#tangled rewrite
gritsandbrits · 7 months
If you were to rewrite Tangled, how would you personally tackle it? Also, for the character designs, I would use the ones in the concept art cuz they look a lot better than the final one.
First I'd change the setting to Spain or another Mediterranean nation because we do not have a current Princess for that region. I'd also cast someone who can actually sing.
Rapunzel wears green because i think she looks better in that color, or just give her a different style dress. She also has less of an ariel personality and more feisty and eccentric.
Gothel (who has a different design) was an alchemist who worked for the royal family, but she was also power hungry and vain. After the king denied a potentially dangerous project Gothel sought revenge by kidnapping his newborn baby.
Two decades later, Gothel has raised Rapunzel as her own. Rapunzel is more feisty and distrusting than in canon. Gothel also never taught Rapunzel essential skills like reading and writing, but she can draw and painting.
Flynn looks more like his bastion concept, is closer to Rapunzel in age, and is actively trying to leave the life of a robber behind. He knows about Corona's lost princess but doesn't think she can be found. When his band is escorting a powerful Moonstone to a mysterious buyer, he takes the stone and runs.
He turns up at the tower while gothel is away. Thinking it to be abandoned he climbs inside but is knocked out by Rapunzel. When he comes to he pleas with her to let him go and that he doesn't mean to cause harm. He sees her struggle to read and offers to teach her. For days he comes during the tower teaching her in exchange for food and necessities.
One day Rapunzel voices her desire to leave, Flynn says he ca take her to corona where she can be safe. They flee the tower.
During their travels Rapunzel uses her healing, first in the aftermath of the bar fight when she helps an injured customer, and other peasants. News of this mysterious healing lady reaches the ears of the king and queen.
However gothel also finds out and somewhere down the line she tricks flynn and stabs him and grabs his moonstone (revealing herself to the mysterious buyer), Rapunzel heals him and allows Gothel to take her away. Back at the tower Rapunzel in the cellar when she see mysterious symbols that look like the bones she saw in corona. With a renewed sense of agency she finds a way to escape and makes her way back to corona just as Gothel launches her revenge.
I'd rewrite the ending to have a proper final battle, with everyone she and Flynn helped during the movie participating. Rapunzel yells Gothel she is more than just her hair before using her inner light to burn her.
Another concept is Flynn has the moonstone and is able to construct crystals, the colors change depending on mood. So it gives him more sun/moon dynamic and makes him unique as a disney prince who actively uses magic.
Or simply rewrite the ending only this time, Rapunzel cuts her own hair off as a symbol of reclaiming personal agency.
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luniise-kel · 5 months
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thinking about how cool and awesome moon stone cassandra couldve been if she wasnt given the world’s worst villain motivation
dropping my whole au / rewrote of season 3 below
uh preface is im sleepy and its almost midnight, so like sorry if some parts dont make sense or whatever
uhh basically, instead of cass trying to like reach her destiny or whatever as like her Main motivation and the only reason to why she Evil and Malicious ive changed it so its more mixed in with her desire to protect rapunzel. i think moonstone cass is cool and i like the idea of her but i really just think her execution was poor mostly because it wasn’t built up as much as it shouldve been.
rewrote cass’s character slightly just so there more empathize on her idolization of her mother, and so when she learns the truth of why mother gothel left her, the knee jerk reaction to blame raps makes a little more sense.
Anyways, Season 3 cass deals with a lot of her issues, i think on the journey to get the moonstone something something happens and cassandra is told that if rapunzel comes in contact with the moonstone she will Implode. Like die. Return to being the sundrop. and cass is like oh fuck, shit, balls, I need to Protect her from Dying. So out of her intense Need to protect Rapunzel she yoinks the moonstone, and (still slightly pissed at raps for stealing her mom but not really she’s just trying to figure out her emotions + rapunzel needs to get away away from this rock) she goes into Evil mode.
Her villain arc is partly fueled by her anger at her own situation, always in second place. her desire to feel love and cherished and important rather than being the 2nd option. However, it is also fueled by her need to provide safety to her friends ,, even if it’s not the smartest choice. Moonstone Cass devotes her entire identify to being the cliche villain, so no one feels bad if like the solution to destroying the moonstone is killing her. she knows that logically the Zhan Tiri is manipulating her but 1. she idgaf and 2. she needs to learn how to control the moonstone’s power so she doesnt hurt her friends.
