#tamaki suoh scenario
thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Hitachiin Hikaru, Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Ritsu Kasanoda, Kaoru Hitachiin accidentally kissing the reader.
Accidentally kissing reader
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, Tamaki, Kyoka, Ritsu ]
[ Ouran High School Host Club ]
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Hehe my dear you have no idea how much I love your request, and THANK U SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING FOR RITSU!! he is amazing but underestimated
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Hikaru Hitachiin
Hikaru is pretty caotic and, along side with his brother, he is always puting tricks, making jokes and teasing everyone, and is mainly by his hand (since his brother can be more calm than him), so even when he is open with his love for you most of the time is in a more joking and teasing manner
Hikaru isn't really shy, whenever you are affectionate with him it depend a little in how you do it, if is a more romantic and innocent way he gets really flustered but try to keep his cool, but if you are flirty or tease him too it doesn't affect him too much and just respond you the same way
Is more likely for him to accidentally kiss you, for how much jokes and teasing he does, is probably that happens in one of those ocations, either for one of you triping or because someone else push him (also it could be that he planned it but make it seem like an accident)
Still, the moment your lips touch his lips he is in shock, it take him a little while to understand what is happening because he mind went blank, his mind isn't even processing that he is just continuing with the kiss and when one of you finally manage to separate he is doing it slowly
Although, once you two separate he is quickly to finally react and will try to come up with a excuse or even try to turning the situation around with either teasing you for blushing over it or say that he isn't affected by it, but his mind is practically a mess, a lot of thoughts and nervous are wandering around like crazy (specially if this is the first time you two kiss) and it would take him a while to stop thinking on it, even gently touching his lips remembering the sweet feeling of yours
However if you two aren't dating yet his reaction don't change much, but in here he will even more nervous trying really hard to come up with an excuse and still blushing like crazy, and he is pretty embarrased by it so he will refuse to talk about it again and will even be pretty aggresive if you or someone else even just make a comment about it (he is kinda mad at himself for what happened)
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Kaoru Hitachiin
Even when the twins can be really caotic when they are together Kaoru is more calm than his brother and even a little more mature, still he is pretty affectionate and open with his love (even so he gets a little shy from time to time)
Kaoru can be really affectionate by words and actions, still, aside from the jokes and usual teasing he is pretty calm with it. Also he really likes whenever you are affectionate to him, he gets blushy but that doesn't stop him from reciprocate it, although he gets shy whenever you manage to take him off guard or his brother tease him
Since Kaoru can be pretty caotic accidentally kissing you is something that could happen, but is more likely that some else push him (or you accidentally falling and causing the kiss) than him triping (it is very likely that his own brother is the one "accidentally" pushing him to you to kiss)
Kaoru can be pretty soft and calm, so he prefer cute and soft kisses, so accidentally kissing you make him pretty embarrased as well as really blushy, he tries to react as faster as he can separating from you and start stuttering, the problem is that he is really nervous trying to apologize and asking you if you aren't hurt at the same time, so he is stuttering a mix of both
He has to calm down first to be able to express himself properly, and once he is finally calm he will even laugh at the whole situation, even teasing you if you are blushing or were nervous too. Although if this was the first time you two kiss he will be more embarrassed and it would take him more time to calm down, but once he does he shyly and avoiding your gaze will ask you for a proper kiss
Although if this happens before you two start dating it would take him a long time to calm down, he won't be able to do it soon so he will try to come up with a excuse to run away from you (without making it seem like he is running away) and die for embarrasment elsewhere, even more because he can't stop thinking on the feeling of your lips
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Haruhi Fujioka
Haruhi is pretty chill even when it comes to a crush and being in a relationship, she takes things in a calm way, never rushing herself, also she isn't shy at all so she doesn't has much troubles with affection
Haruhi is more of acts of service than physical affection, although she doesn't have much troubles with doing it, still is rare for her to initiate the affection aside from holding your hand while walking around, so is more likely to you to initiate it or at least express that you wish for physical affection
Haruhi isn't exactly clumsy, she had been taking care of herself for a long time so she is really coordinated and organized, so for accidentally kissing you has to be either because of you or someone else, like you triping or someone pushing her
It doesn't take her much time to react (although if this is the first time you two kiss she will be a little more flustered and surprised), and she doesn't let the kiss last long because a kiss as an accident isn't her ideal (also that could lead her to properly kiss you later)
She take it pretty well, apologizing almost imediatly your lips part away, honestly she is more worried over you, asking you if you are alright or if you are hurt because that was practically a blow, and if you are blushing she may not really think that it was for the kiss
Haruhi isn't going to make a big deal out of it, so once is clear that none of you are hurt and both are calm again she will just continue with whatever she was doing, just joking or talking about it if you do it
If is the case that you two aren't dating yet she will be more apologetic, she has a little blush on her cheeks and even when it wasn't her fault she is embarrassed for it, she will still be more worried about you and will try not to make a big deal of it but later she will find out that in her mind it is a big deal because she can't stop thinking on it, the memory of the closeness you two had and the feeling of your lips against hers wander in her mind, still is easy for her to make it seem like she didn't mind it
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki can be really open and childish while expressing his love for you, but at the same time he is kinda shy when it got in a more serious and direct manner, he can be all the affectionate he want but when you start to get affectionate he becomes really flustered and a little shy
Tamaki always express his love in different ways, by actions, by words, by clinging onto you, by all of that and still it take him a lot from him to be able to kiss you, he may already did it but not on the lips, he kiss the back of your hand, your forehead, your cheeks but nor your lips because the only though of it makes him shy
For how dramatic he can be he can be clumsy from time to time too, specially when he is dealing with his jealousy so accidentally kissing you is something very likely to happen by his own, still there is the chance that is caused by others, like someone pushing him or even the twins trying to put a trick on him
Still the moment it happens for Tamaki is like everything goes in slow emotion without being able to do anything, and the moment your lips touch he become a flustered and blushing mess. Tamaki tries to react quickly but his mind isn't working anymore, you two separate from each other slowly and while it happens Tamaki just want to hide and never come back
Once you two are separate he is desperately trying to come up with a excuse, an explanation or even an apology but he isn't able to form any coherent sentence, is probably that you will have to help him calm down or else he won't be able to do anything for a long time
However if this happens when you two aren't dating yet he will be more apologetic, he is flustered as hell but he is saying a lot of apologies and he is doing it so fast that you barely can understand him, and he seems calm just because it would hit him until later while remembering it, is then when he finally realice in reallity what he had done and he will be so flustered and embarrassed for it that it would take him several days to be able to look you at your eyes again
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Kyoya Ootori
Kyoka normally don't show his love for you directly, but it isn't because he is shy is just that he isn't like that, he show it in indirect ways, like looking after you and truly caring for you (although he is the type to be teasing you a lot from time to time)
As well, Kyoka could be pretty annoyed if you are too affectionate with him, he prefers to keep the affection in private or not show it too much, aside from that he doesn't mind too much the affection, either physical, by words or actions, and he from time to time initiate the affection
Kyoka is really organized so from him it could never happen to accidentally kiss you, the problem is that his friends the rest of the club are pretty caotic so isn't difficult to thing that it happen thanks to them (or you too)
When this happens it won't take him long to react, he almost imediatly separate from you (unless someone or something else prevents him from doing so), quickly standing up and fixing himself with a serious expression that quickly will turn into an angry one if someone even talk to him (even you)
Kyoka is mixed between the embarrassed and the anger, he isn't mad at you though he is mad at whoever caused this, and he isn't mad for the kiss, he doesn't mind kissing you but being as an accident isn't his ideal (but if it was the first time you kissed he will be even more angry)
He prefer to don't talk about it again with no one, and will react really bad if someone say something about it (specially with the club because they will try to tease him a lot), but if is you he tries to not be so aggresive and even if you insist on it he probably end up teasing you a lot just before kissing you (properly this time)
If this happens before you two start dating his reaction won't be too different, but in this case he makes sure to apologize after the accidental kiss, and this time he just goes away, although the memory of you two kissing will be wandering his mind and bother him for a while
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Ritsu Kasanoda
Even when he doesn't seem like it Kasanoda is really caring and shy, he is a man with a kind heart but his looks and shyness make difficult for him to show his love for you, things could get easily misunderstood and even when you two are in a relationship and he is nervous of making something bad (aside from his normal shyness)
Whenever you are affectionate and caring towards him, even the slighlest it flustered him a lot, quickly making him a nervous wreck, he isn't used to be treaten with such kindness (since he is the son of a leader Yakuza) and since is coming from someone he loves so much it just hit him harder
Kasanoda can be pretty clumsy when he is specially nervous, so kissing you by accident is something that could totally happen from him, is more difficult to happen because someone else push him by accident (unless is after the club helped him change his imagen), no matter how it happen his reaction still will be pretty bad
Kasanoda is too shy to think on kissing you, and even when he does it the only thought make him a flustered and blushing mess, so when it actually happen by accident it make his mind go blank, it took him off guard so it will take him a moment to react and when he does he quickly separate from you while panicing
He may seem angry but in reallity he is panicing, is probably that Kasanoda end up running away trying to hide his inmense blush and embarrasment, and with every step he take the anxiety bothers him more and more. He is hesitant to talk about it to anyone, heck he is even hesitant to talk to you again, now embarrassed not just for what happened but for how he reacted too, at the end, when he finally manage to calm down enough, he will apologize to you for everything (the kiss and his reaction)
Also, if this happen when you two aren't dating yet his reaction will be pretty much the same, just that in this case he will be even more embarrassed (and probably will scare everyone who cross his path), but once he finally start to calm down he will start thinking on confessing his feelings for you
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ransprang · 1 year
hi ! could I get a hc for the ouran hs host club members on receiving a foreign exchange student (possibly a latina if that’s okay!) please? thank u <3 (I’ve never requested an hc so sorry if it’s wrong somehow lol)
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Ouran Members x Latina Student
Tamaki Suoh: Tamaki would be overjoyed to have a Latina exchange student join the Host Club. His romantic and chivalrous nature would make him eager to show her the best of Japan and the host club's hospitality. He would go out of his way to make her feel welcomed, ensuring she experiences the culture, food, and traditions. Tamaki would also be determined to learn a few phrases in Spanish to impress her.
