#tattoo removal services near me
quantumclinicau · 1 year
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skindoctornearme · 2 years
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thebrowproject · 4 months
Puffy Eyelash in Dallas - The Brow Project
What causes a puffy eyelid?
A puffy eyelid can have various causes, and the appropriate treatment depends on the underlying cause. Here are some common causes of a puffy eyelid:
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Eye Infections: Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis or blepharitis, can cause swelling of the eyelid. Treatment may involve using antibiotic eye drops, ointment, or other topical medications to clear the infection.
Allergies: Contact with allergens, such as dust or pet dander, can cause the eyelids to appear puffy. Sleeping in eye makeup or lying flat on your back or face down while sleeping can also cause fluid to pool and settle around the eyes, leading to swollen eyelids.
Fluid Retention: Fluid retention, also known as edema, can cause swelling in various parts of the body, including the eyelids. This can be a sign of underlying health conditions, such as heart disease or kidney problems. Treatment may involve diuretics, which help the body remove excess fluid.
Thyroid Problems: Thyroid conditions, such as Graves' disease or hypothyroidism, can cause both eyes to appear swollen or puffy.
Skin Conditions: Skin conditions like eczema or dermatitis can cause inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.
Sinusitis: Sinusitis, an infection or inflammation of the sinuses, can cause puffiness around the eyes, affecting the eyelids.
It's important to note that these are just some of the possible causes of a puffy eyelid. If you are experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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velvettattoo1 · 6 months
Velvet Tattoo Removal | Tattoo Removal Service | Tattoo Fading in Brooklyn NY
Velvet Tattoo Removal emerges as a premier provider of Tattoo Removal Service in Brooklyn NY. We offer cutting-edge solutions for those looking to erase or modify their ink. With a focus on safety, our skilled professionals use the latest technology to gently remove tattoos of all sizes, colors, and complexities. Understanding that each client's skin is unique, we provide customized treatment plans to achieve the best possible outcomes. Velvet Tattoo Removal is also renowned for safe and effective Tattoo Fading in Brooklyn NY. Whether you're considering a new design or wish to diminish the appearance of your current tattoo, we offer a flexible solution to suit your evolving preferences. Call us to book your appointment today!
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medicalregspa · 1 year
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medical spa and skin rejuvenation clinic
Regeneration Medical Spa
2797 North Highway 89 Suite 100,Pleasant View, UT 84404 (801)-528-5392 https://www.regenerationmedicalspa.com/
The absolute best Medical Spa & Laser Hair Removal Ogden has to offer! Regeneration Medical Spa located in Ogden, Utah offers an extensive selection of med spa, laser hair removal & anti-aging procedures to make you feel younger and look your best. Regeneration Medical Spa uses several different, state of the art, FDA-approved laser technologies our treatment protocols.
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korgidorgi · 8 months
Alex Danvers x Tattooist!Reader
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Word Count: 6,361
Warnings: homophobic slurs, tattoo needles
Summary: Alex keeps scheduling tattoo appointments with you ;3
I didn't mean for it to be this long but my fingers kept typing. Anyways, enjoy!
Also, @spoodermankid, i thought i'd tag you since you commented on my teaser post :3
Your phone dings, indicating a text. You check the notification on your Lock Screen. It’s a DM from your instagram. You swipe it open, looking at the message. They ask about your tattoo service. You shoot them a reply, including some information about your rates and types of art you do, and what you need from them in order for you to tattoo them. In return, they send some photos and description of the tattoo location and size. The two of you come to an agreement and decide a date for the appointment.
That day came slowly around the corner. The last few clients have been rather unpleasant. You sigh, leaning your head on your hand as you scribble some sketches down on a sheet for a client. You flip your pencil over and roughly erase a couple lines that don’t look right and return to scribbling madly. The door swinging open and a small chime alerts you to another client. You glance up at the door, watching as a tall woman walks in. Her eyes scan the room before landing on you. Her auburn hair is a touch messy and she nervously moves it out of the way. You raise your head up, your full attention on her. You look her up and down, taking in her dark outfit and short, auburn hair. Her tank top reveals her muscles as she tucks her jacket under her arm.
“Hey,” you greet, “welcome to the shop.”
“Hi, I’m here for an appointment for 3:30?” She asks.
You look down at your appointment notes. “Alex, right?”
The woman nods, fidgeting with her fingers.
“Okay, have you done this before?” You ask her.
“No,” she shakes her head. “First time.”
“Alright, “well, you’re in good hands today,” you offer her a smile. “Can I see some ID?”
Alex reaches for her wallet, pulling out her ID and handing it over to you. You accept it, running it through a scanner and printing a sheet for her to sign. You hand both back over to her for her to fill out.
“Do you have any allergies I should be aware of?” You ask. “Shellfish..?”
“Uh, no.” She answers.
“Okay, cool,” you respond.
You go over the size and location with her again, showing her some printouts of her design. She selects the one she likes best and you proceed to make the transfer stencil. You watch as her nervousness begins to slowly melt away as you talk to her.
“If you wouldn’t mind following me to my studio,” you get up and lead her down a hall of studios to the last one on the left.
“You can set your stuff down here.” You gesture to a corner near the door. “Just take a seat on the chair when you’re ready.”
Meanwhile you slide on your gloves and begin to set up your tattoo machine and open the ink caps you’ll be using. Alex takes a seat on the chair, settling into her spot.
“Can I see the area?” You ask. “I need to clean it and then I’m gonna apply the stencil.”
She turns her shoulder to you for you to apply the stencil. You wipe down the area and go to apply the blue stencil.
“Right here?” You hover over the area. “Or do you need it slightly somewhere else?”
“No, there’s fine,” she confirms.
You place the paper and smooth it over a few seconds before removing it, leaving a blue stencil behind on her skin.
“Go check the mirror and see if you like it there,” you smile at her and point to the mirror.
You watch her approach the mirror and look at the placement near her collarbone.
“I like that,” she confirms, her hands tracing the area around the stencil.
She turns back to you, pausing until you gesture for her to take a seat again.
You get ready and begin tattooing her. As soon as the needle first touches her skin, she winces slightly at the sensation. You pull away, looking up at her. She nods her head, taking a deep breath and letting it out. She gives you a nervous smile as you go ahead once more. This time, she’s prepared for it.
“So, uh,” she begins, “do you enjoy tattooing?”
“Yeah, there’s just something about watching peoples reactions to their imaginations coming true,” you answer. “It also keeps me in a creative mindset, a release I guess.”
She hums in response. “You ever get bad clients?”
“Yep,” you quip, nodding your head. “My past week has been full of them.”
“Jees,” she sighs.
“I’m gonna be honest, I was hoping you were a woman,” you continue. “I can’t handle another man right now.”
“I feel you,” she agrees.
As you continue with the small tattoo, the two of you make pleasant conversation. She tells you about her job as an FBI agent until you finish. You set your machine down and begin wiping down the area.
“Alright, that’s all done,” you announce, throwing out the ink cap. “I’m gonna apply some ointment and a second skin.”
She nods along to your procedure.
“Don’t leave it on for more than two days, after which you can begin to apply some ointment the next day.” You instruct. “Make sure to wash it twice a day, apply the ointment, and it should be healed within three weeks.”
You give her a satisfied smile as she goes to inspect it.
“Thank you!”
“Of course, any time, Alex,” you grin at her. “I also have some snacks if you wanna take one.”
You turn to pull out a drawer full of various candies. You watch her eyes widen at your stash before she roots through it to pick out a candy. Once she has her candy and has grabbed up her stuff, you guide her to the lobby and bid her farewell.
You slide down into the seat, resting your head in your hand, propped on the desk. You let out a small, satisfied sigh.
