#tarot: miles
randomthefox · 25 days
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The Genesis Originals are the face cards for the Rings arcana, which is a natural analogue for the pentacles arcana/diamonds suite
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thewormsdontstop · 3 months
The Major Arcana
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Cups | Swords | Pentacles | Wands
links to all the individual posts under the cut
0: The Fool
1: The Magician
2: The High Priestess
3 and 4: The Empress and the Emperor
5: The Hierophant
6: The Lovers
7: The Chariot
8: Strength
9: The Hermit
10: The Wheel of Fortune
11: Justice
12: The Hanged Man
13: Death
14: Temperance
15: The Devil
16: The Tower
17: The Star
18: The Moon
19: The Sun
20: Judgement
21: The World
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sonicthetarot · 2 months
Sonic the Tarot Update #3
Hello everyone! We're back from our break to give an update. For one, Sonic the Tarot's Major Arcana and Suit of Cups lineart is now completely done! Here's a preview of the Major Arcana as a whole (please forgive the excessive watermarking).
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It's also time to give a more detailed rundown of how the next few months will go. We aim to complete the art production phase by late August/early September. Then, we'll order a select number of decks before preorders... because we've been accepted into Sonic Expo 2024!
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During Sonic Expo's event on November 8th-10th, Sonic the Tarot will be available for the first time alongside some potentially exclusive extras. The base deck will come with three components: the 78-card deck, a saddle-stitched guidebook, and a custom two-part box.
Once Sonic Expo is over, we'll open preorders for web-based sales; we expect these to be open for about a month, ending sometime in December. Afterward, once the manufacturer sends us the completed decks, we'll mail them out to everyone. Leftovers will be saved for future sale.
In the coming months, our branding will undergo a refresh to better reflect the deck's energy.
Additionally, we want to thank you all for being so patient! This is a dream project for us, and we're so excited to share it with everyone. Please look forward to more updates soon!
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ashleyslorens · 3 months
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ma4karia · 1 year
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a third tarot card.. i wanted to represent the whole idea of attachment to things against canon/ devotion to family becoming a threat to "the canon"...
im just happy i got to draw miguel and his daughter being silly
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tallfroggieart · 1 year
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@fawnnbinary and I did a collab!! I am in fact obsessed with his incubus!Jask AU and also tarot art, so the two of us decided to each draw a card of the dearest boy while keeping our actual drawings secret from each other until right now, when all of you can see it too! Miles, ty so much for letting me run wild with and also go insane for your character ily <3
Everyone, check out Miles’ art account if you haven’t yet!! He is so incredibly talented and his art fucks so hard. Like seriously go look his skill blows me away every time.
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rubywolf0201 · 1 month
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I love this expansion of Amy’s Tarot Card readings! It gives a lot of depth into why she does it and also explain the meanings behind them.
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Neat detail that her tarot readings have Amy embark on adventures which I would love to see in future spinoffs (also hello to the little bird from SA1)
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Hmmm very interesting how she uses her tarot card readings for simple things…. I like this side of Amy! 👍🏻💖
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The Hanged Man Tarot card indicates that you are in a situation that you are not happy with. You may be feeling like you are stuck in a rut or trapped in a situation or frame of mind that is not making you happy, but you have the power to release yourself.
