#tangerine x assassin!reader
eternalslover · 2 years
Incorrect quotes bullet train:
Tangerine with his face bleeding: You know, I love the kind of women who can kick my ass.
Y/N: get ready to fall in love then.
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lenacosse · 8 months
hello! can you please write tangerine x reader where he and his wife are working on the same mission without knowing it. she has ladybug as her usual partner and they have to pretend to be husband and wife. at some point, ladybug and tangerine are fighting and since ladybug wants a break from it, he’s like « wait, my wife’s coming » and when tangerine turns around its actually HIS wife
pairing: tangerine x reader
cw: violence, strong language
word count: 3,842
(laughing cause this turned into the whole movie, obviously not cannon accurate but i had so much fun writing this)
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"Alright that's me," you say as you zip your suitcase, you were going out to Japan to work on a mission with Ladybug. Tangerine did not know where you were actually going, when you first started dating you didn't tell him your job because it was too dangerous and you didn't want to scare him away and when things got serious between you both you were too scared to tell him because you didn't want to jeopardise things between you both so you fabricated a seamless lie about your occupation and he didn't suspect a thing.
"Same here," replies Tangerine. You walk towards him and put on hand on his bicep the other on the side of his neck, his hands go to your waist.
"Try not to miss me too much," you tease, a playful smirk forming at the corners of your mouth.
"Same can be said for you love." Tangerine winks, you roll your eyes and lean forwards. You press your lips to his and you share a passionate kiss, one that'll leave you longing for more later on when you lay awake thinking of him.
You arrive in Japan and instantly the whole new world amazes you, Japan was truly impressively innovative and futuristic. But you weren't here to enjoy the culture, you had a very simple mission to do, retrieve something from a train with Ladybug, what could possibly go wrong?
Ladybug answers the call from your operator for the mission, you're both given your code names. You got given Kitty- slightly humiliating you thought but you've had worse.
"Kitty?!" Ladybug complains, "I see you're playing favourites." He says to your operator.
"Oh I'd never," she responds. "Oh and also, you two are a newly wed adventurous couple who are on their honeymoon."
"Are they also complete losers?" You ask.
You both get to the train station which is bouncing with life, you walk alongside Ladybug who is talking with the operator about why exactly you two had been picked for the job, something about someone dropping out sick maybe? You weren't really listening.
"Shit." Ladybug says.
"Shit what?" You respond with a sigh, it was always something going wrong.
"I think I lost the key back there, some guy bumped into me."
"I'll get into it, what's the locker number."
"523." Replied the operator.
You get into the locker whilst Ladybug still talks about Carver, you do nothing but roll your eyes at how much he cares he wasn't a top priority for the mission. You gather the items in the locker, the pair of you put in your ear pieces and pack the little bag. You had no idea why half of the things were necessary but it really didn't matter, you were sure time would tell. There was a gun in there, which you wanted to take but your partner was on a no killing strike and wanted to become more peaceful, you thought that was ridiculous considering your jobs but his therapist had been filling his head with nonsense.
"Ladybug!" You grab his attention, ending his useless conversation. "The train.. it's about to leave."
"Oh. Let's go."
The two of you quickly shove your way onto the train, it was a very close call. Immediately you were impressed by your surrounding's, the train, even economy was borderline luxury.
"This place is nice," says Ladybug, nodding his head approvingly.
"Agreed." You respond, you both make your way down the train whilst your operator informs you both of the trains different compartments. Then she tells you what it is you're retrieving. A silver briefcase with a sticker on the handle.
"Briefcase owners are not simple to take from." Ladybug states.
"Can't say I've much experience stealing briefcases." You reply.
"The owners should be in economy class,"
"Owners? Plural. God I knew we should have taken the gun, fuck you and your therapist Ladybug." You tut.
"I was choosing spiritual enlightenment, besides there's two of us, two, hopefully, of them. We'll be fine."
You just sigh in response, the two of you continue walking where you're met with the ticket collector. You look to Ladybug who was the one in charge of the tickets, the prolonged pocket search told you everything you needed to know. You sigh once again pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Shit I think I dropped our tickets with the key,"
"Great! Fucking brilliant."
Another pocket search and Ladybug finds the receipt which the man reluctantly accepts.
"The takeaway from that is from now on I will hold onto important things, got it?"
"Fine by me." Ladybug concludes.
You both continue your walk through economy where you heard an all too familiar voice, the man who you just walked past sounded exactly like your husband. However you didn't see his face because Ladybug was blocking him, nevertheless there was no way it was him, he was on a business trip in London. Immediately that thought leaves your mind as you and Ladybug get to the luggage, you scan over the different bags.
"There's no fucking way were finding this," Ladybug scowls.
"Just did." You reply and grab the case careful of causing attention.
"Great work Kitty,"
"Hm, what's the catch?" You reply, things felt too easy.
"Just get off the train."
You both oblige and Ladybug attempts to conceal the case in his jacket, you would argue that it would only bring suspicion but your only focus was to exit. You both make your way through the different compartments again, your heart was thumping and you felt uneasy, but persevered until you stand at a door to exit.
"Ahh look, maybe my luck has increased," Ladybug says triumphally.
"God I hope so." You respond.
The train slows down and the door opens, on the other side is a very angry looking man with curly hair, a neck tattoo and a white suit. Who is looking at you with a look so intense it makes your skin crawl. Before you know it he is lunging at you and Ladybug with a knife in his hand, you gasp as he stabs Ladybug. The two of them fall back onto a glass door, shattering it and falling to the ground. But as he removes the knife it's revealed that he just got his phone, you sigh in relief and walk into the room they fell into as Ladybug stands up.
"You stabbed me?!" Cries Ladybug, it's a mere second until he lunges at him again. You watch as they fight, you look for a weapon.
You smash a champagne bottle over his head and at the same time Ladybug kicks him, making him stumble back. The comical fight between them continues, the man reveals his motive, something about you two being responsible for his wives death, which is ridiculous because it wasn't true. The man throws his knife at Ladybug who holds the briefcase up for protection, however the knife bounces back and hits the man right in the heart, killing him almost instantly.
"Well, so much for no killing." You say, as you take the knife from his chest and wipe it clean on his jacket. You put it in your pocket for later.
You help Ladybug clean up as you both attempt to figure out who he is with no luck you give up and you set him up on the seat eating a packet of nuts. Hopefully to distract from the fact he was dead, better than nothing you thought.
You and Ladybug split up, your job is to find a table and sit there for when he finds the owners of the briefcase. All the operator knew was that they were twins. Soon Ladybug comes to sit with you, telling you about how the twins aren't actually twins and how he just fought one in the quiet car.
You rolled your eyes. "Okay, we just have to get the case and leave."
"I can't just walk off they know what I look like."
"Well then, I'll get the case you try get off and I'll get past with the case, look at me no one will suspect me. You know this is a very sexist industry, but as of now it has its advantages."
You leave the other way of the train to make it back to retrieve the case whilst Lady bug works on finding a way to exit the train. You go to the place where you stashed the case, you however quickly learn it is no longer there.
"Fuck! For fuck sake. Stupid fucks must've got to it." You rant on as you practically tear apart the room looking for the case. And much to your dismay it is absolutely nowhere to be seen. You pace back and fourth trying to rack your brain on what to do- it was your only upper hand that the twins didn't know of your existence so you couldn't blow that by trying to retrieve the case of off them, you also didn't know what they looked like. Just as you're pacing you get a text message, it was from Ladybug.
'need ur help. i'm cornered.'
You sigh in dismay, but you knew you had to go and help Ladybug with this. So you work your way down the train, checking everywhere for your partner. You hear struggle in the distance so you knew you were getting closer, you brace yourself to walk in.
"Gotcha now, there's no way you're escaping you slithery bastard. Give me the case and you walk away untouched."
"For the last time we don't have the case."
"Yes you fucking do cause I ain't got it."
"Stop. My wife is coming, I don't want her to see this."
"Your wife? What sad sack is married to you."
"She's actually really hot I'll have you know." You walk in as Ladybug says that, you mentally gag.
You freeze on the spot as you see the back of the man fighting Ladybug. For some reason his hair was identical to your husband's hair, the height and build was also the same. But no... you were definitely wrong and simply overthinking. That is until he turned around and you swore you heart stopped momentarily.
"What the fuck?!!" Tangerine says.
You just stare at him as he stares at you, you had absolutely no idea what the fuck to do. How on earth has this happened? Ladybug looks between the two of you, the confusion plastered over his face.
"That's my wife. Not yours." Tangerine says, the expression on his face is unreadable, he didn't look angry.. but he wasn't happy to see you that's for sure.
Ladybug just starts laughing, clearly he doesn't believe it. But he soon stops once neither of you laugh with him. "Wait.. is this true?"
"Yes." You reply.
"You're married to this geezer?!" Tangerine says, he looked like he was going to kill someone, his fists were clenched and his breathing was quick. You couldn't help but let fear wash over you.
"No obviously not- we're on a mission." You sigh trying to find the words to explain yourself.
"I'm so fucking confused right now." Ladybug says, you glare at him and he quickly shuts up.
You lean against the counter and run your hands through your hair, Tangerine just stares at you and you get a proper look at him. He was roughed up, splattered with blood and messy hair. In any other context you'd be drooling over him.
"You're working with him to get the case?" Tangerine questions, crossing his arms.
"...yes," you awkwardly pick your nails, this whole situation was throwing you off, it felt weird between you and Tan now considering basically your whole marriage was a lie. Looking at him you wondered what else you didn't know.
"You lied to me." Tangerine walks closer to you.
"You lied to me." You narrow your eyes at him, standing up straight you raise an eyebrow at him.
"Well this is fucking weird," Ladybug says, you and Tan in sync tell him to shut up, and he does.
"We can talk about this later, I need that case." You say.
"No. You're not leaving my side, there's someone else running around here, I can't have anything happening to you."
A sense of relief washes over you as you learn he doesn't completely hate you anymore. Maybe your marriage wouldn't go to crap, but there was absolutely no way you'd be staying by his side like some helpless victim.
"No. I need the case, I can protect myself. And I will, I don't need you to hold my hand."
"(Y/N).." Tan starts.
"No." He just nods in response and passes you his gun, you take it and put it into your pocket, the air is filled with deadly silence. That is until Lemon walks in.
"There you are... oh (Y/N)." Lemon says, he stops dead in his tracks and does a take back. "(Y/N)?!" His face drops and he sends an alarming look to Tangerine who just shakes his head in response.
"What the fuck?!" You look between the two men, you truly couldn't be more taken aback.
Lemon nervously laughs. "Are you enjoying Japan? We had a change of plans, you know work is so unpredictable these days." He looks to Tangerine for help, he just runs his hand over his face whilst sighing.
"She knows everything and she's working with this dickhead." He points to Ladybug who just raises his hand.
"Right... well um great," Lemon falters you found it funny how confused he was, he never was great in awkward situations.
"Okay this was interesting but we've got places to be, come on Kitty."
You take one final glance at your husband who looks extremely stumped and Lemon who just looks puzzled, you weren't sure how the rest of this mission would go but you just knew you couldn't wait for it to be over.
You leave with Ladybug to go find the case again and leave the train, you knew Tangerine would be fine so you felt confident in your decision to leave him. Besides you had a mission to carry out and that you were going to do.
"How come I didn't know you were married?"
You sigh. "Because it is private information, I didn't want to put him in danger."
"He seems lovely.." Ladybug says, the sarcasm dripping off his words.
"He is lovely, you don't know him."
"Neither do you- he's an assassin and you had no idea."
"Shut up. We just need to get the case and get off this stupid fucking train."
You both make it to the first class longue and there the case is, back in its original spot. "That was not there when I looked." You furrowed your brows.
"You mustn't've looked properly."
"I fucking did, ripped the whole place apart."
Before you knew it you were in yet another fight, the Hornet lunged at you making you fall onto the table, you hit her over the head with the case allowing you to get up. It was a messy fight, arms and legs flying around. But here you are with a venomous needle inching towards you throat, you flip her onto her back and pry the needle out of her hand. You inject it into her neck and watch her face drop.
"Being killed by your own methods, that's dark." You watch as blood pours out of her eyes and her throat starts to close over, her struggled gasping and choking fills the area. You get up and watch as she dies, withering in pain.
"Fuck that was close." Ladybug sighs.
"Come on, we need to go."
The two of you make your way back through the train and down to economy. That's where you see Tangerine standing pointing a gun at a girl in pink with a bob. His expression is devasting yet full of a rage you've never seen in your life, it makes your stomach drop. Something has happened. You quicken your pace, Tangerine sees you and lowers the gun.
"What happened?" You ask, he looked borderline psychotic.
"Lemon, she." He points the gun at her, "killed Lemon."
You face drops and you look back to Ladybug.
"He's lying! Please help me, please." The girl pleads. You turn to her and punch her square in the face, knocking her back into the chairs. You punch her again in the throat, the move makes her blackout and you turn back to your husband.
"Fuck this job we need to get off this train."
Ladybug grabs the case and you three walk back the opposite way, ready to exist. Your mind is fuzzy and your head hurts, there's no way Lemon is dead, that reality devasts you. Lemon was like a brother to you, it broke your heart knowing things would never be the same. As you walk out of the train Ladybug doesn't follow you and Tangerine.
"Ladybug?" You look back to see him struggling against the girl in pink. "For fuck sake!"
"Just leave him, come on."
"No. I can't leave him. We need to help him." You walk back onto the train, Tangerine following you.
With much struggle you get the girl in pink on the ground, using zip ties you found in her bag you tie her hands together and force her into the seat. The four of you sit waiting for the next stop. No one uttering a word. A man comes to sit at the table next to you four, he immediately recognises the girl, she tells him his son is dead, his grandson next, yet he was one step ahead of her, so she sits useless and defeated, a look of triumph overcomes you, you wanted nothing more than to slit her throat but you knew she would have later value, so you leave her sitting there wallowing in her stupidity.
The man tells you all his story, you pick up on his wisdom, feeling nothing but trust towards him. So when he tells you all to follow him- bar the girl, you do. He takes you to the bathroom where his son, and Lemon lay. His son turns out is not dead and reaches for his father. Your eyes fixate on Lemon, unlike Tangerine who is leaning against the wall beside the bathroom. Your heart thumps as Lemon somehow yawns? His eyes open and he looks around, extremely confused.
"Am I in hell?" He questions.
"Oh my god!" You gasp, you turn to Tangerine who instantly stands behind you looking at Lemon.
He rips open his shirt, showing his bullet proof vest, where bullets sat, things were piecing together but you were extremely confused as to what exactly happened.
"Oh.. you drank the water." Concludes Ladybug.
"Water? What water?" Tangerine asks, looking to your partner.
"The water spiked with sleeping powder."
All of you go to sit, awaiting the next stop.
"I can't believe you're an assassin." Lemon says. As he sits opposite you.
"I guess I'm full of surprises," You shrug.
"We need to get off this bastarding train, no more being held back." Tangerine says, you could tell he wasn't half with it. None of you were but he was right.
"We need a plan," Ladybug says. You all agree, and the elder comes up with roles for each of you to properly execute the plan.
You go with Lemon to try and control the trains route, Tangerine goes with Ladybug to hand in the case and cause a distraction whilst the elder goes to take on the white death, something dramatic he said about getting his revenge.
"Fuck it's all in Japanese. There was no Thomas episodes in Japanese." Lemon scowls.
"It's fine, we'll figure it out." You respond trying to be optimistic.
"Okay, we just have to slow this down. Fucking stupid thing! Fucking slow down." Lemon curses.
"So far so good." Ladybug says as he approaches you both, "you can stop the train."
"We don't know how to fucking work this shit!" You groan trying to suppress your frustration.
Lemon and Ladybug go back and fourth, you head hurts from listening to them. Suddenly two men come through the door shooting their guns, you all duck down to shield yourselves from the bullets. You and Lemon lunge at the men, taking them down whilst leaving Ladybug to stop the train. One of the men had you up against the wall, hand over you throat choking you, you felt the life slowly draining your body and with every passing second you become more and more weak. You watch Lemon trying to take down two other men, he doesn't know you're being straggled. Just as you are about to accept your fate, Tangerine comes in, knocking the man to the ground and shooting him in the head. You gasp for air your fingers gently caressing your tender throat, Tangerine is instantly at you.
"Are you okay love?"
You nod and he strokes your cheek, a great sense of comfort overrides you, then he and goes to help Lemon take down the other two men. Whilst they do that Ladybug finally figures out how to stop the train. Or so you thought, the manual book flies out the window and the train collides with the one in front, you all grip onto something. Another two men make their way up to the driving cart, which you all in a group effort defeat. Ladybug starts pulling out all sorts of wires which make the slow down and ride right into a wall, sending you all flying forward through the train as it destructs its way through a village. You land laying on a patch of dirt, Tangerine beside you. You heard a gunshot and jump up, you see The White Dead dead with his brains blown.
You two make your way over to where Ladybug, the elder and his son are, not even two minutes later the girl in pink comes with a machine gun, talking about her fate and luck, which doesn't last long before she's hit with a moving vehicle.
"What the fuck..?" You sigh, you look to Tangerine who looks just as puzzled as you. Ladybug goes off with Maria your handler who came to get you both, you decided to stay with Tangerine and the two of you go to find Lemon.
"Can't believe I didn't realise you were an assassin. Seems so obvious now." Tangerine says, taking your hand.
"Yeah well I didn't notice either, besides. I think I'm done with it, today was too messy."
Tangerine nods in agreement, you both find Lemon who turns out was driving the truck that hit the girl. The three of you decide to go home, of course Lemon didn't rest until he found out the ins and outs of your work. You were relieved to know everything Tangerine had ever told you- besides obviously his job was true. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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konigbabe · 2 years
the codeine scene
Pairing: Tangerine x fem!reader
Word count: 3.3k
Tags/Warnings: vulgar language; rough sex; hate sex; p-in-v sex; fem!degradation; shameless smut; kitchen sex
Summary: Tangerine was a man filled with intense hatred towards you, and no matter what you tried, there seemed to be no way of appeasing him. When you needed something from him, however, you were willing to go to great lengths to get it; even if it meant trading something of value to satisfy his most basic desires.
