#tbb oc jaye n'cante
fritoley · 5 months
Me: I need to make up a name for the Star Wars planet i made up. Oh, I know! I'll slap some sounds together and make a nice and completely original planet name! The fucking dictionary:
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fritoley · 5 months
Can I just skip to the part where Hunter and Jaye are living happily on Pabu being two idiots in love or do I have to write the part where they hold each other at gunpoint first---
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fritoley · 2 months
Howdy! For the WIP Tag Game, the Bluejay title story really intrigues me! So here are a few questions: What's the fic going to be about? What's the significance of the title 'Bluejay'? What are some things you can talk about regarding the whole new planet you made? (because that sounds really cool and any lore on it is greatly appreciated!) That is all, hope you have a nice day/night! 🩵💫
Sorry for the late reply lol. I'm so excited you asked!
I'll try not to spoil too much lmao---
Bluejay is going to be about my Bad Batch oc, Jaye N'Cante, and the story of her of how she became a medic for the GAR (So it's technically a Clone Wars fic). I'm going to include a lot of lore from her home planet, Gradine, and the war's effects on her indigenous people.
I haven’t fully fleshed out this concept yet, but the people of Gradine have a culture that involves tattoos, resulting in Jaye and her family having their family crest on their backs; a Gradinean bluebird. So something something spoilers she ends up adopting the name “Jaye” in honor of both her family crest and some friends she meets along the way ;)
Gradine is an island planet in the Middle Rim that was colonized by the Republic hundreds or thousands if years ago (i have yet to choose), but Jaye’s people (the natives) have lived in relative peace away from the colonies. The colonies built a city on a distant archipelago that Jaye’s people refer to as the “Metal City.” When the Clone War started, the Republic sends troopers to occupy the village “for their safety,” causing much unrest between the city folk and natives.
I’ve taken inspiration on Native American, Hawaiian, a bits of Indian culture to mix it all up into some kind of beachy warrior culture that you will see on Gradine. They have a chief-family type of government, but there’s quite a history behind it:
The natives of Gradine were first brought about by a magical figure called Ashla, who created the village and made them the people they are today. This Ashla wielded a strage power called The Gift, and it is said that they who possess the Gift were chosen by Ashla to lead the people to prosperity.
And with no context at all, there’s your subplot of Bluejay :D
Geez this was longer than I intended—
I’m planning on putting together a timeline of the planet’s history, which will inclide all kinds of tidbits on Jaye’s culture. Thanks for the ask, I hope you enjoyed my overly-extensive rant 🌻
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fritoley · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 19: “Please Don’t”
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Jaye N'Cante, Hunter Word Count: 761 Content Warning: None Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Jaye tries to start anew, much to Hunter’s opposition.
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Jaye brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, sighing deeply. It had been twelve days since the events of Eriadu, twelve days since Tech and Omega had gone. The Marauder was a complete mess. She had joined Hunter and Wrecker in tearing apart the galaxy trying to find Omega, but now she was more concerned about tearing herself apart in the process. As the two clones sat in the cockpit, Jaye stood in the cargo hold cleaning the ship from top to bottom. She had cleared out the cargo racks that doubled as bunks, completed an inventory, and organized ammunitions before finally sitting down and taking a break. 
She ran her fingers through her hair, sighing again. Her eyes drifted across the room to the gunner’s mount where Lula lay limp. A light layer of dust began to gather on the plush, an ear falling to the side. Omega… Jaye sighed, turning to the goggles on the racks.
The frame was broken and bent, the audio device sitting on the right side marred and useless. Orange-tinted shards clung to the frame, dirt and grime smudging the lens. Jaye stared at the goggles, grief welling up in her chest. Those goggles were a constant reminder of the hell she and the Batch had endured, of the fate the Empire had condemned them to; Tech’s death, Omega’s kidnapping, and Hunter and Wrecker’s despair.
Damn it, Ashla…
Jaye pinched her wrist, repenting for her curse. Now wasn’t the time to be angry at ancestors, or the Empire for that matter. It was time to act. Jaye stood and took the goggles, opening the nearest crate. She looked down at the lens once more, her face twisted in anguish before moving to lay the goggles out of sight.
“What are you doing?!”
Jaye whipped around to see Hunter in the doorway. His eyes darted between her and the goggles in her hand, a mortified look written on his face. Jaye glanced down at the goggles, saying, “I was just — I didn’t want us to spend all day ruminating over the past. Not when we still have to find Omega.”