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tenshiharmonia · 1 year
I was browsing through the Sonic Unleashed tag when I saw someone who was making a tarot deck themed after the blue hedgehog's universe, and I must say, it kind of inspired me. So I wanted to give it a try and imagine what my own version of such a deck would be like. Not that I have the artistic skills needed to concretize my vision, but hey, it makes for a fun exercise. I mean, I've always been a fan of tarot iconography, and it just so happens that one of the franchise's main characters has a canonical interest in the matter (as Frontiers reminded us not so long ago), so it seemed appropriate. XD With that being said, let's see what I came up with. (Note that I'll mainly focus on the major arcana. I know that the minor ones are much richer in terms of meaning, but let's be honest, they don't stoke the imagination as much as their "greater" siblings. :p )
0 - The Fool : Sonic himself. Now, calling him a fool is obviously a gross misnomer, but the card itself represents bright-eyed and free-spirited idealism. It is the start of a new journey, which - you will concede - resonates quite well with the eternal adventurer that the blue hedgehog is. (Besides, it's only natural for the franchise's main character to figure on the first card. :p )
I - The Magician : Tails. This card is all about limitless potential, so the two-tailed fox was an easy choice (besides, as Sonic’s right-hand man, it’s only natural for him to come just after the blue hedgehog :p ). Learning from the Fool’s mistakes and experiences, the Magician works towards manifesting its intentions into beings, which resonates pretty well with the genius boy’s heroic aspirations and constant quest for self-improvement... Also, he is quite the tech wiz, and you know what they say : any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. :3
II - The High Priestess : Tikal. In tarology, the Priestess embodies feminine wisdom and intuition, perfectly echoing Tikal’s own role as the Echidna tribe’s voice of reason (even though nobody listened to her). Moreover, the Priestess is also regarded as a mentor figure, bringing to mind how the girl’s spirit acted as a guide for Sonic and his friends during their quest to stop Eggman and Chaos. Lastly, the Priestess is supposed to be quite knowledgeable about the universe’s secrets, which - once again - parallels Tikal’s ancient knowledge of the Chaos Emeralds and their powers...
III - The Empress : Aleena. I know, I know, Underground is probably a part of the franchise that most people would rather forget (except for its banger of a theme song). But I must admit, I’ve quite a soft spot for the way it depicted Sonic’s family (Manic, my beloved). As it happens, this card symbolizes motherhood. Both literally and figuratively. Since Aleena’s main characteristic is her status as both a mother and a queen, she seemed like a royal fit. :p Visually, I also like to imagine that the card’s illustration would take cue from the show’s opening and depict the gentle monarch, in her queenly attire, resting on a bed with her three playful newborns, highlighting both aspects of her character (I won’t deny that her design could enjoy a bit of a face-lift, though)...
IV - The Emperor : Eggman (featuring Sage). Naturally, as the Empress’ counterpart, the Emperor represents the figure of the father. Of course, they are merely symbols, so it’s less about their genders than what they stand for. While the Empress is kind and nurturing, the Emperor’s authority is harsh and severe. He isn’t devoid of affection, but he still views himself as reigning over his progeny, which I think echoes Eggman’s personality and the relationship he has with his creations pretty well. Also, he is at the head of the Eggman Empire, so he truly is the best suited for the job. :p
V - The Hierophant : Professor Pickle. Without going too much into the details, the Hierophant alludes to traditions, institutions, and to a certain extent, dogmatism. Like the High Priestess, he will often take on the role of mentor, providing wisdom and guidance. But he can also represents someone who is a little too set in their ways... All in all, I think you can see why I chose the professor. After all, he is an expert archaeologist who’s passionate about the planet’s many cultures and customs, counsels Sonic and his friends during their worldwide adventure, and who can be a little uncompromising on certain topics (like the making of cucumber sandwiches :3 ). Really, the guy checks all the boxes. One can imagine that the card’s artwork would depict the old chap enjoying a cup of tea and some (properly prepared) snacks while looking contemplatively through his office’s window…
VI - The Lovers : Sonic and Shadow. I mean, this is my tarot deck, so I can indulge myself as much as I want. :p No but seriously (not that I wasn’t serious, but you catch my drift), I would probably attribute this one to Amy. After all, she is the one with romantic aspirations, the one who yearns to experience the sweet embrace of love, waiting for her blue prince to notice her... That being said, instead of depicting Amy and Sonic as an actual couple, I like to think that the card would represent the young girl, bathed in a soft and summery light, simply daydreaming about her proverbial knight in shining armour. Indeed, the card itself is less about romance than fulfilling connections, in the broadest sense of the term. So the idea here would be that, even if her relationship with Sonic is not the passionate fairy tale she’d like it to be, it doesn’t prevent the two of them from sharing a meaningful and inspiring bond. :3
VII - The Chariot : The Tornado, soaring through the clear blue sky. This card stands for travels and freedom, so it was only natural for it to feature our heroes’ trusty mount. After all, it helped them discover so many new and exciting places... (As a bonus, I like to imagine that the card’s illustration would also include the three Babylon Rogues, racing through the sky around the plane. I don’t really know why, but I think it would be neat. I mean, in a sense, they do embody a certain form of freedom. A more abrasive and selfish variant than the one Sonic himself stands for, but still, it makes for an interesting contrast...)
