#tbh they could have even all enlisted at the same time and that would have been fine too
britcision · 7 months
New day new conspiracy to be unhinged about woooooo
This right here.
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The moment where Kabru reveals he’s Milsiril’s baby boy (and more relevantly the last survivor of Utaya)
Kabru telling them that he actually wanted to enlist in the Canaries directly, but couldn’t because of the racial barrier. How true that is……. Well let’s say I’m sure he wanted to when he was little, buuuuut by the time he left it wasn’t that they wouldn’t let him
And tbh the reason why is very much the next panel:
The Canaries learn he’s Milsiril’s little boy and immediately fucking claim him as theirs, asking if he’s been eating well, if he wants cake, telling him to cheer up and smile sometimes
It is notably the convicts, especially Otta and Fleki although Cithis has been leading the conversation; Pattadol is not in frame and Mithrun ruins all their fun by staying on track
Kabru is not 30 seconds out of saying he was raised by their vice commander before he is being babied, and there’s a fun read of just “well this is our child now we must care for him for Milsiril hello new nephew”
But. Given what we later learn Milsiril’s care is actually like. The room where Kabru could eat all the cake that he wanted, that he never ever wanted to return to even when freezing and starving.
Where she gave him such arduous and extensive sword training he thought he would die, with the stated intent of showing him how bad it could be to make him give up and stay with her forever.
“Wanna eat some cake” is suddenly a much darker comment, and doesn’t have a directional bubble, so I’mma pin it on Cithis on general Sketchy Bitch vibes
Now, that only makes sense if these folks know Milsiril directly, or have some way to know what her home life is like for her adoptees
(Or Cithis can read minds which let’s be honest absolutely no one needs to be true but she deserves it)
But. So does that immediate tonal shift
“Oh, you’re Milsiril’s kid. Now we care about you beyond being an interruption.”
We know Pattadol is on her very first mission. We know Cithis has been responsible for Mithrun’s care for long enough while he’s back on active duty that she gets bored of her new doll.
(And that she only started respecting him after they acquired Pattadol, whiiiiich. He got back to active duty 14 years ago. None of the other Canaries got their own timeline, but he’s also had long enough to have an established track record of getting his warden partners killed
When Flamela assigns Cithis to his wellbeing, she pretty clearly knows the extent of his caretaking issues, and this whole section of the timeline is fuzzy, but it is specifically Pattadol who is the first to tempt Cithis into telling Mithrun to hurt her
And specifically not until after he refuses that she begins to respect him)
Milsiril has been retired for the same 14 year period, taking Kabru and for some reason one of her own Canary convicts home with her, but she served with Mithrun when he initially became a Dungeon Lord 40 years pre series… and most of that squad died in Mithrun’s dungeon
(Also his lover became a snake person at some point for some reason sooooo monsterfucker ahoy)
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(We know that’s the lover from both Mithrun’s initial vision and his Adventurer’s Bible comic which identifies his brother as the one with the short hair. Presumably they were not always a snake?)
None of the names he gave Kabru in his backstory refer to any of his current party members
Otta and Fleki mention Milsiril in Otta’s comic when teasing Otta about being a pedophile because she only dates halffoot women and breaks up with them when they turn 30
(This being past middle age for halffoots, who become adults at 13 and live to around 50; Chilchuck is 29.
One might expect… say… visible signs of aging to show up around 30. Reminders of how little time they have left. Although, frankly, how much free time does Otta actually have to be dating outside of work???? They’re so shorthanded Mithrun made captain the minute he could serve after Utaya)
Ahem. We digress.
Otta’s reaction (directly saying Milsiril treats shorter lived people like pets while she loves them as individuals, which Kabru Does Not Deny) might be because she’s seen Milsiril’s behaviour directly, or just being sick of the comparison. Hard to say, but Milsiril already doesn’t like elves
No, the conspiracy theory today is that CITHIS in particular has worked with Milsiril between Mithrun being rescued and Utaya’s destruction, possibly with Fleki and Otta
They’re all close to Mithrun’s age so there’s a very real possibility they were serving when Utaya fell, and either were lucky enough not to get sent there (there are so many dungeons in the world) or unlucky enough not to retire in the aftermath
Dumping Mithrun with Milsiril’s survivors makes perfect sense - the two had served together as wardens and Milsiril Barest Possible Minimum took a personal interest in Mithrun returning to duty after Utaya
She’s the one getting him to take his first steps and tells him she’ll get him back in a dungeon
Milsiril, known hater of elves, left the Canaries on good enough terms with her convicts to take one with her (Helki, shown in Mithrun’s story and Kabru’s training flashbacks - the only other survivor we know of from Mithrun’s dungeon)
And these particular convicts immediately brighten up knowing that Kabru is one of Milsiril’s; he’s in a very different position from Mithrun, who basically has direct power over their lives and deaths, but if you have a potentially unstable new captain who’s gonna be extra dependent on his convicts coming in…
Well, it’d be nice if the convicts have a reason beyond “well if both of our wardens die we can’t use magic so we will too” to keep him alive and moving
Note: they did at some point hand him directly over to fucking Cithis, who has an established track record of wrapping her captains around her little finger and doing whatever the fuck she wants anyway
(To the point that she’s left and “rejoined” the Canaries multiple times, and her behaviour with Mithrun is considered her having calmed down… while actively trying to have him hurt his subordinate wardens and plotting to kill Pattadol)
So. Not. Y’know. Convinced that anyone necessarily was thinking that particular assignment through. Although you could argue that they were just heading off the inevitable and letting her know this one is high maintenance
Tl;dr: Mithrun’s a monsterfucker, this is established fact and not a conspiracy theory
Kabru’s been adopted by the Canaries the second they know who his mom is, which may explain why no one actually tries to stop him when he grabs Mithrun later despite him not having a weapon
(Fear of Milsiril finding out they’ve hurt her boy > rescuing Mithrun or later even stopping Kabru from helping Laios repeatedly)
And Cithis, Fleki, and possibly Otta worked directly with Milsiril at one point before Utaya, which is why Mithrun was given them specifically - he was one of Milsiril’s projects too, Milsiril’s personal involvement unclear
How much this has to do with Mithrun getting all his warden comrades killed but apparently not his convicts: unclear
(Still bet Cithis “helped” with the warden before Pattadol)
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softguarnere · 1 year
It's your girl, your sweet cheese, your good time gal (someone please shut me up omfg). Now...you know i am a Joe Toye lover, and if you've seen me recently...he is the only man on my mind. I was wondering if you might indulge me a little with a Joe Toye x reader where they're besties since young and both end up being paratroopers together but then something happens and he thinks he's lost her but she's actually fine and maybe like fluffy reunion...idk tbh i'd take anything you write and eat it up so do whatever. Love youuuuu xx
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Joe Toye x reader
A/N: OMG BELLA I MISSED YOU!!!! 💖 WELCOME BACK BABE! And of course we have a fic with a T Swift reference for you hehehe (This is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) Thanks so much for the request, and I hope you like this 💕 Warnings: mentions of war, death
You would kill him if you knew where he was right now. And yet, here he is. Trying to reassure and comfort your mother while sipping coffee from her finest set of teacups. The same teacups, he’s now realizing, that you used to serve him water in as children, calling it tea while the two of you played house, discussing the workplace as if you had any idea what went on there, while the adults around you struggled through the lack of those very places during the thirties. It could just be a coincidence, but after spending most of his life around her, Joe Toye would like to think that he knows your mother better than that.
“And you know how hardheaded she is,” your mother is ranting, cutting a fresh slice of poundcake and placing it on Joe’s plate. “She isn’t going to listen to me. Or anyone for that matter, now that her mind is made up.”
Oh, Joe knows exactly how hardheaded you are. In no small part thanks to the times that he accidentally clobbered that very head during neighborhood football games.
“(Y/N) feels good about this, Mrs. (Y/L/N),” Joe says, unsure of what he’s supposed to say during your mother’s hour of need. She’s right, after all – your mind has been made up, and it will not be changed.
“But do you?” Your mother fixes him with a hard gaze, raised brow and all.
You were with Joe when he went to enlist. He had watched your eyes sparkle when they fell onto the sign stating that women should inquire within about an exciting new opportunity that would allow them to serve their country like never before. And he had been by your side when you both left the building, both holding papers and smiling at the thought that you would be becoming paratroopers – together.
“Yes. (Y/N) is strong. She’ll be good in – “
“Joesph,” your mother interrupts. The façade finally falls as she collapses into the chair across the table from him, head in her hands. “She’s my baby! What if something – oh, God forbid! – happens to her? I couldn’t live with myself.”
