#tang mo dragonborn
wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Kaidan: so what did you do exactly in the dragon guard if you weren’t allowed to participate in the trials or, anything.
Shen Lung: I cleaned.
Kaidan: …What?
Shen Lung: I cleaned. The walls, the ceilings, the steps, the floors. Every room, even the latrines. I was too small compared to the other tang mo, but they couldn’t get rid of me because of my families loyalty over the centuries, so they put me to work as a cleaner. But I still learned, I read everything in the archives hundreds of times over. And at night, I trained with what I’d learned. It’s how I learned magic, hand to hand combat, and master Luo Fang… he… he was the only one who gave me a chance. He started to train me himself… but even that wasn’t enough to allow me to rise in my rank… *hugs the staff close* he told me I’m the most experienced of all his pupils despite it though. Unlike all of them… I continued to learn, they merely learned enough to get as far as they wanted… *smiles sadly, long dark hair falling over his face* I wasn’t… the first choice, to come here, to find you and the other Akaviri… but Master Fang, asked for me personally to be considered… when I first arrived, I thought maybe it was to just get rid of me, a suicide mission… but now that I know I’m the dragonborn…
Kaidan: …I think he knew you needed to come here.
Shen Lung: *laughs lightly and tucks his staff back behind his back* maybe. Or maybe he just got sick of training me. *walks to the young Akaviri and offers him his hand to help him up* I know I’m not the best teacher, but I know a lot, and what I do know is what you need to know… I just… hope I can do right by you.
Kaidan: *takes his hand and gets up, patting his shoulder gently* you already have, friend. *smiles*
Shen Lung: *tail flicking slightly in delight at being called his friend* I’m glad. *pats his back* let’s get back to camp, ne?
Kaidan: aye, I’m starving. *starts walking with him* …So you wanna shag Taliesin yeah?
Shen Lung: *whacks him repeatedly with his staff* SHHHHUSH!!!
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emelinstriker · 8 months
omg i can't get this outta my head i have to write it out
so like- i'm just havin skyrim vids up in the background these past days cuz my nostalgia keeps dragging me back like every half a year or so, and like
imagine a Skyrim ESAU crossover
like my brain can't stop thinking of the reader being the dragonborn, and their champions find them when they absorb their first dragon soul- like- I'M HAVIN FUCKIN FLASHBACKS RN OF HOW I WENT AROUND SKYRIM WITH A BUNCH OF FOLLOWERS AND IT STRAIGHT UP FELT LIKE A RANDOM FAMILY WHERE HALF WERE PRACTICALLY TRYNA PUSH EACH OTHER OFF CLIFFS AND IT WAS GREAT dhfndhgdnghdfnghdfg
wukong and macaque would most definitely be from the tang mo (technically not present in normal skyrim- but like- apparently they do exist somewhere in the lore- so might as well think they both moved to skyrim-)
while mk would be more like half tang mo and half breton, or another human race. it'd be a fun time going through caves with giant spiders with him fhgnfhgnhfg
azure would probably be a of khajiit cuz you can kinda make khajiits look like lions- but like make him- yknow- a taller and more buff khajiit ig-
ao lie would probably be considered half argonian, but would actually be an ancient dragon disguised as half argonian- very much ironic when his master is the dovahkiin- also, free horse for your travels ig- easier access to going up 90° walls fhgnfhgfg
nezha would either be lookin like one of the human races OR an elven race cuz of the ears and special perks- cuz like, dunmer for example actually do have fire resistance and surround themselves in flames- though he ain't rly lookin like a dunmer ig? maybe more bosmer direction? but like he'd basically be one of the gods in disguise- maaaybe a daedric prince, but would be funnier to have one divine companion and one daedric companion lmao-
much like nezha, i was thinking red son would also be havin more of a dunmer perk, maybe havin somethin similar to a flame atronach body out of his disguise- but he'd most definitely be a daedric prince tho
mink would absolutely be like a random npc curse bound to some scroll the dragonborn finds in some tomb or somethin- imagine him being like that one random ass npc that pops up when you first take an item/the scroll
also what i mean by i've basically had to deal with this type of group before and it was hilariously amazing and i'm so gonna do it again next time i play skyrim again-
though, sadly didn't have the alduin mod that playthrough, so instead i had dave-
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hurgablurg · 1 year
Akavir Ideas
Tsaesci are normally anthropomorphic snake-people, but because Akavir is in the next kalpa (where the standard is evidently that of beastfolk), when they tried to invade westward and entered the current kalpa (within which humanoids are the standard), they were forcibly “reformed” into a human shape - explaining why all the tsaesci seen in Tamriel are humans instead of snakes.
The pain of the transformation is why they never bothered to try another invasion. 
The Kamal, on the other hand, are masochistic and figured second, third, fourth, etc. time’s the charm, but eventually found they could bypass the change by going through Atmora, which is currently “north” of the kalpic cycle (that is to say, it is one of the 11 worldskins before Yokuda, and is therefore a part of the wheel not “touching the ground”, unlike the Named 3 which are) altogether. It’s the difference between the Ice Tribes and our guy Karstaag.
Uriel V’s invasion fleet met the same change, but the history books won’t say jack or shit about it because none of the survivors wanted to admit they were forcibly assigned minotaur fursonas.
The lamia beastfolk are unrelated to the tsaesci despite appearances - sometimes nature just be like that.
The tsaesci have special warrior-guilds of dragon hunters led by a figuratively-leashed dovahkiin, who embark on missions into Ka Po’ Tun to slay any newly-ascended dragons, slaughter their families and temples, raze their hometowns, and consume their newly immortal souls.