VIII - Justice* : This one was admittedly a little tricky, but in the end, I think I’d go with Chaos. Let me explain. This card is about karma and retribution. It warns us about the consequences of our choices and actions. To put it simply, you reap what you sow. And I think that Chaos, standing impassively among the burning remains of the Echidna tribe, would make for an impressive illustration of that message. Because it’s also important to remember that the line is often thin between justice and madness, and that a righteous crusade can easily turn into a destructive vendetta if hatred and despair are allowed to fester. There is a time to punish, and a time to pardon. * Note that Justice (8) and Strength (11) are known to switch places depending on the deck. This numbering is the one I’m most familiar with, but feel free to procede in the order that suits you best. ;)
IX - The Hermit : Knuckles, sitting on the steps of the Master Emerald’s altar, contemplating the sky from his lonely island. Naturally, the Hermit represents the need to isolate yourself to reflect on your life and actions, which resonates quite nicely with the echidna’s "lone wolf" nature. This choice, however, carries a certain irony. Indeed, while the Hermit is supposed to be a figure of enlightenment, Knuckles’ solitary life has also led him to become a rather hot-blooded - and at times, naive - individual. In a way, it reminds us that maintaining some distance between yourself and the world can often be a double-edged sword...
X - The Wheel of Fortune : You’d think that in a series with so many casino-themed levels, this one would have been easy, but I had a surprisingly difficult time picking who - or what - would be adorning this arcane. Ultimately, my choice would probably be the Chaos Emeralds. As a card, the Wheel of Fortune naturally represents vagrant luck and the whims of fate, an idea that - I think - resonates pretty well with those miraculous jewels. Just like luck, they come and go as they please, and you have to seize them when they pass. And while they often seem to favour the heroes, they ultimately serve no master, meaning that they can be used to defeat evil just as they can help it rise. Their power will often shape the course of history, but there is no telling what awaits those who got caught in their crystalline spiral... Of course, the card’s artwork would depict the seven stones arranged in a neat circle, with the sharp ends all pointing towards the center, to mimic the appearance of an actual wheel. Incidentally, the center of the circle could be occupied by the sparkling silhouette of Super Sonic, to symbolize the ultimate and decisive power that the Emeralds bestow. Alternatively, I was thinking about having an image of the Phantom Ruby in this place, as the Chaos Emeralds’ sinister counterpart, a concept I wish had been explored more. In that case, the image of Super Sonic could be placed above the "wheel", while the bottom of the picture would be showcasing a nefariously grinning Eggman, emphasizing once again how the power of the Emeralds can affect the course of destiny... for better or for worse. (Of course, everything about this deck is merely hypothetical, so don’t take all those details too seriously. This is just brainstorming...)
