starzpsychics ยท 8 months
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๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿต.๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฑ.๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฏ Tarot Card of the Day: ๐—ง๐—›๐—˜ ๐—–๐—›๐—”๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—ข๐—ง ~ The Chariot speaks about movement, this might be inner movement as in a change of ideals, beliefs, or the way you approach something, or it might be physical movement as in you are going to be going on a journey of some sorts. The chariot talks about modes of transport as well and could be implying a new vehicle or taking a road trip.
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tarotchariotpickyourcard ยท 3 years
Pick a card reading: What you should like more about yourself!
This one is for the ones on that self love journey, the ones that need a pick me up or have a hard time with self confidence/esteem especially.
So I'm sure it's quite clear. The cards that you pick will reflect why you deserve to be more loving to yourself, what wonderful qualities you have, and maybe help convince you to lessen your negative inner language.
Please pick one of the groups ( 1, 2, 3 or 4.)
You might be drawn to an item, the card itself, or a number. Please calm your mind and meditate for a minute.
Side note: If you have a hard time choosing, or nothing seems strong to you, perhaps you could come back later on and try. Do not pressure yourself, darling.
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Number one is the badge saying "yup"
Number 2 is the wing
Number 3 is the little bird
Number 4 is the chain saying "BE MINE"
GROUP 1 : (Yup badge)
Morning affirmations, Joy, Strength
6 of wands, 4 of pentacles, Mother of swords
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What an interesting blend of character you are!
With the owl, this is a strong suggestion that you are able to see through deep into situations and understand "in between the lines". A great communicator, the queen of swords can be straight to the point, brilliant and not to be messed with. Your ability to say it like it is might be perceived as a little harsh to very sensitive or younger people, however it is a strong and much needed trait in the world. We need people with the organisational skills and know how of the mother of swords! The queen always reminds me of someone who is a good teacher, and a fair person.
With the 6 of wands and the 4 of pentacles, the combination hits in a way of potentially dulling that light. The traits I list may be some that you are aware of in a way, but perhaps have a lesser opinion of. The interesting mix of you is in the way of you being so strong, able to endure and be positive, yet a wonderful balance of being able to have boundaries. Again, I'm seeing the strong ability to recognise when someone is being a "rat" as the animal is right next to the owl. I can't help but get the idea that it is direct experience. I would be surprised if you haven't recently come to a revelation about a person in your social circle, or cut someone out/created more boundaries.
Strength mentions having resilience, coming through things more compassionate, stronger and brighter. Brighter being strong in focus to me, as it is next to joy. Your ability to have fun *despite* issues or obstacles is an enviable trait! I really feel that while you might have your difficulties, you never let them suck you in for too long mentally. You seem to try and stay positive through things, and not everyone can do that. You are also much more smart/knowledgeable than you give yourself credit for. Don't let anyone put you down, because you're being shown that if you go for what you've been studying/working at, with strong persistence you can succeed. I feel like the branches signify people who have acted as obstacles, or your troubles in life. This is confirmation you can rise above them, and if you're stuck right now, please accept my confirmation that things can and will change. Life can't help but flow, no matter how people may try and resist. So if anyone is putting you down, or getting in your way - know that their resistance to your future and well being is futile.
You keep having those boundaries. Keep on keeping on. You're sharp, you're witty, and of all things you have kept your kind heart. One day the joy you try to find in the little things will come to you effortlessly and in x100.
I got the need to call you cherub. Chin up, Cherub.
GROUP 2 (the wing)
Wait, generosity, magic, peacefulness
The hermit, Ace of swords, Son of swords.
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eYou're an extremely thoughtful person, aren't you? I get social activist vibes, the kind of person who thinks about bigger issues than just in their personal world, and could debate very well. The ability to get to the kernel of truth within an argument or bigger pattern in the world seems equal to none. If you have a hard time accepting that your opinions mean something, or you would be able to be persuasive, this is confirmation for you that actually - yes - you do have something meaningful to share with others.
In this pile I'm seeing a more peaceful, patient character. Someone who simply tries to be good, and do good for others. You create magic for other people. My heart swells at this, as I'm seeing reciprocity of kindnesses between you and others over time.
While The son of swords on it's own could potentially be quick to intervene or make a judgement, with the hermit and wait, I'm feeling more that you take the time to think things over. For example, if asked to make a decision, you would want to take your time and really think. If you were asked what your thoughts were on a political stand point, you would think in depth and make no judgements from the surface. This is so helpful, as there's less chance of misunderstanding/unkindness as well as the ability to make better long term decisions for yourself.
