desiredtastes · 2 years
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Naked Ramen 🍜🥚 📍7111 Melrose Ave • Los Angeles, CA 🥢@tatsuramen #Noodles #Egg #Scallions #Pork #Chashu #PorkBelly #Kuromitsu #Lime #Brothless #Ramen #Japanese #TatsuRamem #LosAngeles #California #LA #Cali #LAEats #Food #Travel #DesiredTastes (at Tatsu Ramen) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwNelTJ83E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uclaradio · 6 years
Interview with Beliz and Henry of the Menu, the UCLA Radio Show of the Month
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Interviewed and transcribed by Natalie Benudiz.
UCLA Radio’s Natalie Benudiz caught up with Henry and Beliz of The Menu at Audrey over the weekend to talk good food and the success of their show.  
Tune into UCLA Radio’s Show of the Month, The Menu, Mondays @ 11am 
This past week, I was lucky enough to catch up with Beliz and Henry, the hosts of The Menu! Beliz and Henry are the dream team behind our Show of the Month for March, and they were kind enough to sit down for dinner with me at Audrey, the new restaurant at The Hammer Museum, right in Westwood. After we finished our meal, we decided to talk a little bit about what we had, discuss their foodie-centric radio show, and get some exciting hints about their plans to finish off this season of the show.
Natalie: Well guys, thank you so much for sitting down to dinner with me. I was thinking we could start off the interview by discussing what we just ordered as if we were on an episode of The Menu!
Beliz: We first got the white bean hummus as a starter.
Henry: Which, I don't know if we all agreed we could describe as a hummus.
B: Yeah.
H: And it comes with an herb jam as well. I don't know if I could describe it as a jam, but in my opinion, it's delicious.
B: I am especially a fan of the herb jam because I like herbs anyway, but because white bean is something that can be really overshadowed. So it complimented the subtle taste of white bean really well.
H: So, I agree with you, Beliz that white bean is very light, and it needs that sort of extra highlight, a flavor. And I think the jam did that well and the toast was well toasted and had olive oil on it. I mean, what more can you expect from a, you know, a bread appetizer. What else? What else did we have?
B: I had the eggplant steak, with trumpet mushroom and salsa verde. The salsa verde on top was really good and they had dill on top of the eggplant as well, and the eggplant was charred beautifully. But the thing with eggplant is that they can be really bitter. So I think they needed to soak it in salt water a little bit before cooking because I needed a little bit more zest or like a little bit more salt on top to like balance that bitterness out. But overall I really liked that, it was delicious.
H: Could you taste Miso glaze? Supposedly there was miso glaze on it.
B: Really?
H: I take that as a no. I had the celery root soup, with trout roe toast, and dill; more dill! I love celery root. It's a really good alternative to potatoes. I've seen mashed potatoes made out of it, and this time soup. And it's a very creamy soup. It was, it was very yummy. Hearty, good on a cold night, great portion. I haven't had a trout roe toast served at a restaurant before. only my dad makes that and it's pretty good. And I would never have guessed trout roe with celery root, so I was happy with the combination. And it was, it was yummy, and a really good price too; pretty cheap. And then we also had the magic potatoes.
N: They were pretty fucking magical.
B: They were seasoned to perfection. Like the salt was in its place. The seasoning was like balanced, it was just good and the crunch was good on the outside of the potatoes. I like a good potato.
H: Yeah. And I think it was deep fried. Right. Perfect. Can't go wrong with deep fried potato. I was the only one who got to try the lemon creme fraiche too, which was awesome. Delicious. Yeah. That's what we had! How has the ambiance?
N: Ambience was great! It feels a little.. awkward? I dunno if that's just because I'm sitting with my back to the rest of the museum. I kind of, I'm aware of the fact that the space is very large, but like I'm also seeing a very small part of it. But yeah, I think the outdoor is a very good choice, especially in the summer.
B: I am still currently enjoying myself a lot. This has been a really enjoyable dinner for me.
H: Me Too.
B: I'm just like, I'm having a glass of wine with my friends, enjoying good food. Just talking for like hours and hours and I can go for like two more hours on it. Yeah. It's been pretty nice. And that's what food is about. I like the fact that it brings people together and that we can just enjoy things.
N: So on the subject of food, bringing people together, how did you two come together to do a show?
