#tamakoma branch
mx-giraffe · 7 months
Guys guys guys
Hear me out
I know. I know I know I know but wait
I think
That we need more Yuma fluff
Guys I wanna read about Tamakoma making fun of Yuma and Chika for being short. And I wanna read about Yuma hanging out with Ko and Kage and them just having fun as besties. And I wanna read about Tamakoma all spending time together. I wanna read a fic where everyone goes up onto the roof to stargaze with Yuma until they fall asleep with blankets and sleeping bags and just keep him company through the night. I wanna read a fic where Yuma and Yotaro go fishing (and Hyuse gets to be there too because cmon). And I wanna read a fic where Yoneya finally gets that match! And I wanna read a fic just full of Jin being Yuma’s older brother. I wanna hear about all the happy things, I wanna know all the small little moments that are really the most treasured ones.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
(Id just write some myself but I’m currently in the middle of actually important exams, so I have like barely any time 😭😭)
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sad-leon · 9 months
was gonna make a most about a World Trigger au i have rotating in my brain but realized that was a bad idea because I don't want spoilers and i'm only on episode 28 of season one ladjflasjdf
but the autism is autisming and i cannot stop thinking about the boys and what triggers they'd have
and how F!mikey's sacrfice would probably give casey a Black Trigger, and how Leo probably had a Black Trigger from Raph or Donnie in the bad future
Thinking about how Karai's sacrfice left a Black Trigger that only April and/or Splinter could use
please don't send spoilers into my inbox or comments i'll cry
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aftokrator-official · 9 months
Kooku for the fucked-up ship bingo!
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i think these boys are not especially fucked up as they are but thinking about it is making me realize that they would definitely be codependent little war criminals if they'd grown up in the Neighborhood without Azuma and i should definitely. contemplate this further....
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Strap in boys, this is a long one.
So I was looking back through the pages of the manga and I noticed something very interesting about Hyuse. It's a really subtle thing but it's been blowing my mind all the way to Saturn and back.
I had to split this post up because of the Tumblr picture limit so if you want the full version you can find it here.
When we first meet Hyuse, he's in the Aftokrator Away Ship, dressed in Aftokrator's military uniform, surrounded by fellow soldiers. And he looks like this:
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Look at his hair. It's neat and tidy, slicked back to be smooth and out of the way. It's very round and flat and well-behaved, almost like it's been polished.
Soon after this, Hyuse is instructed to go out and fight Tamakoma-1. So he does. He goes with Viza and he fights Tamakoma-1.
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But Tamakoma-1 isn't easy to beat. In fact, they're quite hard to beat, and Hyuse is encountering some difficulties. Their techniques and weapons are new, unusual and unknown to him - he's being exposed to how Meeden works for the first time. And his hair... scruffs just a little bit.
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Just a little bit messier, not a lot to really matter. Could be just the effect of an intense fight.
Then he meets Jin.
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And then he fights Jin. And after fighting Jin and learning that his fellow Aftokratans have left, he looks like this:
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Those back spikes weren't like that before, were they? No, after having fought with Jin and being told he's been abandoned by his comrades, Hyuse's hair is definitely scruffier. (Also, doesn't that crack look weirdly like he's... crying? Food for thought.)
So Aftokrator loses and Hyuse is taken prisoner, and when we next see him, it's here:
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Posture slouched, hands in his pockets, hood over his head. A very clear anti-social stance. He doesn't want to be here, he doesn't want to talk to these people, he's pretty much doing this against his will. So he's reluctant, and he's hiding.
This is a common thing with Hyuse. It's how Ashihara communicates the distance between Hyuse and other characters to the audience; if he doesn't want to be there, he puts the hood up and he hides. And it's kinda interesting that the behaviour that is associated with Hyuse hiding is also the behaviour where he covers his hair.
His hair, which went from almost-uniform neatness in Aftokrator's ship to a ruffled mess after being on Meeden.
Do you see where this is heading? Let me keep going.
