#everyone x virgil
dancerinthestorm · 6 months
Fic Recs: A World in a Grain of Sand Edition.
I love epic tales in which authors slowly build up their worlds and characters. I love losing myself in works slowly outgrowing canon word count to the point of forgetting to go to bed at reasonable hours. However, I am in absolute awe of writers who manage the rare feat of conjuring the same level of immersion with just a short story or even a one shot.
This totally incomplete list of my all-time favorite short(-ish) stories is a tribute to all intrepid souls out there tackling this challenge.
If you aren't familiar with the fandoms yet I still recommend diving straight in. They can be read and enjoyed totally out of context and you might just come out the other end with a new fandom obsession 😉
„Ars Poetica“ (AO3) by Rhune
Helping out around the Devil May Cry you are perfectly content to leave center stage to the devil hunters and demons of your acquaintance. Until the day Dante returns from hell, his stand-offish brother in tow. Suddenly - and quite unnervingly - you find yourself sharing your once quiet existence in the background with none other than Vergil.
One achingly perfect installment full of poetry, searing stares and everyone’s favorite moody half demon.
Devil May Cry (post DMC5). Vergil x fem!Reader. Rated E. 16k words.
„Coming up Roses“ by @eupheme
The new groundskeeper at Wayne Manor is unsure what to make of stoic, unapproachable Alfred Pennyworth. At least at first...
All the yearning and suppressed feels of a 300-page Jane Austen novel condensed into two gorgeous chapters about falling in love when you least expect it. Topped off with some seriously hot smut for good measure.
The Batman. Alfred Pennyworth x fem!Reader. Rated E. 10k words.
„Posterity“ by @whats-rambled-rambled
Posterity. Tenet's operators. Always just a call away to back up your field agents while they flit back and forth through time. It's dangerous work. People die. So you don't get close. Until there's Neil.
I know, I know , 7 chapters with 31k words is putting A LOT of strain on the definition of „short stories“ but I just HAD to include this one. Reading it simply broke me. Absolutely gorgeous prose, two main characters you cannot help falling in love with and a story that keeps you guessing until the very end.
Tenet. Neil x GN!Reader. Rated M. 31k words.
Pro tip: If you are not ready for a 31k word commitment yet (fair enough!) go for „The Way Down“ instead: A hauntingly beautiful 3-parter Battinson!Bruce Wayne/GN!Reader. Rated T.
"Three Weeks on the Nimrodel" by @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
Haldir is quiet. Stoic. Solitary. Not the easiest person to be around for three weeks of guard duty up a solitary mallorn tree. He knows that and has made his peace with it. Until a so far unfamiliar fellow marchwarden comes along.
Do you know this moment of utter bliss when you come home after an absolutely rotten day and are finally able to snuggle up with a fluffy blanket, your favorite hot beverage and your comfort book/band/movie? This fic is that exact feeling distilled into 3000 words. Add a good helping of pure love for the more obscure corners of Middle Earth and two absolutely charming, introvert main characters et voila: utter contentment for you to come back to again and again and again whenever that fluffy blanket is out of reach.
Still not an Elves person. But I might have to fess up to being a Haldir person one of these days. This gem surely is another nail in my coffin 😅
Lord of the Rings. Haldir x GN!Reader. Rated G. 3k words.
„Pinky promises & glow stars“ (AO3) by @softlyspector
Steven bumps into Marc’s childhood best friend in a coffee shop and decides that he wants to get to know her better. Marc decides that's a terrible idea.
Quiet and sad and sweet and absolutely beautiful.
Moon Knight. Marc Spector x Reader. Not rated on AO3. Think M to be on the safe side with everything the Moon Knight boys have been through. 10k words.
As always: a huge thank you to all creators for your time and your passion and your talent. You guys are absolutely incredible and make this world a better place!
Something missing you say? Please feel free to shout your own recommendations at me in the comments!
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gloryride · 1 year
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Double Bisexual Date
My, my, droped so much lore in this story 😏 Everything is canon : Virgile and Valentin were chooms with benefits mostly since they met, in 2071 ; Vanessa and Panam had "girls wanna have fun" nights bc it's always better with friends ; when Virgile and Panam broke up, she met Valentin in NC and spent a really fun night (and Virgile idn't like to know this info) ; and when Valentin and Vanessa started being lovers, Valentin introduced Virgile to Vanessa ... And yeah Valentin forgot his shirt (a) As always, thanks @draerian for reading behind my shoulder ♥
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moonbeam-dragon · 9 months
Mr. Fuzzy
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shrimperini · 5 months
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more portal refs!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
this time featuring p-body, atlas, and some fanmade mods characters!
just a little note for virgil, in android au (and portal stories mel ig) he’s made in the 70s but as a human he was born much earlier than that. i wanted him and mel to be around the same age and they meet in the 50s era aperture 💆🏻💃🏻 apologies if things are unclear fhsjfjsj
a third batch will come in the future (i’ll include grady and portal revolution characters) and maybeee a fourth one for remaining characters like caroline, cave johnson, doug rattmann, the announcer (yes even him because i wanna design) and more. im crazy. im insane. It feels great to be drawing everyone like this ❤️ the portal character roster is actually pretty big if you want it to be x))
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photmath · 9 months
NYE Kiss | Trent Alexander-Arnold
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Pairing: Trent Alexander-Arnold x Female Reader
Summary: At Trent's New Year's Eve party, he confesses to the reader, his childhood bestfriend, that he's lonely.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: mention of alcohol, angst, miscommuncation, childhood friends, kiss
Note: Happy New Year!
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With twenty minutes left until the clock struck midnight, Trent’s brothers, Tyler and Marcel were already setting off fireworks. A couple of Trent’s teammates were also in attendance, and some of the friends you and he shared, but there were still a few valuable ones missing.
Despite Liverpool playing a match the next day, Trent still wanted to do something for New Year's Eve, even if it was a bit risky. But he promised Virgil he would kick everyone out by one in the morning so that they had time to be well-rested for the match, luckily it wasn’t a noon match. Even though he had his brothers, parents, and best mates surrounding him, the night still felt—empty. A bitter taste was left in his mouth as he took a swig of his drink, searching for a solution to his ache.
Trent makes his way over to you, a brown bottle pinched between his fingertips. It’s too dark for you to notice if he’s looking at you, but the pause in his step once his eyes land on you gives you everything you need to know. He stops at the pillar of the canopy, face lighting up with the blast of a firework, “Did the fireworks get too much for you already?”
You purse your lips, shaking your head, “No. I just keep having the recurring thought of one of the ashes falling on my hair and it going up in flames.”
The corner of his lip barely tugged up, “That’s quite an image.”
“It’s very rational,” you defend, tugging the sleeve of your knitted sweater over your hands. Trent was dressed way more casual than you, a black pair of sweatpants and a dark gray hoodie. Had you known him and his brothers would dress like that, then maybe you wouldn’t have nearly lost a finger trying to put yourself into your tight jeans tonight.
A beat of silence washes between the two of you as he decides to stay quiet. He wasn’t usually this quiet when the two of you were with his family, but when he was, he was thinking. So in his head that everything else was irrelevant. It could be a battle trying to ground him back to the present sometimes.
“So, how are you?” you break the silence, sparing a weary glance at him.
“Lonely,” he mumbles. He stays facing the alleyway of Tyler’s home where they light another firework and then scramble away from it.
“Lonely at the top,” you sing, referencing his team’s position at the top of the table. Trent gives you a hard look immediately and you quiet down, averting your eyes from his. “Sorry.” There’s a heavy plate of tension that fills the air between the two of you and despite you both being outside, it feels suffocating. “What’s wrong?”
He shrugs, “Everyone is moving.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone moved, I feel like I’m the only one who stayed,” he says. His voice is soft but aloof, still not giving you a glance. “I just thought you would stay. Was a slap in the face to see that your house was for sale.”
It was your parent’s house, the one you grew up in. You lived on the same street where Trent grew up, only three houses separating your families. After riding your bike down the street and dramatically tripping over the rock that you saw at the last minute, Trent came running out of his house and helped you up. Him and his brothers were playing football in the street, the three of them had just gone inside, but he noticed your sparkling pink bike and got distracted looking back at you. Once he realized a kiss to your scarred knee wasn’t going to make the bleeding stop, he called out for his mom and the three of you walked you and your bike back to that house after she cleaned your knee. Trent had stayed by your side the entire time, assuring you that your knee would be okay in the next couple of days.
The sound of a firework exploding shutters you out of the past, forcing yourself to look at a sullen Trent. His bottom lip is tucked through his teeth as his eyes follow the firework’s path. 
“Trent, can you look at me?” Trent slowly looks in your direction and his eyes seem more hurt than he lets on. Much different than the bright eyes that welcomed you two hours ago. You swallow, “Did you think we would live here forever? I mean Jude, Alana, Kai….” You list off the friends and neighbors you both shared who had since then moved away. 
He shakes his head, “Obviously not, but you could’ve told me you were moving.”
“I know, we’ve just both been so busy. We barely put up the house for sale a couple of days ago.”
Trent blinks his eyes a couple of times and doesn’t speak immediately.
“I am lonely though,” he confesses and it stabs you right in the heart. “The season has felt really long, haven’t seen you or the lads that much. I know you go to some of my games, but we don’t speak afterward, and I miss you. I miss having people around that aren’t my family.”
“Trent,” you sigh. “I’m sorry for not being there.”
“It’s okay,” he shrugs. “I mean, it’s not like I’ve tried to be there for you either.”
He cuts you off, “I haven’t had much time either but I dunno…the time I do have at home, it’s so quiet. I’ve been staying at my parents house actually, for the past couple of days because I’ve been sick of the silence. Sure, I could’ve walked to your house but I never did…”
He swallows another swig of his drink, the bitter taste in his mouth had yet to leave. And after chewing on the inside of his cheek for so long, he also tasted copper. He couldn’t blame you for being busy. He knew you had just landed the job you had been working so hard for, at a company that treated you well and respected your work, and with the way Liverpool’s hectic season has been going, he didn’t have much time off either.
You're left with your thoughts screaming at you to say something, but what could you say that would heal his loneliness? That you two could schedule a meet up soon? But it wasn’t concrete, ‘soon’ could be tomorrow, could be a week or before the month ended.
