a-lilguy · 7 months
Maybe I dreamt you.
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“The thing was, Ronan knew what a face looked like, just before it was about to break. He’d seen it in the mirror often enough. Adam had fracture lines all over him.”
The tamquam alter idem of this line
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adancingdragon · 2 months
Convincing my partner to use ‘tamquam - alter idem’ as a secret love declaration without any context but that it’s from a book.
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foodforworm · 2 years
okay because of a tweet I saw earlier talking about tropes where one half of a ship is possessed and the other half wont fight back because it'd harm their partner,,,,I am thinking about this:
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and then. the subsequent.
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and I probably should stop there, but while taking these screenshots I saw this, and I've never been immune to adam parrish angst or character analysis
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all adam cared about was his autonomy; all ronan cared about was adam.
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alexiaugustin · 2 years
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okay but join me in thinking about what ronan said to adam in both of these scenes since maggie didn’t give us any of their reunions in their povs. what did ronan tell adam right before he thought that he would die. what did he tell him right after finding out that he was still alive. and don’t just say tamquam alter idem especially not in the second scene cuz adam doesn’t say anything back
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farmgf · 9 months
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mysticalspiders · 2 years
tamquam alter idem
I’ve taken to investigating the latin phrases that appear in the raven cycle (and dreamer trilogy) to find out not just their basic translations but their history and context and tamquam alter idem has my favorite bit of context that I’ve found.
I usually see it translated as “as if a second self” which is absolutely beautiful on its own. 
The phrase is actually from a Cicero treatise on friendship!
This translation I found translated it as “as if it were another self” or “for he is, as it were, another self.”
This is a translation of the passage it is taken from
“In short: there is but one security and one provision against these ills and annoyances, and that is, neither to enlist your love too quickly nor to fix it on unworthy men. Now they are worthy of friendship who have within their own souls the reason for their being loved. A rare class indeed! And really everything splendid is rare, and nothing is harder to find than something which in all respects is a perfect specimen of its kind. But the majority of men recognize nothing whatever in human experience as good unless it brings some profit and they regard their friends as they do their cattle, valuing most highly those which give hope of the largest gain. Thus do they fail to attain that loveliest, most spontaneous friendship, which is desirable in and for itself; and they do not learn from their own experience what the power of such friendship is and are ignorant of its nature and extent. For everyone loves himself, not with a view of acquiring some profit himself from his self-love, but because he is dear to himself on his own account; and unless this same feeling were transferred to friendship, the real friend would never be found; for he is, as it were, another self.”
There is just something so beautiful that this expression of love between Ronan and Adam has its origin not in some epic poetry of romantic love but in a treatise on platonic friendship. The sort of all encompassing, blinding, defending, maddening, quickening friendships that the raven cycle is based in. And, in turn, that Ronan and Adam’s relationship is based in.
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cheeeryos · 5 months
wrote a ficlet this afternoon:
familiar, rated t, words: 1.3k
On the hottest, stickiest day in July, Ronan drove into town for gelato. There was ice cream in the chest freezer in the cellar of the Barns, but the gelato at Harry’s was better, and anyway they had a wider variety. Ronan supposed he could try to dream up some new flavors, but knowing him he’d probably end up with a barn full of ice cream that looked somehow like birdsong and tasted like Adam Parrish’s dick.
read the rest here
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fastasyoucan1999 · 2 years
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Round 1 Poll 7
Formatia trans sicere educatorum
It may look as Latin, but it's actually what some would call dog latin, a sentence made up to sound Latin
It's an inscription on Sunnydale High School (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 2 episode 17) intended to mean "formations of the otherwise educated," implying "enter all ye who seek knowledge"
Tamquam alter idem
Means "as if another self," as if a second self
Apparently it's cicero's description of a friend but it's also PYNCH'S WAY OF SAYING I LOVE YOU TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!!
Pynch = Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle)
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neurosses · 4 months
i went down a rabbit hole rereading my favorite jordan and hennessy scenes from td3 today... they are excellent.
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leithillustration · 10 months
Tarot Suits and the Gangsey
Does anyone have thoughts on which of the four minor arcana suits match which characters in the Gangsey? This is something I’ve been wondering about since I want to make some illustrations referencing the qualities of each suit in order to help me in my tarot readings. Obvs being a big Raven Cycle and Dreamer Trilogy nerd, I cannot possibly consider doing these illustrations without including my good boyos in the background!
Here’s what I have so far (below the cut)… sorry it’s such an essay… but also not sorry. CW: Spoilers?
