#tahl lives au
saviinika · 2 months
I play it off, but I'm dreaming of you
@codywanweek 2024
Day 7: Modern/Academia AU
Here’s the prequel to Words cannot express, which is told from Cody’s POV and gives you some more insight into our two favourite idiots in love.
He is grinning ear to ear when he pulls up in front of For the Republic.
Jinn, the owner, is an Irish drag queen with natural hair that would make most women envious. She is so tall that she has a height limit to her heels on the bar’s basement stage. Tahl, her partner, is the studious type who works the bar and makes, in Cody’s opinion, the best drinks this side of the city.
One might assume going to a club alone would be, well, lonely, but Cody has never had a problem with that. For one, Jinn and Tahl are the kind of people who welcome any and all help, which means that he could have a steady gig bussing tables and raking in massive tips tonight if he feels like it. And second, living vicariously through the hookups he watches happen seems to be about the most action he is getting any time soon. No one that interested him had ever bothered to try their luck, and everyone he’s been interested in has clearly had different tastes. Especially the person who’s most recently caught his eye.
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padawansuggest · 2 years
I just think it would be a cool AU if Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had a relatively normal apprenticeship because Tahl, Clee, Adi Gallia, Bin Ibes and Tholme all formed a ‘bully Qui-Gon till he’s a normal person and treats his kid good’ group and accidentally sped up Qui-Gon’s parental feelings (yes, while I hate Jedi Apprentice Qui with a burning passion, that doesn’t change the fact that he canonically gets so attached to Obi that he legit gets ‘my baby is growing up and will leave the nest one day’ feelings more than 5 years before he died lol okay he was Helicopter Daddy for a while there it was funny) and now they have to deal with Qui-Gon dropping Obi-Wan off (Qui-Gon taking liberties as a master to make his child stay home on particularly dangerous missions AU??? Delicious) at another master’s apartment (usually one of the bullying group, occasionally a very annoyed Mace because I think inflicting Obi-Wan on him is so funny okay, three times it was Yoda and Qui-Gon decided never again when he found his kid licking a random frog one day he needed to cut that shit down fast oooooof) with a care packet (including footie pajamas cause Obi-Wan gets cold and sometimes kicks off his blankies but mostly cute, as well as his sleepy time meds in case kiddo isn’t going to bed, and also a leaflet about what not to do when Obi-Wan is sleepwalking with his eyes fully black and things are floating around him like a hungry planet looking for it’s next victim, cute things like that) and for one Obi-Wan is properly taken care of.
Also Qui-Gon would def do weed with his kid and tbh I think that would be canon too (leaves are a part of the living force 😌) but mainly I think Qui-Gon would look at his tiny 19 year old baby antichrist and go ‘hmmm… like catnip for humans’ and gives him a fat joint kk thanks byyyyyye
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lilredghost · 2 years
domestic time travel or emperor au?
(from this wip title ask game)
Personally I feel like I can never shut up about the emperor au, so let's talk about the domestic time travel for once! In this fic, a Force artifact sends Anakin and Obi-Wan all the way back in time to the beginning of Obi-Wan's Padawanship. They think it's obviously a sign that they're supposed to stop some Galaxy-Wide Atrocities, but the atrocities are actually just all the bullshit Qui-Gon did to Obi-Wan growing up.
Buut the Force Artifact is kind of malfunctioning because it wasn't meant to carry two people into the past, just one. So they spend like 3 days in the Temple after Bandomeer, and then they jump forward to after Melida/Daan and spend MONTHS in that time (and then forward to Tahl's death and the Mandalore mission, except they've already butterfly-affected all these events).
To get back to the actual domestic part, they're trying to blend in and live at the Temple so they pretend to be a Knight Pair (which is a queerplatonic Jedi concept that's not marriage but also not-not marriage). And they both get some time to face their traumas and fall in love and all that good stuff.
(And I know this is already the longest answer in existence, but I reaaally like this scene and wanted to share. It's set after little Obi-Wan returns from Bandomeer and big Obi-Wan confronts Qui-Gon about his negligence)
At times like these, Anakin really misses his bond with Obi-Wan. He can read his Master like no one else, exceedingly familiar with his expressions and verbal tics—but it's not the same. He can’t just breathe and feel the overlay of Obi-Wan’s emotions, can’t communicate his thoughts across half a planet. He can’t follow the flickering hearth in the back of his mind and find his way to his Master.
This is the second time in as many days (for a weird, time-travel definition of “days”) that Anakin is searching the Temple for someone, and it’s not any easier this time.
His Master is not in the salles.
He’s not in the Archives.
He’s not on the tower balcony, or in the observatory, or any of the other places that Anakin knows Obi-Wan likes to be.
It’s well past dark when he finally gives up, heading to the refectory to finally eat latemeal. It’s a quiet, boring dinner, and he packs up an extra meal to bring back for Obi-Wan. Hopefully the man has eaten already, but Anakin has no way of knowing.
When he returns to their quarters, the rooms are depressingly empty. Anakin takes a shower—a good, long water shower—and Obi-Wan still hasn’t come back. Anakin is still deciding what to do, given that their futuristic communicators don’t work here, when the door swishes quietly open and Obi-Wan walks in.
He looks like a wreck, is Anakin’s first thought. His Master is worn down, clothes scuffed and hair uncharacteristically messy. He’s even slouching, emanating a soul-deep exhaustion.
Then Obi-Wan meets his eyes, and Anakin is rounding the counter before he knows it, meeting the man halfway as some kind of wall between them crumbles.
He folds his arms around Obi-Wan and they both stand there in the living room just…breathing.
A few days ago, he’d have expected Obi-Wan to realize what he was doing and pull away after a moment, to try to look composed and unaffected as he apologized for the inconvenience. But the mask has cracked, now.
Instead of hiding from Anakin, he is hiding with Anakin.
Obi-Wan tips his face down against Anakin’s shoulder, and Anakin is struck abruptly by how small he seems. He is no less powerful, no less commanding or muscular, but he’s put down the mantle of Anakin’s Jedi Master, and simply become Anakin’s….Anakin’s something.
He’ll figure it out later, when Obi-Wan isn’t trembling against him.
“C’mon,” he murmurs, pulling his— Obi-Wan to the other room.
He urges the man out of his outer layers and nudges him into bed. Once they’re both under the covers, he reaches out to hold Obi-Wan again.
“Hey,” he says lightly, “we’ve upgraded from lying on the floor. Naptime Plus.”
Obi-Wan snorts a horrible, ugly laugh against his chest, tension easing. He also shakes his head in exasperation—which Anakin suspects is a secretive attempt to wipe his face on Anakin’s shirt, though he doesn’t voice his doubt. He can handle a little body fluid, for Obi-Wan.
