#taliban kabul news
the-eyespy · 6 months
🇦🇫🇵🇸 Taliban member from Afghanistan calls for sending troops to Palestine, stating: "We are 700k strong in Afghanistan. Send 400k to Palestine so we can destroy Israel."
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Kabul airport bombing mastermind killed
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jamilanaz · 2 years
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She is a young girl. She is of Hazara ethnicity. And all she wanted was to go to school to learn but faced ethnic & gender-based terrorism.
This is the real face of Afghanistan. The worst country in the world to be a woman.
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head-post · 9 months
Taliban detained girls for violating hijab rules
In the first week of 2024, 16-year-old girls were arrested in the Afghan capital Kabul for violating Taliban-imposed hijab rules.
The girls were detained in shopping centres, classrooms and street markets and accused of “spreading and encouraging others to improperly wear hijab” and wear make-up.
Lale, 16, said the Taliban arrested her along with several other girls in an English class and dragged her into a police truck. She said the girls, who confronted the men and refused to go, were beaten and she herself was whipped on her legs and feet when she tried to reason with them. Her father was later severely beaten for “raising immoral girls”. Lale added:
“My attire was modest and even included a face mask – a precaution I had adopted since the Taliban takeover. But they beat me anyway, insisting that my outfit was improper.”
Lale was detained for two days and one night and was released only after the intervention of community elders. She signed a document pledging not to leave the house without the mandatory head covering. She was also banned from attending English classes.
Read more HERE
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truth4ourfreedom · 1 month
Things not in the news anymore….
(Version 6)
-Maui wildfires. -East Palestine, Ohio -Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator. -Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon. -Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn. -Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW) -The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. -The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons. -Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to. -Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6. -Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals. -Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography. -Gay porn film in Senate hearing room. -Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans. -THE SOUTHERN BORDER CRISIS. -Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it. -Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East. -George Bush’s false WMDs. -3 service members killed in Jordan. -Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”. -J6 political prisoners that are still in jail. -85,000 missing children at the southern border. -Epstein’s clients. -Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. -Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election. -Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”. -The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died. -Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.) -Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection. -The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House. -Nancy Pelosi admitting that J6 was “her responsibility”. -House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie. -The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general. -Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege. -Vaccine side effects. -“Lab leak” out of China -The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes. -Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision. -Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them. -Obama’s chef “passing away”. -HRC’s chef “passing away”. -The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii. -P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. Where’s Diddy? -Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine -Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt. -Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan). -The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”. -Biolabs found in California. -Joe Biden’s impeachment. -The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag. -The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”. -Democrats defunding the police causing massive rises in crime. -Kamala Harris’s record as DA in California. -The Transifesto from the school shooting. -Many U.S. Representatives and Congress receiving FTX funds. -They’re already working hard to bury Donald Trump’s àssassination attempt but we won’t let them bury that story. July 13th is never going away.
The distractions are out of control.
Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now.
Please like,share and reblog to keep people aware!
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ainews18 · 1 year
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petnews2day · 2 years
In a twist of fate, Afghanistan military dog set to reunite with its owner in the U.S.
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/glXQO
In a twist of fate, Afghanistan military dog set to reunite with its owner in the U.S.
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During a tour in Afghanistan in 2019, Kristen St. Pierre, a female platoon commander for the Georgia Army National Guard, became really close to a colleague that she thought she may never see again: her bomb-sniffing dog Chase. St. Pierre, 30, was Chase’s handler as she led her 38-soldier platoon on “guardian angel” missions throughout […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/glXQO #DogNews #Kabul, #Pets, #Taliban8217
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reportwire · 2 years
Islamic State group claims attack on Chinese hotel in Kabul
Islamic State group claims attack on Chinese hotel in Kabul
ISLAMABAD — The militant Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for a coordinated attack on a Chinese-owned hotel in Afghanistan’s capital that left three assailants dead and at least two of the hotel guests injured as they tried to escape by jumping out from a window. Beijing on Tuesday advised its citizens in Afghanistan to leave the country “as soon as possible,” following the…
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reality-detective · 2 months
Things that are not in the news anymore… 👇
-Maui wildfires.
-East Palestine, Ohio
-Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator.
-Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon.
-Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn.
-Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW)
-The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth.
-The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons.
-Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to.
-Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6.
-Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals.
-Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography.
-Gay porn film in Senate hearing room.
-Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans.
-Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it.
-Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East.
-George Bush’s false WMDs.
-3 service members killed in Jordan.
-Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”.
