#sorry Noah and Henry I still love you
leithillustration · 9 months
Tarot Suits and the Gangsey
Does anyone have thoughts on which of the four minor arcana suits match which characters in the Gangsey? This is something I’ve been wondering about since I want to make some illustrations referencing the qualities of each suit in order to help me in my tarot readings. Obvs being a big Raven Cycle and Dreamer Trilogy nerd, I cannot possibly consider doing these illustrations without including my good boyos in the background!
Here’s what I have so far (below the cut)… sorry it’s such an essay… but also not sorry. CW: Spoilers?
💙Blue of Cups
Obviously Cups has to be Blue, right? It’s referenced so much in the books. Cups is all about togetherness, family, creativity, love, feelings, how we express emotions and connect to others. It feels right that this is Blue, with her connections to her family at 300 Fox Way. The way she communicates with Gansey, Adam, Ronan and Noah and loves them all for different reasons. Blue is creative and the element of water seems to fit her well - she reflects others potential while having hidden depths of her own, and holds her dreams close to her heart. Blue is also fiery enough to be wands, especially with her ambitions to travel and her creativity, but I’m not sure it fits her as well as Cups. I think there is still space within Cups for her to be her wonderful passionate feminist self.
Here are my first sketches for this piece.
🗡️Gansey of Swords..?
I feel Gansey is a good fit for representing Swords as it’s about intellect, logic, reasoning, knowledge, ideas, taking action. The imagery of Gansey with a sword is very kingly, and through TRC he’s constantly striving for knowledge and applying his own brand of Welsh King obsessed logic to everything (Gansey truly is the king of neurodivergent hyperfixation/adhd deep dives and I love him for it). Conflict is a part of swords too, and Gansey has a lot of that going on with Adam and Ronan as well as his family.. BUT here’s where I start to question things. Swords could just as easily apply to Adam. He’s arguably wrapped up in more conflict than Gansey (his father, his view of himself and what he wants, his ambitions constantly butting up against his background etc) and he’s an equal driving force for action throughout TRC. He’s intelligent and logical too. So who is a greater representation of Swords energy? Gansey could also represent Pentacles for his wealth and his connection to Glendower being very earthy.
🔥Ronan of Wands.. or Pentacles.. or Cups!?
Before I go on to apply Adam to every other tarot suit too, let’s give Ronan some attention. Wands is a great fit for Ronan (despite the magician imagery that obviously suits Adam- oops, I said I’d move on). Wands has fire energy, and Ronan is burning throughout TRC and The Dreamer Trilogy (thank you so so much Maggie for giving us this amazing spin off which gives me LIFE). He’s active and passionate, creative and everything is sexually charged with him. He can be aggressive and argumentative, and he grows so so much throughout all the books. But then, perhaps because if that growth, Ronan fits with so much earth energy too, which is encompassed by Pentacles. He dreams of / is partly a fantastical forest (all the best people are). His dreams are all about sensation, he is grounded in nature at the barns and he has strong values… which also relates to Cups! Ronan’s love and fierce loyalty for his family and friends, the way he loves is so cups! He’s instinctive. He wears his heart on his sleeve (I know there is a quote about this somewhere in the Dreamer Trilogy but I have no idea where). Cups is about dreams and family. Ronan is definitely Wands throughout TRC, but he’s also very Cups too in TDT imo. Of course, there’s also the conflict aspect of Swords that is Ronan all over- the punk is made of conflict - plus Ronan makes Vexed to Nightmare so he literally has a sword.. but the rest of the Sword suit doesn’t really fit with him as he’s far more about feelings and instinct than logic and reasoning.
🌱Adam of Pentacles… but also everything else too.
I originally cringed at applying Pentacles to Adam (I feel like he’d be mad at me because this suit has so much to do with finance) but having thought about it more, I think it fits him quite well. Pentacles has earth energy, which is so Adam Parish it’s ridiculous. I will be your hands, I will be your eyes etc. Despite all the turmoil in TRC, Adam remains grounded. He’s sure of where he wants to get to. He’s probably the most practical of the group too, next to Blue, and is very aware of his environment and his financial instability. He strives for financial security and seeks opportunities where he can. Throughout and especially by the end of the Dreamer trilogy, he’s a real grounding force for Ronan (fuck, Greywarren did things to me. Is it too much to stick my favourite Adam / Ronan chapters to my walls?!) and his connection to Cabeswater in TRC is all very earthy.. but it’s also very mystical and Cuppy?? Cups encompasses psychic energy which Adam has in spades. He also has the intellectual prowess and logic for Swords, and the fiery stubbornness and ambition of Wands.
Ultimately I think it’s really interesting how all the characters overlap in some areas, just like the tarot suits do. I’m very excited to make some art based on it all!
PS- Noah’s suit is Major Arcana. Henry’s suit is a toga.
PPS- If you read this far, thank you for sticking with my ramblings! Have a cute little ghost 👻
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Stick Season
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x reader, Larissa Weems x reader
Warnings: angst, hints of miscarriage
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The team sat drinking in Emily's apartment “Oh and what about that woman you dated! The pretty one” Morgan laughed “Y/n?” She responded confused. “Yeah! What happened to her?” Penelope gasped wide-eyed “Um- she moved away” Emily swallowed.
“She was so pretty” JJ sighed leaning back on the sofa “I still remember her babysitting Henry for me” she smiled “She has talent” JJ tilted her drink. The radio played softly in the background as the group made Emily's ex the main subject "Imagine having to tell people how badly you fumbled" Morgan shook his head.
Penelope hummed along before starting to sing, JJ joined in until Spencer and Morgan hummed too "And I'm terrified of the weather, 'cause I see you when it rains". Emily closed her eyes listening to the music, Hotch and Rossi looked knowingly. This was you.
"Doc told me to travel, but there's COVID on the planes" They all stood to dance not realising the lyrics just yet or maybe they did. "And I love Vermont but it's the season of the sticks" Emily's eyes opened you always wanted to visit Vermont, that's where your mum was from. It had been two years almost since you had broken up "And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed" Emily wanted to laugh.
"And it's half my fault, but I just like to play the victim" She knew it was partly a dig at her "I'll drink alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas". You never drank because your dad was an alcoholic "And I'll dream each night of some version of you!!!" Spencer's voice cracked.
"That I might not have, but I did not lose" Emily quickly stood, on a race to the bathroom, closing the door only making the music seem louder. "No, I am no longer funny 'cause I miss the way you laugh. You once called me forever now you still can't call me back."
She had to find you and it wasn't hard she knew you tried to contact her still Emily watched the phone ring through unable to face she had hurt you. Stick season was the name of your song. It came out a year ago but now you were posting some gorgeous blonde on Instagram,
You were finally doing everything you had always planned, you looked happy Larissa had proposed on your anniversary she seemed nice. The more she scrolled Larissa was a principal for what school it didn't say but your following had boosted. You'd made it just like you spoke about.
There was another picture- a few actually that stood out a picture of a dove but you were scared of birds the caption read Joanne Prentiss. Emily didn't know a Joanne and definitely not one with her last name, it was posted a few months after you broke up. Another picture closer to when you had moved out was two plates but only one set of cutlery. It flew over Emily's head, had you been seeing Larissa longer than the internet said?" she wondered still stalking you.
"I hope this pains just passin' through, but I doubt it" Emily slumped against the bathtub watching the last two years of your life in pictures. Everyone made sure to remind her how she let you go but back then it felt best.
You will marry Larissa who helped you gain your shine back and she'll rot at work, you will continue a family while hers will grow without her. You will be happy and that's all she could hope for until she accidently liked a post from when you moved to Vermont.
"Em? Are you okay?" you messaged not long after but Emily couldn't bring herself to say the truth "I'm great, Penelope was on my phone" she frowned. 'Okay, I'm just checking but it's good to hear you're still alive' Two years for this, Emily still lying. It's the alcohol she tried to pass 'Yeah I guess, I heard your song it's...' Emily typed only to delete it 'Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't there' No Emily.
'I love you- no' 'yeah I guess so, I see you're well' the song was coming to an end "Now your tire tracks and one pair of shoes. And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do" JJ sang loudly. It took a moment for you to respond 'Yeah it took a while, life was tough but it wasn't anything I hadn't gone through before'.
'Can we be friends?' Emily was quick to text 'I'm not sure, you really hurt me but only time will tell. I have to go now Em, Larissa just got home but please take care'.
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angelst4re · 10 months
Hi angel 💕 Could you write a counterfeit jamie smut where the reader used to be friends with benefits with him and he comes back to her town on tour and she ends up in his hotel room if you know what I mean 🤭I love you’re writing <3
hi lovely!! thank you so much!! im sooo sorry for making you wait so long THIS REQUEST IS LITERALLY FROM FEBRUARY??? i hope it's worth the wait :)
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Addiction- Counterfeit!Jamie x Reader
warnings: NSFW!!! this contains smut so if that makes you feel uncomfortable then please don't read!! <3
notes: it's been a while... for the last month i've been so busy and when i haven't been busy i've been thinking about noah sebastian and/or cillian murphy (jamie i am sorry i'm in a hoe phase rn!!) but i also have a henry creel drabble to post tomorrow as well so keep an eye out for that :) ALSO I WANNA SAY A BIG THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT WITH ME!!!! (p.s. this isn't proof read and i wrote this over the span of three weeks so i apologise for any mistakes!!)
When you received the message from Jamie telling you he’s playing a show in your city, you couldn’t contain your excitement. You were out for lunch with two of your friends, who were questioning the wide grin on your face. 
“Oh, I just know she’s texting Matt again,” one of your friends smirked, eyeing you up, “are you ever going to meet up with him? You’ve been talking for almost 3 months?!”
“Oh, no, it’s Jamie. He’s playing here with his band next month, he wants me to come and see them. He’s sent two tickets, I could ask for an extra one if you wanted to come with me-”
“That’s perfect! You can ask Matt to come with you!” Your other friend suggested, although it came off as more of a demand. 
“But what if he asks about how I know Jamie? I couldn’t really explain that on a first date.” 
“Well, just tell him he’s a friend, maybe leave out the ‘with benefits’ part.”
“We stopped that a while ago, actually. I haven’t seen him for almost a year, we’re kinda just friends now.” 
“Then that’s your story sorted then,” your friend grinned, picking your phone up from the table and placing it in your hand, “now tell Matt he’s got a concert to go to.” 
You were surprised when Matt texted back, telling you he’s never heard of counterfeit before, but he’ll happily listen to them and come with you. You felt a little bad for lying to him, telling him you had no one else to come with you as your friends were working that weekend. 
On the evening of the show, Matt came to pick you up. You would’ve usually dressed quite casual for a concert, specifically one of Jamie’s, but this was also a date. You stepped out of your house wearing a black dress, comfortable shoes and a cute handbag to match the outfit. 
“You look amazing,” Matt said, unable to wipe the smile from his face, “let’s get going!” 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“That guy right there,” Matt shouted through the noise, pointing at Jamie, “is your friend?” His mouth was open in disbelief as you nodded your head. He had already had four beers, and you had only been here just over an hour. 
“Yeah, I met him at one of the restaurants I used to work at. It’s a funny story actually, some crazy fangirls were waiting outside for him to leave so I kinda helped him ‘escape’ through the back…” You trailed off as you noticed he wasn’t paying attention to anything you were saying, his attention was elsewhere. 
“Cool, I’m gonna get another drink, do you want one?” 
You shook your head and watched as he disappeared off into the crowd. 
Your eyes were drawn to Jamie, reminiscing on the times you had spent together. The times your bodies were intertwined beneath the covers and the times you spent laughing together in the car. You missed him, it was truly like it was a ‘right person, wring time’ kind of situation. 
Time passed and passed and you realised Matt hadn’t come back yet. Surely the line wasn’t that long? You just assumed he had gone to the bathroom, especially after drinking that much. But another 15 minutes passed and he still hadn’t returned, so you went to search for him. You assumed he wouldn’t have wandered far from the bar, so you were heading in that direction. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You were pushed up against the hotel door, slamming it shut as his lips met yours. One of your hands found his hair whilst the other was grasping at his shirt, as if you were hanging on to him for your life. The familiar smell of his aftershave, mixed with cigarettes gave you a feeling of nostalgia, and it was as if you were experiencing deja vu. 
His hands were on your thighs, pushing your dress up higher and higher, until his cold hands met your bare hips. 
“Jamie,” you gasped, pulling back for air. As if he couldn’t take his mouth off you, his lips were now on your neck, kissing and nibbling the spot he knew would make your knees buckle. 
The last thing you expected tonight was to leave the show with the singer. With Jamie. But after you went to look for Matt, you caught him with his tongue down another girl's throat. A part of you felt sick, betrayed, but another part of you felt relieved. However, you would never admit that’s how you felt, especially not to your friends. 
Jamie had given you a backstage pass, and cleared it with security before the show. You knew how the night was going to end as soon as you received the text from him. 
“Why does this always happen,” Jamie asked rhetorically, against the skin of your shoulder as he continued to pepper kisses, “always end up coming back to you.” 
You smile at his words, it was true. The two of you just couldn’t seem to keep your hands off each other when you were together. 
Before you could process what had happened, you were pushed against the table, and Jamie took your thighs, lifting you to sit on the edge of it as he got down to his knees. 
His kisses began at your ankle, and he looked up at you as they got closer and closer. Your calves, your knees and eventually your upper thigh. 
“I’ve missed you.” He confessed as he held your thighs open, one finger pushing your underwear to the side. 
He dragged a finger through your slick folds, earning a sigh from you as he grazed your clit. You looked down to see a smirk plastered on his face. His eyes briefly met yours before he placed a kiss over your clit, the tip of his tongue nudging it as you dug your nails into the underneath of the wooden table you were sitting on. Jamie quickly noticed this, and the hand that was holding your legs open for him guided your hands back to his hair. 
“Shit.” You gasped as you felt a finger gently press into your entrance, his lips now wrapped around your clit, sucking and nipping at it. “M-more…” You managed to whisper. 
“That’s not how we ask for something, is it, darling?” Jamie teased, a devilish glint in his eyes as two of his fingers pressed into you, agonisingly slow. 
“Please,” you whimpered, “I need… I want more, please, Jamie.” 
Jamie chuckled, his thumb now replacing his mouth on your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you. He stood back up, towering over you before leaning down to kiss you, giving you a taste of yourself as he did so. 
