the-lands-of-mythos · 21 days
Tarands are a Greek wooly deer who can change the color of its fur to blend in with any surroundings.
Idk why but I wanted to make them a moose-like creature LOL.
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sivavakkiyar · 1 year
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from Perec’s Life A User’s Manual. As the wiki article shows, ‘Gelon The Samartian’ might figure as a different translation, or more likely I think a deliberate misattribution (idk), but the text Perec uses is directly lifted from Rabelais’ 4th book of Pantagruel: (… “also a tarand, whom he bought of a Scythian of the Gelones’ country”.)
Rabelais includes a final statement that Perec leaves off:
“When the creature was free from any fear or affection, the colour of its hair was just such as you see that of the asses of Meung.”
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apple-cy-der · 1 year
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took a lil' break to prep for artfight, so i'll post all the rest back-to-back to catch up! :]
this is Shruffalo, a Plant Kreebee! it is a medieval-era beast called a Parandrus, a hybrid creature observed in Ethiopia that no one really understood. was it an ox? a deer? a bear?? it was so hard to tell because it would camouflage with the trees around it. of course, it is now understood that it blends in well because its body is naturally made of greenery and bark, rather than possessing some sort of color-changing properties like originally speculated.
though it may appear grumpy, Shruffalo are docile and even welcome other forest creatures to perch on its horns or nest on its back. however, it is a great protector of the jungle and can prove to be a fearsome foe. its tail thorns are poisonous, and it can summon all sorts of plant-based attacks from vines to spore clouds, though its signature weapon is its large bark horns, which it can make grow temporarily before charging with them. it also helps its environment thrive, eating away rotted plants and shaking off seeds from its fur to take their place.
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clobertina · 1 month
Been making a Mythical Creatures world building project behind the scenes, called “The Lands of Mythos”.
It is still a EARLY WIP so I won’t share much at the moment- BUUUT, here’s some messy concepts so far! Btw, each mythical creature/cryptid is categorized with an element, explaining some of their looks.
Sea Dragon
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Sea Wyvern
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Ogre/Orc (their element is Night btw, also, they are human sapient and can walk bipedally as well as quadrupedally. Drew em on all 4s because it’s easier LOL)
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Alicorn (it’s multiple digit feet are inspired off prehistoric horses, who of which which had this feature)
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Earth/Jungle Wyvern
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Wendigo (it’s skull was based off the Chinese Water Deer!)
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Elf (standard) (also very unfinished lol) (yes I gave them hooves, horns, and a tail, Elves are too generic alright? LOLL)
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Tarand (this one is an obscure one… so I’ll explain. The Tarand was a Greek wooly deer who could change the color of it’s fur flawlessly, giving them the ability to blend in with any surroundings)
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seewetter · 3 months
Mythic Creatures by Region & Culture
Part 9: Africa
Here is the overview of global creatures.
Cross-Cultural (across multiple but not all cultures)
Amadlozi of the Nguni people in South Africa; Anansi is Akan (which includes the Agona, Akuapem, Akwamu, Akyem, Anyi, Ashanti (!!!!!!!), Baoulé, Bono, Chakosi, Fante, Kwahu, Sefwi, Wassa, Ahanta, and Nzema) also found in African American lore; Asanbosam is Akan (which includes the Agona, Akuapem, Akwamu, Akyem, Anyi, Ashanti (!!!!!!!), Baoulé, Bono, Chakosi, Fante, Kwahu, Sefwi, Wassa, Ahanta, and Nzema) also found in Jamaican slave lore; Death; Jengu various peoples in Cameroon; Madam Koi Koi; Mami Wata; Mazomba; Mbombo; Mbuti Mythic Creatures; Mbwiri; Nandi Bear; Ninki Nanka; Nyami Nyami; Obambou; Obia also name for a creature in Latin American folklore (Garifuna of Bay Islands, Honduras); Ogun; Oshun; Shetani; Somali myth; Werehyena; Yumboes Wolof; Zār; Zuhri