-J6 political prisoners that are still in jail.
-85,000 missing children at the southern border.
-Epstein’s clients.
-Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.
-Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election.
-Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”.
-The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died.
-Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.)
-Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection.
-The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House.
-Nancy Pelosi admitting that J6 was “her responsibility”.
-House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie.
-The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general.
-Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege.
-Vaccine side effects.
-“Lab leak” out of China.
-The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes.
-Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision.
-Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them.
-Obama’s chef “passing away”.
-HRC’s chef “passing away”.
-The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii.
-P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. Where’s Diddy?
-Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine
-Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt.
-Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan).
-The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”.
-Biolabs found in California.
-Joe Biden’s impeachment.
-The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag.
-The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”.
-Democrats defunding the police causing massive rises in crime.
-Kamala Harris’s record as DA in California.
-The Transifesto from the school shooting.
-Many U.S. Representatives and Congress receiving FTX funds.
-They’re already working hard to bury Donald Trump’s àssassination attempt but we won’t let them bury that story. July 13th is never going away.
The distractions are out of control.
Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now. 🤔
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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“Name me a single objective we’ve ever set out to accomplish that we’ve failed on. Name me one, in all of our history. Not one!”
-President Joe Biden, August 16, 2023 
Joe Biden in one of his now accustomed angry “get off my grass” moods dared the press to find just one of his policies/objectives that has not worked. Silence followed.
Perhaps it was polite to say nothing, given even the media knows almost every enacted Biden policy has failed.
Here is a summation of what he should instead apologize for.
Biden in late summer 2021 sought a 20th anniversary celebration of 9/11 and the 2001 subsequent invasion of Afghanistan. He wished to be the landmark president that yanked everyone out of Afghanistan after 20 years in country. But the result was the greatest military humiliation of the United States since the flight from Vietnam in 1975.
Consider the ripples of Biden’s disaster. U.S. deterrence was crippled worldwide. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea almost immediately began to bluster or return to their chronic harassment of U.S. and allied ships and planes. We left thousands of allied Afghans to face Taliban retribution, along with some Western contractors.
Biden abandoned a $1 billion embassy, and a $300 million remodeled Bagram airbase strategically located not far from China and Russia, and easily defensible. Perhaps $50 billion in U.S. weaponry and supplies were abandoned and now find their way into the international terrorist mart.
All our pride flags, our multimillion gender studies programs at Kabul University, and our George Floyd murals did not just come to naught, but were replaced by the Taliban’s anti-homosexual campaigns, burkas, and detestation of any trace of American popular culture.
Vladimir Putin sized up the skedaddle. He collated it with Biden’s unhinged quip that he would not get too excited if Putin just staged a “minor” invasion of Ukraine. He remembered Biden’s earlier request to Putin to modulate Russian hacking to exempt a few humanitarian American institutions. Then Russia concluded of our shaky Commander-in-Chief that he either did not care or could do nothing about another Russian invasion.
The result so far is more than 500,000 dead and wounded in the war, a Verdun-stand-off along with fortified lines, the steady depletion of our munitions and weapon stocks, and a new China/Russia/Iran/North Korean axis, with wink and nod assistance from NATO Turkey.
Biden blew up the Abraham accords, nudged Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States over to the dark side of Iran, China, and Russia. He humiliated the U.S. on the eve of the midterms by callously begging the likes of Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil that he had damned as unclean at home and cut back its production. In Bidenomics, instead of producing oil, the president begs autocracies to export it to us at high prices while he drains the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve for short-term political advantage.
Biden deliberately alienated Israel by openly interfering in its domestic politics. He pursued the crackpot Iran Deal while his special Iranian envoy was removed for disclosing classified information.
No one can explain why Biden ignored the Chinese balloon espionage caper, kept mum about the engineered Covid virus that escaped the Wuhan lab, said not a word about a Chinese biolab discovered in rural California, and had his envoys either bow before Chinese leaders or take their insults in silence—other than he is either cognitively challenged or leveraged by his decade-long grifting partnership with his son Hunter.
Yet another Biden’s legacy will be erasing the southern border and with it, U.S. immigration law. Over seven million aliens simply crossed into the U.S. illegally with Biden’s tacit sanction—without audits, background checks, vaccinations, and COVID testing, much less English fluency, skills, or high-school diplomas.
Biden’s only immigration accomplishment was to render the entire illegal sanctuary city movement a cruel joke. Given the flood, mostly rich urban and vacation home dwellers made it very clear that while they fully support millions swarming into poor Latino communities of southern Texas and Arizona, they do not want any illegal aliens fouling their carefully cultivated nests.
