#tc horse
triplechain · 2 years
hero of men: look at that devil creature cori: it is literally playing with skid hero: devil creature vio: you said the same about shadow hero: and i was right! vio: not really??? red: pspsps cent! pspsps come here hero: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING red: showing you its not a devil creature. cori: look see he is standing there very patiently and politely hero: KICK IT vio: are you fucking kidding me hero: KICK IT BEYOND THE HORIZON light, the original host of the body: hey buddy :) the others: arguing the in the background light: (to cent) you want head scritches? hero: DO NOT PUT OUR HANDS ON THAT CORRUPT BEING vio: PET THE CAT light: *peaceful cent head scritches* literally every other person in the body: *earshattering debate*
[developer's note: man i love collaboration]
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[i have since gotten over these worries and have decided to make it everyone's problem.]
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[yeah this was a while ago when we got Frog Update. following this was an old version of how chain 2 met the main chain, which will be included under the cut at the end.]
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it would also be fun to have the reveal happen as a result of rhythm sort of. snapping. hylia, he knows stopping the shadows is important and protecting people from the monsters they bring is part of the job and he knows damn well that he's not the only one missing home and the people there but part of him feels like his situation is worse than some of the others. he's not the only one separated from someone he loves, but he'd bet a hundred rupees he's the only one who might lose his chance at still having that love afterwards at least in the eyes of the law and their peers because as much as he cares for reti, he cannot continue the royal bloodline. sheila will always be the one the zora will think of standing by reti's side. even if he proves how much he cares and the people know the hylian is more than just a personal guard, that's all he may ever be in title. unable to show the full extent of his feelings in public, because it would be scandalous to be flirting with the king due to already having a queen and because of a disparity in rank. the longer he's away from home, the less time he has to prove himself to the zora people, and more importantly to the current zora king. and part of rhythm is terrified of it. even in sheila were to accept him as well, without the approval of the king, he would still be nothing more than a personal guard trying to court the throne. a personal guard that went back on his vow to protect the royal family of hyrule to serve the sea. a personal guard functionally unable to leave or find love because of the prince's gift, always able to be dragged back into the depths. he hates the thought.
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out of context developmental things for this nonsense, pt. 16
[cw below the cut: canon-typical violence. wild meets chain 2 after they teleport to him during Sunset pt. 10. this is no longer exactly how things happen I think, I'm still sort of working it out...]
one of the sudden arrivals runs off after the horse, three are panicking, one's in a hood and not saying much, and--
oh. oh no. someone's bleeding. apparently they don't have any healing. one of the newcomers looks like a monster, though.
wild doesn't have a sword at the moment but he does have a stick. the moment he tries to strike, the injured one blocks the way.
it's hard to tell how much is blood.
"if you wanna hurt them..." the guy says, through pained breaths, barely supported by a spear. "you'll have to get through me."
it's at this point the injured guy collapses. more panic. the horse and the one who went after it come back and something bolts from the bag into the forest.
the one in the hood perks up but says nothing. then their head whips around and he sees red in their eyes.
"oh no" is all the stranger says. "the others are here."
the one who ran after the horse looks more annoyed. "please tell me you're joking."
"who are the others?" wild finally says something to them. "and who're you all, for that matter, and how did you teleport on top of me?"
"the others are shadows and we're heroes and we teleported with this!" one of the other creatures - a skull kid, if he remembers right - holds out a lute. "we were in a fight and one of them got a strong hit on link and--"
wild is already not having a great day and this really isn't helping, but he's not about to let someone down again. "we're not far to a town. there's people who can help there."
he nods, not telling them he doesn't know for sure if they can help. if it's another case like twilight's... wild brushes off the thought and picks up this other link as best he can. "where're the shadows?"
the hooded one points towards where wild left the rest of his brothers.
they split off when they reach town. wild, other link, blue-hair, the fairy who was not a healer, and the small plant head into town, leaving red-hair, green-hair, hood, and the skull kid take the horse to meet up with wild's brothers and help deal with "the others".
the town group runs into the smith - his nickname of "four" makes a lot more sense now - who doesn't comment on the injured hylian or the broken sword wild tossed down before he ran off. no, his(their?) eyes are trained on hood, who isn't on the horse despite additional space. green hair looks back at the town group before snapping the reigns and they bolt off.
hood vanishes into the horse's shadow and four's eyes go wide. wider than wild felt his own going at seeing the same thing.
"are you sure there's space for him here?" blue hair asks, pulling wild's attention.
"positive," four murmurs, eyes fixed on the rapidly-disappearing horse.
"they why're we just standing around here?" the fairy gripes. "the sooner link gets help, the better."
the horse vanishes over the horizon and four finally gives the group full attention. "link?"
"that's his name, yes." the plant answers.
four's shoulders rise a little, but whatever he was going to say is dispelled with a twitch of the head. "are you... familiar with the shadow?"
"he's our friend," blue-hair says. "if it wasn't for him warning us, link would be dead right now."
the words sting in wild's ears.
"link isn't going to die."
four's words are as much reassurance for the strangers as they are for wild. even if he knows four is just as scared if the red one was anything to go by.
wild isn't going to let anyone die this time. not twilight, not any of his brothers, not this stranger.
he can't let anyone die this time.
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horsesarecreatures · 5 months
"Whilst this study used six participants on a horse simulator (to even out some of the many variables with real horses) this is a standard participant number and is needed to provide a valid statistical test using a t-Test method to show reliability and validity. It does show that the TCS develops less pressure in all areas (left, right, front, back) than a traditional saddle and as such should provide some reassurance to those that wish this."
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luciiferous · 1 month
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Why am I doing this to myself
Thumbnails for the first 4 chapters of TCS (´▽`) I'm going to try doing these for every chapter but there are over 50 of the damn things (and I still have to write/edit most of them)
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Hello! Happy Blorbo Blursday!
