#tagging with the shipnames for the -17 people who go there
dissidiawol · 6 months
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pondered about my past for a while
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camillathe6th · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
@askweisswolf tagged me, thank youuuuu for thinking of me ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Huh, 12 apparently? A lot of them are shorts and gifts, though.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
66,495???? When did THAT happen (I have never opened the statistics tab before can you tell)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly and forever Fallen Hero my beloved, but I have one (1) foray into Baldur's Gate 3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hmmm, my "main" fics really: 1. Splinters (Fallen Hero, Una and Ortega's relationship's turning points) 2. Dialogue Box (Fallen Hero, people having conversations) 3. Hopefully, No Biting (I can't believe this is in the top three JKLHGLKHGLH. Probably the oral sex helped.) 4. Hauntings (Fallen Hero, little mindfucks and experimental chapters) 5. The Heist, a three-part gift about Hollow Ground and @kittlesandbugs Sidestep, Riley. This one was a passion project, very happy to find it (surprisingly) in the top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Usually, yes, if I can't reply directly to the commenter on another platform! If people are lovely enough to take the time to write, you know... Right back at them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but the angstiest as a rule is Hauntings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but I think my happiest / sweetest / peacefullest might be one of my recent ones--Shipname: Burnt to the Ground (it's sex, but not sad babygirl sex, you get me?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No.......... But if you want to go and hate on Hollow Ground when they appear in my fic please be my guest lads I'm right there with you.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not sure my sex scenes count as smut considering I'm firmly rooted in the suggestive rather than explicit territory. I write metaphors for fucking, more like.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! I'm such a one-trick pony man, all my money's on Los Diablos.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! I do like to fuck around with language and I have translated part of my fics once or twice and then back again just to throw a punch into the English and its pacing though. And I used to translate fics out loud for my friends who couldn't read English when I was, like, a teen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Started to, didn't finish, but the idea's there somewhere—co-writing with @astarien is the heights of existence obviously.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... Chargestep. I guess. I guess they're alright. Whatever.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If I want to finish a work I do—but there's nothing I'm gunning to end yet, except for shorts, which I finish in one-go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, I don't really know... I enjoy dialogue, action scenes, and fucking up pace, musicality, analogy, words and format so that language says more than it usually does, or shows more than it usually does—goes further than it wants to go if you don't give it a shake—and makes you FEEL. That's what's in my brain when I write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking... plot. Logical pathways. Lore. I do not have a brain.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! I gesture at it but keep it in English when I don't know the language (too scared of fucking it up, and not enough control over tone / nuances / connotations), but if I do know the language then absolutely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my little notebooks when I was 8? A French Child Fantasy book I loved. But the only fandom I've written seriously for is FHR.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My darling, though not my easiest, is Splinters. The hard-hitting writing moments are compiled there, I usually break out of a chapter a little brain-weird and all rabbit-hearted, it's always a blast to get to work on it.
Annnnd I'll tag @astarien, @kittlesandbugs, @ejunkiet, @impossible-rat-babies, @rab-bitly, @witchfall, @silvery-bluish, @ladyshivs, and anyone who feels like it!
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
on the topic of nsfw content in the atla fandom. tumblr actually mentions that if a blog is flagged as nsfw than the user must over 18 if they want to look at it. so the entire discourse is forgetting to mention that if things are tagged properly than it is literally fine to post whatever u want.
it’s so weird because like, there’s very little nsfw content that isn’t text-based on tumblr right now--there hasn’t been since the porn purge, except the porn bots who still abound because tumblr can’t actually do anything right, but that’s neither here nor there--and even if there were, i’m a whole adult, and i almost never just ‘stumble’ onto NSFW/M/E material, either in fics or art, in this fandom unless i specifically go looking for it.
I don’t have safesearch enabled, and I googled every major shipname from atla--zutara, kataang, taang, sukka (this one i had to search ‘sukka avatar’ because apparently sukka is a food dish), mailee, tyzula, zukka--and didn’t find a single piece of nsfw art. not a single one. i probably could have if i spent hours digging through the images, or if i specifically added something nsfw to the search terms, but im sorry, little kids just googling ships and characters from atla aren’t gonna accidentally stumble on porn. Especially since one would hope that if adults live in a house with little kids who they allow to use the internet unsupervised, they’d have safesearch turned on. That’s what it’s there for!