The tigers’ obvious desire to prevent this leads to a tense cold-war of assassinations and plots where the tigers try to kill the dragonborns before they master their thu’um and the snakes try to keep them hidden as they are trained.
This kerfuffle includes elite dragon-hunter-hunters, (an) order(s) of cloaked “ninja” tigers who are sworn to protect all life but are also sworn to exempt by such kill/assassinate/hamper the tsaesci dragon-slayers and dragonborns and no other opponent - irrationally specialized in this task, they are mythologized as fighting death and “the Void”, in defence of life and immortality.
The Tang Mo are the largest and most wide-spread of the Akaviri civilizations, and consider the entirety of the continent of Akavir as the Thousand Monkey Isles, with the other nations living within their borders as funny little enclaves that sometimes throw violent tantrums. While the snakes and tigers and snow demons and their tributaries dispute this notion, none have been able to actually prove otherwise by gaining control over them.
Despite this, or perhaps it is because, the Tang Mo are carefree and nigh-utopian, enjoying the abundant fruits of their minimal labour while strengthening their community bonds and regional identities. In their leisure however, they neglect vigilance: their armies quickly disbanding out of disinterest as quickly as they are raised in response to threats - this serial unpreparedness serves to make their sudden resistances against their would-be-conquerors appear all the more heroic in their biased but extensive records. This annoys their more conventional neighbours.
The Ka Po’ Tun’s veneration of dragons is eerily similar to the relationship between the khajiit and dovah of Tamriel, but no one knows what its about. Nor are the ka po’ tun aware that there is another race of cat-people with their own dragons just over yonder.
The tigers ascend into dragons at an inconsistent rate despite the large numbers attempting it, generally between 3 and 6 ascendants in a 5 year span, which is hampered by tsaesci dragon-hunters who are quick to act on any rumours of ascendancy.
While the dragons of Tamriel typically present as masculine, the dragons of Akavir typically present as feminine. This includes their spiritual liege, ““king”” Tosh Raka, who is trans. Good for her!
The tigers have 13 styles of sacred martial arts, themed after 13 of their animal constellations (dragon, fox, hare, artei, durzog, rat, nix-bird, gull, stripedbear, dolfax, heron, huxhi, and wad’lin). Four of these styles are centred around casting spells which isn’t strictly martial, but is cool.
Ka po’ tun are immune to the effects of most poisons and toxins, but are lethally vulnerable to the simmering juices found within kagouti livers. This is information no one will ever likely learn, as kagouti are not indigenous to Akavir.
The Kamal are ice-freaks who like to invade and loot places that aren’t theirs, which has drawn not-inaccurate comparisons to the nords and atmoran colonizers.
The kamal, in searching for safer routes to pillage, colonized the now otherwise-uninhabitable Atmora and the Sea of Ghosts, and over the centuries the isolated oceanic populations evolved (or were perhaps being transformed) into the Sea Giants.
They hibernate in large chunks of ice as a shield against the even colder temperatures of impossible para-winters, and to release themselves with the coming of summer, they vibrate quickly and subtly to produce body heat to melt the ice around them, like bees killing a hornet.
Kamal have five eyes but traditionally keep the central eye covered so that it can “focus on seeing the future in which they win”.
They are big!
The rumoured dog-men and rat-men and akaviri humans do exist and are not extinct, but were culturally subsumed by the tsaesci and serve as second-class citizens, levies, labourers, and blood-banks for the snakes.
What remains of their original cultures can be found in songs with long-forgotten melodies, stories, and parables desperately inscribed on the walls of old temples and forgotten dungeons that they had fortified in their last days of resistance.
Their blood doesn’t even taste very good, but the tsaesci governments have really good propaganda about it being supernaturally healthy and spiritually-wholesome, like the USA and carrots.
Akavir itself is shaped kind of like a bowl, with a unnervingly below-sea-level interior. Pray that the Sea does not meet the Soil.
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To practice with my new tablet, I decided to do a series of practice pieces around my Skyrim OCs. Here is the first, and least, of them all, chosen because he is relatively simple style-wise. Twmisua, a Redguard Mage, though he is the self-admitted 'Worst Mage In Skyrim' due to his abysmally small Magicka pool. To compensate, he has become the second most well-read mage in the College, behind Urag gro-Shub himself, who leads more in years than effort.
Twmisua loves the college, and so instead of going off to adventure after his graduation (as most apprentices tend to do), and not dedicated to one single school of magic, was appointed Urag's assistant in the Arcanaeum. He mostly stays in the back rooms with the spare books, reading to his heart's content and letting Urag know when some other students have broken in and stolen something. Then, if there aren't any available students, and the Dragonborn isn't conveniently nearby, Urag sends Twmisua to retrieve the wayward tomes.
Twmisua doesn't fight like a conventional mage. Instead, he uses stealth, and an old Daedric dagger Urag lent him once and never asked for back, because most disgraced students are expecting a straight up spell fight. Which he can't do. He only knows three spells, and only two get consistent use. Candlelight and Telekinesis make the most of the Arcanaeum's space, and Ebonyflesh really only sees casting when Twmisua has been spotted, and needs him to quaff a Magicka enhancing potion besides.
On the road, Twmisua likes to take advantage of the fact that no once can seem to recognize the Dragonborn unless they perform some characteristic action, like shouting, or pulling out exotic weapons. So he makes use of a chain with a weight on the end, and swings it around according to the manuals he found detailing the use of the Meteor Hammer by the Tang Mo of Akivir. This is usually enough to scare off any bandits that accost him on the way to or from a book retrieval.
