#tanner bigt
writingduhh · 1 month
Can we also get a “dating them includes” with Larry aswell?
ABSOLUTELY! I hope you enjoy! ♥️
Larry || Dating him Includes (HC)
Pairing: Larry x Y/n
▷ There's a good chance he's shorter than you, so it's only fair to come up with some fitting nicknames for him.
▷ If he's taller than you, however, he'll never let you forget it.
“How’s the weather down there, smalls?”
“Larry I’m literally 1 inch shorter than you.”
▷ You find yourself laughing so hard your stomach hurts on a daily basis; he's literally the funniest person you've ever met.
▷ You two have so many random and obscure inside jokes; it's like you speak your own private language. The boys probably give you crap for it due to your constant laughing and seemingly nothing.
▷ I think his primary love language would definitely be quality time, followed by words of affirmation. If humor were one of the love languages, it would certainly be his.
▷ You frequently appear on his streams, and if you aren't there in the beginning, the audience quickly makes it clear that you're wanted.
“Since when does he stream alone?”
“Are they not going to be in the stream 😭”
“Damn chat calm down! They’re just in the bathroom. They’ll be right back.
▷ The two of you often find yourselves going on the most random side quests and adventures. For instance, what starts as a cute breakfast date might end with both of you on the roof of an abandoned building, watching the stars together.
▷ Communicating through the most cursed Instagram pictures or videos. (Like how the group always tag each other in random memes or posts on their stories) 😭😭
▷ You two are the epitome of twin flames and soulmates, as if you were quite literally made for each other.
▷ He'd totally buy you the most random and obscure things, just because he knows they'd make you laugh or at least bring you amusement.
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the way nick looks so hurt that Isaac took his hand back immediately is so funny to me
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kitybur · 11 months
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 | 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐭
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⌦ in which fans make a compilation of tanner and you moments.
[ ONE ]
— warnings: swearing, gn!reader, fluff, inappropriate joking
| may I please get a tanner × reader (there's no tanner love on this app) of any one of his streams that you want? or maybe even a ltlvc? just a cute and fluffy, established relationship stream! |
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tanner and y/n being the it couple for 10 minutes straight
the video starts off with the usual self promotion before it gets into a brief summary of the point of the ten minute long video. a fan had put together clips from last to leave vc, roblox, and random streams and vlogs that captured cute, funny, sus moments between two infamous lovers.
it was no secret that tanner and y/n loved each other dearly; they showed it whenever they could. the fans loved it. they loved seeing two of their favourite influencers care so much for each other. therefore, the video was made. and the rest of the fan base couldn’t be thankful enough for this one person to create a memory log of worthy moments.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
you weren’t apart of the newest last to leave vc for isaac’s channel, only because you had a long day at work and didn’t feel like staying up for multiple hours or even days. this led to where you were now, walking into your boyfriend, tanners room to bring him a water bottle. he was just getting to plug his headphones in when you catch nick speaking.
“i’m projecting that y/n is gonna fall asleep first.” you can see yumi’s eyebrows clenched in confusion as he throws his hands in the air.
“their not even in last to leave vc,” he yells. “they’re just babying tanner!” the boys laugh as your jaw hangs slightly open, a glare resting on your face. tanner’s pointer finger comes to push your mouth closed in the softest way possible, and gently takes the water bottle from your hand.
“hey! stop stealing my boyfriend!” you hear isaac yell through the now connected headphones. you shake your head at the screen, giving tanner a long kiss to the cheek before you exit the room.
“tanner you have ten seconds to get out of your room. ten, nine—” tanner scrambled out of his chair and tripped over his feet to get out the door as the rest of the guys complained how easy his dare was. a couple seconds later, tanner returned with you thrown over his shoulder. his arm held the back of your thighs and you gripped onto his sweater from behind.
“i caught a fish! papa, i caught a fish on my run!” he joked, swinging around to show you in distress. schlatt stared at the screen much like yumi had before with his usual confused expression.