A/N: Written as part of my A to Z kinks challenge; H as in hatefucking.
masterlist • faq • AO3 • ko-fi
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A wicked smile formed on your lips as you felt the familiar warmth of him against you. The adrenaline rush surging through his body was driving him to slow madness, something you were all too familiar with. The air around you began to thicken, sending a tingling sensation through your whole body as you welcomed the intensity of his embrace. "S'that what you got to offer?" his eye twitched again, a snarl leaving his lips as he watched you nod. The darkness of his pupils seemed to spread like ink across the sea of blue that filled his eyes, the edges of his irises slowly fading away until all that remained was an abyss that seemed to swallow the light around them. His face glistened with sweat, the room's air filled with the pungent scent of sex as you stood before him. His eyes were fiercely staring you down, and in a swift motion, you reached for a napkin on the counter, quickly wiping his cum off of your heated skin before throwing the used napkin in his face.
The dark room concealed your figure like a black blanket draped over you in the night, its eerie stillness a stark contrast to the heavy steps carelessly growing louder as he approached your hidden position. You held your breath as the sound of his boots echoed through the darkness, your heart pounding in anticipation of his arrival.
The dark jacket was draped over his bloodied arm, exposed by the rolled-up sleeves. The exposed tattoos showed evidence of the time that had slowly eroded them away, their colors now barely discernible, the edges frayed and dull. The vest clung to his body, emphasizing his slim waist, a sight you found both appealing and infuriating.
An exhausted sigh left his chapped lips, an almost invisible scar decorating the bottom of his lip that had been there since you first encountered each other in Switzerland many years ago. He was mesmerizing back then, back when you were still unaware of the depths of his true character; the vulgarity of his words, the hurt his hands were able to inflict, and the painful pleasure that his coarse nature could bring. If it weren't for his good looks, he'd be dead by the time you were standing in the safety of his flat. You had seen and experienced so much since that time in Switzerland, yet still, here you were, standing in the same place, your eyes once again taking in his figure, his alluring beauty, and his mysterious and dangerous aura.
Watching his careless behavior felt almost surreal; there were no signs of the mean demeanor you had come to associate him with, no signs of his mercilessness and ruthlessness as you stayed within the shadows. Still, he moved with the precision of a killer as he draped the jacket over his chair, soon followed by his vest, leaving only a light shirt on; the few loose buttons on his collar revealed a patch of dark, coarse hair decorating his broad chest, glimmering in the soft light of the room. His movements were calculated and precise, yet they still had the grace of a dancer, his shirt outlined the contours of his muscular torso, and the sight of his strong arms was mesmerizing. You could not help but be entranced by the sight of him, and you stayed there, captivated by his movements
Running a hand through his hair, back towards you, your eyes stayed glued to the way his bicep strained the sleeve as he unintentionally flexed it. Pouring himself a glass of whiskey, he grabbed a carton of eggs from his near-empty refrigerator and a spatula. Taking the pan from the stovetop, he scraped it clean before pouring the eggs into it. He began to scramble them, his movements swift and confident as he seasoned them with salt and pepper.
You thought to yourself, "Who eats eggs at night?" as his piercing eyes darted towards you, almost as if he had heard your inner musings.
Body flexing on instinct, he initially raised the hand with a spatula, ready to be used as a weapon, before the recognition of who you were kicked in. His face showed absolutely no signs of friendliness, his gaze cold and firmly fixed on you as his hand tightened around the utensil. You weren't expecting anything less from the man before you, who was doing everything in his power to protect himself and his home.
"I should stab you with this fuckin' spatula," is voice was rough and raised as if he had been screaming moments before. A small smile slowly spread across your face as you pushed yourself away from the wall and stepped into the warm light of Tangerine's kitchen. You could tell from the look in his eyes that he was serious, but you weren't afraid. You knew it was time to face the challenge that had been presented to you.
Step by step, you slowly crept closer to the corner of the table, your fingertips lightly gliding across the sleek, unblemished surface. The quiet scraping of your nails against the island's surface could be heard reverberating through the thick air, seeming to linger for a moment before dissipating into the atmosphere.
You smiled sweetly, your voice dripping with saccharine venom as you asked, "Are you making dinner for two?" Your hand moved behind your back, your fingertips brushing against the cold metal of your handgun. A familiar rush of adrenaline surged through you as you prepared yourself for whatever was to come. You held your breath as you waited for his response, your eyes narrowing as you watched for any signs of deception.
Tangerine watched your every move as a hawk, ready to pounce the moment you'd make a wrong decision. Lying the spatula down, he turned off the stove and put his hand on the kitchen island. With your way blocked, your fingertips danced along the gun's handle.
"Now why the fuck would I ever consider having a fuckin' dinner with you?" he snarled, "bitches like you don't serve nice things." 
"Ouch," you said with a grimace of pain, one hand still on your chest and the other firmly clutching the handle of your gun. You could feel the cold metal pressing against your skin, the weight of your weapon in your palms as you pointed its muzzle right at where Tangerine's heart would be if he had any. Your gaze hardened, your finger tightening around the trigger, as you silently dared him to make a move.
His eyes trailed along the entirety of your arm, down to the tip of your finger which was pressing lightly against the trigger of the gun. His face was downcast, his lips pressed together tightly. He slowly looked up at you, his eyes meeting yours through his heavy lashes. He seemed to be waiting for something, his gaze unwavering.
"What the fuck do you want?" he finally asked, his voice a mere whisper.
With a shrug, you thrust the gun forward, its barrel pressing into the rigid muscles of his body. "I want the drive you took from Jiménez," you said, your words coming out in a low, menacing growl.
"Dunno what you talkin' about," he shrugged, the corner of his mustache twitching.
Taking the final step toward him, your chest a mere inch from his, you held his gaze as you pressed the muzzle of the gun firmly against his temple.
"Don't fuck with me, Tangerine. I know what you did in Guantanamo," his breath was warm and toxic as it fanned over your face; he listened intently, his eye twitched as he struggled to hold himself together, "you and Lemon...you took what was mine and I want it back." 
Lifting your arm up in the air, the butt of the gun was aimed directly at Tangerine's face before his fingers wrapped securely around your wrist, wrenching it painfully and resulting in you dropping the weapon. Taking advantage of the moment, Tangerine managed to get one of his legs between yours, painfully twisting your arm behind you, yet you didn't give up so easily, even when confronted by a man who had the potential to overpower you.
Throwing your head back, you felt him groan as the back of your head hit something hard. Swinging your hand away from his body and turning back to face him, you could see a slight trail of blood coming from his nose, his hair tangled and disheveled. With a powerful kick to his thigh, Tangerine was soon kneeling on one knee before you. Raising your leg to deliver the final blow to his head, he took the opportunity and launched forward, his body crashing into yours as his arm wrapped underneath your raised leg, the other going straight for your neck as he effortlessly lifted you off the ground. His grip was firm and unrelenting, his face inches away from yours as you felt his breath on your skin. 
Your back met the surface of his kitchen island with a heavy thud, air knocked out of your lungs as the back of your head slammed against the island, a moan of pain escaping from your parted lips. His gaze locked onto yours, almost daring you to make a move. His eyes seemed to bore into yours, unflinching and unyielding, as a chill ran up your spine. 
Tangerine's body was pressed hard against yours, his hips holding yours down as he firmly pinned your leg to your chest with his arm, while his other hand clamped down around your throat with tremendous pressure, so intense it felt as if he was going to choke the life right out of you.
"Now why the fuck would I give you that," he spat at you, a drop of blood dripping on your cheek as you felt the heat of his anger radiating from him. His grip around your throat tightened, leaving you gasping for air as your fingernails dug into the thin skin of his hand, desperate for a release. Your eyes met his and you saw the wrath behind them. He released his grip just enough to allow you to breathe, but the warning was still clear in his gaze.
A wicked smile formed on your lips as you felt the familiar warmth of him against you. The adrenaline rush surging through his body was driving him to slow madness, something you were all too familiar with. The air around you began to thicken, sending a tingling sensation through your whole body as you welcomed the intensity of his embrace.
"Now, now, Tangerine," you taunted him, hips grinding against his hardening cock. His breath hitched and a low growl escaped his throat as you moved against him. The man above you furrowed his eyebrows, eyes following your body's movement while his arm pushed your leg even more into your body.
"S'that what you got to offer?" his eye twitched again, a snarl leaving his lips as he watched you nod. The darkness of his pupils seemed to spread like ink across the sea of blue that filled his eyes, the edges of his irises slowly fading away until all that remained was an abyss that seemed to swallow the light around them.
Yanking you up roughly, he didn't waste a second in turning you around. His hand gripping your hair, he roughly slammed you down onto the cold, marble kitchen island. The shock of the hardness against your body made you gasp in surprise. He used his arm to hold you in place, his other hand tracing a path down your back.
"I ain't gonna go easy on ya'" his lips moved along your ear, arm tightening around your neck as he pushed your face down. The coolness of the surface seeped through your heated cheeks as he ground his semi-hard cock into your ass, sending a wave of desire coursing through your body. His breath was hot and heavy on your neck, his hand gripping your hips.
Tangerine yanked down his dress pants, palming his cock through his underwear as his other hand worked on your own pants. A surprised yelp escaped your lips as you felt his hand connect harshly with the flesh of your ass, the heavy rings decorating almost all his fingers surely leaving marks behind that would linger for days. His hand quickly found its way between your legs, pushing aside the fabric of your barely-there underwear to find the wetness that had been building up since he first slammed you against the counter. His fingernails scraped against your sensitive skin, causing you to gasp in pleasure and anticipation. Tangerine leaned in closer, chest pressed against your back, his lips just barely brushing against your neck as he whispered in your ear with a chuckle, "Look at you, fuckin' hell, always knew you were a dirty whore."
"Shut up," you pushed yourself into his hand as his fingers circled your entrance, causing him to dip his digits inside you, "Just fuck me already, Tangerine, or is it too complicated for you?" 
He grabbed the soaked material of your panties, yanking them towards him with a firm tug. Pain shot through your hips as the fabric dug into your skin, before finally tearing apart. A hiss left your lips, and you strained your head to the side to watch as Tangerine looked down at your juices that were painting the inside of your thighs. His gaze was hungry, and you could feel the heat radiating from his body as he stepped closer, pressing his hips against yours from behind.
"Fuck," he grabbed his now fully erect cock, collecting your wetness on the head and using his palm to spread it along its length. His fingers glided over its velvety surface as he savored the sensation of its bulging veins, feeling it grow even harder in his hand. His breathing quickened as he continued to stroke it, the pleasure intensifying with each movement.
"This shit's get's you goin', ey?" 
With those words, he pushed the crown inside you, welcoming the somewhat familiar squeeze of you as it filled your insides. The feeling of being slowly and thoroughly filled sent a shiver of pleasure through you, intensifying as his length filled you to the brim. You could feel every inch of him inside of you, and the sensation so exquisite that a desperate moan escaped your lips, your hips bucking against him as he pinned you to the island, keeping you in place, your body quivering with pleasure as he continued to fill you with himself.
The moment he was fully seated inside you, you could feel the head of him poking into your walls. Savoring the moment for a few seconds, Tangerine pulled back, his cock easily sliding out of you until only the tip remained inside your warmth. He kicked your legs more apart, causing you to stand on your tiptoes to stay on the ground, and angled himself a little up. He didn't waste any more time and slammed his full length inside, the brutal force sending your hips up and forward, the side of the island bumping into your flesh as a moan left you, hands looking for leverage to hold onto. His thrusts became deeper and faster, the sensation of him pushing through your walls and scraping against your insides making you gasp and moan. 
Tangerine set up a relentless, powerful pace, one hand pushing deep into your hair as the other wrapped tightly around your arms, yanking them back and pressing them against your shoulder blades, forcing your back to arch as you sought a little solace in his hard-edged demeanor. His touch was unyielding, his gaze intense; it felt like he was searching deep inside of you for your innermost secrets. You found yourself giving in to the sensation, craving the way his body moved against yours. Every movement was steeped in pleasure, and you felt yourself melting into a blissful state of ecstasy as his every thrust sent a wave of pleasure through your body.
Your clit kept bumping against the counter, your hips thrusting and swaying of their own accord as they sought out the pleasure they craved. Your breath came in short, shallow gasps as you felt your body responding to the sensations, feeling yourself grow more aroused with each passing moment.
"Fuck," he cursed loudly as he felt your tight walls clinging to him, your juices coating his cock as he pushed himself further into you. Twisting your hair into a loose ponytail, he let go of your arms and gripped your hip, the grasp bruising as he pushed you back into him, getting incredibly deep inside you. Tugging at your hair, he forced you to straighten your back, hands supporting your weight on the kitchen island as he found a steady yet brutal pace, fucking you upwards with deep, powerful thrusts that sent shockwaves of pleasure through you. His body moved masterfully against yours, pushing you higher and higher until you felt like you were about to burst. His grip on your hair tightened, guiding you through the powerful waves of pleasure that reverberated through your body.
His grunts echoed through your ear as his head rested on your shoulder, his cock probing the front of your walls, impaling you with every powerful thrust. Throwing your head onto his shoulder, your moans grew louder, a few curses leaving in between as your fingertips found your throbbing clit, circling the nerve with precious skill and utter finesse. Your body trembled and shivered, pleasure intensifying with every thrust and touch. You were lost in the moment, your pleasure escalating to new heights as he brought you to the brink of ecstasy.
"Gimme more," you turned your head towards his, your mouth hungrily finding a pulsating vein on the side of his neck before your teeth sank in, roughly pinching the heated flesh. A growl of pleasure and pain left Tangerine's lips as he yanked you from his neck by the hand still in your hair, the side of your face connecting with the hard surface of his kitchen island once again. He clutched your hips, fingers digging into your flesh as he pressed his body up against you, his hot breath fanning over your neck and sending an electric thrill through your body.
"No," he grunted as he slammed inside you, "fuckin'" he continued, pausing between each thrust, "biting." 
Your walls clenched down onto his cock as he buried himself deep within you, his thrusts becoming more erratic as his nearing climax drew nearer. With a deep grunt, he pulled out of you, fisting his cock over your perched ass as he let out a curse. You felt his cum land on your ass and trickle down your thighs all the way to your abused lips. His hands moved away from your body and rested on either side of you as you were still displayed and spread wide on his counter; his breath coming out in heavy pants as his eyes were closed in blissful ecstasy.
"Now's my turn," you breathed out, pushing your back into his chest, forcing him to beckon. Tangerine bent down to collect his pants from around his ankles. With a wicked smile, he said, "told you you ain't comin'."
His face glistened with sweat, the room's air filled with the pungent scent of sex as you stood before him. His eyes were fiercely staring you down, and in a swift motion, you reached for a napkin on the counter, quickly wiping his cum off of your heated skin before throwing the used napkin in his face. You adjusted your clothing, pulling your pants up to your waist, and observed as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black item - the drive.
"You had it on you the whole time?" you snarled at him, your eyes narrowing in anger. With a single nod, he put it on the sweat-stained table, sliding it toward you. He then turned his back towards you, his shoulders tense as he went to the stove.
He turned his head to the side to look back at you, his eyes dark and warning. "Got what you wanted, right? So get out of my fuckin' flat before I strangle you," he warned, his voice low and menacing.
With an annoyed huff, you turned towards the door, the drive securely in your grasp as you cursed the man out under your breath, determined to finish yourself back in the comfort of your hotel bed.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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SUMMARY | this was supposed to be a simple, relaxing mission. all of that had been thrown out the train window as soon as you saw idiot one and idiot two
PAIRING | tangerine x reader
WARNINGS | spoilers for bullet train, hit men, mentions of murder, guns, ect
WORD COUNT | 1.7k+
AUTHORS NOTE | fell in love with tangerine while watching bullet train. what more is there to it
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Confined spaces certainly makes the job easier for you.
You were able to observe everyone simultaneously. Being everywhere all at once. Sitting idily in a corner inconspicuously, sipping on a drink while pretending to read a newspaper. All the while watching as people fidgit with their fingers and mingle amongst nearby passengers. Keeping tabs on who leaves and who enters and how many times they do it.
In fact that's all you had been planning on doing for the next twenty four hours. Enjoying the ambiance of the lovely modern train as you waited for your mark. Probably opting on getting up to lure the target into a bathroom stall, slitting their throat once the lock had been clicked. An easy job by definition, especially for you. Practically a vacation handed to you on a silver platter.
That's why you almost choked on your fizzy drink when they walked in.
You'd never forgot a face. Not once. That's part of the reason you made for such a good hit man. Show you someone's high school picture once, and you'd be able to pick them out in a crowd forty years after it had been taken. And when I say pick them out, I mean with a gun. Preferably from a rooftop. Probably from a rooftop.
So you recognized the leather jacket and blue suit almost immediately. After all how could you forget. Your annoyance for them had been all but solidified in concrete the moment the loud one had shot your leg in Russia, his twin just watching. That cast was a bitch to lug around for half a year, and everytime it thumped against the staricase in your house you cursed the both of them.
Suppressing a groan, your eyes cautiously watched from behind the pages of a comically large larg magazine as Lemon and Tangerine walked down the isle of the train compartment together, facing each other while bickering quite loudly. Or at least doing what you assumed was to be bickering. Knowing them, they probably just used that many curse words in a casual conversation anyway.
"I've told you a thousan' times, bruv." You listed to Lemon slur his words with that thick accent of his, practically spitting fire at his twin. "It's Thomas The Tank Engine. Not Thomas the Train. Get that in ya thick skull."
"Oh well, ex-fucking-scuze me. I didn' know I'd be gettin schooled on a fuckin kids show today, twat." Tangerines eyeroll was all but audible in response. He ignored as fellow passengers swapped offended looks with each other at their language. You'd imagine he'd be flipping them off if he wasn't so busy basically biting his brothers head off.