“We should hang out sometime,” you decide. “I’ve missed you too. My schedule is clear for whenever, just let me know.”
He downs the rest of his drink, before tossing it in the bin that Tyler usually has next to the side of the canopy but it’s not there. The bottle goes crashing to the ground but doesn’t break, it rolls off some steps away from him and he ignores it.
“Are you drunk?” you ask, eyebrows raised. You knew he shouldn’t have been drinking the day before his game, even if it was New Year’s Eve.
Trent looks back at you, a tsk leaves his lips, “I’ve only had one.”
“One case?”
“Funny,” he grits, any humor in his tone is gone. “I’m being honest.”
You cross your arms, not realizing you pointing out him drinking would upset him. Yeah, maybe you wouldn’t want to be caught doing something you shouldn't be doing, but Trent had been acting out of character the moment he admitted his loneliness. He was never one to talk about his feelings, always shoving it somewhere down deep that you had given up trying to pry out of him a long time ago because it always upset him more than helped.
“Tell me what’s really wrong,” you demand.
He looks away but you watch his Adam’s apple bob as he glances down to the pavement. The door to the house suddenly bursts open behind you, his mother weaving through you both as if you aren’t standing there.
“Fifteen minutes until midnight!” She announces, and then marches back inside but stops once she notices the two of you, “Oh, you two look so cute. Please, you both can stay in the upstairs bedroom if you get too tired to drive home. I’m sure Tyler won’t mind.”
Her presence seems to break off the tension because Trent lets out a low chuckle, “You know, she always thought it’d be us.”
“Us…what?” You bite the annoyance of him switching the topic away.
“It’d be us,” he shrugs nonchalantly. “That we’d be married and have a kid by now.”
Your eyes bulge at his words. He had to be drunk.
His voice rumbles as he kicks an imaginary rock, “What? Does the idea of starting a family with me repulse you that much?”
“No,” you shake your head frantically, hoping you didn't make him feel more bad than what he was already feeling. If Trent was going to be vulnerable for the last fifteen minutes of the year, then fine, you weren’t going to be petty and let your own feelings get in the way of him being open. You choose your words carefully, “I just—” Screw sparing his feelings. “You’re drunk.”
He rolls his eyes, words spitting out of his mouth in irritation, “It was one drink. One drink does nothing to me other than make me honest. Even then, it wasn’t a high percentage of alcohol.”
Your eyes dance between his dark brown ones. They seem more watery than before, the glow of the light from the inside of the house and fireworks glaring off of them. You look away briefly, “Honest? Like I can ask you any question and you’ll tell the truth?”
“Well,” he shrugs, “I don’t need a drink in me to be honest. I’m always honest to you.”
“That’s a lie,” you remark. “You lied to me when you said I could take your car for a drive.”
He rolls his eyes, “That’s because I value my life.”
You huff, “You didn’t have to be in the car with me, but fine, whatever.” You needed to control any impulsive comment you had. Trent was opening up, this was unchartered territory, and maybe he needed a clean conscience for the New Year more than you did. “I wasn’t repulsed by the idea of starting a family with you, I was just shocked to hear you say that.”
Nothing could’ve prepared you to hear him utter those words. Sure, the two of you shared your first kiss together and took each other’s virginities on the night of your twentieth birthday, but the two of you were never anything more. Never went on a date, never received flowers from him—minus the single daisy he plucked out of the grass one day as an apology for leaving the rock in the middle of the sidewalk—but nothing the two of you did was glaringly romantic. He held your hand for a total of two minutes and fifteen seconds one day underneath the table at a shared family dinner, but nothing came of it either.
He was off focusing on the academy, while you were busy studying in school. Once he did make his first team debut, you were in the stands cheering him on. He felt like the happiest man—boy—that day, having both of your families witness his debut. But still, the bone-crushing hug he pulled you into after you all met in the car park, it meant—nothing.
Even the night you lost your virginity, him as well, it was haste. He was in your bedroom, flipping through the birthday cards you received when you confessed to him that it was comical being a virgin at twenty, feeling the weight of society’s judgment on your shoulders for whatever reason, while he didn’t laugh at all. The liquor you both were sipping on gave you both the courage as you went on, sneakily closing your bedroom door and turning a page. After the both of you came down from your high, he cuddled you for an hour before slipping out of your bedroom window and going home.
Nothing was ever really mentioned after that, the both of you deciding it was best to scrape it under the rug so that it wasn’t awkward at combined family dinners, but there was a feeling. A tingling feeling that made your voice hitch whenever he looked at you or texted you. Any visit you made from uni, your heart did flips when he pulled you into a hug and welcomed you home for that weekend.
He snorts, making your eyes dart to him, “We’re being honest, yeah?”
“I’m telling you the truth,” you say.
He nods, “Okay, I believe you.”
Another moment of silence passes between the two of you and he sighs, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Can I ask you another question?” you mumble and he nods. “Why did your mom think that?”
Trent shrugs for the hundredth time that night, leaning against the pillar as his head rests against it, “Because I told her that I liked you. She said to go for it, I told her I would, but I never did.”
“When was this?” you muster up the courage and power to ask, feeling breathless.
He blows a raspberry, “Maybe ten years ago?”
You're glad that Marcel misfires a firework that goes flying towards a tree to the left of the house, earning a commotion from Trent’s family and teammates, so that you have time to wipe off the shock before Trent looks at you.
Trent looks at the tree and holds his breath, hoping it erupts into flames. Perhaps he needed a break in the conversation as well. He felt exposed, too vulnerable at the expense of your curiosity and even though he said he would be honest, he wasn’t sure how much more truth he could give out when you weren’t exchanging much back.
“Why are you leaving?” he blurts out.
“You know I don’t live there right?” your eyebrow rises. Surely you told him you moved. “I moved out when I was twenty-two. I live almost ten minutes away, but my parents are moving because they need the money. After I left, they started spending on stuff that they shouldn’t have, putting us into a lot more debt than we should be. So, I say ‘we’ decided to sell because the only reason they were keeping the house was for me. For what it represented.”
Your childhood. A part of you was heartbroken for what it meant, but the other part of you knew it was the right thing to do. You knew it would serve you and your family well.
Trent eyebrows furrow, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew you would’ve wanted to help.”
Trent averts his gaze, “I can. I can buy it.”
“Trent,” you gawk. “Seriously, I’m going to accuse you of being drunk again—”
“It’s your childhood home.”
“Yeah, and I made a choice. It was my choice to make.”
His shoulders deflate, “So you did want to leave?”
You nod, “It was time for a change. They lived there for the past twenty years. A home isn’t a single house anyway.”
“Do they have a place for after it sells?”
The quick glance at the floor reveals the almost lie you would’ve told him, but the two of you agreed to be honest, so you shake your head, “No. They haven’t left the house entirely. They still live there and whatever they make from the sale, they’ll use it to purchase their next.”
“I can buy it,” he states again and you shake your head.
“Trent, you aren’t going to buy my childhood home, drop it,” you spit, voice unwavering as he looks back at you. His jaw is clenched.
“Fine,” he agrees. “But if you have any doubts, I can buy it. I’ll give them whatever double the asking price is—”
“Trent.” You knew he wasn’t going to drop it, he’d most likely ask your parents first thing tomorrow and you didn’t even want to think about what their response would be.
He sighs, “Okay.”
Instead of letting the conversation simmer into silence, you take a deep breath and ask him another question. Here goes nothing: “Why didn’t you ever pursue your feelings?”
Trent rotates his body towards yours, leaning against the column with his shoulder. His hands are still stuffed into the pockets of his sweats. “I was fifteen, I was scared.”
At fifteen, the two of you would’ve already shared your first kiss and held hands underneath the table. You were so giddy, but you weren’t sure if you were giddy at the idea of getting caught or because you had a crush on Trent. The two of you spent so much time growing up together, playing footy, exploring the neighborhood, everything. Tyler would often tag along, and then Marcel as well once he got older, but still you knew you were closer to Trent more.
“And they’ve just gone away?” you ask without a second thought. Your heart lurches as he looks away. What a stupid thing to say!
He coughs, clearing out his throat and your cheeks burn. He looks down at the hem of your sweater, “Would my mother still be trying to play matchmaker if not?”
A squeezing feeling encompasses your chest that you wince. The shock was gone, you were upset now. It had been ten years, you could excuse the first five years because they were hectic with you at uni and him training, but the both of you had sex knowing the feelings were there.
Because no matter how much you tried to convince yourself you didn’t have feelings for Trent, they were always still going to be there. He was the first boy you were really exposed to. The boy you followed throughout the neighborhood despite not knowing anything about him. You wanted to be brave and follow him into the woods. Doing all sorts of things you would’ve never done had he not been by your side. The sweet boy who kissed your knee in hopes of getting you to stop crying held your heart the moment he ran to you.
He watches the way your eyes dart from the fireworks to his family members cheering as they drink a champagne flute. The crease in your eyebrow and nose, he knew you were in deep thought. On a night of too many truths, he was exhausted.
“Just say it,” he whispers. “We’re being honest.”
“You watched me,” you start, voice trembling but teeth grinding, “you watched me get my heartbroken not once, but twice. Gave me all this advice on boys, broke my heart in the process because I thought you didn’t like me back, and then I went on to have two relationships where they were both shit. And you just watched? Knowing you felt something?”
Trent can’t stand to hear the shake in your voice, it itching his ear in a way that makes him tilt his head away from you.
You continue, “I liked you too, a lot. So much that I would sometimes scare myself because I would see my exes as you, even though sometimes it would be months since we last talked. You were always on my mind, and had you said something earlier, all of it,” you wave your arms around to symbolize the time and heartache lapsed. “All of it could’ve been avoided.”
Trent glances down, “I was a coward.”
“No shit,” you yell. Trent abruptly looks at the crowd of people and hopes you don’t catch their attention.
“I wasn’t ready,” he says, truthfully. “I wasn’t ready to give you my all if we had gotten together. I was still finding my footing on the team, all of my focus was on that and wouldn’t have been on you if we were together. Okay,” he relents, “maybe I could’ve spared your heartache had you known, but it just—it wasn’t worth all the drama—”
He shuts his eyes closed. Think! “It wouldn’t have been worth you getting hurt because I had training. Or I had a game and had to miss something important of yours. I would’ve been physically there but not emotionally present—”
“Do you think I would’ve cared, Trent?” you gape.