“did tanner just.. steal a person off the streets?” he asked, getting a laugh out of everyone including you who could hear him through the headphones. no one replied as they watched tanner slap your ass and walk over to his bed and all but throw you down on it. you shrieked as your back hit the mattress and the wind knocked out of you.
tanner laughed at the shocked expression on your face, before kissing your forehead and walking back to his set up, acting like nothing happened.
you walked into tanner's room to give him yet another water bottle after he had downed his in the first hour. you did not expect to see a ring with two bead eyes on his fingers, and you did not expect for him to start speaking and moving his hands like it was a mouth.
"uh.. i have water for you?" you said almost like a question, trying to defuse what was going on. you guessed it was a dare that isaac had given tanner. the hand turned to you and opened like the hand was gasping.
"thank you, beloved." it said, to which you nodded with a small laugh. "can i have a," the hand got closer to your face as tanner whispered. "kiss?" you looked to tanner and than the hand, contemplating if you should leave him hanging. with a sigh, you leaned down and pressed your puckered lips to the tip of tanner's fingers.
on your way out the door you could hear the yell of a 'hey!' from your boyfriend, expecting a kiss for him, not his hand.
it was the end of the challenge and tanner was celebrating his win, yelling in the process. he ran to his door and opened it, jumping up and down like a school girl had talked to her crush. "y/n! we're rich, baby!"
"did you win?" your voice was heard faintly through the call as you rushed upstairs to tanner.
"hell yes i did!" he cheered, picking you up by the waist and jumping with you. isaac found the bit hilarious, seeing you flop around in tanner's hold as you gripped his shoulders in fear of him dropping you. he put you down for a moment before you were picked back up bridal style this time. tanner did a couple squats with you in his arms, flexing and talking about how strong and manly he is. when he finally settled down, he brought you with him as he gave his final remarks on winning. he sat you on his lap, his fingers drumming on your thighs as he spoke before the video ended.
"hello? can you guys hear me?" tanner asks, checking his setting on the roblox screen.
"yeah, i can hear you." you reply, "can you hear me?"
"yeah, i can hear you baby." your stream caught your flared cheeks as you walked your character over to tanner's. "we gotta go, y/n!" he yelled, character starting to run. "where are the others?" you followed after his character.
"we don't need the others, sugar." you whispered into the mic. his character stopped running and slowly span to face yours.
"hell yeah, let's get out of here!"
you were alone in the game, running around to find anyone you could. the game seemed to hate you as entities would chase you ad no go away, camping you as you hid. "oh my fucking god!" you yelled, getting away from a monster.
"y/n?" you heard a distant call to your left. your character moved a one-eighty until you spotted tanner's.
"tanner!" your character ran for his. "thank goodness, i keep getting attacked."
"i'll protect you baby, dont worry." he said smugly, character walking away as yours followed him. you were both quiet for around two minutes when you heard the sound of one of the monsters near by. your characters started to run when the monster appeared out of nowhere, along with tanner screaming. "take them, not me! take them!"
"tanner! what the fuck!"
your character had been up on a shelf from spawning into the next room. you didn't move as soon as you spawned, so your character was standing still as you read your chat. when you came back to the game, you moved your characters head down to get a better view of where to step, that was when you saw tanner's pressed as close as it can get to the shelf and it's head moving side to side.
"tanner, what the hell are you doing?" you choked on a laugh as tanner's character backed up.
"you were just standing there, i had to shoot my shot. y'know?" he wiggled his eyebrows and you shook your head, getting off the shelf. "hey! i wasn't done!" he pouted.
"we've got a game to beat, loverboy." you lightly scolded. the inappropriate act on a more or less children's game, let alone on stream was enough to make the tips of your ears red and a roll of your eyes.
"you better pay me back, i was doing you good deed!"
"how would you like me to pay you back?" you asked, confused. he was silent for a moment before you spoke up. "actually, don't even say anything. don't answer the question."
you had shut down your stream after rage quitting the game, you died too many times to keep going. after that, you were found on tanner's stream as he was about to end it. he was talking to chat about random things that you weren't listening too, you just hung your arms loosely around his neck as your nose pressed into his shoulder. he knew you were there, chat could tell by the way his hand came up to rub your arm in a slow, steady motion that was luring you to sleep.
as he was finishing up saying goodbye, you waved to chat sleepily and bid your own goodbyes. the last thing chat saw was the kiss you pressed to the crown of tanner's head, and his dopy smile that followed along with it. awe's filled the chat before it was disconnected and you two were officially done with your online jobs for the day, and could spend the rest of your time swaddled up with each other.