Very introspective, and the ace of swords suggests you have great clarity of mind. I can imagine you would be a wonderful person for explaining complicated matters to a wide group of people.
Generosity is what it says on the tin: You are a generous human. That is so, so important. There are many people out there who might feel like no one thinks about them or cares, and you come in and surprise them with something, or offer them help without them asking. It makes people feel valued, and like they are important or have a place in someone's life.
Peacefulness suggests not inviting drama, and I get 2 things. You might be described as grounded, or "chill". As well as this likely suggests your lack of interest in being within a dramatic situation. You are likely very good at looking at others drama, and seeing where it truly stems from, as well as having a good idea of advice for them. If you have friends right now, it's likely they feel peaceful being around you and that they can truly calm down or get your advice on their *own* drama.
You are so important to the people around you, and if there are people that can't appreciate you, I promise you they have *no* idea how lucky they are. You offer so much as a friend, confidant, and as a person who cares for the worlds well being. I appreciate you.
GROUP 3: ( Little bird
Blessed change, gratitude, engagement, follow your heart, father of pentacles, the empress, the star
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You're cool.
Right off the bat, I see your ability to see the silver lining, to take changes as they come (and I don't mean you happily drudge through hard changes, I mean more like you accept them more easily than others). Do you know, it really helps a persons resilience in life if they can have gratitude for things in general, as well as seeing the positive affects of life changes. You have an ability to notice the opportunities in said silver lining. An example I've read in the past involved a man who lost his job, but an opportunity came up for something he was passionate regarding his hobby. He would not have been free to do it unless he was let go of.
You're my free flowing group. Very adaptable. You're able to take time out to really think about what you truly desire in life. When themes like this come up, I really get the idea of authenticity. To put a focus on following your heart, being grateful for what you've taken part in and even quirky circumstances is a massive strength. Do you have any idea how scary that is to people? To wake up and think "My heart wants this, I'm going to actually aim for it because I need to be myself." That's terrifying to many!
Note: If you are finding it hard to be upfront or true to yourself due to fear, this is confirmation that you will be able to in the future. Take your time, as this will come naturally to you.
I know you might be shrugging thinking, but sometimes I get really negative or scared too. I won't say that's not a thing humans experience. What I am saying however, is that you have that strength of character to say actually, nothing would be worse than to answer to my fear. Fear of self expression, fear of being judged. Fear of not having your project liked. These kinds of things.
I feel like you're a fun person who is very interesting to people/has had at least one very interesting or unusual experience. I want you to know the cards are showing that people really enjoy speaking with you, and hearing your stories. So no negative self talk of being boring, or disliked.
Your flexibility, and your ability to be sociable, yet able to pull back appropriately is wonderful. The world needs those who can be more easy going as this can help people de-stress and stop thinking about their worries.
I'm seeing wonderful creativity, and again, being able to be social and talk to many people very well. You're a shining star, and you're supposed to be!
I wonder if sometimes you feel like you need to be "more" productive, but let me tell you... Networking with people is half the job.
I'm also wondering (as a rainbow stands out) if some here are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It would make sense with the authenticity. If you have a social media presence, or a creative project you want to get out, or expressing your personal experiences to the world - this is confirmation to keep standing tall, stand proud because yes, you do have a lot to offer! King of pentacles next to the empress also suggests you might be on to something that can bring in some income for you. Again, even sharing your experiences is very valued and may well be it. The world itself wants to see you, or whatever you desire to create.
If you have a hard time focusing or being practical, darling, you get along well with others for a reason. Ask for help, whether it's family, friends online, a teacher, anyone. There's help to steer you further in the right direction. You're a beautiful person and you matter to people. You are loved, so please love yourself.
There's something here that seems upset, and I just have the biggest urge to hug you! So if you will, accept my many energetic and virtual hugs!
GROUP 4: "Be mine"
Worthiness, Ups and downs, courage
Ace of pentacles, Ace of wands, daughter of wands (reversed)
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Daughter of wands reversed suggests to me, that you have the traits such as this, but perhaps not the confidence in yourself right now about those things. The book describes her as passionate, visionary, cares more for career and starts a family later; stubborn, strong (i take this as physically actually) and may be going through a spiritual breakthrough or a big change. With this I get the thought that you probably don't recognise just *how* passionate you truly are. You might be finding it hard to go a certain way in your career and studies. There might even be some worries that you might not stick at it. But what you are not realising is your actions have magic in them.