They were nearly past your booth now and out of the train car, your fingers tightening around the reading material in front of you in anticipation. For a moment you thanked whoever had given the both of them such long legs and speedy strides, happy as long as they were out of sight. Didn't matter that they would still be on the train. As long as they didn't see you, all was well.
So of course they would choose that moment to stop right in front of your fucking seat. The urge to stand up and kick them both in their asses was only increasing. Not that it wasn't already high up there in the first place.
"I don't give a bloody damn when ya smart ass people half the time you bastard. Here me complanin? Nope." Lemon popped the p at the last word, pointing a finger at his companions chest. "But no one, and I mean no one ya cheeky fuck, bad mouths Thomas in front of me."
"Right. And what you gonna do about it, fruit boy. Stick a diesel sticker on me when I ain't lookin?"
"I just might. An don't call me fruit boy. You're the one who came up with those names in the first place 'member?"
Your muscled tensed up in preparation when Tangerine suddenly whipped around to you, dragging Lemons attention along with him. The cool metal of your gun brushed against your fingertips as you slowly reached under the trains table for where it was hidden. Maybe this time you'd have an excuse to shoot them in the legs. Send them a hallmark card in the hospital afterwards. Something cheep and tacky. You were petty like that.
"Hey, mate, mind reminding my buddy here tha' grown ass adults don't watch the cartoon channel and he's due for a visit to the loony bin?"
You just glared at him and his stupid fucking 90's porn stache, frown deepening as you watched recognization well up in his eyes.
"Hang on." Your hand twitched with the urge to rip his tounge out of his mouth as it ran across his bottom lip. "I know you—"
"Oh for fucks sake."
You hopped up, abandoning your cozy little corner in turn for dragging him by the lapel of his now wrinkled suit into the connecting cabin of the train cars. You imagined that if they hadn't been so surprised by an innocent looking samaritan dragging their asses along, you would be sporting two new holes in the side of your head.
"One job! I had one job and the two of you had to muck it all up!" Words hissed out of your mouth like steam from a gas can as you dropped your grip on Tangerine and turned away from him, revealing your own gun nonchalantly. They were both quick to draw their own, stances stiff and confused in contrast to your loose but annoyed one.
"Ay I recognize you now." Lemon looked over at Tangerine, gesturing his gun to you loosely. "Russia. A broken leg. James the train, 'member?"
"Would you stop it with the Thomas the train shit for one fffuckin moment?" He hissed back. "Yeah I remember 'em. But that dosent explain what the hell their doin on this train now does it?"
"Nothing that concerns you." You saved them the trouble of yet another fighting match. "And wait, James the train?"
"Yeah." Lemons eyes brightened slightly while looking at you. As if happy someone was asking him about his interest in the train show without attempting to shit on it. "A James. Impatient but gets shit done. Kinda determined too."
You blinked.
"Okay now I like him." You turned your gun over to Tangerine completely now, the man's eyes widening as he sputtered slightly.
You shrugged with an unbothered and downward turn of your lips. "He complimented me. Plus he wasn't the one who shot me in the leg."
"Come-fucken-on that was not a fucken compliment!!"
"I dunno bruv." Lemon shrugged, mirroring your earlier action. "It kinda was."
"Yeah, alright I definitely like you now."
"Oh come off it you bitch! Help me out here or I'll fuckin kill you before they shoot me!" Tangerine spat. You listened as Lemon snickered.
"Hey. I'm good at readin people wha' can I say. And they certainly aren't lookin to shoot any of us right now. That's not a very Jamss thing of them ta do." You sent Lemon a kind thank you—to which he returned it with a your welcome. Tangerine was left alone to seethe in anger.
"Stop that before you blow a gasket." You made a face, referring to the way Tangerines jaw clenched as if he were attempting to chew glass. "Your brother here, Lemon, is right. I don't really feel like carrying your lifeless body across this train right now. I just want to get my damn job done and then go see a cherry tree grove or something."
He grumbled whilst Lemon preened at your recognization of his correct assumption.
"Besides. I'd hate to shoot you in the face and ruin your best asset. Would really ruin my day more than it already has been." A loose sigh made it past your lips. "Fucking up shit is more your style anyways."
You could tell Tangerine was struggling with being of the receiving end of such a blatant compliment and insult on the same time—practically picking through his brain for a measurable response. Either way he was about to run his mouth, and you'd wasted enough time on the job already.
"If I see either of you pass by through my train car again, it better just be that: passing through. Anything else and I am not afraid to end up leaving a few people with ringing ears. Capishe?" The gun in your hands was nodded at strictly, the not so hidden threat being left out in the open for all to interpret.
"Loud and clear mate." Lemon grinned.
"Good. Now scram."
"Hold on love—"
"Call me love again, and I rip that mustache off and shove it straight up that ass of yours. Now ta-ra, or whatever pricks like you say." You were already leaving, so sadly you didn't get to see the look on Tangerines face as you walked off, really just wanting to finish that drink you'd left behind now. Although you wouldn't complain if you were to find something a bit stronger than soda. Especially after that.
The twins waited until you were out of the connecting room before either of them went to speak.
"You know." Lemon clamped a hand down on Tangerines arm with a toothy grin. "If I didn' know any better bruv, I would say tha' you have a thing for them. Not everyday you get a compliment on your ugly mug."
"Must have hit your head boarding. And get ya fucken greasy bitch ass hand off me." He snarled, swatting his brothers hand off his shoulder. "They just threatened to kill me for fucks sake. And I them!"
"I dunno. They seemed like they're a little partial to oranges themself."
"It's tangerines idiot! Tangerines!"
"Whatever. Don't get your knickers in a twist."
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megplant · 2 years
I absolutely cannot stop listening to this song and thinking about hot Tangerine fancam edits since I heard it on a hot Tangerine fancam edit. But also a Tangerine x reader fic titled the same won’t stop kicking around my head - but what is the plot?? Fellow Tangerine sluts gimmee your ideas
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sebsbarnes · 10 months
co-workers || tangerine
tangerine x female reader (assassin)
summary: "if it took you getting shot for you two to finally, maybe, realize you like each other i would've used you as target practice a long time ago."
warnings: language, violence, fighting, injuries, blood, weapons
word count: 3.4k ; angst, fluff
tangerine masterlist
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rocking back and forth on your heels you patiently wait for the bullet train to zip into the shinagawa station. the platform was moderately busy, people dressed for various occasions. some in sophisticated work uniforms, kids bopping along with their school bags, and some dressed for a night out. you, however, were not.
sporting a black jacket, long sleeve turtleneck, leggings, sneakers, and a black bag you could've faded into the growing dark sky but here you are illuminated by the neon lights of the platform begrudgingly watching the bullet train's head lights fly past as it rolled into the station.
you were ordered to be here by your employer at the request of the white death. something about his son and a briefcase of money that needed some extra eyes watching over. apparently, the white death had some gut intuition about the two unnamed men he had hired for the job and wanted your skills onboard. your employer gave you very little detail about what to expect, no description of the briefcase, a grainy photo sent via email of the white death's son who had horrid face tattoos in your personal opinion, and when asked about the men already tasked to the mission your employer replied, 'eh two guys both kind of weird' and left it at that.
you boarded the train and stood near the doors, tight lipped smiling at those who walked by, waiting for the entryway to be clear. kneeling you pulled a small revolver out of a false bottom in the bag and slipped it into an inside pocket of your jacket, next pulling extra rounds and stuffing them into the other available pocket. you fumbled with a small piece of crumbled paper telling you to go to car three and a seat number that the son should be at.
quietly making your way to car three you re-patted your now stuffed pockets, adjusting your jacket and hair to relieve any sort of budding nerves. that is until you noticed the two kind of weird guys your employer told you about.
"well, can spot that fitted suit from a fuckin' city away" the two men stood in front of you who were deep in conversation snapped their necks towards you.
"well darling, and i'd spot that shit box dyed hair from the other side of the fuckin' earth" you couldn't help your arm raising to touch your long, and well dyed hair, at tangerine's rebuttal.
you tried to hide the laugh that threatened to break through as the three of you stood quiet for a few seconds following his comment. lemon broke first pushing past his brother to embrace you in a hug, "haven't see you in a minute, was beginning to get worried."
the three of you knew each other quite well, hell, the three of you lived together for a while. you had been under tangerine and lemon's employer for a long time but shit happens and it was best you found a new employer. lemon was more talkative and affectionate of the two, constantly talking your ear off and giving you hugs whenever he saw you, strictly friends though. tangerine, well, not affectionate and not talkative. it took a while for tangerine to mutter more than five words to you for the longest time. being outright friendly just isn't his nature and you can't fault him for that. the twins cared about you deeply, you knew lemon did within a week. tangerine took more time. it wasn't at the flip of a switch, it was gradual, perhaps may be even more natural.
it was a culmination of things that made you realize the rough man cared and appreciated you. like how after a job the three of you would go eat, you would jokingly (but also quite seriously) say how you were still starving. tangerine would slip you some of his food, 'not that hungry' he'd shrug. or how on missions he unconsciously used himself as a shield for your protection. or when he would come back from being out, holding a plastic bag in hand. 'saw these figured you might need 'em' plopping the bag in front of your seated position at the kitchen table and continued walking before you could comment on the new clothes that replaced the ones recently destroyed on a job.
or how days before you left the previous employer, you, tangerine, lemon, and an additional guy were assigned to a job that did not go so smoothly. it really was no one's fault, no one could've predicted how many men were hiding in the warehouse. each of you sported numerous injuries and lost many weapons but still completed the job. you and the other assassin were alone sitting on the floor when he suddenly started berating you. saying how shit you were as an assassin, spewing hatred and profanities amongst other vile things. you had no energy to fight back, 'maybe you're right' is all you could muster before getting up and searching for a secluded place to sleep for the night. you had awoken from your sleep hours later to the sound of a gunshot, wandering until you found someone.
'tangerine, what was that? i heard a gunshot' you asked the man who was promptly walking away from scaffolding towers.
he looked at you quizzically wiping his hands on his trousers, 'i think you might have been dreaming darlin'' all you could do was rub your head in confusion, 'let's get you back to bed, love.' the next morning only three of you returned from the mission.
"i've missed you, lemon," you smiled pulling away, holding his shoulders to look at him.
you and tangerine exchanged small nods, a hint of a smile ghosting his lips. you turned towards the figure seated beside the men stepping to stand in front of who you assume to be the white death's son. to say something seemed off was an understatement. you gently grabbed the ends of his open jacket bobbing his head back.
"what the fuck?!" you jerked back dropping your grip as his body slumped forward. an older woman a few seats up shushed you.
"what the fuck?!" you whispered harshly at the twins, bug-eyed gesturing rapidly at the dead body in front of you.
"ask fuckin' percy over here," tangerine pointed to lemon.
"i'm not percy?! okay yeah i lost the case but i didn't kill the kid."
"well lemon, if you didn't have the brilliant fucking idea to stash the case, we would've been sat our squeaky fuckin' asses down in the seat not havin' to get up. young. sweet. not all there." tangerine hissed back, poking at lemon's forehead to emphasize.
mildly entertained by the twins infamous banter you sat down watching the two go back and forth before tangerine swiveled towards you both hands flat, palms up, pointing at you, "and no disrespect love, but why the hell are you here?"
"to babysit essentially. i'm here to make sure you two do your job and by the looks of it you done fucked that up. what an honor it will be to be ripped limb by limb by the white death with you idiots."
the three of you sat deliberating what the hell to do next and tried figuring out who else is on this train taking interest in the briefcase and the son. tangerine cleaned up the boy's face with his handkerchief and adorned his face with momonga glasses to hide the fact that he's well...dead.
the twins decided it would be effective splitting up and checking the train cars for the briefcase.
"ill stay here," you spoke as the two men grabbed their things to investigate the train.
"what?" tangerine asked eyebrows knotting together.
"i'll stay here. i'll see if anyone comes back for him," gesturing towards the limp body, "besides, my mission is a bit different. i'm not supposed to be seeking danger. if it comes my way then i can step in."
tangerine smooth out his moustache inhaling deeply seeming to oppose you being here by yourself.
"okay well, right then." lemon nodded stalking off down the train.
tangerine hesitated looking down at you in the seat.
"i'll be okay."
that is until ten minutes later a man sat across from you, "hi. there's a gun under this table."
"shhh," you hissed, "this is the quiet car babes."
the man in the hat and glasses took a moment to look over your shoulder at the sign, you took this opportunity to grab his hand, that held no gun, underneath the table yanking his body forward, table smashing into his shoulder.
"who the hell are you." you questioned, still holding onto his hand.
"ladybug. johannesburg, remember? your buddy shot me after you baited me to the parking garage?"
"so you're after the twins?" you asked ignoring what he said.
"the twins have a briefcase i need. i'm really not looking for trouble here miss, i just want to get the hell off this train and go meditate." he sighed taking his free hand through his longer hair.
"so you took the damn briefcase." you released his hand and brought your foot up to kick him in the groin. while he was hunched over in pain you stood up launching towards him to put him in a headlock, "where's the case."
"look lady," he sputtered, "i really don't want to hurt you."
ladybug punched your forearms to loosen your grip and when you didn't budge, he turned his head to bite your wrist.
"what the fuck!" you yelped springing back. he took this moment to sweep your legs out from underneath you. you hit the floor with a loud thud, the ache in your shoulder radiating down your arm. he leaned over your body giving you a weak smile and in return you kicked him in the face, blood instantly pouring out of his nose.
"shit balls!" he exclaimed. you clamored to your feet and started running throughout the bullet train. ladybug's steps got closer and closer and that's when you felt a burning hot sensation on the back of your shoulder. your movement immediately stopped, groaning as you reached for the knife in your back pulling it out.
"prick." you hissed turning around to face the man. your arm swiped in front of his face, the blade making a whooshing noise in the air. you managed to clip the side of his cheek.
thankfully the car the two of you were now fighting in was not occupied. he gripped your arm throwing you against the wall and stalked towards you. you stashed the blade in your pocket, shrugging your jacket to the ground, opting to fight him with your fists. you dodged the first hit and returned him a hit in the jaw. he staggered and taking advantage of his lower stance punched you in the stomach.
"i don't like hurting women." ladybug exasperated as the two of you continued fighting, punches being thrown, skin being split, bodies flying across the car.
"seems like you're in the wrong line of work, dumbass," you gripped the back of his head slamming his face into the top of one of the seats. the crack you heard made you wince. ladybug's forehead was split, blood running down his face into his eye.
it was obvious his physical state was weakening. he swallowed deeply, eyes flickering to a spot beyond you. before you realized what was happening, ladybug was running towards your jacket where the knife was. he managed to grab it and came barreling towards you. once again the battle was back on. the knife dancing between you two as its ownership changed frequently. you and ladybug were a panting mess with new cuts decorating your bodies. this old piece of shit wouldn't let up. you were becoming exhausted and you needed this to end somehow. the two of you were both on the floor, the blade in your hand. you knew you didn't have enough stamina for another round of fighting, the cuts scattering your body were aching, the large stab wound to your shoulder was now numb. instead, you sliced the closest things to you that would cause the most damage.
his achilles.
ladybug screamed out in pain, shaking hands wrapping themselves around his ankles in some attempt to soothe the sheering pain. you stood, looking over the man, the blood from the knife dripping onto your shoe. you stepped around his cradled body, making your way up the train. tangerine hasn't come past yet meaning he is still ahead. the door swished open but you'd only make it one step in before crumbling to the ground.
immediately you started hyperventilating from the intense pain that seemed to hit every nerve in your body. blinking rapidly as you scooted yourself against the wall. then you felt it. a warm sensation running down your skin, your clothes feeling wet. blood. your body was shaking, open lips huffed out puffs of breath. slowly and carefully, you looked back at ladybug.
your gun in his hands.
he must have grabbed it when he retrieved the knife in your abandoned jacket. fucking stupid.
ahead in the train tangerine heard a faint noise, but nonetheless he knew it was a gunshot. he slicked back his hair and removed his gun from his waistband. he carefully entered each train car, observing anything out of the ordinary. the door in front of him opened and his step faltered when he saw a black sneaker, and then a leg, and then the body as his eyes raked up the slumped figure.
he dropped to his knees, gun now on the floor, "hey tan," you croaked.
"bloody hell," he sighed, his eyes darting across your entire body.
"stop checking me out i don't look my best," you tried joking. tangerine didn't seem amused as he noticed your torn clothes, bloody face, your hair matted with blood.
"that old bag of bones can really fight. but he took a cheap shot when my back was to him," you finally answered. you lifted the hem of your shirt to show tangerine the bullet hole in your lower stomach above your hip.
"jesus," he muttered swallowing thickly. he seemed stunned to see you in this condition. he also seemed lost on what to do. his eyes wouldn't stop looking you over, his hands unconsciously went to your face brushing your hair out of your eyes.
"tangerine stop fucking staring at her we need to help her," lemon had found the two of you. his voice booming causing tangerine to snap out of his daze.
lemon pushed him to the side, immediately coming to your aid. he worked with what he could find. your shallow cuts weren't important. the wound to your shoulder would need stitches later on. the entrance and exit wound of the bullet was causing the biggest issue as you had lost a decent amount of blood from it. lemon continued to do his best as you sat there eyelids half open.
tangerine was silent, more silent than ever before, as if he were stuck in a trance. you slowly moved your fingers towards his hand that was resting on the floor. two of your fingers wrapped around his pinky jerking him out of his trance. this somehow sparked something in him as he shot up from the floor, grabbing his gun making sure it was loaded and set off on a mission you could only assume to be to find ladybug.
your lips pulled down in a frown as he left. you wanted him here. his presence, his touch, his whatever. any semblance of that cocky man you wanted next to you for comfort. you knew you were going to be okay, you were weak right now but the thought of him beside you somehow made you believe you would feel stronger.
lemon let out a soft chuckle as he finished securing cloth to your wound, "if it took you getting shot for you two to finally, maybe, realize you like each other i would've used you as target practice a long time ago."
you slapped his arm, "fuck off."
lemon and you agreed you need to rest, he helped you to sit in an empty seat, propping you against the window.