(”But kids could figure out how to turn it off-” yeah, and when I was 13 I lied about my age and wrote a ton of harry potter smut with people who thought i was 17/18. That was on me, not them, and if you had to stretch it then it’d be on my parents for not monitoring what I did online. But I was a hell of a lot more scarred by A Child Called It than writing about teenagers at magic school who snuck off to the Forbidden Forest to have sex. [Don’t ask me why, I have no idea, but the Forbidden Forest was THE PLACE for characters to be having sex on all the sites I was on back then.])
So what’s really going on is a handful of 16 and 17-year-olds (who are more than old enough to moderate their online experiences) and young twenty-somethings who are enabling them (because they’re Literal Babies and Must Be Protected i guess, despite them being nearly adults and capable of using the tools given to them to moderate the content they consume and are exposed to), who are enraged that this content even exists. They are hiding behind ‘what if little kids see it’ like it’s some kind of shield, but the fact is, little kids are not going to just ‘stumble’ onto this content.
Little kids are not going to google ‘atla’ and find porn, even if their parents are irresponsible and don’t have safesearch enabled and aren’t monitoring their young child’s internet usage. (And if these children are so young that they couldn’t handle exposure to explicit material, and also couldn’t be expected to understand how to avoid it, they should not be online unsupervised. Period. It isn’t the job of anyone online to protect them--that job is up to their parents. Take it up with the people who are actually supposed to be raising and protecting these kids. Don’t expect strangers online to do the protecting for you.) Little kids are not going to accidentally find explicit material and be irreparably scarred for life. It just isn’t going to happen.
Little kids are also extremely unlike to be visiting ao3, and if they are, then they are in violation of the tos since ao3 is age-restricted to 13-year-olds and above. Anyone who is 13 and allowed online with no or minimal supervision can handle accidentally seeing or reading about sex, and they are certainly old enough to read and understand what the ratings on fics mean. If they click on an M or E fic and then click through the ‘this material is intended for adults’ warning, and then, shocker of shockers, find adult material behind the warning, then they should either deal with it or blame themselves or clicking on something they knew would contain material they weren’t prepared to handle.
The same goes for anything on twitter that is flagged as sensitive and hidden accordingly. If kids on twitter click past that sensitivity warning and then see a penis, that’s on them! They chose to ignore the warning and click to view the content anyway! They are at that point responsible for what they have just been exposed to, and it isn’t going to do lasting harm unless something is very wrong in their lives, and at that point the fault is with the adults who were supposed to raise and protect them, not the content they saw online.
Anyway, this weird purity crusade in the atla fandom is just... well, weird, lmfao. Like, yeah, it’s a show that’s aimed at children, and most of the children who were old enough to watch and love it when it began (I turned 14 like a month after the show premiered, though I didn’t actually watch it until I was an adult but I knew of it) are adults now! Many of them still love it, and want to engage with the material as adults, or imagine the characters as adults (and I’ve seen someone literally say that if you write nsfw material with the characters aged up you’re ‘picturing actual children’ and like???? no that’s not how it works shut the fuck up) doing adult things. There are many people just barely getting into the show/fandom as adults who feel similarly! There are people who want to explore their own feelings re: teenage sexuality with these characters at their canon ages, too, and that’s just fine! The vast majority of the YA genre wouldn’t exist if not for adults exploring teenage sexuality via teenage characters.
But the point is, the vast majority of this content is clearly marked. Children who are old enough to be on tumblr or ao3 or twitter (all of which have 13 as the bare minimum age allowed for registered users) are also old enough to use the tools at their disposal on all of these sites to avoid content which makes them uncomfortable. If they aren’t old enough for that, then their parents need to be keeping a closer eye on what they do online. But it isn’t up to adults to sanitize their own content just to help minors (the loudest of whom in this discourse right now are very close to being adults themselves, if you’re 17 i really don’t wanna fucking hear how ‘uncomfortable’ nsfw content existing makes you feel, you’re almost an adult, either avoid that content or get the fuck over it) feel ‘safe’ in fandom.