Joe is by her side in an instant. When he announced that he was joining the Airborne, everyone had clapped him on the back and congratulated him. You have not had the same experience. While everyone keeps assuring Joe that he’ll do great things, the same people have been cautioning you to be careful. Some have even warned you that you should just give up now. And it’s all only served to strengthen your determination, with every underestimation making you more sure that this is what needs to be done.
All that is to say, Joe has no clue what to say to your mother. She needs to be comforted. But he’s out of his depth.
“I’ll watch out for her,” he finally manages.
Beneath the comforting hand that Joe has placed on her shoulder, your mother freezes. Watery eyes gaze up at him. “You – you will?”
“Of course.” The two of you have grown up together. You’ve always been friends. Why would he stop looking out for you now?
Your mother throws her arms around his neck, wrapping him up in a tight hug. “Oh, thank you!”
Joe is struggling to come up with something more to say when the sound of the front door opening and shutting saves him. Your footsteps echo through the front of the house as you call out in greeting.
“Ma! I’m home!” Stepping into the kitchen, you cross your arms, leaning onto the doorframe as you let out a loud sigh. “Wow, you would almost think that Joe is the child that you’re sending off to war instead of me.” You smile, and anyone could see how much you love your mother.
She wipes her teary eyes and pats Joe’s arm as he stands, returning to his seat. “I’m going to miss having someone around who doesn’t get into trouble all the time,” she teases as she cuts a slice of poundcake for you.
Something about the change of topic tells Joe that she would rather not have you find out about their conversation. His watching over you can be their little secret. And a job that he’ll readily accept.
After all, he tells himself as he watches you laugh at something your mother says. You would do the same for him.
The adrenaline from taking Brécourt Manor still hasn’t worn off yet. Joe is laughing at something that Guarnere said as they head back down the road. Something about this moment makes him feel invincible. This is why he chose to become a paratrooper, he realizes.
More men and women have congregated in the town since he’s been gone. Finally glancing at his watch reveals that he’s been gone most of the day. Wow, really? It didn’t feel like the assault took that long at all. At least it kept him busy, instead of sitting around here, waiting.
Joe scans the crowd, hoping to catch sight of you. When he doesn’t immediately spot you, he stops one of the other female paratroopers as she passes.
“Hey, Lilian. You seen (Y/N) around?”
Lilian pauses, her pretty green eyes widening slightly. “Oh. No.” She bites her lip, holding back something more.
“What is it?” Joe presses.
Her hesitation is not a good sign. Then she blurts out, “No one has seen her since the jump.”
“You mean – “
“She was supposed to be in my drop zone – but she wasn’t.”
The reality of it all sets in. (Y/N) didn’t reach the drop zone. Did she even make it out of the plane? God, he promised your mother that he would look out for you. Yet, here he is, with no clue where you might be.
He may have only just reached Europe, but he’s already failed his mission.
The dust is settling over Carentan when the incongruous cheer and subsequent peel of laughter hits Joe’s ears. Somewhere off in the distance, someone is celebrating. Meanwhile, he’s guarding Doc Roe as the medic moves along the streets, inspecting the bodies strewn over them to see if there’s anybody still alive that he can help.
“Thanks for doing this,” Roe says as he stands once more, moving on to another body.
“Hmm?” Joe snaps his attention back to the moment at hand. “Oh, no problem.”
Except there is a problem. He’s trying to catch a glimpse of every face as Doc Roe checks the bodies. He tries to make out names on dog tags, dreading that one of them might belong to you. He couldn’t stand it if he found you here, like this. What would he tell your mother? How would he ever erase that awful image from his mind? Of the little girl that he once played house with, lying motionless on these cold streets? It’s no better to imagine you going down in a plane doing a fiery corkscrew as it nosedives to the unforgiving soil of a foreign land. But at least he didn’t have to see that.
The terrible job done, he follows Roe back to the rest of the company. Despite everything that just happened, a few smiles can be expected, along with congratulatory words. But this is more than that.
A small group of men mill about, talking, smiling, as they watch a smaller group of the female paratroopers huddled together in a group, all talking loudly and looking excited. From the corner of his eye, he can see Doc Roe glance at him, but before the medic can ask what’s going on, the crowd parts and Joe freezes.
There, in the middle of it all, is you.
“(Y/N)?” It comes out louder than he means for it to, and his feet are already carrying him, double time, in your direction before he realizes what he’s doing.
You look up, your eyes widening. “Joe!” You launch yourself at him, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him in close.
Something rushes through Joe’s chest like a flash of lightning, too many feelings at once. There’s shock, relief, and something that he can’t quite name. Not caring about getting written up for fraternizing, Joe hugs you back, holding you close, lest you slip away from him again.
“Jesus Christ. I thought I lost you,” he says into your hair.
“I’m fine, as usual. Can’t believe you would doubt me like that.” Your voice is light, teasing, but your grip on him tightens. The usual confident swagger doesn’t leave your voice, but you admit in a quieter voice, “I, uh – I missed my drop zone. Had a hell of a time trying to find the rest of the company. But here I am!”
When the embrace ends, Joe still isn’t ready to let go. He leaves his hands on your shoulders, studying you. And you, for your part, hold onto his webbing. “I was just worried about you, is all.”
You nod. “I was worried about you, too. I – “
“Easy Company!” A booming voice interrupts. “We’re moving out!”
Quickly, while everyone is distracted, you raise yourself up on your tiptoes and press a kiss to his cheek. Heat rushes to Joe’s cheeks. He feels his eyes widen. You just smile at him, casual as can be.
“We’ve been friends since we were seven. You can’t get rid of me that easily, Joseph.” Then, you rejoin your friends, leaving him to replay the scene over and over in his mind.
He turns to watch you go, unable to move his feet from where they suddenly appear to be stuck to the ground. He’s held in place by the weight of his realization – the emotion that he couldn’t name was love, for you.
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mylittleredgirl · 7 months
finally, m*a*s*h update!
season four disc two! ("quo vadis, captain chandler" to "dear ma")
there is a LOT going on in the frank and margaret department
i kind of tipped my hand here when i posted about my new obsession, but even if you are not circling the drain on this doomed ship... the Unresolved Breakup Tension is fuckin WILD in this disc
she literally punches him in the face!!! how was that not a breakup!
but then he buys her something or does something to charm or impress her, and it works! then he blows it again!! rinse and repeat!!!! i am 👀🍿
sam and diane from cheers are still theeee platonic ideal of slap-slap-kiss but these clowns definitely walked so they could run
i literally jumped off the couch when his wife found out, aaaaa it's so juicy
I'M SORRY i realize this doesn't speak well of me as a person, but those long close-ups on her face as she voluntarily eavesdrops on him dismissing their relationship (twice!!) and her heart gets fully crushed??? i could eat popcorn to this all day.
this is the kind of dysfunctional relationship that my artist friends would choose in our youth so that we could Suffer and Make Art, so i really hope margaret is writing terrible poetry about it
anyway, we're peroxide-roots deep into GIRL WHY??!??
and then bj very gently explains to radar that well, see, frank and margaret both kinda suck and we're in the middle of nowhere, so they're all they've got
and i had to spend three or four days staring at the ceiling about it, because YEAH. it's not just that they're each other's only rank-appropriate source of star-spangled orgasms
(and they both care far more about military hierarchy than they do about marital fidelity)
but they are so consistently unkind to everyone around them that they have no other choice for any human connection full stop.
i'm not even talking about their ongoing bullying war with hawkeye and trapper or bj, because that's dirty pool on both sides, but i could count on one hand the number of times either of them have interacted with a subordinate nurse or enlisted man without threatening them. like they literally would not have anyone else to talk to.
but the reveal that she still wants to MARRY HIM? oh god. ohhhh honey. noooo.
that fake proposal prank was so genuinely mean. mostly because they ruined her hot date! 👏 let 👏 margaret 👏 fuck 👏 random 👏 dudes 👏
"isn't general barker the one who wanted you to spank him?" lmaoooo
OKAY i swear i can talk about other things:
hawkeye continues to just NOT pull without trapper here. the nurses are fully dismissing or ignoring his efforts, and honestly is he even trying that hard?? have we seen him get even one date?
i've been trying to come up with an "intricate rituals" joke about hawkeye and trapper but where the rituals are... girls. you get me.