He runs a careful hand through Obi-Wan’s hair, and for a time it’s quiet.
Then Obi-Wan speaks up, still tucked away against Anakin’s chest.
“I asked Qui-Gon why it wasn’t in the reports.”
Ah, shit. “What did he say?” Anakin asks warily, knowing full well that there’s no good excuse for skipping over that.
“He didn’t have a reason.” Obi-Wan laughs quietly, bitterly. The sound leaves a sour taste in Anakin’s mouth. “He just didn’t bother. Like he didn’t stop for a second to think about it.
“Actually, I know he didn’t think about it,” Obi-Wan continues. “He was always too caught up in my other qualities. Too angry, too righteous, too excitable. Always on the verge of Falling.”
Anakin sucks in a sharp breath.
“No matter how I acted, I wasn’t good enough for him. I don’t know how many times he told me, told other Masters, even: Control yourself, Padawan, or you’ll Fall.”
Control… No wonder Obi-Wan had always held his serenity like a shield—like armor.
Obi-Wan’s hand fists tighter in his shirt, tugging. “Say something, Anakin.” His voice is pleading in a way Anakin has only heard a few times before—the last when he had begged Anakin to stay with him on that gunship, to stay at Obi-Wan’s side so they could fight Dooku together. Like he needed Anakin, and Anakin had the ability to slay him with a careless word.
It’s more power than he’s ever had in his life. And it’s absolutely rotten.
He never wants his Master to feel this way—small and broken and vulnerable.
“He was wrong, you know. You always cling to your control by your fingernails, do your best to be the perfect Jedi. But it wouldn’t make anyone think less of you if you loosened your grip a bit.”
Obi-Wan doesn’t say anything. It's a sign that he disagrees on some philosophical level, but doesn’t want to offend anyone. Anakin smacks him gently over the back of the head, because he’s clearly overthinking things.
“Look, do you think I’m not a good Jedi?” He swallows back the fear the question brings. This is for Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan, who startles and jerks his face up to look at Anakin. “No,” he cries. “You’re the best of us! You’ve overcome every obstacle the Force has put in front of you. I’m so proud of you, Anakin.”
“And I don’t have control worth shit, Obi-Wan. Neither does Quinlan Vos. Aayla holds grudges like no one else, and your friend Bant can’t lie for her life.” Anakin cups the back of Obi-Wan’s head and gently guides it back against his chest. He does his best to keep his voice from wobbling. “It’s okay to have flaws. I— That is, we’ll all still love you.”
Obi-Wan is quiet for long enough that Anakin almost thinks he’s fallen asleep. He certainly hopes that his Master will skip over the aborted declaration of his feelings.
It’s something plenty of other Jedi say to each other, younglings to adults and Masters to Padawans and Knights to each other. He’d always worried about Obi-Wan not saying it to him, but he’s starting to realize that Obi-Wan—raised under Qui-Gon’s apparently cold and cruel tutelage—didn’t know how.
Then he feels Obi-Wan’s lips move, shifting against the fabric of his tunic. “I love you too,” he whispers.
Anakin falls asleep still smiling.
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phoneycam · 9 months
The Qui-Gon Jinn bonus from the hanahaki AU
Do any of you remember this post i did ages ago where i said i would talk about Jinn but never did? Well now it's real.
We all know that Qui-Gon has always being the 'not like other girls' kind of jedi and i think that i can exploit that with this AU.
So, Melidaan happens and it's the usual bag of banta shit. Civil war, child soldiers, Tahl hurt, Qui-Gon leaving, Obi-Wan staying. But! When Qui-Gon leaves with Tahl, it's already too late. She dies on the first cicle on the way back to Coruscant and he is left alone, with a body, in the middle of nowhere.
Jinn doesn't react well to his lover being abruptly taken away from him, with his profound conection to the living force he could feel the exact moment she took her last breath and that sends him in a manic episode that alternates between looking for hours at the wall, not meditating, nor reflexing, just staring; and screaming, trying to reach in the force for someone that wasn't there anymore.
It's in one of this occations that he reaches a little to far in the force and the force responds. Qui-Gon is fucking static for a moment overwhelmed by it all, because the force is everything right? It's in all of us and around, it's the energy that gives us life, from where we come and to where we all go back. So of course it's answer wouldn't be on words.
The answer comes in the form of flowers. Because Tahl, though she isn't in this mortal plain anymore and by that logic she can't love him back, she is one with the force and the force is one with Jinn.
So, by the time he gets to Coruscant, he has already regained his composture although he will never be the same. Never fully rid from the flowers, but also never really in pain about it. That's just the price of loving the force and being loved back by it.
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samspenandsword · 2 years
Hi Sam! I’d love to know more about these!
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Hi Jess!! Thank you so much for asking! Hope you're doing well 💜
23. What's a trope, AU, or concept you've never written, but would like to?
I've written a little drabble for this, but I would love to write a multi-part piece of oneshots exploring a Soulmate AU in the Star Wars universe. Since the Force connects all living beings, I love the idea that there could legitimately be soulmate level Force-bonds in the universe. Not even in the romantic sense, but even platonic and familial, even antagonistic. A soulmate would be someone who compliments you and helps you become the absolute best version of yourself. I would love to explore maybe some canon relationships (like Kanan/Hera, Fives and Echo with their brotherly bond, Luke and Leia being opposites and also compliments as twins, Qui-Gon and Tahl) in a series of oneshots, or maybe do a shorter multi-piece fic about Reader and their SW soulmate. Maybe someday! Depends on if anyone else would be interested in reading that or not 😅
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you're up for it!
I have more than a few WIPs right now, but this excerpt is from an upcoming Din/Reader fic. It takes place before, during, and after Chapter 4 on Sorgan, where Din learns some of the ins and outs of childcare.
It had been fairly obvious from the start that Mando had no idea how to take care of an infant, even if that baby was 50 years old. And even for you, who had helped to raise your younger siblings, there was a bit of a learning curve. The child wasn’t human after all, so neither of you had been sure what was and wasn’t safe for him to eat, or what would provide the best nutrients for him, and Sorgan didn’t have the resources for either of you to go researching. Mando told you, with a dry sort of humor in his voice, that the child seemed happy eating everything from bone broth to live frogs. You’d grimaced. "Let's hold off on the live frogs for now," you said. "I'm not sure all those bones are good for his digestion." The baby was miffed every time the both of you scooped him up if he went after the frogs hopping around the paddies. But you both held firm. But he definitely loved bath time. He loved to splash Mando, and to blow bubbles under the water, smiling and giggling all the way. He loved when you made little swirlies in the water, and seemed genuinely upset when bath time was over. At least, until you wrapped him in a blanket warmed by the fire and let him snuggle with you.