“I’ve missed hearing you beg,” he whispered, “come on, sweetheart, let go for me. I know you're close.” 
He was right. You swore he knew your body better than you did. 
You could feel the knot in your belly tightening, getting ready to snap at any moment. 
“You’re making such a mess, y’know that? My messy girl, can feel you dripping down my hand,” you could tell what he was doing, he was trying to push you to the edge, he knew what effect his words had on you, and he was taking advantage of that, “that’s it, angel. You can do it, cum for me.” 
And that did it. 
Your head was thrown back, your thighs trying to close around him as he continued to work you through your orgasm. The moans falling from your lips were muffled by his as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. 
His fingers slipped out of you and he reached for your thighs, his slick coated fingers leaving your skin sticky as he pressed his body against yours, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he carried you towards the bed. 
As your back hit the mattress, he began to undress. You took off your ruined underwear before you reached for your dress, to slip it off, but he called out to stop you. 
“Hey, leave it on. It looks so fucking sexy.” He growled, unbuckling his belt to let his trousers fall to the ground. 
He kneeled on the bed and shuffled his way between your legs, holding them open for him as he leaned down to kiss you once again. 
“Jamie, please.” You whined, lifting your hips to try and get him to do something. 
“Fuck, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to hold back, darling. It’s been a while since I’ve…” He doesn’t finish his sentence as you reach your hand between your bodies, palming his hard cock through his boxers. 
He grabs your wrists, his fingers digging into the skin sure to leave bruises for you to look back on in the days to come. 
“I didn’t tell you that you could touch, now, did I?” His eyes had darkened with need and lust, and the way his face twisted into a devilish smile made a whimper slip from your lips. “So desperate for me, aren’t you baby. I knew all those years ago I had ruined you for any other man, this just proves it, hm?” 
With one hand pinning your arms above your head, the other one comes down to drag his thumb over your bottom lip, before you welcome him into your mouth, gently sucking on the tip of his thumb. 
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “keep your hands here, okay? I know you will, you’re my good girl, right?” 
You nod your head and manage to say a muffled ‘yes’ as his thumb presses down on your tongue as he uses his now spare hand to push his boxers down, letting his cock free from its restraints. 
He wastes no time, swiping his fingers over your slick, spreading it over his dick before pumping himself a couple times. His breathing is heavy as he lines himself up with you, your hips squirming as you wait for him to finally push in, but he takes his time teasing you beforehand. When the tip finally slips into you, you both let out a moan and his head falls forwards, buried where your neck meets your shoulder. 
It’s clear that neither of you have had any action lately, as you both need to take a moment before Jamie begins to move. You dig your nails into the pillow as he begins to slowly move his hips. 
His hand that was once over your mouth trails down and rests on your neck, applying a little pressure as your eyes fall shut. You feel how his cock slides into you, nudging spots inside you that made you shiver. He would pull back out until only the tip was left inside, before fucking back into you, getting progressively rougher. 
“You look so pretty like this, baby.” He said before leaning down to capture your lips with his. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping your hands planted above your head as you melted into the kiss. You took advantage of the use of your legs, if you couldn’t touch him with your hands. 
One of Jamie’s hands slid between your bodies to find your clit again, using his thumb to try and bring you the edge, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer. In the past, you and Jamie went maybe 2 or 3 rounds sometimes in one night. However, it was different tonight. You hadn't seen each other in a long time, let alone had sex. 
His pace began to quicken, his thrusts getting rougher and rougher. He buried his face in your neck once more and you couldn’t help but tangle your fingers into his hair, gently tugging on the blonde locks. 
“Shit,” he gasped, masked by a dark chuckle as he kissed your neck. 
“J-Jamie…” Your mind was too clouded by everything to even think about forming a proper sentence, but Jamie knew you and your body better than you knew yourself, and vice versa. 
You knew he was getting close by the way his cock twitched inside you. Your grasp on his hair tightened as you felt your high getting closer and closer. 
“Inside.” Was the final word you managed to mutter into his ear before you came undone, your legs locking around him, making sure he wouldn’t pull out before you came down from your high. 
As you were beginning to catch your breath, your muscles relaxing as you lay there blissed out, felt him twitch in you once more, cumming inside you with a moan, followed by your name. You rocked your hips as he stilled inside of you, milking his cock of every last drop. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, follow by a chuckle as he smiled lazily down at you, “you don’t understand how much I’ve missed you.”
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kilojulietsierra · 4 months
Letters From Home - Syverson x OFC (WWII AU)
I know I haven't posted in for friggin ever, but I am writing. I promise!
This particular one I blame on my current obsession: Band of Brothers (which in case you were curious, yes I have stories in progress for that too) and my constant love for Captain Syverson lol So it's kind not exactly a crossover but it's def inspired by!
Summary: Set during WWII. Noah Syverson like many others joins the Army and volunteers for the paratroopers. Just before he ships out he runs into a girl who asks if she could write him while he's off fighting.
Warnings: 18+ content, no smut but less than appropriate behavior and language, mentions of death, war, nightmares, PTSD, mention of pregnancy, happy ending
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Joanna was jogging down the steps of the courthouse, done with her work for the day and her mind already on her plans to go dancing tonight with her friends, and paid no mind to the two men in uniform walking down the street until she ran straight into one of them at the bottom of the stairs.
"Easy there." The one she ran into caught her around her upper arms as she bounced off of him.
She looked flustered as she got her feet under her once again, "Oh geez, sorry." She faltered a little as she looked up at the man still halfway holding her upright, just in case.
"You're alright." He gave her arms a gentle squeeze and stepped out of her way.
Joanna gave each of the men a polite smile, eyes darting between them. Both tall and wide with easy, matching smiles and nearly identical blue eyes. Their uniforms clean, sharp and their posture proud. When she continued on her way she spared one glance over her shoulder to where they had just started walking again.
As for the men they strode on down the sidewalk past the regal old, southern style courthouse and towards downtown. The older of the two glanced back at the retreating girl, "Wasn't that Henry Garrisons little girl?"
The man's younger brother scoffed, glanced back for himself, most folks still referred to her as that simply because compared to her four, older brothers, she was still very much the 'little girl' of the Garrison Family. "Yeah, it was."
"Bet you wouldn't mind bumping into her again, huh?" His older brother gave him a good natured shove.
Noah Syverson gave his oldest brother a shove right back. Not that he'd admit it out loud, but no, he wouldn't.
Luck was on his side because later that night he did just that. Allbeit a little less accidental than the first time. "Well, hello again." Syverson came to stand close behind her at the refreshments table.
To her credit she didn't flinch of anything, just turned to face him with a smile.
"So this is why you were in such hurry earlier?" He smirked down at her, his back straight and his eyes drilling into hers.
"Maybe." She smirked back at him before turning back to the table and accepted a glass of punch. "When do you ship out?"
"Train leaves tomorrow mornin'." He shook his head when the woman behind the table offered him a glass.
Joanna nodded, "Two of my brothers are already over there," Her face was softer, her smile a little less bright. "Where are you headed?"
Sy hadn't really thought out what he might talk to her about, but he hadn't expected it to be the war. He gestured off to one side, silently asking her over to a quieter side of the hall. "First to training. Won't tell us anything 'till after we make it through that."
She sipped at her punch and nodded, "One of the ladies at work said you and your brother both volunteered to be paratroopers."
His smirk grew a little wider, imaging the ladies at the courthouse gossiping about the local young men over the clack of their typewriters. "Yes ma'am. Didn't realize it was town news though."
Joanna had the good, Baptist decency to blush and look the tiniest bit embarassed. "Just gossip for now." Her eyes flicked back up to his, such a pretty, Irish, green. She was smirking again against the lip of her glass as she added, "They won't run it in the paper until y'all jump into Germany."
That got an honest chuckle out of him and he liked the way her eyes sharpened as she gave him the verbal jab.
Joanna Garrison had been in the same grade as his youngest brother, Able, both of them graduating high school just last year. He vaguely recalled the few times he had mentioned the Garrison girl. The one that came to mind just then was how Able had told him about her having to stay late for a week during their ninth grade year. She'd been been made to clean chalkboards as punishment for talking back to a teacher, one too many times. She was spunky.
"So how long have you been working at the courthouse?" Noach redirected the conversation away from himself.
"Just since school. Dad pulled a couple strings to get me in the typists pool while we wait to hear back about college." Mr. Garrison was the Sheriff and a military man himself back in the first World War. Joanna followed up her answer with a question of her own, "Why the paratroopers?"
Syverson sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and thought for a minute. "Everyone says they'll be the first ones in." He knew that wasn't much of an answer but he didn't really have a better one to offer her. "You know where your brothers are?" Noah redirected the conversation away from himself once again.
She must have noticed, but didn't say anything. Instead she gave a slight shrug and scanned the crowd packed into the hall. "Junior is in Italy, Greg was in North Africa somewhere last letter we got but that's been several weeks. Then, uh, Sean is in basic training right now and Connor is waiting for orders."
Sy nodded. Wondered what is was like for the parents and the sisters, or the brothers too young. He wondered what it was like for her to have the brothers she'd grown up with all ripped away and thrown overseas. He tried not to think about his own mother. What it meant for her to have her own sons not only to be leaving for war, but to have volunteered for the hardest and most dangerous profession they could.
"You sure have a lot of letters to write." Sy gave her a grin, sneaking a look at her, up and down, trying to memorize they way she looked standing there in front of him with a kind smile and those pretty green eyes. He wouldn't be any more forward than that. He had no right to be. He barely knew the girl but she was pretty, and smart and he was leaving tomorrow.
"I don't mind." She cocked her head slightly to one side and smiled.
He caught her giving him a once over of her own and had to fight back the urge to push his luck.
There was no need because she added, "I wouldn't mind writing one more."
Sy nearly broke out in a wide smile at her indirect and nearly cheeky offer. Instead he licked his lips and ducked his head, with his back straight and his hands behind his back, he stepped just a bit closer and stood at her side. "Just be sure not to use any big words. Remember, I'm just a simple, country boy."
She smiled and even rolled her eyes, and boy did that please him. Joanna locked eyes with him, "I'll do my best."
I have to admit, I'm nervous to write this letter, I'm not sure what to write at all if I'm honest.
I realize now that we really, hardly know each other at all. I do hope to change that though, and so I will write. Even if i'm not sure what to say.
Hopefully your training is going well. I read an article in Life Magazine this week about Paratroopers; the training you will have to go through and though it sounds hard for certain, I have faith that life on a west Texas ranch has probably prepared you better than some of your fellow soliders.
You'll have to tell me about them. I have to admit I''m curious what all kinds of men you'll be fighting with. What kind of man decides to go and do this dangerous thing?
As far as home goes, it is mostly the same, and I'm sure not nearly as interesting as the training you are doing.
I hope you are well and I hope you are able to write.
I was glad to get your first letter. Don't worry about what to write. I'll be happy to read whatever it is.
I'm lucky to have a pretty girl from back home writing me. I hope I can keep your attention long enough to get more.
We've been told not to write home about much of what we do but I can say the training is hard yet satisfying and we have a good bunch of boys here. From all over. Country boys like me and plenty from small towns and big cities like Chicago, New York and San Francisco.
I'm sorry this letter is so short. Something you should know about me is I'm not a man of many words. But, I promise I look forward to your letters and will write whenever I can.
All goes well, by the time you receive this I'll be an Airborne Paratrooper.
Dear Noah,
I was so happy to receive your letter, as short as it was. There's no need to apologize for that. I can only imagine there's much more for you to do there than just write to me.
I ran into your mama in town the other day and she was beyond pleased to tell me about her sons the paratroopers. She's very proud of you. I iamgine we all are here, in our little town so far removed from what you are about to do.
For what it is worth I am very proud of you.
I feel a little foolish telling you that I'm about to go off to the teachers college in Austin. Considering where you are about to be off to. But I do feel much safer telling you than anyone else, that i'm scared I'll find I'm not as smart as some have led me to believe. I guess we will find out. I've also never been so far from home. I realize how silly that sounds in a letter to you, all things considered.
Truthfully I find some strength in that. If you can go across the country, across the sea to the other side of the world to jump out of planes and fight Nazis, well, then surely I can survive a few years at a big, fancy college.
I'll include my address at the dorms so your letters can still find me. I've read that the paratroopers will be shipping out soon. If that's true I hope that you and the boys are strong and brave and as superior as we all believe you to be.
Until your next, Joanna
We are staging in England for now, more training.
I never would have guessed I'd be jumping out of airplanes. It's terrifying but I enjoy it.
The area we are in reminds me a little of home, except much cooler and greener. But the people are friendly and it's farm country. From here Lord only knows where we will go. There's lots of talk but that's all it is for now.
You'll do fine at college, I'm sure of it. I'd rather jump out of a plane with no parachute. I know you'll do well.
I can see you as a teacher. But if you'd been mine you'd probably get sick of trying to get me to pay attention. None of the teachers I ever had were as easy to look at as you, I know I'd have been in trouble.
I don't know how often I'll be able to write after this but I hope you'll keep writing. It will give me something to look forward to, catching up on all your letters.
College is much different than I imagined. Some days I think I would also prefer jumping from a plane with no parachute. My classes are okay, for the most part. Except for maths, I've never been good at it and to be completely honest could care less. The professor is not my favorite either. That does not help.
I read about the invasion of Normandy in a paper at the Library and I pray that you are well and safe and fighting. It seems to be the only thing people are talking about right now. Part of me will be holding my breath until I hear from you and know that you are safe. As safe as you can be at least.
From what I've heard you were trouble in school to begin with, even with the 'not so easy to look at' teachers we had in our little hometown.
But, I admit I enjoy knowing knowing you seem to think I'm distracting.
Your friend, Joanna
I'm tempted to quit reading the papers because they only make me worry.
You asked me to write and so I will continue to write, until I get a response of some kind.
College has gotten easier, or rather I've settled in I suppose. I've made friends with a few girls on the floor in my dorm. All of them from small, middle of nowhere towns like you and I. They're nice girls and I'm glad I found them.
I'll be going home for Christmas soon and I plan on dropping in on your folks if that's ok.
Will y'all be able to celebrate? Do you even feel like celebrating? Hope to hear from you soon,
I think more than anything I'm writing this letter for myself. To say the things I can't say anywhere else.