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a/n: i changed the idea of the story so i had more to include, just wiritng for ltlvc i didnt have much ideas so i wanted to make a tanner fic that would be sorta long and gives more imagination. i hope thats okay! this may also be a multiple part thing, unless this is enough and someone else wants to request something for tanner!
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cybrpwup · 1 year
ᴄᴀᴋᴇ || ʙɪɢᴛ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tanner x f!reader
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Warnings: cake murder, language, minor (Non-Graphic) Injury. summary: Tanner and Y/n make a cake requested?: yes !
Tanner had roped Y/n into one of his stream ideas. A simple concept, but with Tanner it could only be anything but simple. Tanner had roped Y/n into one of his stream ideas. A simple concept, but with Tanner it could only be anything but simple.
They were tasked to bake cakes without instructions, and while Y/n had some idea of what she was doing, Tanner was completely lost.
To his left was Y/N ducked into the refrigerator. She pushed things around on the top shelf before landing her hand on a carton of eggs. Taking them out, she sat them on the counter next to a mixing bowl. She turned her back to Tanner but not before flashing him a smile.
Y/n had continued to gathering her ingredients, stopping when Tanner pushed a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear. She coughed and mumbled a thank you before going to work.
He couldn’t help but watch as Y/N cracked eggs into the mixing bowl with one hand and tossed the shells into the kitchen bin. She stood, her feet set like an arrow, with her toes touching
She placed a bag of flour down and stirred the contents of the mixing bowl with a fork and a quick hand. Her head was down focused on what she was doing; a little wrinkle formed between her eyebrows.
Her eyes were distant, focused on the task at hand. Leaving the batter to sit, she crossed the kitchen and pulled open a drawer of miscellaneous utensils. While she searched for what she wanted, the fingers of her non-dominate hand drummed a rhythm against her hip.
His silence caught Y/N's full attention. She pulled her focus up, from her search in the utensil drawer to Tanner’s face. Her hesitant gaze stopped at his mouth and nose before going further up.
Their eyes met. Tanner felt a surge of warmth rushing upon him: a warmth he could lie in forever. Die in. So even his bones might one afternoon be exposed to it. It was clear at that moment (as if it was not before) that being around Y/N was not something Tanner knew how to handle or react to.
“Tanner, you actually have to do something” She said
“I don’t wanna make you insecure with my baking.” He huffed, making her giggle
“You know I’m a baker…” he said, hitting her hip and making her do the same, before throwing some flour at the boy to which he laughed, shaking his hair and sending flour everywhere. He brought his hand up, messing with his hair.
“You, uh, missed a spot." She bit her lip, stifling a laugh as he tried to find it.
“Let me.." She held his chin, pulling his head down so she could reach his hair, ruffling out the flour he missed. "All good!" She removed her hands slowly as he stood up straight again.
Not even halfway through the stream, Tanner had completely given up on his cake and was just throwing various things into his cake batter while Y/n was genuinely trying “Tanner… what is that..?” She held a hand to her mouth, her eyes widening at his concoction, “are you making a cake or a potion?”
“Well, y’know.. if this cake doesn’t turn out..” he gave a knowing look as his eyes shifted from the camera to Y/n
She didn’t understand the joke at first, giving the male a confused look.
When it finally clicked in her brain, it was obvious in her facial expression, a slight blush tinting her face “Tanner! You can’t say that” she squealed.
“I just meant I’d take yours, jeez, Y/n, you have a dirty mind” He said as he proceeded to pull ranch seemingly out of nowhere and adding it to his ‘batter ‘
She stuck her tongue out, scrunching her nose up, “You’re eating that when it’s done”
“We never agreed on that. I’ll just feed it to Nick or something.” He chuckled.
“Alright, love” She shook her head, dipping a finger into her batter and tapping his nose with a giggle.