If you are interested in LOA: Your actions manifest not only in a practical sense, but *that's* what truly gets the energy moving. You need physical expression of some kind.
I'm getting such practical, but passionate energy. The ace of wands with courage? That's amazing. Fire sign or not, you have classic fire energy. Even when you lack confidence, you have a strange inner ability to be brave even at your worst times.
Oh, if only you had the confidence to aim!
Your energy and action are seriously magnificent. You have a *lot* of inner energy, spiritual energy, physical vitality. If you have health issues this might sound strange to you - but I get the idea your body was built with a lot of vitality available. You might have really struggled in life with ups and downs here, but I'm seeing you crash right through all the barriers and try to do life the best way you know how. No matter your struggles, you are a warrior here.
The 2 aces here (that is so interesting to have seen) show that you are probably quite good at beginning new things, and when you're motivated, you're MOTIVATED. I'm getting the idea that when you *do* take action on a goal, you go at it with everything and it can surprise people.
I'm seeing creative ability. It's an ability that I have seen myself. An example would be.... A mistake is made in a piece of art. It didn't go the way you wanted originally. But, wait a minute... that's starting to look like something, so I'm going to change it all up and create something completely different than intended.
It's seeing potential in a small detail. I'm seeing original thinking.
I just see a bulls eye, and such great energy and ability, but the lack of confidence. And so, I feel like you're at a time where you're stopping yourself, or won't aim for something out of fear of failing. I also got the sentence biting your tongue. I'm sorry if you're in a situation where you can't speak up for yourself, as this is not aligned with your character.
Overall I believe your a creative but practical person, and have the ability to really pull through and create wonderful things. You can be *very* brave as well as motivated and so I feel you inspire others, as well as surprise them.
I really do feel that with worthiness, it is hinting to confidence/self esteem issues as it says "know that you deserve to receive good in all ways".
You deserve to be successful. You deserve to take the career path that you have been thinking about. You deserve people to treat you well. You deserve to have that hobby, whether you're "good" or not.
Deep down somewhere you know you are bigger than this. I am wishing for a healthy full confidence boost for you and some new energy to help push you.
Please have the courage to aim, as bob ross says:
"we don't make mistakes, we make happy little accidents"
And that's the last of them! I hope you enjoyed, and I hoped this help you feel a little better about yourself. We need to cheer ourselves up sometimes and let ourselves think good things. We attract more honey with sugar after all!
Until the next pick a card!
Thank you!
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tarotchariot ยท 3 years
Return with past pick a card
Pick a card reading: Dealing with the hurt
This is a free pick a card reading for those going through a challenging or hurtful situation. Iโ€™m not certain how these will turn out, but I hope they bring some kind of clarity, peace or comfort to any of you. I understand that some may feel lost and almost begging silently for some help, yet not seeing anything to get advice or a sense of stability from again.
I will use 6 groups to choose from, believe it or not - simply because to me, 6 symbolises harmony and reciprocity. Please know that you are not alone, and something will find you in a wonderful moment.โ€
So moving on, please take a quiet moment and use your intuition (for example taking 3 deep breaths and clearing your mind, or envisioning a number perhaps)
And choose between the numbers 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , or 6
Group 1 : ย 
Knight of water, The dreamer, Unity, 3 of air, synchronicity
Alright you guys, you had quite a few cards here. At first glance, itโ€™s appearing like a new start is necessary. Maybe something didnโ€™t go well at work or school, or what you thought was a solid and stable place has become uncomfortable due to someone in your vicinity.
Itโ€™s odd, itโ€™s looking like someone wasnโ€™t entirely truthful. The angels want to point out that there will always be light and dark.
Getting the vibe of feeling left out, not part of the group anymore. Or at least not feeling like you are. Maybe someone has literally excluded you or pushed you out because of something they see as โ€œbadโ€ in accordance to the groups beliefs or interests. Iโ€™m seeing a crisis of faith here.
Thereโ€™s quite a few possibilities. Iโ€™m seeing, maybe for just one singular person that they have lost someone that mattered very much to them. I get such a playful and light hearted energy about the person. Whether you believe in life after death or not, if it were for certain a thing I could say one thing they would be saying to you, even now: Please laugh, have fun.There are so many things to be happy about.