allegedly African
Aegipan; Amphisbaena, in Greek myth, Perseus flies over Libya with head of Medusa…blood creates Amphisbaene; Catoblepas; Cerastes; Crocotta; Dingonek East Africa 1907-1918; Ethiopian pegasus; Forest Bull; Gold-digging ant; Griffon; Hypnalis; Leontophone; Lycaon; Macrobian; Pard; Pygmies; Rompo; Scitalis; Seps; Struthopodes maybe??; Syrbotae; Tarand; Theow; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Yale
Anansi; Asanbosam; Obayifo
Aido Hwedo, also in Haiti
Canary Islands (Guanches)
Guayota; Maxios; Tibicena; Witches of Anaga
Abada; Bunzi; Eloko ; Biloko; Jengu also known in Cameroon, called Bisimi with the Bakongo; Mfinda; Nkisi; Nkondi; Simbi
in the Quran, an Aksumite (Ethiopian) siege is averted by birds dropping stones: Ababil; Buda (Ethiopia & Eritrea, were-hyena & evil eye); Ethiopian superstition; Holawaka (Oromo, Ethiopia);
Ibo loa also Haiti
Nkomi & Bakalai, Gabon
Abonsam, also Gold Coast; Adze, possessing "vampire" who stalks prey as firefly among the Ewe of Togo and Ghana
Gold Coast
Abonsam, also in Ghana
Kalenjin, Kenya
Kalenjin Mythic Creatures
Lugbara (Congo to Sudan)
Adroanzi, "angels", benevolent children of the god Androa, but if you turn around to look at them you die
Kalanoro; Vazimba; Yateveo (Plant) alleged
Agogwe sighted by 2 Europeans in 1926-1927 but existed prior as a word & creature in indigenous oral traditions
Hira; Zin Kibaru
Sotho, South Africa
Kammapa; Monyohe
South African Folktales Grootslang
Jok (among Acholi of Uganda and South Sudan); Lukwata (Baganda of Uganda);
West Africa
Adze, possessing "vampire" who stalks prey as firefly among the Ewe of Togo and Ghana; Ekpo Nka-Owo (Ibibio, Southern Nigeria); Wereleopard; Zin;
Amafufunyana (possession, schizophrenia); Uhlakanyana
Abiku; Egbere; Emere; Shango; Yemọja
Ilomba among the Lozi people
Zimbabwe Bird
Inkanyamba; Isitwalangcengce; Lightning Bird; Tikoloshe; Uhlakanyana; Umamba; Usiququmadevu; Zulu religion
Ancient Egypt
Aani; Abezethibou, Testament of Solomon, acted during Book of Moses in Egypt; Abtu; Abyzou; Akhekh; Ammit; Anubis; Apophis; Ba (personality); Bennu; Griffon; Hieracosphinx; Isfet; Medjed; Mehen_Board_Game_Snake_God_Egypt; Meretseger; Nemty; Serpopard; Set animal; Sphinx; Taweret; Teka-her; Unut_Egypt_Rabbit-Snake-Lion_Goddess; Uraeus; Wadjet
allegedly Ancient Egyptian
Cynocephali; Phoenix
Notify me if there are mistakes or if any of these creatures, beings or figures should not be used in art or fiction. (Note that every artist & writer should consider whether use of these figures is appropriate whether someone has complained or not).
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444names · 2 years
german towns + altmer names from tes
Aasurg Adellin Ahderriald Ahighus Aihia Alanel Alautben Alberoseen Albin Aldkitz Alerbrau Alerde Alfar Algatz Altithafwe Andalaon Anderion Andewe Anemn Aneywy Anique Antil Antire Antrelke Anuultin Anwensber Aralebus Arayiame Arayunsen Ardil Arethillon Ariental Arion Arktodende Arnen Arsundorch Athairting Avangeen Aßladt Bacarken Bache Bachheim Backen Belda Benden Berneuch Berock Berrieburg Bindilemar Blore Borumen Brorf Brüncock Bukotharya Burtin Büdilade Caane Caerteim Calat Caldommer Calis Calmo Candanoch Canirel Carel Caros Carten Caryarande Caustoren Cinwen Cirin Cirteing Cober Cobucil Coedel Coldirana Colzow Conde Corlen Cosseckeld Cuicheinde Cuirie Culdaitha Culln Culus Cumeinst Curgin Cymin Cyrotel Daninga Dartil Deldaltadt Dirwe Droswiel Dulsde Eafwe Eangen Eanwenburg Earin Earus Earyemnie Eckhes Eimburow Eiphorf Elararweim Eldene Elderfina Eldinwe Elion Elsinorf Elungen Enornar Erich Erimil Erimon Ermiren Errirawe Esaus Escheimo Eschn Esenz Esfürz Esharbin Esolaur Espen Esrabra Fabberher Faing Fairilych Fairmle Falau Fando Fanduenhel Fanireim Faralil Farben Feanire Fenfen Fensburmia Firom Fisdorim Folshagen Fredt Fürsten Galdald Gingalen Glamban Glanifwe Gostadt Gradt Gralerg Grang Grarn Grelzogwe Grona Grüssa Gyros Gößen Gößnen Gündachhen Gütternde Haemil Haighamold Haira Halil