#take me hooommmee
bitebitesnap · 4 months
Missing me mutuals...........r0 server mutuals.....where are you mutuals.....pls yell at me again :(
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ablondpanda · 1 month
Cunty rooooaaaads take me hooommmee to the gaaayyyyy I belooooooong
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pkmntrainertrix · 1 year
[Trix is standing outside a door. The camera glances away while it inputs a code to unlock the door. The lock clicks, and Trix walks in. His phone is put in his pocket, all that shows is a black screen.]
“I’m hooommmee!!!!”
[There’s a tapping noise on the hard floor, like a dog with long nails running. A panting and whining can be heard.]
“Hey, how’s my favorite Absol? Oh, is something wrong?”
[A door opens somewhere.]
“Trix?! TRIX!”
[Someone rushes towards Trix. The voice is hoarse and desperate.]
“Hey dad how’s it-“
“Oww… no need to yell! I’ve just been at Jester’s that’s all-“
“That’s all? THAT’S ALL? You purposely IGNORED MY TEXTS FOR OVER A WEEK! You didn’t tell me where you were, if you were okay, for all I knew someone kidnapped you? And now you’re telling me that Jester didn’t tell me anything about it either?!”
“No! No it wasn’t like that. I… I told him you knew where I was. I… I said I had permission to stay there while we figured out how I could turn back to normal.”
[Trix’s father exhales angrily.]
“But look! I solved the problem! See! Everything is okay now!”
“That- that was a concern yes but wasn’t why I was worried. I wanted to know where you were, if you were hurt, if you were even still alive. There was a Team Rocket sighting the day you disappeared and I… I had feared the worst.”
[His voice is shaky now.]
“You know all I do is worry. About everything. Especially about you. It is unacceptable that you just left without saying anything. I am your father, it’s my job to take care of you and I can’t do that if you just up and leave out of a window! Okay?”
“… yeah. Okay.”
“That being said. You’re grounded for a week.”
“HUH? I thought-“
“No. You’re not leaving for a week. You’re not leaving town for a month either.”
“But… how will I visit mom?”
“We have already had a long discussion about this. She’ll come and visit you. This is how it is, end of discussion.”
“I need you to give me your phone too.”
“Wait- no hold on why?!”
“Because I’m going to make sure you can’t leave to Arc knows where without me knowing again.”
[Theres silence for a second before Trix reaches for its phone inside its pocket. The video ends right before it’s brought out.]
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Sorry guys I'm sorry I've had a lot of school lately Sakamaki Group Chat Reji: We are taking a family trip Ayato: Hell nah Kanato: Fuck this shit I'm out Reji: We are going to Disneyland. Kananto: I meant when do we leave? Shu: I'm the oldest Reji: And? Shu: He's got a point Ayato: B R U H Reji: You can't get out of this pack your bags and get ready we leave today. Ayato: Stupid Subaru: What has my life become? Reji: Less talk more packing --------------------------------------------------- After they packed Ayato: Shotgun! Kanato: NO ME Ayato: But, kids under 13 can't sit in the front Kanato: You! Subaru: I say we put Shu in the trunk where all the other baggage is. Ayato: Ohhhhhh burrrrnnnn Shu: Go punch a wall Subaru Laito: Omg I forgot my shampoo Subaru: That can't help you Reji: Enough just get in the car Ayato sits in the front, Subaru and Laito in the middle, Shu and Kanato in the back. Kanato: Shu's laying on me! Subaru: Push the bastard off then. Reji turns on the radio and "Look what you made me do" comes on. Laito: Ohhh look what you made me do look what you made me do look what you just made me do! Reji turns it off. It was very effective Laito: No fun! They arrive. Reji: Now when we get out of this car you all will behave or else! Kanato was already leaving and ran towards the castle. (I've never been so I'm going off the ads) Ayato: Since he gets to go to the caste I'm going to the haunted mansion c ya. Ayato leaves. Subaru: Guess I'll go Splash Mountain or something. Reji: Ok Shu you're with me Shu: *Intense groaning sounds* Reji drags him out of the car. Shu: I wanna go hooommmee Soon they heard an explosion and screams. Ayato came running towards them. Ayato: We gotta go! Reji: We just got here! Ayato: I kinda blew up the haunted house and now I'm being chased by the Mickey Gang or whatever. The rest of the brothers walked over hearing that. Kanato: And, I was about to go into a food coma :c Laito: I left my favorite shampoo anyways They all walk into the car and drive in the opposite direction. Reji: That was close Subaru: Why are people in Mickey Mouse costumes chasing us in a car? Mickey: Hey everybody it's me Mickey! Are you ready to die? Kanato: OMG A TALKING MOUSE Subaru: That's what you're concerned about? Reiji speeds all the way to the mansion and they go inside. He locks the door. Reji: That was close Mickey was right beside him. Mickey: Or was it? Reji: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --------------------------------------------------- Reji wakes up screaming. He was on the floor. Reji: I had the most weird dream. We went to Disneyland and Ayato blew up the haunted house and...why am I on the floor? Laito: Hate to brea it to you but, that was real. Reji: Oh... He faints. Subaru: I say we bury him before he wakes up. Ayato: Yes I'm gonna be writing stuff about Blackhat cuz I've been watching it lately.
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At the Gym
San: Why am I here
Jongho: To get muscles. You're weak af
San: I'm tired, I want go hooommmee
Jongho: You're just standing there eating a donut, San.
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ghostsships · 5 years
Hifumi to Doppo: wow a real hacker! Who knows what kind of deep complex thoughts are go on in her head!
D.o.x’s thoughts: Country toooaaadd~ take me hooommmee~ to the plaaaacceee~ with the tooooaaads~
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secretswiftie-blog · 5 years
Hey! It’s Mikayla. In honor of the new album coming soon, I thought it would be fun to look back at our favorite songs, because once Lover drops, they might change!
so (as of now) my absolute favorite taylor swift song is:
STYLE!!! the hint of longing behind the lyrics for what could’ve been (but no matter what happens they “never go out of style”), the way the beat builds up in the beginning, the high note when she says take me hOOOMMMee, and of course the JAMES. DEAN. DAY. DREAM. (I love the chorus😭)
💘reblog with your fav💘
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countmothra · 5 years
Me attempting to sleep;
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