i re-watched the pilot and the desk ep (for frank/margaret reasons DON'T JUDGE ME), and hawkeye and trapper LITERALLY end the pilot handcuffed together, and in the next episode talk about sharing a nurse. how am i supposed to take this???
speaking of nurses, you know that little 🙄 you have to ignore in 2024 whenever the women on m*a*s*h get called honey and sweetheart and baby on the job (though tbh i worked on a construction site and an ad sales office in the 2010's and got the same treatment -- but in the modern day it's done ironically babe)
BUT when potter calls margaret "good girl" after he gets shot??? total opposite feeling. i literally had to pause and take a moment. he's her dad now.
also when he tucks radar in???? everyone's dad actually
in loving memory of radar's other dad though, two important points:
how proud would henry have been of drunk & disorderly radar??
and henry's "i've always wondered if i might be radar's dad" bit is genuinely 900% funnier now that we know radar's mom looks EXACTLY like him.
i don't think i have ever circled back to talk about klinger, who became so so so awesome
it's so funny that in klinger's very first appearance and 30 times since then, he has been told straight up that wearing women's clothes will never work to get him out of the army. there's no explanation for his commitment to this particular form of passive resistance except that he genuinely loves it
the swamp rats built a still and klinger got a sewing machine and learned a craft. he's so good at it!! his looks are 🔥
i feel uncomfortable when i see him in fatigues tbh. it happened a few times in this disc and i would like it to Stop actually
also precious baby father mulcahey... Protect Him.
i LOVE that everyone showed up for his church service when the grand poobah chaplain was in town. they love each other!!! (also the life magazine jeep shoot!!!)
"quo vadis, captain chandler" was really good. i'm still over colonel flagg's whole deal but i now understand why everyone loves sidney freedman, and the guest actor they had playing not-jesus was incredible
bj continues to be the best little brother hawkeye could have asked for
also he maybe invented cpr?
i didn't say much about him here but I LOVE HIM and also his off-screen wife
forward and onward!!!
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chevelleneech · 3 months
"Because from the outside it seems like such a serious commitment when you think about how serious the military is."
Apart from jkkrs this is thef first time I'm seeing someone actually acknowledge the importance of the companion system and jm and jk using that for their military service. you might be jkk biased idk anything about you so...at the end it might be coming from a jkk bias at the end but i love that.
Don't get me wrong but when jkk's enlistmemt news hit the tl i saw only the same 3 big army accts talk about how big that is all others were busy making their typical tweets plus "how dare you separate vmin", "how dare you separate taekook", "return hobi his jm back" like okay i get the sentiment but where is anyone acknowledging the fact that jkk will be together? nowhere. saw few About jikook having jin to guide them but there was nothing specific for jkk ever acknowledged. but given the fandom's record it's nothing surprising how they hardly would acknowledge jikook's moments like that.
Idk how it looks from outside cause I'm quite a jkkr (not the one who belives they're dating cause i personally don't think so but yeah they're my bias) so for me it indeed seems important for them. if we look at all these yrs of jm providing comfort to jungkook, how jungkook would chose jm as the hyung that gives him comfort the most, and how jm would always say that he feels protected and comfortable around jungkook their decision makes sense. tbh the news was a shock to me cause i like other jkkrs always thought jm would enlist months before jk's MS so it was shocking. But if you know the history then it shouldn't surprise you.
Jkkrs say not even military can keep them apart and if you think then they haven't been apart from eachother for longer since the time the first met. not saying haven't been apart enjoying their time with other ppl cause they did but they somehow always want to be present in eachother's business lol. Even when they left the dorm jkk were one the members who left it last when some members left it early. This was the time where they definitely could have taken break from being around same ppl all the time yet they said nope.
They're also the only idols that come up when you search for "idols that have used Buddy program" so it is interesting. Other members do casually shows up here n there post things yet we Hardly hear from them both. willingly choosing to go to frontline because you're using buddy prgrm is also something. I'd rather let my fate decide where i land my training in sk than willingly go to the dangerous part of borders. but if i had the chance to do my MS with the person who is my emotional support and is my comfort I'll take it in a sec.
I don't think we'll ever get the proper in depth answer to the question, maybe they'll say that since they're the ones with tattoes they decided to go together. i mean even if tattoed there's many options open for them, far well than the frontline and as you said saying (them telling us) they needed most emotional support wont look good on them so i know they won't be too deep with their answer. They're too private like that.
Thanks for your beautiful posts.
Just to put it out there, I am army, so I’m pretty deep in the trenches of Jikook. I don’t know if I think they’re dating with 100% certainty, but I am someone who doesn’t understand why people think it’s impossible. They grew up together, work together, and clearly really enjoy each other's company seemingly more than they do their other members. That obviously doesn’t equal romance, but acting like assuming they’re together is gross or ridiculous, it’s stupid. People date their friends and coworkers every single day. Celebrities more than anyone else, so why would presumed queer people be any different?
As for the rest, I’m glad you liked what I said! You also seem to be the only person who really got what I was trying to say. It’s clear JM and JK care deeply for each other and find comfort in one another, so them choosing the buddy system makes sense on the surface, but it doesn’t really explain anything. Which they aren’t obligated to do, but them making such a choice is a big deal when they had other options. So why make such a serious choice? What was the catalyst, when their friendships with other members are equally as important to them? What was it about their bond that caused them to decide, “We can’t do this alone like the rest of them. We have to do this together.”
Was it just them being close friends? Was it mental health related? Was it romance related? Was it work related? We’ll never know. We just know they’ve always been there for each other, and enlistment didn’t change that, no matter the missing (for us) context.
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mimikoolover · 3 months
Jikook are in the closet. What else is JK suppose to say? Do you honestly think they sprung that show on JK in the middle of his promotions? Or is that what they want people to think to downplay it? Do you really think Jimin flew for a drink? It was clearly planned by Jikook, not the company. Jimin didn't just hop a flight and go impose on JK's release week. And Jkk really need to start using their heads, cause closets are complicated and its pretty clear Jikook used the show as a blanket to spend time together. I don't get fueling tkk company narrative. All its doing is setting Jikook up. Jikook are gonna do everything to downplay it since it was when a couple day was happening and jkk should expect that.
but my point is we only know what they said and the rest we have to guess, so your guess is as good as mine, i guess?🤣 they could have went to the company and asked to do a travel show but that's not something they said (yet) so we don't actually know how it came about and tbh i don't think they will ever talk about it like that because jikook don't tend to tell us the details of things like that (the same as how they did not speak about the buddy enlistment in the last live before enlisting). saying that it's possible that bighit setup the travel show is not fuelling tkk narrative or setting jikook up once you remove yourself from the toxic twitter fandom bubble with tkkers and solos, because if you set your heart on jikook initiating the travel show because they're closeted then you're really setting yourself up to create a false dichotomy if the opposite happens to be true (as in if jikook didn't plan it) which would lead to thinking that jikook aren't dating but that wouldn't be the case because them dating or not dating doesn't depend on who organised the travel show.
only antis would say that jimin went to NY to impose on jungkook's release week so things like that don't even occur to me because it's so ridiculously stupid and i don't even think that it would be a legit argument anyone can make so it honestly doesn't matter.
i would say it's fine if bighit planned the travel show and chose the locations and everything because it doesn't actually prove anything one way or the other. i mean lbr it says quite a lot if the company knew that jikook would love the idea and would happily do it because they could have done a taekook travel show or a yoonmin travel show (and those still wouldn't mean taekook or yoonmin are dating) but they knew jikook would want to do it together the most. even though everyone including namjoon knows that a taekook travel show would have been a lot more popular. bighit wanted to milk them for as much content as they could to fill the gaps during their enlistment but jungkook wasn't really feeling it at the beginning of chapter 2 so i can see someone somewhere trying to come up with ideas to get him to do stuff and the jikook travel show could've been a part of that because it's a given they'd both want to do it (not least because they talked about in the past. but idk if they told staff they wanted to do it or if they just talked about it between themselves).
look i think it's also entirely possible that jungkook was sick of being without jimin while jimin was working so they came up with the idea of having jimin travel with him while he is doing his promotions/work abroad and they had to make it a travel show so that it's not that obvious. but it could also be true that jikook themselves hadn't thought of the travel show but the company did, and jikook saw it as a great opportunity to take advantage of and spend more time together. i'm always leaning more on what they say to us because that's all we have. even though in this particular instance and i have to say a lot of instances they aren't exactly detailing everything to us to say the least but like you, i also think that them not saying a lot says a lot in itself. i guess we'll just have to wait and see what we actually get and how much they will tell us about it😭
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sageistri · 5 months
Ehh I think it's not nothing. The thing is them enlisting together doesn't mean they're secret lovers like jkkrs think lmao but tbh I did spend last year putting their friendship in the same category as vmin - someone you grew up with but don't hang out with much outside of work. However considering how joint enlistment meant their base options were more limited and I've actually never heard about it before in kpop, I've just begrudging accepted that they're better friends than I thought. Doesn't make me like JK or think his recent songs aren't rubbish because just because Jimin likes him doesn't mean I have to. And also there's no need to go to the other extreme and overhype their friendship either - JK will still be an ass to Jimin by acting weird about him at times but its Jimins business to still be close to him.