He shakes his head, “You wouldn’t, and that’s the problem. You wouldn’t have deserved that. You wouldn’t have deserved me not being present, it would’ve driven us both away. The only times I saw my family were because they came to my game and I met them at their suite. That would’ve been the only time you and I interacted, do you seriously think you would’ve been okay with that?”
No. But you would’ve been content knowing he felt the same. The small moments you saw him would’ve made up for any multi-hour-long day spent with him.
“Like you needed to find yourself at uni and focus on what you were passionate about, I did too,” he says. His voice is much softer and less urgent, knowing that you were understanding and on the same page as him. “But I’m ready now. I’m not saying you have to be ready right now—or maybe you won’t ever be because you don’t have the same feelings you once had—but, I’m here now. I’m as present as I’ll ever be. The season started off fast and will continue to be difficult, but I’ve learned how to be present at home. How to not focus on football and be with my family and pets during my spare time.”
On cue, the rest of Trent’s family—and yours—burst through the back door. There are only a couple of minutes until midnight, those fifteen minutes blew right past the both of you. Tyler and Marcel had stopped popping fireworks as they compiled a bunch together to be ignited exactly at twelve.
Trent looks at you, pulling your hand so that you’re closer to him near the pillar as your family members stampede outside, settling in lawn chairs and anywhere on the floor. Trent hasn’t dropped your hand yet. He caresses the backside of your hand with his thumb as his fingers squeeze tighter around yours.
“I know I was a coward, I know I could’ve said it anytime you were around, but it was never the right time,” he whispers in your ear. “We were busy, our lives never aligned perfectly, and maybe they don’t align right now either, but I’m willing to take the risk.”
A breathy sigh escapes you as you soak in his words. You close your eyes as you lean the side of your head against his chest. You needed to be grounded as you thought, and he was always someone stable. His hands don’t wrap you into a hug because he knows exactly what you’re doing.
“I still like you,” you acknowledge. “I’m a little upset you kept this a secret.” He snorts. “But, if I’m being honest, I’m not sure when I would’ve bursted and confessed the same thing. I wanted to tell you that we were moving, especially whenever we were thinking about it when it was first brought up, but I stopped myself. I was scared, because I knew my first instinct to reach out to you meant that it was something more, that I saw you as someone more than just my friend. That I always have. Every failed relationship was a reminder of it.”
Trent chuckles, finally being able to breathe. The tightening feeling in his chest had dissipated, replaced with jittery nerves as he restrained himself from pulling you into a hug.
You drop Trent’s hand and face him. If he was confused, he hid it well.
“I’m willing to take the risk too,” you state, the heavy weight on your shoulders dissolving. “I’m trusting you, just like I trusted you the day I followed you into the woods.”
“We ended up getting lost,” he recalls. He isn’t sure how much longer he can keep his hands off of you.
“I know,” you smile. “But I trusted you still, despite being so scared. I knew you would keep your promise and get us out of there before the moon rose. I’m willing to get lost with you, wherever you are, I want to be there.”
“You trust me?” he cheeses, his lips breaking out further into a grin. A chorus of a ten-second countdown breaks out in the background.
“Of course, stupid,” you smack his bicep and the brief contact makes the both of you hold a breath.
Trent knew he couldn’t get the smile off of his face no matter how hard he tried. He didn’t expect to have this conversation with you tonight, but after seeing you underneath the canopy, your clothes and figure lighting up from the colorful lights of the fireworks, he knew he couldn’t let you walk away from him again. You didn’t even hold his heart in the palm of your hands, you held it in your gaze. One look at him from you and he was floored, a weak and desperate man on his knees begging for your attention.
“…three, two, one, Happy New Year!”
Your blissful eyes combined with his gleeful ones don’t look away as you both lean closer. Your hands stay tucked by your side, his suddenly not wanting to move either as he leans down. The moment your nose grazes his, you close your eyes and let him kiss you. You press your lips further into his as the sound of fireworks go off behind you.
The kiss feels like the first one you shared together, tentative but passionate. It feels like a new promise, one full of commitment for the year to come. A promise from him that he’ll be there for every second of the day, and you a promise to be present as well. To not make him feel like he needs to bottle up his emotions and wait until the last minute to confess them.
His hands find your cheeks at the same time you wrap your arms around his waist. He pulls away and sighs against your lips, resting his forehead against yours. “Happy New Year, sweetheart.”
“Happy New Year,” you smile, pecking his lips one more time before burying your head into his chest. He pulls you in for a bone-crushing hug, squeezing your shoulders tightly against him and then resting his head on top of yours.
Instead of letting you close your eyes to soak in the feelings of him being this close in your arms, he shuffles the both of you and points up, “Look up.”
His careful gaze looks down at you as he double checks that you’re actually looking up at the fireworks, but he bursts into a nervous laugh when he sees you looking back at him. You can feel his heart quicken its pace as he stutters, “No, not me. The sky!”
“You’re so happy,” you whisper. Earlier his eyes were on the verge of breaking down, but now, they seem so full of light and hope.
“Yeah,” he slips his hand back around your waist. “I got the girl of my dreams in my arms, my girl.” He enunciates the last two words like they’re a testimony.
Your cheeks rush with heat that you’re glad he can’t feel them. He leaves a chaste kiss on your temple before looking back up at the fireworks. And then he glances down suddenly, “Do you remember when we made that fort in my living room?”
You burst into a laugh, pulling away from his chest, “What?”
“The fort,” he repeats, “it ended up crumbling because Marcel rolled too far and pulled the blankets down—you remember?”
You nod, bewildered by his sudden excitement.
“Well, the spare bedroom of Tyler’s only has a mattress on the floor, but there are some chairs and sofas we can combine to you know,” he lets his voice fade away.
“You have a game tomorrow, maybe you shouldn’t be sleeping on the floor.”
“It’s a new mattress! That’s why it has nothing else,” he laughs. His laugh is intoxicating that all your logic and usual bickering dies out. He could build the fort, you’d be right there helping him either way.
Your heart swells as his eyes go wide, his face glowing red. He taps your waist, “Look, look look.”
The red firework that just popped erupts into the shape of a heart. You smile, standing on your tippy toes to give him a kiss. To think you’ve been missing this for the past twenty years that you’ve known him. What a fool the both of you were.
That night, Trent holds his promise as you help him build the fort around the mattress. You steal a lantern from Tyler’s shed outside while Trent found blankets to use and old moving boxes. It isn’t an exact replica like the two of you first shared, but it’s quite close, only this time you two are wrapped in each other’s arms.
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feralwetcat · 8 days
Sylph: very sharp lines, when they have more time xe makes it 3d
Nemo: bubble. Bubble text.
Gaverin: CURSIVE.
Vast: used to be more neat and formal, now has become slightly more messy and lines are less consistent
Rune: doctor handwriting. I literally don't know how people read it, its literally unreadable
Ava: pretty normal, neatish, though some letters like V or X are shakey
Mojave: similar to Rune but readable
Elwood: neat and chill, lines are like textbook good
Virgil: basically same as rune
Pietro: similar to virgil but more neat, a mix between messy cursive and neat and tidy
Erin: Cursive<3
Armor: messy but not cursive, letters with rounded edges like lowercase e and o tend to be sharper lines
Taliesin: CURSIVE!!!
Marcel: m e s s y, sharper letters like L and Y are rounded most of the time
Ashril: M E S S Y, sharp letters are round, round letters are sharp, this shit is FUCKED
That should be everyone! If anyone wants more detail or i missed someone tell me<3
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forzarma · 7 months
wembley bliss
•pairing: Trent Alexander Arnold x reader
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Trent was so furious when he got injured, which means he cannot play in the Prem nor the final. And it also means it will take days for Trent to finally accept the fact that he cannot change what had already happened.
On the other hand, you had to comfort Trent about it.
It was the Carabao Cup final, Liverpool vs. Chelsea, which means you and Trent are going to watch it.
You got dressed up. You went simple for today; you wore a white jumpsuit with white sneakers and a black Chanel bag and some jewelry to go with it.
However, for Trent, he wore just a Liverpool Nike tech.
You arrived at the Wembley Stadium with Trent holding hands and went to your seats.
You met other Liverpool WAGs and sat chatting while Trent was shaking in his seat.
The match went to extra time and still 0-0, until it was Virgil’s goal at the 118th minute. The whole stadium was buzzing.
You and Trent hugged each other while you turned to hug the other WAGs while celebrating.
After what felt like centuries of waiting for the match to end, and the ref finally hit the final whistle, everyone was screaming of joy, and the other players were jumping and celebrating.
After the medals were given to the players, you and the other WAGs made your ways to the pitch to celebrate with your loved ones.
It was a great day.
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halfhissandwich · 7 months
This is what your favorite sanders sides ship says about you. (This isn’t serious, lol)
Karrot Kings: Your priority is keeping things wholesome, uncontroversial and most likely canon.
Thomas x any side: You will NOT explain how it works, you just make the fanart and have fun with it.
Nico x any side: You like Karrot Kings, but a bit less healthy.
DRLAMP: You will scramble to explain that Roman and Remus are platonic. It’s okay, buddy, we know.
Logicality: You’ve been in the fandom for a long time.
Logince: Your ideal relationship dynamic is not enemies to lovers. It’s enemies AND lovers.
Analogical: Your ideal relationship dynamic is two people with common sense being put up with everyone else’s nonsense.
Loceit: The same joke as analogical, plus alcohol.
Intrulogical: You’re a firm believer in the power of triggering your boyfriend’s anger issues for funsies.
Royality; Your ideal relationship dynamic is best friends to lovers engaged in wacky hijinks.
Moxiety: You want good things for Virgil.
Moceit; Your ideal relationship dynamic is two dads realizing that instead of fighting for custody, they could just get married.
Intruality: Your ideal relationship dynamic is “hi daddy x oh my god how did you get in my house”
Prinxiety: You enjoy the dynamic of two boyfriends talking crap about their enemies.
Roceit: You like the idea of prinxiety, but you like angst even more.
Remrom: You think that since they’re all the same person anyway, it’s not as weird if they call each other brother. It’s still weird. Go take a shower and reflect.
Anxceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is stalking your ex.