Hunter started forward, staring at Jaye. “Are — Are you kidding me?” He reached out, trying to snatch the goggles out of Jaye’s hand. “You just want to move on? You wanna just — just forget about Tech?!”
“Of course not!” Jaye exclaimed, pulling away. “But if we keep sitting around doing nothing we’ll never find Omega!”
Hunter grabbed Jaye’s wrist and pulled her toward him, grabbing the goggles and wrenching them out of her hand. “What makes you think you have the right to take his things and act like he was never here?” Hunter shouted, waving the goggles in front of Jaye. “He left because he didn’t have a choice, unlike you, who left without a word!”
Jaye stopped struggling against Hunter’s grip and glared at him. “Excuse me?” she scoffed.
“You heard me. It took you months to come back to us after ‘grieving’ for your own squad, and now you’re telling us we have to put Tech behind us not two weeks after we lost him?!”
Hunter thrust Jaye’s wrist away to emphasize his point. She stared at Hunter, watched his hands ball into fists around the goggles. Anger and grief clawed at her chest. “Believe me, Hunter,” she choked out, her hand resting on her chest. “I loved Tech as much as you did. He was like a brother to me, too! He was the closest thing I had to having Colell back—”
“Please, don’t compare my brother to yours,” Hunter spat, his body shaking with rage. “You never saw Tech; you only saw Colell.”
Something snapped within Jaye. She stared at Hunter as his brows furrowed, his words registering for the both of them. Tears streamed down Jaye’s face as she whispered, “You don’t mean that.”
Hunter said nothing. His eyes flickered, averting his gaze for a fraction of a second, but he met her gaze once more, too prideful and angry to apologize. Jaye gritted her teeth and stormed past Hunter, slamming the controls to lower the ramp as she raced out of the ship. Hunter stared at the opposite side of the room for a moment, sighing deeply. Why did he say that? He turned toward the cockpit to see the ramp open and Wrecker gazing out the window. He turned and looked at Hunter with confusion written all over his face. Hunter closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
Why did he say that?
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fritoley · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 17: Hostage Situation
Fandom: The. Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Jaye N'Cante, Hunter, Royce Hemlock Word Count: 799 Content Warning: Torture, S3 Spoilers Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Hemlock exploits Hunter’s relations with Jaye while waiting for the rest of the Batch to arrive.
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Hunter stumbled into his cell, glaring over his shoulder at the clone trooper who pushed him in. Jaye watched with worried eyes before being shoved down the hall and out of sight. Hunter sighed, scanning his surroundings. He and the Batch had stormed Mount Tantiss on the hunt for Omega, but at some point, Jaye had gone off on her own and gotten caught. Hunter tried to get her out of the sticky situation, ordering Crosshair to take the squad back to the Marauder and wait for them, but Hemlock was one step ahead.
The squad was who knows where, having escaped the facility while Hunter and Jaye were in the clutches of the Empire, awaiting the infamous Dr. Hemlock.
Hunter could hear Jaye cursing out the troopers in the next room over, couldn’t help but admire her boldness, considering she could’ve been shot at any moment. He heard a blow hit and her gasp of pain, then the soft clicking of cuffs. Kriff.
Footsteps receded, leaving Hunter in silence. He waited a moment before moving to the wall adjacent to Jaye's cell and tapping a code on the paristeel: Can you move?
A soft tap of a foot answered: In a chair.
Plan 4?
“Fascinating language, Morse Code.”
Hunter looked to see Hemlock standing at the entrance of his cell, a smug look written on his face. “Wouldn’t you agree, Hunter?”
Hunter glared at the doctor. Hemlock descended the steps, approaching Hunter. “I think we both know how this is going to go. I’ll ask where the rest of your squad is, and you’ll refuse to tell me. Does that sound about right?”
Hunter said nothing. Hemlock smiled. “As I thought. Well, not to worry, it’s only a matter of time before they come back to save you. In the meantime, I thought we could engage in a little experiment.”
Hemlock began pacing across the cell, clenching his gloved hand in his other. Hunter heard a scuffle in the next room over. “Experiment?”
