The receptionist directs you and Gerri back to the ICU where you're turned around by five different attendings until you finally find the area occupied by Mark and Gibson. Mark's jacket and button up are off and he's in the process of getting stitches in his leg.
“Jesus,” you gasp, actually getting a good look at the drying blood and the new blood that oozes from the wound. He has other garden variety scrapes and bruises, but the worst of it seems to be the leg.
But he smiles when he sees you.
“Hey, baby.”
You sigh in partial relief and hug him the way you can from his spot sitting on the bed. He presses his head to your chest and you circle his scalp with your fingernails.
“What happened?” You ask as the panic begins to settle some more. He's calm, so you're growing calmer.
Mark hesitates and you clock it. You look over at Gibson.
“What the hell happened?” You repeat, this time with an obvious accusatory tone laced into your words now that they're directed at Gibson.
“It was another trap, I called Mark in.”
Fury shoots up your spine. “So you kick him off the case just to bring him back in and get him sent to the fucking hospital???”
You make a move towards Gibson but Mark lands a gentle hand on your bicep.
“Hey, he saved me.”
You look between them, your anger paused.
“Got caught in the crossfire of a trap. Some buckshot. Gibson pushed me out of the way before I got fifty holes in me-”
You can't listen to it anymore without visualizing it perfectly and you hold him again. Maybe he senses the severity of your concern because he holds you back with his free hand.
“Hey, hey I'm alright.”
But all you can see are those photos of Ted that Gibson showed you with his body bloated and his limbs removed. Mark getting even a whiff of a bullet has tears pooling at your eyes. Any other day you'd kick yourself for being so weak, so vulnerable in front of strangers and, worse, Gibson.
“I'm sorry,” you whisper into Mark's hair. “I can't. I can't lose-”
“Hey, baby, sit down.”
You hear the scrape of a chair behind you and you sit.
“Thanks, Gerr,” Mark says. You reach behind you to hold their hand.
“You don't have to stay.”
“You sure? I don't mind.”
“I know and I appreciate that. I'll be fine.”
“Alright.” Gerri gives your hand a final squeeze and smiles at Mark before leaving. Over Mark's shoulder, you can't help but notice Gibson watching the interaction. You also finally notice that he's alone. And even though you hate him, he still saved Mark, and you feel a stab of pity in your heart.
“Gibson? You okay to get home?”
His eyes widen in surprise, not only that you'd talk to him, but that your words are suddenly considerate.
“Of course. They didn't take my legs,” he responds with sarcasm. You roll your eyes.
“You're right, I'll never ask about your well-being again.”
“Oh, so nothing will change.”
You decide that you're done with the interaction so you lean your cheek against Mark's shoulder and wrap your hands around his large one, content to stay as close to him as possible.
You take Mark home. You've never been to his apartment but the doctors said that he shouldn't drive on his hurt leg. You can't help but sneak glances over at him. He's sweating, still coming down from the pain. His face reflects yours only hours ago. His eyes are closed, his forehead resting against the cool glass. You're reminded of the instincts that overtook you during your movie night. But what you want now, to rest your hand on his neck then up through his hair. To kiss his eyelids as he falls asleep. He feels safe around you. Your heart swells at the thought.
His house is really nice, all rich and dark wood. You carry him into the living room and sit him on a leather sofa. He lifts his arm and flicks on a Tiffany lamp.
You press the back of your hand to his forehead.
“When did they give you a fever reducer?”
“It's been a minute,” he grunts, turns his head.
“Okay. Bathroom?”
He gestures to the back hallway by the staircase. You quickly tuck a lock of hair behind his ear before disappearing to the bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and giving it some cold water. You bring it back and lay it across Mark's forehead. He sighs into the sensation, and you're not proud of the way the sound makes you feel.
You like making him feel good. You like taking care of him.
Mark sits up to retrieve some preplaced glass of water from the coffee table and takes a long gulp. You watch as some of the water escapes the corners of his mouth and drips down the muscles of his neck. You swallow.
When he finishes, he gasps. He opens his eyes and finds yours.
“You can't look at me like that right now,” he mutters, lids heavy with sleepiness from the drugs.
“I'm sorry,” you whisper with a small smile, stroking his hair.
“It's not fair,” he's getting sleepier.
“I know, I'm sorry. I'm mean.”
He turns into your arm and kisses the soft skin there. He hums.
“I love you.”
And you're too stunned to acknowledge those words before he's snoring softly in your arms.
You wake up to banging.
You jump, jostling Mark who's still in your embrace. He's not quite awake but the sudden noise has you on high alert. You grip Mark's arm just in case you need to shake him awake. You're almost certain it was a banging on the front door.
Silence. You're frozen, heart pounding in your ears.
The banging comes again and you jump.
“Mark! Mark, open the door.”
Now that's interesting, you think, slightly less afraid at Gibson's voice coming through the door but still on edge, because it's- you check the clock- 3 am.
You decide to wake Mark. He grumbles.
“Mark. Mark, I think Gibson's at the door.”
More banging. Mark is managing to open his eyes. At the very least you need the noise to stop, so you help Mark to a sitting position and go to the door yourself. When you open it, you see Gibson on the other side…with about five other cops behind him. Your stomach drops. He looks about as surprised to see you as you do him and his entourage. But he also looks exhausted, like he hasn't stopped moving since he left the hospital hours ago.
“Where is he?”
Your grip on the lip of the door tightens.
“What's going on?”
You can't stop yourself from saying it. You can't believe it, but you also know immediately what this is. It's impossible, and you're not going to let it happen.
“Obstruction of justice. You want to get charged, too?”
Gibson looks over your shoulder and you follow his eyes. Mark stands in the hall, or limps, rather. You want to go to him, of course you do, but you can't move.
“I'm not gonna tell you again,” comes Gibson's voice. You look between the two men, count the police outside one more time just to be certain.
“You can't,” you whisper to Gibson, your voice wavering.
“I ain't got a choice.”
Gibson pushes in past you and your back hits the wall. Mark limps towards you but doesn't make it far before two officers have a hold of him, cuffing his wrists behind his back. He fights, what little he can, and one cracks him under the knee. He cries out in pain.
“Stop it!” You shout and run forward, but not before someone can catch you around the waist. “He's fucking hurt!! He was hurt doing his job! This isn't fair!”
“Mark Hoffman, you're under arrest under suspicion of conspiracy to murder and active murder, specifically for the killing of Theodore Simpson-” your heart cracks at Ted's name. “And many others. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you on a court of law-”
Gibson carries on but you push your way to Mark, managing to touch his face one more time.
“I'm gonna get you out of this, okay? I don't know how but I will-”
Someone has you again and Mark…Mark is silent. Doesn't return any affection or offer any of his own. His eyes stare you down though, like he's trying to communicate something. But before you have even a chance of deciphering what that could be, they're walking him out the door.
You do attempt to follow but Gibson has a firm grip on your arm. On instinct, you swing your free hand around to hit him but he catches that one too, and twists you to where both hands are caught and you wince in pain.
“Don't try to fight me.”
“Fucking let go!”
“I get that this is hard. Don't make it worse for yourself.”
You struggle a bit more and he finally lets you go, but by the time he does, the cruiser with Mark inside is already on the main road. You curse, cry, punch the door and grab your hair.
“Fuck you. This isn't fair.”
“There is hard evidence. I know you don't wanna believe it-”
“You were just at the site with him-!”
“I don't know what happened, but it happened, okay?”
He's got you cornered, but almost in a way that is an attempt at calming you. Like you're a wild animal.
“No. I don't believe you. Or I don't believe that it's real. Someone's setting him up.”
Gibson rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“It doesn't make sense! If it was Mark, why would he have stuck around for this long. Are you saying he put himself in that trap a year ago? Does that part make sense?”
“So I don't have it all figured out! But there is reason enough to put him behind bars, at least until we get this thing straight.”
You're all turned around. There are a couple more officers watching your interaction while they should probably be locking the place down-
Oh. Mark's apartment is probably a crime scene now.
“I, uh-”
“Come on. Let's get you home.”
Gibson goes for the door but notices you not following him.
“Don't make this difficult, for the love of god.”
“There's no fucking way I'm getting in a car with you.”
Gibson sighs in exasperation.
“Look. What happened the other day was completely unprofessional and I'm sorry. Shouldn't have happened. But please. Can this night just be over?”
You don't budge.
“Motherfuck- Zimmerman!” Gibson calls over his shoulder. One of the cops comes running. “I'm telling you, in front of her, that I am going to take her home now. If something happens to her, or if for whatever reason she doesn't make it home, you know she was with me. This is me alleviating her fears. Got it?”
The poor cop looks between the two of you before nodding in a slight and confused panic.
“Good. Get back to work.”
Gibson turns back to you as Zimmerman sprints back to his job.
“Alright. Shall we?”
You can't be alone. You hate it. The one person you rely on to keep you comforted in this strange brand of insanity is now locked into it.
You try to get something, anything out of Gibson in the car but he's tight-lipped. Once he drops you off, you lock your front door and sit behind it. Then you make it to your couch, then to the bathtub, filling it with scalding water.
I don’t know. This is the second time you’ve been involved. First time, you’re a witness and get his operation shut down. Second time it’s your ex in a trap. Not to mention…
I’m just saying, who else has been there the first time, and a second time?
If anyone of us would be Jigsaw, it would be Hoffman.