B: Um, I think it was last year when we discovered that we were both really interested in cooking and like eating foods because Henry like casually told me, he like, he grew like beets.
H: I don't remember that..
B: Yeah. And I was like, so interested. Like, I remember like telling my mom and dad over to somebody, like, “Do you know I have a friend who like, grows beets at school?” And they were like, “Oh wow, honey, that's really nice.”
H: I'll take it.
B: Yeah. And then we just like started talking a lot about food and we started going to these places. And it just kind of grew from that.
H: Yeah, I remember, kind of not being able to get my fix in terms of talking and expressing myself when it came to Los Angeles cuisine and dining. You know, and with my friends at UCLA, because I like talking about this stuff. What's the point If you can't, I don't know, share it with other people? I forget how [Beliz and I] discovered that we were both interested in it, but once we figured that out, it was, you know, it's awesome to have someone you can just.. just as if you're a nerd about video games or about movies and you find someone that, you know, it's interesting to talk with, you kind of want to do it all the time. And so, you know, since we're already a part of this awesome platform that is UCLA Radio, I mean, it was the next logical step, right? We're talking about it outside, so let's share it with other people. And we figured we were pretty good at it too.
B: Yeah. People actually trusted us, our reviews and what we had to say about food.
N: Ever since I saw you guys did a like an Instagram on Elefante, I was like, “I have to go there!” Oh, it was Henry! Thank you, Henry! So when you were first starting to construct the idea for the show, what were your initial goals? What was just format idea for the show?
B: I think we kind of like planned it on being like about one theme or like one neighborhood per episode, but then we kind of realized that we had so much more to talk about, and the food scene changes day to day. So we wanted to also be in the loop. And I think our main goal is just to try to present what LA has to offer to people in terms of the food we have here. And as college students, we don't get to go out as much and spend a lot of money on food, but even knowing what options there are in this really huge city that has, you know, a developing food scene is important. Because we live here! And, you know, food is part of our experience in Los Angeles.
H: You touched on it a little, but yeah, at first this idea of sort of having like a theme do week each week where we do either spotlight on a neighborhood or a spotlight on a certain type of cuisine or spotlight on, like, sandwiches. Like, we're talking about sandwiches or hey, we're talking about Venice. But I think that that's really difficult. You really have to commit to that each week. So, you know, we also, I guess we realized that our lives were already filled with interesting stories and experiences about relating to food already that we didn't have to curate it a theme. And then well, of course, we also want to bring in guests. We were very excited about bringing in guests to talk with them. And I've been so pleasantly surprised with how many guests we've been able to bring in already! Yeah, I'm super scared. I didn't really expect to have many. I thought it was just going to be me and Beliz shooting the shit each week about food. Um, but yeah, we've had a lot more than expected and I think that's become half of our format, is talking with people who are more knowledgeable than us, so that we can learn and so that our listeners can learn. And I think, that kind of was in our heads at the beginning a little bit, but at least for me it has become pretty important, as we've gone through what we, eight weeks, seven weeks. Yeah. Wow. It's a lot of episodes!
N+B: Yeah! Yeah.
N: So to structure a show that's not really dependent on an individual theme that you have to commit to each week, how do you scout out the new places that you're going to talk about on your show?
B: we follow a lot of bloggers on Instagram and we also follow eaterLa and a lot of sources that we can we get our news from, basically. And we just read a lot about food. So, if some restaurant is getting a lot of attention, we obviously want to go there and we always look at the Los Angeles "essential list."
H: I think I curated the show partly after I have the experience. Right. So, I mean it's definitely in my mind I'm like, okay, for sure this whole quarter I've been like, "Okay, I have to go somewhere this week." But I think I less pick something out for that. I kind of decide based on what I'm doing that weekend. So if I'm going out to Pasadena for something for some reason I'm, I'll, I will look really hard. And Eater is a big part of that, you know, they have a lot of like local best or like interesting restaurants and stuff. But yeah, so it's based on my activities, if I'm going down to Torrance or whatever, you know, go to... I know right, ew? You, but like they have some really unique stuff. I was just reading about, you guys know the Big Hawaiian, um, brand of roles? They have restaurants, that are like traditional Hawaiian cuisine. Yeah. And they're like, real Hawaiian, by the factory. There's a factory down in Torrance! And so they have them close there. And so yeah, there's a lot of interesting stuff and so I kind of, you know, unless it's a special occasion, which has happened quite a few times, yeah, I sort of curate what I go to eat based on where I am in the city. And I try to find the best place that's around me. Well, how do we curate our content? I mean we also talked so much that like we only need a few places.
