#tagging it all cuz i wrote a lot so w/e
thewildwilds · 7 years
Is there any talentswap ideas that you have? Personally, I like the idea of ultimate nurse/doctor!Teruteru, ultimate gangster!tsumiki, ultimate confectioner!Peko, and ultimate cook/chef!fuyuhiko, and psychiatrist!nanami!!!!!
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So no shame all my talentswap ideas are Kuzupeko-related because have you seen me.
Besides Gamer Fuyuhiko/Princess Peko, Gambler Fuyuhiko/Yakuza Peko, Confectioner Fuyuhiko/Model Peko, here are some other talentswaps/AUs I’ve discussed or riffed about with friends (mainly @fearandloathinginheaven and @scarletmoone, they are the world’s biggest enablers)!
Boxer Fuyuhiko and Confectioner Peko
I’ve discussed this AT LENGTH with some mutuals before and this is one of my favorite talentswaps to think about. This would take place post-war because I love historic AUs.
Essentially Fuyuhiko’s a super poor boxer who lives in a dumpy one-room apartment and eats beans out of a can and makes a living off of prize purses from boxing matches. He wants to move up a weight division because his division doesn’t bring in very many crowds, and the heavier weight classes are where the real money’s at.
Peko works at a cute little bakery, but everyday she always sees this one guy with cuts and bruises on his face pass by the bakery, stare at the pastries in the window, and then continue on his way home. He never enters the bakery, and Peko is way too curious for her own good.
One day, after she sees the same guy walking past, she quickly grabs one of the cream puffs from the case and runs outside after him.
“Wait!” she calls. The guy turns around. She holds out the cream puff to him. “Do you want to try it? It’s free. You don’t have to pay for it.”
He stares at her for a long time before answering. “… I don’t like sweets.” And then he continues on home.
Peko watches him leave, a bit disheartened, but not discouraged. She’ll figure it out. Someday.
Mangaka Fuyuhiko and Cosplayer Peko
This one is just fun. @scarletmoone brought up the idea and it’s one of my favorites.
Fuyuhiko is a mangaka for a popular magical girl manga. He’s fueled by tons of caffeine and a lot of spite for the fandom.
He’s best friends with fan-favorite cosplayer Peko, who creates absolutely flawless cosplays, but looks like she escaped an asylum any other time with her mussy bobby-pinned hair and baggy sweaters and yoga pants.
Neither of them get more than two hours of sleep every night, and both their apartments are war zones.
They argue about artistic license vs realistic clothing physics all the time. Like loud, screaming matches and it reaches a head when Fuyuhiko screams, “WHY?! Why do you have to cosplay every single design I make! I didn’t ask you to do it!!”
Peko screams back just as hot, “BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU, YOU IDIOT.”
Cue lots of silence, and then Fuyuhiko sitting back down sheepishly and pulling out his sketchbook and saying, “Okay, what if I reign in the skirt a bit. Does that work?” Peko sighs and smiles.
Things start getting a little hairy when Fuyuhiko ends up developing a big ol’ crush on his best friend. But he’s a wuss and he can’t tell her, so he tries to use his restless energy the only way he knows how. He writes and he draws. He bases the main character from his manga, Yuka, on Peko. And then he bases Yuka’s best friend, Kana, on himself.
But like everybody in the fandom thinks Yuka and Kana should end up together, even though Fuyuhiko’s already written a love interest for Yuka. It gets even more tense when Peko tries to urge Fuyuhiko to write Yuka and Kana together because she loves their chemistry, and Fuyuhiko finally snaps back, “No. Yuka ends up with Reijiro and Kana doesn’t end up with anyone. Yuka and Kana will never get together. SO JUST DROP IT.”
Peko literally needs it spelled out for her what Fuyuhiko’s manga really means. And then like. Oh. Oh.
Detective Fuyuhiko and Cat Burglar Peko
This idea isn’t at all developed but I love murder mysteries and I just. I need them. I need more of them.
Essentially it’s a hardboiled detective mystery. Fuyuhiko’s the detective who’s called in to investigate the murder of starlet Sayaka Maizono. Police are stumped and they have like zero leads… except one.
Which leads us to Peko. Peko’s a cat burglar who has the unfortunate luck of being placed on the scene the night of the murder. Though Fuyuhiko realizes she couldn’t be the murderer herself, she’s unwittingly roped into helping out with the investigation because she has valuable information and contacts that can help with the case, and if she doesn’t, then Fuyuhiko’s just gonna toss her in jail for all her other burglaries.
And then mystery shenanigans.
I’m so sorry that got so long but *sobbing* You guys don’t understand how much I love Kuzupeko AUs I love them so much please never stop talking to me about talentswaps and AUs………
It’s Sleepover Saturday! Let’s have fun!
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sweetnsaltycorn · 3 years
Ayooo thanks for the tag Deia!! :) 💚 @novampirebrainrot
A-Age: i do be in my 20s
B-Birthplace: Austin, Texas
C-Current Time: 23:44/11:48pm (fuck I have Orgo at 7:30 tomorrow oops)
D-Last Drink You Had: Seltzer
E-Easiest Person To Talk To: I have a lot of good friends but the easiest to talk to would be Domino (talking in nicknames here) but I’d say all of my close good friends I’m comfortable talking with
F-Favourite Song: back and forth between Mr. Brightside by the Killers, Technicolor Beat by Oh Wonder, Sweaty by Crosa Rosa, and Front Street by Will Wood and the Tapeworms, Killer Tune and—yeah I like a lot of songs oops and it varies from time to time
G-Grossest Memory: (CW: sexual assault/harassment) at the moment either my many nonconsensual sexual moments with guys or my few consensual sexual/romantic moments with guys—I gag at both (for context I just recently realized I’m a lesbian) idk if it counts as this kind of gross but it crosses my mind a lot and I feel gross!!!
I-In Love: platonically, with my close irl friends and my Internet friends (you know who you are) and my many fictional character crushes (currently Lady Dimitrescu like—)
J-Jealous: Yeah I’m with Deia on this one, if I feel jealous I feel sad but Hmm I think my jealousy issues are a lot less than what they used to be. Even so it wasn’t that bad
K-Keepsake: oh of course, I keep old drawings, photos, pretty much everything that I’m sentimental with. And that’s a lot of things.
L-Love At First Sight: I wouldn’t say love but I get flustered very easily @ women in public akdksjcj women are beautiful but I wouldn’t say love at first sight
Except maybe that wicked pretty ginger girl painting in one of the grassy areas on campus with the rly pretty makeup, if I met her again I’d try to ask her on a date ajdjajdj
M-Middle Name: I don’t feel comfortable sharing this publicly
N- Number Of Siblings: 1
O-One Wish: to uh help humans to not destroy the planet
P-Pop or? I like alt pop more, and Japanese City Pop even more. J-pop (different from City Pop) is also good too
Q-Question You Are Always Asked: “why are you like this?” AKDJAJ it’s a running joking question in a couple of my irl friend groups
R-Reasons To Smile: My friends, esp my friend group that’s my true family <3 (and experiencing and learning new things!)