"alright, now, if anything serious happens i will text you alright. in the meantime, sit here and wait till we come get you, you hear me?" lemon demanded.
sometime had passed and you noticed less and less people on the platforms boarding the train. it was too quiet. your stomach was telling you something was off. you winced in pain as you gripped the armrest to stand up. a bit wobbly but you managed to put one foot in front of the other. as you continued you heard voices close by. the doors to one of the cars was open by bags tripping the sensors. you saw a young girl in pink standing looking scared and him. the greasy haired prick who shot you. he still had your gun in his hand pointed at someone.
"fuck." thankfully you held onto the knife and before he could notice you moving towards their train car you brought your arm over your head, swinging forward, releasing the knife. it lodged itself below ladybug's collarbone. he yelped out in pain stumbling a bit and that's when his finger hit the trigger.
"you bastard," tangerine hissed as the bullet hit his leg.
you took this opportunity while the men were distracted and ran towards ladybug. you propelled yourself onto him, spinning and wrapping your legs around his neck, you removed the blade from his chest and stuck it in the base of his neck.
"you don't touch him," you spit at the man as he crumbled to the ground.
the girl was long gone. now facing tangerine you noticed all the bruises and blood on him, drenched in sweat. his curly hair now laying across his forehead. his jacket long gone leaving him in a white button down that was criminally low on his chest and a vest. you couldn't help but check him out.
he started to say your name but you cut him off, hugging him tightly around his neck, knocking the wind out of him. he hesitated a moment before firming wrapping his arms around your waist, tucking his head into your hair. after a few minutes he pulled back, sliding his hands to your waist to look at you. you held onto tangerine's elbows as his eyes wandered your face.
"darlin'," he started, "i'm- i'm sorry i didn't do anything when i found ya."
you chuckled through your nose, "tan. i'm fine."
"you're injured n' i didn't do anything except fuckin' look at you." he shook his head in disgust.
"tangerine," you said firmly placing your hands on his chest, "stop. i am fine. i am okay. we all react differently to seeing our friends hurt."
"friends, " he half laughed, "you realize i don't see you as a friend."
you paused, hands loosening their grip on his arms. god, you were dumb to think you were even friends. you're coworkers, hell at this point maybe even acquaintances, its been five months since you lived with them. all you could mutter was a shaky 'oh.'
tangerine laughed, "you know love, you can really be dense sometimes."
your mouth formed an 'o' trying to figure out what to say next, "dense?"
"love, i've wanted you the moment you almost sniped my head off in vienna." tangerine chuckled, moving hair out of your face. you couldn't look at him instead you toyed with his open shirt, fingers brushing against his hot skin.
"i guess i am kinda dumb right? should've put the pieces together when you killed anyone who was mean to me." you smiled.
he leaned down gently placing a kiss on your lips. you immediately kissed back, tasting the metallic flavor of the blood that was on his lower lip. your nails ran across his scalp sending a shiver down his spine. tangerine gripped your lower back harder, minding the wound, to bring you in as close as physically possible.
tangerine pulled away from the kiss, bringing his mouth to your ear, "by the way darlin', you spinning around on his neck and what you said was really hot."
"then i suggest we get the fuck off this train soon and i'll show you the move personally."
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vilentia · 26 days
Hey just wondering if you still write for tangerine? If you do I was hoping you’d write one about tangerine having to most sweetest and kindest wife and everyone always wondering how could she marry a big grump like him? Like tangerine is on a job and he’s due back in a few days and these men have been sent to kidnap his wife and she sees them infront of her house and goes out asking if they are lost and invites them inside for some tea and makes them lunch and they end up leaving without her because of how sweet she was and tangerine comes back recognising the men leaving the house and his wife waving goodbye to them lol if that makes sense thank you
Disarmed by Kindness
Tangerine x reader
Found this in my requests and finally felt inspired enough to write something. Sorry for the long wait and I hope it was worth it. 🫣
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Tangerine wiped the sweat off his brow as he stood on the rooftop, his sharp eyes scanning the horizon. His job was nearly done. Just a few more days, and he’d be back home, where things were different—where he wasn’t just Tangerine the assassin, but your husband, the man who couldn’t figure out why someone as sweet as you would ever marry a grump like him.
His thoughts drifted to you: your warm smile, gentle hands, and that voice of yours that could soothe him even on his worst days. Every time someone learned that you were his wife, their brows would furrow, and their lips would purse in confusion. How could someone so kind, so impossibly good-hearted, be married to someone like him? It was a mystery that followed you both everywhere, but one that neither of you cared to solve. You fit together in a way that made sense only to you.
Meanwhile, back at your cozy home, you hummed a tune as you prepared some fresh lemonade. You had just finished baking a batch of lemon tarts, knowing they were his favorite, even though he always pretended to prefer more "manly" desserts. He’d be back soon, and you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he bit into one of the tarts.
As you set the table for lunch, you noticed a group of men lingering just beyond the front gate. They were tough-looking, with hard expressions and eyes that flickered with suspicion. Your heart skipped a beat, but only out of concern that they might be lost or in need of help. You quickly slipped on your apron and stepped outside, your bright smile leading the way.
“Hello there!” you called out, waving as you approached. The men, all too familiar with violence and the rougher side of life, were caught off guard by the sight of you—a small, smiling woman heading straight for them.
One of the men, clearly the leader, cleared his throat and put on his best menacing face. “Ma’am, we… uh… we’re looking for someone.”
“Well, you found me!” you beamed. “But I’m afraid you might be mistaken about who you’re looking for. Are you lost? Why don’t you come inside for some tea? I’ve just baked some lemon tarts, and they’re still warm.”
The men exchanged confused glances. This wasn’t how these things usually went. But something about you—your warmth, your kindness—disarmed them completely. Before they knew it, they were nodding and following you into the house, each one feeling more out of place than the last.
Inside, you bustled around the kitchen, brewing tea, slicing tarts, and setting out an array of sandwiches you had planned to eat alone. The men sat around the table, their bulky forms hunched awkwardly over the delicate teacups you handed them.
“So, who is it you’re looking for?” you asked sweetly as you poured them more tea.
The leader, struggling to remember why they were there in the first place, muttered, “We were sent to… uh… collect someone important.”
“Oh dear, I hope it’s nothing serious. You know, my husband is due back any day now. He’s such a dear, but I do worry about him when he’s away.” You sighed softly, the picture of a concerned wife.
The men felt a pang of guilt they weren’t accustomed to. They looked around at the cozy house, the floral curtains, the homemade meal. How could they possibly harm you or take you away? You were like a ray of sunshine, and they were nothing but storm clouds.
As they finished their tea, you packed up the remaining tarts into a neat little box and handed it to the leader. “For the road,” you said with a smile. “I wouldn’t want you going hungry.”
The men, now thoroughly confused and utterly charmed, left the house without so much as a harsh word. As they walked down the driveway, they glanced back to see you waving them off, your smile as bright as ever.
Just as they reached the street, Tangerine’s car pulled up. He stepped out, eyes narrowing as he recognized the men from a job he’d finished the week before. His hand instinctively moved toward the gun under his coat, but he stopped short when he saw you at the door, waving at the men with that sweet smile of yours.
The leader of the group met Tangerine’s gaze, and for a moment, it seemed like things could go south. But then the man raised the box of tarts, nodded once, and muttered, “You’ve got a good one there, mate.” And with that, they left, the mission completely forgotten.
Tangerine watched them go, then turned to you, who had already started fussing over him. “You’re back early! I didn’t even get a chance to make your favorite dinner yet,” you said, pulling him inside.
“What were those men doing here?” he asked, trying to keep his voice calm.
“Oh, them? Just some lost souls looking for directions, I think. They seemed nice enough once you got to know them,” you said, dismissing the incident with a wave.
Tangerine couldn’t help but smirk. Of course, you had no idea who they really were or what they had intended to do. You saw the good in everyone, even those who didn’t deserve it. And somehow, that goodness had protected you.
He pulled you into a tight embrace, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re something else, you know that?”
You looked up at him, your eyes full of warmth and love. “And you’re my grumpy bear. Now, come on, I’ve got lemon tarts.”
As you sat down to eat, Tangerine couldn’t shake the image of those hardened men walking away from your house, a box of tarts in hand, thoroughly disarmed by the woman he loved. You had a way of softening even the hardest of hearts, and in that moment, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.
No one would ever understand how you worked together, but that was fine. As long as you had each other, Tangerine knew he’d always have a reason to come home, no matter how tough the job.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 years
I have an idea for a tangerine x fem!reader, i was thinking a Mr and Mrs smith idea. So reader is married to tan and is also a contact killer/assassin but he doesn’t know this until he finds her on the train holding the briefcase
Then yanno the usual sexual tension and witty remarks 🤩
Thank youuuu
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Tangerine tried his best to keep his job away from you, it was hard but he did it.
You also tried to keep your job away from him, you both usually called and sometimes maybe on a weekend if you both weren’t busy.
You both lived busy lives, sure. But you still found time for each other, and still loved each other very much.
So it was very, extremely unexpected to see each other on the train.
You and your partner Ladybug walked around.
You noticed someone, and recognized him. As you guys were about to leave the train, A familiar face stopped you.
You both quickly ran onto the train.
“That’s my husbands brother!” You whispered.
“What? He shot me, like.. twice!” He whisper yelled back, and you both quickly ran away.
“So, let me get this straight, your husbands brother is just coincidentally on this train, and he’s also a contract killer. What the fuck does your husband do?”
“He said he just works in an office job!”
“So uh, you can’t really like freak out or anything because this is just a guess, but I’m pretty sure that he and his brother were the two who did that one Bolivia job.”
“You mean the one where they wiped out the white deaths crew?”
“Oh my god. I’ve been lied to my whole marriage.”
“Technically you’ve been lying too. Y’Know it would really help to process this-“
“Shut up!” You said, and pushed ladybug aside as you saw your husband walking towards you both.
“Right, right, sorry.” He said as you both hid.
“He doesn’t know. Holy shit. Holy shit. I’m about to be divorced.”
“No you won’t. Just talk it out-“ he hid in a storage area. You flicked him off and hid against a wall, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
He walked in, and he immediately saw you. It wasn’t exactly subtle.
He said your name, confused. You opened your eyes.
“Ta-da…” you said.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He asked.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“Work trip.”
“Me too.”
You both stared in silence as his phone rang. He answered it, still looking at you. You couldn’t hear what the other guy was saying.
After he hung up, he put his phone back in his pocket.
“I’m glad to see you, I haven’t seen you in a few days. But… seriously, what are you doing here?” He cleared his throat after a while.
“Like you said, work trip.”
He narrowed his eyes, and ladybug swore he could cut the tension with a knife. He felt as if he was watching some weird romantic action movie.
“Right, well, you should probably get off next stop. Lotta traffic after next stop…” he said.
You sighed and looked at ladybug for a second then back to him.
“I know you’re an assassin.” You said.
“Love, that is ridiculous-“ he said, way too quickly.
“Before you say anything- I am too. And I’m sorry for lying.”
“I’m not-“
“Seriously? You’re still lying?”
He felt guilty now.
“Fine. Yeah. I’m sorry for lying too.”
“So… you did the Bolivia job?”
You sighed, maybe he wouldn’t notice ladybug in the back.
“Well, uh, just- be careful, alright? We’ll talk when we get home.” You said.
“Yeah… you here for the case?” He asked.
“No. I came here to kill the wolf.” You lied.
“Alright.” He sighed, and fixed his mustache in the mirror, still not noticing ladybug.
“Love you.” He said, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and leaving.
“Love you too.”
Ladybug groaned and moved. He stood in front of you now.
“Well, now we’re fucked.”
“Y’Know, there was a lotta sexual tension there. It was so weird-“
“Shut it.”
“Yup, yup, sorry.”
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pretty-little-mind33 · 6 months
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Tangerine x fem!reader
Summary: After accidentally killing your kidnappers, the twins—especially Tangerine—seem determined to keep you away from harm.
Genre: Fluff, hurt & comfort
Warnings: protiective!Tangerine, innocent!civilian!reader, kidnapping, swearing, mentions of injury and blood, canon violence, plot diverts from canon, No Ladybug—the other assassin is supposed to be Carver (since i felt the characterization would have been too off otherwise!)
~ thanks for requesting! i hope you like this hehe <3 @kpopgirlbtssvt ~
So far, the mission was running smoothly.
Lemon and Tangerine had killed all the men in the warehouse and were now making their way out with the White Death's son. Approaching their car, Tangerine throws his bloodied poncho into the trunk as Lemon stuffs the son's passed out body in the backseat. 
"Shit, bruv, I dropped my knife in the warehouse," Lemon suddenly whines with a grimace. 
His brother sends him an annoyed look, "Fuckin' cry me a river will ya? It's just a knife."
Lemon narrows his eyes at Tangerine and slams the car door shut. He deadpans, "It's not just a knife. It's Willa. You'know she's my fav."
"Shouldn't have dropped 'er then, yeah?" Tangerine snaps. 
Lemon ignores him and walks back into the warehouse. He's gone for a while and Tangerine wonders if perhaps he'd been hurt. Just as his annoyance turns to worry, he sees Lemon emerge from the warehouse, looking incredibly concerned. 
"Tangerine, come here," Lemon calls him over and based on the seriousness of his voice, Tangerine reluctantly follows him. His nose scrunches as they walk around the dead bodies they are responsible for. Lemon pulls at a filthy white sheet that hangs in the corner and it falls to reveal a makeshift room with old, beaten, boxes.
However, Tangerine's blood runs cold when he sees you splayed across the mattress in the opposite corner. 
Lemon sends him a look. "Heard 'er shift. I think she's asleep," he says. 
Cautiously, they move closer and Tangerine hears the occasional quiet whimper escape your lips. He kneels beside you, brows furrowing heavily, as with a gentle hand he pulls on your shoulder so you shift from your side onto your back. Your arm falls limp over the mattress and your head rolls to face him, causing Tangerine to inhale sharply. 
Your eyes are shut and your hair is messily splayed around and across your face. You're dressed in a pair of pajama shorts, worn out sneakers, and a tank top, the flimsy bedsheet the bastard that had done this to you had provided you with barely covers your bruised and exposed skin. 
Tangerine's jaw clenches when he sees the fingerprints on your thighs and arms. He looks at Lemon, who shrugs his shoulders and then leans over you to take your wrist and check your pulse. 
"Sleeping," he repeats. 
"Drugged," Tangerine argues and runs a hand over his face. Part of him wants to leave you here. You aren't his responsibility. He has a job to finish and anyway, he'd already killed the men who took you—probably? Hopefully? Fuck. He glances at Lemon, who seems debating the same thing and then Lemon catches his eye, as usual, his brother reads his fucking mind. 
"We have to take 'er," Lemon whispers, "She's innocent."
Tangerine looks at you again and his frown remains. Innocent. For all they know you could be the fucking evil mastermind behind it all. Maybe this was your plan all along and they're the fools who have fallen for the trick.
Only, his eyes soften when he watches your chest lift and fall a little harshly. You look so strangely delicate and it's making Tangerine lose his mind. 
No, you couldn't be anything other than pure innocence. 
Without another word, Tangerine shifts and hooks his arms under you. Your dead weight leans against his chest as the sheet falls from the curve of your foot and his hands tighten around you in fear you'll shiver from the sudden cold. 
Lemon watches his brother for a moment, a small smirk tugging at his lips. As much as he wants to, he doesn't comment on the scene in front of him.
* * *
Your head feels like it's spinning. The man you learned is named Lemon is yapping your ear off as you squeeze through the train aisle. You almost bump into him as he struggles with the poor man they'd told you bumped his head, and then the second man who'd introduced himself as Tangerine almost bumps into you.
You squeal, almost tripping, but Tangerine grunts and wraps his arm around your stomach so you don't fall. 
Quickly, as Lemon finds a booth and pushes the third man to lean against the window, Tangerine removes his arm and pretends like he didn't feel how badly you tensed under his touch. Raw anger simmers inside him at the mere idea of what your kidnappers had put you through.  
You watch as Lemon disappears with the silver briefcase for a moment and you wrap Tangerine's checkered coat closer around you. It's cool in the train and your exposed thighs and arms prickle with goosebumps. You don't dare complain. Tangerine sits next to you and he sends you a look. 
"Ya cold, luv?" he asks seriously. 
You look up at him, eyes widened innocently, and hesitate before you nod. Tangerine hums, happy you're communicating in some way, and he looks around. He stands and disappears down the aisle.
Lemon obscures your view for a moment when he sits across from you and when Tangerine returns, he's holding a sweatshirt over his arm. He hands it to you without a word and when Lemon gives his brother a confused look. Tangerine rolls his eyes and says, "What? I nicked it for 'er. She's cold."
Lemon hides a smirk as he holds up his arm in surrender and doesn't say much more. You slowly let Tangerine's coat fall from your shoulders as you slip on the sweatshirt. It's large enough to cover up to your mid-thigh and you feel less uneasy.
"So, ya really don't remember what those men wanted with ya?" Lemon interrupts.
You shrink in your seat. You wish you could remember more of your kidnapping so you could tell them. When you came to, you were already in the Twins car and they'd informed you you had been drugged and most likely kidnapped. You couldn't remember why. 
While the Twins had been nothing but kind to you, you still can't shake the feeling that they aren't the knights in shining armor you want them to be. You peer at Tangerine as he plucks a pack of snacks from the passing trolley. Without hesitation, he turns and hands them to you. 
You sit up a little and look at the snacks, eyes round. Tangerine nods silently as if to say, "It's okay," and then turns his attention to his brother, his blue eyes sharp. "She said she doesn't remember. Will ya lay off her?" he snaps.
You open the snacks and eat them up quickly. You hiss as your split lip opens from your carelessness but you continue to eat anyway.
Lemon and Tangerine bicker again but you're too focused on the food in your palms to care. Lemon sends you a sympathetic look as Tangerine calms down and the third man, who is sitting in a booth across from you all, starts to stir. 
