suiyoubis · 1 year
tayori — kaze no tayori
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carlosyt14 · 1 year
You've got to be kidding! A game for kids and grown-ups! Final Installment
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Amazing work Yuka! You finally reached the end of your journey..
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Time you suffer in despair!
Part 5
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badmovieihave · 11 months
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Bad movie I have Women in Prison 1978
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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💐A Scenery of You and Me ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
People say Divine Counterparts often share parallel experiences in this mortal realm. In what ways are your life events mirroring that of your Destined Person’s?
Oh, the Pile VIBEs of this PAC are all quite poignant songs in their own ways but…I’m getting that this is how your Destined Person loves you. So, immensely, soul-crushingly devoted to you that this Love brings tears to those who witness or hear about it.
This is a Love Story filled with scenery of compassion, cosmic connection and faith in each other’s unwavering loyalty. Quite nothing in this mortal world could hold more beauty than the Love you share with your Destined Person~♥︎
So bask in this lovely aenergy and give yourself a chance to believe in a Higher Romance~♡
SONG: To Be With You by The Honey Trees
deck-bottom: XIX The Sun, Silver Astrologer (John Dee), Priestess of Beauty
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings] [buymeaboba]
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Pile 1 – A Never-ending Story of Love and Sweetness
VIBE: 月の光をたよりに (tsuki no hikari wo tayori ni; By the Light of the Moon) by Plastic Tree
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the idea of you – 7 of Cups
There is a very mature aenergy attached to this Pile, so I’m getting that for the majority of you, this is a Union that comes after a significant spiritual evolution has taken place. It’s very likely that your Union comes after a certain Saturn Return period for the both of you. A huge age gap is also indicated because there’s a huge period between a person’s First and Second Saturn Return, right? You could finally be in a Divine Union with your Destined Person after both of you have come out of your own respective Saturn Return phases.
With that configuration in mind, this Union is something that could only occur after the both of you are well over the age of 30. Before that point, you were always looking all round for each other. You both are dreamy, you dreamt of each other, all the time. All your lives, in fact. There’s a strong Neptunian/Piscean aenergy as well as 12th House placements here. What you’ve always wanted was a Love that’s pure and cosmic—a sensation most Humans can’t even begin to register in their primitive brains.
For the really spiritual ones here, I’m getting that this could’ve made you single for a very long time! You know there’s someone Divine who’s destined to be your Counterpart in this mortal realm. And you’ve wanted this person and this person alone even if you didn’t know yet who this person is. You’ve just always held on to the faith. But the less spiritual ones here could’ve serial-dated or married multiple partners in this deluded search for The One.
the sight of you – Knight of Pentacles
If you haven’t necessarily dreamt of your Destined Person, at least you’ve had daydreams of what they’re supposed to be like. An often hazy idea of how their Love is supposed to make you feel. You’ve felt each other a lot throughout your lives, actually. In fact, this is how you’re manifesting each other, even if it can be painful at times, and takes a goddamn long time. But this is King and Queen aenergy, right? People, strangely enough, need to go through hardships and heartbreaks before they can become truly mature. Spiritually mature in this case.
All of that is deeply necessary for your Union to have any meaning at all. Because King and Queen, their existence is supposed to serve the people. Your Union is so divine it will serve as an example, it will give people hope, and possibly a sense of validation. King and Queen are guides for the people. That’s why both of you have got to learn to get your shit together before coming into Union~ Over-privileged King and Queen who’ve never known the sorrow the people go through every day won’t make an endearing power-couple at all! XD
And so it was necessary for you to have graduated at least your First Saturn Return. To have rebuilt your entire sense of self, your entire worldview with just the essence of each other’s Love! If there’s a huge age gap between you and your Destined Person, one of you could’ve waited for a damn long time. But, whichever of you have manifested this reading in your Interface of Reality is gonna be the one who travels to the other! Actually, pretty soon! \`★_★`/
holding you in my arms – Page of Wands
Whoever is the Feminine aenergy in this connection will make the journey to the Masculine. Like a Queen who makes the journey to arrive at the King’s castle. Like Ponyo being the one who makes an effort to arrive in the Human world, as Human, to be with Sosuke. The Feminine works on herself to be an equal companion to the King. This whole journey though, will follow the Natural Order of the Universe, so it will be very pleasant and exciting for the Feminine! <3
On the other hand, the Masculine in this connection will have worked on himself to know what true Love is, and to have worked on his own version of his great empire as a divine offering to the Feminine <3 He works on becoming the most Divine version of himself so as to be worthy of his Queen’s Love and Compassion whilst simultaneously offering her the most spiritual rendition of Love and Prosperity. Yours is a Divine Union of equal counterparts where each brings something of great meaning to the household <3
When you finally hold each other in your arms, you will be healing each other in all of the ways a person could be healed. It’s true magick, but so natural and seamless. No matter how old or young you are when reading this, provided you’ve at least graduated your First Saturn Return, that Love is now wide open for you to access. Keep the faith, it’s happening, Queen! Prepare yourself for each other’s advent in your physical Reality <3
the best part – Priestess of Clarity
forever and ever and ever – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 2 – Freedom, Freewill, I Manifest YOU in My Reality! Get ready!
