#tangsuyuk what's it to you
ikigaisvt · 10 months
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in which your boyfriend realizes how lucky he is to have you.
pairing: idol!jeonghan x gender neutral!reader words: 1.6k content: fluff, comfort warnings: jeonghan is exhausted/sad and he cries, petnames (for jeonghan: angel, babe, baby, love / for reader: precious), mention of food and eating. note 1.0: omg sammy posting smth?!?? thought we'd never see that again,,, felt like writing fluff lately since i feel there's a Lot of smut for seventeen so here i am feeding my own wishes note 2.0: this idea came after seeing the last inside seventeen where jeonghan looked tired at the end (and it's so unusual of him, to show how tough something is). also felt awful yesterday night, and instead of being comforted by him, i wished to comfort him. minors are allowed to interact but please don't follow. hope everyone likes it, please be nice i haven't wrote anything in month,, reblog/feedbacks are always appreciated!
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Jeonghan has always felt lucky to be an idol. Of course, as any job does, it has its downsides – and this one has a lot, despite what he can say. He never once complained about his job, no matter what can happen. Being able to share his love for music to his fans, his brothers by his side is the biggest blessing of his life. That is well known to his family, his fans but mostly you, his partner, who hears him pours his heart out about his job until dawn.
However, there are days when it is harder than usual; days where practice or filming is so hard, he wishes to go home and sleep the worries away; days where he questions if he actually was made for that job. Today, that came in the form of a hard practice. What maybe Jeonghan hasn’t realized yet is how lucky he is to have you, especially at the end of a tough day.
 You haven’t seen your boyfriend a lot lately as he was busier than usual; preparing for his new comeback as well as going overseas to film content. However, as he has been back from Hungary a few days ago, you knew you’d be able to see him again today. You spent hours cleaning your apartment, cooking his favorite meals and stocking up on his favorite drinks, picking shows and music to listen to so you could spend the night talking, catching up together and laughing at the new memories he made. You were looking forward to it, but most importantly, you were looking forward to seeing him again. To feel his presence, to hear his voice and laugh and to be able to touch him. Oh, how much you missed him.
As you finished preparing everything for him, you were lounging on your couch, the TV playing quietly in the background. Looking at the hour on your phone, you realized it was almost 11pm – which meant you were only minutes away from seeing your boyfriend. Getting up from the couch, you went to the kitchen to warm up his meal. You started pulling out different plates – jajagmyeon, tangsuyuk, kimchi pancakes and tteokbokki. "Okay, maybe I made too much this time, but I just want him to eat well," you think out loud. While you were filling smaller plates with side dishes, you heard the door opening, signaling that your boyfriend was finally home. Leaving the food behind, you left the kitchen to find your boyfriend – disheveled, hair picking out in all ways and tiredness showing on his face, struggling to get his shoes off.
“Jeonghan,” you call out to him softly, his head lifting up to find your eyes. And that’s when you realize how tired he really is. His smile is meekly showing up, his hair looks like he ran his hand through it multiple times – which is something he does when he is frustrated, dark circles are showing under his eyes but mostly, his eyes look sad, the usual playful lightness in them gone. “Are you okay?” you ask, your hand reaching out to him to let him know he is not alone.
“I-” he starts, his voice breaking a little bit, before clearing his throat, “I’m okay, I just can’t seem to get my shoes off.” he says, bending once again to work on the shoelaces.
You watch him for only a few seconds before sitting on the little step in your entryway, “Here, let me help you,” you say, gently tapping the floor in front of you, silently telling him to put his feet forward as you chase his fingers away.
“Babe, no-” he starts protesting, his fingers brushing with yours, trying to untie the knot faster.
“Shh,” you say calmly, getting a hold of his fingers, squeezing and letting go to work on the knots again, his feet slightly moving towards you, “You really tightened those well. That’s good, don’t want you falling down on your shoelaces during practice.” You say lightly, trying to make your boyfriend lighten up. You get his first shoe off, placing it gently next to yours, before working on the second one. As you were almost done with the second knot, you feel something wet falling on your hand, and you look up to see Jeonghan looking down at you, eyes filled with tears.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you say, getting a hold of his hand, “You’re okay, it’s fine,” you reassure him, squeezing his fingers tighter as he looks away from you, ears slightly red from the embarrassment of crying in front of you, his girlfriend. That’s such a Jeonghan thing, you tell yourself, “Let me get this one off and then we’ll get you to the couch, okay?” you tell him, earning a little nod as an answer. You get his second shoe off in record time and gently get up from the ground as you reach out for his hand, pulling him behind you as you lead him to the living room.
Reaching the couch, you make him sit down first before sitting down next to him, pulling your linked hands on your lap, your thumb slightly caressing his hand, “Are you okay?” you ask gently, trying to find his eyes but all he does is look down at his lap.
“I’m okay- Sorry about all this, practice was hard and I know you were excited about having a good time but stuffs happened and yeah-” he starts ranting as you listen intently to whatever he has to say, “Ah, sorry again. I’m rambling. I’m okay,” he says again, almost as he tries to convince himself, too, “Really.” He confirms as he meets your eyes, his smile not even reaching his cheeks.
“Love, you may be able to lie to your members but this doesn’t work with me,” you chuckle slightly, “What can I do?”
“I-” he starts, blush creeping on his neck again, his eyes looking around the room, “Will you hold me?” he whispers, hoping you heard him right as he finds your eyes again.
“Of course, angel,” you say as you lean back on the couch, opening your arms for him, his head finding a place to rest on your chest, “Let’s just stay like that for a little while, hm?” you whisper as you start running your fingers through his hair, “You can tell me anything, in case you need to pour it out.”
A few minutes passes by where you can only hear his soft breath – and little sniffles, his body slightly relaxing into yours as if it realizes it’s now finally home. “Practice was so hard today,” he says softly, his arm squeezing your waist a little more, your shirt getting wet with more tears, “That new choreography requires so much attention to details and we need to keep our energy up throughout all of it. I guess I wasn’t prepared to put that much work in it today.” He sighs as you let him know you’re still listening through little hums, “And we’ve just been back from Hungary, my body is still used to that time zone so I have a hard time sleeping. Also, I’ve missed you so I haven’t been able to recharge my batteries at all.” He admits, knowing he would have felt better if he saw you more in the past month.
“I’ve missed you too,” you tell him, leaving a little kiss on the top of his head.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes again, “For my mood and for ruining tonight.” He says softly, as more tears fall down.
“Baby, angel,” you say, your voice almost breaking to seeing your boyfriend like this, “Please don’t ever be sorry. Your job is not easy, you’re doing so much at all times and you do it well. It’s only normal for you to break down from time to time,” you whisper, running your fingers down his back, “I am so glad you decided to still come to me. It means the world. Please always come to me,” you tell him as he looks up at you, “Anytime you break down, I’ll help you build yourself up stronger, okay? You didn’t ruin anything, you’ll never do so. Your presence is always welcomed, no matter your mood. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, precious.” He says, as he gets up a little to meet your lips. You can taste the sadness – and the saltiness of his tears – on his lips as you take it away from him, take everything bad away from him, lodging it deep in your own body. So it can never hurt him again. You kiss once, you kiss twice, you kiss thrice; you kiss until there is no more sadness within him. You kiss until he can feel how you will always be here for him.
“Feeling better?” you question as you pull away from his lips, brushing hair out of his face and meeting his now shining eyes.
“Very much so,” he chuckles lightly, his forehead resting on yours, “Thank you,” he says, leaving a kiss on your forehead before finding rest on your shoulder.
“Wanna eat now?” you ask, still running your fingers along his back.
“Yes actually,” he says, looking up at you, “I’m so hungry,” he says in a whisper, still making no attempt to move away from you.
 “I made so much, I hope you’ll love it,” you answer him, still not getting up either.
“Let’s just- Let’s just stay like this for a little longer, hm?” he tells you, wrapping his arms around your middle, cuddling even closer – if that’s even possible, “Food can wait.”
Jeonghan truly feels lucky to be an idol – on most days, at least. But if he had to mention one thing, he feels the luckiest about – it’s to be your boyfriend.
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aaaaa thank you so much for reading! i forgot how nervewracking it was to post something- please like, reblog, comment and i'll love you forever!!