* * *
"I am not leaving 'her alone with 'im!" Tangerine exclaims as he stares at Lemon like he's lost his mind. Lemon throws his hands up in the air and glares at his brother. "I don't trust 'im. If he's anything like his Daddy then he's bad fuckin' news," Tangerine reasons.
"So, what's your plan then? You gonna keep her safe by your side, hm? Someone took our case and I can guarantee they aren't gonna play nicely, bruv! She's a fuckin' liability, that's what she is!" 
Lemon raises good points but Tangerine ignores him completely. 
"She's our responsibility now, Lemon," he says sternly but he's distracted by the doors to the cabin sliding open and your frame slamming into his chest. Surprised, he tenses as your hands grasp helplessly at his suit and hide behind him. Lemon looks as puzzled as his brother when he sees how scared you look. 
However, unlike Lemon, Tangerine is in a panic. He spins around and holds onto your shoulders. He leans down as you hyperventilate, his heart beating so loudly. "Hey, hey, luv, what happened? Are ya hurt? What's wrong? Tell me," he says. His large hands move up to cup your tear-stained cheeks as he tries to calm you down.
You make small gasping sounds and point to the now shut doors you just came from. "T-the man! H-he w-was poisoned! I saw the person in the costume prick him with something and now there's blood coming out of his eyes. I think he's dead!" you sound completely horrified and Tangerine can't help himself when he wraps you in his arms and holds you closer.
Lemon paces behind him, clearly alarmed that the white death's son was murdered under their care, but Tangerine is only focused on you.
"Hey, darlin', can you look at me," he whispers as he tries to ground you. "You're fine. Shh, you're okay now. You did the right thing running to us, hmm?" you nod, still clutching onto Tangerine. Lemon scoffs from behind you and his brother sends him a dark look. "She's staying with me," Tangerine says. 
"Your funeral mate," Lemon says and unlocks his gun. He looks at you and his eyes soften for a moment before they land on Tangerine. "You've gone completely sweet for 'er," he says in a whisper, almost like he can't believe he's saying those words out loud, "be careful." 
You look up at Tangerine and see his jaw clench for a moment. Something flickers in his eyes—denial perhaps—but he just ignores Lemon's warning and guides you back into the train compartment to make a plan. 
* * *
Your head is throbbing as it hits the wall of the train. You hear ringing in your ears as Tangerine's shouts become hazy. You feel a hand curl around the hood of your sweatshirt as you're yanked up and thrown to the opposite side of the room again. You crash into the cupboards as foods from the shelves fall onto you.  
"Fuckin' bastard," Tangerine seethes, recovering from a punch the man had landed in his stomach. He lunges and hits the man in the nose, the crack audible, as the man crumbles to the ground. Tangerine sees red as he straddles the man and punches him repeatedly. "Ya don't fuckin' touch 'er! Ya hear me? I see one fuckin' bruise from your fingerprints on her again and I'll break all your fuckin' bones!" 
You struggle to stand, shards of glass stuck in your palms as you watch the scene with a scared expression. The man slams a glass onto Tangerine's head and taunts cruelly, "What's she to you, hm? One of your little bitches? Your reputation betrays you, Tangerine." You wince at this man's words and when he stares at you, your breath hitches.
"Huh, you one of his bitches, girl? A stunner like you shouldn't be involved with men like him, you know—but, I can see why he keeps you around, I mean you're—" 
Tangerine interrupts him with a hard punch in the jaw and his sentence falls short. Without hesitation, Tangerine takes your wrist in his hand and speed-walks away from the scene. You stumble after him as he grunts in pain from the blows he'd taken. When he finds an empty bathroom, he pushes you inside as he crams into the small space. 
Tangerine's hip is digging into the sink as he holds up your palm. "Shit, look at your hand," he mutters and then looks up at you more closely, "You aren't too hurt, are ya? I'm sorry, darlin'." 
You stare at him, your adrenaline pumping, and blurt out the first thing you think of as you look at the cuts and bruises across his face, and at how disheveled and bloody his suit has become. "You look like shit," you say with concern, and with your other hand, you push some curls away from his forehead. Your fingers dance across his skin delicately, too worried for him to realize what exactly you're doing
Tangerine's eyebrows raise in surprise and he laughs. You pull your hand away and stare up at him, your wounds obvious from the blows that the other assassin had landed on you. However, he just smirks. "Atta girl," he whispers, and almost as if on instinct he moves to press his knuckles to your cheek. You feel the warmth spread across them. 
Clearing his throat, he pulls his arm away and looks down to unlock his gun. "We gotta find Lemon and we need to get off this god-forsaken train—job be damned. I'm not putting you at risk anymore." You nod, wiping some blood from the corner of your mouth with your sleeve.
"You stay behind me and listen closely. If I say jump, you jump, understand?" he says and slides the door to the bathroom open.
* * *
Tangerine feels his eyes hang heavy as he tries to erase the memory of Lemon's dead body. His heart is pounding as he feels your hands clutch around his arm. He hadn't let you see Lemon, not fully, but you'd cried from the situation anyway (and in fear of his anger he assumes). 
After all, he is furious.
"Fuckin' diesel bitch," he mutters, his gun pointed at the girl dressed in pink.
The young girl snarls and stares at him defiantly. She doesn't seem scared of him. However, as soon as the third assassin—the brown-haired man from earlier—enters, she screams. Tangerine senses you tense beside him and he quickly moves to shield you as the man points his gun at you and him. 
Tangerine fires his gun sloppily and it hits the man in his neck. However, he's too slow to prevent the man's bullet from hitting you in the shoulder.  
You shriek and the pain is excruciating as you fall to the ground. Tangerine spins around, catching you in time as he holds you close and applies pressure to your wound. He holds up your head as he looks into your teary eyes.
"Shit, fuck, fuck, hey–shh, you're okay," he promises, his voice strained. You're not trained for the pain and as much as Tangerine tries to prevent you from looking, your eyes move to your shoulder. 
There's blood everywhere. 
Tangerine can see that you're in shock as your eyelids flutter. He holds you up but he can't think as you lose consciousness. He wants to scream and he slams his hand onto the ground next to you, desperately holding you to him. 
He needs to help you.
* * * 
When you wake, you hear Tangerine's voice loud and clear— "You told me you weren't wearing yer fuckin' vest!" he snaps, pacing around the small motel room. Your eyelids flutter and you see Lemon—Lemon!— sitting on the second queen bed, his head in his hands. Tangerine's pendant still hangs from his neck. 
"Will ya stop screaming at me!?" Lemon hisses, pinching his nose.
"I though' ya'd died!!" 
From where you lay you can see how furious Tangerine looks. His suit is still bloody and he looks as disheveled as he did on the train. You can hear how pained he sounds and your heart sinks.
Lemon is silent for a moment and then he stands. Without any smart comment or argument, he walks over to his brother and wraps his arm around Tangerine's shoulders. Instantly, Tangerine's body seems to melt into Lemon and you hear a choked sob as they hug—you aren't entirely sure who it's from. 
After a moment, Lemon pulls away first but puts his hand on the back of Tangerine's nape. "I see ya managed to keep 'er safe," he says, amusement in his voice as he turns to you and you shut your eyes so they'll think you're still asleep. 
"Barely," Tangerine's voice is strained, "She's hurt. I tried'a stitch her up as best I could but I ain't no fuckin' doctor. She was passed out the entire time—hope she didn't feel a thing."
You hadn't.
"You care about 'er," Lemon states and you hold your breath. 
"I don't," Tangerine insists quickly. "She's just a responsibility. Nothin' more, nothin' less."
Your chest tightens at his words and you feel very stupid. Why would he care more than that? You're still strangers. You don't even know his favorite color. All you know is that you care.
He'd saved you. He was your savior. How could you move on and pretend he wasn't? How could you move on and just not see him anymore?
Lemon sighs sadly, "Why is it so hard for you to admit you care about someone?"
"Because everything I care about dies. Gone. Just like that, Lemon," you hear Tangerine snap his fingers and you flinch, "I don' want 'er to die because of me. Because I cared too much to let her go and live a normal fuckin' life!" 
You bite down on your lip—hard. 
"I–fuck, you don't understand Lemon," Tangerine says and you wish you could open your eyes to see him. You want to see him so badly but you can't so you stay still, listening in. "I almost lost you and you're a trained assassin! She's just a girl. I can't protect her. I couldn't even protect her tonight."
You want to tell him that he's wrong. He can! He had! Without him, you'd still be kidnapped or worse, dead. 
"Mate, you're too hard on yourself," Lemon reasons. 
"No. I'm not. I can't fuck up. Fuckin' up means death," Tangerine says sternly, his tone ending the conversation.
You hear faint footsteps and then the mattress dips as someone's nimble fingers find your hairline and push away some stray hairs. Is it weird that you recognize his touch already? You stir unconsciously and shift onto your back, your eyes opening. 
You're unaware that as they flutter, all Tangerine is picturing as his blue ones staring back at you is the way you looked when they'd found you—hair messy and spilled across the dirty mattress, skin bruised and bloody. His stomach churns and he feels sick. 
"Hi, darlin'," he mutters, and then his fingers, slow and deliberate, move to pull down the blanket so he can access your bound shoulder. You tilt your head and wince when you see the blood seeping through the plaster.
"May I?" Tangerine asks as his hand hovers over your shoulder. You nod, staring up at him with widened eyes as he checks over your wound. 
As he works, you're overwhelmed and you have to look away. When you do, your eyes fall on Lemon. "Lemon," you say, "you're alive!" 
Lemon cracks a smile and runs a hand over his face, "I am. Were ya sad, bird?"
It's meant to be teasing but you nod instantly and Lemon's eyebrows crease. He looks at Tangerine, who stands up and pulls the covers over you again. "She's a sweet bird, ain't she?" Lemon says as he smiles fondly. Tangerine nods and moves some hair behind his ear as the strands fall messily. 
"Yeah," is all he answers and then he tells you, "Rest up now, luv. Your stitches are solid and you need sleep. It's been a long day." You wonder if he knows you'd overheard his conversation with Lemon or if he's blissfully unaware. You try and sit up but Tangerine scowls, "Hey, now, none of that," he reprimands. 
"Don't leave me," you say seriously and Tangerine's eyes round.
"I don't want to be alone—" you whisper and settle into the pillows again, looking up at him. 
"Lemon and I will just be over," Tangerine starts to explain but you reach out and grasp his wrist. You stare up at him silently and Lemon chuckles. 
"Think she wants ya to sleep with 'er," he says and Tangerine's cheeks turn pink at the double meaning. He sends Lemon a glare but sits back down beside you. He lets you hold onto his wrist as he thinks of a plan. 
You wonder if asking him to lay next to you is too much. You would understand if he refuses.
"I'm gonna clean up a little," Tangerine finally says, "and then Lemon can take the other bed and I'll—I'll sit here, on the floor, and hold your hand so you can sleep?"
His voice has a slight tremble you wonder if he's suppressing, and you can't help but wish he'd just hold you.
"You'll be uncomfortable," you try persuading him as he stands and his wrist slips from your hand.
"I want to keep watch tonight anyways," Tangerine says and smiles. It isn't a smirk—no it's a real smile. You don't argue as you nod.
Your arm dangles from the bed as you try and stay awake long enough to know Tangerine will actually hold your hand. You feel your body slip in and out of sleep as you catch only fragments of Tangerine's conversation with Lemon through the open bathroom door. 
"We'll call Billy tomorrow morning and she can call 'er family—tell'em she's safe."
"Ya know, ya could just sleep in the bed—next to her—it's really not that odd,"
"Shut up,"
You're so close to sleep your eyelids feel so heavy that when you hear quiet shuffling near your ear, you can't even open your eyes. Your hand twitches and a soft sound escapes your lips when you feel Tangerine's fingers interlock with yours. 
"I'm here," he whispers, the sound so quiet if you weren't so close to him you'd miss it. You hear the sound of his head hitting the bedside table and with an exhausted wince, you shift closer, your hand squeezing his. 
"Thank you f-for everything," you manage to mumble, your eyes remaining shut. You aren't sure your thanks escaped your lips audibly because he doesn't answer. You slip into sleep, unaware of Tangerine's mind racing as his hand remains in yours. 
Don't thank me, he thinks, please. 
His drowsy eyes are trained on the motel door as Lemon washes up in the bathroom. He refuses to shut them. While his back is already aching from sitting on the floor and his arm is tired from being in such an awkward position to hold your hand, he doesn't move. 
Instead, he listens to your calm breathing as you sleep. It's so different from when he'd found you—you'd been so scared and, even drugged, your body had been on edge.
Now, you sound so calm and secure and as silly as it sounds, Tangerine's chest tightens. As long as he can help it he'll make sure you're never that scared and vulnerable again.  
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takenbypeter · 3 months
Chicken Soup
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Tangerine x reader
Words: 539
Based on the prompt: “I didn’t ask you to do that?” “You didn’t have to.” From @deity-prompts
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There were a few people you could’ve expected to appear at your building door knowing you were sick. 
Your mom, your best friend, even your sibling. Who you didn’t expect to show up with a paper bag of who knows what in his hand was Tangerine. 
Gripping the blanket that was already encased around your body, you left him at the open door turning back around to the comfort of your couch. Letting him enter the room himself. 
Tangerine and you had a pretty basic relationship. 
Well actually you were friends with Lemon initially and then in turn sort of friends with Tangerine since he was practically always around. 
While you and Lemon clicked instantly, Tangerine and you…took a little longer. At first you thought he was just a rude arrogant asshole, but then you learned he was just a dependable asshole who was pretty loyal to those he cared for. 
An old married couple is what Lemon called the two of you, since you’ve gotten into the habit of bickering with the man.
“What are you doing here?” You mumbled out, face half pressed against your cushions. 
“What is that? Is that the bulls—t thanks I get for coming to see my dear sick friend.”
You glared at him from your spot as he stepped closer, setting the bag on the table in front of you. 
You were tired and you felt gross, “I don’t want to get into this with you today all I want is to lay here and die.”
With your eyes shut you failed to notice the smirk that was appearing on his face. “Woah, woah, no talking about dying.”
“Tan, you’re literally an assassin.”
“That’s a fact,” he sat on the end by your legs causing you to scrunch your body to make more room for him. He tapped your ankles three times,and you open your eyes again, watching while he reached for the bag. 
“But you’re not going to die today,” he added. 
Interest piqued you sit up while he takes a round white container out from the bag. 
“Chicken soup,” he said, opening it then reaching into the bag again and pulling out a familiar casing, “cold medicine.”
You blinked at the objects in front of you, surprised by the unforeseen gesture. 
“I didn’t ask you to do all this,” you said vaguely remembering the sick text you had sent to Lemon earlier that day, which no doubt is how the information got to Tangerine. 
“You didn’t have to.”
You don’t know if it was the sickness or the gesture but you looked at Tangerine. Really looked at him. In that moment you saw who he really was and while it may have taken you a long time to see it you were happy you did. 
You must’ve been staring because his expression grew a bit sour, “what is this? What are you doing?” 
You just shook your head in response while he looked you up and down. 
Giving his throat a good cough he pointed at the bowl, “go on then, don’t want to eat cold soup now do you?”
And while it was just regular ole chicken soup, something about it just seemed extra delicious that night. 
203 notes · View notes
queers-gambit · 9 months
Fine Line
prompt: ( requested ) going after the same silver briefcase, you and Tangerine exchange more than a few blows. pun intended.
pairing: Tangerine x female!assassin!reader
fandom masterlist: Bullet Train
word count: 5.2k+
note: got a little outside my comfort zone with this one, so, hopefully it's not 1000% trash but you've been warned now.
warnings: codename "Peach", basically the request with a FEW tweaks here and there, so, some spoilers, cursing, (shitty) slutty smut [spitting, squirting, mean!Tan, PIV, male receiving oral, degrading behavior, talk of tops and bottoms], Tan is a switch i do not care, is this enemies to lovers? yes. depiction of canon-typical physical violence, blood, injury.
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There was a fine line between love and hate.
You love your family, but God Almighty, did you hate their behavior in most public settings. You love homemade cake, but hate the entire baking process, especially the dishes. You love getting your nails done and feeling pampered, but hate sitting still in one place for that amount of time.
And you love getting fucked, but hate dealing with people.
The whole meeting someone, getting to know them, getting to a place of comfort to bring them home. It was a hassle, it was annoying to you; akin to an inconvenience and disruption. You didn't mind Tinder, actually - thinking of it as "Dick on Demand", never really needing the awkward stages of acquaintanceship. You didn't like going out places "to meet people", too busy with your work to truly put forth effort. Plus, your job didn't exactly allow for romantic entanglements to become knots; you had to keep loose and available.
This is what made your job ideal: it was remote, kept you busy, on the move, without the weight of baggage attached to people. Plus, it didn't give time nor room for anyone to become attached to you - something that always made you impossibly uncomfortable. A job such as this made life impossibly lonely, but you operated better this way - without anyone needing you, worrying about you, keeping tabs, being in your business. You liked being on your own, it was just easier. It made sense. There was logic behind it.
Didn't mean you were 100% alone, however. You had "coworkers"... Sorta. You had employers, though you were unsure where exactly they were stationed. You, yourself, resided mostly in London, but operated globally, wherever you were needed - or more like wherever you were sent to. These "coworkers" of yours had similar jobs, and while you hated putting a label on basically anything, in laymen's terms, you were a contract killer. Those you interacted with, typically, were other contract killers - but usually working different jobs.
Rarely were multiples from the same organization sent on the same job, yet it still happened.
On the off chance, you encountered a few individuals that were employed by other organizations; making them rivals instead of coworkers.
You were unsure which this all was yet...
You had been contracted by an invisible, anonymous employer to retrieve a silver briefcase with a train sticker on the handle, your handler encouraging you to get off the bullet train the moment it was in your possession. But there was a problem: you weren't the only one working this case, if the Ladybug twat and Twins was any indication.
When you located the case, you were instantly engaged by the blonde man with thick, black framed glasses; honestly getting the shit kicked out of you.
