#(both actor peko and actor fuyuhiko)
drippingviolets3 · 2 years
REQUEST FOR YANDERE PEKOYAMA X READER X FUYUHIKO HEAD CANONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
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Also I’ve decided to start calling you Haiku since you have Haikyuu in your username so I hope you’re okay with that-
But quick warning! I will be trying to make these dark (yandere aren’t exactly romantic after all) so let’s just move the trigger warnings out of the way:
Trigger warning for the following: Blood, murder, gang violence, mentions of rendering the reader immobile, general yandere themes. Nothing about this will be soft or sweet. Yanderes are not to be romanticized so this will be my best effort to make this dark.
How they met you:
•For Peko and Fuyuhiko to both fall in love with the same person, they’d absolutely have to be something special. Whether they’re in the yakuza as well or they’re just a classmate of theirs, you’ll need to gain their attention. You’ll need to be someone who can make Peko, someone who was trained to believe she was nothing but a tool, and Fuyuhiko, someone who’s forced to keep any and all weaknesses hidden under lock and key, break their walls down, and I don’t think enough people know how hard that can be.
•Maybe you’re a hardened fighter of theirs, or some errand runner. Being in their workplace will definitely help you catch their eye and gain their trust (not that you’ll want either of those to begin with). But if you’re another ultimate, they won’t be intrigued unless they get a taste of your talent. Hell you could even be a reserve course student and they could still take interest in you (most likely because Natsumi threw you over her shoulder and decided you were friends.) It quite literally doesn’t matter, but I will say they have a type.
•Someone weak and/or quiet, or maybe soft spoken will definitely grab their attention. Partly because both will feel a strong need to protect them. But if you’re someone braver, maybe with a sharp tongue like Fuyuhiko has, they’ll be angry but utterly smitten (if Fuyuhiko translates what you’re saying. I’m convinced that cursing is his own language that he speaks.)
•The two had feelings for each other already, so throwing a third person into the mix when they both had thoughts and feelings that would absolutely land them in jail if said aloud was less then preferred. But like Selena Gomez said, the heart wants what it wants. They couldn’t deny that they loved you, even if the feeling wasn’t truly love (not like they could tell the difference)
Getting close
•In the game you can’t talk to Fuyuhiko until chapter 4, showing how hard it really is to get him to let anyone in and get close. He can truly be a dork with people he deems as trustworthy in his own angry way. Peko meanwhile will interact with others with ease, but it’s hard for her to actually care about them.
•So Peko had to play messenger girl
•She was the one able to interact with you and get close. She reported any and all new info to Fuyuhiko and he made sure to memorize it all. They had to prepare for anything if they wanted to successfully trap you in.
•Peko was also on top of introducing you to Fuyuhiko properly. It looked like a case of “you’re a really good friend of mine so I want you to meet this other good friend of mine” but in actuality, it was “Him and I are obsessed with you and we both need to get close to you so we can keep you within our grasp at all times.”
•Still, Fuyuhiko is a horrible actor if the second trial wasn’t proof enough. His face was heating up, he was tripping over his words, and if you dared to speak up about any of it he’d start hurling swear words like they’re spears.
•First meeting could have gone better, but it’s better then nothing so they got that going for them. You’re willing to put up with Fuyuhiko for Peko and they officially have you roped in.
•On top of that, getting close to you means seeing who else is trying to “reach the same goal as them” if you catch my drift.
•Peko can handle them easily, but Fuyuhiko doesn’t want her hands getting dirty when they’re this close to nabbing you.
•It’s easier to hire someone to take them out. They don’t care how as long as it isn’t traced back to them. Shoot them with more holes then Swiss cheese, stabbing, strangulation, literally who gives a f*ck if the job is done without too many complications then they’re happy.
•Your friends start dropping like flies, but through the paranoia it brings you, you have Peko assuring you she’ll protect you from any danger. Fuyuhiko makes the same promise in his own, special, tsundere-ish way. You believe them of course, they’re part of the yakuza after all. Whoever this psycho was, they surely wouldn’t stand a chance against someone as strong and nimble as Peko, or someone as powerful as Fuyuhiko.
•Finally they’re starting to make you dependent on them. The first step to breaking you down is complete
•Now to make you stay near them physically to move on to the second step, that’s a different story.
•They have 101 ways to kidnap you, and most of them include using their men.
•The men wouldn’t have to know too much, all they’ll need to know is that Fuyuhiko needs something from you (probably information of some sort). If they ask too many questions Peko will make an example of them. These two are crazy, logic isn’t exactly in their handbook. Their workers can’t do anything because both are capable of killing them, and one of them is the heir and depending on when this take place in the canon story, Natsumi is dead and Fuyuhiko is the sole heir. They’re absolutely powerless in this.
•Odds are they’re going to break in and physically restrain you. They want to scare you, they want to show the power of the Kuzuryu clan. They’re going to wreck your home, and will use your own items to fight against you should you attack. If you don’t fight though they’re just going to verbally harass you, make you question if Peko and Fuyuhiko were truly your friends or if they just had a vendetta against you.
•Upon arrival (you might be knocked out at this point) you’re ever so gracefully thrown onto the basement floor and left there alone. The men have better things to do then to stay in the basement with someone who can’t even talk back. You’re gagged, tied up, and paralyzed with fear.
•When the duo of the hour finally come in to see you, odds are you’re going to cry. They swore to protect you, but in reality they must have wanted you dead instead. They must have been the ones to kill your loved ones, they wanted to make sure they got you alone. They wanted to kill you, they hated you, they were liars they were monsters they were-
•….They were hugging you.
•Peko is murmuring soft apologies to you but Fuyuhiko is remaining silent.
•You’re shaking like a leaf, the only thing you can say is “why?” But don’t think for a second they’ll give you a proper answer. They only say things like “this is for your own good” and “we need to keep you close and safe.”
•You’re trapped in their spider web now, but there’s no chance of flying away. They won’t allow it.
•Punishments for things such as escape attempts will be bloody. Peko has a sword ffs do you think she won’t use it-
•Given their treatment can be weird and their punishments are brutal, theres a high chance you’ll mentally break instead of developing Stockholm syndrome. They can’t truly hurt you if you don’t feel anything right?
•You’re going to get a taste of the yakuza life. No matter what.
•Peko and Fuyuhiko keep you a hidden secret, but their relationship is different. They’re not super affectionate but it’s clear they’re dating. Those who know of your existence will assume you’re more of a toy for them. If you’re a guy they’re gonna be judgy but they can’t complain if they’re dead.
•Peko will kill in front of you. It’s a constant reminder that she is capable of hurting you, obsession be damned. Of course she’ll only kill those who defy Fuyuhiko, or who make snarky comments about you. Peko won’t stand for either of it.
•When Peko and Fuyuhiko get older (yeah they’re adults now but I’m talking about after they graduate college), they’ll get married and finally start bringing you out with them. To other gangs it’s just your usual run of the mill yakuza couple with their human accessory.
•Mentally broken or not they’ll feel content with how you are. Peko will feel proud that she did her job properly and now has your heart in the palm of her hand, and Fuyuhiko is just grateful you aren’t trying to fight back or escape.
•They like the idea of rendering you immobile, but will save that for the bigger punishments.
•You’re doomed to stay with them forever, you can only watch in anguish as freedom is so close but so out of reach from inside your shell-shaped mind. But Peko and Fuyuhiko don’t mind. They’ll care for you nonetheless, even if you don’t give them the smile they adore.
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lovingkaede · 3 years
Anon said: “Hii! I don’t know if you have a limit of characters but can you do Shuichi, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi and Kokichi confessing? If you can’t do to all of them is totally ok! :)”
Hi, anon! I made Headcanons of Hajime and Shuichi already :’) But I can do it one more time for you!!!<3
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Shuichi Saihara
He’s soooo shy
He feels himself comfortable around you but also uncomfortable because you’re so attractive wtf
Also he loves your personality 11037% because you’re such an angel and never judge him
Him opening up is kind of hard, he’d get help 100%
Kaito, the best bro, helping him
Not totally making a script
Kaito and Shuichi prepare the environment. The atmosphere is just like how he wanted it to be!!
The only problem,, he’s being hesitant now
Seriously, Shuichi, NOW? Out of ALL THE TIMES?
“Come on! I already sent them the letter. No running away now!” Kaito yells
HE DID WHAT? Shuichi didn’t know about this
Okay, he’s right. He CAN’T leave now for the god’s sake
And you arrive
And you see Shuichi
You’re immediately like, “Shuichi? Was it you? This isn’t your handwriting-”
“Y/n,, I need... To tell you something.”
“What is it?” You ask patiently- you can tell what is it by the environment tho-
“Well, I, um, the truth is...” He finally looks up, being hesitant, eyes not meeting you for few second, “I’ve been taking a liking with you for a while now, and...”
Kaito is like: Bro, stop being so lame
And before he finishes, you just walk to him and straight up pull him into a hug
“Shuichiii... I like you, too,” Is all you say
He is
Guess who’s official now
Hajime Hinata
He’s been thinking if he should confess his feelings for you for a while now
And he’s been avoiding you for a while because of that,,
You’re worried if you did something wrong
So you decide to call him
He picks it up after 0,000003 seconds
Ha! Can’t resist. He’s been missing hearing your voice
Long silence.
“Uhmmmm,, are you okay?” You ask weirdly
“Uhhh, sure! I’m okay.”
Another long pause
“Come on, you don’t have to lie, at least not through phone,,” You say, you sound kind of sad to him (yOU OBVIOUSLY ARE WTF HAJIME
“I’m...,” He stutters, feeling his cheeks heaten up
This only happened when he saw you. Hearing your voice also does that to him??
“It’s okay, Hajime. But could you at least tell me the reason you’re avoiding me?” You patiently ask. You don’t want him to hang up without telling you
“I’ve been avoiding?? You??” He says, but you don’t buy it. You just wait for his reply
“...I’m a bad actor, huh...?” He sighs, “Well... Y/n, I’ll be honest with you.”
This is what you wanted to hear from the start.
“I,, you didn’t do anything wrong, you’re only being nice to me! There’s no way I’d avoid you on purpose,, I, I just... Uh, I like you, Y/n,” Words slip out of his mouth, “And I don’t want that to ruin our friendship, so I was trying to keep it to myself... Ever since then.”
He hears some weird noises from your side.
“Uhhh, Y/n? Are you there?”
“Yeah, I’m running.”
You. WHAT?
“I’m running to your house.” Bold Y/n Bold
“Why would you do that?”
“Because feelings mutual, dummy,” You hang up, only to leave him staring at his phone blankly
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Omg he’d be the most romantic one!!
He’d put so much thought and emotion into it when preparing around
He’d even try to prepare the food- Peko helping him 100%
He’s just sooo excited
You didn’t expect the Baby Gangsta to suddenly call you to come over
He sends you the adress
You’re suspicious?? You don’t know that place??
Is he going to kill you??
Of course not!! He wouldn’t do anything like that........ To you, at least.
Anyways, after half of an hour, you arrive at the place. It’s a beach
It’s dark, you don’t see a thing-
“Fuyuhiko... Where’re you?” You ask nervously, looking around to see him
You don’t look where you step and and almost fall down
Omg- it’s him
“Y/n, are you okay?”
That’s so cuteeee
You just nod as he takes you to the place
Wow. The boy made a whole romantic dinner scene at the beach. Just for you
You rub your eyes.
“Hey... Don’t just stare, sit.”
You do as he says and look around you. You’re so surprised
“Don’t tell me you don’t like it,” He says, sounding offended
“Oh, noo, I like it. I like it so much, actually,”
“Hehe, knew it.”
“Did you make it all yourself?”
“No... Peko helped me a lot.”
You two don’t talk for a long while... And just then, you both call your names at the same time-
“Ah, you go first,” You say, because you’re faster than him
“I, okay, well, I guess you kind of expect why I organized this all, right...?” He asks, even he is unsure.
You blink as you feel your cheeks getting hot
“Well, it’s because,, I wanted to surprise you, and make you happy, I think I did a pretty good job, right?” He says jokingly, but you can see how nervous he is with this whole thing “And... This isn’t all. I wanted to... Tell you something. You’re someone... Really important to me, you know? And I keep wanting to spend more time with you,, that sounds so lame, doesn’t it?” He laughs as he looks at your face, “Well, it’s true. I like you, I like you a lot,”
Before he says more, you give him a kiss
It’s a soft, yet passionate kiss
When you break the kiss, he hides his face, clearly blushing, “Idiot... Don’t do something so sudden.”
Do it again.
Nagito Komaeda
Oh noooo
His inferiority complex: Let’s us introduce ourselves
He wants to, but he CAN’T.
Why would you even want to be something more than friends when he’s just trash???
Why would you even want to be close to him. As a friend or less
You have no reason to be
He can’t catch feelings, he can’t catch feelings
But he can’t help but fall for you, you’re just so nice... That you’re all he wants
He’s so sad he doesn’t have a chance with you
“Nagitooo!” You call for him as you run towards him
He forgets about those thoughts and looks at you as you cross the street to meet him
“Wow, you didn’t need to tire yourself just to meet trash like me, you know, Y/n?”
“If you call yourself that one more time, I’ll start throwing hands,” You say threatening, but in a cute way (In his eyes at least)
“Calm down... I was just joking, hahaha,”
He doesn’t get it
You’re always following him around and stuff... Don’t you ever get bored of him?
He thinks he’s nothing special...
“Y/n, don’t you have anything more important to do?”
“Other than you? Nope!”
“I, hahaha, to think that I’m actually important, you sure have a kind soul, Y/n!” He says with a soft smile, “I’m so amazed by your words, you never fail to make me feel actually good about myself. I feel so happy that I could fall for you.”
He speaks like that again,, you never know if he means that or he doesn’t.
Nagito is like being friendly or flirty with you at the same time- You can never read him
Well, his words always make you blush... Since you took a liking of him for couple of months now;;
“Ah, you’re silent. Did my words make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry I won’t do-”
“No, no, it’s fine...” You cut him off.
“Oh, okay then... I guess you don’t really mind stuff like that. Actually... Talking about my feelings makes me feel a lot better, but at the same time I feel like my heart will explode, you know?”
You just stare at him before nodding. “Yeah...”
You know he pretty much confessed his feelings to you just seconds ago-
And is cool with it.
“I,, too, like you,”
“That’s such a nice thing to say,” A soft smile appears on his face again
“I meant in a romantic way, Nagito,”
“Yep, yep!” He says jokingly
You just pout and rise on your foot before planting a kiss on his cheek
He feels himself blush, and tries to force a smile, but can’t.
“Wait... Were you serious?”
“I don’t joke around about stuff like that, Nagito. I don’t lie, either.”
Seems it’s his lucky day today.
Kazuichi Souda
He knows he has the biggest crush on you
Everybody does. Including you
And what’s he gonna do about it??
Gonna tell everyone about how much he loves you, well, except you, of course! ^^
Everybody is so done with him bringing you out out of blue
Kazuichi, just be quiet. <3
Just confess your feelings for them already!! he. CAN’T. He thinks you’d reject him before he confessed </3 That’s so sad actually because Kaz is great
But you know,, he pretty much confesses to you every second he sees you lol
Doesn’t need to say the word “I love you” A simple compliment from him enough to express his love for you
“Y/n, you’re my sunshine, you light up my day,” He says cheesly, you laugh at his statement
Yep, he’s like that everyday
He is walking up to you. You smile at him before seeing the big grin on his face
“What’s so funny? Are you finally going to confess your undying love to me?” You tease him
Kaz, this is too straight forward, this isn’t how it works-
Soo, he asks his friends for help
Gundham gives him the worst idea
But what’s he gonna do? Listen to him
Even Sonia supports Gundham’s idea-
Well, the plan is pretty much locking you two in a classroom so he can take the time he wants before confessing to you
And when he’s done, they’ll let you out
Sounds legit!!!
When you notice your not totally stolen bag is missing, you immediately make your way to classroom!
To yOuR lUck, you find it!!
“There you are. I’m so dumb, how did I forget my bag?” You say and grab the bag. When you make your way out of the class, the door won’t budge.
“Eh?!” You panick and try to open it up. Not working, it’s locked up. “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” You say before you drop your bag and lean your back on the door and sitting on the ground
“I’m supposed to take a test... Damn...”
“You sound depressed.”
He just?? Comes out of the?? Closet in the classroom??? And fuckingmwaves??
“What’re you doing in here?!”
“I’m pretty much in the same situation as you, Y/n!” He says cheerfully. Liar. He almost sounds happy to be stuck with you
“You seem almost happy,” You say calmly
“Well, I am, because I’m stuck with you,”
He doesn’t miss a chance to flirt, does he...
You look down and sigh,, then you blankly look at him, “Kaz,, you didn’t need to lock us in a classroom to spend private time with me. We can always hangout after school, you know?” You say, somehow you understand him
“Yeah... But-” He walks towards you and takes your hands in his, “How am I supposed to confess my love for you, then? You... Never take me serious.”
You blink. Like 3 times.
“Don’t give me weird stares! This is what you always do, you never reject me nor accept my feelings!”
“Kaz, I thought everybody new we are official by now-”
“Wait, what?”