VIBE: 本日は晴天なり (honjitsu wa seiten nari; Today Is Going to be Sunny) by Plastic Tree
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the idea of you – 5 of Wands
The peeps attracted to this Pile are most likely the Masculine aenergy who’s proactively manifesting your Feminine Counterpart. If you resonate with being the Feminine aenergy and you’ve chosen this Pile, it could contain information on how you’re being manifested by your Masculine Counterpart ;P
You and your Destined Person have been living quite a chaotic Life. This could be your default normal, but this could also be simply a Tower Moment you’re going through as part of your soul’s evolution. There’s this feeling of praying for some kind of magic that would end all of this unsettling feeling deep inside of you.
For some, this unsettling feeling could come from immense boredom. Perhaps from being in a wrong relationship with somebody who’s not your Destined Person. For some, perhaps there’s been a lot of conflict and deliberate misunderstandings in a relationship that’s just not for you. It’s just tiring. Some of you could simply be feeling a lack of excitement because you’ve not been in a committed relationship for far too long and your heart has begun to pine for your The One.
All in all, this is now making you think and daydream about your Ideal Counterpart. Taking into account all that you’ve learnt about failed relationships, from your own or observing other people’s, you’ve begun to somewhat make a list of characteristics of the person you’d like to spend the rest of your Life with.
the sight of you – King of Cups Rx
Well, as they say, visions and daydreams are never too random, right? What if those visions and ideals are there because someone who’s destined for you is actually sending those signals? ;P Maybe your hearts are somewhat connected and now you’re receiving glimpses of what your Destined Person could be for you in this physical Realm. And if you follow the Light coming from that ‘lighthouse’ and you uphold your standards, do you think the Universe will forsake that courage to believe?
And as much as you’re thinking of your Ideal Counterpart, what if your Ideal Counterpart is also thinking and daydreaming the same for themselves? And by the natural order of the Law of One, surely it’s just a matter of vibrational matching until you and your Destined Person become One. Vibrational matching takes time, mainly for us to develop well, and if you can maintain the faith in this divine connection, in the blink of an eye Divine Timing will carry you both into Union <3 Pssst, Divine Timing is misunderstood as fuck; it’s a matter of elevated vibrations; not time!
Just know that your kind of connection usually doesn’t follow a lot of logic, let alone norms and societal expectations. So now, it’s just you and your imaginations, and whether or not these ideals can come to fruition is a matter of how much you believe you’re deserving of all the good things you’ve daydreamed for yourself <3
holding you in my arms – Ace of Cups
So as you can see, if you’ve chosen this as your main pile, you’re quite literally in the midst of attracting and simultaneously being attracted by your Destined Person! This is so cute because it’s reminiscent of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty! The two main characters were literally ‘ordained by the (holy) kingdom’ to be together, but for one reason or another, they got separated and grew up not knowing each other. And still…
At some point in time, they were magnetised by Destiny, and when they met, it felt like they’d known each other from a dream. ‘I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you. That gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam. Yet I know it’s true that visions are seldom as they seem. But if I know you, I know what you’ll do. You’ll love me at once, the way you did once, upon, a dream.’
Upon rendezvous with your Destined Person, you will immediately fall in love with all that they are and fit each other beautifully. You are each other’s most ideal types and you will soon recognise that this person is a dream come true you’ve long dreamt of and now manifested. You, or them, will say, ‘Took you a while, but I’m glad you’re here now~’ It will all be very sweet and lovely, and you will know, this was ordained by the Holy <3
the best part – Priestess of Magick
forever and ever and ever – Priestess of Intuition
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Pile 3 – We Are Too Extraordinary to Live an Ordinary Life
VIBE: 冬の海は遊泳禁止で (fuyu no umi wa yueikinshi de; Swimming in the Winter Sea is Prohibited, So…) by Plastic Tree
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the idea of you – 4 of Wands
OMG, SERIOUSLY?! This Pile literally got ALL of the ‘happy marriage’ cards that exist in tarot! XD
You and your Destined Person are destined to ‘marry’ one another. Depending on how strange and anti-establishment you are (LOL), ‘marriage’ can mean many different things for you. But the essence of a Divine Matrimony is strong with your connection. As such, it can easily translate into what society deems as ‘traditional marriage’.
Even if a ‘legal marriage’ isn’t exactly your thing, everybody around you will still be able to see that what you have is exactly what a marriage should be! It’s lovely, respectful, helpful, and just…my god, sweetly holy. You and your Destined Person is the Prototype of what Love in a physical form should translate as. Even as grownups, there’s something deeply pure in the way you adore one another. There’s something covetous in the way you care for one another.
Being with your Destined Person is a true homecoming to your own Soul. Being with each other feels like the most natural thing to have happened in the world. Everything is right in the world when you’re in the embrace of your Destined Person’s and vice versa. Your Destined Person will bring a change of scenery in your everyday Life, in a big way, and then offer a new sense of community with their people <3
the sight of you – 6 of Pentacles
You will love your Destined Person’s people so much because they’re such good people. In many deeply layered ways, many of their friends and relatives are also part of your Soul Family, so it feels natural that they, too, feel a familiar feeling with you. Everything that your Destined Person has is yours. This will not be given to you out of duty; everything will be offered you out of pure Love.