Kyoya Ootori: Kyoya would see the arrival of a Latina exchange student as an opportunity to expand the Host Club's network and strengthen business connections. He would research her background, interests, and potential connections that could be beneficial for future endeavors. Kyoya would be polite and professional, ensuring she receives all necessary support during her stay while subtly observing how she could be an asset to the club.
Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin: The Hitachiin twins would be mischievous but intrigued by the arrival of a Latina exchange student. They would see it as an opportunity to create fun and playful scenarios, using cultural differences as a way to prank and entertain her. Hikaru and Kaoru would enjoy exploring new activities and games with her, making sure she never has a dull moment while being a part of the host club.
Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka: Honey would be genuinely excited about the Latina exchange student joining the host club. He would see her as a new friend and someone to share his love for sweets with. Honey would shower her with cute gifts and treats, ensuring she experiences the best of Japanese snacks. He would also be fascinated by any cultural differences and might even try to incorporate Latin American elements into their activities.
Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka: Mori would be reserved and observant but deeply respectful of the Latina exchange student. He would make it his duty to protect and support her during her time at Ouran High School. Mori would take a silent but watchful role, ensuring her safety and well-being while quietly appreciating her presence. He would also engage in activities that she enjoys and share moments of calm and tranquility.
Haruhi Fujioka: Haruhi would approach the Latina exchange student with open-mindedness and genuine curiosity. She would be interested in learning about her culture, traditions, and experiences. Haruhi would be supportive and helpful, guiding her through the dynamics of the host club and offering assistance whenever needed. She would form a strong bond with the exchange student, appreciating their shared experiences as outsiders in a wealthy and privileged environment.
Your School,
Admin Sav
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overtaken-stream · 1 year
``U`` in Art
! !NSFW! !
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Find Urself a guy so enticed with U that he'll learn to draw hUman anatomy as correctly as possible, who gains an Understanding of color theory, who tries his hardest to shade the skin, who Uses coUntless references of different people from all aroUnd the world and pUts himself in a position where the simplest of insecUrities become beaUty in his eyes, so desensitized to the real world and the thoUghts of others. Only to draw U,,,,
U with the nervoUs glances, U with the sparks of confidence, U with smarts, U with the body that U possess, U with the glowing skin, U with blemishes, U with scars, U with the signatUre grin, U with tears of happiness, U with sadness inclosed, U with so mUch secrets, U with an open heart, U with stretch marks, U with colors of the rainbow, U with the natUre itself, U with the everlasting eyes that lead to Ur heart, U with silence, U,,,,U,,,
However, no amoUnt of skill can captUre the charm, no amoUnt of brUsh strokes can ever compare to the real U, no amoUnt of practice can portray the love he has 4 U, no amoUnt of stUdying will ever compare to the time he spent stUdying U. No canvass will fit the love he has 4 U.
None will be able to captUre U in a box of white. Yet he makes a fUtile effort with scenarios in his imagination that will never be accUrate. The jealoUsy that takes root has no reasons, nor is it based on reality, yet his thoUghts run wild, so does his imagination.
He fantasizes Until a piece is born, a piece entirely consUmed and concocted by lUst. Depicting U in Ur most vUlnerable state.
The gUilty heart thUmps against his ribs as he continUes to shade Ur bottom in tints he can only imagine the real thing is. The organ beats loUdly in his ears, flUshed with the act he refUses to halt, the pink hUe decorates his face the longer the stays in place. Addams apple moves along his gUlps of saliva as sweat travels down from his temple. Dry tongUe slides across his lips.
This piece will never be hUng on the walls, yet the shamefUl act of drawing lewd makes him freeze as if an aUdience is watching and observing. It woUld have been fine if not for the fact that Ur the one on display. It flares an Unpleasant emotion inside of him. Anger, jealoUsy. He is aware It's nonsensicle.
The way he shifts his arm is robotic and he gets lost in the colors, Until it's time to add the glint on Ur Sex, erm,,,, Ur sex from his fantasy anyway.
A thought rUns across his mind that stops him of filling you with colors.
And he debates for a second.
ShoUld he stain this already sedUctive piece with his colors filling the insides of you?
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↳Noriaki Kakyoin, Rohan Kishibe (jjba), Yuuta Okkotsu(jjk), Portgas D. Ace, Sanji (op), Yushiro(kny), Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein(aot), Genos(opm), Shinji Ikari(ng:e), Tamaki Suoh(ohshc), Aquamarine Hoshino(oshi no ko), Kurapika Kurta, Leorio (hxh).
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creativia10 · 3 months
Shared Annoyances
Summary: Kusuo Saiki's school wins a trip to Karuizawa. During this trip, Saiki's group encounters Ouran Academy's host club members. Shenanigans ensue. At least Kusuo has found someone else who shares in his annoyance.
Relationships: Platonic Saiki Kusuo and Haruhi
Warnings: (minor) implied fear of homophobia, worry about manipulation
Wordcount: 4164
Notes: The poll results came in, so I think I will be posting Saiki K fanfics on here. When I was sick recently, I found myself rewatching my favorite anime 'The Disastrous Life of Saiki K'. As I was watching, I found myself thinking about how Saiki could be friends with Haruhi. They could bond over being annoyed with the people around them. It's always intimidating for me to post a fanfic in a fandom for the first time, so I hope you like it. I may have an idea for a continuation, that may be multichapter (or multiple parts) this time.
Saiki's school had entered an academic performance contest for a special trip to Karuizawa. Class representative Hairo's effective motivation for the student body aided their school's performance. So they managed to win the trip. This vacation spot in Karuizawa is apparently a popular visit for distinguished rich people. Particularly those whose kids attended the prestigious Ouran academy.
 The PK students were of course very excited. Kusuo was more going because of his parents’ insistence that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus, it would look strange if he didn’t go when literally everyone wanted to go.
So he found himself in a familiar scenario. He walked with a group through the shopping area, in a vacation spot. The idiots around him arguing about which places to go to. Somehow the girls were with them this time. The girls weren’t arguing as much as the guys were. The main consensus seemed to be they wanted to check out all the stores. Good grief.
The trip and food was covered, but individual purchases were not. There was no guarantee they’d be able to afford anything at the souvenir shops for rich people.
‘Damn rich people.’
Kusuo overheard among the many other thoughts around.
Just then a group of very attractive guys around their age walked over.
“I already told you, sempai. I really don’t want anything,” A brunette in their group was saying.
A handsome blonde spun around dramatically.
“Nonsense, my dear Haruhi! There are so many sights to see here at our favorite vacation spot. Surely there has to be something we can get you,” He said.
Haruhi just groaned in response. Apparently she was resigned to the fact that there was no use arguing against him.
The two groups paused as they came across each other. Saiki’s group was filled with thoughts about how these must be some of the rich boys who came to vacation there. How handsome they were, and how strange it was that one of them was dressed more casually than the others.
Whereas for the Ouran group, just thoughts about how ‘oh yeah, they’d heard there was a school that won a trip to come here.’ The Ouran boys were dressed much nicer. So it was probably pretty obvious that Saiki’s group wasn’t rich.
There was also a thought about if they still needed to hide that Haruhi is a girl around the group or not. Huh, so apparently they had been hiding that one was a girl. Kusuo wondered why that was.
The taller Blonde glanced to Haruhi and then back over to Saiki’s group.
‘I bet I can impress Haruhi by really catering to these commoners.’
He gave a charming smile and stepped forward.
“Greetings fellow guests of this vacation spot in Karuizawa!” He bowed dramatically to the girls of the group.
“I am Tamaki Suoh, an annual vacationer here. I also run my school’s host club. Where we serve entertain,” He reached forward and kissed Teruhashi’s hand (because of course it was hers)
,”The lovely young ladies who attend,” He said. The girls blush and cover their mouths with giggles. He handed her a rose.
Where did that rose come from? Does this guy just always have roses on him in case he comes across a pretty girl? Wow.
Teruhashi accepted the rose with a smile. Tamaki stood up again.
“We would be happy to give you a tour of the area and help you in any way in your time visiting here,” He said. He looked back at the other boys he arrived with.
“Right, gentleman?” He said.
The others except Haruhi all seemed to exchange looks with each other. Apparently catching on quick. A pair of identical twin boys with red hair quickly stepped forward as well and also bowed.
“Of course, Tamaki!”
“We’d be happy to help!” They each said. The second winking at the girls. The girls giggled again. The boys in Saiki’s group seemed unsure how to take this offer. Especially as the hosts were clearly flirting with the girls.
Haruhi just rolled her eyes at the boys’ actions. …her?...his?...theirs?...hm, Kusuo would use they in his head for Haruhi for now and wait and see how the others referred to them.
Teruhashi smiled at the hosts.
“Thank you so much for such a kind offer,” She said.
The hosts stared just stared at her for a moment with blushes. Even Haruhi, which had surprised Kusuo. Almost like they all weren’t used  to being floored by a pretty girl.
They shook their heads, and Tamaki cleared his throat.
“Of course! We love to assist,” He said, nearly losing his composure. Kusuo heard thoughts from the other hosts surprised as they noticed that as well.
The boys in Saiki’s group of course were not thrilled by the attention the hosts were giving Teruhashi. The only one who seemed to think of any of the other girls was Kaidou, over Chiyo. Although that had been slowly developing for a while.
“How about we start with the first shop here?” Tamaki asked. Teruhashi smiled and nodded.
“That sounds great!” She said. The two groups started for the first shop. There wasn’t enough room for everyone to enter. The PK boys seemed less interested for the moment anyways. Grumpy about the attention the hosts were getting from the girls.
Why did this idiot Tamaki think this would impress Haruhi? They seemed more annoyed by this than anything.
Kusuo waited with them outside. Haruhi also stayed out there. Tamaki looked back.
“Haruhi! Aren’t you coming in?” Tamaki asked.
“No thanks. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of room in there anyways,” Haruhi said.
Tamaki hmmed and seemed to think for a moment. Then he turned back to the girls he lead into the shop and offered to buy them anything they wished for in there.
“Oh, you really don’t have to do that, Tamaki!” Teruhashi exclaimed.
Tamaki bowed again, somehow despite the little space in the shop. Gosh, that guy was so extra.
“Oh please, it is no big deal to me! I’d rather be sure such lovely young ladies get the chance to have nice souvenirs befitting their beauty,” He said with charm. The girls giggled again.