If you could pick only one word to describe your character(s), which word would you pick for them?
Hello! Thanks for the ask! Ugh, this is a very hard question. But a fun one, too!
Fallon - Loyal (or Stubborn)
Kristopher - Self-Destructive (at the beginning)
Lavinia - Determined
Captain Blackthorne - Protector
Bonus - CoS Creatures:
Squish - Adorable
Tamsyn - Stubborn
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airprime7 · 9 months
Why am I seeing so many fake posts on my dash? Like, there's ones from all sorts of made up realities, I'm surprised I haven't seen ones set in webcomics or whatever.
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♊️ twinarmageddons reblogged
♊️ twinarmageddons
all of you iidiiot2 need two 2hut up about computer2 unle22 you know what you're talkiing about. ii 2wear ii 2aw 2ome guy telliing people two pour water on theiir keyboard2 two clean them.
♉️ adiostoreador
♊️ twinarmageddons
oh my fuckiing god 2ome people are actual iidiiot2
#ii mean come on you actually beliieved that
22 notes
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♑️ terminallycapricious
wAsSuP mOtHeRfUcKeRs???
420 notes
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♌️ arseniccatnip reblogged
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < hiii!!!
:33 < my name is nepeta leijon, and this is my furst post!
:33 < i like shipping, and rolepurrlaying, and hunting
:33 < i have troll pawtism, so i might not be the best at understanding things. sorry if i get confused!
:33 < i also do art, and my commissions are open! purrlease don't ask me to draw trolls pailing, i'm only 6
:33 < bye! :33
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
wwhy is your text grey
♋️ carcinogeneticist
🤡 i-say-honk Follow
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < @carcinogeneticist @caligulasaquarium @i-say-honk kill yourselves
#:33 < :33
333 notes
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♍️ grimauxiliatrix reblogged
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
im dead n0w
♍️ grimauxiliatrix
#Honestly I Cant Believe I Made It Through This Week Alone
60 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
👻 ectobiologist Follow
hi! how do i use this app?
♋️ carcinogeneticist
👤 human-alarm Follow
612 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
♐️ centaurstesticle Follow
D -> The day we stop valuing horses is the day society collapses
♐️ centaurstesticle
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D -> @cuttlefishculler Perhaps I do share some interests with the protagonist of the new popular movie starring Troll Ryan Gosling
D -> If anything that would be a compliment
D -> Not that that's something a f001 such as yourself would understand
♓️ cuttlefishculler Follow
)(-EY, I was just joking around. No need to start being c-rude!!! 380
♏️ arachnidsgrip Follow
What movie did you watch? 8ecause 8ar8ie is defin8ly the hero of the one I saw, hooves-for-8rains.
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
i liked the 0ne with the b0mb m0re
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
rustblood, opinion disregarded
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♊️ twinarmageddons
forget that, cc ii2 the ACTUAL HEIIRE22
♋️ carcinogeneticist
1380 notes
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♏️ arachnidsgrip reblogged
♏️ arachnidsgrip
You know, I think the murders were good for me.
♎️ gallowscalibrator Follow
♏️ arachnidsgrip
Yeah, 8ut I'm over it now. It doesn't effect me anymore.
#I've moved on.
413 notes
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♉️ adiostoreador reblogged
💽 turntechgodhead Follow
man i cant believe troll steve jobs died of ligma
♉️ adiostoreador
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mewtwoandme · 2 months
I was hoping this would all blow over, but since it's continuing to happen, now with people attacking other artists of the commewnity. I'm putting out my two fucking cents! Cause this whole art/character theft and pointing fingers, who stole what from who bullshit it driving me up the fucking wall!!
Long story short, it started with me and one other blog whose name I won't mention publicly. Despite the horrible light they tried to paint me in, I don't want anyone going to this person and ganging up on them. This person had some serious bitterness towards more "popular" artists and claimed that I've made characters similar to theirs and once used a pose they apparently used before (which was a very common pose, considering it was a reference from the game version of mega Y). Since then, they had desperately tried to conjure up evidence, narrowing down to the most miniscule detail how I've been stealing from them when I hadn't even known their blog existed until I was forcefully thrown into that unnecessary drama with the unhinged call-out posts they've made. With this being said, I'd like to point out that they never came to me or addressed this concern with me in the first place. They had every opportunity to privately DM me if they had suspected I was "stealing," but no, simply because they already made up their mind that I was a thief, that was a good enough reason to lack common fucking sense and decency, making what should have been a private issue public, going on to villainize and dehumanize me. And apparently, it hasn't stopped with me either, cause recently I've been seeing other artists in the community having to deal with this where people are being white knights on high horses, pointing fingers on how one artist's mewtwo looks "the same" if not "totally identical" as another artist's mewtwo. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence. But what makes me disgusted is that since TC's post, apparently it's had the opposite effect on some people and they're hopping on this blame bandwagon like it's some damn media trend!!!
This is NOT okay! Nothing about this kind of behavior is funny! It's upsetting to all of us. We dont need you causing problems where there isn't any, thinking you're doing us a favor! The majority of us are adults for gods sake! We are old enough where we don't need other people coming to us being tattle tails saying this person did this and that. That's what little children do! If you suspect any form of theft, I think I speak for ALL creators in this commewnity that we'd prefer you DM us privately saying something like "Hey, I think this person is copying you, might wanna look into it." And if possible, provide a link to the art in question, for which we would kindly thank you for making us aware and we'll handle it ourselves from there. Just a brief, yet SIMPLE interaction...that's all we ask!!! Don't even come at me with "Well, it's scary attempting to talk to an artist that's well known." Or dare I say ~pOpUlAr~ If you claim that taking the first step to send me a quick DM makes you nervous, yet you have no problem making public call outs in posts or asks, belittling and degrading what could actually be innocent artists doing nothing wrong, literally leaving yourself open to all kinds of comments and opinions from all kinds of people....I'm sorry but your anxiety isn't as bad as you say it is then, if being rude and ignorant in a public post/ask is easier for you. If you come to us, shaming someone else who 9/10 probably isn't doing anything wrong, thinking you'll be in our good graces for doing so, sorry, you're not going to be told, "Good job!" with a pat on the back and given a lollipop! You're just being an asshole.