Haliuse Halmare Haril Harion Harosbüdil Haure Heidils Heingra Helderis Herbutlire Higsfen Hoernul Hoffelweil Honaren Horon Hymitterye Hyyon Ilsrublurg Imonisse Inbersten Ingelgil Inguer Inuyar Irkelule Irommel Issidelwe Issorania Ittele Jesenow Kalle Karumarub Kendlion Kiromme Kloch Kneup Kobuch Kralia Krana Krelmonwen Krerg Krubech Kunrenwe Könberg Könetar Lachwan Laire Lambar Lando Lanerg Lanerheim Lannighon Lanwe Lanweißen Larasen Larchaladt Larelausen Larerundil Latch Lauer Layein Lellire Lendorf Lenolinir Liaheinel Lindelya Lindirya Lindorion Linestoran Linfrilder Linterwerg Lollen Lolon Lorfen Lornielsen Lößneberel Lübina Lünfurg Magendors Mairick Mairrim Mairumo Maldor Mandorf Maran Marden Maurt Meestangen Meikerauda Meilwolf Meinwen Meldamer Melorrun Meltock Merderg Merdhown Merellin Merghelk Merim Merlunor Mimonaurg Minau Mingeyon Morwaissin Muulas Muurg Mühlde Naemühl Namon Nardre Natastoden Naufwe Naurg Nausel Nelnen Nenen Nettna Neukle Neweigha Niecklion Ningerg Nolahenyon Nolkach Nolovian Nostühlia Novirsturg Nulorf Oberbass Obingumen Ockalkar Ockelheil Ohborfae Ohmar Ohtinafwen Oldurg Ollen Oppelim Palensan Parion Pendinschn Penyame Pfhen Pircaralie Pladt Plare Polurg Pstel Psygalma Quarre Queronwe Questrana Ralaril Randil Randinau Randurinwy Rania Rhoppen Riebur Rittirimp Rofsbaderg Roorfürn Roserstadt Rostrop Ruarneves Ruhen Ruloninen Rulyare Rulzen Rumbaireth Ruppelda Rurlendil Ryawen Röppethmo Saalilyon Salen Samau Sanduren Sanied Sanuuries Saradt Sareuch Sarkir Sausen Sautadt Schafelmel Schen Schinuril Schon Scressaren Seken Senbereim Serinwen Shaurg Shesser Sildewen Singlas Sirelan Siril Sorion Sotten Spenaus Spockborya Staalin Stanyareus Starion Sterlo Straur Stuhlin Sulya Sygarilerg Tadingen Talamperg Tarand Tarber Tariande Tariloth Tarzogen Tedinar Teimbanwar Teinigen Telen Telin Telval Tendure Thagen Theth Thrinalen Tigsbadrir Tilil Tolchwen Trilheck Tulauen Turtengena Tusbau Tößne Uesse Ulilan Umermiln Umert Unair Undierg Urmil Urooril Urthron Vachen Vaemaren Vairmuurg Valan Valcarim Vallemo Valwandil Vannelmon Vanyerg Varindil Vellin Versch Vrenach Vöhshaare Völeberden Waladt Walanus Waldan Walken Wanda Wanschta Wariedt Wathrop Wenbure Wenkerg Wespen Wiede Windurmion Wingen Wingensau Winghtalde Wundsbredt Wunorn Wäbinand Zelock Zwaraderg
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jeintalu · 2 years
Kommenteerin Kaarel Tarandi artiklit "Välksõda või moraalne häving" (Sirp, 25. märts 2022)
"Üks põline sõjakurjategija avaldas mõne aasta eest palju tsiteeritud mõtte: Venemaa on võimeline hävitama maailma, kui keegi tahab hävitada Venemaa, sest maailmal ei olevat ilma Venemaata mingit mõtet."
Kes see sõjakurjategija on, paluks ka täpset tsitaati ja täpset viidet, tahaksin lugejana konteksti kontrollida.
"Põline roimar seetõttu, et sõjakuritegusid on Venemaa president toime pannud kogu oma tegevusaja vältel teisest Tšetšeenia sõjast alates."
Artikli autor peaks siiski selgitama, millises tähenduses täpselt ta kasutab sõna "sõjakuritegu". See on oluline ka seepärast, et tavaliselt sooritavad sõjakuritegusid välikomandörid ja mitte kõrgeim väejuhatus, kes on lahingutest kaugel.
Kuigi sõjakuritegude sooritajad tuleb hukka mõista ja neid karistada, tahaksin veel märkida, et autor väidab, et Putin on sooritanud sõjakuritegusid kogu oma valitsemisaja.
Kas autorile aga ei tundu, et George W. Bush oli presidendina siis hoopiski võimsam sõjakurjategija? Iraagi sõda on kestnud juba 19 aastat ja selles on hukkunud miljoneid inimesi. Mitmed USA poolt Iraagis sooritatud sõjakuriteod on avalikult ja kindlalt tõestatud.
"... just ilma Venemaata ongi maailmal mõtet ja tulevikku ning kui see moodustis ise vabatahtlikult välja ei sure, siis peab kõrvalt aitama."
Autor ajab segamini riigi (Venemaa) ja selle riigi praeguse presidendi (Putini). Lause ülalt on tõlgendatav sõjapropagandana või vihakõnena või genotsiidile õhutamisena.
Kuna Sirp pretendeerib olema Eesti ainuke ja tõeline kultuuri- ja mõttekandja, aga Sirp avaldab sellist madalakvaliteetsest jama, siis minul eestlasena, aga eelkõige intelligendina turgatab pähe järgmine mõte:
Ainult ilma Eesti kultuurileheta "Sirp" ongi maailmal mõtet ja tulevikku ning kui see moodustis ise vabatahtlikult välja ei sure, siis peab kõrvalt aitama.
