#ghost hunter au
cc-horan28 · 2 days
The Pages I've Written In My Memory
Part 3 of Don't Forget Where You Belong for Week 4 of @wordplayfics
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2.5 k (T) BnB Owners! Larry and Ghost Hunter! Niall
Harry quickly got a tack from the drawer and put up the picture on the wall, reminding himself to show it to Niall the next time they got the chance. He then picked up the note, unable to stop the little shiver that passed through him.
Leaving the foto here don’t have 2 ask I’ll be up in the attic if either of u wants to come join, L said I can go thru some of the boxes. Also want to confirm what Lewis told me. There’s two men that owned this place before u. Going to see if I can make contact again.
There's proof for certain that Harry can't deny. But what he's been feeling and what Niall says, don't match up.
Read on AO3
ps : The manip in the cover is by 1dgirl4ever1 <333
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almostfoxglove · 1 month
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pedro pascal cinematic universe aus 4/?
the one where tim rockford chases a ghost. (insp)
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raspberrysmoon · 1 month
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ghost hunter au sheilinda moodboard !
x x x | x x x | x x x
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kaygee-doodles · 23 days
Idk if this was asked already but how would it be like if the boys went ghost hunting?
Are we assuming ghosts exist, or don't exist?
Actually it could vary between universes, so I guess it doesn't matter.
Either way, Killer is the instigator, obviously, but also most likely to scare himself over nothing.
Dust keeps a level head, and is the resident skeptic, but happily plays up anything mysterious. "it's just the house settling, killer. unless...?"
Horror doesn't believe in ghosts. He will keep this stance, mostly for the bit, even if one showed up and mooned him. Nope. Nothing there. Sure is drafty though.
Nightmare is the Man in the Van, keeping an eye on any stationary cameras, infrared arrays, and watching the live feed of their handheld cameras. Does he *actually* do much of that? Not really. But his commentary is very popular during live streams.
Error is the panic boy. Screeching, shouting, climbing Horror because "somth!ng just t0-t0-t0uched his l3g!" His videos are the most jumbled, hard to watch messes, but ghosts are inexplicably enamored with him. (Something something electromagnetic fields)
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frost-faerie · 10 months
so spirits are real and canon in ace attorney right. we're past the non-believing stage, let's get straight into business. ghosthunters OBVIOUSLY exist in the aa universe, and that leads me to my next point.
where. the FUCK. are the ghosthunters AU's.
I need a fic where the aa4 gang (apollo, klavier, trucy, ema) all hunt a ghost together. and holy mother i will write it myself if i have to
here is what i think they would all do under the pressure of Death by Ghost:
Apollo- he's seen enough spiritual shit to get out of his "ghosts aren't real" phase, but he's still fucking terrified. he only came along because klavier told him they were getting eldoons. it's like telling a dog they're going to the park as you pull up to the vet
Klavier- he's very, very dramatic about it. All "i'm too young and hot to die!!" and "herr forehead save me!!!!! please this mascara cost 80$ I DON'T WANT TO WASTE IT BY DYING"
Trucy- she is jealous of the ghost. it's throwing plates around and scaring everyone and she IMMEDIATELY starts brainstorming ways to add it all into her acts. "Polly can you call daddy? I need to ask him if it's okay that I get a ghost in the wonderbar for my performance"
Ema- the only bitch who's taking this shit seriously. look me in my eye, look back at ema doing all her sciency shit, and tell me she WOULD'NT be into reading EMF levels and evaluating temperatures. it's like forensic science took a step up
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Eddie had done this often enough that the last person he expected to see at the door was a well-built dude with some sports jersey on. 
“Oh hey.” Sports Guy said, not looking remotely surprised to see them (nor was he hysterical, panicking, nervous, rushing Eddie inside or doing anything people normally did when it came to a home haunting.) “Eddie right? With Hellfire?” 
“That’s me.” Eddie said, giving a dorky little tug at his shirt, right over the Hellfire Hunters emblem, and regretted it immediately. 
“Come in.” Sports Guy said, stepping aside with a wave. 
His house wasn’t quite a mansion, but it was enormous, and Eddie could barely listen as Sports Guy began giving a run through of the layout of his home. 
“It mostly stays outside, but we’ve caught it in the house a few times.” He was saying as he went, pointing out various things that sounded an awful lot more like Eddie was here to catch a racoon than a ghost. 