XI - Strength : Cream. While this card’s name brings to mind the image of a fierce animal, it actually refers to inner strength, the force of the soul that manifests through courage and kindness. As someone once said, it takes a lot of strength to be kind. And I feel like there is no one better than the little rabbit girl to illustrate this message. For her sweetness and innocence hide a heart as strong as the mightiest of metals. A heart that is not afraid of standing against evil and injustice, but that will always choose to extend a hand to those who might need it, be they friends or foes. Brave, humble and generous, the little bunny is truly a shining example of fortitude. (Also, we all know what a punch she packs in spite of her age and daintiness, making her fits the literal definition of "strength" just as well. :p ) That being said, I must admit that I don’t really know what the card’s artwork could look like. My first idea would have been for it to feature Cream happily flying through the sky alongside Cheese while carrying an enormous - and adorably decorated - basket full of Chao*, but to be honest, I’m not entirely convinced... * One can even imagine Gemerl’s head sticking out of the pile, with an air of dumbfounded vacancy colouring his mechanical face, as if to say "I have absolutely no idea how I ended up in this situation, but I cannot say it's disagreeable". XD
XII - The Hanged Man : Big (featuring Froggy, of course). This card invites us to take a break and look at things from a new angle. So naturally, the feline fisherman was the number one candidate, considering how well his laid-back personality and tranquil outlook on life fits the arcane’s meaning. Besides, his passion for fishing provides us with the perfect excuse as to why he would be hanging upside down in the first place, having inadvertently got caught in somebody else’s line because of his clumsiness. :3
XIII - Death : The End. This one is actually deeper than it seems. Of course, the End fancies itself as an ineluctable embodiment of destruction, which already fits the card’s esthetic quite nicely. But those who know about tarot know that this card is actually about transformation and renewal, echoing the End’s role in the franchise’s narrative : by precipitating the fall of the Ancients’ civilization, it triggered the chain of events that would ultimately allow the entire series to happen (or at least most of it). In doing so, it also gave rise to the very hero(es) who would eventually defeat it. True to its name, its advent spelled the end of an era, but it also brought forth a new future, just like a decaying corpse will return to the soil and nourish the seeds that lie beneath... In fact, the card’s artwork would probably have the End’s moon form looming in the upper portion, while the bottom part of the illustration would feature a lonely flower, blooming in the middle of some verdant field (heck, said flower could even be growing out of the husk of a departed Koco, to really drive home the card’s message XD ).
XIV - Temperance : Mighty the Armadillo. This one was easily the most difficult for me to figure out, in part because I feel like there wasn’t really any obvious candidate. In the end, though, I think that Mighty would probably be the best suited for the job. As you can guess, Temperance represents the need for balance and moderation. It invites you to put a little water in your wine, and I feel like it resonates quite nicely with the armadillo’s character. Think about it, Mighty’s main attribute is that he is monstrously strong. Just like Equius Zahhak. He has to be extremely careful around other people, as even one single slip could result in him badly hurting those he cares about. Just like Equius Zahhak. Which is not always an easy feat, as he’s got a pretty extroverted and impetuous disposition. Just like... well, not really, but I think you see where this is all going. XD Mighty’s story is one of constant restraint and cautiousness, which - I think - echoes what this card stands for in a very interesting manner. Granted, I’m not really sure how to convey all that in a simple illustration*, but the idea is there. XD * Maybe having the armadillo rushing worriedly over to Ray - or helping the little guy up - after he accidentally sent the squirrel flying with a not-so-light jab on his shoulder, in reference to that one moment in the Sonic Mania animation (said scene greatly influenced my decision to pick Mighty for this arcane, so it wouldn’t be surprising)...
XV - The Devil : I actually have two different ideas for this one, so brace yourselves. :p - First of all, Solaris. I mean, a being of pure light hiding a heart as black as the darkest of nights ? Yep, that guy fits the bill like a glove. XD As a card, the Devil warns us about the dangers of materialistic obsessions, which could resonate with the all-consuming nature of the sun god’s flames. Not sure about which of his forms the illustration should depict, though. My main idea was for it to feature Mephiles with Solaris’ true form looming behind him, but it’s just one possibility (and even then, I’d still have to choose between the two different forms that the god takes during the final battle). Also, the Devil is usually depicted with a young couple chained at his feet, symbolizing his grip and power over mankind, so I was thinking it’d be interesting to have them be replaced by shackled silhouettes* of Silver and Elise, those whose lives were ruined by the flames of Solaris and the manipulations of his tenebrous half (alternatively, one of them could be replaced by Elise’s father, as it was his own obsession that kickstarted this whole mess)... * To represent how they are just unaware pawns on the fallen god’s chessboard. - Secondly, the Deadly Six. Now, I know what you’re thinking : "urgh, not those guys". But honestly, I don’t really mind them. Sure, Lost World’s writing was a little lackluster, to say the least, but in and of themselves, I don’t think they are that terrible (personally, I have a special fondness for the Zazz X Zavok pairing, but I guess that’s another story XD ). And more importantly, they would be perfect for this card. I mean, as I said, the Devil warns us about self-indulgence and earthly desires, which resonates so well with the hedonistic nature of the six Zeti. Truly, it’s no coincidence if the name of their group references the seven deadly sins. You have the glutton one, the vain and glamorous one, the one who revels in violence, the apathetic one, and Zavok himself is quite the epitome of pride. (And I’m not even taking into account their fittingly demonic, oni-like appearance...) As I said, though, I don’t really know which direction I’d rather take. Ultimately, I feel like the Deadly Six fit the card’s actual meaning better, but I also really like the gravitas that the fallen sun god brings to the table in terms of iconography. How can I put it, I feel like the Zeti would be better suited for the illustration of a minor arcane, if that makes any sense. I mean, the Devil is a figure that comes with a certain weight, and I’m not sure they’d be able to shoulder it. XD
XVI - The Tower : Imperial Tower, with the artificial sun created by Infinite looming over in the background. This card represents impending disaster, so it's only natural for it to feature a level from Sonic Forces. :p No but seriously, I think the choice is rather self-explanatory. In two different ways, actually : Eggman orchestrated the "false sun" battle as the ultimate demise of the resistance, but in the end, it spelled the fall of his own empire...