Ma edasi seda artiklit enam ei loe. Laske või maha.
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dameracrystmon · 7 years
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2017 Draecember art 26. Day With a pet Tirna and Tatil And bonus: (sorry, this my language Hungary TwT) Draecember writing 26. Meeting an important draenei/eredar lore figure Deronaar és Evaastra nyaralni mennek lányukkal, Vemirával a régi családi házhoz. Ám egyik nap elfogyott a lányka kedvenc sütije és így Deronaar elmegy Exodarba, hogy vegyen, Evaastra közben egy régi emlékhelyre megy azzal a tudattal, hogy lánya apjával tart. Ám a kislány sokára dönti el, merre menjen, így mikor anyja után blinkel rossz felé halad és távolabbra kerül tőle. Ám meglátja sütije morzsáit és követni kezdi. Egy idő után megtalálja az üres zacskót és végül, maga a tolvajt. Egy eredar férfi lustálkodik teli hassal egy fa alatt. -Te edted meg a sütimet? -kérdi mérgesen. Az eredar kinyitja szemeit és rémülten ugrik fel, be is veri a fejét egy ágba, majd el is bújik a mögött. -Menj innen. -mondja kicsit félénken. A lány erre picit kuncog és utána megy. -De te etted meg a sütim? Az eredar négykézláb menekül, de a lány orra elé blinkel és ekkor hátra esik fenekére. -Igen, én voltam. Éhes lettem és finom illata volt. -mondja bűnbánóan. -Ha legközelebb kéjsz adok. ^^ -mondja kedvesen. -Te nem félsz tőlem? -Mért? Kéne? -pislog rá, hisz semmit nem tud a múlt történelem eme részéről. -Vemira vagyok. És te? -Tarand. És bocsánat a süti miatt. Többet nem teszek ilyet. -Rendben. Ezután még egy picit beszélgetnek, majd játszanak is. Vemira nem is sejti, hogy az eredar bácsikája. Deronaar by @white-demonelf Others character by me
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cirodoodles · 8 years
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Rawr! Finished? Lol Hope you guys like it! Tarand dragon from @wardragonsgame #wardragons #tarand #game #dragon #digital #painting #art #fanart #artist #cirosdoodles #characterdesign #character #design #badass #roar #rawr #socal #cali #california #chinohills #event #finished #improvement #progress
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lokkie83 · 6 years
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Yesterday i tried to go to the archeological-medieval fair in Kernave, but the microbus driver left me out because it was full (seriously, wtf, increase buses during days of events!). I had the bag with everything prepared to spend the day out and was extremely pissed off. I took the bus to go back home and thought... fuck it, i don’t wanna go home! So, i stayed in the bus til the last stop, which was in Tarande. Judging by some damned manors i saw there, it must be a zone for the rich... Anyway, i found a lake, i found obeliai, slyvos, avietes... you get lost in there and won’t starve for sure...
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leeenuu · 2 years
ei tea, kas katus on hakanud sõitma, aga tänase päeva tipphetk oli kindlalt see uudis, kuidas indrek tarand lahkus arestimajast.
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no lslt, vaadake teda, tema signature prillid ees, suits hambus ja oranž pintsak seljas. vapustav. võrratu. imeline.
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the-lands-of-mythos · 18 days
Male and female Tarand redo
This is what they look like on default when they aren’t constantly changing their color and patterns.
On default, they are always a shade of green or yellow with the males having a sort of tiger pattern. however, their big blotchy stripe can be any color shade, no matter the sex of the animal (I just used red and blue for the male and female here)
ALSO, females may not have a tiger pattern by default, but like the males, they can make any pattern they want really when changing color and whatnot.
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Tarands In mythology are Greek deer who can change the color of their fur to match any environment, basically making itself invisible. They are also described to be able to also change color depending on their emotion!
For Mythos, I based their design off the moose and made it to where Tarands are probably the biggest species of deer in Mythos (I also made them live in jungles). Thankfully, like how they are described in the legend, these deer are actually quite playful and mischievous and are not as much of a danger and out for blood compared to actual moose LOL.
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dead-birds-art · 5 years
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New oc 2 of 24.
Tarand Dansis
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clobertina · 1 month
—-The Lands of Mythos—-
This world is a HEAVY work in progress! I GUARANTEE that more Mythical Creatures and Cryptids will be added to this list in the future!!!
I am also very open to Mythical Creature/Cryptid suggestions!
—-Main Elements and their Subgroups—-
-is it’s own element, a classification only given to what are seen as gods.
-Has no Element Subgroups
-Open Ocean
-Deep Sea
—-(Each Creature’s Element Subclass) (so far)—-
1, TLoM takes place on a giant World-Back Turtle. In fact, “Mythos” is not only the name of the world, but the name of the Turtle everyone lives on. There are also no “planets” per se, but World Turtles can have orbiting moons and suns!