Halfway through his spiel a literal herd of children, led by a curly headed kid who shrieked “Steve! Don’t catch it without me!” before shooting down some stairs, and Eddie become concerned some wires had been crossed.
“You understand you hired ghost hunters, right? We’re here to…” Eddie paused, because for the first time in his life, it felt so stupid to say what he did for a living. “Hunt ghosts?” 
“I know. Dustin--that’s the curly haired kid that just ran by--brought it home by accident. The kids named it Dart but it keeps ruining my rhododendrons. 
Steve nodded, face serious. “I’m in line for winning the county's best garden prize at the fair this year. Check in is in a month. If I replace any more flowers with store bought ones they’re gonna disqualify me.” 
Steve the Sports Guy lived in a giant fricken house, with a buttload of children, and was worried about a ghost haunting his flowers. 
Eddie wasn’t sure what the hell he’d just fallen into, but he was desperate to learn more. 
Not just because Steve was the hottest man he had ever seen in his life. 
(...Maybe because Steve was the hottest man Eddie had seen in his life but who could blame him? Those biceps, god!)
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pistachiozombie · 1 month
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[animation practice] Your crush enters the room and glances at you
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steddieunderdogfics · 1 month
Warm These Bones by help_me_no
Rating: Teen and Up
19,850 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Ghost Hunters, Pre-Relationship, Supernatural Elements, Paranormal Investigators, Ghost Hunters, Found Family
“As long-time viewers may know,” Dustin says, picking up from Mike, “‘Eddie the Damned’ is the one who inspired us to start Upside Down Ghost Hunting and make videos out of our paranormal investigation hobby. It absolutely kills us to see the end of a legendary era, and we want to wish Eddie all the best with his future endeavors.” “Which,” Eddie says, leaning into the frame, “Are gonna be right here.” Dustin, Lucas, and Mike finally break, unable to maintain their serious masks anymore, beaming. Eddie grins manically at the camera. “Hope none of you freaks, geeks, and ghouls are tired of me just yet, because I’m a permanent fixture now.” Dustin whoops from behind him. “Now, let’s go find ourselves some ghosts.”
paranormal/ghost-hunting AU
This is a MOD rec as a part of our Fic Fridays.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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scrimblyscrorblo · 11 months
Modern AU but Shinobu has a ghost hunting Chanel with Obanai and Mitsuri.
She’s super enthusiastic and not scared at all but she’s hesitant to believe. She does all the research and brings all the equipment
Mitsuri is fucking terrified and will punch a ghost, she will timidly throw hands
Obanai gives me super superstitious vibes, he believes his ghosts and negative energies and he does not wanna be there at all
Ofc she has guests, fan favourite Tomioka Giyuu. He’s a complete skeptic, logically explains everything away even if there is no logical explanation. Deadpans every single bit of ghost activity.
Tengen was a skeptic and when he joined Shinobu, he was terrified as hell. He called Makio mid-hunt cuz he thought she’d scare the ghosts off
There’s several compilations of Mitsuri panicked punching something, usually another ghost-hunter, of Giyuu not believe an obvious ghost thing, Shinobu is like the Shane of the group; fans are convinced she herself is a demon hunting w the others
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targetf0rce · 1 year
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Stobin ghost hunters and their cameraman jonathan
version without night vision below
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aotearoa20 · 1 year
*sits up suddenly* Buzzfeed Unsolved/Ghost files style au with all the Sons of Fëanor! They don’t all show up every episode but they are all involved in production and go to different haunted sites to look for ghosts!
Maedhros ‘a ghost could backflip me down the stairs and I’d say it was the wind’ Nelyafinwë
Maglor ‘the wind could knock a tube of toothpaste off the sink and I’d say it was a ghost’ Kanafinwë
Celegorm ‘secretly a demon and doing the bare minimum to hide it’ Turkafinwë 
Caranthir ‘of course ghost don’t exist oh no oh f*ck what was that!!?!?’ Morifinwë
Curufin ‘of course ghosts exist but here’s all the reasons these other ghost hunters evidences suck’ Curufinwë 
Amrod ‘I suggested this as a joke to deal with my grief of losing my twin brother and it just got out of hand’ Ambarussa
Amras ‘an actual ghost trying to get his families attention with ghostly shenanigans that they. miss. every. time.’ Ambarussa
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Ghost lucifer x ghosthunter Adam au :
Adam : ok you devil ghost ,wherever the fuck you are
Im gonna find you and then will see whos will be fucking laughing !!