Thanks for submitting, Jess!
Questions for Fic Writers
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crispyjenkins · 3 years
Rex winces, looking away. While Kenobi isn’t… wrong, Rex doesn’t think he can view him as a soldier, even after learning all of this. “Sir…” He inhales slowly. “With all due respect, you were not made for war.” “Wasn’t I?” The sincerity in the softness of those simple words says more than Kenobi’s file ever could. “Were any of us?” “I suppose it does depend on how one views the vod’e,” Kenobi agrees softly, swinging his leg. “But perhaps… not war, Rex.”
the last two weeks have sucked ass and i thought i’d finish this to feel better, but i’m at 14,500 words now and still have to get through the zygerria arc, and i’m a writer so i need constant validation
so y'all get the first chapter of maybe six? we’ll see how long it takes for them to actually kiss
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sanerontheinside · 8 years
Stained glass above radicals, for the title prompt
@obaewankenope, @kyberpunk, @meabhair, @lilyrose225writes, @maawi, @eclipsemidnight So remember when I said I was working on title prompts, and one got away from me? That was this one. Honestly, this title is so beautiful, I just – !!! So the first piece, the one that I’ve linked, it hit the Stained Glass part of the title, but not the Radicals, so now - here, have the Radicals.(honestly I added like… 4 paragraphs in maybe 10 minutes? just now? and all the rest had been written before??? I’d just realised I didn’t have enough of crèchemaster Anakin and for some odd reason it took me A MONTH??! to add that in, sorry!, brain funnies)More from the Tahl Lives AU (aka the Blind!Obi-Wan AU also):
One day, not long into Qui-Gon’s newest nightmare of running the Alderaanian Temple, Tahl arrives in a whirlwind of activity and roughly jabs a finger into Qui-Gon’s sternum. 
“You,” she declares, “need an Archivist. Your record-keeping is horrid.” 
Qui-Gon raises his hands and backs away, shamelessly placing his Padawan between them. Obi-Wan takes this in good humour, but he also takes every opportunity to tease his Master afterwards. Qui-Gon does not mind. His Padawan can tease as much as he likes, but he’ll always protect his poor old Master. 
Tahl’s appearance does make things much easier. And it’s not really Qui-Gon’s record-keeping that’s appalling, as it turns out. It’s that the systems in place in this Temple are outdated. Tahl tucks Obi-Wan under her arm and vanishes for three days straight, living on nothing but tea and biscuits – a programmer’s lifestyle that Qui-Gon, frankly, does not approve of. 
“You’re very attached to your Padawan, Qui,” Tahl teases him. 
“Don’t you start,” he grumbles, curling around the same sleeping Padawan protectively on her couch. 
But by then things are already running more smoothly. At least now when they send out messages, there’s a chance someone will hear them. 
They start to take missions again. Once, Qui-Gon had taken missions for Finis, sometimes by personal request. These days, he occasionally does so by request of Bail Antilles. 
Some of the missions do, in fact, go to pieces. 
Obi-Wan does not. Qui-Gon Jinn’s Padawan, his pride, is Knighted at the age of nineteen. He would have been ready a year ago, it just takes them that long to get to Coruscant because – ‘predictably,’ Obi-Wan says, ‘Qui-Gon found a way to get into trouble.’ 
‘Such cheek,’ Qui-Gon sniffs, while hiding a chuckle and tugging at his Padawan’s braid. He’ll cut that soon, he’ll take every chance to tug it affectionately now. (He gets in another soft tug at the ceremony.)
Years later, there’s talk of uneasy rumblings in the Senate, a gradual reshuffling. Two Jedi just barely save the Queen of Naboo from an assassination – or worse, internment in one of the camps – and bring her to Coruscant. They bring a child with them to Coruscant, a boy who burns bright as the stars. 
The boy will not be trained, the Council says. Quinlan, sighing and shaking his head, paces down to the balcony to watch the Coruscant sunset while he sulks. Aayla says nothing, wanders off to find Master Tholme for a spar, and, maybe, advice on how to work around the Council. He’s only been doing it for years. 
Tahl, who happens to be on Coruscant to set Micah’s brain back in order for getting himself injured on a mission, takes the opportunity to report on the progress of Alderaan’s Temple to the Council in person. She finds Quin on her way out of the chambers. Anger almost visibly colours the air around him, so Tahl stops to ask what’s wrong. 
I have to send a slave-child back to Tatooine, apparently, Quin tells her, cynicism cutting sharply into his tone. 
Banthashit, Tahl snaps, to his intense surprise, and offers to give the boy another option. 
When Tahl returns to Alderaan with Quin and Aayla in tow and a boy who burns like a star going nova, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon exchange incredulous glances – or, well, Qui-Gon glances. Obi-Wan’s jaw fell open the moment he sensed this flare in the Force, and he hasn’t been looking anywhere so much as he’s been looking everywhere else. In the last eight years he’s been so acutely sensitised to the merest brush-strokes of Force signatures, traces of hands left hours or years ago – Anakin is almost blinding to him, he burns. 
It takes some time to get used to. Obi-Wan is unsurprisingly skittish at first, but when Anakin finally asks why Obi-Wan has been avoiding him, a hurt note in his voice, Obi-Wan sighs and sinks to his knees and does his best to explain. Qui-Gon watches, and thinks he’ll finally see a Grandpadawan trained. 
Obi-Wan, however, is the same cunning imp as he always was. Qui-Gon isn’t quite sure how, but somehow they both end up Anakin’s Masters. With so few Jedi at the Temple, and effectively only two Padawans (three, before Bant’s Knighting) the rules and the Code sometimes seem a bit – arbitrary. Besides, having two Masters was never, strictly speaking, against any rules. 
But there is a growing unease in the galaxy. Sometimes, when Bail comes to the Temple with a request, it’s not one that guarantees safety during the mission. But Alderaan has always organised relief efforts for planets in need of them, and Naboo is currently very much in need. 
Naboo’s Queen had taken one look at the Senate, and regally taken her leave. This haughty dismissiveness held in the face of the Senate’s haughty bickering, where they passed over her claims and concerns and selfishly dredged up their own – completely misplaced – insult. Queen Amidala returned to her planet, made peace with the Gungans, and led her attack. She didn’t regain control, and for a long dirty year she’s been fighting a war from the brush, taking camps when possible, saving resources. 