“I mean- You didn’t know? I accepted your feelings,, like a week ago?” You say confused, but he’s even more confused than you.
You sigh. You’re so done with him. “I can’t believe you didn’t even know I’m dating you. Sonia, Gundham, open the door. I’m leaving.”
They do as you say. You step out of the classroom and wave at them, not even looking at Kazuichi who’s yelling behind you
“Y/n!! Love, please wait, we can talk this out, my sunshine!!!”
And they say romance is dead
Kokichi Ouma
Burn his feelings </3
Okay, okay, don’t. He needs love too
Especially if it’s you
He did know he was catching feelings and he let himself do this on purpose
Just teasing you non stop and spending time with you were enough, but the Gremlin wanted more
“Oh my gooood, they’re so perfect, Shuichiiii,”
“For the last time, of course I’m talking about Y/n!”
He’s been ranting about you like- for hours-
Well, he knew he had to confess his undying love for you very soon
That day, you were really tired and he’s been really pissing you off
So much that Maki nearly killed him. You told her it’s okay but you wished Kokichi to leave soon
But he didn’t, so you left instead <3 You were sleepy
But he started... Following you??
“Y/n, Y/n, I know you know I’m following you!” He happily states. Is he confessing his crimes?!
“Yeah, I’ve... Noticed,” You say and smile
“You’re really silent today, Y/n, is anything wrong?”
“No... But I think you’re really loud today, Kokichi,” You say and look down at him. “Aww, that’s so unlike you! Seriously, is anything wrong?” Even though he’s talking like his normal self, he’s worried
“Well,” You say nervously, “I heard some... Odd things,”
“Odd things? Like what?” He is reaaaally interested in what you say, he brings his face closer to yours. “Uh, it’s nothing to worry about. Good night.” You say and immediately run away
He stands there like 🧍‍♂️
Sigh,,, how does he not know what you heard? Everybody’s talking about how the little bitch likes you
Seriously, you can’t tell if he’s messing with you, or serious “Come on, there’s no way he likes me! He’s just messing around...” You try to convince yourself and finally lie down in the bed, getting ready to sleep, “He doesn’t like me at all...”
You shut your eyes, you really need to get some sleep. But you hear a banging sound. You open your eyes, clearly annoyed by the sound
It’s coming from the window... You pull the curtains and meet him
He bangs the window in reply, you open it and he smiles at you “Y/nnn, it took you sooo loooong. It’s cold here.”
“What’re you doing there? It’s the second floor.”
“Oh. I wanted to talk to you.”
“You could use the door!” You say, annoyed and worried at the same time. “But that wouldn’t surprise you! Anyway, let me in?”
You help him to get inside... What’re you even doing at this point
“What a nice night!” Kokichi says and points you fingerguns, “Don’t you think so, Y/n?”
“What’re you doing in my house...”
“You let me in, sleepyhead!”
That’s right. But you’re not asking the right question!! Please kindly tell him to leave your house <3
“Y/n, I’m actually here because you didn’t seem well,” He says, “And I wanted to ask-”
“You could ask me tomorrow,”
“Yeeees, but I want to do it now!” He says, damn, he’s being stubborn, in a situation like this? You know,, he won’t leave unless you tell him “So... You said you heard something ‘odd’, didn’t you? Tell me about it...”
So you tell him all about it. Can’t help but blush at how cheesy your words sound but you’re too sleepy to mind that.
“And that annoyed you?” Kokichi asks, you nod in reply. “Y/n, does the truth hurt you?”
You expected him to say ‘it’s a lie!’ but he didn’t. DID HE REALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU? HIM??
“Are you... Unhappy?” There he was again... Not being like himself. This is what romance does to people? “Not at all...” You say and avoid eye contact, “It’s... Weird? I had the biggest crush on you a while back and now feelings mutual.”
HE’S SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT. Though on the outside, he hides it very well ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
“Oh... Really?” He asks, smug bitch, “That settles it then...”
“Settles... What?” You say, you’re aware of what he meant, and he’s aware of you knew
“You already know,” He says and you stare at him, “It means,, I like you and you love me! Yeah!! Y/n, you love me, right? This makes us a couple!!!”
You just... Stare at him in awe.
You stare too much that he gets nervous. “Uhm,, what’s wrong? Do you... Want to kiss?”
“A kiss would be nice... But I think I need sleep, Kokichi,” You say and rub your eyes.
But you actually lean towards his cheek and plant a kiss ✨
You decide to talk about this tomorrow when you’re more energetic and let it slide <3
He puts you to sleep and plants a kiss on your forehead before whispering something totally not dirty in your ear and leaves - this time, he uses the door.
Omg that took me forever to finish. (Sorry if it’s too long--) I love how this turned out something between fluff and crack. (Especially Kaz’s lol) And Hajime’s one kind of angst </3 Anyways, feel free to request more of your comfort characters!!<3 Love you all, Plant 🌱
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noddytheornithopod · 3 years
more ultimate talent development plan time lol
Lol of course he has Kokichi convo cuz shared English voice actor (also just realised... both are short characters OMG). Kokichi is pushing his buttons, and Fuyu falls for it COMPLETELY. Also, “Boss Baby”. Wonder how that sounded in Japan, lol.
Lol Yasuhiro actually brings up his trouble with the Yakuza, and tries to flatter Fuyuhiko into getting help. Yeah, it doesn’t exactly work.
Talking to Peko at night, who’s off playing games with Chiaki. She needs to quit the “young master” habit, tho.
Going to Mahiru for advice on talking about photography cuz he has a relative into it? Why do I have a feeling it’s his sister, too?
Komaeda passing on the sports festival cuz it looked too normal for him, but ends up going and dragged along by Fuyu anyway lol.
He gives Kyoko some yakisoba, surprised she’d just be wandering around, but realises she’s enjoying herself in her own way. Kyoko is also surprised she’s approached by him, presumably because she’s a detective and he’s a Yakuza.
OMG Byakuya is offended at being offered food from a food stand, and Fuyu’s all “you’re lucky this is just school and not a Yakuza stand”, while Byakuya’s all “HMPH AS IF I’D LOSE TO YOU”. I love the implication that the Togami Corporation and Kuzuryu Clan would go to war just because two Hope’s Peak students aren’t able to swallow their pride around each other. XD
Oof Fuyu mentions his sister around Rantaro, which makes him go all soft and all “u should really cherish your sister”. Almost a bonding moment, but Fuyu of course wouldn’t let his guard down, even if despite the talk of her being a pain Rantaro could tell he really loves her.
Yasuhiro trying to get on his good side again, but he just pisses him off again. He was basically trying to make Fuyu not have anything done to him lol.
Mahiru... trolling Fuyuhiko? Now that I didn’t expect to see. First she tries to act all stern and remind him to not ditch the Christmas party even if they both know he’s coming. Then she calls his smile childlike, and when he gets angry she even says not to lose it like a child, which really catches him, lol. Kind of a nice side of Mahiru I didn’t expect to see.
Peko mentions she wants to be by his side but affirms it’s what she genuinely wants and isn’t just being a tool, heh.
Heh, both Peko and Ryoma are cat lovers. Peko’s sad the cat they saw probably ran from her, tho. Kirumi offers to help find it though, and Ryoma joins in. Peko is told to get Gundham and Shuichi to help.
Kyoko and Peko watching their classmates play sport. They try to have some awkward banter before going quiet, lol.
Kaito asks her to cheer at sports so she cheers... very quietly.
Tenko is so gay she can’t handle a stage full of girls. Peko tries to calm her... but she gets nervous too after being called a performer.
Peko catches Junko’s face and recognises it’s different to Mukuro’s, oops.
Mukuro relates to her camera shyness and helps her escape the attention of photographers, heh.
Ibuki is hyped for next Christmas, but more importantly she makes sure Peko agrees to have everyone see each other again.
Peko hangs out with Gonta and Gundham, animal lover gang. Gonta implies he relies on the hamsters to help understand Gundham too?
Heh, Akane saw one of Himiko’s magic shows with her siblings and they all loved them. Himiko is happy to hear of course, but of course she’s still insistent on IT’S MAGIC.
Impostor is an... eating coach? Food buddy? Well it’s something there I guess. XD
Byakuya walks in after a chat with Impostor and she’s confused, lol.
Aoi is a fellow food buddy too it seems, Akane actually tells her to just eat as much as she wants and not worry about herself. :P
Nekomaru says they have to make a formal agreement to continue working together after school ends, but hey it all works out, they just seem glad they can still work and support each other.
Akane and Teruteru seem to get along well, not surprised. One loves cooking, one loves eating. I’m amazed at how... restrained Teruteru seems around her, though.
Akane still duking it out with Sakura, and she seems to be slowly getting better overtime. Sakura seems to enjoy having her around too, mentioning she likes her fighting spirit.
Lol his sprite shakes on his intro.
Nekomaru actually met Sakura before before Hope’s Peak, interesting. Something about training in the mountains? He will continue to support her if she needs it to.
Monomi asks Nekomaru to become stronger to stop putting up with Monokuma’s abuse, but somehow it derails into whether Monokuma’s even her sister or not, lol.
Holy shit a Tenko interaction, this was legit interesting. Tenko ends up being legitimately torn - she stubbornly refuses help because Nekomaru’s male, but she seems to realise that if she doesn’t, Neo-Aikido will stagnate. Nekomaru just wants to help her out, but she’s making it all complicated. They’re both such hams too.
Nekomaru and Gonta get along pretty well. Friendship I never knew I wanted to see but glad I now have.
Taka and Nekomaru seem to enjoy and respect each other, I can see that TBH.
Nekomaru does “it” to Sakura. That is all.
More Nekomaru and Gonta bonding. :) Also Gonta has a friend who plays rugby apparently? But yeah, guess Gonta’s gonna learn some rugby with Nekomaru.
Nekomaru chats with Taka, but Taka’s all “GYM CLOTHES ARE NOT WELCOME IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT”. Nekomaru mentions it’s for spontaneous Akane training, to which Taka responds by saying said training is... yeah.
Hmm, wonder if Nekomaru and Kaito could ever talk about training. Something for DRS perhaps.
Great, his mind already wanders to dirty places with Chihiro.
Well the Keebo interaction sure was something. Keebo goes from being disturbed at how Kaz is trying to pull him apart, to incredibly flattered and grateful that he finds him interesting... then back to freaking out cuz Kaz still wants to pick him apart to analyse him.
Miu seems to want his attention, heh. Like, she’s actually pretty mild with the insults and even sorta backhandedly complimenting him. Maybe she sees a fellow mechanic and horndog and thinks he might be a good match. :P Of course, Kazuichi is too much of a SIMP for Sonia to even consider her as an option, welp.
Monokuma cockblocking Kazuichi. I have never been so happy to see Monokuma in my entire life. Okay he seems to be causing general disorder, but I’ll take what I can get.
Oh great, more Sonia SIMPing. At least she appears when Gundham is there and she only acknowledges Kazuichi when she’s pretty much forced to, lol.
Byakuya insults the stand he’s at, and Kaz takes it as long as it’s not about MISS SONIA. Sigh.
Kirumi does her maid shit. Kazuichi of course has to make it weird.
Kazuichi offers to make something for Sonia to travel between her country and Japan. Sonia actually seems to genuinely appreciate the gesture, heh. I hope the dude realises it’s purely platonic tho. :v
Kaz talks to Miu again. One again, Miu’s all boasting about how hot she is and Kaz isn’t buying it. He’s kinda happy to see her around though, it helps him stop worrying about graduation for a bit. TBH I weirdly kinda crackship them? I see a weird relationship possibly sparking here. XD
Keebo is sad his class didn’t organise a party like Kaz’s... but Kaz actually says he could try asking everyone anyway? Keebo’s insecure but Kaz actually has good advice and says just go for it and if it’s too hard to talk to everyone specifically, just get someone to help. Wow, where can we get more of this Kazuichi instead of the creepy SIMP?
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
Hmmm, could you do the 77th class finding out that mikan or imposter is/were/was the mastermind?
Teruteru Hanamura:
This was…
No, it wasn’t happening.
No way this was reality.
Mahiru Koizumi:
Was there anyone there they could trust?
She wasn’t sure anymore.
Would she ever be sure?
Peko Pekoyama:
She’d thought they were the ones helping protect everyone.
Now that fell next to her.
She wouldn’t let anyone else suffer because of them.
Ibuki Mioda:
Aw, but she trusted Byakuya!
And Mikan, too…
It was a real blow.
Hiyoko Saionji:
She had a feeling they were behind it!
It wasn’t based on evidence, though.
But she was right!
Nekomaru Nidai:
He hated that there were two people behind this.
He thought he could trust more of his classmates than that.
But apparently not.
Gundham Tanaka:
The wool had been pulled over their eyes once more.
And by two people, nonetheless.
They had double the dark forces to fend off.
Nagito Komaeda:
He wouldn’t have figured that one out.
His plan didn’t account for two masterminds.
He would take them down, though.
Chiaki Nanami:
It...really saddened her.
They were two of the most responsible.
Could they really trust anyone?
Hajime Hinata:
He really trusted both of them.
And they were both behind this?
He had to right himself for this duel.
Sonia Nevermind:
They were both amazing actors, it seemed.
She really underestimated them.
And now it was time to take them down.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:
Both of them?
And he thought they were too...nice.
Apparently not.
Akane Owari:
She thought they were trustworthy.
She was a bit disappointed in herself.
And that was a horrible feeling.
Kazuichi Souda:
To find out that two people were the mastermind…
It was kinda jarring.
He really couldn’t trust anyone, could he?
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
IDK IF YOU MEANT JUNKO IS HER GF AND BEST FRIEND BUT!!! Celeste/Kyoto friendship, they’re both man haters 💜 /j
I remember a game night thing back then, Clue reinvigorates Celeste’s interest in murder mysteries and she honestly impresses Kyoto when she tricks Togami into revealing his cards (mainly questioning his truthfulness/credibility)
After that, Kyoto and Celeste try to find videos, games, and books of murder mysteries to solve, but with Celeste able to figure out who’s lying and Kyoto’s detecting ability, they’re unstoppable. Junko likes to nitpick the murder mysteries too, even though she likely has no idea who the murderer is.
After a while of their regular things being too easy, one day they walk into the kitchen area to find Chihiro and Sonia (again no idea if this is in character but her cosplayers are always cute) putting some fake blood on Ibuki. Makoto is upsetting the area, like knocking over the knife holder and such. They’re super confused, until Makoto says (very unconvincingly) “:O someone killed Ibuki!!! you guys gotta figure it out”
That becomes the new regular thing, like every other week they make a new murder mystery for the two and they have to solve it (including the fact that some stuff will be inaccurate, and just how the group thinks it would happen). Peko isn’t that fond of it, but she’ll do it if Chihiro gives her the 🥺 look, and both Miu and Leon absolutely love the chance to play characters (I forgot her name but if Peko does it, Tsumugi/blue hair will do it too, she just prefers to be the victim) - queer eye anon
and yes yes they are 😌
and also !! legit 👀 like. it pisses Togami off to no end (seriously, how did she do that?? how could he be tricked so easily???) but Kyoko’s like “,,,,,oh my god,,,,,,,,such manipulation,,,,,,,such incredible deductive skills,,,,,”
long story short kirigiri develops a squish (platonic equivalent of a crush) on this weird mean goth bitch and just starts hanging around her more often until eventually Celeste is like,,,,,,,,,fine, if I simply MUST adopt you as a best friend, I suppose I will, seeing as I have ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE in the matter :)
so they start spending more time together, and Kyoko’s usually the one who’s like “hey I found another murder mystery thing we could try-” to which Celeste’s response tends to be more lighthearted “oh, very well, if I absolutely must-”
It’s incredible - no piece of mystery media stands a chance against them <3
also a little off topic and might be a bit ooc, but I think we should all consider buzzfeed unsolved!kyoko and Celeste because that just seems goddamn hilarious to me ndndbdbdbddbd
and BDBSB YEAH THEY’RE SO SWEET?? Makoto came up with the idea, but Sonia and Chihiro are absolutely essential to the operation as a whole.
Sonia’s interest in serial killers provides a necessary take for the psychological perspective of real life cases, so they know for certain it’ll be stimulating for the detective of the two, meanwhile Chihiro’s brainpower allows for both creative and logical placement of clues, red herrings, and more!
Plus, all three of them are absolute sweethearts that most people have trouble saying no to <3 (they’ve even gotten Byakuya to participate once or twice! Celeste and Kirigiri were both delighted and bewildered!)
THEY ALSO GET OUMA INVOLVED BECAUSE HE’S THE ONLY ONE THAT EVER GIVES CELESTE ANY TROUBLE IN DECIPHERING LIES FHSBSBDBSBS (she usually gets it right on account of her own luck, and if she gets it wrong, It tends to be either salvageable or ambiguous enough that she can pretend she was right and nobody can tell they were ever on the wrong track)
Miu pretends like she needs fujisaki, nevermind, and naegi to beg her for her participation, but she’s honestly more than willing because!!! She gets to yell and be loud and have fun and play weirdos!!!! And sometimes she even invents new things for practical effects, just ‘cause she can! And she knows it makes her friends happy!