Biden is mum about the 100,000 fentanyl deaths from cartel-imported and Chinese-supplied drugs across his open border. He seems to like the idea that Mexican President Obrador periodically mouths off, ordering his vast expatriate community to vote Democratic and against Trump.
Despite all the pseudo-blue collar dissimulation about Old Joe Biden from Scranton, he has little empathy for the working classes. Indeed, he derides them as chumps and dregs, urges miners to learn coding as the world covets their coal, and studiously avoids getting anywhere near the toxic mess in East Palestine, Ohio, or so far the moonscape on Maui.
Bidenomics is a synonym for printing up to $6 billion dollars at precisely the time post-Covid consumer demand was soaring, while previously dormant supply chains were months behind rebooting production and transportation. Biden is on track to increase the national debt more than any one-term president.
In Biden’s weird logic, if he raised the price of energy, gasoline, and key food staples 20-30 percent since his inauguration without a commensurate rise in wages, and then saw the worst inflation in 40 years occasionally decline from record highs one month to the next, then he “beat inflation.”
But the reason why more than 60 percent of the nation has no confidence in Bidenomics is because it destroyed their household budgets. Gas is nearly twice what it was in January 2021. Interest rates have about tripled. Key staple foods are often twice as costly—meat, vegetables, and fruits especially.
Biden has ended through his weaponized Attorney General Merrick Garland the age-old American commitment to equal justice under the law. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, and IRS are hopelessly politically compromised. Many of their bureaucrats serve as retrieval agents for lost Biden family incriminating laptops, diaries, and guns. In sum, Biden criminalized opposing political views.
Biden has unleashed the administrative state for the first time in history to destroy the Republican primary front runner and his likely opponent. His legacy will be the corruption of U.S. jurisprudence and the obliteration of the American reputation for transparent permanent government that should be always above politics, bribery, and corruption.
If in the future, an on-the-make conservative prosecutor in West Virginia, Utah, or Mississippi wishes to make a national name, then he has ample precedent to indict a Democrat President for receiving bad legal advice, questioning the integrity of an election, or using social media to express doubt that the new non-Election-Day balloting was on the up-and-up, or supposedly overvaluing his real estate.
The Biden family’s decade-long family grifting will likely expose Joe Biden as the first president in U.S. history who fitted precisely the Constitution’s definition of impeachment and removal—given his “high crimes and misdemeanors” appear “bribery”-related. If further evidence shows he altered U.S. foreign policy in accordance with the wishes from his benefactors in Ukraine, China, or Romania, then he committed constitutionally-defined “treason” as well.
Defunding the police, and pandemics of exempted looting, shoplifting, smashing, and grabbing, and carjacking merit no administrative attention. Nor does the ongoing systematic destruction of our blue bicoastal cities, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. All that, along with the disasters in East Palestine or Maui are out of sight, out of mind from a day at the beach at Biden’s mysteriously purchased nearly 6,000 square-foot beachfront mansion.
Biden ran on Barack Obama-like 2004 rhetoric (“Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America).”
And like Obama, he used that ecumenical sophistry to gain office only to divide further the U.S. No sooner than he was elected, we began hearing from the great unifier eerie screaming harangues about “semi-fascists” and “ultra-MAGA” dangerous zealots, replete with red-and black Phantom of the Opera backdrops.
What followed the unifying rhetoric was often amnesties and exemptions for violent offenders during the 120 days of rioting, looting, killing, and attacks on police officers in summer 2020.  In contrast, his administration lied when it alleged that numerous officers had died at the hands of the January 6 rioters. In addition, the Biden administration mandated long-term incarceration of many who committed no illegal act other than acting like buffoons and “illegally parading.”
The message was exemptions for torching a federal courthouse, a police precinct, or historic church or attempting to break into the White House grounds to get a president and his family—but long prison terms for wearing cow horns, a fur vest, and trespassing peacefully like a lost fool in the Capitol.
Finally, Biden’s most glaring failure was simply being unpresidential. He snaps at reporters, and shouts at importune times. He can no longer read off a big-print teleprompter. Even before a global audience, he cannot kick his lifelong creepy habit of turkey-gobbling on children necks, blowing into their ears and hair of young girls, and squeezing women far too long and far too hard.