My brother Gregory has been killed in action.
They notified my parents yesterday morning. Dad called me and had to tell me over the phone.
I've never heard him sound the way he sounded on that call and that nearly broke my heart. Even more than the loss of my brother. Hearing the pain in my fathers voice was so painful I could hardly breath and I feel as though my head is empty. I could not bring myself to go to class today. What's the point?
I'm so angry. I don't even know who I'm angry at. War? Can I be angry at war? I find myself so angry that all I can do is cry. I sob and weep until I feel sick to my stomach and then my head goes all fuzzy and empty again.
I don't know what else to say other than I hope you are okay.
I'm sorry it's been this long and I'm sorry to hear about your brother.
I know more than most you see everyday that there are no words. Your brother was a good man and I'm sure a good solider. You should be proud of him and you have every right to be angry. Just promise you will take care of yourelf.
I'm fine. I survived the jump in Normandy and a dozen other engagements since. I was shot in the leg not that long ago in Holland, nothing serious but it got me a scar and a purple heart. It was the stay in the hospital that let your letters catch up to me so I am glad for that.
The way things are going I don't think we'll get much of a Christmas. I hope that you are able to spend the time with your folks and find some peace in that. I
know I haven't been able to write but I do think of you. In the little, fleeting moments those of us on the front lines get. We try not to think about home much, but when I do I think of you. I hope that's okay.
Your letter was a relief. More than I could have imagined. I'm glad you're okay aside from the new scar.
I leave for home tomorrow morning and won't be back at school until after the New Year. I think the time back home will help but it will be hard.
I'm sorry I don't have much to say this time.
I promise I will write you more when I am home.
And yes that is certainly okay. Reading that you think of me made me smile for the first time in a week. I think of you often and hope to hear from you soon.
Merry Christmas!
The holiday has been hard. Church was nearly unbearable with everyone offering condolances. I prayed for you and for the boys. I hope you are all well but especially you.
I went and visited your folks today. I'm sorry, but I hope that's okay. Your mama was sweet and fed me lunch even though I insisted I had just eaten. She told me all about you and your brother the paratroopers. Especially you. She said that I'd like you the best and she'll invite me over for dinner once you're home again. I
didn't mention that we'd been exchanging letters since you shipped off. I'm not quite ready to go back to school yet but I also can't imagine staying home for much longer either.
Can you tell me anything about where you are and what you're doing? If not I understand. I think I might like to know.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Yours Joanna
I've never been as cold as I've been this winter. I can't write much about where we are without the Army blacking it out or pulling my letter all together. Just know that going is hard but we keep going. A couple of my buddies caught me rereading your letters while we here huddled up in a foxhole trying not to freeze to death. They gave me hell and made me tell them all about you.
It took our minds off things for awhile. They're still riding me about it. About my girl I've been keeping a secret.
I know I have no right to think of you that way let alone talk about you that way. But I do, consider you my girl.
Damned if I hope you don't hate me for it.
P.S. Everyone here calls me Sy, the only time I hear or see or even use my given name is in these letters.
It's funny you should say that. Just the other day, in the library, a girl was sitting with us and prattling on about how she was so scared for her boyfriend who was working as a clerk for some officer in Paris and how he told her he might have to go with him to some station close to the front.
I was sleep deprived from studying and on edge and... well I may have snapped a little. Went off about how my boyfriend had jumped into Normandy with the Airborn and was wounded in Holland so her boyfriend could sit safe and sound at some desk and suck on his paper cuts.
I'm not proud of my behavior I admit, but I will admit I feel better knowing you might not be too awful upset with my actions.
Tests are coming up and I think the stress has been getting to me. I'm almost looking forward to the summer just so I can go back to my job at the courthouse typing in the pool. But then, I suppose, I'll just have to go back and finish the second year before I can work as a teacher. I hope that by then you will be home.
Your girl,
I probably told every guy in my company about what you said to that girl in the library. Every one of them laughed, even the CO. He says I'm a lucky guy. He's right.
We had a rough go here recently but we are somewhere relatively quiet now and we are sleeping with a real roof over our head. When we cleared the town I may have taken the COs advice and sent you a package. It cost me 2 packs of cigarettes to get it mailed so be sure you let me know that you got it.
I don't think we'll be here long but we are trying to make the best of it we can.
Don't be mad but I did get wounded again, nothing major, just a chunk of shrapnel in my side. It tore through my canteen so it didn't do as much damage as it could have. Our doc fixed me up so I didn't have to go back to aid station.
I'm trying to make it home in one piece. I promise. Noah
His letters were less frequent after that but they still came and she was grateful for each of them.
She had been shocked when the first package of silver trinkets had arrived. There were several of those through the next year. Beautiful hand mirrors, cups, cutlery and once an ornate silver picture frame that had taken her breath away.
Her roommate had watched her open that package and made a snarky comment. "Does your Lieutenant boyfirend have any fellow paratroopers looking to send some spoils of war home to a nice girl from Dallas?"
Jo had included that in her next letter, smirking as she had written it.
Sy had even responded that she should be careful what she wished for.
There was a long gap in his letters after that. Though she continued to write, knowing from experience that if he were alive the Army would eventually get her letters to him.
Finally one came, shorter than nearly all the others. In it he told her he'd been promoted once again, to Captain now, and he had no idea how or why. The way he saw it he was still just a simple country boy from Texas there to do a job.
In her response Joanna had pointed out to him that if she had to guess, the promotions were becuase he did his job and did it well.
She was in her last semester of college when she got this biggest package of loot she'd yet recieved and quite possibly the longest letter he'd ever written her.
Jo, I
don't have the words to describe to you the beauty of where we are now, but I promise you one of these days I'll do whatever it takes to bring you here to see the mountains.
They're something you have to see to believe.
Some of us have never seen anything like this place. It doesn't even feel like we are fighting a war anymore.
We were able to take control of a town, nearly every house in it was packed with fancier shit than we had ever seen. I won't even tell you what it cost me to send this package but me and the boys, we couldn't help ourselves. As always we were the first ones in and there was no chance we weren't taking everything we could carry.
Some letters from my ma caught up to me here and in every one of them she mentions you. You made an impression.
The picture you sent was a pleasant surprise. Just as beautiful as I remember.
Part of me hopes the war is really over and if I could I'd be there in time for your graduation I would. I'm proud of you.
A few of the guys in my company have had a hard time with their girls back home. Letters stop, or worse a letter comes telling them she's tired of waiting. A couple guys have even found out their getting divorced by letter.
I'm grateful for you and your patience. Believe me when I say that when I come home I'll do right by you. God willing that's soon. It feels like it might be.
It's the week of the county fair when Sy finally comes home. HIs older brother is the one that convinces him to put their uniforms on and go to the street dance that night. He wouldn't admit it but he was looking for her the second they stepped out of the old truck. He and his brother had been bogged down by boys and men alike shaking their hands and wanting all the stories. Sy let his brother do most the talking, that's how it had always been, and that gave him the chance to look around.
When he finally saw her she was with a group of girls off to the side, a big group 7 or 8, most the girls hanging on every word some weak chinned little privates were spewing. Not her though, she was sipping her punch and smiling politely, eyes glazed over and a million miles away. Setting his jaw he gave his brother a pat on the back and headed that way.
She didn't notice him right away, not until he came to stand behind the privates and straightened his back. "You boys given these ladies a hard time?" One of them turned around to smart off but they both immediatly snapped to attention and answered, "no sir" Sy nodded his head to the side and they slunk away, defeated. The women fawned and blushed, everyone of them batted their eyes and given him their prettiest smile. Not Jo though, her eyes were narrowed, then flicked briefly back behind her eyelids as she smirked. She did blush after he'd held her gaze a little too long but on her it was the most beautiful damn thing. "Miss Joanna, I was hopin you'd walk with me a bit, maybe let me have a dance."
After they had left the gossiping group of girls safely behind them, Joanna spoke, "I don't know how many letters I wrote you but now I feel like… with you here in front of me I don't know what to say." She chuckled a little at herself.
"You don't gotta say nothin' if you don't feel like it. I'm perfectly happy to just walk with you."
She blushed again, smiled and looked down at the ground, "So am I."
They had walked the length of their little hometowns main street and had turned around again. The music growing louder as they came up to the edge of the crowd. Joanna looked up at him almost shy, "You mean it earlier when you said you'd like to dance?" Sy had pushed her around the street to the next song and his chest puffed out when at the end of that song she had shooed away a young man asking for the next dance, wrapping herself around Sys arm instead.
This song was slower and Sy took the opportunity to finally get her talking. She'd always had so much to say in her letters and he had looked forward to hearing her ramble on the way he knew she would. Thus far she'd been holding back on him. "Y'know I bet I hadn't been home half an hour before my Mama was tellin me all about that good Garrison girl down the creek that had been stoppin' by."
Jo laughed and rolled her eyes a tiny bit, "Is that so?"
"It is." Sy tugged her a little closer, "Tellin me all about how pretty she was and sweet, smart too, sayin' she's just graduated from the teachers college and everything."
"Sounds like a hell of a girl." Jo was fighting back a smile, her cheeks still the half embarrassed pretty pink color they'd been since he'd stood in front of her earlier.
"That's what I said." He was grinning now. "She backhanded me for cussin in the house but she said she's plannin' on inviting this girl to dinner Sunday after church and I better be on my best behavior."
That finally got a real laugh out of her, "And how did Captain Noah J. Syverson take that?"
The song stopped but he didn't let her go, "Like any good southern man would," He paused not able to hold back his smile, "I said yes ma'am" Both of them laughing he guided them out of the crowd to a quieter spot against the brick wall of the bank. He watched her lean back against the wall and tilt her chin up at him smiling and her eyes bright. "God you're gorgeous." He pulled his lip between his teeth and studied her intently, "I was worried, it had been so long maybe I had built up this…fantasy of you, readin' your letters and thinkin' bought you."
Joanna's eyes went wide, her heart pounding all the sudden.
"You're so beautiful Joanna, I mean it."
She shook her head, her words not coming right away and Sy had got the slightest bit nervous, "You called me Jo in your letters." She smiled softly and his nerves settled
Understanding Sy nodded, 'I'd like to come by tomorrow, visit with your folks. Would that be okay?"
"Why you wanna do that?"
Sy smiled, "You've had the last few yaers to get on my family's good side, I got some catchin' up to do."
He didn't really have that much catching up to do.
When he showed up at the ranch in his uniform with his paratrooper patch, captains bars, jump wings and ribbons, that had been enough for her father. And lord knows every 'yes ma'am' and clumsy wink as her mother refilled his coffee cup was gaining him ground.
Sometimes Jo would get twisted around. They'd been writing like sweethearts for years, but now every time they were together she felt like a silly, little girl. Nervous and blushing. She'd nearly forgotten how tall he was and how handsome. He'd put on muscle too and his face had changed. Not the look of it but his eyes mostly, the way he set his jaw and the way his eyes were a little harder than other boys in town. The ones that hadn't seen what he had.
It felt like they were getting to know eachother all over again, only in person this time. Syverson was a patient man though, and gave her time. He'd known he was gonna marry her from that day in the freezing fucking forest of Bastogne. Swore up and down to himself that if he made it home, he'd marry her.
She came around fast though, got more comfortable with him. Soon she was rolling her eyes at him and cracking jokes.
She was the one that kissed him first even.
They'd gone to the next town over for dinner and when he'd opened the door of his truck for her she turned. Her hands grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down to kiss her.
Sy had been nothing but a gentleman those first few weeks but when she pulled that stunt his resolve faltered.
WIth a groan, one hand still braced on the truck door, he wrapped his free arm around her and held her close. He felt the air rush out of her as she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. When she opened her mouth to his he groaned again, nearly a growl, and she gave up the sweetest little moan when he had backed her up against the seat of the pickup truck.
WIth both hands he touched her. Some decent part of him reminding him to keep it together. Only holding her hips or her waist, until one hand vetured up to softly cradle her neck. His touch there made her moan again and this time he felt it in his fingertips.
Finally he pulled back and just looked her over, his thumb under her chin keeping her face tipped up towards his. Her eyes opened slowly and when they did, and met his, she grinned. Biting her lip she tried to look away but he brought her right back. She licked her lips as she fought to hold his gaze.
"C'mere darlin'." Sy watched her eyes slip close and her mouth open before he could even claim her lips again. The way she let him press up against her and nipped at his bottom lip was driving him crazy.
The sound of a slamming car door down the street startled them both but all Sy could do was laugh. Looking over his shoulder to locate the source of the sound before ushering her up into the seat. His broad back blocking her from view he stole one more kiss. "Could do that a long time." He murmured against her lips.
Jo kissed him back but looked a little bashful again. "Yeah?"
Cautiously, he put a hand on her thigh and gave it a squeeze over her skirt. "Mhmm." He took another quick kiss. When he pulled back, looked her in the eye, she was smiling. "I love you, know that right?"
She reached a hand up to his jaw and ghosted her fingers over the scruff of the beard he was growing, "You sure?"
He chuckled, grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss into her palm, "Pretty sure darlin'." Sy winked at her and forced himself to step back, close the truck door and walk around to the drivers side.
When he climbed in and pulled his door closed she slid across the bench seat and kissed him again. This time her hand was braced on his thigh and Jo took charge. Sy let her, with a groan and a hand on her waist to keep her steady as she very nearly was in his lap.
By the time Joanna pulled back Sy was trying to catch his breath and his dick was getting hard, so close to where her hand laid on his thigh. Lifting his hand to her face he pulled her back, "Damn baby," He kissed her, sloppy and quick, and pulled her closer. "What's that for?" He swiped his tongue into her mouth, letting her know he wasn't complaining.
Her lips diverted from his and settled near his ear while her hand left his thigh to lay flat against his chest, "Love you too." Then she sat back and stopped touching him entirely.
WIth a groan Noah clenched a fist around the steering wheel and fought the urge to adjust himself in his pants. When he looked at her she was just stilling there, middle of the seat looking pretty and sweet, innocent as could be if it weren't for her swollen lips and flush on her neck and cheeks.
"Not sure if that was you being sweet or bein' real mean sweetheart. But fuck if I didn't like it." Sy laughed and started the truck. He smiled when she laughed too, not flinching at his foul mouth.