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tesworldthink · 5 years
Nirn / Нирн
Nirn is referred to by otherworldly beings as the mortal plane and sometimes poetically called "Mundus" by both mortals and Daedric lords.[1] The exact reasons and specifics behind Nirn's creation are largely uncertain. However, all agree that the deity Lorkhan and the Eight Divines played pivotal roles in the creation of the waterlogged planet.[2][3][4] Two moons, Secunda and Masser, orbit Nirn. They are Lorkhan's sundered corpus.[2] Nirn is the center of Mundus, which itself is the "hub" of The Elder Scrolls universe's "wheel." The heavens beyond Nirn are star-filled. These stars are holes or portals through Oblivion to Aetherius, and carry magical significance due to the beings which tore them open, the Magna Ge.
Creation myths
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Masser and Secunda, Nirn's two moons. Masser is the larger of the two. There are many theories on how Lorkhan created Nirn; ranging from the other Aedra agreeing to willfully help, to Lorkhan tricking them into it.[5] However, it is universally acknowledged that the Aedra gave their energy and power over to it, that the majority gave up on the project after realizing the cost and became the Daedric Princes, while those who willingly helped became the Eight Divines.[6] In Oblivion, Mankar Camoran proclaims that Nirn is possibly an extension of the realm of Oblivion.[7]
Lunar activity
The two moons that orbit Nirn, Secunda and Masser, are said to be Lorkhan's sundered corpse.[2] Masser, Nirn's larger moon, revolves around Nirn itself. By observing the nighttime sky in Oblivion and Skyrim, it is revealed that Secunda, Nirn's smaller moon, revolves around Masser.Solar eclipses happen multiple times a year across Nirn. They are known as "Vampire Days."[8]
Axial tilt and climate
It is never stated, but can safely be assumed, that Nirn's axial tilt is negligible, since days and nights remain more or less the same length throughout the year, even in the northern part of Skyrim. There also appears to be minimal variation in climate from month to month.
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An aurora, a celestial event experienced on Nirn
The northern regions are frigid. The land of Atmora, far to the north of Skyrim, is said to be primarily a frozen plain.[9] Skyrim, and, by some extension, Bruma, are typically snowy, especially farther north, towards Winterhold.[10][11][7] Closer to the equator lies Elsweyr and Black Marsh, relatively tropical and warm locations.
Snow and rain are common forms of precipitation on Nirn. Certain areas in northern Tamriel, such as Skyrim and Solstheim, experience rare Auroras, colorful waves of energy in the night sky.
The planet has a notably large continent, Tamriel, which is where all of The Elder Scrolls activity takes place, with another similarly large continent to the east, named Akavir. The land masses are separated by the Padomaic Ocean, a massive saline body of water.
The cold, barren land called Atmora is to the north of Tamriel, which is where the Nords of Tamriel hailed from. To the west of Tamriel lies Yokuda, which was the former homeland of the Redguards of Tamriel. To the southwest of Tamriel lies Pyandonea. It is unknown if these are the only continents, as there are very few maps or globes showing all of Nirn. The known Nirn (the part that has been currently mapped) is 11 times smaller than Earth. Since they both have very similar gravity, it must mean that only a very small part of Nirn has been mapped, or that Nirn's composition is different from Earth's.
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A map of Tamriel
Tamriel is geographically diverse: it has mountains, tundras, cold and hot deserts, swampy regions, grasslands, tropical rainforests, and a large volcano. The diversity of biomes is unique as the hot desert is bordered by cold mountains to the north.
Also known as "Dawn's Beauty" in the language of the Altmer, Tamriel also has an archipelago of islands called the Summerset Isles, which became the home of the Altmer, or "High Elves," after they abandoned their original homeland of Aldmeris.
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Map from TES: Adventures Redguard showing the location of Yokuda
Not much is known about Yokuda since it was nearly obliterated in an unknown cataclysmic event, but it seems to have a dull, rocky, hilly, desert landscape. It is known to be the original home to the Redguards before they rendered it uninhabitable.[UL 1]
Atmora is a barren and frozen wasteland. It is this extreme cold that caused the water of the Sea of Ghosts that separates Tamriel and Atmora to become icy. This frozen land is also where the Nords of Skyrim are originally from, although not many trips back are made.
Next to nothing is known about the geography of Akavir. It is known that the continent is split into four warring kingdoms, each boasting its own race: Tang Mo, Kamal, Ka Po' Tun, and Tsaesci. Akavir is known to have been one of the original homes of the dragons.[12] The Blades were originally from Akavir, where they were known as the Dragonguard, but turned to serve Reman Cyrodiil in their search for a Dragonborn.[13]
Pyandonea is the island-continent located to the far south-west of Tamriel and home to the elusive Maormer. The island consists of dense rainforests, which provide shelter for the southern water spirits. Due to its populace being primarily elves, there is speculation that Pyandonea may, in fact, be part of Tamriel.
Thras, also known as the Coral Kingdom, has been a powerful, antagonizing power against the Summerset Isles since before recorded time. The Sload may at one time have even called Summerset part of Thras.
Little is known about Aldmeris, including if it still exists. The Altmer claim that this continent was the birthplace of both elves and mankind.
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A globe depicting Tamriel in promotional material for The Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood.
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The pre-release art for the Summerset Orrery in The Elder Scrolls: Legends; the continents were later removed.
"Nirn" means "Arena" in Ehlnofex.
Нирн (ориг. Nirn) — вымышленная планета, на которой происходит действие серии игр The Elder Scrolls. Название планеты означает «Арена» на языке альдмерис. Нирн также называют «Серым ничто», «Мундусом» (хотя это более философский термин) и «Смертным планом» (или «План смертных»). Он расположен в Аурбисе.
