#targaryen or tedesco?
sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Can i just say its really nice to see a book fan that ships book daemyra. I always see book fans ship Daemon with laena/mysaria/nettles and just bash daemyra with the arguement that Daemon never loved Rhaenyra in the book.
Hi there! 😄
Well I've been here since 2019 - sure you have been a fan for way longer than this cursed year too - and I can say that while there is some true to what you say, I had a considerable number of people following my fic and liking book Daemyra so I don't think it's that rare.
Like many things in our world I think simply sometimes a small number of people are just a lot more vocal and loud than others, and because of this they give us the impression they are in the majority when in fact they are not.
A lot of very active book fans that produce content are not Targaryen fans. In fact they are mostly antis and the only Targs they like are either the victims (which are "morally ok" to like), are "less" Targaryen and usually it's best if they have parents from certain houses - think of a stag or think of a sun and a spear - or they say they "like" Targaryens because of how *chokes back laughter* dark they are and proceed to do such things as writing DarkDany or writing Rhaenyra like a sociopathic Lolita kind of character, or other similar things.
From my experience in the fandom actually I would say the person Daemon is shipped the less with is Mysaria. Way less than Rhaenyra actually. And when he's shipped with Nettles or Laena mostly it's like a personality shift happened and he's soft as a lamb and such a great guy... only with them though 'cause that's how love works! You do a 180. So in a way... is Daemon being shipped with them, or are they just creating a new character with all of Daemon's cool aspects and ignoring the bad so he can like "good girls" who are less Targaryen, like Laena - who has little personality in the books - and has a "Baratheon" mom or Nettles because they are sure she has NO Targaryen/Valyrian blood which of course makes her automatically a great person. Why are they sure? Because she doesn’t look like it and we know full well no one ever like the “Velaryon” princes did not look Targaryen while being so. Nope. If you don’t look Valyrian you don’t have Valyrian blood. 😊
The problem is that people in fandoms a lot of time feel like if you like X you support X, and unless you can find a LOT of reasons to justify you liking something problematic, you are *insult some insult starting with P or N you know what those are*.
Like I'm sorry, I don't need some holier than thou reason to like the Targaryens like they wanted to unite Westeros against the Others. I don't. Because it's fiction, I have an actual personality and don't depend on others' approval so I don't have to change my views every 5 seconds, and I can like the Targaryens because they are the hot people with silver hair and purple eyes who ride dragons and have cool names. I don't need anything else. I own my f:cking sh:t. Thank you and good night.
Back to Daemon and Rhaenyra - book Daemon and Rhaenyra btw which are the only ones I consider because they are the only ones with a congruent and compelling personality and actions that make sense - there are many things to them that would make people both not like them and (especially) be more quiet about it.
For once the "vocal" "intellectual" side of the fandom doesn't approve, so to fit in you have to be quiet. And I have seen this with friends. Them sharing something about them, some sad person got triggered called them out and they just deleted the post. Isn't it good when you feel like you can't express your views? And if it happened to her, why wouldn't it happen to others?
There are many problematic aspects to their relationship. They don’t have to be Romeo and Juliet to be interesting. But this is the thing with most people, it’s either all or nothing. Either black or white. I would think this fandom would be different given what the material they are fans of is, but they aren’t. Most people don’t get nuance and they can’t wrap their minds around it. And then this takes us back to the issue of a loud crowd won’t like them and the ones who do have to keep quiet else they will be shamed. You know, Karen shamed, and on this regard you know who this fandom reminds me of? Christian moms in the early ‘00 saying the school shootings happened because them kids were listening to Marilyn Manson and the EvIl rock and roll 🤡 and worshiping Satan of course. Also in this note please do me all a favour hit up some science journals and see if there is a link between aggression and playing violent videogames. You’re welcome! Just because you like something in fiction doesn’t mean you condone in real life. I can understand the problematic aspects of a ship find it compelling in fiction and not support any of it in real life. These realities are not mutually exclusive.
Last point but also important and I see this a lot in this fandom too. A lie that’s told too many times becomes the truth. And since the very vocal crowd keeps saying Daemon didn’t love Rhaenyra and even funnier that Rhaenyra didn’t love Daemon - I have no idea how this can be an idea someone has at the end of Fire and Blood but hey people still believe that Rhaegar r worded lyanna so… whatever I’m tired - people start to take that for evidence. I lost count of the amount of takes that became facts in some people’s minds and like dude… go to the source, the books, not shitty metas and co that others (myself included) write. Go. To. The. Books. To. Make. Your. Damn. Mind. I’m tired. Don’t take anyone’s word for it. Mine included. A prime example of this is Mushroom’s tale and how people have twisted it around so much that they don’t even know what Mushroom actually said and believe the inaccurate things others said that Mushroom said. Again, hit the books.
Like I have explored at length, there’s a lot to like and find compelling about Daemon and Rhaenyra. Their passion. Their dynamic. The fact that they are the best and worst of House Targaryen. The endless game of power they play with each other that none can win and that ultimately was their downfall… this makes for a great story… if you have the stomach for it. It isn’t about one changing the other, it’s about two people who mirror each other in many ways, complement each other in others, who are destined to be with each other… and that ultimately are doomed because of their circumstances. This is all true in the books and why I think they are so iconic.
In the show though LOL!
I have no fcking clue how anyone who watched redacted can like Matt/Renada. Not one. And sorry “cool” sentences now and then like “we were always meant to burn together” mean sh:t honey when you went to f:ck another dude cause dude 1 couldn’t get hard and you still had dude 1’s saliva in your mouth and finger grease downstairs. Have class! Have some standards! No person ever would act like this!
But let’s just pull out a cool list of all the reasons redacted gives us to ship Matt and Renada:
He acts creepy and she mostly looks annoyed at him and only cares about Alicia. If her and Alicia weren’t so unlikable and such sht for characters I might ship them cause they clearly are the end game.
He acts like a man child and she goes over there to scold him. Ladies don’t you love it when guys act like this? Like children and not like men? Something that really gets any woman’s blood pumping.
He has ample opportunity to seduce her effectively, you know, like in the books. To make her fall in love with him, to give us all that passion, that fire, yet instead he… takes her to a br0thel and embarrasses himself and gets kicked out in a day. Wow. Never would I have believed this would happen if someone told me like two years ago. I would laugh!