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chiveburger · 11 months
the other night I went on a first and very obvious last date with this guy I met on hinge, and then made the impulsive decision to drive out to my friend's house who lives 45 minutes away from me and slept over and had a really good time. granted, now I'm kind of sick as fuck but I was quite proud of myself for doing that. It's not like the date was bad because he was a red flag, but it was just hella awkward. even on terms of a first date the conversation seemed super forced, and when he asked me out again after the dinner he was like "do you wanna get lunch tomorrow?" BRO????? WE ALREADY SAW EACH OTHER... long story short we have stopped talking. however! one thing that came out of that date was me going over to my friend's place because although fairly short I've never slept over because she lives so far, and I hate driving. so we watched some netflixs, I talked about the date, I had some of their leftover tangsuyuk and then in the morning we had mcdonalds and I got half a dozen brioche doughnuts and a basque cheesecake. I also drove back home and didn't hit anybody which was a really big feat for me. I look back on the weekend and I still remember having fun and that's what life is all about
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goodnightjar · 1 year
230520 #SF9 #JAEYOON
💌: #. weekendjaengjji💗
yooni is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hurry up come to the fancafe!!!!!!!
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🐣: this time too i'll 1
🐣: 2
🐣: 3
🐣: 4
🐣: ig fantasy got no mood to play
🐣: brr (cutely)
🐣: mio (i hate you☹️) (very cutely🙈)
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🐣: fantasy is here!!!! (cutely)
🐣: why are you late (very cutely)
🐣: its cuz i wanted to see u
🐣: i just ate
🐣: i did lower body workout today
🐣: & ate meat at day!!!
🐣: & had a cup of coffee!!!
🐣: had a short nap!!!
🐣: checked out lotte even tho we lost!!!
🌌: even tho oppa came; he don't replyㅠㅠ
ㄴ🐣: im sorry.....
🐣: i'm totally off to bed by 10'o clock^^
🐣: fantasy what are you doing???
🐣: cuz i submitted books at training camp
🐣: now im reading the books i brought little by little
🐣: Dallergut (book) is fun ㅎㅎ
(see his last iv for details about books :))
🐣: & ig these days my face got kinda tanned
🐣: i re-apply sunscreen more often than before (cutely)
🐣: i practicing hard on saxophone!!!
🐣: later on if a chance to meet fantasy comes up i'll definitely let you know!!
🐣: oh and today i brought 2 chicken leg nuggets, 1 koxchip (ig its kkobuk chip), 1 chick chok choco from PX!
🌌: you're slow jaeyoon
ㄴ🐣: hold on.....
🐣: what are you doing now???
🐣: aa right I have something to brag about to fantasy
🐣: i'll wait a little more...... (cutely)
🐣: soon im a private first class!!!!!!!!!
🐣: private first class lee jaeyoon (i) can do it!
🐣: isn't this how you get discharged????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🐣: fantasy
🐣: it will be quick
🐣: wait for me
🐣: just wait right there
🐣: I have memorized all fantasy faces
🐣: if you ain't there beware!! (as in warning lol)
🌌: *📸* jaengpeus are having a drink now
ㄴ🐣: oh it's cola & beer!!!
🌌: need to prepare flower shoes><
ㄴ🐣: ill give it a try (cutely)
🐣: oh did you listen to good morning voice message well?
🌌: I have nowhere else to go 'bapoya'
(instead of pabo. bap is meal)
🌌: jaeyoon noona is not going anywhere...!!!
ㄴ🐣: noona!!!!
🌌: why am I trembling.......
ㄴ🐣: when we actually meet what will you do...
🌌: puppy... did u eat??
ㄴ🐣: i ate ... did you eat??
🐣: 재윤시❤️
🌌: even just imagining riceball blowing his saxophone makes me happy ㅋㅋㅋ
ㄴ🐣: right even just imagining riceball blowing his saxophone yootaeyang ㅋㅋㅋ
( op has tyang's pfp hahha 😂)
🌌: private first class lee jaeyoon baekgol slogan start!!
ㄴ🐣: 앜!!!
🌌: jaeyoon!!!! pls discipline jaengpeus
ㄴ🐣: ID!!!!
(op's ID was i like sanghyuk 😂)
he going behind all tyangpeus & dangpeus
🐣: ah #Yooniquest
🌌:*🐣📸* handsome guy appear
ㄴ🐣: but this pic ㅋㅋㅋ ain't it too burdensome...? (cutely).
🐣: for Yooniquest
🐣: last week wasnt it tangsuyuk?
🌌: wow im envious of fantasy who got a replyㅜㅜ
ㄴ🐣: jjan!!! (🥂)
🐣: this week how about~~~~~
🐣 lets go with Aglio e Olio (spaghetti)
🐣: 앙대앙대 (angdae angdae🐶) (no)
🐣:알료몰료 (alryomolryo)
🐣: 알료올료 the word is so cuteㅋㅋㅋright???
🐣: and dessert
🐣: for dessert
🐣: 두그두구구구두구 (drum rolls🥁)
🐣: its häageb-dazs chocolate
🐣: its delicious.....
🌌: ain't it too expensive
ㄴ🐣: i'll buy for u!!
🐣: ah fantasy listen!!
🐣: and these days the weather is getting hotter
🐣: now you gotta wear soft short sleeves tshirt
🐣: don't dress too lightly its hot again
🐣: im right here to diligently protect the country
🐣: don't worry a lot
🐣: wherever you are im cheering for you
🐣: cuz i miss you
🐣: you should stay healthy
🐣: fantasy don't get hurt
🐣: cuz if we say i love you we can answer it with an i love you; that's our relationship.
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🐣: private lee jaeyoon will come back again
🐣: ill come visit again when i can!
🐣: baek gol!
🐣: bbabbai
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thehungrykat1 · 6 months
Buffet Town in Greenhills Offers Unique Buffet Dining Experience
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There are so many all-you-can-eat restaurants around the city, but I just discovered this new buffet restaurant in Greenhills that offers a unique buffet concept combining beautiful aesthetics, sustainable dining, and an unlimited selection of Japanese and Asian favorites all in one charming venue.
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Buffet Town is the newest buffet restaurant that foodies are now talking about. It recently held its soft opening last January 28, 2024 and can be found along Annapolis Street in San Juan, right where UNO Seafood used to be. The Hungry Kat was invited to visit Buffet Town last week and the first thing we were amazed with was the free Valet Parking that was available for guests. This is a very welcome bonus especially inside the very busy Greenhills shopping area.
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The restaurant comes with a Japanese-insipred setting and offers a cozy and relaxing dining ambiance for families and friends. It has a very spacious dining area that also has several semi-private rooms for bigger groups. I love the colorful Japanese murals and designs you can find all around the venue.
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We were hosted by Michelle Chan, one of the owners of Buffet Town who also happens to be a classmate of my husband, Dexter. Michelle is also the owner of 8 Spoons, a catering business that is a favorite among the local community, and they decided to expand further with their first new restaurant venture.
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So what makes Buffet Town different from the rest? Unlike other restaurants which bombard you with long lines and a pile full of dishes on your plate, Buffet Town lets diners experience more by offering small individual potions served on cute plates. Each station comes with its own specialty dishes and you can simply get the ones that you want to try.
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Let’s start at the Appetizers station where a variety of Korean and Asian appetizers await like the Kimchi, fish cake, spicy Korean chicken, tangsuyuk, and assorted banchan.
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There’s also a Salad Station where you can find specially-prepared salads and greens displayed on the table. Other items include ohitashi okura, kabocha goma, and the popular Nasu Miso which is a baked eggplant with cheese on top.
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For those who love sushi, Buffet Town has a Sushi Oasis where you can pick your choice of sushi, rolls, and maki topped and filled with all kinds of ingredients. Items are always replenished quickly at Buffet Town so you don’t have to line up and wait for your servings.
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There’s plenty of salmon and tuna sashimi as well, including some spicy tuna and spicy salmon mixed with tempura flakes. If some of the portions seem too small for you, don’t worry because you can always ask the chefs to prepare your own personalized serving with the quantity and size that you prefer.
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My favorite here was The BT Aburi station where you can ask for a serving of their aburi dish for the day and see it prepared and blow torched at their live cooking station.
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I ordered the Salmon Aburi which was so good especially with its torched cheese melting into the fresh salmon slices. They also had the Beef and Mushroom Aburi which is an item you don’t often expect to see in buffets but rather in high-end Japanese restaurants.