Now flour and batter covered Tanner yelled, “Hey!” scooping up his own batter causing her to instantly back away “you’re not touching me with that”
He slowly approached her, holding his hands out in front of, backing her out of the kitchen until he began chasing after her
“If you fucking touch me i’m going to break up with you right fucking now, Tanner, I swear!!” She threatened, screaming through the house.
“Tanner , I don’t think that’s gonna rise at all” Y/n winced as he slid his cake into the oven “I added a lot of baking powder, i’m pretty confident it’ll turn out” That made her let out an emphasized laugh
Grabbing the oven handle, Y/N slipped her cake in, when she stumbled and the door flew shut, shutting on her hand "Ow! Shit."
She raced to the sink: turning it on to its coldest setting: she kept her hurt hand at a distance. Her free hand grasped her inner elbow supporting the extended arm. As the water bathed her burnt fingers, Y/N stood bent over with her head tucked under her arms and muttered a string of curses.
"Fuck. Are you alright?" Tanner rushed around the counter.
"Y-yea. Yes." She was stuttering through distressed gasps.
"Y/n, it's not great." Tanner laid a hand on her shoulder and another over her free hand on her arm. He felt her continuing to struggle for breath and start a self-soothing type rocking on her feet – not about to give in to the panic. "It’s not great, but you got to calm down. Follow me."
He pulled his lips in and inhaled a slow breath as if through a straw, exhaling it just the same. It took ten seconds of him doing the exercise on his own before Y/N began to follow.
And it was them like that.
And it was nice – given the circumstances.
Both their shirts were damp from the splashback of the running sink.
Half a minute passed. Y/N had not gained her complete composure, but her breathing evened out, and her muscles relaxed enough that Tanner had to reposition himself to support her as she leaned into him.
"Thank you." It was audible, though her chin was still tucked to her chest.
"It's alright...I can't cook either."
She laughed a short laugh. "You were lying earlier?"
"I know, pretty believable."
Given the cake enough time to cook, Y/n returned to the kitchen and checked the oven “Tanner?”
“Where is my cake?” She asked, slowly turning to him
“uhh. . .” he lifted up her ‘cake’, if you could call it that, which was just a mess.
She stared down at her cake, her jaw fell open - the cake looked to have been dropped and then attempted to have been glued together with icing - before moving her gaze up at him “YOU RUINED MY PERFECTLY GOOD CAKE?”
She stood frozen and he pulled her into his chest, laughing all the while as she fake cried
“My cake is still intact” He pointed to his cake which she couldn’t even see due to her face being hidden in his chest
“If you can even call it a cake” she sobbed.
Hitting her fist against his chest, she mumbled, “I can’t believe you.”
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k0rnfl4ke · 9 months
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Based on this photo
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I’ll be real I kinda guessed that it was yumi if it’s not I apologize
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sans-theskele-oof · 1 year
i love the groupchat cause like. nick is the mom with the pixar dumptruck ass and isaac is the cool dad. larry is their son. he is also in a homoerotic relationship with tanner. tanner is in a relationship with yumi. yumi is the token straight. grunk is their son. but then they’re all brothers (grunk and larry and the little brothers) but then yumi is the mom and nick and tanner are small children going to burn the house down. isaac is asleep. do you see the vision
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whywhaatt · 1 year
write some angst. huge sad angst. argument? sure! fucking idk make me cry. any cc, idc, just make me sad.
we got some sad shit baby💪💪💪
"You need to leave." (big t x reader)
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words: 1.368
a/n: ok so basically... i just got drunk, then when i was sober i wrote how i was thinking. sorry if its hard to read but have fun :)
warnings: alcohol mention + use, yelling, and a whole lot of cussing
Tanner is getting on my god damn nerves. Last night, I spent the night alone in my apartment and dressed for a date that did not happen. Every text and call I send him I get no answer. I can't tell if I'm supposed to be upset, worried, or pissed off but somehow I'm feeling all three.
For context, we've had this date planned for a couple of weeks. It's already been postponed due to my job or random things Nick asks him to do. And after 3 weeks, we finally both had a free day to have a simple and good date.
15 missed calls, 50+ texts, and 10 hours later I just parked my car in front of Tanner's house. I've gotta calm down. It could've been a mistake, a stupid mistake at that but we all mistakes. No what am I thinking, he deserves to get yelled at. So many thoughts are going through my head. At one point I'm pissed off, but on the other I don't know what happened.