2, Space in this world is like an endless ocean with its own creatures and ecosystems!
3, Some creatures can create hybrids, these are called Chimeras! Hybrids between creatures of the dragon family have their own Chimera class due to the creatures of the draconian family being held so sacred. Naturally, these specific Chimeras are called “Draconian Chimeras”. One last thing about Chimeras to note, is that they can have multiple elements at once or can even be elementless!
4, Although elementless, humans are not defenseless and are not treated as such. Due to having no element, they focus on what they *can* achieve rather than what they can’t. Being the most technologically advanced and industrialized of all the creatures in Mythos.
5, Although the Cosmos is its own world entirely, the Cosmic element has no subgroups because they are considered the “Holy Element”. An Element only given to what the creatures of Mythos consider their gods.
(The Holy Element)
-World Turtles
-Angels of all kinds
-Black Hole Creatures (Currently Nameless)
-Modern Animals (can be found in all biomes, no matter it’s habitat)
-Modern Animals (but it’s the very inaccurate mediaeval depictions of them)
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Sea/Reef Dragons
-Reef Merfolk (Mermaids and mermen)
-Reef Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
(Open Ocean)
-Sea/Ocean Wyverns
-Ocean Merfolk (Mermaids and Mermen)
-Ocean Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
(Deep Sea)
-Deep Sea Golems
-Deep Sea Merfolk (Mermaids and Mermen)
-Some Chimeras
-Sea Kirins
-Shore Sirens
-Sea Griffins
-Sea Basilisks
-Shore Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Sea/Polar Drakes
-Sea/Polar Hydras
-Polar Golems
-Polar Sirens
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Fire/Flame Dragons
-Flame Elves
-Fire/Flame Kitsunes
-Flame Golems
-Golden Hinds
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Fire/Dune Wyverns
-Sand Elves
-Dune Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Fire/Savannah Drakes
-Fire/Savannah Unicorns
-Savannah Elves
-Fire/Savannah Griffins
-Savannah Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Earth/Forest Dragons
-Forest Elves
-Forest Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Earth/Jungle Wyverns
-Jungle Elves
-Earth/Jungle Griffins
-Jungle Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Swamp Elves
-Swamp Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Earth/Stone Drakes
-Stone Elves
-Stone Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Sky/Storm Wyvern
-Storm Elves
-Sky Kirins
-Storm Golems
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Sky/Breeze Drake
-Breeze Elves
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Sky/Light Dragons
-Light Elves
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Night/Moon Dragons
-Moon Elves
-Mothfolk (Mothmen)
-Where-Folk (Where-Wolves)
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Night/Star Wyverns
-Star Elves
-Night Griffins
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-Night/Dusk Drakes
-Dusk Elves
-Some Chimeras
-Some Draconian Chimeras
-The Dark Dragon
-Dark Unicorns
-Some Chimeras
-Dark Vampires
-Dark Alicorns
-Some Chimeras
-Some Chimeras
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seewetter · 3 months
Mythic Creatures by Culture & Region
Part 3: Europe (Basque, Rome, Viking, Great Britain)
This list documents mythological and folkloric creatures of Ancient Europe, the British Isles and Scandinavia as found on Wikipedia.
European creatures from Eastern Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Greece etc. will be listed in a separate post. The same goes for Biblical creatures or creatures from Abrahamic religions and Goetia literature. The full list of creatures is here.
Basque people live in what is today northern Spain. Their language is the only surviving language in Europe that isn't part of the Indo-European family tree, likely because the Basques live in secluded mountain areas. I have listed some deities alongside creatures, but this is a full list of Wikipedia's Basque creatures, not a full list of Wikipedia's gods/goddesses/deities for Basque culture.
Aatxe; Aide air goddess; Akerbeltz; Amalur; Basajaun; Eate (Basque god); Egoi; Eki (Basque goddess); Fountain Women; Gaizkiñ; Gaueko; Herensuge; Ilargi; Inguma; Iratxo ; Iratxoak; Jentil; Lamignak; Mairu; Minairó also Catalan; Odei; Olentzero; Orko; San Martin Txiki; Tartalo
Proto-Indo-European (or PIE) is the reconstructed ancestor to all major European languages, excluding Basque and languages from later diasporas.