Anyway jimins friendships will always be a bit mysterious to me because its so hard to get a glimpse of it unless the other person mentions it. I didn't even think he was close to Taemin anymore but apparently he is according to suchwita. Or how it feels like him and RM never seem to meet up but they're literally neighbours. I just try to not get overinvested either way and form my opinions on all of them outside of their relationship with Jimin.
I'm sorry subscribing to that train of thought would mean believing jimins friendship with him is somehow different from the one they both have with the others or that the others have with each other, it would also mean believing that they're so so close that they could not bear to be separated for 18 months which would be ironic considering it appears that they aren't even doing the same thing.
Knowing hybe there's a logical reason behind them enlisting together and they most likely decided to after weighing their options, you can't convince me the reasons had anything to do with sentimentality or them being secret 'besties".
And it has nothing to do with my feelings about JK, I would think the same if it was anyone else. I've seen people give their opinion on what the reason could be and that's because we've been here the past few years.
Thinking their friendship is more than they present to us on camera is bullshit because what's the point of all that if they're just friends? Unless like shippers we're starting to believe the "not for the cameras" thing.
We all knew when jikook were the closest because they never hid it but now their friendship took a back seat because they suddenly decided to hide the fact that they hung out or are close? Especially when they've both admitted to not seeing each other for long periods of time, and appear to not even know what the other has going on? They went from being spotted together all the time to not at all instead taekook are the ones being seen out because Jimin and jk decided their friendship is no more for the public eye? That's just shipper logic, I'm sorry but I'm not buying that.
If we all decide to accept everything we're being told because "maybe there's more to it that we don't know" then every complaint or critique we've ever had of BTS and hybe has been rendered null because "we simply don't know, and there could be more to it than we see".
Maybe we simply don't know and Jimin never faced any sabotage because he re-signed with hybe. Maybe we simply don't know and BTS are happy with hybe and in support of them because yes, our feelings for the company was never because BTS told us they were awful, we've had yoongi say the opposite actually but we're still here talking about "poor BTS, hybe doesn't deserve them" because us "simply not knowing" what's beyond the surface could go multiple ways. You could think "we don't actually know and they could be closer than they appear so they enlisted together because they're oh so close and could not bear to be separated for 18 months" and I having my own free will could also decide to think "we actually don't know and there could be some other reasons for their enlistment decision that had nothing to do with how close they are".
Let me also add that I really do not care about those reasons, I only ever talk or think about the enlistment buddy program when I get asks about it or see jikookers make their 1000th analytical post about it.
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uhgood-girl · 9 months
i have dealt with a lot of grief, already, throughout my not very long life and yet i remain surprised by all of the different shades of it i still find myself experiencing for the first time.
processing the final members leaving today feels like a large, deep bruise i was ignoring but can no longer pretend isn't there, so purple it's almost black.
i wasn't expecting this level of emptiness? how it already feels like a long, dark corridor in a once full house that should give back an answer when you shout and yet only your own voice echoes between the doors.
maybe that sounds melodramatic, i know i don't know these people irl but i know other army get it when i say the amount of comfort bts provide as this steady, background hum in the trudge of daily life cannot be understated. just knowing they're out there, existing, together, maybe making more amazing music, pursuing their own forms of existential happiness is really grounding. it's inspiring. those are my long distance besties, i don't give a parasocial fuck.
so in contrast, knowing they have been fully removed from that individual pursuit, forced into a mandatory conscription to appease a government who they don't personally seem to agree with and who also would happily expend them for it's own gain feels like thorns. like knives. like an unwanted reminder of our helplessness in the knowledge that even the best and brightest of us are not exempt from the bullshit powers that be's whims while they look at all of us like pawns on a chessboard. low value and consumable.
for me right now, it's honestly just boiling down not to the fact that they're gone necessarily, if they were on a vacation of their own choosing, i would happily wait however long, but that they've been forced to leave. you can for sure keep any tirade of "it's an honor to serve, they always planned to do so, blah blah blah" to yourself too because their intrisinc loyalty and integrity does not make the system as a whole less fucked up.
bc mandatory military enlistment is fucked up. the military industrial complex is FUCKED UP. if you are sad today but also not a little bit angry at the system that has gotten us here, and i'm talking look past the blue house, the color you're searching for is white, i hope you can find a little bit of space at some point for some healthy indignation.
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tweet. (not me, i just like and agree with it)
it feels better than grief and sure as hell mobilizes better, but per usual, i digress.
the grief is still insistent.
i cried when jimin took off his beanie in that live this morning. he had already said he didn't want to show us and yet the comments were full of people demanding he do so. ultimately the decision was his and i respect what he chose. i also hope he found some comfort in the flood of comments calling him cute and beautiful but it still broke my heart knowing what hair to someone like him (self expressed gender fluid, likely queer), how much of your identity can be wrapped up in it, probably meant. how it probably feels representative of this larger thing he is not eager to do as a whole.
hell, the idea of namjoon having to pick up a gun and point it at a person shaped target, edges not eroded but sharp and distinct, breaks my fucking heart.
i could go on for each of them individually tbh but i don't want to add to anything you may have not already considered, we don't all have to be victims to my imagination here.
i just need the world to not blow up between now and 2025. i'm begging. or even after that, really. what if we lived a few years in precedented times? is that even possible at this stage?
is this our monkey's paw? you get to live at the same time as bts but you're also gonna experience the (deserved, burn it down) collapse of the colonial empire? good luck!
i don't even know how to end this, i just needed to get some of it out. my biggest comfort in all of this right now is knowing there are people taking this just as well as i am at least. and by well i mean not very well at all, obviously lol. misery does love company, it's true. but i think because much like seokjin's views on embarrassment, it's easier to bear when shared.
and yet, please just step over my sad, fetal position body till i can get it together. i'm gonna need a moment, or ten. go on, i'll catch up.
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parkminijiminie · 10 months
Hi, I love reading your blog and opinions as a Jikooker who likes to be rational, and I remember you saying Jikook would have to pull off something really radical for you to believe they are together now (I was of the same opinion, bc even though I believe they def had sth in the past, this year they seemed off to me). However, the enlistment thing was an uno reverse card for me and I'm still baffled about the entire thing and the background of their efforts to enlist together (along with Japan trip, but Japan trip alone wasn't enough for me tbh), so my question to you is what do you think about them enlisting together and practically being attached at the hip for the next 18 months, as well as choosing one of the hardest divisions just so they could be together?
JM and JK enlisting together both shocked me and didn't surprise me at all. I know it doesn't make any sense, but it is how I feel. On one hand, it makes perfect sense that they would go together, considering they were always attached to the hip through the years, and I definitely hoped that they would somehow end up being in the same place, but with how things looked in the beginning of the year, I sort of had that possibility crossed out.
They had to have started the process of applying for the buddy system somewhere during the summer, but obviously, they had to have discussed it way in advance. It goes to show how much we all know about their real private lives and what the members are up to in their time off camera.
I still think at the beginning of the year, they didn't see much of each other for a few months, but I don't know what that means for their relationship. Were they ever together? Is it possible that they always were just very close friends? Was JM just too busy then?
I don't want to sound unreasonable or delusional, but more and more I am starting to believe that their avoidance of each other on camera might have been completely intentional, especially if they always knew they would enlist together.
