vegaprose · 2 years
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ooc / this is such a compliment tbh i love being known in my lil circle as the tom fanatic i'm not gonna lie :') love him to bits <3 i'm in the process of changing my stuff right now <3
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cottageshadowwitch · 2 years
Have you ever had someone approach you and your path and tell you that if you are of a certain heritage that your deities love working with you more because of it? And this path isn't a closed practice or anything, it's Egyptian paganism. I'm completely baffled by this friend's statement because I have zero heritage that I feel links me to anything and though one could argue the fact that I am in love with the desert to "that's why you're drawn to Egyptian paganism" when the reality is, I love geology and the desert is my favorite geographical area on the planet. It has nothing to do why I was drawn to Egyptian paganism. I'm going to love the desert regions of the earth regardless of deities.
Luckily, no. I also can't imagine any of my spiritual inclined friends being in that kind of head space.
So you're probably getting a sense of my thoughts on this kind of... "explaining".
To me, it raises red flags. One, who is this person to come and witchsplain my own path and myself to me? I'm assuming you didn't ask your friend about their thoughts regarding your interests. Also, are they now speaking for deities?
Two, this line of thinking can very quickly turn into appropriating closed practices because "I've got spiritual heritage so I'm basically xyz".
Three, if one goes follows that path, I should feel drawn to Nazi beliefs since I grew up in Germany and all my ancestors (as far as I know) are German. Obviously, I'm all for punching Nazis and I'm known to tell people to shut their fucking mouths if they spew that bullshit while I can hear them.
So yeah, thanks but no thanks.
How did you handle that situation?
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aristobun · 2 years
❛ a sky full of stars, and i’d still watch you. ❜
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❛ Wow.. that’s really sweet, George.. thanks, ❜ the blonde finds herself stammering a little in the aftermath of his words.
They were both students at Hill Valley high school so she was not unfamiliar with who he was, but they weren’t exactly close, so the statement came as quite a shock. Diana believed all of this time that George was only interested in the Lorraine girl, a pretty, preppy brunette always carrying around a book or two, but apparently not. Or, he simply kept his options open, which encouraged a little chuckle from her as she thought this.
❛ ..so, you want anything while you’re here? ❜ she asks, lifting a pen and pad from her apron ready to jot down his order, trying her best in the most polite way to shift the conversation. Diana was of course interested in him, but they were only young and she had never even kissed a guy before, so her skyness shone right on through. The pink tint to her cheeks didn’t help.
George, being the clumsy fool he so often was, didn’t notice or seem to care that she was being bashful and pushed on with a secondary compliment, which this time sounded like a cheesy pick up line that would have been best left in the 60’s. All that she wanted to do in that moment was give a good belly laugh, but not wishing to hurt his feelings in any way, she smiled and gently nudged his shoulder instead, the blush returning.
❛ The stars must be jealous of the sparkles in your eyes. ❜ he’d said, with so much confidence the second time around that it took everything inside her not to give in to how amused it had her feeling. It was quite cute, though, she couldn’t deny it. ❛ I’ll just take a chocolate shake and a cheeseburger, please, ❜ the tremble in his voice when he relents and orders is spotted by her immediately and she feels immediate regret.
❛ I got a break now for 15, mind if I eat lunch with you? ❜ Diana asks, watching the shift in his expression as a genuine smile of pure happiness fills his face and reaches his eyes. If there was one thing about George McFly that she could never falter, it’d be the boys eyes. Whenever she found herself staring, his eyes never failed to captivate her more than anything else.
The jukebox in the corner of the diner had been changed again as the sound of Erasure filled the crowded space. Diana found herself swaying to the beat of the popular hit as she snatched off her apron in the back and returned to sit with George at his chosen table by the window. She was carrying two shakes as she sat opposite him in the booth, his chocolate one and the other, strawberry for herself.
❛ So.. the Enchantment Under The Sea dance is in two days, I was wondering it you’d wanna go with me? ❜ George asks, as he takes a long sip of his shake, eyes darting downward as he waits for a no that he was sure would come.
Diana had been asked by three other boys over the last week or two, but he was the one cutting it pretty close. The blush he gave her earlier with his pick up lines returned but she smiled in spite of her embarrassment and nodded her head. The boys who had asked her prior were of no interest, especially Tannen because he had been far too assertive. Biff was the opposite in every way to the sort of guy that she could see herself with.
❛ Yea, of course.. I’ll go with you, George, ❜ she says happily, a cheerful smile widening on her face, which prompts his own in the most handsome way. She ends up looking at him a while after that, the way his eyes shine when he is happy and how it seems clear that he holds more confidence with each positive response he gets from her.