Can’t get hard because ReAsOnS (yes I read the explanation and my a** laughed a LOT makes no sense and contrary to popular belief a man’s conscience does not inhabit in their pants) and then girboss gaslight gatekeep Renada just goes to another man to bang her. Oh btw she was a virgin until then who had not as much as been kissed. Totally logical behaviour she displayed in the entire episode. Not. The fact that people eat this crap up just tells me that the standards are bellow ocean level. Also for all of you thinking this is romantic of Matt let’s switch this around and pretend that Renada couldn’t get 💦 so he decided to go and fck someone else. Ugh so romantic ❤️ like I have no illusions and I know how problematic Daemon and Rhaenyra are in canon but come the f:ck on! At least in the books they actually desired each other physically! And Rhaenyra had bear minimum curtesy of not f:cking another man because yolo when Daemon was there! Actually funny thing hehe only time she got another dude - Harwin Strong - was when Daemon wasn’t there! But what do I know? *stares into camera*. Also small note on this, y’all show fans can mock “Crispin” all you want but at least unlike the pathetic character you like he can get hard. Fck, you know who I like on this show? Lana who told Matt some damn facts and killed herself instead of being married to his pathetic ass. Good on you Queen! I want an AU where Lanna dracarys Matt and his limp d and goes off to live her best life! I need this AU!
We have more like, Matt going to Renada’s wedding - not like in canon he was nowhere near - and just… being a limp D again. By GOD never has a character ever had so much LDE (limp d:ck energy). He’s such a loser!
Also Renada actively wanting and agreeing to marry Lenny -> that friendly reminder canon Rhaenyra was forced to marry Laenor against her will, and that she had her own ideas about who she wanted to marry. But canon Rhaenyra actually makes sense unlike Renada here. Oh she loved Matt so much! You know what I pray no one ever loved me like Renada loved Matt. Help me on this on J.
More still, her going after Matt when he returns like a desperate chick. Where’s the strong girlboss now? Ah yes in the same place as when she needs daddy to help her ❤️ nowhere. You know what I love about canon Rhaenyra, the fact that yes this b:tch was a romantic and Daemon simp but when the fire got hot she had some back bone. She was the one who told Daemon to go get Vaemond and collect his head. Her reaction wasn’t to cry - one of the only times in the show Renada had any emotion btw - it was to say oh yeah, fck you then Vaemond! Daemon time to kill him. But show fans complain book Rhaenyra is like Sandra 🤡 get f:cked. If you only pull out your girlboss moments to have toxic masculinity traits such as using man, you are a joke.
Also her and Matt actively not having a real marriage and making their kids bastards. Amazing. So romantic. ❤️❤️ but of course unlike actual Daemon, Matt is a loser who can kill his wife but not Lenny to free Renada for himself. You know what’s like to be a dragon? Take what you want like Daemon did when he got rid of Laenor and took Rhaenyra. But in redacted we have to really emasculate men as much as possible so the Uemen! Shine through and have their yass queen 👸🏼 girlboss moments ❤️ yass queen humiliate that dude who actually cared for you and wanted to give you the best he had to offer ❤️👏🏻 love it.
Ah Yes also the “YoU wErE a ChIlD I sPaReD YoU” ❤️ so romantic… when you ignore the fact the married Lana who was 15 🤡 about 3 years younger than Renada who was 18. But he didn’t try to seduce her before because reasons 😉 www. none of this makes sense.com. Also if you use medieval standards for bullsht lies such as birth use them for ages as well bestie. A 18 year old would not be seen as a child by ANYONE back then. I need wine.
And of course more bullish:t like she saying it was his war 🤡 hahahahhaha and him chocking her. On that note that was the only scene I was teamMatt cause I can’t stand the showArya and Cersei wannabe. I’m team guy who is cosplaying as AegonIII on this one! Like King end her please! Please!
So all in all this all to say, I have no f:cking idea how anyone can like them on the show. He’s a pathetic loser she’s a joke, neither of them act consistently from one scene to the next… are the standards this low? I know the answer is yes 😔
Ask more of entertainment people! Ask more of writers! At the very least ask them to write about believable characters and stop accepting everything and eating up the trash that comes out of delusional clowns’ - like Ryan - mouths.
Sorry for the rant. I need to save my energy for the podcast.
Btw I’m thinking of making myself a mug saying “YOUNG FRESH COUPLE” 🙆🏽‍♀️ guess who it’s in honour of?
All the best to you Anon 🥰
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lovest0rie-archive · 9 months
muse list.
dc comics
brooke larson. mid-twenties. high end escort, childhood friend of jason todd. bisexual. fc: sophie cookson.
gabriela ribeiro. early-thirties. heiress & horse trainer. heterosexual. fc: isis valverde
gia tedesco. twenty-eight. real estate agent, daughter of a mob attorney. bisexual. fc: danielle campbell. larken forrest. thirty-three. assistant to bruce wayne at wayne enterprises, single mom. bisexual. fc: dakota johnson.
amelia thomas. twenty-two. royal princess & college student. heterosexual. fc: elle fanning.
anika singh. thirty-eight. boutique owner & fashion designer. heterosexual. fc: freida pinto.
arden waverly. thirty-three. hacker. lesbian. fc: kristen stewart.
aurora gray. thirty-three. professional organizer. bisexual. fc: laura harrier.
bianca reyes. twenty-four. jewelry designer & daughter of a mob boss. panromantic. fc: lucy alves.
calista st. james. twenty-three. tik tok famous dog trainer. heterosexual. fc: halle bailey.
charlotte stewart. thirty-five. high school guidance counselor. bisexual. fc: amanda seyfried.
chloe chapman. twenty-seven. waitress. heterosexual. fc: katherine mcnamara.
eliana hirsch. fifty-two. children's book author. bisexual. fc: jennifer connelly.
erin clarke. twenty-nine. con artist & wanted criminal. pansexual. fc: crystal reed.
evangeline 'evie' lasko. forty-one. runs a bed & breakfast. bisexual. fc: alexa davalos.
gillian west. forty. couples therapist. heterosexual. fc: anne hathaway.
hannah parker. thirty-five. dog day care employee & serial killer. bisexual. fc: aubrey plaza.
hazel wells. twenty-eight. private chef. bisexual. fc: florence pugh.
ireland cardoza. twenty-five. actress. lesbian. fc: camila mendes.
jenna wilder. twenty-three. hotel heiress & trust fund baby. bisexual. fc: sabrina carpenter.
joelle hart. thirty-four. personal trainer. bisexual. fc: megan fox.
june soto. twenty-nine. drug dealer. pansexual. fc: mia goth.
kitty moran. twenty-five. exotic dancer. roommate & co-worker of quinn. bisexual. fc: taylor russell.
leah corbin. twenty-five. thief. heterosexual. fc: mia goth. ( private muse with @anunkindncss )
liliana gregory. twenty-four. model. heterosexual. fc: barbara palvin.
lucy zhao. twenty-five. journalist & blogger. lesbian. fc: havana rose liu.
mackenzie abrams. twenty-six. photographer & political activist. heterosexual. fc: emmy rossum.
maia madden. twenty-eight. hollywood publicist. bisexual. fc: simone ashley.