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bookscandlesnbts · 11 months
"I’m not fully convinced that JK wants to be working this hard tbh. He loves being on stage, but with some of his latest performances, his energy is different. I don’t know how to explain it, but those that can see it, see it.“
Same feeling here. I’ve been disappointed by most of his recent performances - the fact that I don’t vibe with Seven and even less with 3D surely does not help but still, he does not seem to be that much into it imo. The interviews around the singles were a bit boring, but I find the songs boring anyway so I don’t know why I expected more..He did say recently he doesn’t have as much energy as he used to. I think he’s working hard right now, I hope he’s not burning himself out. I just can’t help but wonder if it’s truly what he wanted or if he wants to prove something, to us fans but also to himself. Which is fine but I just hope he’s not pushing himself too much to prove us something, he has already shown how great of an artist he is. His schedule is crazy these days…
Honestly I’m also disappointed, I was expecting him to be credited at least for one song. I hope it was his choices, if he’s happy with how things went then it’s all good but imo it would have been smarter to go for less songs, like a mini album, but more involvement from his part even if minimal.The collabs, the overhype and Scooter involvement killed my curiosity, it’s like those beautiful cakes you see at the baker but then it doesn’t taste much - it’s not like you won’t eat it, but it’s not as good as it looked like it would be… dumb parallel maybe sorry. I’m sure I’ll like some songs but I’m not expecting much.He was lacking inspiration it’s pretty clear now, and it’s not a shame I absolutely don’t blame him, but I guess he felt pressured to release something big but somehow I don’t feel the connection. I just hope he’s doing okay.
The interview that Bang PD did a couple days ago is linked here: https://x.com/daily_jkupdate/status/1712671267667705932?s=46&t=qPnJMLyaHtW8TW1s2gwVIg
Because these are the facts. We aren’t toxic stans for wanting more or wishing this rollout was different. I’m not a toxic stan for wishing that JK wouldn’t have been pressured to do an album at all, because I don’t think he wanted to, and in this interview, Bang PD even said that JK wasn’t sure about releasing an album. But Bang PD let 🛴 get involved and I’m sure he knows JK’s star power and pushed him into doing a couple songs and then an album. And like I mentioned before, I could see the members producing a solo album before MS (besides Jin who had to enlist right away because of his age) as part of their contract. That left JK with no time to fulfill that because he hadn’t come up with any solid songs on his own.
Western interviews are always awkward. For everyone involved. I think JK did a great job persevering considering he was on his own, but I’m sure he wasn’t too thrilled or comfortable doing it. I’m a music lover, so the songs weren’t my cup of tea either. Seven was catchier and the clean version was more tolerable. But yeah, I’m not a toxic stan or a bad JK fan for not being obsessed with Seven or 3D. I’m hoping that I like some of the songs on Golden and that JK connects with them. Because we know he puts his heart and soul into songs that mean something to him. Re: him recording Letter.
I’m not disappointed because I wasn’t expecting it. JK quite literally told us on lives he hadn’t been working on any music. So, considering the fast timeline, I’m not surprised he had nothing still since it comes out in a few weeks. The collabs and the overhype from 🛴 both suck but I’m hoping that we get some solid JK solo tracks too the ones without features.
I also hope he’s doing okay. I empathize with his position. I love him as a human. But I’m not a mindless robot that burns myself out streaming songs I don’t like all in the name of fandom either. Hopefully, I’ll like some of the songs, and I’ll listen to those. Thanks for sharing your opinions.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 7 months
To the person who sent this;
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The ask is just way too long and I don't usually post those. I get a lot of them, but I don't post them because it's kind of annoying and overwhelming. They're also redundant because I know everything you're talking about, I don't need a recount of every jikook interaction since 2020 because I know everything you know too.
I've also already said pretty much everything there is to say about them. I'm sure you can find some answers somewhere here.
In any case, the messages should be shorter next time.
I also wanted to point out how all the times you mention them hanging out, happened after June 2023, which is exactly what I say. That they didn't seem to hang out before that. Why do you think Jimin was seen with Hoseok all the time, they even talked about gaming at night together. They commented on each other stuff on weverse a few times. Jimin was seeing a lot of Yoongi and Hoseok until June 2023, and it showed. Then, Jimin was seeing Taehyung and Jungkook a lot AFTER July 2023, and that also showed when it started happening. Sometimes things are exactly what they seem.
You also didn't know that Jungkook was hooking up with women, and he would've never told you that. Because we were talking about mijoo too, when Jungkook did his vlog about the break in 2019, he only showed himself at the gym. But everyone knows he did a lot more than that, and met many people more apart from his trainer. So, messages like yours are redundant because no, you don't know everything about their lives and that could mean something "good", as well as it could mean something "bad".
Also the last part of this post
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Finally, I said this in another post too, but it didn't look to me like Namjoon and Jungkook were hanging out a lot either, just like he wasn't seeing Yoongi or Hoseok everyday. And I still believed they were all friends and loved each other. It's exactly the same with jikook. Them not hanging out regularly didn't make them enemies, it just made them not a couple. I don't think it's that hard to understand 😭
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samithemunchkin · 2 years
Keegan and Sage headcanons
ok ok I've finally sort of thought of few. Just generic headcanons and set in the fics I've written with them. Still have no idea what I'm doing, pls I'm so open for any questions, suggestions anything at all. Don't know if I should do a relationship headcanon one.
Horrible childhood, still haven’t figured it out fully because I keep veering into the same ideas I already have for Mitchell and I wAnT iT tO bE different
Ran away when he was 15, he might have been lanky but already tall and being abused made him pass as an 18 year old so he could enlist
Operation Sand Viper was his first actual mission, kinda got assigned by accident but they were lacking manpower and didn’t look too closely who they sent
Pretty much had an absolute meltdown once the fighting died down and Rorke was the one who found him first 
Trauma bonding and admiration and boom, Keegan felt like Rorke acted way more like an actual father than his own ever had
Rorke found out his actual age but instead of outing him, he offered to find him a place in the Marines to get a few more years of actual training under his belt before he’d let Keegan join Ghosts full time
During Operation Return to Sender, Rorke had made Keegan attend some mandated Marine training, idk quite how it all works but completing it would make him a sergeant, hence why he wasn’t with the rest of them.
And boy did that leave him with terrible guilt/anger/even more trauma
Became more stoic and withdrawn after that
Man hasn’t probably eaten a single home cooked meal in his life, doesn’t know what healthy eating means, would probably hiss at vegetables and fruits. He’s lived fine on bland mush and MRE’s so far and would be a giant baby about trying actual foods
Craves physical touch, pats on the back, hugs, will inwardly melt at praise but doesn’t exactly know how to express that need
Human furnace
Hates his scars
Adores cats, will try to befriend all the strays at whatever base he’s at
Also likes dogs
Basically any animal tbh, likes how he doesn’t have to talk to them, just his attention and affections are enough
Does not want to lead, hates the pressure and responsibilities, it’s why he’s never wanted to raise in rank any higher than a sergeant
Touchy drunk but there are three stages of it, beer makes him loose and touchy, hard alcohol makes him touchy and horny, red wine will make him touch the ground because his legs stop working
Grew up on a farm, had a few horses and had fully planned to follow her parents’ footsteps and take over the farm at one point, even went to agriculture school and all
But after graduation she decided to enlist to the US Army
Little brother also in the army
Got injured pretty badly during one mission, haven’t really figured out the exact scenario but her actions saved her unit and/or civilians or something, while she was recovering Elias contacted her to ask her if she’d like to join his team
Whatever the mission was, it involved some bad people that still live so as to protect her family, she asks Elias if her file and all records of her service can be destroyed, hence why she only goes by her call sign
Quiet but friendly and sarcastic 
Analyses everything. And I mean everything, always thinking, observing, notices minuscule details
Quickly becomes someone who everyone go to for advice or just to talk
Likes to tinker and do things with her hands, if there’s any renovation needed to be done at any base they’re at she’s more than willing to help out on her free time
Is not used to touch but doesn’t flinch away from it either
Also loves animals, they had plenty of them on the farm
Has absolutely horrid circulation, is always freezing and it only gets worse once she starts taking medications for her ataxia
Has always been a bit of accident prone
Has a big indent on her right thigh from being kicked by horses on it twice. There’s just basically a hole in her thigh muscle with raised edges
Likes how the team feels like a family but it’s constantly vary that bad things can happen at any time to any of them so she’s almost afraid to enjoy it fully
No matter how much she drinks alcohol, she will not appear drunk. She can be black out drunk and none would be the wiser until she pukes or manages to pass out on her bed. Not a chance that she’d let herself pass out anywhere else
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hey, I'm writing to you because you seem to be a very trusted person, and I don't have anyone with whom I could talk about it in rl. exactly 3 years ago I discovered bts, and I still believe that those first weeks of watching their content were the best time of my life, those videos with their funny moments became my escape from the real world. Before I knew it, I became so attached to bts that at one point they were an integral part of me. However, at the beginning of 2022 I slowly started to lose interest, I thought that I would finally move on with my life and forget about them. But then their hiatus and military enlistment were announced. that's when I realized that I had been taking them for granted and that I hadn't appreciated them when they were still in the band together. I think this break is needed, both for the bts members and for ourselves, because we can analyze why we became bts fans in the first place and why we want to continue to stay with them.