“Why yes,” Hemlock answered, his eyes gleaming as he turned to look at the clone. “Your devotion as a father figure to Omega is quite fascinating. I hadn’t realized that clones could care about those other than their brothers.” Hemlock brushed a piece of lint from his shoulder. “I want to see if that devotion extends to romantic partners, as well. You’re aware of Jannie N’Cante in the next room, yes?”
Hunter’s stomach dropped. “I don’t know what you’re—”
“The fact that you tried to single-handedly save her from my forces proves your relations to her,” Hemlock cut him off. He stared at Hunter with a kind of venom that surprised the clone, a kind of stare that threatened horrible possibilities. “You may have noted that you are not bound to a table or other restrictive surface, besides your cuffs. That was on purpose. You need to have full mobility if the results are to be as accurate as possible.”
Hemlock pulled a comlink out from his pocket and keyed it on. “Begin the sequence.”
“Yes, Doctor,” blared an unfamiliar voice from the comlink before crackling off. Hunter’s brows furrowed in confusion as Hemlock grinned. What was he—
“No. Wait—”
Hunter froze, his hearing strained. He could hear Jaye in the other room, her breathing becoming more erratic. Anxiety spiked in his chest as she cried out. He stared at the floor, listening to his heart pounding. What were they doing to her?!
“Please, no. Please—!”
The scream that ripped through the air made Hunter’s ears ring. His chest seized up, the hands of malice and outright rage gripping his heart. His hands clenched into fists as Jaye gasped for air, begging for the pain to stop.
“She’s not being harmed,” Hemlock chirped. “At least, not physically. A colleague of mine is studying different sounds and how the mind reacts to them, but Jannie’s results turned out to be the perfect material to study you.”
Hunter’s mouth went dry as Jaye screamed again. He glared at Hemlock to see the doctor smiling. Smiling! At the sound of a human being’s pain and agony! How could Hunter have let this happen? How could he have allowed this monster to lay a finger on Jaye, or Omega and Crosshair, for that matter? Was this the leader he was trained to be? To let his team fall apart at the hands of Royce Hemlock?
Hunter struggled against his cuffs. Oh, how he would pay. As soon as Hunter got his hands on the scientist, he would make Hemlock pay. 
“You’re sick,” Hunter growled, his entire body shaking with rage. Hemlock’s grin only widened as he backed out of the cell and allowed the ray shield to close.
“And you are supporting my hypothesis.”
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fritoley · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 13: “You Weren’t Supposed to Get Hurt”
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Jaye N'Cante, Wrecker, Hunter Word Count: 426 Content Warning: None Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Jaye’s frustrations come to a boiling point when a lead to find Omega goes cold.
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“Come on!” Wrecker shouted, racing up the ramp to the Marauder as a flurry of blaster bolts raced past his head. Hunter and Jaye followed him in, turning back and shooting as many troopers as they could before the ramp closed shut. Hunter took the controls of the ship and flew the trio to safety. Jaye removed her helmet and chucked it across the ship, shouting in frustration as it narrowly missed Wrecker, who was descending the ladder from the gunner’s mount.
“We almost had her!” Jaye screamed, pulling at her hair in complete rage. “We almost had her, and we blew it!”
“Jaye, there was no sign of Omega on that entire planet, how did we almost have her?!” Hunter shot back, forcing the ship into hyperspace and spinning his chair around to face her. Jaye glared at him, jabbing a finger into his chest as he stood.
“You said she was in that facility.”
“I said that there was information about her in that facility, not Omega herself,” Hunter shot back.
“There’s only one person in the entire galaxy who could be labeled as a ‘female clone,’ what more information do you need?!” Jaye shouted, gripping the air in a chokehold.
“Hey, if you had disabled the security system like I asked, we would’ve been one step closer to finding Omega. You weren’t supposed to get hurt and blow our cover!” Hunter’s hands balled into fists at his sides, as if he were just itching to strike Jaye.
“Well I’m sorry I’m not as tech savvy as—”
All the fight left Jaye’s body. She stared at Hunter as she realized what she was about to say. Tech. She wasn’t as tech savvy as… Tech. Wrecker let out a soft, “Oh, boy…”
“Jaye…” Hunter’s voice trailed off. His body deflated as the memories of Eriadu came rushing back. The air was thick with tension. Jaye averted her gaze, shuffling her feet as if she didn’t know whether to stay or leave.
“You… you get my point,” she finally said, crossing her arms. Hunter nodded, swallowed hard, and stiffly turned back to the navicomputer. Jaye took that signal and trudged to the other side of the ship. Wrecker started after her, but decided otherwise. It would be best to let her cool down.