His frailty redefined American presidential campaigning as basement seclusion and outsourcing propaganda to the media. And his disabilities only intensified during his presidency. Biden begins his day late and quits early. He has recalibrated the presidency as a 5-hour, 3-day a week job.
If Trump was the great exaggerator, Biden is our foremost liar. Little in his biography can be fully believed. He lies about everything from his train rides to the death of his son to his relationship with Biden-family foreign collaborators, to vaccinations to the economy. Anytime Biden mentions places visited, miles flown, or rails ridden, he is likely lying.
Biden continues with impunity because the media feels that a mentally challenged fabulist is preferable to Donald Trump and so contextualizes or ignores his falsehoods. Never has a U.S. president fallen and stumbled or gotten lost on stage so frequently—or been a single small trip away from incapacity.
So, yes, Biden’s initiatives have succeeded only in the sense of becoming successfully enacted—and therefore nearly destroying the country.
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1americanconservative · 3 months
Things not in the news anymore….
(Version 5)
-Maui wildfires.
-East Palestine, Ohio
-Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator.
-Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon.
-Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn.
-Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW)
-The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth.
-The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons.
-Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to.
-Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6.
-Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals.
-Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography.
-Gay porn film in Senate hearing room.
-Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans.
-Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it.
-Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East.
-George Bush’s false WMDs.
-3 service members killed in Jordan.
-Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”.
-J6 political prisoners that are still in jail.
-85,000 missing children at the southern border.
-Epstein’s clients.
-Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.
-Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election.
-Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”.
-The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died.
-Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.)
-Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection.
-The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House.
-House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie.
-The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general.
-Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege.
-Vaccine side effects.
-“Lab leak” out of China.
-The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes.
-Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision.
-Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them.
-Obama’s chef “passing away”.
-HRC’s chef “passing away”.
-The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii.
-P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations.
-Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine
-Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt.
-Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan).
-The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”.
-Biolabs found in California.
-Joe Biden’s impeachment.
-The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag.
-The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”.
The distractions are out of control. This is such a small list of everything that has happened and I’m starting to run out of room!
Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now.
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@stevelovesammo 👈🏻
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beardedmrbean · 15 hours
Cats have more freedom than women in Afghanistan, Hollywood actress Meryl Streep has said in an appeal to the international community to stop the Taliban's repression.
Speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, the actress pointed out that even animals had more rights now in Afghanistan following increased restrictions on women.
In response, a Taliban spokesman said they "highly respected" women and would "never compare them to cats".
Streep's comments come after the Taliban government last month introduced a new set of "morality laws".
Among other things, these rules state that women's voices can no longer be heard in public and that they are not allowed to look directly at men they are not related to by blood or marriage.
The measures add to a litany of restrictions that the regime has imposed on Afghan women and girls since returning to power three years ago.
Women have to completely cover their faces and bodies when leaving their homes. Women and girls are also prevented from going to schools, parks, gyms and sport clubs. There are restrictions on the type of work that they are allowed to do.
"Today in Kabul a female cat has more freedom than a woman. A cat may go sit on her front stoop and feel the sun on her face, she may chase a squirrel in the park," Streep said on Monday at an event to raise awareness of Afghan women's rights at the UN headquarters in New York.
"A squirrel has more rights than a girl in Afghanistan today because the public parks have been closed to women and girls by the Taliban.
"A bird may sing in Kabul, but a girl may not in public. This is extraordinary. This is a suppression of the natural law.
"The way that this culture, this society has been upended, is a cautionary tale for the rest of the world," said Streep, who called on world leaders to "stop the slow suffocation" of Afghan women and girls.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who attended the same event, said Afghanistan "will never take its rightful place on the global stage" without educated women and women in employment.
In response to Streep's remarks, a Taliban spokesman said that "none can deny women the rights which Islam has given them".
"We highly respect them in their role as mother, sister, wife. They are [an] essential part of [the] family and society but we never compare them to cats," Suhail Shaheen, the head of the Taliban's political office, told the BBC.
He added that currently hundreds of thousands of women work in various government ministries and as entrepreneurs.
Western countries, led by the United States and the European Union, have condemned the new laws, but the Taliban has defended the edict saying it is in accordance with Islamic Sharia law.
The Taliban has also said they are trying to change the education system to more closely align with Islamic principles, and have repeatedly promised that women would be readmitted to schools once those issues are sorted. To date, however, there has not been any movement.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - April 3, 2023
Kentucky Legalizes Medical Marijuana in Bipartisan Vote After Decade of Failed Attempts
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The state of Kentucky has legalized the use of medical marijuana. The bill received final passage on Thursday. Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear signed it into law Friday morning after a decade of failed attempts in the state legislature.