Haruhi sighed and rolled their eyes.
Most of the girls were still shy about asking for anything. Even though Kusuo could see in their minds the things they wanted from the shop. It got to the point where the hosts, would start pointing things out and asking if any of the girls wanted that. It was mainly Tamaki and the twins doing this.
Apparently these guys picked up on what the girls had been eyeing. Eventually, the girls did finally admit to what they wanted. When the guys pointed to the right things.
The continued shyness about the offer was an act for Teruhashi. But they did all seem very appreciative to the host club members for doing this for them.
Haruhi wondered what the fellow hosts were up to with such offers. They’d never seen the hosts be so generous before. Then again, most of the time they were around other rich people and wouldn’t need to offer paying for things.
Damn rich people.
Still, it was surprising. Haruhi hadn’t really seen the other hosts pay much attention to other commoners. That is, aside from Haruhi themselves.
Kusuo internally hmmed. The hosts definitely weren’t impressing Haruhi in the way Tamaki had hoped in his daydreams. But it seemed he wasn’t too far off after all.
As the shopping trip dragged on though, Haruhi’s patience waned. Especially since Haruhi hadn’t really been interested in shopping in the first place.
Later on both groups made it to a bigger shop where everyone could fit inside without being squished. The other guys in Saiki’s group had a little more enthusiasm now that they could reach other souvenirs. Not as grumpy about the hosts’ attention as earlier, but it was still prevalent.
The size of this one meant there wasn’t really a reason for Haruhi and Kusuo to wait outside the shop this time.
Haruhi was standing in the back of the shop sort of just watching as the two groups went around the shop. Internally grumbling about how they were annoyed with the host club’s antics this time. Well, that was something Kusuo could understand in a way.
Despite Haruhi’s annoyance, Kusuo found their thoughts to be much calmer to be around. Compared to everyone else in proximity that is. So, Kusuo carefully walked over and just stood in the back with them.
He didn’t mind being by them too much. Something about understanding being annoyed with the people around you.
Haruhi glanced over to Kusuo. They were surprised that the quietest one of the other group stood by them. Then again, most of the boys had seemed a bit annoyed with the attention the hosts were giving the girls. Typical. Although, he didn’t seem interested in looking around the shop like the others were.
Kusuo was honestly more interested in special sweets he could get around there. Their groups hadn’t made it over to a sweets shop yet. At this rate they might not make it to one before such shops closed for the day though. Good grief.
It’s not like the hosts had made the same offer to buy things for the boys in the group anyways. Maybe they were worried about looking gay. It’s not like the boys were really complaining anyways. Well, maybe a bit in Kaidou’s thoughts, but the immature guy probably wouldn’t admit to such a thing. Maybe it was just because none of the guys had reacted as interested as the girls had. Again, probably because they didn’t want to seem gay or something.
Kusuo didn’t know much about the host clubs concept. From what he heard though, none of these high school hosts seemed to have a problem catering to anyone.
Back to his sweets preference though. The reason he didn’t go off on his own to get a treat he wanted anyways. He found he was unsure about leaving the chaotic groups. Because he couldn’t seem to help but be overprotective of these people who thought they were his friends. When did he become like this? He never thought he was that selfless.
Then again, one of the hosts who wore glasses kept looking over everyone in the two group’s interactions. Like he was scrutinizing everything. And Kusuo could hear how this Kyoya was analyzing how anything could be used to his favor and the host club’s. So yeah, Kusuo wasn’t a fan of that. He figured it might be best to keep an ear out for that guy. So none of these idiots get taken advantage of.
Anyways, Haruhi was wondering if they should try and say something to him. Kusuo found he didn’t mind the possibility of conversation too much from them. Although he’d still prefer the quiet.
“…you’re not interested in any of the stuff here either, hm?” Haruhi asked.
Kusuo paused for a moment and then shook his head.
“Hmm, same…I’ve uh, never really been a big stuff person,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo shot them a small smile at that. He understood that. Unless sweets counted as stuff in this case.
Haruhi sighed.
“Sempai and many of the other hosts always go overboard with this kind of stuff,” They said.
You’d think Tamaki and the others would catch on by now that stuff doesn’t impress me, they thought.
It sounded like those boys were rich idiots.
Kusuo was surprised that he nearly shared his own annoyances with Haruhi. That wasn’t like him. Maybe there was just something about Haruhi that got people to open up to them. That kind of reminded Kusuo of his mom in a way.
Haruhi glanced to Kusuo again.
He’s quiet. It kind of reminds me of Mori sempai.
Kusuo then got a mental image of the tallest host with dark hair. The one who seemed to hang around the smallest blonde of the group.
For some reason I’m tempted to ask if this guy wants to go somewhere calmer. So we can escape the hyper antics of our combined groups.
The thought was tempting to Kusuo as well.
“…can I ask what your name is?” Haruhi asked.
“Kusuo Saiki.”
“Ah okay, I’m Haruhi Fujioka,” They said.
“I know, or at least I caught your first name. That Tamaki guy shouted it a couple of times,” Kusuo said.
Haruhi huffed at the reminder and rolled their eyes again.
“Yeah, he’s always been…excitable like that,” They said.
That was one way to word it. He’s always so eager to impress me, and I just don’t get why.
Kusuo thought he had an idea. He may not have been interested in relationships himself. But even he could tell that Tamaki guy clearly had feelings for Haruhi. Maybe it was just from all the relationship stuff Kusuo had overheard through the years.
“…have you known them long?” Kusuo found himself asking despite himself.
“Just since I started at Ouran Academy. Although I do see them a lot as a member of the host club myself,” Haruhi said.
…wait wasn’t Ouran academy primarily a school for rich kids? Haruhi didn’t seem like they were.
“You’re probably wondering how I attend Ouran academy when I don’t seem like I’m rich, hm?” Haruhi said.
Kusuo blinked. Well, he supposed it made sense they’d be used to such questions. After a moment Kusuo hesitantly nodded.
Haruhi laughed a bit.
“It’s okay, I know a lot of people I encounter wonder about that. I got in through a special scholarship,” They said.
Ah, that made sense. Not to brag, but it was probably the type of scholarship Kusuo could easily get as well if he wanted to. But he didn’t, because he’d be sure to stand out from doing so and he didn’t want that at all. It was definitely an impressive feat though. Kusuo had respect for them to have such an accomplishment. Haruhi definitely earned their right for such fine education. Probably more than the other rich brats there who hadn't worked for it. Kusuo had never been very materialistic.
“Congratulations,” He said.
“Thanks, it took a lot of work. Even though things didn’t go the way I imagined they would at this school, I wouldn’t take it back,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo hmmed and nodded slowly after a moment.
There was another thing though. A scholarship student didn’t seem likely to end up part of that type of club to him. Even though Kusuo didn’t know much about host clubs. He found himself wondering how Haruhi even ended up part of such a club. They didn’t jump at the chance to cater to the girls the way the other hosts had. Then again, Haruhi not being a guy in the way the others were might be a factor as well.
“I probably also don’t seem like the host type, do I?” Haruhi asked.
…no fair. Telepathy was Kusuo’s thing.
Haruhi sighed.
“It’s a long story…but basically I broke an expensive vase in the host club, and I’ve been working as a host to work off my debt,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo winced at that. Yikes. That sucked.
“…yeah,” They said.
“Even though the other hosts can be a bit much at times, I suppose it could always be worse,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo just hmmed at that. He got some mental images from Haruhi then. Images of exciting things that had happened with the host club. Including one that was apparently Haruhi’s first kiss. It looked like it was an accident. It was also with another girl.
…Kusuo bet there was an interesting story behind that one as well. It did seem like both he and Haruhi didn’t get many moments of peace the way they both seemed to want. In a way it was nice to be around someone who understood. Even if their situations were different.
As tempting as it is to escape, I might actually feel a bit bad leaving them. Although really, I more just don’t want to deal with the inevitable freakout from Tamaki if I did, Haruhi thought.
Kusuo found he somehow felt similarly. Although none of the nuisances in his group seemed as dramatic as this Tamaki guy. Good grief. Something told Kusuo that guy would give him many headaches just from being around him a little bit. He was glad now he had put some distance between himself and the combined groups.
It seemed the others were winding down with their purchases from this shop. The hosts ended up carrying the bags for the girls that they bought for them. Except for the little blonde, but his tall bodyguard seemed to make up for it.
As they were leaving Teruhashi turned to Kusuo and smiled. He was a bit surprised she even bothered to give him any attention. She’d gotten plenty of attention from Tamaki after all.
“Hey everyone, how about we head to a sweets café next? Before any of them close. I noticed Saiki didn’t get a chance to get anything, and he always seems to be a fan of sweets,” She says with a pretty giggle.
Kusuo perked up at that. He was surprised by the offer, but wasn’t going to say no to such a thing. Haruhi raised their eyebrows at that, wondering about that interaction.
Unfortunately, all of them looked at Kusuo after Teruhashi said that. Great, more attention.
Tamaki thought about how sweet this girl must be to make such an offer for her friend.
Yeah, she doesn’t see him as just a friend. But again, Kusuo wasn’t going to pass up a chance to get some sweets.
Tamaki smiled and bowed dramatically again.
“But of course! I know just the place. Honey is a big fan of sweets as well, so we always make sure to stop by this place when we come to visit,” Tamaki said. The small blonde who must be Honey smiled and nodded,
“Yep!” He cheered. The girls cooed at his cuteness. Even Kaido seemed taken in by the adorable small boy. It was hard to believe this kid was one of the oldest. How was he so short?
Anyways, they made it to the sweets café in time. Thankfully not pushing it close to the closing hours. So they wouldn’t seem like jerks. There was one treat that really caught Kusuo’s interest. It seemed to be a very sweet coffee ice cream dessert. Teruhashi asked what he was getting, which he told her. Then she decided to get it as well. So did Haruhi. Then everyone was getting what he picked out. Really? Well, he supposed it was one of the more popular treats there.
After Kusuo got his ice cream, he had to figure out where to sit. At first he was going to sit by Haruhi, they seemed to hit it off well earlier. But then Tamaki was quick to sit next to them. Haruhi made an annoyed face, but Kusuo could hear they weren’t nearly as annoyed as they let on. Huh, maybe Haruhi did like Tamaki back. It was hard to tell. Although they did seem to feel bad that Tamaki might drive away their new friend. And well…they weren’t exactly wrong.