Quick reality check for everyone who's made it this far before I end this train wreck of a rant:
People can have similar ideas that coincide with one another! There's only so much you can do when a whole community is focused around drawing the same character! We mainly draw mewtwos and mews, you're bound to find a plethora of similar colors, patterns, and designs because of it! Creativity only goes so far when trying to stay true to a character and not stray too far. It's not a crime to take inspiration from other artists' characters, we actually encourage this! It makes us feel good that you liked something we've done and you want to incorporate it into your own designs! It makes us happy that we inspired you! The line is crossed when someone does a literal copy/paste of a character down to the exact detail, and they call it their own original creation. That my friends is what stealing actually is!
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somekindoffurry · 3 months
I don't like call out posts or whatever but I'm a fucking rural queer.
TCS has a horrible work environment. I know my local hardware stores and mom and pops. They are sweet and have a great work environment and sponsor local events. TSC doesn't donate shit to us. I'd rather support a local homophobic mom and pop than a "queer" corporation.
FFA has a horrible fucking culture and if they cared about queer folks or women or people of color, they would require change. Oh, right... rural culture to them is built on denial of climate change, or any "woke" shit like feminism or anti-racism or Pride. This is just a pink washed way of saying-
"Our employees and rural communities will receive less fucking protections, our employees- fuck them. They have less protections against a horrible fucking environment and we are alienating them from rural culture by acting like anything referring to WOKE is a city thang."
ALSO they are taking away policies regarding carbon emissions to FOCUS ON LOCAL SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION, THIS IS BULL FUCKING SHIT!! Soil and water conservation is constantly monoriting CO2 emissions, Methane emissions and Carbon emissions.
I'm friends with someone who has pulled live chicks out of their dumpsters and raised them for sustainable profit because she actually gave a shit.
I'm friends with someone who quit after being demeaned and bullied by upper mgmnt. For years!!
Fuck Tractor Supply Company! Support mom's and pop's. They are trying to save the true culture from corporations like Tractor Supply.
"Queer" corporations like TSC are using us as a weapon to both to the communities they colonize both rural and queer.
No kink at pride? Thank Tractor Supply.
Cops at pride? Thank Tractor Supply.
No funding for pride? Thank Tractor Supply.
Queer mistreatment in work environments, thank Tractor Supply.
No mom and pop's, no raccoon huntin', overpriced shoddy quality, cancer from an ointment animals use, lead pollution in farmers farms?
Thank motherfucking Tractor Supply Company.
TSC is directly linked to my horse trainer's cancer and why my cousin is currently dying of cancer.
So yeah, I'm upset. Thanks for reading this far. I was going to reblog @vaspider 's post but this needed to be it's own rant. BTW all of this is alleged to have happened. I don't have sources so you can make your own opinions and do your own research if you are interested.
Thanks again for reading. Goodbye.
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erasabledinosaur · 4 months
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What's in my Game: cc edition
dew of the sea
nature set | Tulips from Amsterdam
EA-edit Set | paranormal art items
Special | Love Not War Valentine Set
EA-edit Set | Bonehilda Themed Items
Art Set | Old Family Pictures
Winter Gifts | a tub full of plants
Winter Gifts | thank you cards
Winter Gifts | winter wishes cards
Winter Gifts | wall ribbons for cards
[DEW at home] accordion wall rack + clothes
[Magic Month] | gothic witch paintings
EA-edit Set | more hallway stuff
4t3: Strangerville Random posters
4t3: Bread n’ Butter Toaster Clock, and Radio (High School Years EP).
4t3: More Stains (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Collection of Floor Destruction 1: Scratches (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Collection of Wall Destruction (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Collection of Floor Destruction 2: Cracks (Werewolf GP)
Bonehilda Coffin Default.
4t3: Werewolf Noir Film Poster (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Fury-Fueled Nonconformity Poster (Werewolves GP)
4t3: LIS2 Grocery Bags.
4t3: TC Deco 01.
4t3: sforzinda’s High School Years Clutter Separated.
4t3: Perfectly  Plush Couch (High School Years EP).
4t3: Cow Plant Duo
4t3: Simmify Instant Camera (Deco)
4t3: Saved by the Chair (High School Years EP)
4t3: Laundry Deco (High School Years EP)
4t3: BG Decor (Base Game)
4t3: GP07 Barback Clutter (Strangerville GP)
4t3: Heavy Metal Decor (Strangerville GP)
4t3: School Festival Objects (High School Years EP)
4t3: Good Old Times Tables (High School Years EP)
2t3: Bathroom Rugs (Sims 2 conversion)
4t3: RE3 Clutter (Deco)
4t3: House Clutter (Parenthood GP, & Eco Lifestyle EP)
4t3: The Front Desk Clutter (Get Together EP)
4t3: High Definition Blowdryer (Deco)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter Kit Rugs (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: Bric-A-Bac Wall Art (Strangerville Separated).
4t3: Laundry Maid Essentials (Laundry Day SP)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: When Life Gives You Linens Clutter (Laundry Day Separated).