B: Yeah, that's true. Every time we have like 10 topics that we aim to talk about for a show, but then we only go through like five of them, because we have so much to say! And like, you would think that we would do an hour show and then it would be over, but then when we leave the booth we continue talking about food!
N: So speaking of the bloggers that you follow, you guys have your own Instagram. So who is in charge of the Instagram?
H: Beliz is in charge of the Instagram!
B: Um, yeah, I have a lot of photos that I took over the past, like two years. I was in Los Angeles and because you know, I can't always go to places every time. I either use my back catalog of photos or.. Just like infatuationLA, although I don't agree with their reviews all the time, [they] inspire me with their stories a lot. And I just want to give people an honest and genuine review of the foods that I'm eating. I just don't want to be someone who goes somewhere fancy all the time and be like, oh, this is what I ate. And you know, it might be somewhere fancy, but if it's not salted enough, it's not salty enough, you know? Yeah. And it's like the fact is that we are college students, and I don't want to take ourselves too seriously when it comes to food because it's about enjoyment. But I do like taking nice pictures of food!
H: Yeah, so Beliz is being humble. She has lots of experience in social media. She does! And she's also a very good photographer. I have anxiety about taking photos at restaurants still. We talked with food bloggers, Hangry Diary, about how you had to get over that fear. And I don't know, I just get anxious. Um, also, I know I don't take good photos. Like I can't take good photos of people, so I can't take good.. well, food is still, which might make it easier, but I still can't take care of photos of it. Um, so yeah, I leave that to her. I do make appearances every once in a while. I posted that Elefante story. That was my one, but I just copy her! I mean it's straight up like I use like the same sort of font, you know, those Instagram font and so yeah, it Beliz is our social media guru and I kind of follow suit.
N: So I guess this next question is for Beliz then. How is the medium of Instagram different from the medium of Radio when you're talking about food?
B: Well, you have to be really descriptive when you're talking about food on the show because people can't see it. And it has actually given me a new perspective on how I experience my food because I've never actually had to describe food in a more, I guess, official setting. I would like tell it to Henry, but I would always use more casual adjectives for food. But because now I have a radio show, I want people to be able to imagine that food that I experience. So it's definitely different than editing and posting a nice photo of it.
H: I want to talk about like describing food with your voice. I think it's a lot like writing. and I don't do that enough where I write down my thoughts on food, but it's extreme. It's extreme. If you've ever tried it, it's extremely difficult to describe the sensation of eating cause I just, I default to, "Oh, it was tasty. It was good. Yum, wonderful." But to really describe the experience of, of not just the flavor and the texture of the food, but the whole entire experience of dining is something really difficult and it takes a long time to master. You know, you, you just read one Jonathan Gold or article and you know, that's just not, this is not something that a beginner can do. If you compare that to what we're saying or what other new food bloggers.. It's, it's totally different. And it's something that, you know, we're just going to have to learn how to do over time. Um, you know, we were just joking about the wine stuff and those are words that people come up with because it's like hard, you know, cause they want to describe it and interesting way and I don't know, it's, it's silly, yeah, it's difficult to present that whole experience with just words, but we try our best.
N: Well, personally I think you guys do a great job. That's why I'm such an avid listener of the show! So I really want to know, what's the best part about having a show about food?
B: Using that as an excuse to go out and eat food all the time! Because now I like whenever I need to go somewhere like research and development, it's fun! It''s for The Menu.
N: How are you guys not sponsored yet!
B: I don't know. I want to be sponsored by some vegan thing where you can hash out a vegan dessert.
H: Radio. Radio needs to give us money to go out.
B: Come on. We need to be reimbursed! No. Even real bloggers don't get paid for trying out.
H: Okay. Wait, my answer going! Were you going to skip me?! What?! Um, it's being able to express myself, like that's the best part of this medium in general. No matter what you're doing, whether it's music or comedy news. You know, it's all just self-expression. And I, I love it. It's kind of silly, but it's like, it puts us in a position of, like importance, you know, and it feels valid. Our self-expression feels valid in its purpose. Purposeful. Use that word, please. Yeah, exactly. It's not just, we're not just shouting into the void where, where people are listening to us and that's fantastic! That's a wonderful feeling to talk about and express yourself in, you know, something you love and that people listen and care about it.