Teruhashi seemed surprised by who Tamaki decided to sit next to, but she didn’t let it show. She just gave Kusuo another smile.
“Hey, how about we sit over here Saiki?” She asked.
Tamaki seemed surprised that Teruhashi kept wanting to get Saiki’s attention. He wondered if it was similar to how he was with Haruhi.
Good grief. Kusuo really hoped this Tamaki guy didn’t try to do anything from this realization. He seemed like the meddling type. Kusuo didn’t need annoying people trying to match make him with Teruhashi. Talk about unwanted attention.
Kusuo knew it would stand out if he went to sit by himself, as much as he wanted to. Especially after Teruhashi made sure they went somewhere Kusuo would like. So he went to sit on Haruhi’s other side anyways. Figuring solidarity against annoying people would be nice.
Teruhashi was immediately jealous of who Kusuo sat next to. Even though she had been the one to suggest they sit there in the first place. He didn’t really get why though. She didn’t seem to suspect Haruhi wasn’t a guy in the way the other hosts were. Maybe just because Tamaki was already giving Haruhi attention.
But Tamaki was jealous of Kusuo sitting there as well. Good grief. Teruhashi sat across from them. The other hosts sat with the girls at other tables nearby. The Pk boys were almost on their own but still close. Despite the attention of the other hosts, Chiyo had ended up wanting to sit with Kaidou still. The hosts caught the hint Chiyo wanted to be alone with Kaidou, but apparently no one else did. As Teruhashi was wrapped up in wanting Kusuo’s attention again. Kaidou tried to tell Nendou to sit somewhere else. But because Nendou was an idiot, he wasn’t getting it. Then Kaidou got too flustered to spell it outright, much to Chiyo’s disappointment.
Kyoya cleared his throat.
“Excuse me, uh-“
“Right, Nendou. I believe this new couple may want to sit at a table with just the two of them,” Kyoya said. Chiyo and Kaidou both immediately got flustered.
“What!? N-no, we’re-“
“We’re not dating! It would be too dangerous with Dark Reunion after me! Uh, I mean-“
Crap. Chiyo has heard me talk about that at school, but I might look like a total nutjob in front of these guys now.
Kyoya raised an eyebrow at that and nearly half-smirked.
It’s very tempting to completely annihilate this guy’s childish views. But alas, Tamaki seems to prioritize the host club help couple. So not this time.
Good grief. Kusuo wondered if this guy would get along with his brother. He did not like that picture.
Instead, Kyoya glance at the redheaded twins. The twins soon shared a look and both smirked. It was a little creepy how in sync most of these high school hosts seemed to be with each other.
“Hey Nendou!”
“Do you want to play the ‘which one of us is Hikaru’ game?”
“Come sit at our table so we can.”
Nendou furrowed his brows in confusion. But the distraction seemed to work as he followed them over to that table.
“But I don’t know which one of you is Hikaru though,” He said.
“That’s okay!”
“That’s why you can guess in this game!”
“But I don’t know which one is Hikaru.”
“…that’s why you guess.”
“But I don’t know which one is Hikaru?”
Is this guy for real? Both twins thought at the same time.
Is he some kind of idiot? Yep.
They continued on like that for a bit. The twins getting more annoyed with the idiot and struggling to hide it.
Kyoya looked satisfied that the distraction worked. He winked at Kaidou and Chiyo before heading to the other table himself. Chiyo giggled and sat at the table with just Kaido.
Good grief. It’s not like they were completely alone anyways. Their tables were all next to each other.
Anyways, back to Kusuo’s own table. It was still a bit surprising to see Haruhi stare at Teruhashi for a moment again. Haruhi didn’t stay enamored though. Quickly getting annoyed again by Tamaki’s extra-ness around the very pretty girl. Was Haruhi jealous as well? They seemed more annoyed by Tamaki’s antics than anything though.
I see enough of his over-the-top-ness at the host club. And now I’m forced to be right next to him while he’s performing in such a way.
It probably didn’t help the way Tamaki was dividing his attention with Haruhi and Teruhashi.
At least Kusuo was able to enjoy his treat, it made all this worth it. Even if he would have preferred to savor it in quiet. It’s not like he got many chances to do that anyways though.
Haruhi and Kusuo thought the same thing for once.
Damn rich people.
Then Honey pulled up a chair to their table though, next to Kusuo and hopped up with his own treat. Apparently having a shared love of sweets made the shorter host think they should be friends now. Honey started to chatter to Kusuo about his own favorite sweets. Mori just stood behind Honey at first like a body guard, before Honey encouraged him to sit at the table with them.
Kusuo had overheard earlier how Mori wasn’t going to get anything at first. But then Honey prompted him to get something as well.
Apparently Honey and Mori joining the table brought the attention back to Kusuo. Now most of the others were asking questions as well, also about his like of sweets among other things. Good grief. He didn’t like the expectation to talk so much. People could be annoying.
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y1ay2 · 2 years
Hi again! I have another Tamaki Suoh request 🙈 Tamaki x Reader who has all of the qualities of a Disney Princess? Like she's extremely beautiful, can befriend any animal, always kind to everyone and anyone no matter what and stuff like that? Hope it makes sense, Have a great day 🫶✨️
Tamaki x princess!reader
-He absolutely adores you and had his eyes on you ever since he met you
-I feel like Tamaki is the kind of guy to be attracted to Beauty and gets extremely jealous when anyone but himself admires your beauty (probably will throw a tantrum💀)
-He worries that you will get taken advantage by others with your kindness so he tries to be even more protective of you.(literally won’t leave your side)
-During the host clubs activities he would make this costume role-play kind of thing where everyone dresses up as Disney characters and will make sure that you are dressed as a princess and will have a prince costume on.
-one time you and Tamaki when for a walk in the park and while getting ice-cream for you he lost you. Instantly he panics only to find you between the bushes with a bunch animals around your legs and on you lap
-kinda confused 😭
Quick Drabble of the scenario from before♡;
You and Tamaki were on a date in the park. Hand-in-hand Tamaki was complaining about the all the homework your teachers assigned you until he saw a few children running off with ice-cream in their hands. Quickly he turns to you and before he can say anything you nod saying “yea yea we can get ice-cream. Ill wait for you here!”. He smiles at you with his iconic smile and runs off towards the ice-cream store. After Tamaki orders his dessert he goes back to you with a wide grin on his face but you aren’t there..? ‘Huh? WHERE IS MY Y/N THEYE WERE HERE JUST NOW’. Tears were about to form until he heard a small noise between the bushes. He quickly goes towards the sound and there he saw you with a bunch of animals around. “Oh Tamaki im sorry i didn’t tell you I was here”. He just stood there with a dumbfounded expression.
Authors note: Hey thanks for submitting again i hope you like it! Sorry i have been so inactive lately exam seasons are coming up :,(
-y ay♬
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thatanimewriter · 8 months
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── please check here to see if your request has been accepted and to view any personal works in progress. requests are listed in order of release.
updated as of: 21st july, 2024
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REQUESTS (20/20):
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↳ my presence is your present / ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader putting themselves in a huge gift box for their partner's birthday ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ pretty privilege / ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, winter schnee, raven branwen, neopolitan. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ male!reader being caught crossdressing ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ comeback / aldini takumi, nakiri erina, nakiri alice, hayama akira. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader who is soma's childhood best friend and disappearing then returning suddenly ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ new year (not), new me / dan heng il. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ fem!reader simping for dan heng's new form ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ nap time / shiota nagisa. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ fem!reader falling asleep in class ─ oneshot, fluff, crack.
↳ dance the night away / nanase haruka. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ fem!reader who overexerts herself when dancing ─ hcs + drabble, fluff.
↳ neurotypical cooties / gatekeeper, marianne von edmund. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ male!reader who has autism ─ hcs + drabble, fluff, platonic.
↳ say yes to the fiance / blake belladonna, yang xiao long, pyrrha nikos, neopolitan. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ reader proposing to them ─ hcs, fluff.
↳ may i have this dance / herman greenhill. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ phantomhive!reader meeting greenhill ─ hcs, fluff.
↳ hide 'n' seek chasey pt. 2 / kirishima ikuya, toono hiyori, ryugazaki rei, tachibana makoto. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ reader runs away after confessing ─ hcs + drabble, fluff, crack.
↳ enigma / sunday, dan heng il, aventurine. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ reader like elysia (hi3) ─ hcs, fluff.
↳ all for one and one for all / aizawa shouta. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ reader who is all might's daughter gets kidnapped by afo ─ hcs, angst, fluff, platonic.
↳ hoot do you love? / tokoyami fumikage. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ owl!reader ─ hcs, fluff.
↳ i drink tea, darling / blake belladonna, yang xiao long, nora valkyrie. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ kingsman!reader ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ ...i love it / yukihira soma, aldini takumi, hayama akira, nakiri alice, tsukasa eishi, kobayashi rindou. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ picky eater!reader ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ penny for your thoughts? / oscar pine, edelgard von hresvelg. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ reader like penny from pokemon sv ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ diagnosis / dimitri alexandre blaiddyd, claude von riegan. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ medic!reader ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ i'm gonna punch you / shigino kisumi. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ tickle fight turned steamy ─ hcs + short scenario, fluff, crack.
↳ happy death day / suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, morinozuka takashi, haninozuka mitsukuni. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ demigod!reader who is a child of hades ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
↳ prince(ss) charming / ootori kyoya. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ demigod!reader who is a child of aphrodite ─ hcs, fluff, crack.
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↳ succulent room sadness / suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, morinozuka takashi, haninozuka mitsukuni. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader being in solitary confinement at school during covid and thinking they've been forgotten ─ hcs + short scenario, fluff, crack.
↳ expectation series / fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, kugisaki nobara, itadori yuuji. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader in various (unlinked) songfics.
↳ the usual / yukihira soma, aldini takumi, nakiri erina, hayama akira, ibusaki shun, isshiki satoshi. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader + artist!reader is becomes a regular at a new local restaurant and the chef develops a crush.
↳ and on that day / sunday. ⇆ㅤ ◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ ↻ _____________________ gn!reader used to be a bodyguard for sunday and robin, but after a certain accident involving robin, now works for siobhan. sunday decides to reconnect in time for this year's charmony festival.