Irony of ironies, you never did like puzzles, and you certainly don't love being the supposed center of one. But this one is looking a little too clear. Like the picture on the box is insultingly simple and yet you insist there are pieces missing. It's a 100 piece puzzle. Just figure out the edges and work your way in.
Yes, coincidences can be bizarre and yes, they can fuck up a life. But when do you stop and take stock, and say “something about this isn't right?”
Is it when the man you love may or may not be a serial killer?
Yes, this is where most people would stop.
You grit your teeth as the water burns you.
Do you maintain some semblance of control by cutting your losses? Because at this point there is a very good chance Mark could go to jail. And with the surmounting evidence, most people would think he deserves it.
And yet you haven't seen any evidence, only heard theories that make sense when you, or they want them to make sense.
If only you could talk to Mark…
But you know they won't let you anywhere near them.
So you need someone else. Someone close to it like he is. Like you are. Someone who's been there.
You drain the tub. You wrap yourself in a robe and sit at your computer.
You've got work to do.
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geminipdf · 8 months
thank you Maurycy @maleblogger for tagging me 🌊 i love updating the unforgiving cybersphere with my day to day activities anyway here we go
Last song The glorious land by PJ Harvey
Favourite colour RED 🔺🟥🔴🧧🍎❤️❣️
Currently watching Rewatching "The Expanse" rn and im having a great time - this is a series that I began for the first time a looong time ago and it bored me, then two of my friends encouraged me to give it another try and i loved it :) I think it's one of my favourite shows right now it has 1) sci-fi shit 2) actual great female characters like im in love with every single woman in that show (well except for that pastor bc i dont respect her) 3) a lot of pretty interesting politics 4) beautiful cinematography !
Last film Little woods (2018) fell short imo and idk everyone is praising the performances but tbh i didn't like the way tessa thompson portrayed the character idk... it was an okay movie but i expected more
Currently reading: How much of these hills is gold by C Pam Zhang and i'm having a hard time with it tbh it's written with pretty heavy language, i don't know what's going on most of the time and i have to reread paragraphs to piece together what the characters are doing. the plot isn't very interesting too so i'll probably finish it just to get it over with eh
Sweet, spicy, or savory idk everything except spicy tbh
Relationship status single! in love tho :/ well kind of
Current obsession umm idk. resting and relaxing. obtaining plants for my new place
Last thing I googled:
Tumblr media
because my boss already texted me twice during my leave and my bestie's gf was like call the PIP hotline that's illegal so i checked the phone number just in case (as a joke. but like im sick of my boss)
Currently working on: I should say my masters but um.....well....i've only written 8 pages so far and that was back in the beginning of september so it doesn't really count i gues.... other than that not much just my silly little life
tagging @mifunebooty @siobhan-roys @skurwisyn @globuspolski @ursulakleguin @chwdp999 @inloif @dwukwiat @nurten @nocylipcowa @lottieurl hi guys 💜💜
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waffles-for-brunch · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @lovevamp
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
4. One's an okay oneshot, then I did a fix-it after 15x20, then I lost my mind completely and spent three years on a season 12 rewrite and now I'm back again writing another fix-it. My twilight zone is self-inflicted.
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
540,492 (insert kevin james shrugging meme here)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Just Supernatural. I started writing a fic for Baldur's Gate Bloodweave but then Destiel dragged me back to the dark side. Maybe I'll finish that one eventually.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
they're not gonna be in order bc I'm just gonna go thru my bookmarks real quick but - "And this, your living kiss" by opal_bullets "On labor" by a_good_soldier (i reread this one twice this week) "The Nanny" by Kitmistry and those are the ones i feel like mentioning. :)
5. do you respond to comments?
Admittedly rarely. Mostly because I'll open my email when I'm getting up in the morning and read them and then work all day and forget to respond. I do appreciate all the comments I get tho. And a lot of the really kind ones I send to my groupchat and/or save in a folder on my email labelled "nice comments" also just sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to say. Like idk sometimes thank you just seems too small or something you know. It's strange. Then I'll just get in my head about it and say nothing and the cycle repeats lmao. But I do read them all.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Dog you know I'm not writing any angst without a happy ending. I can't take that shit lmao. It's happy endings only in this house. Happy and found family and loveliness. :)
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I literally end everything the same way. Please I have the worst case of projection imaginable with these fics.
8. do you get hate on fics?
If I do I'm unaware. But I'd probably know it if I do, I stalk my own name and fics wherever I can because I'm insane and nosey. But nah the most I've gotten is just people being mad about a certain character's actions, but like that's not even hate it's just frustration with a character which is a given in certain circumstances. Now if someone was like "wow bad characterization" I'd be like girl, but no I think people are pretty respectful in my corners for the most part.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Bro let me tell you in "Our Old Heroes" I wrote like a singular sex scene and like maybe one or two other hot and heavy ones and good god did they take me so long to write. Like I'm not a very sex oriented person in general so writing this stuff out? Bro it's embarrassing how much poetry I put into that in retrospect (i jest, it's fine) but like I don't generally orient towards it just because it's very time consuming for me. It has to be very intimate and just right.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
So short answer no, I haven't. Longer answer I love the concept and would be open to it. Particularly if it involves Dean being psychoanalyzed in some way because that's my favorite thing to write so it would probably be criminal minds. I think crossovers have so much fun and wonky potential tho.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope someone printed my fic to bring into prison and make a black market hot commodity. It would be the highest honor. I guess that's not theft, it's just the free market. But so I guess really no, if I have I'm unawares.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of but I have had people comment in other languages or on twitter people will talk about it in a different language, which is pretty crazy. It's so wild we can be so connected to a story in that way despite not speaking the same language or growing up in the same environment.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! but as @lovevamp has said we've talked about a few that I'm certain one day we will follow through on. I've also talked with @icaruspendragon about maybe doing one at some point bc we seem to have the exact same mental illness that is the dean winchester brain disorder.
14. what’s your favorite all time ship?
I live breathe and bleed destiel, it's truly unfortunate for me.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I just have a lot of ideas in my docs that will probably never become more than the ideas they are. Usually when I start a fic like for real I follow through with it. I would feel bad if I didn't lol.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterization is pretty good, which I appreciate. If it was bad I'd probably kms (jk). But fr idk that's the biggest comment I'll get is in regards to that which I really do like because I spend a lot of time trying to find a balance and make sure I'm expressing everyone the correct way they'd express themselves or not express themselves.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes aside I do struggle with action mostly because I find it boring to write out. You just have to try and find so many different words. Ugh. I love dialogue. That's really where I start getting going. But writing action? I tend to do that last because I wanna get through all the good bits first then circle back and do the boring bits.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
listen I can barely remember english i'm sorry
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i'm an og baby i started here (destiel) and this is where i'll die (maybe not, we'll see)
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
Well, I don't really have many so it's probably the massive one. "Our Old Heroes" by adelaclancy (that's me). I was really in a bad place when I started it and I kind of just gave myself this crazy project for several reasons. One I was stopping drinking so I needed something else to do with my time. Second I was jobless and goalless and really didn't have a lot going for me and writing was really the only thing I have ever had consistently so I was like okay well I'll start this stupid project and it's gonna be like 26 chapters and 500,000 words long and it's gonna delve into all my issues through projection of these fictional characters and if I actually manage to finish it I can finally say I finished something. So I did. And I actually managed to work on myself a lot in the process. So over all that time I went from living in bad straights as an unemployed drunkard to a full time worker with a few years sobriety under their belt and a better sense of my own boundaries and thriving friendships and I dunno man, in a way that fic really was a bridge for me and I think in that too for a lot of the readers they get to see that now too. Like they can see my little notes at the beginning of chapters and how they change over time alongside the characters in the book and it's kind of an experience in that way I suppose. If not through Dean Winchester and Castiel then maybe through me, if someone out there finds a little bit of hope from that silly little mess of words then I suppose that's something to be proud of then, isn't it? Anywho...
tagging: @icaruspendragon
(Bro I know like two people sorry)
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Warframe: 7, 8, 9, 10
TF2: 6
thank u for letting me be an annoying cunt 😌
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
the closest i can say is wisp. i technically don't hate wisp, i love her both as a warframe to play as well as aesthetically but also she is so obviously tryhard sexybait, and with the amount of porn i've seen it just goes around to becoming a complete turnoff. i automatically hate any porn fanart of wisp but i love love love fanart of wisp that shows off her beauty in other ways. u can show erotic beauty without being straight up pornographic
i do recognise the hypocrisy in this with the shit i've drawn of other warframes but i like to think it's just me balancing everything out
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
again, not everyone but a BIG FUCKING CHUNK of the fandom: margulis isn't a bad choice and is just as much of an identity of "her" as the other facets of her identity (though i am aware of how many ppl chose margulis solely bc boobs and face, rip). they're parts of a whole, just that post-new war she has to prioritise different values. i'm someone who very much appreciates compassionate characters and i think the margulis identity encapsulates that very well and in some cases would be helpful especially for the drifter/operator. but i personally believed that natah was a clean slate for "her" to start over, and that post-new war needed a driving force to protect in the grand scheme of things - compassion wouldn't be enough
somehow it's only lotus-pickers who seem to have a superiority complex over this - i've never seen a natah or margulis picker who had beef over what other ppl chose 🙃
9. worst part of canon
all of the early quests especially alad v's questline have bloody awful storytelling. alad v's quests are a complete mess and even i still don't know the proper order of what happened to him (i'm pretty sure i did all his quests save for the amalgam arc in reverse). almost all of the early quests are based on retired events/operations and new players aren't even given background summaries explaining them. vor's prize as a tutorial and story quest is HORRIBLE. so much pre-sacrifice stuff has been retconned, even lore from tsd/coh/tww
10. worst part of fanon
any ppl who thought natah/lotus deserved to die for 'betraying' the operator and were even hoping we'd have the option to kill her LMFAOOOOO y'all stupid to think they'd include that
runner up contender: THAT artist who made not-explicit-but-is-most-definitely-horny fanart of nef anyo cannibalising solaris united workers
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
scout/sniper - i fucking hate that ship i see it everywhere and is the only tf2 ship tag i have blocked on tumblr. most basic bitch shit ever
heavy/medic - i love this ship with all my heart but its shippers need to calm the fuck down bc they think this ship is canon just bc the voice actors ship it as well. at best it's heavily implied in game but is ultimately still not canon, and shippers get so mad when you tell them that. very a much a "stop making the rest of us look bad" moment
ask game here!