As the two continue to talk, especially regarding garments for the dance and him wanting to match the colour of her dress, her co-worker comes over with their order; his cheeseburger and her hamburger with extra ketchup. Diana wasn’t one who liked cheese at all very much, she just liked hamburgers with a great deal of onions and ketchup. While he went about telling her his ideas for the outfits they would wear, she took a huge bite out of her burger and found herself with a dollop of sauce on her chin after setting it back down on the plate.
Where she would have picked up a napkin to dab it away with no help, she wasn’t able to do so, because he grabbed it long before she could even lower her hand and reached across the table, gently patting at the mess she had made and smiling in an adoring manner. The butterflies she felt bubble up inside of her stomach were an entirely new feeling. No guy had ever, in all her school years, made her feel that way with a gesture as simple and considerate as the one he had just presented.
❛ Thanks.. George, ❜ she blushes a deeper scarlet now, sipping quite a large amount of her strawberry shake to both break up the knot in her throat and cool the heat in her cheeks. ❛ So, I’m wearing a white and silver dress.. do you have anything we can match with? ❜ she asks, hopeful she won’t need to shop again because most stores would be out of dance dresses by now.
❛ I have a suit that will go perfectly with that, ❜ he says, eyes a brighter blue than they normally are as he seems to be taking in the sight of her sitting across from him looking beautiful. It would be unfair to see her any other way according to him. He found her gorgeous no matter what she was doing.
She’d been working now for three hours since school finished this afternoon and despite being so busy on her feet, rushing around and taking orders, she still looked pretty in his eyes. It wasn’t even something he had to voice to her directly because she could tell just by looking at the expression he wore what he was thinking and again, it built on the blush she wore.
❛ Great, we’ll be really cute in our matching outfits, ❜ she says, showing her teeth with another smile before lifting her burger again for another bite or two, finding herself pretty hungry as it was exactly 6pm. It wasn’t often she liked to have dinner at the diner but when it wasn’t a weekend, she had no choice. It could be said that waiting till she got home after 7pm would be a good time to eat, but she hated doing that with school the next day. Plus, eating at work meant more junk food.
❛ Sure, I’ll pick you up Friday night around 7:30, is that enough time for you to get home and ready? ❜ he asks, figuring she is not going to be working that night due to the dance but being also vaguely aware of how long women like to take getting all dolled up for a dance, a wedding, or a date.
Diana nodded her head, chewing and swallowing the last few bits of burger she had in her mouth as she watched him pick up his cheeseburger since they both sat down to take his first bite. George was very delicate in how he hate, it seemed and that left her swooning all over again. It was so different to her couldn’t care less attitude that she watched with delight and engaged in his mannerisms with an inner mologue that ended up boosting the crush she was fast developing on him.
❛ You know Biff asked me to the dance last week? I told him to buzz off, though. He isn’t the kinda guy I go for really.. I like a soft heart and a gentle soul kinda man, ❜ she says, eyes lifting from her milkshake as she sips through the straw, watching his reaction to what she said to see how he took it.
George seems to be blushing himself now which pulls a laugh from her belly and she quickly covers it with her hand before brushing aside a lock of hair from her face. He watches her in a way she has never been watched before as the corners of her eyes crinkle in her amusement and he falls madly in love. He had admired her from a distance since they first started high school, but had always been too shy to approach.
❛ I’m glad you said no to him, Diana. I’ve been wanting to ask you out for years, ❜ he said, still a hint of shyness in his tone of voice, but nowhere near as bad as it was earlier. ❛ I think you’re really beautiful, ❜ he adds on, face a deep pink hue.
❛ I feel the same about you, George. You’re really handsome. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. People think that you’re just some preppy, goody two shoes who never delves into a single spot of trouble and never stands up for himself, but it’s not tough to see through that soft shell, ❜ she admits, realising there is a lot more to him than meets the eye.
@taketotheskies / thank you for this!
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crewman-penelope · 1 year
Thank you so much for the follow! I absolutely love your blog! :)
Awww! Thank you so much for sending me this ❤️
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romaelettuce · 2 years
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HOTD CAST • Lockscreens
paddy considine,matt smith,emily carey, milly alcock,steve toussaint and eve best
Like or reblog if you want to save/use them!
if you want to repost on other social media platforms, please give credits 😊 ( via https://at.tumblr.com/dae-daetargaryen/y7fzu2dg8g8s )
Tags: ( bc i luv them) @nyctophilic0vitnir @grandlovescheme @nyrasblog @multifanderisspooky @hotd-md @happynerdtale @daemyrachaos @profoundlydecadentmentality-blog @yeet-didnt-start-the-fire @daemontqrg @theobjectofyourire @savagefangirl @taketotheskies @theroguequeen @ruby-dragon @zaddytargaryen @daemon-caraxes @likefolksong @positivelybereft @makingloveout @doctordaemon @thedoctornumber11 @rogers060967 @malewifedaemon @deseretsolitaire @the-dragon-heiress @lady-phasma @rhaenyratumbles @rogers060967 @mattsmithfandom @daemontargaryenwife @pls-protect-the-11th-doctor @laaaylak @hotdrhaemon
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the4sylum · 6 months
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Another fan made EA geocities page featuring handmade artwork.