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squishbee · 2 years
Death prank on Tamaki Suoh ☠️ (not angst, purely for the sake of chaos)
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You had just gotten the most terrible idea.
How would Tamaki react if you died?
Of course, you didn’t want to actually die though. And if you were dead how would you see his reaction? You waited until all of the host club patrons left to try this prank at the end of the day. You were intentionally lying face flat on the ground as if you suddenly fell. You did your best to control your breathing to make it seem like you weren’t at all when you heard footsteps re-enter the music room. And then the most drama queen gasp you could ever imagine was heard.
“Y/N!!!! Are you hurt?!” Tamaki runs to your side before noticing you weren’t breathing. Well, to him you weren’t. Tears begin flowing down his face. “I’m sorry! If I knew you were going to die I wouldn’t have eaten the last of (insert your favorite snack)!”
You felt bad for pulling this prank since he was now crying and second of all- did that daddy’s money boy just say he ate the last of your snacks
You position yourself up suddenly in a swift way that caught the blonde off guard. You give him a death stare for eating your things but can’t stay mad at him long. He is adorable and maybe you deserve it for pulling a crappy prank like that on him.
“Oh Y/N I’m so glad you’re alive!” But then Tamaki gulps at what he confessed earlier, “I’m guessing I won’t be alive soon though.” You can’t help but to laugh at that statement. “Tamaki, it’s fine. I’m just happy you care about me.”
“Of course I care about you! Just don’t do something like that again!” He holds both your hands with his. “Death doesn’t suit you well darling” He tries throwing a smooth line at you which makes you roll your eyes playfully at him
Author’s note time. Thanks to my irl friend for this scenario idea 😎
I do not recommend trying a prank like this on someone irl, it can be funny in fake scenarios but cruel if actually done
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deescade · 3 years
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Ouran High School Host Club (date! scenario) click and drag game!
warnings: flashing images
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Game notes • How to Play
Please use a browser other than Google Chrome to play because the GIFs always lock onto their first frame on Chrome. Safari and Firefox work, please try those
If you're on mobile, screenshot the gifs either as a set or individually
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ohshcscenerios · 3 years
Haruhi: I didn't know it was your birthday, senpai.
Kyoya: Yes, just like last year.
Haruhi: How do you usually celebrate it?
Kyoya: 🤨
Haruhi: 😶
Kyoya: Since it's only us here, I suppose I can tell you. I will enjoy a spicy hotpot and settle in with a good book.
Haruhi: Wow, I didn't realize you liked it so simple.
Kyoya: To be honest, I have entirely different plans, but I know Tamaki planted a microphone on your jacket.
Tamaki, listening from another room: DANGIT!
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literally-inlove · 3 years
hi!!! can i request the ouran hosts+ kasanoda with an pop star s/o?? thx!!
Of course!
OHSHC is so underrated now with all the new anime it's sad. It's still in my top 10 to this day.
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
Ouran Hosts + Kasanoda With Popstar s/o (✾)
Haruhi Fujioka➛
Probably one of the only people to take in the news in a calm manner.
She knew you were a Popstar, but the fact you're now dating her? She was happy. But not because someone who was famous was now her s/o. Rather because someone likes her for her, no matter their status.
She has the hidden talent of singing and you love it whenever you two do duets of other songs.
And your fans love her as well, even though they've only seen her on your social media, and mistaken her for a boy. That's okay. What matters is that you're both happy.
She can't attend a lot of your concerts due to helping out her dad, but she goes with you whenever she is free. Not that it's needed. You give her private concerts.
When she broke the news to the rest of the hosts that she was dating you, let's say it didn't go... Too well... *Cough cough* Tamaki *Cough*
Tamaki Suoh➛
Man is IN LOVE.
An s/o? Who can sing? And play instruments? Love songs for life.
Would probably try and join in whenever you're singing to yourself, but let's just say he isn't... Greatest at singing...
He's so supportive of you whenever you have to leave the country for tours and promises that he'll be by your side constantly. As in he goes on the tours with you.
Kyoya sometimes has to drag him back to Tokyo thanks to how protective this guy is.
People may see him as this massive flirt on the outside, but he's really a boyfriend that can't go two seconds of being out of your presence.
The hosts are thrilled to know that someone else can put up with his shenanigans. They're even more thrilled to find out that he tends to be more quiet around you.
That is until he tries to show off his... Singing skills...
Kyoya Ootori➛
I swear this man is somehow more overprotective than Tamaki. But not in that "I can't let you go" type of way. It's more "Make sure to take one of my professional bodyguards whenever you go" type of way..
As we all know, Kyoya is in charge of practically everything in the host club. So he always puts on your songs for the time and forces everybody to listen to your immaculate voice. It ain't torture. It's a form of love.
He sadly can't attend any of your concerts, but he's tries to be supportive at home.
He can probably sing, he just doesn't like to. And fair enough. It can make your throat dry after some time.
Which is why he always has cough drops on hand for you. He is always prepared.
He's also in charge of your concerts. He buys the stage, the props, the lights, the employees. He wants the best for the best s/o.
And if people want your signature at school, he makes them pay for it. No matter how many times you beg him not to charge people.
Hikaru Hitachiin➛
He can't sing.
But he can play the guitar.
He loves to have you sit in his lap where he stretches the guitar to be in front of you, and plays it from there. He can also hear you singing perfectly.
He's grateful you're his s/o because you also help promote his family business. You wear a lot of the outfits his family makes to concerts.
Also extremely supportive and goes to all your concerts. Doesn't care if the other hosts need him back in the music room. He and his brother will go to your concerts.
Yeah. You heard me. Him and his brother. It's okay though. Koaru is a massive fan. Music wise and relationship wise.
Overall, good relationship. Doesn't help that the boy gets jealous easily.
Kaoru Hitachiin➛
He can't sing nor can he play an instrument. But he can write surprisingly good songs. The majority of your songs were written by him.
Like his brother, he's literally so supportive of you. He's the more emotional one out the pair and it really shows.
He wants nothing more than for you to love him. You're his s/o afterall.
Someone requested for the person who writes your songs, and all you responded with was, "He is nothing more than a highschool student who I had fallen in love with". Yeah. That started a lot of controversy.
Everyone wanted to figure out who this mysterious highschooler was, when he really was quite popular.
When Koaru told the news to the other hosts, they had apparently already known. Probably cause of Kyoya but yknow. Nine times out of ten, your manager is probably someone who works for the Ootori's
Everyone is overall super loving to see that Kaoru has found someone else he can count on.
Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka➛
This one is gonna be short as all we know is that this guy is a massive, quite teddy bear. That is all.
He LOVES your music. It's something I tries to listen to a lot. If he's alone? Your music. If he gets to pick the song on the radio? Your music. If he has the off chance of picking the sing to play in the music room? Your music. He loves it.
He also loves to pick you up and dance to quite a few songs.
And allow to me admit this but just because he's quiet doesn't mean he's good at singing. I'm sorry. But he probably sucks at singing. He has a nice voice, but he can't understand pitches and tones properly.
He's like your own personal bodyguard instead. A tall mysterious man that's so damn quiet. Not mention handsome.
Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka➛
Despite Honey-Senpai being my favorite character in OHSHC, I don't know what to write.
He loves cake and being cute.
A lot of people underestimate him whenever you're out together that it shocks them when he drop kicks people to ground. Quite literally.
He is a black belt for a reason.
Another personal bodyguard except less intimidating. You know?
A lot of people mistaken him to be your little brother, to the point he has to make it known to the world that he's "s/o's boyfriend".
Overall, a lot of people just see him as this cute bean, when he's more than that.
Yes. He's an adorable bean. But he's also the devil in disguise.
Ritsu Kasanoda➛
This man does not know how to feel.
He tends to be caught up in his own Headspace so he didn't really realize that his s/o was a Popstar. But when he does find out, all he can listen to are your songs.
He's glad he found out. He lives for your taste in music.
He's another personal bodyguard. He's so tall and scary. But then you get to know him and he's soft and squishy with trouble socializing.
There have been a lot of people that admired him for scoring such a hot shot like you, and he can't help but love this attention, but it can be much. He has a private life.
He does all he can do to protect you. You're famous. He has to make sure that you have the best time in your youth.
Overall, all he wants is admiration and to be respected. And while he does get that from a lot of your fans, there have been quite a few who hate him because he got with you. Not that he cares.
All that cares to him is that you admire him. To which you do. He's so strong but a baby on the inside.
Quite possibly the most jealous one out the bunch here.
That's it. I wasn't sure if I should add Renge as yes, she's in the Host club. But she isn't a host nor a hostess. There were a few characters that I had trouble writing for as you can probably tell, but overall they would all be extremely supportive of you.
Only 3 of them would get jealous. Tamaki, Hikaru, Kasanoda.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Leon Oswald, Sora Naegino, Ken Robbins, Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Hitachiin Hikaru how do they react when the reader kisses them and runs away?
Reader kiss them and run away
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Leon, Sora, Ken, Haruhi, Tamaki, Hikaru ]
[ Kaleido Star ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ]
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I don't know why but I feel like I had recived a lot of requests like this one (not complaining tho), mhhh... Is because i write it good or because is a cute prompt?
My first time writing for Leon!! Yeeeeey :D thank u anon!! I really love him, his character development and all that he has behind, his history and sadness!! He truly is an amazing character!!