Tbh boiled now, it’s just cass isnt obsessive with mother gothel and mother gothel leaving her to kidnap a baby because it made like no sense for her character. like instead, moonstone cass grabbles with her identify and place in the world, who she is outside of rapunzel. Also she wants to learn more about her past, yknow, who mother gothel was and is she Worth getting upset over. spoiler she figures out that no, her bio mom sucks booty
Anyways, throughout my version of season 3, cass is trying to figure out a way to destroy the moonstone. She visits Rapunzel often too and pretends to be evil just so she can check in. She angry at her mom but not so much on rapunzel, maybe a little bit but probably more to with simply trying to crave out her identify outside of rapunzel. Same general plot beats happen in s3, but shes more grief driven than anger driven i suppose.
Theres probably a lot i forgot to like, reformulate in this especially w s3 bc i havent had the time to rewatch it and collect my thoughts that well. But, uh, hope u enjoyed. might yap more about my personal gripes with the show and how i think it shouldve been written.
also to add on i suppose, at the end of the series she gets exiled from corona officially, but lowkey comes back to hang out and after like a year every1 is like yeah okay i guess.
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missmahgentaart · 7 months
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Part of the Wish AU/Rewrite that I mentioned
Basically Asha has been adopted by King Magnífico and Queen Amaya, and since they are both (supposedly) immortal, she’s being raised as less of a princess and more of a Adviser/Vizier.
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They are both…less than stellar people. Amaya and Asha have a similar dynamic to that of Gotham and Rapunzel, albeit less ‘overprotective’ but equally passive aggressive.
As for Asha and Magnífico…they are interesting, to say the least.
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tangledrewrite · 2 months
Tangled the (Rewritten) Series - Script, Part Three
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Open on Rapunzel and Cass in Rapunzel’s room. She’s pacing back and forth, frustrated and angry, while Cass looks guilty.
CASS: Look, Rapunzel, I didn’t mean to -
Rapunzel turns to face her. She’s pissed.
RAPUNZEL: Didn’t mean to what? Lie to my face? You had so many moments where you could have told me! Is that why you didn’t want to be friends? 
CASS: I didn’t know, okay! I was just cleaning - doing my job - and he burst into the room, and last I’d heard he was supposed to be captured at any cost! It’s not like I did this to spite you, I had no idea you were even alive right then! [sighs] He stole the crown, Rapunzel. That’s not just theft, that’s treason. That crown was all your parents had of you for eighteen years.
For a moment Rapunzel looks conflicted.
RAPUNZEL: Well - isn’t having the actual me an improvement? Doesn’t that matter?
CASS: I’m sure it does. But it doesn’t erase what he did. And - besides, I’m not supposed to be your friend. I’m a handmaiden. There’s a difference.
There’s a knock on the door, and Frederick enters. He looks incredibly awkward.
FREDERICK: I, ah…heard you were found down in the dungeons. Rapunzel, you really shouldn’t be down there. It’s not safe. 
Rapunzel is quiet. She looks upset, but doesn’t say anything, arms folded and shoulders hunched. 
CASS: [hesitant] Your Majesty, if I may?
Frederick and Rapunzel both look surprised.
FREDERICK: …Yes, Cassandra?
CASS: I, um….Has Eugene had a trial yet?
Continued on AO3!!!
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luckystar1327 · 1 month
/light bruises, blood
im actually losing my mind about not being able to post the art for my upcoming fic so have this. It doesnt have to be fic specific its fine
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princess-ibri · 10 months
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I realized that the three Gothel Daughters I have in the DisneyVerse fall in with the Maiden Mother Crone archetype, so here’s all three together
(Og post for Azalea)
(Og post for Ginevra)
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gwenie-clorrisan · 3 days
Disney's Wish could have been so good, and we all know this, but what about this.
Instead of having the power couple out front right away, the movie could have played out almost exactly like it had...
Except at the final moment, when Asha needs help from everyone, one person ruins their plan. One person reveals their evil intent. Not Simon, not one of her cheesy, blank slated friends. Not even the annoying, useless goat. That person is Queen Amaya.
Taking a stand with her husband, she and Magnifico in the end are beaten because, hey, Disney movie. Magnifico is sucked into the staff. But now Asha has to have the stones to either lock up or banish Amaya. She chooses banishment, and is cast out of Rosas.
While away from the kingdom, she pulls something out of her sleeve... Magnifico's mirror, which was supposed to be seized from her before she left.
"Don't worry, my king, we'll find a way to set you free," she whispers. "But you serve a good purpose in there for now."
Magnifico showers his wife with praise of her beauty, and is able to tap into the power of the mirror, viewing the world from his cage. He sees their opportunity. A king with a daughter to raise in a distant kingdom.
They take it. Thus, Queen Amaya becomes a wicked stepmother to Snow White, and the Disney cycle becomes a loop. The newest Disney Princess movie begins the oldest. And the magic continues.