miranda westbrooke. fifty-one. advertising ceo. bisexual. fc: rachel weisz.
naomi taylor. twenty-two. nanny. heterosexual. fc: kaia gerber.
natalia marquez. forty-eight. funeral home director. heterosexual. fc: penelope cruz.
quinn strauss. twenty-three. exotic dancer. roommate & co-worker of kitty. pansexual. fc: bella thorne.
reese edwards. thirty-four. physical therapist. bisexual. fc: nathalie emmanuel.
simone diamond. twenty-six. pop singer. bisexual. fc: taylor swift.
sloane meyer. thirty-eight. er surgeon. pansexual. fc: sophia bush.
sutton bradley. forty. pediatrician. lesbian. fc: piper perabo.
teresa mancini. twenty-nine. mob wife. heterosexual. fc: simona tabasco.
tinsley palmer. twenty-five. thief. bisexual. fc: ella purnell.
valentina alvarez. twenty-six. kindergarten teacher. heterosexual. fc: camila morrone.
vienna patrick. forty-one. trophy wife & socialite. heterosexual. fc: rachel mcadams.
willow donovan. twenty-two. college student & barista. bisexual. fc: madelyn cline.
zya fox. twenty-five. makeup artist. bisexual. fc: coco jones.
house of the dragon
eloise belfron. eighteen. lady in waiting to helaena targaryen. heterosexual. fc: rose williams.
marvel comics
yasmin ayala. thirty-two. bartender at josie's & dance instructor. heterosexual. fc: ana de armas.
the musketeers
mary turner. twenty-six. doctor's assistant. heterosexual. fc: gugu mbatha-raw.
outer banks
daisy pierce. seventeen. pogue. high school student & waitress. heterosexual. fc: kristine froseth.
shelby beckett. nineteen to twenty-one ( season dependent ). lifeguard. heterosexual. fc: danielle campbell.
brooklynn foster. eighteen. final girl. bisexual. fc: khadijha red thunder.
sons of anarchy
thea montgomery. twenty-seven. mechanic. heterosexual. fc: riley keough.
clementine roy. twenty-four. interior designer & illegitimate child of logan roy. heterosexual. fc: alexandra daddario.
florence 'flo' reynolds. twenty-five. stage actress. heterosexual. fc: hannah dodd.
abagail barrett. one hundred & fifty ; appears early-twenties. vampire. bisexual. fc: madelaine petsch.
misty frasier. forty-six ; appears mid-twenties. vampire. heterosexual. fc: julia garner.
the x-files
marissa lucas. thirty-one. cashier & alien abductee. bisexual. fc: shannyn sossaman.
zelda mulder. twenty-two. paranormal private detective. pansexual. fc: margaret qualley.
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mywords-myworld · 8 months
Informazioni random sui miei OC :
-Sam è per metà giapponese e metà giamaicana. La chitarra l'ha trovata in un negozio dell'usato e ha deciso di mettersela in camera (anche se non ha idea di come suonarla) perché le piace l'estetica. A scuola l'hanno costretta ad entrare nel team di pallavolo, anche se lei non era molto interessata, perché è molto alta e ben piazzata. Tutto ciò, unito al fatto che ha un sacco di piercing in faccia e ha un carattere un po' chiuso, fa sì che spaventi involontariamente i salaryman giapponesi. In realtà è letteralmente una mogliettina anni 50' con i dread: il suo più grande sogno è fare la casalinga e avere tanti figli.
-Aiko e Willow sono sorellastre, condividono la mamma (nota attrice e cantante francese).
Aiko è la minore, assomiglia particolarmente alla madre da giovane e per vivere una vita normale si tinge regolarmente i capelli di castano anche se sarebbe una bionda naturale come Will. Le hanno dato un nome giapponese (pur essendo 100% americana), ma lei trova il Giappone sopravvalutato e considera molto più interessante la Corea del Sud. È molto ansiosa e timida.
Will ha i capelli tagliati a spazzola e passa le giornate tra videogiochi, motori e il suo small business di anelli strani e un po' creepy. Un sacco di gente vedendola pensa che non sia interessata ai ragazzi, ma in realtà è una romanticona che si infatua di ogni bel ragazzo che incontra. Purtroppo spesso le sue storie naufragano miseramente, ma lei non si dà per vinta. Si divide fra LA, dove c'è il padre generale dell'esercito, e Parigi dove abita la mamma.
-Yukiko è per metà russa e per metà cinese ma vive da sempre in Giappone. Parla correttamente 5 lingue (italiano, russo, inglese, giapponese e tedesco) ma proprio non riesce ad imparare il cinese e questo la mette molto in imbarazzo. I suoi capelli ormai sono paglia per colpa della decolorazione, ma è troppo ossessionata dai Targaryen de "Il trono di spade" per decidere di tornare al suo colore originale.
-Charlotte vuole tingersi i capelli color carota da anni ma non lo fa perché sa benissimo che le starebbero male (soprattutto perché si veste quasi esclusivamente di rosa). Studia marketing all'università ma vorrebbe diventare una influencer di successo e mollare tutto per trasferirsi a New York. Vorrebbe anche tatuarsi tutto il corpo, ma è abbastanza certa che questo le rovinerebbe l'estetica #bimbo che si è creata negli anni sui social e vanificherebbe tutti i suoi sforzi... quindi per il momento si è limitata a cosette piccole, carine e facili da nascondere.
-Ichigo ha origini italiane, ma non sa cucinare nemmeno una pastasciutta. Ama il cinema e sta pensando di frequentare un'accademia che le permetta di lavorare in quel settore. Si vergogna un po' del suo apparecchio, quindi si riempie la faccia di glitter così la gente si concentra su quello e non sui suoi denti. Dice sempre che della religione cristiana le interessa solo l'estetica ma in realtà sotto sotto ci crede, e prega spesso.
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vntagetee-a · 2 years
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 indie,  semi-private,  highly  selective,  twenty-one+,  multimuse  rp  ft.  canon  &  original  characters  from  movies,  tv,  &  other  mixed  media.  triggering  content  such  as  nsfw,  blood,  gore,  ect.  written  by  skye  (25+).  currently  using  the  new  x-kit  text  editor  !!
doc  /  starter calls  /  opens  /  meme tag  /  wishlist  /  wanted opposites  /  mobile muses ( under the cut )
* Primary ** Secondary *** Test
* Vicki Vale
** Rachel Dawes
** Selina Kyle
* Gia Tedesco ( OC )
** Naomi Cohen ( OC )
* Ella Tremaine / Cinderella
Don’t Worry Darling
** Alice Chambers
Enola Holmes
** Enola Holmes
Fandomless OC’s
* Hannah Parker ( 35, dog day care+serial killer, fc; aubrey plaza )
*** Paige Ingram ( 30, hair stylist, fc; lily reinhart )
*** Willow Donovan ( 22, student+barista, fc; madelyn cline )
Game of Thrones
** Talisa Maegyr Stark
* Gwendolyn Stark ( OC ) bio wip
Gone Girl
** Amy Dunne
House of the Dragon
* Rhaenyra Targaryen
* Baela Targaryen
Interview with a Vampire
* Claudia
** Amanda Kinsella
* Yasmin Ayala ( OC )
The Musketeers
* Constance Bonacieux
** Ninon de Larroque
* Queen Anne of Austria
* Mary Turner ( OC )
Promising Young Woman
** Cassie Thomas
* Isabel Reacher ( OC )
Robin Hood
* Lady Marian
Stranger Things
** Melanie Woods ( OC )
The White Lotus
** Daphne Sullivan
** Rose DeWitt-Bukater
* April O’Neil
** Maxine Minx
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dilebe06 · 3 years
Itaewon Class
“bend the knee...”