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Leon Oswald
Leon has created a very bad reputation for how he had treated his past teammates, however that is not exactly how he is, in reallity Leon is really caring towards the one he loves and care (he just doesn't show it)
When it comes to how open he is with his love and how affectionate he is it would depend on if you two are in a relationship or not, if not he isn't too open with it but there are some hints that make it obvious but if you two are already together he will be more obvious with his love
Even when Leon is open with his love he does it in indirect or subtle ways, holding your hand or even holding you (sometimes he rests his hand on your back like trying to support you), or also being physicaly close to you all the time he can, he is more by showing it by subtle ways and he isn't shy with the affection, however when it comes to kisses he prefers to keep it in private, there is no need to be showing off like that
Leon finds kisses as a rather cute gesture, it doesn't surprise him (even if you try to surprise him it won't surprise him much) so he react immediatly when you run away, still he just looks at you run for a moment before laugh softly and go after you (not exactly running, and only if it isn't because you wanted to give him a little kiss before getting busy, like a good luck kiss)
However, if is the case that you two aren't a couple yet he will be kinda confused and troubled by your gesture, even a little anxious since you had run away, he doesn't want to asume or feel like if you were just playing with him, he will go after you (again, without running) and when he found you he confront you about it (he could seem mad but he isn't). In the other hand, if this is the first time you two kiss he will feel a little anxious when you run away (it kinda bring him bad memories), he goes after you and isn't able to properly calm down until he catch you
Even when Leon doesn't exactly runs after you it doesn't take him much time to catch you in a hug before saying how cute you are and giving you a soft kiss on the head (however if there is too much people around he probably would be more suble). If you had run away out of shyness he find it even more cute and will tease you a little without even having the intention, if you had did it for being mischievous he just laughs at it
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Sora Naegino
Sora is so friendly and expressive that is just part of her nature be open with her love for you, however when you two aren't a couple yet she tries to be subtle with it
Sora can be pretty affectionate and touchy if you are comfortable with it, she gets a little shy when it comes to be romantic with you but that doesn't stop her (she is already used to romantic stories for the Kaleido's presentations), still she isn't exactly the cheesy type, she is more the type to be your best friends and girlfriend
She doesn't mind much being physicaly close to you and small touches, like hands holding or even hugging (she can get used to it pretty quickly), as well Sora isn't easy to make flustered so it isn't too much trouble for her to recive physical affection, however a kiss is something more intimate and that is what will make her a little nervous and flustered
It actually take her a while to get used to kisses (specially on the lips), every time you kiss her she is surprised and flustered for a moment before trying to brush off her nervousness, but when you kiss her and then run away is something even more unexpected
Sora stay quite for a moment, processing what happened before running towards you (pretty flustered and blushy), Sora is asking you to please stop while running towards you and it doesn't take her much time before catching you, when she does she take a moment to breath before bombarding you with questions, letting go her nervousness with it. Sora take it pretty well and even jokinly, she may want to kiss you again and properly this time but she is nervous about doint it (specially if you were embarrassed of what you have done)
If you had run away out of shyness it take her a second to realice it and she will laugh at it, she isn't trying to make fun of you is just that he find it pretty hilarious and cute! If you have done it for being mischievous Sora will be dumbfounded and blush a little more, but will try to cover her flustered state while try to joke about it
If you have done it when you two aren't dating yet Sora will have troubles to follow you, so is more probably that she doesn't do it, instead she softly touches where you kissed her with a blush and think about it, when she finally put his mind in order she go after you to be able to talk about this and make clear her feelings for you too
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Ken Robbins
Ken can be pretty shy and clumsy when it comes to romance, what can lead him to be pretty open with his love even when is still just a crush, but other times he shows how caring and supportive he is by other ways (not exactly being an accident this time)
When it comes to show his love and being affectionate Ken rely more on words and indirect actions, his love for you is stronge but he is too shy to show it in a more physical way, even just little touches like holding hands can turn him into a flustered mess (even when in a relationship)
Ken would be lying if he says that he doesn't want to kiss you, but is just something too direct for him, he is already pretty shy when it come to romance and a kiss can be pretty overwhelming (he prefers to wait a while to do it)
When you do kiss him is something that it take him by surprise (even if your intentions where obvious it would still surprised him), he barely can react when you start running away, Ken become a flustered mess at the moment your lips touched him so when you run away he doesn't had fully process it yet, and without doing it he just get worried of you, so when he finally can react (at least enough) he ask you to wait and start running towards you
It would take him a while and there is a posibility that he doesn't manage to catch you (still he won't stop looking for you), when he does find you he immediatly ask you why you had run away while trying to catch his breath, he is kinda worried that something had happened, is like in his mind he doesn't fully get it that it was for the kiss
If you had run away out of shyness he can understand it pretty well, and he tells you that with a nervous smile, getting all flustered again, and yet he tries to help you (or the two of you) calm down. In the other hand, if you did it for being mischievous he gets flustered again, thinking that you will something like that it makes his heart skip a beat
If is the case that you two aren't a couple yet he will be hesitant on going towards you, so is more probably that he waits a little to think about it before looking for you, and when you two see each other again he will ask you about it, flustered and all nervous but he still want to know what you meant with that gesture
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Haruhi Fujioka
Haruhi is a more calm person, even when she falls in love she never lose her calm and mature personality, is something that it will be expressed on her feelings too. She isn't too obvious with her feelings but she doesn't has problems with admiting them
Haruhi isn't always directly affectionate (or in a physical ways), she is more the type to show her love by actions and sometimes words, however she doesn't mind being physicaly affectionate (but she will prefer to show that on the relasionship rather than before)
Haruhi had no problem with showing or receiving physical affection, as well she normally doesn't do a big deal out of it but that doesn't mean she doesn't like it, she isn't easily flustered not even with kisses (but she prefers to keep that to when being in private). When you kiss her it could surprise her if you do it out of the blue or for the first time, otherwise she isn't too surprised and even giggle at the affection (everytime you kiss her on the lips she corresponds)
How she react about you running away will depend in other factors, if you two aren't dating yet she will follow you almost immediatly at when you start running, even asking you to please stop, she wants to be able to ask you directly why did you do that and if that means you have romantic feelings for her, if you two are already dating is more likely that she just let you run away and confront you about it until you two see each other again, calling you silly for running away and laughing softly. In the case this was the first time you two kiss she will run after you too, it is a little unfair that you just run away so she will try to catch you to ask you why you had run away (being kissed in a rush like that isn't exactly her ideal so is probably that she kiss you again but properly this time)
If you had run away out of shyness she can understand your reason but still doesn't see why do it, still she finds it rather cute, if you did it for being mischievous she just sighs at it before smiling, she is already used to this kind of mischief on behalf from the hosts but didn't exactly expected it from you (unless you had already done something like this before)
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamiki is always really flirty and romantic for being a host, but he himself tent to be that way too normally, aside from being pretty extrovert and childish, he is pretty obvious with his love and yet he doesn't get it for a long time
When it comes to be affectionate he has no shame with doing it, he is affectionate with words and actions, and that just increase when he accept his feelings and more when you two start dating
As romantic and flirty Tamaki is he actually can be pretty shy when it comes to something so personal to him as the person he loves, so he usually is flirty and romantic but with when you are directly affectionate to him he quickly gets flustered, that is why he will be incredibly nervous when it comes to kisses, it isn't like he doesn't want to is just something a little overwhelming for him
When you do kiss him is something that will shock him for the first times (it will take him a while to get used to it), he becomes a blushing embarrassed mess so quickly that he is unable to react, he can't even say something so when you run away he is even more surprised
He feels like this is like a scene out of a fairy tale, thinking that you are probably too shy and embarrassed by it (something that it flustered him even more), in his mind he should go after you like a gentleman, catch you in his arms and tell you how cute you are teasingly before having a romantic kiss but that isn't going to happen since he isn't able to do anything, his flustered state doesn't leave him to move, so he has to wait a while until you two see each other again
If you had run away out of shyness is how he thought it was, he finds it extremely cute and, now that he isn't complety flustered he is able to tell you how cute you are, however if you have did it for being mischievous Tamaki get flustered again, this isn't the reason he thought of why you had run away (it isn't like he dislike it though)
Is more probably that he go after you if you two aren't dating yet, is something so unexpected but he loves it, Tamaki tries to ignore his embarrassed state to follow you to be able to ask you that if that means you like him back
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Hikaru Hitachi
Hikaru isn't too open or obvious with his love, specially if you two aren't dating yet (still his brother can easily notice his feelings), however he tent to show jealousy and a little possessiveness from time to time
Hikaru isn't exactly affectionate, he is more the joker and teasing type, specially if you two aren't dating, also he tent to feel embarrassed and flustered for his own feelings so that is why he tries to cover them, if you two are already together he will be more affectionate but mainly in private, when he feels emotional or tries to make it seem like it isn't a big deal
Hikaru has some troubles while showing affection (even when he shows otherwise), he prefer to take things slowly while he gets used to it, so a kiss it would be a little too much for him, specially if is unexpected
When you do kiss him it would surprised him a lot, he just stand there while you kiss him because he is unable to react, when you start running away Hikaru is still unable to react, he watch you run while being a flustered blushing mess, but when he finally get back into his senses he is immediatly running after you
Hikaru feels frustrated and irritated for what you have just done, mainly because he feels like if you were playing with him (he isn't mad for being kissed by you, what irritated him is the fact that you had run away), specially if you two aren't dating yet, if is that way he is even more frustrated because you had made him a flustered mess, for not explaining anything, for running away, but, more important, because he want you to clarify the meaning of your actions, he doesn't want to get excited over something that is just a joke for you
When he finally catch you (because he won't give up until he does and grows more frustrated as more time pass without being able to catch you), he make you look at him directly, he seems mad but his inmense blush contradict him
If you had run out of shyness Hikaru becomes really flustered once again because he find it really cute but he tries to calm down (when he finally calm down he wil teasing you for it, you won't hear the end of it), however if you have done it for being mischievous he is completely flustered in a whole different way, he was supoused to be the one who do those kind of things not you, and yet he can't help but love it and wonder it you would do something like this in the future again
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santaanya · 2 years
Pairing: Haninozuka Yasuchika x Original Female Character 
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College AU | Aged-up characters Genre: Romance, Angst Warnings: Mentions of alcohol consumption
Summary: Seven dates was all it took for him to grow fonder. 
Status: Ongoing
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falling-pages · 5 years
The hosts as lines of love poetry
Be ready for some angst. I may or may not have cried while writing Hikaru’s. **Contains profanity** **Send me headcanons and AUs and prompts to write!**
Tamaki: You’re in love with him and he’s in love with you and it’s like a g*dd*mn tragedy because you look at him and see the stars and he looks at you and sees the sun and you both think the other is just looking at the ground. (Anonymous)
Kyoya: The boy’s hair is black. His eyes are the darkest I have ever seen. His smile is wide and deadly; no one sees how forced it is. His fingers yearn for touch, affection, but his skin is lethal. Everywhere he goes, destruction, grief, pain, and sadness follow. He has no human name but is known by another. Most people fear him, run from his sight and curse his presence. Does anyone notice he is just a boy who wants to be accepted, a boy who goes by the name of death but not by choice? I guess death has a broken heart. (G.S.)