“Oh, I know that look,” you hear your coworker, Becca, state from across the lobby. Her arms are crossed over her chest and she’s leaning against the frame of the hallway.
“What look?” You sit up, crossing your arms in return.
“You saw a hot woman,” she smirks, “and now you’re fawning.”
Your hand flies over your heart. “Am not!”
“Mhmm…” she slowly nods, an eyebrow raised at you. “Whatever you say, Y/N.”
A few weeks go by before you get an instagram DM by none other than Alex Danvers. You open the message, reading it and responding. She wants another tattoo, so she sends you her ideas and some pictures of what she wants. She asks for your input and what you would do if you were getting it. You advise her that its her tattoo and she determines what she wants on her body. Once again, you two agree on a date and time for the appointment.
“Can you turn this gay shit off?” He huffs at you.
“What vibe do you want, my guy?” You get up and head to your iPod, rolling your eyes.
“Something that’s not so faggy,” he retorts.
“Sorry, mate,” you interrupt, “we’re not using that kind of language in my studio.”
“What?” He snorts. “Gay? Shit? Fag?”
“Yeah, not in my studio,” you shake your head at him.
He just huffs in response, going quiet in his seat. You turn back to your iPod, finding a playlist you’ve put together just for people with his attitude. These people don’t listen to the lyrics, so you play it. You then slide your gloves on, sitting in your stool to tattoo him.
“Can you give me your arm?” You ask.
“You’re not touching me,” he quips.
“I can’t tattoo you if you won’t let me,” you respond.
“Fine,” he huffs yet again.
You begin tattooing him, beginning on the top of his forearm. He wanted a dragon slithering around. The banter from him continues, wasting your tattooing time. He keeps flinching away, telling you to stop, and interrupting your art by going to grab his water bottle with the arm your tattooing. With every word he speaks, he shortens your fuse bit by bit. You’re nearly done with the lineart, flipping his arm to the underside and tattooing the dragons tail. The moment you touch the underside of his arm, he pulls back violently.
“Ow!” He screams. “Bitch!”
“Sir, I’m telling you one last time,” you glare at him, “respect me and my space, or I’m not tattooing you.”
“You can’t deny my service,” he continues yelling, “I’m fucking paying you!”
“Okay, y’know what—” you put your machine down and taking off your gloves— “you can leave now.”
“You can’t kick me out!” He screeches.
“I’m your artist, this is my space, and you’re being an asshole.” You argue.
“You’re the asshole!” He continues. “You’re playing faggy music in a faggy shop in a faggy studio!”
“Get the fuck out.” You point towards the door of your studio.
You get up, leaving the studio yourself. He grabs his stuff and angrily follows you.
“Where do you think you’re going???” He storms out behind you.
“Away from you,” you answer. “Our session is done!”
“No it’s not,” he bellows, “get back here, bitch!”
You continue walking away from him, not paying him any mind.
“This is why I don’t let women tattoo me!” He screeches, throwing his hands up.
“Hey, if you want to take a while and come back later when you’re not a hater, I can finish your tattoo,” you offer. “But you’ve wasted time and I have a client coming in any minute now so you can take your attitude and get the fuck out.”
“Fuck you, bitch!” He storms towards you. “Fuck you and your fucking stupid ass faggy shop and your stupid fucking bitch coworkers and—“
“Since you want to be such a hater,” you whip back around to him, “I’m not a big dick manly alpha man, and you just got tattooed by a lesbian!”
He stands in his place, his jaw dropped in offense. He finds his composure and tries to speak again, however, you cut him off.
“So why don’t you walk yourself out of this faggy store.”
Between you and your coworker staring at him, he finally lets up, grumbling as he angrily shoves past your next client, kicks the door open, and leaves. You sigh, deflating and taking a seat in the desk chair. You look back up at the person he shoved past.
“Alex!” You greet, a tired smile taking over your features at her presence.
“Hey,” she returns, “sorry about all… that.”
You wave her off, “It happens more than you think. I’m used to it at this point.”
She hums, shaking her head. “Still, doesn’t mean it should happen at all.
“How long were you there?” You ask.
“Long enough,” she breathes. “Sorry, I also came a bit early.”
“Don’t apologize,” you shake your head at her, “its fine.”
You take Alex through the whole check in process, taking her ID and giving her papers to sign. Once done, you lead her back and get setup in your studio. You place the stencil and she confirms its placement and you get started with tattooing her.
“Do people like him happen often?” She asks.
“Not super often,” you shrug, “but enough to make you contemplate quitting.”
“You think about quitting?” She asks, surprise evident in her tone. “Not seriously,” you admit, “but sometimes people, like him, piss you off so much and make you feel like shit.”
“That’s not fair to you,” she states, her eyebrows narrowing.
“It is what it is,” you sigh.
The room is silent, other than the hum of the machine as you work on her body art.
“By the way,” she smirks, “I like being tattooed by a lesbian.”
You let out a small chuckle, shaking your head and glancing up at her.
“I’m glad.”
You continue with the tattoo, the two of you finding comfortable conversation in the meantime. Once you finish, you apply the ointment and second skin and go over the aftercare instructions with her. You both walk into the lobby together.
“Thank’s for being a good client,” you acknowledge her.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” She nudges your arm with hers. “You’re the best tattoo artist.”
You chuckle at her compliment. “I wouldn’t say that.”
“C’mon, give yourself some credit,” she encourages.
“I’m your only tattoo artist,” you tilt your head towards her, driving your point further.
“But,” she tuts at you, “you’re the best one.”
You shake your head, taking a seat on the desk.
“Hey, I’ve still got some time to kill,” Alex states, “if you don’t have anything going on, would you mind if I stuck around and chatted a bit?”
“Sure,” you accept, smiling at her.
You hop off the deck, going around to open a cabinet full of your personal snacks.
“Want any?” You offer to her.
She points to one and you grab it for her. You return to her, handing the snack over.
“C’mon, we can chat back in my studio,” you usher her back to your studio.
The two of you chat for a while before Alex has to go. She bids you farewell before disappearing out the door and down the street.
Business is slow for the next month and a half, allowing you to relax a bit more and de-stress from ridiculous customers. Alex sends you pictures of her tattoo in the healing process, which you applaud her for taking good care of. You still spend a lot of time in the studio, taking walk-ins here and there. You sit at the lobby desk more than anyone else in the studio because of your slow business.
The door swings open, the chime alerting the store to someones presence. You look up, recognizing the auburn haired woman.
“Back again so soon?” You quip to Alex, resting your chin on your hands.
You smirk at her from your side of the desk and watch as another woman enters the shop.
“Yep, and I brought my sister this time,” she beams at you.
She hands you her and her sisters ID to you.
“We’re hoping to get matching tattoos!” The blonde announces, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Oh,” you hum, turning to the scanner, “you better not be getting each others names on you.”
“Oh god—“
“It’s a curse,” you playfully sigh at her. “I swear it. Any tattoo artist will too.”
Briefly, you turn to the computer and plunk in some commands for the forms needed. You then perch on the desk, waiting for the printer to work its magic. You look back at the two.
“Well, we’re not getting each others names,” Alex states, failing to hide a chuckle from you.
“Well, what were you two thinking?” You ask, grabbing a few freshly printed papers for them to sign. You extend the warm papers and their IDs back to them.
“We were thinking small,” Alex starts, glancing at her sister.
The blonde interrupts her, “I’d get the sun and Alex would get the earth!”
“We were thinking on our wrists,” Alex turns her hand over, motioning to the spot on the underside of her wrist.
“Alright,” you nod, “do you have designs picked out yet?”
“Yep!” The sister chirps.
“Alright, if you two could sign these for me,” you bring your knees up on top of the desk as you spin around.
You hand them the forms required for the tattoos. Alex pulls out her phone, searching it for something.