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9tzuyu · 3 years
who you are
note: mostly made this for my own comfort, but i do hope it helps and/or comforts any fellow lesbians :]. i normally wouldn’t specify sexualities on any characters because obviously everyones going to feel differently about different characters, but like i said this started off for my own comfort bcs i was hashtag goin through it.
prompt: basically just reader struggling to accept themselves as a lesbian. sorry non lesbians :(
warnings: heavy heavy heavy on internalized lesbophobia. talks about comphet (trying to force oneself to like men) and wanting to be ‘normal’
thank u ally for proofreading <3
not tagging anyone just because i don’t want to trigger :[
. . .
you were wrestling with something, natasha could tell that much. your eyebrows were drawn together, eyes lost in a gaze. it wasn’t until the third time tony called your name when you snapped out of it.
“sorry,” you mumbled.
“well are you going to answer the question?”
natasha noted the tapping of your foot, knuckles cracking beneath the table. it was obvious you weren’t in the right state of mind to be answering any kind of question. foolishly, no one else picked up on that except for the redhead.
“what was the question?”
tony sighed, his patience growing thinner by the second.
“i asked if your report was done. it was supposed to be handed in three days ago, remember?”
your foot tapped faster.
“yeah- yeah, i’m almost finished.”
it wasn’t like you to be so late on things like this, you were usually on top of everything.
“you told me you would have it ready by today. this is the fourth time this month that you’ve done this. you’re dragging your ass and the rest of us are getting pretty tired of it.” a collective agreement could be heard from the team. all eyes were on you waiting for a reply.
if you hadn’t felt anxious before, you most definitely did now.
“it won’t happen again.” tony blew off your statement and rolled his eyes. you shifted uncomfortably, nauseous from all the negative attention.
you couldn’t help but wonder if they knew. maybe that’s why they were being so short. it made sense after all.
natasha tried making her way towards you, but she was stopped by steve’s hand on her shoulder. you were well past gone by the time she managed to scramble away from him.
your back pressed flatly against the wall, tears steadily falling down your face. hatred was all you felt. hatred towards yourself. 
why couldn’t you be like the rest of them? why didn’t you belong? 
granted, you knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. that was never the issue. the issue was the fact that it was yourself, that there was no possibility for you to ever be attracted to men. 
you were sure it would be a phase, that it would pass, that you would forget about it and never think about it again. you tried to go on dates, tried to form a relationship, tried to enjoy having sex with them. none of it worked, no matter how much you forced yourself to believe it would. 
all you could think about was how sick and disgusting you felt. and the shit representation didn’t help your case at all. the media hardly ever portrayed a good, well-rounded lesbian character that wasn’t problematic, over-sexualized or dead. 
the media only reiterated the fact that you were supposed to want men. you were supposed to find the right guy and fall in love with him, call him your husband and start a family. 
a knock on your door pulled you away from your thoughts. you shuffled your way back to your feet, drying your eyes for good measurement. 
natasha stood patiently, eyes drilled on your doorknob. if it were up to her she’d be picking your lock, but she knew that would be crossing a boundary. she went to knock again when your door swung open. 
“hi nat.”
“hey,” her voice was soft. “you’ve been crying...” she pressed her hand against your face, thumb rubbing the top of your cheekbone. 
you shrugged. it wasn’t like you could deny her, your red eyes had already given away the truth. “yeah.” 
she hummed, “may i come in?”
you hesitantly moved out of the way to let her through, cursing at yourself for finding her so attractive. 
“you know you can talk to me, you always do. why haven’t you said anything?” natasha moved to sit on the edge of your bed. “you’ve grown quiet these past few days, it’s not like you.”
“i’m just tired, worn out from work i suppose.”
she nodded, though she knew better than to believe such a lie. natasha could always tell when you were lying, something you both hated and loved at the same time. 
you sat next to her after a friendly tap on the bed. her gaze made you feel like a little kid in trouble. it was as if she already knew and was prepared to say the worse.
“i don’t believe you.” 
“well, i don’t know what you want me to tell you, nat.”
“how about the truth?” you scoffed purely out of defense. “and what good would that do?” 
“it might relieve whatever you’ve got on your heart.” you met natasha’s eyes and your lip immediately began to quiver.
“i’m afraid you won’t be able to look at me the same.” 
she softened, taking your hand in hers. “there’s nothing in the world that would change the way i see you.”
“you say that now, nat, but-”
“i wouldn’t say it if i didn’t mean it.” 
you thought about it further. natasha had never been one to judge someone based on the things they’ve been through, the things they’ve done or the things that make them who they are. she saw people the way they were, nothing more, nothing less. 
but what if she didn’t like you or see you the way you were? you weren’t sure you could handle the aftermath if that were to be the case. it was bad enough you struggled to accept yourself, natasha’s disapproval would only break you. 
“i’m a lesbian.” a lump in your throat began to form and you found yourself crying once more. “i tried so hard, i tried everything i could think of, but i can’t, i don’t like men.”
you coughed, choking on your words. 
“i don’t understand, nat! i don’t understand why i can’t be normal. why can’t i do it? if i just liked men i would be okay, i would be fine, i would be fucking accepted.” you paused for a breath of air. “i just want to be normal.” 
natasha was taken back by your confession. it was nothing near what she thought it would be. she expected you to tell her you’d been stressed or that you were scared for the next mission. 
“i’m sorry, i-”
the spy quickly cupped your face, tilting your chin upwards as a hint to meet her eyes again.
“look at me, c’mon, hey. you have nothing to be sorry for, don’t ever think that you do. i love you for who you are. there’s nothing wrong with being a lesbian. you’re normal, you’re who you are, who you’re supposed to be. you are real. i promise you are.” 
without thinking you leaned into natasha, clinging on to her for dear life. her arms found their way around your body, hands rubbing your back up and down. 
“you should be proud to be who you are, not ashamed. and if you’re not proud of yourself then please know that i am. i am so, so, incredibly proud of you, sweetheart.” she finger brushed your hair as you continued to cry. “shhh, you’re alright baby. i’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this alone.”
“it’s okay nat.” she gave your body a small squeeze, frowning at your response. “you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to force yourself to be someone or something you’re not. you don’t deserve to struggle so much for your own acceptance as a lesbian.” 
you nodded, though she could tell you weren’t fully convinced. “the only opinions you should care about are your own and the people you love and cherish. i know that’s easier said than done, but it’s true. besides, what you told me just gives me something more to love about you.” natasha finished off with a delicate kiss to your forehead. 
“this means a lot to me, nat. thank you, for everything really.” 
“oh sweetheart i should be thanking you for trusting me with such an important part of you are.” you shied away, a growing smile forming on your face as you leaned into her shoulder.
natahsa smirked, clearly aware of the effect she had on you. “who knew you could be so cute?” 
she rose her hands up in surrender, “alright, alright. i’ll stop on one condition.” 
“what’s that?” you mumbled. 
“would you let me take you out for dinner tonight? i’ll show you just how beautiful it is to be with a woman.” 
“yeah, yes- yes please, that’s fine.” natasha could’ve sworn she heard your heartbeat quicken and she had to refrain from letting out a small laugh at your flustered state. 
“we need to clear that little mind of yours. i’ll be back here at seven on the dot, okay?” a pat on the leg caught your senses as you watched her stand. the last thing natasha heard was the soft “okay” fall from your lips as she walked out the door.
you’d never been happier to be a lesbian in your life by the end of the night. 