༶•┈┈♛ Archived from EA's Website via The Wayback Machine ♛┈┈•༶
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20020421092627/http://www.geocities.com/taketothesky/violin_faerytales.html
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regnigt · 1 year
Combining two tagging memes into one!
Tagged by @scribeprotra! The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four ships: Ranma/Akane, Usopp/Nami, Gintoki/Katsura, Takasugi/Katsura
Last song: Tougenkyou Alien by serial tv drama, the 9th Gintama opening
Currently reading: Quatrevingt-treize by Victor Hugo, Unfinished Tales by J. R. R Tolkien, and to an extent Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (but I put that one on pause after not reading very much of it, because I should focus on finally finishing Quatrevingt-treize). I have manga and comics to read too but I haven't started a new volume yet.
Last movie: It feels like way too long that I actually watched a whole movie from start to end. I'm honestly not sure which was the latest one.
Craving: Sleep
Tagged by @sebfreaks!
favourite colour: It used to be deep red, bright red and mossy green, but nowadays it's more like purple, burgundy, and emerald green or what we call "vårgrönt" in Swedish (lit. 'spring-green').
song stuck in head: Good Vibrations, Beach Boys 
favourite food: not sure overall but when it comes to cooking, i mostly do various stuff with pasta.
last song listened to: Tougenkyou Alien by serial tv drama, the 9th Gintama opening
dream trip: Flying to New Zealand or Japan on a solar-powered plane
last thing i googled: The colour burgundy, just now, to check that it was approximately the hue I was thinking of. Colour names are tough. (Though I use duckduckgo rather than Google for privacy reasons.)
Tagging: @averagelonelypotato @kattahj @katsusks @scenexstealer @taketotheskies @tijuanabiblestudies @listening-to-thunder
@wehavecometoanend--maybe @writesailingdreams @suchira @suchine-toki @sniperofmyheart
I tagged a whole lot of people now because I combined two memes into one, but it's fine to do just one of these or none and tag however many you please, of course!
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howardtuniverse · 3 months
#BMM 2024 Battle of R&B Superballads (4 of 9):
#LoveTakeMeAway #TakeToTheSky #70sLoveLevitations #ExpeditionsOfElevation
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pianist3221 · 2 years
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6.16.22. Tori Amos’ concert was everything! It definitely sparked a flame that had gone out for a while! I feel alive again! LoL #toriamos #piano #ifeelalive #myoldmeisback #piano #profoundlyrics #honey #taketothesky #sangria #orpheumtheatre (at THE ORPHEUM THEATRE) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce5YIdYLatRl4XzoKsBbZ_ZbZJuX2xZUhGovlM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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minstrel75itg · 3 years
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LIFE …. 100 Photographs That Changed The World. Flight (1903) On December 17, 1903, two bicycle mechanics from Ohio realized one of humanity’s wildest dreams: for 12 seconds they were possessed of true flight. Before the day ended; Orville and Wilbur Wright would keep their wood-wire-and-cloth ‘Flyer’ aloft for 59 seconds. Sober citizens knew that only birds used wings to take to the air, so without being at the site; near Kitty Hawk, NC, or seeing this photo, few would have believed the Wright’s story. Although it had taken ages for humans to fly, once the brothers made their breakthrough, the learning curve reached the heavens. Within 15 years of this critical moment, nearly all the elements of the modern airplane had been imagined, if not yet developed. (Photo from Library of Congress) #aeroplane #taketothesky #ushistory #airplanes #thewrightbrothers #historicalphotography #1903 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZAJIrVOCWk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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danieljnevares · 7 years
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Black Phoebe.
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vegaprose · 2 years
❝ your hair is so soft … ❞ (To Mav)
@taketotheskies | meme
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THERE IS A FAINT HUE OF PINK THAT TOUCHES HIS CHEEKS when Thomas says this and it takes everything inside him to try and cool his temperature post-compliment. Mav chances a quick glance at the other pilot in haste, not allowing his gaze to linger too long in case all the colour now present, deepens. He doesn’t have any particular routine as far as his hair goes so he’s hopeful the other isn’t about to ask how he keeps it as soft as suggested; rather, the only products Mav uses are whatever is available at the time. He’s confident that Thomas, in all the time they’ve been spending together, has been made aware of the finer details. All he is able to say in response, when he finally musters up the courage after having been thrown and caught off guard due to the silence that had settled between them some fifteen minutes before Thomas had piped up with that sneaky little bout of flattery. ❝ Are y’just tryin’ to get me up outta bed to make breakfast, or d’ya actually mean that ?? ❞ he lightly jests.