She simply slid back and closed the little distance between them on the seat. Settling into his side as Sy started the truck up and draped his arm over the back of the seat and around her shoulders. "You better get off your ass and marry me soon then Syverson."
Sy barked out a laugh, taking his left hand off the wheel to shift the truck into second gear rather than move his right from around her shoulders. Steering properly again he looked over at her, "Oh yeah? Or else what?" He tugged slightly at the end of her braid where it hung long and neat over her shoulder.
"Or else I'll start bein" really mean." She winked at him, before kicking her long legs up on the bench seat and leaning back against him.
Taking his hand off the wheel again to shift the truck up into third as he got them out on the highway, he smiled when he felt her lace her fingers through his and he gave them a squeeze. "Roger that."
Joanna wiped the ornate, silver frame gently with the rag in her hand. Thinking about how far the thing had traveled and how it had came to be in a little farmhouse in Texas. Taking a moment she looked at the picture in it. Noah in his uniform, pressed and sharp, decked in ribbons, and her in her wedding dress. Her mind wandered and she didn't hear him come up behind her.
His arms wrapped around her waist and his lips landed on her neck, "What you doin' darlin'?"
He kissed her neck again, "'Bout what?"
She set the frame, stolen from some Nazi's home in Austria, gently back on the shelf. "What if I hadn't ran into you leaving the courthouse that day?"
Behind her Sy stood up straight, turned her around and set his hands low on her hips. "What'ya mean?"
"You barely knew me from Adam." She looked up at him, set her now empty hands on his broad chest and appreciated the way he had filled out in the years he'd been home. "If I hadn't come down those steps and bumped into you, we might never have been here."
Sy sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, as he often did when he had to think on his feet, "I'd have seen you at the dance."
"But you'd seen me at dances before. I know it. You never spared a look at a me." She arched her brows and challenged him.
"Now that," He reached down and grabbed a handful of her ass, "Is not true." He drilled his eyes into hers and leaned in close. "I spared you plenty of looks before. You, on the other hand, didn't have the time of day for me 'till you saw me in uniform." He gave her ass a swat this time as he chuckled.
She shoved at him playfully but licked her lips and met his gaze headon, "That…" she started before cracking a laugh of her own, "Is beside the point."
"I knew it!" Sy barked as he grabbed her up by the thights and carried her to the dining table, where he set her down and stepped between her legs. His hands stroking up and down her thighs as he leaned back down to kiss and nip at her neck. Smiling against her soft skin as his beard tickled her there. "All I know," He began still mouthing at her neck before moving up over her jaw and across the apple of her cheek. "Is I'm damn glad it all happened how it did."
Jo smiled against his lips as he kissed her deeply. She smiled even wider as she felt his hands slip under her sweater and his thumb stroke over the very beginning of the swell in her belly.
If he were honest, her question a bit ago had thrown him. What if she hadn't bumped into him that day?
Given the time to think about it later, with his pregnant wife naked and dozing draped across his chest, her hand resting on the scar in his side. She always paid the most attention to that one, and her fingers always found it as she bregan to drift off.
He wondered if he would have had the guts to approach her at the dance. He liked to think so.
Sy wouldn't ever tell her, but in his mind if she hadn't bumped into him on the courthouse steps that day... well... He might not have spoke to her ever. And when he thought of that he always wondered if he even would have survived the jump into Normandy. Or would he have froze to death in a foxhole without her letters to give his mind a break from the looming dispair.
Would he have been the leader he was if she wasn't on the other side of the world to be proud of him? Would he still have been the man that could charge German lines and command the respect of men enough to do the same?
Possibly worst of all he thought would have been if he had survived the war, but not had her to come home to. Would the nightmares and the lonlieness been too much for him alone?
How could another girl who hadn't been with him through it all understand the way he could stare across the pastures, not really seeing? Would another girl have tolerated the nights laying in bed beside him shivering, his body still thinking he was in that frozen forest? Or the way even now he would still sometimes flinch at a loud noise, expecting and incomming round that never came? Could another girl stand beside him at a funeral of a brother that came home but never really came home?
In her sleep Jo's hand flexed at his side and it brought him out of the spiraling thoughts. Instead he focused on her steady breathing and peaceful face. When he fell asleep that night there were no dreams, just the warmth and comfort of her beside him.
~~~~ The End ~~~
This is the first time I've written for Sy and i'm very attached to it! I have a few other ideas for him floating around so if y'all might be interested sure to let me know!
Thanks for reading!
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ynisreal · 6 months
wires (7) - michael afton x reader
author’s note: hello! thank u for all the love and sorry for the delay :P
summary: You and Henry talk. Michael and Henry make difficult decisions. You have to get back to work. (6k)
Chapter 7
"Here you go," Henry hands you the plastic cup with the hot drink you've chosen. After reading Michael's note, Henry offered you a ride home, but you insisted that you wanted to explain what had happened today, as soon as possible, so that your nightmare would finally end. Henry understood your motives, but insisted on bringing you to a quieter place, where the two of you could talk freely and without the noise of sirens or police officers talking loudly.
So now you found yourselves in a small local coffee shop, where there were only students with their books and the staff of the café. You thanked Henry for the drink, and took a small sip, feeling the small dose of dopamine that the hot drink provided try to rewire your brain. You were still in shock, but getting away from the establishment certainly helped you calm down. Henry was also good company, not pushing you to speak, just standing next to you and comfortably silent, waiting for you to take the initiative. It was good to be around someone as understanding as him at this time, despite the fact that you only met him twice.
"Take your time, I don't have a timetable for coming home," Henry says smiling fondly at you, "I know your head must be a mess now, so you can take the time to organize a timeline." You look at him, understanding what he meant. And it was true, your head was a mess before, but after telling and retelling the same story to so many people today, you can easily dictate the same speech you did to everyone else. However, with the adrenaline finally leaving your body after so long, you're out of energy. In those moments when your body is totally without motivation or initiative, sincerity and truth come to the surface, taking advantage of the lack of strength in your inhibitory control. That's why, at that very second, when your brain was so tired of controlling your actions, you say:
"I saw Noah's organs scattered all over the floor," your voice is strangely calm for the gravity of your speech. Henry's eyes widen. "I never thought I'd witness something like this, I've heard it on true crime podcasts or online reports, but it all seems so unreal until you actually witness violence like this," you continue, holding the cup with both hands, letting the hot liquid exchange heat with your cold hands.
"Yes," Henry replies, a soft tone in his voice. He understood well what you were talking about, after all, he never thought he would find the soul of his only daughter trapped in a puppet. It was an event that people only visualize in films or books, so he understood your shock now, what you thought was such a distant reality was closer than you imagined. Henry didn't comment on or interfere with your train of thought, letting you say what you wanted.
"I never thought about how I would die or when," you continue, your eyes downcast and slightly open, as if you were reliving the scene, "But, Henry, do you think I could die like that?" you ask, now staring at the man you've just met. Well, that's certainly not what Henry was expecting when he came to talk to you, but he knew the curse that this franchise carried was bound to cause some unpredictable events, turning people into monsters or survivors, defying all the laws of nature and even making the dead come back. Predictability was not present in Henry's life.
"I don't know, Y/n," Henry replied sincerely, letting his shoulders slump in defeat. He had no words of comfort for your situation, knowing that there was no comfort to give you, the fear in your eyes was clear. "We don't control the way we die, only what we do in life and the people we take care of during our days," the man continued, letting his back rest against the seat, still surprised that he was having such a deep conversation with a woman he had only just met. At least, in person, because he'd already heard a lot about you from Michael.
"I see," you reply, a little disappointed by the man's response. Well, you couldn't expect him to say that there's a way out of all your insecurities and fear, but in a situation like yours, you couldn't help but hope that a stranger like him would lie to you, words of comfort so surreal that you might believe them. "Thank you for being honest, Henry," you smile, thanking the man who kept you company during this chaotic night. Henry smiles back.
Henry looks at you for a few seconds, wondering whether or not to tell you what was on his mind. You seemed calmer, a softer look on your face, but fear was recognizable in your gaze. He had seen this fear too many times in Michael's eyes and in his own. It didn't suit you, so Henry sighs, catching your eye.
"There's a legend - Well, I wouldn't say a legend, but a story that really struck me," Henry begins, smiling slightly as he sees your eyes light up with curiosity, "It's about a man who made a mistake during his teenage years, an accident that killed a person he loved very much, and after that, he spent his whole life trying to make up for that mistake and several others that weren't caused by him. This man suffered a lot, lost many people and got hurt on his journey, plunging and sinking into this dark and lonely path, so much so that he ended up dying in a violent way." Henry pauses, taking a few seconds to breathe, "However, life is not cruel, it may seem so, but everything happens for a reason, so life gave this man a second chance. He came back to life, he got the second chance he deserves so much," the man in front of you smiles slightly, "I'm not saying that you can predict your death or that if you're good enough, your death will be peaceful, but that you can be sure that some bad things happen for good things to happen."
You don't know how to feel about this story, in fact, it left you a little confused. Why was Henry telling you this? Soon, you feel that same feeling you felt that day with Michael in the hallway. Your stomach seems to turn over in tears to let you know that that story or legend was in fact a ***truth***. You continue to smile, trying to disguise the discomfort that is settling in your body, lightly clutching the shirt you were wearing, waiting for the feeling to pass. It was violent with your body, almost as if you could feel your intuition screaming at you in every way that Henry was telling a real story.
Henry didn't know what to make of your silence, just watching you smile softly, seeming to understand what he had said. "Well, I'm sorry if I said something that made you uncomfortable, I just thought you'd like to hear this story," Henry starts to apologize, but is soon interrupted by you, "No, no, it's just a difficult story to absorb, but I think I understand, thank you Henry," you say, raising your cup to take another sip.
Henry seems pleased that you've understood, a bit happy to have comforted you at least a little. You talk some more, and you recount all the events of your terrible day to him, answering the questions he had and thanking him when he said he would talk to the head office about you having a few days off, because of the trauma you have suffered and the investigation that will take place. You don't know if the time off will be a good idea, maybe staying at home trapped in your thoughts won't be pleasant, but going back to the same place where you found Noah's open body wasn't an idea you liked either. Henry tells you that the night security guard will be notified of your absence and the investigation, at which you ask:
"Will Michael be working both shifts?" you interrupt Henry, worried that Michael might have to spend the whole day in that establishment. Henry looks at you, his mouth slightly open in surprise at your question. "Well, we don't know yet...", the man in front of you replies sincerely. Even Henry didn't want Michael to spend the whole day in that establishment before he found out who had killed Noah.
"If so, I'll go back to work," you say quickly, raising your back from the seat, showing confidence in your statement, "It's not fair that he has to work all day alone in that place," you continue, an assertive voice, as if the fear you had been feeling before disappeared for a few seconds. Henry doesn't know what to say to your suggestion, knowing that Michael will cut his head off if he lets you back into the establishment.
"I'll talk to him - but I don't know if the head office will agree to you returning to the establishment so soon," Henry replies, still impressed by your confidence. You cared about Michael, you didn't want him to spend the whole day alone in that establishment, especially since the murder took place during your working hours. You were just as stubborn as Michael, but Henry couldn't get frustrated about that, satisfied that the man he loved like a son had someone who cared about him besides Henry. Michael could be a little careless at times, still used to the anger and impulsiveness that had haunted him since his teenage years, so having someone like you who could look after him made Henry a little calmer.
"Okay, but tell them that if Michael has to work two shifts, I'm begging them to let me come back," you cross your arms, leaning back against the comfortable seat. Henry smiles softly and nods. You finish your drinks and Henry kindly escorts you home, promising to keep in touch to give you updates on the case and bring you news from the headquarters. You thank him and wish the caring man you got to know better that evening a good night.
"How is she?" is the first thing Henry hears when he gets home. Michael was standing there, wearing the same clothes as when he left the establishment. The television was off and the carpet was a bit messy, which showed Henry that Michael had probably been walking around in circles like a lunatic. "Good night to you too, Mike," Henry said with sarcasm, closing the door behind him.
"Don't give me that, answer me," Michael said a little irritated by Henry's lack of comment, the concern evident on the younger man's purplish face. Michael was without his mask and hood, which made his dark eyes more noticeable. Henry had gotten used to Michael's new figure, but in the bright lighting of his house, he could see that there was a small sparkle in the great darkness that was Michael's gaze, functioning almost like a pupil, following Henry's walking figure. Maybe it was the little glimmer of Michael's soul, Henry thought, not bothered by the possibility, given how crazy his day had already been.
"Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to answer me?" Michael asks once again, gesturing with his hands, trying to get Henry's attention. "Your eyes have a little sparkle in them, it's not completely black," Henry said, dropping the bag he was carrying on the sofa and then sitting down, looking at Michael's standing figure, who was staring back at him in frustration. "No shit, Sherlock Holmes, it's not like I haven't looked in the fucking mirror today," Michael says, his tone harsh, getting increasingly annoyed with Henry. Michael was counting down the seconds to grab Henry's car key and speed off to your house to check on you.
Henry decided to have mercy on Michael, so he answered: "She's fine, still in shock, but after reading your note, she seemed visibly better," Henry said, taking off the shoes that were tight on his feet. Michael sighs, bringing his hand to his chest, calm taking over his face as he knew you were all right. The man knew what it was like to see a corpse for the first time, the sensation of meeting death and sensing it so closely that you begin to feel its soft touch on your shoulder is an unequal feeling. He had felt this sentiment several times, up until the day he was actually touched by his old friend. That feeling came back to him today, and all he could imagine is that you're feeling the same way, questioning your whole life and the point of it all, being violently reminded that, at the end of the day, you're just a piece of meat with bones and a soul.
"Was it that bad?" Michael asks, having no information about the murder or how Noah's body was found, but given the franchise's track record, he could only expect the worst. Henry raises his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes roughly, "Well, from what she told me, Noah's body looked like yours, his mouth was forced open and his organs were scattered all over the floor, it seems he had a deep opening in his torso," Henry says.
"Holy shit," Michael sighs heavily, dropping his body onto the sofa in frustration, echoing Henry's tired movement. The younger man's hands clamped over his purple mouth in shock, his thoughts racing through his head, not knowing how to react to the information Henry had just told him. Damn it, why did it have to be like this? Michael tried so hard to hide his own body and appearance from your sight, only to have fate slap him across the face and display the same way he died to you. The man's eyes closed in anger, it seemed as if this nightmare would never end, having literally pulled Michael back from his death to continue living the same stories and the same traumas forever. And now you were involved. "Do you think that Ennard is back?" Michael asks quietly.