B: Yeah! And like sometimes my friends text me and they're like, "Hey, I need like a casual spot in downtown. Where should I go?" And like getting those texts make me so, so happy! People coming to me for advice about food just makes me happy because it's my thing! And then it means that I'm being acknowledged for my thing. Actually, if you were like away from Los Angeles for a while, where would you go when you just get back?
N: Is this a me question? Are you turning the tables on this interview? I'm conducting this interview! Um, I think that yeah, Tatsu no question, because well, look. You probably have just come in from a flight, and you have to drive from LAX, whatever. It's going to be fucking late. Like, by the time you get through all that traffic, what's the only thing that's going to be open and close enough to home that it's convenient? Tatsu. What's gonna put you in like a good mood to either go to sleep or start the day? It's Tatsu.
H: That's actually, like, really sound reasoning.
N: Well, it's coming from experience.
B: Yeah. I mean when I get back to la I usually order Blaze Pizza, but I probably wouldn't get that if I was like away from LA and I was missing it so much.
N: I already know. That's what I'm ordering when I come home from anywhere.
B: I think, I might, I might actually go to Lodge Bread Co. They have everything I want! Hummus, really good pizza, really good bread, really good almond butter. Really good coffee! And um, I'm set. I can live there. If they had Wifi, I would be there all the time!
N: How far is it?
B: It's in Culver City, so it's really close.
H: I'd go home. I would go to my mom probably or my dad cooking something. Definitely. I was just thinking about that. I can't believe I didn't answer that one. Yeah. Oh, 100%. Like they're both such great chefs and cooks and I can't believe I didn't take advantage of that when I was young. I told y'all I was picky and yeah, I'd go home.
N: Do you think that potentially impacted why your interests in food now? Having grown up with such excellent cooks?
H: You know, absolutely. And I like, yeah, I wish I had grasped that sooner. But definitely, they'd probably snuck in flavors in dishes early on that I wasn't aware of. And I think they got more adventurous as I grew up. Cause I do definitely remember steamed brussel sprouts, which I still hate, but then they got more adventurous. Yeah. And my mom started roasting her veggies instead of steaming them! And they're delicious. Oh, so good. You know, and yeah, I'd probably ask for like pesto pasta from her garden. Yeah, she has great basil, and that's her specialty. I'd probably ask for that, and my dad makes like wonderful soups and stuff and good lobster. I Dunno. Wonderful. Yeah. And so definitely, yes.
N: So for your last couple of shows for The Menu this quarter, are you gonna have any special finale or anything like really big plans for the end? Oh wait, did I touch on something like, okay to be continued. So I guess I'll have to find out! Well, you don't have to divulge any industry secrets.
H: Okay. We're going to have a few more interviews. We have interviews set up at least two more for the quarter. We're gonna bring in our first, or, well, I guess Evan Kleinman is a chef, but our first current chef who owns a restaurant, active chef, um, as well as the cookbook librarian at UCLA. So there's a two coming up.. And we might have a special event planned.
N: Whoa!!
H: For our friends, the general public.