XVII - The Star : Maria. The Star’s message is one of hope for the future, so Maria felt like the best suited for the job. Her serene kindness and unwavering optimism certainly fit the bill. I mean, even as she was unjustly murdered by those whose role should have been to protect the innocents, her dying words were still for Shadow to not turn his back on humanity, to allow everyone living on the world below "a chance to be happy"... Truly, I cannot think of a better candidate to embody the Star’s promise of a brighter future. (Also, she spent most of her life in a space station, so she’d be right at home on this card. :p In fact, its artwork could easily depict the young girl gazing at the stars through a window aboard the Ark...)
XVIII - The Moon : Rouge. This card is associated with both feminity and deceitfulness, warning us that everything isn't always as it seems, so who better than our dashing femme fatale-slash-master spy to illustrate it. Besides, as a bat, she’d fit the card’s nocturnal esthetic pretty well. :p
XIX - The Sun : Charmy Bee and his two dads and the rest of Team Chaotix. The Sun stands for radiant joy and success, so I thought those three would make for a fitting choice. I mean, they are quite a lively and light-hearted bunch, run a detective agency, and even founded their very own band. Sure, they seem to be perpetually broke, and I don’t think that their musical performances attract that much people, but... what was the point I was trying to make, again ? XD No but seriously, the irony of having those three goobers as an illustration of "success" is not lost on me. In fact, this hilarious contrast is also partly what motivated me to pick them for this card. :p As for the "joy" part, I guess it’s pretty self-explanatory. In terms of visuals, the card’s artwork would probably depict Espio and Vector standing in a sunflower field as they watch Charmy flying happily in the sunny sky above them...
XX - Judgement : Shadow, standing in a flower field, with the Ark looming in the sky above him. Entrusted with the hope of an innocent soul, but turned into an angel of death by his creator, the black hedgehog is ready to pass sentence on humanity. Will he find us guilty, or will he have enough strength in his heart to forgive ? Damnation or atonement, it’s up to him to decide what form the future will take... Anyway, the Judgement card is tied to introspection, so Shadow felt like the best candidate. After all, his personal quest is one of identity, reflecting upon the mistakes that were made and learning the truth of the past in order to move forward and forge his own destiny...
XXI - The World : Chip and Dark Gaia. This one was a no-brainer. After all, those two carry the will of the planet itself. Moreover, the World is, as a card, a symbol of triumph and completion. The journey is over, and it’s now time to celebrate. But it also reminds us that every end is a new beginning. In a sense, it mirrors the glorious cycle of nature that Chip and his brother embody : day and night, death and rebirth, plurality and unity... Now, in terms of appearance, I like to think that the card would depict the little lad hugging an image of the world, in reference to that one panel from the comic, with the serpentine body of his dark counterpart forming like a mandorla around him, to mimic how the card is traditionally illustrated. (Moreover, in order to tie things up and emphasize once again the cyclical symbolism of a tarot deck, I like to imagine that on the illustration of the Fool - which can interchangeably be numbered as either 0 or XXII -, Sonic would be depicted wearing Chip’s necklace/bracelet, reflecting how the story has come full circle and it’s now time to begin anew. Really, Sonic Unleashed as a whole feels like it was tailor-made to illustrate that particular part of tarology...)