4t3: Get Together Decor
4t3: Random 02 (Cottage Living EP)
4t3: Random Rugs
4t3: Kid’s Decor (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Random Decor (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Infant Update (Decor)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter 02 (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: Basement Treasures Decor (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Grandma’s Couch (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Basement Treasures Decor #02 (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Book Nook Decor (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: Kids Decor 02 (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Greenhouse Haven Decor (Greenhouse Haven Kit)
4t3: Pile of the Sims Daily (Cats & Dogs EP)
4t3: Living Set (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: SquareTube TV (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Shortwave Shindig Radio (Horse Ranch EP)
4t3: More Book Nook (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: Discover University Decor (Discover University EP)
4t3: Paint Decor (City Living EP)
4t3: Art Attack
4t3: Sick Tunes
4t3: Pretty in Punk
4t3: TVs
4t3: Nonna's Cookbook (Home Chef Hustle SP)
4t3: Everyday Clutter Decor (Everyday Clutter Kit)
4t3: Bread Box of Holding (Parenthood GP)
4t3: Pillow for Deep Thoughts (Spa Day GP)
4t3: Party Poppers (Toddler SP)
4t3: Tastefully Empty Bookshelf Decor
4t3: Non-Functional Water Heater (For Rent EP)
4t3: Tibert Decor (For Rent EP)
4t3: The For Rent Sign (For Rent EP)
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harriertail · 3 months
Omen of the Stars reread + a lot of thoughts
The Fourth Apprentice
The cover is actually the best cover in the series are you kidding me? Its so pretty. The yellow blue and dark green r so nice
Why does the TC/ShC stream drying up affect the lake water level and not the RiverClan... river? Does the Moonpool stream still run???
Every mention of Squirrel and Leaf sitting together "so close they were like kits just out the nursery" is an actual STAB in the chest. They go thru so much :((((
A flash flood seems to take out the beaver den (or its just poorly worded?) so what was the point of the journey...
Dovewings personality is snappier than i think pple give her credit for, I kinda enjoy her
Tigerheart literally does not interact with her on the mission lmao what is he on about 'I'm gonna miss you'
Jayfeather missing Lionblaze is act so painful :(
Fading Echoes
So much of the opening of these books is just recounting previous events and character arcs omg this goes for all WC books.
Hollyleaf :(
Blossompaw's siblings joke that she moons over Toadstep. Idk why fucking Thornclaw becomes her mate later on then :/
What is Tigerheart doing on the border ? he doesnt explain it? I actually thought that he was already meeting Dovepaw secretly but then hes not like what is he doing...?
Dovepaw being worried for the other Clans + her thoughts about having this power should put her above the Clan rules could be so interesting. the series back-and-forths over Lionblaze (we must protect ThunderClan) and Dovepaw (we must protect all the Clans) even though Lionblaze gets annoyed at Dovepaw for using her powers to look after ThunderClan???
The whole "being obsessed with Prophecy and what it means" is probs a part of Jay's character (as he baso became a med cat to fulfil his destiny) but it also feels like a gross misunderstanding of what a Prophecy is. All the "the dark forest is rising. This might be what the Three is meant for" is like putting the horse before the cart- a prophecy is meant to describe a situation and hint at the character/means to solve it; but PO3/OoTS has the characters/means to solve, but no conflict :/ its a bit backwards.
I like the mentions of Firestar + Sandstorm going on night hunts etc.
Blossompaw/fall's a cunt lol. Shes kinda fun but shes not nice at all especially to Ivypool.
I love Littlecloud. I love when the med cats share ideas and discuss things 10/10 makes my day everytime
The pacing is actually... not good. Ive defo always been on thr camp of "too many povs and too few chapters ruins the book" but wow FE really shows it.
So much of Doves characterisation so far is about agency and not wanting to be special and have Firestar/Lion/Jay talk to her. I wish this was not forgotten about in later Super Editions.... kittypetdovewing2k24
this battle is crazy tho. I wish more of the DF plot was about stirring up trouble between the Clans and specific troublemakers in each Clan rather than the later nebelous 'dark warriors invade the forest' battle. Ill get to that one day
Night Whispers
Picking right back up in the battle...
and again just recounting the last books events. hollyleaf death/disappearance explanation count: 3
Kinda love how many times shes mentioned. From Lionblaze avoiding the tunnel she ran into to Jayfeather finding the fur that Leafpool hid.... cute
Okay i actuallt love ShadowClan discussing the battle + tactics + training and then the chapter immediately after the TC camp doesnt mention it at all and Ivypaw is like "why arent we discussing the battle? Just because we won doesn't mean we will again!!" interesting character moments + a nice look at differences between the Clans
Ivypaw and dovepaw fighting over tigerheart????? they fight so much but then always wanna be together like jfc.
Dove n tiger have negative chemistry like it just jumps right into "no boundaries can keep us apart". I get shes using him as an escape from TC/prophecy bullshit but like.... rlly? I wish it was just like expanded on. Tbh i wish every chapter had like just two extra pages to actually delve into things a bit better.
Lmaoo lionblaze cinderheart leafpool dovepaw patrol this is so fucking funny brambleclaw u get one point for this
Tigerheart break up scene count: 1
Flametail POV. Interesting but... why? Bad things r coming we know... what was his point narratively? It was cool tho. I liked seeing ShadowClan.
Every single book Dovepaw has a character die/get really hurt and is haunted by their screams. Rippletail, Longtail/Briarpaw, and later on its Antpelt... jesus christ girlie has it SO rough
The ivypaw "nernernenerner im better than you im being trained by tigerstar" to "oh fuck hes actually a bad guy i cant believe the terroristic maniac lied to me" is so rapid shes so funny/stupid
The imagery in this book is kinda crazy. Fire and ice cats and drowning in darkness visions. Very fun.
Sign of the Moon
So the med cats are divided and split up and StarClan does not trust any other Clan cat- but when in StarClan, Barkface and Flametail are hanging out? Crookedstar offers to share prey with Yellowfang? But StarClan is super fractured rn each Clan must stand alone. Okay
Antpelt nooooooooooooooo
Idk what the mountain prophecy actually means like. Firestar was always going to lead ThunderClan into battle.... what is he gonna do that's different...