Hikaru: ‘You can’t love someone unless you love yourself first’ is bulls**t. I have never loved myself. But you--oh God, I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like. (My Thoughts Before I go to Sleep)
Kaoru: You said, ‘tell me where you’ve been, love’ and I thought of all the lost roads, and dark corners, and heavy work, and heartbreak, and all of the healing. And I just looked at you and said, ‘on my way here.’ (Butterflies Rising)
Honey: I don’t know what to call it, what was happening between us, but I liked it. It felt silly and fragile and good. (Anonymous)
Takashi: My soul just wants to be closer to yours. (Butterflies Rising)
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send-allmyloving · 4 years
Tamaki sat at the piano in music room 3. The sunset was flooding in, painting the room in a flourish of pink and orange hues. He couldn’t focus on the music at all. His mind drifted back to the dreaded Ouran Fair, the one to which his grandmother attended solely to use him for her own gain. The one where he was called a filthy child, where he was forced into an engagement against his will, to a woman who manipulated him, closed him off from everyone he knew and cared for, twisted his mind into some bizarre shape where he was caught in an endless loop of trauma despite the “happy ending” that came for them all.
Every time he was in the host club, after said incident, despite the smile he wore for the guests, the numerous girls fawning over his dashing visage and persona, deep down all he could feel was emptiness. A void, falling just short of the fake exterior he put up for the people around him; one that he tried to fill with some sort of existential purpose, even if that meant catering to the pleasure of those around him. Alas, all those efforts went to waste, falling deep into a bottomless abyss of nothingness. There was nothing that could possibly fill him with some sense of feeling.
For the first time in a while, every emotion he felt was... fake.
Then again, was any emotion he felt even real in the first place? Did he trick himself into actually believing his stupid little facade? Tamaki couldn’t believe he was even capable of doing such a thing. How could he be, when all he was was a stupid, incompetent illegitimate little boy?
He stared down blankly at the black and white piano keys, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. Then another. And another.
He felt them rain down and down his slim face as he balled his hands into fists, gripping the fabric of his pants tightly as his lips began to quiver, unconsciously letting a sob out of his mouth. He clamped a hand over his mouth at that, squeezing his eyes shut as the tears continued to fall.
How pathetic. He was sure even his mother would be ashamed to see him withered down to such a state. How was she, by the way? How frail had she become? When would he ever see her again, if she was even alive at that point? What was he to do?
He felt the tremors of panic take over his body, hunching over as he buried his fists into his blond locks, hiccuping as the tears dropped to the carpeted floor, trying desperately to keep his cries at bay. He was overwhelmed. Too many thoughts were whisking through his mind. What if the members weren’t up to the host club anymore? What if they were finally through with him and his stupid antics? Did he go too far with his whims for today’s host activities? How much of a dent did it put into the budget? Were the guests satisfied? Were they tired of him? Should he hand over his position to someone else more befitting?
He couldn’t breathe. He felt himself slowly spiral, the room around him losing consistency as he was enveloped into the deepest, darkest pits of his mind.
And then he heard a knock at the door.
He was once again saved from his descent into oblivion, yet only for the time being, of course. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t go home to experience his night terrors and anxiety ridden thoughts all alone once he was done putting up his little show for the public.
He took a shaky breath, standing up unsteadily from the piano bench as he brushed off his clothes and hastily fixed his hair. He wiped his tears away, dusting the moisture off onto his pants before practicing his signature smile. He was a master at faking. It was easy for anyone to believe he was just fine.
Anyone who wasn’t you, of course.
You were dragged in and appointed as the assistant manager and official musician of the host club by Renge and Kyoya, whom were quite appreciative of your musical talent as a violinist. A mere commoner at that, you were surprised to find yourself in a whimsical arrangement of rose petals and handsome boys, but it was something you eventually became accustomed to, similar to Haruhi’s experience with the club. Eventually, albeit reluctantly, you became naturally drawn to Tamaki, like many others, but not just for his charm, no. It was just... there was something about his heart that was so warm, so radiant with care and love for others; he was always putting others before himself, never minding his own wistful desires and looking out for everyone, no matter whether he was associated with them or not. And what was not to love about that?
So of course, you fell for him. You fell for him hard. Who wouldn’t have? The care that emanated from his heart was too pure, too overwhelmingly good to ignore. All you wanted to do was give him the same care and affection that he deserved.
So to say you were scared about what had happened to him when he didn’t come back from the music room to meet up with the rest of the club members to walk to Honey’s house, was very much an understatement.
“Tamaki? You there?” you said, knocking once more, concern rising to a crescendo. Was he not in this room? How could he not be? You swore you heard a piano concerto coming from in here.
“Come in!” said an unmistakably familiar, cheery voice. God, what an idiot. What on earth was he up to?
You opened the door, to find him standing against the piano, arms folded across his chest, his trademark smile plastered onto his face. But something just... wasn’t right.
Tamaki thought he could hide his emotions perfectly well, even from you, whom he became so close to. But boy, he had you figured out completely wrong. 
You were already capable of reading through his expressions, even during the first time you joined the Host Club. You already felt like something was off, something about his eyes. They always seemed a bit...
You weren’t sure if you were just seeing this or if there was really something wrong. Maybe it was just the weariness of having to entertain hundreds of guests all at once every day, anyone would have been worn out by such a task. 
But no.
You recognized that it was much more than just a little fatigue.
It was exhaustion.
Pure, unadulterated, mental and emotional exhaustion.
His eyes held that same hollowness, yet it was much more enunciated at this point. The way he smiled at you, you felt like he was going to tear the skin of his cheeks in half with how tense his smile seemed. It just wasn’t natural.
And then you saw it.
The remainders of tears.
They clung to his lashes, flickering in the faint rays of the sunset like a thousand crystals under the sun. His eyes were moistened and swollen, an obvious sign he’d been crying. His posture too; it just didn’t seem right.
There was something going on, no doubt about it.
“Hm?” He asked you, blinking curiously and tilting his head to the side, his violet eyes widening in anticipation.
“Don’t hide it from me anymore.” you said curtly, walking towards him and then placing your hands onto his arms as you looked into his violet irises.
His smile faded as he heard your words. Ah. So this was how he was to be discovered. The darkest part of him that he tried so desperately to shield from the people around him was finally out of the gate. Maybe his barrier wasn’t thick enough. He should have tried harder...
“What? Don’t be ridiculous, (Name),” he scoffed, turning his head to the side and choking out a harsh laugh that anyone could have guessed as fake.
That was enough. You took his face into your hands, pulling his face forward so he was looking directly at you. “Stop it, Tamaki. Look at me.”
That was when his face truly fell. No more hiding. No more faking it for your own safety, for anyone else’s safety. Damn it. 
Why did it have to be you? Why did he have to burden you? 
“I want you to let it out. Stop holding it back; it’s not... it’s not good for you, Tamaki, do you hear me? Please...” you begged him, feeling your own tears well up into your eyes as you stared at the broken boy in front of you. You moved his hands up into his soft blond locks of hair as you pulled him further towards you, resting your forehead against his, closing your eyes.
“Please, Tamaki...”
He felt the tremors come back into his body again, his breath hitching and his throat constricting as the tears he strained to push down finally surged back up. He latched onto you, arms wrapping securely around your waist as he reluctantly rested his head onto your shoulder. And finally, he heaved a sob, letting the tears freely fall down once again. And this time, he didn’t keep silent.
The room was quiet, save for the echoes of Tamaki’s cries of anguish, filled with the trauma of his past, the insecurities of his present, the worries for his future. You felt the pain squeeze your heart like barbed wire, the agony of his sobs piercing into you, though you knew it was incomparable to the absolute torture that Tamaki had been through all this time, all of it that he was feeling right at this very moment flooding his body all at once. Although it was hell, the soft words that you whispered into his ear, combined with the sensation of your gentle fingers running through his hair and the way you soothingly rubbed his back, made it a bit more bearable.
And through the tears, through the sobs, the only thing you could hear him mutter, was one single phrase, over and over, like a mantra:
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
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mugen0017 · 4 years
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I need someone to baby me like how he babies Haruhi...(੭ᵒ̴̶̷̥́~ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ᑦ)
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satansliteraryhero · 4 years
The First Female Host - Ouran High School Host Club
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After transferring to Ouran Academy, your first day ends with you joining the host club as their first official female host.
Ouran High School Host Club
(Light) Tamaki x Reader
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I’m not sure if this will turn into a series or not. Also, Haruhi does not exist in this universe. Hope you all enjoy! :)
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The sound of your heels clicked against the smooth marble flooring of Ouran Academy. You had just transferred as a first-year. So here you were, walking down the halls in search of your first class of the day, Class 1-A.
As you walked you could clearly hear all of the other girls talking about you, whispering and gossiping into the ears of anyone who would listen. While most would crumble due to the anxiety of their peering eyes, you quite enjoyed the attention and kept walking with your head held high, besides, there is no such thing as bad press.
Your family appeared to be ‘mysterious’ to most. Despite your high ranking in the world, you made sure to stay out of the news, more specifically, most of the world was unaware you even existed. Your father descended from royals, but he didn’t let that define him or his family. You could have easily shown up today in a limo, or carriage, or even a helicopter, wearing the most expensive pieces of jewelry you owned, flaunting your wealth and making even some of the richest kids at this school feel like disgusting and worthless street rats, but you didn’t. You didn’t care for all that stuff, you just wanted to attend the school like a normal kid, make friends like a normal kid, and have fun like a normal kid.
You finally reached the door to Class 1-A. You had worn the girls school uniform today with a side bag for your books. So, with two strands of your Y/H/C hair tied back with a simple white ribbon, you opened the door and stepped inside.
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As soon as you stepped inside, all eyes were immediately on you. No, it wasn’t because you were late. And no, it wasn’t because you were hideous, in fact, you were very beautiful, having a pure beauty to yourself that you knew others envied, but even then that’s not why people stared at you. It was because you were new. To them, you were a mysterious piece of fresh meat, but I suppose, fresh meat is better than being seen as a spoiled brat.
You quickly scanned the room in search of where to sit. Most of the seats were taken except two, one next to a pair of wildly identical twins, or next to a scary-looking girl that looked like she would break every single bone in your royal body... you quickly made your way over to the twins. You placed your bag on your chair, making sure to take out the books you needed to start the lesson.