Leon’s a pretty good actor until Celeste stares him down - then he immediately either loses his nerve or fucks something up ❤️
and dhsbsbdbsbdb Peko!!!! Peko and Fuyuhiko get involved because a) chihiro gave them both the 🥺 face, as you said, and b) fuyuhiko,,,,,,,thinks the concept,,,,,,,,is fun,,,,,,,👉👈 but shut up he’d never admit that!!!
Tsumugi makes costumes!!!! And totally loses herself in the roles!!! She gives the BEST performances, and Celeste and Kyoko are often left sitting there like “wow ok” because hdbdbdvdvdvdvdvddv????
They get Nagito involved a lot, both due to his luck and the fact that he’s very easy to convince (and often comes up with more cool ideas for the scene of the crime/evidence/general concepts!) though, if he’s involved, then Hajime needs to be as well, becauee everyone can only take maeda’s self-deprecating bullshit for so long until they need someone to shut him up hdbdbdbdb
Hiyoko acts like she thinks it’s dumb, but actually really wants to be included 🥺 👉👈 so mahiru takes it upon herself to “force” her into helping
Sakura and Hina love to help however they can! :D I don’t rlly have anything specific for them, I simply think they’re very cool and would be very eager to help because they love their friends <3
Sayaka is INCREDIBLE when it comes to thinking up “murder” plots! Motives, manipulation, the likelihood of certain actions being taken.....+ due to her high intuition, she’s able to discern what types of things kyoko and celeste prefer during their little games! She also provides insight into emotional response for the actors, which helps to make it a lot more immersive!
Mikan gets very very very nervous as a performer and is usually very unreliable in that aspect, but she gives pointers on whether or not certain wounds would be enough to kill a person! She also provides emphasis on vital organs and helps with anatomical accuracy!
Gundham adores being able to give monologues, and the three in charge of everything do their best to give him macabre, weird roles so he can speak and confuse the two girls to his heart’s content ❤️
if they ever need to talk to chiaki during an investigation, they usually need to wake her up, or get her to stop playing a video game (which she’s not supposed to be playing!!!!) in order to interrogate her (she also forgets a lot of the details and evidence she’s supposed to give them shdbsndbsnsb)
she also likes to give chihiro ideas for plots and things, though mostly uses her games as inspiration !
Shuichi and kyoko are friends so he’s like “yyyeah okay I’ll do it” and so by the same token, Kaede is automatically (and emphatically!) involved as well
Kirumi gets involved because if it’s a request, she’ll do it 💛 plus she kinda loves being involved with this stuff ngl jsnsbsn meanwhile ryoma is like this is dumb but if it’ll make u guys happy then I guess I have no choice
Maki’s pretty difficult to convince, ngl, but if kaito pesters her enough, she might drop by to give her two cents on some of the most plausible and effective methods of getting rid of evidence, as well as what she would do if she were in the position of the murderer (makoto and co. are like wow maki thank u very cool we are absolutely terrified)
shinguji makes it a point in the anthology to embarrass himself at the drop of a hat for his friends’ benefits regarding things like this, so they’re obviously in hbdbdbd plus they love being able to study kyoko and celeste’s behavior while working on each “case,” because without a doubt they are two of the most interesting specimens of human thought patterns and processes he’s ever SEEN <3
since it’s for the sake of two girls, Tenko’s very excited to do whatever Sonia or Chihiro asks of her (she’ll do things that Makoto asks, too, but it takes some convincing....) and Himiko.....isn’t a particularly convincing liar to begin with, but her experience with stage trickery comes in handy pretty often! (though they have to practically drag the information out of her shdbsndn)
Angie agrees to participate on the grounds that all of her characters get to bring up and endorse Atua. she gets picked for murder victim quite a lot bsbssbdb
also highkey 👀 the canon cases get re-enacted at some point (for the first game’s third case, they actually let Celeste be in on it as a little treat for Kyoko! it was absolutely bonkers and they both had literally so much fun!!!)
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
I decided I wanted to try one of those DR Ask meme’s, but I decided to do it a little differently and I’m just gonna answer all the questions.
This one is made by @muzumi-san but I didn’t repost theirs because I don’t want them to directly see my shitty opinions.
1. Favourite game?
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. It just had the best characters, best plot twists and best trials in my opinion.
2. Favourite Protagonist?
It depends. If it’s in terms of writing, Shuichi. Otherwise, it’s either Hajime, or Kaede.
3. Favourite antagonistic character?
Kokichi is my favorite in general of the three, but as an antagonist, I like Nagito more.
4. Favourite character?
Kokichi Ouma. I know, he’s a fan favorite and you’re probably sick of hearing him get talked about, but dude, he’s just great.
5. Best girl?
Mahiru Koizumi.
6. Best boy?
Gonta Gokuhara or Gundham Tanaka.
7. Favourite class trial from all the games?
For Game 1, it’s Case 2. I love the twists and use of the Red Herring aspect in regards to the locker room. For Game 2, Case 4 is my favourite, but Case 5 is the better one in terms of mystery. For Game 3, Case 4. The fact you have to rely on video game logic to solve the case is really neat.
8. Least favourite character?
Without a doubt, Yasuhiro Hagakure, for several reasons that I’ve stated previously.
9. Least favourite class trial?
Game 3, Case 3. That whole case was just bullshit after Bullshit.
10. What would be your Ultimate Title?
Ultimate Animator, like Mitarai, but you know...Better.
11. Favourite cast?
As I’ve already mentioned, Danganronpa 2. My least favorite member of that cast is Akane, but even her, and the more disliked characters like Teruteru and Hiyoko, I love all of them. They’re all great.
12. Favourite Danganronpa 3 character?
Seiko Kimura. She’s such a fun character who I think deserved better.
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
I fucking hate it. The only episodes of it that I actually consider to be good, are the first two episodes of Despair Arc, and the final episode. The characters and cast genuinely piss me off half the time, especially Juzo, Munakata and Ruruka, and the writing was just generally shit throughout the entire thing.
14. What do you think about Danganonpa 1 anime?
I actually think it’s alright. Video Game anime’s tend to not be as good as the games (unless it’s Persona 4′s animation, which was actually awesome) and the same goes for Danganronpa. The game is generally more enjoyable than the anime, but the anime wasn’t bad all things considered.
15. Your absolute OTP?
16. Your absolute BROTP?
I guess Sakuraoi? I get why people ship them, but Sakura is one of the characters who canonically has a boyfriend, and I just think they make really good friends other than girlfriends. No disrespect for anyone who likes them together though.
17. Do you have an OT3? Which one?
I’m not crazy about my OT3′s, since they’re mostly two characters who are romantically involved, with a third wheel/wingman on the side, but yes, I do have at least one for each game. For the first game, it’s Chishimondo (Taka, Mondo and Chihiro) for the second game it’s Sonsoudam (Sonia, Gundham and Kazuichi) and the third game, it’s Tenhimiangie (Tenko, Himiko and Angie)
18. Favourite rare ship?
There’s a ship I like called Nagiseiko or Komamura, which is Nagito Komaeda x Seiko Kimura.
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
There are quite a few, like Nekomaru and Mahiru for instance, but I absolutely have to say Mondo. He has arguably some of the best characterization among the DR1 cast, and he’s my favorite killer in the first game purely because of his backstory and motive, and how he reflects upon the second case’s whole theme, and yet nobody seemed to focus on that importance. God Speed, you wonderful JoJo reference.
20. Who do you think is an overrated character?
Please don’t hurt me when I say this, but absolutely Chiaki. Many can chew me out for liking Kokichi, who in himself is overrated, but for a deuteragonist, Chiaki really doesn’t do an awful lot until Chapter 4-5
21. Favourite voice actor?
In terms of performance, either Derek Stephen Prince (Fuyuhiko and Kokichi) or Marieve Herington (Celeste)
22. Favourite talent?
Ultimate Detective. Shuichi and Kyoko are both really cool.
23. Favourite mascot?
Monokuma, duh! Compared to Monomi and the Monokubs, neither of them have shit on him.
24. Favourite Monokub?
1000% Monodam. All of them suck, except for him. (And Monotaro’s fine for the most part, but Monodam will always be the best)
25. Least favourite mascot?
26. Favourite execution?
Leon Kuwata’s, the 1000 Blows. As they say, you never forget your first.
27. Least favourite execution?
Mikan Tsumiki’s, Bye Bye Ouchies. For reasons I don’t think I even need to state.
28. Favourite unused execution?
I really like Kazuichi’s unused execution that involves the drill.
29. Which character should survived in your opinion?
If we’re talking characters I wanted to survive, then I would’ve loved to see Chihiro make it to the end of DR1. As much as I love the importance of his passing, I really wanted him to get out alive and unscathed.
30. Which character would’ve deserved to survive?
In each game, there’s at least one character I think should’ve deserved to make it out alive. For the first game, it’s absolutely Taka, for the second, Hiyoko, even though I’m not strong on her, and for the third game, Ryoma, for the same reason everyone else thinks he should’ve lived.
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
Yasuhiro did basically nothing to contribute to the class trials, or the overall progress in figuring out the mysteries of the academy. He never pulled his weight, and for some reason, he still managed to live through the killing game.
32. Least favourite protagonist?
I love her, but Komaru. She just doesn’t reach the same level as the others.
33. Character with the best clothing?
Celeste absolutely nails the gothic lolita style and it fits really well with the type of character that she is.
34. Best character design?
Gundham and Celeste.
35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
Kirumi, without question. She’s arguably my least favorite in the V3 gang purely because of her lack of development. She deserved better writing than what she got.
36. Character who looks amazing but you don’t like?
I love Ruruka’s design, but I hate Ruruka’s character. The same goes for Sonosuke Izayoi, who looks badass but got no development.
37. Favourite minor character?
For the little screen time he got, I vibe with Taichi Fujisaki.
38. Favourite eyes?
What? Uh...no preference?
39. Smartest murder plan?
Gundham’s plan in the 4th case of the 2nd game. He used pretty much every aspect of the funhouse to pull his plan off, and I love it.
40. Favourite culprit?
Gundham Tanaka, for what I’ve just mentioned, plus his motivation, and overall character.
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)
I guess Mondo, Peko and Kiyo from each of the games. They all exude the energy that they COULD kill someone, but the chances of them actually doing it don’t seem that high, and yet...
42. Honest opinion on Tsumugi Shirogane?
I thought she was boring character at first, even after she was revealed to be the mastermind, but I’ve come around since then and I respect her as a villain a lot more. Being the only villain in the game who’s not directly tied to Junko, that at least gives her a bit of uniqueness.
43. Describe Monaca Towa in 3 words!
Piss Baby UGH!
44. Describe Nagito Komaeda in 3 words!
Extremely Entertaining Character
45. Unpopular opinion?
I think Hifumi Yamada is a pretty decent character overall. His Free Time Events, while awkward, were quite enjoyable, and he conveys the strong message that appearances aren’t everything. He’s aware of how different he looks compared to everyone else, but to him, it’s what’s on the inside and what he can do that matters.
46. Unpopular headcanon?
I don’t really have many major headcanons, and I have none that I would consider unpopular. I guess I’ll say “The V3 cast have a group chat in a Non-Despair AU that they meme the shit out of.”
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
In the ask blog that I run, Mikan and Ibuki are an item, and after they become one, Mikan discards her bandages and dyes a highlight in her hair. I live for that, so I guess that’s my answer.
48. Favourite OST?
If we’re talking about a game soundtrack, then either Danganronpa 2′s, or Ultra Despair Girl. If we’re talking about my favourite song in the whole series though, then my favourite is the opening theme to Future Arc in DR3, Dead or Lie.
49. Favourite mini game?
I don’t really have one. I have minigames that I like, and Minigames that I hate (looking at you “Improved” Hangman’s Gambit) But I guess I like Scrum Debate in concept a lot.
50. Favourite game design?
V3 is the most aesthetically pleasing DR game.
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
Maki was such a piece of shit in my opinion at the beginning of V3. Of course, the development she gets reprimands that amazingly. I WOULD say Tenko, but I hated Tenko when I finished V3, and it was only after a short time later that I really turned around on her.
52. Character you thought you would like but disliked in the end?
I guess Angie? She was pretty annoying even before I outright disliked her, but then the whole third chapter brainwashing thing happened and I’m like, “this bitch suck for real!”
53. Favourite game end?
Danganronpa 2′s, and I don’t wanna hear all the “Ugh, the anime bullshit, ugh!” From a writing perspective, the second game just had the most enjoyable ending.
54. Least favourite game end?
I guess Danganronpa 1′s but even that wasn’t too bad. I have incredibly mixed feelings about V3′s twist ending, but I’ve grown to accept that it happened and there’s not a lot I can do about it...
55. Favourite love hotel scene?
Kaede’s. J-Just Kaede’s...That scene gives me the right amount of serotonin that I can keep going with my day.
56. Best free time events?
Hard to say, but I really liked Taka’s. Most of the FTE’s in Danganronpa tend to be pretty nice (unless you’re Hiro), but for him, I loved learning about the circumstances behind his family, how it corrolates with why he acts the way he does, his spite against people who call themselves “geniuses” and why they suck, and everything about his character just hits right.
57. Character who should’ve lived longer?
Kirumi or Ryoma.
58. V3 Pregame! headcanon?
“They aren’t evil creatures with a pessimistic look on life!” Seriously, why the hell do people headcanon the pre-game V3 cast as evil and masochistic bastards. Sure, their look on life was very cynical and pessimistic, and some of them wanted to join V3 for the money or the fame, but that’s just basic human nature and desire. That doesn’t mean everyone in V3 was an inherently bad person before they joined Danganronpa. They aren’t the remnants of despair for fucks sake.
59. Favourite moment?
Shuichi’s final stand in V3 really showed his growth in character, and his refutation “WE’RE GONNA END DANGANRONPA!” gave me goosebumps.
60. Saddest moment?
Gundham’s Execution made me cry, and I almost shed tears in Peko’s final moments. My answer therefore, is those two.
61. Character who looks like the love child of ???
Shuichi has always looked like the love child of Makoto and Kyoko or Makoto and Mukuro. I don’t have any parental headcanons though, and prefer to think of Shuichi as his own character.
62. Describe Mikan Tsumiki in 3 words!
Needs Love Mending! She’s an emotionally broken girl who needs love to heal her fragile heart.
63. Describe Kyoko Kirigiri in 3 words!
The Best Deuteragonist. By that, I mean out of all the characters who are most relevant to the plot alongside the protagonist and antagonist (which includes Chiaki and I guess Kaito too) Kyoko is the best one in my opinion.
64. Which character seemed like they were gonna be a culprit but they wasn’t?
I honestly expected Sonia to kill someone several times in DR2, but she ended up making it to the end. I’m not disappointed though, and I’m glad she never ended up snapping.
65. Who did you never expected to die but they died?
Kaede, no doubt about it. C’mon, she was set up to be the protagonist and then she got executed falsely. Rantaro also surprised me honestly, as did Fake Togami in Game 2.
66. Describe the last trial from V3 in 3 words!
An Absolute Clusterfuck. Not the bad kind, mind you, but Jesus, that trial was long and confusing.
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
There are several honestly, but I’m gonna narrow it down and say Junko. Anyone who meets her is doomed to have their life ruined.
68. Which character would you like to meet in real life?
I relate to most of the weeb and dorky characters, so I guess either Hifumi or Non-Evil Tsumugi.
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
Mikan would be handy to have around in case I get injured while on a hike or something.
70. Character you would have a sleepover with?
I don’t feel any sort of attraction to her romantically, and I tend not to for fictional characters, but Kaede is someone I’d really want to hang out and be friends with.
71. Character you can relate to?
Makoto, and I know that’s the whole point of his character, but even though he’s kind of basic and lacking in any significant personality, I still like him a lot.
72. Character you can relate to but you dislike them?
I sympathize with Kiyo’s plight, and how he suffered a lot of emotional abuse from his sister, but with his final moments and how much bullshit came from it (particularly the implied incest subplot) I just couldn’t feel anything except eagerness when I watched him die.
73. Character who deserved better?
Than what they got, I guess Taka.
74. What do you think of Hiyoko Saionji?
If she had survived the game, she’d have been recognized as great a character as Fuyuhiko, since she would have had time to develop. Unfortunately, her lack of growth thanks to her death relegates her into just being “that bitch from Danganronpa” In general though, I don’t dislike her at all, I’m just not as strong on her as I am the rest of DR2′s cast, or DR’s cast in general.
75. Describe Gonta Gokuhara in 3 words!
The Best Boy.
76. Favourite research lab?
The research labs are a cool concept that I really wanted to see more of in things like Fangans. I think my favorite is either Shuichi’s or Kokichi’s.
77. What do you think of the fandom?
Honest to god, I feel more comfortable in the DR Fandom than I do any other Fandom I’m a part of. We have cringe, toxicity and the same old jokes, yes, but other Fandom’s I’m in, like Persona and My Hero Academia, have the same on a whole other level. I think the majority of the Danganronpa Fandom truly does genuinely care about the game series and I appreciate that.
78. Favourite random/unnecessary scene?
The Man’s Nut scene in Danganronpa 2 was god damn hilarious. I never ever really thought the Peeping Tom scenes in each game were wholly necessary and just existed as cheap fanservice, but the Man’s Nut scene is SO damn funny!