Your Destined Person is the type that will even invent something just to make your world a better one to live in. For one though, your Destined Person is wealthy and has a high status in society. At minimum, they have a super fruitful work filled with meaning, which ensures their incredible reputation and stream of income. This is somebody who’s regarded very highly by their peers and community, and when you are brought together by the divine order of the holy, they will make you an important part of the throne they sit upon.
With your Destined Person, you will not walk behind them the way Kate walks behind Prince William (blegh). You will sit on your Destined Person’s lap on their throne—that’s how much they value you! If they happen to be the Masculine and you’re the Feminine, this devotion and immense level of respect for you will not diminish their Light at all; it will only serve to set an example, of how a true King treats his Queen, whom he respects and loves very dearly~♥︎
holding you in my arms – King of Pentacles & 10 of Cups
Y’all know I hardly ever take 2 cards for a segment because I’m mathematical (LOL) buuut for some reason this one wanted me to take a peek, and peek I did and I was delighted~☆
Your Destined Person is truly the embodiment of a King aenergy, whatever their gender may be. This is perhaps a person who beats to their own drums and defies logical expectations. They’re weird, to be honest, the good kind of rebellious weird. Because the world is crazy and full of losers anyway, your Destined Person’s weird is exactly what makes them the SANEST in this world of lunatics.
This is a person who, in spite of appearing whacko to the world, actually possesses values that are rather ‘traditional’, in the sense that they align themselves with the aenergetic Yin and Yang of the Cosmos. If they assume the male role, you bet they take their maleness very seriously and will do everything in their power to provide an amazing household for you. They help around the house because that’s what’s sensible, too. They are a responsible one! If they happen to be ULTRA WEALTHY, they’re the type to hire bodyguards and/or assistants for you at home and work.
And for sure, this is the Pile that’s blessed with children. If for whatever reason an actual child isn’t possible for you, this is saying that you and your Destined Person are going to birth a new paradigm. Perhaps you will build, invent, create something in your name, which then becomes your legacy. Leaving a legacy is a huge part of your Divine Union because, you both are too extraordinary to die as ordinary people. Long after you’re gone, you’re still going to be remembered as an example of what Love could be in this Human realm~♦︎
the best part – Priestess of Ritual
forever and ever and ever – Priestess of Luxury
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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flagellant · 2 years
FYI, Blanche Appleton did in fact exist and in my reblogs of your post about her I've linked to a few different sources (the New York Times, the National Archives--this was actually another user whom I reblogged from directly, a Japanese periodical called Shufuren Tayori).
Yep, I've actually been referencing your findings in my notes; they've been extremely helpful and taken away to some very strange directions. Appleton not being real would be strange enough, but Appleton being a real person is raising an entirely different set of strange questions
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 397 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 まったく気が滅入るぜ‼︎ まったくきがめいるぜ‼︎ mattaku ki ga meiru ze!! ”How absolutely depressing!!"
2 50も半ばを超えて 50もなかばをこえて 50 mo nakaba wo koete "I'm more than halfway through 50,"
tagline 1 躍動‼︎アーマードオールマイト‼︎ やくどう‼︎アーマードオールマイト‼︎ yakudou!! AAMAADO OORU MAITO!! Vibrant!! Armored All Might!!
3 幼気な青年をなぶるってのぁ‼︎ いたいけなせいねんをなぶるってのぁ‼︎ itaike na seinen wo naburu tte noa!! "and I'm tormenting a helpless young man!!"
tagline 2 No.397 ゴミ拾い  堀越耕平 ナンバー397 ゴミひろい  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 397 GOMI hiroi   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 397 Picking up trash  Kouhei Horikoshi
4 貴様はOFAを手に入れる為"激しい怒り"を宿した きさまはオール・フォー・ワンをてにいれるため"はげしいいかり"をやどした kisama wa OORU FOO WAN wo te ni ireru tame "hageshii ikari" wo yadoshita For the sake of getting your hands on One For All, you [chose to] harbor a fierce rage.
5 そこに付け入る そこにつけいる soko ni tsukeiru I'm taking advantage of that.
6 それのみがこの戦いを唯一成立させる! それのみがこのたたかいをゆいいつせいりつさせる! sore nomi ga kono tatakai wo yuiitsu seiritsu saseru! That alone is what makes this battle work!
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1 私と貴様の縁!!! わたしときさまのえにし!!! watashi to kisama no enishi!!! That connection between you and me!!!
2 魔王が聞いて呆れるぜ! まおうがきいてあきれるぜ! maou ga kiite akireru ze! "The Demon King will be shocked to hear!"
3 "無個性"でも戦れる程度とは‼︎ "むこせい"でもやれるていどとは‼︎ "mukosei" demo yareru teido to wa!! "The degree to which one can fight even when quirkless!!"
4-5 私から目が離せないくらい夢中にさせてやるよ‼︎ わたしからめがはなせないくらいむちゅうにさせてやるよ‼︎ watashi kara me ga hanasenai kurai muchuu ni sasete yaru yo!! I'll make you obsessed until you can't take your eyes off me!!