Henry takes his hands away from his face to look at Michael, understanding the younger man's fear, "I don't know, Mike," he sighs, letting one hand rest on his partner's broad shoulder, the one person who has been with him through all the worst moments of his life, and this will be no different, "But, the police investigated the scene and there was no report of an animatronic, which indicates to us that, if Ennard was there, he certainly isn't anymore.... ", Henry concludes, trying to comfort Michael, seeing the anger resurface in the dead man's dark eyes.
Michael sighs, understanding Henry's words, "No trace from Liz?" the younger man asks about his sister, even though he knows that Ennard and Elizabeth are now two different animatronics, having felt the metallic remains of his sister come out of his mouth days before Ennard abandoned Michael's body in a dark alley. Henry allowed his face to relax into a sad expression, feeling the heavy mood settling between the two of them, given the pair's proximity to the little girl, who was now missing, possessing an animatronic. "No, no sign of her... I'm sorry, Mike," Henry replied.
"It's okay", Michael whispers, knowing that it wasn't the older man's fault, but he can't help also feeling disappointed, after all, he wanted to be reunited with his little sister once again. Michael understood that, before, when Liz saw him working at the Sister Location for the first time, she thought Michael was their father. Well, they do look alike, but perhaps, after the years the two siblings had been apart, Liz had forgotten her older brother's face, overwhelmed by revenge and anger. Michael would never blame her, or Evan, he could only imagine what it was like to be trapped forever in a metallic body, filled with rage and confusion, having to take on a new form that was so distant from a human body. All this suffering being processed in a mind that was made for drawing and for playing with toys was unimaginable for Michael.
"Well, when do I go back to the establishment?" Michael tries to change the subject, trying not to think too much about his siblings, knowing that it was a path of no return, always ending up with Michael either angry or sobbing in Henry's arms.
Henry scratches the back of his head when he hears Michael's question. The younger man notices Henry's nervous mannerism, quickly realizing the discomfort of the man next to him from the question he asked. "What is it?", Michael asks, now a little on edge.
"Y/n refused to allow you to work two shifts, and, well, frankly - I agree with her," Henry begins to explain calmly, knowing that the next sentence would irritate Michael even more, "She believes that it's better for you two to work the day shift together than for one of you to do it alone".
Michael's eyes widen. Henry didn't expect to hear what spilled out of Michael's mouth. The younger man started to laugh, incredulous at what you had suggested, and even more in disbelief at Henry for telling him. "No way in hell," Michael said between laughs, all of the emotions he'd been through that night finally making him a little less lucid. It was laughable really, Michael was never going to let you go back there, at least not now, not until he finds out who killed Noah and where that killer is.
"Michael," Henry calls out to the man who kept laughing, "I completely agree with her." At that moment, the laughter stops immediately, causing Michael to turn his head to meet Henry's eyes. "What?" the younger man says abruptly, "You must be crazy," Michael adds, his voice hoarse and his anger more evident. There were too many overwhelming emotions for one night, Ennard might be back, no sign of Liz and now, Henry thinks it's a great idea to put you in the same place where Noah was killed. Michael may have died for good and is now in purgatory paying for all of his sins.
"Mike, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you wander around that establishment alone - I know how much you want to find Ennard, but we can't take that risk," Henry explained, his hands gesticulating in an effort to give Michael an impression of confidence. However, he could see that Henry was nervous, the younger man's temperament being a little worse tonight, after so many revelations in a matter of minutes.
"And you think it's a better idea to let Y/n roam those corridors instead of me?" Michael said louder, the anger that had been swirling inside the man finally exploding. "Come on, Henry, just think, would you rather have a person who doesn't know what they're up against wandering around the same corridors where Noah was killed than me, a person who's lived all these years in this fucking shithole - and still managed to die at the hands of one of those monsters?" Michael is screaming now, once again letting the force of hatred get the best of him, driving him to lash out at Henry, the man who had cared for him his whole life.
Henry had seen this coming, he knew it would be an extra sensitive topic for Michael. The younger man was very protective over you, verbally expressing how he didn't want to tell you the truth or show you what he looked like, in fear of you getting too involved and ending up dead just like everyone Michael had ever loved. So obviously he would have that reaction, the thought of letting you wander around the place while there was the possibility of Ennard being there was unbearable for Michael.
"That's not what I meant-" Henry says calmly, not wanting to add fuel to the fire, so he stands up and reaches for Michael's shoulders lightly, just to get the younger man's attention. "I just don't want you wandering around those corridors on your own, Mike," Henry continues, his gaze soft and pained. Michael immediately returned his gaze.
"I don't want any more victims for this establishment, I'm sorry, I know how much you want to continue investigating on your own, but I can't let you do that, Michael," Henry explains, the concern evident in his voice, "Neither can she, so for the first time in your life, please let other people take care of you too," the older man blurts out, the calm tone and gentle smile never leaving his face. Michael widened his eyes, not knowing how to react once again that night, just taking a deep breath and reaching for Henry's arms, which were still resting on his shoulders.
"I don't want her to become a victim of this chaos," Michael began to whisper, as if he and Henry were little children sharing their secrets. "I don't know if I can lose anyone else," he continued, aware of what he was implying. Henry realized it too.
"You're not going to lose anyone, and she doesn't want to see you hurt either," the older man says, "It's what I can do for now, I don't want to see you alone in that establishment and neither does she, and you're not willing to let her come back, so I propose that you two work the day shift, at least until we can find whoever did this," Henry suggests, watching the pained look take shape on the younger man's face, knowing that it's a difficult decision for him to make. Michael didn't want to imagine what would become of him if you got hurt or died in that establishment, another one among the dozens of victims in this never-ending nightmare. And worst of all, the feeling of having absolutely no control settles in Michael's chest, it's such a familiar situation for him. He's done everything to save Liz, he's done everything to right his wrongs with Evan, to release the souls that are trapped in eternal torment and to kill his father. Nothing worked, in fact, they only got worse. Would it be the same for you? Would it be the end of your story to watch your sister die and then yourself perish in Ennard's hands? Michael can't see anything beyond that. He was selfish, he was selfish with you, he shouldn't have gotten close to you, he shouldn't have kissed you or had sex with you. Michael shouldn't have fallen in love.
"Hey, hey, look-", Henry noticed the anxiety taking over the younger man's dead body, his broad shoulders shaking slightly with his gaze lost on the floor. "I know we've both lost a lot of people to this madness we call life, I warned you from the beginning not to let the relationship between you two get any deeper, but there's no going back in time, now you have to protect her, don't let this franchise take another good soul from this world - Don't give up now on the love you fought so hard for," the father Michael never had uttered, his voice firm, as if it were a warning. And it was a warning, one that Michael genuinely needed. The damage had already been done, now he would have to deal with the consequences of having gotten close to you, and frankly, he was willing to go to any lengths to see you safe and smiling. That thought awoke something in Michael, motivation gushing through his bloodless veins, knowing that there was no one better in the world to protect you but him and Henry. Michael was familiar with the threat, having come face to face with Ennard and, well, having died in his arms.
"Okay, Henry," Michael replied, his voice charged with emotion, but it wasn't anger or anxiety like before, it was charged with initiative and determination. You weren't going to die, not you or your sister, Michael wasn't going to let that happen, even if it was the last thing his dead body did in this endless nightmare.
You were listening to the birds chirping outside, your sister had already left for school, leaving you alone once again with your thoughts. Cass had been good company, she had limited information about what had happened, but she understood that her older sister was in a bad place and needed a little more help. That's why Cass understood when you asked to sleep in bed with her, or when she woke up and still didn't have breakfast on the table, needing to remind you to eat. You didn't want to be neglecting her, but the sleep paralysis didn't let you rest, in fact, you were afraid to fall asleep, because every time you would wake up with your body paralyzed and Noah looking at you, his face so close to yours that you could see the emptiness in his eyes. He didn't do anything, he just stared at you, and that was enough to make you realize: Noah wanted you to be in his place. And honestly, spending your days afraid to even shut your eyes, forgetting to feed your sister and not being able to leave the house, maybe it would have been better if it had been you.
"Fuck," you whisper, bringing your hands up to rub your eyes, preventing them from closing involuntarily. Today you would be returning to the establishment after five days away, you haven't managed to grasp how many days have passed, just spending every hour of the day at home, watching television or in your sister's room, reading some children's book she saved for school. You don't know how you feel about going back to work, especially to look at that same auditorium where you found that body, where you found Noah. But you wanted to see Michael, you wanted to sink into his arms and, for a few short minutes, feel safe, feel surrounded by steel barriers where Noah's killer or ghost couldn't get to you.
With these thoughts, you forced yourself to get up from the sofa, being practically carried by your own legs to your room, where you changed into your uniform. Your uniform was clean, in fact, there was never a speck of blood on the fabric given its distance from the corpse, but just the fact that you wore it that night made you frantically clean it irrationally. After changing, you headed for the kitchen, writing a short note to your sister, letting her know that you had left for work and giving her the number of the pizzeria in the next street, in case she got hungry. Just then, a noise from outside your house startled you, making you freeze in your tracks. It was the sound of a motorcycle, but the point is: you don't know anyone who rides a motorcycle.
Your body didn't move, frozen at the thought of the killer coming to get you. Maybe he saw you talking to the police and was out for revenge, or he wanted to kill all the workers in the establishment. You don't know, and frankly, it doesn't matter why. The sound of the motorcycle has stopped, signaling that the stranger must have stopped in front of your house. This wakes you up from your trance, opening the knife drawer in the kitchen and immediately grabbing one. You don't know how to fight, but maybe with a sharp weapon, you'll have a few seconds to fight for your life. "Please, anyone who's listening, don't let my sister be the one to find my body," you pray, knowing the trauma she would suffer from seeing the mutilated body of the person she loves most in the world. You would fight, fight so that your sister would not be left alone in this world. Your grip on the knife tightens at the thought of your sister, you could be in deep shit, you could be sleepless for days or have the same sleep paralysis every night, nothing would take you away from your sister, she wouldn't suffer any more, you wouldn't let her.
"Hello? Anyone home?", a familiar voice sounds from the front door. Your mind takes a few seconds to process who it was, and as soon as you do, the knife falls to the floor and your feet can be heard colliding with the ground, quickly making their way to the front door.
"Shit, did Henry give me the wrong address?", Michael verbalizes his own thoughts quietly, placing his hand on the motorcycle helmet he was wearing. The helmet was a bit scratched and had accumulated some dust due to lack of use over a long period of time, but Michael was at least happy that he was riding again. He was on his way back to the bike, having knocked on the door a few times and continued to get no response, but the sound of the door opening made him stop in his tracks, ready to turn around and apologize for having mistaken the address, but a body colliding with his torso made any train of thought he was having come to an immediate halt.
You knew Michael wouldn't like this close distance between the two of you, but honestly, now it didn't matter, he could yell and get angry at you later, now you just wanted to feel his arms, you wanted to feel him close. Michael let a small laugh escape his lips, surprised at your reaction to seeing him. "Careful, you could end up hitting your head on my helmet," he said, extending his arm, covered by his leather jacket and bandages, to encircle your waist, accepting how close you were. Michael was wearing a large jacket and helmet, he knows there's no way you can feel the wires or notice the purple hue of his skin, so he returns the embrace, needing your touch just as you needed his.
You don't answer, not having the strength to think about anything other than feeling Michael close to you again. It could be that you missed him, it could be the fear you're feeling, it could be so many emotions, but what matters is that he's with you now. Michael continues to smile, one arm around your waist and the other holding your head against his torso, careful not to press the heavy helmet against your head. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I heard what happened and that the establishment was suspended due to the investigation," Michael says, squeezing your waist as he feels you nod. Shit, he wanted you even closer. "It's okay, you're here now," you say, feeling your voice break a little.
Michael lifts one of his hands and touches your face, caressing your cheek, "I will always be here for you," he says. Michael doesn't know what effect this little speech had on you, but when he simply and effortlessly stated that he would always reach you, once again, you felt the *truth* in his speech. You were safe with Michael, he would always find you, he would reach out to you no matter what. Your body relaxed, feeling the tiredness and lack of sleep finally catch up with your brain, or perhaps, it was your body feeling that it had found a safe place to relax, the survival instinct finally going away and leaving just you and Michael.
"I've come to pick you up so we can go to work," Michael says, breaking the silence that had settled between the two of you. You don't raise your head, not wanting to leave him so soon, "Yes, Henry told me we'd be working the day shift together," you reply, now playing with your fingers on the heavy fabric of his jacket.
"Yes, because one of the workers refused to let me work alone," Michael says, squeezing your cheek lightly. Your skin was so warm in contrast to Michael's bandaged fingers, he had missed your warmth. "I don't know who this crazy woman is, do you? You'll have to introduce me to her..." he teased, wanting to hear your laughter again. He left Henry's house with one goal in mind, well, two actually: to protect you and, above all, to hear you laugh. Michael could imagine what you had been through in those five days, after all, he had lived it a few times in his life. And when you finally appeared, bringing light into the immense darkness that were his days, you became a space where he could be anything but Michael Afton, the man who has lost everything, the man seeking revenge or the man who will never rest, he could be Michael Afton with you. Just Michael Afton. And today, with him, you could be you, not the woman who had found the architect's body in the establishment where you worked. He wanted to see your carefree smile, he wanted to help you carry some of that weight, just as he did every time.
And he succeeded. You laughed, a light, soft laugh, heavy with the tones of tiredness you were feeling, but it was enough for Michael. He strokes your hair before finally pulling away to fetch the extra helmet he had brought. You thank him as you take the helmet, and just as you're about to put it on your head, you feel Michael's hand touch yours.
"Let me help you," Michael says, taking the helmet from your hands and placing it on top of your head. You quickly put your hair up in a ponytail and let Michael put the helmet on you with the agility and care that only an expert would have. Through the small tinted window in the helmet, you can see Michael grabbing an extra jacket from his backpack and holding it out to you. "You look too good in that jacket and helmet," he says, as you put the heavy jacket on over your uniform, "Shit, I think we should stay right here," Michael says, the teasing tone making you laugh again. Only Michael can make you forget reality and the thousands of worries in your head for a few seconds, building that steel barrier in your mind, with free access only for him. "Come on, Michael, let's go," you reply, lightly pushing the man's torso in front of you, signaling him to sit on the bike.