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Shut up you did not just put a fucking db Cooper joger au in the tags
you bet your ass i did!! okay okay so hear me out:
john is down on his luck and needs cash fast
get a job? get outta here!!
john chooses the life of crime
he has this brilliant get rich scheme:
a) hijack a plane
b) get hijacked plane to call the police and give him money
c) jump out of said plane with money
d) profit
so he does the thing and learns to skydive and discovers that he’s not scared of heights so this shit is PERFECT
he buys himself a ticket and prepares for some kick ass legendary action
roger loves to travel and he’s hot so he gets a job on fake panam
he loves it but every day he gets hit on by tired businessmen and businesswomen 
its tiring okay the man’s here to do his job not JUST look like a rocking babe with legs okay??
so when the hella cute passenger in seat 8A gives him a cocktail napkin, roger was like fuck it imma keep this one bc he’s purdy
(YES he has a clipon tie but hey roger wears those little sock suspenders so who is he to judge??)
meanwhile john is fucking sweating bullets okay bc he’s got his “bomb” and he’s written his note but when he gave it to the stewardess the dude just....took it?? 
didn’t say anything??
did....did he just wink??
oh my god does the stewardess have a bomb too?????
john waits a bit okay bc he’s so stressed right now he’s pitted out the shirt he borrowed from freddie and if everything goes to plan YES he can buy him a new one BUT WHAT IF HE HAS PIT STAINS IN HIS MUG SHOT
ronnie would never let him live it down
so john womans up and grabs life by the ovaries and flags the beautiful stewardess over
“so,” says the beautiful stewardess. “you go to seattle often?”
john says nothing, just gapes up at the incredibly beautiful stewardess who might also be a total fucking idiot
“i get off work an hour after we land, if you wanted to get a drink. maybe see some of the sights?” 
john’s pit stains have now become bigger pit stains
“i have a bomb,” says john.
the stewardess (is that the right term?? shit john doesn’t know is he being sexist?? crime = good but sexism = bad) raises an eyebrow, looks down at john’s crotch, and smirks
“in your pants?”
john now has two giant pit stains and also a stiffy
“no,” he says as he grabs his briefcase. “in my briefcase.” 
thirty minutes later roger is frantically ushering passengers off the plane while armed police officers throw bags on unmarked bills onto the plane
cute passenger awkward hijacker is just casually sitting in his new first case seat sipping a g&t
roger hates how hot it looks
“sorry about all this,” says the hijacker. “you’re, um...a really good stewardess--” 
“flight attendant,” roger corrects with a scowl. “don’t be sexist.” 
the hijacker has the decency to look ashamed
“again, sorry about all this. my goal is for no one to be injured.” 
“just my pride,” says roger, dejected. 
the last bag gets thrown on the plane and the pilot warms up the engine
(“you know you’re going to go to jail,” roger warns
he’s almost sad about it
do prisoners get letters while in jail?
“only if they catch me,” says the hijacker with a shrug. “should i wear my seatbelt?” )
it’s not until they’re flying does roger realize that the hijacker (”call me deaky!”) has a plan to escape
it involves a parachute and a hell of a lot of duct tape
“you’re going to die!!” screams roger over the roar of the engine and the open door
“not if i can help it!” screams back deaky. “listen, i hope i didn’t read into anything and i hope that you might feel the same and that i’m not harassing you-- i undertand that this is a high stress job and people often misconstrue friendliness for flirty but you’re really pretty and i’m about to parachute out of a moving plane and i know i kidnapped you but--”
“shut the fuck up and kiss me!” screams roger
john yanks him in by the lapels of his panam issued shirt and plants one on him like he’d never been kissed before
roger closes his eyes and leans into him, letting himself get washed away by the kiss
deaky pulls him in closer--
right before he shoves roger into the bathroom and bars the door
roger hears what sounds like a curse and the bang of a heavy object along the side of the plane and then-- 
one of the other flight attendants lets him out of the bathroom, kindly ignoring his tears
together they close the door, knowing that whoever just jumped won’t be coming back
when its all said and done and they’re circling seattle airport, roger lets himself sink into one of the seats and covers his face with his hands
“it’s been a really scary day, huh, rog,” says dom as she pulls him into a hug. “i won’t tell anyone that you were scared.” 
roger looks out the port window at the dark forest in the background and admits to himself that he’s more scared for what might have happened to deaky
the moment’s over when the police search the plane, finding no evidence that deaky ever was there except for a clip on tie and a the napkin roger had thrown to the side once he realized it wasn’t a phone number
after an extensive interview with the police, roger is released to his hotel
instead of going to bed, he sits down at the bar and ignores the news cycling through the facts in favor of his own g&t
“is this seat taken?” 
roger shakes his head, not looking at the man sliding in next to him.
“can i buy you a drink?” 
roger laughs. “whatever you want, mate. s’your money.” 
the stranger laughs, though roger doesn’t get the joke. 
“it’s funny,” says the stranger with enough mirth that roger can’t help but finally look at him. 
he promptly chokes on his g&t, sputtering tonic all over the bar.
john hands him a napkin with a grin. 
“no one ever checks the closets to make sure everyone has left the plane.” 
(and they lived happily ever after in infamy the end)
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berrymeter · 3 years
ok perth u probably didn't see the oneus cb yet but i gotta give u my thoughts please take my thoughts.
black mirror: it feels a little atrocious and cheesy and i actually love it like it's just a catchy song!! they could have gone harder but i'm okay with it. the mv is VERY valkyrie which is cute but also boring. none of the shots really wowed me also rbw tanked their budget for this cb.. and some of their fits suck. for me this is a step up from banbakbulga though
connect with us: letdown letdownnnn i would honestly rather listen to the outro version of this song. there is no movement there is no buildup. but xion has a verse so 🥰🥰 i guess
polarity: THIS IS THE ONE.. catchy as hell mwah
happy birthday: save me. save them. the chorus is nice honestly and i like this producer but the aggressively heterosexual corny english interjections really took me out of the vibe.. it's not my birthday i'm not your girlfriend shut up shut uppppp
valkyrock: mixed feelings bc it really just feels like valkyrie with poorly arranged hard guitar in the bg there were some weird instrumental choices too. it serves its purpose which is to be a cool concert remix. there are some cool moments tho especially with the main guitar which i can only assume is kanghyun just shredding it good for him. could have gone harder with the rock concept
so overall this cb... just okay. i'm okay with it! it's def not a come back home or a tbontb (i actually LOVED tbontb era sfsgdfdgdg even the acoustic guitar in the chorus) but frankly it wasn't trying to be that. still feels pretty oneus. anywayyy this is long! i just wanted to like. open a discussion lol don't feel pressured to respond!! -tt
i can finally start answering this ohohoho
hi tt anon my beloved!!! i am ready to answer to these thoughts (aka compare them to mine hSDGHSDKJGH. also i’ll be writing like, each ThoughtTM after i’ve listened to each song, so while i’m typing that i’ve only heard black mirror)
ok so i’m done typing my thoughts and. it got VERY long. don’t apologise for length i’m also wordy <3
now connect with us. so far i didn’t like the voice editing on keonhee’s voice but the song sounds... alright... not groundbreaking but it’s alright. seoho my beloved <3 WAIT THERES NO DROP IN THE CHORUS???? WHAT THE FUCK? i don’t really like the typical kpop drops always used now but come on?? oh wait there’s a? ugh. that was nothing. well i guess it’s a song and dongju got a verse for sure. i don’t have a lot to say on it i don’t know if i’ll add it to any playlists IS THAT HWANWOONG’S FIRST LINE?????? what the hell is any of this DSKJFHKJHD i may not have noticed him before but huh what. eh. it’s a song. again maybe it’ll grow on me! but right now yeah it’s a letdown i agree.
so for black mirror i agree the mv was... cheaper than what we got with gaja, twilight & etc. like they used all the budget on their first mvs DNSKJFHKJ (and to be or not to be... i guess? i don’t remember much except Guns And Blood Bath). i don’t really mind it in itself bc i don’t watch mvs much anymore and i’ve accepted that sometimes companies will just throw whatever at the audience for the sake of money (see also: ugly dance by onf letting me down in great part bc it acts as a followup to beautiful beautiful but is literally just a performance mv with no storytelling elements whatsoever but eh what can you do right) but for someone who likes cinematography it’s definitely gonna be disappointing if they were expecting something like gaja or come back home. as for the fits i didn’t really look at them, mostly their faces? and ough they are pretty <3 but yeah i wanted to get the more negative criticism out of the way so i can talk about The Song because unexpectedly i actually really like it!! and we can thank the bassline for that LMAOOO honestly this is gonna sound mean for no reason but this is what w*nho (censoring in case it gets in tags... i do NOT need mbbs after me on this fine day) thought he was doing with his debut song (not losing you that one made me cry. the one that i forgot the name of). i really enjoy the vibe of the song even if imo it doesn’t really fit the visual concept very much? but it has strings and i’m not gonna say no to strings. strings and a sexy bassline. and yonghoon’s whistling. SHFSDHKH
no but it’s a really good song imo! it’s not... as good as say, twilight (maybe it’ll grow on me idk we’ll see but twilight really was one of their best so), but it’s still a pretty solid song and while i do like banbakbulga a lot now it feels a lot less oneus than black mirror. oh wait i have something else to say, they really should leave the rapping to ravn bc like we know kpop rappers are not really rappers but i. really don’t wanna hear leedo rap anymore. he has great vocals there’s no reason for that... ravn is genuinely enjoyable to listen to so i don’t mind him but pls rbw give leedo more vocal lessons so he can sing more (and also give dongju vocal lessons at all?? why does he get two lines per song??? they’re a 2 yr old group now there’s no excuse. is he that bad? i don’t buy it he sounded good in the rtk gaja)
black mirror also very vaguely reminded me of run away by got7 during the chorus for some reason feel free to ignore that HFKJSHKFJ
onto polarity! shit i really need wrist braces. well this is like an improved connect with us? it’s definitely catchier sdnfsjkdfh and definitely a oneus song tho that means i don’t really like what their style is headed toward... one of the percussions they keep using, i really don’t like it!! i hear it everywhere and i don’t like it! not bc i hear it everywhere but bc it’s used for anything and everything like u should be more careful with what sounds u use for what songs. but i’m also very picky in the little details when i’m focused on something i guess sndfjskh. keonhee sounds really good in this song thank u mr lisp for my life i love u :) OH WAIT LEEDO IN THE CHORUS??? VERY GOOD LET’S GET MARRIED jk not to a leo man.