You turn and smile to the twins before speaking, “Hello, my name is Y/N! I just transferred here. What are your guys’ names?”
They looked at each other, seeming to give one another a silent approval to answer the question, they both turned towards you, “I’m Kaoru,” the one closet one to you says.
“And I’m Hikaru,” the one to his right says.
They both begin speaking simultaneously, “We’re the Hitachiin twins! It’s a pleasure to meet you Y/N!”
You smiled kindly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both as well.”
You realized quickly that your conversation had ended at you turned back to the board. Hitachiin, you recognized the last name. Their mother, Yuzuha Hitachiin, was a well-known fashion designer. Although you had never worn one of her pieces, you admired her work. The teacher walked into the class, your attention snapping to him as he began class.
The school day finished quicker than you anticipated and you realized that you have yet to make any real friends, besides the Hitachiin twins, but they don’t count since you’re barely their acquaintance. You walk around the school in an attempt to find a quiet place to read. Reading has always been something you loved, ever since you were a child, of course back then your mother would have to read to you, but you still enjoyed every second of it.
After walking for what felt like days, you reached a quiet hallway, spotting a room labeled Music Room 3. You pressed your ear against the door, checking for any practicing musicians. You didn’t hear any instruments so after taking a deep breath, you opened the door.
The aroma of rose petals filled your senses as you let your Y/E/C eyes get accustomed to the bright light. You blinked a few times before looking back up, shocked to spot six boys staring at you. You were even more shocked to spot Kaoru and Hikaru among them, they even appeared to be a little surprised themselves at seeing you there.
Before you were able to greet them, an attractive blonde boy with deep violet eyes spoke up with a velvety voice, “Ah, a new guest! Welcome, Princess, my name is Tamaki, the King around here. The Ouran Host Club welcomes you!”
He had moved forward while talking so he now stood right in front of you, he grabbed your hand and before you had time to question his forwardness (and gross use of the pet name ‘Princess’), he pulled you into his chest, “Now tell me, which one of us do you find the most attractive?”
He stared into your eyes before twirling you around so your back was now pressing into his chest, giving you a view of the others. At first, you spotted the twins, they seemed to be avoiding your gaze and you being too embarrassed to smile, you looked at the rest of the boys. It immediately caught onto you that each of them seemed to have a sort of stereotypical character trait that made them stand out. You assumed Kaoru and Hikaru were known for being identical twins (obviously). You looked at the boy standing next to them, he was big and scary looking, but on his shoulders sat a smaller boy holding a stuffed pink bunny rabbit who looked like a harmless little kid. Aha! The opposite duo, the innocent child, and the intimidating yet gentle beast. You then brought your gaze to the boy on their left. He had gentle yet firm eyes and on his face he was sporting a pair of glasses, so he was probably the brainiac. And the jackass blonde behind you who manhandled you is the obviously the leader of the group, or in another term, the king. But why have a bunch of different attractive characters? Then it clicked, Ouran Host Club!
Time to have a little fun with these boys. You turned around, placing your hands on Tamaki’s chest and making sure to appear as though you were blushing and shy, keeping your voice high pitched you said, “Well gosh! I’m not sure! It’s so hard to decide... C-can I be honest?”
He leaned in, resting his hands around your waist and lower back. Even though you knew he was just trying to seduce you, you couldn’t help the chills that rand down your spine and the butterflies you felt in your stomach.
You quickly recovered, looking into his eyes through your long and delicate eyelashes, “None of you.”
You aggressively pushed him off you, making him stumble a little.
You faced all the boys and smirked, “I know what operation you’re running here, and let me tell you, your little tactics aren’t going to work on me.”
Tamaki brushed off his uniform jacket before looking at you and calmly asking, “Tell us then, what operation are we running here?”
“You’re a host club, entertainers, a brothel of sorts.”
All the boys gasped, Tamaki seeming to look the most hurt, “Brothel?! We’re not a brothel! We’re hosts, are job is to make women happy!”
I rolled my eyes, “Right, anyway, I’m assuming you’re somehow profiting off this service of yours, so that’s even more shallow.”
You turn around, facing the blonde boy, “And you,” you point a finger at him with a stern look on your face, “I know the likes of you. All charm yet they’re all full of lies. Boys like you, ones that are narcissistic and egocentric, are more hideous than any beast.”
He gasped, and you knew you got under his skin. You now stood right in front of him, feeling the eyes of the boys on you, “Because boys like you are rotting on the inside, which automatically makes you disgusting and vile looking all around, no matter how,” you look him up and down, clearly checking him out, “appealing you are to the eyes.”
As you stepped back, you saw that Tamaki was blushing and you couldn’t tell if it was from embarrassment or from you checking him out.
He began to stutter but you turned back towards the boys, “I hope you all know that there’s more to life than just being a stereotype.”
You turn towards the door, ready to leave when you hear one of the boys call out, “Wait!”
With an eye roll, you stop and spin on your heels, raising a questioning eyebrow.
The one with the glasses spoke up, “What do you mean by, ‘stereotype’?”
“I mean, every boy in this room is a different stereotype, a different character if you will. Hikaru and Kaoru are the wildly identical twins, these two are the gentle giant and childish little boy duo, you are the kind brainiac, and Tamaki is the king, correct?”
The boy with glasses raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, signaling that indeed you were correct.
Tamaki spoke up, “Wait a minute! I told you my name, but I never told you Hikaru and Kaoru’s. How do you know them?”
“I wouldn’t say I really know them, we just introduced ourselves in the class we share.”
Tamaki looked to the twins for confirmation, they both nodded before speaking, “It’s true, this is Y/N, she’s a first year. We share Class 1-A.”
Tamaki pursed his lips, “Y/N, huh? That’s a lovely name. Tell me, are you the new student that just transferred here?”
You look Tamaki in the eyes before speaking, “Yes, I am.”
The childish blonde boy spoke up this time, “My name is Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call me Honey Senpai! This here is Takashi Morinozuka! And you can call him Mori Senpai!”
Ahhh, the Haninozuka’s and the Morinozuka’s, amazing fighters. Their family’s had a lot of history together, and history with your own family as well. Your great grandfather and both Honey Senpai and Mori Senpai’s grandfathers were good friends, and to this day your families were still friends. Although, this was the first time you had ever seen them in person.
Honey pointed to the boy with the glasses, “This is Kyoya Ootori, also known as Kyoya Senpai! And him over there,” he pointed to Tamaki, “That’s Tamaki Suoh, Tamaki Senpai! He’s our king!”
Ootori, his father owned The Ootori Group, a large and successful medical facility. And Suoh, his father was the chairman, your father had spoken to him about you transferring here.
The twins stepped forward, “And you already know us, Y/N.”
You gave a nod and a smile, “Indeed I do.”
You heard Tamoki grumble but ignored him as Kyoya spoke up, “Say, Y/N, what’s your last name?”
Your eyes involuntarily widened. If you told them your last name, no matter how much your parents shielded you from the news and public, they’d still be able to find out who you were. Did it matter to you if they knew? I mean, the school will found out eventually, right?
You looked him in the eyes, forcing your voice to come out steady, “Y/L/N. My name is Y/N Y/L/N.”
Kyoya’s eyes widened a little and you knew that he recognized you. You had to admit, he was smart.
Tamaki spoke up, “Y/L/N? Where have I heard that before?”
“Yeah,” Honey agreed, “The last name seems very familiar to me!”
Kyoya answered their questions, “Her father owns Y/L/N Jewelers, a jewelry company known worldwide for their intricate, handcrafted creations. Plus, her father is of royal blood.”
All the boys’ mouths were agape except for Mori and Kyoya.
“So, you’re like, very rich?” Tamaki asked in a weak voice.
You giggled at his drama, “Yes, I’m very rich. But you see, I don’t go around flaunting my money or power, in fact, I’d rather nobody else knew my real identity. So if you could keep that secret, that would be great.”
“Woah, woah, woah!” Hikaru spoke up, “You know that you’re the most powerful and wealthiest one at this school and your choosing not to say anything?! Do you realize how popular you could be?! Girls will envy you, boys will want to be with you! You’re just going to throw that all away?!”
You pretended to think about it for a second, “Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I should get going, see you guys!”
“Hold it!” Tamaki shouted, “Let’s say, we don’t want to keep your secret? What if we want to tell the whole school?”
“I mean, although I’d prefer you not to, I can’t stop you. Well, technically I can, but I won’t.”
Honey spoke, “So you’re not going to tell people but you won’t stop us if we want to?”
I smiled and nodded, “Correct, Honey Senpai.”
“You’re the weirdest girl I’ve ever met,” Kaoru said.
“Y/N,” Kyoya caught your attention, “How would you feel about being our first female host?”
Tamaki’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor and your eyes widened in surprise at his offer, “Oh, well, I’m not sure, you guys seem to have your own little thing going on and I don’t want to intrude and-“
“Please, you wouldn’t be intruding. I can see you have lots of potential, You’re pretty, I can see you have fire in you, and you figured out our character’s quicker than anyone we’ve ever seen.”
You brushed off his compliment and thought about his offer. Be a host? But don’t they entertain girls? Although you don’t really care, don’t they already do that on their own?
“I wouldn’t be bringing you any business, I’m sure there aren’t many girls who would be interested.”
Kyoya shook his head, “You wouldn’t host to girls, Y/N, you’d host to boys.”
Hosting to boys? That could be interesting.
“So what do you say?”
“Um, sure, I guess. It could actually be pretty fu-“
“Hold it right there!” Tamaki cried, “She can’t just join our club! Not without getting the approval of daddy!”
The other boys looked at Tamaki with an irritated glare. You tried not to laugh at the fact that he just referred to himself as ‘daddy’.
He laughed nervously, “And without the approval of the other hosts too.”
You turned to him with a bored expression, “Okay. How do I get your ‘approval’, oh wise king!”
His face lit up at my use of his title but quickly fell when he realized I was being sarcastic, “You’ll have to show us that you can actually host, you’ll have to woo one of us. And then we’ll vote if you can join, majority rules. Deal?”
He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I couldn’t help but feel as though I was making a deal with the devil. Wasn’t Lucifer said to be devilishly handsome as well?
I shook his hand, smirking, “Deal.”
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