Lucifer: i like to see you try cleaning boy!
Adam :
for the last time this is not a fucking cleaning vacuum!
It catchs ghost scums like you !
Lucifer: You look like that green guy from that one game.
Adam: His name is LUIGI and he has THREE GAMES!! Also, fuck you again!!
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raspberrysmoon · 1 month
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ghost hunter au moodboard !
x x x | x x x | x x x
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Where did Ghost Hunter Mc find the boys? Did they appear to her all at once, or one at a time? I can see Red attaching himself to her just to mess with Sans, being rival arch-demons and all. As for Skull, I can see him just showing up out of no where in the midst of Red and Sans' bickering to claim his own spot.
For those who don’t know, the Ghost Hunter au features amateur ghost hunter Mc (a fervent believer in the paranormal) trying to find & record proof of ghosts. She’s completely unaware that the three skele ‘friends’ who tease her and join her on her hunts are actually immensely powerful archdemons who follow her around because they find her antics absolutely adorable
Sans: He was posing as a college student, because colleges are generally delicious hotbeds of stress and fear and negativity. Not only does he not need to search hard to find energy to sap, nobody even notices the telltale signs of demonic presence because it’s pretty normal to see pale/unhealthy humans wandering around like they’re already dead. 
While he’s there, he meets his quirky little ‘hunter’, and his initial amusement with her obliviousness quickly spirals into him falling totally head over heels for her. He had quite a while alone with her, working up his attachment, before the other idiots came along.
Red: Red was clowning around in the human world. It’s a pastime of his- he’s pretty fond of humans, after all, especially the ones that are just as keen as he is to get some... stress relief.
You’re absolutely right, though. He met Mc and Sans while they were preparing for a 'hunt’. Mc wanted to take a weekend to visit a pretty distant ‘haunted’ location and Sans wouldn’t let her go alone... Red was bemused and intrigued by the sight of another powerful demon following a little human woman around. Especially considering Sans had marked her with his specific archdemon mark; their world’s equivalent of scribbling your name in sharpie on your favourite toy. Sans was literally broadcasting to everyone who had the Sight that this was his human and if you fucking touch her you deal with me, so obviously Red immediately stuck his nose in their business.
Red offered to drive them to the haunted location and back, which saved them a lot of time. During the drive he made the same mistake Sans made- letting his guard down and totally falling for Mc.
Skull: He was haunting one of the locations they visited, feeding off the distress of the long-dead people there. He took one look at her and got hit with that instant love at first sight. He followed her, latching on like a miasma and learning everything about her he could, until he settled into a physical form and staged an ‘accidental’ meeting at the library where they’re both trying to check out books on ghosts.
He mirrors her personality, absorbing her interests in the hopes that she’ll like him. She’s delighted to meet someone who’s apparently just as invested in the paranormal as she is... and he’s delighted to finally have a reason to feel happy. 
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
HECK my brain has provided a Silly AU
Okay, explanation: Saw a promo photo for AotC. Brain connected some dots. Rotated. Connected other dots. Now I have a weird net.
Background before moving forward: For most modern AUs, the pattern I follow for the disaster lineage main line is:
Feemor and Xanatos were Qui-Gon's mentees (college stuff), not his kids. One ended well. The other did not.
Obi-Wan was the result of a Bad Decision (likely alcohol, but could be a longer relationship). The bio mom is not in the picture, but Qui-Gon's doing his best with this kid.
First marriage was when Obi-Wan was still a toddler, to Tahl. Tahl dies when Obi-Wan is about 15/16. Qui-Gon deals poorly. This involves some ill-advised one-night stands.
About ten years later, one of said one-night stands calls him up with "I meant to be a single mother and not involve you, because all I had was the business card you left, but I've been having some health troubles and I need to know that Anakin has somewhere to go if something happens to me." Qui-Gon ends up with another kid. Obi-Wan and Anakin are half-brothers.
Okay now for the actual AU.