“I’ll send these to you,” she says, glancing up at you briefly.
Seconds later, your phone buzzes, letting you know you got her message. You open the message, resting on your hand on the desk and leaning back on it. The designs are very simple, just lineart. They’re cute. Like Alex, you think to yourself.
“They’re cute.” You smile, looking over the simple designs.
“Thanks, Kara picked them,” Alex replies.
You let the two of them finish up while you proceed to download the images and print them on the stencil paper.
“Alex talked me into it,” Kara adds.
You let out a small, humorous snort, grabbing the stencils from the printer.
“Of course she did,” you chuckle.
You fully swing around and drop off the desk next to Alex, stencils in hand.
“C’mon to the back,” you wave them with you, leading them to your small studio room.
The two of them follow you and watch you put on some gloves and begin to organize your tools. You sway your body to the soft beat of the song playing quietly through some speakers in the room.
“Who’s going first?” You ask, opening a box of inks and needles.
“Me!” Kara exclaims. “I’m gonna get squeamish if I don’t.” She laughs nervously.
“First time, right?” You inquire, spinning on your stool, stencil in hand.
“Yeah,” she admits.
“Alright. Well, this will not be bad.” You reassure her. “Have you been scratched by a cat before?”
“Uh, no.” She shyly admits.
“Well, if you’ve ever been scratched by something like brambles or something, it would feel like that.”
You grab your machine and the needle.
“Are you nervous about needles?” You ask.
“Only if they’re stabbing me.”
“Okay, well, the needle I’m using is a very fine needle. It’s going to stab your skin, but it’s nothing like being stabbed with a shot or a knife.” You hold the small needle up for her to see. "It’s just injecting the ink into your cells.”
“Okay..” she sits on the table.
“Which wrist?” You ask, pulling a rolling tray with you.
You open the small ink cup, placing it next to your machine. Kara lifts her right arm, turning it over for you to see. A green stone bracelet adorns her wrist.
“Do you wanna take the bracelet off for this?” You ask.
“No, I can just slide it out of the way.” She responds nervously.
“What kinda stones?” You ask. “Emerald? Some sort of sapphire?”
“Yeah, emerald,” she answers, playing with it.
You let her pull it out of the way as you wash the area and place the stencil in its spot. You take the paper away, leaving the blue ink on her skin. She confirms the location. You grab your tattoo gun and turn on the machine. The soft buzz fills the room as you gently lower the nose of it to her skin. She flinches at the contact but eventually eases at the sensation. You begin the tattoo, the needle gliding over her skin leaving the black ink exactly where you need it. You work slow enough to get the lines perfect, and quick enough as to not subject her to the sensation more than she needs to. Before long, you’re done. You wipe the leftover ink away from her skin and gently wash the fresh wound. Once you apply some ointment and a second skin, you scoot back.
“What do you think?” You tilt your head at her.
“I love it!” She confirms.
She promptly shows it to Alex, letting her look over your simple handiwork. She hums in content, a smile gracing her features.
“Alright,” you clap your hands, “aftercare.” Kara looks up at you.
“Since your sister has gotten some before, she can help you,” You say. “Don’t leave the second skin on for more than two days. It’s best to take it off around 24 hours after your tattoo. For the next 5-ish days, wash it gently with antibacterial soap and water twice a day. You can also use a soft ointment on it on day 2. Once it’s done flaking, you can add moisturizer to keep it hydrated and healthy. It should be fully healed within two to four weeks. I’ll send you both home with the stuff.”
“Okay, thank you!” Kara exclaims.
You stand, nodding your head at her. You turn to toss your gloves and grab new ones to reset your station. Upon finding your box of inks empty, you climb the desk to reach a high cabinet.
“Do you need any help?” Alex offers, stepping towards you.
“It’s fine,” you assure her, focusing on your task. “Go sit your pretty self down.”
You wince at what just came out of your mouth, opting to pretend it didn’t just happen. Kara shoots her sister a knowing glance behind your back.
You hear her move to sit in the chair and you let out a small breath you’d been unknowingly holding.
After grabbing a new box of ink caps, you return to the floor and set up your station.
Alex offers you her left wrist, bare of any bracelets. You clean the area and prep it for the tattoo. Removing the stencil paper from her skin, you discard it and turn your machine on.
Tracing the stencil, the ink from your machine stains her skin. The music on in the background makes the silence comfortable as you and your clients vibe. Soon enough you’ve finished her tattoo and are cleaning it up and applying the second skin.
“All done,” you announce, stepping back from your work.
You begin to put your stuff away and discard the needles and ink caps again. Meanwhile, Alex shows her earth to Kara. You lead them to the front desk and scoot yourself over the top of it once again.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Alex offers the money for the tattoos over the desk.
“Anytime, Alex,” you wink at her as you accept the cash from her.
You watch a soft pink dust her cheeks. You focus back on counting the money and counting the change to return to her.
“Thanks for coming in, Kara,” you bid farewell to her. “See you next time, Alex.”
“Bye, Y/N!” Kara waves.
“See you,” Alex follows.
It’s been a couple months since you tattooed the sisters. Alex had sent you pictures of the fully healed tattoos of the two of their wrists next to each other. You’d responded, noting how clear and healthy the tattoos both look. You’re glad they both enjoy them.
Your appointments were completely booked for a good chunk of the month. While you wracked in quite a bit of money, creating multiple works to the same high standards was beginning to take a toll on you. The appointments finally let up a bit, allowing some breathing room. One guy was quite persistent even after being denied a tattoo by you. He began blowing up your phone until you blocked him. He even went as far as making multiple instagram accounts to message you. You finally got him to shut up last week.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket. You set your drink down and drag it out, dreading the message. Upon looking at the message display on your screen, your heart gives a little flutter. Alex’s instagram user displays on the alert. You immediately open it, reading her text.
Hey, it’s been a while. How have you been? Anyways, I’ve decided on another tattoo if you’d want to do it. Might need your help with the final look.
She’s attached a few images to the message. One of her own sketch and a few reference images full of flowers and snakes.
You begin typing but immediately stop and rid the keyboard when you see her typing animation display.
I was thinking hip and thigh area. Sorry my artist skills aren’t the best. Take ur time with your sketch! No rush!
You begin typing again, fingers flying over the keyboard.
Of course! I’d be happy to! I’ll come up with a few slightly different designs. I’ll send them when I finish and u can choose which one :)
Awesome! Thank you so much! :)
You smile at your phone, thinking for a moment before typing again.
*Also, I’d been a bit swamped with commissions but they seem to have let up a bit. There’s also this asshole who won’t leave me alone because I refused to do his tattoo—*
You pause your typing, thinking about what you’re about to send. You begin to delete some of it before changing your mind.
As to how I’ve been, I’d been swamped with commissions but it’s seemed to slow now. There’s also this guy who didn’t like being told No about a tattoo How about urself? How have u been?
The two of you text back and forth a bit about your lives since last seeing each other. She tells you about her FBI job and the coworkers getting on her nerves, and about how her sister loves to flaunt their tattoos to their friends. You tell her about the annoying guy who won’t leave you alone and tell her there have been a few changes to the shop.
Three days pass and you’ve completed four versions of what Alex was asking for. You send her the final photos of them and she decides on them. The two of you also decide on a price and an appointment date and time within the week.
You sit on the front desk casually watching the new shop fish swimming around their tank. The small, striped tiger barbs chase each other around the tank, weaving around the driftwood and plants. The other tetras remain calm, schooling together and minding their business. A small school of cory catfish sift through the sand and plant stratum substrate.
The door opening steals your attention. You look over and see Alex entering the studio. You offer her a smile, which she returns.
“Hey, good to see you back,” you greet.
“It feels good to be back,” she returns.