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The Tempura is always a must-have so you can still get a many pieces as you want. There are also a lot of other fried Japanese items like tonkatsu, fried ika, tori karaage, kakiage, and tofu furai. Offering these dishes is smaller portions also helps in lessening food wastage as diners don’t get overwhelmed when they suddenly get more than they can handle. This promotes food sustainability and helps the industry and the environment as well.
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The Teppanyaki Station is also a popular destination with several dishes to choose from. These can be ordered from the server and they will prepare your dish and deliver it to your table fresh and hot off the grill.
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Here are just some of the items you can find at the teppanyaki station. The Beef and Shrimp Roll Teppan comes in a beautiful plate combining meat and seafood. There’s also the Yasai Itame with its combination of healthy veggies.
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The Mix Seafood Teppan is also a great dish combining tuna, shrimp, and squid with vegetables all in one plate.
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There’s also a Yakitori Station and you can have chicken, beef, king oyster mushroom, or shrimp skewers cooked and delivered to your table.
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Tracing its roots as a caterer, you will also find several cooked dishes on chafing trays here at Buffet Town. Among those on display were the Roasted Hainanese Chicken and Rice, seafood salpicao, steamed suahe, Laing, braised beef, and more.
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The highlight of the buffet would be the carving station where two very meaty items are featured. The Bellychon is a pork belly lechon roll that comes with crispy crackling skin and juicy lechon meat. Add some liver sauce to complete the experience.
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Just beside this is the Angus Lechon Baka, a glorious chunk of roasted beef that is just so delicious with its very tender beef slices. There are really so many dishes to choose from at Buffet Town but I didn't really feel overwhelmed because everything was served with the right portions.
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But if you thought that was all, there's actually even more because each table at Buffet Town also comes with a hotpot bowl where guests can cook their own hotpot items. First, choose two from among the four soup flavors provided including Pork Bone, Sukiyaki, Tomato and Mushrooms, and Spicy Kimchi.
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Then head over to the Hotpot Station to get your preferred items like fishballs, cheese balls, mushroom balls, shrimp, dumplings, veggies, and more.
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Diners can also get unlimited servings of sliced beef and sliced pork so you can have a full hotpot experience together with your full buffet selection. What more can you ask for?
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Beverages are included in the buffet price so guests can have bottomless glasses of fruit juices, chocolate, and yogurt drinks. There's also unlimited UCC Coffee which is something you don't often find in buffet restaurants.
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To make your dining experience even more festive, live dance performances are held every hour or so around the venue, with special numbers for birthday celebrants or those celebrating special occasions.
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To complete your wonderful dining experience at Buffet Town, head over to the dessert station where you can prepare and choose your own Hanami Dessert Box. Customize your box with nine assorted mini Asian delicacies including matcha cheesecake, panna cotta, creme brûlée, fruits, and ice cream with flavors like cheesecake, chocolate, mocha and lots more.
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We would like to thank Michelle Chan for inviting us and hosting our delightful visit to Buffet Town. We really had a unique dining experience that is quite different from how we usually eat at buffet restaurants. It's a great place to meet up with friends and family since you can take it easy and bond over good food and good company. I'm surely going back here soon!
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Buffet Town
43 Annapolis Street, Greenhills, San Juan
(0908) 396-3009
Facebook Page
Instagram: @buffettownph
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greedyapron · 8 months
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19/1/2024 - Dinner
Itaewon Jjajang, Tanjong Pagar
Set ($44)
🍜 Jjajangmyeon
Prefer this version to ObbaJjajang. Not sure what makes it nicer but would prefer eating this if i ever have a craving.
🍜 Jjampong
Also good but the version in ObbaJjajang is more seafoody. I guess you can't have the best of both worlds.
🐷 Tangsuyuk
It's crispy and chewy. YUMS. Love the texture. Sauce was sweet and sour.
🧋 Happy Cup Roasted oolong with evaporated milk and konnyaku pearls ($7)
Still roasty, still tasty.
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mnovenia · 1 year
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Day 9 - 5 Aug 2023
Finally a day bit of resting, waking up a bit later.. We're in Daegu and will spend our Saturday here!! When I woke up Yoora already awake and had her me time. We decided to go to a famous spicy jjajangmyeon place, yahooo!! Panas nya ga ketulungan sih, pas jalan juga.. tbh aku lemes banget.. ky di gas terus 2 mg terakhir tanpa henti..
We're walking walking, and eat jjangmyeon n tangsuyuk yg enakkkk buanget.. inget adegan junghwan + iksun gak sih ahahha.. Afterwards we went to ky container2 box gt, liat2 accessories and ngopi ada yg enak banget sumpah cinnamon gt, i'd go back to daegu for this but not as good as caffeine charger in Busan oh my.. Then panas2 foto2, beli2 oleh and finally panggil taxi yg drivernya nice banget and kita ke kota.. gatau knpa Daegu ky banyak bgt budongsan apa krn byk expo2 then we're in the city which is quite nice. We went to a pet shop for Bella then 2x photobox thats so cute & excentric/stylish banget. Then we went to Twosome place and I ordered patbingsoo which never failed!! Heading to Dongdaegu station and here we go, buy AA first then just enjoy a bit convo with Bella, she was having a hardtime because Imo was so sick and needed to fly to Korea soon. With plenty of beautiful Korean suburb and sunset, I was just mesmerized what an opportunity to enjoy such time and scenery.. Thank you God for everything..
Arrived at Seoul, surprise surprise someone was picking us up: Erica Onni, Taekyun Oppa, and Yusosu who's just returned from picnic at riverside.. so warm and cute that night, so so nice to feel like I come back to a family that welcome and take care of me.. I think all these times, I never felt much love as I received from Eunjung Onni, she is truly so so kind and love me the way I am, wholeheartedly, eventhough I'm just a stranger that suddenly appeared in her life. Even Taekyun Oppa recently sent me a picture of Sooyi wear Deus shirt that I bought for Oppa last summer.. (strangely I just edited my video with Sooyi because I miss her so much)
My prayer for Eonni Oppa family is always to receive God's best according to His will, to be blessed and led by God's wisdom in everyway that they take.. I love you so much Onni Oppa, Yusosu..
Then I went with Yoora to spend a night in her house. Twas fascinating of where she lived, I can understand more of where she's experiencing and how everybody needs God's grace and love through difficulties in life. Nice to meet Yoora's mom, also so pretty. We went to pyonajeom and bought sausage + rose tteok/mie yg enak banget idk what huhuhu pengen banget lagii.. I hope oneday someone will bring that for me hehehe (ngarep). I washed my hair and prep for church tomorrow that I know will be another long day.. Goodnight and thanks to Yoora who let me stayed in her room while she worked and stay outside..
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
is Amended!Namjoon Team Dip or Team Pour? and what about Gina? i was watching Joon’s recent vlog of him doing a tour of his place and he was like, “I used to be Team Dip but now I’m team Pour… sorry to Team Dip everywhere in the world” as he poured the sauce over his Tangsuyuk for his lunch, and i was wondering what team Amended!Namjoon is on and whether Gina is on the opposite team of whatever he is 🥹
me personally i am Team Both, just depends on the food, but overall it doesn’t really bother me what people do with their food ☺️☺️ what about you, Miss Foxy? are you Team Dip or Team Pour?
Ok, let me think about this.
I bet Namjoon starts team dip but after spendign time with kids and seeing what happens to the dip when there are children involved, he becomes "Team Pour before any starts dipping." Gina remains a generous dipper because she doesn't give a shit about it, and later they flirty infuriate each by her dipping her food in the sauce he's poured.
For me, it just depends on the food. I tend to not like tons of sauce on things but I also don't like it too concetrated, so maybe I'll do little dips, or maybe I prep to make sure there's even distribution haha
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tobiashwn · 2 years
tangsuyuk, what’s it to you in the cafeteria with @hwnjieun​
tobias just wanted to enjoy his lunch. in peace. alone. 
for once actually which was quite a surprise for the usual social jujak. he was usually seen with at least one other person with nothing but brilliance emanating from himself despite whatever they might be discussing. don’t get him wrong, even when he was alone eating lunch by himself, he was still very much radiating that same brilliance. 
maybe that was one of his flaws, figuring out how to turn off that switch from time to time so that he wasn’t always attracting others to him without his own provocation. but when he thinks on it again, it’d be such a waste to be have an off switch for someone who embodied so much greatness.
having some peace and quiet to think over things by himself was something he actually did more often than people might think so maybe that was an odd sight for others and what made them feel inclined to approach him. and in that moment, there’s a train of thought that he’s focused on, trying to figure out how he’ll be able to fit every thing he needs to do into his schedule before the end of the day when he hears something. 
something that completely makes him lose track of his thought, and even takes his attention his away from the cafeteria made meal sitting in front of him.