Against his far better judgement, Qui-Gon agrees to help Bail Antilles, and accompanies Bail to Naboo with his Knight partner and their Padawan. They are there to protect the cargo, to distribute supplies to those in need, but Amidala asks them for help. 
Anakin seems ready to promise her anything, but his Masters wisely forestall him. The Jedi are peacekeepers, Qui-Gon tells her. But, Obi-Wan argues, they keep peace among people – not droids programmed to kill. Qui-Gon turns his sighted eyes heavenward, draws on his hard-won serenity, and does not Force-swat his former Padawan. 
They help the Queen retake her city. Anakin tangles with a starfighter while trying to figure out how it works, and Artoo takes him on a wild ride – during which he takes out the Trade Federation’s blockade. (His Masters are not entirely pleased.) 
The Alderaanian Temple seems less empty after that, somehow. Some of the refugees, the survivors of the Naboo camps, chose to leave with the Alderaanian ships, and the Jedi welcomed them in the Temple. Suddenly they have younglings in the crèche, their Healer’s Halls are near full to capacity, and there’s even Temple staff. Many of them are not Force Sensitive, and yet they bring with them a sense of warmth and family that no one on Alderaan had ever realised they’d been missing. 
Of course, with that warmth comes the demand of supplying, outfitting, and supporting so many new people. Qui-Gon’s migraines have returned full-force. “We’re not equipped for this,” he grumbles, complaining to Tahl. Tahl is busy laughing at the younglings, who are crawling over Obi-Wan and Anakin like they’re the best playthings they’ve seen in months. 
But then Tahl turns around and comms the Council, simply drops the problem in their lap. Just to inform you, the Temple on Alderaan has taken twenty Force-Sensitive children from Naboo into the crèche, and one hundred refugees – what’s that? You’re breaking up – yes – connection’s a bit rough, I’m afraid. 
The Coruscant Temple reroutes a few Healers and Knights, and even a few of the Masters. They also eventually send a swearing Mace Windu, but by then the Temple at least looks presentable, if covered in green paint in the oddest places. 
Mace spends the next month meditating in the gardens. With Skywalker laughing at him as children use him for climbing practice. Not the Skywalker can laugh, when he’s rather in the same situation, toddlers clinging to his tunic sleeves and hugging his knees wherever he goes. He’s quite tall already, and the taller he gets, the happier the crèchelings are – the more of them fit on their favourite Padawan. But, as the saying goes, misery loves company, and Skywalker is only too happy to have the Head of the Order share in his lot in life. 
Mace is quite content, even so. Now that Qui-Gon has the migraines, his seem to have mysteriously left him, fluttered off into the ether, while he’s on this well-deserved vacation from being pompous Head of the Order with a stick up his –
Master Windu’s return to Coruscant is closely followed by an influx of still more Knights and Masters, most of whom had been running difficult missions almost without reprieve for the last few years. 
“We’re, apparently, being considered a resort,” Obi-Wan remarks at that. 
Qui-Gon snorts. “Not if they all help.” 
The Coruscant Temple has rotations for teaching classes and taking missions. The Alderaanian Temple requires everyone, mission roster or no, to take part in Temple life. He puts their guests to work. Mace made a wonderful crèchemaster, even left with a new Padawan of his own. The more Knights and Masters take children with them when they leave, the greater the number of victories Qui-Gon will tally for himself. 
(The less mouths to feed on overstretched funds. Generous as Bail Antilles and Padmé Amidala have been, the reality of their situation is still quite harsh. Jedi aren’t ascetic entirely by choice.)
If, the first time Qui-Gon had set foot in this Temple, it had been quiet and content, now it is bursting, teeming with life. He insists that he cannot say which version he favours, the peace and quiet or this bustling wildness. But Obi-Wan, pressed against his former Master’s side like he’d never left it, knows this to be the slight unruly spark of lingering annoyance at the noise. His Master thrives on the bustle around him, on the close-knit, familial affection, like a plant reaching out for the sun. 
When the war comes, when the Confederacy forms, when the Jedi are called upon to fight by the Senate, it’s easier for Alderaan to refuse that it would be for Coruscant. Largely because some overzealous reporter asked Alderaanian Jedi first, and Qui-Gon answered as any logical person would. 
The Coruscant Temple lives by the whims of the Senate, and not by logic. 
That, unfortunately, throws hurtful words into the air – ‘Mavericks’, ‘Schism’, ‘Radicals’. Master Plo Koon, by virtue of being on Alderaan while the rest of the Council was not, becomes one of the ‘Radical Jedi Sect hiding out in the Alderaanian mountains’. 
Alderaan is considered a precedent for Coruscant’s refusal, and Jedi on Coruscant are suddenly openly despised. Feared, but despised nonetheless. 
Qui-Gon eyes the headlines with patient bemusement at first, expecting them to stop. To his consternation, they do not stop. 
“This may be for the best,” Mace tells them later. 
“Best?” Qui-Gon’s jaw drops. “No,” he says, “don’t you dare – don’t you even think of making me Head of my own Order, Mace! Mace, do not –” 
Mace chuckles, but it’s thin humour in times like these. There are bruises under his eyes that the holostream fails to hide. Within months, more Knights, more Masters, more children arrive. If they didn’t have help, they’d be overwhelmed and overrun. This is not a welcome thought. 
Much like Alderaan, Naboo has declared its neutrality. Under pressure from Padmé, Mina Bonteri of Onderon does the same, and then Rodia and Corellia follow suit. It’s a trend that picks up momentum quickly, and soon, unable to hold together a Temple bursting with life, Qui-Gon begins to encourage them to split up and choose other planets to move to. Understandably, his suggestion is met with uproar at first. For all that they cannot handle the Temple’s current volume, splitting up is dangerous. What if their planets choose to pick sides, ended up against each other? 
Qui-Gon refuses to think of those possibilities. He refused the very idea of Jedi having any part in the war, because the Jedi had settled disputes on Republic worlds for years, and that includes the Confederate Systems. Neutrality was the only logical response. 
Qui-Gon pointedly tells the Knights and Masters not to make enemies of each other, throwing them a quelling look much like one he might shoot at the crèche children. They quiet instantly, make arrangements and choose their new homes. 
The headlines continue to call it a ‘Schism’, they still call the Alderaanian Temple a Temple of ‘Radicals’. The ‘Rebel Jedi’ are stationed there, and yet, they are the furthest thing from active warriors. It seems to escape everyone’s notice that Alderaan is perhaps the safest Temple, that it has the greatest number of children in its crèche. Anakin isn’t very happy about it – he insists that he can only just barely keep up with the demands of being a crèchemaster! And only just Knighted, too! 