She swiftly hands you her ID and you promptly scan it and print her paperwork for her to sign and hand both back over to her. She pockets her ID and expertly fills the form out, meanwhile you print the stencil. She hands her form back over to you. You put the form away and hop off the desk, beginning to lead her back.
“The fish tank is new,” she observes.
“May or may not have been my idea,” you cheekily shrug, grinning at the 50 gallon setup.
“Looks amazing,” she awes at the setup.
“Thank you,” you throw a smile over your shoulder at her. “I’ve been planning it for a while now, just needed the money.”
You get her settled in your studio and you look through your various playlists to set as background music. You select one of your indie playlists, allowing the music to softly play a song by beabadoobee. You begin to prep for her tattoo, sliding gloves on and opening packages of needles and inks.
“You got your own studio fish too?” She inquires, moving over to the 5 gallon tank that houses a new betta and shrimp duo.
“Yeah, I had some leftover cash from the big tank,” you state. “Decided I needed a friend in here.”
She coos at the little flamboyant fish as he swims near the surface, looking for food. You set the chair into a recline for Alex to lay down for her tattoo.
“Gotta lay down for this one, Flower Girl,” you pat the chair- now table- for her.
She bites back a grin, opting to chew on her bottom lip at your nickname for her.
“Also, lose the pants,” you instruct, your face immediately heating up.
“I- uh, I need to be able to access the, uh, area,” you stutter out.
She smirks at you, obliging to your instructions. You look away, allowing her some privacy.
“There’s uh,” you stutter, “there’s a blanket over there if you want.”
You point over at the burrito print throw blanket in a basket full of additional various blankets. You can hear her shuffle and you occupy yourself in throwing together your tattoo tray. You get the stencil ready.
“Look in this mirror and tell me where you want it,” you instruct her.
What ensues is a game of hot and cold as you find the perfect placement for the tattoo. Once the stencil is transferred to her skin, you let her get comfortable on the table while you prepare your tattoo machine. You pull your stool over beside her, dragging your tray with you. The familiar hum of the machine soon rings out in the room as you begin to trace the stencil on her hip and thigh.
A few minutes into the tattoo, Alex speaks. “So, what got you into bringing fish into the studio?”
“I just wanted to bring some life into the studio,” you respond, eyes not leaving the tattoo site. “Something non-disruptive.”
She hums in response before you continue.
“I’ve been in the fish keeping hobby since high school,” you explain. “And Becca doesn’t like snakes.”
“You almost brought in a snake?” She asks, surprise evident in her tone.
“The thought crossed my mind,” you chuckle, wiping extra ink off her skin.
“Do you have a snake at home?”
“Yeah, actually. She was the model for my snake tattoo actually,” you answer her, briefly showing off your forearm sleeve. “Brought her into the studio I went to for it.”
“You're cute,” she hums, a small smile gracing her features before she panics. "I- I mean, that's-- cute."
You chuckle out a “thanks,” to her.
“Anything else in your home?” She asks, hoping to distract you from her slip up.
“Yep! I got two dogs, a leopard gecko, and seven fish tanks,” you proudly state.
“Wow,” she breathes, “that’s a lot.”
You hum in response, a small smile gracing your lips.
“I wanted to bring a slice of home into the studio,” you admit.
“Do you have any clownfish?” She inquires. “Like Nemo?”
You let out a small laugh. “Actually yeah. Except she doesn’t have his stripes and her name is Coat.”
“You named your fish ‘Coat’?” She chuckles in amusement.
“Yeah,” you defend your fish, “she looks like she’s wearing a white coat and her face is sticking out the hood.”
Alex lets out a laugh at your defense. “What’s your snakes’ name,” she continues, “Wood Glue?”
“Close,” you laugh, having to lift the machine off her skin.
She turns her head to you, mouth agape in disbelief.
“Her name is just Glue,” you laugh, going back to the tattoo.
She raises her eyebrows in amusement and disbelief. She shakes her head, laughing at your choice of names for your pets.
“My leopard gecko is Bones,” you continue. “I also have some cory-cats at home: Panda, Duck, Leopard, Rat, and Toad.”
“You’re insane,” she shakes her head, a grin taking over her features. “How many fish do you have in all those tanks?”
“Pffttt! Too many,” you humorously state.
She raises an eyebrow at you incredulously, egging you on.
“Honestly, I don’t know, but it’s more than like, 40,” you state. “The guppies keep fucking.”
You hum, letting a chuckle escape your lips.
“What about you?” You inquire. “You got any pets?”
“Not yet,” she admits. “My job is too demanding for me to have the time right now.”
“If you could choose a pet right now, what would you choose to adopt?”
She hums in thought, tilting her head as she thinks. “I’d probably adopt a puppy,” she admits. “Not a huge breed, but not an ankle biter.”
You laugh at her answer, continuing with the lineart of the tattoo.
“What, do you have a problem with—“
“No, I just—“ you laugh, shaking your head, “pffttt, ankle biter.”
She laughs with you as you continue inking her skin.
The first half of the tattoo goes by relatively smoothly. You’re working on the shading of the upper half when Alex asks you to pause.
“You doing okay?” You ask, placing your machine on the tray.
“Yeah, I just need to take a short break,” she admits. “I need to stretch.”
You nod, backing your stool up and letting her stand. You take your gloves off, discarding them as you stand as well. You reach your hands above your head, interlocking your fingers to stretch out your body. You hear a couple places in your fingers and shoulders crack and pop.
“I’m gonna pop out to the Snack Shack in the lobby, do you want a yummy?” You offer.
“Sure,” she accepts your offer, wrapping the large burrito around herself.
You open your studio door and hop out to the snack station. Alex follows, wrapped up cozy behind you.
You open the cabinets that house the snacks and find your personal stash.
“Anything specific you want?” You pull out a couple bags of snacks to show Alex your options.
“I’ll take the cookies right there,” she points out the bag of chocolate chip mini cookies.
You grab them and toss them to her, nearly catching her off guard. You grab your own snack and turn around to usher her back to your studio.
The two of you take a seat, you on your counter next to your fish, and her on the tattoo table. The two of you snack in silence. You’re grooving to the beat of Fever Dream by mxmtoon, humming softly along.
Before long, the two of you finish your snack break.
“Let me know when you’re ready to go again, you state, tossing your wrapper in the trash bin in your studio.
Alex follows your role and tosses hers across the room, scoring it in the bin.
“Nice,” you congratulate her.
Alex begins to settle back on the table, exposing the tattoo site. You grab a new set of gloves and get ready again, settling down in your stool.
“I’m ready,” Alex states, shifting on the table one last time.
You get ready to tattoo, adjusting your own position to best tattoo the area.
“Has that guy texted you anymore since?” She inquires, breaking the silence between you two.
“Yep,” you huff. “He keeps making new accounts to bother me.”
“You know, you can put in a police report about it,” she suggests.
“I did,” you sigh. “They said since he’s not threatening me and he hasn’t shown back up, they can’t do anything about it.”
“God, that’s such bullshit,” Alex snorts. “That’s unfair to you!”
“It is what it is..” you sigh defeatedly.
“That’s not how it should be though,” she adds. “If he keeps bothering you, I’ll open a case against him for you.”
A small smile takes over your features and you glance at the agent. “Gosh, Alex—“
“Don’t tell me not to,” she insists, “I won’t listen to it.”
You let out a chuckle, gently shaking your head. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you again as you continue working on her tattoo. Various sapphic artists continue to play through your speaker softly.
“You know,” you begin, “you don’t have to keep paying me hundreds of dollars to be able to talk to me.”
You glance up at her and she meets your gaze. Confusion crosses her features as you continue.
“Just ask me out already.”
You continue focusing on her tattoo, waiting for her response. She opens her mouth to speak, not being able to find the words to respond to you.