Dukexiety: Your ideal relationship dynamic is stalking.
Dukeceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is best friends to lovers engaged in wacky hijinks, but like in an Disney villain way.
Loyality (L x P x Ro): You wanted to ship all the light sides, or you shipped Royality and wanted them to annoy Logan.
Analogince (L x V x Ro): You’re a firm believer in the power of two boyfriends with common sense babysitting their boyfriend who lacks common sense.
Royaliceit (Ro x P x J): You don’t understand why all the ship wars exist when Janus has two hands. Technically six.
Intruloceit (Re x L x J): You want Logan to join the dark sides.
Intruloceitxiety (Re x V x J x L): You want Logan to join the dark sides, but you want him to hesitate.
Intrumoceit (Re x J x P); You like the idea of Intruloceit, but you like Patton even more.
Intruanxceit (Re x V x J): You either wanted to ship the dark sides or you’re just… really sad.
Royalixiety (P x V x Ro): Your interest in shipping Loyality is outweighed by you wanting good things for Virgil.
Logicaliceit (J x P x L): You REALLY want good things for Patton.
(Might add to this later by request lol)
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ender-nogard · 3 months
What if all the characters from ride the cyclone represent the 7 deadly sins?
Ocean - pride
• She is an overachiever
• She sees herself on top/most important in the human pyramid
• She tries to be the center of attention every chance she gets.
•She tells everyone that she is the best no mater what.
Noel - lust
•He sings about being a sex worker
•He makes a few innuendos when he's on stage
•There is no good way to phrase without it sounding off, but most representations of the sin of lust tend to be attracted to the same sex, Noel is a gay man.
Misha - Wrath
• "meet Misha, the angriest boy in town"
• "I only have 2 emotions, rage, and passion"
• He cusses the most
• He is the most defensive about almost everything (example: when he kisses Noel, when he is defending his girlfriend)
•He yells at the choir
•He's mad he'll never meet his fiancee in life
•He's mad at his life is unfair (his mom died, and his adopted family shuns him)
Constance - Gluttony
•Her song is "sugar cloud"
•Her family runs a bakery
•She looks back on the food she ate (cupcakes, pizza night)
•She was overconsumption 18+ content
•She wanted to experience sex before she died because she saw so much porn she wanted to experience it and even though it didn't hurt her physically it hurt her mentally
•remember gluttony is overconsumption, it doesn't always have to be food.
Jane - Envy
•She comes off as extremely jealous about other people's life
•In her song she asks god why she had to die without any memories, and without any loved ones
•The other members got what she didn't, a proper funeral.
•When she gets the name Savannah she asks for the greenest eyes, green represents envy ( @zhemchuzhina-x said this first)
Karnak - greed
•I have no other reason to say this besides that he is extremely expensive, he is a novelty fortune machine, those get expensive.
•In order to use Karnak you need to insert money, because he is a carnival machine.
•Carnivals are very expensive in general, they raise the price of food, they use cheap materials to make money and it works 99.9% of the time.
•Because of the negligence of the carnival, probably because they didn't wanna pay for professionals, the main 6 died.
Ricky - sloth
•Ricky could make make friends, and did, but he was off in his world
•Obviously Ricky couldn't help being the way he was, but one could assume he was at home/ watching movies more than other kids his age, which is reminiscent of the sin of gluttony.
•Ricky is chill af, he lets bygones be bygones, and he doesn't care what people do until they become dicks, but besides that Ricky is mellow af.
Virgil - angel
•Virgil was the name of the angel in dante's inferno, a story about a man going through all the circles of hell.
•Virgil kills Karnak and himself, which could be a typical sin, but also seen as selfless because he kills a "sin" (Karnak).
Obviously I could be wrong, and Ricky abs Noel could be switched along with Constance. I just noticed things while watching RTC and wanted it to fit my OCs.
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Written In The Photos - Social Media Series
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decided to take a little break from writing (I will still be writing after this, don’t worry!) but I didn’t want to leave you guys without content so I present the Written In The Photos series. each driver/player has a song and their post is inspired by said song :) I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed making it <3 // special thank you to my bestie @themandaloriansdiaries for all her help with song choices and all the cracked out convos we had to put it together. 
Carlos Sainz Jr - Smooth Operator by Sade
late nights, jet leg and messed up sleep schedules lead to words spoken which would normally be kept to themselves. 
Jack Grealish - Hot Girl Summer by Meg Thee Stallion 
party after party, Jack seems to be spotted with the same girl over and over again.
Lewis Hamilton - Loveeeeeee Song by Rihanna and Future 
he’s sick and tired of seeing you in private, he wants the world to know you’re his. 
Sergio Ramos - Way 2 Sexy by Drake 
working for a footballer isn’t easy, it’s even harder when everyone thinks you’re dating. ( footballer x pr manager)
Max Verstappen  - Can We Still Friends by Tyler, The Creator
even the best of the friends can have falling outs, especially when you’re on opposites side of the track.  (teammate/rival!reader)
Andy Robertson - I’m Still In Love With You by Sean Paul ft. Sasha and Jeremy Harding
so many years apart and you’re still in love with the same guy you’ve always been in love with.
Lance Stroll - Stuck With You by Ariana Grande 
every relationship goes sour, except for the one you had with a certain brown eyed boy. 
Pato O’Ward -  Sunday Candy by Nico Segal 
snapshots of love and life with the love of your life.
Jude Bellingham - P Power by Gunna ft Drake  
young and in love, you two find yourselves making headlines more often than not. 
Sebastian Vettel - Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado and Timberland 
can’t keep his hands off you and can’t keep the flirty comments away. (redbull seb) 
Kylian Mbappe  -  Hotel Room Service by Pitbull 
secrets unravel when you’re caught together in spain.  
Jenson Button - Money by Cardi B 
diamonds are a girl’s best friend after all (sugar daddy!jenson)
Ruben Dias - Golden Hour by JVKE 
you supported him through it all, it only made sense you were the one there in the end. 
George Russell - London Boy by Taylor Swift 
grey weather is a bit of a downer, unless you have someone by your side. 
Bukayo Saka - Star Boy by The Weeknd
proud, proud, proud; you showed everyone just how proud you really were. 
Mick Schumacher - Dark Red by Steve Lacy 
he only has eyes for one girl and it’s the one girl he wasn’t supposed to be looking at. (vettel!reader)
Neymar Jr - Tití Me Preguntó by Bad Bunny 
he promised to change, you were stupid enough to believe him but people never really change do they?
Lando Norris - Young, Dumb and Broke by Khalid 
regret makes people do crazy things. 
John Stones - I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston 
your husband winning the treble calls for celebration and you two finally get the night out you deserve. 
Esteban Ocon - Sure Thing by Miguel 
attached at the hip; the sunshine to his rain. you were everything to him. 
Erling Haaland - Sunday Mornings by Maroon 5
sunday mornings were a bit of a tradition for you, everyone notices when the pattern changes.
Pierre Gasly - Creepin’ by The Weeknd 
loyalty runs both ways, until it doesn’t anymore but nothing ever really changes, does it?
Virgil Van Dijk - Let ‘Em Know by Bryson Tiller 
some things never change, no matter how much you try. 
Fernando Alonso - I’m Still Standing by Elton John 
looking up and looking down, it never felt so right. 
Jordan Henderson - If I Ain’t Got You by Alicia Keys 
with your 10th anniversary around the corner, you both get a bit in your feels.
Charles Leclerc - A Sunday Kind Of Love by Etta James 
races, weddings and races again; sundays hold a special place in his heart. 
Trent Alexander Arnold - One Kiss by Dua Lipa
all it took was one kiss and the floodgates were opened. 
Daniel Ricciardo - Woo by Rihanna
monaco is good to those who are good to it, especially those who win. every winner deserves a prize worthy of a king.
Christian Pulisic - Unforgettable by French Montana and Swae Lee
the star player and the ex girlfriend of his closest teammate are spotted together; you’re too unforgettable.
Kostas Tsimikas - Boyfriend by Ariana Grande and Social House
you were his until you weren't, but then you were again. the two of you tangled in the sheets and in a web of confusion; were you or were you not?
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cher-rei · 8 months
afterglow- pt 4 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
genre(s): friends?? to lovers, work romance, fluff
[wc: 7.8k] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
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the atmosphere in the training center's gym was thick. not just because of the humidity but because everyone was in genuine awe as they listened to trent talk about what happened a few days ago at their match.
it took him three days to think the situation over. nobody in their right mind would ask whether or not someone had a partner without there being an ulterior motive, right? right??
your question had kept him up for hours at night, but it was so nonchalant that he didn't know if he was supposed to think anything of it. it didn't make sense. so he turned to help from his teammates, and considering that half of them were in relationships, they would give him solid advice. (which was laughable)
"she wants you," dominik deadpanned which caught everyone's attention but nobody was convinced.
virgil crossed his arms and looked him with his eyebrows quirked. curious to hear his reasoning. "and how would you know?"
dominik snickered. "because I do. she's one of those girls who flirt nonchalantly. to her, she might just find it fun to tease you right now with no actual intention but it'll get to her."
once again the room fell silent as eveyone tried to wrap what he said around their heads.
"is this guy serious?" robbo asked and pointed to dominik who just shrugged from his position on the mat.
just then someone walked into the gym, ready to bring forward their own opinion. "if she likes you then her intentions will be clear."
the spotlight was now on the group's manager but his opinion wasn't appreciated at all. apparently it was too outdated.
"women don't work like that anymore boss," ibou retorted and got a choir of agreement but their boss still shook his head.
he turned to look at trent, who looked more troubled than before, and he couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "trent, do you like her?'
the right back who was deep in thought broke out of his daze that was utter turmoil. "I mean I don't even know her. we've had like two conversations."
"did you enjoy those conversations?"
the team began to grow invested in the little back and forth and stopped what they were doing to pay more attention. it was nothing short of heated- the way that jurgen was firing questions at trent and how he nearly buckled with each answer.
"I mean yeah." he focused his gaze on the floor. "I find her amusing I guess. but maybe that's just me."
