#taiko studios
sleepylion · 7 months
Fú (Airbnb)
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dailyhatsune · 9 months
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bulletproofthroat · 3 months
fuck yall im comin with a banger
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corpsentry · 9 months
have you played the newest loz game?? your fics for the series are my favourite ever
so here's the deal. i bought totk the day it released. i got it. i started playing it but then we went on our long awaited planned it for 3 years 1 week vacation and less then 48 hours after i'd returned from that BAM, i was in australia. and what was there to do now? we played taiko, dog, so much taiko, we lived together, 3 college kids in an apartment with a balcony with a view of the city skyline. it was the craziest thing i'd ever done. i loved and cried and fought and learned and grew and got so mf good at taiko and learned that there was still more to do and cooked and cut onions and ate obscene amounts of yogurt and then when it was over it was already august and we were standing at the airport sobbing into each other's shirts not wanting to let go but eventually we did we got on our planes home and then, only then, did i find the space in my heart and schedule and hands to play totk. three weeks later, i was in america
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the real problem at the heart of this affair is that i still haven't found my motherfucking glider. where the fuck is it. i've combed the map north to south east to west i've found every goddamn character in the game but purah. purah you selfish selfish lady. where are you? where are you??????
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and so it was that they would not finish totk not for another several months not for possibly years. which is not to say that i don't want to, i miss writing fanfiction, i missed the drama and the scope of our ambitions and the burning need to write write write but i was also madly depressed and anxious and not doing well and that's where the writing came from, yknow dog? it existed because there was nothing else i could do. it saved my life. and now i am no longer in need of saving, now i've saved myself, i've been searching for years and years for the place where i can have my friends and lovers and stories and also have this. i still haven't found it. but i'll let you know when i do
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dayshorizon · 10 months
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Another trade!
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redsamuraiii · 9 months
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People of all ages celebrating at Isehara Doukan Matsuri at Isehara Shi Kanagawa ken by Tanuki Studio
Really love how colourful and lively their festivals are!
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rook-specter · 11 months
27 for either of the x twins from flipline
27. fuckin. don-chan. they need to drum together and forget about the meteor
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太鼓狂熱(Taiko Frenzy)正式版現已推出:探索日本鼓樂世界的奇幻節奏遊戲
在經過18個月的辛勤開發後,Glitchr Studio榮幸宣布,《太鼓狂熱》(Taiko Frenzy)正式版本終於上市。這款遊戲將帶領玩家深入日本民俗傳說中的幻想世界,讓玩家在迷人的環境中體驗太鼓打擊的藝術。 《Taiko…
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kianamaiart · 10 months
LAST EPISODE!! I got to do all of the Pokémon battling in this one heehee.
Man being able to work on this series has been truly special as a Pokémon fan myself. I'm so honored to have had a part in on something so near and dear to my heart. Huge shoutout to the talented crew at TAIKO Studios!! I'm still blown away by how this series came out!
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yamujiburo · 10 months
i always miss the window of time when you say to send asks! anyways here is my question:
what was it like working with the pokemon company?
It was great! I was mostly working with TAIKO (the animation studio) so I didn’t personally directly work with TPC for this project. But we would get a lot of notes on how to handle the Pokemon. For example, I think we had a bit where Oddish used its leaves to grab something and they were like “oddish can’t do that” and we were like “okay” hahaha
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dinolich · 10 months
Guess who got to put their grubby little hands all over this series!!! ME!!!! (and my friends) Boards for the first half are mine. storyboarding with Taiko Studios and Shaofu on Bidoof and now Path to the Peak has been a huge career highlight. As a life long Pokemon fan, but also the team and the amount of creative freedom we had to pitch and mold it into something special. Dream projects on every level. ENJOY!!!
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sleepylion · 7 months
One Small Step
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subhumanselflover · 28 days
HELLO! Is it too early for me to come back and request more romeo? I just think he's the cutest thing ever hfhfh I'd like some cute hcs like giving him a sheep plush or something If this is spammy of me you can disregard this rq dw ^^ - Bedman Anon
note: bedman anon no it is not too early!!! you can request whenever you want. anyway im taking this as an excuse to curate some of my personal bedman hcs for you because i’m kind of crazy abt him. i’m currently getting off of a two week period of listening to the circle obsessively and telling anyone who would listen abt romeo lore. also, please assume these hcs are in an au where bedman is awake because.. that part of canon is very difficult to write with like 90% of the time. anyway!
A Handful of Bedman (Romeo F. Neumann) Headcanons for one Bedman Anon!
First of all I love the sheep plushie idea. That is canon to me now.
Actually.. perhaps in addition to that, I think he might collect plushies. When the bed isn't in fighting mode, it is lined with his stuffed friends :]
Also, he seems like the type to name all of his plushies. Except because it's Bedman, they all have complicated and refined names.
Kind of canon, but his buckwheat pillow is his #1 comfort item.
A sweet older brother hc for you, I think Delilah struggles with sleep deprivation, which leads to Bedman throwing together warm milk with cinnamon and honey for her. He's been doing it since they were younger, and she still asks for it now. They both swear by it working.
Bedman has.. interesting music taste. While you'd expect him to mostly listen to something classical, that's a rare piece of his taste. I don't know why, but some part of me feels like he would love something like Love Live. I am chuckling at the mental image of Romeo listening to silly anime girl music.
On the topic of music, I think he knows how to play piano. It's a random thing he learned as a child that stuck with him.
Adding to both of those above. Rhythm game fiend. He's crazy good at stuff like Bandori, Taiko no Tatsujin, Osu!, etc etc.
Oh my gosh I almost forgot. I think, though part of me feels this is canon, that he is a huge cinema nerd. Google show me this guy's letterboxd account.
Additional thought, I think maybe he likes Studio Ghibli and Wes Anderson movies. They're sort of comforting to him.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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evanwhosjusthere · 10 months
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I'm by no means a Pokémon fan but the visual/animation style of Bidoof's Big Stand and Pokémon: Path to the Peak is just simply excellent! It goes for a more stylized approach to 3D. Having more simpler textures, backgrounds, and shaders. It all looks so good! And the lighting! The rim lighting! Especially in BBS where it looks very pencil-like. Hats off to Taiko Studios for these works.
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sophaeros · 5 months
ehhehehe the owner of the small studio i rented to practice drums sounded so shocked when i said i just started today. the arcade taiko game DOES work
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dayshorizon · 10 months
Art trade for a friend!
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