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latenightdecaf · 2 years
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Nervous Cold Hands
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: established relationship, fluff, angst,
*sighs in defeat* boyfriend!namjoon
Summary: Kim Namjoon’s your boyfriend—he breaks things, he changes his mind easily, forgets where his phone is but also loves you dearly.
Word Count: 1,891
a/n: I actually don’t know what this is and how it just dawned to me after repeating the video of Joon on his last live about having a tattoo and marriage and kids. I’m personally close his age and I have the exact same sentiments about having kids 😂 although the story is not at all related to that. I’m sorry for leading you on 😅
Thank you though for being here. Please do let me know what you think or feel or anything really 💭
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“Hey, baby. I changed my mind.” Coming in from behind you, you got caught off guard on his random declaration in the middle of nowhere. Immediately, turning your back to look at him and putting the knife down as a precaution.
“About what?” Giving him a confused look.
Joon still looking intensely at his phone in one hand, other tucked in on his sweatpants. Not even bothering to look up, “About dinner.” You sighed; shoulder softened. “Again??” If only you didn’t know him enough, for being the most indecisive person on earth but after months of dating him, this is something you’ve already gotten used to.
But the tone of your voice is enough for him to look up from his phone, flipping it shut and placing it on top of the counter. Making his way towards you, showing you his infamous apologetic smile and dimples. Arms out wide, already gesturing to give you his bear hug when you dodge and walked past him. You picked his phone up, raising it and looking at him with a serious expression on your face. “I’m already a hundred percent sure, you’ll be looking for these again in the next 10 mins.” Putting it right inside the pocket of his sweats and went back immediately to chopping the garlic you were already doing before. Namjoon just stood there watching your every move, scratching the back of his neck. He moved an inch closer to you and you immediately noticed, “Joon—I’m holding a knife here.” you warned him without even looking up and it made him laugh.
He loves you for your strong personality. Loves it even more when you call him, ‘love’ or even ‘baby’ sometimes. It makes him feel warm and privileged to be called by you that way. You rarely call him, ‘Joon’ or ‘Namjoon’ only when there are other people around or when you’re serious which makes him nervous sometimes. You have this cold exterior on the outside to people who doesn’t know you but immediately Namjoon thought different, to him you looked warm the very first time he met you. Loves your smile and loves knowing he’s the reason behind it too. But when your expression changes and with the tone that sounds more serious. He knows it too well that you’re not one to mess up with.
“I’m sorry—why don’t we just order in?” You keep blinking your eyes, staring down at the garlic you’ve been holding onto for minutes now. “Jajjangmyeon and tangsuyuk?” coming in closer and peeking at you slightly, he’s very much aware that those are your comfort food. Some of the things you just can’t say no to. And indeed, you nodded softly and put down the knife.
Cleaning the rejected garlic quietly that’s supposed to be for yet another kimchi-jjiggae and still not facing your boyfriend at all. Today is just one of those days. Where you don’t know what you’re feeling or what specific thing or event is weighing you down, but something is weighing you down. And Namjoon can tell, he knows it wasn’t his fault, he knows it wasn’t the dinner’s fault—he’ll admit he had been busy with work, but he knows when you’re trying to keep something to yourself which you often do so before.
At the start of your relationship, you both know that communication is an important factor in maintaining one. And that’s not even a problem for him at all, always ready to talk, always ready to decipher every tiny little thing—but you on the other hand, it intimidates you. His display of openness and vulnerability scares you and even makes you doubt yourself sometimes. Just when you thought you’ve already matured enough to make an actual relationship work, Joon awes you each time, makes you feel like you’re still a beginner.
You admire him a lot, not just because he’s RM of BTS but simply because of how he is. He’s a book nerd; you’re a book nerd but you’ve never seen anyone quite like him before—he asks you what you think of a book you both read together, and it chokes you sometimes to say the words in your head. Overthinking and wishing that he’d find you smart too or at least good enough. It weighs in your mind a lot how he thinks of you, more than you could ever admit.
But you know who you are, you know what you like and don’t like, you know what to say and not say—you know what your opinions are and can very well form them on your own. But at the same time, you have also been told that you were too much for pondering a lot about the relationship. Been told that ‘your personality was too strong’ for leading and asking questions those people don’t have the answer to, you never let it show but it wounded you. Made you feel like you should temper your fire and maybe just conform instead. Even after months of being with Joon, you never completely opened this up to him. You’re not sure—not entirely confident yet of what you both have and if it’s already strong enough.
Joon immediately dialed your favorite Chinese restaurant. Washing your hands and drying it off, with Joon just standing and calling the restaurant beside you. He held your left wrist, warm and comforting—looking at you as he waits for his order to be completed. And as soon as he’s done, he hunched his back to meet your eye, examining you “Everything—“ while you continue to avoid it, “Not okay…”
He grabbed your hand, intertwining with his as you both make your way to his dining room—pulling out the chair for you to sit as he sits beside you. Not letting go of your hand, while you continue to feel weird, almost in the verge of crying but not knowing entirely what you’re upset about. “Talk to me please.” Tugging your hand that’s entangled with his and you just nodded. But still unsure of what to say.
You both waited in silence for a few more minutes, “You know what, I sometimes look at you and I really can’t figure you out. You make me nervous like that.” You smiled and looked at the hand that just won’t let you go. You stare at it for a good while, “Joon-ah, my love." trying not to choke on the words, “What if—you got me all figure out, and found that there’s nothing here that you like?” You slowly turned to look at him, he sighed and showed you his tight-lipped smile. “No, I have not figured you out—and it drives me crazy sometimes. But one thing’s for sure it would not change my mind at all. Do you have any idea how nervous I am when called me ‘Joon’ earlier, I mean that’s my name but I’m ‘love’ right?” You chuckled at his statement, you have noticed it before and sometimes do it on purpose just to mess with him, but he makes the same reaction every time, eyes all wide and suddenly attentive. “But—there won’t be anything I wouldn’t like, I’m pretty sure of that by now.” You frowned and he noticed it immediately. “You don’t know that yet, Joon.” He tugged your hand again, “Please stop calling me, Joon—I have no idea where this conversation is going but can’t you tell my hand’s growing cold already.” You laughed and dragged your chair closer to his, grabbing his other free hand and gently rubbing his knuckles. You’ve always loved the way his big hands cover yours and you feel bad for dragging your insecurities and even making him nervous about it. Almost like a whisper, “I’m sorry, my love.”
“I make you nervous, you make me nervous. I’m not sure what’s wrong with us.” You smiled at him, still brushing your fingers onto his knuckles—feeling it getting warmer in your grip. “Nothing’s wrong with us, okay? What are you so worried about?” looking genuinely concerned, “Do you think it’s because our love is new that’s why it feels that way?” Gently nodding along, “Maybe and maybe not, they say when you’re nervous to try something it means you’re onto something important. Maybe, we’re both nervous of each other sometimes because we know how important this is—I’m nervous because of how important you are to me. Every eyebrow raises, every micro expression you make, every weird intonation of a question, I try not to contemplate but yes that makes me nervous—sometimes even more so than my work you know?” He has his way with words, no one can ever deny it.
It warms your heart knowing so well that you’re being understood even with less direct words. You have it in your hand, a man that doesn’t just love you but understands you too. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe I’m too much for you?” Squinting his eyes in this question, acting like he’s seriously pondering over it. “Too much of what? Coffee? Yes, you drink too much coffee, love.” Making face and eyes rolling because you know so well that that joke is half meant. “I don’t really understand the questions luv, why would you be too much?” Smiling and genuinely wondering about that question.
Frowning and trying so hard to hold back your tears because it finally hit you—you’re finally being loved for the things those people said you were too much for.
Joon noticed the tears that’s forming your eyes, he rushed to have you in your arms. Gently stroking the back of your head as you let it all out while he hugs you tight and rocks you back in forth which made you smile. Covering you with his warmth, drowning all your worries with his love. He really makes everything better you thought.