There is a deep loneliness, and for that I feel for you, so much. Your Angel(s) are right next to you.
For others, feeling left out or excluded, most likely undeservedly. However, Iโ€™m getting the message that you are being guided to a new way of thinking and being, and to acknowledge that there is good and bad in everyone. No one is perfect, we each have our shadow. Please try not to take their treatment of you personally. Itโ€™s more to do with them, and not you. It is projection. Itโ€™s likely you have witnessed and seen who can be trusted and cannot. Run with that fact and hold the lovely one(s) close.
Those in this group are being guided extremely in the form of synchronicity. Please be on the look out for further advice, and insight through the following forms, and even more:
Music that really resonates Conversations you over hear Signs out and about Seeing a similar image many times Hearing the same kind of message similar times An idea keeps popping up in your mind Some of you may want to move forward with a creative project. Itโ€™s encourages as it will aid you in positively letting out your emotions. Not only that, it may be simple and overlooked, but simply by just spending time and being around any loved one or friend (not even talking directly about your situation) will give a small bit of peace and gratitude.
This is a signal of a new chapter, and you are guided to have the fun you are meant to have.
Hope that did somethinโ€™.
GROUP 2:ย 
Queen of earth, Page of air, Ace of earth, The miracle of forgiveness
There seems to be an issue surrounding give and take. Queen of earth talks about kindness, practicality and nurturing. It could also symbolise a mother, or someone who has motherly energy.
With the theme of pentacles, the material, and page of air here who seems to have a wolf around them, I wonder if you have been taken advantage of in the material sense (financially, physically). And it seems you are very aware of this, since forgiveness is the crux, and the advice. Itโ€™s like the more you get, the more they take.
Iโ€™m seeing there might be debt as well. Iโ€™m seeing someone here who has had to uphold a whole lot. Youโ€™re the kind that can make things happen. Iโ€™m also seeing great resentment, and that doesnโ€™t happen from just anything. Yes, I canโ€™t help but see someone else having a hand in your finances and do whatever they like, or did that in the past. Wasteful. Basically - itโ€™s not fair and itโ€™s cruel, because thereโ€™s something here that I see that you want to do, but this is getting in your way.
Iโ€™m seeing a talent in you that is not to be wasted. Know that it cannot be taken away - it is yours, and god given, No one can truly take what matters. The comment I receive from the angels is that the abundance for you will always come. What is truly yours and needed will always find its way to you. I feel a very powerful solidarity, independence and ambitious feeling.
Your future is yours, not theirs. Not anybodies.
I would like to also say, that despite this, there really is actually love still there. Whether you want anything to do with them in the future is another thing. Youโ€™re asked to (in whatever tiny way you can) try and understand them. Understanding is the first step to forgiveness. And forgiveness opens up doors and new energy for you personally.
I recommend that you try and understand the truth of forgiveness, and not just what you hear or see on tv, This could become something that actually drives you further.
I really see you as such an inspirational and strong person.
Thatโ€™s what I see for you, thank you.
GROUP 3:ย 
Page of earth, six of earth, awakening, eight of air, take time to breathe
So here there are themes of feeling trapped, having to wait, unemployment/difficulty finding a job or career and possibly even being taken advantage of as a student or in a low level job as a trainee. Off the top of my head.
Patience is a big note here. Something is not happening as fast as you would like here, and I can understand how scary/stressful that can be. You might be scared about your security or future here. Iโ€™m seeing that you have put a lot of effort into this situation. Iโ€™m also seeing that maybe you have felt alone as well, hints of valentines keep coming up.
Iโ€™m seeing that you might be under a lot of scrutiny/judgement, so Iโ€™m wondering if you guys have been suffering in terms of anxiety or being just plain down, or more. If you have been struggling with confidence or motivation or anxiety, I encourage you see a professional or join a support group/forum online. Even talking things out in a journal can release a lot of that pent up energy,
Iโ€™m sensing a lot of pressure that you may be placing on yourself, and I hear the angels want me to say โ€œDarlingโ€ withsuch love and care. Please give your worries to the angels. They say they will take care of them. And will take care of some issues.
Oooh, I am truly seeing so many pent up emotions that they encourage you get out - if you have to scream at the ocean, or in a car, do it.
Get it all out, empty your mind for some quiet time, and just be.