After the Aftokrator invasion, Hyuse spends some time among Tamakoma Branch as per Border's way of keeping him prisoner. He barely talks to any of the people there, but that doesn't mean he doesn't interact with them. He's still in the same space as them, sharing the same environment, so he continues to gain exposure to Meeden and its people, and he bonds particularly with Yōtarō.
Following this, the next major event in the story is the Galopoula invasion. Towards the end Hyuse meets with one of the Galopoula soldiers (Reghindetz) and demands to be taken with them so he can return to Aftokrator.
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Hyuse fakes stabbing Yōtarō in order to convince Reghindetz of taking him with them, but Reghindetz flips out a completely grills him.
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Chapter 135 is the first ever chapter to be titled with Hyuse's name; it's incredibly important to his character, and this panel is the centre of it. It takes up half the page it's on. Ashihara wanted to make it very clear to the audience that this moment for Hyuse is absolutely critical - and it is, because this is a major turning point in Hyuse's character growth. He's just had the blatant truth of what it means to be left behind by Aftokrator thrown right in his face.
And you wanna know what Ashihara chose to highlight in such an incredibly crucial moment for Hyuse's character?
His fucking hair.
His messy, fluffy, scruffy hair that looks absolutely nothing like it did when he first arrived in the Aftokrator ship. His hair, which has gone from neat and orderly and controlled to wild and free just from being on Meeden.
But the absolute wildest part? Hyuse looks like a teenager now. The more his hair fluffs up and gets scruffy, the more Hyuse looks like a normal everyday teenager who just grew up on Meeden/Earth. It's insane. It's surreal. It's absolutely off-the-walls batshit bonkers and Ashihara is a bloody genius.
It doesn't stop there either, because the very next thing that happens is the first time the audience gets to see Hyuse put on Lambyris. And lo and behold...
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Hyuse, using Lambyris and wearing Aftokrator's military uniform, has scruffy hair.
Ashihara could've just made it so that Lambyris automatically gives Hyuse neatened hair, and excused the previous scruffiness with "he was in a fight". But he didn't. Instead he chose to show us Hyuse putting on Lambyris while looking like a normal teenager, and have his trion body load in with god damn scruffy hair.
What happens afterwards? Well...
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Hyuse hides again.
Notice how he took the hood off when facing Reghindetz? He was confident then, self-assured. He had a plan and he was gonna act on it. Now, that's all been crushed. He's back to square one and worse, he's been confronted with the fact that he's been abandoned.
There's a distinct pattern to Hyuse's hiding. Whenever he's faced with something that shakes his world view and/or hurts his pride, he puts his hood up. He creates a second shield for himself and he uses it to cover up his key defining features. This isn't just anti-social behaviour, it's a defence mechanism.
The Aftokrator invasion? No hood, but the moment he's taken prisoner of war it's there. Aftokrator lost and then left Hyuse behind, and he's hiding how he's hurt by that. On top of that, he's being manhandled by Border.
Confronting Reghindetz? No hood, he didn't feel like he needed it. Post-Galopoula invasion? Hood up, head down, won't sit near anyone but Yōtarō. He's having to rearrange his whole perception of himself, Aftokrator and Meeden and it sucks.
And thirdly, confronting the Border Executives. In order for Hyuse to get back to Aftokrator, he needs to join Tamakoma-2 as their second ace, and help them get onto the Away Mission team. To do that, however, he needs approval from the heads of Border - which means he needs Osamu to plead his case.
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Notice how, by having him sat down, Ashihara made Hyuse shorter than Yūma in this panel? How Hyuse, who's normally the tallest out of Tamakoma-2, is depicted as smaller than their smallest member? And even more than that, how Osamu is now the tallest?
Where Hyuse is normally the guide, the advisor, the more experienced one that the others turn to, in this situation he is the one reliant on them.
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And look, he's regressed. He's gone back to that flat-eyed stare he had when we first saw him in the hoodie, sat in the back of the car.