"oh no, it's not just you," ali scoffed as he recalled their conversation the other day. "she is quite the charmer. very easy to talk to and nothing short of playful."
trent snapped his fingers back at ali in agreement. "yes. that."
conversation broke out in the gym again with everyone voicing their opinions on the matter to try and figure out whether or not trent actually liked her. but he kept on saying, "I don't know. I just met her."
jurgen got up from one of the chairs in the room and gave everyone a wave, but he knew they weren't paying attention. "thursday."
that single word brought their attention to the door where their boss was standing with a lopsided smile on his face.
"we're playing at raiffiesen on thursday," curtis prompted in an attempt to get an answer and jurgen nodded, his attention turned to trent who wasn't playing the match that thursday.
"jamie won't be joining us because her pitch is due that morning. do what you want with that information but if you like her, I'm sure you'll know in no-time. but take your time and get to know her. she's quite the character."
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you were taking an uber to work today instead of driving by yourself. It had been a while since you took public transport, you genuinely considered it such a hassle and just took the blow and paid some extra cash for an uber.
the reason for this, however, was strange. before you left the house this morning, you had gotten a call from jurgen asking you if you could accompany martin diggle, who was the head of coaching at the academy to the academy that afternoon seeing as they were considering broadening their promotional content for the boys on that side.
you agreed of course but the confusion in your voice was clear even after you put the phone down. why did you have to go with him? there were plenty of other staff with more experience than you anyway, but you brushed it off and focused on today's main goal.
getting your pitch approved.
so when you walked into the office with your head held high and a look of determination on your face you hadn't expected to be hit with a, "I see where you're coming from and the first project is fresh. we'll get back to you after further discussion. thank you ms carter."
it was nothing short of a blow to the gut. it wasn't a rejection per se, but it wasn't an approval either and that didn't sit well. how long were you going to have to wait? was marvin just being nice? was your pitch that bad? was it too impractical? were you being selfish?
"was it that bad?"
your head shot up at the question. you lifted your gaze from the the floor, tightening your grip on your laptop bag that was slung over your shoulder. a look of confusion settled on your face, expecting to see martin since you'd be going with him.
instead you were face to face with trent, his back leaned against his car- a black range rover. he pushed himself off the side of the car and shot you a smile to which you furrowed your eyebrows.
"what are you doing here?" you asked, not taking a step further.
a dry chuckle fell from his lips. "you mean at the liverpool hq? the hq of the football club that I've been playing for nearly my entire life?"
you could see the amusement dancing in his eyes knowing that he got you right where he wanted you. okay so maybe it was a dumb question, but it made sense. he had no reason to be there— he should've been at home resting.
"hilarious." you faked a smile. obviously he knew what you meant by the question and decided to tease you but you weren't in the mood.
trent couldn't help but stare at you, his eyes roaming your features and taking in as much of you as he could to cure his little predicament and the many questions swarming through his mind.
he still didn't know much about you, and stalki- i mean viewing your socials could only get him so far. he knew that you had an older sister, he knew about your ex boyfriend michael, he knew that you had and amazing sense of style, and that you loved your job with a passion.
but that wasn't enough to feed his curiosity. he wanted to know more than just the surface level attributes. he needed to know more.
"are you even listening to me right now?" you asked while waving a hand in front of his face. you'd been talking for quite some time and you were convinced that he wasn't listening at all.
trent shook his head with an amused smile and opened the car door he was standing infront of. "get in."
your eyes lips parted in shock. "I'm waiting for--"
you were rudely cut off by the feeling of your phone vibrating in your pants pocket and you quickly answered it, yours eyes still lingering on trent who knew exactly who you were talking to.
"no it's fine. he just got here anyway." your tone was soft and polite but the look that you were sending the right back was nothing of the sort.
when you heard martin hang up you hurriedly put your phone back and made your way into the passenger seat of trent's car, still holding the door open for you. "aren't you just adorable?"
he smiled at your mocking tone and sent you a look that made your heart jump. "well aren't you just an ego booster?"
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when you got to the academy that early afternoon you didn't really know what to expect. but oh gosh were you left in awe. talk about prestigious.
your eyes roamed the buildings interior, the occasional gasp leaving your mouth which would get a stifled laugh from trent. he walked beside you with his hands in his pockets, a huge pang of nostalgia washing over him as he reminisced on his academy days.
"I can't believe you actually got the opportunity to train here," you gasped when you stepped out onto the field, where you saw the u18's doing their drills.
he let out a knowing hum and lead you over to where the academy's u18 coach- jay spearing was stood, leading the group of teenagers. if there was one thing that you knew then it was thar liverpool's academy players were nothing short of astonishing.
trent, curtis, jarell, and soon you could feel that a few new kids would be added to the list.
"what do we have here?" jay asked in surprise when he saw you and trent approaching, a smile present on his face when he saw the right back.
you watched as the older man brought trent into a hug, patting him on the back adoringly and sharing a few words before trent gestured to you. "this is ms c--"
trent's voice subtly cracked in uncertainty when he stopped mid introduction, which was strange. he turned back to you and then to jay with a smile. "--this is jamie. the head of our p.r team."
an impressed hum left jay's lips as he recalled what jurgen had said not to long ago about you. "It's nice to meet you jamie. I hope trent isn't bothering you too much. he's a bit of a handful."
he nudged the younger on his arm and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "I'm afraid that's an understatement."
trent put his hand over his heart in mock offence and gasped. "I could say the same about you."
the three of you spent a few more minutes talking about the team and how jurgen had been coming over quite a bit to view some of the youngsters for reserves, seeing as they were playing exceptionally well.
"he's had his eye on bradley, beck and doak for a while now. kaide gordon as well, but he's been out due to an injury."
you both listened to jay give his rundown on the recent observations while you watched the group of boys do their usual target practice. however, it was obvious that trent was scouting and you were thinking of ways to get these boys out in the public.
"do you think they'd let me take them out on a field trip?"
the question caught trent's attention as he turned to look at your side profile. "a field trip to where?"
you shrugged your shoulders, not too sure yet. "a hike."
"a hike?? are you craz--"
"--shush trent they're coming." you shut him up immediately by hitting his chest, your attention fixed on the group of boys walking your way.
now normally if you were to see a professional footballer, probably the blue print for the new generation and beside him a girl who was on the p.r team and a social media influencer of sorts there wouldn't be much debate as to who you'd want to meet.
both you and trent knew that, and you couldn't see the way he was mentally preparing himself to be greeted and questioned while you stood there silently and observed the interaction.
or well so you thought. what you didn't expect was for trent to get a head start and greet the group of boys, praising them for their hard work and offering to take a few pictures so that you could post them and it actually made a lot of sense.
you got your phone out and got ready, but to your surprise he was shot down. "we're actually here for jamie."
"what?" you both said in unison in visible shock.
"we're fans," one of the boys said sheepishly and you felt your heart melt.
trent was dumbfounded. he didn't know what to say or do, still trying to accept the fact that he was openly rejected. but you on the other hand tried to play it off as cool as possible.
it was normal for fans to approach you in public, but the fact that you had a fanbase and supporters was something that would always come as a shock. you didn't do much to deserve it, or at least that's you thought.
a smile drew to your lips, making sure to send trent a look. "well aren't you just an ego booster?"
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spamjam._. added to their story
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"so, how did it go?"
you jumped up at the sound of maya's voice echoing through the empty apartment. "son of a bitch."
all the lights were off so you assumed that she had gone to bed already and tried to shut the door as silently as possible, but here she was. sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and the lamp on.
you dropped your bags to the floor and tried to lessen the fright that you had gotten but your sister couldn't have cared less. "It's nearly 10. no way you just went for ice-cream."
you felt like a rogue teenager at that moment. mentally preparing yourself for a scolding and at least 2 weeks of being grounded. "well sorry to disappoint," you joked and took off your jacket. "the ice cream was amazing though."
maya couldn't believe your answer and tore the blanket off her body to follow you into your bedroom. she watched as you got your things ready so you could shower and proceeded to bombard you with as many questions possible.
and you gave her the same response each time. after the academy, you took a drive to kill some time, got ice cream, and then you were dropped off. literally nothing happened.
"we just talked about normal things--" you tied up your hair, "--the weather, the state of our economy, why the earth is flat. nothing strange."
maya pulled a face and shook her head, "I hate you so much, ugh."
it wasn't long before you made yourself comfortable in bed, creeping underneath your blankets and succumbing to the warmth and security that it brought you. your mind drifted elsewhere for a moment and you were back to your anxious state.
the pitch.
it had only been a few hours but you were starting to rethink the entire idea. you could say that it was rather selfish of you to use yours and trent's little bet as a form of entertainment but it was a win-win situation. the team would get to practice but in the form of games and so much more fun, while getting their publicity.
that was entertainment.
you were just about to put off your phone and head off to sleep when you got the email. the green light.
dear ms carter,
apologies for the late outreach but I had a few things to sort out back at the office.
regarding your pitch however, I'd like to happily inform you that your pitch was approved by the directors as well as jurgen who was more then delighted to give it a go.
I trust that you have the logistics sorted out. and that you are able to start filming by october 9th seeing as the team have a busy match schedule for the rest of the month, so we'll need your undivided attention on our schedule as well.
I am excited to see how you take charge of this project and I hope it leads in your favour.
marvin colesmen
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spamjam._. added to their story
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trentarnold66 replied to your story
trentarnokd66 seriously, project carter😭
spamjam._. I am not about to get copyrighted by mbappe
and besides, I got ali on my back which means I'm about to beat the shit out of you
trentarnold66 all this for some content. talk about dedication. and you're still gonna lose😪
spamjam._. it's going to be fun. trust me.
trentarnold66 hm, I'll take your word for it. congrats btw 👏
spamjam._. stopppp. you're making me blush😊
trentarnold66 oh that's horrible. I'm gonna have to start keeping my distance.
spamjam._. you're not that great bro
trentarnold66 we all have our own opinions
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helllonursee2 · 3 months
It’s was like sandersides😭 Roman x Virgil and
Everyone had powers and Roman was this super hero and Virgil wasn’t and he was like a faceless YouTuber who made videos reading real crime and he had like a deep voice?? Their college roommates and have a cat😭
Virgil’s dad is a cop and so is his brother Remy(sleep)
The author also made like a sequel to this fix but with the roles switched and Virgil was a super hero.