T-Time You Woke Up: 7:30am for my goddamb orgo II class
U-Underwear Colour: red lace with a mini bow (ik it didn’t specify the other descriptors but I’m feelin spicy ok and I love lace)
V-Vacation Destination: legit everywhere but right now it’s probably Japan, back to Old Quebec, and yeah just everywhere
W-Worst Habit: I tend to overwork myself a lot but what’s even worse is my stubbornness and the ability to not shut the fuck up sometimes oops
X-X Rays: yeah checkup X-rays but some other stuff for some health complications I’ve had, including an ultrasound for that same health complication
Y-Your Favourite Food: TOMATOES (and udon)
Z-Zodiac Sign: I assume sun sign but I’m an Aquarius
But Ah whatever I’ll give more than that:
Rising: Cancer
Sun: Aquarius
Moon: Aquarius
Mercury: Sagittarius
Venus: Aires
Mars: Aquarius
Lilith: Aquarius (I have too much Aquarius in me help)
ÅÄÖ - The last line of text you wrote in your mother’s tongue? - “bitch ass”
👉(taking this bit from Deia) For the people I’m tagging now, remember to only do this if you want to and feel comfortable doing so :,)
Also don’t forget to tag me I’ll love to read your answers for those questions
@vampiretsuki @vampire-therapy @zaraenia @jardinsdeminuit @minimandies @nam00n
Thanks again for the tag Deia!! Love ya
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aonogifreactions · 4 years
Also, I happened to be perusing your tag list for Mephy dearest and noticed you didn’t do before/during/after mating season headcanons for him, so if you’d be so kind when you have time? (And Amaimon too if he hasn’t been done cuz my stupid ass forgot to check him before requesting) thanks in advance~ ;) ❤️
hI HELLo and welcome! it is me! and im actually writing! *applause* i actually dont remember if ive done amaimon before, so i wrote about him too. no regrets. enjoy! :eyes:
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gets hella irritated by anything, doesn't talk much. is really grumpy, has weird cravings, pretty much feels like he’s pregnant.
is easily flustered, so you better not start a fight with him.
is brutally, and i mean, BRUTALLY honest with you and everyone else.
“Why did you buy me a banana milkshake? I wanted the strawberry one!” *cries on the floor* or *tosses the milkshake on the floor and leaves*
he can get really cold towards you, whether it’s your fault or someone else’s. will say some cryptic shit, might even expose your secrets, use you for his plans, but! he won’t kill ya, don’t worry. unless...?
he informs you a few days prior to his “grumpy days” to not be with him much. Mephy’s literally giving you a warning, and I advise you to listen to him, lmao.
immediately calls you when his “grumpy days” are over, telling you how much he missed you. practically screams into his phone.
this quickly can get steamy, since he’s just.. to be blatant, horny. will start his famous dirty talk, hell, you can even get some dick pics to your collection.
expects you to be available all the time. like you’re taking a bath? poof! you’re in his office, cuz he needs you right there and right now. 
gets uncharacteristically subby and very desperate during his mating season. his pathetic whines to touch him, to let him release all that thick cum.
speaking about cum, he cums a fucking ton. It's thick, kinda white-ish, and S W E E T, I kid you not!
God, don't even mention tail play. He's gonna cream his pants 3 times when you only just try to touch the tip of his tail.
When you're mean, however, pull his tail a little bit or keep rubbing it's tip. He'll moan as loud as he can, with a slight smirk on his face, tongue lolled out.
He does aheago face, no one can convince me otherwise.
Pops out of nowhere, stating: "Darling, I might need your help…", then slowly places your hand on his bulge.
Has no shame. Literally. He wants, and will grope you whenever he can. Especially your chest.
Is willing to use toys on him. He just wants that sweet release, no matter with what way he's going to achieve that.
giving him a blowjob might make him literally explode with confetti.
Feels a HUGE need to mark you, even more than before. You need to stop him though, sometimes he draws blood; during this time he usually gets lost in pleasure and kinda drifts away from reality. Just flick his forehead. Or smack him really hard.
He,,, feels a bit "embarrassed". Every time he's after his mating season, just thinking bout his actions and that desperateness.. really makes him cringe.
Makes it up for you, apologizes for hurting you just in case; however, "you should've known what you signed up for, sweetheart."
is now his usual, annoying self; considers having you as dom from time to time.
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c l i n g y. all the damn time. will not let you go anywhere without him.
eats 2x more sweets than usual. I feel sorry for your bank account.
gets really talkative??? talks non-stop. this is so out of character he’s surprised himself.
does THE STUPIDEST things while possibly risking his host’s health. Ha, see that tall building? what would happen if you two jumped off of it-
W H I N E S.
you better have health insurance just in case.
wants to fuck you anywhere it’s possible to. even in the air.
goes full-on demon mode, his pupils sharpen, his ears change, as well as the tail. his breathing gets louder as well.
gets a bit more aggressive; pulls you by the hand and literally rips your clothes off. he will fuck you whenever he wants to. you’re his fucktoy and there’s no other way but to accept it.
he snarls! right into your ear! :chill:
his “nails” change into claws that can dig into your skin quite painfully; be sure to remind him when he goes overboard!
despite being a literal killing machine, he doesn’t want to kill you, especially during intercourse. Which means! he actually knows when its a bit too much for you. It’s somewhere.. but it is!
loves pain! and unfortunately, you digging your pretty nails into his back isn’t enough. he’s satisfied when he’s all bloody, with bruises and small wounds (that will heal quickly, so don't worry.)
pulls your hair a lot, especially when you blow him.
marks you with his cum.. everywhere. in your mouth, on your chest, stomach, ass, or his favorite place - your gorgeous face.
will try to breed you. just imagining your tight pussy filled with his cum that’ll make your stomach all pretty and round is driving him crazy. (even though.. he doesn’t really like kids?)
in addition, he loves the sight of your mixed juices dripping out of you. that makes him even more aroused than before.
is capable of eating you out for HOURS. and I literally mean hours! his face gets all messy, your silk on every single part of his face.
acts like nothing happened.
i could just end it here.
might feel a lil bad if he hurt you; this is when he shows that he’s capable of actual lovemaking. this is kinda his apology to you, since he’s awful with words.
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adorablele · 4 years
inspired by the other 2 anons, assign your mutuals a member from nct 127?