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speakergame · 2 years
Bi-Weekly Update - 1/10/23
hello and happy new year!
Taking time last month to recharge ended up being exactly what I needed. The folks on Patreon already know this, but while working on Partially Stars I ended up figuring out a better way to do the coding that I've been struggling with in Speaker. Hopefully it means I can finally finish this up and move on from this scene 🤞
Last week was the post-holiday scramble of getting my kid back in school and remembering how to keep normal human hours again, but now that we're settled back into something resembling a normal schedule I'm throwing myself completely into finishing up this tangled code-bramble of a scene. And hopefully the things I've learned while working on this will make it easier if I run into something else like this in the future.
That's all I've got for this week! I hope you're all having a great 2023 so far, and I'll see you next time!
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Background blorbos:
Featherstorm - Girl your family is so fucked and I'm sorry I made it worse
Beechfur - I'm guessing you were one of those Great Journey romances. I hope you and Gorsetail stayed together.
Tangle - I hit him with the Woman Beam :3c
Sparrowfeather - I know what WCR you did... But what did YOU do?
Sunstrike - Genuinely awesome name. It saved her from having the exact same fate as canon.
Sagenose - Poor guy lost his wife and daughters all so quickly. Hope Birdwing's okay.
Beepaw - Wanna rename her Zebrapaw and split up her parents. Have Nectarsong just call Queen's Rights, naming Zebrapaw after her kittypet dad.
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oh-shtars · 6 months
The fact that Sueño has been obliviously unaware of the meaning of his name (that Asha gave him) this whole time is currently repeating and rotating itself in my head like a microwave for the past few hours now
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gritsandbrits · 7 months
What will you changed in tangled series
Moon varian duh.
Also i wouldn't make eugene a prince instead he's an orphan.
Cass isn't related to gothel and her arc is rejecting corona's misogynistic social structures in favor of leading the guards. That's also why i have kendrix be her apprentice.
Rapunzel is more responsible and actually listens to her friends. She learns that having a tragic childhood isn't an excuse to disregard others' pain.
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star-the-gremlin · 1 year
Its here and its queer lets fucking goooo!
Picture of how Cass look in the fic under read more
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the-writer1988 · 5 months
New Fic!
Arianna and Frederic were not her real parents.
They were fake.
Cassandra was determined to get her real mother back.
No matter the cost.
Canon Rewrite.
Pairings: Cassandra/Lady Caine, Rapunzel/Eugene Fitzherbert, Arianna/Frederic
Fic written for @twotangledsisters
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tangledrewrite · 2 months
Yes! Satchel for season two! Love that idea!
Ooh, maybe Eugene can get it back after the trial or something. The last we see it in the movie is when he tries to give the crown to the Stabbingtons, and then he already has it back in Lance's debut.
That's a logical point in time to get it back!
His satchel, alongside the other items that he carries with him like (canonically) his lucky comb and (noncanon) maybe a knife and whatever else is in the satchel, were probably confiscated upon his arrest.
HOWEVER, there's a significant inconsistency that we'll need to fix to make that possible:
Eugene does not seem to have his satchel anymore after the Stabbingtons took care of him. They specifically sent the crown only along with him, probably leaving the satchel behind at the lakeside.
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So, how does Eugene end up having it again in S1ep06: the return of strongbow? To make your idea work, there's a couple solutions:
It's not the same satchel. From the way Eugene handled it in the movie, it must've not been his most precious item, given that he tossed it around and even handed it over to the Stabbingtons. So it could've just been a common satchel he owned, then lost, and then replaced. Thus, upon his SECOND arrest in the Pilot, it gets confiscated and later returned :) Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's not gonna happen, bc as soon as I wrote this I got curious how the series' satchel looks and it's undoubtedly the same satchel. orz
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2. But that gets us to the other solution: the satchel IS precious enough to him that after New Dream leaves the tower to head for corona again, they stop by the lake to search for it, successfully of course. :) Same concept in the Pilot from there on.
3. And now there's also a third option to make the inconsistency consistent again, but that one would make your idea impossible: Eugene does in fact not recover it, but LANCE does, by chance. He finds the thing and brings it to his old buddy that he totally doesn't wanna yank along into a dangerous gig! yay!
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neorukixart · 2 years
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Sorry I (unintensionally) forgot about my Tangled Dark Kingdom AU ;w; you can read the chapter 1 (and only one orz) here, maybe one day I can continue *gross sobbing*
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axel-ambassador · 1 year
Cass's S3 arc was wasted potential, how about we fix that
This is gonna be a long one so buckle up.
yes yes we all know how much her villain and redemption arc was very iffy and can be fixed in so many ways. For example the ones I've seen:
Remove Gothel and focus on different motivations, you could have her doing it to protect Rapunzel rather than simply turning against her out of jealousy.