You will see the appropriate solutions at the right time, and as a result of taking your mind away from its current habits, you will be so much more capable of seeing them.
Please, give yourself a break. The angels want you to see just how good things are in some ways, and how much you may be focusing too much on others.
Take some time and be willing to see things differently, things can change just that much. The angels want to say how much they love you and adore you, feeling much love for you here. I hope you can feel the peace they want to send you in this writing. And you are capable of so much.
GROUP 4:ย 
King of water, The magician, Live your joy
With the king of water here, itโ€™s showing you may be finding it difficult to trust people or life. What feels difficult here is that you may not be receiving the help or advice that you deserve and should be receiving as a default.
It might be showing that a paternal figure in your life is withholding themselves or even being manipulative. Basically, not being the role model they should be.
More than anything though, Iโ€™m seeing that you want to create something, something that really gives you joy, that truly speaks for you and is your honest expression. Which makes me think: perhaps there is someone who doesnโ€™t like that. There is certainly an abrasiveness there.
For whatever reason, perhaps someone here doesnโ€™t accept you, or your self expression, or whatever it is that makes you feel right.
When it comes to this, the answer is very simple. Choose to release those binds.
How, you ask.
2 things. simply practice this self expression or take part in whatever it is that you want - that will set the energy up. 2. raise your vibration. Do not involve yourself in the negativity, refuse to take notice of anyone elses expectations or judgements. in general have more fun, express gratitude, see the positive
Truly embrace whatever this is. If it has to be, let it be at night when others are asleep, and build your confidence. Change things bit by bit.
a few of you here may be psychic, or have a spiritual hobby or talent. Embrace this role, you are meant to be someone who spreads higher knowledge and support.
Thereโ€™s someone I see that plain just doesnโ€™t like change. But hey, since when did it have everything to do with them? never. This is you. The message Iโ€™m getting for you guys is: be proud. Be so darn proud of you. No one will ever be big enough to diminish you. You, in spirit, the divine part of you, will always be such a special and wonderful thing to behold. When you live your joy and your truth, you shine like no one else. Let this change you, shape you and gravitate towards joy no matter what this person, or people say. You can create the life you want.
GROUP 5:ย 
Three of fire, ten of earth, express your creativity
Iโ€™m seeing some distance with loved ones here. perhaps there has been a quarrel, a falling out. Or perhaps a family member has moved a fair bit away. Iโ€™m feeling a family or community that was once warm, has experienced some kind of change that has left you feeling quiet, humble and retrospective.
if this is not family, it could be a group of friends that felt like family, or a job where you felt like a family with the team.
Iโ€™m seeing for sure for some, that there was a blow up and the effects are still rolling. You may feel as if the effects wonโ€™t end, but it appears you will be left alone in that way for the time being. It seems very much on your mind.
It is really looking like the aftermath of a big storm here, a sweeping change or an eruption from an argument that has separated two or more people. For a couple of you it might have been triggered by something very small. Iโ€™m seeing a lot of hurt here, true heartbreak. Please know that there will be peace. Things always calm after a storm.
No one seemed to be necessarily right or wrong, it appears to have been something that simmered in the distance for a long time.
All I can say is now, you are on solid ground and itโ€™s time to calm down from it all. Something the angels want to put forward is that the strangest things happen, and we may not understand for the longest time, but it triggers the right change for us, or sets us on a certain route for our most divine path.
Iโ€™m seeing the universe, and its connections and paths that we all take, that as humans we couldnโ€™t understand. I do see that one day, when you are comfortable and feeling at home, safe (which I promise you will be) - you will get the zap of a vision. How things worked out. Why. What it led to.
Moving forward I can see the suggestion of working as a co creator and envisioning how you want things to go. What do you want for yourself, or you and your family. What kind of connections do you want. Be as creative and imaginative, and extreme as you want.
The message I get from the angels, again and again, is calm. Take time to be calm, cool down from it all, take a rest, and feel your angel/guide next to you, supporting you and shielding you.
GROUP 6:ย 
seven of water, renewal, knight of earth, the inner voice
For some, Iโ€™m seeing being worried about the loyalty/faithfulness of another - the recommendation seems to be to look at the dedicated actions of the person. Do they display through action and practical means that you are their priority? (other than their purpose or work of course). Use this as an opportunity to both review if you feel you are receiving the level of dedication and care that you deserve and need.
