#taylor bonin
angelfeed · 1 year
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pranklinfierce · 1 month
you're having a party, which presidents are you inviting?
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Good question, very fun. I'll invite all of the ones I like, and whichever ones I'd like to see in a party setting.
James Madison is chronologically the first that I would invite. I think it'd be funny to see him at a party. I think of "nearly gets trampled on the dance floor..." I, myself, will trample him unless he brings Dolley.
Jackson is invited and I hope he leaves cheese around the house in secret spots like he did at the end of his presidency.
Van Buren is invited unless @presidenttyler continues to insist that I have to marry him or he'll summon a deadly fog (please die, Mr. Tyler.)
I would invite William Henry Harrison, but tragically, as I'm sure we've all heard, he is no longer with us </3.
John Tyler is invited unless he tries to insist I marry Martin Van Buren lest a deadly fog be summoned. Also I swear to God he's not allowed to use my bathroom. I hope he and Jackson start fighting (no weapons allowed in my house) and I get to see their skinny bones fall out.
James K Polk is invited. I want him to bring his Lady Presidentress as well. Double invited if he is the presidentress.
Zachary Taylor is invited. His daughter can come too. His daughter's husband cannot come. His daughter's husband's dog, Bonin, can come. The murderer who shares a name with Zachary Taylor's daughter's husband's dog cannot come.
Millard Fillmore is invited. He can bring the whole boiler room with him. It wouldn't be a party without him.
Franklin Pierce is invited, of course. As an old @/deadpresidents posts that I can longer find clarifies, he would indeed be a welcome party guest, even if people on Reddit don't seem to think so (I have beef with 90% of reddit tier lists, save for any of them made by @starlight-tequila.) As I've come to understand, there're no less than 4 fictional interpretations of Pierce where he's being haunted. I request he keeps the haunting at home; I don't want the watchmojo demmons to mess up the vibe.
James Buchanan is invited. I want to see him in his worst outfit, behaving as he did at Dickinson before his expulsion. He needs to bring Harriet too. WRK too, unless I decide that he's also dead.
Andrew Johnson can come because I once saw an image of him smiling.
Ulysses Grant can come. He may play with the non dog animals (unfortunately, they're all just different Martin Van Buren government assigned rodentsonas in a pen.)
As can Hayes. Hayes can bring his wife, Lucy. She actually allowed drinking in the White House on special occasions, so she would not be a party pooper.
Garfield may come, but only as Lucretia's plus one. It's what he deserves. Since Guiteau did so much for Garfield's election (and was basically the president, let's be real, guys) he can come as an honorary president. So can David Rice Atchison, even though that story is complete bs. Dr. Doctor Bliss will be shot on sight by Boston Corbett.
Arthur is invited, but Julia Sand needs to pre-approve everything that he does. Conkling may come as a plus one, but he will go in the pen with the Martin Van Buren government assigned rodentsonas (it's okay, that's where Grant is anyway.)
On no other day would I ever allow Benjamin Harrison and his shortness within my sight, but I just found a song about him and it's stuck in my head, so I think it's only right that he attends 1 single time before my kind feelings toward him dry out.
McKinley is invited. He must sing to me.
Wilson is invited. But I will lock him in a room like a creature. You-know-who gets the key. The second female president, Edith Wilson, may attend.
Warren Harding gets to come. Gaston Means may, as well. Also Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. That's about it. If Nixon were to show up I wouldn't turn him away.
I'd like the party to end by sending an anonymous tip to Carrie A. Nation, telling her there is alcohol. She can come in, destroy everything, and all's well because if everything is destroyed, there's nothing to clean. She and Guiteau can ride into the sunset, combining to be a person of a normal height. I hope they invite me to the wedding.
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biketalkla · 2 years
START Stay Car Free: San Francisco will vote on whether to keep JFK Drive car free November 8th. Stacey Randecker interviews Prop J organizer Zachary Lipton. sf.streetsblog.org/2022/08/30/save…-n-and-no-on-i/
2:05 In Closing: Los Angeles Councilmember Mike Bonin has been a friend to Los Angeles bikes and pedestrians. Bonin fought two recall efforts, one of which was over traffic calming he implemented in his district. Recently, a recording was released revealing his fellow Councilmembers' and Council President's racist remarks about his son and others. Councilmember Bonin will not seek a third term. Here are some of Mike Bonin's comments relating to safe streets infrastructure in an October 19, 2022 virtual happy hour hosted by Streets For All.