Rock: i was the first Stoneteller Five chapters later Half Moon becomes the first Stoneteller. This is egregious
Swoop death. that's the fourth death Dovewing is going to be haunted by
The Forgotten Warrior
all the hints to Hollyleaf still... its a nice throughline... the yarrow and tansy and Molepaw/Cherrypaw scenes... shes my fave. sometimes the foreshadowing feels like it could be just Jayfeather coping that she's 'defo still out there' but TFW ties it up well. especially when you get surprised by Sol coming back and its like 'oh they were convinced she was defo still out there :(' and then she's actually back!!!
also the title??? is banger. the Forgotten Warrior, with Leafpool on the OG cover??? wow. espec as its constantly brought up that Leafpool was the medicine cat but no one sees her as a warrior really.... TBH all these titles are just as good as the TPB titles in terms of meaning/how good they are.
Another fox? okay.
SOL.... okay
tunnel adventures part 3.
All this like.. Bumeblstripeing is just kinda naff. Dovewing is clearly tryna force herself into liking him. But then she's also going on about how Tigerheart used her??? NGL i do really wanna see like.. why she changes her mind in AVOS
Brambleclaw lying to protect Hollyleaf is actually like. GOD that hurts. especially when you consider Bramblestar's Storm and how much he misses her. thats his favourite
the cinderheart shit is so stupid my jaw is actually on the floor. what you do mean you've been in love with a cat you shouldn't have. is cinderheart having cinderpelt's feelings for fucking firestar and that's why she doesn't want to be with lionblaze. also they have negative chemistry they literally are CONSTANTLY having issues.
oh my god i swear the 'Sol is secretly working with WindClan' was brought up chapters ago and we are only now dealing with it okay. anyway hollyleaf moment.
its kinda weird we dont get any like. scenes of the siblings just being siblings... they only discuss prophecy/plot shit and dont get to be siblings again - which i guess fits with the whole 'everything has changed' but god it'd be so god to just have them doing like. normal cat stuff - especially when so much of this series has had Jayfeather missing her and Lionblaze
i love Dustpelt and Brackenfur building shit... its so good
Dawnpelt murder accusations. okay.... i can't wait for Flametail to suddenly be argumentative again next book
the battle we've been building to all book is one chapter. cool. Sol runs off again and it's the end of the book. cool.
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year
Hey, just saw your fic with Maric x Serving Girl Alistair's Mother. I read your author's notes on Ao3, and were you hinting at conflicting information on Alistair's mother's identity? Or is my tired brain misinterpreting? I'm all for writing whatever you want, go nuts, no problem with the fic. But this peaked my interest, because I've never heard of anything disputing Fiona, given 'The Calling' novel. Does it have to do with there being no acknowledgement in DAI if you have Alistair and Fiona at Skyhold at the same time? Any information or clarification you provide would be appreciated. I always loved Maric.
Hi Nonny! This has consumed my entire evening and I hope you’re prepared for the splurge about to be unleashed. Thank you for the ask! The disclaimer at the top of the fic is there because historically the subject of Alistair’s mother has been a… charged subject, for reasons that I won’t get into now because it’s not really relevant to your ask and I don’t have a horse in that specific race.
However, if you look into canon, there is indeed a bunch of conflicting information about the identity of Alistair’s mother – or rather, there’s a bunch of information that conflicts with the Word of God confirmation from David Gaider that Fiona is Alistair’s mother. Which… is also not exactly true. In an interview from 2014 when asked specifically about it, he said (after a long, weary sigh), “I never actually meant for it to be a thing … I thought the book was fairly obvious and then people were asking and I just never confirmed it … it comes up in the game and I will leave it at that” (timestamp starting 35:28 if you want to check it out yourself). Thing is, it doesn’t come up in the game, either in DA:O or in DA:I – which may be the game he’s referring to, since the interview is mostly to hype its release. It isn’t clear.
We do come close to getting in-game evidence for Fiona: in DA:I, the Inquisitor can ask her about her past, and if you read between the lines there is wistfulness there, and she’s sorry he dies, but her comments about it being “too late” to know him could just as easily be taken as being about her time as a Grey Warden if you haven’t read The Calling (TC) – she never comes out and directly says it, and we never witness a conversation between them, even if he’s a Warden presumably curious about how she became immune to the Calling (I have thoughts about this, but we’ll get to that later). In the DA:O end slides, it says someone orders an investigation into Alistair’s parentage that comes back “inconclusive” – but even without the dubious canon of the end slides (given that some, like Cullen’s, got heavily retconned in later games) this is a shaky piece of evidence at best that Alistair’s mother was anyone other than a servant. An inquest is politically motivated, after all, and would have been more concerned with his connection to Maric than the identity of his mother.
So where does this leave us? Well, we could go in circles debating what should count as canon or not, which isn’t entirely useful because people can draw lines in the sand wherever they like to make the points they want. We could argue that BioWare is really good at retconning and muddling its own lore and that the simplest explanation – that the devs made a mistake in some of the details and no one caught it – is the most likely, and that caring about it more than Gaider obviously does (with his well-known dislike of Alistair as a character) is kind of a waste of time.
Unfortunately, you’ve asked me about it, so what we’re actually going to do is go through every relevant piece of Dragon Age media, assume it is all canon, and weigh the evidence in the text to try and offer some clarification. Where things contradict, I will give more weight to the version that targets the broadest possible audience, i.e. the games > the books and novels. Where things contradict within the games, I’ll be considering which source of information is more authentic and direct within the game’s context, i.e. Alistair should know more about his history than a tavernkeep who’s listening to rumours.