6 「発条化」+「膂力増強」+「押し出し」+「鋲突」 「ダークボール」+「光塵」 「バネか」+「りょりょくぞうきょう」+「おしだし」+「びょうとつ」 「ダークボール」+「こうじん」 「BANE ka」+「ryoryoku zoukyou」+「oshidashi」+「byoutotsu」 「DAAKU BOORU」+「koujin」 Springlike Limbs + Strength Enhancer + Air Cannon + Rivet Stab + Dark Ball + Light Dust
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1 ボゴオ BOGOO Sound effect: BASH
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1 …雑に組んだな…! …ざつにくんだな…! ...zatsu ni kunda na...! "...So sloppily combined...!"
2 ユーティリティマントオートガード"黒影" ユーティリティマントオートガード"ダークシャドウ" YUUTIRITI MANTO OOTO GAADO "DAAKU SHADOU" Utility Cloak Auto-Guard "Dark Shadow"
3 煽りが効いてる証拠 あおりがきいてるしょうこ aori ga kiiteru shouko It's proof my provocations are effective.
4 喋れ喋れ煽り続けろ俊典‼︎ しゃべれしゃべれあおりつづけろとしのり‼︎ shabere shabere aori tsudzukero Toshinori!! Keep on talking and fanning the flames, Toshinori!!
5 マント損壊 マントそんかい MANTO sonkai "Mantle damage:"
6 左上腕骨・鎖骨粉砕 ひだりじょうわんこつ・さこつふんさい hidarijou wankotsu ・ sakotsu funsai "Upper-left arm, clavicle smashed."
7 動作補助MAX‼︎ どうさほじょマックス‼︎ dousa hojo MAKKUSU!! "Operation assistance to max!!"
8 "戦えている"?何を勘違いしている…? "たたかえている"?なにをかんちがいしている…? "tatakaete iru"? nani wo kanchigai shite iru...? "'We're fighting'? What are you misunderstanding...?"
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1 出涸らしのゴミクズが でがらしのゴミクズが degarashi no GOMIKUZU ga "You're washed-out garbage."
2 ゴミ袋を被ったら気が大きくなったか? ゴミぶくろをかぶったらきがおおきくなったか? GOMI bukuro wo kabuttara ki ga ookiku natta ka? "When you put on that garbage bag, did it make you feel uninhibited?"
3 あ? a? "Huh?"
4 壊れて失うだけだ こわれてうしなうだけだ kowarete ushinau dake da "It'll only break apart and you'll lose it."
5 道具は それは sore (kanji: dougu) wa "That (read as: tool)"
6 限界を超えない げんかいをこえない genkai wo koenai "will not surpass its limits."
7 くれぐれも頼り過ぎることのないようにな くれぐれもたよりすぎることのないようにな kuregure mo tayori sugiru koto no nai you ni na Please don't rely on it too much.
8 アイテムを失ったら力が発揮できない アイテムをうしなったらちからがはっきできない AITEMU wo ushinattara chikara ga hakki dekinai If you lose your item, you won't be able to demonstrate your power.
9 そんなヒーローを私は多く見てきた そんなヒーローをわたしはおおくみてきた sonna HIIROO wo watashi wa ooku mite kita I've seen many heroes like that.
10 気が合うね親友… きがあうねしんゆう… ki ga au ne shinyuu... "We do get along, huh, my close friend..."
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1 なんだ?少年 なんだ?しょうねん nanda? shounen What? Young man,
2 その棒切れ一本で勝つつもりだったのか? そのぼうきれいっぽんでかつつもりだったのか? sono boukire ippon de katsu tsumori datta no ka? were you planning to win with that one stick?
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1 君の時間稼ぎに釣られたんじゃない きみのじかんかせぎにつられたんじゃない kimi no jikan kasegi ni tsuraretanja nai "I wasn't lured by you to buy time."
2 ゴミ拾いできる程ゆとりがあるんだよ僕には!!! ゴミひろいできるほどゆとりがあるんだよぼくには!!! GOMI hiroi dekiru hodo yutori ga arunda yo boku ni wa!!! "I have the leeway to be able to take out the trash!!!"
3 取り繕ってんじゃないよみっともない‼︎ とりつくろってんじゃないよみっともない‼︎ toritsukurottenja nai yo mittomonai!! "You're not keeping up appearances, you're [just] unseemly!!"
tagline 咆哮‼︎ ほうこう‼︎ houkou!! A roar!!
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flaminhotllama · 10 months
Here's the set list from the recent 2023 Natsume Yuujinchou concert. Picture provided by the lovely @meguriau-futari.
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Kimi ga Yobu Namae (きみが呼ぶ名まえ) - OG track 1
Meguru Natsu no Tayori めぐる夏の便り- OG track 3
Nyankorase. (にゃんこらせっ。) - OG track 4
Itsumo Soba Ni (いつも傍に) - Zoku track 9
Kimi woba Mata mu (君をば待たむ) - GoRoku track 3
Manyen no Hoshi (満天の星) - SanShi track 19
Yume Utsutsu (夢うつつ) - Zoku track 7
Yamiyo ni Hisomu Monoari (闇夜に潜むものあ) - OG track 8
Kirameitete Gomen (きらめいててご免) - Zoku track 13
Yuruyaka na Azemichi de (ゆるやかな畦道で) - OG track 5
Hato no Kai Nite (鳩の会にて) - GoRoku track 6
Honoka na Kioku (ほのかな記憶) - OG track 11
Ito Hakanashi (いとはかなし) - Zoku track 10
Sakura no Saku Koro ni (桜の咲く頃に) - Zoku track 18
Youkou no Tsuki ni (妖光の月に) - SanShi track 1
Hyaku Kaminari no Kagura (百雷の神楽) - OG track 13
Haru wo Shiraseru Mono (春を知らせるもの) - Zoku track 19
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oehouoheo · 2 months
I started boruto even though I’ve heard it’s trash, sure the designs are a crime against my eyes , but still I’m giving it a chance, and I can say I’m enjoying it!