Dʰéǵʰōm; Proto-Indo-European Myth; Double-headed eagle maybe not PIE but Bronze Age
Abarimon (Pliny the Elder, whose source is supposedly a land surveyor of Alexander the Great); Aborigines_Roman myth\; Achlis (Pliny the Elder); Caligo, see Achlys; Aegipan (Pliny the Elder locates them in Libya); Albruna Germanic seeress attested by Tacitus; Amazons, Amazons (List); Anguiped also Greek and Iranian.; Antichthones; Astomi Pliny the Elder; Aura; Bonnacon Pliny the Elder; Caca; Caeneus; Caladrius; Calingae Pliny the Elder; Camilla; Catoblepas Pliny the Elder; Cimbrian seeresses mentioned by Strabo; Crocotta Strabo and Pliny the Elder; Cupid; Di Penates; Echeneis Pliny the Elder; Ethiopian pegasus Pliny the Elder; Faun, Faunus ; Faunae, Fauni; Faustulus; Forest Bull Pliny the Elder; Fraus; Genius; Genius loci; Gorgades; Hellusians Tacitus claims they live beyond the Finns; Hircocervus; Hooded Spirits; Hydrus Pliny the Elder; Ichneumon Pliny the Elder; Ichthyophagoi; Indus worm; Iphis; Kings of Alba Longa; Lampedo Amazon; Lares; Lares Familiares; Lemures; Mandi; Manes; Manticore; Monoceros Pliny the Elder; Monopod; Odontotyrannus; Orcus; Pandi; Phoenix; Phthisis; Pyrausta Pliny the Elder; Querquetulanae; Remora; Salamander; Seps; Silvanus; Strix; Syrbotae Pliny the Elder; Tarand; Theow Pliny the Elder; Unicorn; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Yale
Charun; Orcus; Tuchulcha; Vanth; Vegoia
Apple Tree Man; Ascapart giant from chivalric romance dating to 1300s; Asrai Cheshire and Shropshire; Barghest north England; Beast of Dean; Beithir; Billy Blind England and Scottish Lowlands; Black Annis; Black Dog; Black Shuck; Bluecap; Blunderbore; Bogeyman; Boggart; Bogle Northumbrian; Brag Northumbrian; British Wild Cats; Brown Man of the Muirs anglo-scottish border; Brownie ; Brownies; Bucca Cornish; Bugbear; Burryman; Butter Sprite; Calygreyhound; Cat-sìth; Cauld Lad of Hylton; Inspiration/Directories/Bestiary (Myth and Legend)/A-Z/Changeling|Changeling; Christchurch Dragon; Cirein-cròin; Cock Lane Ghost; Cockatrice (explicitly British); Cofgod; Colbrand (giant); Colt pixie; Cormoran (giant); Dando's Dogs; Drummer of Tedworth; Dun Cow; Dunnie Northumbrian; Elder Mother; English Fairies; Ettin; Fairy story (Northumbria); Fetch; Finfolk Orkney; Girt Dog of Ennerdale; Goram and Vincent (giants); Grendel; Grendel's Mother; Grimalkin; Grindylow; Gytrash; Habetrot (Northumbrian?? border counties between England and Scottish Lowlands); Hob; Hobbididance; Hobgoblin ; Hobgoblins; Imp; Jack and the Beanstalk; Jack Frost; Jack in the Green; Jack o' Legs; Jack o' the bowl; Jack the Giant Killer; Jack-In-Irons; Joan-in-the-Wad; Kilmoulis Anglo-Scottish border; Knocker; Knucker; Korred; Krabat; Lambton Worm; Lantern Man; Lazy Laurence; Lubberfiend; Martlet; Mary Lakeland (accused witch); Mermaid of Zennor; Morgan le Fay; Morgawr; Nanny Rutt; Nelly Longarms; Nuckelavee Orkney; Nuggle Shetland; Pantheon_the_creature; Peg Powler; Penhill Giant; Pictish Beast Picts; Pillywiggin; Pixie; Portunes; Púca; Puck; Puck_Shakespeare; Queen of Elphame (Northumbrian?? border counties between England and Scottish Lowlands); Redcap English-Scottish border; Screaming skull; Sea Mither Orkney; Sebile; Sheela na Gig; Shug Monkey; Simonside Dwarfs; Sockburn Worm; Spriggan ; Spriggans; Sprite ; Sprites; Stoor worm; Sweet William's Ghost; Tangie Orkney and Shetland; The Black Dog of Newgate; The Elder Mother also Scandinavian; The Hedley Kow Northumberland; The King of the Cats; The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh Northumbrian; The Queen of Elfan's Nourice; Thunderdell Cornish; Tiddalik; Tom Hickathrift; Tooth Fairy; Tree Elves; Trow; Unicorn; Wight; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; William of Lindholme; Worm of Linton; Wyvern; Yallery Brown
Isle of Man
Adene, elves?; Arkan sonney "lucky piggy"; Ben-Varrey see "Mermaid"; Buggane; Cailleach; Fenodyree; Glashan; Glashtyn; Jimmy Squarefoot; Moddey Dhoo; Mooinjer Veggey; Sleigh Beggey; Tree Elves; Water Bull