Our responsibility, as adults, begins and ends with tagging content appropriately so that anyone who doesn’t wanna engage (which, by the way, can include other adults; some grown ups don’t like nsfw content either!) can avoid it. And if you find someone on tumblr who isn’t tagging their content? Block them! It’s literally that simple.
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izzyfandoms · 5 years
You briefly mentioned a Virgil x Everyone au and I almost want to ask for examples? Because I'm a sucker for multiple soulmate aus
Hmmm well when I made the post I was mostly thinking about a soulmarks kinda situation. I've decided to call this the three hearts soulmate au (and tag it as this) for reasons explained later.
Like for each pair/group of soulmates they have a matching soulmark that's partly in colour and the rest of the colour appears when you meet your soulmate/soulmates. Also most people don't have a solmate so it's pretty rare (and easier for soulmarks to be unique)
So I was initially imagining LAMP, anxceitmus and,,,, viremile? I don't think that last one has a shipname so I'm gonna go with that unless told otherwise. I may change my mind later and add more ships but this is it for now
Soulmark placement probably has some kind of meaning but I'm not gonna overanalyse.
Soulmarks are usually simple shapes made up of like one or two colours per soulmate so it's pretty easy to tell which part is which.
Virgil has three soulmarks (unless I decide to add to this) so he's a part of three like soulmate groups. As the three soulmate groups are connected (they all include Virgil) the three soulmarks all look similar.
I am v basic so I decided that the three soulmarks are all hearts!! (I may change it to something cooler later). This is why I've called this the three hearts soulmate au. They're all on Virgil's upper back (from left to right - anxceitmus, LAMP, viremile).
The anxceitmus one is split into three segments (from left to right green, yellow and purple).
The LAMP one is split into four segments (from left to right (light blue, dark blue, red and purple).
The viremile one is split into. three segments (from left to right (light pink, black and purple).
Though ofc Virgil's born with only the purple ones filled in (with the awareness that he has seven soulmates). His parents probably weren't too pleased and Virgil probably didn't really go around telling people (and it's easy enough to keep his back covered).
Also I've decided that for plot reasons Thomas is gonna be Virgil's older brother in this.
Virgil met Dee (Deceit) in high school. They were about 16/17 and kept it a secret from their classmates (to avoid people making fun of them). Dee's soulmark is on his chest over his heart.
They didn't take too long to get together (and Dee was accepting of Virgil's three soulmark situation) and got an apartment together pretty soon after high school. They didn't stay too close to either sets of parents, but they did stay close to Thomas (Virgil's older brother) who becomes relevant pretty soon.
Now, Patton, Logan and Roman met in college. Patton's soulmark is over his heart, Logan's is on the back of his neck (just below his hair) and Roman's is on his right shoulder.
Obviously Roman and Remus are twins and they've lived next door to Remy since they were very small. They all have known basically their whole lives that they must share at least one soulmate because their soulmarks are basically identical apart from number of segments and colour.
Remy and Emile met in a park when they were six and Remy's impulse reaction was to kiss Emile's cheek and it was VERY adorable ofc. Emile's soulmark is on his left wrist and Remy's is on his right ankle.
Oh also Remus's is on his left shoulder.
ANYWAY back to actual plot.
So theyre all adults. Remy and Emile are together; Roman, Logan and Patton are together; and Remus is currently single. The six of them basically stick together and live really close by to each other because of the whole shared soulmate situation.
One day Thomas ends up in a play thing with Roman and Remus and they become friends.