He turned to the sergeant. “Hunter…” Wrecker mumbled. Hunter said nothing, slumping back into the pilot’s seat with a deep sigh. He leaned forward and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in defeat.
Maybe it was best to leave Hunter alone, too.
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fritoley · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 11: Time Loop
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Jaye N'Cante, Colell N'Cante, Tech, Wrecker, Hunter Word Count: 695 Content Warning: Major Character Death Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: They say history tends to repeat itself, and for Jaye, it rings true.
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Jaye slumped down against the co-pilot seat of the stolen Republic shuttle, trying to calm her heaving chest. It had been a hectic few days after the Clone War ended, from deciphering comm chatter and dodging patrols to trying to figure out why her brother, Colell, was so terrified of the clones. She had spoken with practically thousands of troopers during her time as a Republic medic, and they all had a different personality, despite having the same genetic makeup.
Then she was told that the only people who ever truly understood her had killed the Jedi.
Colell had whisked Jaye off Coruscant on the stolen Nu-class attack shuttle that was now drifting in space as they planned their next move. Colell walked into the cockpit with two cups of caf, handed one to Jaye, and sat back in the pilot seat.
“Nice view, huh?” Colell said, motioning to the stars outside the transparisteel window. 
Jaye hummed in response. “Better than the view in here.” She swiveled her chair to face her brother. “I thought you were a high-ranking officer. How in the history of Ashla did you manage to scrape up nothing but a little ship with chairs?!” She threw her hand out to her left, referring to the benches that took up the main hold of the ship.
“Hey, it’s not exactly easy to steal from the Republic, okay?” Colell shot back. “You try to hack into the databases of the biggest power in the galaxy.”
Jaye laughed. “Relax, brother. You know I jest!”
“We don’t have time for jokes, Jannie.” Colell swiveled his chair to face Jaye. “The clones turned on the Jedi, and we don’t know who else they could be targeting. The galaxy is changing, and if I die or something, it’s my job to make sure you’re set up for success.”
“You’re not gonna die, Colell, don’t say that,” Jaye answered, placing her cup on the console.
“We have to acknowledge the possibility,” Colell answered. “And I’m letting you know right now, if I do die…”
Colell stood and leaned toward Jaye. A strand of hair hung over his brown eyes as he stared at his sister. Jaye held her breath, awaiting his next words. Suddenly, he smirked.
“No, you can’t have my officer uniform.”
Colell tossed his empty cup into Jaye’s hands and rushed out of the cockpit, glancing over his shoulder to see Jaye fumbling with the cup, laughing. “Oh, c’mon! You know I look better in it!”
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“You must sever the connection hinge. Now!” Tech’s voice blared through Jaye’s helmet with an urgency she had never heard from the clone. Blaster bolts shot by the tram, some even making it through the open doorway. Jaye pressed herself closer to the wall, her hands shaking as she aimed at the TK Troopers on the other tram car. 
“Not until you’re up here!” Wrecker answered. 
“Wrecker, get him on board!” The desperation in Hunter’s voice was evident, causing a spike of anxiety to swell up in Jaye’s chest. A guttural growl escaped her lips as she pushed past Hunter and raised her blasters, recklessly shooting at the TK Troopers. She counted two hits before a stray shot from the other tram car bolted straight into her right shoulder, knocking her off her feet.
“Jaye!” Hunter shouted, taking cover behind the doorway. He rushed to Jaye’s side as she groaned in pain.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Jaye said, leaning on Hunter as he helped her stand.
“There is no time, Wrecker,” Tech continued. Jaye looked to see Tech hanging by a thread from the broken tram car, felt the cars shake violently as the Imperial spacecraft shot another round.
“Tech!” Jaye shouted, pressing her good hand to her helmet. “No, Tech, you’re not gonna die, don’t— don’t say that!”
“Don’t do it, Tech!” Wrecker pleaded, his voice tight with strain.
All Jaye heard was a deep breath and a moment of silence. No blaster bolts, no attack shuttles, no shuddering tram cars. She stared at Tech through the broken metal as he raised his blaster and spoke his final words.
“When… have we ever followed orders?”