Abarta either Tuatha or Fomorian (depends on account); Abcán the poet and musician of the Tuatha, a dwarf (in stature?); Abhartach; Aes Sidhe; Aibell, an elf queen (banshee, ruler of a fairy mound); Aillen, the "burner" a monstrous Tuatha; Aos Sí; Badb; Balor; Bánánach; Banshee; Baobhan Sith; Biróg a lheannan sidhe; Bodach also Scottish; Bran and Sceólang; Brendan the Navigator; Cailleach; Carman; Cas Corach; Cat-sìth also Scottish; Cathbad; Cethlenn; Cichol Gricenchos; Clíodhna; Clurican; Conand; Crom Cruach; Cù-sìth; Dobhar-chú; Donn Cúailnge; Dullahan; Each-uisge; Echtra; Elatha; Ellén Trechend; Enbarr; Ethniu; Failinis; Fear Doirich; Fear gorta; Finvarra; Fionn mac Cumhaill; Fionnuala; Fir Bolg; Fir Darrig; Fomorian; Gancanagh; Garb mac Stairn; Glas Gaibhnenn; Immram; Irish Mythic Creatures; Iubdan; Joint-eater; Kelpie; Leprechaun; Les Lavandières; Lhiannan-Sidhe; Liban; Inspiration/Directories/Bestiary (Myth and Legend)/A-Z/Manannán mac Lir|Manannán mac Lir; Medb (Queen Maeve); Merrow ; Merrows; Mongfind; Muckie; Mug Ruith; Nel; Niamh; Oilliphéist; Onchú; Pillywiggin; Púca; Sadhbh; Salmon of Knowledge; Scáthach; Selkie; Sengann; Seonaidh; Sheela na Gig; Sidhe; Sìth also Scottish; Sluagh also Scottish; Sovereignty goddess; Sreng; Swan Maiden; Tethra; The Morrígan; The Voyage of Bran; The Voyage of Máel Dúin; The Voyage of the Uí Chorra; Tlachtga; Tuatha dé Danaan; Werewolf; Werewolves of Ossory; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Wyvern allegedly Irish; Cymidei Cymeinfoll
Am Fear Liath Mòr; Red Cap; Bauchan; Bean-nighe; Beast of Beinn a' Bheithir; Betram de Shotts; Biasd Bheulach; Billy Blind lowlands and England; Blue Men of the Minch; Bodach also Irish; Boobrie west coast Scottish lochs; Broichan wizard of Pictland (north Scotland); Brown Man of the Muirs anglo-scottish border; Brownie ; Brownies; Cailleach; Cain bairns; Ceasg; Cù-sìth; Each-uisge; Fachan; Fuath; Ghillie Dhu; Gigelorum; Glaistig; Gormshuil Mhòr na Maighe; Kelpie also Irish; Lavellan; Les Lavandières; Ly Erg; Maggy Moulach; Morag; Muc-sheilch; Nicnevin; Pech; Red Cap; Seelie; Shellycoat; Sìth also Irish; Sithchean Hebrides; Sluagh; Spey-wife; Tam Lin; The Green Man of Knowledge; Water Bull; Water Horse; Wild Haggis; Wirry-cow; Wulver
Adar Llwch Gwin; Adar Rhiannon birds from Mabinogi and Welsh Arthurian tales; Aderyn y corff, corpse bird, portent of death; Afanc; Arawn; Bendith y Mamau see Tylwyth Teg; Blodeuwedd; Brenin Llwyd; Bres Tuatha; Buwch Frech; Bwciod; Cath Palug; Ceffyl Dŵr; Coblynau; Cŵn Annwn; Cyhyraeth; Cymidei Cymeinfoll; Cythraul; Dormarch; Gwagged Annwn or Gwragedd Annwn; Gwrgi Garwlwyd; Gwyllgi; Gwyllion; Gwyn ap Nudd; Henwen; Idris Gawr; Jack o' Kent; Les Lavandières; Llamhigyn Y Dwr; Maelor Gawr; March Malaen; Mari Lwyd; Morgen; Sleigh Beggey also Manx; Swan Maiden; Twrch Trwyth; Tylwyth Teg; Welsh Dragon; Welsh Giant; White dragon; Wild Hunt; Wyvern; Y Ladi Wen; Ysbaddaden; Ysgithyrwyn
Scandinavian (Viking, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland)
Æsir; Æsir–Vanir War; Alberich in Thidrekssaga written in 1250 in Norway, possibly based on a Plattdeutsch original (also appears in German Nibelungenlied from 1200 in Passau, Bavaria and Ortnit from 1230s Germany, Strassburg; Álfablót sacrifice to elves; Alvaldi jotun; Askafroa German "Eschenfrau"; Bergsrå; Berserker; Bøyg; Brokkr dwarf; Brunnmigi; Bysen; Church grim; Dagr; Death; Deildegast; Di sma undar jordi; Disir; Dökkálfar; Draugr; Dvalinn; Dwarf ; Dwarfs, Dwarves; Eikþyrnir; Einherjar; Elder Mother; Elli; Endill jotun; Fenrir; Fin; Fjölvar; Fjörgyn and Fjörgynn; Fossegrim; Fylgiar; Gangr; Garmr; Gjenganger; Glenr; Gríðr; Grýla and Leppalúði; Gulon; Hábrók; Hafgufa; Half-elf; Hamingja; Hati Hróðvitnisson; Helhest; Hervör alvitr; Hildr; Hlaðguðr svanhvít; Hljod; Hlökk; Hræsvelgr; Hrímgerðr; Hrímgrímnir; Hroðr; Hrymr; Hulder; Huldufólk; Humli; Hyrrokkin; Iði; Ím (joetunn); Járnsaxa; Jörmungandr; Jötunn; Katie Woodencloak; Kraken; Lagarfljótsormur; Landdisir; Landvættir; Leikn; Ljósálfar; Lyngbakr; Marmennill; Móðguðr; Mögþrasir; Mound Folk; Myling; Nafnaþulur; Níðhöggr; Niß Puck; Nisse; Norns; Norse_Nude_Snake_Witch; Nótt; Nykken; Odin; Púca; Rå; Rådande; Ratatoskr; Sæhrímnir; Selkolla; Selma; Sjörå; Skogsrå; Sköll; Skrat; Skuld (half-elf princess); Skvader; Slattenpatte; Sleipnir; Storsjöodjuret; Sumarr and Vetr; Surtr; Svaðilfari; Svartálfar; Swan Maiden; The Elder Mother also English; The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body; Tilberi; Tooth Fairy; Tree Elves; Troll; Troll Cat; Vættir; Valkyrie; Valravn; Vanir; Vardøger; Veðrfölnir; Viðfinnr; Vittra; Vǫrðr; Vörnir (joetunn); Vosud; Werewolf; Wight; Wild Hunt; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Worm of Linton; Wurm; Ysätters-Kajsa; Yule cat; Þorbjörg lítilvölva; Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr and Irpa; Þrívaldi; Þuríðr Sundafyllir