I grab my shit, locking my car behind me, and walk up to the front door. Giggling at the "gay" welcome mat, I ring the door bell... no answer. Okay? I'll just ring it again... no answer again. What is going on? Nick's room is right here, at least he should be able to hear it.
I'm calling Nick.
"Hello?" He picks up the phone.
"Hey Nick, I'm outside. Can you let me in?"
"Yeah sure, one sec" He hangs up. A couple of seconds later, the door opens. A simple "thanks" comes out my mouth all muffled as I shove past Nick to walk towards Tanner's room. Isaac sitting on the couch, looks up and let's me know Tanner's still asleep. Great. Just great... I don't want to wake him up in a bad mood.
Whatever. He deserves it. I need to know what happened. I slam open his door to see him laying in bed sound asleep, with alcohol bottles covering his desk and his sweatpants on the floor next to the bed. His room's a mess, well when isn't it really? The only time its considered to be clean is when you clean it.
He must've heard the door open, cus he slowly wakes up and turns over to see me standing in his room.
"Baby, w-what are you doing here?" he asks so innocently.
"What am I doing here?? I should be asking what you're doing here?" I'm basically yelling.
"What do you mean?"
"What do I mean?!? What do I- uh. I can't with you. We had a date planned for last night!"
"Wha- OH!! Baby, baby please come here. Please come here I'm so sorry."
'No- No absolutely not. What did you do last night? Tell me."
"I-I was drinking with Isaac and Yumi. We played that stupid truck sim game and streamed. Then I just drank and watched anime until I passed out I guess." He admits. What. The. Fuck. I must've said that out loud cus Tanner immediately started to apologize again, "I'm so sorry baby, I completely forgot. Please let me make it up to you".
"No, I'm going home. You better find a way to make this better" I say as I walk out his room and closing the door behind me. The guys must've heard it all happen, cus I could feel Isaac and Nick staring at me as I walk out the front door. I didn't say a word, I just kept my head low and kept walking towards my car. Once I got in my car I just needed to scream.
Okay, that's a little bit better.
I got home and immediately turned my phone completely off, tossing it on my night stand and not looking back. I just need to do something else, get my mind off of what just happened. I need a drink. I grab some alcohol from the mini fridge I keep next to my desk. It's a vodka kind of day.
5 shots in...
10 shots in...
20 gulps in...
fuuuck. maybe i should've stopped like 20 sips ago. were those even considered sips? they were too big to be sips. my brain is fuzzzzyyy.
i gottta admiT what i said to Tanner was fuckked up, but i don't mean any of it. I should text him. N-NO!! I'm not texting him.
But I miss him, no I dont. fuck im crying now. ok this is happeninggg. I need to lay down. go lay on the bed. okay. im on the bed now.
knock knock knock
what. what the fuck was what.
knock knock knock
there it is again. am i dying? fuck. is that god? it's getting louder
knock knock knock
oh wait. its my frontt dooor. silly me. i'll go open it. come on body get up. one steep at a time.
"Baby. You scared me." oohhhh iits tanner.
"H-H-Heeeeeeeyyyy Taaaannnerrrrr" wait no i'm mad at him. actually, i'm just falling, oh shit.
"Oh my god, let's get you in bed. Come on" heee says while catching me, he's so strongg. i can feel his muscles, oh my god.
im laying down now. in my bed, i don't remember getting here. oh yeah Tanner.
"Y-Youu, youung sir, you neeed to leave" i slur outt, hehe.
"I'm not leaving you like this"
"Buuut. I'm mad at you a-a-and so you need to leave."
"Just go to-"
I woke up in pajama's and a massive headache. What the-
"Are you okay?" Oh. I remember now. I shake my head yes and sit up to see Tanner sitting on the foot of my bed. God, I'm regretting a lot of shit now.
"Baby... I'm so sorry. Can we talk about this? I need to apologize a lot." He says, so quiet it's basically a whisper. He looks up at me meeting my eyes. Was he.. crying? His eyes were all puffy and his hair was all messed up.