Currently, you were in possession of the case, but that was sure to change since it had already switched hands multiple times that chaotic night. You had come to a skidding halt, panting heavily, bent over on your knees in a vacant first class train car after escaping (momentarily) from Ladybug. Spitting blood from your mouth, you dialed your handler with shaking fingers; heaving a deep sniffle.
"You still alive?"
"I'll fuckin' choke you myself, Susan, I swear t'God," you groaned, sliding to the ground in exhaustion; wiping the trail of blood from your nose with a grimace.
Susan chuckled, "What's happening, honey girl?"
"Y-You didn't tell me I wasn't the only one workin' this!"
"Well, I heard rumor the Twins might be on the same case, but you usually beat them to the punch, don't you?"
"Yeah, but not this time," you winced.
"I'm sure Tangerine was happy to see you," you could hear her grin.
"Fuck off."
"He's into you, you know."
"The man snapped my tibia, punctured my kidney, and broke my nose - don't think that constitutes as anything romantic."
"Oh, you're into it," she laughed. "And don't act as if he ever walked away, scot free. If I remember correctly, you've shanked him twice?"
"He deserved it," you coughed. "Listen, fuck Tangerine - "
"I know you want to."
"Susan! Fuckin' listen to me!" You snarled. "They're not alone - there's another guy. For fuck's sake, Susan, I just got my arse kicked by a dude with a manbun!"
"Another guy? With a manbun? They're still in style?"
"Oh, my God - does it even mat - YES, they're always in style. Listen, this guy goes by the name Ladybug. Who do we know that uses codenames like that? What org?"
"Hmm," Susan thought aloud.
"What?" You spat blood from your mouth again, licking at the split lip.
"Could be KBS? They use animal codenames on rotation."
"Fuck all," you groaned. "Well, Mr. Ladybug can throw a fuckin' punch. Think he cracked a rib. But you know what? He's handsome. Almost feel bad for knockin' his lights out."
"Where are you?"
You looked around, "Emotionally? Physically?"
"You know what I mean, Peach. Where's the case?"
"With me," you assured, "uh, and I, uh... I'm not 100% where I am, I missed a couple stops fightin' these dumbfucks. Might be four stops from Kyoto? Five?"
"Get off before the end of the line," Susan warned. "At this point, I don't care if you have the case or not."
"Wait... Susan, what's that mean?"
She paused and sighed deeply, "All right, fine, time to get serious. Some intel came in, Peach... And the White Death bought out the train until the end of the line. I actually care about your safety and this just screams danger, so, get off before Kyoto, Peach, my girl. Hear me?"
"I hear you, mamas," you agreed. "I'll get off next... Stop... Oh, you've got t'be joking! Fuck me!"
"Gladly," Tangerine smirked and jokingly reached for his belt with perked brows, standing in the automatic doorway; looking beat to hell, similar to you.
You glared at him and offered your middle finger, his hands dropping as he surveyed the train car.
"I'll call you back, Susan," you deflected into the phone, quickly hanging up and deflating. "Jesus fuck, look, I'm really not in the mood, Tan. Can we just make this quick? The fuck you want?"
"Do I look like I'm here t'play fuckin' games, Peach?" Tangerine asked, stalking slowly towards where you were slumped in the aisle, mid-train car, while dripping in his own blood.
"Still look like a clown t'me," you quipped. "I'll ask again: the fuck you want, Tangerine?"
"Gonna need that case, sweet peach."
You scoffed. "Seriously? You're after it, too?"
"'Fraid so."
"How many of us are on assignment? For this one fuckin' case?" You snipped, kicking the case a little.
"You look like you've seen the Ladybug fucker, haven't yah, doll?"
"He with you?"
"Fuck no."
"Where's Lemon, then?"
"Few back," He gestured back over his shoulder, pausing when you got to your feet. "C'mon, love, don't do this," He warned, mustache curling as his lip did. There was a deranged look in his eye, something stirring in your gut; seeing the shine of tears never shed, the anger, a high-strung energy filling the space around you.
"I just want off this train, Tan," you begged quietly. "Look, call it whatever you want, but something else is goin' on here - shit ain't right. Be honest, how much more difficult has tonight been? Why have we all been sent after the same briefcase? When it's supposed to just be a fucking grab job?"
Tangerine cocked his head, "Nah, no, we're on delivery."
"Yeah, supposed t'deliver this kid and the case t'his father in Kyoto," his brows knit together.
You scolded, "You dumb fuckin' idiot!"
"I beg your pardon, sweetheart?" He leered, stepping another step closer; knotting your stomach.
"You workin' for the White Death?"
"How'd you - "
"Susan got intel, said he bought out the train, Tan. Fuck's really goin' on?"
Tangerine's jaw flexed, sighing through his nose, "Guess cat's out the bag now, innit? Yeah," he sighed, shrugging a bit, "we're doin' this job for him."
"Which means he's gonna kill us at the end of the line - why else ensure there's no other witnesses?" There was a long pause, both staring into each other's eyes without shifting attention. You shrugged and whispered, "You know, we could just jump off the bloody train. Grab Lem, get off the train before Kyoto, just fuckin' go."
"Who gets the case?"
"Where's the kid you've gotta deliver?"
"Dead - murdered, actually."
"Then you're already fucked and your job's done," you shrugged, "so, I keep the case and we all three keep our lives."
Tan sighed through his nose, offering, "You drive a temptin' bargain, love. Always enjoy our li'l run-ins," his hand extended to rest on your waist, freezing time. "But I can't walk away without that case. Lemon's down, he's been drugged, so, trust me, I'm all for just jumpin' ship, but I need the case, darlin'."
"So do I, I have somewhere else to deliver it."
"Then we have ourselves a Mexican Standoff, then, yeah?"
"No, that'd require a third."
"Kinky, but I prefer t'keep things between us, wouldn't you?" He purred against your lips, not quite kissing you as his hand tightened over bruised skin.
"Tan, don't do this," you breathed in the space between you.
"For whatever it's worth, I do usually feel bad after kickin' your arse - though, I'd much rather prefer t'kiss it."
"We can arrange that later," you smiled prettily, surging forward to kiss him fully. It was sweaty, cruel, bloody, and rough - everything you knew Tangerine to be. Yet right when he seemed entranced enough, both his hands caging your hips to his, you bit his lip in time to bring your knee up into his groin.
It sparked your fight, both exchanging blows without hesitation. You could feel your adrenaline propelling you, but it was quickly dwindling as Tangerine seemed renewed and invigorated by your fight. You, however, fought dirty; you had to - you had no other choice. He was physically bigger, stronger, but you were faster, and dare you say it, smarter. You didn't need integrity when defending yourself, easily using Tan's strength against him to add to the collect of bruises, cuts, and blood smears. But he still managed to manhandle you, sending you careening into empty seats and giving you whiplash.
You managed to swing on his back, preventing him from reaching his gun; legs coiling around his arms and flexing your abs to yank backwards. You grunted when you hit an empty bench, his head bouncing between your breasts; holding him hostage for a brief moment before you felt his hands grip your thighs in an innocently provocative way.
The moan from your lungs was unintentional, Tan flipping you both so you were on your stomach; him hovering over your back with a grunt. But there was a familiar feeling pressed into your bottom, head lifting slightly to struggle under Tangerine's grip; his reaction being exactly what you wanted as he pressed further into you.
"Just - fucking stay still!" He barked, trying to pin your hands behind you.
"Oh, you'd like that, huh?" You snapped, still struggling. "Some submissive li'l bitch?"
"Oh, darlin', I love me a top," he growled in your ear, grinding his swelling cock further into your ample arse cheeks, "but only good girls are so lucky. But don't worry," he chuckled, "I usually have cuffs on me for the bad girls, hey?"
"Fuck off, Tan, get off," you grunted, wriggling; grinding your hips up into him to try and dislodge him. He breathed deeper, and your mind played tricks on you because you swore you felt him grind back.
"I quite like this position, though, love."
"Thought you liked a top?"
"Doesn't mean I can't enjoy my own moments, huh? And you seem like you're far too used t'gettin' your way."
"So, which is it, then? You wanna fuck me or get fucked by me?"
"That an earnest question?"
You paused, "If it means I get the case, fuck yeah."
"That's not what it means, doll, but if what Susan says is true..." He nuzzled your neck briefly, lips ghosting your ear, mustache tickling your skin as he finished, "Might not get another chance."
You know he loosened his grip to let your arms snap back under you; groaning in relief. After panting for a moment, you lifted your head again, feeling his cheek brush yours and pausing to relish in the oddly intimate position. "We can always get the fuck off this train? Find a hotel in a nearby city?" You offered. "Can get me all night if you play your cards right."
"Know I can't, sweet peach," he whispered.
"Then why waste more time?" You mused, hissing when his mouth instantly fell to your neck in an open kiss that scraped his teeth into your soft flesh. "Hey - no! No ti-ime," your word hitched when he licked the sensitive skin in-sync with a roll of his hips, thrusting his hardening cock into the crease of your cheeks; making your spine shudder when his teeth scraped again.
"We got a li'l time," he promised. "Enough for a taste? You as sweet as your name, baby? Huh?"
"Tan, oh, my God," you breathed in disbelief when he reared back and manhandled you so he could unlatch the buckle of your belt and start shucking the material from your hips. "What if someone - "
"Shut up," he snapped, freeing your thighs. "Got me too fuckin' worked up t'worry 'bout someone walkin' in, yeah? Both know what's waitin' for us, don't we?"
"The White Death," you felt him yank your pants to your ankles and then shove your shoes off, pants following to the floor. "Fuck's sake!" You yelped when he roughly fingered your slit over your newly exposed panties, hearing his belt buckle jingle.
"Oi, no - "
"Fuck off," you snapped when you turned over suddenly, forcing him to pull back and glare, "I wanna watch - might as well give me a show, right? Since you're 'bouta get us all killed?"
He scoffed, "You're gettin' off the train, darlin', you're not meetin' the White Death tonight."
"Damn straight," you hooked your panties with your thumbs, lifting your hips, yanking the garment down as Tangerine continued to unlatch his belt, peel down his zipper, then pull both his boxers and trousers down in one motion.
"This isn't gonna be soft and sweet, love," he warned, standing over you on the train seat; pumping his cock to full mast while never lifting his eyes from you. "I've wanted you longer than I'll ever admit, I've got some ideas."
Your eyes rolled and fingers skated down your dampening cunt, "You're on a time schedule, maybe shut the fuck up and just fuck me already?"
He scoffed, lowering himself over you and making you gulp in anticipation; hands gravitating to his blackened waist. "You sure got a fuckin' mouth on you, don't'cha? That's all right, doll, I got somethin' for yah." His hand rose to pop a few buttons on your blouse, exposing your bra, asking, "You got a safe word?"
"Hmm? What?"
"No, that's my safe word."
"You fuckin' shithead," he hissed over your mouth, lips parting in a silent gasp when his hot cock dropped over your cunt in a tantalizing tease. "Be serious for once, yeah?"
You shrugged, "How's about 'pineapple', or is that one of your buddies names?"
"Pineapple it is," he grumbled, descending to your lips in a searing kiss that stole your breath and made your nails curl into his flesh. But a whimper emitted when he pulled back suddenly, standing over you, and moving towards your head. "Open," he demanded, holding his cockhead at your lips. "Don't give me shit about time, you need t'learn. Open your mouth."
You obediently opened your lips and Tan wasted no time in thrusting himself into your mouth; not too deep, not too rough, but enough to make you inhale sharply and readjust your position. Your one hand pumped what couldn't fit in your mouth, the other holding his thigh for balance; choking from the awkward position, but it made Tan smirk.
"That's it, see? Not so hard," he mocked. "Just gotta keep your mouth busy." You whimpered, cradling his balls; giving a playful squeeze that made him moan lightly. "Fuck, you look so pretty like this," he reached for your cheek and jaw, gently moving his hips - making you pause yourself to let him move. "Oh, fuck, that's - fuck," he seethed, "just let me do whatever I want t'you, won't you? Take a li'l more, good, good, just breathe," he guided, mouth opening in shock when he watched more of himself disappear in your mouth. "Oh, Jesus - you're such a dirty fuckin' girl, look at yah - so eager, willing," he nearly choked when he hit the back of your throat. "Shit - baby, don't," he paused to grunt, hunching over slightly and holding himself up on the back cushion of the train's seating. "Don't hurt yourself," he whimpered, your jaw opening just a fraction more, throat constricting when his cockhead slid against your uvula.
"Oh, my God," he praised, testing the waters and trying to thrust - but your gagging and choking made him pull back. "Okay, okay, too much, sorry, love. Oh, shit," he gasped when you didn't let him pull out all the way, still sucking him as if you were getting paid for it. "Yeah? 'S like that? Oh, you Godsend angel. Gonna be good fa' me? Huh? Keep quiet?" He asked gruffly, making you swallow around him; earning a hiss. "You're fuckin' dangerous, aren't you?" He scoffed, "Too bad I won't get t'take my time, innit? Fuck."
You hummed as he retracted his hips fully. His eyes caught yours as he spread your saliva around his swollen member, hearing you mumble, "Can still get off with me."
He sighed, "Isn't that easy, doll," as he lowered himself back onto the bench over you. "There's more at stake - "
"I know," you nodded, guiding his forehead to yours as you pet his cheeks; the cut he earned smearing against your skin. "Just an offer, ain't it? Just thought if yah did come, could actually have yah in my mouth - like I want." You both paused, you telling him in a whisper, "Can choke me with your cock - hmm?"
He groaned, nuzzling your nose once before kissing you swiftly, deeply. His tongue swept against yours, tasting himself briefly; rubbing his warm cock into your inner thigh as he swallowed your moans of budding pleasure. So caught up in the way he made you feel, you squeaked when his hand suddenly rose and clasped around your throat, eyes popping open as your own hands dropped to his waist in shock.
"Choke me with your dick, Tan," you reminded.
"This works, though, still shuts you up."
"You're so fuckin' bold for this," you accused, gasping when his hand tightened.
"Then maybe shut the fuck up, girl, Goddamn," he seethed, biting your bottom lip, reopening the split, tightening his hand another degree. "You're gonna be a good fuckin' girl, aren't you? Huh? Think you can manage that? Know you got a problem with authority, doll, but you're gonna do as you're told, aren't yah?"
You glared but didn't answer.
"Yeah, that's real good," he mused when you had no words. "Now open your fuckin' mouth again."
When you did, he dribbled a line of spit onto your tongue, squeezing his hand around your throat and jaw when he wanted you to swallow. His smirk was something sinister and devious, peaking down to then paw your blouse the rest of the way open and tug your bra down until your breasts were exposed.
"Fuckin' knew you had great tits," he grit while gripping, twisting, tweaking your breast meat and nipple; not letting go of your throat to ensure your silence. "Not good for much else, huh? Are you?" He sneered, "Only sent on a grab job, weren't you? But look at you now, so fuckin' ready for me, so needy, excited, all distracted, desperate for my cock - aren't you? Answer me right fuckin' now," he growled.
"Yes," you croaked, gyrating your hips up into his; feeling his bare cock drag over your cunt and salivating.
"Good," he spoke to himself, shoving your hips back down as one hand rose to hold his cheek to keep yourself grounded. He chuckled to himself, "Just pathetic, innit? The way you crave me? Dumb fuckin' girl, can't even focus on a simple mission, can she? Huh? Can you?"
"No," you whimpered, "need more. Please, please."
"Shut up, I got you," he rolled his eyes, "but you don't really deserve it, do you?"
"I do, I swear - "
"Told you to shut the fuck up, though, yeah? Can't even do a simple task, got your head all stupid, do I? 'S good t'know, if we survive this."
You glared, seeing his grin widen before he was descending onto you again. You licked through the seam of his lips, being granted access; exploring the other's mouth in feverish motions that made your head spin and cunt contract. He still toyed with your tit, then abandoning the ministration to scale down your bodies to where you needed him most while your hand slid into his hair to grip his bloody scalp. You were so close to begging, yet you'd never give a man the satisfaction... Yet if Tangerine requested you to beg, beg you shall.
"That's my girl," he praised when he pet swiftly up your slit; gathering your slick in a single motion to spread around your clit. "Yeah, there's my girl, look at yah," he laughed over your mouth, "already so fuckin' dumb and I ain't even touch yah yet."
You whined a little, his hand readjusting his grip.
"Oh, fuckin' fine, you greedy bitch," he rolled his eyes, sinking a single digit into your heat; earning a high-pitched moan of relief. Tangerine laughed again, "Yeah? So desperate that just me fuckin' finger gets you like that?"
You tapped his wrist when he held a little too tight, him instantly loosening his grip around your throat. He rewarded you with a few pumps of his finger before adding a second, grinning when you had enough airflow to moan loud and clear.
"You make such pretty noises," he praised, "stupid, but pretty noises. Lemme hear you - that's all I wanna hear, not your fuckin' words, princess. Huh? Can you do that for me?"
You nodded, ready to cry from the anticipation he built in your body. With your bottom lip between your teeth, you let yourself clench around his digits, moaning when he massaged that spongy good spot of your inner walls.
"Wait - Tan - wait, wait," you begged and released his waist to reach for his wrist while he grinned.
"Aht," he let go of your neck to lay across your hips to keep hold, "stay there, be a good girl. Lemme see you - c'mon, love, get there for me," he pumped harder, faster, a small sweat coating your skin. The sounds were obscure and messy, sloppy and frantic, wet and pornographic; his breathing deep and huffy while yours was high-pitched. "So fuckin' pretty like this, under me like this. There's a good girl, yeah, chase that feelin', 's all right, don't run from me."
"Tan-Tangerine, shit, please," you babbled, unsure of yourself. "I-I don't - I don't - oh, fuck!"