79. Which character has the cutest design?
Chihiro is the most adorable bean in the universe.
80. Hope or Despair?
I have no real preference, but I choose Hope because I like to think I’m not a bad person.
81. Could you be the Ultimate Lucky Student?
Probably not. I dunno.
82. Favourite chapter?
DR2 Chapter 4. The funhouse chapter hit differently.
83. Least favourite chapter?
DR2 Chapter 3 and DRV3 Chapter 3. The former primarily due to the Despair Disease and Nekomaru’s death at the hands of Akane’s stupidity, and the latter because of reasons I’ve already mentioned, particularly Angie’s Student Council.
84. Which character do you easily forget?
Pretty much half the Danganronpa 3 cast. Particularly Tengan, Izayoi, Gozu and Bandai.
85. Could you be a Dangan Protag? Why?
I’d love to be, but I’m not as quick-witted or inquisitive as the likes of Makoto, Hajime and Shuichi.
86. Favourite Anthology chapter?
I like a lot of them, but the one where they all make chocolate is really cute.
87. Describe Peko Pekoyama in 3 words!
She’s pretty cool. There’s not much to say about her. Even if she is the one who killed Mahiru, a character I love, she’s a lot more important to the plot than many realize, especially in regards to Fuyuhiko’s subplot.
88. Describe Mondo Oowada in 3 words!
Completely Underrated Marvel. Just refer to Question 19.
89. Least favourite Danganronpa 3 character?
Pretty much any of them that aren’t Seiko, Ryota, or Yukizome. I’m gonna say Juzo though, because of his whole bullshit that Junko used against him, and how the tragedy is primarily his fault.
90. Do you like Junko?
Not at first, but I like her a lot more as a villain now. She wasn’t that fun in the first game, but was better in the second.
91. What do you think of Monokuma?
As far as game mascots go, he’s alright, however, the more the series goes on, the less relevant he becomes. In V3, he serves no real importance, and the game may have been just as good without him, leaving us with just the Monokubs. I hate the Monokubs, but that’s primarily because their existence just takes Monokuma’s importance away. V3 would be so much better if we had one without the other, either way around.
92. Least favourite Monokub?
*Heavy breathing* Mono... *Heavy breathing* Fucking... *HEAVY BREATHING* PHANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEE!
93. Did you like the Monokubs?
Not for the most part. Monophanie and Monokid suck, and I hate them both. Monosuke sucks for similar reasons, but he’s just kinda...boring...Up until the whole incest imagery in Chapter 4′s trial, Monotaro was actually ok, and had some really funny lines, and as I’ve mentioned, I love Monodam a whole lot, since he was the only one who had something close to a character arc.
94. Did you like the Warriors of Hope?
I guess? I do feel bad for most of them, but at the same time, they can be really annoying. They ARE just kids, so I get it, but still. Masaru, I really didn’t care for. He was arguably the most annoying, and Jataro, while I felt bad for him, wasn’t much better. Kotoko was pretty fun in the end, and Nagisa was a really well written character with a strong morality to him. Monaca is a pretty sinister villain too, but I don’t like her as much as Junko and Tsumugi.
95. What do you think of Gundham Tanaka?
HE IS EXCELLENT AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Also, as I’m writing this, it’s his Bday, so happy Bday to Gundham Tanaka.
96. Who’s an overrated character you dislike?
I said Chiaki was overrated, but I don’t dislike her. I guess people like Kirumi too much considering how little development she gets overall.
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP?
Komahina, do not test me on this. Everywhere I go, I see that ship that I know, from analyzing Nagito and Hajime’s relationship throughout the series, is incredibly toxic and would never realistically happen simply due to Nagito’s nature, and the way his FTE’s end means nothing to me.
98. Outfit you dislike?
Everyone’s always saying that Akane’s design sucks, and while I’m not too concerned on it overall, I do completely agree.
99. Your absolute NOTP?
Komahina again, and I guess JunkoMikan.
100. Opinion on all the Protagonists!
Makoto is relatable as hell, and I sympethise with him a lot. It’s quite fun to play as him in the first game, because he reacts more regularly to the characters in a way that most people probably would. I love Hajime’s reactions, and his backstory. I’m not too fond on most of the memes around him, like Organe Juice and the 91cm Titties, but in general, his reactions to things and the way he tends to call out his classmates is pretty entertaining. As I mentioned, Komaru, and I guess Toko, are my least favorite protagonist(s) but I still care about them both greatly. Komaru is as relatable as her brother, and UDG gives Toko the character development she so greatly needed in Game 1. Kaede is amazing, and is a character who gets too cussed out by people both in the game, and outside of it, and her death was super relevant, and an amazing twist I didn’t see coming. She’s just awesome in general. Shuichi, while Kaede’s death did upset me, he was an equally great protagonist, and I loved watching his growth throughout V3.
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Sleep aid
Guess who wrote some Kuzuhina (hint: It was me and River) Read here on AO3
Fuyuhiko knew the signs of sleep deprivation. He'd suffered from it himself on more than one occasion and it wasn't exactly pretty. 
Obviously he didn't care that Hajime looked about ready to collapse. Wasn't his problem. But he was sorta their leader and they needed him, and if no one else was gonna notice how bad he looked well... Fuyuhiko had to take matters into his own hands. 
He felt stupid and awkward as he always seemed to when preparing to face Hajime, but he shoved it aside and knocked on the door to his room.
Fuyuhiko felt worried when it took a long minute for Hajime to come answer the door. When he did he looked down at Fuyuhiko like he was trying to process the steps it’d taken him to get from whatever he’d been doing to answering the door. 
“Yeah?” Hajime said slowly. 
“Geez, you look even shittier than yesterday,” Fuyuhiko snorted, more to deflect the fact Hajime looked pretty even exhausted. 
“... Thanks?” Hajime sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Can I help you or did you just stop by to insult me?” 
Fuyuhiko actually felt kind of bad. He glanced away and shoved the bag he’d been carrying into Hajime’s hands, blushing horribly. “Here. I know sleeping in this place sucks but you have to eventually.” He hoped Hajime wouldn’t put too much thought into the gifts, which Fuyuhiko most certainly had. “I got your meeting with Makoto today canceled, told him you weren’t feeling well. They postponed it to next week.” 
Hajime fumbled a bit with the bag, eyes going wide. “W-what?” He stammered. “You thought I couldn’t handle it?” He seemed to shrink on himself, shoulders falling. 
“No!” Fuyuhiko said quickly, guilt twisting in his gut like a knife. “You’re the strongest person I know, course you could handle it. Doesn’t mean you should have to all the time.” 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Hajime pressed his hand to his forehead and then let it run through his hair, tousling it worse than it had already been. “I’m not myself… Thanks for helping..” He lingered a bit with his hand on the doorknob. 
Fuyuhiko tried and failed to not be slightly enamored with the way Hajime’s hair fell messily on his head. He imagined running his own fingers through it and blushed. “You gonna go try and get some sleep? Cuz I can take my gifts back if you’re not gonna appreciate them.” He joked. 
“Yeah, sure.” Hajime gave a weak smile. “I’ll uh, see you later.” 
That should have been the end of it, but… 
“Did you want help?” Fuyuhiko’s blush worsened. “There’s some tea in the gift bag I could make for you, wouldn’t want you burning yourself or some shit with how tired you are.” It was a lame excuse and he knew it, but he was concerned and wanted to keep an eye on his friend. 
Hajime looked like he was considering the offer. “If you like,” He stepped aside for Fuyuhiko to come in, something in his posture showing relief.. 
“No need to sound so happy about it.” Fuyuhiko rolled his eye as he entered the room, being snarky more so to alleviate his own nerves. He didn’t want to overstep and make Hajime uncomfortable, but the worry he felt outweighed his anxiety and pushed him forward.
 He wanted to know Hajime was okay… Which was normal, right? After all they’d been through, they were friends and Hajime was their makeshift leader. It was fine to care, and he cared a normal amount. 
The current hotel the Future Foundation had them set up in was nice enough that they got suites, there was a kitchen and a sitting room attached to a bedroom and bath. 
Once they were both inside Hajime flopped onto the couch, loosening his tie with a huff. 
Fuyuhiko pointedly ignored Hajime’s everything in favor of grabbing the tea out of the bag and escaping to the kitchen. 
He knew now wasn’t the time to be… feeling things. Especially new things. He could explore that later, when Hajime was in a better space. 
Fuyuhiko headed back out to the living room a few minutes later. He immediately noticed how Hajime had undone the top two buttons of his shirt which wasn’t distracting at all. 
He sat on the coffee table across from Hajime and offered him the mug. 
“Thanks,” Hajime blew on it to cool it and looked thoughtful a minute. “It’s really that obvious?” He asked. 
“Nah,” Fuyuhiko let his tone soften. “No one else knows, you’re a good actor for someone going on… What, four hours of sleep in the last two days?” He guessed, raising an eyebrow. 
“... Zero.” Hajime admitted, looking away quickly. 
“Jesus…” Fuyuhiko shook his head and sighed. “What do you need? I mean this shit was just guesses.” He gestured to the gift bag. “Anything you need, I’m here.” He normally would’ve felt embarrassed at proclaiming that but… He cared about Hajime, just like he cared about the rest of his classmates. 
He wasn’t gonna let him suffer alone. 
Hajime looked a little helpless. “I don’t know, sorry. I’ve tried everything I’ve got… I just can’t do it.” He took a sip of tea from the mug, then leaned down to press the mug against his forehead, closing his eyes. 
“Guess I’m gonna have to stick around until we find something that works then.” Fuyuhiko smiled slightly. “I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve if these don’t help. I’m the ultimate Yakuza, I’ll get you sleeping like a goddamn baby.” 
“Thought it was ‘sleeping with the fishes’.” Hajime joked, chuckling quietly. 
“That’s for the people I don’t like, and thankfully for you I do like you.” Fuyuhiko grinned at Hajime’s stupid joke. 
“I’m grateful. Don’t know what I’d do without you.” Hajime said, leaning back on the couch. He winced at the movement. 
Fuyuhiko noticed the wince and felt that worry gnaw at him again. He got up, draping his jacket over the arm of the couch and moved behind Hajime. Before he could fully register what he was doing he started massaging Hajime’s shoulders gently. 
Hajime made an obscene sound at the touch and it made Fuyuhiko’s stomach twist. He was grateful to be behind Hajime so he couldn’t see the fact his face was scarlet. 
Hajime leaned forward, putting his mug on the coffee table and giving Fuyuhiko more room to work. “God, please keep doing that…” Hajime groaned. 
Fuyuhiko chuckled deeply. He didn’t have any intentions of stopping unless Hajime asked him to, and clearly he was enjoying himself. He couldn’t help but feel sympathy. The muscles under his skin were clenched tightly, like he was prepared for a fight that was never going to happen. No wonder he was wincing, if they’d been stuck like that for awhile. 
Once some of the tension was gone he decided to take a gamble, slipping his hands under the bottom of Hajime’s shirt to massage his lower back. 
A shiver ran down Hajime’s spine and he chuckled. “Your hands are cold,” He pulled away and passed the mug of tea to Fuyuhiko before taking his shirt off. “There. You can warm them up.” 
Fuyuhiko froze, ignoring the fact that the mug was just a bit too warm and the longer he held it the more it burned. 
Of course when they'd come out of the simulation things were different, they weren't the highschoolers they thought they were, rather adults. And Hajime of course had the Kamukura project affecting him. 
Still Fuyuhiko wasn't prepared for those back muscles. 
He suddenly felt very warm.
“Hey, careful.” Hajime took the mug away. “I thought I was the space ca…” he yawned. “..det.” 
“Shut up,” Fuyuhiko mumbled, his face bright red. “You want me to keep helping you or not?” 
"Not if it bothers you." Hajime set the mug aside. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything pulling my shirt off like that... I'm so tired I forgot how weird that would be, didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
Fuyuhiko took a breath and carefully started massing Hajime’s shoulders again. “You think you’re the first guy I’ve seen shirtless?” He snorted. Yeah maybe the only other guys were in the locker room at gym but Hajime didn’t need to know that. “It’s fine.” He assured. 
“Good…” Hajime nodded, then he laughed softly to himself like he was having some private joke.
“You know there’s stuff for a bath in that gift bag if you want to relax more.” Fuyuhiko offered. “No wonder you haven’t been sleeping. You’re probably stressed as hell with all the shit that’s been going on.” 
“Shit never stops,” Hajime agreed. “I’d like a bath but I’m enjoying talking to you. I know I’m supposed to be sleeping but it’s nice to spend time with you.” He turned and rested his chin on the back of the couch, looking up at Fuyuhiko.
Fuyuhiko felt his heart flutter and put a hand over his chest to try and stop it. "Not like I'm going anywhere, we live in the same building." He mumbled. "Plus I'd.. Stick around. Anything you need, remember?"
"That's nice of you," Hajime yawned, leaning more heavily on the back of the couch. "I'd like it if you were still here when I woke up... if I ever sleep that is."
"I mean I can stay." Fuyuhiko mumbled. "Maybe it'll make you feel more at ease if you have a bodyguard." He joked, trying to ignore how much Hajime's words made him want to smile.
"Heh," Hajime chuckled. "Maybe I'll try that bath and then try this sleep thing again. You can kick around here if you want, I've got snacks you can steal."
"Nah, let me make myself useful." Fuyuhiko grabbed the bubble bath from the gift bag and headed to the bathroom before Hajime could say anything else. Rolling up his sleeves, he started the water. Once it got warm enough he let the tub fill, adding some of the bubble bath to the rising water. He actually let out a stupid giggle as a bubble hit his nose. 
He'd have to thank Peko again for letting him borrow the stuff, he knew it wasn't easy to come by nowadays.
Fuyuhiko wiped his hands dry and loosened his tie a little as he walked out to find Hajime. He was in the bedroom waiting.
 "All set for ya. Go relax, that's an order."
Hajime just stared at Fuyuhiko after his command, something unreadable in his eye. 
"You okay?" Fuyuhiko asked, mildly concerned. He reached up to press a hand to Hajime's forehead, but his hand was warm from the water so it didn't do much. He frowned. "If you think you're getting sick from lack of sleep you need to tell me."
Hajime’s knees seemed to weaken and he leaned into Fuyuhiko’s touch looking weary. 
"Woah there, don't go falling on me." Fuyuhiko wrapped his arm around Hajime's waist to help support him and brought him into the bathroom, sitting him down on the edge of the tub. He tried very hard not to be distracted by Hajime's chest, which was a losing battle. Still though he felt worried. Hajime looked exhausted and a little pale. He wondered if he should call Mikan.
Hajime seemed to take a moment to process the movement from one room to the next and eventually nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, I'm sorry... don't know what happened..."
"You're tired out of your mind is what happened." Fuyuhiko said with an unusual amount of gentleness. He pressed the back of his fingers to Hajime's cheek, looking at him with concern.
"I really am so tired..." Hajime said quietly, tears filling his eyes. He huffed and tried to scrub the tears away. "I'm going to get in the bath now," he said as he stood. 
Fuyuhiko looked almost pained as he took a step back. "Yeah... I'll uh, I'll wait out here okay?" He really didn't want to leave Hajime alone, not when he was upset and looked close to passing out. He turned and put his hand on the door, then paused. 
"Maybe I should stick around? Would hate for you to pass out in the tub and drown..." He offered softly, fully prepared to be kicked out.
"... yeah," Hajime said quietly. "Stay."
Fuyuhiko felt the tension leave his shoulders. He waited until he heard Hajime step into the water to turn back around. He undid his tie and the first few buttons of his shirt, the steam from the bath making him feel warm.
He watched as Hajime sank into the water, resting his head on the back of the tub.
"Thanks for using something like this on me," Hajime said, moving his hand through the bubbles. "I haven't done this since I was a kid."
Fuyuhiko sat on the floor, leaning back against the sink cabinet. "Yeah me neither," He smiled a little. "Peko loved the stuff when we were kids. I used to steal it for her. It was the one thing I could think to do to repay her."
"Cute." Hajime smiled. "Tiny little Robin Hood." He sank further into the tub as if to try and hide his grinning, leaning against the side.
"Fuck off I'm not tiny!" Fuyuhiko shouted on instinct, crossing his arms over his chest. He groaned a little. "Would you believe I was taller as a kid?" He shook his head slightly, annoyed at the truth and the fact he was telling it. "Was taller than Peko until she turned eight and shot up into space."
"Pretty unfair of her," Hajime replied, playing idly with the bubbles.
"I should've learned to use swords so I could cut people's legs off." Fuyuhiko grinned but it faded fast as he realized how horrible that sounded. He wondered if he actually did things like that, or ordered Peko to, leaving people to suffer in pain and despair for hours before they bled out. 
He put a hand over his mouth and looked away, suddenly feeling a bit sick.
Fuyuhiko heard the water splash as Hajime moved. "... hey, this stuff is really rare these days, I don't think I should be the only one to use it up," Hajime said suddenly, worry seeping into his tone, "You could join me..." 
"What?!" Fuyuhiko looked over at Hajime so fast he hit his head against the cabinet and swore loudly, rubbing where he'd hit. "J-join you?" His face was red and heart beating way too fast, his previous train of thought forgotten as he looked over Hajime's chest which was dripping wet.
