#tagging ghostsoap because ghost agrees with me
starlightvld · 8 months
The thing we all need to remember
--And this is VERY important--
is that Soap's neck is THICC.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
I have no problem with dead roach fics, but for the love of GOD be original with his death and have it actually mean something, most of the time fics are “that’s one less loose end” esque and just have Ghost survive bc reasons, or his death doesn’t actually contribute to the story long term, like it impacts the first 3 chapters and then dissapears
Activision come on, bring our big boy, GIVE US SOME FOOD
I have many problems with dead Roach fics, but my two biggest one are:
1. They are almost always tagged wrong.
If Roach is dead the entire fic and only mentioned or in like a brief flashback, he should not be tagged as a character. I'm sorry, but if he's dead, he isn't a character in your fic! He's not there! Tagging him as a character just means that you're clogging up his tag with fics that don't actually have him in them!
A lot of authors also tag their dead Roach fics with GhostRoach when, again, Roach is dead! There is not going to be any GhostRoach outside of like mentioning it. The ship should not be tagged! If I'm in the GhostRoach tag, I'm there to read GhostRoach, not stupid SoapGhost bullshit that kills my favorite character and uses his death as a shitty plot device. Don't tag GhostRoach if the fic isn't about them!!
2. A vast majority of dead Roach fics use him just to create drama in the SoapGhost relationship.
His death serves no meaning beyond being an obstacle to GhostSoap. They treat Roach like a villain who is somehow at fault for Soap dating a man who is very clearly still grieving and Ghost dating despite the fact that he clearly isn't ready. Its stupid, the relationship is never healthy, and Roach is always somehow a bad guy for being dead!
The people who write these clearly don't give a shit about Roach and only want to use him to create drama rather than just making an oc or some shit. And these are the same mfers who will claim that Roach is one of their favs, the fucking bullshit he is. Its frustrating and its only made more prevalent by the first point!! THEY KEEP PUTTING IT IN THE WRONG TAGS!!
Ignoring all the other shit that I think is stupid about the trope such as Ghost somehow being alive despite a loose ends situation happening (yeah, sure, cause Ghost who was shot in the neck and fucking killed instantly would have survived instead of Roach who was alive at least long enough to see the fire burning AND to attempt to stop Shepherd from getting the DSM. All after being blown up AND shot. Sure, Ghost would have survived but not Roach) or the absolute damage that it does to the characterization of characters like Soap and the relationship that Soap had with Roach in the OG games or the absolute unoriginality of it or the fact that tagging the fic GhostRoach seems like a passive aggressive way to shit on the ship or the fact that these people somehow write the most toxic shit known to man then call it romance or the way that the rope has been so overdone its fucking burnt (if one of you tags some joke about Ghost and Roach?? Its a block /j)
Ignoring all that other shit plus some, my biggest problem with the trope is the improper tagging. Because it wouldn't be a big deal to me if I never had to see it because people would tag their fics correctly. But people never do, so I have to see their shitty dead Roach fics, so I will continue to complain about their shitty dead Roach fics.
BTW this is no hate to anything you said, I also agree with what you said I just wanted to use your ask to rant because I like to rant and I like to shit on this trope and its been a while since I've gotten to do either.
Now, as usual:
Activision bring Roach back, GhostRoachSoap best ship, fuck the dead Roach trope I hope it fucking burns, and Roach I'm your biggest fan
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kungfuslipper · 1 year
for the fanfic writer asks: can I ask for 10, 63, and 90?
maybe also 100 aka anything u want to tell us about the new one you mentioned 😊 if u would like.
Hi Trude! Thanks so much for asking. :)
10. At what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
Tbh, anything other than the actual story writing is hard for me. I have a difficult time being bothered with titles and endings and tagging and summaries, etc etc. LOL. This is down to my lagging attention span most days.
I rarely have a title until the work is almost done. Usually It's named once it's finished, and I'm forced to give it a name so I can publish it, lol. I like to pick simple, one or two word names that fit the theme I'm trying to convey.
63. What’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
What a great question!
Let me think ... .. (consulting my AO3 bookmarks) ....
I think it has to be a Sev line from Terms of Engagement:
“I said, shut up, Fi. You yakking, mindless slut.”
It's great because it's such a projection: Sev is so painfully turned on when he says it. ::hotashell::
90. Do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
Yes. My writing style is my voice. With the benefit of many edits.
100. Open question to the writer.
The new fic would be Rosary, my first foray into Call of Duty. I'm sure there will be more, since I seem stuck here for a bit, anyways. I fell hard for GhostSoap. Biscuit mentioned that it's basically SevFi in another universe, and I'd agree with that. Similar vibes. But Ghost and Soap definitely have their own thing going, and it's quite distinct for me. Ghost is the type of character I'd write, and Soap is the type of character I'd get hot and bothered over, LOL.
It's so predictable, honestly. Ghost represents a taboo for Soap -- an irresistible challenge he must claim for himself, like everything else he's done. And for Ghost, Soap is that annoying, hatefully attractive distraction. (Everything he couldn't be). He can't help that he gets a little hard whenever Soap opens his mouth.
It's that whole two magnets bumping together because they have no other choice vibe which I just can't get enough of. >:P
Ask game for fanfic writers
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