The doorbell rang and finally your comfort food arrived. Joon greeted the delivery man politely and went back to set the food at the table while you get your drinks and plates. You and Joon work perfectly together, almost as if you both fill in each other’s gaps. Or for at least for you, just his tiny quirks. His clumsiness just makes you even more attentive than you realize. Making sure he’s nowhere near stuff that could potentially break and end up hurting him, nowhere near the kitchen where sharp knives are present but like always, he still hovers trying to see if he could be of any help. So, you end up taking his offer and gave him stuff to do. These days he can basically make your favorite cold brew, without dismantling your manual grinder. He didn’t have to do it, but he loves doing things for you.
“So what do you think does cold hands mean? Well for you, I already said mine. I want to hear yours.” he asked as he slurps in on his Jajjangmyeon. “It’s not even about cold hands. It was about how we were nervous…” You rolled eyes over his question, and he just smiled in return. This part is what intimidate you sometimes. Always asking a penny for your thoughts. “But anyway, I’ll take it—I’d say mine is cold because I’m not holding yours.”
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379 notes · View notes
cinnaminyoons · 3 years
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ミ☆ fortune favours the bold, they say.
⤷ PAIRING myg x m!reader
⤷ TAGS baseballer!reader, first meeting, questionable baseball knowledge
JUN I GOT A COOL ASS IDEA FOR YOU TO WRITE IF YOU WANT YOU CAN BUT IT'S INSPIRED BY THIS TWEET ! https://twitter.com/agustxdaeng/status/1464490746908753925
YOU can write like yoongi is a lucky fairy for the reader whenever the reader has a match or something(feel free to write about any sport) and like the reader and yoongi get close and eventually date?? idk you can make your own storyline!
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the roar of the crowds. the staggering height of the stadium, the flashes of red and black and white of its guests. the heat of the floodlights burns like the midday sun; the worst of it’s blocked by the brim of your cap, but it does little to soothe the sticky summer humidity.
the heat might be an advantage, you think. it makes you think of home, of warm evenings spent training with the team, of grass stains and blood-flushed palms. after that, it’s just a matter of slowing your breathing and blocking out the screaming, chanting fans.
this may be the most important night of your career. not because of the game, but because of who might be watching it.
you’d overheard whispers that a certain idol might be in the grandstands tonight. another whisper, said with a wink by a teammate, was that he wore your number on his back.
the sharp clack of ball on bat – you launch your body into a leap – the sting of the catch –
you can hear the smack of the ball in the glove, even above the crowd’s hollered cheers and the thundering of feet on steel.
the game’s tie is broken and you’ve emerged the victor. your team’s cheerful and excitable, exchanging wide grins and stinging high-fives that result in arms thrown over the other’s shoulder.
the time between the last ball and getting out of grass- and dirt-stained clothing is mostly a blur, still high on adrenaline. some of your teammates who were further away from you on the field take the time in the changing room to pat your shoulder and engage you in complicated handshakes ending in shared laughter.
the changing room smells of a nearly acidic level of sterilising alcohols. you’re all trekking dirt and grass in and the rectangular shape of the cleats marks out nine pairs of footprints on the shining white tiles.
your coach – an older man with grey stubble and a smile-lined face – enters, to the immediate enthusiasm of the men nearest him.
“that was brilliant teamwork out there, boys,” he says with a deep belly laugh. “good to see jeong and kim have finally resolved their rivalry.”
“thanks, coach!”
“you know it, coach!”
“oh, we resolved it weeks ago, coach,” calls jeong, not-so-discreetly elbowing his so-called rival out of the way. “did it over tangsuyuk!”
he clicks his tongue and shoves him back. “that i paid for, you leech.”
they bicker like an old married couple. they’re also the oldest on the team and enjoy pampering you, the youngest, like an overstuffed teddy bear. you owe them a fortune in meals and drinks.
“ln,” your coach calls over their argument.
you tug your shirt over your head and glance over. “yes?”
his eyes twinkle proudly. “your improvements aren’t going unnoticed – you’re a valuable part of the team. you did well tonight.”
“all thanks to you,” you say with a grin. “wouldn’t be here otherwise, coach.”
jeong snaps out his shirt and whistles. “what a smooth-talker. ln, what do you want now?”
“nothing,” you call back incredulously. zipping up your training bag, you huff. “i’m not allowed to give credit where it’s due?”
“there it is again! am i the only one hearing this?”
a teammate smacks him on the bare bicep. “ln doesn’t have a head the size of a weather balloon. no wonder it’s unfathomable to you.”
while jeong sputters in disbelief at the light-hearted insult, your coach taps you on the arm and lowers his voice. “you have a special guest wishing to congratulate you personally. he’s waiting in the east break room.”
you raise an eyebrow. “who?”
“don’t worry.” he smiles. “you’ll know when you see him.”
after that mysterious and vague tip, he ushers you off down the empty blue-lit tunnel. you don’t have much time to ponder who it could be, since the east break room is just a few steps left of the changing rooms.
there are two bodyguards at the door, burly and disgruntled. they watch you closely as you approach, and while you’re sure they do this to anyone who passes too close, it doesn’t stop the slight fear in your gut.
“hi,” you say when they don’t open the door – or even stop staring at you. “i was, uh, called here to meet someone?”
the one on your right looks you up and down. “leave the bag here.”
you drop it at his feet. you are the least criminal-looking version of yourself at the moment – shorts and a tank top, with brand new neon-yellow sneakers. he still doesn’t move, and you ask, rather awkwardly, “do you… need to pat me down, or…?”
he gives you one last glance-over. he turns away, disinterested. “no. head in and don’t cause trouble.”
you open the door and slip inside, shutting it behind you with a quiet sigh of relief. 
jeez. those guys could be gang members and you wouldn’t bat an eyelash.
you turn towards the room. one lone figure, clad in black, is currently preoccupied with kicking a vending machine.
“argh – fucking shockers—!”
“that one’s always been a bit funny,” you call out, moving closer. “you just have to hit it right.”
lifting a fist, you give it a firm smack with the meaty part of your palm. the vending machine trills and spits out the sweets. you lean against the side of the vending machine and smile as the ‘special guest’ crouches to pick it up. “hello. yoongi, right?”
“that’s me. sorry you had to see that,” he says, laughing at himself and unwrapping his much-wanted candy. “thanks, by the way. you want some?”
“sure. thank you.” he tips two of the colourful pellets into your hand. “not trying to be rude or anything, but what’s an idol doing with a ‘personal congratulations’?”
he steps away and knocks one back like a pill. “well, a hearty congratulations is in order. congratulations!” he’s quiet, shy, but sincere. “i know we’ve interacted through social media, but watching live only to tap out a tweet afterwards seemed dispassionate.”
“we seem to win whenever you’re around. maybe you’re my lucky charm.” you move on before he can even think about embarrassment, words light and teasing. “but someone like you – with your renown – i would’ve thought that public appearances would’ve been difficult.”
“renown.” yoongi scoffs and shakes his head. “you’re putting way too much value on me. anyway, i was told the same thing. i was only allowed to come if i brought those two,” he gestures at the door, “along. kind of defeats the purpose of going incognito, but it does give me the opportunity to talk to you like this.”
‘like this’? you wonder if he’s been planning this for long.  “i’m flattered,” you reply, with the beginnings of a smile.
you push off of the vending machine and move towards the table with a woven basket filled with complementary bottled water. you crack the cap open. you don’t usually take from these, but your bottle of water is sitting in your bag at the guard’s feet.
yoongi quietly enjoys the way you tip your head back, throat bobbing as you swallow. “thank you for coming – but it was a team effort, always is." you add to yourself, "never thought we’d meet while i look like a gym rat.”
you chuckle slightly, sweeping your hair off your forehead. you cannot think of any reason he would want to see you in person. him – seeing you! what a bewildering thought.
“yes – i, ah, didn’t think about that, sorry. i was too caught up in my own excitement. the idea of meeting you was a dream. i’ve been petitioning for this for a long time.”
“oh, stop. you’re making me blush. you’re even wearing my number, i see.”
“yeah.” yoongi flashes you a quick toothy smile, eyes closing. his ears burn. “do you, ah, mind signing it?”
he holds out a sharpie balanced in the palm of his hand. you take it and yoongi turns around, fidgeting with his hat.
“sure! where do you want it?”
“above your name, please.”
the warm weight of your hand smooths across his shoulders and he shivers, clasping his hands together in front of him. the tip of the pen tickles as you sign it off with a big flourish.
“there. you know, this might sound crazy but – can we do a mutual signing?”
he faces you again. his rosy lips part in a round ‘o’. he flushes pleasantly. “you mean… you want my signature?”