I love these questions omg. although it was easier to assign my moots to a dream member, this one was still fun to do! 
claire - @passionfruithyuck
dfasjk you changed your username and I forgot hhhhhhh
doyoung or haechan
but I’m siding more towards haechan
because if renjun isn’t there to fite w/ you
there’s haechan :)
can see jaehyun casually eating as the two of you bicker lol
could also see doyoung nag the both of you
lmao can see you gagging at hyuck’s aegyo omg
and also pinch his cheeks cause he’s cute like that
also,,, singing battles 👀👀
dahlen - @jisvngy
feel like the two of you would be such a chill pair
best friend goals honestly
I can see you clown him for a lot of things lol
yet at the same time hype him up when it’s needed
can see you guys talking about anything and everything
at anytime really
mark can be awkward, sure, but once he gets used to you
I don’t think he’d stop talking
he’d probably drag you out to do some physical activity too
denise - @renjunlite
haechan or mark
okay idk what it is about love triangles
and you
but like a markhyuck love triangle??
like the three besties
just chillin in the park
and hyuck’s head is on your lap as he complains for the nth time or hums a random melody
mark is sitting next to you, strumming his guitar and watermelon (omg what if he sang watermelon sugar)
you’re reading a book, or cloud watching, just enjoying n a t u r e
in this situation, I can picture you with just one
like mark doesn’t have to be there, and it’s just you and haechan
or, haechan doesn’t have to be there, and it’s just you and mark
maybe mark cause I would love to see him serenade you
eiko - @jeonginks
I thought about yuta
but i’m more intrigued about an interactions with donghyuck
as previously mentioned
she’s the type to tell you to shut up cause your loud
in this case
it’s donghyuck who needs to be quiet
and I would swim to korea and drag him to eiko just to see that
y’all would kinda bicker like siblings
or bicker like an old couple idk
either way, it’d always be entertaining
also haechan singing something eiko wrote
the power that that concept has-
haechan’s angelic voice singing a description that eiko wrote about a trash can
would take my breath away
they’re that enticing and that powerful
it’d be some sort of sorcery my mortal brain would not be ready to deal with
they’d have me hypnotized and that’s a fact
girl, if you ever become a songwriter, hit up haechan
you guys would dominate the music industry
and it’d be endgame periodt
janna - @haechaaaaaaanssi
okay taeil or yuta
like in the 24 hour relay cam
I can see you in johnny’s place and just walking around with yuta
talking about anything and everything
as you guys hike your way up a mountain or something
and you guys would take cute pictures at the top hhhhh
at the same time
I can see you just chillin with taeil tho
vibin to music in the living room
cuddled in blankets on the couch as you watch movies
randomly ordering late night delivery
or, again with the 24 hour cam (the one with haechan), go out to karaoke
or bowling
or eating out at some restaurant
leyna - @jensungf
so the two of you can cry over jeno fdajklfd
would sell my kidney to see you guys sing together
we need a duet pls
also I see the two of you baking together??
idk why but I do
and it’s cute
like ‘oops my hand slipped’
and now he has flour all over him
at least whenever I imagine them
anyway yes,, leyna and doyoung
number one fans of jeno
and a cute pair don’t @ me
louna - @glossyjaems
y’all can be chill
him gaming and minding his own business
you writing and minding your own business
but at the same time chaotic
omg the chaos the two of you would start
partners in crime,, pranking members while you deny it
lying your way out of things and hiding a mischievous smirk
we love to see it
but at the same time
don’t make me your victim pls
qiu - @juyeonzz
taeyong, taeil, sicheng or mark
oh the options
idk who to choose omg
because I can totally see you bond with taeyong, mark and sicheng over dancing
and like in the dream tag,, I would live to see you interact with mork because it’s mork lee
y’all are two awkward beans,,, it’s perfect
would also love to see you interact with sicheng and taeyong
they both are babies and pairing you up with one of them just screams adorable
and taeil
I feel like you just vibe with him
that’s such a bad explanation
but I feel that the two of you would have a connection
cuz I see him as the type of guy who would have talks with you under the stars
and you, qiu, would be his favorite person to have these discussions
yara - @kwantified
can see you being adventurous with yuta
just exploring
you guys don’t need to talk, just enjoying each other’s presence
could also see you doing that with haechan
except there’d be some talking lol
ooooo but chilling with doyoung??
like a lazy sunday and just staying home
watching some movies
binging some series
eating some popcorn
super chill and we love that
hhhhhh yuta, haechan or doyoung
imma say doyoung
cuz we stan that chill energy yes
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stayforya · 5 years
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member: kim namjoon
genre: ceo!au
words: 4.7k
summary: when you learned spanish, you knew it would take you to many places in business matters. however, you couldn't imagine that it would create a special conexión between you and your new boss.
monday morning, 7am
you were very nervous, to be honest
after graduating, you finally found your first job in your field, business administration
because of all your experiences as a student, you could get a good opportunity like this
you just took some fruit, yogurt and left the house to get the bus
you were supposed to be in the building at 8am to start
but because it was your first day, you came early
other coworkers were also coming
you greeted them as they knew you were a greenhorn in work
you started to organize your stuff on the table, turn on the computer and open up the folders
“good morning, everyone”, a very beautiful lady came in
you remembered her from the interview day
she was very sweet
her name tag said kim kyeongmin
“oh, ms. y/n, welcome! everyone, this is your new coworker, please welcome her”
you felt smiles around you and smiled back, also thanking kyeongmin
kyeongmin went to her office, which was right in front of the big room where all employees, including you, had their computers and stuff
the place was nice, spacious
and there was also a coffee machine plus a candy machine
modern office’s stuff
“hey, my name is jane, nice to meet you”, said the woman sitting by the table beside you
“oh, hi, I’m y/n. it’s my pleasure.”