He was so fucked.
"Whoa, are you okay?" Hajime hissed in sympathy and made a move to get up, but he seemed to think  better of it and kept a good portion of himself still concealed.
"I'm fine!" Fuyuhiko said hurriedly. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to force himself to calm down. He was overreacting, he knew that. "Sorry, fuck just... Wasn't expecting the offer." He mumbled.
"Hey, it's cool, look." Hajime seized a nearby towel and quickly stood and wrapped it around himself. "You can just take a bath yourself, huh? I think I'm going to try to sleep."
Fuyuhiko felt... Disappointed. He shouldn't be taking advantage of Hajime in his sleep deprived state though, so it was good he supposed that he didn't jump in.
"You said you wanted me to stay with you, so I'm gonna. I don't need a bath."
Hajime shook his head. "You're so loyal... take care of yourself too." He reached out a hand to help Fuyuhiko up.
Fuyuhiko blushed and took Hajime's hand a little hesitantly. "It's not about being loyal, it's called being your friend and caring about you. Dumbass."
Hajime smiled. "You're still a sweet guy."
"Come on big guy, you really need to sleep. You're getting delusional, thinking I'm sweet." Fuyuhiko snorted and kept their hands intertwined so he could bring Hajime out to his bedroom.
Hajime seemed to have reached his limit, or at least his body had. As soon as he was close enough to the bed he collapsed onto it, not bothering to change into clothes or try to get under the covers. 
Fuyuhiko shook his head fondly. He disappeared back into the bathroom for a moment to grab another towel, which he used to dry Hajime's off to the best of his ability without moving him. Once he was done he tucked the covers around him. He watched him for a moment, seeing his body move slowly with each breath.
Fuyuhiko brought a chair over to sit at Hajime’s bedside and reached out to gently stroke his hair. 
He was grateful Hajime could finally get some sleep. 
Fuyuhiko stayed by Hajime’s side as he slept, playing around on his phone, cleaning the bathroom, keeping the blankets securely around him. 
When he heard Hajime start to rouse he got up and grabbed a glass of water which he set on the nightstand before sitting back down.
Hajime slowly opened his eyes. “Fuyuhiko…” It was the first word out of his mouth as he reached out for him. 
Fuyuhiko felt his heart stutter and he was surprised it didn't stop completely. 
He met Hajime's hand that was reaching for him and took a hold of it gently. "Sleep well princess?"
"How long?" Hajime asked, pulling Fuyuhiko's hand closer like a cat dragging a prized toy to its den.
"I'd say a good eleven hours." Fuyuhiko smiled a little at Hajime dragging his hand closer.
"And you stayed..." Hajime said happily as he pressed a kiss to Fuyuhiko's fingertips.
Fuyuhiko turned scarlet at the kiss and his heart felt ready to burst out of his chest. "W-well yeah. You asked me to, remember? Said you wanted to wake up to me or some crap..."
"Still, the whole day went by." Hajime yawned. "Mm... I could sleep more..." he admitted, squeezing Fuyuhiko's hand like he was afraid he'd leave this time.
"So sleep more, you probably need it." Fuyuhiko said gently, wondering briefly how Hajime's soft lips would feel on his.
"C'mere?" Hajime asked quietly.
Fuyuhiko slowly crawled into the bed with Hajime and hesitantly put an arm around him. He knew that feeling of desperately not wanting to be alone, of needing someone physically near. He could do this for Hajime, ignore the frantic beats of his heart and just be there for him. Hajime of all people deserved it. 
"Now get some sleep." He ordered.
Hajime let out a small sob. He curled up with his head on Fuyuhiko's chest, fingers curling in his shirt.
"Hey it's okay," Fuyuhiko wrapped his arms tighter around Hajime, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "I've got you big guy, I've got you." He knew how stressful it was to lead, and he knew his experience was nowhere on the same level to what Hajime had to do on a daily basis. Of course he was burnt out and tired. 
He wanted to ensure it never got this bad again…
"Love you..." Hajime muttered, wrapping his arms tight around Fuyuhiko.
"Love you too..." Fuyuhiko said, wondering how Hajime meant it, if he did at all or if he was still sleep deprived. 
He ran a hand through Hajime's hair, curly from sleeping with it damp.
Fuyuhiko decided, as Hajime fell back asleep in his arms, that ultimately it didn’t matter. He cared about Hajime, so he would be there for him, whenever and however he needed him. 
He pressed a soft kiss to Hajime’s forehead, and slowly drifted to sleep.
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caro-bug · 4 years
Danganronpa Characters Sugar part 2 - Goodbye Despair!
Most relatable protag imo
Pretty handsome too
Kamukura, Kamukura Yas Queen!
Baby stop overworking yourself and just accept yourself please
On one hand, the way he simps for Sonia is kinda usetteling. On the other hand, he would most likely be the absolute sweethart to his partner
He's a good bro as well
Deserves a looot of love
Him making Minimaru was so adorable I can't ❤
I love him
His smile is so pure
This baby gangsta doesn't really drink alcohol and disaprooves driving without a license. That's so good I can't
Deserves all the Pekos in the world
Yeah... It's obvious he's my favoriute, isn't it?
I would never suspect her of being such a great actor when playing Sparkling Justice
So loving
So loyal
So beautiful
All I want her to do is live like a normal person by Fuyuhiko's side
He made the game so much more entertaining
Might be relying on his luck too much, but still, he's a fucking genious
Honestly? I didn't like him (just respected him for his smarts) until I've watched the OVA and DAMN. Him dreaming of befriending Fuyu and Kazuichi, thinking that Sonia is a badass, lowkey shipping Sonda, wanting to see Warriors of Hope, Matsuda and Ryouko safe and happy... Now I feel like I need to protect him.
Looks SO adorable in anime
That one character who makes a game much funnier without being an obvious comic relief
Swears in the funniest way ever
She and Gundham make the best duo ever btw
I LOVE the way he speaks
He's actually a softie and that's alright
He and his Devas are the cutest
My ray of sunshine
She makes me a bi disaster
NEEDS to form a band with Sayaka, Leon and Kaede
Can we appreciate the fact that in her FTE she tries to help Hajime regain his memory?
Gives pretty good life advices
Akane NEEDS a person like him
His mechomaru quirks in chpt. 4 were so fun.
Deserved so much better
"It was so dark I couldn't see my food!"
It's kinda relaxing how happy she always is
Her relationship with Nekomaru is 👌
It should be illegal to use her for fanservice.
Needs her own defense squad
Is honestly so cute
Needs a therapy.
Pretty useful tbh
Waifu material. Obviously.
Was very useful, but It didn't look like such a big deal, unlike in Kyoko's case. Not that I dislike Kirigiri, but I like the fact that they have different energies
Her sleepiness and lags were kinda cute, even though they were caused by her... Unique nature
Her both deaths give me a real heartache
Dear little gremlin
I used to dislike her a lot, but her fte helped me understand her.
Give her a normal life, please
Her bond with Mahiru is preciousss
I watched the dubbing for that one manga chapter and her creating the photoalbum with such passion was honestly so wholesome
One of the most real characters in the cast.
Could be the main character and I wouldn't mind
Could be a good leader
A great leader
Such a good person I can't
He kept his promise.
His bond with Ryota in the anime always made me smile.
His talent is really cool too
He just wanted to see his momma 😓
Seems like a really aprroachable guy when he's not a total perv
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lailarain · 3 years
Warning: Spoilers for Danganronpa: The End of Hope's Peak High School:Despair Arc
(I'm watching for the first time)
We're back at it again, guys!
Also, yes, I've realized that I porbably should've watched Danganronpa 2.5 first, but I'll do that after Despair Arc
Episode 1:
Oh it's ponytail teacher lady🙂
I'm only a few minutes in and I'm already dying of laughter from the dialogue😭
This ponytail teacher lady, istg😂😂😂😂😂
Okay where is Nagito he's the only reason I'm watching this🙄
"oH goD jUrAsSiC pArK"
Isn't that that one pervy chef?
Teruteru, that's pretty gay😀
Soda the simp has arrived
I fear this teacher😀
Wait....Mitirai...and the Ultimate Imposter......what the fuck is going on
Awwwww he's hurt by what people say🥺
Hajime, you DO have a talent. You're the Ultimate Nagito Magnet
Man, I'm probably not gonna get to see Hajime on screen a lot in this anime😔
Hey blonde bitch how ya doin
Okay we've officially seen the gang! Time for episode 2!
Episode 2:
"They're all good eggs" tell that to killing game nagito lol
Why the fuck are those two always fighting😭
"I'll have you know that we are training in real life combat conditions" "Oh in that case, knock yourself out"
This is why you don't take random glowing bottles from pervert chefs, kids.
Hajime looks so uncomfortable that a teacher is trying to have a casual conversation with him😂
Oh are they talking about the Kamakura project?
Gundam playing video games makes me so happy and idk why maybe because I love how dramatic he is lol
You ever like someone so much that when they do something as simple as speak you start freaking out at how awesome they are? Yea that's how I feel about Nagito.
why is the school rumbling GUNDHAM WHAT DID YOU DO
Nagito crying over the food lmaooooo
What did Akane sayyyy😀
Props to Fuyuhiko for being a man and stopping Kazuichi
Istg whatever they pay these voice actors clearly isn't enough
I don't even know what to say about Nagito😳
"I regret nothing"
Nagito's so wholesomely making everyone uncomfortable🥺
Chiaki and Hajime's relationship is soooo wholesome🥰
Episode 3:
Hajime has literally solved the murders of his friends 5 times, and he calls himself average🤨
Why are all the other Reserve Course students blue?
Wait isn't that blondie Fuyuhiko's sister?
Hajime being in the middle of these random girls fighting be like 👁👄👁
Okay I'm kinda scared to ship the green hair girl and Mahiru because they might be siblings
Hard to believe that this girl is my baby boi's sister. At least Fuyuhiko has the dignity to not randomly bully a girl for no reason
Okay I hope the FBI doesn't come to my door if these two are siblings but MAHIRU I SAW YOU BLUSH GIRL I SHIP IT
Thank god fuyuhiko understands that his sister is crazy
Hajime and Chiaki gaming together is so cute🥰
I hope Chiaki didn't just accidentally convince Hajime to do the Kamakura Project😀
The blonde just called her lovesick for Mahiru...I think we got non-related lesbians on our hands
Okay I'm kinda starting to feel bad for the blondie
Wait...if the green-haired girl didn't kill her...then who did?
Woah....why is the green-haired girl acting like that🤨
Is this really how people normally treat Reserve Course Students? The discrimination is so unfair.
Oh so they're on a mission
Omfg Hajime don't you DARE think you're nothing and agree to be a lab rat I swear
I am so close to crying rn😀
How's Chiaki gonna react to this😔
Episode 4:
Chiaki is sad aww🥺
Okay Nagito looking serious is NEVER a good sign
Komaeda is so polite😌
Nagito.....what is Plan B😀
Oh its other blonde boy and peach-haired bitch
WAIT NAGITO SET UP FUCKIN BOMBS?!?! Man, I love my chaotic boi🥰
This is gonna be a huge shit show, isn't it?
What the fawk😀
HOW IS HE SO CALM, JUST LIKE "I don't think that was a laxative😕"
Yay Komaeda won't get expelled😊
Uh yeah he did it all for yall 'cause he's fuckin nagito komaeda🤨
Episode 5:
Poor Mitirai🥺
yeah, see? This is why I relate to Mitirai. ANIMATION IS FUCKIN MAGICAL.
Thank GOD. I thought we were gonna have to watch the teacher lady suffer😅
Okay I know this is pretty off topic, but where the fuck is Hajime
Of course as soon as I ask that question, they start talking about the Kamakura project😅
Expelled? Bullshit.
Awww they're so happy to see her how wholesome🥺
"You perfect cinnamon roll" MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY
Wait Mitirai and......Mitirai? So he IS the ultimate imposter.
"People flake out and let you down, but carbs are always there" - Mitirai. Truer words have never been spoken😢
Right, the killing game hasn't happened yet, so both Mukuro and Junko are alive and well
So, are the ultimate imposter and mitirai sibings?
Mitirai no don't overwork yourself🥺
Did he just....say "I need you"....pick her up.....and give no other context?😀
Poor Mitirai
I'm gonna miss good old Hajime😔
Episode 6:
It's......Izuru Kamakura😔
Hajime no🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww Chiaki misses him
Wait why didn't the teacher just lie and say that Hajime was expelled🤨
I am so close to crying rn😀
Ponytail teacher lady is gonna realize the heartbreaking truth about Hajime, isn't she?😔
Awwww buff guy🥺
That is the weirdest tourture I've ever seen
The sad thing is she doesn't even know that it was Hajime who was made the victim to the project.
Wait why is Kamakura there what's going on
Ikuru literally the entire time Junko is talking is basically just: 😑
Okay we're officially halfway through, and I'm super pissed that Nagito is god knows where because he's the ONLY reason I'm watching this
Episode 7:
Junko does realize that she basically just triggered every single fan of Danganronpa, right🤨
"aWw lOoK aT hiM trEmBLe hE'S goNnA bUrsT a blOoD veSsEL bEcAuSe I jUsT diSseD hiS wAifUS"
Wait so is that the crash site of the what killed his parents🥺
Kazuchi, Teruteru, stop being pervs and shut up please🥰
Istg if they lay a hand on Mikan they bouta lose a hand😀
Poor buff guy🥺
Junko's eyes really went ⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️
Wait who tf are these people🤨
Junko what is it with you and killing games😀
Wait she's actually really good at singing😯
Can we get an f in the chat for these poor students
So that was his promise😔
It's the cool moving comic thing from the games😯
The Reserve Course students are NOT happy😀
Poor Chiaki still misses him😔
Imagine if she knew HE was the killer
Episode 8:
(So some of my notes were deleted and when I rewrote them they got deleted twice. So I'm just gonna go where I left off.)
"Who are you" lol
At least CHIAKI is nice to Nagito
Talk about what🤨
Okay Nagito what is it with your luck
"Oh we found a secret passage cool😶"
Okay am I crazy or was that interaction between izuru and nagito just now pretty gay?
Episode 9:
That....is Hinata😔
Teacher lady is gonna be hypnotized, isn't she😖😞
Wait is Mikan pretending?
Poor Guy😢
I mean, I don't wanna abandon the teacher but it's already too late
It's so sad to know that they're just running into destruction😔
You're already too late😞
Poor Mitirai, man🥺
You're in deep shit, Junko
Oh thank god😅
Poor Nagito too
Episode 10:
Something's wrong....
Chiaki, don't be fooled
Wait is he actually gay tho
Okay Junko please SHUT THE FUCK UP🥰
This isn't gonna go well, is it?
Wait why are they in a trial room
(Won't let me type anymore. Continue post here)
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thewildwilds · 7 years
Is there any talentswap ideas that you have? Personally, I like the idea of ultimate nurse/doctor!Teruteru, ultimate gangster!tsumiki, ultimate confectioner!Peko, and ultimate cook/chef!fuyuhiko, and psychiatrist!nanami!!!!!
Tumblr media
So no shame all my talentswap ideas are Kuzupeko-related because have you seen me.
Besides Gamer Fuyuhiko/Princess Peko, Gambler Fuyuhiko/Yakuza Peko, Confectioner Fuyuhiko/Model Peko, here are some other talentswaps/AUs I’ve discussed or riffed about with friends (mainly @fearandloathinginheaven and @scarletmoone, they are the world’s biggest enablers)!
Boxer Fuyuhiko and Confectioner Peko
I’ve discussed this AT LENGTH with some mutuals before and this is one of my favorite talentswaps to think about. This would take place post-war because I love historic AUs.
Essentially Fuyuhiko’s a super poor boxer who lives in a dumpy one-room apartment and eats beans out of a can and makes a living off of prize purses from boxing matches. He wants to move up a weight division because his division doesn’t bring in very many crowds, and the heavier weight classes are where the real money’s at.
Peko works at a cute little bakery, but everyday she always sees this one guy with cuts and bruises on his face pass by the bakery, stare at the pastries in the window, and then continue on his way home. He never enters the bakery, and Peko is way too curious for her own good.
One day, after she sees the same guy walking past, she quickly grabs one of the cream puffs from the case and runs outside after him.
“Wait!” she calls. The guy turns around. She holds out the cream puff to him. “Do you want to try it? It’s free. You don’t have to pay for it.”
He stares at her for a long time before answering. “… I don’t like sweets.” And then he continues on home.
Peko watches him leave, a bit disheartened, but not discouraged. She’ll figure it out. Someday.
Mangaka Fuyuhiko and Cosplayer Peko
This one is just fun. @scarletmoone brought up the idea and it’s one of my favorites.
Fuyuhiko is a mangaka for a popular magical girl manga. He’s fueled by tons of caffeine and a lot of spite for the fandom.
He’s best friends with fan-favorite cosplayer Peko, who creates absolutely flawless cosplays, but looks like she escaped an asylum any other time with her mussy bobby-pinned hair and baggy sweaters and yoga pants.
Neither of them get more than two hours of sleep every night, and both their apartments are war zones.