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He's been placed into a situation where he is basically powerless and completely dependent on others to survive, and in response all of his defence mechanisms have gone back up. He refuses to emote properly and only talks when he feels it's absolutely necessary, and the hood stays firmly on - hiding not only his hair but his horns as well, the key defining feature of his Neighbour heritage.
But Mikumo succeeds in getting Hyuse approved for Tamakoma-2. And Hyuse, incidentally, goes back to being depicted as the tallest of the four of them.
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From this angle, it also appears that he's no longer slouching. His confidence is slowly coming back.
So at long last, in Chapter 150/151, Hyuse joins Border. He rocks up at the induction ceremony in a customised C-Rank uniform, hair fully exposed and scruffy as ever.
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triggeroffzine · 1 year
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💫 Tamakoma Branch Outing — Paper Bundle ($30)
This extra-bundle is the perfect option to show off your BORDER pride on your next trip! The paper bundle includes both the print and PDF version of the zine, all paper merchandise, and is eligible for all goal items.
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luffytaro-zo · 2 years
unnecessary lies.
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Pairing: karasuma kyosuke x g/n reader ( might get a little ooc nearing the end )
Genre: fluff
Type: oneshot
Content: two friends being painfully dense at each other's feelings
Warnings: some light cursing, that's pretty much it ( takes place in season 1 of world trigger ) ( you're part of the gang )
(a/n: not an op fic this time! i am absolutely mortified that there isn't much world trigger ff for me to indulge myself in so yes this is very much a self-indulged ff. i have a hc that karasuma is just naturally good at skating sports bc he brings his younger siblings out skating often so enjoy.)
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continuation utc!
"Raijinmaru, roll over!"
. .
"Raijinmaru, spin!"
. . .
"Play dead!"
Thud. A loud sound reverberated throughout Tamakoma's HQ Branch on a seemingly quiet Saturday afternoon. In the living area, Border's strongest agents were gathered, planning to discuss the latest Neighbors' attack, but more importantly – who was on dinner duty that day.
"What was that noise? I figured it was Raijinmaru but it seemed to be coming from above." Konami questioned, hesitantly rising from the sofa chair.
"The truth is, we hired a bunch of pest control people to remove a giant roach that's been lying dormant in Jin-san's room. That thud must've been them finally killing it."
"I see, that sounds awful. I hope Jin-san's alright. I could never imagine what I would do if such a horrible-"
"I lied."
"I lied. You fell for it again, Konami-senpai."
. . .
"Why'd you not tell me it was a lie?!" Osamu's cries echoed throughout the lving room as Konami proceeds to put him in a headlock, tormenting her victim for the nth time that week.
You chuckled as you watched your beloved kouhai fighting for his innocence, his two teammates on each side trying to pacify their fuming senpai. Glancing to your left, you noticed Karasuma's amused look as he sips on the jasmine tea Usami had prepared for everyone.
"Karasuma, stop telling Konami-senpai unnecessary lies. I almost fell for it."
He hums as if he's deep in thought, his thumb and index finger resting on his chin as he leaned towards you. Heat rushes to your cheeks as you shrinked at the sudden close contact.
Karasuma Kyosuke, Border's resident scruffy hottie. It was not news that Torimaru's charming looks had captivated the majority of the girls' population at Border HQ. Even with rank A's PR squad member, Kitora, having an obvious crush on him, he rarely entertains any advances on him. Rather, he is painfully dense towards them.
The amount of times Reiji has seen a girl approach the two of them during training only to scurry away in embarrassment after, was only a handful, but it was enough for him to start questioning his squadmate's obliviousness.
"Do you never notice those girls trying to make a move on you? Why don't you ever give them a reply?"
"...They were flirting? Huh. Couldn't tell."
"You know, for a guy that lies often, you're exceptionally talented at not reading the mood."
"What's that supposed to mean??"
Looks aside, his skills were nothing short of extraordinary. Being a middle-range All-Rounder, Karasuma's trigger comes in handy during battles with a numerical advantage. Being able to attack and defend all while supporting your teammates was a difficult task, but Karasuma does it effortlessly.