8:53 Healthy Streets: Michael Schneider, Founder of Streets For All, on Mike Bonin and trying to get Healthy Streets LA through a City Council dominated by unhealthy minds. www.healthystreetsla.com/
23:22 Crosshairs: Winthrop, Massachusetts bike lane advocate Julia Wallerce's opponents targeted her with an image of her infant on social media. Bike Talk cohost Galen Mook interviews. twitter.com/juliawallerce
38:13 It Takes a Village: Joshua Poppel on the Village Bicycle Project, a self-sustaining and capacity building development project in Africa which gives people a tool to improve their lives by offering access to affordable and sustainable transportation. Interview by Taylor Nichols.
Editing by Kevin Burton. Closing Song, "Bike," by Mal Webb. Interstitial music, "Just Moving," by Don Ward. Visit BikeTalk.org to be involved.
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cry-like-a-ghost · 7 years
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fuckyeahlosgrowlers · 7 years
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jungleindierock · 4 years
The Growlers - Dream World
Latest music from the wonderful The Growlers for Dream World, this video was directed and edited by Taylor Bonin
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Reposted from @cnnclimate More than 32,000 species are currently threatened with extinction, which now includes the European hamster, the North Atlantic right whale and multiple species of lemur, the International Union for Conservation of Nature reported on its Red List of Threatened Species. The Bonin pipistrelle bat, splendid poison frog, Jalpa false brook salamander and spined dwarf mantis were declared extinct by the IUCN. But the Red List also shows that some species have made a recovery in recent years, indicating that with the right conservation efforts, dire situations aren't necessarily terminal. "We do need a major transformation in society as to how we live, and to look at how we improve sustainability in the way we live and reduce our impacts on the planet," said Craig Hilton-Taylor, who heads the Red List unit. (📸: Alamy) - #TheEnvironmentalBoy #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgpJzPlwXj/?igshid=wrgunmhgrm9e
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samwellpics · 4 years
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Taylor Bonin, Instagram
Taylor Bonin works in and around Los Angeles’ alternative music scene. His work includes concerts, tours and music video direction.
I think he plays an essential part in the presenting aesthetic of these artists. 
His work is ‘behind the scenes’, in a way. 
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Ryan Acosta
Art 102
Name: Ryan Acosta
From: Toms River, NJ
Hobbies: Playing video games, sports and drinking with friends
Year and Major: Junior Marketing
Dream Job: NFL defensive back
Two Albums on repeat: Hung at Heart by the Growlers and Birds in the Trap Travis Scott
Two Favorite artworks: Angelica Huston by andy Warhol because I think it is a very interesting photo and I love the cigarette. Signe Pierce because it shows conflict between realism and social media.
Two Favorite artist: Signe Pierce because she focuses on realism and Andy Warhol because he is a legend.
Creativity is a big part of my life because I believe that creativity is the most important thing to a person it can help you express yourself
Inspiring creatives on social media: Los Growlers and Taylor Bonin
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aboutmusiic · 5 years
The Growlers teilen das Video zu ihrer Single
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The Growlers haben das Video zu der Single Try Hard Fool aus ihrem im vergangene Jahr erschienen Album Natural Affair veröffentlicht. In dem Song geht es sowohl um die Vergangenheit als auch die Zukunft.  Der Sänger Brooks Nielsen sagt über den Song Try Hard Fool folgendes: Das ist ein alter Begriff, den wir als Kinder benutzt haben", erklärt der Frontmann. " Zum Beispiel: Der Junge ist ein echter try-hard. Also einer, der sich viel zu angestrengt bemüht, beliebt oder erfolgreich zu sein. Wenn ich selbst das Gefühl habe, dass ich mich zu sehr anstrenge, muss ich mich bewusst kontrollieren. Der Text ist also an mich selbst gerichtet, um mich wieder in die richtigen Bahnen zu lenken und daran zu erinnern, auch mal eine Pause einzulegen,  aber dennoch dranzubleiben. Das Video wurde von Taylor Bonin abgedreht und entstand zeigt die Band sowohl auf der Bühne, in der Stadt als auch ganz nach dem Albumtitel Natural Affair im Dschungel. The Growlers werden übrigens demnächst bei uns in Deutschland auf Tour gehen: 05.02.2020 - Mojo @ Hamburg  06.02.2020 - Beatpol @ Dresden 07.02.2020 - Astra @ Berlin 08.02.2020 - Live Music Hall  @ Köln  10.02.2020 - Muffathalle @ München 15.02.2020 - Gibson @ Frankfurt am Main Tickets für The Growlers
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The Growlers © www.facebook.com/losGrowlers Mehr zu The Growlers Read the full article
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sounds-right · 5 years
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17/4 WAV We Are Vicenza  / La studentesca, 19/4 Cuore Matto fanno ballare Villa Bonin
17/4 WAV We Are Vicenza  / La studentesca sul palco di Villa Bonin https://www.facebook.com/events/1935100479950344/
L'evento studentesco più esagerato di Vicenza, pensato e realizzato per tutti gli studenti, è tornato: il 17 aprile, una notte che dà il via alle vacanze di Pasqua 2019 riempie di musica e divertimento Villa Bonin, la location più prestigiosa... Una lunga notte con 7 ore di musica ininterrotta con effetti speciali e ospiti nazionali e internazionali per l'evento che segnerà tutti gli studenti di Vicenza! WAV è evento. WAV é una città in festa. WAV è WE ARE VICENZA! Ecco gli ospiti del 17 aprile a Villa Bonin per WAV: c'è la bellissima e decisamente chiacchierata Taylor Mega (Isola dei Famosi, etc), c'è OG EastBull, il rapper rumeno che sta infiammando la scena trap romana... e c'è pure L0000lita, altra artista che si sta facendo notare nella scena trap e rap.