The news makes Kentucky at least the 38th state in the U.S. to legalize medical marijuana.
Now Indiana is surrounded by weed states. The encirclement is complete 😂
2. The Maryland House of Delegates voted Saturday to approve the Trans Health Equity Act
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The Maryland House of Delegates voted Saturday to approve the Trans Health Equity Act — a bill that just a year ago disappeared from the chamber’s agenda ahead of a floor vote.
The bill would require Maryland Medicaid, beginning on Jan. 1, 2024, to provide coverage for additional gender-affirming treatments, which are currently disallowed in the state’s plan but commonly covered by private insurance. The expanded treatments include hormone therapy, hair alteration, voice therapy, physical alterations to the body, and fertility preservation.
3. FDA approves over-the-counter Narcan. Here's what it means
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The approved nasal spray is the best-known form of naloxone. It can reverse overdoses of opioids, including street drugs such as heroin and fentanyl and prescription versions including oxycodone.
Making naloxone available more widely is seen as a key strategy to control the nationwide overdose crisis. Effects begin within two minutes when given intravenously, and within five minutes when injected into a muscle. The medicine can also be administered by spraying it into a person's nose.
4. Boston expands tuition-free community college program to all residents
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Boston has expanded its tuition-free community college program to include all city residents regardless of age, income or immigration status.
Starting this fall, any city resident will be eligible to pursue an associate’s degree or certificate at one of six partnering local institutions without paying to attend. The program also includes a $250 stipend for incidental expenses each semester for up to three years, and up to $2,500 of debt relief for students whose account balances are keeping them from re-enrolling.
5. First cheetah cubs born in India since extinction 70 years ago
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India has welcomed the birth of four cheetah cubs - more than 70 years after the animals were declared officially extinct there.India's environment minister announced the good news, calling it a "momentous event".
The country has been trying to reintroduce the big cats for decades, and last year brought eight cheetahs over from Namibia as part of the plan. Another 12 cheetahs were brought to India from South Africa last month.
6. BBC education show in Afghanistan helps children banned from school
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The BBC has launched a new education programme for children in Afghanistan who are banned from school.It is aimed at children aged 11 to 16, including girls whose secondary education has been stopped by the ruling Taliban.
The weekly programme is called Dars, which means lesson in Dari and Pashto, Afghanistan's official languages. It is hosted by BBC Afghan female journalists who were evacuated from Kabul during the 2021 Taliban takeover.
Each new weekly half-hour episode of Dars will air four times a day, Saturday to Friday, on the newly launched BBC News Afghanistan channel.
7. A Trans Creator Has Raised Over 1.5 Million for Trans Healthcare on TikTok Live
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Transgender TikTokers are celebrating Trans Day of Visibility by raising over $1.5 million for gender-affirming care around the world.
Mercury Stardust — a DIY TikToker and trans advocate who calls herself the “Trans Handy Ma’am” — raised $120,000 last year in a livestream for the mutual aid nonprofit Point of Pride, which maintains funds for surgeries, hormone therapy, and free binders and gaffs. This year, Stardust and cohost Jory, a.k.a. AlluringSkull, set themselves a goal of raising $1 million in a planned 30-hour live stream…and then smashed that milestone less than six hours after starting the stream Thursday evening.
I have started a Youtube channel with wholesome videos I can find on the internet. Check it out :)
That's it for this week :)
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septembriseur · 4 days
Last night a friend sent me a recording of his little brother, whom he hasn’t seen for three years, reciting a surah at a gathering in Kabul. In the background of the recording, I could hear the rustling and breathing of the wind, other people, cars rushing past, a whole city. His brother sings beautifully and with such emotion. It felt like a dispatch from another world, a world that is somehow impossible to articulate within the conceptual language that people here use day to day.
Thinking about this in the context of what’s happening in Lebanon. An Afghan student of mine was supposed to start graduate school in Beirut this fall.
A friend of a friend in Kabul writes on Facebook that he is coming to a new understanding of literary giants who chose suicide; they all tried, he says, to protest the social and political contradictions of their age through their deaths. He’s an education activist who’s been arrested several times since the Taliban took power. “I’m closer to understanding those writers,” he writes, “and I better understand why they chose to die.” Don’t, I think, because I like to read your posts in Persian.
These small things.
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