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Io sono una brutta persona: più un "qualcosa" viene spacciato e meno c’è la possibilità che io me lo veda. Che siano libri, film o serie TV...se volete farmi vedere qualcosa buttatemi giù solo due parole e poi non parlatemene più.
Ovviamente fa tutto parte della sindrome da aspettativa: penso che sto per vedermi un capolavoro e poi magari ne esco molto dubbiosa e delusa.
Ciò non significa che non mi vedrò mai roba pubblicizzata...ma molto probabilmente entrerà nel mio radar con molto ritardo o quando lo hanno già visto praticamente tutti. Ciao Goblin
Questo è il caso di Itaewon Class che ho messo in lista subito appena uscito - anche incentivata da tutti i commenti positivi - ma che mi sono vista solo in questi giorni.
Che dire: è oggettivamente un drama fatto da Dio.
Regia, dialoghi, fotografia, OST, cast, recitazione, montaggio, tematiche... nulla è lasciato al caso. Si nota un enorme impegno degli addetti ai lavori ed il risultato è assolutamente di tutto rispetto. Un buon sviluppo di trama, personaggi ben caratterizzati, una storia semplice ma gradevole e della buona musica.
Per la mia sanità mentale andrò per argomenti sparsi:
La prima cosa che vorrei dire è per Park Seo Joo: lo avevo già visto in Hwarang e What's wrong with secretary kim e pur non trovandolo male, non mi aveva convinto mai del tutto convinto. Non era riuscito a prendermi il cuore. Bravo si, ma nulla di eccezionale. Con questa serie invece, ho seriamente pensato che il personaggio gli fosse stato cucito addosso e finalmente sono riuscita a "sentirlo". Ad una certa è riuscito anche a farmi commuovere... roba che in Hwarang avevo voglia di skippare tutte le sue scene!
Ho amato alla follia il Presidente Jang e chi non lo apprezza...mente! 😤 Posso ripetermi che non dovrei amarlo ma alla fine dei salmi è stato il mio personaggio preferito: coerente, stronzo, badass e intelligentissimo. E a conti fatti la sua relazione con il lead è stata forse la mia preferita. ❤️
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La trama non è nulla di trascendentale per chiarirci. Si può annusare da lontano dove sta andando a parare...ma non importa se è scritta, recitata e girata bene.
Ad una certa ho avuto problemi a capire chi fosse la lead femminile. E questa cosa l’ho adorata. 
L’unica cosa che mi è piaciuta meno è stata il finale. Da una parte l’ho trovato realistico mentre dall’altra mi ha lasciata un pò dubbiosa. 
VOTO: 8.5
Il sottotitolo non è scelto a caso. 
Ogni volta che il Presidente diceva al lead “bend the knee” a me partivano nel cervello queste scene alla Daenerys Targaryen style che mi hanno fatto ridere tantissimo. Ma qui le risate non ci dicono assolutamente nulla visto il contesto intenso e drammatico. 
E non c’è assolutamente nulla da ridere nemmeno nella relazione tra i lead e il Presidente. Relazione che ho trovato bella, coinvolgente, matura. Quando nel finale il Presidente va ad inginocchiarsi di fronte al lead e quello non cede di un millimetro - io avrei ceduto subito perchè ho il cuore di panna e fragole -  ho stimato profondamente il ragazzo ed ero dispiaciuta per il Presidente. Non è facile riuscire a farmi empatizzare per il cattivo di una storia...forse solo Man to Man era riuscito in questa impresa. 
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Sul discorso della lead...beh io ero convinta che Soo-ah fosse la protagonista femminile della storia e Yi-seo la second lead. ora picchiatemi pure
Comunque sia mi sono piaciute tutte e due per motivi diversi: l’amica del lead e pare promessa sposa  mi è rimasta in mente per la dignità e l’umanità fragile del suo personaggio. L’incapacità di lasciare il suo lavoro e prendere una posizione mi ha fatto venire in mente quanto sia realistica e fallace. Yi Seo di contro, è un Panzer Tiger tedesco della seconda guerra mondiale. E l’ho amata per questo. Più che la sua intelligenza e competenza sono stata invidiosa del suo egoismo e menefreghismo che buttava in faccia alla gente senza nessun rimpianto. 
Sorry, ma esco da drama dove le lead sono tutte delle Madre Teresa dall’Asia che rovinano le loro vite per non far soffrire gli altri...poi arriva Yi Seo ed è una ventata di aria fresca. 
Mi è anche piaciuto tutto il contesto del gruppetto disagiato e senza speranze che con impegno e dedizione, riesce a superare qualsiasi difficoltà ed a farcela. Non è un concetto nuovo o una tematica strabiliante...ma scalda comunque il cuore. 
Ultimo punto il Figlio del Presidente, chiamato da me “testa di piscio” in onore della sua scelta coraggiosa di tingersi i capelli di quel colore al Liceo. 😐 oltre che per il fatto che non ricordo il suo nome e sono troppo pigra adesso per aprire la Wiki 
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Il suo arco narrativo ha degli spunti davvero interessanti ed ho seguito le sue vicende - gabbia compresa - con notevole coinvolgimento: le lezioni del padre, l’incapacità di assumersi le proprie responsabilità, lo snobismo e l’arroganza...fino al finale dove - mostrandoci di non essere cambiato nemmeno un pò - fa il passo più lungo della gamba e viene arrestato di nuovo. 
Ora, io sono abbastanza cattiva da pensare che il finale perfetto per questo personaggio sarebbe stata la morte. Meglio ancora il suicidio. Da una parte l’idea che venga messo in galera mi piace perchè comunque passerà anni lì dentro e non tormenterà più nessuno. Dall’altra, considerando il suo modo di pensare e la certezza che la sua vita è stata rovinata per colpa del lead  mi chiedo cosa farà quando uscirà. Darà fuoco al locale del lead? gli farà saltare in aria la macchina? Lo sgozzerà per la via?                                                        Non so...probabilmente mi faccio le paranoie.😅 ma la sensazione è che il suo finale sia stato un non-finale.