N: I love that. That's so exciting. Okay, well I will keep an eye out for that on Facebook. Everyone keep an eye on, we will all keep an eye out. Awesome
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jenniferamorah · 6 years
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@tatsuramen has the most bomb vegan ramen!! 🙌🏽🌱 . #veganmealsdaily #tatsuramen #veganramen #foodporn #foodblog (at Tatsu Ramen)
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lovelybecka · 7 years
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Ramen burger. Nuff said. #yummy #sogood #foodie #delicious #ramen #ramenburger #tatsuramen #losangeles #la #socal #goodeating #yum #happyeating #burger #beckasfoodadventures
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zuckernhase · 5 years
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SEND NOODS . . . . . #tatsuramen #tatsu #wagyu #wagyuburger #ramen #ramenburger #burger #steak #tokidoki #classic #comfortfood #kawaii #bbq #grill #beef #meat #citylife #yum #izakaya #food #drinks #japan #japanese #asia #asian #hungry #treatyoself #aesthetics #aesthetic #latergram (at Tatsu Ramen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3o_EIbHF96/?igshid=1tu28luaxbw29
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coldasice33 · 5 years
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I found this place with my big sis when I finished up radiation therapy back in February. Today I'm stopping by for my b'day ramen. Thanks for the super cool promo @tatsuramen this #BoldRamen is exactly what I needed today. Theres a party in my tummy... So Yummy So Yummy #BdayRamen #TatsuRamen #tatsuramenwithasoul (at Tatsu Ramen) https://www.instagram.com/p/By5h3QbAwOG/?igshid=b7b2vwnl2mrh
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darkumvi · 5 years
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#Repost @joesveganfoodgram • • • • • • VEGAN 🌱 RAMEN 🍜 Vegan Broth, Sweet Onion and Soy Sauce with a hint of Ginger, with Spinach, Extra Tofu, Garlic, Sweet Corn 🌽 Sesame Seeds, Chili Sauce from @tatsuramen #vegan #veganramen #tatsuramen #tofu #ramen #spicy #japanesefood #sendnoods #soup #vegansoup #noodles #joesveganfoodgram #vegansofig #veganfoodshare #veganfood #veganfoodporn #vegansofinstagram #whatveganseat #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #plantbasedprotein #crueltyfree #crueltyfreefood #hotsauce #lavegan #govegan #dairyfree #meatfree #organic 💚💣🌱🌶🔥😋🍜 🇯🇵 #joesveganfoodgram https://www.instagram.com/p/BviQMdinMYt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nwm15giibw17
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rizcastro · 6 years
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#LosAngeles #GetTogether2019 #TatsuRamen #BestTrixAndGhie #Carpe42Diem🍻🥂🍾☕🍵 https://www.instagram.com/p/BuQPFFLAsPCVv7GbFu6F4vIMNwZip0STEDdI6A0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hbtv754auuin
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May 21, 2017
by David Flores
A month after returning from Tokyo and the May, 2014 work he did at Parco gallery, Flores was back home in Southern California and already drawing inspiration from the experience. When his friend Ryu Isobe decided to build on the success of his Sawtelle ramen restaurant, Tatsu (just as well I don't live closer or I might have Tatsu Bold Ramen in front of me every day), with a second location on Melrose, Flores created this dramatic work in time for the opening. Having developed one of the most distinctive looks in urban art today, Flores' "stained glass style" has translated into wide popularity and growing opportunity around the world. At this point in his career he is in the enviable position of being able to do "pretty much anything I want and that makes me happy." @davidfloresart  @tatsuramen  
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alphakittenoverload · 8 years
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The best ramen outside of Tokyo at 2AM last night ✨✌️ #tatsu #tatsuramen #ramen #la #cali
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rudeboimonster · 8 years
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Good food, food people, good times! #cosplay #losangeles #la #tatsuramen #pokemon #teamskull (at Tatsu Ramen)
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candleboxheart · 7 years
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This place is AMAZING #tatsuramen #melrose I made it. Been waiting too long. Greetings from San Diego 🖤👍🥗 (at Tatsu Ramen)
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joemanimonster · 7 years
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Ramen Day Out!! ..................................................................... #ramen #losangeles #noodles #tatsuramen #actorslife (at Tatsu Ramen)
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zuckernhase · 5 years
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Wagyu. Ramen. Burger. 👏🏻 . . . . . #tatsuramen #tatsu #wagyu #wagyuburger #ramen #ramenburger #burger #steak #tokidoki #classic #comfortfood #kawaii #bbq #grill #beef #meat #citylife #yum #izakaya #food #drinks #japan #japanese #asia #asian #hungry #treatyoself #aesthetics #aesthetic #latergram (at Tatsu Ramen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UYfGlHw3W/?igshid=1ex5qjonf0w5k
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sterlingreed · 5 years
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BTS of @tatsuramen with @islettagency We always make a mess 🤓 My last couple weeks have been a blur trying to keep up with editing but I’m emerging for air... soon lol // • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • #losangeles #ramen #restaurant #eat #tastemade #labucketlist #hungryinLA #eattheworld #nom #eaterla #igfoodie #foodlover #lifestyle #igfood #noodles #infatuationLA #laeats #lafoodie #melrose #foodstagram #foodporn #sterlingreedfood #latimesfood #instafood #ramenlover (at Tatsu Ramen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7xjp7dJrZ9/?igshid=165jx326si6fi
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