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fritoley · 8 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 6: “You Lied to Me”
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Jaye N'Cante, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Omega Word Count: 661 Content Warning: None Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Hunter’s cryptic farewell leaves Omega worried
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Omega raced through the spaceport, finally arriving at the Marauder to find Hunter and the Batch getting ready to leave. She watched as Wrecker and Tech took inventory, arguing about weapons and explosives. Wrecker’s grumbles rang throughout the port as he begrudgingly dropped a crate and walked off, leaving Tech shaking his head in disappointment. When the burly clone had told her about the mission, she had started to worry, wondering why she hadn’t been told about it earlier. Omega scanned the scene until she found Hunter leaning against a pillar a ways off, his arms crossed as he seemed to be talking to Jaye. 
“...I know, I know, but since Echo is off with Rex, I need you to take care of her while we’re gone,” Hunter murmured, rubbing Jaye’s upper arm with his thumb as she wiped her eyes. “We’ll be back soon, I promise.”
“Please don’t say that, we both know it’s not true!” Jaye shot back, her voice cracking as she spoke. A sense of anxiety spiked in Omega’s chest. What are they talking about?
The young clone’s shoes slapped against the floor as she approached them, alerting Hunter of her arrival. Jaye saw her and pulled away from Hunter, turning her back to them as she recollected herself.
“Hunter?” Omega asked. “What’s going on? Where are you going?”
Hunter kneeled before Omega. “We’re… going on a mission. It’s really dangerous, so you and Jaye are going to stay here.”
“But,” Omega started. She glanced at Jaye, who had pushed her hair behind her ear and was watching her and Hunter out of the corner of her eye. “You promised that you wouldn’t leave me behind.”
“I know, kid,” Hunter answered, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I need you to do this. We’ll be back as soon as we can, and as soon as we are, I’ll bring a big carton of Mantell Mix to celebrate, alright?”
Omega said nothing. She was still apprehensive, still confused on why it was so important she and Jaye stay behind. Hunter sensed her confusion, so he reached over and grabbed his helmet from a nearby crate and handed it to Omega.
“Hold on to this for me, will you?” Omega stared at the helmet, then at Hunter. He smiled half-heartedly as she took the helmet and held it close to her chest. Hunter stood, ruffling Omega’s hair before turning to Jaye. Tears continued to stream down her face as Hunter pulled her close, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Jaye buried her face in the crook of his neck, her eyes screwed shut. Omega's heart hurt at the sight. She didn’t understand what was happening, why Jaye was so devastated when Hunter promised he’d return. 
Omega looked to see Wrecker waving Hunter over, he and Tech already in the ship. Hunter glanced back at Jaye, who nodded through teary eyes. Hunter squeezed her hand before turning and hurrying to the Marauder. He ran up the ramp and glanced over his shoulder, meeting Omega’s eyes. Omega stood there, watching Hunter as the ramp raised, concealing him from view. She gripped his helmet in her hands as the Marauder took off, glancing at Jaye to see her still crying, a hand covering her mouth as she watched the ship disappear.
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“Why…?” Omega cried, tears streaming down her face as she fell to her hands and knees. Stars from far away galaxies lit up the night sky, their glow drowned out by Ord Mantell’s light pollution. It had been weeks since Hunter and the Batch had left, only to hear from Tech and Wrecker that their brother had sacrificed himself for the sake of the mission.
Hunter’s helmet lay before Omega, practically untouched by the young clone as she waited for the arrival that never came. Omega wrapped her arms around herself and sobbed, her tears dissolving into the ground as she whispered, “Why? Why did you lie to me?!”
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fritoley · 8 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 3: "Bite Down on This"
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Jaye N'Cante, Hunter Word Count: 531 Content Warning: Blood Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: Another failed mission to find Omega leaves tensions running high.
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Hunter cringed as Jaye’s screams echoed through the Marauder once more. His hands practically shook while cleaning the laceration on her back, the disinfectant sending bolts of pain through her body with each touch. She leaned forward and hacked out another mouthful of blood onto the floor, her arms slung over either side of the headrest with one knee on the chair. The splatter of blood hitting the paristeel flooring made Hunter sick. Starting to panic, he bunched his scarf up in one hand and pressed it over her wound, then with the other hand, pulled his bandana off and handed it to Jaye.
“Here,” he mumbled, trying to distract himself from her whimpering. “Bite down on this.”
In her delirious state, Jaye locked her jaw onto the bandana, sweat and grime flooding her taste buds. “Are you karking kidding me?” she muttered around the cloth.