then we got happy birthday....... um... i was gonna say this is fine then he said you’re my goddess and. let me out <3 NOOO KEONHEE SOUNDS SO GOOD THIS IS EVIL... WHY DOES HE SOUND SO GOOD ON THIS SONG NANODNONDD LOVE LOSES </////3 i wouldn’t say it’s unlistenable for me like english girl but i’m gonna have to turn off my english speaking brain to listen to it yeah. it’s a good song otherwise what a shame... stop pushing ur heterosexual words onto me i’m just trying to listen to a song!!! do songs have to be gendered!!!!!!!!!
valkyrock here we go. last one. last one boys & not boys. so far it’s nice tbh. HUH? they lost the vibe with ravn’s verse. okay i guess the prechorus is alright i can hear the faintest hint of strings. the chorus... the percussions should not be like that... like idk how to explain it but the rhythm is too regular and not spaced out enough, if they were gonna do it like that it should hit a lot harder. don’t give me just the big boy (idk the english name but u know the one on the drums) and the small cymbal sound... that’s not loud enough bring out the damn gong (ok i may exaggerate but like it sounds more dancey than rock either way). uhhhhh overall though i really like the mix of the heavy guitar & strings i think that’s great and they should do that more. i can only assume onewe took care of the instruments LMAO harin u should’ve gone harder than that king i know u can...
so uhmmm for me this cb is... better than the previous one. which is sad bc it was a full album. i also liked it better than tbontb bc i felt that one didn’t go hard enough and black mirror wasn’t trying to go hard in that way so it doesn’t bother me 😭 yeah it’s not light us raise us fly with us level but it’s really good still. i can’t wait for oneus to finally release something that makes me insane but tbh? tbh? the bassline might get me there anyway. sexy bass makes me deranged and i think that’s at least a little bit relatable. still... when oneus get back to their roots in ways other than valkyrock maybe we’ll ascend to a better plane. much love 💕
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crowned-ladybug · 6 years
@theglitterbombsystem @janisilverstorm <3
Okay now I realise that the catalyst for me giving this AU more thought was probably this fic, which I read a couple days ago when I was feeling too shit to even sit up (and if you like V:LD and feel up for a long fic, I highly recommend you read it. It's amazing). I've been wanting a more magical AU where magic is a more everyday concept for ages and I guess this fic gave me the final push for it (esp knowing I got hopelessly stuck with "Normality"/the Mundane Magic AU and I’ll forever mourn it).
Also, if you notice any egos missing from this (which you will), it's bc I have no idea yet how to put them into this. Suggestions on that and just in general are absolutely welcome
Tbh the basic idea was just that what if Marvin had a magic shop but not the kind where he sells like loaded dice and weird card decks and other fake magic props but one that's like. actual magic. like he sells spells and charms and actual magic ingredients and supplies and breaks minor curses and stuff.
The whole shop is just a lot of clutter but in a very endearing fashion. There's countless shelves full of containers labelled with indecipharable handwriting and all sorts of books, from recent paperbacks with white lines all over their covers and spines from being opened so much, to heavy leather-bound ones written in all sorts of languages. There are plant pots sitting on every horizontal surface and hanging from the ceiling, housing all sorts of herbs and some entirely decorative plants, the labels stuck to each pot already too faded to read, and Marvin doesn't bother to redo them because he knows what all of them are anyway. There's charms and strings of beads and ornaments made of glass and wood and clay hanging from the ceiling, from the corners of shelves and from the armada of lopsided hooks in what little free space remains on the walls. Most of the lighting is via floating balls of light, easily spells maintained constantly by Marvin's magic. A lot of them are placed on the shelves here and there in jars, because they have a habit of wandering off, getting stuck behind stuff or bothering the costumers by getting tangled in their hair or clothes or somehow making their way into their bags. There's a counter in the back where Marvin spends most of his time, made of now scratched and scorched mahogany wood with golden ornamentation, more fit to be a hotel's reception desk than the counter in a small, cluttered magic shop in a thin old town street. The windows have colourful patterns and pictures painted over them and when the sun shines in through them, the same colours are cast onto the floor. Inside the shop everything seems to have a golden tint to it despite the windows otherwise just being regular glass, and it smells of the potted herbs and a bit of cinnamon.
Varjú the hooded crow is Marvin's familiar and assistant. He knows the name of p much all ingredients and trinkets and can fetch them for Marvin, but then again, Marvin can just levitate them to himself too. Varjú's more important purpose is watching the shop if Marvin is not there, helping deal with costumers, keeping Marvin company and helping his magic remain stable and focused during harder tasks. He can also deliver things to frequent costumers if needed, or go shopping for tiny things at vendors that already know Marvin (Varjú has a lil pouch for carrying money and whatever goods he can't just pick up with his talons).
Magic in this world is an ordinary and accepted thing, tho not everyone has it. One's chances of being born with enough magic to actually do something with are probably about the same as being left-handed, maybe somewhat higher. So maybe half of Marvin's costumers are actual magic users, the other half are regural people looking for magical solutions to their problems, which is just as much of a normal thing to do as shopping online is.
I don't know Everyone's place in this, but there are the ones I do:
Signe is a witch, not incredibly powerful but with a lot of love and contentment towards her craft. She mainly deals with nature magic, and Marvin buys from her about as much as she buys from Marvin. A lot of times there isn't even an actual exchange of money between them, they just trade. They help keep each other's herb supply balanced and usable at all times, and sometimes she tempts Marvin into trading with her by offering art supplies and not magical items, which Marvin accepts very enthusiastically. A lot of the ornaments and charms hanging in the shop were made by Signe, and most of them are for sale. Signe doesn't have a shop of her own, so she brings her creations she doesn't plan on keeping to Marvin, who enchants them (bc magic items made my multiple ppl are stronger) and usually ends up selling them p quickly, and they split the profit fairly.
I have no clue whether Seán has magic or not but I do know that he keeps adopting the light ball things that end up the most hopelessly tangled into him, and Marvin lets him bc he can always just create new ones. Seán already has like three or four of them floating aimlessly around his office and he has names for each of them.
Jackie doesn't seem to have any magic in him at first glance and I honeslty don't know if he does have any magic at all. He just showed up at Marvin's shop one day seeming like an ordinary one-time client, looking like a giant nerd and acting kinda shy. He asked for a protection charm (like an actual physical charm not a magic spell), and Marvin assumed it was out of a history of bad luck or anxiety, which he could definitely understand. And because the unique items like charms don't have price tags, he gave it to Jackie cheaper than usual without mentioning it. (He tends to bring down his prices a lil if a first time costumer is exceptionally attractive or nice, or if they look like they could put the bit of spare money to good use.) But a week later Jackie came back to buy another one, and then later another. When finally Marvin asked him why he needed so many, he eventually gave in to his conscience and said that they keep running out (breaking, burning up, falling apart, etc, which protection charms only do when protecting their wearer from really great danger and thus their magic runs out) and thus he always comes back to get a new one. Marvin is baffled by how such a meek looking guy could get into mortal danger so frequently, but he doesn't pry.
Anti is, well, interesting. My original plans for him were just a kinda mysterious human with insanely strong magic and then I kicked that whole paragraph out the window. Anti was the reason Marvin met Seán and Signe. He rarely leaves shop to do his work, but he was asked so nicely (and promised a great bonus for his troubles) to come take a look at some guy's computer that they have the suspicions either got cursed or posessed by something, because it's acting seriously freaky. Usually exorcising minor demons ends with the demon either being weakened so much it has no other choice than to flee, or the demon being destroyed completely. But this demon was more than just a half-sentient inconvenience and...it didn't seem hostile either? It was defensive when Marvin tried to mess with it, sure, but otherwise it seemed more collected and maybe a bit scared, or curious even once Marvin ceased his own hostility. He decided to give talking to the demon a chance, and found that it possessed a human level of sentience and intelligence (and even a name, Anti), and that it - he just wanted an entertaining place to live (which a computer with lots of games and activity definitely classifies as) and has frankly grown kinda fond of the computer's owner too. Marvin managed to coax him out and into some other item on his person (since at the time Anti wasn't yet able to take up a corporeal form), but when it became obvious to Anti that Marvin wanted to take him away, even if he did promise not to kill him, Anti absolutely freaked out. This was his home, he wanted to stay here and befriend these people living here if they were okay with it, he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to be taken away. Marvin had to present Seán with the situation - "Look, it is a demon, but he's also pretty chill and likes your taste in video games. He doesn't mean any harm and would like to be your friend, if you'd be okay with that? I don't need to get rid of him if you don't want me to." Seán and Signe gave it some serious thought and then accepted and let Anti stay and gave him an old phone (like an iphone or something they didn't use anymore not a nokia brick) to talk and see through until Marvin taught him how to take up a corporeal form. He's now completely capable of disguising himself as human, he technically lives with Seán and Signe but he also spends a lot of time in Marvin's shop (and later with other ppl like Dark and Chase as they come into the story).
Schneep is a healer (of the magical kind), who mainly has his own herb supply to sustain his patients, but when that's not the case he comes to Marvin for a short chat and to buy some. Aside from that, he periodically buys stuff to help him sleep or concentrate (mostly lil packets of assorted herbs he himself doesn't have, and a dangly charm he hung above his desk that also just looks great). After a while he started taking two packets instead of one, saying it was for a friend who also has trouble sleeping.