Have Zhan Tiri literally posses her through her ill feelings and control her like a puppet both physically and mentally.
Have the mirror demon Cass take the moonstone as a double plot twist, leaving Cass stuck in the house of yesterdays tomorrows, and nobody even knows.
All of these are fantastic ideas to rewrite her arc but one I've seen less explored in detail is the insanity route.
Insanity and delusion arcs, if done well, can make for some very compelling characters, whose motivations and actions can be unpredictable, but also understandable.
What if the moonstone slowly ate away at Cass's sanity, ON TOP OF what's she's already going through with her feelings of uselessness and abandonment, and with Zhan Tiri constantly talking in her ear and feeding her lies used to justify those feelings. Just take what we already have in canon, and spice it up a bit to make it more believable.
What if the moonstone also projected voices? Lost souls who have succumbed to the effects of possessing the stone, some nagging and screeching at Cass, telling her not to make the same mistake as they did, and some encouraging and praising her to follow Zhan Tiri and do these awful things.
The thing is, despite hearing voices, Cass refuses to remove the stone, because she's never felt so alive, so powerful, and she slowly gaslights herself into believing that the stone is, in fact, keeping her alive, because without this power she may as well be dead, with her injury essentially ruining her future, and that's her justification in Crossing the Line.
Think of the Ice King from Adventure Time. His crown gives him incredible ice powers and keeps him alive, but it takes his sanity from him, creating an impossible labyrinth in his mind that he becomes trapped in, leaving him a shell of his former self.
So Cass spends 6 months without other human contact, with only the comfort of the little ghost girl and the voices. She's angry, she's scared, so the red rocks still appear. She doesn't know what's happening anymore, why she feels so proud and yet so so guilty all the same. She's confused, she can't sleep, she can't think straight, the voices are pulling at her psyche, tearing her mind in two, one that is still loyal to Raps and is sorry betraying her, only wanting to be noticed for once, hoping they can fix their friendship, and one with a darker train of thought that is angry, in pain, and thinks that this is the only way, that Rapunzel needs to know how it feels to be seen as nothing but a shadow, an afterthought, a mistake, like she has been seen as for so many years.
They conflict, each thought slowly becoming more and more incoherent as it all blends into a cacophony of static noise, a whirlwind of emotion that she doesn't know how to process, and so she does what she's always done when he feels lost.
She fights.
Rapunzel sees her after 6 months and notices something off. Cass's confidence and pride all those months ago seem to be gone, she sees a caged animal, growling and clawing at scraps of salvation. She's talking to herself.
Varian is kidnapped, with the intention of obtaining more power, because without this incantation, she's nothing but a nuisance to her former friends unless she proves that she's powerful enough to pose a threat, so she can finally be taken seriously.
Nothing Left to Lose is relatively the same, but Cass appears more unhinged in her movements, nearly impaling Varian and even herself as the song continues. She cant lose, not when she's lost her parents, capability, future, friends, home, and without knowing just yet, sanity.
Bring back the deleted storyboards of her panting and lashing out as she destroys the painting of Raps, and you can see the slight remorse in her eyes before a faint whisper ushers her away from the wreckage, telling her to claim their her rightful throne.
When the gang tries to enter, she revels in their struggle, they finally have an inkling of what it's like to be so determined to reach a goal, only to be shut down at each corner. She laughs, but it doesn't sound like her. She eventually lets them up on her own, they need to see just how powerful she's become.
"I'm glad you could make it Raps, I've been waiting for you."
Attack. Attack. This is your chance, coward.
"Shut up..."
"...I didn't say anything Cass..."
Cass pauses, none of the voices ever responded to her pleas before. She looks at Rapunzel with an unreadable expression.
You're crazy, you're insane insaneinsaneinsane doitdoitdoit makehersufferkillher kill her
"I said SHUT UP!"
She lashes out. She fights. She's quick, strong, but also sloppy, and that's what makes her fall to Rapunzel's power.
The moonstone is chipped like her psyche. What now whatnow whatnowwhatnow?
More power they whisper, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
But it's not enough, it's never enough, she's never been enough. She's stuck, she's always been stuck. An endless cycle of a dream, a goal, a passion, followed by an obstacle, an intrusion, a blonde princess. She needs to break this cycle before it breaks her further.