The author is on tumblr and has fan art on their page😭😭
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trentslocss · 9 months
Mine to have - TAA
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Pairing: Reader x Trent Alexander Arnold
Warnings: smut smut smut smut smut
A/N: If I do end up publishing this it means I really had the nuts to do so. Also, this is the best gif ever, thank the lords and the person who made this for bearing us with this gif.
You’ve had the same new years ritual since you started dating. Coffee in the town when you wake up, lunch at your place with your friends and then a party at Andy’s. Every year was practically the same, but every year you loved it even more.
Especially since you taught Trent, with some help from his mother, to help you with cooking. Now he was a childish man and he would sometimes make a bigger problem than help, but it was good to have you work together on it.
You made plenty of food and set it on the table as your friends started coming into your shared apartment. Jude, Andy and Virg were the first to barge inside, Jude carrying a platter from the pastry shop downtown.
By the time Gakpo, Salah and everyone’s wives/girlfriends came in, all 10 of you sat around the table and Jude cried that he could finally eat. Truth be told, they were late, and he was at the verge of exploding.
You sat next to Trent, his left arm leaned on your chair as you talked and laughed at Gakpo’s story about first moving to Liverpool. “You were a tough nut to crack, I couldn’t read your face for months. Still can’t” Salah giggled with a full mouth. “I think it’s because of his chubby cheeks, not toughness” You all laughed at Virgil’s comment, which hasn’t made Gakpo that happy, as he continued to chew with a visible pout.
You sipped your glass of champagne as you felt a hand lay on your thigh, going up and down on it. You knew what he was doing. Seeing you giggle with his friends and so invested in the conversation made him want to spice things up a little bit, he had always been a devil’s man.
The conversation in the room never stopped, but Trent stopped following a long time ago. He started whispering in your ear, touching you with his leg, “accidentally” touching you in between your legs, but you weren’t having it. You knew if you gave in he would ruin you in the room next door, and you’ve given in too many times to make that mistake again. “Baby, if you keep ignoring me I’m gonna have to take you in front of all of them. Your choice” He whispered gently in your ear as you gulped, pretending not to have heard the nasty comment that was followed by an innocent giggle and a flash of his pretty smile to your guests.
As soon as you closed the door behind your beloved guests you were swept off your feet. He took you to your room and threw you on the bed. “Take your clothes off” “No” You said as he turned his head toward you, looking at you in disbelief. “You’ve been all over me all day in front of everyone. You don’t think they saw it? You embarrassed me in front of our friends.” You said rather angrily as you stumbled past him went to get ready for tonights party at Andy’s house.
You kept ignoring him for another two hours. You washed your hair, got dressed and put your make up on, but he was still needy and you were still ignoring him. When he put his arms around your waist and you pushed his hands off of you he had had enough. He came to your petite frame, taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look at him.
“Now, baby, I haven’t embarrassed you in front of anyone. But, since you obviously want me to, I’ll show you have well I can do that” You gulped as he devoured your lips in a sensual kiss.
Your clothes was off of you in a second, the dress you were planning to wear tonight scattered and crumbled up on the floor. Your make up semi ruined as he teased your entrance with his cock. You knew he wanted you to beg for him but you wouldn’t give in, being too stubborn for your own good. “Come on baby, I know you want it. All you have to do is ask” He said as he rubbed your clit with his hard-on. The sensation was unbearable just enough to make you shatter. You hated it, but you were absolutely loving it.
“You don’t wanna talk? Okay. We’ll do this my way” He said as he slipped inside of you, earning a loud moan from you and the filthiest groan from him.
He slid inside and almost immediately made you want to come. All the teasing and touching on the side made you squirm beneath him, but you could never admit it. From the start you knew he was up to something, you could see it in his eyes. He was having the time of his life, the devilish smirk on his mouth as he kept pulling out to the tip then forcing himself back inside.
“See baby, you take me too well for someone so stubborn” He smiled, going deeper and deeper with every thrust.
You moaned again as he put his index finger on your clit. You thought the sensation was unbearable, until he pulled you down on the bed and put your thighs around his upper waist, his full length slipped inside you, deeper than he has probably ever been.
You were so close as he kept hitting your uncovered g-spot over and over again with forceful moves of his hips. Your fingers marking his broad shoulders as your heels dug deep inside his back.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum” You screamed before he started licking your nipple, the finger on your clit working you faster than ever. The edge was just near you, you would swear you could see stars.
Suddenly, all of it stopped as he came inside of you. As he started pulling out he didn’t stop cumming, spilling it all over your clit and opening, smearing it around with his tip. You looked at him in pure shock as he rubbed your clit for a bit, the new wetness made you moan, your head falling back, eyes closed.
You suddenly felt the snap of your panties on your hips. His fingers in his mouth for a second as he happily smiled. “I guess we’re ready to go. Good luck with that, I hope you don’t feel embarassed in front of our friends, all night long”
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
The Nurse (Part Seven) || Rick Grimes (TWD)
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Taglist: @strnqer @1985bitch @curlycarley @imaginemyfavoritefics @t-uroboros @crazytxgradstudent @addisonnie @whos6claire @taylvvrr @quicksilversg1rl @catt-leya @1tsk1tty @pascalshearts @hopefulatrocity @xoyouronlyamorrxo @fuseburner @idkseraphine @all-for-kpop @carlgrimeskisser @emo-potato-virgil @timotheesrealgf @mcuclintasha @8crazy-freak8 @peepeepoopoobutt
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Summary: Before all this, you were a nurse. A nurse who had patients, one of which was a man in a coma. A sheriff, you think, it was all kinda fuzzy now. When it all went sideways, you set up what you could for the man - but had to leave. You’d always wondered where he’d ended up; until in your search of shelter, you run into a familiar face.
TWS: Blood, gore, mentions of death, gun violence (just violence in general), sickness, vomiting of blood, blood from the eyes, animal sickness, mentions of quarantine, swearing, and all things typical of TWD.
[[A/N: A plot heavy chapter???? In this economy??? It's more likely than you think. I did actual medical research on this one, so... Also, 'there's only one bed trope' except there's no bed. I will not be taking any questions at this time. Thanks for reading :)) ]]
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That day really started midway through you cleaning up a few of your tools, it was an extensive process -especially considering the circumstances. Infection was not an option here, so you usually took a few hours to soak some of your materials in some antibacterial you'd recovered from the few runs you'd been on.
The fumes were a bit much, so you'd done it near the prison but not inside -dedicating a space distant from the crops and where the others strayed outside. Without a mask, you couldn't imagine the long term effects of inhaling the mass of well... germ-x that you accumulated to clean things. You'd been a stickler on using it as often as you could, even taking times within the day to run by everyone with it and having them run it over their hands. It got, let's say, varied reactions, but you knew with what ease an outbreak of any kind could frolic through the prison. So, they just had to deal with it.
That day, you were almost done cleaning your last scalpel -the coating washing away in some of the bottled water you hadn't quite finished. When you'd seen the smudge of a figure coming up to you.
You dunked the rest of the water over your hands and placed the scalpel on the rag -quickly folding it on the stool you'd taken out to use as an extra surface.
When you looked back at the figure now, they were much closer like they were running to you. You squinted, trying to see through the sun, and made out the edges of a cowboy hat -Carl?
Before you could so much as say a word, Carl was barreling up to you -eyes glossy (just a touch, you hadn't seen him cry since you got here) and eyebrows furrowed into so much worry that you only found fit for an adult.
He simply wrapped his arms around your middle, nestling his head into you -effectively knocking the hat off, and immediately felt a spike of worry shoot up your spine. Despite your head buzzing with questions and worries, you exhaled a shaky breath and gently held the back of his head against you.
"Everything okay?"
"No," he muttered into you -before pulling back to look at you with a seriousness that you found easily matched Rick's, "-you have to help."
Your worry spiked, help. Still, you coached yourself -crouching down to his level, "Help with what? Is someone hurt?"
Carl started then -tumbling over the speed of his words, "Violet, Dad says she's sick. She's laying around, she won't eat and she always likes to e-"
"Carl," you laid your hands on his shoulders -hoping to soothe the nerves out of him, "-breathe. When you say Violet, do you mean-"
"The pig," he answered, after exhaling a deep, long breath -something you taught him just out of habit once.
So, that was why you were now by the pigs' pen -carefully watching the one he called Violet with Rick, Hershel, and well... Carl. You hadn't known much about animals, but you knew some of the basics of something not feeling well. And Violet was... well, she checked all those boxes.
"How long has it been since she ate?" Hershel asked, his gaze just a bit more analytical than yours -he was a veterinarian after all.
"Just the past day," Rick answered, his hand passively rubbing along his son's back -he still seemed a bit shaken, "-Looked at their food, and there was more than there shoulda been."
"Okay, well," you added, turning to Rick and Carl "-it's early then. Any sort of early is better than too late. I'm just not sure what it could be, other than the basics."
Rick questioned, "Which is?"
"Swine flu," you answered, flickering to Hershel for his opinion, "-but it's not my specialty, I could be wrong."
Hershel hummed, rising back to his feet with his cane where he seemed to be looker closer at Violet, "Could very well be. It's not like we have any medicine for 'em either."
"Do we need to go straight for medicine?" you asked, watching Violet as she slowly seemed to inhale and exhale, "Are there other options?"
Hershel rubbed at his beard, "Not much without some sort of medicine."
You pursed your lips, "Should we risk it though? What if it's not whatever we may assume it has and it gets worse?"
"Guess that's true," Hershel spoke, looking at you now -intent on discussing your point of view, "-what's your idea?"
"Well," you started, a bit hesitantly, "-I'm not a vet but if this was people, we'd quarantine them. Try and limit the contagion, if it was even contagious. It's how we... It's how we started investigating when the walkers showed up."
"It's a good idea," Hershel agreed, and you felt a piece of you relax, "-singles Violet out so we can try and get more information on whatever she's sick of. And sometimes quarantining 'em can help 'em heal."
"What, so-" Rick responded -looking to the two of you, "-we get more pens?"
"Yeah," you answered, following your own thought process, "-just do a few resource runs? There should be enough containers to individually feed them around the prison. And just as a base, we wait a week. It's a typical time for human sicknesses, so I imagine it's long for animals? If any one of them gets worse, we cut it short and look for other options."
Rick and Hershel were just staring at you -eyes wide and a bit astonished. You hadn't been quite one to order others around, or make plans, or anything of the nature. But you'd been passionate about nursing -knew all you could, you were trained for crises and problem-solving.