Perhaps your person has been unfaithful in the past and you decided to give them another chance, but again, there is worry. There are too many factors that you may be holding onto from the past that have no part of the thought process you should be taking, or judging with currently.
So either way, it appears to be a time when you need to judge for yourself, are you able to trust the other or if this gives you what you need. Are you willing to go forward with it? Not just recklessly, not for the sake of it, but after great thought and deliberation.
For others, Iโ€™m seeing feeling at a loss as to what to do next in their life/career.I know all too well that this can feel scary and like a major crisis. Straight up, I can say from experience that the answers come gradually, and in a relaxed way in the right timing.
The guidance in both cases is to listen to your inner voice, your higher self.
I know, it sounds a bit annoying, or like it might not give you fast answers but itโ€™s the way that you can feel confident in your own conclusion. It wonโ€™t come from anyone elses judgements, words or coercion.
Come to a point where you know you, you know what you want and need, and you only accept the right things.
When it comes to making your decision or conclusion, you may need to discern whether this comes from the angels or higher self, vs the ego. If it comes from the ego, it will speak in terms of winning, of gaining something, or appearing a certain way. If itโ€™s from spirit, itโ€™s often for the highest good of everyone involved, is sympathetic, loving and understanding. It does not judge, only seeks to help.
I would like to affirm for everyone here, that there is much love for you here. And let everything you do, be because of love. Of yourself, and others.
Thank you.
โ€œWowwwww that was a lot. Guys, I hope that helped in some tiny way.
I do this simply out of love. I wish you all the best.โ€
(A copy of an old pick a card reading by myself, not shown on this account until now)
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queenofpentacles05-blog ยท 5 years
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Did the #tarotspread from the second picture and this is what I drew. I think my thoughts and interpretations are on point for my needs. #linestridertarot always tells me how it is.#tarotlover #tarotdeck #tarotjustice #tarotchariot #tarotreader #tarot #tarotbeginner #tarotreading #tarotdaily #tarotlife #tarotofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BviI83IglukLip9TQpx4mgnQTEj3INCwn8hKg40/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vtu1e49uruo8
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sarahopkinsart ยท 4 years
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Gift for a friend ๐Ÿ–ค there will be prints later... ๐ŸŒฟ #tarotart #tarotartist #chariotcard #thechariot #tarotchariot #horseart #horsedrawing #animalartist #animalillustration #animalillustrator #biroart #biroartist #ballpointpenillustration #ballpointpendrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQb_fnpK9M/?igshid=jvtdw2c1jfjj
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astudentstarot ยท 8 years
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An alternate Hierophant, and corrected Lovers & Chariot.
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starzpsychics ยท 8 months
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿต.๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฑ.๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฏ Tarot Card of the Day: ๐—ง๐—›๐—˜ ๐—–๐—›๐—”๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—ข๐—ง ~ The Chariot speaks about movement, this might be inner movement as in a change of ideals, beliefs, or the way you approach something, or it might be physical movement as in you are going to be going on a journey of some sorts. The chariot talks about modes of transport as well and could be implying a new vehicle or taking a road trip.
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tarotchariotpickyourcard ยท 3 years
Welcome to my side blog to my main account!
The purpose of this is to provide fun pick a card readings, while not filling my main feed of them to be considerate to uninterested followers.
It will also help to be more organised, and to help you find what you need! I hope you enjoy, as my intention is to interest or uplift with anything I may bring to this page.
If you have any questions regarding the interesting format of pick-a-card, any queries about what you might have read, or any ideas for future pick-a-cards it is highly encouraged to send in an ask!
A side note: Pick a card readings are purely for fun, or perhaps even a little inner reflection. If they make you feel fearful or anxious, please do avoid them, and do know you are welcome to chat with me about it.
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tarotchariot ยท 2 years
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"As new people show up in my life, I look for all the weird, wonderful, complex layers below their surface. I can't be surprised by someone's depth of character unless I'm willing to peel back the outer layers and go a little deeper. It's like the brand-new saying goes: Don't judge an onion by its haircut."
Today shows an interesting message. It brings a question to the table immediately: What are we judging by outer appearance at the moment - whether a situation, person, even ourselves?
Now might be the time to lovingly notice if we have gained a habit of making snap judgements about appearances or behaviour.