So she lets the ghost girl guide her, too tired and too sick to navigate her ocean of emotions anymore. Letting wave after wave pass over her until she drowns, and suddenly she's in a cave, clutching a broken box, pieces scattered about like her heart.
She doesn't know what she's saying anymore, what's an intruding voice and what's her own thoughts. She keeps flashing back, stuck in a house, stuck in a castle, stuck in a tree, stuck in a mirror, stuck in a tower, stuck in a cave, stuck, stuck, stuck.
She and Rapunzel break out, with a broken mirror, and a broken spirit.
The voices are screaming, ringing, screeching, she can't form a single coherent thought. She's stuck between ideas.
Forgive her, love her, fix this, fix yourself.
Kill her, hurt her, show her exactly how much she's hurt you. Kill.
Fix. Kill. Fix. Kill. Fix. Kill. FIX. KILL. F I X. K I L L.
Compromise. She's never considered a compromise, never had the peace of mind to. Kill or be killed, was all it ever was for her.
Now it's Rapunzel who is stuck, trapped in a cave by a woman trapped in her mind.
Eventually she finds the missing shard, but her minds only fractures further. She sees visions when she touches those small shoulders, a demon conqueror, a blue haired puppet, an eclipse.
Everything shatters.
She's sick. She's ill. She doesn't know who she is or what she's meant to do.
For once, the good voices ring louder.
Find her. Talk to her. Tell her what's wrong. Maybe she'll listen.
For once.
For once, she lets the good voice be her guide.
But of course they wouldn't want her. She's crazy. She's ill. She's insane as Eugene has put it.
"Cass, please, you don't have to be the bad guy."
So that's all she was.
"I don't want to be the bad guy. I'm sick...I can't think straight. I don't want to fight anymore ok? I just...I can't-"
She's cut off by a shot of amber, and everything is a blur.
Anger, pain, sadness, guilt, betrayal, whispers, screaming, crying, she's screaming, she's crying, she's insane. She's stuck.
She's in a throne room, your making a mistake rightful place, they say. She doesn't want this, she wants...she doesn't know what she wants. She can't feel, she can't think, and suddenly, she doesn't care.
She doesn't care when the eclipse comes. She doesn't care when Rapunzel arrives to take back her kingdom. She doesn't care when the puppet strings are pulled and she's suddenly fighting again. It's automatic. It's feels right. It feels wrong.
Rapunzel is trapped, encased by her (how did that happen?) She can only make out one word in the train wreck that is her mental state.
Why? Why had she done this? Was it even her anymore? Was it Cassandra? Who even is Cassandra? What does she want? What is she doing? She doesn't know the answer to any of these.
Voices and thoughts overlapping, creating a buzzing sensation, she answers as honestly as she knows how to.
"I wish I knew..."
Zhan Tiri take the moonstone, and she just lays there, thinking she's about to die, after all, the stone kept her alive, right? She's never felt so alive and so dead.
She hears Rapunzel's voice, she must have died too. Or maybe it's another one of the good voices giving a final goodbye. She looks around, Hell isn't yellow and rocky...Hell doesn't have a brunette princess...
They're stuck.
"Snap out of it Cass-"
You're crazy.
"I should be dead..."
Useless. Unwanted. Mistake.
"That stone kept me alive... I might as well be dead... after all, I was as good as dead to you wasn't I?"
Pitiful. Weak.
"Shut up...i can't think...i don't know who I am anymore...the voices...the voices won't stop...what am I supposed to do...what am I meant to do...who am I...?"
"Oh Cass..."
She tries to listen to Raps's speech, how she was sorry for ignoring her and her feelings, sorry with what was happening to her, how she was her best friend, how they can both work to fix their friendship, to fix her.
For once, Cass allowed herself to relax, as Raps pulled her into her arms.
She dies, for real this time. She can feel the floatiness, the numbness, the void that she could only feel in her mind had finally spread to the rest of her body.
Dead weight.
She's awake, and it's as if nothing has changed. She's surrounded, Raps and Eugene are there welcoming her in their embrace, and she almost feels whole again.
She cries, and cries, and cries and screams and cries and cries and cries.
She doesn't know who she's meant to be, she doesn't know anything anymore. Drunk and ill with power for so long, she's lost everything, her purpose, her future, herself.
She's stuck.
She's given a trial, found guilty of treason, but sentenced to exile as a way to better herself and her mind. Prison would only kill her further.
She's on the road, nothing but herself, Fidella, and the voices, searching for a destiny long lost to a cycle of misery of pain, finally moving, no longer stuck.
geez that took forever oh well I hoped you enjoyed I guess and if you made it this far, thanks for reading, and let me know what you think :)
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