Michael smiles behind his helmet and does as you say, sitting on the bike and then holding out his hand to help you up too. He doesn't let his smile drop when he feels you wrap your arms around his waist. Shit, he should wear helmets and jackets more often, so he could have you touching him freely every day, just like now.
Yeah, Henry was right, Michael would never let anything happen to you.
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excelynch · 1 year
are you the king, mirror, ghost, magician or dreamer?
(write the letter of the answer you chose on a paper, at the end you will have the result of each letter)
1 - are you a poet, king or soldier?
a) poet
b) soldier
c) king
2 - choose a part of the song meet me in the woods by lord huron.
a) "I took a little journey to the unknown and I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones"
b) "I have seen what the darkness does. say goodbye to who I was"
c) "meet me in the woods tonight"
d) "I fucked with forces that our eyes can't see, now the darkness got a hold on me"
e) "show me yours and I'll show you mine"
3 - choose one of my opinions about trc that MAYBE you don't agree.
a) the dreamer trilogy has a slightly more interesting story.
b) the raven king ending sucks. like what is that DEMON?
c) adam and ronan were a little quick (but they're perfect anyway, maybe because it was so sudden, i wasn't expecting ronan lynch's secret)
d) declan was right most of the time, he just wanted to take care of what was left of the family.
e) noah deserved at least a decent goodbye.
4 - pick a random thing that was mentioned in the books
a) the pig
b) squash 1, squash 2, squash 3...
c) adam parrish's worn clothes.
d) lampshade dress (or ronan's lack of interest.
e) blue's pink pocket knife.
5 - you woke up at 03:49 am and you feel happy but you don't remember what you dreamed about. later, as the day goes by, you reflect. what did you dream about?
a) I don't remember exactly, just one person in front of me, they says my name and then they hugs me and I feel loved and then aliens take us to a distant planet and I turn out to be that person is a little girl who stole a lego of mine when i was a kid and we started battling for the hand of the cockroach queen.
b) I woke up happy that I finally got some sleep, but dreaming? it's something I'm still trying to remember how to do.
c) I can't remember what I dreamed about.
d) me in front of a mirror and in that mirror I saw myself as a kid. they told me in a calm voice "you can grow up now"
e) a house with all the ghosts that haunt me, they say they can move on now. I'm alone in the house, there's nothing left, but that emptiness doesn't bother me. I like the silence after so much noise.
6 - choose a quote from the books
a) "he threw me out the window"
b) "excelsior"
c) "maybe i dreamt you"
d) "safe as life"
e) "i am being perfectly fucking civil"
7 - ok, without judging the inside of the books, just choose by the cover.
a) the dream thieves
b) the raven king
c) the raven boys
d) blue lily, lily blue
e) call down the hawk / mister impossible /greywaren
8 - which of Ronan's dreams do you most identify with?
a) adam's perfect teeth (i know, i know)
b) matthew, the golden boy who just wants to be a normal boy
c) the other ronan who was born to die
d) forests and more forests
e) a hoverboard that will save everyone in the end
9 - if gansey is the king, blue is the mirror, ronan is the dreamer, noah is the ghost and adam is the magician so henry is...?
a) the one that's left (maybe you didn't care enough to give him a meaning)
b) madonna's number one fan
c) the bee
d) the son
e) the master
10 - if someone came and told you that you were going to die in a year, how would you react?
a) "no shit, sherlock! now say something new"
b) I would accept my fate and live normally. "After all, we're all going to die, I'm just going to die sooner"
c) I would do what I was always afraid to do.
d) "I've been dead for seven years"
e) I would do anything to change my destiny.
if you chose king add a point for ronan. if you chose poet add a point for noah and gansey. and if you chose soldier add a point for adam and blue.
now just add which letter you got the most and tell me in the comments the result :)
a = ronan
b = noah
c = gansey
d = adam
e = blue
I hope that you enjoyed and sorry for any mistakes, I'm learning english :)
I was thinking of doing a "which brother lynch are you" and one about the marauders, what do you think?
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swearphil · 6 months
2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about. tagged by @reasonandfaithinharmony! thank you, friend!
buckle up, friends, because I somehow posted 98 gif sets this year and it's probably going to be 100 sets by the end of the year tbh. that number sounds so ridiculous. it's all your faults because part of the reason why I made so much was because I felt so encouraged and loved by the people I've gotten to know and know better this year, so thank you.
I started trying to put all the sets in a post and that just got overwhelming for me to look at so we're doing my top favorites with some fun statistics at the end. I think it'll come as no surprise that I mostly made rwrb and heartstopper sets this year, so I decided to do my top 5 rwrb sets, top 5 heartstopper sets, and top 10 miscellaneous sets.
top 5 rwrb sets
page to screen ripped pages: this is the first set I made after the movie was released. I worked on it for hours and really enjoy how it turned out. the text placement was what took the longest. I knew what words from each passage I wanted to highlight so it took some rearranging to make sure those were visible.
acd x all american bitch: the idea for this came about when casey posted an instagram story of GUTS and songs that correspond with their characters. I love me some bi coloring, so using that for this set was really fun!
firstprince x wildest dreams: I don't know what it is about this set that makes me love it so much. I think it's the shade of pink and then the light orange from the text.
henry "that is him, part and parcel": I adore henry and bea and that's all I have to say about this set.
firstprince x exile: I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the tags for this one and I am not sorry at all for the pain I have caused. I got the idea for this set after sending @kiwiana-writes the fake fic title "I gave so many signs" and they wrote a heartwrenching summary. I immediately wanted to do something with it!
top 5 heartstopper sets
moments of healing: day two of heartstoppercentral's pride celebration for this year. putting this together made me really emotional. I'm so grateful for alice and these moments of communication we get on the show.
imogen x ballad of a homeschooled girl: yes, I did intentionally use colors on the lesbian flag for this set. it was actually going to be purple at first to match the GUTS album but I didn't like how it looked. I tried pink, liked it, wondered what color worked with pink, and thus the color palette was born!
narlie x brighter than sunshine: day 3 of heartstoppercentral's pride celebration. as schitt's creek fans know (and as a couple people pointed out in the tags), this is the song that plays at the end of "Meet the Parents." I think I knew right away I was going to use this song for this day of the event.
narlie x fearless (taylor's version): I still can't believe I made this set. it's something just last year I would have deemed too complicated. I'm proud of myself for this one.
charlie standing up to ben: this set idea was suggested by @swiftlythebest. idk if this was intentional on alice's part, but I really enjoy how charlie says similar sentiments in both episodes. like "leave me alone" -> "I don't want to see you ever again."
top 10 miscellaneous sets
alexis rose + "destined to be on fire": I can't believe how much I've grown as a gif maker over the past three years and this set shows that growth. I also adore alexis and her journey.
david/patrick open mic: I made this set once I got back home from seeing noah in concert. I was truly close to tears during the concert when I realized I was watching him perform a song from a show I have loved for three years.
david/patrick relationship dynamic: @reasonandfaithinharmony @roseapothecary and @rmd-writes are to thank for this set coming into existence. the fact that I had so many scenes to choose from shows that this truly is david and patrick's dynamic.
schitt's creek + barbie posters: I knew right away what kind of barbie david and alexis were going to be.
GUTS + favorite lyrics: god I really love this set. the typography? the coloring? I really outdid myself.
the good witch + ages: another set I just absolutely adore. I love the shades of pink I used. also, maisie, thank you for including consecutive years in the album because it really would have bugged me if they weren't lol
danandphilgames + fuck land: my url becomes relevant again! if you told me at the start of this year that the gaming channel would be back, I would not have believed you.
calliette x love affair: I really love the overlays for this one. it just ended up working well on its own with little manipulation from me. the song is from the end of the last episode. it worked great for the antagonists event!
ellie x you're on your own, kid: I had this idea for a few weeks before I actually got around to making it. I remember being worried and surprised that no one else that I saw did a set with this song.
vampire by olivia rodrigo: the lyric "bloodsucker, fame fucker" really did something to me.
fun statistics: out of the 98 sets I made
39 are rwrb
34 are heartstopper
8 are schitt's creek
6 are music artists
5 are dan and phil
4 are the last of us
1 is tarlos
1 is calliette
32 use taylor lyrics
tagging (no pressure of course!) @roseapothecary @swiftlythebest @rmd-writes @leclercpiastri @mulderscully @victoriaspriing and if anyone else wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you!
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miseria-fortes-viros · 3 months
omegaverse headcanons for TRC/TDT, go
you make ONE post saying omegaverse is fun and silly actually and suddenly EVERYON—
nah just kidding ABSOLUTELY hi jess let’s do this thang. first of all let’s get this out of the way: top/bottom and dom/sub are not the same thing, and that is still true in the omegaverse!! however i do think part of the appeal of the omegaverse is the politics of it. i.e., “this man is experiencing misogyny”. class and social standing in the omegaverse are very much influenced by one’s secondary sex, and class and social standing are integral parts of a lot of the characters in trc; to change them is to get a completely different character.
SO!! my thoughts on trc omegaverse, as requested by jess. xoxo love u jess
have to say it sorry. majority of aglionby students are going to be alphas based on the aforementioned social class and secondary sex relation. aglionby student body is probably 60% douchelord alphas, 35% betas pretending to be douchelord alphas, and 5% omegas who are kind of having a terrible time. of course, most are rich enough to be untouchable anyway.
i do like the idea of adam being one of those omegas, mainly because i think it fits his storyline and character arc. it would add to the shame he has of where he comes from/what he is, the social obstacle of feeling like vs actually being an outsider, the issues he has with self worth and control would be amplified. no matter how successful he becomes and how far he gets from the trailer there is one thing about him that he cannot change, and he would hate it so much. <3
gansey being a beta but being the king of aglionby anyway because he’s gansey. gansey ganseying gansily how could he not be. “hey guys have any of you heard of owain glendower” tell me more bb. the first time he meets blue he flounders because the last alpha that was that angry at him was ronan who doesn’t count so actually probably it was his dad 5 years ago so this is uncharted territory and he fr has no idea what to do
ronan’s an alpha. declan’s an alpha. half the reason they beat the shit out of each other is because when you’re brothers and you’re alphas you try to kill each other sometimes that’s how it is. animal planet type shit. matthew is also an alpha but he doesn’t count because they both love him too much
blue is an alpha too. i just think she <3 and <3 yeah <3 but fr uhhh same impossible stuff anyone. just saying there’s a lot of attitude in that tiny girl. she’s very self assured and independent and i think any other alignment wouldn’t really be true to her character. one of the reasons she hates aglionby boys so much is their money obviously but also their abuse of the system. she doesn’t buy into the social aspects of secondary sex as much as other people do and she thinks all that posturing is stupid, thank you very much. this is also why bluedam can’t work out. blue can try to understand why adam wants to play along but ultimately won’t. adam can’t afford to reject it the way blue thinks he should. etc. they understand each other but also something is fundamentally different (blue’s loving home vs the trailer)
noah is a beta
henry is an alpha; most of the boys think he’s lying somehow (he isn’t) and his classmates sometimes poke fun at him for it
kavinsky is a beta and he SOOOOO can’t be normal about it. he hates not being a big scary alpha TM so he turns himself into someone the big scary alphas TM are afraid of. success!! anyway i just think that would be funny
idrk how to end this um. sorry for putting omegaverse on your dash (not sorry)
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wordsarelife · 1 year
CLOSURE (possible ending 2)
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pairing: Anthony Lockwood x reader, Henry Rotwell x reader
summary: "yes I got your letter, yes I'm doing better. I know that it's over, I don't need your closure"
warning: a bit of angst but a happy end for both of our main characters!!
-> back to part three
"y/n?" a tender voice called from across the room. you turned around to notice that the speaker had already come closer and was now standing right behind you.
"Anthony" you breathed. you hadn't seen him in a long time. not in real life at least. you had kept up with his work through the newspaper, collecting every article that mentioned him and strolling down portland row any time you were in England.
"it's nice to see you" he breathed and looked down at the girl that was tightly gripping your hand. he bend down "and who are you?" he asked softly
"that's Gracie" you answered on behalf of your daughter "she's really shy"
"oh, that's alright" Anthony smiled "I'm Anthony"
"it's good to see you as well, Anthony" the man looked up to you and got back onto his feet. "how are you doing, y/n?"
the years had gone by in a brief, you could barely make out the ten years of life that had passed on his face. today he was as successful as ever, building a big agency that had gotten more and more successful over the years, without ever losing an agent or producing bad headlines.
you had finished school and got married to Henry two months after. you had went to college, after Henry had talked your father into it. Henry had kept every promise he had ever made and you couldn't ask for a better husband. you loved him endlessly and he always expressed his gratitude to you for gifting him your three beautiful children: two boys and a girl: Liam, Noah and Gracie.
being married to Henry had been way more beautiful than you had ever expected it to be. he was patient, loving and a great father. he never left you alone when you needed him most and he made everything possible that your father had kept you from for so long. being married to Henry hadn't been a limitation but more freedom than you had ever been able to enjoy before.
of course there were times where you wondered, how your life had been if you had ended up with Anthony. it wasn't that you weren't happy how your life was, but everyone tend to wonder, right?
before you and Henry had gotten married, you had sent Anthony at least a thousand letters, you wanted to make sure that he really didn't want you. you never received an answer, not until two years ago. you had never opened his letter, scared of what he was gonna write.
you had matured a lot, at that point it had been more than nine years to your last letter, the night before you got married. and back then you would’ve probably thrown yourself down a cliff for that letter, but at the time it came, you had been pregnant with Gracie and very much happy with how your life turned out, so happy indeed that you decided that you didn't need a single world from him to leave him behind you and that everything was good as it was.
Henry entered your field of vision and you send Gracie off to her father, so that you could talk to Anthony in private.
"did you get my letter? you didn't answer, so I wasn't sure if I got the right address"
"you really have some nerves"
"what are you talking about?"