Said friend is yet to show up, but instead of him (and instead of Schneep getting stuff for him) his boyfriend, a tiny man with a bowler hat and a snazzy mustache by the name of Jameson, has become another frequent visitor of the shop. When he first came in, he started talking to Marvin by writing stuff down on a notepad in his hand, and he was very relieved when Marvin told him that he knows sign language, so if Jameson does too, it should be easier. He never buys anything for himself (he has more than enough magic to sustain himself), instead he comes in for stuff to help his boyfriend Shawn with his sleep problems and hallucinations, mostly herb packets, potions and charms that get used up alarmingly fast. After a handful of times of coming to the shop, Jameson brought a crow figurine for Marvin, as a gift from Shawn. Now besides Signe, Shawn is Marvin's most important charm supplier, because while Signe's charms mostly appeal to teens and adults, Shawn's creations are toys. And I mean, what's better than a teddy bear that's a child's favourite toy being enchanted to keep the child safe or grant them good luck?
I don't know much about Angus aside from that he shows up every once in a blue moon and trades Marvin rare supplies and ingredients he found on his journeys in exchange for potions and spells.
The only Iplier I know stuff about for now is Dark, who doesn't have a fuckin ounce of magic in him, and it probably frustrates him a lot bc he slowly becomes quite the frequent visitor of Marvin's shop. He's always very polite and reserved and gets straight to the point, simply asking for this or that potion or spell, scratching Varjú's head while he waits, paying and leaving. Marvin finds him strange but doesn't mind him. The first time he comes in while Anti is hanging out in the shop, Marvin almost bursts out laughing at the blatant look of interest on Anti's face. Anti flirts up a storm, Dark is very perplexed, and once he's gone Marvin threatens to kill Anti if he just scared off one of his best costumers. But Dark isn't that easy to scare off, he comes back after the same amount of time he always does, and he even offhandedly asks why Marvin's outstandingly extroverted friend isn't present. (I have no idea how that line of the story continues tbh but it does. somehow.)
Robbie I'm still a little unsure about, but here's the idea for now. Anti spends plenty of time digitally snooping around in places he shouldn't, but he usually leaves his friends out of it. One time tho he shows up at Marvin's place in the evening, asking if he wants to do something very dangerous, probably very stupid, but probably also kinda heroic, and of course Marvin is in. Turns out, Anti had managed to track down some ppl dealing with zombies, which is a multiple times illegal thing bc 1. they rob graves, 2. they commit illegal magic and 3. they sell the thus created, mostly docile zombies as "low maintenance workforce" (in other words, slaves). When Marvin and Anti get there it turns out that these particular ppl aren't exactly experienced, only have one zombie on their hands currently, and thus they kick their asses very quickly. The singular zombie is heavily sedated, really loopy and the most interested in Marvin's shiny jewellery. They fuck off, rescue zombie included, before the police get there, bc they don't trust the police to handle a confescated zombie properly either. Back at Marvin's shop they try to get the zombie back to what seems to be his full capacity and find out that he has the intelligence of a twenty-something but the mentality of a child. When asked his name, he can only say "Rroooo....RoooOOOOOoooo...." and doesn't seem to remember the rest of it, until Anti guesses "Robbie" and the zombie devolves into happy squealing and flapping. They don't exactly know what to do with him, and after weeks of fruitless search for his family, they give up on handing him over to someone else. Robbie (who in the meantime became trained in some simpler forms of magic, tried to eat one of Marvin's magic light ball things and found himself a place in the hearts of everyone he's met) ends up living with Schneep, who has a house too big for only one person anyway and is v happy to take him in. He still spends a lot of time in Marvin's shop, tho usually in the back room/office practicing magic or crafting stuff bc he's scared of the costumers and the costumers are scared of him.
Pff, I think that's all I have for now.
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mariamuses · 7 years
Tumblr Friends
Chapter 3 ~ It’s a HE
Tumblr media
I woke up tucked in my bed like a burrito, which could only mean one thing: Elain had come home late from her date with Azriel and had found me asleep sitting in the bed with the computer on, and had shut it off, only to wrap me up with my comforter and leave me that.
I fought for a good minute, trying to get out of what felt like a straitjacket. When I was finally out, I picked up my laptop and turned it on. Or tried.
Oh, come on!
I tried for the hundredth time, but it didn’t turn on, so I figured that Elain had just closed it without shutting it off, so the battery was dead.
That meant that until I plugged it in and left it for a good half an hour, I wouldn’t be able to use it.
So, I decided to download Tumblr on my phone, so I could see how my drawings were doing. I didn’t expect them to have many notes or likes, because my account was made less than a week ago and I literally had zero followers, but maybe the tags had helped people to find them.
I logged in and accepted to get the notifications. A second later, I regretted it. My phone started beeping and making weird noises, only to shut down instantly.
What. The actual. Fuck? Did tumblr put a virus on my phone or did I just get so many notifications that my phone went berserk?
I stared my phone up again, and… Yup, there were exactly 394 notes on the drawings. Most of them were from people with usernames related to Brandon Sanderson (as I predicted), and they had also reblogged with very nice and encouraging messages. I had, as well, a few messages from people suggesting more characters to sketch and sharing their reactions to the fanart. There even was one girl who told me that my drawing of KaIadin and Syl had made her day. I answered every single one of them, trying to give good advice when they asked for it, and thanking all for sharing it. It was Sunday, so I took my sweet time with it.
However, there was a message I ignored until I was done. I wasn’t being mean, I just was on full fangirl mode because stormblessed-radiant had contacted me. When I saw the name on my inbox I squealed so loud I scared myself.
At long last, I opened it and read:
stormblessed-radiant: Hello! I just saw the three drawings you posted last night. I loved them all, but I’m exceptionally honored for the Aadya one. I don’t know how you managed it, but it’s exactly the way I picture her... I would be very grateful if you tagged me on every piece you uploaded from now on.
I gawked at the message for a long time until the noise of my computer returning to life from the dead startled me into motion. I decided to write him back, and not to worry myself too much.
Also, turn the fangirling down a few notches.
I started typing:
fey-oathbringer: OMG! Hi!!!! Sorry for not answering sooner, I fell asleep. I can’t actually believe you saw the drawings!!! It was actually my pleasure to draw Aadya. I fell in love with her the minute she appeared in your fics (which btw are fantastic and helped me get through a lot this past week) and couldn’t help myself but to draw her. I will absolutely tag you.
I pressed sent. And then I horrified myself.
Great work keeping the fangirling down, Feyre. Great work.
As I was chastising myself, he wrote another message.
stormblessed-radiant: Hello, darling. No worries, I just woke up too. We must be in similar time zones ;) I’m glad it helped you through tough times, bc I wrote it so it would help me through some. 
fey-oathbringer: Wait, where do you live?? Shit, no, don’t tell me personal information through here. What time zone are you in? And I’m NOT your darling.
stormblessed-radiant: Hahahahahaha, you are hilarious, darling. I live in Prythian. It’s a pretty big city, so no real danger in someone suddenly finding me and selling my address to tumblr-papparazzis ;)
fey-oathbringer: You are a snarky little thing, aren’t you? Well, for your information I also live in Prythian. Now, I am trusting you not to sell my information yeah?
The conversation went on and on, and our knowledge of each other grew with it. We started asking simple but quirky, questions, such as our favorite color, favorite Brandon Sanderson book, favorite music artist... Only to move on to deeper territory. Everything with Tamlin came up, my parents, his parents...
Yes, he’s a HE. Just like I told you. 
Why would that matter, though? It’s not like he’s going to be my boyfriend, is he?
Nope, definitely not a boyfriend.
Altough we DO live in the same city... 
STOP! Too fast Feyre, too fast.
We only stopped messaging the right amount of time for me to go from my phone to my computer after breakfast, and to make and eat lunch and dinner.
My sisters weren’t home, again, because they went on a double dinner date (yuck!) with Cassian and Azriel, and at lunch the had a normal date with them. So, I didn’t have to worry about keeping the appearances of being a sane person not hooked up to the computer talking to a stranger about the darkest secrets of her life.
As the night was closing in, I said goodbye to my Tumblr friend (we hadn’t exchanged names just yet, because we wanted to leave that, in case we met in person) and went downstairs with a blanket around my body as if I were a superhero. Then I went to the kitchen, made myself some popcorn and hooked myself to Netflix. I browsed for Stranger Things, their latest show, which was making a breakthrough, and started Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers.
Only when the third chapter was at the beginning did my eyes get heavy and I fell asleep on the couch.
There’s a hazy feeling about that night. I remember voices, deep voices, which weren’t my sisters’, and then I was flying, and then on very soft clouds... And out again.
Okay, we’re getting to the good part guys!!! Thank you for reading ;)
I’m tagging these magnificent people @songbirdsbooks @kaliejane26 @personpersonper @turtlesnook @highladyfxyre . If you want to get tagged, message me!!
Read it on AO3
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lrugloyak · 3 years
"Scary” thriller dream, part 1/3.
I could never seem to copy this out from my phone, and I’m pretty sure it’s bc it’s too long LMAO.