About a month later he's met all six of them (not knowing that they're his brother's missing soulmates) and is friends with them. One day they're hanging out and the subject of soulmates comes up and Thomas is like 'oh lmao ive never seen any of your soulmarks' and Roman, Remus and Emile end up all rolling up their sleeves at like the same time and Thomas sees the marks and is like "OKAY WAIT"
And yeah everyone freaks out because they have known Thomas for like A WHOLE MONTH and theyre only now realising that he is the older brother to their missing soulmate (plus knows Dee who is Remus's other soulmate)
Thomas ends up calling his brother and telling him about all this
And I'm still kinda unsure about this part but I think Virgil and Dee work at like a haunted house thing (cos it's October because I say so) and Thomas was planning on going there that night so he ends up bringing the six of them and Virgil and Dee's introduction to their missing soulmate(s) is Scaring them cos I think that's funny
Anyway they all fall in love and it's all good and fun and amazing and eventually in maybe like a year or something the eight of them all move in together in like a nice house with three bedrooms and Virgil just switches between them and it's great and EVERYONE LOVES VIRGIL IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES
I might do more with this/write stuff if you guys like it lol
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syntymatitahna · 5 years
Breakdown of Waterfall's Content Guidelines
Define your terms:
Minor: a person or character under the age of 18.
Teenager: a person or character 13-19 years of age.
Adult: a person or character 18 years of age or older.
SFW: No sexual content, graphic violence or nudity.
NSFW: Involves sexual content, graphic violence or nudity.
Pedophilia: Used here as an umbrella term for adults being interested in minors, and child sexual abuse. Yes, this includes ephebophilia, ffs.
The UK Obscene Publications Laws are vague. Due to this, Waterfall errs on the side of caution. The owner of Waterfall is a single person, not a corporation. Would you, personally, want to risk getting into shit with the law for hosting other people’s illegal content? Didn’t think so.
What follows is a breakdown of what is and isn’t permitted on WF. Most of this list is based on common-sense assumptions, but I have clarified with the owner where I was uncertain. The list has been run by the owner of WF before publishing.
Examples of specified content within brackets.
SFW content of romantic relationships is allowed, so long as it doesn’t violate the obscenity laws. (No incestuous, pedophilic, etc. relationships. Details further down.)
Showing minors of reasonably similar age in SFW romantic situations is allowed.
[Allowed: Tom and Marco from Star vs The Forces of Evil kissing. (this would be canon-typical content)]
Any and all nudity and sexual content of minors is forbidden.
Non-sexual violent content of minors is under the “canon-typical violence” exception. Aka, if it’s canon-typical, it’s ok. If it’s worse, not ok.
Stranger Things or whatwasit is not illegal, lol.
Any depiction of adult-minor relationships is forbidden. This includes SFW depictions, depictions alluding to past instances of such relationships, and “jailbait waits”.
[Not allowed: A 16-year-old and a 26-year-old holding hands, post tagged with their shipname.]
“Romeo and Juliet” exception: SFW depictions of relationships between teenagers with a reasonable age difference (max 2 years) are permitted. No NSFW.
[Allowed: A 17-year-old and a 19-year-old kissing, post tagged with their ship name.]
NSFW content of characters who are minors for the entirety of their canon of origin is not allowed, even in future AUs.
Think about it like this: When a character’s canon age is known, it is considerably easier to go by that, than it is to guess at the artistic intent of a fan content creator.
NSFW content of characters who become of age during their canon is allowed, given that all characters are depicted at a time when they are undoubtedly of age.
[Allowed: NSFW work of Boba Fett set during the original trilogy.]
“A character who at this time is canonically a minor is now an adult while everything else is the same” type AUs are not allowed, because there’s a worry they will be used as a loophole for implying adult-minor relationships.
“Ten years later…” style AUs, where all characters are older, are allowed. Character design exercises, such as “draw (character) as a grown up” are allowed.
[Allowed: Adult Star and Marco at the playground with their kids.]
Thell (owner of WF) on SFW depictions of incestuous relationships between adults:
“I’m going to just play it safe on this one because I don’t know where the Obscenity Act stands on it, so I’m going to say No, with the exception that if it’s an established series that has it, it’s fine, pending me finding out definitively”
Basically, Game of Thrones isn’t banned.
I assume it’s not necessary to make a breakdown of the rape, bestiality and mutilation aspects of rules. Right? I mean, I can, if requested…
If you have any further questions, you can join the WF discord to have your curiosity sated!
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