Нирн появился, когда путем обмана или увещеваний один из богов, Лорхан, убедил остальных божеств создать смертный план. Увидев же, что они натворили, боги лишили Лорхана сердца.
Вокруг планеты оборачиваются два естественных спутника — Массер и Секунда. По легенде, это части тела Лорхана. Известные континенты Нирна — Акавир, Атмора, Тамриэль и архипелаг Пиандонея. Ранее существовал ещё один континент, Йокуда, однако в результате некоего катаклизма большая часть материка погрузилась под воду и сейчас на его месте находятся лишь несколько крупных островов. Ещё одним континентом, мифическим, является Альдмерис.
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
How would you feel about an Elder Scrolls Infinity War scenario?
The story would be a culmination of three other stories where the Elder Scrolls crossovers with Dragon Age, Game of Thrones, and the Witcher. It's set in an AU where Thedas was west of Tamriel and the world of GOT and the Witcher are also located within the Aurbis.
The "Thanos villain" would be the Dragonborn, trying to achieve CHIM and he's supported by the Empire, Thedas, a resurrected Wild Hunt, and the Nightmare Demon while the main heroes would be the Nerevarine, Ciri, Jon Snow, Geralt, and Hawke supported by the Psijics, Westeros, Nilfgaard, and the Tang Mo.
submitted by /u/Dlordb [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/32kQf41
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Taliesin: gods I’m hungry.
Shen Lung: *looks around for a moment before suddenly climbing a tree*
Kaidan: can you stop complaining for one minute? It’s not our fault you won’t eat mea- *blinks in confusion as an apple falls on his head*
Shen Lung: *from up in the tree* alright let’s see how gravity works- *starts shaking branches*
Taliesin: *looks up* what- *steps out of the way as a bucket load of apples suddenly drop onto Kaidan*
Kaidan: Ow- what the fuck?!
Taliesin: *picks a couple up and pockets them as he bites into another* thank you~
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Taliesin: I must admit I’m surprised you don’t know magic given you only have well, a stick.
Shen Lung: Bo.
Taliesin: what?
Shen Lung: it’s not a stick. It’s a Bo Staff. And I do know magic. I’d rather just save it in case I need it. It is not like the magic you or others in this land use… it… leaves me vulnerable afterwards.
Taliesin: Oh… I see… may I ask why your um, bo, staff is red then?
Shen Lung: Blood.
Taliesin: What?!
Shen Lung: It is lacquered in the blood of thousands of foes slain by being bludgeoned with its wood. If I drop it in water, it’ll stain a river red.
Taliesin: …Charming… I take it you’re an experienced warrior then?
Shen Lung: What? Me? Oh no! Haha! No this was a gift to me by master Luo Fang. He… he was the only person sad to see me leaving… he was the only one who made time for me too… I think he hoped it’d keep me safe as it did him.
Taliesin: … *contemplates touching his shoulder to pat him on the back by means of comforting him, but instead just folds his arms* Well I think he hoped correctly, you fight well with it… Can I ask, what did you do exactly in the order then if you didn’t well, fight.
Shen Lung: *tail curling around his leg a little* I’d rather not talk about th- hm?… *sniffs the air before crouching down and listening*
Taliesin: what is I-
Shen Lung: Shh. *creeps down the stream spotting an abandoned prison, and a thalmor guard fetching water* …thalmor?… here?… in this crumbling rui-
???: *distant agonised screaming*
Shen Lung: *looks back at taliesin* you fight with me or you side with the- *moves to guard himself with his staff thinking the high high elf is aiming for him, only to watch the bolt of ice fly right over him and into the thalmor soldier, sending them over the waterfall*
Taliesin: With you~ *offers him a hand up*
Shen Lung: … *growls and swats it away before getting up and shrieking in frustration* DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT! *huffs and grabs his staff before jumping over to the other side of the water in one easy motion*
Taliesin: *snickers and hops over after him*
*a few minutes later*
Shen Lung: *creeping towards the cells, the cracking of a whip and the cries growing louder, and louder, only for him to halt in shock upon laying eyes on a human Akaviri, dark haired, his bloodied back turned, but unmistakably a child of Akavir* one lives- *quickly turns himself invisible as he finally notices the thalmor holding the whip*
Cyrelian: Huh? Who said tha-GAGHHH!!! *drops the whip and claws at his neck as he’s suddenly strangled from behind by a dense wooden pole* Geght oghhff off m-Ghmneee!! *lurches forward sending Shen Lung over his back, revealing the tang mo right as he draws back his staff and cracks it into the side of his head knocking his lights out*
Shen Lung: *rises to his feet* By honour of the dragon guard. You die thalmor scum!!! *raises his staff up and crushes his skull with a fatal blow*
Taliesin: *hurries in fixing his robes* the other one is dea-… Well I can see you needed no hel-
Shen Lung: *ignores him and immediately runs to the bloodied Akaviri hanging from the wall* H-hello? Hello can you hear me friend?
???: *slowly raises their head, glaring at him with blurred vision* when I get out of here, I’ll kill you all myself…
Shen Lung: Eh?… not the accent I was expecting. No young wraith, I’m a friend, I’m here to save you. What’s your name?
Kaidan: I?… you are?… I’m Kaidan… my names Kaidan…
Shen Lung: *pausing for a moment as if scanning a list of names from correspondence that died off some 30 years prior* Ah, I’m afraid you’re one I’m unfamiliar with. No matter I’m sure I can identify your parentage. *releases the shackles and catches him easily*
Kaidan: wh-what? *whimpers in pain as he’s finally set free, unable to do anything except cling to his strange saviour*
Taliesin: *walks over holding a potion* Oh so this is what a human Akaviri looks like?