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gameofthronesitaly · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.gameofthronesitaly.it/2017/10/19/casting-updates-arriva-il-capitano-della-compagnia-dorata/
[CASTING UPDATES] Arriva il Capitano della Compagnia Dorata!
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Scelto l’attore che interpreterà Harry Strickland nell’ottava stagione di Game of Thrones!
Secondo il suo CV su Spotlight e la sua agenzia, l’attore tedesco Marc Rissmann si “unirà al cast di Game of Thrones per l’ottava e ultima stagione dello show.” Il curriculum dell’attore ci dice anche quale ruolo interpreterà e ricorderà qualcosa ai lettori della saga di George R.R. Martin: Harry Strickland, comandate dei mercenari della Compagnia Dorata! Tra gli annunci per i casting ce n’era uno per il ruolo di “mercenario”; in effetti pensavamo potesse essere la versione dello show di Harry Strickland …e, a quanto pare, avevamo ragione.
Vediamo di richiamare alla memoria il punto in cui siamo rimasti:
Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæk) è partito durante il finale della settima stagione per andare a prendere la Compagnia Dorata su ordine di Cersei. Con la conferma della presenza di Strickland, sembra che la missione di Euron sarà probabilmente un successo, anche se non si possono mai prevedere le mosse di Euron.
Secondo l’annuncio per i casting, questo ruolo sarà presente in due episodi.
Ringraziamo il lettore di WotW PB per averlo notato!
Ecco lo screenshot della voce su Spotlight, precedentemente cancellata:
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Ma chi è Harry Strickland?
Il suo soprannome è “Il Senzacasa”. Viene descritto come un uomo piuttosto in carne, con miti occhi grigi e un’incipiente calvizie. Nella Compagnia Dorata ci è nato e cresciuto, e la sua presenza deriva da generazioni di mercenari il cui primo, suo bisnonno, aveva appoggiato Daemon Blackfyre, un bastardo Targaryen legittimato dal padre, nella sua ribellione alla casata d’origine. Per inciso, Daemon era anche il possessore della leggendaria spada d’acciaio di Valyria “Blackfyre”, spada “ufficiale” dei re Targaryen. La sua ribellione, e quindi il momento in cui l’antenato di Harry guadagna alla propria famiglia il nome di “Senzacasa” perdendo le terre a causa della sua alleanza con Daemon, avviene durante il regno di Dareon II.
Nei libri la Compagnia Dorata non è ancora mai entrata “veramente” in azione. Resta in bilico tra l’allearsi con Daenerys per aiutarla a conquistare l’Occidente e il rifiuto di aspettarla ancora (ricordiamo che, a differenza della serie TV, nei libri Dany è ben lungi dal muoversi verso Westeros), preferendo seguire altri capitani alla volta dell’altro continente – il presupposto Aegon Targaryen, nella fattispecie.
Come possiamo vedere la descrizione “ufficiale” a tutto corrisponde tranne che all’aspetto fisico dell’attore selezionato. Che lo staff preposto al casting abbia compiuto con lui la stessa scelta che, nella prima stagione, fu compiuta per il personaggio di Jorah Mormont? In quel caso si decise per un uomo piacente e carismatico per dare visibilità “televisiva” anche fisica al personaggio. Staremo a vedere! (NdAranel)
Fonte: Watchers on the Wall & Wiki
Traduzione: Mariarosaria M. Editing & Aggiunte: Aranel/Mariacristina M.
Cover Photo: HATCH
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
I love how even though you hate the show and show NotDaemon, you still like (i think, correct me if im wrong) lowkey respect Matt Smith lol. Cause he’s the only one your calling by name🤣
Hi there!
No more no less than any of the other actors 🤷🏽‍♀️. I just call his character Matt because honestly I had nothing better to call him XD we thought of Demon first but the character is just so pathetic... so in the end it's Matt, kind of like I just call showJon Kit.
And they both share more than just a ridiculous plot! they also have their male parts being mocked -> Kit's for being small, and Matt's for not working! 🤗
HBO, show us on this doll where men with Targaryen blood hurt you.
That being said some of Matt's takes are not as ridiculous as some of the other cast members' takes. And kudos to him for not passing his own struggles and identity as a person to his character.
He does sound like he read the books at least - which is more than the vast majority of them read, mad respect for Steve though for having the b_lls to admit it aloud - While he doesn't fully understand Daemon, he at least has a basic understanding of the Rogue Prince. Now, is that who he's playing? Absolutely not, but gun to my head I still don't think he's right for the job, but proper makeup, proper wig, proper script... we could pull something good from him.
I stand by what I say that compared to other choices of cast he's not my top complain. My top 3 would be the actors that play Renada and Alicia - for Renada especially younger Renada aka Milly and for Alicia especially older Alicia aka Olivia - and the actor that plays Droopy. Then likely I would complain about the actor that plays Dornishcel who is way too young - friendly reminder that canon Daemon and canon Criston were one year apart in age so why does Matt look like he could have been Dornishcel's dad and why does Renada 2 look older than him as well? - Then I would complain about all the rest. But yeah I think Matt might only be like 10 in my list of absolute atrocious casting choices maybe even lower.
So my point is... I don't f_cking know. Not a Matt fan I suppose but I dislike other choices more.
And if we are picking people by acting abilities alone then someone call Meryl Streep and have her play Daemon.
All the best to you! 😊
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Is aegon 3 and viserys 2 also bastards on the redacted? Since you said in last ask that their marriage is sham. sorry for asking it but I couldnt find answer on net and don't want to watch that shit to find it out.
Hi there Anon!
Yes, for all intents and purposes in redacted notAegon and notViserys are indeed bastards.
Lenny in the show is alive and runs away with his bf Carl. Matt and Renada have a "valyrian" wedding but they know Renada's husband is very much alive and they know that because of that, their marriage is not valid. But they say f_ck all and have their little satanic union.
So in redacted this is what's up:
Renada actually wants to be heir and offers herself as heir to Droopy. Renada knows of Aegon's "a song of IcE and FiRe" -> makes absolutely no sense that anyone but Aegon knew because 1- the Targaryens did f_ck all to help the North except Jae who did bear f_cking minimum so if this was so BIG and the purpose of them being kings why were they doing nothing?! and 2 - and reason why no one past Aegon knew. So according to redacted this "secret" was told to the heir. What's the problem with this? Well the problem is that Ryan & Co must have read the books - I think I am bold to assume they did - as thoroughly as I read "Conditions and Terms" and kind of forgot that Jaehaerys was Aenys's third son, still a boy when dad died, and his elder brother was already married. Aenys had 0 reasons to think Jae would ever succeed him and -1 reasons to tell him, even because in showverse Matt and Droopy were brothers yet Matt was never told the "secret" so it wasn't like a "every boy gets to know this" thing. -> even mentions that they have to keep Westeros together. Yet what does Renada do?
