strdbertram · 2 years
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passitonandon · 6 years
I tried to share things I like & the thoughts that “pop up” after violence & now it’s triggering for my lawyer to call me & the union NOT TO since it’s all the same. I have to share INstagrAM @tappitwlove and others, oh well!? 
It’s out there. 24 TOTAL to have 10 pieces to say DONE in one...
After questioning survivors, victims, patients & children that’s what we owe them. 
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bystanderabuse · 6 years
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When you turn from violence & lie to achieve amoral goals. That is it.
@tappitwlove (Instagram) because there are only 3 places I want to be.
1) the real world in safe spaces whether with familiar & unfamiliar faces
2) an equal balance between what hiding is & what privacy is
3) a world where BYSTANDER ABUSE is showing who you really are & that means, disrespect that, not those truly struggling
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passitonandon · 6 years
INSTAGRAM @ tappitwlove since I do believe I know how to stop trauma. Stop the people that are doing the retraumatizing & support victims. 
Forgetfulness : why I’m working on this one
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hanseihere · 5 years
A tune in my head & words on my tongue
Someone has done what can never be undone
When someone can do what’s literally the “unreal”
These people make up bullshit so easily, so...
What’s the deal?
When you see so, hear the note since the goal is to feel
After great violence one starts to get defiant
We’re heading back to the biblical times
There is a sick feasting giant
Gobbling up kid’s futures, IT, is real
IT is the death that I daily feel
IT is what is indescribable 
IT is where we begin to unfurl
Which one?
Catch my themes to really know me, now here is an IG cone done simultaneously on a 2-D & 3-D screen.
This may be taking too long
Since I have to remember the words to my song
So do it spontaneously, until the skill set is true
Everything I write on every site in the reminder TO DO.
An infinitive pops up! I’m in love, it’s true!
er = er or emergency room for prior knowledge of symptoms of slurring speaking to AP
tappitwlove <--- everything goes out until all gone.
my_song_is_a______ <--- (not “brave” enough) <--- that is a phrase I definitely remember.
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