Having said this, let’s start with TC, where all of our problems begin. In the last scene of this book, Fiona introduces Maric to a baby she says is theirs, and asks him to find it a home where it can be free of the stigmas of being the child of an elven mage. Fair enough. However, as conspiracy-brained as this is going to sound, there is no direct evidence to confirm that this baby is Alistair, and one or two things that suggest it isn’t. I’m not so shallow in my literary analysis that I count the fact that the baby is never named as one of those pieces of evidence. That would just be petty. Far more compelling is:
Timing: TC is set after Queen Rowan’s death. There’s some quibble about dates in World of Thedas and whether it was supposed to be set in 9:10 or 9:14 bur really that’s a numbers game and it’s beside the point, because it’s built into the plot that Maric decides to go with the Grey Wardens specifically because he’s feeling depressed and reckless through grief for Rowan. This is important because, as gets mentioned quite a few times in DA:O, Alistair was hidden in Redcliffe because Rowan was still alive. This is a conflict of information, and as already stated, games > novels.
There’s no amulet: Giving Alistair his mother’s amulet is a pretty significant moment in DA:O. It’s all he has of hers, and it’s something that ties them together narratively. If this was all meant to wrap up neatly, then the least Gaider could have done would have been to mention Fiona taking off her Andrastian amulet and gifting it to Alistair to be something of hers he can keep even when she’s not with him anymore. The fact that this doesn’t happen makes this scene emotionally empty when we know he got an amulet from a person whom he considered to be his mother. If not Fiona, then where did it come from?
'“He’s human,” [Maric] exclaimed out loud': if there’s one thing a lot of DA fans can agree on, it’s that “human/elf hybrids are totally human” is bullshit. It’s not how genetics works, it has some yikes implications considering how heavily the devs took inspiration from oppressed minorities to create the elves, and it’s not a plot point that’s ever used in an interesting way (we will get to Michel de Chevin in a moment). It’s also not true. In DA2 there is an entire series of quests about a character named Feynriel, who was born to a Dalish mother and a human father, and who is visibly part-elven. He has points on his ears! He has facial proportions halfway between the humans and elves in the game! He’s rejected by both sides of his family because of it! Now, there is also Michel de Chevin, who in The Masked Empire (TME) is revealed to have an elven mother, but this is never mentioned when he appears in DA:I, and is kind of a non-issue in the novel as well. This is the most nebulous piece of evidence by far, as it relies by default on picking which bits of material are canon, which I've already said we’re not doing here, and to be honest the physical differences between elves and humans are only really noticeable in DA2 where there was an effort made to make them look deliberately nonhuman.
Except for the timeline of the book, the evidence in TC is circumstantial. We get to more definite evidence in Until We Sleep (UWS), the third volume in The Silent Grove comics storyline, where Alistair gets to meet and talk with a dream version of his father, Maric. When Alistair asks his father to come home, Maric says, “I had a life. The people I love are all here – Cailan, your mother, Loghain… none of them are in the real world any longer, are they?” (A+ parenting there btw). Since this series takes place before DA:I, Fiona is definitely still alive, so Maric can’t be talking about her. Also, it’s interesting to note that this too is written by David Gaider, so it’s not a case of writers being at cross-purposes or not getting any intra-office memos. There are continuity mistakes in these comics, but these are mostly confined to the fact that neither Alistair nor Isabella match their in-game appearances – and remember, the games have more weight than the comics. Having said that, it does conflict with the "official" story.
With all this said, let’s come to the other beginning of all our problems, most people’s proper introduction to Alistair’s character, DA:O. In this game, it is a significant plot point that Alistair is the son of a servant from Redcliffe: it is explicitly stated in Alistair’s codex entry, and furthermore, it is something that multiple characters assert is true, including Loghain and Alistair himself.
First, Loghain. If you spare him at the Landsmeet, he joins your party and has dialogue options that talk about Alistair and why he was kept at Redcliffe. According to him, Maric nearly acknowledged Alistair, but “had more than his honour to think of”, namely the effect it would have had on Rowan and Cailan (implied: how that would have affected political stability in a Ferelden still recovering from the Orlesian Occupation). He points out that Alistair "would have been a continual reminder to Rowan of Maric’s infidelity”, which as mentioned above, means that she would have still been alive when Alistair was born.
As for Alistair, yes he was a baby at the time so doesn’t really have an objective viewpoint, and it’s not confirmed whether the person he considers his mother died in childbirth or just in his early years – the codex entry says “when he was young”, he says “when I was born”. Nevertheless, it’s clear he’s asked questions about her because he knows roughly who she was and what she did, and also at some point learnt the name and rough location of the person his entire companion quest (and Fade dream) revolves around.
Let’s talk about Goldana.
Really, she is the biggest wrench in the certainty that Fiona is Alistair’s mother, because there’s no way to square away that fact with her existence, and by extension the existence of the servant in Redcliffe who was her (and Alistair’s) mother. But what if she’s just an exceptional liar, thinking she could make a quick sovereign out of the king’s bastard by playing along? It’s possible. However:
When you take Alistair to meet her, she’s the one who brings up Maric (“I said the babe was the king’s, and they told me he was dead, and gave me a coin to shut my mouth”) – Alistair until that point has only mentioned his mother and that she worked in Redcliffe Castle. If she was hedging her bets, wouldn’t it make more sense for her to accuse him of being Eamon’s bastard?
If she were talking nonsense, why would “they” bribe her with hush money? It would be very easy for someone as powerful as Arl Eamon to dismiss or debunk such claims, and he shouldn’t care what a random servant’s kid has to say – unless there’s a kernel of truth in it that he doesn’t want anyone looking at more closely
On that same note, why would “they” tell her the baby was dead if it wasn’t, if it was just some random’s kid? Either there’s an entirely separate baby that Goldana believes for some mysterious reason was fathered by the king, which Alistair – actually fathered by the king – replaced at just the right age that nobody noticed, or they’re the same baby. One of these options is far more plausible than the other
If she’s that good at lying, why is she still just a washerwoman living in a hovel and asking three copper per load? She should be running Denerim!