-Knowingly married a gay man.
-Has an affair with Harlose and 3 bastards even though her and Lenny got it on.
-Has further two bastard children with Matt who could finally get it up for her.
Does this make any sense? Makes her look like a f_cking idiot from where I am standing.
Now if she was like Rhaenyra who:
-Never asked to be heir
-Had it given to her when she was 8
-Was forced into a loveless marriage against her will -> don't force me to quote the f_cking pages of the book l:l it's written black on white
-And had an affair with a man who had previously courted her.
This would make sense given how Rhaenyra was, what happened to her, and what she knew. Makes 0 sense for Renada except to make her look like a stage IV idiot.
And small note, Laenor died in canon. Rhaenyra and Daemon were married in the sept of Dragonstone. In the books Aegon and Viserys's legitimacy was without question, especially that of Viserys II who was born two years into their marriage.
I am honestly hoping Anon that in the show Addam and Alyn are Lenny and Carl in disguise.
Here's to hoping!
All the best to you ;)
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
genuine question:
how has your fandom experience been after [derogatory] show?
I'm asking because there has been such a huge wave of fans and content and given how the show has been nothing like the book it feels a bit lonely for those who crave content more similar to canon.
So, how do you cope?
Hi there!
Oh wow. That pretty much sums it up.
I have made no secret of my absolute distaste towards redacted and as such, I have spared myself, my eyes, brain, basic intelligence... the punishment of subjecting myself to any of it.
I have the tags blocked and I unfollowed anyone showing THAT any support. It was pretty funny to see people do a turn on their convictions all because of shiny dragons that look more like Jurasic Park (lol), more likes for their posts, and... I don't know trying to look "smart" while they try to find sense in one of the dumbest shows in existence.
If I had gotten my will I would know nothing of it. Alas... I got sent a lot. How much? Yes. So unfortunately I have to live with the fact that I know what happens there and WOW. WOW.
My friend @xenonwitch can attest to the fact that we read all the spoilers and STILL got surprised at sh:t. We legit laughed at a couple of things like:
1- Droopy dying of leprosy which is a disease that does not exist in the asoiaf universe -> the asoiaf version of leprosy is greyscale. Y'all besties are welcome <3
2- Lenny staying alive and Renada and Matt's marriage being a sham and the two of them consciously making their children bastards -> s_ck on that notAegon and notViserys! You thought only the Weak children were illegitimate?! Now you are as well so there!
personally my favourite 3- Dracaryssice by Lana.
I remember when Fae told me of Lana I was so excited. It was so ridiculous that I was like I wanted it to be true... but I was afraid I was getting my hopes up and would be disappointed... but then it happened and I was more joyful than I could say like ❤️🥰 #YASS
4 - Almond Milk accidentally killing Loserys
I will give a honourable mention to Matt chocking Renada while she was pregnant because like with Lana I prayed this was true ❤️ and then it was <3 and the scene was so ridiculous!
I am so happy because I saw so-called "Daemyra" shippers acting all smug defending this trash because the show portrayed Matt like a loser simp going after the girlboss who doesn't give 2 flying f_cks about him -> because women having toxic masculinity traits and men being emasculated is today's modern media version of a "good" story - being proved wrong when haha Matt chocked Renada. And on that note, that was the only scene I liked Matt because honestly F_CK THAT CHICK. She's this weird version of seasons 7 and 8 showArya mixed with Cersei mixed with... I don't know, but she's DEFINITELY not bookRhaenyra! Gods what a joke!
Ok moving on, and before I do, I would like to share me and Fae are thinking of doing a podcast tearing this f_cking sh_t apart. I won't watch the show but she will - #pray4fae2022 - and then we will have fun in the show. And get angry. And pull out the books and compared them to the "unbiased true telling" of HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL no it's redacted. It's only redacted. Show canon and book canon are not the same honeys, Turtle sell out said it, Elio and Linda said it, people interviewing said sell out said it. Ryan is as delusional as Trump. Someone get him help. Someone brave. Because his characters can't stay in character from one scene to the next let alone in between episodes and everything out of the actors' mouths in interviews is like "What?!" But whatever, enough rant.
For the most part besides being a tad angry at people defending this trash - I mostly avoid things but still have things sent to me - was getting a lot of new readers and attention to the point I struggle to get back to people. I received this with a mixture of happiness because many of these people are amazing and genuinely like my story and opened their eyes to what trash redacted is, but also sadness because of how it got there.
As for the content I wouldn't be able to tell you because even before redacted I don't search for Dance content sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️
I've said it before, will again. I have been a part of other fandoms as a consumer -> HP, Twilight (lol sue me b:tches), etc -> and I can tell you the asoiaf fandom - for me personally - does not have that many good fanfictions. Honest to god I have read them since like 10 years ago? And to this date I can count on my hand how many of them I was blown away by. Now, comparing that to the HP fandom, literally in two pages I will find at least one that will blow my freaking mind. But this isn't a big surprise for me since this fandom has some of the most insane takes (and people) I have ever seen.
Dance related fics... oh boy!
Anon, when I read Fire and Blood I wanted a fic like the one I wrote and I searched for it. There was nothing, Daemon/Rhaenyra as a pairing were like a sidenote in fics that existed and even so there was what? One page in AO3 I read them and like.... what? There were more fics of her and Criscel and I am just like... did we read the same book?
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After I started writing a few others things started showing up slowly (veeeeeeerryyyyyy slowly) but when I read them it was just... No. It was just a No. 
So much trash from Daemon r@ping Rhaenyra to Rhaenyra acting like a sociopathic Lolita in almost every story to... I will stop myself right here. So for the longest time I have stopped searching for anything. I am just setting myself up for disappointment. 
If something is good I trust it will eventually be sent my way, if not... sorry but I rather miss it than go over the tags because 🤢
I think one of the most important lessons I learned from my time in the fandom is: If you want something and it doesn’t exist don’t complain, do it yourself. So this is what I do. I write what I want to read and if I want art, because I can’t draw lol I search for an artist I like and commission them to do something I want to see. I take control and do it myself as opposed for waiting for others to do something that fits into what I want. And if I can share I am made SO HAPPY for it. 
So on that regard redacted has not changed my experience because I have long ago gave up on finding things at random. On that note, however, I don’t think some people realise that I have a home, I work a full time very demanding job, and I have friends and family. I have very limited free time for me alone, and my fic takes HUGE amounts of work and effort from me, so even if I wanted I wouldn’t have the time to read others fics. Eventually I might if it gets sent my way or something, but usually I am busy doing something else. 