“so, if you need anything, you can just ask me”, she delivered a friendly smile, “I started here six months ago so I know there must be some questions”
you nodded, “of course, thank you”, showing gratitude
you spent the whole morning working and there was a lot to catch up on
your coworkers asked if you’d like to come for lunch but you honestly weren’t even hungry
when you were into something, you didn’t like to pause, so you’d only stop when you’re finished
not that it’s good, since you had to eat
but yeah
during the lunch break, when you finally finished what you were writing and took some sandwich from inside your bag to eat
someone entered the room
you immediately looked, cause your table was the first view when someone got through the door
it was a man and the first thing you noticed was his height
he was tall
a simple white shirt, two buttons opened
black pants
his hair was styled in a nice way too, no strand of hair out of place
you could tell he was a serious guy but not a boring one
“excuse me, where’s everyone?”, he asked
you touched your face just in case there was any bread bran on it
“oh, hm, they are lunching”
he looked at his watch
“I’m sorry I thought the lunch break was already over”
“it’s okay, how can I help you? is there anything you need to deliver to ms. kim?”
he stopped for a brief second and then opened a little smile
“oh no, no, I can come back later”
you nodded
he was almost leaving when you, not satisfied, extended the conversation introducing yourself
“I’m sorry for my manners, my name is y/n”
he looked at you
“you’re the new employee, right? nice to meet you, I’m namjoon”, he said
“yes, nice to meet you too”
you didn’t know how he got that information
probably your proactive beginner way of being said it all
maybe he didn’t work there since he didn’t even have a name tag
you shrugged and came back to your work once he left
not so long later everyone came back, one by one
your new friend (could you call her like that already tho?) jane brought you a cupcake as a welcoming gift
“omg thank you!”, it was cute with a funny character designed on top
“no problem”
you had a lot of things to work on
kyeongmin brought you some stuff on paper to transfer to the virtual folder
you were very concentrated cause, in your mind, mistakes shouldn’t happen on your first day
when the door opened, you couldn’t help but look
the guy from earlier came in again
“excuse me, is kyeongmin already here?”
“no, sir, she was but she had to solve a problem at the bank”, another co-worker answered
“I’ll have to go into her office, then”, he said to himself out loud
everyone but you nodded
when you noticed, you just followed the nodding session
by the glass wall you could see him inside the office very concentrated
“he came here during lunch, who’s him?”
“oh, you don’t know yet?”, another colleague questioned
“I thought he came to deliver something…”
“no, girl, he’s the owner of this”
“ms. kim and him are partners in business, he’s the CEO, tho”
everything in your mind made sense
“seriously? I had no idea”
“it’s okay, you just started”
after almost thirty minutes, he was still there
by that hour, everyone was making coffee
“so, every afternoon we like to make coffee, and we always make one to ms. kim when she’s very busy”, jane explained the routine to you
“since she’s not here, we’re making one to him…?”, you asked
“yeah”, someone else answered, putting some cream on top of his cup
“and every day a different person does it”
you looked at them
“I get it”, you said, “I’ll bring him the coffee since I’m new here”
they giggled
you made his coffee exactly like yours since you couldn’t guess how he liked it
everything ready, you knocked at the door
he didn’t move his head but looked at the door opening
“hey, hm, sir, we thought you’d like some coffee”
omg are you going to be informal like this and then add ‘sir’ just to make it better???
“oh”, he relaxed and leaned on the chair more comfortably, “it came in the right moment”
you gave a simple smile
he reached to take the cup from your hands
“thank you… y/n. right?”
you were surprised
you were about the get out the room but
“do you speak spanish?”
“what?”, you spitted that out without even thinking
“I mean…”, you tried to clean up the mess
but he smiled and laughed a little
your boss l a u g h e d a little
“sorry, I caught you by surprise. it’s just that I have a meeting with a team from Spain in one week, and I am not that good in spanish, so”
“I actually… do… speak some spanish.”
“oh!”, he seemed excited, “I asked the others but they don’t. spanish is not an easy language, so…”
“but, if you prefer, I could find a professional translator and-”
“don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not your job to do this, but it would be better if someone from the company could go with me, since we’ll talk about market research analysis and those business administration stuff, which is your field, right?”
did he read your resume too? you thought only ms. kim hired you
of course he would read, he’s the ceo
so he knew you could speak spanish too, it was on your resume
that’s why he asked so directly
“yes, yes, it’s our field”
he agreed, now playing with a pen in his right hand
“now, if you excuse me…”
“of course”, he said and even stood up as you bowed
people were really respectful in this company, huh
he was kinda nice tho
you thought he’d be cocky cuz he’s the ceo
but nah he was nice
anyways it would be a very good opportunity to be the official translator
you’d meet new people
alright, time to practice spanish again
the whole week was ok
you didn’t meet namjoon again, only kyeongmin, until the other week, on wednesday
one day before the meeting he was meant to attend to, he asked kyeongmin to send you to his office
“y/n, namjoon is calling you at his office. you’re attending the event tomorrow, right?”, she was so nice to you
you wonder what namjoon and her were of each other
“yes”, you smiled
“great! you can finish your work here later, ok?”, she pointed to the computer with her head
“thank you”
“tell him he owes me one”, she said when you were already leaving
when you stepped at his office
it was like
a whole new world lol
minimalist but so… chic?
it was so clean you almost took off your shoes to not dirty the floor
there was a wall full of books
he could even live there if he wanted to because it was so cool
his taste was great for interior design, in case he was the one who picked the stuff himself
there was a name tag made of glass with “kim nam joon” on it
he looked so powerful sitting there
but in the moment he saw you, he stood up and bowed too
“excuse me”
“please”, his hand pointed to the chair in front of that beautiful wood table
ok you were so mesmerized by that interior design lol
you sat in front of him while he was printing something
then you saw he was actually making a copy of the paper he was about to give you
it had like two pages and it was full of notes, but very organized
he put some glasses on and, dude, in that moment
he reached a new level of handsome
“how are you?”
you were caught by surprise a little
this is the type of question everyone asks but at the same time they don’t in situations like this
mainly when there’s something more important to talk about
“I am fine... you?”
“looking forward to the meeting. I’ll ask my driver to pick you up at 5pm so we won’t be late”
you nodded
“this”, he gave you the paper, “contains the main points we’re going to discuss tomorrow. I also made some notes and… if you have some question, go ahead”
namjoon’s personality was friendly and you could tell that by the way he talked and welcomed you
that’s why you read that paper and made all the questions you wanted
and wrote down some other notes
you’d definitely spend the rest of the day studying
it was your field, but you didn’t want to disappoint
“do you have any other question?”, he asked
“yes. what’s your spanish level?”
he smiled because of the question
you were very straightforward
he was probably expecting another question about the points he wrote down
“well… I can introduce myself, speak some simple sentences, but I understand more than I speak, so…”
“ok”, you said, writing down
he seemed curious about what you wrote
“it’s just because I need to know what do I have to translate”
“don’t worry, you’ll know”
you frowned
“you’ll notice my lost expression”, he said
“ok, so, I think this is it…”
“see you tomorrow, then”
“thank you, mr. kim”
“you can call me namjoon”
you only knew him for – what – a week
he walked to a sort of furniture where there were clean and ironed clothes
proving he could really live there
you stood up and went to the door, going back to your work space
thankfully there weren’t a lot of things to do there
because, hello-oh, you were still working for the company in the reunion with namjoon
you were organizing all the papers you had to bring home, then you noticed one of the files namjoon gave weren’t there
there were so many on his table that maybe you forgot it there
so you came back
the door was slightly opened and you knocked
you really did
but he didn’t answer so maybe he wasn’t there
and you just had to find your file
so you got in and he was coming back from the bathroom
you froze
his white shirt, usually two buttons opened
was now fully unbuttoned
a great physical was showing
he must work hard on gym
you tried to look at his face at the moment you saw each other
but your eyes kept coming back to his chest
he was starting to button again when he saw you
“oh I-”, just shut up, y/n
namjoon turned his back
“I’m sorry”, he said, looking at you over his right shoulder
“I’m sorry I walked in, I knocked but you didn’t hear…”
“no, that’s okay”, he said in a friendly tone, it really sounded genuine
“I think I forgot my file here”
it was exactly where you left it
“that’s it, thank you”
walking fast was complicated cause the sound of your heels in the ground broke the silence in a disturbing way
“excuse me, y/n”, namjoon said and you turned to him again
he was fully covered now
“can you help me choose a necktie?”