"Sorry," you echoed, trying to recognize any of the emotions in either of them's eyes (all you could get out of Rick's was wonder and that really was not helping), "I didn't mean to just... take over. I just-"
"No, no," Hershel shook his head, gently placing a hand on your shoulder -soothing whatever idea that he had felt overstepped in your head, "-you got that brain of yours, best you use it."
You smiled, a bit bashful because well nursing had been a big portion of your life for so long -you were glad to be doing it well.
"Just hold back a little," he teased with a touch of a chuckle, "-or I think Rick might be out of a job."
Laughing, you turned back to Rick whose eyes were still steadily focused on you. It was always a little odd, but you were getting more used to it.
"I'll ask around, see what we have around the prison. Rick-" Hershel cleared his throat, effectively knocking Rick out of his daze -you bit back a smile, "-you wanna see if you can gather up some people to help build? The quicker they're built, the better."
"Yeah, yeah. I can-" Rick blinked, shaking his head just a touch like he was clearing his head -eyes disconnecting from yours, "-I can do that. Carl, you wanna stay with Y/N for a bit?"
You rolled your eyes, teasing, "You're lucky I'm free, cowboy."
Rick grinned, and you felt your stomach flip, as he brushed past you, "I'll owe you one, fair?"
"Fair," you bit back the grin that threaten to split across your lips -solely to limit his ego. Carl was beside you now, so without much of extra thought, you crouched down and asked him what he wanted to do for the rest of the day.
That had been a week ago, and your life had become significantly more difficult since then. Maybe you should've expected it.
It had started when someone, who you hadn't really individually known too well, had come into your office. He'd just said he was tired, much more than usual and you'd figured it'd been his body fighting off an infection. You gave him a few antivirals and sent him on his way.
He hadn't come back to see you after that initial visit, why you didn't know -it had only been just a few days but someone in a nearby cell had approached you. They were the ones that told you that he'd been throwing up blood.
Needlessly to say, when you rushed to his cell, you were too late. For two lives instead of one.
So, here you were, frantically writing on every scrap of paper you could find -detailing symptoms as they arose. It was the outbreak you really had dreaded -you'd last heard Glenn had been struck with some of the symptoms last night. And that had spurred the current frantic writing spree you were in.
Early in that week, you'd sat everyone down at respectable distances and told them of the quarantine plans. Everyone who had felt sick must be distanced and is to rest until further notice. They were most likely to heal with more time for their body to address it.
Still didn't stop you from focusing on the symptoms, running through different options with Hershel -who didn't have as much experience but enough to bounce ideas off of.
It was late, Hershel had headed to get some rest and you'd let him -still scratching away at the paper, and noting somewhere deep in your head to request some iron supplements from the next run. If someone was going to lose blood, they'd at the very least need the iron replaced -maybe that would help with the weakness? That was about as far as you'd gotten. You were sure it was something easily taken care of, just needed a little bit more time to even-
"Hey," the drawl echoed into the room, and you jumped a bit in surprise -you hadn't been expecting anyone, especially at this hour. You spun to the door as quickly as your body would allow it.
"Didn't mean to scare ya," Rick clarified, hands up in the air for a moment before his look smoothed into one of concern -blue falling to what you assumed was your eyebags, "Have you not been sleeping?"
"Rick," you blew an exhale through your mouth -your eyes heavy and clothes disheveled, "-what do you think the answer to that question is?"
He raised his eyebrows, retorting -probably noting your snappy comeback, "So, you haven't..."
"I just-" you sighed, tapping your pencil against the paper that currently held all the noted symptoms and a few of your ideas so far for the disease, "-it's right here, I can feel it. I'm almost there."
Rick pursed his lips, sidling up beside you -pulling up a spare stool to sit directly in front of you, "And this can't wait until just a few hours of sleep?"
"They're-" you swallowed, your hands shaking slightly, "-they're dying Rick. I can't- I can't lose another one. What if you get it, Rick? Or god-forbid, Carl or Judith? I don't know what I'd do-"
"Look at me," he placed his hands -calloused fingers brushing against your chin tilt your eyesight to his, "-that's not happening. Me, Carl, and Judith are all fine."
"But," you urged -tears prickling at the edge of your eyes, "-that could change."
"It could," he agreed, rubbing his thumbs under your eyes -maybe you'd actually started crying, "-but I think a few less hours of writing the same thing over and over again on a piece of paper won't make it worse. You said it yourself, it exhilarates over a few days."
"Rick," you whispered, eyes connected to his, "-I can't."
He sighed, pulling your head forward, and brushing back your hair to leave the gentlest of press of his lips. You hummed, letting your eyes flutter close -just to relish in the warmth there.
"One hour," he hummed against your skin.
You laughed, barely there but it still counted, "Cowboy, I know what you're doing-"
"45 minutes."
"Rick, it's not going to-" you sighed, the smile growing on your face -even just for a second.
"30," he offered, breathing against your hair -you could feel the grin seep across the words.
You pulled back, raising an eyebrow at him -as if testing how far this would go, "Really?"
Rick wasn't one to give up, though, "15."
"Rick," you groaned, "-I'm serious..."
"We all are," he interrupted, leveling a more serious gaze on you, "-it's not just you. Look, what if we have Hershel work on it while you rest, so no time is wasted? That work for ya?"
"I can't wake him up," you answered.
"Y/N-" he started, and you could tell in the infliction that he really wasn't going to give this up. It was his lecture voice, and that always meant business with Rick Grimes.
You caved, and maybe the allure of sleep convinced you a little too, "30 minutes, and you wake me up."
He rubbed at the bridge of his nose -a sort of frustration radiating from him which was unsurprising, "Okay, anythin' is better than nothin', I guess. C'mon-"
"Oh, Rick, no-" you clarified, "-I'll sleep down here."
He furrowed his brows, scanning the space for anything that you could've squinted at, and thought would be okay to sleep on, "What? Where can you sleep down here?"
"That bench will do fine," you spoke, digging around for something to lay on and another to use as a blanket.
"Y/N, you can't be serious," Rick responded, looking around, "-you even have a pillow down here?"
"I..." you faltered, scrunching your brows together, "-I think so."
He sighed, fingers brushing against his temples, making his way over to the bench, "Okay, no, that's not happening. I'm not letting you hurt your neck like that."
"Well," you huffed, "-what am I supposed to d-"
Rick, instead of passing by the bench to look for something close to a pillow, sat at the left side of it -a look in his eyes that said he'd found a solution, as he patted his shoulder, "C'mon, the clock's ticking."
You blinked, was he going to let you cuddle him? Were you going to cuddle?
You were more awake than you had been in the past week at the mere idea of that.
"Look," he started, explaining himself, "-I know it won't be the best, but it's better than the cheapass cushion, I swear."
Good, he didn't really know why you hadn't responded. You couldn't realistically wait much longer though, if that excuse was to hold. He was very persuasive, but could only convince you so many times before it got ridiculous.
So, you grabbed an extra blanket you had stored away and moved to his side. It was agonizingly slow, mostly because there was a part of you that was scared he'd suddenly change his mind. You knew the two of you touched, a lot. It was just... This was more long-term, not a 'heat of the moment, it just felt right' kind of touch. It was all casual things, brushes of fingertips, forehead kisses, spare moment motions. This was new.
Wonderfully new.
"Okay," you whispered, barely a breath and gently leaned onto him.
You were hesitant and didn't want to overstep in any sort of way -afraid of losing this closeness, you went rigid against his skin. Not necessarily because you were uncomfortable, but rather because you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
Rick's breath stuttered in his chest as you pressed into his shoulder, you could hear his heart beating fast under your cheek. Without another word, to soothe you maybe, his hand wrapped around you -pulling you tighter against his side.
You relaxed, breaths coming out slowly through your nose -his scent filling your brain it made you fuzz up a bit, then. The deep wooded scent buzzed against your eyes, and you let them flutter shut -just absorbing well... him.
Still, your mind was humming against the darkness -facts and symptoms fluttering past your mind. It was all consuming.
"Can you-" you faltered, feeling a bit out of place to ask something, "-Can you just talk? Tell me something, anything."
"'Course," Rick hummed, you felt it in his chest as you lay against it -his fingertips brushing up and down your arm, soothing, "-let me think."
You opened your eyes, tucking yourself more gently into his side -the gate was open already, and you found it easier to relax with the knowledge he had offered this himself. He had wished to be this close, and that made your heart beat faster.
"I got my first pair of boots when I was 6," he started, and you laughed into his skin -still intent on listening, "-my Dad told me it was a rite of passage."
You smiled, "Yeah?"
"Yeah," he agreed, laughing at himself, "-couldn't walk in 'em for months."
"Mmm, well-" you hummed, teasing -as your eyes fluttered along his boots, "-you seem like a professional now."
He grinned, drawling low -as his hand began to brush his fingers through your hair, "Thanks, sweetheart."
And you exhaled, relaxing into his touch -as his fingers massaged into your scalp. The name was new, but you weren't quite awake then -your head filled with the fuzz of sleep and eyes faltering heavily. Maybe you could sleep for just a little while.
"Violet's feelin' better," he hummed, and you could feel his breaths against your temple -he was so close, "-ya must've done somethin' right."
You froze, body rigid -the sleep dissipating from your brain, sitting up enough only to dislodge yourself slightly, "What?"
Rick stared at you -a bit in disbelief, "Violet's okay. It's a win."
"Oh my god," you stood, the blanket falling to your feet -frantic and hopeful as you siphoned through the piles of books and papers scattered everywhere, "-oh my god."
"What-" he stood with you -hesitating to reach out and touch you, "-you alright?"
"No, no, it's not-" you stopped searching to lock eyes with him, "-I'm fine, I just... How long have they been quarantined?"
"'Bout a week."
That was it, that was it. You laughed, wide and bright, "I... That's familiar, I read it somewhere."
"Y/N," he spoke, watching you flutter through the papers -trying to keep his tone calm, and soothing, "-what is this about?"
"I had this theory, remember?" you explained, skimming across some of the pages in books you'd marked, "-Violet got sick and then some of the group had, so maybe it was from them?"
"What, so you were right?"
"Maybe, I just have to-" you corrected, finally finding the book that read 'Swine Flu: The Farmer's Guide', "-bingo."