Like... I currently have 100 asks here. More than 100 comments to reply to on AO3, tons of fics to update. People asking me to update this and that... I just... 
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Lonely though I don’t feel. I made tons of friends throughout the year with GOOD taste and love of logic. And it was the best thing writing fanfiction ever gave me <3 other people to nerd out about my fav characters with <3 and that’s everything. 
This was too long already. Long live the books, and dracarys (accidentally dracarys 😏) the show(S)!
PS: Would you like to hear me and Fae just tearing redacted apart? I will bring my ratty copy of Fire and Blood to it!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Anon is right about shipping Daemon with others. Its fine because you’re allowed to ship whoever the hell you want but to use those ships to undermine Daemyra and Rhaenyra is not okay! Rhaenyra and Daemon didn’t get married in a Valyrian ceremony and risked the ire of not only Viserys but also the Velaryons just for people to say they are not each others great love or that they are purely just to gain power. Personally, Mysaria is a character I will never ever like or have sympathy for, Laena I never even cared about but I now dislike because of her fans that continue using her to undemine Daemyra and Rhaenyra and for Nettles I don’t like because of the rumors and her fans also undermine Daemyra and Rhaenyra. I don’t understand why people dislike Daemyra so much, what have they done other than fall in love and fight for Rhaenyra’s throne?
We have no mention in the books that Daemon and Rhaenyra married in a Valyrian ceremony. That's redacted content only, sorry, even because please recall Lenny, Renada's husband, was still alive, so their marriage if performed on a sept would not valid by Westerosi standards. Such a thing does not apply to Daemon and Rhaenyra, who were both widowers (Laenor and Laena were dead) so they were free to wed through the Faith of the Seven that the Targaryens embraced.
No Targaryen since Maegor wed in a Valyrian ceremony as far as we are told, and we have no reason to believe Daemon and Rhaenyra would be an exception. Even because they weren't idiots and they knew that doing so might risk people not perceiving their marriage as real. For instance, Viserys II Targaryen did not wed Larra in a westerosi ceremony under the light of the Seven, and her family, upon returning him, was quite concerned about the marriage being set aside. These things weren't a joke like the "worldbuilding" of redacted made it seem.
We also have significant evidence that Rhaenyra took the religion of the Seven seriously enough. If we refer to Fire and Blood pag. 408:
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I am sorry but I am not your go-to place everyone to mix Redacted and ASOIAF content. I don't do this. I understand that there are two canons, and like multiple people have noted, Redacted is not meant to answer any question concerning Fire and Blood. The only thing so far George has confirmed was Aegon's Prophecy, so that I would be willing to discuss, however, as Elio noted:
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I have said it before I will again. I only care about ASOIAF and if anyone has any doubt, let me remove them. I don't ship Renada and Matt. In show verse, I want them all dead and I thought that "Valyrian ceremony" was almost as much as a joke as Matt and Renada. They knowingly turned notAegon and not Viserys and notVisenya into bastards and further gave strength to the Greens and further made Renada look like an idiot. Apparently she knows all about the great threat and the importance of keeping Westeros together and is making canon Rhaenyra - who did not know about any such prophecy - look extremely competent and careful by comparison. What. A. Joke. I cannot wait for her to be eaten by notSunfyre.
PS: Any ask including or attempting to mix up show and book content will not be answered. I also don't care about fanarts of the show and of notVisenya. Thank you :)
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Everytime you say Matt Daemon, I inexplicably always think of Matt Damon first before realizing u are talking about the redacted show🤡🤡
What can I say? Im too much of a The Martian and The Play Cameo in Thor Ragnarok fan lol
In my defense I started calling him just Matt, but Prince Matt Daemon just hits differently.
I think I first heard it from either @alinahams or @xenonwitch and it's so much funnier!
No hate to Matt Damon though, great actor! And since I think we have a severe lack of good media and entertainment these days I would like to recommend his movie (well its not his but he's in it) -> The Last Duel.
An amazing piece of cinema with some great acting by some of the BEST actors out there: Matt Daemon (of course XD), Jodie Comer - maybe THE female actor of her generation - and the absolutely incredible Adam Driver - again maybe THE male actor of his generation; some GREAT writing that understands nuance, a compelling story, and a great look into the life of a medieval woman and her struggles without turning her into a walking meme or a victim.
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
All the Harwin and Laena fans are ridiculous. How they ended up as stans of characters who was even barely written about is beyond me. They definitely just think that the actors portraying them in the show is hot and uses Rhaenyra as a self-insert for Harwin and Laena for Daemon. Honestly, they give this two way too much more importance than they actually were in the first place. The only relevance Harwin and Laena have is that they had children with Daemyra.
Hi there,
Let's try not to call anyone ridiculous for liking characters XD we can say they have bad taste but ridiculous no come on. We might not agree but to each their own and they have a right to like whatever character they want even if it is someone like Tywin's horse.
I agree that I also don't understand, especially Laena just because since 2019 the hype about her is absolutely blown out of proportion. If you read any meta about her you would be under the impression she's as developed as character as someone like Daemon or Rhaenyra, or even as her own parents. I have talked at lengths about why people like her but to sum it up it's a mixture of: no personality so perfect self-insert + seen as "less Targaryen" and thus more "pure and righteous" + who her parents are. Don't be mistaken though, show did nothing or almost nothing for Laena. If anything she is less popular now.
Harwin is another matter and he is 100% because of the show. Before I would count on the fingers of one hand anyone who gave half a f_ck about him. People would literally not acknowledge his existence. However, I have talked about this at length and the very vocal crowd that produced content, especially metas and fics, were very anti Targaryens - though they will act otherwise at times - or "neutrals". And this crowd not only loved Laena but also thought Criston was the version we were presented with in Feast (that is not the same as in The World of Ice and Fire/The Rogue Prince/The Princess and the Queen/Fire and Blood -> but you know whatever) and would LOVE to defend him, talk about "his side" of the story, and produce tons of content about him and Rhaenyra. I could say I was baffled, but that would be a lie because the same was done about Jorah and Dany 🤷🏽‍♀️ And again Rhaenyra and Daemon were never the Targaryens it was ok to like, unless it was because of how "dark they were", especially Rhaenyra who is a woman, so automatically darker you know.
Because of the above, however, I don't know... I don't mind Harwin fans that much. Maybe I was just not pestered by them as I was by Laena fans since 2018 where every time someone would post Daemyra content here they came with the:
"BuT yOu KnOW DAemON DidN'T LoVE RhaeNYRA RIGHT?! His TruE LoVe WaS LaeNA!"