They argue about artistic license vs realistic clothing physics all the time. Like loud, screaming matches and it reaches a head when Fuyuhiko screams, “WHY?! Why do you have to cosplay every single design I make! I didn’t ask you to do it!!”
Peko screams back just as hot, “BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU, YOU IDIOT.”
Cue lots of silence, and then Fuyuhiko sitting back down sheepishly and pulling out his sketchbook and saying, “Okay, what if I reign in the skirt a bit. Does that work?” Peko sighs and smiles.
Things start getting a little hairy when Fuyuhiko ends up developing a big ol’ crush on his best friend. But he’s a wuss and he can’t tell her, so he tries to use his restless energy the only way he knows how. He writes and he draws. He bases the main character from his manga, Yuka, on Peko. And then he bases Yuka’s best friend, Kana, on himself.
But like everybody in the fandom thinks Yuka and Kana should end up together, even though Fuyuhiko’s already written a love interest for Yuka. It gets even more tense when Peko tries to urge Fuyuhiko to write Yuka and Kana together because she loves their chemistry, and Fuyuhiko finally snaps back, “No. Yuka ends up with Reijiro and Kana doesn’t end up with anyone. Yuka and Kana will never get together. SO JUST DROP IT.”
Peko literally needs it spelled out for her what Fuyuhiko’s manga really means. And then like. Oh. Oh.
Detective Fuyuhiko and Cat Burglar Peko
This idea isn’t at all developed but I love murder mysteries and I just. I need them. I need more of them.
Essentially it’s a hardboiled detective mystery. Fuyuhiko’s the detective who’s called in to investigate the murder of starlet Sayaka Maizono. Police are stumped and they have like zero leads… except one.
Which leads us to Peko. Peko’s a cat burglar who has the unfortunate luck of being placed on the scene the night of the murder. Though Fuyuhiko realizes she couldn’t be the murderer herself, she’s unwittingly roped into helping out with the investigation because she has valuable information and contacts that can help with the case, and if she doesn’t, then Fuyuhiko’s just gonna toss her in jail for all her other burglaries.
And then mystery shenanigans.
I’m so sorry that got so long but *sobbing* You guys don’t understand how much I love Kuzupeko AUs I love them so much please never stop talking to me about talentswaps and AUs………
It’s Sleepover Saturday! Let’s have fun!
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apolunatic · 4 years
i found @muzumi-san ‘s danganronpa asks/questions and decided to just go ahead and answer them bahah
1. Favourite game?
trigger happy havoc.
2. Favourite Protagonist?
makoto naegi.
3. Favourite antagonistic character?
byakuya togami.
4. Favourite character?
kyouko kirigiri.
5. Best girl?
kyouko kirigiri, again lmao
6. Best boy?
difficult but,,, probably fuyuhiko kuzuryuu? or makoto naegi? this one is actually difficult ngl
7. Favourite class trial from all the games?
the chapter six class trial from sdr2.
8. Least favourite character?
hifumi yamada.
9. Least favourite class trial?
the first one from sdr2. i don’t know, it just felt disorganized, in a way?
10. What would be your Ultimate Title?
i don’t know, actually! but going off of my hobbies and “talents” and stuff, maybe ultimate gamer or ultimate “book worm” (would that count)?
11. Favourite cast?
12. Favourite Danganronpa 3 character?
koichi kizakura.
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
i love it!!! it’s so good, ngl it deserves more love. my favorite dr3 is mirai-hen.
14. What do you think about Danganonpa 1 anime?
i’m assuming this one is talking about danganronpa: the animation? if so, i strongly dislike it. it left out so much and just,, isn’t that great. i’m also not a fan of the style that it is in, to be honest.
15. Your absolute OTP?
naegiri (makoto x kyouko).
16. Your absolute BROTP?
even though it’s basically an otp, ishimondo (kiyotaka x mondo) ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
17. Do you have an OT3? Which one?
naegirigami (makoto x kyouko x byakuya)!
18. Favourite rare ship?
kirihina (kyouko x aoi)!
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
kyouko!!! or yui!!!
20. Who do you think is an overrated character?
junko enoshima;; don’t hate me, but i just don’t see what’s so special about her. o(╥﹏╥)o
21. Favourite voice actor?
whoever voices touko/genocider in the japanese version; absolute goddess. how she does genocider’s voice is incredible and absolutely beyond anything i’ve ever heard before, voice acting wise.
22. Favourite talent?
ultimate detective or ultimate astronaut.
23. Favourite mascot?
monokuma, the absolute bastard.
24. Favourite Monokub?
25. Least favourite mascot?
26. Favourite execution?
either korekiyo’s or gundham’s.
27. Least favourite execution?
kyouko’s; i know that they were doing to be like a parallel of makoto’s, but they could have done so much more with it. it just felt so bland, to be honest. ヽ(´ー`)┌
28. Favourite unused execution?
sayaka maizono's!
29. Which character should survived in your opinion?
hiyoko saionji.
30. Which character would’ve deserved to survive?
again, hiyoko saionji.
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
not really! although, if i had to choose, maybe kazuichi souda? he's a really good character and i love him, but he just doesn't have survivor "energy"
32. Least favourite protagonist?
shuichi saihara or hajime hinata. don't come at me, please.
33. Character with the best clothing?
rantaro amami.
34. Best character design?
difficult, but korekiyo? or kirumi?
35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
hiyoko saionji or maki harukawa.
36. Character who looks amazing but you don’t like?
korekiyo shinguji.
37. Favourite minor character?
miu iruma.
38. Favourite eyes?
junko enoshima's.
39. Smartest murder plan?
korekiyo shinguji's or kirumi toujou's.
40. Favourite culprit?
kirumi toujou or celestia ludenberg.
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)
kirumi toujou.
42. Honest opinion on Tsumugi Shirogane?
i love her! honestly, she's a really interesting character. she's quite a roller coaster but she is really fun.
43. Describe Monaca Towa in 3 words!
manipulative, toxic, guilty.
44. Describe Nagito Komaeda in 3 words!
bastard, bitch, insane.
45. Unpopular opinion?
i seriously do not like kokichi ouma. i can not stand him (again, don't come for me).
46. Unpopular headcanon?
i'm not sure if this is unpopular or not, but probably kyouko feeling emotions very strongly; she's just an expert at hiding them.
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
see number forty-six (46).
48. Favourite OST?
debate scrum or class trial: space edition.
49. Favourite mini game?
if you mean the ones in ndrv3, i actually have not played thr game myself (i have only watcjed playthroughs), so i don't reallt have an opinion on them.
50. Favourite game design?
ultra despaid girls or killing harmony.
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
touko fukawa (in udg; thh touko is shit).
52. Character you thought you would like but disliked in the end?
53. Favourite game end?
trigger happy havoc.
54. Least favourite game end?
mmmmmm,,,, sdr2? for a few reasons, i can evaluate if wanted.
55. Favourite love hotel scene?
the entire love hotel is fuckin' cursed. but if i have to choose, maki's.
56. Best free time events?
kyoukoor maki's; it is fun learning about both of them! ヾ(^∇^)
57. Character who should’ve lived longer?
ibuki mioda, her death was too sudden. same with kaito momota. (。┰ω┰。)
58. V3 Pregame! headcanon?
the ones that everyone has for shuichi saihara.
59. Favourite moment?
"mukuro ikusaba... the sixteenth student, lying hidden somewher in this school. the one they call the ultimate despair... watch out for her." this one or maki opening up about her life as an assassin.
60. Saddest moment?
the scenes before kaito momota's execution. i'm sorry, maki. ヾ(×× ) ツ
61. Character who looks like the love child of ???
i have,, no idea??
62. Describe Mikan Tsumiki in 3 words!
get this bitch some therapy holy fuck
63. Describe Kyoko Kirigiri in 3 words!
mysterious, angel, underrated.
64. Which character seemed like they were gonna be a culprit but they wasn’t?
yasuhiro hagakure. i don't know, i just expected him to be lying or manipulative for some reason. it was hard to believe that he's actulaly just really stupid. ヘ( ̄  ̄;ヘ)
65. Who did you never expected to die but they died?
nagito komaeda.
66. Describe the last trial from V3 in 3 words!
insane, cosplay, r a b i d.
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
korekiyo shinguji.
68. Which character would you like to meet in real life?
chiaki nanami.
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
kyouko kirigiri. she works too hard, somebody give her a break.
70. Character you would have a sleepover with?
chiaki nanami.
71. Character you can relate to?
maki harukawa.
72. Character you can relate to but you dislike them?
mukuro ikusaba; i can relate to her, sort of, but in a very limited way.
73. Character who deserved better?
hiyoko saionji.
74. What do yo think of Hiyoko Saionji?
she has reasons for behaving the way that she did, but that doesn't excuse them.
75. Describe Gonta Gokuhara in 3 words!
gentleman! angel! bugs!!
76. Favourite research lab?
maki harukawa's.
77. What do you think of the fandom?
half of it is fun. the other half is fucking insane.
78. Favourite random/unnecessary scene?
the love hotel.
79. Which character has the cutest design?
kotoko utsugi.
80. Hope or Despair?
81. Could you be the Ultimate Lucky Student?
not at all. ヽ(*´з`*)ノ
82. Favourite chapter?
chapter six of sdr2.
83. Least favourite chapter?
chapter one of thh. it just felt very dragged out, in comparison to the other first chapters of the otbwr games.
84. Which character do you easily forget?
ryota mitarai.
85. Could you be a Dangan Protag? Why?
i,, don't know??
86. Favourite Anthology chapter?
i haven't read it but i really want to!
87. Describe Peko Pekoyama in 3 words!
lovely, grand, serious.
88. Describe Mondo Oowada in 3 words!
bikes, misunderstood, a n g r y.
89. Least favourite Danganronpa 3 character?
ruruka andoh.
90. Do you like Junko?
i don't like or dislike her, i just don't understand the hype around her.
91. What do you think of Monokuma?
fucking bastard.
92. Least favourite Monokub?
93. Did you like the Monokubs?
not in the slightest.
94. Did you like the Warriors of Hope?
excluding monaca? yes.
95. What do you think of Gundham Tanaka?
i love him so much,,
96. Who’s an overrated character you dislike?
kokichi ouma.
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP?
naezono (makoto x sayaka).
98. Outfit you dislike?
sayaka maizono's.
99. Your absolute NOTP?
junko x mukuro or junko x mikan. just anything with junko.
100. Opinion on all the Protagonists!
makoto is the best, hajime is kind of bland, kaede is almost too perfect, shuchi is too basic (in a way), komaru and touko's development was incredible and yui deserves much more love.
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detectivesplotslies · 4 years
18 21 30 38 49 64 thanks
18. Favourite rare ship? Miurumi~! There’s near to nothing of them and I promise ONE DAY I’m gonna post something i wrote for them. I just really enjoy their contrasting personalities but also how both of their murder cases had to do with them trying to get out for the sake of others and the world? They have overall very similar thought processes on that aspect. Also they cute.21. Favourite voice actor? OK so to clarify I played the games in the English voice tracks!I really enjoyed Derek Stephen Prince’s performance as Fuyuhiko and Kokichi, and Chris Tergliafera does an awesome Gundham & Ryoma (and his streams are amazing), and Marieve Herington’s performance of Celestia in trial 3 was stellar.30. Which character would’ve deserved to survive? Answered this one here!38. Favourite eyes? CAN I JUST SAY I REALLY ENJOY THAT EVERYONE IN DR HAS DIFFERENT EYES? :DPeko’s eyes are striking! I also really love Kokichi’s eye colour and shape. Shuichi’s colour is nice. 49. Favourite mini game?
I liked Excavation Imagination! The digging one, I enjoyed it so much I spent time playing the casino version for fun. I got the achievement for the S score on Mean! :D (Improved Hangman’s Gambit can go die in a hole)64. Which character seemed like they were gonna be a culprit but they wasn’t? I accused Kazuichi of murder so many ding dangan times. I’m sorry Kaz, but your talent and your general being mobile and walking around/alibi bait at crime scenes made it hard to trust your sheet cowardice to be legit okay. I should have known you couldn’t act.
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Danganronpa: The Stage Play, but its like the actor au, it's more musical than play, it's completely different from the actual stage play, and every couple sneaks in some ship moment, but its not exactly subtle at all. Example, theres a scene where Gundham and Kazuichi do the tango, while Sonia sings. Peko picks Fuyuhiko up bridal style, singing, "My dearest love, you'll never know!" Ibuki has an entire song dedicated to being a lesbain for Mikan & Chiaki (bc thats my super ot3) Etc.
I love this idea! The couples just throw subtlety out of the window, goodbye!
In the scene were Sonia sings and Kaz and Gundham dance the tango, being way more sensual than actually needed, Sonia sings about just how exhausting their constant fighting is. She then adds in her song that she also knows the truth about them which makes it even more frustrating for them all and sings that they should finally be honest with each other. In that scene Gundham dips Kaz (because the other is smaller) and they just look longingly into each others eyes, and are so close that they might as well kiss. After this they move on like nothing at all happenedGundham and Kaz also have quite a few duets, that are a mixture of them bantering with each other and at the same time arguing with themselves that they can’t connect the way they want due to insecurities
Peko would of course do all the lifts on her and Fuyuhiko’s dances while Fuyu leads most of them, and all their songs about them hiding their feelings from each other because of their situation within the Kuzuryu clan. Fuyuhiko would gently take Peko’s face in his hand in one scene, as she takes on a pose on the floor before him (showing their status difference) and he sings about how he wants her to see herself as an equal and not as a tool. When Peko then sings the main part, she lifts Fuyuhiko up in bridal style (showing her protectiveness) and she sings: "My dearest love, you'll never know!"
Also Nanatsumioda is such a cute ship, I love them together ♥Most of Ibuki’s songs would be either about her passion for music or her love for her wonderful girlfriends. She probably has a duo number with Hiyoko at some point where they both sing about just how wonderful and beautiful girls are
To add to the ideas:
Nagito would of course have his official character songs in the musical, which are both about his love for talent, hope and Hajime/Izuru (Poison - Deadly Drug [I am so in love with this song!] and Absolute Hope Birthday) But he would have also songs about his unstable mind, especially after finding out the truth
All of Imposter’s songs have the same melody and rhythm as songs from other characters, and are often mixed, but nothing is “original” to hint to them being an imposter and not the real Byakuya
Chiaki’s songs all have an 8-BIT melody to it, due to her talent and also again to hint on her being an AI within the story. While she never directly sings about her being the traitor and an AI, she does a lot of foreshadowing within her lyrics that are only noticeable when you know the truth. Most of her songs are about all of her friends, but being a huge lesbian and all, she does like singing about Ibuki and Mikan from time to time x)
Nekomaru’s and Akane’s songs are the meanest in form of shipping or not, since all of them can be either interpreted as romantic or platonic. In the end the audience would have no clue what is correct or not x)
Mikan’s songs are in the beginning very sweet songs, with how happy she is that she has all her new friends close, who are all very nice to her. She also often sings about how much fun it is to play games with Chiaki and sing songs with Ibuki, and just how much she likes them. However they suddenly change in tone as she remembers her past and they get highly aggressive and very suggestive
Junko’s songs are of course the most hardcore of them all. They are brutal, they change their rhythm and beat very often and most of all they are the most catchy of them all (due to her being a very influencing person, who everyone automatically likes)
The songs that are done during killings, trials and executions are of course very dramatic and cinematic. These are the ones where everyone puts the most work into, so that the audience can feel with them and feel the despair as more and more of the cast “die”
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kimmysfandomblog · 5 years
FF7 crossover I’m never gonna write
-A Final Fantasy 7-type AU. I say “type” because it’s going to have to change a lot to fit the different personalities hahaha
A very long (and messy) post because the idea is in my head, but I don’t want to really write it in a more structured manner XD
In short:
Cloud- Hajime
Tifa- Nagito
Aerith- Chiaki
SHINRA- Togami
Sephiroth- Kamukura
Under the cut is the details, put there for length and FF7 spoilers?
Characters are matched not by personalities, but on their roles in the story. This means that some events in the story don’t happen the same way.
Hinata is the main character. His childhood neighbor, who is the child of the mayor and his crush, is Nagito Komaeda. Hinata goes from Nibelheim to Midgar in order to join SOLDIER, but ends up in infantry.
Sephiroth is of course replaced by Kamukura. Kamukura was actually a test tube baby instead of born, like Sephhiroth had been. Hajime’s mother was the donor, so he is actually Hajime’s older brother (It’s very tragic). Hajime hears of this hero who is only a few years older than him and strives to be just like Izuru Kamukura.
The big bad JENOVA is replaced by JUNKO, the alien who wishes to destroy the world.
The evil corporation is the Togami Corporation, with Rufus Shinra being replaced by Byakuya Togami, mostly just because they really match.
Dr. Hojo is replaced by Monokuma- but humanized? He is completely unrelated to Izuru, but his obsession with Junko remains. One of his rivals, and the one Izuru actually liked, is Taichi Fujisaki.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu is the head of the Turks, taking place of Tseng
the other Turks are just going to be Saionji, Mahiru, and Mikan
Palmer, Heideger, and Scarlet are replaced by Kaito, Shuichi, and Maki (Togami probably has blackmail on them or something?) Kaito has the space program (that never gets funding), Maki has the Weapons Department, and Shuichi is manager of the Turks and internal affairs. He is like a detective and is kept on mostly because he’s good at deducing who goes against the company. None of them like their jobs, but Maki is resigned to do it. Shuichi and Chihiro are actually working together in attempts to thwart Shinra. Kaito just wants funding for the Space Program because he truly believes the world can be saved that way and he’s a bit blind to the corruption since he was off in Rocket Town for most of his career.