he lifted two of them
“hm… I’d say the burgundy one”
“I wanted exactly this one”, he smiled and lifted the chosen one, “thank you”
you nodded and walked through the door
namjoon stayed there, immobile
deep down he wanted to ask something else so you’d stay there for another minute
he didn’t know you for long, ofc
but ever since you guys met
the way you were so carefree when talking to him
he liked that
it wasn’t because of how you look
even though he found you very pretty
but because of how you guys had some kind of connection when you spent almost an hour chatting earlier
maybe your vision, your ideas
he found that attractive
next day, you worked the whole morning
but kyeongmin told you to go home earlier because of the appointment
you thanked her and went home
a while ago, you bought a nice dress and maybe the good opportunity to use it would be now
it gave that serious neat vibe plus made you feel comfortable
you also made your hair in a nice way and when everything was finished
not one minute after 5pm
the car was in front of your home
the back door opened
not by itself
someone opened it but you couldn’t see
it was a fancy car btw
you didn’t know much about cars but who needs to know
everyone can tell when it’s fancy
you firstly looked inside and namjoon was already sitting there
you quietly sat there and closed the door
“hey”, he said
“hey”, you answered back
the informality though lol
you watched so many videos in spanish your brain was almost colliding
“just in time”
“I came home earlier”, you were avoiding eye contact
but you felt his lovely smile on you
“¿estás lista?"
“already practicing, mr. kim?”, you tried to sound unconcerned
he started looking through the window
namjoon was always very elegant
the fact that he’s tall probably helped a lot
but it was all about his posture
the way he speaks
and his personality itself
he was dressing very simply
a white shirt, black blazer and pants
hair perfectly done as expected
“we arrived”, the driver said
namjoon and you got out from different doors and joined the place side by side, through the large stairs
the room was full of people and for a moment you felt insecure
you studied, you knew what you were doing, so why feel like this?
namjoon noticed the way you were touching your hair and straightening your clothes
“you look great”, he said, looking at you, “don’t worry”
the first group you two met were korean speakers, the second one had a lot of english speakers
and finally two men and one woman approached you
you kinda felt it was the spanish team you studied for but when you were wondering
they said “hola”, so you knew it
namjoon introduced himself pretty well in spanish
his accent was also good, it didn’t sound weird or try hard
he introduced you as “señorita y/l/n”
it was unexpected even tho you didn’t know why
when people started referring to you, you felt like it was the right time to get into the conversation
so you explained you’d be translating some stuff for namjoon
they were okay, probably used to it in meetings like that
you were nervous at the start but they were nice
plussss you were doing your thing
talking about your field
about everything you studied
in the end you felt like it was a very good opportunity to introduce yourself in this business world
namjoon had to talk to another team and he left you alone for some minutes
you thought you would panic but the conversation was very pleasing
after a long time talking to them, namjoon begged leave to eat something with you
you felt his hand on your back, close to your shoulders, but he wasn’t touching you
you just felt the presence of it, like, floating over
“you left me alone”, you said
“come on, you were doing so well”
you didn’t know what to answer so just kept walking until the place where drinks and foods were
“I thought your spanish was good but now I know it’s perfectly fluent”
he wasn’t looking at you while drinking
you both were leaning against a wall
“don’t be so kind”
“don’t be so harsh on yourself”, he looked at you and raised his eyebrows making a cute expression
your lips created a shy smile
almost three hours there making new partnerships and discussing about business administration, marketing, finance, etc
you were about to leave
while he was on the phone, you waited in front of the place
on top of the stairs, holding your coat and purse
“so”, you heard his voice from behind you
you turned to him
and for a moment
you looked up to him, since he was taller
he’s taller than anybody
and he looked into your eyes
you felt that
but it was just for a moment so he continued
“my driver can’t come”
“really? why?”
“he wasn’t feeling good, so he needed to rush to a hospital”
“ah… do we need to take a cab? I can call one”
“actually”, his hands on the pockets and his body swinging in a childish way, “he left the car here and went in a cab”
“where are the keys?”
“in reception, I got it already”, he showed it
“hm can you… drive or…?”
he smiled and scratched the back of his neck
“to be honest, I’m not good when it comes to control cars”
you kinda wanted to laugh but you bit your lower lip
“you can laugh”, he said
so you let it out
“I really thought you had a driver just for the fanciness”
“I wish”
“well, give me them, I’ll drive”, you reached out for it
he didn’t even think twice before giving it to you
so you leaded the way
he followed you to the car
and he was about to open the back door
“oh-oh, not there”, you said, “you’re coming in the front”
“oh I’m sorry”
you know when you’re anxious for something
then the thing happens so you feel an inexplicable relief
and it’s like you could conquer the world now it passed
you were feeling exactly like this
although namjoon was your boss, he was so nice that you felt like there was no big barrier between you two
so you felt comfortable with him
you knew the age gap wasn’t that big because he was one of the most successful CEOs under 30
“¿a dónde vamos, senõrita?”
“your spanish is improving, huh?”
he laughed
“you’re a good teacher”
you felt kinda keyed up
quickly back to normal
“I’ll take you home and I’ll call a cab from there”
“oh no, you can take the car”
“what? no, no, I’m okay”
“turn left”, he said
“my house. you have to turn left now”
“oh ok”
your face started to burn lol thank God it was dark inside the car
and he giggled by himself
namjoon’s house was quite far
the location was private btw
the good thing was that you both chatted a lot along the way
“here you go”, you said taking off the seat belt as if you were about to get out too
“are you staying?”, he asked
your eyes widened
“eh? I’ll leave the car with you”
“no I told you to go home with it”, he said
“I just don’t feel comfortable…”
“don’t get me wrong, if you want to stay over, there’s a room for you”
“excuse me?”