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The people I counted on my fingers who liked Harwin always acknowledged canon and the fact that at the end of the day it was Daemon Rhaenyra truly loved/was her endgame 🤷🏽‍♀️ I am aware that has changed because of redacted but my good people *big sigh* Prince Matt Daemon and Renada are NOT Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen. So if people hate Harlose Weak and want to pair him with the most unlikable character ever who goes by the name of Princess Renada Tedesco... sure go ahead.
Do I understand why anyone likes Harlose Weak? No. Do I understand how anyone can watch the show and not absolutely hate Rita and Carlos for wanting to pimp out their 12 year old child to a man who slaughtered his wife like a pig? Absolutely not. Do I understand why anyone mistakes show and books and insists on merging the two together? Also absolutely not. It takes some pathological levels of cognitive dissonance for that. Do the books make it painfully obvious Daemon was the man Rhaenyra always loved and wanted above all others? Also yes. Can people believe otherwise? Sure, free country.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
The only thing this adaptation managed to do correctly is re-awaken the anti-targ stans and multiply the anti-rhaenyra tag. Us Targaryen stans just cant get enough of it, why is it that only we get the most attacked 😭😭
I remember when I first complained about the show someone was like "You know D&D aren't involved right?"
My face at people thinking they were the only problem:
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Also tell me you never read the sh:t Miguel said about Dany without telling me you never read the sh:t Miguel said about Dany.
To me personally I always knew the antis would have a field day with this one. I have to say that what I did not expected was people calling themselves Targ stans and saying they love the Dance getting on board with this bull and making up excuse after excuse for sh:tty writing and trying as hard as possible to squeeze canon into this trash and justify it with pseudo-intellectual bull with no real meaning.
LOL just LOL.
Lost respect for so many individuals. Well anyway, for all of you getting your panties wet at Droopy telling Renada how the White Walkers were coming and how big assh0les they and everyone else was for ignoring this and how they are legitimate because they had the big picture in mind when they conquered Westeros, in the show canon the entire Tedesco line is illegitimate so they have no real claim to the throne... which has me thinking that that Blackfyre sigil during episode 1 was some very effective foreshadowing 😏 Hum... your move. Cleverly played, mah lady.
Are there positives to be taken from this? Hum yes. I always question myself and my decisions a lot, and some days I'm like "This is trash what am I doing? Freaking embarrassing myself!" but this f_cking trash makes me feel like f_cking Shakespeare over here!
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To end this on a positive note, the Jade Tiara and our beloved Year of the Red Spring were spared from being mentioned in this sh:tshow. And in my bday there will be no more redacted :D
Anon stay strong. I am finally writing the next chapter beyond the title and a blank document.
Lots of love <3
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hey, sorry to bring up the show again, but, LIESYRIA?!!! did you come up with in on the go?! It was so fucking good! Holy shit!! Perfect!
Redacted staring:
Alice the Realm’s Delight
Harry Weak
Liesarya of who the hell knows at this point
Other Hightower
Lana aka Catherine (her mother doesn’t really know her name; or I assume as much seeing as she was willing to give her child to the wife murderer)
Also staring:
Prince Andrew
Almond Milk
Also also staring: 
Making the Targaryens (Tedescos) look like sh_t so the others can look great by comparison 
Not staring:
Canon events of the dance
Ps: me and Shrinky created the name Liesarya 🥰
PPS: I am at your dms and you are sending me asks XD
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
I am not looking forward to House of the Dragon. I hate the costumes, especially those for the Blacks. Rhaenyra's outfit makes her look older than she is. HBO really wants to make Alicent Hightower the Realm's Delight. The Velaryons' outfits are all wrong. They should be wearing teal green and silver. Why are they wearing gaudy, black and gold clothes? Black and gold are the colors of House Baratheon. I think "Look how they massacred my boy," every time I see Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen.
I'm a just drop this here real quick:
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Renada Tedesco? Is that you? Is that you from the trailer? 
All that’s missing is a fugly head “Tudor inspired” (Tudor age, sweetie, I am so sorry for what they keep doing to you) “headband”.
For everyone wondering this is the traditional bridal clothes wore by the women of Viana, Portugal. Look me in the f_cking eye and tell me this isn't Renada from the trailer. The only face I kept uncovered was that of a Portuguese public figure for anyone wondering.
Tbh though these women had it going on. Not only were they dressed like they about to go to a funeral - bestie same, marriage is not all that - but additionally they be wearing all them bling!
I guess throwing gold and huge gold earrings is their way of "trying" to make Renada Tedesco look fancy. Who cares to give the fashion a proper style? No, no, take some gold and stfu, Renada!
H*O's rule is everyone wears black. Everyone. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. What are the Velaryon colours anyway? Let's change those :D haven't we changed house colours before? Who cares?! Give us your money!
You mean Demon Tedesco? You must, because there's not Daemon anywhere on that show sorry.
And of course that Alice Targaryen is the Realm's Delight 😌 didn't you read F&B, Anon? Where it's hammered on you over and over again how beautiful she was? How they keep calling her the Realm's Delight? Remember that scene where Daemon declares her the most beautiful woman of the Seven Kingdoms? Well H*O does, so there 😌
Princess Renada Tedesco
Prince Demon Tedesco
Queen Alice Targaryen "The Realm's Delight"
King Vincent Tedesco
Ser Christian "I am Dornish y'all" White
Ser Other Targaryen, the Hand of the King
PS: I am Portuguese so I can mock this if I want 🤗 #haterscry
PPS: I changed their family name on the show to Tedesco in honour of Nazaré Tedesco from a Brazilian soap opera called "Senhora do Destino" y'all google and have fun 😂😂 My father is Brazilian, yes. Regardless everyone in Portugal watches Brazilian Soap Operas they are much better 😌 and better written than G*T as well for those wondering.
PPPS: This is Nazaré Tedesco y'all, the meme you have been using for years. And also my face at everything that comes out from REDACTED SHOW. Let's start calling it by its proper name: REDACTED SHOW.
PPPPS: Renada would be translated to Renothing. Nada is nothing in Portuguese, and Spanish. You're welcome x2.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
I’d hate to disturb you, but after that redacted show posted new stills of the characters, some people started shipping alicent and rhaenyra 🫥😐😐
Oh we are still talking about Redacted Show? #joy
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In any case all things considered if I was Renada Tedesco I would rather make out with Alice the Realm's Delight than with Demon Tedesco, and I say this as a woman who is 100% straight (: but like... even I have certain things at which I look at and go... hum maybe d:ck isn't that good...
In any case those stills look from a bad porno, especially Renada and Alice the Realm's Delight and "Viserys"
"Viserys" *with his black clothes, bad wig, and creepy face*: Alright ladies, time to take it off and show daddy who is his best girl!
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New OT3 everyone! Renada/Alice/"Viserys" 😍
PS: You see what I did here of giving the gif representing Walserys a moustache? Popcorn - 100000000000000000; HbitchO - 0.
Y'all are welcome.
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