"Look, I fucked up. I know I did. But, baby, please forgive me for it. This is the first date I've missed in the forever the fuck long we've been dating. You didn't deserve that. You don't deserve that. I tried to think of all the things I could buy you, or do for you, to make up. But truthfully, the best option was being here for you and letting you know I care.
"I know you don't want to hear this right now, but I love you. I love you so fucking much. At the end of the day, I would choose you over anybody. Please, baby, just forgive me so I can forgive myself." Tanner whispers, a few tear leaving his eyes.
"It's sad, the first thought I had is that you were cheating on me. Then I thought you died, or just decided you hated me. I spent all of last night on the couch crying in the outfit I would've worn. I'm sorry I yelled at you, I just let my emotions get the best of me. You just... You really scared me. I thought I lost you." I confess. I can't make eye contact with him. I close my eyes as streams of tears run down my face and onto the pillow I've been holding. I feel the bed shift and I think Tanner got up and walked away, but suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.
For the past 30 minutes Tanner and I have been doing the 3 C's: cuddling, crying, and comforting.
"Relationships are hard" I think aloud.
"Yeah but we make it work." Tanner says, kissing my neck. My head is still pounding from all the alcohol I had, I can imagine Tanner was feeling the same when I yelled at him. To whoever said relationships were supposed to be easy, fuck you. It's hard to put your total 100% trust and love into one person all the time. And on top of that, you get that back. Plus work, or school, and making sure you're still taking care of yourself.
"I'm glad I have you" I confess.
Today was a long ass day.
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a/n: this one is shorter, but i honestly cried while writing it. sorry if the drunk part is too hard to read!! requests are open so do whatever you will with that information. love yall, and thank you so much for all the support
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thegoopchat · 2 years
was bored and decided to make moodboards for isaac/nick and tanner/larry
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dexlxst · 8 months
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Yeah I drew this cuz I was silly
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writingduhh · 25 days
Always cold reader X human heat source BigT
Please it’s fucking -8 where I live
I’ll do a sort of HC for this, I hope that’s alright! (If you want a longer fic just lmk) Hope you enjoy!!! <3
Always cold reader X human heat source BigT
▷ Since the beginning of your relationship it was very apparent that Tanner was not affected by the cold. He is from Washington, after all
▷ You, on the other hand, were unable to stand the cold.
▷ Anytime the temperature outside begins to drop you find your way into his closet, picking out the biggest / warmest hoodie of his you can find.
▷ He doesn’t mind at all. (Definitely enjoys seeing you wear them)
▷ He is always willing to help warm you up. (Definitely enjoys it)
"I'm so cold," you grumble, sprawled horizontally across from Tanner on the couch. Before he can react, you press your icy feet against him, eliciting a startled shriek.
"Jeez, why are you so cold?!" Tanner exclaims.
"You know how I get," you reply with a laugh.
"Well then, come here," he says, opening his arms to welcome you onto his lap.
▷ Consistently surprises you with 'cozy' gifts that are perfect for staying warm, such as plush blankets, soft, fluffy socks, and comfortably oversized hoodies.
▷ During the colder months, T always starts the car ahead of time and turns on the heater, ensuring it's all warm and toasty before you get in.
▷ At night, he assumes the role of a bed pre-heater. He’ll climb into bed before you, dedicating a few minutes to warming up your side of the bed. Once you're ready to turn in, he gently shifts over, ensuring that you have a cozy, warm spot to curl into immediately.
▷ If you ever find yourself outside and start to feel chilly, he's immediately ready to offer his jacket or hoodie. Should he have no jacket to spare, he’ll instinctively wrap an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to share his body heat.
▷ Mornings are particularly tough for you due to the chill of dawn. T wakes up a bit earlier to bring you a warm cup of coffee or tea
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new vlog is something
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hearts4tgc · 3 months
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burnt big t compilation
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princesssmars · 1 year
isaac fake fucking yumi and larry
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willinmist · 8 months
Angst - ★ Smut - ♡ Fluff - ☼
Boyfriend headcanons - ☼
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groupshat · 2 years
this is huge for sad people
from cherry_creamx on twitter
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goeymoey · 2 years
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Jesus Christ
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