But secretly, Qui-Gon couldn’t be happier that the media downplays this fact. Over the last few years, he’s taken pains to follow the windings of the Temple deeper into the Mountains, discovered yet more Archives and rooms, training salles. With funds enough to expand the livable space in the Temple, he’s equally grateful that they have a place to retreat, if the worst should happen. The children, he thinks, will be safe. 
The clones, though – the army that the Jedi supposedly commissioned the Kaminoans for – are decidedly not inactive. They act in the defence of their chosen Temples, at least, and not in the defence of the Republic. 
The Coruscant Temple is nearly empty, all but for a skeleton crew. 
The Force is with them, for better or for worse. The Jedi on Naboo and Onderon have already been forced to rise in defense of their homes, yet Alderaan, thanks in no small part to the efforts of Bail and Breha, remains quiet. 
Qui-Gon can feel that quiet itching under Obi-Wan’s skin, and he can’t help but want to do the same. This whole war feels drawn-out, artificial, like a lure. But he holds his former Padawan close to him as they sit outside on the steps at night, staring up at the stars. 
“Where do you think this path will lead?” Obi-Wan asks him. 
Qui-Gon sighs and presses his lips to the Knight’s temple. “I cannot say,” he answers truthfully. He sends a prayer to the Force, to the night sky, to whatever gods might be listening, that their path will be a safe one, in the end. 
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@mylastmoment liked for a starter!!
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“Don’t tell the others, especially Master Jinn, but I think you might just be my favourite Jedi master.... Feel free to tell Obi-Wan though.”
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
HECK my brain has provided a Silly AU
Okay, explanation: Saw a promo photo for AotC. Brain connected some dots. Rotated. Connected other dots. Now I have a weird net.
Background before moving forward: For most modern AUs, the pattern I follow for the disaster lineage main line is:
Feemor and Xanatos were Qui-Gon's mentees (college stuff), not his kids. One ended well. The other did not.
Obi-Wan was the result of a Bad Decision (likely alcohol, but could be a longer relationship). The bio mom is not in the picture, but Qui-Gon's doing his best with this kid.
First marriage was when Obi-Wan was still a toddler, to Tahl. Tahl dies when Obi-Wan is about 15/16. Qui-Gon deals poorly. This involves some ill-advised one-night stands.
About ten years later, one of said one-night stands calls him up with "I meant to be a single mother and not involve you, because all I had was the business card you left, but I've been having some health troubles and I need to know that Anakin has somewhere to go if something happens to me." Qui-Gon ends up with another kid. Obi-Wan and Anakin are half-brothers.
Okay now for the actual AU.
We give Anakin a reason to be transferred mostly to Qui-Gon. Maybe Shmi's health took a turn for the worse, maybe she died, maybe they decided Anakin would have better schooling if he was living with Qui-Gon, whatever. Point is mostly that Anakin is living with Qui-Gon (the dad he likes but only sort-of knows) and Obi-Wan (the half-brother he adores but doesn't see much of because Obi-Wan is in grad school).
And then Qui-Gon remarries.
To Mace.
And the entire point of all this is that I want Anakin's stepdad on this side to be Mace Windu and imagine the Various Nonsenses that may come about.
They have a very big house because Qui-Gon is Dooku's firstborn and is inheriting the Countship.
(Rael can't inherit because he's the only heir to a different title and he can't hold both at the same time.)
Anakin reading books about Evil Stepmothers and trying to figure out if he should be watching Mace for Important Signs.
Does it count if it's a stepdad? Are the books an accurate representation of the proper signs to watch out for?
My favorite QuiMace dynamic is Qui-Gon deliberately, constantly toeing the line of irritation to Mace. And Mace is just incredibly flat-faced about it at all times. People think they're just. Coworkers at best. And then Qui-Gon manages something extra ridiculous and earns himself a smile and a peck on the cheek and everyone's just like WAIT. WHAT. It's like. Qui-Gon embodies this constant, slightly smug, needling grin where he knows exactly how far he can push, and Mace is charmed by this against his better judgement.
Mace has to drive Anakin to school sometimes and there's just this. Kid. In the passenger seat. Staring at him. The only request he ever gets from the kid is to go Fast. It happens once. He says no. Anakin doesn't ask again, just. Stares at him.
Mace knows the kid isn't possessed but he sure as hell feels like it sometimes; he wants to endear himself to his stepkid, but said stepkids spends half his time staring suspiciously at him from around corners for no reason.
I am envisioning this all taking place in like. This egregiously old and fancy mansion in the Scottish Highlands or something. All those painfully upper crust carved dark wood stair rails and whatnot. The tropey kind.
Qui-Gon decides Mace and Ani should try to Bonding Exercise. Sets them up in an escape room. Mace turns to read the instructions and turns around to find Anakin trying to unscrew the door from the wall because That's One Way To Win, Right? It's Not Against The Rules. He's not trying to escape for anxiety reasons or anything, this is just the fastest way to Win, and boy does Anakin love winning.
Qui-Gon goes off to a botany conference so the house is just Mace and Anakin (and staff, but half the building is a living museum because Qui-Gon doesn't like Rich Life, so that's not actually anything that involves them), and it's. The most awkward thing.
Obi-Wan and Mace get along well. Obi-Wan and Depa (Mace's adopted daughter) get along great. It's just Anakin being so gosh darn weird.
The acceptance phase with this child involves climbing. Anakin is climbing his stepdad to reach Things Up High before he actually talks to him like a Fellow Human Being.
Anakin climbs Qui-Gon to reach high things all the time so Mace figures it's a good sign. It's just also annoying because now he has to change his shirt since there's a child-sized footprint on it.
(Ironically, Anakin adores Depa. She can cook better than anyone else in this family, except Mom and that Dooku guy that's apparently Grandpa)
(Granted I can also very easily imagine this as not-manor life, but like. random suburb.)
@epicmusic42 (Wren) pointed out:
The manor is important bc it gives ambiance to Anakin's suspicion. Could also have a b-plot where depa and obi are investigating what they think might be a murder? They're not sure and they're not letting anakin join bc they're terrified they'll be right and find a dead body komari stashed in the walls 20 years ago
Mace, rubbing his temples: She's alive and living on Cypress. We can video call her.
Obi-Wan and Mace get along well. Obi-Wan and Depa get along great. It's just Anakin being so gosh darn weird.
The acceptance phase with this child involves climbing. Anakin is climbing his stepdad to reach Things Up High before he actually talks to him like a Fellow Human Being.