To kind of balance it out, though, I’m adding Toko Fukawa as leader of the SOLDIER/Infantry Departments
The friends who join:
Multiple people technically take the role of Barret. The members of the terrorist group (Future Fighters as opposed to AVALANCHE) don’t all die. The ones who survive are Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Aoi Asahina. Nagito joined them after Nibelheim burned down. Sakura Oogami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and Mondo Oowada perish with the fall of the plate.
On a side note, Asahina is basically the Barret of this story. She loses her brother to the explosion at Corel, she and Sakura had escaped from there.
Chiaki Nanami takes the place of Aerith, but rather than just an Ancient, it was more like she has abilities that really affect technology. Her father was Taichi Fujisaki, and she’s totally unaware that her half brother was so close to her.
In the game, Nanaki/Red XIII is an intelligent animal trying to go back to their tribe... in this one his role will have to be taken by Kiibo instead, who tries to go back to his “grandpa” Dr. Idabashi.
Chihiro Fujisaki is going to take the place of Reeve with Usami being Cait Sith (no need for the mog)
The obvious choice for Cid is Kazuichi Souda, but he won’t be getting any addictions! His best friends, Gundam and Sonia, stop his rocket because it was too dangerous to fly. (and they all become a happy trio)
Now for the optional characters, Kokichi Ouma takes the place of Yuffie because he’s mischievous and would totally play pranks.
Peko Pekoyama would be the Vincent Valentine, but the twist is that she and Fuyuhiko used to be partners in the TURKS (instead of Vincent and Veld). She hides her real name by calling herself Sparkling Justice and hidin her face with a mask, but she mostly still fights the same, making Fuyuhiko especially mad when she’s around
Additional notes:
-Chiaki and Chihiro are going to be half-siblings, with Chihiro actually being older because I’m basing this mostly on Alter Ego. Taichi’s first wife dies in childbirth, and he falls in love with Chiaki’s (unnamed) mother. Chihiro and Chiaki are taken from him, with Chihiro being told that if he doesn’t cooperate, Chiaki and his stepmother would be killed. Chiaki is completely unaware she has a half-brother, however he’s always kept an eye on her through her plush toy. This is ultimately why he spies on the group, but he’s also the leader of Urban Development
-Kamukura does not see Junko as his mother. She promises him the excitement he can’t get anywhere else by causing Despair, and he becomes obsessed with the idea that destruction will relieve him from boredom. He loses his mind to Junko in this AU, but he’d been close to redemption at the end, knowing the truth of Junko’s corruption and how he’s actually related to Hajime.
-Makoto and Kirigiri grew up in the orphanage at Midgar under the plate. Makoto has a vision of a better world, and she joins him. This is especially so when she finds out she has a personal reason for going against Togamis. Her father lead a rebellion against the corporation and dies. Together, with other orphans who are affected by the Togami COrps, Mondo (brother dies because of Togamis) and Ishimaru (he was reluctant to start but the common people are suffering and he’s against the cruelty, plus his whole family was forced underground because of the Togami Corps) found a new group they called the Future Fighters. Aoi Asahina and Sakura Oogami join them shortly after. Nagito Komaeda is found and taken in by Makoto. Makoto is against the fighting, but he’s in agreement that Togami Corps need to be taken down. He mostly gets information, being a decent spy/detective. Kirigiri is the gunslinger, but she’s also the strategist. Asahina and Sakura are the “monk” types. Komaeda usually uses guns, but he is also the one who makes the bombs. Hajime, when he briefly joins, uses a sword.
-Chiaki is the healer/magic user, however her affinity with technology often acts up and can be used against enemies. Kiibo uses built-in guns and laser eyes (but h absolutely cant be in water or struck by lightning). Usami is a magic user, mostly using buff on the team or casting status effects. Kazuichi can still be the dragoon type since there’s no real reason Cid ended up with spears. Ouma is still gonna be a ninja. Pekoyama uses the sword rather than a gun. (and Gundham and Sonia are both magic users, both summoners, but Sonia is also really good at white magic while Gundham is reall good at Dark magic.
-instead of the Golden Saucer, there is Towa Park. Haiji is the Dio of this AU, and instead of Dyne, there are the Warriors of Hope (all of them only a little younger than Asahina). None of them die, but Monaka gets crippled through her own stubborness. She hates Asahina for the death of her mother and the fall of Corel. She was left with her abusive dad and stepbrother until she fakes crippled legs. Each of the other kids were stuck in homes of paid actors who forced them to call them parents and abused them.
-Chiaki has no “Zack” in the same sense Aerith did. Her “Zack” was Kamukura, who did not fall from the roof, but rather landed gracefully in front of her from the roof and protected her from monsters. He came down mostly because of the flowers being something he hasn’t seen before, at first, but he genuinely liked her eventually, up until he goes missing. Chiaki never really forgot him, but finds a boy who falls down from the roof that really reminds her of Kamukura, even if he doesn’t act a lot like him. (Does this mean he kills Chiaki? UHHHH)
-The one who saves Hajime before the events of the game, Hajime’s “Zack,” who was somewhat friends with Kamukura but not especially close, is First Class SOLDIER Nekumaru Nidai. the experiments on Nidai ended in him being mostly robot because they tried to use Junko’s cells on him, whereas Hajime seemed to barely have any influence from it. Nekomaru is trying to go back for his not-girlfriend (yet) Akane Owari, a martial arts teacher that travels the world, but has laely been based in Midgar (partly because of him, if she were honest). He doesn’t make it, and she never knows he’s dead. She eventually leaves Midgar when the plate drops, which is suspected to be because of the Togamis. She meets up with the main group in Gongaga, where Nidai had been from. Komaeda reacts to her and this village when she talks about him.
-Pekoyama was given a solo mission mostly because Mr. Togami (Byakuya’s brother) was suspicious of the Turks at that time. Kuzuryu and Peko are loyal members of the Turks at this point and there’s been rumors that ther leader, Jin Kirigiri, is thinking of defecting. spreading the Turks out and eliminating some of them in “accidents” seemed like a good way to go about things. Kuzuryu was able to earn the company’s loyalty, but he did it to find Peko, who had been successful in stopping a terrorist attack, but only through a cost of grievous wounds. Dr. Monokuma gets to her and experiments on her, and she ends up in Nibelheim labs, waking up a monster. She seals herself up to await her death.
-Nagito is the Nibelheim mayor’s only son, who’s had a crush on Hajime for a long time, but was never allowed to hang out with Hajime, specifically after Hajime is accused of endangering Nagito after he went off alone to Nibelheim Mountains to find his mother when she passed away. He begins to think it is better if people aren’t close to him, seeing as his mother died through an accident involving him and the town is starting to get superstitious about his family being cursed. So, while respected, he keeps his distance. Hajime does manage to convince him to meet, the night before he leaves for Midgar. A promise is made that Hajime would come back and tell him all about his adventures as SOLDIER. He jokingly says Hajime should save him from harm one day. When the catastrophe that is the day Kamukura burns down the village happens, Nagito is saved by luck. His personal tutor find him and takes him to Midgar, staying with him for a while. However, he ends up dying in terrorist bombings, and rumor has it that the Togamis are responsible for that, too. Komaeda decides he wants revenge and through some lucky finds in the black market, is able to teach himself to create bombs. Kirigiri, when the group finds him, is able to teach him to use guns as well.
-Hajime is found by Nagito at the train station. Although Hajime claims he is SOLDIER First Class, he also says that he was at Nibelheim when it burns. Nagito is concerned by this, but given Hajime’s clearly distressed state, doesn’t dispute it. He instead invites him to the terrorist group that goes against the Togami’s, mostly to be able to keep an eye on Hajime and eventually figure out how Hajime knows what happened at Nibelheim when Nagito knows the one who is supposed to be there is Nekomaru.
-The Turks, lead by Fuyuhiko, are only him, Hiyoko, Mahiru, and the newest member, Mikan. normally, the Turks are comic relief characters, and they still can be, but the jokes would have to be different for sure. Hiyoko’s the “dancer” who buffs the team and causes static effects, but she can truly pack a punch. Mahiru is the magic user, her element being lightning. She’s pretty good with close-range/mid-range weapons. Mikan is healer, but also great at magic in general. Fuyuhiko, of course, only uses guns, but he uses it really well (However you never fight Tseng in the games I guess, so you only see him use guns)
-Hajime can “date” one of these people, depending on the choices made by “players”: Nagito, Chiaki (they have the highest chances with him, just like Tifa and Aerith), Makoto, Asahina, Kokichi, Pekoyama, and Kiibo (the rest are the not-exactly-romantic and harder to achieve options, just like Barret, Nanaki, and Yuffie. While you can’t date Vincent Valentine.... I wish it were possible XD)
-All that date stuff said I’d honestly be down for Nagito, Hajime, and Chiaki together I mean they don’t have to fight. Aerith and Tifa never fought and actually could get along and AerTi is a ship that people like too so three doesn’t have to be a crowd
-There are a few things I am unsure of, like Chiaki’s reaction that Kamukura is evil? Does Kamukura recognize her and still kill her? What about that plot thread where she and Chihiro are related? What is up with Kuzuryu and Peko like why is she fighting against him and does he ever figure out it is her? And I want Kamukura redeemed but how?? I have way too many characters as well and Makoto and Kirigiri technically don’t have to be there but I just wanted them to be there XD And for whatever reason they are building bombs and detonating reactors... joy... And why are Kaito, Shuichi and Maki working for a guy they don’t like and doing evil things? (I mean I genuinely like them so what gives, Kimmy?)
I gave this AU a lot of thought, but it comes with so many plotholes and inconsistencies in story and/or characters XD
But listen... FF7 is a great game. And because of it I haven’t been able to sleep until I finished thinking about this AU XD
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DR2 Girls Reacting to Their s/o Being Stuck in a Broadcasted Killing Game
I loved writing this, even though it made me cry half-way through this. Sorry if it’s too long. *WARNING: Mentions of suicide*
~Mod Himiko
Chiaki Nanami
Today was the day. The new season of Danganronpa: The Killing Game was airing tonight and s/o and Chiaki made plans to see it together. It was fun to try to figure out who was the “blackened” together as if you both were detectives yourselves. Sometimes you two would get it right and other times you were wrong.
Chiaki had prepared a lot of snacks for the both of you so you both could enjoy the first episode. It was five and you were supposed to be at Chiaki’s place by six so you two can hang out a little before it had started at around seven.
It was now 6:47. Where were you? If s/o was running a little late, they surely would have called Chiaki.
After waiting a bit, she decided to start watching without you. She could always tell you who was participating when she would see you.
The familiar mascot of the game popped up on the screen, repeating the same thing that would start each season. “Welcome back to your favorite killing game! We have a special group of students this time! Why don’t you all introduce yourselves.”
The camera panned over to a very familiar person to Chiaki. “Hello, I’m (F/n) (L/n) and I am the Ultimate (Talent).”
Chiaki’s mind went blank. S/o was on her tv screen, smiling, but she knew that it wouldn’t last long. She didn’t even pay attention to the rest of the episode, she just sat on her couch, silently crying.
Why? Why did they pick you? Why not somebody else? Please, please don’t take her dear s/o away.
All she could do was hope you were one of the survivors.
The first trail passed. Then the second, and the third, and the fourth. You were hanging on strong. Chiaki hoped you could hear her words of encouragement through her tv screen.
Then the fifth chapter came about and there you were, lying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding you.
Chiaki.exe has stopped working.
She waited and waited to see who s/o’s murderer was so she could at least see them in agonizing pain for doing that to her s/o… but it never came… They concluded that you had committed suicide.
Chiaki was devastated.
She would never see you again.
Mikan Tsumiki
Mikan never really liked watching the killing game because she thought that it was a horrible thing to do to people. She only watched it because her s/o loved the mystery it had behind it and she didn’t mind watching it with you.
They had an upcoming season and you would not stop talking about it. They had uploaded small teasers online about some characters and you were ecstatic. So, Mikan had invited you over so you two can watch it together. Mikan refused to watch it by herself, it always made her heart drop to her stomach.
You never arrived. Mikan had thought something important had popped up and you couldn’t come. She didn’t want to watch it alone, so she refused to turn on the tv. That was until she received a call from Sonia, another fanatic of the series.
“H-hi, Sonia. Did you need-”
“Mikan! Turn on your tv and go to channel thirteen!” Mikan let out a small yelp of surprise and did as she was told. She turned on the tv and froze.
There you were, introducing yourself as one of the “students” of the academy. Mikan didn’t know what to do, but cry.
She cried and cried until she couldn’t anymore and she forced herself to watch the show to see if her s/o would come back to her.
She was wrong. Horribly wrong. You were now sitting in the library with a thick rope tied around your neck. You were choked to death.
She started to cry again. She cried during the investigation. She cried during the class trial. She cried when people started to think that it may have been suicide.
When they had found out who your murderer was, Mikan got uncharacteristically angry. She destroyed her house because of the pent up anger she had of both the game and herself.
Her s/o was gone and the entire killing game had to pay.
Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki loved watching the killing game series with s/o. Sometimes they would even re-watch the series just for the hell of it. The producers of the series even asked Ibuki to write some songs for them!
Ibuki had a small get together with all of her friends so they could all watch it together. S/o was in charge of spreading the news while Ibuki set up the party at your house. You were running a little late though, but Ibuki only thought it was because it was hard to convince Fuyuhiko and Gundham to come over to watch the game.
Even if you were running a little late, Ibuki didn’t want to stop and ruin the party, so she decided to catch you up when you came.
The familiar mascot of the game popped up on the screen, repeating the same thing that would start each season, and as a big fan, Ibuki mouthed the words along with the bear. “Welcome back to your favorite killing game! We have a special group of students this time! Why don’t you all introduce yourselves.”
The camera panned over to each student as they introduced themselves, but one person made Ibuki drop everything and stare at the tv blankly.
She found out why you were late.
“Hello, I’m (F/n) (L/n) and I am the Ultimate (Talent).” Ibuki dropped to her knees and screamed in terror. Why was her s/o in the killing game? Everyone around Ibuki had to stop her from doing anything rash.
Someone was always with Ibuki when she watched the killing game. Whether it was Hajime or Peko, they would come over to make sure Ibuki would be okay. She watched as you passed the first trial, then the second, and the third, and the fourth, somehow you passed the fifth, though you were accused many of times.
Then the unimaginable happened. You survived with a friend you had made in the show. Ibuki started to cry tears of joy.
The only thing that made her cry harder was when you walked through the door saying, “I’m back, Ibuki.”
Mahiru Koizumi
Mahiru loathed the killing game and refused to watch it with you, no matter how much you begged. She hated the fact that the producers would kidnap people, erase their memories, and force them to kill each other.
Her s/o didn’t really care about all the background stuff. They thought it would ruin the experience. S/o never watched the series when they were with Mahiru because they didn’t want to anger her.
But today was different. Mahiru was just looking over her photographs she had taken within the week in the usual cafe she went to. Her ears perked up when she heard your name. She looked around to find you, but she dreadfully noticed that you were on the tv, introducing yourself.
To Mahiru, it was crazy. She swears that she had seen you this morning, but now you were somehow on the tv of the cafe she was in saying that you were one of the students.
She would deny it. They just hired an actor, yeah, that’s it, and they just stole your name. That’s what it was. She knows that you’ll visit her tonight, ecstatic about it “being” on the killing game.
She’s wrong. You don’t come over for the next week and it forces Mahiru to see that this was real. Her s/o was in the killing game. So, she forced herself to watch the killing game and before she knows it, she gets way to into it.
She talks to her tv as if she was truly talking to you. She would try to participate in the trials to scold the culprit. She’ll even start yelling hysterically when someone starts to accuse you.
Then came the fourth chapter. You were badly injured by one of the students and were taken to the mini hospital they had and had the Ultimate Doctor check your wounds. Mahiru just stared blankly at the screen. Tears streaming down her face.
Your wounds healed in no time and you participated in the fourth trial. Then came the fifth trial. They all kept accusing one of the younger students and in the end, they all had voted for him.
But what’s this? They were wrong. The mascot, Monokuma, Mahiru learned, laughed his signature laugh and explained what really happened and how this murder couldn’t be attempted by any other, but the Ultimate (Talent). Her s/o was the murderer.
Mahiru didn’t move from her seat on the couch. She just waited and waited. She heard her door open, but she refused to move. She hated the happy emotion she felt when she heard that her lover was coming back. Her s/o was back, but at the cost of people’s lives.
She didn’t push s/o away when they hugged her. She let them vent and cry. After it all, they both agreed to never get involved with Danganronpa again.
Hiyoko Saionji
Hiyoko was in love with Danganronpa, well not as much as she was with you. She loved the reactions everyone had and all the different creative ways the competitors died. You both would watch it all the time.