“I- well,” she begins to stutter out words. “I mean, I’m free next Thursday if you are?”
You smile, lifting the needle off her skin and looking at her.
“Three o’clock?” You ask.
“I’ll pick you up,” she offers.
The two of you smile to yourselves, stealing glances from each other as you continue tattooing.
Alex finds mother topic for the two of you to converse about while you finish up the last hour of tattooing. Once done, you clean the area and add the second skin.
“What do you think?” You ask, discarding your gloves as she inspects it in the mirror.
She runs her hand around the second skin, inspecting and admiring your work.
“I love it,” she states, turning to you.
You give her a grin, happy with your work and her content with the final product.
“I’m glad,” you smile at her. “Okay, go get dressed and meet me at the front desk.”
You turn and hop out of the room, gently closing the door behind you. You happily skip over to the desk, jumping up and sliding over the top into your spot behind it. A few moments later, Alex exits your studio and approaches you. She digs for her wallet, taking out the cash for your work and handing it over. You accept it and quickly hand back over her change.
“Thursday,” she nods at you, “three o’clock, I’ll pick you up.”
You nod, biting your lip. “Here. I’ll be here.”
“It’s a date then,” she agrees.
Come Thursday, you’d just finished up your last client of the day about an hour before Alex was supposed to arrive. You’d planned a bit ahead this morning, opting to bring a change of clothes to work for you to change into for your date.
Glancing at the fish tanks, you notice how grubby they look. “To kill some time,” you sigh to yourself.
By the time you finish, you’ve got 15 minutes to get cleaned up and ready for Alex. Before long, you hear the engine of a motorcycle revving approaching the store. You throw on a jacket, completing your look and stepping outside to wait for Alex. You look down the streets and watch the person on the motorcycle pull up in front of you. Placing a foot down to hold the bike, they take off their helmet.
“Hop on,” Alex greets.
She pulls an extra helmet up into view, extending it towards you. You grin, approaching her on her bike and accepting the extended helmet. You swing your leg over the seat, settling in behind her and securing your helmet. She urges you to hold onto her. You wrap your arms around her torso, feeling the warmth radiating from her. You hold onto her firmly yet gentle as she revs the engine, gently taking off onto the road.
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Arlong x Healer!human!reader Part 2
Part two of this fic! Arlong as a patient kinda gives me the vibes of that beauty and the beast scene, but Arlong is a bigger asshole, lol. I can't believe I'm still getting ideas, OPLA Arlong got me good, Mckinley Belcher III thanks for your service. This ends on a bit angstier note.
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Since what you mentally liked to call 'the incident', your patient was quieter, but no more cooperative. He would only address you with short words or small noises. There still seemed to be an aura of hostility around him, but at least he wasn't trying to actively murder you. Trying to get him to take his painkillers was a constant fight, since he refused any kind of help that came from you.
Arlong wouldn't even allow you to change his bandages. No matter how much you insisted, every attempt was met with low warning growls. No matter how good your arguments were, he always refused you out of pride. You needed to be smarter if you wanted him healthy and out of your life.
"Look." You said, massaging your temples, a migraine incoming. You had to choose your next words carefully because he had a very short temper and had already proved to you that he greatly surpassed you in strength. "You don't want to be here. You want to leave as soon as possible. You can't do that as long as your bandages are dirty, because your wounds won't heal properly. So. If you are THAT eager to get out, please let me use my knowledge to change them. Think of my knowledge as a tool to achieve your goals."
That seemed to do the trick. At least he seemed to be considering it. After seconds that felt like hours he finally agreed. "Fine, do it quick."
Your hands were quick and efficient when removing his dirty bandages, your delicate touch never causing him an ounce of pain or staying longer than needed. Arlong himself looked quite impressed with your work, no human had ever touched him so tenderly and carefully, surprisingly, it was not unpleasant. Why would you do it? Why treat a fishman like himself? Why keep trying to help when all he wanted to do was chew your head off? Humans were really stupid creatures. Still, something about you made you stand out from the other members of your race.
Your fingers cleaned every single wound of his broad chest, only stopping a moment to admire the sun tattoo he had. It was a vibrant color of red. "Quick, human!" Better rush becuase his patience was running thinner by the second.
Finally, the terrible task that had been so dreaded by him was over in like ten minutes. If he hadn't been so insistent in behaving like a baby, it would have been over much sooner. None of you spoke to each other for the rest of the day, but you swore you could feel his eyes on you.
After that fateful encounter, things seemed to get a bit better, albeit not much. You really thought you could really crack his shell, even if just a tiny bit. You even saw him smile a bit at some funny comment you made. You could get used to that.
Then, one day, you woke up and Arlong was gone. You felt a little hurt, not that you would miss his snarky comments and cruel remarks about your species. Still, he had gone without saying goodbye. You didn't even expect a thank you, God knew that not even at gunpoint you would get a thank you from him. He could have said he didn't want to see your disgusting human face again, at least that could have counted as a goodbye.
'What an asshole.' You thought to yourself as you leaned on the railing of the porch of your clinic. Wherever he was now, you could only hope he didn't get beaten as badly as he had been when you found him. Letting out a sigh, you turned back to your duties, there were still tasks to be done and patients to attend. You couldn't let the tiny hole in your chest distract you from your responsibilites.
Unbeknownst to you, Arlong observed you from afar, sitting on a large rock near the cliffs. He couldn't stay longer, he didn't want to stay longer. Those feelings growing in his chest were dangerous and he refused to have them for a human. Humans were monsters, slave holders that destroyed anything that was different ffrom them. Over time, you would prove to be just like the others, a cruel merciless soul that rejected his kind. This ridiculous idea of peaceful coexistence was just a foolish dream, this island would slowly fall apart. Because Humans and Fishmen were not meant to be.
With that last thought, he jumped into the sea, hoping the cold waters would help to erase the memory of you that had deeply engraved itself inside his head.
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onebeautymedical · 4 months
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Are you searching for “laser treatment near me” or “laser treatment services near me”? Look no further! New York offers a plethora of advanced laser treatment services to cater to various skin and medical needs. Whether you’re dealing with unwanted hair, skin imperfections, or medical conditions, laser treatments provide effective and non-invasive solutions.
What is Laser Treatment? Laser treatment involves using concentrated light beams to target specific areas of the body. These treatments can address a wide range of issues, from cosmetic concerns like hair removal and skin resurfacing to medical conditions such as varicose veins and skin lesions. The precision of laser technology allows for targeted treatment, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues and promoting faster recovery times.
2. Popular Laser Treatment Services in New York Laser Hair Removal:
Say goodbye to razors and waxing! Laser hair removal is a popular service for those looking to permanently reduce hair growth. Using laser technology, hair follicles are targeted and destroyed, preventing future hair growth. This service is ideal for areas like the face, legs, underarms, and bikini line.
3. Skin Resurfacing:
For individuals struggling with acne scars, wrinkles, or sun damage, laser skin resurfacing can rejuvenate the skin’s appearance. This treatment removes the outer layers of damaged skin, revealing the fresh, new skin underneath. The result is a smoother, more youthful complexion.
4. Tattoo Removal:
Regretting that old tattoo? Laser tattoo removal is an effective way to fade or completely remove unwanted tattoos. The laser breaks down the ink particles, which are then absorbed and eliminated by the body’s natural processes.
5. Treatment of Vascular Lesions:
Lasers can effectively treat vascular lesions, such as spider veins and port-wine stains. The laser targets the blood vessels, causing them to collapse and fade from view. This treatment can improve both appearance and comfort.
6. Pigmentation Treatments:
Hyperpigmentation, age spots, and melasma can be treated with laser therapy. The laser targets melanin in the skin, breaking up the pigment and evening out skin tone. This service is particularly popular among those seeking a more uniform complexion.