Disclaimer: it’s really not that scary huhu
Scary thriller dream. At a hotel with my dad, him for work, me just tagging along. Meet counterparts of what seem like characters from La Casa de Papel, Tokyo and Berlin most notable. I go along with let's call her Tokyo na lang din haha to her room, we hang out a few days, reassure my dad I'm okay. Turns out there's a school, I study there a while. We have events too. I'm classmates with a cute guy who's silent but hot and mysterious, wouldn't be my type irl maybe but imagine a Berlin! Come on I love Berlin. So he was my classmate to that class with a prof whose counterpart is my Comm teacher rn, who isn't conventional at teaching like strict but not really alam mo yun. Once lunch is over, there's no way around it. There was a prom. Havin fun with them, met up w other people. Venue was big -- ballroom, beachside, really nice photo booth. Everyone having fun. People around me were counterparts of both SISC people I was less close to (Jose T, Sharrey, etc.) and Sex Ed. people. I was some sort of arranger din. One point I leave the partay to go up to Tokyo's room on the 32nd floor. Midway on the elevator, I realize I grabbed the wrong phone with a yellow case. Go back down and wait for the person who got mine, I was accompanied by Tokyo. Counterpart of Viv from Sex Ed but giving serious Tammé from GLOW vibes. Talk a bit in abandoned cafeteria about my actual life I think, but I didn't feel it. Just felt the heavy feeling. We part without saying proper goodbyes, nothing cryptic. I go back upstairs, without Tokyo. Getting something to give my dad; counterpart of passport I think that he super needed. Might have been what he was waiting for, now we could go home, but I didn't want to. Shit I forgot all the characters' personalities. There was even a counterpart for Crowley but I can't remember who na. And the tone really shifted around this part. Seemed super real. Anyway I was still in the room with a good friend na girl and a good friend na guy (let's call them Stockholm and Alec bc major similarities both ends), and I was so bent on leaving, more to show my dad I did something notable and less to do with going home. I get these parang flashbacks of times I was with Berlin and Tokyo, sometimes with Stockholm and a few other people who had SUCH GREAT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I JUST CAN'T REMEMBER HAHAHA but okay in one I was with them, and it was like that social event happened before na, but the point was that people were different. Tokyo was flirting with Berlin, I wasn't jealous but I just thought he was bad news. Kept telling her let's go somewhere else to get her away from him, but she didn't want to. Drugs and smoking other stuff were a bit involved. Worst part was I left her with him bc to some extent I trusted them both, but I was cryin lmao I think I was cryin in real life too but tyg I went back to where I left off after waking up a bit. Basta shet setting was so good this dream -- gave you the feeling it was such a big, comfortable party place full of new things, but kept reminding you it was all just a hotel and you're kind of a prisoner. Stockholm tells me let's just go. Shifts back to present day with them. Starting to really hate comfortable life here, so processing the pros and cons of aftermath of giving my dad back his document. In my head lang; had the urge to not have my friends in my room then. Then this laser passes through the floor. It was an opaque, white room, furnished, and I have no clue how a laser passed through haha. But there was one, almost 2 as if it bounced off the ceiling and back somewhere onto the floor. I whispered step away step away, kept on going, didn't realize it was me. A big bullet blasts way through, unexpectedly, the ceiling then the floor. I see a combat boot peeking through. I scream step away to no one in particular as the hole from the ceiling bursts open bigger for two men to jump in, one of which was a counterpart of Denver, who looked totally unfazed. Counterpart of Alyssa (not preggers lol) comes through the door and stands in the corner, after having seemingly brushed through all the stuff. Ah I'm starting to remember. The paper had important information which was what I thought the bad people were after. It was a list of names of I'm not sure. Felt like the October List actually. Three-page document, first 2 made it back to back on first sheet. So there they didn't threaten or tie down anyone, so for the longest time, even though I knew they were bad guys, since I knew them, I thought we weren't the victims. For a while, we were all just talking where it was supposed to make everything chiller, but evidently the fear in the air was growing. Stockholm is about to go outside without having asked permission and it didn't look like she needed it, so I told her na rin first by whispering then out loud my dad's name, implying she gave it to him.
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too-raph · 7 years
☾ ☠ ■ ♥ ☮ ♦ ▼ ൠ for the Majestics!
Under a cut because this is 1.9k words long, look what you’ve done,
☾ - sleep headcanon: Team:Whenever they travel for tournaments, they get the biggest suite and share it. If bedroom sharing is required, it’s always divvied up Enrique&Oliver and Robert&Johnny. If actual bed sharing is required, Enrique and Oliver will share, Johnny will share with anyone except Enrique (read: Oliver), but Robert would rather take the couch than share his bed. (Sometimes Oliver would, too, honestly.)
Individual:Sometimes Enrique has trouble sleeping if he’s alone. Even just sharing a space is enough - he just likes the comfort of having someone else around. Each of the others have woken up with Enrique as an uninvited guest in their room before, but nobody talks about it.
Oliver likes a lot of pillows and always migrates to the exact center of the bed. He’s a heavy sleeper and will definitely hog the blankets.
Johnny snores and always kicks his blankets off - he’s always warm enough anyway, but once in a while he wakes up cold and demands to know who sabotaged him.
Out of all four, Robert is the most likely to stay up too late or just not sleep at all. He’s usually the first one up, too. He can run on pretty little sleep, but sometimes he uses weekends to catch up (or falls asleep on the couch watching Tyson’s beybattles pfff)
☠ - angry/violent headcanon: Team:As a whole/in general, they take a while to get over being booted out of the world championships by a bunch of cheaters. Robert takes it as an insult to his honor, especially bc I headcanon they battled in his personal stadium. Oliver straight up tries to have the Barthez Battalion team banned from ever competing again. …Eventually they kind of come around, starting with Enrique.
Individual:Oliver seems to be the least threatening, sure, but if he’s really angry, he’ll destroy you. He’s good at playing all cards in his favor, so if it’s in his best interest to deal with something, he’ll play nice until he can’t/doesn’t have to anymore/gets what he wants.
Robert has his temper under wraps (along with most other emotions), but if his honor is threatened or his pride is damaged, his control will slip. He’s also much more likely to be grumpy if something/someone wastes his time or bores him.
Johnny’s fuse is infamously short, which is more canon than headcanon tbh. It’s next to impossible for him to keep his cool, and Enrique loves taking advantage of this. Also, Johnny admires Oliver’s brand of anger - he never says anything, of course, and instead expresses this by being petty in turn when he’s mad at Oliver (usually by eating fast food in front of him or smth).Johnny is also never allowed to talk to the press.
Enrique is actually the most chill. He mostly just gets angry at Johnny, or when anyone tries to box him in too much. Has developed a habit of ranting to Robert when he gets really frustrated (especially if he’s mad at Oliver), and Robert never does anything but sit there and say “I don’t see why you’re talking to me about this.”
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Team:They all have their own bedrooms at each others’ houses that they use when staying over. Sometimes Oliver and Enrique share a room/bed, anyway, tho. All these rooms are fully equipped of course. Like, the closets have their own clothes, so in the event of impromptu visits they’re never unprepared. Enrique has a habit of forgetting which country he left something in, and Johnny always jokes that he burned whatever it is. Johnny has been known to pack stuff anyway, and Oliver buys multiples of literally everything so he’s never w/o what he wants.
Individual:For some reason I’ve always had the headcanon that Oliver has a giant, round bed, and I can’t remember if I got it from somewhere or came up with it myself, but either way. His bed is round, and so he has to buy custom everything.
Robert’s bedroom has a fireplace and at least two secret passageways that lead to it. His closet is actually very big, and at the back there’s a secret room where he keeps the only copy of blueprints with the complete set of secret passages and rooms in the castle - he finished it himself and nobody else is even allowed to know it exists thanks
Johnny has his own golf course, also he almost burned down his personal bey training room once. There are still scorch marks. His house is the one that everyone is least likely to gather at, and he’s completely okay with that, bc he likes his privacy.
Enrique’s room is always a mess, bc he doesn’t want the maids in there but doesn’t care enough to clean it himself. The mess in question is like…90% clothes (dirty ones that he was too lazy to do anything with, and clean ones with the tags still on that Oliver bought him bc Enrique’s fashion sense is awful). He has a balcony and he loves it very much for fresh air and also sneaking out.
♥ - family headcanon:Team:They’d all rather spend major holidays with each other than their respective families - but don’t get any ideas about them being friends or anything okay they don’t actually like being around each other alrightAlso: they’re all only children.
Individual:Enrique’s parents are always gone, and only come home for a few days at a time. He used to wish they’d come back for his birthday and holidays, but now he doesn’t bother, and spends those days out of the house instead. He’s also decided to take advantage of their absence by never attending any tutoring sessions ever again.
Oliver’s dad owns a chain of restaurants, which Oliver is allowed to manage at will. Like he can walk into any of them and take over for the day, or just cook there if he wants. His mother is a fashion designer who collects rare plants. They’re both home much more often than Enrique’s parents, and Enrique likes them more than his own bc he sees them more.
Johnny’s parents are very loving/proud of him? But also strict in a “do your damn chores already” kind of way. His family gatherings are the most enjoyable bc his extended family is the least stuffy. Johnny wishes none of his teammates had ever found out about this, but alas,
Robert’s parents are distant, but altogether alright. His dad is around more often than his mother, but Robert was still basically raised by the staff (especially Gustav).I also used to headcanon that Boris was smth like a black sheep of the Jurgen family, and I’m not sure whether to keep that, revise it, or scratch it, so I’m gonna put it here for now bc drama.