Anakin climbs Qui-Gon to reach high things all the time so Mace figures it's a good sign. It's just also annoying because now he has to change his shirt since there's a child-sized footprint on it.
(Ironically, Anakin adores Depa. She can cook better than anyone else in this family, except Mom and that Dooku guy that's apparently Grandpa)
The idea of Depa and Obi-Wan furiously whispering about Weird Ghost Things in a corner while Anakin is pretending to be otherwise occupied is killing me.
He's got on noise cancelling headphones. They are not on. He is listening very intently to his Grown Up Siblings.
He's going to crawl into the vents and find the ghost Mace finds him half-way inside a vent he removed himself and just. Pulls him out. What the fuck fudge, kid?
Mace: [considers his daughter. Considers everything he knows Obi-wan. Considers that this is Qui-Gon’s kid] Mace, resigned: ...does this have anything to do with depa and Obi-wan’s idea that there's a ghost? Anakin: ...maybe
I need Anakin to have a nightmare and he tries to find Qui-Gon but Mace is already awake and decides to Make Some Hot Chocolate.
Groundskeeper Plo and his granddaughter Ahsoka.
Shaak is Plo's daughter-in-law and Ahsoka's mom. She spends most of her time working in the neonatal ward of the nearest hospital, so she leaves Ahsoka with Plo a lot.
This toddler has decided Anakin is her favorite person EVER.
plo might have planted some odd evidence to help Mace bond w anakin over a mystery. Whether that's still what depa and obi are investigating tho...
Plo has a pilot's license and Anakin spends so much time asking him about it
Anakin keeps trying to get into the antique swords Mace would tear his hair out if he had any
Mace: help? Qui? Qui: Ani, the same rule applies to you as it did to the rest of our family. You have to beat father in a duel before you can touch his collection Whether or not it works depends entirely on whether it's Dooku's swords Anakin is trying to access Mace is concerned by this is until Qui-Gon points out that his father did go to the Olympics. Several times in fact.
Anakin's upset because he can't beat Dooku in a duel when Dooku's on some wine tour in Italy and won't be coming back until all the court cases are over.
There's a fic (by @willowcrowned) where Dooku is Ventress's fencing coach to get her to the Olympics and I like that option (She's going in the will and everyone knows it.)
Glorious! Could drive the chaos up even more by interrupting Mace's progress w anakin, w dooku coming home w ventress in tow, actually. The only explanation he'll give is that she's staying and to treat her like family. Everyone is Concerned
You know those comics where Dick Grayson is like. Swinging on the chandelier and scaring the shit out of Bruce and Alfred? That's Anakin.
Qui-Gon is relatively responsible and tells Anakin that he can sign up for a gymnastics class if he'd like, but he's not swinging from the chandelier without safety equipment. That's How Your Uncle Rael Broke His Leg, You Know. Unfortunately, he's still too chill about it for Mace's blood pressure.
Also, I decided that if I ever do anything with this, it's QuinObi.
I think Mace and Tholme would make for very saltmate in-laws (and hey, we could do the Plo thing!), but also Quinlan would probably enjoy winding up his future step-father-in-law just as much as Qui-Gon does.
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The Phantom Apprentice
A Star Wars AU featuring Ghost Mechanics from Danny Phantom
Eventually this will be posted to Ao3, but that is a long while off, so I figured I’d let people begin to enjoy it on here. Additional Chapters will appear on this post as a reblog because I’m not too concerned with making this look pretty.
Based on this continued thread of rambled nonsense…
follow the tag #phantom apprentice au to recieve all updates promptly!
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 
Summary, tags, and warnings under the cut!
[]=======[}———————           ~<^>~           ———————{]=======[]
Rating: Teen
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Apprentice Series - Jude Watson & Dave Wolverton, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Categories: Gen
Relationships: Qui-Gon Jinn/Tahl, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Feemor (Star Wars), Tahl (Star Wars), Xanatos (Star Wars), Bant Eerin, Dooku (Star Wars), Force Ghost Thame Cerulian, Satine Kryze, Bo Katan Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Bail Organa, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Asajj Ventress, Darth Maul, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody, Torrent Company Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Ghost Company Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Plo Koon, Mace Windu, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Shmi Skywalker, Merrin (Star Wars), Nite Owls (Star Wars), Keelyvine Reus, Komari Vosa, Yoda
Additional Tags: Force Shenanigans (Star Wars), Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi, it makes sense trust me, Danny Phantom AU, The Force, Force Visions, Graphic Depictions of Violence Because War is Messy, Obi-Wan Totally Not Being Korkie’s Father For X Number of Chapters, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Anakin please take a chill pill, Not Yoda Friendly, No Yoda Bashing Though, He is a Gremlin and Makes His Own Mistakes Without My Help, Yoda’s Disaster Lineage, The Disaster Lineage,  Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug, the thrilling sequel, Angst and Feels, Angst and Humor, Angst and Tragedy, I think we can all agree there’s a lot of Angst, No Beta we die like Qui-Gon, which is ironic because he lives in this SUMMARY
“It’s alright, it’s okay, it’s alright, it’s okay, you’re not a monster, just a human, and you made a few mistakes… It’s alright, it’s okay, it’s alright, it’s okay, you’re not a demon, there’s a reason you’re behaving that way…”                                                                                     -“It’s Alright,” Mother Mother []=======[}———————           ~<^>~           ———————{]=======[] When Obi-Wan Kenobi agreed to help his friend Garen Muln complete his project for class a few months before his thirteenth birthday, he had no idea what the ramifications of that decision would be. Now, caught between Life and the Living Force, Obi-Wan must navigate the pros and cons of being part ghost…
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apictureofspace · 3 years
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endless list of Star Wars AUs (11/?)
Obi-Wan & Satine + Anakin & Padmé: OLYMPIANS [ part 2 ]
OR, the figure skating AU
Benjamin Kenobi had promise. That’s what the judges always said at regionals, nationals, and the World Juniors; they said the same thing about his partner, Siri Tachi. They both had promise, but they didn’t quite... work together. They were accomplished skaters, but they could never break the top ten when competitions rolled around.
The argument was that their chemistry was lacking. A strange thing to tell two fourteen-year-olds who had skated together since they were eight, but Coaches Jinn and Tahl were nothing if not brutally honest. It was with said brutal honesty that they recommended the pair split up and try for a year with different partners: Siri with Quinlan Vos, who had attended the Royal Skating Academy with them for years, and Benjamin with Satine Kryze, who was new to the circuit. 