Hey! Trusted by whom haha? Thank you! The only person I talk about BTS irl with is my mom, but she doesn't really get it, so I feel you.
I understand what you mean. I felt a growing distance from BTS in 2021 when most of the content we got were ads and campaigns - so many of them, and so random, like they were trying to build their own Amazon with just with their sponsors' products and services. There was minimal music, Bangtan Bombs, performances, etc. to carry us through, and let's just say PTD was not my favorite song. The "hiatus" announcement also "pulled me back in", though I'd never left, but I became a lot more focused on BTS again. I don't believe I'd been taking them for granted, but BTS being sort of "broken down" into its essential parts - each of the members - forced us all to look at each of the seven, as well as the whole group, in a new light, and thus our relationship with the members and BTS naturally shifted. Army itself is different now and the solo era revealed a lot about the fandom that used to be hidden or less obvious when we were all united under a common goal - we still have many shared goals, obviously, and we've always had our own agendas as well, but now almost every faction of the fandom has its own agenda and they mostly don't coincide.
Solo era isn't making me reconsider why I like BTS and why I want to stay a fan, apart from reinforcing why I love the seven the most and why their group dynamics are essential to me being Army. It's also making me miss them more. I guess. unconsciously, I can't abandon them now, even I wanted to, because I have to stay with them until they reunite and prove my loyalty? But I have been reflecting on my relationship with Jungkook, in particular, since I don't have the same kind of attachment with anyone else and, honestly, no one else has revealed himself so much as Jungkook. The other members are mostly still a mystery while Jungkook has been peeling back the layers to expose himself in a way that has us reeling tbh. It's very weird with Jungkook because it feels like I'm "losing" him yet also like I've never felt so close to him, because we're connecting as people, and less as fan/artist?
Anyway, I understand why you might feel this way and I hope you found a way to reconnect with BTS. As Army, we don't want to feel like we've "abandoned" BTS and walk away from years of devotion and loving them - I get that completely -, but you don't have to force yourself to hold on to them if you don't want to, and it almost seems like you might feel a bit pressured to?
Thanks for the ask! You can come vent anytime! I guess people really do feel comfortable talking to me and I'm really grateful for that.
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abusivelittlebunny · 2 years
Schofield has a wife??????????
If he WERE to have a wife it would be out of obligation, not love. All Scho rly wants is a boyfriend. That’s just how it is 🥱
The guy is an omega through and through
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Not in my book he doesn't♡ it wasn't even explicitly stated or anything so it completely passed over me when I watched the movie tbh
What this boy truly needs is a devoted alpha and husband to take care of his every need. This boy is wife material ♡
Despite his lack of faith in himself he's truly the alpha's ideal omega of the time period; he's beautiful, slender, shy but intellectual, comes from a good higher middle class family, and utterly breedable.
Gordon noticed him immediately when Schofield got sorted under him (oh how he wished to have that little darling under him), even before looking down at his information sheet he knew the boy would be an omega. So young, so ripe for picking, batting those long blond lashes at him and so sweetly saying "Yes, sir." Gordon would lie awake at night thinking of Schofield’s voice moaning "Yes, sir, yes, ah~♡" as he plunged his tongue into his sweet wet flower that would bloom so beautifully under his care. He'd be like a drunken bear, devouring all that honey sweet nectar dripping out of him. And a bashful boy like that would no doubt be tight around his knot, oh, he could just feel it, and what a lovely face he'd make. He's seen Schofield blush those pale cheeks crimson from the cold, he'd be glowing pink when Gordon puts him on his belly and pounds him until the little tart is singing to be bred.
Nothing like his beta wife at home for sure. Any respectable alpha gentleman of a certain status and rank is socially obliged to take a female beta wife; taking an omega wife was a sign of a weak character, one who cannot control their lustful urges when smelling a delicious omega nearby. It was considered quite a bit tasteless, like marrying a prostitute or a dancer. Same thing with alpha women, they had to take beta husbands who couldn't satisfy them the slightest in the bedroom. All of alpha higherclass society was just one big masochistic hypocrite club. Of course it wasn't illegal to marry omegas, it wasn't unheard of that a higher class family would have an omega child that'd be sold off to marry the highest bidding alpha gentleman, but it felt more like a cattle market if anything. Bidding to breed.
He didn't want to seem like one that could be led around by his knot like some animal, he was a sophisticated gentleman who knew marriage was a contract of upkeeping wealth and good breeding.
His wife, Anette, would be positively be shivering at the mere sound of that word, "breeding". She's one of those beta women that view omegas as whores from birth, made by God to tempt away decent men from their respectable wives and drown them in sinful animalistic intercourse out in the open. There was no chance of Gordon even daring to mention taking up an omega side piece to her. Most alphas couldn't ignore nature's call and while they had their respectable beta spouses, they'd often keep an omega side piece around, maybe in an apartment over, or even in the same house. It wasn't outrageous, but it was whispered about generally; beta spouses couldn't quite handle an alpha in their seasonal rut, so they'd allow their partners to take on a discreet omega at this time to take care of their needs, for a good payment of course. Often enough these omegas would fall pregnant, and while they couldn't offer a legitimate heir, the sire alpha was obliged to take care of the resulting offspring financially. Gordon often thought about having Schofield in a similar situation.
Schofield is a good boy, comes from a respectable beta family, but he didn't get sold off into marriage in his teenagehood, nor did he have "engaged" on his information sheet; he didn't stay at home like the large majority of omega boys have done, he enlisted on his own. That made Gordon think that maybe it was because Schofield wasn't a virgin, hence why he didn't have a husband; why would anyone not want to marry the pretty little thing otherwise? Maybe his family was ashamed because Schofield succumbed to his nature and let multiple alphas mount him, maybe he even got knocked up from one of them. He was far too innocent in looks not to hide some dirty secret; maybe he's a slut that enlisted to tempt soldiers away from the battlefield and would let anybody take him-, or that's what Gordon was thinking, wanking late at night.
He'd think of Schofield in a pretty little apartment, just on the corner from his office, so he could visit him in his lunch break, and Schofield would await him eagerly and kiss him at the door before he'd take his coat. He'd serve him a warm and delicious meal, and ask him about his day, about work, while fretting over him not eating enough, and would bashfully hide his smile when Gordon would say "that's not what you said last night, love." Yes, Schofield in a lace-lined apron and pretty periwinkle blue dress, none of the dirty men's uniform he has to wear now, he'd dress him like an omega housewife, nice and traditional, in soft billowy skirts and pearls on his neck, bringing attention to his mating bite omegas oh so love to show off.
He'd mate Schofield the same day he'd bring him to his brand new apartment, not like his beta wife could smell it on him; no alpha gentleman ever raised awareness to the scent of an omega mate on another alpha's person, they would just be jealous, knowing he had an omega of his own. An omega who'd take his plate once he's finished with his meal and kiss him on the cheek and giggle like an angel when Gordon would wrap his arms around his waist and kiss at his mating mark, growling how William can mind the dishes later, he needs him now, right there on the table, or on the counter, and Schofield would be so turned on by it, unlike his overly modest wife, who'd never want to hear about such an indecent act.
She was always so cold in bed, the fact that they managed a son was a miracle, they rarely happened to have even a lukewarm roll around in complete darkness a few times a year. But not Schofield, Schofield would be warm and virile and full of heat and energy and he'd help with pulling up his skirt so Gordon could get inside him faster, knowing he doesn't have much of his lunch break left, but the little minx would love a quick nasty fuck and he'd moan into his mouth when Gordon would enter his cunt and rub at his cocklet. He'd claw at Gordon’s shoulders and wrap his legs around him and beg him for more, for harder and faster, like the omega slut he is, and Gordon would give it to him, fuck him like the animal nature wants him to be around his darling-
He hears another alpha officer grunt something under his breath, and it stops Gordon's hand from rubbing out his orgasm lightning fast. It was late at night, and the few higher ranking alpha officers he shared a tent with seemed to only ever wank once in a blue moon; of course it was embarrassing to be caught. He probably drenched the room in his scent of turned on alpha the way he's been thinking of Schofield. It was humiliating, but he was too wound up to give up on his orgasm and he continued stroking his cock at a less feverish pace, trying to ignore the other men he shared the tent with. They can suck it up.