“yes, if you’re willing to.” you haven’t capped the pen yet. you click it back on. “are you okay?”
he blinks, then chuckles slightly, scratching his neck. “yeah! sorry, it’s just a little surprising, i guess, that you want mine. i wouldn’t have thought you would.”
“really? never? you’re, like, the biggest names in history right now. seeing the guards at the door – it felt like meeting royalty,” you tease.
this time, his blush goes beyond his ears. “o-okay,” he says, clearing his throat, “where’d you want me to sign?”
you glance around, then down at yourself. black marker won’t turn up well on your shirt or shorts, and you’re already leaning against the table…
you kick a foot up on the edge of the table and place your hand on your knee. you return the pen to him and watch as he leans in. the marker scratches against the mesh of your shoe but doesn’t bleed.
“you could sell these on ebay for a fortune,” yoongi comments as he straightens. “worn by ln yn and signed by a musician.”
“what? don’t sell yourself short. ‘signed by min yoongi and worn by a league player’ would get way higher.”
“just some league player. any league.” he grins. “you’re worth more than that.”
“says you, ‘musician’.” man. he’s so much prettier up close. “i’m not selling these, ever, anyway. this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
his pen disappears into the cross-body bag that’s lying nearby. another one – a black ballpoint – comes out.
“well,” he says, haltingly, softly. “it doesn’t have to be.”
your brow creases in confusion as he takes your hand, loose enough for you to easily pull away, and places the nib on your palm below your thumb. the ink is cool and tickles your skin.
“it was really nice meeting you, yn. i wouldn’t mind doing it again.” he asks, with a pink-cheeked smile as he makes the phone sign with his thumb and pinky, “call me?”
you nod mutely. you can only watch as he tosses you one more shy grin, and leaves.
one of the guards enters behind him and returns your bag to you. you thank him quietly, still in a suspended state of disbelief, and glance at your hand. there’s a string of numbers, and beneath it, a single word:
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guksbread · 4 years
jungkook oneshot fic recs
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❀ humour — ☾ angst — ♛ smut — ☁︎ fluff
♡ personal favourites — ☆ recently added
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last updated 02.08.21 // back to main
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⟹ after i left you | latetaektalk ☾ ☁︎ ♡
☆ arachne-boy | kinktae ❀ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ banana milk | kimnjss ♛
⟹ bookmark on a thursday | cutaepatootie ☾ ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ caught me | jeongi ♛ ♡
☆ canceled | zibermuda ♛
⟹ easy | itsamejin ☾ ☁︎
⟹ euphoria | seokstrivia ☾ ♛ ☁︎
⟹ first light | inktae ☾ ☁︎
⟹ gamin’ together | httpjeon ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ gravity | donewithjeon ☾ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ hiraeth | thedefinitionofbts ☾ ♛ ☁︎
⟹ hopeless hearts | cupofteaguk ☁︎
☆ hot boy bummer | jungkxook ❀ ♛ ☁︎
⟹ i wish i missed my ex | angelguk ☾ ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ if i told you | gukyi ❀ ☾ ☁︎
associated drabbles: 1
⟹ in between blurred lines | prodkkyu ☁︎
⟹ it takes two | junghelioseok ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ love alive | jamaisjoons ☾ ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ mail | minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong ☾ ☁︎
⟹ mask | onherwings ☾ ♛ ☁︎ ♡
associated drabbles: 1
⟹ melomaniac | jungkxook ☾ ♛ ☁︎
☆ melted | drowsymochi ☁︎
⟹ monogamy monologues | kpopfanfictrash ❀ ♛ ☁︎
associated works: prequel
⟹ new beginnings | gukeobi ☾ ♛ ☁︎
⟹ omg, they were roommates | ot7always ♛ ☁︎
⟹ orange tulips | kainks ☾ ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ painting the meadow’s void | jungblue ☁︎
⟹ see you around | ddaengtae ❀ ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ shield | rmverse ♛ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ somnolent | forgottenpasta ☁︎ ♡
⟹ southpaw | starshapedkookie ☾ ♛ ☁︎
⟹ sugarplum elegy | bymoonchild ☾ ♛ ☁︎
⟹ tangled webs | ughseoks ☾ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ tangsuyuk love | full-of-jams ♛ ☁︎
⟹ tell me your secrets (i'm all ears) | jinpire ☁︎ ♡
associated drabbles: 1 2 3 4
⟹ the devil’s change up | jungblue ♛ ☁︎ 
⟹ the habits of a broken heart | softykooky ☾ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ the swirling ways of stars | inktae ☾ ☁︎ ♡
⟹ the universe of us | taesthetes ☾ ☁︎ ♡ 
⟹ the wedding planners | gukyi ☾ ♛ ☁︎ ♡
associated drabbles: 1
⟹ tinder 2.0 | tayegi ♛
⟹ quarter life crisis | heungtanbts ☾ ♛ ☁︎
⟹ what are best friends for? | gukooky ☾ ☁︎ ♡ 
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864 notes · View notes
goodnightjar · 1 year
230514 #SF9 #JAEYOON fancafe
🐣: jaengzzi is here
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️leave a❤️❤️❤️lot of ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ comments ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️boo❤️❤️❤️ing❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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🐣: when will my fantasy come
🐣: 2
🐣: 3
🐣: whats uppppppp this week I came to do a comment party..
🐣: i want to hear your voice ㅠㅠ
🐣: the kids had a fan-con!!
🐣: im doing well fantasy
🐣: just now i had a chicken leg nugget at PX
🐣: i brought hershey chocolate milk ><
🐣: cuz of the large daily temperature difference between day & night, there is a high chance of catching a cold, but im coping well!!!
🐣: im tired of nuneddine... this time pass
🐣: i have a lot of questions about saxophone.
🐣: im working hard on practicing the saxophone scale
🐣: i feel like my cheeks are gonna explode
🐣: these days lotte giants are good at baseball
🐣: im so happy
🌰: private
🌰: is it possible to do a comment party!??
ㄴ🐣:Corporal Kim Inseong, do you need anything from PX
ㄴ🐣: I got permission from the fantasy squad commander ^_^
🌰: jaeyoon asked me to come over so i came
🐣🗨️: im doing comment party
🐣🗨️:if hyung(s) are bored come join
🌰🗨️: ok
🌰🗨️: how is it
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🌰: there is a group chat
for the three soldiers
i named it Soldier-F9 (군스에프나인)...
ㄴ🐣: Corporal Kim Inseong's idea was so orginal!
🐣: but my hair is still longer than i thought
🐣: sad but hilarious ^_^
🐣:oh my ROKA tshirt size is 105
🌌: 🌹🌹🌹
🐣: is today rose day for our fantasy?!
🐣: rose is here ><!!!!!!
🐣:inseong rose, jaeyoon rose!
🌰yesterday jaeyoon did a group voice call with our kids
ㄴ🐣: that's right Corporal, it was such a fun talk!
🐣: the younger ones miss us a lot fantasy
🐣: don't you think so Corporal Kim Inseong??!!!
ㄴ🌰: ah ah yes!
later on lets go for some cleaning up at the dorm^^
🐣: Corporal Kim Inseong, where are you?
ㄴ🌰: i'm having green tea right now^^
🐣: as i am not corporal i cant do it
🌌: Corporal Kim Inseong is in my heart right now..
ㄴ🐣: the size would be too big, is it okay??
ㄴ🌰: im small
🐣:oh fantasyyy
🐣: comments are super fast!!!
🐣: fire power is good!!!!!!!!
🐣: the keyboard is too small for my fingers
🐣: i did a lower body workout the other day, so my legs are so tiredㅠㅠ
🐣: oh... lets do Tangsuyuk for #Yooniquest ....!!!
🐣: corporal kim inseong are you into lifting some weight???
🌌: im gonna enlist. can I also join the group chat (Soldier-F9)..!!
ㄴ🌰: ye?
ㄴ🐣: im sorry. it seems to be difficult for security reasons
🌌: where is jaeyoon im looking for jaeyoon. its hard to find
ㄴ🐣: im here
🌌: I have a question. will there be goodnight jaengzzi until you are discharged??
ㄴ🐣: secret ><
🌌: yooni yooni are you applying suncream well?!!!!