“that’s why I started with ‘don’t get me wrong’, maybe you’re tired to cross the city. a cab will be very expensive”
“ok, so I’ll take the car”
he nodded, agreeing
“tomorrow I’ll give it back to you”
“you could give me a ride, though”
you laughed
“am I your new driver now? it seems like I have a lot of new positions”
“I didn’t mean that way”, he was being serious now
maybe he thought you were being serious too
you didn’t see it as overwork at all
because it wasn’t
you would have an extra payment for going with him to that meeting
driving him wasn’t a job, it was a pleasure
“I’ll come. can you be ready at 7:30am?”
“uh early”
“that’s the hour we all go to work, sir”
“I’ll think about a change of the office hours, señorita”
“is señorita a thing now?”
he shrugged
“see you tomorrow?”
“at 7am”, you answered
namjoon was standing in front of his place when you arrived there
you really thought he would be late but wow
looks like he was trying to impress
he was a fun person to talk to even being quite sleepy at that hour
when you guys arrived, you left the keys at the reception for the driver
and went to your office
namjoon went for his and that was the last time you saw him that day
you kinda smiled sometimes during the day cause you remembered the moments you guys had
talking to him was so nice you forgot he was your boss
kyeongmin and some coworkers asked you how the meeting went
and you felt good talking about that because, professionally, it was a great moment for you
you felt exactly where you should be and it made you create new goals for your career
the next week came
you both only saw each other for quick moments
he smiled at you every time
another week came and another one too
it was a very busy moment for the company after the meeting
new partnerships, new responsibilities
until the day he called kyeongmin
you were at her office in the moment she received the call
“oh yeah she’s here… yeah, okay”, she turned off the phone
“it’s namjoon, he asked if you could go to his office”
“yes, if you let me…”
she opened a bright smile
“y/n, don’t worry about that, he’s the ceo. if he calls you’re the one to say yes or no, just let me know”
“I’m his sister by the way, in case you have mistaken me for his wife, girlfriend or anything”
you didn’t know what to answer
“no I didn’t have any thoughts about it”, you smiled shyly
liarrrr lol
you thought she was his girlfriend once
but after some days and seeing how they were acting with each other, you knew they didn’t have any love relationship
knowing they’re siblings made sense
you went to namjoon’s office quite nervous
even at the first time, you weren’t nervous like this and now your stomach was writhing
you knocked at his door and he opened it quickly
oh heeey he looked really cute
you greeted him back and got in once he asked you to
“so…”, you said
“I’m about to promote you”
he saw your eyes getting bigger in surprise and couldn’t help but smile
“as my new driver”
“oh how funny”, your voice was funny itself after the shock
“it’s the only way we can have nice talks, right?”, he sat on his chair
“is it?”
ok where did your boldness come from
his expression looked like he was asking the same question
“ok, so, can you tell me why did you call me here?”
“just because” – he wanted to see you, but he didn’t finish the phrase that way – “the Spain partners really liked you”
“oh!”, the surprise was genuine
“you were great, they praised you a lot and asked me if you could be the official in-between person in our business with them”
you clearly didn’t have words to express the surprise
“I feel honoured”
“you should. so, is it a yes?”
“of course!”, you were about to say something else but a huge noise echoed
namjoon was getting a pen to write something but
he dropped the whole pen holder
very clumsy of him and it wasn’t the first time you noticed
you both immediately started to pick up the pens
that cliché thing happened, not gonna lie
your hands touched when you tried to pick up the same pen as him
coming back to your seats you tried to lighten the atmosphere
“do you break a lot of things or-?”
he laughed
“at this point I think being clumsy is already a personality thing I was born with”
“deep”, you said, which made him keep the smile
“ok, you’ll accept the offer, then?”
“which one?”
he frowned
“oh, the Spain team one, right? definitely”
“did I make another one…?”
you looked at his eyes
they said a lot, btw
and you found that one of the most attractive features of him
“I just thought you wanted to”
by his face he couldn’t believe you noticed
you were quite an observant and, come on, you were into him too
not to the point your body talk expressed it, because you were very cautious about love interest in the workplace
he crossed his fingers, hands on the table
“look, now that you noticed, I can’t help but say…”
“not that you were trying to hide at all, right, sir?”
the way you always had answers left him speechless
“I find you interesting”, he said, lowering his voice, “and I know work is not the best place for it”
“still you find a way to see me”
“be honest. who are we lying to?”
namjoon stood up
wandering around the room, maybe trying not to make eye contact
“look, it never happened before”
you stood up too, listening
“I really like the way we connect. and y e s, I know it sounds deep but it’s not that deep, we bond well”
you agreed
“so if you want, we can meet again. somewhere else. maybe on a library, a café, idk”
you smiled at him
“yes, let’s do this”
“so it’s mutual”
“you’re my boss, I couldn’t let it show- oh, your collar”, you couldn’t concentrate looking at his messy collar
you just went closer to straighten it
“sorry, it was messy”
he watched you do that
now you were close
and you felt his eyes on you
you wanted to look back but the reaction would be uncertain
cause you’d probably do exactly what you did
your hand rose to his neck and namjoon automatically leaned down even closer
your lips touch and it was so quickly you didn’t even notice the exact moment
so you both did it again
as if the first kiss was just an attempt
when it felt like you did the right thing and wanted it again, that was when you just let it happen
namjoon’s kiss handn’t rush
anyone could get in but he didn’t care
you two were into the moment
your minds went blank and just the feelings of the kiss took control
his hand caressed your hair and put one lock behind your ear
so his fingers could softly touch your face
you touched his shoulders and the back of his hair
and you knew he liked it because of the smile between the kiss
he tightened his grip as your hand caressed his neck
when you finally stopped, eyes still closed and foreheads touching
the silence took over for a minute, until you were the first to cut it
“I think I have to go now…”
his face was saying please, stay for a while
“I’ll wait until we meet”
you smiled at him
“me too”
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lestvt · 6 years
Tagging Game
Tagged by @princelesthottie​ :)))))
How tall are you? 5′6′’
What color are your eyes? blue (with hints of green) 
Do you wear glasses/contacts? nope
Do you wear Braces? when i was 11-13. i also have a permanent brace on the inside of my bottom front teeth
Whats your fashion style? im a goth boy/girl piece of shit so... black and lace and fishnets and velvet and w/e, ya know?? but also every variation of goth you can think of, i have an outfit for - 90′s goth, pastel goth, gothic lolita, casual goth, etc., it’s a work in progress...  
When were you born? a long, long time ago in a distant land (chicago, 1995)
Do you have siblings? i have two older brothers and an older sister, who are 37, 35, and 25 respectively  
What kind of student were/are you? i mean i always got straight A’s, and i was a total teacher’s pet/overachiever. when i was younger i was in every club i could think of - student council, book club, show choir, etc. high school i spent mostly in the hospital, so there’s that... but i’ve been in college for a few years now and i’ve only ever gotten 1 B alongside my many A’s, which is nice. not that school really has anything to do with intelligence, but i consider myself a well-read person at the very least      
What were/are your favorite subjects? english/writing, history, and now anthropology  
Favorite movies? alien, jurassic park, star wars, interview with the vampire, kill bill, the lotr movies, etc. 