Why Choose Laser Treatment Services in New York? New York is home to some of the best medical and cosmetic laser treatment providers in the country. The city’s clinics are equipped with the latest technology and staffed by highly trained professionals. When you search for “laser treatment services in New York,” you’ll find a wide range of options tailored to your specific needs.
Benefits of Laser Treatments Precision: Laser treatments offer high precision, targeting specific areas without affecting the surrounding tissues. Minimal Downtime: Most laser treatments have minimal recovery times, allowing you to return to your daily activities quickly. Long-Lasting Results: Many laser treatments provide permanent or long-lasting results, reducing the need for repeated procedures. Non-Invasive: Laser treatments are typically non-invasive, meaning no surgical incisions are required.
If you’re looking to enhance your appearance or address a specific medical condition, consider exploring the various laser treatment services in New York. With advanced technology and expert care, you can achieve the results you desire. Don’t hesitate to search for “laser treatment near me” or “laser treatment services near me” to find a reputable clinic in your area. Whether it’s for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, or medical treatment, laser services offer a safe and effective solution for a variety of needs. Experience the benefits of laser treatments and take the first step towards a more confident you.
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eleniel-starlight · 1 year
Phantom Soul Part II
Author's Note: Gotta be honest I debated posting this so soon after the other but I hate to keep everyone waiting when I am horrible at updating. Gotta post when the inspiration comes, or I don't post at all lol. Any ways, here's part two, I hope you'll like it.
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Chapter Two; Weapon Out, Belly in
The creature, whom she learned was called Savage, led her back to a luxurious apartment, filled with lavish furniture and open to the world of Corellia. The main room was empty, save for two individuals seated on a deeb blue sofa, a deeper blue than their uniforms. Helmets sat on the table in the centre of the room, and from there Wanda sent her gaze upward. Boots, armour that was combat ridden, and their faces were human, much like hers; there were similarities and differences, as there were with all species across the galaxy. Mandalorians remained her favourite of all the humans she had encountered, however. Their genetic makeup made them a fun breaking game, steel all the way down even in the untrained. These Mandalorians before her, though, were trained of the highest order. She could see it in the way their shoulders sat, the curve of their back, the alertness of their eyes.
Further, near the window, stood a figure of the same species as Savage, his skin red rather than the other’s gross yellow, and covered in ebony tattoos. Wanda noticed that he, too, carried a lightsaber at his waist. She had heard rumours that the sith were returned, but she did not know they were such formidable figures. 
“We are the true Sith.” His voice was a deep growl, though his words came smoothly. The witch thought it hypnotic, to a point. He held his hands behind his back, and when he turned to walk, Wanda noticed the tread of his footing. Light on his feet as he tried to be, she knew that there was only half a life in him, made up for only in the hatred and anger that emanated from him. 
“Savage promised me a heavy repayment in return for… Undisclosed services. Please, tell me Sith, what services could you ask from a witch?”
The Sith stared, as if he were imagining his own questions for her, then answered. 
“All I need is your… Expertise. It is said that you can manipulate the mind, pull information out without consent.” 
Wanda bristled. “Why do you need me for that?” Her hesitance seemed to surprise the Sith, who ceased walking toward her. “You seem reluctant.” His fists were clenched but he did not move to grab his lightsaber; she took this as a sign that he was willing to convince her. 
“And you seem to be able to read my mind just fine. I don’t like visitors in my head, Sith.” 
The alien grinned, and in one swift movement removed his robe to reveal a strong body wrapped in continuous black garb, with red and black marked skin peeking from the open neck of his tunic to the top of his head, that was crowned with horns just as Savage. Wanda was ensconced by his eyes, a deep marred yellow, with red streaked across his irises. “You may call me Maul, witch. And while you might not like visitors, you have pushed me out quite effectively. But I cannot sense you in my mind, though I suspect you are already there.” 
Truth be told, she was already probing him. Her telepathy had developed a great deal since landing in this universe, with so many minds to be heard and touched she’d had no choice but to acclimate, to develop her abilities well past their previous limits. The witch had heard of the Jedi’s ability to read minds, but had no idea that she was the one with the advantage. 
The Mandalorians accompanying Maul seemed to be a different bunch, however. She found herself pushing a moderate amount more than she would have to in attempt to infiltrate their thoughts, but while Maul spoke, she wormed her way in. 
What was Vizsla thinking?
This is a goose chase, no way this girl can break a Jedi.
“You’d be surprised who I can break, Gar Saxon.” The blonde man looked up at her with a scowl, which she met with a smirk. Wanda met Maul on the other side of the table, her palms laid flat.
“I would be more than happy to offer my services, however, I will need to know what I will be doing before I sign anything.” \
Maul’s grin met her smirk, and he waved his arms in a grand gesture. Saxon brought out a holo device and laid it on the table, which lit up with a recording of a struggling man, a face she had seen a million times over. A clone. 
“We have been attempting to interrogate this clone for some time now, but he seems especially strong willed. Not even my ability with the Force has been able to break him. I need you to extract a certain piece of information from him.” The brown haired witch looked to the Master Sith, and then to his Apprentice. Her brow was furrowed in thought, and finally she spoke. 
“I can feel you probing at my mind, the both of you, and it is taking all of my energy to keep you out. Surely a clone cannot be so difficult?”
“Our ability can only push so far before we drive our subject mad. We would lose all of the information that is valuable to us.” Maul sighed. At this, Wanda let out a laugh, boisterous and loud. This seemed to shock the men around her, for they jumped at the sound. “And what makes you think I will not do the same, Sith?” The warrior growled at her for this, baring his teeth wide. Her hands were behind her back now, and she began to stride around the table, toward the red skinned alien. “You see, the truth is I don’t know the depths of my own ability. If this information you seek is so difficult to extract from a simple clone, I’m not sure my methods will yield different results.” They were face to face now; it was just dawning on her how much bigger this warrior was, and it seemed he had the cunning to match. Her own probes were not gleaning much information, only pain. So much pain, and anger. Unbridled rage rested beneath the surface, and once she touched it she flinched back, a hand held to her head as she cried out. The cold floor was cooling to her hands as she kneeled down to steady herself. 
“Grab her.” Saxon was the first to lay his hand on Wanda, which was met with a blast of energy that sent him flying back into the wall. The three warriors were left aghast, though only a second later was Maul over her, and all she could see and feel was black. 
The ache in her head was pounding, and persistent no matter how she rubbed it against the stone behind her. She’d pulled at the shackles only to yelp in pain, for they were reinforced with an energy field that also managed to elicit the same shock when she attempted to use her abilities. The least she could tell was that she was in the brig of a star ship, and given the steady feeling of the flight so far, they were in hyperspace. 
The door in front of her opened, revealing Maul; he was still in his tunic from before, and now with the chance to finally see all of him, she could not tell if the legs he walked on were organic or metal. Only that they clanged loudly against the floor of the cell she resided in. The horned man leaned down to her eye level. “Oh, the witch, brought low. How powerless you must feel, to have lost your abilities. Your connection to the things around you.”
Wanda spat in his face, and laughed. “If you thought I wasn’t going to help you before, I certainly won’t now.” She felt Maul’s hand gripping her chin roughly, and heard his growl in her ear. “You will help me, little witch. Or I will make you scream.” His nails dug into her skin, clawing just before drawing blood, and his grip only tightened as Wanda attempted to squirm from his grasp. Maul chuckled at this, before releasing and sweeping from the cell in one swift move. Wanda was left to stew in her pain and contemplation for the remainder of the flight. 