Note: Although most European lore is easily implemented into art and fiction without causing lasting cultural damage, there may be some European cultures (from Basque to Welsh) whose cultures have been subject to cultural suppression. Notify me if there are mistakes or if I need to add disclaimers or revisions concerning these creatures.
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arsonforcharlie · 4 years
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it’s fuck squad time again
This fuck squad session began with Sergei, Maddela, and Tarand standing on an island while a massive gross sea monster swam towards them, and Yoni, Rhonia and Saida gazing wistfully at a boat across the underground lake.
Yoni: “I can’t hold my breath very long.” Sergei: “What a bad lesbian.”
“What if god was one of us? It is. It’s me.”
“Uh oh! It’s gross! It’s nasty! It’s also real good at rolling”
The gross nasty thing in question turns out to be a massive clam, which manages to catch Tarand in its gross nasty grip.
Sergei: “How did your dad die, Maddela? What? He ate a bad clam? Well no, not quite...”
Maddela: “No, dad! You can’t die! I got questions I need answered!” Saida: “That’s exactly what I yelled when my dad was on his deathbed!”
Maddela runs over to rescue her father as he tries to shocking grasp the clam from the inside.
Rhonia: “Bad Clam - it's like Bad Dragon, but... not.” Saida: “Wait. Bad clam could be our custom fleshlight company! To the shark tank!”
Maddela: “I’m gonna go for clamflesh.” Rhonia: ”Aim for the clam flesh! Blow your dart load into the clam!”
She uses a poison that makes people compulsively laugh, and the clam fails its save, so it goes off in paroxyms of a clam version of laughter.
“You..... you made my clam laugh.” Yoni: “You tickled the clam.”
Some days you roll into a session with “emotional conversations happen?” written in the notes, and end up trying to figure out whether a clam laughing means it can’t eat a man.
Rhonia: “The Laughing Clam will be the lesbian bar in our trailer park.”
Maddela: “How deep is he in the clam?” “Stuck waste deep in clam. More clam than he's seen since your mom. Since Saida.”
Rhonia: “I always am shocked when someone grasps my clam.”
Sergei: "Do clams have a gender?" “This one does and he's a boy. - Tarand is waist deep in boi clam."
Rhonia: “Tarand got lost in the fish sauce.”
Tarand wrestles his way out of the clam and Maddela drops a bomb in it, blowing it up from the inside. Meanwhile, the sea monster thing manages to lash both Sergei and Maddela with its tentacles, and they find themselves needing to retreat to the water as their skin grows transparent and begins to crack. Luckily, Sergei shoots the monster in all three of its eyes and it dies.
Maddela has a conversation with Tarand, in which he expresses regret that he wasn’t there for her. Her mother started acting weird and different when she found out she was pregnant, and not knowing he had a child, he booted it. While he knows there’s nothing he can do to bring back her mother, who ended up dying of a broken heart, he would like to do something to try and make things right, but he just doesn’t know what that looks like yet.
“the real treasure is the dad you found along the way.” Sergei: “I didn’t find a dad!” Rhonia: “I haven’t seen my dad in years!” Saida: “My dad’s dead!”
They also find, like, actual treasure, and a way out. They end up needing to post up for the evening with Maddela and Sergei soaking in the water until Yoni rests enough to cure them. "You solved my skin puzzle!"
When they emerge, their ship is fixed, the fog has cleared, and they’re ready to complete their trip to Thornbridge... or what’s left of it.
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