i never finished Naruto, but I’ve seen enough what if au videos to know what happens 😅, I lost my place in the anime and wasn’t bothered to rewatch it all
anyway, I’m currently on episode 35 of boruto, and it’s about what boruto wants to be or become as a shinobu after graduation and boruto not really knowing
and I’m pretty sure he just continues fighting, clearly
but am I the only one who wants to see boruto be a postman 😅?
Like I remember the postman Tayori and when boruto did a school trip to work with them , it was all so cute 😅😭
ik it would be mean the end of the story , but postman boruto will forever live in my heart 😭
just imagine boruto settled down and lived a peaceful life as a postman
so cute
I made the edit
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emulation-0 · 1 year
when king gnu says anata ga nozomunara kono mune wo itoshite tayori no nai boku mo itsuka nanimono ka ni naretanara wake monaku namida ga afure souna yoru wo umetsukusu kagayaku yume to naru masayume de mo sakayumeda to shite mo. yeah.
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lyriakisser · 1 year
Tou ni mou hinome nado ogamenai
Hakidame no hankagai
Genron wa bougyaku no sue ni takaraka ni katarou
Sabitsuita tetsukuzu uwasa ni kachi wo motsu
Bouryaku irikunda fujouri na shoudan
Tayori ni shite aganatte ikun da
Aijou wo fukakkou na mama de
Watashi ni wakeataete kureta kara sa
Konna mihitotsu tenbin ni kakete tsuriawaseta nara
Anata no kokoro wo saa uketsugou
Yokubou datte kamen no ura kakuse
Chikatte sono shini wo sarasu na
Kono kudaranai sekai no soko
Akari wo tomose feresu
Kaburitsuite shouaku shiyou
Itatte rifujin na mirai wo ubaou
Ketsumatsu nado mienakutemo
Kamawanai na
Rumor go
The rumor has been going around.
Saa shouaku to ikou ze
Rumor go
The rumor going around.
Tokihanate furasutoreeshon
Rumor go
The rumor has been going around.
Saa hangyaku to ikou ze
Rumor go
The rumor going around that’s
She’ll be queen to save the world.
Mou asa mo yoru mo aryashinai
Hito no shi sura akitara
Aji no shinai gamu no you ni
Hakidashite suteru daro
Iru ko iranai ko tomo ni ikou
Sukui nante nakutemo
Hakidame ni ne wo hari ima
Koe wo ageyou
Saenai sono fukakkou na kao de
Watashi ni waraikakete kureta kara sa
Konna mihitotsu tenbin ni kakete tsuriawaseta nara
Anata no kokoro wo saa uketsugou
Hontou no watashi no kachi wa
Yokubou datte kamen no ura kakuse
Chikatte sono shini wo shirasu na
Kono kudaranai sekai no soko
Mawari mawase Upside down
Kaburitsuite shouaku shiyou
Itatte rifujin na mirai wo ubaou
Ketsumatsu nado mienakutemo
Kamawanai na
Rumor go
The rumor has been going around.
Saa shouaku to ikou ze
Rumor go
The rumor going around.
Tokihanate furasutoreeshon
Rumor go
The rumor has been going around.
Saa hangyaku to ikou ze
Rumor go
The rumor going around that’s
She’ll be queen to save the world.
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glittery-ishfish · 2 years
Fanmade "Carrot and Stick" translation
This is pretty much just an "updated" version of the most popular translation. I did this for fun and because part of Ukraine's dialogue was left out and got mistranslated as a result (yup, this aged pretty bad).
I really don't think that the lyric was "love is sweet to the point of pain". I think it was saying that love is sweet and painful simultaneously, which would make sense for the next line "but if either is missing, it's just not enough".
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Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
愛は 甘くて 痛いのよ どっちがかけても ものた・り・ない
大丈夫 何も心配しないでね
きっとうまくいくわ 私達また助け合える
うれしいわ 今日は2人の記念日ね
きっとうまくいくわ 邪魔するヤツは呪~うもーの
呪~うもーの 呪~うもーの
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
愛に依存は 媚薬だわ ほらもう離れられないさ・だ・め
「一人ぼっちで凍えそうな夜 吹雪にたたずむその姿 いつも思ってた
いくらまわりに反対されても きっと迎えに来てくれるって信じてた」
美しい結晶が まるでライスシャワーのように 祝福するの
一生ついていくって 誓います」
ねぇロシアちゃん 覚えてる?
胸が熱くなるの 頼りになる自慢の弟
ねぇ兄さん 分かってる?
胸が熱くなるの 誰を燃やす炎〜かしーら?