That is why, your feelings of admiration and adoration for him were justified, right?
Having been in the same squad as him for quite some time, your respect for him has steadily grown. No one could deny that he was an asset to the team.
Thus, feeling overjoyed when he reached new achievements, and disheartened when he gets defeated, were like second nature to you.
You were even agonizing over him when he got hurt, which led to a series of nights where Konami shared the room with you, comforting you when you almost passed out from near exhaustion.
Despite that, you swore that you were just an avid supporter, and he was just a respected teammate. Nothing more, nothing less.
So why was it that the distance between the two of you had caused such distress and confoundment?
Getting a good view of his side profile, you begin to mark out his eyes, a dirty golden under the warm afternoon sun. Soft wavy hair draped around his eyes, swaying gently whenever a breeze passes by. You hear your heartbeat quicken and you could've sworn it started beating out of your wrist. Shutting your eyelids tight, you prayed to heavens that he couldn't hear your uneven breathing. Well this isn't good.
"When it's you, I could never lie. I wouldn't do it either."
Your eyes flew open as you gazed upon the man before you. His body hadn't moved, but his eyes rest on yours, studying your expression. His head tilts towards you slightly, and you spot the smallest smirk evident on his face. Oh you are so going to kill him. What kind of blatant lie was tha-
"Hm, this is the first time I've seen you uttered a total truth, Karasuma-senpai."
Kuga's frank statement made you did a double, nay, triple take. Torimaru? Not lying? Impossible.
The person in question freezes at his kouhai's interjection, quick to straighten up after realizing their attention had turned to the two of you. Meanwhile, your mind was running a mile a minute. Is he for real? Did he really mean what he said? Beads of sweat start to form on your face as you recalled a certain incident.
You winced as the damp cloth lightly brushes over your swelling temple, careful not to fidget around too much. Karasuma retracts his hand, muttering a small apology before continuing to treat your bruise, his touches more gentle than before.
"This is why I didn't want to do this. How could you fall face flat on a skateboard?" His calm voice almost lulls you to sleep, had not been the fact that your head felt like it was a skate away from splitting open. You struggled to open your eyes, letting them roam everywhere except to his.
You knew it was a bad idea the moment you asked him to teach you to skateboard. He was quick to refuse, but you were even quicker to refute. You stubbonly argued that him being able to skateboard must have contributed to his skills as a Border agent, hence you had to learn it as well.
Karasuma eventually relented, seeing how adamant you were at proving your theory. He suggested that you wore some training gear for a first, but being the overconfident person you are, you declined, and who was he to stop an unwavering determination?
Alas, that resolution was very much short-lived.
Your eyes ultimately rests on your lap, the feeling of guilt starting to creep in. You couldn't blame anyone but yourself, and now you had paid the price. If you had just listened to Torimaru's warnings, all of this wouldn't have happened. You silently cursed to yourself. The one time your stubborness was apparent, you had managed to embarrass youself in front of him.
"I'm sorry."
You noticed the slender fingers on your temple had stopped, hovering just above your swelling bruise. Unsure of his reaction, you looked up hastily, and instantly regretted it.
Faces being mere inches away from each other, his golden eyes were staring right into yours. His expression was unreadable, and you could hear your thoughts at the back of your mind yelling at you to look away, but you simply couldn't.
His eyes had captivated you, and you found yourself gazing back with just as much force. You could feel your face starting to glow red, and the hairs on the back of your neck standing. How are you surviving this? You had no clue.
After what seemed like forever, he lets out a small smile, and you could barely notice his eyes soften towards you. He finishes treating your wound, and rests his palm on your head, gently ruffling your hair.
"It's alright, i'm just glad it didn't get any worse. I wouldn't forgive myself if I had caused you anymore pain. You're special to me after all."
You had to stop yourself from getting whiplash as you spun your head away from his enticing gaze. Hiding your face behind the back of your hand, your heart starts to race as your hands start to turn clammy. What the hell..when did he get so brazen?