19/4 Cuore Matto Sorpresa @ Villa Bonin https://www.facebook.com/events/284660805760870/
E' un party perfetto per vivere una notte di festa, in primavera con l'atmosfera unica di Cuore Matto.... Il tutto in luogo unico come Villa Bonin. Cuore Matto è l'evento simbolo di divertimento & stile in tutto il vicentino. E' un appuntamento dedicato a chi vuol divertirsi con eleganza, emozionandosi. Sono davvero pochi coloro che non abbiano ballato e cantato col sorriso sulle labbra fino all'alba durante un evento Cuore Matto. Ogni festa diventa un evento da ricordare, con la voglia vivere tutto daccapo, ancora una volta. Aperitivo dalle 21, cena dalle 22, discoteca dalle 22:30 fino a tarda notte.
Villa Bonin Club & Restaurant Via Del Commercio, 49 | 36100 Vicenza - Uscita VI Ovest +39 393 012 33 93 [email protected] www.villabonin.it https://www.facebook.com/VILLABONIN/ https://instagram.com/villa_bonin/
Come raggiungere Villa Bonin? villabonin.it/contatti.html
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cry-like-a-ghost · 8 years
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jungleindierock · 6 years
The Nude Party - Records
Records is taken from the album, The Nude Party, which is available on the 6th July 2018. This video was directed by Taylor Bonin. The Nude Party are from Boone, North Carolina, USA.
This American rock sextet are comprised of Patton Magee (Guitar, Vocals), Shaun Couture (Guitar, Vocals), Alec Castillo (Bass, Vocals), Don Merrill (Organ, Piano, Vocals), Austin Brose (Percussion, Vocals) and Connor Mikita (Drums, Cowbell).
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biketalkla · 4 years
An LAcentric Talk on Adventure Cycling Association's U.S. Bicycle Route System with Laura Crawford, U.S. Bicycle Route System Coordinator.
Also with Eric Bruins, Councilmember Mike Bonin's Transportation Policy Director, and LA CD4 Safe Streets Candidate Nithya Raman.
City of Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee members Jennifer A. Gill, Taylor Nichols, and Abe Chang join in the public comment, along with Streets For All advocate/ Representative for Wilshire Center Koreatown Neighborhood Council Adriane Hoff.
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musicaemdx · 5 years
Aallah Las apresentam Tim Hill como convidado especial no concerto em Lisboa
Aallah Las apresentam Tim Hill como convidado especial no concerto em Lisboa
Aallah Las apresentam Tim Hill como convidado especial no concerto em Lisboa, dia 25 de Setembro, no LAV – Lisboa ao Vivo. Bilhetes disponíveis em www.everythingisnew.pt .
+info Aallah Las
Fotografia (capa) – Taylor Bonin
View On WordPress
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r3ideath-blog · 8 years
Barker, c 2007 ‘Issues of subjectivity and identity’, in Cultural Studies: theory and practice, 3rd edition, Sage Publications London, pp.218 – 223
https://vimeo.com/125552748 - ALEX KNOST & ERIC ERICSON BY TAYLOR BONIN
https://vimeo.com/159739995 - WILLIAM DAVEY
Dr Luke Johnson Lectures used throughout.
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