炎~かしーら 炎~かしーら
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
愛が微熱じゃ死んじゃうの もっと強く愛してほ・し・い
「魅力的なお姉ちゃんで ごめんね~」
そのпечкаで 煮えたぎるがいい
なんてイチコロで 暖かくて 正しい制裁
そのпечкаで パンを焼きましょう
なんて幸せで 暖かくて 容易い胃袋
さあ 1つになりましょう
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
愛は 甘くて 痛いのよ
その体に教えてあ・げ・る  その体に刻んであ・げ・る…
“ORAORA! Kyō mo hajimatta ze!”
“Ore-sama ni yoru ore-sama no tame no kayō shō! ‘Odoru PUROISEN’!”
“Kyō no GESUTO wa omachi ka ne! Gozonji, gokkan no TORABURU MEEKAA!"
(…Otto, dotakyan wa nashida, ze?) 
“UKURAINA to BERARŪSHI de, uta wa ‘Ame to Muchi’!”
Suki yo, suki suki, dai~suki!
Kekkon, kekkon, kekkon suru no!
Ai wa amakute itai no yo
Dotchi ga kakete mo monota-ri-nai
Daijōbu, nani mō shinpai-shinaide ne
Kitto umaku iku wa 
Watashi-tachi matta tasukeaeru!
Ureshī wa, kyō wa futari no kinen-bi ne
Kitto umaku iku wa, jama suru yatsu wa noro~u mono! 
Noro~u mono! Noro~u mono!
Sore mo kureru no? Arigatō~!
Kimete, kimete, watashi ni kimete!
Ai ni izon wa biyakuda wa
Hora mō hanare rarenai sa-da-me
”Hitoribotchi de kogoe-sōna yoru, fubuki ni tatazumu sono sugata, itsumo omotteta.”
“Ikura mawari ni hantai sarete mo, kitto mukae ni kite kureru tte, shinjiteta.”
”Mōsugu ame ga yuki ni kawaru.”
“Utsukushī kesshō ga marude, RAISUSHĀWA no yō ni, shukufuku suru no.”
“Isshō tsuite iku tte, chikaimasu.”
Ne~e ROSHIA-chan, oboeteru? 
Issho ni irareta ano yasashī hibi 
Mune ga atsuku naru no, tayori ni naru jiman no otōto!
Ne~e Nīsan, wakatteru? 
Yosomi nanka yurusanai wa zettai
Mune ga atsuku naru no, dare o moyasu honō~ kashira? 
Honō~ kashira! Honō~ kashira!
Hayaku dakishime aitai!
Daite, daite, dakishimete yo!
Ai ga binetsu ja shinjau no
Motto tsuyoku aishite ho-shi-i
”Nīsan…naze sugu ni chōin shite kurenai no?”
“Dare to chōin shiyou to shite iru no?"
“…Omae ka. O m a e  k a…”
”Miryoku-tekina Onēchan de, gomen ne~”
Sono PECHIKA de nietagiru ga ī
Nante ichikoro de atatakakute tadashī seisai!
Sono PECHIKA de PAN o yakimashou
Nante shiawase de atatakakute tayasui ibukuro!
Sā, hitotsu ni narimashou 
Suki yo, suki suki, dai~suki!
Kekkon, kekkon, sore shika nai wa!
Ai wa amakute itai no yo
Sono karada ni oshiete a-ge-ru  Sono karada ni kizande a-ge-ru…
Hora, mō hanare rarenai sa-da-me
“Hey, hey, hey! Today’s a new day!”
“Welcome to the music show made by me, for me, ‘Dancing Prussia’!”
“Today, we have two special guests you’ve all been waiting for! You know them as ‘the Troublemakers of Winter’!”
(...Oh, and no last-minute cancellations, okay?)
“It’s Ukraine and Belarus! Singing ‘Carrot and Stick’!”
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
I love you, love you, love you, I love you so much!
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Marry me, marry me, let us marry!
Love is so sweet and so painful
But if either [feeling] is missing, it’s just not-e-nough
It’s okay, don't worry about a thing
Everything will be fine, 
You and I will help each other again soon!
I’m so happy, today is our anniversary
Everything will go well, 
Whoever gets in our way will be cursed and hated!
Cursed and hated! Cursed and hated!
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
You’re giving that to me too? Thank you~!
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Choose me, choose me, choose only me!
(T/N: I think what's happening here is Russia is handing out gifts for whatever reason. And while Ukraine is happy and grateful that Russia gave her something, Belarus is demanding that Russia only gives gifts to her and no one else)
Dependency is an aphrodisiac of love
Don’t you see, it’s a fate you can’t escape an-y-more
"I always thought of you standing there in the snowstorm on those lonely, freezing nights.”
“I believed that no matter how much people opposed, you would always come back to me.”
”Soon the rain will turn into snow.”
“Beautiful snowflakes will fall, like a rice shower, blessing the two of us.”
“I vow to stay by your side; till death do us part.”
Hey Russia-chan, do you remember?
Those warm, gentle days we spent together
When you’re near, my chest starts to flutter
My dependable, proud little brother!
Hey brother, do you understand?
I’ll never allow you to look away from me, ever
When you’re near, my chest starts to ignite
Who do you think these flames [of love] will burn alive?