Few things would stop Gordon from fucking Schofield’s brains out, certainly no knock on the door or telephone call but... but maybe a baby's cry. The muffled noise would make Schofield stop entirely, he'd nudge Gordon back worriedly, his motherly instinct would completely overtake him and he'd hop off the counter, giving a tired but affectionate smile to Gordon before hurrying to the nursery. Gordon would sigh, but button his trousers back up, following his omega's soft cooing until he finds Schofield rocking a pretty little babe in his arms, singing a lullaby to it with pure love in his eyes. It'd be Gordon’s baby.
"Maybe the little dear is hungry," Gordon would say, wrapping Schofield in an embrace from behind, watching their child over his shoulder, coming down from his fussing quickly from his mother's touch.
"I fed them just before you came, my tits are still sore," Schofield would chuckle and look at the rest of their children napping peacefully in their cradle. Omegas tend to birth litters, it'd only be natural Schofield would give him multiple babies.
"Nightmare then?" Gordon would kiss Schofield’s collarbone, his cock against his ass still hard, but that could wait, their children would always come first.
"Maybe," Schofield would sigh, their little one calm now, but he'd still be rocking him together with Gordon, a lovely slow dance in the afternoon sun. "He fussed last night too when you had to leave." Schofield would turn to him, tears in his eyes, "Oh, I wish you wouldn't have to leave. I wish you'd stay with me instead of her."
"Me too." Gordon would sigh, nuzzling against Schofield’s temple. "You're so perfect for me, I ache every time I have to go back to her, but she doesn't allow me staying over unless it's that time of the season, you know that."
"She shouldn't be the one telling you what to do," Schofield would turn to him, kissing his jaw, their baby snoozing between them. "You're my big strong alpha, if I was your wife I'd worship the ground you walk on and always do as you say; I'd be such a good wife for you."
"You already are, even without the ring." Gordon would kiss him and watch the stars dance in Schofield’s blue eyes and think about what kind of a ring Schofield would like. "Fuck what society thinks; I'll divorce her and make you my wife, give our children my name and spend every night in bed with you, as God intended."
"Oh, Lewis-," Schofield would cry out his first name and kiss him passionately, and Gordon would hold him so tightly, as to make sure the boy knows he's telling the truth and they'd marry within a week and-
"Good dream, Lieutenant?"
Gordon choked on his snore at the sound of the unwanted wake up call and groaned as he rubbed at his eyes before peering up at the alpha officer above him, already completely dressed. Fuck, he overslept. Not only that, he was sporting a very visible tent beneath his blanket where his morning wood was still twitching from the thought of Schofield moaning I love you in their marriage bed.
"Shelling?" He asked groggily as he sat up in bed, wiping away the drool from his mustache and glaring at his persistent erection.
"No, just telegram. Good news as well; the mission you sent out those two omegas for was a success. Mostly." The officer handed over the papers, which made Gordon jump up and hide the whiskey flask under the sheets. He's been drinking away his worry quite a bit since he let Schofield and Blake undertake that suicide mission, but he wasn't in any position to go against the general's orders. To hear that Schofield succeeded was a much needed weight off his heart.
"He's-, they're alive? They're well? The attack was called off?" His tongue is still lazy from sleep but he needs to know he needs to know-
"It was, just in time, but a few sacrifices had to be made in the process-," the officer mutters, and Gordon spares him a quick wide eyed look before diving into the telegram. He can't even read it fast enough he can only pinch out words from it he wants to get to know it so quick.
Wonderful - unfortunate - first row - loss - omega Lance Corporal - brave - wounded - hospital - Schofield - accident - German - ma-
Gordon's eyes come to a stop to read over the last few sentences.
The omega Lance Corporal assigned to undertake the mission with another one have been most brave and successful but due to being wounded by a German pilot along the journey, Lance Corporal Thomas Blake has been assisted to the nearest hospital unit before he could reach the Second Devons. Lance Corporal Schofield was also a victim of an accident involving a German Captain, in which he was-
Gordon's breath stops.
mated and bred against his will. He is thankfully safe now, but further investigation-
Gordon's fingers go numb and the paper slips from his hands unwillingly and all he can do is stare forward blindly, his mind shattered to pieces.
Schofield was mated and bred by someone else.
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ccaptain · 2 years
When do you usually do most of your writing?
Pet peeves?
What is on your wishlist?
nine your questions are always so fucking spotless. ily -- @ecleips
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When do you usually do most of your writing?
i do it either after lunch or when i get up from my afternoon nap! or if i get a good idea and its too long to type it on mobile i get up and yoink my laptop to write at least the bases of it down... sometimes i ditch my nap for that because my sleeping circle isn't even that remotely stable c: teehee (is in shambles)
What is on your wishlist?
kaeya being gently courted after a bad relationship with the person pursueing him treating him so gently and being patient about him? i would WEEP for this. worldbuilding of the abyss in my abyss!kaeya verse, kaeya eventually getting over his inazuma trauma after he addresses it properly. also, exploring kaeya's rage hidden under that thin layer of frosty ice that he has,,,,,,, chef kiss.
AND second close to kaeya managing to find love again it's me wanting to develope Herald, the fucker also living rent-free in abyss!kaeya's body. i just think that it's a funny, deranged little broken shit and the concept of how it merged with kaeya and their dynamic is fun to write. they're almost friends but for abyss!kaeya it almost feels like a babysitting job without an harness
Pet peeves?
putting this one for last so i dont slam a wall of text into people's faces!
sighs. cracks my knuckles on the same nail i always hammer about
wanting to ship with my kaeya for nsfw only,,,,, yeah. i will admit that im not the best person when this is the intent that you approach me with, and it doesn't put me in my comfort zone and i'd really have to force-fart out a reply if it's a consistent dynamic that we have. kaeya doesn't give himself willy nilly like that and idk how to phrase it without being a teensy bit maybe offensive about it… as long as it isn't assumed that kaeya might reciprocate immediately and could have a bad reaction to it we're chill, but otherwise it isn't the greatest interaction i want to have and it taints future ones,,, so,,,, yeah that's. not going to land.
NOT assuming that my kaeya may react realistically to different situations is probably what irks me more tbh. sometimes he's just not in the mood for sex or to be sexualized and flirted with all the time, sometimes he'll feel downright used if his paranoia acts up in the wrong moment. kaeya feeling like he's only a pretty object in a relationship is ABSOLUTELY a downer ending, because it means no more sex until the other muse manages to bring a good balance to romance, appreciation and sex. otherwise, while i desperately sit here wriggling to write shippy stuff/smut, kaeya's muse will just NOT allow me to and his dark thoughts will slip into my writing, making the whole thing unbearable to write and, i'm sure, read, if my partner wanted some passionate smut or light-hearted fluff.
one of my funniest (and realistic) rps i had a few days ago with @heincus and it was their lovely oc hokori being enlisted to help kaeya get over his fear of pyro aimed directly at his face, because he was tired of it affecting him so much and so kalpas wouldn't have to worry about it. the predictable result is that, after little time praticing it and a reaction that didn't bordered into a panic attack, he was filled with adrenaline and almost manic in happiness and thought he was over it, wrecked some shit with kalpas on the way home… and then he was a puddle of shaky sobs into kalpas neck, because the adrenaline wore off and he was actually scared SHITLESS of fire. 10000/10. laughed so hard at happy kaeya thinking that traumas can be ditched with this much ease… baby boy tricks himself so much it was SO fucking funny. he's SO delusional
im just like,,,,,, i REALLY dwell on kaeya's traumas and troubles to have a realistic portrayal of him, because it's part of his character. i understand and apologize if that's a turn off and why i put a detailed description of what it's to be expected of kaeya in my rules, so people know what to expect and plan ahead, or jus decide to not interact at all.
i might not be the shipping partner that you need if you're not into This Mess and i'll take some good distance from a ship we have in case i don't register a positive response to this realism until we either find a balance break the ship apart. i'm never going to string people along in something that clearly makes them uncomfortable. AND in return i expect to not be strung along if things don't land and transparency that the angst is becoming a little too unbearable so i can tone it down!
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hollandorks · 2 years
Hey bestie! Long time no talk. I hope the rest of your 2022 was good and that this year has been treating you well so far.
I’ve been on my Battinson bullshit recently, so I thought I’d stop by and share a few hc’s.