And it seems that this post has come full circle too. Haha, I hope that you enjoyed the ride. Some were actually trickier than I was expecting, but all in all, I’m quite pleased with my choices. Of course, there are still a few characters that I wanted to include but couldn’t find an appropriate spot for, like Blaze or Metal Sonic. But hey, for the most part, I’m pretty satisfied. Besides, we still have to tackle the minor arcana. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the courage to do the whole deck (as I said, the suit cards don’t really fan the imagination as much as the "greater mysteries"), but still, theoretically speaking, there is plenty of space left for all the characters who didn’t make the cut this time around. XD Anyway, it definitely was a fun exercise. I wish I had the artistic skill needed to materialize my vision, but alas, my puny words will have to do. Of course, feel free to comment if there is something you’d like to tell me about the content of this post. If you have a remark to make about one of my choices, for example, or if you’d like to share your own take on the premise. Who knows, my knowledge of the Sonic universe is not exhaustive, so I might have overlooked someone or something that would have otherwise been perfect for one of those cards… In any case, I’ll be more than happy to hear your thoughts. ^_^ Also, in spite of my fascination for its iconography, I’m far from being a tarot expert, so don’t hesitate to correct me if I made a mistake when talking about one of the arcana’s meaning. :p With that being said, I don’t think I have anything to add, so I guess it’s time to close this post. Once again, I hope that you had fun reading it, and to those who made it this far, thank you for your attention. Take care ! :3
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Across the Spiderverse + Tarot
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Miguel - The Chariot (reversed) | Five of Wands (upright) | Ten of Swords (reversed)
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Miles Morales - Page of Wands (reversed) | The Hermit (upright) I Four of Cups (upright)
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Hobie Brown - Eight of Cups (upright) | Queen of Swords (upright) | The Hierophant (reversed)
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Gwen Stacy - Justice (upright) | Eight of Pentacles (reversed) I Three of Swords (upright)
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Pavtir Prabhakar - Temperance (upright) | Page of Cups (upright) | The Lovers (upright)
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randomthefox · 1 month
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Kinda funny they don't link to the tarot deck when this is clearly a commercial for it lol
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thewormsdontstop · 3 months
The suit of Pentacles
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Major Arcana | Cups | Swords | Wands
links to all the individual posts under the cut
Ace of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles
Three of Pentacles
Four of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles
Six of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles
Ten of Pentacles
Pentacles court cards
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sonicthetarot · 14 days
Sonic the Tarot Update #7
Big news! Besides edits before coloring, the lineart for Sonic the Tarot is now done! Here is the last of the Suits, the Pentacles! The Pentacles suit traditionally represents the material aspects of life such as possessions, represented by objects and items in our deck!
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Currently, we foresee sending everything off to the manufacturers at the end of the month--a little later than planned. However, we wanted to ensure we were giving you the highest quality product we can, so please understand the delay. The deck will still first be available at Sonic Expo in November, so look forward to that!
Otherwise, we might be quiet for a couple of weeks while we undergo the coloring process and finalize other graphical elements, such as boxart/cover, borders, card backs, etc. We hope you're as excited as we are to see this all come together, thank you!
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lowcountry-gothic · 9 months
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Lost Tarot Cards: Miles Straume as The Chariot.
Miles is decisive, strong-willed, and independent, a fitting emblem for a card about moving swiftly and forcefully in a positive direction. Though initially dishonest and unethical in pursuit of success, he eventually becomes a hard, dependable worker and a voice of practicality (if also of dry wit and sarcasm) among his friends and community.
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missdurianne · 2 years
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6 of Cups: Nostalgia, innocence, comfort, memories
Pheonix, Larry, and Miles as kids for @aatarotdeck! Leftover sales end in two days, so check out the current 15% off sale now! 
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basilpaste · 2 months
i want an oracle deck so bad but..... spensive.
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