“Would you rather have the bloody scarf?” Hunter shot back, stress raising his voice by several octaves. Said scarf was still pressed against the laceration on her back, just below the tattoo depicting a Corellian banshee bird. Jaye’s jacket and bloodied tunic lay on the console to Hunter’s right, her breastband long discarded in the commotion. Hunter reached for the biggest bacta patch he could find, tossing the scarf to the side and pressing it to the wound. Jaye let out a guttural growl as her hands balled into fists.
“It wouldn’t hurt if you would stop moving,” Hunter muttered, grabbing a roll of bandages from the medkit.
Jaye spat the bandana onto the floor and turned her head. “I wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you were looking where you were throwing your knife.”
Hunter’s lips twisted in disdain. He wrapped the bandage around Jaye, moving close to her ear as his voice dripped with venom. “If you had stuck to the plan, we wouldn’t have been surrounded by Imperials.”
“Maybe if you weren’t such a terrible leader, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place!”
There was a moment of silence as her words sunk in. Jaye listened to the sudden pause, the sharp inhale as he registered what she said, then his body heat moving away as he tied off the bandages. Jaye’s hand floated above her abdomen, feeling the bandages, then she turned to a faceful of bunched up cloth. She caught it as it fell, realizing it was her tunic. She looked up to see Hunter moving past her, picking his bandana from the floor.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Hunter started, his voice shaking as he spoke. “but I’ve been doing the best I can after everything that’s happened. Tech, Omega… I don’t need this as well.”
Jaye watched as Hunter wrung his scarf out, blood pouring onto the floor. Her blood. 
“But if you’re going to sit there and question my leadership...” Hunter continued, avoiding eye contact as he folded his bandana and scarf. Jaye watched him rub his tired and red eyes as he walked away from her and into the cockpit. Her breath hitched in her throat,  anticipating his final words.
“...Then you can be dropped off on the next planet and lead yourself.”
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fritoley · 8 months
Febuwhump 2024 - Day 1: Helpless
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars) Characters: Jaye N'Cante Word Count: 422 Content Warning: Starvation Previous // Next Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
Summary: A mission gone wrong leaves an ex-Republic trooper fighting for her life.
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It had been months.
Months since Jaye had first landed on the sulfurous dunes of Florrum. Months since she and her crew found the abandoned pirate stronghold in search of the valuable cargo Cid demanded they retrieve. Months since the squad of rogue pirates ambushed them, forcing her and her clone crewmates, Rover and Flint, to flee with nothing but a crate of rations and 400 bottles of Jet Juice.
Months since Jaye watched her own brother, Colell, killed before her eyes.
Rover had been injured from the attack and, despite Jaye’s best efforts to heal him, died from infection. That left her and Flint to create a strict rationing regiment to preserve the little sustenance they recovered, eating as little as possible while they figured out how to get off that damn rock. Their ship was damaged beyond repair, including the long-range comm unit, which meant no getting a message back to Cid. They were on their own.
It only took a few weeks before Flint pointed out their armor becoming too big. Then Jaye noticed her hair getting thinner, to which she hacked at in anger and derangement. Their eyes became sunken, their cheeks hollow. The subtle agony in the pits of their stomachs became more and more every day. As rations went low, Jaye started digging through the Jet Juice, hoping the booze would dull her hunger. Nothing worked. Arguments broke out almost every day until it was too strenuous to even stand. Laying around became their main pastime, exchanging as few words as necessary to preserve their strength.
Finally, Flint had had enough.
Jaye begged him not to leave, tried to convince him that Cid, or anyone, would send help. He didn’t listen. He left with a blind determination to "find some karking food or die trying."
He never returned.
Jaye lied alone in the remnants of her ship, desperately trying to ignore the hunger gnawing at her stomach. No communication, no food, no strength. The situation was hopeless. All she could do was drink bottle after bottle, getting up only to grab more. Watching the sparks fly from broken cables above her head, her mind kept returning to one thought: I am going to die.
A surge of self-pity swelled in her chest, and before she knew it, tears were cascading down her face. Her entire body trembled, the involuntary movement reminding her of her starvation. The bottle in her hand fell and rolled away, the precious liquid pouring out. One hand clutching her stomach, she gritted her teeth and pounded the floor, giving in to her despair.
She was helpless. And there was nothing she could do about it.
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