Satine Kryze, while new to the Royal Skating Academy, was by no means new to any of its pupils; in 1993, at just thirteen years old, she’d won gold at the World Juniors competition - but she’d been a solo skater at the time. Encouraged by her victory, and always eager to push her limits, she’d expressed interest in pairs skating and been passed along to Jinn and Tahl.
Off the ice, tensions were high in Benjamin Kenobi’s new partnership. He felt that he was being set up to fail for two ironically polarized reasons: 1) Satine was a novice when it came to pairs skating and would only slow him down; and 2) Satine was a gold medalist whom he felt he could never live up to. He was cold and distant, and she was in turn frosty and quick to pick a fight. 
On the ice, they were electric. Satine’s eagerness to push boundaries left Benjamin with no choice but to be marginally less disciplined and take more risks, and the results were astonishing. By 1996, after just two years of skating together, they were silver medalists at World Juniors. By 1998, they’d won gold. 
In the interim year of 1997, when the two young skaters were seventeen, their off-ice interactions shifted. Finding oneself on the podium, thanks largely to the person by your side, can cause such a reaction. Satine started calling Benjamin “Ben” with clear, affectionate undertones, and Ben’s touch lingered on her arms, her waist, and at her hand for longer than their choreography dictated was necessary.
If Jinn and Tahl noticed where things were headed, they didn’t do anything to stop it. By October, Ben and Satine were stealing kisses in the rink’s parking lot, and by the time they stood tall on the podium in 1998, champions bound for the senior circuit, they were an item. They were unashamedly in love and certain that the upcoming 2002 Winter Olympics were calling their name.
Three successive years of gold medals certainly proved them right. They were world champions, seemingly fated to be Olympic champions - until one tiny hiccup in 2001 threw a wrench into their plans.
Satine got pregnant. Neither of them knew what to do. They were “the favourite” - the pair that the entire world had their eyes on - but she wouldn’t be able to compete in Salt Lake City if she was nine months pregnant. They were at a crossroads and, after a great deal of deliberation, decided to keep the baby. 2006 wasn’t so terribly far away, after all, and they were only twenty-one. They convinced themselves that they would have another chance.
Perhaps they would have. Perhaps everything would have been fine, had their coaches not suggested an alternative: that Satine take the year off, but Ben carry on skating with an alternate partner. Quinlan Vos was out with a knee injury and Siri needed someone to skate with.
Naively, Satine had agreed that it was a fine idea. After all, Ben and Siri skated together in the past with decent, but not Olympic-worthy, results. He would keep their reputation up in the circuit by competing with an alternate, and then in a year’s time they would be back on the ice together and working toward their 2006 goal.
Things didn’t go quite as planned. Jinn and Tahl would argue that things went better than planned; after all, Ben and Siri won silver on the world stage and found themselves on Great Britain’s Olympic team. It was incredible.
It was incredible and Satine was painfully jealous. He was living their dream without her while she sat at home, nine months pregnant and due to pop any day - and then she did. While Ben was in the United States, winning Great Britain unprecedented gold in pairs figure skating, Satine was in a hospital bed giving birth to their son. Their relationship wasn’t quite the same after that. 
She wanted to be happy that he was an Olympic gold medalist, but the jealousy and hurt (coupled with postpartum depression) made it difficult. Meanwhile, Ben was plagued with an unshakable guilt about having missed Korkie’s birth. Two events in their lives that should have been indescribably happy were overshadowed by pain, and everything good fell apart as a result.
Ben and Satine never skated together on the Olympic stage; they never skated together competitively again. Instead, they moved their little family to the United States and decided to try their hand at coaching, running on the logic that it would leave them with more time for their son.
Nearly twenty years later, they found themselves running the country’s most successful skating club, mentoring the next generation of Olympians. They were proud of what they built, and of the son they raised; Korkie grew up in the rink and was an accomplished solo skater, well on his way to the 2022 Winter Olympics.
The one thing that they neglected along the way was their relationship. They had a highly successful professional relationship and a positive parental one, but they stopped having time for romance nearly two decades prior. By 2010, they realized that they weren’t sure if they were still “together” or not - and by 2020, they were both too afraid to ask.
It made for an extremely confusing dynamic for their students, particularly for Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, the nineteen-year-old ice dancing pair whom they had been training for ten years. Everyone knew that Ben and Satine had a son together, which implied that romance was acceptable off the ice - and Anakin and Padmé had been flirting and teetering dangerously close to more than innocent flirting for the past two years.
So, when they were each pulled aside - Anakin by Ben, and Padmé by Satine - and told to choose between love and their careers, because trying to balance both will only end in heartache, the teenage prospective Olympians found themselves at a loss. They’d always assumed that their coaches were together; after all, there was no evidence as to the contrary. They lived together, had a child together, and clearly loved each other.
What the hell was going on - and what were they going to do about it?
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Pride and Prejudice AU. I'm thinking you could probably make it a whole Thing of the latter end of the lineage. Let's say the five "sisters" are Xanatos, Obi-Wan, Ventress, Anakin, and Ahsoka? Instead of both parents, it's "let them do what they want" Dad Qui-Gon (Mr. Bennet) and "they need to marry for financial security!!!" Grandpa Dooku (Mrs. Bennet).
I was going somewhere with this but now I'm staring at somehow XANATOS being sweet, kind, beautiful Jane and thinking that, hey, this is a terrible plan and you can probably pick better characters jfc what was I thinking.
Wait, no, this works really well actually, so long as we mess with the details a bit.
To start: At least Xanatos and Obi-Wan need to be women. If we don't have at least some of the pressure on them to get married, we lose a huge dimension of the story. Anakin can be a man, so they're not in any danger of having the estate entailed away, but Xan doesn't fancy living her whole life in a country estate run by her, ahem, less-than-competent younger brother.
Tahl isn't their mother in this, because I can't bear to fridge her but I can't imagine her letting the nonsense that's about to go down actually go down, so she and Qui-Gon are penpals. The same goes for Shmi, so Qui has a nameless wife and she's dead. Go feminism.
Xan starts out as a lovely child, but she starts going bad around the same time that her grandfather returns. There's huge falling out, and Qui secludes himself in his study, emerging only for meals and to send the letters that he writes. This means that Obi-Wan, much like Lizzy, is left with the unenviable task of managing her younger siblings, only this time she's trying to manage Xan, too, who has all the appearance and reputation of an angel but is something of a conniving bastard.
And then the Kryzes come to Netherfield, the sister Satine's friend Padmé in tow, and Xan sets her sights on the Kryze brother. Cue Obi-Wan trying to keep Mr. Kryze from falling for Xan, and Satine, who dislikes the country and doesn't trust Xan, trying to do the same.