"Let it happen," he encouraged, leering over you; only briefly aware of his cock leaking precum on your thigh. "Let that feeling take you, there's a good girl, you're right there - good fuckin' girl," Tan broke his mean streak to praise you briefly, feeling the familiar flutter. "Open, hey, hey, eyes on me, princess," he waited until your half-lidded eyes met his, watching him nod, "open your mouth." You were so blissed out, you didn't think, just doing so and accepting more of his spit. He grinned at you when your eyes rolled back, encouraging, "Go for it, pretty girl, fuckin' soak me, don't hold back - c'mon, wanna fuckin' feel you, need t'fuckin' feel you cum - ohh-hoo, yes, yes, yes," he chanted when you squealed, squirmed, and released a stream of squirt that splattered over you both.
But that wasn't all.
Tangerine was mesmerized, never relenting his efforts and before you had time to recover, he was forcing another wave of cum from your core. His thick body held yours in place, desperately squirming to try and get away from the overwhelming feeling; but he had you and wouldn't let go. "One more, one more, one more," Tan panted, hovering over you as his bulging bicep kept hammering into you without relent. He kissed you messily, "One more, baby, c'mon, I know you got it in you."
"I can't," you sobbed, trying to squirm away under him.
"You can, doll, you're right there, I fuckin' feel you - such a good girl, c'mon," he encouraged, offering a few messy kisses to your lips while you wantonly moaned without control. "One more, just for me, c'mon, baby, you can do it - just fa' me - there she is, yes, oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes," he laughed when you, for a third time, came in his hand and over his crotch.
"FUCK!" You yelped when he used the messy slick of your orgasm to line himself up and plunge directly into you. "Oh, shit - just - a minute, baby, hang on - fuck," you panted, holding his hips tightly with your legs spread. Slowly, you let them fall around his own as you relaxed.
"Got you, baby, 'M right here, take yah time," he whispered, flattening his tongue up your neck as he adjusted himself between your legs.
Half a minute later, you gave him permission to move - and it was the beginning of the end. You were sensitive, tight, gripping Tangerine to a new degree he hadn't felt before; his head spinning and mind short circuiting. You were nearly constrictive, webs of your stickiness coating him as he moved stiffly for the first few thrusts. As you loosened up under him, he gained momentum; your hands directing his face back to yours as you clung desperately to his hulking form.
He kissed you like it was the last thing he'd do (and maybe it was), holding your hips so he could drill into you easier; lifting one hand to pet your throat before gripping it, like before. The other then drifted to hike your leg up his hip, the new angle making him shudder lightly. "I'm there, love," he grunted, looking concentrated and borderline in pain, "right fuckin' there - ah shit, you feel so fuckin' good."
"Yes, yes, don't stop, Tan, please," you moaned, locating your clit to apply pressure and rub in harsh little circles.
"Ah, my greedy girl," he chuckled, "three wasn't enough?"
"Wanna cum with you," you whimpered, gasping into his mouth as you were overly sensitive and careened off your cliff. Your orgasm triggered Tangerine's, who plunged completely into you and held still while his balls contracted; mouths left gaping open against the other. In complete bliss, you shared a laugh of disbelief with sweaty foreheads pressed together - both forgetting reality for a bit.
At the moment Tan opened him mouth to confess something to you, Lemon decided to stumble in through the automatic door, yelling, "Bruv! Oi! Where you at!?"
"GET OUT!" Tangerine roared, barely visible over the top of the benches.
"The fuck you doin', mate?"
You latched your legs around Tan, keeping his cock planted snuggly inside you; rocking upward to hold onto his neck and spy his brother over the back of the seating. "Hi, Lem!" You chirped.
"Peach? Oh, fuck me!" He laughed. "Or - fuck you, ammirite?"
"Give us a minute, honey, would you, please?"
"Only a minute?" He laughed again. "'Cause that's all you need, right, Tan?"
"Fuck off, Lemon," Tangerine snapped. "We got the case, we're gettin' the fuck off at the next stop - just - fuck off a minute."
Lemon shrugged, "You make the plans, mate."
"Be out inna bit, love, thank you," you smiled prettily at Lemon, who finally nodded, held his hands up in defense and backed out of the train car. "Well," you mused when Tangerine leaned back into the seat but kept a firm grip on your hips, "that was only mildly embarrassing."
"He's seen me in worse positions," Tan shrugged, blinking when he realized how that sounded, exactly. "Not like that - no, just, I mean, as my bruva, you know, he's seen - you know what?" He sighed. "Don't fuckin' matter."
"So," you smirked, grinding your hips over his public hair, "you're taking my advice? Gettin' off the train?"
"I knew you were greedy, but this naughty, too?" He groaned, slapping his hands to your hips and guiding your motions. "Just filled you, love, and you want more?"
"That an issue?" You smirked, feeling him swell in you again.
"Not a bit," he smirked.
"Answer me," you demanded. "You seriously gettin' off?"
"Why the fuck not? The kid's dead and whatever's in the case should cover however pissed off this makes the bosses, right? Though..." He trailed off when one of your hands reached around to give a gentle tug on his balls.
"Keep goin'," you whispered with a growing smirk, hips swirling.
"Though," he cleared his throat, "don't think we've ever not finished a job before."
"This is different," you promised.
He gulped harshly, encouraging your motions; stretching up to squeeze both breasts and making you falter slightly into him. "All three of us are gonna get off, yeah?" He whispered, bringing you in closer as your hips began to rise and fall with steady tempo. "Got somewhere fa us t'go?"
"I'll get it arranged," you promised swiftly, arms coiling around his neck to hold yourself in position as you increased your speed. "But we're giving my employer the case."
"Fine with me," he nodded, "just wanna stay alive at this point." You chuckled with him, raising up to keep riding him; his eyes glancing over your shoulder and stiffening. "Uh, love? H-Hang on, hang on," his arms encased you suddenly, making you stop all ministrations.
"W-What's wrong? You okay?"
"Where's the fucking case?"
Your waist twisted to snap your torso around, peering over at the empty benches you had once sat in front of. Your blood was left behind... But the silver briefcase with a train sticker on the handle was missing.
Six train cars up, Ladybug shuddered and told Maria, "Christ, they were at it like rabbits. And, hey, like, is it cool to be mean during sex now? 'Cause he was kinda mean, but she seemed into it, so... That's cool, I guess?"
"Some people like that," Maria eased.
"Do you?"
"You don't want that answer. Do you have the case?"
"For now," he sighed. "How much you wanna bet they haven't noticed, yet? Bet they're still goin' at it..."
"You sound jealous."
"They're both very attractive people... Hm, you know, maybe I am a little jealous."
"Of which one?"
"Not entirely sure yet."
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requesting rules and masterlist
Bullet Train masterlist
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ichorai · 1 year
apple pies & break-ins ; tangerine.
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pairing ; tangerine x assassin!spouse!reader (gender-neutral pronouns)
synopsis ; tangerine comes back home just as you're about to leave.
words ; 1.9k
themes ; pure fluff, mild comedy, established relationship (married), assassin au
warnings / includes ; blood/injuries/weapons, slightly suggestive, tangerine has a potty mouth, lemon cameo, tangerine being clingy and sappy
main masterlist.
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The entire house smelled of cinnamon, apples, and buttery pie crust. You sliced up another apple, taking care to carve out its core, before tossing it in the sugar syrup and popping the chopped pieces of fruit into the crust to bake in the oven. As soon as you bumped the door shut with your hip, the front door creaked open, followed by a familiar jangling of keys. 
You glanced up with a warm smile, glad that your husband was finally home—except it was quick to melt away when you took in his disheveled appearance. There was blood all over him, dribbling down his hairline, splattered over his neck, staining his once-pristine clothes. 
Despite his haggard state, he sent you a tired beam, his mustache twitching with the smile. 
“‘Ello, love,” he greeted, making his way to you behind the kitchen counter. “Close your mouth, darlin’, you’ll catch flies.” With a cheeky smirk, he slotted a finger beneath your chin, effectively snapping your lips shut. He mildly winced when he noticed he accidentally left a faint print of sticky blood on your jaw, but wisely decided not to tell you.
You fixed him with an unimpressed stare. “Jesus, Tan. Is that your blood?”
“Not sure, honestly. It’s coming from all over—some of it’s bound to be mine. Don’t worry about me, love. I’m fuckin’ peachy. Speaking of, it smells really good in here. You bakin’ something for me, darling? I’m flattered,” he hummed, leaning forward to kiss you. 
Before he could, you ducked away from him, pushing his face to the side with a wrinkled nose. “Ugh, go shower first, you’re getting blood everywhere! To be honest, I would’ve felt better knowing it was yours.”
“Ouch,” he murmured, though his grin still lingered by the corner of his mouth. “You wound me, sweetheart.”
Relenting, you leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his unsuspecting lips. “There. You happy?”
“Very. Thanks, love.” He sent you a playful wink before slinking off to the bathroom, whistling a peppy tune under his breath on the way. You rolled your eyes and smiled to yourself, before turning to clean up the mess of flour and sugar and apple cores you’d made on the kitchen counter.
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When your husband finally slunk out of the bathroom, a thick white towel hanging low around his waist and another ruffling at his damp curls, he made his way back into the kitchen.
“Put on some clothes, Tan,” you scoffed when he pressed against you from behind, sprinkling a bit of cinnamon sugar on the apple pie you had just taken out of the oven. 
“Hm, you don’t like me like this?” he queried, verging on a whine since you weren’t paying him the least bit of attention. “Naked and at your disposal?”
Amused, you finally turned around in his arms, trapped between him and the counter. The blue of his eyes were hooded and lustful, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. You, however, smiled sweetly at him. “You’re not naked.”
“Well, that can easily be remedied—”
Before he could reach down to undo the towel around his waist, you stopped him with your hands gripping both his wrists, quirking your brows. “As much as I’d love to, I have to call in for a job soon. I’m running late already. I was baking the pie for you in case you got back while I was gone.”
“Another job?” asked Tangerine, clearly upset at the turn of events. “Can’t you call off? I’m sure they can send another bloody assassin to do their dirty work.”
You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, before gently pushing him away so you could head off to your shared bedroom and get changed. To none of your surprise, your husband trailed along behind you like a sullen puppy. “It’s a lot of money, baby. Don’t think I could afford to keep skipping jobs just to laze around with you.”
With a disappointed grumble, Tangerine wrapped his arms around you from behind again, squeezing tightly and kissing down your neck. “How long will this one take?”
“I’ll be back tonight,” you reassured him. “Tomorrow at the very latest.”
“Alright,” he acquiesced, though not without a loud sigh. He sat down on the bed, watching as you shirked off your flour-covered shirt in favor of a dark button-up. “You remember how we first met?”
Of course you did. You remembered it as if it was yesterday. You crossed your arms, stepping in between his legs by the edge of the bed. Both of his hands went to your waist, fingers curling over your back and absentmindedly tracing loose shapes on your sides. 
Looking up at you, he spoke between pressing soft kisses along your abdomen, over the black shirt you had donned, “I was on a mission with Lemon in Madrid… and we were in a tight situation. Bullets flying everywhere, my leg fucked up, and my gun jammed. Then, whaddya know, the most beautiful fuckin’ person I’ve ever laid my eyes upon comes flying through one o’ the windows. Took out three people with one knife, and took out another four with a bloody crossbow. You looked at me, covered in blood, and asked if I was alright. I told you that you were fucking gorgeous—and then you fell in love with me, right on the spot, and the rest is history.”
You burst out into a fit of laughter. “Hm, that’s not how I remember it. Need I remind you that I shoved you to the side because you kept getting in my way, asking if I’d like to have dinner with you? Gods, Tan, you were a pain in my ass. And your brother was laughing at you.”
“Cunt,” he grumbled at the mention of his brother. “Well, even if you didn’t fall in love with me right then and there—I did. I knew I had to be yours from the moment I saw you.”
You lowered yourself to a crouch, cupping his face and caught his lips in a feverish kiss. When you pulled away, you pressed your forehead against his. “Are you telling me this because you want me to stay?”
A sheepish grin tugged at the corner of Tangerine’s lips. “Is it working?”
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. You pulled away, slinging a packed bag over your shoulder and heading out the bedroom. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. Love you.”
“Wait! You said you’d come back tonight!”
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True to your word, you had returned home at midnight, stumbling through the door tired and weary. Thankfully, you weren’t too banged up, just a scratch on your shoulder from the graze of a bullet that you managed to patch yourself before coming back. You were greeted with Tangerine dozing on the couch, a shitty reality show glowing on the television screen, with the half-eaten apple pie on the coffee table in front. He startled awake when you flicked his cheek with a smile.
“Hey, sleepy,” you said, dipping down to kiss his forehead, sauntering towards your bedroom to get changed.
As expected, your husband scurried off the couch to follow after you, gathering you into his arms and kissing you deeply. “I missed you,” he murmured, accent thick and lilting.
“Come on, I wanna get to sleep,” you said, tugging him to the bed with a muffled yawn.
In no time, he was curled up behind you, his large arm thrown over your waist and hand splayed out over your stomach. His nose was buried into the back of your head, unable to wipe the pleased smile off of his features.
It was relatively easy to drift to sleep, given how exhausted the two of you already were.
Not even three hours later, with the two of you already deep in slumber, there came a loud crashing from the front of the house. Someone was breaking in.
Immediately, you sat up in the bed, slipping out from beneath Tangerine’s heavy arms and the blanket. The cold air kissed your bare skin, sending a shiver spidering up your spine. You reached beneath your pillow to brandish a small emergency dagger you kept between the mattress and the headboard. Your husband also startled awake at the loud sound, eyes tired yet wide, grappling for a gun he kept beneath the bed.
“Stay in here,” he whispered, striding forward to the bedroom door, left slightly ajar.
“Like hell I am,” you quietly gruffed back, hot on his heels.
Knowing that there was no stopping you, Tangerine blew out a breath and the both of you crept closer, light on your feet. With no warning, Tan shouldered the door open and stepped out in one fluid motion, lining the gun up with the intruder.
A second later, he immediately lowered the weapon with a long string of exasperated curses. You peered over his shoulder, tense muscles loosening upon seeing Tangerine’s brother, Lemon, frozen in front of the broken window. His lips were twisted into a grimace and his eyes were as wide as saucers. There were shards of glass glimmering in his dark hair.
“What the fuck, man?” your husband erupted, immediately clicking the safety back on his gun and shoving it into the waistband of his sweats. “Are you daft? The fuck did you break my window for?”
“I was looking for you! Never heard a peep from you two after your missions. I just assumed the worst!” he exclaimed. For a moment, Lemon’s dark eyes flickered to you. “Hi, Y/N. Look lovely, by the way.”
You crossed your arms, more amused than anything. “Hey, Lemon.” 
“Why didn’t you fuckin’ call us, then? Bloody fucking idiot! Going down and breaking my window like that,” he angrily muttered, stomping forward to inspect the damage. “You’re paying for this, you twat.”
Rearing back, Lemon snarled, “Oi! I did call you! Didn’t answer your phones, the neither of you. I thought something happened! Forgive me for worrying about my brother and my in-law!”
“The fuck you mean, I would get the fucking notification if you called me!” Tangerine hissed back, pressing the heels of his palms into his sleepy eyes. After a second, he reached down into his pocket, fishing out his phone. He pressed the power button once, then twice. A third time for good measure. “Well, fuck me. It’s dead.”
You hid a smile behind your palm. You married a complete, hot-headed idiot. With an exasperated roll of your eyes, you wiggled your fingers farewell and swiftly turned, yawning as you dragged yourself back into the room. “I’m going back to bed. You two behave yourselves.”
Both of them grunted goodbyes at your departure, before immediately carrying on with their arguments.
“Why didn’t you just call Y/N?”
A long pause. Lemon's eye twitched. “Didn’t think of that, to be honest with you… What are you, a fucking halfwit? Of course I called Y/N!”
"Oh, right, yeah, Y/N does put their phone on DND before bed. Right."
Frowning, Tangerine barked out, “Still, you’re a fuckin’ idiot, you know that? I could’ve shot you!”
“Alright, alright, calm your tits. D’you mind if I crash on your couch for the night?”
“What, are you bloody mental?” Another pause. “Alright, fine. Just take your shoes off. Don’t want you tracking mud all over the place.”
Half an hour later, Tangerine crawled back into bed, settling himself behind you. You had fallen asleep already, but shifted with a pleasant hum when he pressed a ticklish kiss to the junction of your neck and shoulder. 
“Love you,” he whispered, tugging you closer to his chest. You drowsily murmured something incoherent in response, and Tangerine contentedly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
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last updated: aug 23, 2024
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☾ -> fluff/ comfort
★ -> smut
✧ -> angst
blank -> miscellaneous
type “tangerine” “tangerine x reader” or “tangerine headcanon” in my search to find asks that ive responded to — lots of random thoughts & hc’s to check out
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hotel room - changing plans midway through a mission in Tokyo- you, tangerine and lemon decide to stay in a hotel instead of taking the bullet train ★
home is where the heart is - you and tangerine have a free day, deciding that you want to spend the cold day at home doing cozy domestic activities ☾
“you’re more like me than you think” - tangerine hasn’t been completely honest with you and you find out something you were supposed to. already feeling frustrated with your relationship, you don’t take the news lightly ★✧
imagines/ headcanons ☾
date night - tangerine has been away on a mission for the last week and is back in time for date night. missing each other like crazy, you decide to have a not-so-quiet night at home ★
when the trains a-rocking don’t come a-knocking - taking a job in japan collecting a briefcase from a train sounds easy, right? but not when you meet a pair of brother assassins from your past ★
one year later - one year ago today, you and tangerine celebrated the birth of your daughter, mandarin - mandy for short. this special day also marks the anniversary of when you unintentionally saved his life - calling him home from his mission in tokyo ☾
thot ★
thought ☾
thot 2 ★
“men” ✧ & ☾
roles reversed ☾
put it on the plastic ★
comfort blurb ☾
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reverse comfort ☾
shared sickness ☾
homemade ☾
subtle envy ✧?
love to hate (1 year bullet train anniversary)
consummate the marriage ★
melatonin ☾
assassin reader hc’s
forgive and forget ★
quip ☾
baby driver
sneaky findings
pregnancy hc’s ☾
safe and quiet ☾
the first time ★
three idiots in the kitchen ☾
ace hc’s ☾
short gf spooning tan hc’s ☾
how he would be/ act with a crush ☾
wouldn’t do that ☾
text conversations ☾
thots of him eating you out ★
take a break ☾
stay ☾
cinema date ★
make time ★
sfw alphabet ☾
vulnerability ☾
meet in the middle ★
helping hand ★
meet again
barside meet
village date ☾
gifts ☾
money where his mouth is ★
missed calls ✧
healer ✧
in vein ☾
baby fever ☾
up his game
silent supporter ☾
day at home ☾
two am wake-up call
back up ☾
country lanes ☾
both hands full ★
rose-tinted view ☾
ice ☾
take a break ☾
bows and braids ☾
outta your mind ★
new addition ☾
handle with love ★
another ache ★
two in a bed ☾
bribery ☾
sloshed — suggestive
brown paper bag ✧
speedbump ★
a surprise ✧
sweet wife, sweet life ☾
blast from the past
‘t’ for timeout ☾
cuts and scrapes ☾
red ★ & ✧ & ☾
for your support ☾
baby brain ☾
joyride ★
attention ★
nothing left to give ✧
twelve days ✧
clump of small blurbs + one for pietro ☾
out of criteria
give in to it ☾
honesty hour
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© little-miss-dilf-lover // all work is my own. please do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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amorchai · 9 days
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written for my old blog but never posted!
pairing(s): tangerine x assassin!reader
words: 919
warnings/tags: mutual pining, mention of scissors, pet names, arguing friends to lovers, lemon playing cupid, cursing.