"-Y/n? Hey y/n? You still with me?" A hand is brought into view as you blinked away the sudden recollection. You shook your head as you realised where you were, and tried to focus on what was in front of you,... but oh how you wish you didn't.
There he was, bending down to your level, a hand beside your thigh while the other tries to garner your attention. It was just the two of you left in the room, you realised. The others must have left when you were deep in thought. Oh dear, how do you keep ending up in these situations?
Quickly recovering from your state of mind, you nodded at him, a little too fast for your liking. He chuckled as he explains to you that Jin had ordered pizza for dinner and that everyone was headed to the dining room. You thanked him and let him know that you would be out in a minute.
"Alright, i'll wait for you at the table. Better come soon before Kuga eats it all." He flashes his signature smile before moving towards the entrance of the living room. Just before he steps out however, you call out to him.
"Hey, what did you mean when you said that I was special to you?"
..You saw his back freeze at the sudden question, but it visibly relaxed a few moments after. You were slightly nervous as to what he was going to say, but you needed any type of clarification you could get.
Without missing a beat, he turns his head to the side, and for the first time you see a bashful smile appearing on him.
"You matter to me more than anyone here." Karasuma mutters quietly. It took you a painstakingly long minute to process what he had just said, and by the time it sinked in, he was already long gone.
You slowly reached up to touch your flaming cheeks, getting increasingly aware of how red it was becoming. You couldn't even hear your fast-paced heartbeat, your mind running a million thought per second. That was when you knew, that you had fallen in love with Border's resident scruffy hottie, Karasuma Kyosuke.
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(a/n: if you've made it this far, thank you for indulging in my hc & selfish desires. i actually started this draft last year, but I kept having to re-edit the first few parts, which caused me to lose motivation to finish writing it. however, I managed to finish it & post it now so good job me! altho I do apologise if the ending seems a bit rushed. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated & i'll see you around when i get the motivation to post another one. stay safe and hydrated, peace out!)
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monoukotori · 2 years
I speed read manga (200 chapters in 3 days), and also world Trigger has too many characters, so I barely know the names of anyone aside from the Tamakoma branch, I just call them things like "shark teeth", "suit jerk", "airhead", "simp" etc etc
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misinininining · 2 years
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sunlight creeps in 
world trigger - Jin Yuuichi/Kuga Yuuma - M - 2.6k
Yuuma, Jin, and a late night in Tamakoma.  Today's bar is closer to the Tamakoma branch building, and he has a room there to crash in when training runs late, so he figures that he'll just stay there for the rest of the night. He prefers to be closer to his friends, even if they're all sleeping—something about the people he cares about being within reach soothes the part of his brain that is always ready for an attack.
( Read here )
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ich-lese-fanfiction · 2 years
Whumptober Day 7
This is an in depth fanfiction idea that I want to write but feel like I can't write. Basically me being unable to write a ventfic so I'm dumping my trauma and the ventfic idea on the internet cause I'm mentally unstable probs… so I will be weaving in discussions on both the idea and my personal experience and how that affected me.
Prompt(s): The Way You Shake and Shiver (Silent Panic Attack)
Fandom: World Trigger
Character(s): Karasuma, Tamakoma Branch, Tachikawa, Izumi
Warning(s): recounting of irl traumatic experience for sake of fictional idea, panic attack
Torimaru works part time jobs. This is on top of working at Border and going to school. This would definitely eventually overwhelm him. He's hardworking and not the type to have a complete mental breakdown in hard situations but I feel he also wouldn't be immune to being overwhelmed.
Based on a panic attack I had in July (that I talk about in a bit more detail below), I feel it would be interesting if one day Torimaru just gets so overwhelmed by… just… life. No real trigger. Not even his most stressful week. But he just can't do anything other than cry.
It could happen either at work or at Tamakoma but I think it would work better if it happened at Tamakoma. Or at HQ if Tachikawa and Izumi comforting him is more fitting.