Kaidan: I’m a what? What are you on about- you- YOU!!! *immediately tries to lunge forward and attack the high elf*
Shen Lung: *pulls him back* Atitititata, no dont, he’s a friend, he helped me find you… though admittedly this was pure luck if anything else. *takes the healing potion and hands it to him* You… You don’t even know you’re an Akaviri?…
Kaidan: … *shakes his head looking at him in pure bewilderment* no… I don’t even know, what in oblivion you are.
Shen Lung: Oh gods I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me…
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Shen Lung: *a handsome and shorter than average marmoset tang mo, sent on a practical suicide mission to skyrim to find the Akaviri left there purely because he looks the most human out of all of the others in his order and he can speak imperial. Now trudging from Helgen after witnessing it burn to the ground on his journey to find other settlements after finding the first one destroyed and filled with strange clues* gods help me in this forsaken frozen land-
???: so much red-
Shen Lung: hm?… *pulls his staff from his back and crouches down, sneaking around a small cliff facing to see two horses and a path up* … *shifts closer and up the hill before freezing seeing a bunch of dead worshippers to talos and a seemingly wounded high elf dressed in thalmor robes* Eh?
Taliesin: *jumps and looks over seeing what he first assumes is a strange looking khajiit with a human face* and just who in oblivion are y-
Shen Lung: *snarls showing his k9s and swiping at his legs with his staff taking him to the ground* Thalmor scum! DIE!!!
Taliesin: *quickly rolls out of the way as the red stained wood narrowly misses his head* WAIT WAIT WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!!!
*a few hours later*
Taliesin: *walking behind the tang mo watching his striped tail swish about* …
Shen Lung: *suddenly whacks his hand with his staff again*
Taliesin: OW! I didn’t touch it!
Shen Lung: you were reaching for it.
Taliesin: It looks so soft can you blame me?! I’ve never seen a khajiit like you before!
Shen Lung: Tang mo.
Taliesin: I? What?
Shen Lung: *sighs and turns back to face him, long dark hair blowing in the wind* Tang Mo. monkey. We’re a beast race found only on akavir. I’m here to find the remaining ones which is why I let you live. You help me find out what the thalmor did to them. And I let you live. For now… *turns and keeps walking* for your sake youd better hope we find one alive.
Taliesin: *swallows a lump in his throat and follows after him, glancing out at the lake as they pass the standing stones… and spotting an abandoned campsite on the far shore* … I sure hope so…
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
How all my dragonborns sound/their accents:
Poppy: yeehaw cowboy Cole Cassidy. I’m not even joking Poppy isn’t just my character but he’s a shared Oc amongst my dnd group who all enjoy both the elder scrolls and Overwatch. Our dm made him purely because he wanted a cowboy cyborg dwemer npc so he could practice his Cole Cassidy impression and he loves how we’ve all adopted him as our own in so many different ways.
Bass: Extremely deep baritone voice with a slight African accent. Though with his voice regulator on he sounds closer to South African or English with a very robotic undertone.
Henwen: A deep but very soft spoken voice with a Welsh English accent that can quickly switch to old Norse Viking when he’s tapped into his atmoran roots and screaming a battle cry that could send enemies running as they shit themselves.
Riiju-Lei: A Nordic accent but with hints of argonian roughness and occasional dunmer inflections. He’s a polyglot and often jumbles words from different languages but he’s often very gentle in his tone if not a bit direct.
Shamat: Soft spoken dunmeri accent teetering on Australian. His voice is quite deep but as a healer and someone wanting to befriend all he tends to lower his tone to a softer more approachable level.
Flynt: Irish, English/American accent. Raised in Cyrodiil he grew up knowing bosmeri thanks to his father and other bosmer in the community but due to how heavily ostracised they were at the time he adapted a more imperial accent. Though get him flustered and angry enough and he will quickly switch back to his bosmeri/Irish accent. He’s very confident in himself and in what he wants, though once he’s blinded and loses his ability to speak hes left only able to communicate through slurred and sad attempts at speech. Made even harder if he’s upset.
Dune: A very deep but surprisingly eloquent orcish voice, not as rough as most orcs but still capable of growling low enough to emphasise a point. Less of a barbarian and more of a mage/healer he speaks quite softly but can be confident among friends.
Aurorwren: his accent is a mix between Greek/Roman & old English. He’s very confident in himself and presents it clearly with how he speaks but around those he cares deeply for, particularly humans, he’s very softly spoken not wanting to be perceived as a threat to them in any way. Especially given his peoples reputation for cruelty.
Sylas: Welsh/English. He is rough and irritable at the best of times towards everyone except for Taliesin. His voice is deep and husky and he will use it in any way he can to seduce, persuade or intimidate others to get what he wants. But when alone with Taliesin and holding him tight the meanest he’ll get is a low growl in his ear during the throws of passion.
Vivienne: dunmeri/imperial accent, he spent most of his life in the city of blacklight but picked up English through the dwindling imperial influence throughout the city. Quite softly spoken and sweet when at peace. Under extreme distress voice will dip into Vivec’s voice, echoing with both his own and his past incarnation.
Marigold: English accent, formerly bosmeri/Irish. His fathers cruelty and etiquette lessons literally beat his accent into him. He’s clearly spoken and can be authoritative in his tone if needs be and he’s not afraid to be cutting with his words either. When physically weakened or vulnerable however, he can be very soft spoken displaying he needs gentle care.