ㄴ🐣: im practicing everyday
🌰: i often talk with 🐣 once or twice in the weekend. the same goes for 🍀ㅋㅋㅋ im glad that 🐣 is doing well as there are a lot of good people with himㅎㅎㅎ
have fun now i gotta go ㅎㅎ
oh its a soon to be private first class riceball!! you really did well in military life fr
ㄴ🐣: ill contact you again, Corporal Kim Inseong! go back safe
(🐣: corporal kim inseong are you into lifting some weight???)
ㄴ🌰: I run 17km in the morning now and am working out with a barbell.
🐣: Yesterday's breakfast was really good!
🐣: the food that comes to mind the most right now is tangsuyuk. i really wanna have it
🌌: can you eat 2 bowls of rice in army
ㄴ🐣: i think you should get a lot at once.
🐣: i read fancafe letters when i get personal time.
🐣: i also read Fromm sometimes!!
🐣: um the only sport I still play is weight lifting....><
🐣: guys is jaengbaekgu doing well..??
🐣: please take good care of my baby^_^
🌌: jaeyoon im watching a Lotte game
ㄴ🐣: omg...ㄹㅈㄷ
🌌: yooni did you gain some weight
ㄴ🐣: 2kg??kinda!!
🌌: i miss jaeyoon
ㄴ🐣: i miss you more
🌌: jaeyoon is cute. is baekgu more cute?
ㄴ🐣: its me!
🌌: bogoshipeo (eng)
ㄴ🐣: nado (eng)
🐣: Oh can I recommend a song?
🐣: song recommendation
Eric Clapton- Tears in Heaven
🐣: its a Sunday. what are you doing?.
🐣: wanna go to gyuni birthday cafe~~~~ㅋㅋㅋ
🐣:now im gonna rest, do exercise and practice--
🐣: it may not be often; but ill will come to play with fantasy like this
🐣:i miss you sooo soo much fantasy
🐣:have a good rest on sunday
🐣:cuz you played with me!!!! im gonna feel so good!!!
🐣:im so glad to see you. i feel so good
🐣:feels like its been like so long since we talked like this
🐣: im gonna go now!!!!
🐣: i don't take vitamins
🐣:cuz my vitamins are right here!!
🌌: eat your vitamins pabo
ㄴ🐣: oh..i'll eat...><
🐣: im gonna eat 5 bowls of rice!!!
🐣: sleep warmly!!
🐣:be careful not to catch a cold!!!
|SoldierF9 (군스에프나인)🍀🌰🐣|
(inseong the camp)
🌌: will you leave the group chat after your discharge?
ㄴ🌰: what... i should right!
but as those who gets discharged leave;
the ones left alone will be lonely;
so i'm thinking of adding one at a time.
(what will happen to jaeng in sep🫨?)
🌌: what do you talk with jaeyoon & youngbin over phone?
ㄴ🌰: really
we talk about our camp
we talk a lot about our feature team
we also talk a lot of useless stuff
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piedpiperslists · 2 years
hi. do u have any fic list related to love letters or something? like, oc writting to jk/v?
Hi. These are the only fics I could think of. And about half of these are with Jungkook/Taehyung writing the letters.
* s - contains smut
[drabble] by angelguk - drabble / angst, classmates au Summary: The one where your love confession got buried under the hot cheeto packets in his backpack and JK didn’t realise until a month later.
Love Letter by whatifyoulivelikethat - one shot (s) / wc~7k / neighbors au, university au Summary: Jeon Jungkook gets love letters shoved in his mailbox and under his apartment door all the damn time. You, too, get love letters shoved in your mailbox and under your door. All the time. It could be a sweet gesture, but this is the twenty-first century. Love letters aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
Tangsuyuk Love by full-of-jams - one shot (s) / wc~11.5k / friends to lovers, college au Summary: College student Jungkook passes cute notes with a customer who always orders take-out tangsuyuk at his part-time job. Meanwhile he’s trying not to miserably fail his Math class, while hiding his ever-growing crush on you.
Paper Cranes by aquaminwrites - one shot (s) / wc~18.3k / friends to lovers, college au Summary: It is said that if someone folds 1000 paper cranes, they will receive one wish. Kim Taehyung has been folding you paper cranes since he was six years old. He won’t tell you what he’s going to wish for once he reaches his goal, but even into your twenties, all you know is that he’s been wishing for the same thing every time.
Flawless by wtf-yoongi - one shot / wc~3k / friends to lovers, university au Summary: You’ve lost count of how many notes you’ve left in between Tae’s textbooks, from the silliest to the most profound, loving ones. And yet, even after all these months, Taehyung doesn’t seem to have noticed any of them.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Call Me By My Name ~ Jackson Wang
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Your eyes lit up as you spotted Jackson in his studio, pushing the door open carefully. The screech that followed was enough to make his head look around, smiling instantly when he saw you walk in.
“I bought food Jackson,” you hummed, bringing the carrier bag around from behind your back, placing it beside him. “I thought you could probably do with a little refuel with working so hard.”
“Jagi, you didn’t have to bring me food,” he chuckled.
You took a seat anyway at his desk, leaning forwards as he pulled himself forwards to press a kiss against your lips. It didn’t take long though for the smell of food to attract his attention, tearing down the bag and pulling out the boxes.
Although Jackson loved most kinds of food, you always made sure to remember his favourites for times like these. It was the perfect boost for him when he was struggling with inspiration, desperately in search of the right lyrics again.
“Make sure you eat up too,” he quickly instructed, moving the food so it was between the two of you, “you’ve got to keep your energy levels high as well.”
You did as he said, taking the pair of chopsticks that he handed across to you, breaking them apart before tucking into the several dishes that you’d bought for him.
“Have I mentioned how beautiful you look today too?” He mumbled, tucking into a cutlet. “Well, you look beautiful every day, but you get what I’m trying to say.”
“Jackson, just be quiet and eat.”
The sound of his name coming from you caused his body to tense up, although he was used to being called by it, of course, it was incredibly rare that it ever came from you.
“One day you’ll stop turning so shy when I pay you compliments,” he chuckled, shaking his head at you.
You simply smiled back at him, reaching forwards to wipe away a droplet of sauce that had settled on his chin with the pad of your thumb. A gentle blush found its way onto his cheeks as you tidied him up, shamefully looking away from your eyes.
“And one day you’ll stop being such a messy eater,” you teased, “honestly Jackson, how does one person make such a huge mess constantly?”
“I’m not that bad, you’re no angel either.”
As you shrugged back at him, he couldn’t help but be caught by how you used his name again, struggling to get his head around how strange it sounded coming from you.
“Are you planning on staying here long?” He then proceeded to ask you?”
You looked around the studio at the amount of work that he had to do, quickly glancing across at what time it was before nodding your head in response to him.
“If you’ll have me, I’ll stick around for a while and see what you’re creating,” you hummed, taking another mouthful from the tangsuyuk in front of you.
He clung onto a mention of his name, but this time one failed to come. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what was going on with you, but he was sure he didn’t like it.
What made things worse for him, was how natural you acted about it. He could tell you had intent behind calling him Jackson, and yet your face didn’t give a single thing away, acting as if it was something that you’d always done around him.
“I’ve actually been working on the title song for the album, I’d love for you to hear it and give you some feedback,” he commented, loading the track up, being careful of the food around him.
You quickly reached across, moving a couple of the tubs just before he ended up dipping his jumper sleeve into them. “Jackson, you’re going to make a mess if you don’t watch what you’re doing.”
“Y/N,” he replied, only to see you staring straight back at him, unresponsive to the call of your name.
The blank look on your face only confused Jackson more, scratching the top of his head in frustration that the answer wasn’t coming to him. He continued to stare at you, but you didn’t budge, innocently studying his face.
“You’re up to something,” he suddenly mumbled, resting his head into his hand as he tried to figure things out. “I don’t know what it is, but you’re not being you,” he added, only getting more frustrated by how blankly you looked at him.
“Is this how it is? I come here and bring you food and look after you and somehow you think I’m up to something?” You joked, mimicking his actions by resting your head into the palm of your hand against his desk.
“It’s not the food, the food is great, it’s just you,” he laughed to himself, “the way you’re speaking just isn’t quite right.”
Your eyebrows raised suspiciously back at him, “why don’t you tell me what you think it could be Jackson? What’s so wrong about me?”
If he wasn’t sure enough already, hearing you call him by his name again was the confirmation he needed to know exactly what you were trying to do. You’d gotten under his skin, as you wished, catching him completely off guard.