Facetiousness aside, Goldana’s story confirms that at the very least there was a serving girl in Redcliffe Castle who had a baby at roughly the same time that Alistair was born, and that for whatever reason, she was connected enough to Maric that multiple people in the castle suspected he was the father (and resented Alistair because of it). If this was an entirely separate baby, then it makes Maric an absolute shit of a person to have taken one son and used him to replace one that had just died in childbirth. Either that or a complete idiot for sending his actual son to a place where he’s rumoured to have a son and deciding that’s a secure hiding place – because you can’t tell me Eamon wasn’t aware of what was going on under his own roof. Even the fact that Alistair himself knows and was aware of it from a young age suggests that it wasn’t a very well-kept secret.
So where does all this leave us? From here, things get a little more suppositional, a little more Doylist, and a lot more subjective. To start with, taking into account all of the above evidence, if Fiona is Alistair’s mother, then his arrival at Redcliffe relies on a – I would say – plot-breaking  set of contrivances.
1: Fiona, somehow cured of the darkspawn taint enough to have a child, arrives in Denerim with Alistair, who isn’t old enough to be weaned yet, asking for somewhere to put him that won’t draw attention. She does this after walking pretty much all the way across Thedas even though, as mentioned in TC, the Wardens already have procedures in place for fostering children born to their ranks, presumably ones that don’t involve so much steady exercise.
2: Instead of using his kingly resources to track down a woman in Denerim who has recently given birth and telling her to take on an extra kid, Maric decides to send the baby to the other end of the country, to the house of an unmarried nobleman who will definitely not stir any gossip if he shows up on his own doorstep with an infant he wants someone to care for. Where did the baby come from? Don’t ask. Are you happy that everyone will think this kid is your bastard? I’m sure it’s a decision that won’t have any negative consequences for me in the future. But you are going to tell everyone he’s your bastard to keep up the ruse, right? No, now stop asking questions.
2: Luckily, there’s a woman in Eamon’s household who has recently given birth, or is at least close to it, and they can substitute? add? this baby to that baby without having to pay her off, because she’s an employee. The bait ‘n’ switch is timed so perfectly that no one notices that there are in fact two babies, or that the baby is suddenly several months older than it was before (truly, a medical miracle). Unless they’re exactly the same age, in which case what are the odds.
3: Somehow, despite all the secrecy, this woman’s other child knows that the baby is the king’s and won’t shut up about it, to the point where someone has to pay her off and send her packing. But that’s all unnecessary, because the woman – and her original baby I guess? – both die and leave no witnesses.
4: Rowan still manages to be mad about this and everyone is worried for her reputation despite having been dead for two years.
It’s a level of convolution that does not exist with the alternative, which has been pretty common since forever in the real world: powerful man sees pretty woman, decides he’ll have that, doesn’t want to face the consequences, makes everyone miserable in the process. Alistair’s mother being an ordinary person caught up in the orbit of someone she can’t resist is so much more narratively coherent, if significantly less romantic.
And this is where we get into the biggest problem that I have with Fiona-as-Alistair’s-mother: it has no payoff. These are fictional people, structure is important for narrative, and while I’m not saying that every little thing has to have purpose or direction, a pretty significant amount of Alistair’s character arc in DA:O is wiped away if his mother isn’t who he thinks it is. His story is about social class and identity and whether legacy is even worth it: Fiona’s identity means nothing to him, and that’s not something that ever changes. In DA:I she looks a bit sad when she mentions him, but there’s no work ever done to explore that, or to explore how Alistair might feel if his mother is actually alive but abandoned him, and how awkward that makes things for him if he’s king. OR to have him hear that she’s now immune to the taint and be just a little bit curious about how that came about. There’s no conversation, no status quo shift. Instead, the devs rely on the fans who know this metatextual fact to do the emotional heavy lifting for them and extrapolate the consequences they don’t want to deal with themselves.
It is lazy writing.
In some cases I also think it becomes a prop that invalidates the point of his character arc – and even breaks the worldbuilding a little, turning what was originally a struggle to forge an identity separate from people’s expectations, into a straight case of nepotism. The two most egregious examples?
Is he able to use templar abilities without lyrium because anyone with enough training and discipline can do it, and the lyrium is just the Chantry’s way of keeping its army leashed and loyal? Nope, it’s because he’s special because his mummy was a mage and it gave him special latent mage powers. That’s far more interesting than examining the ramifications of a religious order using addiction and brainwashing to make sure its soldiers will commit atrocities without question.
Is he a Warden because of his strength of will and determination to survive, chosen from the ranks of the other potential recruits because he had a spark of something that Duncan knew would be valuable in the fight against the darkspawn? Nope, it’s because his mummy was a Grey Warden and gave him special taint immunity powers, and also she was best friends with the current Warden-Commander so he was picked even though there were better fighters among the potentials competing that day. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that all Wardens secretly have Warden blood already because that would be ridiculous, it’s just Alistair who needed that extra leg-up because otherwise he’d be useless at everything.
I promised myself I would rein in the sarcasm but from a storytelling perspective it really annoys me that this shift turns him from an ordinary person into the specialest boy in the world, because it denies him his agency and takes the teeth out of his achievements. I’m not even going to get into how it lets BioWare off the hook for representation, insisting he is half-elven and taking a gold star when he’s never identifiable in-world as a member of an oppressed minority, and it never has any bearing on how he views the world or how it views him. It feels like it’s giving the devs far more credit than they deserve, especially when the effort they put into this (minimal as it was) could have gone into giving Zevran more to say on this. exact. subject. He’s right there, and he is perfect for exploring this aspect of the worldbuilding when he isn't being overlooked.
