#take my peace offering
silverstudios · 4 months
Your first hibernation (Veldigun Alex fic)
This is me offering this as a peace offer to be forgiven for being an angst gremlin earlier. Enjoy the cuddling.
Alex glanced outside their cave, wings twitching and fluffing up in an attempt to keep warm. It had been…a while since they had left their human form and life behind, a while since they became partners with Clyde and Winfrey, it had been a while since the summer they had by all terms, died and been reborn…
But this was the first time they’ve seen snowfall with these new eyes. 
It looked the same, little white sparkling flakes of ice falling from the sky and coating the grass before them, bringing with it an icy chill and that muffled silence only snowfall could bring. Alex knew all of this, these sights and sounds were nothing new. 
The intense exhaustion that hit them the moment it started to snow, however, was. 
Their eyes felt heavy, their limbs even more so, and it felt like they could just lay down and pass out in a moment's notice. And in some way, they were used to that. It had taken them quite a while to get into a “Healthy” sleeping pattern for a veldigun, and during the morning they had felt in a similar way to how they felt right now. 
Except it wasn’t morning, it wasn’t even sunset- it was about 8pm, this was their time to be awake. 
“Ey.” A chorus of voices familiar to them whistled behind them, and Alex glanced back- just in time for Clyde to put a dead animal in their face. Alex couldn’t even really see what it was- it was too mauled and gorey and they didn’t have their glasses on- but the smell of iron woke them up a little. 
They took it, mouth stretched and tossed the whole thing in, the crunching of bones and flesh a common enough sound now for them not to flinch at them. Clyde rumbled- it always got an ego boost whenever it successfully got Alex or Winfrey to eat- and leaned onto them. It’s tail curled around them both and it glanced up. “Winter’s coming…” “Hm….” Alex glanced up at the sky then down at Clyde. “.....is….it normal for me to feel super tired right now?” Clyde blinks for a few seconds, head tilted and brow raised. 
“I mean- I was fine and then I saw the snow and got slammed with intense exhaustion. Is that normal?” “OOOOOhhh yeah that’s completely normal” Clyde stretched- and yawned, far too many teeth and its third eye showing for a moment- before rubbing its eyes and sticking its tongue out. “It’s just about time for us to go hibernate.” “......velidguns hibernate?”
 “Every winter- normally starts sometime after Halloween.” Cylde leans a little more onto them, face gently buried into their wings. A quiet purr raced from it, and it snuggled a little closer. 
Clyde loved Alex's wings, and loved how soft and fluffy they are. Alex has just gotten used to waking up and falling asleep with Clyde's face and claws buried between their feathers.  
“Hm….I guess that’s why the asylum was always so quiet during winter…” Alex glanced away, wings twitching and eyes flicking open for a moment before flicking closed. “.....is there anything special we need to do or?” “Me and Winfrey have got handled.” Clyde rumbled, arms wrapping around the smaller veldigun, lifting them up and heading deeper inside their home. Alex didn’t bother complaining or squirming, they knew very well that both would have no effect and the exhaustion was starting to win, eyes flicking shut every few moments. 
“Winfrey~” Clyde sang out, stopping in front of the large veldigun and shifting alex in its grasp, holding the green velidgun out in front of it like a cat or a ferret. “Take the sleepy bird, I’m gonna block us in.” 
Alex snickered as winfrey took them, their entire torso fitting within the clawed and calloused hand of their partner. 
Winfrey smiled down at them and their thumb ran across Alex's head before they laid down, Alex set into the crook of their arm and gently squished as Winfrey laid their head on top of them. 
“You two and my feathers.” Alex grumbled softly as they fluffed up slightly, eyes refusing to open as they snuggled into their partner, who chuckled. “They are quite comfortable.” They hummed, their voice shaking the air around them slightly. Alex never figured out if that was Winfrey’s hallucinations or just the fact they are so big, but in the end it doesn’t matter. What mattered right now was how comfortable it was to be cradled like this, how heavy alex’s limbs felt- to the point they couldn’t move them if they wanted- and just how wonderfully warm they felt and how comfortable the nest they had created was. 