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“just let me take over and i’ll pull the fucker open,” tangerine interjects, leaning down to lemon who is currently knelt on the ground trying to pick the wired-shut door to the train bathroom. you patiently waiting, tangerine… not so much.
“if you stop breathing down my neck i would be able to do it,” lemon replies, listening as tangerine huffs angrily before leaning against the train window, shoulder nudging yours. you look at him amused with a small, “just because you have big arms doesn’t mean you’re unstoppable.”
his eyes glare but a small smirk coats under his moustache, “yeah? you think i have big arms, love?” tangerine nods to his folded arms, shirt sleeves rolled up to show the hair and tattoos to his forearms and you try your best not to look.
“don’t get ahead of yourself, sunshine,” you tease back, the nickname he hates that is quite the opposite of him. his jaw clenches at the mention, looking away from you but back to his brother which neither of you notice the agitated state as he pauses with each flirtatious response.
“maybe we could get scissors?” you suggest to him, and lemon nods, his fingers stop fidgeting with the tangled mess. he grunts when he leans back on the balls of his feet, “that could work, actually yeah. tangerine?” lemon consults.
there’s no response and lemon wipes his hands against his trousers before he stands, turning to look at tangerine who seems lost in a daze, you awaiting his response too. lemon reaches over to wave his hand across the vision of tangerine’s disconnected view and you nudge him, “tangerine? lemon asked you a question.”
he snaps back into it, looking up to his brother, to you, and a smirk coats his lips as he looks back to his brother, “sorry, was busy thinking of y/n saying my arms were big. what’d ye say?” both you and lemon huff, lemon raising his hands in frustration before slapping each of his legs, “you know what, i’ve had enough of this ‘will they won’t they’ bullshit—”
“what the fuck—?” before tangerine can interrupt, lemon continues, “spending each and every job to flirt the entire time and forcing me to watch, it’s not cute anymore.” both you and tangerine stare at lemon with wide eyes as he rants, a thick tension coating the air of the unspoken thing being spoken.
“now i’ll go find a pair of scissors, and you better have sorted this whole thing out by the time i’m back,” before lemon leaves, he glares at his brother, “i’m talking to you by the way, you arsehole.”
it’s silent as you and tangerine watch lemon leave the cart, looking back on you both when the automated door shuts over and gesturing to you dramatically. tangerine chuckles awkwardly, looking back to you with a low, “somebody must’ve slipped something into his water, cheeky fucker.”
you watch as tangerine moves, swiftly stepping his feet to stand in front of you, hand anxiously petting his moustache as he avoids your gaze. “yeah, he’s crazy,” you laugh just as awkwardly as he did, unsure of how to act.
but after a beat of silence you’re outwardly thinking, “is he though?” tangerine glances at you, hand dropping to point where lemon had just left, gold rings shining, “what, lemon? yeah he’s fucking mental, talks about trains all day—”
“no, tangerine. you know i meant what he said about us.”
tangerine sighs, processing what you’ve said. there was always something there, always something unspoken and high in tension as you both held off from acting on it and it was all tumbling around due to lemon’s interference.
“no. he’s not.”
you move your gaze back to tangerine who is already looking at you, as if either of you are awaiting further instruction, seeing who acts first. “so, what now?” you ask him, eyes looking at him expectantly and his fleet across your features before letting out a, “fuck it.”
you’re shocked as he steps forward, hands cupping your cheeks and you stop leaning against the wall to move closer to him, his height towering over yours as he leans down to kiss you. your lips squish together easily and he’s hard and impatient.
nudging his head to the side, tangerine makes you feel light-headed by how intense and passionate he’s kissing you, your slight-shaking hands tugging on his fancy vest before reaching for the curly hair at the nape of his neck.
he walks you back a couple of steps, your back meeting the cold glass again as one hand leaves your jaw to rest at the wall beside your head, lips continuing to move against one another, only pulling back for a moment's breath.
tangerine pulls away all too soon for you, you’re out of breath and giggling profusely, resting your forehead against his heaving chest as he finally wears a genuine smile you don’t see often. the hand that was on your cheek moves to the back of your head, fingers rubbing your scalp as you both laugh.
and it dies down and you lift your head back up to look at the man, who leans down to peck your lips once more, interrupted by the smooth sound of the cart door opening, lemon’s voice booming down the room, “fucking finally, jesus christ, man.”
you both pull away to look at tangerine’s brother, who just shows off the scissors in his hand with a grin, “got ‘em.”
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amorchai masterlist . taglist form
amorchai © ─ all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/copying will be tolerated.
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avocado-writing · 6 months
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Tangerine x Reader
titled fics:
Crossed Paths Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4*
Said the Spider, to the Fly * (Sub!Tan x Dom!Reader) (pt 2)* ♥
I Know That I Should Let Go, But I Can’t (Tangerine x Goofy!Reader & pt 2 & pt 3) x ♥
Not Your Fault, But Mine (Tan x Single Mother!Reader)♥
Forever Blowing Bubbles (Reader x Tangerine Childhood friends to married) & Holiday Drabble♥
love drunk (Sex Pollen) Start Part 1 Part 2
Strange Bedfellows*♥
untitled fics:
Tangerine x Tattoo Artist Reader
Tangerine x Reader Head Rubs
Tangerine x Reader Old Friends
Tangerine x M!Reader *
Tangerine x Reader Rivals to Lovers
Possessive/Jealous!Tangerine x F!Reader *
Stealing Tangerine’s Jewellery & Part 2
Tangerine x Handler!Reader
Tangerine x Sniper!Reader *
Tangerine x Reader Only One Bed *
Tangerine x Short!Male!Reader
Mafia!Tangerine x Innocent!Reader
Sub!Tangerine x Reader *
Tangerine x Reader Bad Date
Tangerine and Elder’s Assistant
Stealing Tangerine’s Watch♥
Reader Accidentally Hurt
Tangerine x GN!Reader Smut - By The Fire *
Tangerine x M!Reader Smut *
Tangerine’s Reaction When You’re Expecting
Tangerine x Reader - Date Night
Tangerine Can’t Cook
Tangerine x Plus Size Reader*
Tangerine x Reader Praise Kink*
Tan’s First Time Bottoming*
Tan Taking Care of Pregnant!Reader
Tan Finds You Crying
Drunk Tan x Reader
Reader & Tan Break Up
Sub!Tan Drabble
Cold Drabble
Washing Tan’s Hair
Lemon x Reader 
Lemon x Assassin Reader *
Lemon x Reader Domestic Fluff
Lemon x Reader First Kiss
Lemon x Reader Suspenders
Lemon Dealing With Tangerine and Reader When They’ve Been Drugged♥
Lemon x Reader Bath
Lemon x Reader Smut *
Lemon x Reader Get a Cat
Reader Doing Lemon’s Tie
Lemon x Male!Reader 
Lemon and the Boba Shop Barista♥
Lemon Morning Sex *
Maria Beetle x Reader
Phone Sex*
White Death x Reader
Kinktober Follow-Up*
heaven can’t help me now*
Yuichi Kimura x Reader
Single Mother!Assassin!Reader x Yuichi
Misc Bullet Train
Pussy Eating Headcanon List
Lemon & Tangerine Clothes Shopping Headcanons
Tan & Lemon looking after a sick reader
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Reasons To Share a Bed: x x x x
Sexual Tension Prompts: x x x x
Simple Action Prompts x x x x x
Smut Prompts x x x x x x
Staying the Night x x x x
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sebsbarnes · 10 months
lover girl || tangerine
tangerine x f!reader
summary: tangerine saves you from an awful date, cliche realizing feelings afterwards
warnings: mentions of killing, language, talks of insecurities
word count: 2k+ ; angst, comfort, fluff-ish
tangerine masterlist
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"i have a date," you excitedly told the twins.
"ain't this the third one this month?" tangerine asked popping grapes in his mouth. lemon knocked him on the head in disapproval. tangerine whipped his head around, glaring at lemon as if he was the one in the wrong.
you simply rolled your eyes, "i feel good about this one."
lemon and tangerine both knew you wanted to be loved more than anything else. you constantly said that was the one thing missing in your life. you loved your job, your family, your friends, your hobbies but you just wanted someone to share all the good with. which is why you made it your mission in between jobs to go on as many dates as possible. the twins understood the desire to find someone, they wanted it too, but they held their hearts close to their chests whereas you did not.
tangerine often ranted, to a knowing lemon, how you needed to be more careful for a plethora of valid and invalid reasons. it was dangerous dating as an assassin, your cover could be blown easily, or it could be a set up. and then, there were the selfish reasons that tangerine didn't even realize were selfish. you sometimes would opt out of jobs to meet someone you were interested in or you would cancel premade plans with the twins to see someone. and this irked him. what do you mean tangerine didn't have his favorite sidekick with him on missions? what do you mean you skipped the weekly brunch you and the twins had? all lemon could do was console a jealous and unwilling to listen tangerine.
you lived in the apartment next to the twins and had made your way back over to get ready. the guy you were meeting was handsome and a total gentlemen over text and you were feeling giddy. you played dress up for hours. perfectly styling your hair, coating your skin, eyes, and lips with makeup. the dress was the showstopper. it was a fitted red satin dress that you paired with black heels. your date told you he made reservations for a steakhouse which truthfully you weren't too keen on, but it allowed you to dress up which you never did with your job.
lemon had offered to take you to the restaurant since you didn't want the man knowing where you lived. tangerine stayed back as lemon exited the front door but couldn't resist looking through the window. it was only a glimpse, but he saw the lowcut back of your dress and your shiny hair and he bubbled with jealousy.
your date was waiting outside the doors for you chatting away to the valet girl, a little too closely for your taste. his body leaned onto the podium, head cocked to the side as if he was mesmerized by her and that should've been the first red flag. he greeted you with a hug that you returned.
"i am starving," he basically yelled, "i wish you said you could do dinner earlier."
"oh i'm sorry," you said blinking rapidly feeling guilty.
"yeah it's chill, i'm ready for a beer," he waved off, opening the glass door but letting it fall on you. your eyebrows knotted together. did he just drop the door on me? you were baffled but chuckled awkwardly grabbing the glass door, smiling at the older couple who witness the whole thing.
the tension in your body made you rigid. you felt uneasy across from the man who was obnoxious and blatantly checking out the waitress. he had already finished his third pint and you hadn't even ordered entrees yet. you were poking absentmindedly at the salad, grimacing at him.
"so what's you job again?" all you could see was the food in his mouth and you dropped your fork.
"i work at a catering company," you lied. it was your go to fake profession as it could excuse your bizarre working hours and absence from town.
he patted his mouth with his napkin, "oh so you don't make such money don'ya?"
"excuse me?" you were completely and utterly flabbergasted at the remark. though, he seemed unfazed and gestured towards your salad you had now abandoned. you were disgusted by everything and pushed the plate towards him.
"i'm kind of a hot shot at work," he bragged and you were motionless. any further movement looked robotic meanwhile your douche of a date was leaned far back in the chair, his beer in his hand, and manspreading to the point his feet could trip someone.
the twitch of your eye was becoming more dramatic as he droned on. was it not obvious that you were paying zero attention to the man before you? the only thoughts circling your head besides how he's a douche is the fact you could easily take the knife out of your purse. with ease it would slip through the fabric and you'd lean forward dragging it across the man's adam's apple and watch the blood trickle down onto his ugly polo shirt.
"pretty impressive, right?" the dull man asked. he had been on a ten-minute rant on how he was promoted within a month of working at his company because he stole a coworkers idea but it was okay because 'well the boss hates her so i knew he would approve the idea if i brought it to him'.
"mmm, riveting," you mocked, swirling the red wine in the glass.
"i'm gunna go take a whizz," he pointed, throwing his napkin onto the table. your mouth slacked open at his actions.
'im begging you to pick me up' you texted frantically.
'you haven't even been there long what's wrong?'
'either you tell me yes or i slice this man's throat open'
'on my way.'
your fingers drummed on the white tablecloth, chin perched on your fist waiting for the clown of a man to return. his figure approached from the bathroom and just when you thought you couldn't be more turned off by this man he shoved his hand down his pants adjusting himself. in front of the whole restaurant.
when he sat down you slowly stood up placing your purse on your shoulder, "look, i'm feeling a bit unwell so i'm going to head home. and this was awful," you muttered the last part under your breath.
"well aren't you going to pay?" he asked dumbfounded.
you couldn't stop the guffaw that left your mouth, "good one, prick."
you sauntered outside waiting for tangerine. the cold air nipped at your skin and for some reason tears started to line your eyes. they closed and to calm yourself you let out a shaky breath through your nose, though this did nothing for your watery eyes. tangerine's head lights moved slowly beside you and you ripped the door open before the car came to a complete stop.
"well don't ya look fuckin' joyous," he joked, his eyebrow high on his face.
you huffed, finding your red dress constricting and pulling at it to let your skin breathe.
"not in the fuckin' mood for jokes tangerine," you hissed. you leaned back against the headrest eyes closed trying to calm yourself from the swirling thoughts on why you can't find someone good. tangerine went quiet, silently observing your resting state, throat bobbing up and down. he sighed before slowly pulling away. the ride was silent for a few minutes before you felt the rant bubbling up in your body and your lid was about to explode.
"he shut the door in my face!" you laughed incredulously, "he only talked about himself. god he wouldn't shut up! he works in tech so he thinks he is hot shit."
tangerine laughed, "definitely shit."
"then he had the audacity to say i make no money. me! tan, we make so much money that man would be ashamed of his check if he saw ours. he gawked at every single lady in the building and i know i shouldn't care about anything that prick thinks but he must think i'm ugly. i worked so hard to look pretty tonight! he ate my salad, granted i had two bites but he took my food? and then. then he touched himself! in the restaurant!"
tangerine's foot slammed on the break in shock causing your bodies to lurch forward and he immediately stuck his hand in front of your body to not fall into the dashboard, "sorry i didn't mean to do that."
"you're okay."
tangerine didn't really know how to respond. his brain was reeling of ways he could kill the man for hurting your feelings. if he could he'd kill every asshole you went on a date with. you don't deserve to be treated poorly and it ached at tangerine's soul every time you'd come to their apartment after a date sighing in disappointment when it didn't work out. lemon would be the one to comfort you as tangerine stayed quiet nodding as you ranted but silently raging.
tangerine turned off the main road, a destination in mind that wasn't the apartments. your head swiveled towards him in confusion and he glanced out of the corner of his eye, an amused smirk on his face. he paralleled parked and turn the engine off.
he smiled, "c'mon."
you slowly opened the door skeptically looking at tangerine.
"we can't waste a good outfit now can we love. plus, you need to eat." tangerine grinned sticking his elbow out for you. baffled, you wrapped your arm around his staring up at your favorite speakeasy.
arm in arm you two entered the building and he didn't drop the door on you. he pulled out the chair to the high top allowing you to sit. tangerine immediately ordered your usual drink and appetizer. he ran a hand through his curls giving you a smile.
"why are you doing this?"
he paused briefly, "i see you every week get treated like royal shit love. truly i don' know why any of these pricks, first of all, think they have a real shot with ya nor do i know why they'd treat someone like you so poorly. i know i don't do the mushy stuff, but i don't like seeing you upset. it's not a good feeling and i know it's not for you either. you think their actions are a reflection of yourself but it's not. their dicks okay? so you can't keep thinking you're the problem 'right? you're hardworking, you're smart, you're kind, caring, loyal, honest, funny, beautiful and these pricks deserve none of that. not from anyone and especially not from you. your heart is too good for most people."
to say you were shocked in this moment was an understatement. never in your years of knowing tangerine had he spoken so highly and with compassion about someone other than lemon. your heart ached at the sentiment and you knew every word was true. you were easy to give your heart away to be loved and you took the failures as your fault, a reflection of you like tangerine said. deep down you knew it not to be true but the insecurities loomed and swallowed your confidence like a storm. you also knew deep down that's why you do date shitty men sometimes because you think it's what you deserve. tangerine knew this too and he was here stepping up now to help you in stopping the cycle.
"tan, wow i-," you stumbled over your words, once again teary eyed, "you see right through me don't you." your hand snaked over to his, softly wrapping your hand around his palm.
"i care about you, i do. i want you to protect your heart just as much as i want to," he confessed placing a soft kiss to your hand.
a few beats had passed and the server walked over placing the dishes around your entangled hands, "you're a beautiful couple," the young girl spoke before leaving.
your's and tangerine's cheeks went pink. your eyes fluttered down to look at his hand in yours, "we would be, right?"
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