"I send you literally a thousand of them and you never replied to any, alright fine for me, but don't expect that i read whatever you had to say to me"
"I'm sorry that I didn't answer you sooner, it took me years until I was able to read them, and then I replied"
"you know what? it's alright Anthony, I left that anger behind me long ago"
"I know, I just-" he paused, searching for the right words "I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am, for what I did to you. back then I thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go, but after I read your letter.. it just, it destroyed me, especially because in my memory, you were still this sixteen year old girl I had left and let down. and it killed me to know that it was me who you trusted most in this world.. these letters, they were brutal, y/n"
"then you can imagine how I must've felt" you shook your head "I'm happy now, and maybe some day I can read what you wrote, but no just yet, okay?"
"you kept it"
"of course"
"I thought you had thrown it away by how you reacted just now"
"I don't want to be angry anymore, I was sad for such a long time and then so bitter and angry, that was unfair, especially for Henry. but you were a child back then as well and I shouldn't have expected for you to handle this mess"
"oh, y/n"
you smiled softly and he felt liked he was about to cry at you words "I loved you back then, you were my whole world, but Henry? he means even more to me. back then I wouldn't have thought that to be possible, but it was. I think there will always be a part of me who loves you, but that’s just the sentimental little girl who used to wish for familiarity, and now, I think she's finally gone, because you aren't familiar to me anymore"
he nodded at your words "I understand" he stepped back "I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about everything"
"I appreciate that, I'm sorry as well, I shouldn't have been angry at you. like I said before, it wasn't your responsibility to save me in any way. we were so young, weren't we?"
"yeah" he laughed "young and in love" the guilt brushed over his face "sorry for mentioning it, but I just wanted you to know"
"I knew, Anthony" he raised his eyebrows "that's why you let me go, because you did love me, I just didn't understand that back then, so thank you" you paused "and to answer your earlier question: I'm doing better, amazing actually and from what I heard, you're doing more than good yourself"
he nodded, still stunned that you had known all this time "y-yeah" he stuttered "I have been able to expand the agency"
"that's good to hear"
"I don't know if I ever will open you letter, but just so you know, we're on good terms, okay? we grew up and moved on, but I will always care about your wellbeing and happiness, I just don't think I can be there all the time, but do give me a call once in a while, yeah?"
"I can only say the same" he smiled "I promise that I'll call once in a while"
"thank you" he turned to walk away, but you called his name one last time "just- I always thought I needed to see you again, or receive a letter back to finally get over you. I know now that I didn't need that, but thank you for talking with me"
"always" he smiled, taped his invisible hat and walked away
your eyes stayed on the man for a few more seconds. the man you had once thought hung the moon, it took a lot in you to realise that he had only been human too and you had expected far too much from him.
you watched as he exited the halls of your family's manor, in which he had broken your heart all these years ago. you noticed the familiarity in his walk, the way he moved his arms and of course his smile and the glistening in his eyes. but now it seemed to you like those little things had always been excuses to escape into your daydreams.
you had actually loved him. but love wasn't an individual case and all his familiarity had at one time turned foreign to you. the way he brushed past the people, how he looked so grown and how his eyes didn't seem to think you were the most beautiful thing in the world anymore.
and it was okay, outgrowing him meant that your relationship had at one time been so special, that you had never thought it would be possible.
but here you were, realising that it wasn't him, that you needed to get over everything, in your mind it was just yourself, holding onto a boy you had known such a long time ago. the man from moments ago was proof enough that it was time to say goodbye to the boy that had occupied your memories far too long.
"everything alright, sweetheart?" Henry was suddenly next to you and handed you Gracie, who was outstretching her little arms to finally be in her mummy's hold again.
you send one final look to the door "everything is just fine" you replied before you followed your family back to your table.
you actually never opened his letter, even if you had kept it in a little box from your youth, like a sentiment you would always have to need, you never actually did though.
Anthony called from time to time and you always spent at least a few minutes catching up.
it always made you happy to speak with him, tell him how your kids were doing and the newest painting you had drawn, he told you about George and Lucy, about the agency and how he loved what he was doing.
you were happy and you didn't miss him. you once needed him, but you didn't anymore, it seemed like it was the same for him. all along you thought that it was him who would be able to give you the conclusion you so deeply longed for, but you had been wrong, you didn't need him for that, you could do it on your own.
and the moment you realised that, was the moment you finally gained closure.
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strawberrybyers · 2 years
idk thinking about what the cast has said and all the details throughout stranger things, volume 2 doesn’t add up! idk something’s off. vecna gets to your head. he alters reality. maybe they’re portraying the events in a weird way because it’s not reality? like the 2 day time jump was really awkward. the cut to nancy, steve, and robin going through donation boxes was not the next scene i was expecting. it felt like something in the middle was missing. also, i don’t know if it’s because it had been 3+ hours of intensity and action, then it moved to a more solemn tone quite awkwardly and quickly, but when hopper and el reunited, i didn’t feel as emotionally moved by it the way i thought i would. the energy felt a little off to the point i was anticipating something bad to happen. i kept thinking “oh shit vecna is messing with el this isn’t actually hopper”, but no the scene kept going. we then see mike hug hopper. i’m sure mike does care and love hopper, so him hugging hopper isn’t my issue, it’s the fact he hugs hopper and we understand he’s hugging him because he’s been gone, but we know with will they’ve been separated too but he couldn’t hug will and yet don’t know why? this is the beginning of my villain origin story i stg.
and why did they make el and mike have this big “i love you” issue and have it be mike’s only conflict then the season ends and he says “they’ve barely talked to each other”? they never talk about anything ever lmao. that’s what i don’t get about their relationship. the season starts off with mike not being able to say he loves her, but then is able to when will tells him he’s the heart? why did he have to hear that from will? el was literally in tears, begging him to say “i love you” and he still couldn’t say it, but i’m supposed to believe they’re an endgame couple? 😂 i understand they’re 14/15 years old, but lumax is written really well! even suzie and dustin who have only had 4 minutes of screen time together make more sense. el and mike just barely have any development in regards to their relationship. mike doesn’t have any character development at all. they literally assassinated his character for no reason lol. also, el’s arc has been about her finding autonomy and i thought the way they’ve written her discovery to independence, finding family and loving herself was really good. i just feel like her storyline doesn’t fit in with mike. i’m sorry but there’s not much there in my opinion. we’re going into season 5 and they still feel like two people who barely know each other.
and since when can el bring people back to life? why did karen have her own poster if she had like 5 minutes or less of screen time? a poster is an advertisement for the show. the poster is giving a hint as to what will happen in the plot, but karen isn’t even involved in the main plot. she’s completely oblivious to everything lol. then noah said they’re building up byler, but in what way were they building it up? if anything they just brought it down. will and mike barely even feel like friends anymore. why are we going into season 5 still dealing with the nancy/jonathan/steve love triangle? then the parallels between will and henry/vecna/001 couldn’t have been coincidental, right? they both talk about not being able to fit in. they both have experience with the upside down. they even have will dressed like the child version of henry. will is one of the main characters who has an intense tie to the upside down and yet it hasn’t been fully explored for 2 seasons. why did vecna keep him alive? vecna never even mentions will. i’m just wondering in a very delusional way if there’s something else at play? could it be that volume 2 feels so chaotic and messy because it’s supposed to be? i have no idea anymore does anyone have any thoughts
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
hello!! i would like a ranking of the gangsey pls and thank you!!<3
Ahh! Yess gold star 2 this I love all of them so much:
Calla, Orla, Maura & Persephone
Henry (sorry bby I still love you)
I love all of them but if I had to order them it would be like this
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fandomfanatic987 · 2 years
Okay I need to take a second to get this off my chest.
don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I just finished The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater (like literally 5 minutes ago) and I LOVED this series 😭😭😭😭 you don’t even know how much I loved the characters and the story and how invested I am and devastated that the main series is over. I WOULD DIE FOR THESE CHARACTERS. I’m not emotionally capable of properly explaining my emotions and thoughts In regard to how much I loved everything yet, I’m still processing.
BUT. Here’s something else that makes me sad. There are a lot of things that I wanted to see, to read, that presumably happened in between the last chapter and the epilogue. Like I’m sorry but Gansey just DIED and got brought back AND I DONT GET TO READ THAT SCENE??? I don’t get to see him wake up and everyone’s reactions and his reaction, I don’t get to see him and blue have any moments like idk maybe a first kiss that DOESNT KILL ANYONE??? Or even just a description of the happiness in their eyes that they can just live their lives together now, or maybe even just a realisation from one of them that they COULD kiss without him dying??? I don’t get to see everyone realise that Noah is just GONE now??? I don’t get to see Adam and Roman talk AT ALL???? (I know there’s more books with them and I will read them but you can’t tell me they didn’t speak about anything In between the last chapter and the epilogue). No extra Henry content??? And don’t even get me started on The Gray Man, Maura, Calla, Gwenllian, Artemus???? NOTHING????
Of course I’m just taking a stab at the type of things I would expect happened in between the last chapter and the epilogue, but even if I’m wrong, whatever there is, whatever “irrelevant” moments happened, I WANT THEM DAMMIT 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Now don’t mind me while I turn my tumblr and Pinterest feeds into purely TRC content while struggling to press anything on my phone screen cause there are waterfalls pouring out of my eyes.
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rjcollinsauthor · 2 years
Chapter 29:
"You have lost your mind. We're only twenty-one."
"So? My parents got married when they were eighteen."
"Good for them, but twenty-one is way too young for me."
He moved away from me. "You don't want to marry me?" he sounded hurt.
"Noah, until a few days ago, I wanted you in jail. I thought this whole thing would end with you four going to jail and me on a beach somewhere sipping a margarita. And now you're talking about marriage. No. Hell no."
"This is the way to protect you. Blue Rose has strict laws when it comes to marriage. He can't touch you."
"They don't believe in divorce, so if we end up hating each other, we'll either have to kill or stay married."
"My parents don't like each other, and they're doing fine."
"We aren't them. And if we ever get married, I want it to be because we're so deeply in love, not because you think it's the only way to save me."
"We are deeply in love."
"I know. When we're more mature, have our degrees and explore the world a bit." He nodded, but I knew he was hurt. "I'm sorry, Noah."
He shook his head. "It's fine. I will find out if there is any update on the case."
He walked out without another word. I felt shitty, and I shouldn't feel shitty when I knew I was doing the right thing. I wasn't ready for marriage, and I knew he wasn't either. I waited in Noah's room for about an hour, and he still hadn't come back yet, so I went exploring. The mansion had been passed off from generation to generation.
From what I knew, each of the four families had a mansion in Hillford in this neighborhood. That must mean so did the Dumas. It would be foolish to go there, but I still thought about it. No, I couldn't risk going there and Wallace somehow finding out. He'd know I was in contact with the family. I hope Henry was able to protect Alice.
As I was walking around, I seemed to have landed in another wing that appeared to be for guests. There were five colors on each door, signaling the colors of the families. I got the fifth door with a dark purple rose above a place that said Dumas. I couldn't help myself and turned the doorknob. It was unlocked, and I walked in. Dust particles floated around the room, and there were white sheets. It was the size of an apartment. There was a living room, a dining room with a long table, and multiple doors. I opened each one finding six bedrooms. Three had two bunk beds, while the others had single beds. This must be where all the families slept. I stepped further into one of the rooms and looked through the drawers. There were a few nick knacks but nothing significant. I was about to leave when something in the closet caught my eye. It was a walk-in closet, and I stepped inside to look closer.
There laid a brown leather book, and when I picked it up, it was heavy. I carried it to the desk in the corner of the room and sat down. I opened the book, and the sound of pages filled the room. As I looked through the book, I realized it was some history book dating hundreds of years ago. The Dumas documented what seemed like their whole history. The Dumas slowly built their empire where no one could touch them. They bought land in California and raised their families. This book seemed to summarize each family through the generation, and every family member seemed to have contributed to the reader. On the last page was dated about twenty-one years ago by Evelyn Dumas.
I don't know how long I have. I can't continue the legacy. I'm sorry to my ancestors, who I know are disappointed in me. I tried, but I can not marry someone I do not love. Owen Grant is a cruel man who will never change his ways. I am writing this because I carry possibly the last Dumas in my belly because Alice can't have children. This will be the last. Our legacy will end because my child will not know she is a Dumas. No one will know. I will place this book in our home in Hillford and never return. The Blue Rose isn't what it used to be, and I believe we are too far gone. I ask that the universe take mercy on all our souls. Evelyn Rachel Dumas. December 10th, 2001.
I dropped the book like it was on fire. That was my birthday. I was frozen in shock. No, it was just a coincidence. Alice told me that Evelyn and her child were killed. But as far as I knew, she never saw the body. The baby's father told her. There was no way. Tons of babies were born that day. I shook away the thought and closed the book. I pressed my hand to the leather, and it felt right in my hands. Like I was meant to have it. I don't know what I was doing, but I took the book with me and left the room. It didn't belong here. I had no idea where I was going to put it, but I wasn't leaving it here.
I was safely back and Noah's room and stuffed it into one of his Nike bags along with a couple of his hoodies. Noah wouldn't know anything other than I wanted to take his hoodies. I placed the bag on the side of the bed and sat down. I didn't know what to think but me being a Dumas sounded too crazy. Alice did sort of look like me. But I ended up joining the Blue Rose. It almost felt like fate. I was still going over everything in my head when Noah walked inside and saw me. I must have been showing something on my face because one looked at me, and he was by my side instantly.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
I just came out with it.
"Is it possible that I'm a Dumas?"
"No. Why would you ask that?"
"I was walking around the house and saw the Dumas room. I walked in and saw a leather book inside one of the closets."
"I don't know how it could have gotten there. We keep all the journals inside our houses."
"Maybe it was left there for one of you to find? It said something about Eveyln not wanting to marry your dad."
"My dad talked to me once while drunk about being in love with Evelyn and her not loving him back. It broke him. It's probably why he treats my mom like she doesn't exist. I think he only cared about Evelyn because of the legacy they were meant to fulfill."
"What is with that legacy?"
"I don't know. My grandfather just said that a Dumas and a Grant are meant to get married and produce an heir. I don't know why."
"Well, we had to sign our name in blood to join, so it can't be anything good."
"Why do you believe you're a Dumas?"
"Because she wrote the last entry on my birthday."
"Alice told me that Evelyn and her baby were killed, but as far as i knew, Alice never saw her body."
"Do you think Evelyn is still alive?"