We have all done this at some point, whether purposeful or not. In spiritual thought, we are said to merely be reflections of one another - if we speak or think about others a certain way, what does that mean for the way we view ourselves? What does that mean for the way we speak to ourselves in our head?
Now is a good time to be honest with ourselves and willingly choose to let go of unkind thoughts, with respect to the unknown depth of another person and their life. Even when it comes to being judgemental of the self - there are still many things that are yet to be discovered! Many treasures yet to be revealed about yourself, with time and experience.
You may surprise yourself - you may be surprised by someone else, or a new situation that unfolds. The possibilities in life are endless, if you allow it.
Life is meant to be a large breadth of experience - what would it be if it didn't surprise? Sometimes things may go your way when you couldn't imagine it, and some things may go the opposite way you want. Let life unfurl in it's own strange way, and appreciate the unkempt beauty in all forms.
Let go of expectations today, of others, of yourself, of plans - and experience.
Have a great day, I hope you get a pleasant surprise.
If you enjoyed todays message, you can continue to power tarotchariot with a blessed hot cup of tea via: https://ko-fi.com/tarotchariot
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tarotchariot ยท 2 years
Hi all
It's my birthday this week! If you appreciate my free content, here is an option to kindly treat me to a nice cup of tea. Regardless, thank you so much for all the sharing and notes on my posts. I enjoy creating them very much, and it makes me very happy that others seem to enjoy them too. I hope to create more fun, free and uplifting things.
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tarotchariot ยท 2 years
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"I'm a total catch, and I know all the reasons why. I know that anyone would be lucky to be with me, and that doesn't mean I'm arrogant or snobby...Self-respect is just one of many qualities exhibited by this complete and utter babe."
Today, you're getting an ego boost. This is out right telling you that you are worthy and enough for what it is you want. You don't have to compromise yourself or give too much, you don't need to pretend to be anyone else for the attention, for the opportunity, or the partner.
You are good enough exactly as you are. If you're feeling put out as a result of not getting what you want or need, this is confirmation that there is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes, it's a matter of circumstance, or time, or the people involved (or not involved). A lot can come into something happening in life, and a lot goes on behind the curtains that we aren't always aware of.
If people aren't treating you with the respect or care that you know you deserve, then it's time to shrug your shoulders and move on where others might actually be more aligned with you. Because this is a guarantee that you are wanted, whether it's where you are now or in another place/situation.
You are worthy - you are good enough. For that job with the pay you need, for that wonderful partner, for the group of friends, for the interest. Don't let uncaring people make you think you aren't spectacular just because they're lazy! You are worth the energy and attention.
Hold your head up high, as you have a lot to offer to the world, and you are so special in your very own way. The world needs each one of us. No one can do you, like you can. So be you in your full glory!
If you enjoyed todays message, you can continue to power tarotchariot with a blessed hot cup of tea via: https://ko-fi.com/tarotchariot
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tarotchariot ยท 2 years
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"An illusion of being trapped. A lack of self-confidence. Afraid to take action."
Today, the angels would like to talk about the ways that we trap ourselves, and the things our minds conjure up. Making us believe things that may or may not be true to fact.
Unicorns being the characters on the card makes me think of how special each and every one of us is, individually. However, we might have a hard time seeing our worth, possibly comparing ourselves to others. We may even run from acknowledging our worth or power, for fear of success or what that might mean for our lives.
The guidebook talks about being able to free ourselves from a situation in a happy, harmonious way - however we must be more confident in our abilities, and believe.
There might be a feeling of being judged, or left out today that is magnified - the angels would like to invite you to relax for a minute and think things through. Is there evidence of this, or have you assumed already how others might treat you, and counted yourself out? It might even be about involvement in a goal or group work.
If it truly is a situation where others aren't being kind, this is a call to believe in yourself, and not what they say. Sometimes, people like to pretend they know someone and have the right to pass judgement. Only you know yourself that deeply - only you have the final say.
The questions we want to ask ourselves today could be the following:
How am I holding myself back?
Where do I compare myself to others?
What do I know from experience, that I am capable of?
If I displayed more confidence, what changes would occur (and how do I feel about that)?
What sets me apart from others?
Affirmation for the day:
I have what it takes
Have a good day, and I wish much for your improved confidence and self love.
Enjoyed this post? If able, perhaps you would like to contribute to powering this blog further with the magnificence of a cup of tea via: https://ko-fi.com/tarotchariot
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astudentstarot ยท 8 years
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VII - The Chariot
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