Perhaps he's had a sense of dread all day. This feeling in the back of your throat as if something was going to happen. As the day goes on, your throat closes up and you feel like you can't breathe metaphorically cause you can indeed breathe just fine. And suddenly, at the end of the day, the dam breaks open.
Perhaps for him, he just quietly lays on the couch. Or leans against the wall of the bathroom. Silent except for the occasional hiccup.
Even after, venting is hard because of that feeling of "why?" "Why did it happen? What caused it? Why am I like this?"
Izumi would be a lot more successful at comforting him after. I feel Usami and Reiji would try their best too. Konami depending on how she handles it would be another good person to go to for comfort. Yotaro would lend Raijinmaru to him.
And then, after a good night's sleep, everything would be normal again. As if nothing happened.
I've had this idea for about 2 or 3 months. In July, I had a panic attack (probably. Based on what I read it was but, it could be an anxiety attack too). It kinda just happened. And I was at work when it happened. I had never been in such a situation.
I walked out of the kitchen and just… started crying uncontrollably and couldn't stop. Kinda stood in a corner and cried. Eventually someone got the boss and by then I had managed to control myself but it's something I never want to deal with again. Cause crying that hard and uncontrollably hurts. At its peak, I felt like I couldn't breathe (which is something that also happens when I laugh too hard).
I've been wanting to write a ventfic about it but I don't think I'm emotionally or skill wise capable of writing about it in any way other than retelling it fully which I don't want to do. So if anyone is interested in this fic idea, feel free to steal it.
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namisweatheria · 2 months
It's so cute how much Zoro likes to tease Usopp. It's much gentler than how he mocks Sanji. He knows Usopp's not actually going to get mad, he's gonna be like, YEAH IM SCARED!!!!! SO WHAT!!!!!! It's cuteeeee. Especially how he gets up in his space and pokes him.
This was a good moment of Usopp reassuring Vivi, it was funny for the #1 Professional Worrier to tell someone else they worry too much, and for Vivi, who doesn't know Usopp that well yet, to recieve that seriously like wow you're right thank you. And then for Zoro to pop the bubble. At the same time he was being very earnest about believing in his friends, in the way that he is. HE'S SILLY AND HE'S ADMIRABLY STRONG-HEARTED. IT'S BOTH!!!!!!
I think this time around I'm really appreciating the Zoro-Usopp dynamic in particular. When he came to genuinely admire him in Syrup Village to the point of telling him so and fighting for him. How he's still teasing him all the time, but now there's affection and respect under it. I don't know there's something about a monstrously strong cool guy with terminal lack of fear, who morally tends to do whatever, who quietly loves and admires a much, much weaker, silly scaredy-cat guy who tries so hard and is so kind and principled. It's cuuuuuteee. It's sweet. I love them.
It's kind of like Kuga and Mikumo from world trigger except ten thousand times sillier and just one of many fun dynamics in a big, close, loving group. I mean Tamakoma Branch also live together but it's a lot more casual and just not as group-focused. The Strawhats are ultimately one group who all got together at the same time, while Tamakoma is like, three different generations who work together. They mostly have other places and people that are equally if not more important to them, meanwhile The Strawhats are each other's lives. Of course the main character trio in world trigger are pretty intensely focused on each other, more so than the rest of the house. They are trying to save one of their lives from his slow death together, and give him a reason to keep living, and also find people they love who have been stolen. Ugh I love those three.
And I loooove Zoro & Usopp!!!
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findthebae · 8 months
Hello, it’s Hyuse from world trigger. I would like to meet others from my source, especially anyone from the Tamakoma branch. I took my time there for granted even when you all treated me with more kindness than Aftokrator ever did, and for that, I am truly sorry. I hope we can make amends.
You can contact me @boiled-cats
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notlambiris · 2 years
Hyuse and his hate Jin 😂
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shizukais · 3 years
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kna-illustrations · 3 years
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「Hyuse」 First illust post for the year 2022! One of my favs from World Trigger.
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saaraofthesand · 3 years
Your honor, I love him
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astro-wooks · 4 years
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NOooooo Yōtarō!! 😭
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