Shen Lung: Mandarin/Nepali accent. Living his whole life on the isolated island of Akavir he’s unfamiliar with the imperial language adopted all across mainland tambriel however he is a polyglot and knows all the languages on his homeland from Akaviri, to the snake folk tongue, to his own Tang Mo. He’s a fast learner and picks up how to speak from interactions with team dragonborn. His voice is quite deep but softly spoken with a playful lilt. When startled he will scream like a monkey and if left with his thoughts will sometimes chirp like a marmoset or smaller primate.
Evalien: Modern Working class Australian accent. She’s from our world and has and will call Nazeem a cunt to his face.
Naria: Māori accent. He’s generally very friendly and approachable with his tone and accent, easily pulling anybody in with it and making them a friend. Under water however he clicks, trills and groans out like a dolphin or whale.
Wyrm: English accent. Growing up in the collage of winterhold with access to endless knowledge and tutoring he’s a polyglot and very eloquent in several languages including his native dunmeri. He has a soft, kind voice and it matches his introverted nature, however he can speak clearly and authoritatively if needs be. With his adopted father Urag however, he’s like any teenager and will whine and complain if he doesn’t get his way~
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
I’m designing Shen Lung and I’m set on his fur patterns, height and over all personality being similar to a marmoset. But I discovered these monkeys called Golden Langur who look ridiculously human in their eyes and faces-
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While I’m set on Shen being based on a marmoset Im really god damned tempted to make him a pretty golden furred tang mo.
But I might make his teacher Luo Fang one instead.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Shen Lung: Taliesin what are you eating?
Taliesin: Oh a sour plum, want one?
Shen Lung: *takes it and eats it in one bite* Hm not bad… tastes- like the smell of fermenting dropped fruit though-
Taliesin: well they do ferment quite a bit, it’s what gives them that ‘funk’ as Lucien would call it.
Shen Lung: …Taliesin do me a favour and tie me to a tree. Quickly.
Taliesin: why?
Shen Lung: Unless you want your face bitten off by a drunk monkey do as I say now please we have a minute before it hits my liver.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Woke up to use the bathroom after having the weirdest dream about that one Tang Mo who lead the extremist order of st alessia and after literal thousands of years a descendant of his travels to skyrim from akavir to check in on the Akaviri on tambriel and report back. Only to find out Kaidans the only one left but he’s different from other Akaviri in so many ways he’s not sure what to make of him so he travels with Kaidan to try and figure out his story. Then boom. Cue him finding out he’s spent his whole life training to be a dragon guard only to find out he’s the dragonborn.
He avoids people enquiring about what he is by saying “I’m a khajiit with leprosy… and I’m contagious.”
Excited monkey sounds ensue.
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tesworldthink · 6 years
Akavir / Акавир
Akavir (Aldmeris/Ehlnofex and Tsaesci: "Dragon Land"[1]) or Dovahnor (Dovahzul: Dovah-Nor, "Dragon-Land") is a continent lying to the east of Tamriel, separated by the Padomaic Ocean. It is the homeland of four seemingly unrelated races collectively referred to as the "Akaviri." These races are composed of the Snow Demons of Kamal, the serpent-men of Tsaesci, the Monkey People of Tang Mo, and the Tiger Dragons of Ka'Po'Tun.[1] Some sources talk of other races, which have not been seen since and may be extinct.[2]
Little else is known about the continent or the people of Akavir, as very few Tamrielic peoples have ever dared to cross the vast ocean that separated it from their home. It was believed that humans lived in Akavir at one time but were eventually "eaten" by the Tsaesci, who have themselves launched several attacks upon Tamriel in past ages.[1] The latest contact with Akavir was supposedly attempted by the Nerevarine, who was said to have launched a trip to Akavir after defeating Dagoth Ur.[3]
Though Akavir may sound too bestial to take notice of at first glance, it was an important figure and influence on Tamriel's history. Akavir has influenced Tamriel for countless centuries, both in times of peace and war, as the two continents have always had a tumultuous relationship.