Favorite pastimes? writing/reading mostly, also drawing, writing music, dancing, watching youtube (funhaus, polygon, sugar pine 7, game grumps, mr. sark, etc.), listening to podcasts (dude soup, mbmbam, h3h3′s podcast, and various d&d podcasts), being mean to my friends, etc.    
What’s your dream job? i’m studying archaeology currently (i just changed my major...), and i plan to teach it, but my REAL dream is to be an author, which, considering how much i write, seems pretty plausible. also i think i’d make a pretty sick comedian ;))) 
Would you like to get married? i dont believe in marriage. marriage is an institution, marriage is like slavery.... and in this day and age its pointless if not for the tax breaks it affords you. so, no.   
Do you want kids? not really, i’m a very selfish person with little to no patience for raising a child. maybe i’ll change my mind in the distant future, but currently i’d rather dig out my own reproductive organs through my bellybutton with a spoon, thanks very much 
How many countries have you visited? i’ve never left the USA, but i’ve been all over the country. my mom loves to travel and has been taking me on trips since i was an infant. 
Scariest dream? i used to have a lot of reoccuring nightmares about school - usually that i’d be lost in the building and miss class, or that i couldnt find a way out and was trapped inside. but since college those dreams have kind of dissipated, and now i often dream of moving into a big, haunted mansion of sorts. but those aren’t usually nightmares, just interesting manifestations of my every day stress and fear of change. 
but in october of 2017 i had a really vivid, really disturbing dream in which i died and went to purgatory, which took the form of a small community of people being hunted by “monsters.” it was so detailed and lovecraftian that i wrote the whole thing down as soon as i woke up and decided to make a novel out of it. (this isn’t really important, but i also want to mention that in the dream i wasn’t myself, i was louis... and lestat was there, which was weird, but i omitted that part for the sake of making it an original story)   
Significant other? /looks into a mirror, “hey babe”
First 15 on your playlist without skipping:
1. Scary Love - The Neighborhood 
2. Don’t Delete the Kisses - Wolf Alice
3. Your Song (Cover) - Lady Gaga
4. Say Amen (Saturday Night) - Panic! At the Disco
5. Chocolate - The 1975
6. Saturday Sun - Vance Joy
7. American Money - BORNS 
8. Nights In White Satin - The Moody Blues
9. Blue - Marina & the Diamonds 
10. Waste A Moment - Kings of Leon 
11. Perfect Skin - Peace
12. Could’ve Been Me - The Struts 
13. Get Out - CHVRCHES  
14. Wolves - Selena Gomez, Marshmello  
15. I Don’t Want U Back - BORNS 
Tagging: no one cuz im an anti-social jerk, as always 
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zephrbabe · 7 years
A smut fic rec list for @anais-ninja-blog to weather the storm. All AO3 links, and Rated E unless otherwise stated.
Captivated by Leftennant - If you like TaserTricks, you’ve probably already read this, but hey, it’s long and it’s smutty, and it’s really, really good.
Shine Without Fear by Yavannie - yes, go read. I should reread this.
Cherry Bomb by AnnieMar - TaserTricks meets Guardians of the Galaxy.
If I Didn’t Know Better (But Damn It I Do) by rufeepeach - long one-shot wherein Darcy can see through Loki’s illusions.
Until the End of Eternity by @meleedamage - (bookmarked this over a year ago, so you know it’s not just fangirl nepotism) Melee’s trademark smutty shenanigans
All Reason Aside, I Just Can’t Deny by Tristesses - A/B/O w/omegaverse-style soulmates. This fic kidnapped me from the Labyrinth fandom, and now look at me.
Utter Darkness by ElegantMess - This one is so beautiful! But there’s also smut, promise.
Of_raven_wings’ Darcy Lewis Smut Week Challenge series - a bit angsty, a lot smutty, still has a happy ending
it’s not an epic romance (it’s a love affair) by @erisdea - WSS - Literally my favorite fic. An excellent turn-around of the WSS triad soulmates trope. Angst (so much angst), budding romance, palpable character development, masterful perspective changes, and all the smut you could want or handle. *cue “I’ll be in my bunk” gif* *nosebleed gif* *pupils dilating gif* Incomplete, but who even gives a fuck it’s so good.
Sleeper by Queenspuppet (aka @ragwitch) - WSS - smut, romance, %*!@$ Hydra, Darcy being badass.
Katiedid’s Archive - SS, WS, WSS (also TaserTorch in there) - I came to this fandom less than a year after she left it, and while I’m sad I missed her, I am really, really glad her work is still posted, because it’s amazing. I’m rereading these right now. They’re not all smutty, though, but some are. 
Sexual Healing by @phoenix-173 and Katiedid - WSS - ever-so-much smut, and what I consider the quintessential example of caveman!Steve & worshipful!Bucky as lovers (to Darcy and each other) that I understand people have complained about being OOC on other fics. Also, this is the fic that contains Helen Cho/Johnny Storm and I need more of that pairing in my life.
Scared Stiff by @meleedamage - WSS - pure Halloween smut
Our Girl by philosophyofhedonism - WSS - *fans self* just look at the author’s handle... you know it’s gonna be good.
Pull Me Down by blue_sweater - SS - fluffy smut in which Darcy is a succubus and Steve cums buckets.
Not Exactly Oscar Material by @sachertortes - WS - hollywood AU, and not smutty until the last two chapters, but soooo worth reading.
Choose Your Own by BionicallyIronic - WS - sex pollen FTW. I’m amazed I don’t have more sex pollen fics in my bookmarks.
Pulling Me Under by @anogete - WS - all smut and then feels and smut, and Darcy feels true to Dennings’ portrayal while still being a complete BAMF. And really, literally all four of her Darcy fics are must-reads.
Five Things Darcy Loves About Working for SHIELD by teand - SS - Rated M - Shield Agent!Darcy is a thing that I love, and this is a good one.
The Intern duology by necowaffer - WS - Rated M - aka Where Darcy fucks the Winter Soldier cuz reasons.
Across the Universe by polexia_aphrodite - mixed - Rated M - you like historical stuff, right? You like good writing, right? This is a series of one-shots (oh god, why are they merely one-shots?) that are fucking stunningly well-written. It’s not all Darcy ships, but even though I’m mostly a Darcy shipper, I don’t even care. 
De’oum Luminai by boombangbing - SS -  Rated M but not real smutty - Fifth Element mashup where Steve is LeeLoo and Darcy is Korben Dallas; need I say more?