It's just terribly unfortunate that Obi-Wan and Satine can't get along. Whatever will they do
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inkognito97 · 7 years
Demon tahl interrupting xanatos when he's about to drown himself in the acid and forces xanatos to behave and get his butt back on the light side or else.
“Oh no, you don’t!” Tahl had not even realized what she had been doing, until she had tightly gripped the raven haired man’s collar and yanked him away from the acid river he was about to jump into. Needless to say, she was not the only one surprised.
“What-” before Xanatos could say, let alone DO anything, he was painfully knocked out and then carelessly thrown onto the ground.
Meanwhile, two perplexed pairs of eyes were fixed on the female demon, who calmly looked back at the two Jedi. The older one knew her, he was her pet and sometimes her playtoy, he HAD signed her contract after all. The younger Jedi did NOT know her, not directly however. He had his suspicions, though the young Padawan kept them carefully hidden from his Master, and he had long since came up with the answer to his survival. Obi-Wan had remembered being on the verge of death and a scared and sad Qui-Gon kneeling over his broken body. But in the next moment, he was mostly healed. He had started a secret investigation then and eventually came up with the idea of Force demons. Tahl had never been more proud than to see the ginger haired boy discovering the secrets of the universe. Speaking of which, blue-green eyes glared at her suspiciously.
“Terrible sorry,” she said and made a few distracting gestures, “but I think that belongs to you.” She pointed at the unconscious male.
“Indeed,” the long haired Jedi Master awkwardly cleared his throat. He was clutching his ignited green lightsaber in his hands and he was clearly uncomfortable due to his current position. 
Tahl had to hide a smile. From his point of view, she only appeared, when she wanted to have fun with him and it was clear that he had no desire to do so in front of his Padawan. 
“Yes, sorry about my interference again. But I just COULDN’T allow him to kill myself. See, I am responsible for all those poor, unfortunate souls that ended their lives before their time and it is a pain, trust me.” In truth, she had only interfered, because she did not want to see the heartbroken look that would undoubtedly have appeared on her pet’s face. Also, the bond between the Jedi would have suffered greatly, she had seen that and she would not allow that to happen. Her poor little Obi-Wan had suffered enough in his short life.
“Thank you, I guess…” the bearded male said. Obi-Wan remained stubbornly silent and watched her every reactions very carefully. Also, he was cataloging and analyzing his Master’s posture and body language. From the way his brows furrowed, he had found something.
“The pleasure is all mine,” she bowed mockingly. “If you’ll excuse me now,” and she was gone in a puff of smoke.
“Master,” Obi-Wan began, but he was quickly interrupted.
“Padawan… Obi-Wan… please, not now.” The older Jedi looked as bad as the Padawan felt and for now, the ginger haired teenager decided to drop the subject. It might even be better.
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mneiai · 4 years
I had this idea late last night and wrote it up then fell asleep lol My original plan was just to post it to discord, but it became kind of long.
AU where everything else is basically the same, but Anakin and Obi-Wan swap places.
Maybe Anakin was Qui-Gon's second apprentice (who Qui-Gon still found/freed in a similar manner and was convinced was the Chosen One) and he successfully became a Knight. But they had a falling out (maybe over Anakin's visions of Shmi's death, which would have probably gone over even worse with Qui-Gon Living Force Jinn having raised Anakin). Anakin gets one of his first missions done early and goes to Tatooine, he isn't in time to save her. He gets back and gets a mild reprimand from the Council (he wasn't urgently needed and would have had a break between missions anyway, and no one knows about the whole mass murder thing) and recused by Qui-Gon. Years later he's ready to take an apprentice and has his sights set on Obi-Wan, but then he's sent on a mission that's supposed to be a few weeks and ends up being months.
He gets home just in time to see Qui-Gon take Obi-Wan as his apprentice at Yoda's urging lol and while the Xanatos stuff doesn't (can't really) happen, basically all the other early JA stuff does in some way, and Qui-Gon leaves the Order after Tahl's death. Anakin takes over Obi-Wan's training, as by that point he's an established and revered Knight, though Anakin always resents Qui-Gon for stealing those early years and also for fucking them up.
Obi-Wan still had Melida/Daan happen, so he's always been more interested in war than the average Jedi, and when the Clone Wars breakout, he's still shoved to the front lines despite being a brand new Knight. Anakin is still super powerful and groomed by Palpatine, and as an older and (slightly) more mature person, has a controlled fall to the Dark early on in the war and hides that fact, even as he trains as Sidious' apprentice. Anakin resents how the Council always uses Obi-Wan as some sort of tool and uses his leverage with Palpatine to lessen some of Obi-Wan's missions, and Palpatine is fine with that because Anakin really only has Obi-Wan to obsess over and he can use that attachment against his apprentice in the future (as he would have presumably used Luke and Leia) and since Obi-Wan as Anakin's apprentice isn't the direct rival that Obi-Wan as Anakin's Master was.
Qui-Gon went to Dooku when he left and is also a Sith and Anakin extra hates him (he spent the latter half of Anakin's apprenticeship claiming Anakin was going to Fall and then Qui-Gon Falls first), especially because he acts like he has some claim on Obi-Wan despite abusing and then abandoning him (possessive!Anakin made even worse by being an actual, if hidden, Sith).
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crispyjenkins · 3 years
No, Rex doesn’t say, handing Kenobi his dropped cloak, but I’ve been thinking about it.
chapter 2 is up! because i have no self control! torrent just like. really loves obi-wan. anakin needs to get his shit sorted. obi-wan needs a big fat feckin nap.
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sanerontheinside · 8 years
*whoops* They tried to force the Jedi to take sides and fight, so the Jedi MOVED. That's brilliant. *snickers* You say one Temple has to fight? Fine. We'll quietly re-shuffle our people elsewhere. Goodbye! That's great.
XD my favourite part is how Qui-Gon literally fell into it by accident, tbh
Reporter: Will the Jedi fight for the Republic?!Jinn: Huh? Fight who?Reporter: The Confederate Systems!Jinn: The Confederate Systems… the systems… that are seceding from the Republic… because the Senate doesn’t cater to their interests…. those systems?Reporter: YEAH!Jinn: wtf–? no, that’s stupidPlo, in the background: I agree
>>>meanwhile on Coruscant
Mace, with another headache: The Senate wants us to what?! How does the HoloNet get to know this before we do??!
technically this implies Geonosis didn’t happen at all the same way. which is nice because for once Yoda didn’t start the war. At least not that way. 
Also… if the inhibitor chips are still a thing.. and the clones are guarding the Jedi Temples… idk man I didn’t quite think that through yet. I’m kinda scared. 
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