We give Anakin a reason to be transferred mostly to Qui-Gon. Maybe Shmi's health took a turn for the worse, maybe she died, maybe they decided Anakin would have better schooling if he was living with Qui-Gon, whatever. Point is mostly that Anakin is living with Qui-Gon (the dad he likes but only sort-of knows) and Obi-Wan (the half-brother he adores but doesn't see much of because Obi-Wan is in grad school).
And then Qui-Gon remarries.
To Mace.
And the entire point of all this is that I want Anakin's stepdad on this side to be Mace Windu and imagine the Various Nonsenses that may come about.
They have a very big house because Qui-Gon is Dooku's firstborn and is inheriting the Countship.
(Rael can't inherit because he's the only heir to a different title and he can't hold both at the same time.)
Anakin reading books about Evil Stepmothers and trying to figure out if he should be watching Mace for Important Signs.
Does it count if it's a stepdad? Are the books an accurate representation of the proper signs to watch out for?
My favorite QuiMace dynamic is Qui-Gon deliberately, constantly toeing the line of irritation to Mace. And Mace is just incredibly flat-faced about it at all times. People think they're just. Coworkers at best. And then Qui-Gon manages something extra ridiculous and earns himself a smile and a peck on the cheek and everyone's just like WAIT. WHAT. It's like. Qui-Gon embodies this constant, slightly smug, needling grin where he knows exactly how far he can push, and Mace is charmed by this against his better judgement.
Mace has to drive Anakin to school sometimes and there's just this. Kid. In the passenger seat. Staring at him. The only request he ever gets from the kid is to go Fast. It happens once. He says no. Anakin doesn't ask again, just. Stares at him.
Mace knows the kid isn't possessed but he sure as hell feels like it sometimes; he wants to endear himself to his stepkid, but said stepkids spends half his time staring suspiciously at him from around corners for no reason.
I am envisioning this all taking place in like. This egregiously old and fancy mansion in the Scottish Highlands or something. All those painfully upper crust carved dark wood stair rails and whatnot. The tropey kind.
Qui-Gon decides Mace and Ani should try to Bonding Exercise. Sets them up in an escape room. Mace turns to read the instructions and turns around to find Anakin trying to unscrew the door from the wall because That's One Way To Win, Right? It's Not Against The Rules. He's not trying to escape for anxiety reasons or anything, this is just the fastest way to Win, and boy does Anakin love winning.
Qui-Gon goes off to a botany conference so the house is just Mace and Anakin (and staff, but half the building is a living museum because Qui-Gon doesn't like Rich Life, so that's not actually anything that involves them), and it's. The most awkward thing.
Obi-Wan and Mace get along well. Obi-Wan and Depa (Mace's adopted daughter) get along great. It's just Anakin being so gosh darn weird.
The acceptance phase with this child involves climbing. Anakin is climbing his stepdad to reach Things Up High before he actually talks to him like a Fellow Human Being.
Anakin climbs Qui-Gon to reach high things all the time so Mace figures it's a good sign. It's just also annoying because now he has to change his shirt since there's a child-sized footprint on it.
(Ironically, Anakin adores Depa. She can cook better than anyone else in this family, except Mom and that Dooku guy that's apparently Grandpa)
(Granted I can also very easily imagine this as not-manor life, but like. random suburb.)
@epicmusic42 (Wren) pointed out:
The manor is important bc it gives ambiance to Anakin's suspicion. Could also have a b-plot where depa and obi are investigating what they think might be a murder? They're not sure and they're not letting anakin join bc they're terrified they'll be right and find a dead body komari stashed in the walls 20 years ago
Mace, rubbing his temples: She's alive and living on Cypress. We can video call her.
Obi-Wan and Mace get along well. Obi-Wan and Depa get along great. It's just Anakin being so gosh darn weird.
The acceptance phase with this child involves climbing. Anakin is climbing his stepdad to reach Things Up High before he actually talks to him like a Fellow Human Being.
Anakin climbs Qui-Gon to reach high things all the time so Mace figures it's a good sign. It's just also annoying because now he has to change his shirt since there's a child-sized footprint on it.
(Ironically, Anakin adores Depa. She can cook better than anyone else in this family, except Mom and that Dooku guy that's apparently Grandpa)
The idea of Depa and Obi-Wan furiously whispering about Weird Ghost Things in a corner while Anakin is pretending to be otherwise occupied is killing me.