Writers too prolific to link one fic: 
PinkPandoraFrog’s (aka @frogsandcoffee) entire catalog of Darcy fics, not all of which are smut, but, like 90% smut? Check tags for dubcon if that’s not your thing, but I frankly recommend the TaserBones stuff if it is.
GhostCrumpet’s (aka @hushinghorizon) entire catalog. I skim the titles, and have repeatedly gone, “omg she wrote that one? I loved that one!” cuz I spent the first half of the year binging on WSS/SS/WS fic without connecting anyone’s body of work to actual people.
Bjorkshirepudding’s E-rated and M-rated Darcy fics. Sad that Val’s retired from Tumblr, but her work speaks for itself. (In this case, with dick.)
Becisvolatile’s smut catalog, which is extensive. (”We’ll Never Get Started” is probably my fav, but they’re all quality smut.)
phew! That’s a long list! Hope you get lots of steamy reading done while waiting out the inclement weather! (Also, I’m definitely missing some fic recs for this list because I’ve neglected to bookmark something.)
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desertfragments · 7 years
🌸 🌹🌻🍀
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve
Ok, so imma do three bc im an angry person (also none of this is directed at anyone in particular, just the vague ‘you’) and thats why it got put under the cut bc its basically me being pissy and rambling rifp:
When you say you’re oc friendly but don’t rp with A N Y ocs nor make any effort to do so even when people write a starter. This is typically canon characters too so like. Dude. If you didn’t want to RP with ocs, don’t make it seem like you’re open to it cuz you aren’t. 
Excessive formatting and box themes. Also themes without a reblog button, but that’s not often anymore. Also just caring more about aesthetics than actual rping? It makes people come off as hella shallow and then they don’t even do v much rping so why do you have it? And then their blogs are a pain in the ass to navigate cuz they’re so hard to see and their replies are annoying af to even try to /read/. 
Rp cliques! Or those things you have to like, apply and fill out a form for?? I don’t understand those cuz like. You shouldn’t have to form a group to get people to rp with you and then only do it selectively? And jfc, stop clogging up the tags!! I don’t care about your apps or w/e tf they are!! I just wanna find some more people to follow!!
PEOPLE WHO ONLY REPLY TO THE FOUR ODD PARAGRAPHS I WROTE WITH FUCKING TWO SENTENCES. I think I’ve ranted on this a couple times and I know that in my rules it says “Don’t worry about matching my length” but GODDAMN ARE YOU PUTTING ANY EFFORT IN AT A L L. I don’t even have anything to work with or any character development either!!! So what tf am I trying to write with you for?? You’re wasting my time.
🌹 = my opinion on your characterI have… conflicting emotions okay. On one hand, I love Cand cuz he’s relatable. On the other, literal garbage fire. He’s horribly complex and sometimes I wanna punch him. Usually I wanna punch him. But he’s super intriguing!! I wanna know more about him!! And I love that he’s really unexpected. Tbh he kinda reminds me of Jay sometimes, if you don’t mind me saying? They have some similar personality traits and I’m kinda curious to see what happens with them. I think they could be chaos buddies, if we get past the first meeting and Jay doesn’t piss him off too much?
🌻 = a character I wish to write withUhhh no one really? I just tend to wanna rp with people I follow and I’m p happy with where I am rn. I try not to be too impulsive when it comes to rp partners cuz I don’t want to try and write with someone who I don’t click with cuz then its not fun for me and probably not fun for them either. I think it would be kinda cool to rp in other fandoms, though? Maybe like some Wasteland placed threads cuz I miss MMFR. Or even original world (like. Original world to the muns) threads cuz I like those. Def would wanna do a star wars au with someone bc I fucking love star wars. And maybe some lowkey horror ones? Idk maybe just indie ocs with people my age or just with more people who I click with u know?
🍀 = a ship I wish to writeHhhhhh I’m not really partial to shipping? It’s not something I’m actively looking for with my muses just cuz it’s not a super big priority. And ships are weird ngl. Esp with Jay cuz she’s aro so it’s just like. Friendship with people all day every day. I do love familial relationships though. There’s a lot of explore with it esp since her and families (lmao) get kinda rocky. Either way, platonic ships are still hella great and it would be rly fun to see the shit that happens.
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grontlejon-a-blog · 7 years
NAME: hey ho page says flowerwall so call me flower ! but im also commonly called wars(feil) so ! i listen to that too ! PRONOUNS: she/her SEXUALITY: uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh sexuality is iffy but im bi??or??sth??romantic at least yAHO ZODIAC SIGN: taurus !! TAKEN OR SINGLE: single yoho
1.  math is kicking my arse save me 2.  i dont actively go for age gap ships but ?? somehow ?? my main ships ?? always has a lowkey big age gap ????????????????? how.............. 3.  i like to ramble !! i talk a lot !!
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): uuhhhhh 9-10 since i actually started, but actively ??? 5?? at tops ??!? ive been doing this for a while anyway laUGHS PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: swedish forums ! && tumblr :’) i was on a eng forum once too && gaia..........LAUGHS BEST EXPERIENCE: im nostalgic so imma say old forums cuz i rly miss some of those ocs i wrote in them aaa i like the whole..focusing on one character thing but i also miss having 5 different plots w 5 different characters...................IS THIS WHY I KEEP MAKING NEW BLOGS.
FEMALE OR MALE: i want to say gals but ?? all my current muses are guys more or less ?! woah.....i have like...2 girls.....wow.... MULTI OR SINGLE: I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND T`WHAT THIS QUESTION TALKS ABOUT AKJDBKJDABA anyway singleblog even tho i prob SHOULD consider multi at some point lMAO and fewship yA
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: uuhhh some..kinda mix of fluff and angst ?? most of my selfindulgent stuff is fluffy so thats what i write most i guess but !! pure, tender moments of honest talk.......that could be considered fluff i guess LAUGHS
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes ! usually seeing a line hits me w inspiration faster :’) but plotting is good for those specific moods aaa!!! but memes is usually easier&faster for me! LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: ....MEDIUM. LMAO. i know i tend to write a few paras (especially if the other partner writes a few paras+has so many things i wanna mention!!) but i tend to take a while w those so im trying to keep most of my things 1 longish para......laUGHS but ya usually i prefer longer ! too short or one-liners are those i drop the fastest :’) BEST TIME TO WRITE: evening when im done w my work or on a break from it !! ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): mE AND GREEN??? UUUUHHHH i guess we’re both easily excited about things and likes nature but.......?? ig uess thats that tbh !!! LAUGHS
tagged by: @techspecialistofvoltron ty ♥♥♥ tagging: uuUUUHHH IM LEAVING IT AT HER  E sorry :^(
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