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cottageshadowwitch · 2 years
I just have to tell you, I abandoned the Jehovah's Witnesses after being faithful to them for my entire childhood and middle school years when I took up French in high school. I had grown absolutely tired of being the one always unable to have fun with the rest of the class celebrating and learning about holidays and I loved nothing half as much as I loved French sooooooo I abandoned the Jehovah's Witnesses so I could sing Christmas songs in both French and German. I could seriously make long posts about what the Witnesses did to me growing up and how I think it's actually remarkable that despite them calling me evil, spawn of Satan, and a demon, that I retained my imagination and creativity to where my favorite genre to read, write, and watch is fantasy. It was such a horribly lonely existence for me, constantly feeling like I could never be loved and that any mistake, no matter how little, would not just send me into hellfire for all of eternity, but my dad as well. All I wanted when I was little was to be good. I was the very definition of meek. I read EVERY and I seriously do mean EVERY publication that they had to offer because I honestly was desperate to be pleasing. My mother abandoned our family and my dad was doing the best he could by working graveyard shift as a janitor. He had no idea that the Witnesses were doing this to me, because he grew up in a Christian family and actually did not even like the Witnesses, but we went to the Kingdom Hall anyway because he thought he was doing the right thing for us. For everything that they've made me feel about myself, for how they made me feel like I wasn't even human, could never be human or loved, I will never forgive them. I've heard so often that I have to forgive, that I must forgive because that is empowering. But I don't know, I just feel so much better in saying that I will NEVER forgive them. I'm so sorry your best friend got caught up in that cult. My heart would have just shattered, having gone through everything that I did growing up.
So, I'm going to just publish this one without any commentary from myself and just let your words speak for themselves. Maybe they'll reach someone who is thinking about escaping and needs a sign or thinking about becoming a JW.
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aristobun · 1 year
tag game ; shuffle your library, list ten songs, then tag ten people to play ;
The Longest Time - Billy Joel
A Little Respect - Erasure
Head Over Heels - Tears For Feara
Enjoy The Silence - Depeche Mode
Hysteria - Def Leppard
Sunglasses At Night - Corey Hart
Feels Like Heaven - Fiction Factory
Edge Of A Broken Heart - Vixen
Self Control - Laura Branigan
Alive And Kicking - Simple Minds
tagged by; @queerquaintrelle ( ty for tagging me! <3 )
tagging; @maggiemaystansfield , @taketotheskies , @everythingstarstuff , @dichotomoustessellations , @happyheidi
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papasmithcustom · 4 years
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Japan: SkyDrive’s flying car takes first flight with human onboard SkyDrive’s flying car can stay afloat for just five to 10 minutes at present, but efforts are on to extend this to 30 minutes at least. It can be made into a real-life product by 2023 https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world/japan-skydrives-flying-car-takes-first-flight-with-human-onboard-5769651.html #skydriveflyingcars #flyingcar #flyingcars #flyingvehicle #flyingvehicles #skydrive #skydriver #skydrivers #automotivestartup #flyingmachine #flyingmachines #toyotaengineer #toyotaengineering #toyotamotorcorporation #toyotamotorcorp #taketothesky #taketotheskies #futurevehicle #futurevehicles #everyoneisapilot #everyonesapilot (at Papa Smith Custom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEfSozingri/?igshid=1oh4m8iglzzi3
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romaelettuce · 2 years
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Daemon Targaryen • lockscreens/wallpapers
House of The Dragon
Like or reblog if you want to use/save them!
Tags: ( bc i luv them) @nyctophilic0vitnir @grandlovescheme @nyrasblog @multifanderisspooky @hotd-md @happynerdtale @daemyrachaos @profoundlydecadentmentality-blog @yeet-didnt-start-the-fire @daemontargarven @theobjectofyourire @savagefangirl @taketotheskies @theroguequeen @ruby-dragon @zaddytargaryen @daemon-caraxes @lipsticksontheglass @positivelybereft @makingloveout @doctordaemon @thedoctornumber11 @rogers060967 @malewifedaemon @deseretsolitaire @the-dragon-heiress @lady-phasma @rhaenyratumbles @rogers060967 @mattsmithfandom @daemontargarven @daemontargaryenwife @pls-protect-the-11th-doctor @laaaylak @flamehairedsiren @gipsydanger17 @ofwhitewolvesswansxpirates @smithmatts @mattsmithisweirdlyhot @alikaheroes @positively-gloomy @valkyrriee
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