Stolen blanket, currants and pillows alongside fallen leaves from this last fall, not to mention the handful of plush gifts that Robin had given them. Bats, candy corns and other sweets in soft plush form and a handful of other soft items lined the nest, sparing them from laying on the hard stone surface of the cave. 
They were vaguely aware of the sound of shifting stones, barely audible over the soft humming coming from winfrey…and when the stones stopped, they could hear the clicking of claws against stone….
And became very much aware that Clyde had joined the pile as arms wrapped around them and the sensation of a face getting shoved into their wings occurs, followed by the weight of the smiling snatcher getting fully onto them squishing them further into Winfrey’s arm. 
As the two mix their humming and purring, Alex lets their body go limp and head flop fully onto their partners arms. They could get used to this Hibernating business…
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withdenim · 9 months
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Sorry for the stupid line callback he was just like. Specifically requested or something. Idk .
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myspacebrat · 8 months
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𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞
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After riding around for what felt like hours while Steve’s fingers played idly between your thighs, he finds a secluded area that he’s positive is always deserted. You climb over the middle console into the backseat and Steve follows right behind you. He begins kissing your neck as the humming of music could be heard lulling through the speakers. He’d removed your panties almost as soon as you got in the car, setting them on his gear shift as if some kind of prize. His fingers move back between your plush, soaked thighs and this time he’s plunging two in, finding your g spot instantly. Your brain goes numb and breathy moans begin to fall from your lips, fogging up the car windows.
“Tight little cunt is so wet and ready for me, baby.” He whispers into your neck as his fingers move at an unrelenting pace. “Needy little thing, just sucking me right in like a greedy little slut.” He groans when you begin to tighten around him, your release already so close.
“Don’t come until I’m inside you, pretty baby.” He gives your neck one last kiss before he’s removing his fingers, making you whine from the emptiness. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna give you what you want.” He says, chuckling at your desperation.
“Please Stevie.” You beg, but before you know it, he’s already released his hard, aching cock from its confines and just as eager as you, he thrusts inside of you to the hilt. The stretch is delicious and painless from all of your dripping wetness that is now leaking onto the leather seats of his car.
“Oh fuck.” He whimpers as he hammers inside you, balls slapping against your asshole as heavy breathes and moans drown out the music.
“Steve, baby I’m gonna, oh my-” you mewl into his chest as you come, the stars that shine brightly above the car are no match for the ones that beam behind your eyes as your high enraptures your body and mind.
“Mmm, oh shit, I’m gonna fill this greedy little pussy up, she want that baby? She want me to fill her up?” Steve babbles as his cock begins to twitch inside of you.
“Yes, please fill me up, Stevie.” You groan as ropes of warm come shoot deep within your throbbing walls, that are now sore from the pounding you were just given.
“I love you, pretty girl.” Steve murmurs before placing a soft kiss on your lips and rubbing the tip of his nose sweetly against yours.
“Come on, let’s get you home before your parents kill me.” He teases, making his way out of the backseat. But suddenly he stops, his eyes falling onto the fogged up window. He brings his pointer finger up and writes the both of your initials before incasing them inside the perfect hand drawn heart. He shoots you a wink then steps out of the car, holding his hand out for you to follow.
You really couldn’t get enough of him or your late night drives.
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bajaberries · 1 day
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astrobei · 9 months
it's my time coming
Will scowls. “Not funny,” he says for a third time. “Go away.” Mike drops the stick unceremoniously. It falls to the damp forest floor, tumbling over itself before coming to a stop, splashing a few drops of water onto the hem of Will’s pants. “Okay fine,” Mike says. “I’ll bite. What’s your deal?” The other fact of the matter is this: tomorrow, Will is going to walk into the Upside Down and not look back. Tomorrow, he is either going to kill Vecna or die trying — and Mike is not going with him.
Even the actual apocalypse had to end sometime, but Will didn’t exactly expect it to happen like this.
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falsesecuritysketches · 8 months
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Look what Connor found! A capybara!
Another sketch-card sent in the mail to a lovely supporter of my stickers!
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finn0la · 1 year
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sorry wolfwood if this looks gay to the viewers!
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tmnt-tychou · 6 months
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You get home late for work and find this waiting for you as you walk through the door.