☮ - friendship headcanon:Team:THEY ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS because they’re the only ones who can stand to be around each other. They’ve known each other (or, at least, known about each other) longer than any of them care to admit.For a while they’re avoided by most other beyblading teams because they’re spoiled rich brats, but eventually they branch out and make more friends.
Individual:Enrique definitely considers Oliver his best friend, and vice versa. Enrique is a very social person, like, 100% an extrovert, and he can actually get along with a lot of people if he wants to/tries. But Oliver is his favorite (I mean, he ditches girlfriends to hang out with him even?? I’m emotional,,,) and he’s spilled so many deep dark secrets and Oliver keeps them all faithfully.Enrique also considers Robert and Johnny to be very good friends, and gets along surprisingly well with Michael, Eddy, and Steve. Oh, and he flirts w/everyone.
Oliver has a chronic inability to make friends - UNLESS it benefits/interests him. If that’s the case, he’ll be as nice as he can and do plenty of favors (like…when Tyson was seriously pissed at him and Oliver got the read on him and was like “hey, come eat for free! you’re my friend now.” just so Tyson would stop being pissed at him.) Sometimes he accidentally comes to legit respect people by doing this. He treasures Enrique’s companionship, and his favorite thing to do with his teammates/friends is talk shit about other people. Eventually he learns how to genuinely get along with those outside of his circle. He can be a really nice friend, if you get that far.
Robert doesn’t think he needs friends but he acknowledges his teammates as such (or at least he doesn’t correct anyone who assumes). Tbh anyone willing to play chess with him is a friend, however briefly that might last. He never pretends to get along with anyone for any reason - he either likes you, learns to like you, or he doesn’t. Outside of his team, he gets along best with Garland.
Johnny takes pride in being unapproachable but really he likes spending time with his teammates/friends. They put up with him, and he’s grateful. He was the last one to interact with other ‘bladers beyond trash talking, but one day he ended up talking to some others and realized it wasn’t so bad.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon:Team:They love their bus and sometimes miss their battle armor (which is probably banned from international competition lol)Also, they all have a tendency to hang around the kitchen when Oliver is cooking/baking.
Johnny plays golf and tennis, as we see in canon, and he’s a lot better at tennis, but he wishes it were the other way around. He never wears long sleeves, and will rip them off if they exist on one of his shirts/jackets. Consequently, there’s a lot of discourse when he does this to his team jacket.
Robert has actually spent hours exploring his own castle, and has a few favorite hidden rooms where he goes to be alone. He also loves reading, especially about his own family history.
Oliver has about a hundred hobbies too many. Aside from beyblading, there’s cooking, painting, horseback riding, fencing, piano, photography, gardening, etc. He’s a hard worker when it’s something he wants, which catches a lot of people off guard.
Enrique actually turns out to be Robert’s most formidable chess opponent, completely by accident. He has a habit of city/country hopping when the weather of where he’s at doesn’t suit him.
▼ - childhood headcanon:Team:They probably met once at some fancy function or other when they were small, and their parents probably tried to “my son is better than yours” all of them and so it was probably not a fun time.
Individual:Robert was (surprise surprise) a very serious child. He learned about responsibility from, like, age 3. He only ever really misbehaved by wandering off, along with the occasional speaking out of turn.
Johnny was an absolute fireball with more energy than anyone knew what to do with, but his temper didn’t develop until later in life when he learned how frustrating everything is.
Enrique has literally never followed a rule ever in his life. Back when he was a kid, he would most definitely act out to get attention, and he broke an awful lot of priceless artifacts that were decorating their home.
Oliver was a picture perfect child…when people were watching.
ൠ - random headcanon:Team:When they realize they have a long way to go with this “teamwork” stuff, they devote themselves to it. Or, rather, Robert decides that they should work on it if they ever want a chance at competing again. He even goes so far as to work everyone until they can properly perform tag team matches, no matter who’s paired up. Bettering their people skills and relationships with their bitbeasts is also something they work on, because they’re gonna be the best, dammit. They’re never going to be outclassed again, not if they can help it.
Individual:Johnny is the shortest (if you don’t factor in his hair), and his family has the least amount of money. Granted, they’re still filthy rich, but, like, the least filthy rich.
Robert is actually very physically fit, even though ‘blading is his only sport (which is, a very self indulgent headcanon, leave me alone nobody is gonna read this far anyway,). He will fight anyone who thinks ‘blading is a frivolous hobby, and he eventually becomes one of the best ‘bladers out there.
Oliver is considered second-in-command on the team by Robert, and if co-captains are ever required at meetings, he’s the one who tags along. Especially for PR related things, because Oliver is fantastic at PR.
Enrique is bisexual. He’s also really good at being genuinely charming when he doesn’t try too hard.Also, he and Oliver both get a kick out of people underestimating them.
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making a tag for the mobster!dr au also throwing in some general thoughts that might change idk. if anyone hs thoughts. please comment or message whatever. also this is gonna be a chapter fic instead of a series of one-offs i hate the format i chose for this one, its clogging up my feed, i might see if i can reedit it rn tbh
basic breakdown i got rn. i honestly kinda wanna keep it to the hope/despair arc, and especially between thh and dr2. with some reference to the anime. but yall know what i mean. uh. 
plot is gonna be whipping between (the rivalry between the crazy diamonds and kuzuryuu clan) and (an office of detectives working on investigating crime mostly comprising of the big three from thh) and (a newspaper run by mahiru doing investigative work/leaking stories/maybe corrupt) and (corrupt mayor izuru and starlet junko are just fucking shit up by using the power of informants to complete throw everything out of control.) and there’ll be side references
THH folks:
detective’s office: byakuya, kirigiri, makoto. makoto and kirigiri are an investigative team while byakuya oversees internal affairs.
taka and sakura are both detectives. they work with the office but are not part of it. sakura and aoi are in love. taka uhhhh ill get there
aoi works at the deli under the detective’s office. and is definitely dating sakura. brings coffee and donuts every day.
celeste is still a gambler, and occasionally a useful informant.
chihiro and hifumi work at a stock broker’s office, and chihiro is sometimes called in as a specialist for financial investigations or just when they need to crunch numbers.
toko and komaru are phone operators and also in love. toko uses her information from work for her murder sprees.
sayaka is a famous vaudeville singer, currently working her way through the circuits. makoto desperately has a crush on her but she doesn’t really know he exists
leon is a famous baseball player but constantly in the newspaper for his run-ins with the law. in and out of jail, a bit of a bad boy, gets mixed up with the crazy diamonds and now has to do all sorts of informant duties and favors. 
hagakure is fully just leaching off of his friends while he tries to capture the public’s fascination with the occult. gets in deep with the crazy diamonds too. 
junko is famous on the vaudeville circuit, but she’s also known as an informant about town. little do most know she’s pulling the strings to make everything go haywire. she generally likes to push other’s buttons and see the world fall apart. 
mukuro works a secretary/receptionist to mayor kamukara by day but is secretly his body guard and assassin (not that he needs it.) generally unsure about how she feels.
mondo is obviously. leader of the crazy diamonds. took over when daiya died in a freak accident. junko, using her informant powers, spreads a rumor that it wasn’t an accident but it was actually an assassination by the kuzuryuu clan. instead of owning up to his sins mondo rolls with it, but not without pissing off his biggest rival. he is in WAY too deep. 
also he and taka are in love and have some crazy tension but taka is so heckin conflicted but keeps going back to mondo. izuru finds out and is gonna BLACKMAIL THE SHIT out of our faithful police officer. cops are corrupt. acab. 
mayor izuru kamukara was once a faithful mayor. consistently reelected and on the surface implementing good policy, izuru began to wonder how much control over the city he really had. he’s pulling the strings to watch his city fall apart because he knows, if he really wanted to, he can always put it back together. besides - even if people found out, who could stop him?
newspaper staff: mahiru, hajime, akane. its a failing newspaper. its got three staff members. oh lord somebody help them. mahiru will pretty much publish anything she can to get syndication up, but is pretty conflicted. hajime is the twin brother to mayor kamukara and lives in his shadow. akane is a sports writer.
uh how he met nagito and they are in heavy flirting with hajime having a conflicted crush
at one point hajime will figure out what’s going on here but izuru has him trapped and is gonna start manipulating HIM. makes him way more tense with nagito/izuru but also allows him to interact with nagito more and the tension ges much higher
nagito is the personal assistant to mayor kamukara, and, like junko, is an informant. while junko spreads rumors of the underworld and entertainment business, nagito is tasked with manipulating the government sector.
twogami is a scam artist, but otherwise a genuinely nice guy
hiyoko and ibuki are also part of the vaudeville circuit. they are friendly enough with sayaka and junko. 
mikan is a nurse still, and is called upon for expert medical advice for cases. will help pretty much anyone, though she’s known for being an open book.
sonia and gundham are fabulously rich (sonia’s money) and human rights activists. sometimes come off as disconnected but genuinely trying to do better. both are regular customers of hagakure. 
teruteru is a pos who runs a speakeasy and cannot seem to bootleg without getting caught. 
nekumaru is a famous bodybuilder, occasionally taking part of the vaudeville circuit. pretty good friends with leon.
kazuichi is a mechanic but also acts as fuyuhiko’s personal chauffeur. he lowkey has a crush on fuyuhiko but there’s no way he could act on it. is probably the world’s worst get away driver bc he hates going fast, fuyuhiko has had to take the wheel from him before.
fuyuhiko and peko are pretty much themselves, but this time....in the 1920s with jazz. 
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