The history of Akavir mostly involves legends and tales of battles between armies of Akavir and Tamriel. A mythical story states that a great heroonce rode on the back of a dragon, forcing it to slay an army of Akaviri slavetraders.[4]
The first specific encounter and written record occurred toward the end of the First Era. Tamriel was invaded by the Tsaesci, but the invasion was halted by Reman I and his armies. The Akaviri forces surrendered to the Emperor after discovering that he was the fabled Dragonborn, and were offered amnesty to fight for the Empire.[5]The Akaviri who accepted these terms later played important roles in Tamriel's growing society.[6][2]
Sometime during the Third Era, Uriel V took the throne of the Empire. He led a series of invasions leading up to an assault upon Akavir. The invasion on Akavir failed, and Uriel V died in the Battle at Ionith. The lands of the Tsaesci were the main targets of the invasion, and at first the invasion went well, with two cities falling without resistance to the Imperial Legions in the expeditionary force. However, several natural factors and use of powerful magicka by the Tsaesci led to the severe weakening of the force, allowing the Tsaesci to besiege and rout it. Rumored magicka attacks were weather control and interference with Battlemage magicka communication. Although many men were saved by the navy, at least one whole legion was destroyed (four were taken), and many of the ocean-going ships that transported the invasion were damaged and/or destroyed.[7]
Tang Mo
Tang Mo is home to a race of monkey-folk (not to be confused with the monkey-folk known as the Imga) who are being oppressed on a constant basis by the three other races of Akavir.[1] The other nations of Akavir have all tried to invade Tang Mo at one point in time, and the monkey-folk hold a special hatred of the snake people of Tsaesci. However, the monkey-folk have since allied with the tiger people of Ka Po Tun.[1]
Kamal is inhabited by primal demons that thaw out once a year and attack Tang Mo, but the monkey-folk always manage to drive them back. A demon warlord, Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal, once attempted to conquer Morrowind but was destroyed at Red Mountain by Almalexia and the Underking. It was during this invasion that Vivec is said to have flooded the island of Vvardenfell and taught the entire Dunmer race to breathe water. This is the only known encounter with an Akaviri race besides the Tsaesci.[1]
Formerly Po Tun, Tiger Empire, Ka Po' Tun is the homeland of the tiger people. After the serpent-men ate all the men of Akavir, they also attempted to eat all the dragons. The red dragons were eaten, but the black dragons fled to what was then known as Po Tun. A great war on Akavir followed, leaving all remaining dragons dead and both serpent and tiger peoples weak. The tiger people have since attempted to become dragons. Their leader, Tosh Raka, has already accomplished this and is the largest dragon in the world. Most recent reports have stated that the Po Tun have formed an alliance with their simean-like neighbors the Tang mo. Their plans are for the annihilation or complete rule and enslavement of the Tsaesci. Scholars expect that this new alliance and their potential success may either cause these two powers to turn on each other, work towards commerce and better foreign relations, or worse: a whole new invasion against Tamriel.[1]
Tsaesci is the largest, and presumably the most powerful, of the kingdoms on Akavir. It was the first region on Akavir to attempt a Tamrielic invasion, with moderate success. According to legend, Tsaesci is the homeland of immortal vampiric serpent-men. The men that used to exist in Akavir were all eaten by this race. The Tsaesci also enslaved goblins that they used for labor and blood.[1]
Perhaps the most well-known Tsaesci from this region was Potentate Versidue Shaie, who ruled the Cyrodiilic Empire after the death of King Reman III. His bloodline ruled for four hundred years, before being assassinated by the Morag Tong.[1][6]
It is unknown what happened to the humans of Akavir. One source says they were "eaten" by the Tsaesci. However, there is very little explanation on the meaning of "eat" in that context, and there are conflicting accounts of the Akaviri; the depiction of the Tsaesci in multiple sources indicates that they are literally serpentine.[1][8] But other sources, such as the Akaviri Diary Translation, imply that there were humanoid people with the Tsaesci, this may mean that the humans of Akavir are still alive.[9]
Tang Mo (Thousand Monkey Isles)
Kamal (Snow Hell)
Ka Po' Tun
Акавир (ориг. Akavir), что означает «Земля Драконов» — континент, расположенный восточнее Тамриэля. Акавир сыграл очень большую роль в истории Тамриэля, оказывал на него огромное влияние как в мирное время, так и во время войн на протяжении бесчисленных столетий. На Акавире некогда побывал Уриэль V в рамках своей неудачной кампании по его завоеванию, где и погиб. Малое количество известной в Тамриэле информации о географии и обитателях Акавира, неподготовленность военной кампании Уриэля Септима V, а также репутация континента как крайне таинственного и загадочного места означают, что там побывало крайне мало исследователей или путешественников из Тамриэля. Эльфийские расы никогда не жили там, а те люди, что когда-то населяли Акавир, давным-давно были «съедены» (хотя неизвестно, стоит ли понимать это в буквальном смысле) цаэски, змеиным народом. В Акавире живут четыре больших народа: Камаль, цаэски, танг мо и ка по'тун. Следует отметить, что при слове Акавир сразу представляется раса цаэски, потому что именно эта раса приняла наиболее серьёзное участие в судьбе Тамриэля.
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Государства и народы 
Камаль (ориг. Kamal) означает «Снежный ад». Многочисленные армии демонов называют его своим домом. Каждое лето они совершают набеги на Танг Мо, но каждый раз отступают под натиском обезьяньего народа, проживающего там. Однажды Ада'Сум Дир-Камаль, повелитель демонов, пытался захватить Морровинд, но Альмалексия и Подземный Король разбили его на Красной горе.
Цаэски (ориг. Tsaesci) означает «Змеиный дворец». Когда-то это было сильнейшим королевством Акавира. Это дом для змеиного народа, который давным-давно «съел» людей-акавирцев. Цаэски бессмертны и красивы. Их кожа покрыта золотыми чешуйками. Племена гоблинов Акавира трудятся на змеиный народ и в то же время являются едой для них. Потентат Версидью-Шайе был цаэски, который правил Тамриэлем на протяжении 400 лет, пока не был убит Мораг Тонг.
Танг Мо (ориг. Tang Mo) переводится как «Острова Тысячи Обезьян». У обезьяньего народа много племен, но все они добры и отважны. Все прочие народы, населяющие Акавир, время от времени пытаются их покорить, но безуспешно. Обезьяний народ является союзником тигриного народа Ка По'Тун (ориг. Ka Po' Tun).
Ка По'Тун (ориг. Ka Po' Tun) (в переводе «Империя Тигродракона») населяет кошачий народ. Верховным правителем этих земель является Тош Рака, тигродракон. Это величайшая империя Акавира. После того, как змеиный народ «съел» всех людей, они пытались перейти на драконов. Им удалось покорить красных драконов, но чёрные драконы спаслись бегством в По'Тун. Битва продолжалось до тех пор, пока и кошки, и змеи не ослабли, а драконы не вымерли. С тех пор кошачий народ хочет стать драконами. Первым и единственным, кому это удалось, был Тош Рака. Он самый крупный дракон в Нирне.
Тош Рака хочет уничтожить всех цаэски, а затем думает захватить Тамриэль.
Есть ли люди в Акавире? 