His empty hand slammed down against his desk, “that’s what you’re doing. You keep calling me Jackson, and you never call me that. It’s always Jacks, or something cute, you only ever use Jackson when you’re angry at me. Is this what it is, have I done something to upset you or give you a reason to be mad at me?”
“No Jackson, that’s not it…well, kind of,” you chuckled, moving your free hand to rest over his. “I just saw this challenge about calling your partner by their real name and seeing how they react.
“So, you’re definitely not mad at me or anything like that, are you?”
“I promise, I’m not mad at you at all, just a little surprised it took you so long to figure out that I was calling you Jackson,” you joked back at him, “it felt strange calling you Jackson, I really had to work hard on keeping a straight face.”
An exasperated groan came from him, tilting his head back in frustration that he’d been as gullible as he had been for so long towards you.
“You should know that I don’t handle challenges like this well,” he sighed, “it’s only because it was so out of character for you that I clocked on.”
It was the reason why Jackson was so perfect for the challenge, he was too kind of a person, that he fell for people’s tricks every single time.
“I’ll give you that one,” he groaned, intertwining his hand in with yours properly, “you’re lucky you brought me food otherwise I would be a lot angrier about this. I thought I could trust you not to prank me like the others.”
“It was too good of an opportunity to miss,” you comforted, “plus, it’s hardly my fault that you’re just such an easy target for a prank.”
“I hope you know that you’re not going to just be forgiven because you bought me food,” he warned you, “I’ll get you back for this.”
Your head instantly shook, “Jackson, you are the last person in the world who I think is capable of ever pranking me.”
“Maybe I’ll prove you wrong,” he argued, but even he knew that he had no chance in succeeding.
You squeezed his hand gently, “just admit that you’ve been pranked once again.”
“I’ll admit it, as long as you never call me by name again.”
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mnovenia · 2 years
Day 3 in Korea, 1st Dec 2022
After a tiring night, I remember woken up by Yoora and the kids. She was at Oppa Eonnie's house very early in the morning. That day we're planning to meet many people from the church.
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We took taxi to Mokdong area, to have a haircut from Esol (Hansol-ssi is Yewon's church member as well). It was so so nice. Beautiful bright morning, tho it was cold she welcomed us with tea and biscuit. There was nice songs played at the back as well, she is so pretty, tall, stylish, and she made my hair nice.
Afterwards we went to Jangronim hanbok place. She treated us for lunch, we had the best jjajangmyeon and tangsuyuk. It was the best meal ever, then a nice cup of coffee too. Afterwards we had fun trying on so many Hanbok, and SHE GAVE ME A SET OF HANBOK that I get to choose myself huhuu.. so kind of her right <3 God, thank you for introducing to me such a kind hearted person from the other side of the world, idk what else to say, everyday I just keep receiving and receiving huhu..
Then we're heading to Hongdae and spent a nice-cold day, taking pictures, Olive Young, etc. Then we go next to a Department store near the church. I was so entertained by the Han Gang river view. Eonnie picked us up again afterwork, and we meet a couple from the church and Je-i the cutest. They treated us so many good food, mulgogi, many nice fish dished and soup, love every beat of it. I love the restaurant vibe as well, which is so church friendly, filled with many people from the church as well, and it's just a lovely night to share and exchange stories. Eonnie was so nice to dropped us first to find parking space.
We're heading home, and Eonnie turn on the seat heater, and ensure that I was feeling warm :'''''''') I never been treated so well before God, you know.. so that's why it feels so extraordinary.
Nice to see the kids at home, they just returned from Taekwondo, Oppa headed out to work/have friends time, so we spent the day with Halmeoni (Eonnie's Mom) who is extremely as nice as Eonnie. I said to her, i'm so thankful that her daughter treats me so well.
Later on midnight, we enjoy a spontaneous banchan meal. It was soooooo delicious. All homamade by Halmeoni, cumi, teri, gerran, deonjang jigae, and RICE. It's so nice to spend time like that as family <3 Thank YOU God again for such opportunity
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mingying · 3 years
[spoilers] hospital playlist s2 finale; ikjun/songhwa
We have reached the finale and I am honestly going through a whole lot of emotions right now. But there are definitely a few things I really want to talk about this beautiful ship of mine so please allow me to.
TL;DR: IkSong stays true to the fact that their relationship is firmly rooted in friendship, only that now there are no more lines to worry about and they are able to do things a tad bit more with each other.
I absolutely loved the IkSong scenes we got in E12. 
While I was perhaps a bit sad we didn’t get more of them showing skinship, such as say holding hands or even hugging or kissing, I realise that the beauty of their relationship does not lie in physical intimacy. Instead, their relationship is rooted in a love so quiet and mundane that you may not even realise it if you don’t know them well enough.
And well, in my opinion, that kind of love is honestly beautiful in their own way.
I loved how even though they’re with labels now, their interaction with each other is generally still the same. There’s no jarring change that is in your face, but things that they’ve usually done with each other but just packed with a little something extra that makes me as a viewer swoon.
1) Ikjun buys coffee for everyone and leaves one for Songhwa, but not before writing on the sleeve with a little heart -- this is indirectly to show that he was indeed the one to leave her two coffees at the end of Epi 2 and I simply love it.
2) Songhwa telling the boys that she is going on a date with Ikjun, that they really are dating -- only to be met with laughs and a complete disbelief that Junwan even bet his entire fortune. I laughed so hard, and I really hope Songhwa managed to get them to repeat what they had said because girlie, you and Ikjun are about to be the richest couple in Yulje.
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3) Ikjun and Songhwa’s first date, which I noticed that Songhwa had first filled a plate of tangsuyuk for Ikjun first before herself. Even though she is generally impatient when it comes to food, being the food goblin she is, this small gesture she does to Ikjun is so heartwarming. It’s like she wants him to share a bit of her happiness (food) with him too, and that she is looking out for him as he always does to her. 
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4) Songhwa singing a love song about a man she loves being right beside her and hoping he will always love her, to Ikjun, is something I truly loved to witness. And the best part was that Mido sang it in her natural, beautiful voice, because that scene was told through Ikjun’s POV and to him, she sounds perfect. His face honestly, at that moment, dear lord. He is truly so in love with her. (++ Iksun’s reactions are hilarious HAHA)
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5) Seokhyung’s “I’m so happy for you guys, you really care for each other, you made the right decision, Songhwa-ya” will always live in my mind rent free. This feels really like how it all came to a full circle, right? How poetic it is that they had both IkSong and GomGom endgame in the same episode considering the circumstances in the 99z, and then have Songhwa finding out about Minha first, and then Seokhyung about IkSong? I truly, truly loved this scene so much.
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6) That little shot of Songhwa staring at Ikjun with that smile on her face as she watches her sleep -- this is it. This is definitely her look of “I can now love this man however much I want because he is mine”. 
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7) The sushi scene still makes me smile every time I think about it. They cringed at how they had to act all lovey dovey and it was so adorable to watch. A really realistic depiction of friends to lovers, too, don’t you think so? I mean, Songhwa has fed Junwan before and they are completely platonic so her not being able to do this to Ikjun just shows that it’s because she’s hyper aware this is supposed to be a couple gesture to do.Trust me, soon, you will be feeding each other without much thought and care once you get over this transitional phase. 
8) When Songhwa has had a rough day with her patient not going well, she went back to her room and found Ikjun resting there. Them lying side by side with the camera shot from above seems to give an illusion that they are lying on a bed so I’m going to take it as that haha. I loved that in this scene, they first start by asking about their surgery/patient. And then Songhwa shared with Ikjun that they have no choice but to declare the patient to be brain dead - and Ikjun was clearly distressed to hear that. I’m glad that as lovers, they are able to confide with each other their days and share their troubles and worries. To just be there for each other. This couple truly has reached that level of maturity and I’m so happy that from now on, they won’t have to hold back in sharing things with each other even more.
9) The camping scene was a surprise as I did not see it coming even though I did express my wish of another camping scene. Songhwa tried to stay awake just to continue talking to Ikjun but he realised she was sleepy - how cute? We then got a parallel of him contemplating in that brief moment about life but this time, he is smiling happily instead of forlornly/longingly. 
And the best part? They are sharing a tent together. To be that comfortable to sleep in the same tent together, well, my shipper self is obviously going to clown and say that they’ve probably already done more than just kissing.
Lord. Brb. I’m drawing up my gdoc as we speak ;)
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