Hiyoko only started to hate the killing game after she saw the first episode of this new season. The familiar mascot of the game popped up on the screen, repeating the same thing that would start each season. “Welcome back to your favorite killing game! We have a special group of students this time! Why don’t you all introduce yourselves.”
When the camera panned over to you, Hiyoko basically screamed bloody murder. “Hello, I’m (F/n) (L/n) and I am the Ultimate (Talent).”
Hiyoko refused to have you on the game, not if it risked her losing you forever. She had many tantrums every time she thought about it.
Hiyoko wanted to kill the killing game itself right now. She hasn’t been able to be her usual self without her s/o. She would cry herself to sleep at night and have no one to comfort her.
She forced herself to watch you struggle in the game and she hated it, but she was convinced that you would come back to her. She had high hopes.
All of that hope jumped out the window when the season reached its third trial. This can’t be, right? Those results are wrong! There’s no way her s/o is the killer!
But she was wrong. Hiyoko watched in horror as you went through your execution. She couldn’t believe it, she didn’t want to believe it. She started to cry and cry and cry.
Why couldn’t her s/o be by her side anymore? Why did they do this to her?
All Hiyoko wanted was her s/o back.
Akane Owari
Akane didn’t really like the whole idea of the killing game. She didn’t want anyone she loved suffer through what the producers of the show made the people go through. But you? You were super pumped about it! The thought of any of you being forced into the game had never crossed your minds.
The week before the incident Akane had a really bad feeling in her gut, but she couldn’t find out what it was.
She found out from her younger siblings the true reason. They had pulled her over to the tv Kazuichi fixed and gave to her as a gift. She froze when she saw you on it, introducing yourself.
Akane immediately got angry. Why was s/o on the killing game? Didn't they know how dangerous it was? She left the house determined to get her s/o back.
Her plan didn't go as she imagined it would. No matter how many times she yelled and punched the people who ran the entire entourage, they refused to let them go. All they told her to do was to hope. Hope that they survived.
And hope she did. She forced herself to watch the atrocities people thought as entertaining. Fighting was one thing, but murder?
She watched you struggle. She watched you create new friends. She watched you as were devastated throughout each trial. The only thing she could do was yell encourage words at the tv, even when her siblings got angry at her for being too loud.
Akane knew to trust her gut, so when she felt the familiar feeling, she watched you attentively. Surely her gut wasn't saying that something bad would happen to you, right?
She was wrong. So wrong. When she saw you lying on the floor, not moving, she felt sad. Extremely sad. And she did something that surprised her siblings and anybody else that knew her.
Akane cried. Not gentle tears, she was bawling. Why? Why did her s/o have to die? Now, they would never come back. They couldn't share their stories. They couldn't go on dates. They couldn't love one another anymore. S/o was gone.
Once the tender tears came to a stop, anger overtook the brunette. Akane was going to get her revenge and she wasn't going to stop until they did.
Sonia Nevermind
Sonia was basically the president of the Danganronpa: The Killing Game Fan club. She knew every single character from every season. Of course, she had you as the vice president. You two were always ecstatic for every upcoming season.
Especially for this season. There were teasers of the new seasons online and the new characters they shown seemed super interesting. You both had planned a party for the club to celebrate and watch the first episode together.
The night of the party, Sonia hadn't seen you at all. Maybe you were getting some extra snacks and had gotten stuck in traffic? It was almost time for it to start and she couldn't delay any longer, so, feeling guilty in the process, she started the party.
Sonia greeted others and ran the first half of the party by herself. Then came the second half. S/o still hadn't arrived. Sonia excuses herself and leaves the party. She tries to call you. No answer. Again. No answer. She returns to the party a little worried now.
Once she catches a glimpse of the tv, she is frozen. S/o was on the killing game, introducing themselves. Sonia dropped everything she held and she just stared at the tv in utter horror. This couldn’t be right. S/o wasn’t on the most deadliest game in the world, right?
Wrong... Sonia was absolutely sure that it was you after watching the second episode. Sonia would stay cooped up in her room, watching her s/o with dread. Even though Sonia would cry herself to sleep at night, she would still hope. Hope that you would survive and come back to her, alive and well.
She would hope and hope, almost to the point where her mind was clouded with it. This hope came crashing down when the third trial revealed that you had murdered the two victims. Sonia hoped that they were wrong, but they weren’t. With the way you started to react when being accused… Yeah, it was definitely you.
Sonia watched with wide eyes as the tv showed your brutal execution. This was a joke, right? You’ll come back to her with your usual smile and tell her all of the tricks they used to make everything seem real. S/o will be back in no time.
When others came over to comfort Sonia, she would deny your death. You’ll be back. You’ll come back to Sonia.
Peko Pekoyama
The killing game wasn’t anything to Peko. She watched people die everyday due to being in the Kuzuryuu Clan, so she didn’t really mind watched the killing game with you. As long as you were happy, Peko was happy. Sometimes you both would invite Fuyuhiko over to watch it with you two because, as he hates to admit, he finds the show interesting.
Peko never really watched it by herself. She never found a reason to. That was until Fuyuhiko pointed out something she never knew.
“Did you know that s/o was in the killing game?” What? Peko couldn’t believe it. She looked it up and, sure enough, you were on the killing game. Peko had to get you out, now. She wouldn’t let you risk your life like this.
She went to the producers and threatened them using both her bamboo sword and the Kuzuryuu Clan. They denied of course, but they offered something else. “If your precious s/o survives up until the second trial, we’ll let you in as an exchange student.”
Peko agreed. As long as she would be there to protect you, she would do it.
The producers weren't lying. They dropped her into the killing game after altering her memories. She didn't remember anything about the outside world, but she remembered her undying love for her s/o.
Just as if they remembered the entire time, they stayed with each other, falling hard in love once again. This didn't last long.
When Peko had seen your body mutilated and hung up for everybody to see, she felt extremely sad. She started to cry during the investigation, but this sadness didn't last long.
The sadness quickly turned into anger. Unbearable anger. Peko didn't know how this overtook her so easily, but she didn't let it stop.
Peko slaughtered the other students. The producers tried to stop her, but it was too late. Peko was determined to end the killing game.
And so she did, not caring about all of the blood that stained her hands.
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clueless909 · 6 years
odd numbers for the dr ask game :)
hhhh oh no help okay ily froot
1. Favorite Game
Super Danganronpa 2, no question... I would die for that game. Best characters and best story, no question. AND THE PLOT TWISTS??? amazin
3. Favorite Antagonistic Character
I’m not exactly, 100% sure what this means. Mastermind characters (Izuru, Junko, Mukuro, etc) or the Foils (Togami, Komaeda, and Kokichi)? In any case, I love Junko the most out of any mastermind character ever (Tsumugi is... Probably my least favorite sorry to her fans) and Komaeda will probably always be one of the best written characters in the Danganronpa franchise who offered so much more to the obnoxious foil along with the BEST trial of Danganronpa: (2-5).
5. Best Girl?
Unfair question, okay? I love (almost) all the girls! My favorite of all time is Ruruka Andou, though followed closely by Sonia Nevermind, Mikan Tsumiki, and Ryoko Otonashi
7. Favorite Class Trial from All of the Games?
2-5. That trial is SUCH a journey and I loved every second of it. Except for the fact that it just gives people a reason to cry that Chiaki was too pure and didn’t deserve to die.
9. Least Favorite Class Trial?
Hmm... I’m gonna say 3-3. If ONLY for the fact that there was such a missed opportunity with two killers in one trial and that Kiyo could have had to stay with the rest of the students freely despite committing murder! Otherwise, it was just kind of weird and the motive was absolutely bizarre.
11. Favorite Cast?
DR2 has my favorites but also my least favorites. I love Sonia, Mikan, Peko, Mahiru, Gundham, Twogami, Fuyuhiko, Komaeda... But I hate Chiaki, Hiyoko, and Teruteru. Overall though, has my favorite characters of any of the games (or other media)
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
Oooh boy. Okay so Despair Side was a literal, actual train wreck. From advertising the “prequel” of DR2 and then having the anime be fanservicey, random nonsense which retconned both how the class became despairs and that Chiaki was a person before being an AI to having many episodes which were not even focused on the DR2 cast but instead perfect human Chiaki and how sad it was that she got killed :((( Also Twilight Case got just... Ruined because they made Sato be the “true villain” while Natsumi isn’t to blame at all which wasn’t the case in 2-2 and made the whole thing just... Stupid. It also made Chisa, someone with a lot of potential, a Mary-Sue teacher who was obnoxious to watch and everyone loved her for no reason (just like Chiaki).
Future Side was stupid but much more enjoyable in my opinion because at least the characters acted like themselves. The only thing I consider canon about this entire anime series (including Despair side) is the new characters introduced. I love you Ruruka.
15. Your absolute OTP?
I would be dead without Sondam. Ruruka/Izayoi is also great though
17.  Do you have an OT3? Which one?
Not really, but if I did, it would probably be Fujisaki x Oowada x Ishimaru because I like both Fujisaki x Oowada and Oowada x Ishimaru though Fujisaki x Ishimaru isn’t really... anything to me...
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
DEFINITELY Ruruka. All I hear about her is that she’s a bitch and the worst. I really disagree and think people give her way too much crap because they think Seiko is just a precious girl who did nothing wrong (though I do like Seiko, don’t get me wrong).
21. Favorite voice actor?
Oh my gosh, no question, honestly! Natalie Hoover, English voice of Sonia. She is the SWEETEST person! My old friend (hate them now lol) got her to sing me happy birthday in Sonia’s voice for my birthday! I couldn’t believe it but she was just amazing.
23. Favorite Mascot?
Haha, that’s such an unfair question! Monokuma, no question. He’s just the best and he’s a staple of Danganronpa. The others don’t have a chance besides maybe Monomi!
25. Least Favorite Mascot?
All the Monokubs. Period. I hated every scene with them and just wanted them to shut up. Sorry but I just couldn’t stand them! Monodam and Monotaro were the least hateable though but they were all kind of a package deal.
27. Least Favorite Execution?
Mikan’s. Forgettable, stupid, and she wasn’t even herself when she died.
29. Which character should have survived in your opinion?
Ruruka because she just lost everything and had so much room to grow and become more self-reliant and atone for her mistakes. Also because it made the whole Class 76 arc kind of pointless? They did the same thing with Ishimaru and I believe he should have survived as well.
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
That’s... Kind of an awful question LOL but I don’t think any V3 characters should have survived because it honestly skewed the message. I’m happy that Maki is alive, of course, but everything in the last trial was kind of just ignored.
33. Character with the best clothing?
Hmm... Probably Chiaki, honestly. The backpack and the hoodie are super cute. She has one of the best designs in the game but she just doesn’t have enough depth for me to enjoy her character.
35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
Just one? Let me list out a few LOL. Mikan, Sonia, Mahiru, Saionji, Kaede, Tenko, Miu, Kirumi, Hoshi. Characters who needed to get character development at all: Chiaki, Chisa.
37. Favorite Minor Character?
Would Ryoko count? Ryoko. If not, I rather like Taehime Uozumi and she’s pretty minor LOL
39. Smartest Murder Plan?
Mikan’s original Ibuki murder. Unfortunate that Saionji happened to walk in.
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)
To be honest, I didn’t think Celes would become a blackened because she was just so... Obvious? Like, when you talk to Celes, she just kind of has a typical murderess look to her AND she was the one who designed a bunch of safety rules. 
43. Describe Monaca Towa in 3 words!
Dorky manipulative follower
45. Unpopular Opinion?
Chiaki is an underdeveloped character and was literally made in the image of Kodaka’s perfect woman so that fanboys could have a perfect waifu to jerk off to.
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
Mikan and the Imposter are really really good friends and Mikan learns to hang out with nicer people and forgive herself and get better.
49. Favorite Mini-Game?
Panic-Talk Action! Good stuff
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
Sonia Nevermind. Her introduction is tasteless and gross (because of Teruteru) so when I met her, I thought she was just going to be an idiot who got into situations that made me cringe. I really didn’t even like her until around Chapter 3-4.
53. Favorite Game End?
Danganronpa 1 because of how much mystery there was surrounding the outside world and whether anything Junko said was true and I didn’t know how they were going to survive out there or what they’d do! 
55. Favorite love hotel scene?
Kirumi’s gave her more depth and Kaito’s was just so Kaito that I enjoyed it a lot. So they’re tied imo.
57. Character who should’ve lived longer?
Kaede. No question. She had so much potential and she seemed like such a strong interesting person with so much chemistry with the other characters. Also I like Komaru but I was hoping this female protagonist would have much less fanservice...
59. Favorite moment?
The end of trial 2-2. Peko and Fuyuhiko finally being able to come to an understanding of what they thing of each other and Fuyuhiko finally being able to get through to Peko that he loves her as a person, not as his “servant” was actually heart-breaking and hands-down my favorite moment of the series.
“I never wanted a tool! I just wanted you! Only you!”
61. Character who looks like the love child of ???
Uh... I’ll just go with the thoughts I had when everyone thought the v3 crew were the kids of the other survivors. 
Shuichi - Makoto and Kyoko, Kirumi - Peko and Fuyuhiko, Kaede - Sonia and Gundham, Gonta - Nekomaru and Akane, Angie - Aoi and Hagakure (?), Kaito - Mikan and Twogami, Iruma - Togami and Fukawa
63. Describe Kyoko Kirigiri in 3 words!
Intelligent soft-spoken detective
65. Who did you never expect to die but they died?
Saionji. I didn’t like her so I thought she would live forever. Chiaki as well because she’s the sweet angel but I was happy they had the guts to kill her off.
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
Just one??? Junko for OBVIOUS REASONS such as I don’t want her to exist in real life at all.
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
It’s between Sonia and Mikan... Sonia deserves to see all around the world in an environment that isn’t constrained so she can enjoy it. And Mikan deserves to go on a trip with friends and be happy :)
71. Character you can relate to?
Ruruka, which is probably why I like her so much. Ruruka has a lot of paranoia and is pretty distant from people but craves love and attention which sounds a lot like me. She also shares my birthday! November 20th!
73. Character who deserved better?
Mikan. Horrible, awful backstory and desperation to not be neglected is heartbreaking enough but then people go and see 2-3 and think she’s a lunatic when ANY CHARACTER would have acted the exact same way. They just didn’t see them do it so Mikan’s the crazy one.
75. Describe Gonta Gokuhara in 3 words!
Pure but easily-manipulated
77. What do you think of the fandom?
There’s three sides I see: Really sweet and kind who have discussions but not arguments about characters and plot points, people who would defend their favorite character and opinions violently even when the other person is being civilized and not trying to start anything, and the ones who just want fanservice of the sexy big-boobed women. And I only like the foremost option.
79. Which character has the cutest design?
Chiaki. The best design in all of Danganronpa imo. The second would probably be Chihiro.
81. Could you be the Ultimate Lucky Student?
I’m pretty lucky but honestly? My boyfriend blows me out of the park in terms of luck so I’d say probably not. He could be though.
83. Least Favorite Chapter?
EVERY SINGLE 3RD CHAPTER. Killed off Celes in 1-3, my favorite character in DR1. Killed off Mikan in 2-3, one of my favorites of all time. Killed off Tenko in 3-3, my favorite girl (along with Maki and Kaede) in V3. They’re also very poorly written. Celes’s acting is atrocious, Fuyuhiko’s death was replaced with Saionji so her murder weapon wasn’t even talked about in the trial, and Kiyo so obviously killed Tenko it wasn’t even funny.
85. Could you be a Dangan Protag? Why?
I mean... I think anyone could be. Kodaka even says he tries to write the protag as though they could be anyone else (though I think he does a bad job there). I think I would be super scared and paranoid so I don’t know how great of one I would be but... Yeah.
87. Describe Peko Pekoyama in 3 words!
Lovestruck loyal awesome
89. Least favorite Danganronpa 3 character?
Chisa. I despise Chisa so much I couldn’t even tell you. She has a great design but she’s basically an older Chiaki without the video games. Perfect motherly woman with the biggest boobs and skinniest waist who excels at all she does and gets tortured through no fault of her own because she was just trying to save others aw :( Characteristics? Loves Munakata and is a motherly figure who everyone loves and can do no wrong unless she’s brainwashed to.
91. What do you think of Monokuma?
A fantastic mascot and really funny character himself! Cold-blooded but also hilarious. 
93. Did you like the Monokubs?
No. Next question.
95. What do you think of Gundham Tanaka?
He was a great character! He was funny and charming and didn’t get super repetitive. I also think his past and the reasons for why he acts the way he does is spectacular but then again EVERY backstory in DR2 is fantastic.
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP?
Chiaki x anyone (mainly Hajime or Mikan). I just... Don’t like Chiaki and seeing her with characters I consider actually good is... Bleh to me.
99. Your absolute NOTP?
Ruruka x Seiko. I hate that ship so much.
Mikan x Saionji. Don’t ship people with their abusers please...
Celes x Hifumi. She lied about being raped to get him to kill someone. Let’s not like this ship.
Mahiru x Saionji. Because I’m tired of Mahiru HAVING to be around Saionji and not being allowed to be her own character.
Mikan x Ibuki. Sexualizing Mikan? That’s ship material!
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