Upon landing, Savage was the one to enter the cell and release Wanda’s hands from above her head. He held her arm tightly as they made their way off the ship and onto the landing platform that was populated with Mandalorian warriors outfitted in complete armour, saluting Maul as he passed. Savage and Wanda were at the end of the line, and though she could not see their faces, she could almost feel the scowls of the warriors around them. Oh how she missed her powers; the witch had only been in such a predicament once before, and it was agonising. The loss of connection to the world around her, the voices, the ability to feel even the inanimate objects that lay in her path; she truly never thought that she would miss it all so much. 
Savage led her off the landing platform into a concrete building that was layered with halls and doors leading to who knows where. After many twists and turns, Wanda began to lose track of where they had come in and where they would eventually end up, though she assumed this was a tactic employed by Maul to disorient her. At some point they came to an intricately designed door, much larger than even Savage, who towered above her and could easily crush her should he so desire. A knock, and the door began to open. Savage led her in, where a hall lined with what appeared to be cell doors awaited. Fantastic. Wanda thought. The brute led her down the hall, to a door at the end that appeared to be doubly reinforced, with an energy field surrounding the threshold. 
“How cliche, you can’t expect this will hold me forever?” This elicited a chuckle from Savage, who tossed her in once the door had opened, and shut it without a word. Wanda was left in the dark, the only light coming from the force field that lined the cell, and her wrists. With nothing left to do, the witch crossed her legs, and began to meditate. 
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quantumclinicau · 1 year
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Restore Your Hair Shine with Silk Therapy Near Me
At Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon, we provide high-quality services like laser tattoo removal near me and silk therapy near me to meet all your beauty needs. Whether you want to remove an unwanted tattoo or give your hair a silky, smooth look, Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon is there for best service provider in the town.
Understanding Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser tattoo removal is the latest non-invasive method to remove unwanted tattoos. Laser technology is used to destroy ink particles within the skin. Over time, these particles are naturally removed by the body's immune system. The number of sessions required depends on the size, color, and age of the tattoo. Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon offers safe and effective laser tattoo removal near me by trained professionals.
Rejuvenate Your Hair with Silk Therapy
Apart from tattoo removal, Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon also offers silk therapy near me which is a luxury hair treatment to repair and nourish damaged hair. Silk Therapy uses silk-based serums that penetrate deep into the hair shaft, strengthening and moisturizing hair from within. It is perfect for those who suffer from frizzy, dry, or chemically treated hair.
Why Choose Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon?
At Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon, we pride ourselves on offering top-quality services that are tailored to your unique needs. Our team is highly trained and experienced in providing both laser tattoo removal near me and silk therapy near me.
1.Professional Team: Our experienced professionals are committed to delivering the best results, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout your treatment.
2.Latest Technology: We use the latest technology and high-quality products for laser tattoo removal and silk therapy to guarantee effective and safe treatments.
3.Personalized Care: We understand that every client is different, so we create personalized treatment plans based on your specific needs and goals.
4.Relaxing Atmosphere: Our salon offers a calming and luxurious environment, making your visit a relaxing experience.
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Q: What is laser tattoo removal, and how does it work?
A: Laser tattoo removal is a treatment that uses laser light to break down the ink in your tattoo. Over time, your body naturally removes the ink, making the tattoo fade. At Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon, our experts use the latest technology to ensure the process is safe and effective.
Q: How many sessions will I need for laser tattoo removal?
A: The number of sessions depends on factors like the size, color, and age of the tattoo. On average, it can take between 6 to 10 sessions. At Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon, we will assess your tattoo and give you a personalized plan for your laser tattoo removal near me.
Q: What is silk therapy, and how does it benefit my hair?
A: Silk therapy is a hair treatment that uses silk proteins to repair, smooth, and hydrate your hair. It helps reduce frizz, adds shine, and makes your hair feel soft and healthy.
Q: Why should I choose Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon for laser tattoo removal near me?
A: At Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon, we use advanced technology and skilled professionals to provide safe, effective laser tattoo removal near me. We focus on your comfort and achieving the best results.
Q: Why should I choose Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon for silk therapy near me?
A: Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon offers top-quality silk therapy near me, with experienced stylists who ensure your hair gets the care it deserves. Our salon provides a relaxing environment and excellent results that leave your hair smooth, shiny, and healthy.
Laser tattoo removal and silk therapy are two of the most effective treatments for enhancing your beauty. Whether you want to remove a tattoo that no longer suits you or give your hair a silky, shiny finish, Mahak Makeover Luxury Family Salon offers both services to help you look and feel your best. Visit us today for laser tattoo removal near me and silk therapy near me, and let our experienced professionals take care of all your beauty needs.
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dermatouchclinic · 16 days
Effective tattoo removal near me | Derma Touch Expert Skin Clinic
Searching for tattoo removal near me? At Derma Touch, we provide advanced laser tattoo removal services, ensuring safe and precise results. Our experienced dermatologists use the latest technology to remove unwanted tattoos with minimal discomfort and downtime. Whether you're looking to fade or completely remove a tattoo, trust Derma Touch for personalized and effective treatments that restore your skin's natural appearance.
for more information :- Derma Touch Hair, Skin & Laser Clinic
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skaddy111 · 22 days
Rejuvenate Your Confidence with The Live Young Clinic
At The Live Young Clinic, we believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best at any age. Our clinic is dedicated to providing cutting-edge cosmetic and dermatological treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty, boost your confidence, and promote overall well-being. Whether you’re searching for Skin Care near me, seeking effective Acne Treatment near me, or interested in the benefits of Laser hair removal service, our team of skilled professionals is here to guide you through a personalized journey of transformation.
Personalized Skin Care for a Radiant Glow
Your skin is unique, and at The Live Young Clinic, we understand that personalized care is key to achieving radiant, healthy skin. We offer a comprehensive range of Skin Care near me services tailored to address a variety of skin concerns, from dryness and sensitivity to aging and hyperpigmentation. Our expert dermatologists and aestheticians work closely with you to develop a customized skin care regimen that meets your specific needs. We use only the highest quality products and the latest techniques to ensure that your skin receives the best care possible, helping you achieve a glowing complexion that reflects your inner vitality.
Effective Acne Treatment for Clearer Skin
Acne is a common skin condition that can affect individuals of all ages, and finding the right treatment is crucial for managing and preventing breakouts. At The Live Young Clinic, we offer specialized Acne Treatment near me that targets the root causes of acne, including excess oil production, clogged pores, and bacteria. Our treatments are designed to reduce inflammation, clear existing acne, and prevent future breakouts, leaving your skin smoother and more even-toned. Whether you’re dealing with occasional blemishes or more persistent acne, our team will work with you to develop a treatment plan that delivers visible results, helping you regain your confidence.
Advanced Laser Hair Removal Service for Silky Smooth Skin
Unwanted hair can be a source of frustration, but with our Laser hair removal service, you can achieve long-lasting smoothness without the hassle of shaving, waxing, or plucking. The Live Young Clinic offers state-of-the-art laser hair removal treatments that are safe, effective, and suitable for all skin types. Using advanced laser technology, we target and destroy hair follicles, preventing future hair growth while protecting the surrounding skin. Our laser hair removal service is ideal for areas such as the face, legs, arms, underarms, and bikini line, providing you with silky smooth skin and the freedom to enjoy a hair-free lifestyle with confidence.
Safe and Effective Tattoo Removal Near Me
Tattoos are a form of self-expression, but over time, your preferences may change. If you have a tattoo that no longer reflects who you are, The Live Young Clinic offers safe and effective Tattoo Removal near me services. Our advanced laser tattoo removal technology breaks down the ink particles in your tattoo, allowing your body to naturally eliminate them over time. This non-invasive procedure is performed by our skilled professionals, ensuring minimal discomfort and excellent results. Whether you want to completely remove a tattoo or lighten it for a cover-up, our team will work with you to achieve your desired outcome.