"I don't know."
"I could look into it?"
"No. It's too dangerous. They're already looking for Dumas because of the money. If you start asking questions, it could raise suspicion."
"I'll be careful."
"No, I don't want you to risk it. I'm just being crazy." I changed the subject. "Any updates?"
"Yeah, that's why I came back in here. It turns out there was a camera across the street, and the guys were completely different looking than us. So we're off the hook/."
"Really? Oh my goodness." I threw my hands around him and kissed him on the lips.
"Yeah, it's great news, but grandfather is trying to figure out how we were put on their radar first."
"Should I warn Henry?"
"I would." '
I sighed and walked over and grabbed my phone that was on the charger. I saw a few messages from Riley and Jessica and decided to text them later. I called Henry, and the call went straight to voicemail. What the fuck? He always answered my calls even when we were mad at each other. I tried again, and the same thing.
"He didn't answer."
"Call him back later."
"He always answers."
"Maybe he's busy?"
"Even when he's busy."
I went to the find people app on my phone. His location didn't come up. I called Riley.
"Where have you been? I've been calling you."
She sounded frantic.
"I've been at Noah's. What's wrong?"
"It's Jessica. She is in the hospital."
"What happened?"
"A car hit her when we were going to get coffee. You need to get here now."
I hung up and had Noah take me to the hospital. Henry would have to wait for now. Noah parked the car and followed me inside the hospital. We went up to the evaluators and the sixth floor. Riley texted me the room number, and after checking in with the nurse, I walked as quickly as possible.
Through the window door, I could see Riley sitting there with her head in her hands. When I opened the door, she lifted her head, and I could see tears in her eyes. She rushed over to me, and we hugged each other night.
"Did you see who hit her?" I asked.
"Yeah, but he ran."
"Fucking coward."
"Exactly. The thing is, though, I don't think it was an accident."
"Why not?"
"She said she was feeling like she was being followed."
"She never said anything to me."
"You've been a little busy." she gestured to Noah, standing behind me.
"Right. How long has it been going on?"
"Ever since she helped you steal the Blue Rose money."
"You think they know it was her?"
"Yes. They had someone put a tracker on her phone. I found it while I was waiting to be let back here."
"I'm going to kill them." I declared.
"Slow down. We don't know it was them." Noah said.
"It was. This is all my fault."
"Don't start that shit," Riley said. "She wanted to help. Begged you even."
"I shouldn't have let her."
"The best thing you can do right now is to make sure those fuckers pay."
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lossesoflove · 2 years
ronan: sorry for the mental illness, do you still think i’m hot
gansey: ronan, of course we love you
adam: i can make him worse
gansey: don’t
blue, noah and henry: i’d like to see where this is going
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iviaggiditelemaco · 2 years
I had been listening to Marina while I was on the bus this morning and I thought about something
Adam Parrish : Oh No!
One track mind, one track heart
If I fail, I'll fall apart
Maybe it is all a test
'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst
So I always act like I'm the best
[sorry, this song gives me suiperiority vibes, but we can agree that Adam is superior, so no problem indeed]
Ronan Lynch : Bubblegum Bitch
Oh, dear diary, I met a boy
He made my doll heart light up with joy
Oh, dear diary, we fell apart
Welcome to the life of Electra Heart
[This was more for the vibe than everything else, we know Ronan it's another type of bitch, the bad one]
Richard Gansey : Seventeen
You're a rich little boy
Who's had to work for his toys
You've got all the sensibilities
Of an upper class guy
Could never tell you what happened
The day I turned seventeen
The rise of a king and the fall of a queen
Seventeen, seventeen
[My Gansey boy and his adventures as a king]
Blue Sargent : Are you Satisfied?
High achiever, don't you see?
Baby, nothing comes for free
They say I'm a control freak
Driven by a greed to succeed
Nobody can stop me
'Cause it's my problem if I want to pack up and run away
It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway
It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide
And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
Are you satisfied with an average life?
Do I need to lie to make my way in life?
Are you satisfied with an easy ride?
Once you cross the line, will you be satisfied?
[Because Blue is the one who will conquer all this world as to offer, even my soul if she wants and I would just let her]
Henry Cheng : Primadonna
Would you do anything for me?
Buy a big diamond ring for me?
Would you get down on your knees for me?
Pop that pretty question, right now baby
Beauty queen on a silver screen
Living life like I'm in a dream
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though
Cause I'm a Primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
[Just because this boy is hot and sassy as fuck]
Noah Czerny : To be human
All the people living in, living in the world today
Reunited by our love, reunited by our pain (ooh)
All the things that I've done and I've seen
Still I don't know, don't know what it means
To be human
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh)
Still, I don't know, don't know what it means
To be human, a real human being
To be human, I want direction
I wanna feel human again
To be human, lost my direction
I wanna feel human again
To be human, to be human
To be human, to be human
[My sweetest baby, to the glitter and beyond]
I just felt like it
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
“Stay the night. Please” for pynch? <333
decided to make this an angsty post-trk, pre-epilogue fic, and I’m hoping it doesn’t feel too out of date and you still enjoy ❤️
12. “Stay the night. Please.”
Monmouth felt quiet, even though it was as full as it got. They’d all silently agreed to return to the building together, despite Maura asking them to come back to Fox Way where she could watch over them. Blue had seemed to consider it, but the rest of them were more used to taking care of themselves and each other. She’d seemed to want to go where Gansey went much more, and Gansey wanted to go home.
They all went where Gansey went. It was an even stronger desire now than before.
It might have been the silence that made it feel empty. Gansey and Blue were curled on Gansey’s bed, Blue still clinging tightly to his hand, with Cheng sprawled at their feet. Adam didn’t think he’d ever seen Henry so subdued. It shouldn’t have seemed like the strangest thing about today.
That felt like Ronan, sat at the opposite side of the couch from Adam, as silent and still as he had been that day in the car when grief overcame him, the restlessness tucked down deep and only visible in the depths of his eyes.
Adam had hoped for his presence to offer some quiet comfort, then. Now he was staring at the bruises on Ronan’s neck with fear clogging his own throat.
Maybe it was that they could feel the lack of Noah’s presence in the place he’d so long occupied. His complete absence sucked out a pocket of sound they hadn’t known was ever present and left Adam’s good ear ringing. His limbs felt dead without Cabeswater tickling his veins. The unexpected grief was overwhelming.
He couldn’t imagine how it felt to Ronan.
The only thing overpowering the hurt was the relief. Having Gansey with them felt like a blessing they hadn’t thought to pray for, despite all the warnings they’d had. Just as Blue hadn’t managed to peel away from him, Ronan hadn’t taken his eyes off of him once. Adam understood. He was also waiting for the farce to wear off, for the trick to reveal itself and strip what they had left away from them. They were all supposed to come home, and half of them almost hadn’t.
Half of them, Adam couldn’t stop thinking. Noah, and Gansey, and Ronan, whose life Adam could still feel slipping away beneath his hands. Squeezed out of him by his hands.
Perhaps the building felt so quiet, so still, because Adam’s insides were such a riot that the outside seemed behind glass.
It made Gansey’s interruption startling loud. “This is unusually somber,” he said lightly. They all only watched him. He gave Blue a careful jostle. “Since when have you let me quiet you, Jane?”
Blue cuddled against him and squeezed his hand tightly, and Adam felt a pang of longing as his gaze shot back to Ronan. Ronan’s leg had started jingling. “Enjoy it while it lasts,” Blue said, aiming for teasing and landing on tired. “I don’t care how annoying you are today.”
Cheng patted Gansey’s leg, and even his grin seemed to fall flat. “Free pass, Gansey-boy. You’re a lucky man.”
Ronan’s jaw twitched, his usual explosive anger bubbling, ready to destroy to avoid self-destruction. Adam’s hand made an aborted movement towards him that he hoped no one caught.
“Lynch,” Gansey said, painfully gentle. “Help me out. You’re not the quiet type.”
Adam watched Ronan bristle as Cheng snorted, which was admittedly a bold move. “Ah yes, surely Lynch has a way with words.”
It should have earned some very particular words, but instead Ronan stared at them in his stubborn silence, then lurched to his feet and into his room. The door swallowed him with a bang, and Adam jumped in his seat.
Gansey was already edging off his bed, but the movement was sluggish, and he didn’t seem too excited to shake off Blue’s reluctant grip. Adam didn’t pause to think before rising. He told himself he was doing the right thing as Gansey met his gaze and seemed to relax.
I’ve got him, he tried to communicate; though he hardly believed it himself. But Gansey smiled, and his gaze held that unbearable fondness it usually did, and he nodded. A bubble of courage popped in Adam’s chest and left him striding after Ronan.
He didn’t knock, partially because he didn’t want to talk to Ronan through a door with their friends watching and mostly because he knew Ronan wouldn’t answer. He nudged his way in quietly, shutting the door with a click instead of a slam. The only indication that Ronan heard him was a half turn of his head. He was sitting on the far side of his bed with his back to Adam, gently ruffling Chainsaw’s feathers.
Adam lingered by the door, and they remained in a stalemate.
Then Ronan said, “You just come to gawk, Parrish?”
Adam could have teased back, should have, knew it was the best opening for him to take—the only one Ronan would offer. Instead he heard the scratch and scrape of Ronan’s raw tone and blurted, “I’m sorry.”
It was so quiet he wasn’t sure Ronan would hear him, but he whirled around fully and looked at Adam. Adam was surprised to see his defenses dropped down. The lingering panic was visible in him, and he swept his gaze over Adam quickly, as if suddenly needing to make sure he was still in one piece. Then he met Adam’s eyes and shook his head.
“Don’t,” he murmured. He held his hand out; it drooped after a moment as Adam hesitated. Ronan’s previous panic slipped into sadness, and Adam went to him.
Then: the relief.
Ronan latched onto Adam’s hand the moment he was within reach and clung. He caressed with his thumb and squeezed with his fingers and reached out until Adam presented his other hand. Ronan drew the first until they were pressed over his heart, and brought the second to his lips.
Adam shook his head as Ronan kissed his knuckles, filled with disbelief. “You can’t—“ he choked, then made a wretched noise as Ronan kissed the pads of his fingers. “Ronan.”
“I know your hands,” Ronan murmured. “They don’t feel like that did.”
Adam sucked in a breath, then huffed. He wanted to believe they hadn’t touched enough for Ronan to be so sure, because Adam was flinty with his affection and didn’t know how to offer it at the best of times. But for the moment they’d been allowed to share it, Ronan had handled him with such reverence that Adam thought maybe he had been memorized. Who knows how many times Ronan had felt it since, or how long Ronan he’d been waiting to begin with to know what to replicate in his dreams.
It was an odd thought, a prideful one of the vain thread that Adam didn’t frequently have. He’d been doubting himself even more than normal these past few hours, unsure if Ronan would want him any longer, or how he possibly could.
But with Ronan finally looking at him, he felt ridiculous for believing it could be different.
Ronan’s expression smoothed out, as if he could see Adam’s acceptance and allowed himself to relax. But then he was letting go of Adam’s hands, and Adam hurt for the instant it took for Ronan’s arms to wind around his waist.
Adam let himself be pulled, stepping into the space between Ronan’s knees and cradling his head with special care. It took a few minutes of Ronan nuzzling him before he felt brave enough to brush his hands over Ronan’s shorn scalp, trailing them down to his neck then quickly retreating again.
“Adam,” Ronan said.
Adam wound his arms around him, sliding down into a crouch so he could hold Ronan against his shoulder. He let out a breath as Ronan kissed his jaw. “Why’d you run?” Adam asked.
Ronan shrugged, sinking closer.
“He’s okay,” Adam said, quietly.
Ronan nodded. He clutched at Adam’s back. “Are you?” Without looking at him, he could somehow tell Adam had a protest brewing, and reminded him, “It hurt you, too.”
“I’m fine.”
“Great. Me too.”
“Be serious.”
“Stay the night. Please.”
Adam froze. He made to pull back, but Ronan held tight, pressing his face to Adam’s neck and resolutely not looking at him. “That’s what I wanted to ask,” Ronan continued quickly. “That’s why I left. Because even fucking Cheng is going to stay because Gansey wants him to and that’s fucking fabulous, and I know you would too. But I don’t—there’s not—“
“I’m here,” Adam said, understanding. He wasn’t as good at this as Ronan, which was saying something, because Ronan was awful. Adam wanted to give him everything. He could start with a little bit of himself. “I want to stay with you.”
Ronan let out a shuddering breath. “Yeah?”
Adam nodded. He didn’t care that Ronan was almost crushing him now. The overpowering strength that should have made him shy away was somehow the most comforting touch Adam had ever felt. All in knowing Ronan was holding on when his senses should have urged him to let go.
“Gansey wants you here more than anything,” Adam added. “He was ready to follow you right away.”
“Maggot and Henry-fucking-Cheng holding him hostage?”
Adam huffed. “No. Well, they might have, but I don’t think he would have let them. But I wanted to come.”
Ronan pulled back to look at him now, and like always, Adam gravitated towards him. Ronan’s touch gentled for their kiss, his hand raising to cradle Adam’s jaw and keep him in place. It was unnecessary now—Adam didn’t want to go anywhere. But he wouldn’t protest Ronan’s touch, not when it was lovely enough to wipe away the terribleness of the day, when it felt like a whisper of Cabeswater against his skin. It made Adam pull Ronan closer, cupping a hand around the back of his neck. He stroked it in silent apology, his chest constricting, and Ronan kissed him harder.
“Stay,” Ronan repeated. It was more than a request for the night.
Adam nodded. “Okay.” They remained there until Adam’s thighs burned and he finally had to draw himself up. He winced as his knees cracked, but didn’t let go of Ronan. “Shall we go back out for a bit?”
Ronan did his smoker’s breath, then nodded. “I’ve done enough sleeping on the floor for you, though, Parrish. They can have their three-way out there, but I have a perfectly fucking good bed.”
Adam’s lips threatened to curve in a grin. “So, the couch—“
“Parrish,” Ronan groaned, face mushed to Adam’s stomach.
Adam laughed. “I’m kidding. Message clearly received.”
Ronan smiled; not his sharp grin, but a small, soft thing, as gentle as the lips he once again pressed to Adam’s hand before rising. “Come on, then.”
He held out his hand, and Adam didn’t hesitate.
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