You skimmed through the words, on edge -waiting for the familiar words. For the words that had buzzed over the bouncing in your head, you knew they were there. You just knew it-
And there it was. Quarantine for a week.
You grinned, wide and bright, tapping along the paper -god, you had been right. You jumped up, rushing up to Rick -grabbing his face, and pushing your lips against the stubble of his cheek. You laughed, bright and joyous, rushing over to the book -spinning around with it pushed to your chest.
He stood shocked still, before blinking out of a daze -eyes twinkling bright and grin wider than yours, a blush barely brushed across his face.
"I've got it!" You yelled out, before pausing, faltering, "...I got it. Shit, I have to-"
"Hey, hey," Rick whispered, stepping forward to press his hands on your shoulders -eyes seeking yours, "-talk to me. Let me help ya, I want to."
"Okay," you hummed, inhaling slowly, "-okay. I'll... We'll just need hydration, lots of hydration-"
"Got it," he spoke, scribbling down on a little notepad he must've found around here somewhere.
"-and still quarantined. For at least a week. They just need some rest. That's it. And keep an eye on their iron and protein intake, keep it balanced-"
Rick didn't speak this time, hand fluctuating through the page -handwriting messy but somehow organized all at once. He was intently listening -it took you aback almost with all the attention he laid upon you, but you were still on a train of thought.
"-and painkillers for whoever needs them. Um, maybe some lesser ones? Aspirin, something smaller, it doesn't-"
"Okay," Rick answered, scribbling down the final note, "-right. I've got it."
"Wait," you started, as he gently placed his hand on the small of your back guiding you, "-what are you-"
"Y/N," he leveled, turning you to face him, "-you need to rest. I've got it all in here, I'll wake Hershel up if I need help. I've got it."
You sighed, matching his eyes -he really wasn't going to give up on this, "Are you sure? I can rest after-"
"No," he echoed, seriousness etched into his face -and the warmth of his hands on you was alluring, almost made you want to sleep there, "-rest. I'm not jokin'."
"Okay," you responded, exhaling and leaning further into him, trusting him to guide you, "-okay."
Carefully, he leaned forward -sliding his lips onto your cheek. It sent goosebumps to your toes, at the soft pillow there -it was new, wonderfully new.
"I'll check on you in an hour, 'kay?"
"Okay," you spoke, breathless with heavy eyes -droning with sleep, "-you gonna take me there?"
"Yeah," he pulled you to his side by the waist, muttering into your hair with the cusps of a grin, "-I'll take ya there."
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lobotoboy · 1 month
Time to combine two fixations together, and create a new thing that I'm almost 100% certain has been thought of before!
A DANGANRONPA X RIDE THE CYCLONE AU (please someone make art of this, i'll post my attempt at a jane doe pic for this au later, but im still a beginner lmao) CAST (with explanation): To preface, I wanted everyone except Jane to have died in either their game or anime arc. Ocean O'Connell Roseburg: Ruruka Ando So this one was hard, because I initially wanted to stick to just the games, but neither Mahiru nor Hiyoko fit the bill for me, so I went with Ruruka. Personally, I think she's underrated, I feel like she's very compelling, and like Ocean, has room to grow in a similar way. I think she believes her way is the best way, like Ocean, and has the potential to learn differently. Constance Blackwood: Chiaki Nanami Chiaki is an obligatory add for me, no doubt about it. Constance is UNDERRATED, LOVE HER MORE PLEASE. Sugar Cloud is all about Constance finally recognizing the good things about her life around her, and Chiaki has a similar world view in both the anime and the games. If you look in the anime especially, she's one of the few characters who seems to understand a person can have worth without having a talent, and that's something that should be praised. Also she's my best friend's (@multifanforever) wife, so she's chill ig. Noel Gruber: Nagito Komaeda Do I *really* need to explain this one? Look at him. Name me a better character to put here, I dare you. In all seriousness, Monique is giving Servant Nagito vibes, and he'd SLAY Noel's Lament. Mischa Bachinski: Leon Kuwata Leon was also a bit of an 'out of left field' (teehee) pick for me, but Mischa's a rapper and Leon wants to break into music. Mischa's got a bit of angst in him, and so does Leon. Leon and Mischa are respectful lovers of women, so I feel like they'd be buddies and thus fit.
Jane Doe: Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura WHERE DO I START SDUEHFEUFHWE I LOVE JANE AND I LOVE THESE TWO FUCKS. My stupid ass husband and his evil (not really) alter ego. Aside from personal bias for my favorite characters, I think they fit the most. I could (and want to) write a dissertation about Hajime and Izuru, but for the main gist of it, the way his identity is erased in canon, lines up with how Jane doesn't know who she is. At the end too, when they pick who gets to not be dead (i honestly dont understand the ending of rtc, is it resurrection, changing the timeline, rebirth?) it could be reminiscent of Hajime coming back post Neo World Program. Also Izuru lends himself really well to a creepier design. Ricky Potts: Kaito Momota They both kind of have that kind of selfless attitude to them, Kaito's illness is a good match for Ricky's disability, and obviously space. I also headcanon Kaito as a cat person. The Amazing Karnak: Junko Enoshima To me, they have similar, joking vibes to them. I feel like she'd mess with them just as much, if not a bit more than Karnak does. The changing rules and such are just for her entertainment. Virgil the Rat: Monokuma (obvi) I feel like Monokuma would rock the bass, and obviously makes sense as the one to accompany Junko.
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bl00dst41ned · 11 months
*.·:·.✦ glimpse of us *.·:·.✦
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pairing: trent alexander-arnold x female oc (name: sasha)
summary: in which trent has not turned the page on their history
author's note: inspired by glimpse of us by joji (have been obsessed by it lately)
contains: i guess it's angst
word count: 972
“Why then, if she's so perfect, do I still wish that it was you?”
The guests gradually filled the birthday venue as Trent stood at a corner of the room with his teammates.
“Even on your birthday, you cannot look good” Virgil joked to Joe as the rest of the group laughed.
Joe’s girlfriend had invited Joe’s entourage for his birthday and obviously, everyone showed up to celebrate with him. Trent saw the night as an opportunity to bring his girlfriend Taylor to introduce her to his friends.
“Trent, d’you want something to drink ?” Taylor brought Trent aside, speaking with a smile.
“Just juice for now, please” He send her a smile back, watching her as she headed to get what he asked for.
Taylor was one of the most caring girl he encountered. She always made sure he was okay and did not need anything. Some would say she’s even the perfect girlfriend. 
“Here” A higher pitched voice took Trent out of his thoughts. He grabbed the glass Taylor was handing him, thanking her with a forehead kiss and a low “thank you”. 
Even with all of that, Trent knew deep down who he belonged to. Everything she did for him he wished it was Sasha. Every day he hoped she would come to him.
“Said I'm fine and said I moved on”
He turned back to the group and went back to talking to them. Joe, who stood right next to Trent, leaned down to his ear.
“You know she’s coming right ?”
Joe didn’t even need to say any names, Trent knew who he was talking about. Sasha and him had broken up months back but he had moved on with Taylor, who was amazing with him.
“I know, I don’t care” Trent shrugged, his face as neutral as possible.
Trent’s fake uninterested expression did not fool Joe. Or anybody else to who he told so. Not even himself. Not a day went without thinking about Sasha. As much as he tried to think otherwise, he was still deeply in love with her and craved to be in her presence and flood her with all that love. But he would never admit it and rather pretend to others.
As he engaged back into his teammates’ conversation, his head turned as soon as he heard that one voice.
He admired how she walked with assurance, her natural hip sway enchanting him. She looked better than ever.
She smiled and ran carefully to Joe’s girlfriend, giving her the warmest hug. Trent observed the entire scene, not missing any of her moves. 
After greeting her best friend, Sasha headed to the group of boys. Trent took it as an opportunity to get a front view of her body, which had changed from the last time he saw her. She came in the circle they had formed, hugging each one of them. 
“I don’t think I know you” She said as she stopped in front of Taylor “I’m Sasha, nice to meet you. I’m Joe’s girlfriend’s friend”
“Hey, I’m Taylor, I’m Trent’s girlfriend” Taylor smiled back.
Sasha also had caught that Taylor was oblivious to who she was to Trent and decided to play it off. She shook her hand rapidly, continuing her little round of greetings. She mumbled a quick “Hello” to Trent, coldness laced in her voice. Her stern tone felt like a hit to Trent’s face. There was no more affection or love for him.
“I'm only here passing time in her arms hopin' I'll find a glimpse of us”
The party was in full swing, people dancing everywhere and having a good time. Trent sat at his table, Taylor in his lap. 
Through the whole time, she had not left his side, intimidated by all of the people she did not know, though they were extremely nice with her. Trent was thankful nobody brought up Sasha around Taylor.
“Wanna dance ?” Trent asked as her favorite song played.
She energetically nodded, grabbing his arm and bringing him to the dancefloor. His arms automatically wrapped around her waist as they started swaying to the sound. His eyes met hers as his mind drowned in the brown color of her iris.
Within a blink it looked like he was now alone in the room with his girl, dancing slowly to the music. Trent admired these dark brown eyes he loved since the first day. His eyes wandered around her face, taking in all the features he loved. Her little nose he would randomly peck, her full lips he loved to kiss and taste, her smile he loved to see after giving her all his affection. He observed every bit of that perfect face he loved more than anything.
“Trent, watch your feet” Sasha giggled as she avoided Trent’s messy steps.
“Sorry, I’m not good at this” He apologized, giving her a peck on the cheek.
She met his stare, her innocent look making Trent weak, as always. She grabbed his face in her hands bringing him into a deep kiss. Their tongues soon joined the kiss, moving in sync as their heads leaned to the side to be even closer.
They soon pulled away and Trent opened his eyes, facing Taylor’s happy expression.
Trent zoned out thinking back on what just happened. It was a dream but it felt so true. Her face, her touch, her voice. It was just like it used to be. He spotted her in the room, dancing with her friends, having the most fun. She seemed so carefree like nothing was on her mind while he spent the night tormented by his thoughts and feelings. Their breakup was his greatest mistake and he didn’t know how to fix it. Or if he could even do so. For now, he just wished she would feel the same as him.
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i feel so happy to be able to write again
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