💙Blue of Cups
Obviously Cups has to be Blue, right? It’s referenced so much in the books. Cups is all about togetherness, family, creativity, love, feelings, how we express emotions and connect to others. It feels right that this is Blue, with her connections to her family at 300 Fox Way. The way she communicates with Gansey, Adam, Ronan and Noah and loves them all for different reasons. Blue is creative and the element of water seems to fit her well - she reflects others potential while having hidden depths of her own, and holds her dreams close to her heart. Blue is also fiery enough to be wands, especially with her ambitions to travel and her creativity, but I’m not sure it fits her as well as Cups. I think there is still space within Cups for her to be her wonderful passionate feminist self.
Here are my first sketches for this piece.
🗡️Gansey of Swords..?
I feel Gansey is a good fit for representing Swords as it’s about intellect, logic, reasoning, knowledge, ideas, taking action. The imagery of Gansey with a sword is very kingly, and through TRC he’s constantly striving for knowledge and applying his own brand of Welsh King obsessed logic to everything (Gansey truly is the king of neurodivergent hyperfixation/adhd deep dives and I love him for it). Conflict is a part of swords too, and Gansey has a lot of that going on with Adam and Ronan as well as his family.. BUT here’s where I start to question things. Swords could just as easily apply to Adam. He’s arguably wrapped up in more conflict than Gansey (his father, his view of himself and what he wants, his ambitions constantly butting up against his background etc) and he’s an equal driving force for action throughout TRC. He’s intelligent and logical too. So who is a greater representation of Swords energy? Gansey could also represent Pentacles for his wealth and his connection to Glendower being very earthy.
🔥Ronan of Wands.. or Pentacles.. or Cups!?
Before I go on to apply Adam to every other tarot suit too, let’s give Ronan some attention. Wands is a great fit for Ronan (despite the magician imagery that obviously suits Adam- oops, I said I’d move on). Wands has fire energy, and Ronan is burning throughout TRC and The Dreamer Trilogy (thank you so so much Maggie for giving us this amazing spin off which gives me LIFE). He’s active and passionate, creative and everything is sexually charged with him. He can be aggressive and argumentative, and he grows so so much throughout all the books. But then, perhaps because if that growth, Ronan fits with so much earth energy too, which is encompassed by Pentacles. He dreams of / is partly a fantastical forest (all the best people are). His dreams are all about sensation, he is grounded in nature at the barns and he has strong values… which also relates to Cups! Ronan’s love and fierce loyalty for his family and friends, the way he loves is so cups! He’s instinctive. He wears his heart on his sleeve (I know there is a quote about this somewhere in the Dreamer Trilogy but I have no idea where). Cups is about dreams and family. Ronan is definitely Wands throughout TRC, but he’s also very Cups too in TDT imo. Of course, there’s also the conflict aspect of Swords that is Ronan all over- the punk is made of conflict - plus Ronan makes Vexed to Nightmare so he literally has a sword.. but the rest of the Sword suit doesn’t really fit with him as he’s far more about feelings and instinct than logic and reasoning.
🌱Adam of Pentacles… but also everything else too.
I originally cringed at applying Pentacles to Adam (I feel like he’d be mad at me because this suit has so much to do with finance) but having thought about it more, I think it fits him quite well. Pentacles has earth energy, which is so Adam Parish it’s ridiculous. I will be your hands, I will be your eyes etc. Despite all the turmoil in TRC, Adam remains grounded. He’s sure of where he wants to get to. He’s probably the most practical of the group too, next to Blue, and is very aware of his environment and his financial instability. He strives for financial security and seeks opportunities where he can. Throughout and especially by the end of the Dreamer trilogy, he’s a real grounding force for Ronan (fuck, Greywarren did things to me. Is it too much to stick my favourite Adam / Ronan chapters to my walls?!) and his connection to Cabeswater in TRC is all very earthy.. but it’s also very mystical and Cuppy?? Cups encompasses psychic energy which Adam has in spades. He also has the intellectual prowess and logic for Swords, and the fiery stubbornness and ambition of Wands.
Ultimately I think it’s really interesting how all the characters overlap in some areas, just like the tarot suits do. I’m very excited to make some art based on it all!
PS- Noah’s suit is Major Arcana. Henry’s suit is a toga.
PPS- If you read this far, thank you for sticking with my ramblings! Have a cute little ghost 👻
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ravensonravens · 3 months
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Today is the 10-Year-Anniversary for me and my girlfriend, and she got us the sweetest matching necklaces. 😭😭😭
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sniorskipday · 1 year
one like and ill get a tamquam alter-idem tattoo
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puhnatsson · 2 years
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