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daughter-of-the-clayr · 4 months
thinking about spymaster and the fam again. bc the dynamic is a little strange. a little impersonal. sure he fixates on yaz and tries to tempt graham with knowledge but. it's different, bc he doesn't target them. sure he involves them in Schemes but he also never - enslaves their family, or kills their boyfriend, or, and this is The Big One.
he never turns them into cybermen.
bc he threatens their lives occasionally - the plane, the kaasavin - but they're not the targets there, they're collateral damage. he has a chance to threaten ryan directly at the boundary, and he doesn't, he threatens ethan instead. he sets them up to be killed by cybermen but - it's less direct. it's impersonal. (the closest thing he gets to personal is potd, between him and yaz, but that's different again, and you could write a whole essay on that episode)
and i think it's bc he knows. and the doctor knows. and the fam doesn't know but the tardis absolutely sits judgement upon him. that bill was too far.
bill - who was willing to sacrifice herself for the world, willing to let missy kill her, who was conned into friendship bc the master was angry at themselves. for standing with the doctor. bill, who they caused and they walked away from and now the doctor is seething with rage towards them. bill, who they don't know is still alive (sort of) and travelling happily. saxon crossed a line with that - a line that the master hasn't crossed before.
and now killing the doctor's humans isn't fun. or new.
it's dangerous.
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thatghostinyourbog · 3 months
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What a funny lil guy
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fistfuloflightning · 1 year
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”Hashirama thinks—“ “I already know what he thinks. I want to know what you think. You were Hashirama’s shadow when you were Senju Tobirama. But you’re an Uchiha now, and that means standing at my side, and not in my shadow. This village is as much your making as it is mine or Hashirama’s.” Tobirama remained silent, red eyes fixed unseeing on her cup. Madara knew the peace haunted her in a way it didn’t the others. Her sole purpose for existence was no longer there and she was learning there was more to life than constant vigilance and a kunai in hand. And she was terrified of it.
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bonecuisine · 4 months
Bad kung lao and raiden sketches
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posebean · 1 year
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THANK U TO EVERYONE THAT STUCK AROUND FOR THE WHOLE RIDE. im sorry. take this peace offering. they r happy and in love. happy pride
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mercymaker · 13 days
trying to make bg3 work for me today got me like
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musubiki · 1 month
This might've gotten retconned, but I think I remember you saying that one of the reasons Mochi's dad might not have been in the picture was because he had to take care of things with his own coven and I guess I'm curious; are there any rules about Witch Covens mixing? Like would that be considered too much of a consolidation of power or just a logical partnership? (For Example, if one of the Raven witches brothers joining the Snake Witches coven, would that be seen as a way to ally both covens or a betreyal from the brother/The snake coven "stealing" a member?)
oooo this is actually an interesting question honest i havent thought about it!!! i dont think theres any hard-set rules about "mixing" guilds before, in my head ive always seen it as the kind of thing where any person/guild member has the right to choose if they want to be in your guild or not, or if they want to be in someone elses guild..
that being said, if corven rejected his sister to be in the snake covern i KNOW murda would be PISSED LMAO!!!! i can DEFINATELY see that happening if there's bad blood between siblings or something, maybe a son jealous that the daughter became a witch (because males cant inherit witch magic) and joins another guild out of spite
in the case of mochis dad, i think he was a guild member for someone else (and/or possibly a relative) BEFORE he knew tiramisu, so he already had obligations to them prior to falling in love.
but there ARE rules about too many witches being in close geographical proximity for too long. especially if its two or more members of the 5, having that much magic power concentrated together just attracts bad things...the coattails catch on, the m-34th gets winds, everyone suddenly knows theres witches in this area. so either mochis dad would have to leave his current guild or one of the witches (tiramisu and the other whose guild he was in) would have to give up their power, neither of which was going to happen unfortunately :')
i also think that theres no rules against leaving a guild. its made clear very early on that the guild position is a choice and youre never stuck in that path in life. but again for mochis dad, i think it was the kind of thing where he was so ingrained in that persons life that leaving wasnt an option (it would be like corven leaving murda, she depends on him for a lot of things and he cant just up and leave)
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misiahasahardname · 5 months
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low camera quality doodles are the second best kind of doodles!!! :3
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