1. After everything with the Riddler, Bruce gets heavily pressured to be more involved with the company—mainly he gets pressured into having Twitter. He’s promised he doesn’t have to run the account, it just has to have his name. He’s promised someone else will tweet from it. Bruce agrees. His first tweet is a picture of his cat. The internet goes nuts for it. He then decides he’s going to run the account and only tweet pictures of his cat. He’ll post about something the company is doing to help Gotham but the tweet is above a picture of Vengeance. He’ll definitely send a picture of Vengeance cuddled up in some blankets with the caption “when you’re mean to me this is who you’re being mean too.”
2. Occasionally Bruce fights people on Twitter. It’s not often, but sometimes he gets a bit hot headed. Since sexism exists I think a lot of people would congratulate him on ideas/work when it’s been stated that it was the work of his wife. Even if the idea came from someone else within the company Bruce is 100% giving them credit. He tweets “ I really don’t do shit.” It then becomes a PR nightmare. The board isn’t impressed, the internet is. Twitter would simp for this man.
3. Sometime after their marriage they do a renovation in the house. Reporters catch wind of this and gossip magazines speculate that she’s pregnant, and there’s gonna be an heir. Soon everyone believes it. There’s no baby, and no heir. They renovated an entire room for Vengeance. They announce their baby/home renovation on Twitter. Once again the internet goes nuts.
4. Bruce is secretly a huge romantic softie. He’s always thinking of little romantic things he can do. However, Bruce is a little shit so I imagine he’d occasionally send her a text that says “this made me think of you” and the picture attached is random. It would cause a little bit of chaos.
5. I imagine that her and Bruce would be close in age. However Gordon only calls her kid. She finds it a bit annoying because “we’re practically the same age.” I think Gordon would sigh before saying “he’s not my kid” since Gordon thinks of her as a daughter. She’s then stop pestering him about calling her kid.
6. Alfred starts making them both eat fruits and vegetables if they start getting preoccupied by other things. If he thinks they still aren’t getting enough food or rest he’ll enlist Gordon’s help. Alfred and Gordon are an unstoppable duo.
You’re simply the best.
Hi bestie!! Hope you've been doing well! Sorry it took a hot minute to answer this, it's been a busy week!
Gonna start by saying I love that you still think of hc's all the time and still want to send them to me 🥺🥺
1. Bruce 100% would accidentally turn his social media into a stan account for his cat. But then when he realizes people love it, it encourages him, and I feel like he'd get more ridiculous with it. Like "Look at Vinny's new collar" and a picture. But with every small moment ever 😂
2. He definitely would occasionally fight on twitter and I bet he'd be great at one line takedowns tbh. I bet he could just rip into a person so easily & efficiently that yes it does become a PR nightmare, Bruce doesn't give a shit. It makes people love him.
3. I could definitely see this happening. And they accidentally encourage it because they always call their cat their baby and the baby 😂😂
4. Why did this make me think of that post with Edward Cullen and the effervescent snail I know exactly why he definitely is a little shit sometimes but a romantic at heart. It's canon (to me at least)
5. Gordon very casually tosses this out too and thinks nothing of it, meanwhile she's kind of choking up/ emotional about it because aww he sees her as his kid/ as family and damn now she can't comment on it anymore
6. Alfred and Gordon team up to make sure they get their fruits/ veggies/ sleep. They text each other about it. Also I like to think that this is actually canon with Alfred (remember that green juice in the movie??)
I miss you bestie 🥺 Hoping to publish some more battinson material someday! (I have some non-motn and motn related ideas!)
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people just being jm antis in the open now lol
*i won't mention the blogger, but if you would like me to let you know so you can block them or respond, i can send their @ in an ask*
it’s funny that people’s first assumption is that jungkook lied to jimin just like how it was assumed he told jimin he was busy and not to go see him when jimin was the one who went to an event on jungkook’s birthday then went live.
jimin having a job and seeing fans is an issue now?
all these times he could’ve gone to see jungkook if he was indeed doing nothing. but you are all just dying to have something to hate jk over.
confused where jimin said "i didn't see jk on his birthday"?
also coming from the same person (op) that said jimin was "shading jk" bc he said the crowd at yg's concert was more excited then the last one... echoing jjk's hate narratives towards jimin...
and tbh this kind of annoys me about jikook and have for years, like they always downplay their (assumed) friendship. if you're best friends why not act like it? like honestly. makes it hard to defend their friendship when they themselves downplay it.
if jikook are in an actual queer relationship, they are (1) in a conservative homophobic country (2) in the idol industry (3) preparing for military enlistment (4) doing solo work, which gives them more than enough reasons to keep their potential relationship on the low and be vague about eo
but no let's blame them for wanting to be safe bc YOU (op) don't get whatever confirmation or leverage to use against tkkrs...
and idc about any sort of ~privacy argument, who the fuck is private about a friendship with their own member
once again when you are in a queer relationship...
also jimin HAS BEEN private about himself, and has even said he likes to keep his friends to himself, so not a surprise he would do that with jungkook as well (especially if they're dating)
also makes no sense for jimin to post that picture on instagram which was posted for FANS not for jungkook then for him to come on live and imply he hasn't seen jungkook because he's busy (when jungkook now said he wasn't).
so namjoon posting on instagram, hobi not posting at all and only liking jimin's post, and taegi both not posting at all is ok...
but god forbid jm wish jk AT LEAST TWO TIMES (if not more in person/on call)
also the other members are able to post about seven on their instagram, and that is FOR JUNGKOOK, but if jimin does it and it's suddenly wrong?
also implying jimin is lying, when YOU (op) had an issue about people saying jk was lying...
he posted a pic to show they're close but then comes on live to imply the opposite? ok.
in the past they’d do or say something that would make it obvious how close they are (at least good friends) but not so much these days. i’m just tired of the weirdness.
god forbid jikook don't out themselves 😐
i always said (to myself) if they were acting as proper best friends at least it would be easier for me to not be delusional. but are we really expected to believe that jimin would fly to the us for jk’s debut when he didn’t have to but he can’t make it on his bday when jk is doing nothing?
besides the fact that jimin isn't required to do anything if he doesn't want to, jimin never said "i didn't see jk on his birthday"
like he could’ve said he’ll go see him soon or something if he felt fans would call him out on them not meeting on jk’s bday for the first time since they’ve known each other?
it's not jimin's job to make you (op and jkkrs) feel comfortable about jikook
also jimin has been criticized for what he does for jk's birthday for years (being in paris and posting a video, not posting until after jin got jungkook to say who (hobi, jin, jimin) visited him on his (jk's) birthday, posting a photo of jk blowing out his candles instead of a jikook selca or video)
*jk also has been unfairly criticized for what he does on jimin's birthday, but this about jimin rn, i could rant about that as well...
why would he come on live repeating that it’s jk bday and fans should wish him a happy bday when he himself wouldn’t go see him when that makes no sense? it’s just annoying.
bc jungkook is someone jimin cares for, jimin also made sure fans wished th on th's birthday... that's who jimin is
them pretending the us trip never happened when it’s right in front of us and everyone knows about it, them also pretending jk never did the bg vocals on letter like why?
not everyone knows (or at least they are pretending to not know) about ny/ct, it was leaked information and jikook might not want to spoil it before anything releases
if YOU (op) cared about jimin outside of jikook, you'd know there are documentaries for face and potentially letter being reviewed...
did jimin not give jk a copy of face or is he keeping it somewhere else for some unknown reason?
so no one questions why jk doesn't have indigo or the astronaut?
jimin refusing to do a live for who knows what reason but now he wants to copy the kind of lives jk has been doing. none of this weirdness ever happens with any of the members.
so only jk can go live from home and show mood lights now?
let's shame jimin for focusing on himself and his career, i guess...
but when jk was gone for months just to rest and take a break (AS HE SHOULD!!), that's perfectly ok?
and I knew for a fact when jimin showed his flat all the tkkers will try to push dating rumours. so if he wants to do more lives we have that to look forward to even more. yay🙄
do YOU (op) blame jungkook as well for being stalked and harassed bc he went live from his gym and own home?
i need people to actually leave them alone
trying to make sense of their relationship has turned y'all (op and some jkkrs) into jimin and jungkook antis
Hi anon,
That blogger has me blocked but I still know these words are coming from them.
Your statements debunking the bloggers hate are perfectly reasonable and valid.
They are hating on Jimin for no reason. They somehow feel entitled to more from Jimin and jikook and since jikook is not giving them more, they hate only on Jimin.
If jikook being makes anyone this irrational, leave them alone. And stop hating on Jimin for being present in Jk's life.
Thank you, anon.
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