Burn alive! Burn alive!
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again!
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Hold me, hold me, hold me in your embrace!
If love were a fever, we would surely die
All I want is for you to love me more-and-more
”Brother…why won’t you sign [the marriage certificate]?”
“Who else would you [be trying to] sign with?”
“…It’s you. I t ‘ s   y o u…”
”Sorry I’m such a charming big sister~!”
You should boil in that печка
Such a befitting, blazing sanction to fit your actions!
Let’s bake bread in that печка
Such a simple, happy thing to warm your stomach!
Now, let us become one
(Become one...Become one...)
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
Я тебя люблю
I love you, love you, love you, I love you so much!
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Не морозь меня
Marry me, marry me, it’s the only way!
Love is so sweet and so painful
I’ll be sure to teach that      I’ll be sure to engrave that
  to your-bo-dy                           into your-bo-dy…
Now you see, it’s a fate you can’t escape an-y-more
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matsutami · 2 years
Princess Letter(s)! Kingyobachi Tayori no Hanashi
I made a spelling mistake at 0:48, it should be “jibun” and not “ibun”
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carsinoska · 2 years
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Album: ASTRO=SIGN Artist: Absolute Castaway
Nunki no Moribito
hama ni yoseru sazanami iwa wo mo kudaku aranami inochi ga umarete kaeri tsuku basho e
yobarete iru watashi ni shika kikoenai koe
komugiiro ni kagayaku kami taiyou no nioi no suru hada aoi hitomi to senaka no uroko wa Nunki no moribito no akashi
dakara watashi wa umi wo mamoru
umi ni shizumu bunmei nemuru kingin zaihou yokubou karitate risei kuruwaseru
okosanaide   tou no mukashi, tsuieta kami wo
hoshi ga ochiru shizukana yoru suihei ga akaku somaru asa ikari ni obie sekai ga furueru Nunki wa subete wo kurau
hontou wa umi to hito, dochira mo odayaka ni kurashite ikereba to omotte iru no
komugiiro ni kagayaku kami taiyou no nioi no suru hada aoi hitomi to senaka no uroko
zutto uke tsugarete kita moribito no yakume to hokori wo kore kara saki no mirai e to tsunageyou Nunki no moribito no akashi
dakara watashi wa hito wo mamoru
Nashira no Kisame
natsu no owari no nioi sukoshi no setsunasa to omoide wo naimaze ni   kisetsu wa utsurou hito kara hito e tsutau omoi wa kisame no you shiawase no shizuku wa yasashiku sunda iro
kakegae no nai daijina kimi e okuru kotoba "tadaima" no tayori wo   koe wo   matteru hito no moto e
ima sugu todokeru yo “daisuki”tte boku no kimochi kokoro-goto subete wo todokeraretara ii no ni
omoi wo kotoba ni   kotoba wo tegami ni kimi wa genki de iru ka na?
natsu no owari no yoru yumemita hoshi no you ni shiawase wo todokeru hito ni naritai'nda
dareka ni totte daijina hito e okuru kotoba yorokobi no tayori wo   koe wo   matteru hito no moto e
ima sugu todokeru yo "arigatou"tte kimi no kimochi hanikanda egao mo todokeraretara ii no ni
bukiyou na moji mo keshigomu no ato mo subete ga atatakai'nda
tsutaetai kimochi wo kotoba ni shite   tegami ni shite todokete mimasen ka? ai wo kometa okurimono
shiawase no shizuku atsumetara kitto ameagari no niji ni naru
Sadachbia no Himitsu
While there's life, there's despair. While there's life, there's hope. No day shall erase you from all memory. Now I know what Love is. Now I feel what Pain is. But, still I love them. I will protect you.
kajikanda yubi   hitori kiri de tatazumu nijimu hoshizora no naka omoi kakushita kizu darake no kokoro   yasashiku fureta anata wasurerareru hazu ga nai… sore ga machigai demo
saigo ni suteki na mahou kakete ageru sayonara, mou nidoto koko ni konaide
"I sing of my sins."
katare   daremo abakenai himitsu wo tatoe owaranai gouka ni mi wo yakare you to anata no tame nara nagedasou anata no tame naraba majo to yobarete mo ii subete wo katarou   darenimo abakenai ai wo utai tsudzukeyou
surikireta kioku wo hiroi atsumete tomosu kaketa hoshikuzu datte   netsu wo kanjiru kizutsuita mirai wo yosoku dekita to shite mo nakatta koto ni dekinai netsu wo wasuretakunai
saisho no mahou wa amari ni osanakute… "kanarazu yoake wa kuru yo" nante
abake   daremo sabakenai shirushi wo owaranai yoru ni hoshi wa kagayakanai keredo anata no tame nara sashidasou anata no tame naraba majo no shirushi wo kizamou himitsu wo abakou   darenimo sabakenai kono kokoro wo mamoru tame ni
——While there's life, there's despair. ——While there's life, there's hope. ——No day shall erase you from all memory. ——Now I know what Love is. ——Now I feel what Pain is. ——But, still I love them. I will protect you.