He's got on noise cancelling headphones. They are not on. He is listening very intently to his Grown Up Siblings.
He's going to crawl into the vents and find the ghost Mace finds him half-way inside a vent he removed himself and just. Pulls him out. What the fuck fudge, kid?
Mace: [considers his daughter. Considers everything he knows Obi-wan. Considers that this is Qui-Gon’s kid] Mace, resigned: ...does this have anything to do with depa and Obi-wan’s idea that there's a ghost? Anakin: ...maybe
I need Anakin to have a nightmare and he tries to find Qui-Gon but Mace is already awake and decides to Make Some Hot Chocolate.
Groundskeeper Plo and his granddaughter Ahsoka.
Shaak is Plo's daughter-in-law and Ahsoka's mom. She spends most of her time working in the neonatal ward of the nearest hospital, so she leaves Ahsoka with Plo a lot.
This toddler has decided Anakin is her favorite person EVER.
plo might have planted some odd evidence to help Mace bond w anakin over a mystery. Whether that's still what depa and obi are investigating tho...
Plo has a pilot's license and Anakin spends so much time asking him about it
Anakin keeps trying to get into the antique swords Mace would tear his hair out if he had any
Mace: help? Qui? Qui: Ani, the same rule applies to you as it did to the rest of our family. You have to beat father in a duel before you can touch his collection Whether or not it works depends entirely on whether it's Dooku's swords Anakin is trying to access Mace is concerned by this is until Qui-Gon points out that his father did go to the Olympics. Several times in fact.
Anakin's upset because he can't beat Dooku in a duel when Dooku's on some wine tour in Italy and won't be coming back until all the court cases are over.
There's a fic (by @willowcrowned) where Dooku is Ventress's fencing coach to get her to the Olympics and I like that option (She's going in the will and everyone knows it.)
Glorious! Could drive the chaos up even more by interrupting Mace's progress w anakin, w dooku coming home w ventress in tow, actually. The only explanation he'll give is that she's staying and to treat her like family. Everyone is Concerned
You know those comics where Dick Grayson is like. Swinging on the chandelier and scaring the shit out of Bruce and Alfred? That's Anakin.
Qui-Gon is relatively responsible and tells Anakin that he can sign up for a gymnastics class if he'd like, but he's not swinging from the chandelier without safety equipment. That's How Your Uncle Rael Broke His Leg, You Know. Unfortunately, he's still too chill about it for Mace's blood pressure.
Also, I decided that if I ever do anything with this, it's QuinObi.
I think Mace and Tholme would make for very saltmate in-laws (and hey, we could do the Plo thing!), but also Quinlan would probably enjoy winding up his future step-father-in-law just as much as Qui-Gon does.
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malevolent-monthly · 9 months
January 2024 Prompts
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[ID: A graphic with a long yellow rectangle on top and two white boxes beneath it. The yellow rectangle has the words "January 2024" in it. The leftmost white box has the first prompt title, "Ghost Hunter AU," underlined in yellow, along with the prompt text, "Modern-day AU where Arthur and Parker are ghost hunters, similar to Ghost Files/Buzzfeed Unsolved, and John is a ghost." The rightmost white box has the second prompt title, "KIY Communication," underlined in yellow, along with the prompt text, "While Arthur sleeps in the prison pits in the Dreamlands, the King in Yellow speaks to John." /End ID]
Happy New Year, and welcome to the start of Malevolent Monthly! We've decided to do two prompts per month to give writers a bit more flexibility in choosing the prompt that they find most interesting. This month's prompts are:
Ghost Hunter AU: Modern-day AU where Arthur and Parker are ghost hunters, similar to Ghost Files/Buzzfeed Unsolved, and John is a ghost.
KIY Communication: While Arthur sleeps in the prison pits in the Dreamlands, the King in Yellow speaks to John.
As a reminder, you will have the entire month to write a fic based on this prompt. There is no minimum or maximum word count. Fics should be posted on the last week of the month, starting on the 25th and running through the end of the month. If you're posting to AO3, don't forget to add your fic to our AO3 collection!
We will also have Tumblr/Pillowfort preview days on Saturday the 6th, 13th, and 20th this month! Participants can send asks or submissions with snippets from their fic, and we will preview them on our Tumblr and/or Pillowfort.
For more information about the event, please visit our FAQ page or send us an ask!
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