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Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for your overall health and well-being, but it can be challenging to do so on your own. At The Live Young Clinic, we offer comprehensive Weightloss treatment near me programs designed to help you reach your weight loss goals in a safe and sustainable way. Our approach to weight loss is holistic, combining medical supervision, nutritional guidance, and personalized fitness plans to support your journey. Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds or undergo a significant transformation, our team is here to provide the support, motivation, and expertise you need to succeed.
Innovative Hair Growth Treatment for Fuller Hair
Thinning hair or hair loss can be distressing, but with the right treatment, it’s possible to restore your hair’s natural fullness and vitality. The Live Young Clinic offers innovative Hair growth treatment options that are tailored to your individual needs. Our treatments are designed to stimulate hair follicles, improve scalp health, and promote the growth of thicker, stronger hair. Whether you’re experiencing hair loss due to genetics, stress, or other factors, our team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the underlying causes and helps you achieve fuller, healthier hair.
Conveniently Located for Your Needs
The Live Young Clinic is conveniently located, making it easy for you to access high-quality care close to home. Whether you’re searching for Skin Care near me, Acne Treatment near me, or any of our other services, you can trust that you’ll receive exceptional care in a comfortable and convenient setting.
Contact The Live Young Clinic Today
If you’re ready to take the next step in enhancing your natural beauty and well-being, contact The Live Young Clinic today. Whether you’re interested in Laser hair removal service, Tattoo Removal near me, or any of our other treatments, our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to help. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs and helps you achieve your aesthetic goals. Don’t wait to start your journey to a more confident, youthful you – schedule your consultation with The Live Young Clinic today.
At The Live Young Clinic, we are dedicated to helping you look and feel your best through a wide range of personalized treatments. From advanced Skin Care near me and effective Acne Treatment near me to innovative Hair growth treatment and comprehensive Weightloss treatment near me, our team is here to provide the expert care you need to achieve your aesthetic and wellness goals. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on customer satisfaction, The Live Young Clinic is your trusted partner in rejuvenation and self-care. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you live young and feel your best.
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Eyelash Tinting in Mulund | Victress Beauty Lounge
Eyelash Tint Mulund
Tired of mascara? Eyelash tinting might be the perfect solution for you! Unlike lash lifting, which alters the shape of your lashes, tinting focuses on color. Wake up with naturally defined, darker lashes that effortlessly frame your eyes. Imagine the time you’ll save in your morning routine, and the confidence boost of knowing your lashes look flawless all day long, no matter your activities!
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Eyelash Tint Mulund
At Victress Beauty Lounge, we offer eyelash tint Ghatkopar services for those who want to darken or define their natural lashes. This treatment is ideal for people with light-colored lashes who desire a denser or bolder look. We use a variety of gentle solutions to achieve the desired color, but it’s important to mention any allergies you have during your consultation. Our experienced technicians will ensure a safe and comfortable experience, leaving you with gorgeous, natural-looking lashes. 
The Eyelash Tint Procedure
Eyelash tinting is a semi-permanent treatment that lasts for 1-2 months on average. It’s a fantastic alternative to mascara, offering long-lasting definition and eliminating the need for daily application and removal. You can choose to get a lash lift alongside the tint for added definition or opt for the tint alone. During the procedure, your eyes will be closed for the entire time, so a little patience goes a long way! 
Who Should get the Eyelash Tint?
This treatment is fantastic for people with naturally light lashes, those who spend a lot of time outdoors, or wear contact lenses. Since tinting makes your lashes look denser, you can ditch the mascara and still look ready to go all day! It’s perfect for anyone who wants to simplify their beauty routine and achieve effortless, natural-looking lashes.
Aftercare Tips for Beautiful Lashes
To maintain your beautiful, tinted lashes, it’s important to follow these aftercare tips:
Avoid touching your lashes for the first 24 hours.
Steer clear of oil-based makeup and heat treatments around the eyes.
If you wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them for 24 hours after the treatment
Book a Free Consultation with Victress Beauty Lounge
End your search for ‘eyelash tint near me ‘and book your Eyelash Tinting appointment at Victress Beauty Lounge in Ghatkopar today! We offer a variety of lash services to suit your needs, and our skilled technicians will ensure a comfortable and relaxing experience. From microblading eyebrows, brow lamination, nanoblading eyebrows, ombre powder brows, combination brows, eyelash extensions, eyelash lift, lip blushing, lip correction, permanent eyeliner, mole tattoo on face, to scalp micropigmentation and more. Book your eyelash tint Ghatkopar appointment today and let your natural beauty shine through!
To Read Full Blog Visit - Eyelash Tinting in Mulund | Victress Beauty Lounge
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atmospheretattoo · 1 month
Tattoo Removal Services Restoring Your Skin with Modern Solution
Tattoo removal service have evolved significantly, offering people the opportunity to erase or alter unwanted tattoos with advanced technology and techniques. Whether it's due to a change in personal taste, life circumstances, or professional considerations, modern tattoo removal methods provide safe and effective solutions to help individuals achieve clearer skin.
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Understanding Tattoo Removal
Tattoo removal involves various techniques aimed at breaking down the ink particles embedded in the skin so that they can be naturally expelled by the body. The most common and effective method used today is laser tattoo removal, but other options include chemical peels, dermabrasion, and surgical excision.
Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser tattoo removal is the gold standard in the industry due to its precision and efficacy. This method uses high-intensity laser beams to target and break down the ink particles within the skin. The laser's energy is absorbed by the ink, causing it to fragment into smaller particles that the body's immune system can then remove. Multiple sessions are usually required, depending on factors such as the tattoo's size, color, and depth, as well as the individual's skin type.
Benefits of Laser Removal
One of the key benefits of laser tattoo removal is its ability to target specific colors and depths of ink, making it effective for a wide range of tattoos. The procedure is relatively non-invasive, with minimal risk of scarring or skin damage when performed by a skilled professional. Most people experience only mild discomfort during the sessions, similar to a rubber band snap, and recovery time is typically quick.
Other Removal Techniques
While laser removal is the most popular method, other techniques are also available for specific needs:
Chemical Peels: This involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to exfoliate and remove the outer layers, which can help in fading tattoos over time. It is often used for superficial tattoos and may require multiple treatments.
Dermabrasion: This method involves mechanically sanding the skin to remove the tattooed layer. It can be effective for certain tattoos but may result in scarring or changes in skin texture.
Surgical Excision: This technique involves cutting out the tattooed skin and stitching the remaining skin together. It is generally used for small tattoos and may leave a scar.
Choosing a Provider
Selecting a reputable tattoo removal provider is crucial for achieving the best results. Look for a clinic with experienced professionals who use FDA-approved equipment and follow strict hygiene standards. A thorough consultation can help determine the most suitable removal method for your specific tattoo and skin type.
Tattoo removal services offer a range of options to help individuals address unwanted tattoos effectively. Laser tattoo removal remains the most advanced and widely used method, known for its precision and minimal risk. By choosing a qualified provider and understanding the available techniques, you can take a significant step toward restoring your skin and reclaiming your desired appearance.
For more info:-
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tattoo and piercing near me
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renudelaser · 2 months
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🌟 Exciting News! 🌟
We're thrilled to announce that Renude Laser Clinic has been featured on "Best Near Me"! 🎉 This recognition is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our passion for serving you with the best laser tattoo removal.
A huge thank you to our wonderful customers for your unwavering support and for making this achievement possible. Your trust and feedback have shaped us into a top choice in our community. 🙏
Come celebrate with us and experience why we're considered one of the best! Whether you're a longtime patron or new to our family, we promise to continue delivering the exceptional tattoo removal services you love.
👉 Check us out on "Best Near Me" and see what makes us stand out!
Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Here's to many more milestones together! 🥂
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