"I sing of your sins."
sabake   daremo katarenai noroi wo himegoto ga nanika hajime kara wakatte iru wa anata ga suki nante ienai anata wo dare yori mo aishite shimatta kara kono mi wo sabakou anata no shiawase negatte, majo to shite ikiyou
nozonda mono wa doko ni aru zahyou-ten wo michibiki dashite nakitai kurai kogareteru kono kimochi no na wo oshiete yo
kokoro no mayoi abaita yoru no yami furikitte ikusen no hoshi kakiwake anata dake wo sagashidasu
ima iku kara―
takanaru kodou yamenaide   futari wo musubu SIGN ishiki wo togisumasetara   ato sukoshi de te ga todokisou de ikanaide yo   nigenaide   anata ga hoshii no ishiki sureba suru hodo ni okashiku narisou… dou ni kashite yo
nozonda mono wa nan nano ka zahyou-ten wo michibiki dashite waraeru kurai itooshii kono kimochi ni uso wa tsukenai
'kodoku wo tadayoi tsudzuke hiekitta karada demo ikusen no hoshi no hate de   tsuyoku dakishimete kureru?'
'―koko ni iru yo―'
tadashisa nado sutesatte   futari ga musubu SIGN muishiki wo tobikoetara   mata hajimaru aratana sutoorii 'mitsukedashite   mitsumetete   kimi ga hitsuyou nano muishiki ni motome atte dou ni ka narisou… ima sugu kite yo'
taga hazushite yobisamase futari wo musubu SIGN zahyou shimesareta hoshi wo tsunaide kai wo   saa, michibikidase dare yori mo nani yori mo anata ga hoshii no kutsugaeshite miserunda   kimatta reeru nante tsumaranai kara
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nostalblue · 3 months
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そのサービスの名前は Jotform(ジョットフォーム)。紹介のためのトップページだけでなく、フォーム作成・編集画面も全て日本語になっていて導入へのストレスはほとんど無い。むしろ日本国内のサービスより解りやすいぐらいだ。
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usabun-tl · 5 months
English+Romaji Translation
nemurenai yoru no shoujo A
Girl A that can't sleep one night
nagameteita konpyuuta
Gazed at her computer
kyoushitsu no sumi ni shounen B
Boy B in the corner of a classroom
tayori wo sagashite
Searched for something to depend on
baree wo odoru shoujou C
Girl C does ballet
kurashikku wo abiteita
She basked in classical music
gitaa wo katta shounen D
Boy D bought a guitar
myuujishan wo yume mite
With dreams of becoming a musician
nemurenai yoru koeru shoujo A
Girl A made it through a sleepless night
ano bando no eizou wo mita
Looking at pictures of that band
kyoushitsu kiratta shounen B
Boy B that hated the classroom
ano bando ni kokoro wo
Was captivated by that band
baree no kaeri shoujo C
Girl C on her way home from ballet
ano bando wo saidai onryou
Listened to that band at full volume
gitaa wo hiita shounen D
Boy D that played the guitar
suteeji no ue ni tatteita
Stood on stage
どうにかして 今日を守って
dou ni kashite kyou wo mamotte
To make it through today somehow, by some way
今日を祈って 今日を描いた
kyou wo inotte kyou wo egaita
Someone prayed for today, someone painted a picture of today
どうにかして 今日を歌って
dou ni kashite kyou wo utatte
I'll sing of today so that somehow, by some way
dareka ga doko ka de tsunagaru uta
That song will reach someone, somewhere out there
どうにかして 今日を守って
dou ni kashite kyou wo mamotte
To make it through today somehow, by some way
今日を祈って 今日を描いた
kyou wo inotte kyou wo egaita
Someone prayed for today, someone painted a picture of today
どうにかして 今日を歌って
dou ni kashite kyou wo utatte
I'll sing of today so that somehow, by some way
dareka ga doko ka de tsunagaru uta
That song will reach someone, somewhere out there
どうにかして 今日を守って
dou ni kashite kyou wo mamotte
To make it through today somehow, by some way
今日を祈って 今日を描いた
kyou wo inotte kyou wo egaita
Someone prayed for today, someone painted a picture of today
どうにかして 今日を歌って
dou ni kashite kyou wo utatte
I'll sing of today so that somehow, by some way
dareka ga doko ka de tsunagaru uta
That song will reach someone, somewhere out there
どうにかして 今日を守って
dou ni kashite kyou wo mamotte
To make it through today somehow, by some way
今日を祈って 今日を描いた
kyou wo inotte kyou wo egaita
Someone prayed for today, someone painted a picture of today
どうにかして 今日を歌って
dou ni kashite kyou wo utatte
I'll sing of today so that somehow, by some way
dareka ga doko ka de tsunagaru uta
That song will reach someone, somewhere out there
Translation notes:
Have Japanese to English translators just been choosing pronouns/subjects based on vibes because. LOL
The last chorus-like thing at the end there doesn't specify any subjects so I made a couple assumptions which are:
1. The person that is "singing a song about today to reach someone somewhere" is almost positively the singer of this song, and
2. With context from the rest of the song I decided that the people praying and painting are separate entities from the person singing the song.
I'm not sure if things like this even warrant a translation note since it's just like a part of translating a subjectless language into a language that almost always needs a subject. But now you all know anyway.
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sgi1118 · 7 months
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おはようございます。今日のJapanese SEIKYOです。
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