Значение термина «съедены» не совсем ясно. «Съедены» может в переносном смысле значить «покорены». В переводе дневника акавирца (ориг. Akaviri Diary Translation) автор пишет, что, доставляя приказы в штаб форта Белого Прохода, он встретил другого гонца, на которого напали волки и покусали его ногу. В «Таинственном Акавире» говорится, что цаэски — полулюди-полузмеи, однако, если брать во внимание перевод дневника, можно предположить, что люди всё ещё продолжают жить в Акавире, пусть даже под властью цаэски.
По неподтверждённым слухам, которые можно услышать в игре The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Нереварин (протагонист предыдущей игры серии) уплыл в Акавир. Однако, с тех пор о нём никто ничего не слышал.
Влияние Акавира на культуру и историю Тамриэля 
Известны некоторые артефакты акавирского происхождения:
Драконий Камень Безумия;
Бич драконов;
Клык Рассвета/Заката;
Кольцо глаза гадюки.
Акавирские постройки:
Храм Повелителя Облаков;
Храм Небесной гавани.
Акавирское происхождение имеют и следующие вещи:
Щит Опеки Акавира;
Символ Империи в виде дракона;
Оружие: вакидзаси, катана, дай-катана, танто;
Драконье снаряжение;
Структура, стяг и броня Клинков, а также сам орден Клинков;
Боевое искусство Драконьих рыцарей (ориг. Dragonknight).
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Танто — элегантная разновидность кинжала работы Акавири. По непонятным причинам Телванни предпочитают его обычному кинжалу как основу для своих заклинаний, а наемников Телванни их покровители маги-лорды снабжают заговорёнными танто — Гаротмук гро-Музгуб, кузнец из Сурана.
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Как и другие экзотические клинки с дизайном Акавири, вакидзаси — это элегантная усовершенствованная версия более распространённых длинных мечей западного дизайна. Поскольку само это оружие является достаточно редким, и очень немногие кузнецы знают, как его делать, в Морроувинде вакидзаси — отнюдь не обычное оружие — Гаротмук гро-Музгуб, кузнец из Сурана.
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Элегантный и эффективный меч-катана Акавиров — слишком дорогое и сложное оружие, чтобы стать популярным в Легионах или у искателей приключений, но состоятельные аристократы, коллекционеры и знатоки оружия превозносят этот меч, как превосходно сбалансированный и эффективный — Гаротмук гро-Музгуб, кузнец из Сурана.
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Эти экзотические длинные двуручные мечи с односторонним лезвием изначально появились в Акавире. Их очень редко используют. Это лучший пример оружейного искусства, но эти мечи очень дорогие и требуют особого с ними обращения — Гаротмук гро-Музгуб, кузнец из Сурана.
Хронология Акавира
До Второй Империи: Лиризиус уничтожил армии Акавира с помощью дракона. (Легенда) Акавирские разведчики начали разведывать Тамриэль.
1Е 2702: Вторжение Акавирских пиратов в  Вэйрест. Целый город Вэйрест прячется в стенах поместья Гарднера, чтобы избежать пиратских рейдов Цаэски.
1Е 2703:  Реман Первый побеждает армию Акавира в битве при Белом Проходе. С этого начинается Вторая Империя.
1E 2920:  Реман III последний из рода Реманов был убит Ассасинами Мораг Тонг. Владыка Версидью-Шайе приходит к власти в Тамриэле.
2Е 283: Версидью-Шайе начинает военную компанию по уничтожению плохих мнений о нём и о его Империи.
2Е 320: После тридцати трёх лет насилия и убийств все мятежи были подавлены. Создаётся  Гильдия бойцов.
2Е 324: Властелин Версидью-Шайе убит Мораг Тонг. Гильдия объявляется вне закона.
2Е 430: Властелин Савириен-Чорак убит  Тёмным Братством. Заканчивается эпоха Второй Империи и начинается время смятения и хаоса.
2Е 547: Ада’Сум Дир-Камал, король снежных демонов Камала, и его армия вторгается в Тамриэль. После разграбления Виндхельма он пытается завоевать Морровинд. Подземный Король и Альмалексия побеждают его на Красной горе.
3Е 270: Император  Уриэль V начинает разработку стратегии по завоеванию Акавира. Он начинает с маленьких островов между Акавиром и Тамриэлем.
3Е 271:  Роскреа (Roscrea) завоёвана.
3Е 276: Катноквей (Cathnoquey) завоёван.
3Е 279: Инеслеа (Yneslea) завоёвана.
3Е 284: После сдачи  Эсрониэта правителем острова принцем  Башомоном Уриэль начинает полномасштабное завоевание Акавира.
3Е 285-286: Некоторые экспедиции показывают слабое место Акавира — это королевство Цаэски, небольшое государство в Акавире.
3Е 288: Имперский флот под командованием Уриэля Септима V начал вторжение. Два города Цаэски (которые теперь переименованы в  Септимию и  Ионит) сдались без сопротивления.
3Е 288-289: Необычайно сильный зимний ветер долго не прекращался, перекрыв линии сообщений с Тамриэлем. Цаэски начали атаку на имперские поселения.
3Е 290: Большая армия Цаэски начала осаду Ионита. Уриэль Септим V погиб от стрелы, защищая город. Несколько выживших сообщило о нападении в ближайший город — Септимию. На самом деле, Септимия тоже была разорена. Завоевание Акавира провалилось.
К сожалению, официальной карты Акавира не существует. Несколько неофициальных карт, воплощающих фантазию игроков и не имеющих никакого отношения к настоящему Акавиру, представлено на  странице обсуждения.
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