This is getting a little ranty now so I’ll wrap it up with thanks for your patience, Nonny, if you’ve made it this far. What’s the conclusion? At the end of the day, people can make up their own minds with their own reasoning, all I’ve attempted to do here is lay out the various threads untangled from the snarl that is BioWare’s incomparable ability to fuck up their own lore. Personally, I think Alistair’s mother being an ordinary servant makes his journey and the themes of his character arc more compelling wherever he ends up, and I like that this means his parentage is a facet of his identity rather than the only interesting thing about him. I also think the weight of evidence in DA:O, the game where he’s first introduced, is greater than in a tacked-on scene at the end of a tie-in novel written by a guy who seemed to just think it was a good idea at the time. But hey, I’m not the authority.
However, if there’s one solid takeaway from this then here it is: don’t give BioWare more credit than they deserve, don’t do their work for them, and especially don’t assume they’re leading us down a merry path with super-secret truths for enlightened minds only when the simpler explanation is that no one stopped (in this instance) David Gaider getting carried away.
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triplechain · 2 years
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[developer's notes: why are they all so TEENY]
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out of context developmental things for this nonsense, pt. 20
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Ages, Birthdays and Zodiacs
Age (in 2012, which I’ve gotten from the wiki and adjusted) - Birthday - Zodiac - Chinese Zodiac
TC: 34, January 4th 1978, Capricorn, Fire Snake (this is the 1977 one bc he’s born before Chinese new year of 1978)
Chris: 33, May 29th 1979, Gemini, Earth Goat
Xever: 22, November 15th 1990, Scorpio, Metal Horse
Baxter: 36, August 30th, 1976, Virgo, Fire Dragon
Anton: 29, June 16th 1983, Gemini, Water Pig
Ivan: 45, May 12th 1967, Taurus, Fire Goat
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A hc my boyfriend and I is that The Count and Silver Dollar were raised together. And horses can be bonded pairs.
Another hc my boyfriend and I have is that Silver Dollar gets shot by Milton (or Dutch I like to say sometimes) when he becomes unruly without Hosea. All this is to say, I can't help but imagine The Count nosing at Silver Dollar's side and panicking when SD won't get up and Dutch having to urge him away. Also, yet another hc between us is that post SD/Hosea death TC becomes less himself and more panicked because he's picking up more on Dutch's panic and uncertainty. Another other hc is that TC is blind and his bond with Dutch is just that strong.
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ghostbird-7 · 6 months
Thoughts while I’m rewatching dead reckoning-roughly the first 2 hours
This movie is just so visually pleasing and engaging. I want to eat it. The shot from beneath the submarine looking up at the ice?? Fucking gorgeous.
I know logistically why they made the call but the Russian submersible crew speaking Russian accented English will always be funny to me. Also reminds me of the doctor who episode in 11’s run with the Russian submarine. It was Clara’s era. Anyway, they also do a great job of making us immediately empathize with the crew just based on their fear and confusion in the face of the enemy. It helps that that enemy is the same one the protagonist is facing, but it’s also just great acting on the crew’s part in a relatively short period. The existential horror of being trapped in a submarine of all things with a murderous ai is genuinely chilling.
I really love how old they let Ethan be in this movie. With most action franchises with an aging protagonist they refuse to alter the character, instead sticking to what’s been proven to work and MI has always done the opposite of that and it’s just so good. All his interactions with the new IMF agent just speak to his experience, and how many people he’s seen just like this guy, inexperienced and thrown in over their heads, not make it out. His fucking sadness after he welcomes the delivery guy to the IMF and he leaves is so good. TC your micro expressions will never not destroy me. Mildly controversial opinion but I didn’t think Grace and Ethan’s chemistry was in any way romantic or paternal, I think they’re going to be really great friends. Also “we live and die in the shadows for those we hold close and those we never meet” is both super corny and such a perfect representation of Ethan’s character it makes me screech.
I have complicated feelings about Ethan’s backstory retcon which I won’t go into but I do think they definitely made the right choice not doing the deaging thing for the flashback.
One of these days I’m going to write something exclusively about everything I love about Ilsa, but that day is not today. For now, even looking at pictures of her makes me a bit emotional. Rebecca Ferguson you have changed me, body and soul. Also that eyepatch being because she can’t wink is so funny. No ones doing it like her.
Ethan briefly gives his horse pats and I liked it. I feel like he’s a horse girl. In his heart. I like that none of the horses die in this sequence. I know it’s unrealistic but this is fucking mission impossible we’re talking about it’s not a docuseries and it would make me sad.
Ilsa’s costuming in this movie is so fucking good. The looseness and lightness of everything she wears really complements the economy of motion that Ferguson does so well.
Indira Varma win!!
In retrospect watching Ethan move so unimpeded into a meeting of some of the highest ranking us intelligence officers is such a great look at him as a character for newcomers to the franchise. He’s such a spy in this, it’s so good. It’s just a great standalone movie.
Kitttridge!!!! I hate this bitch, and I’m so glad he’s here.
In every interaction with kittridge ethan is such a bitch, I love him so much.
“It’s my job to use you. Just like it’s your job to be of use” is fucking heavy. The decades of being of use, and having the shit beaten out of him and his loved ones leaving or dying so he can serve, the absolute mindfuck of his loyalty to the IMF and to a greater extent to keeping the world safe and lack of regard for himself. I don’t have coherent words about this, but it’s great characterization and I’m so sad about it.
I love how much of an ensemble movie this is, by the way.
“The man himself is expendable” Briggs I am going to break your legs. He is my special guy.
I love how much this is a manifestation of Benji’s monologue in MI 3 about the Antigod. It was silly but he was not wrong.
Also Benji’s outfits and Luther’s hat… really good.
I cannot wait for them to tell us what the connection between Ethan and Briggs is because it’s SO weird
Benji and Luther’s relationship being given a chance to evolve is really good, it was a side of their team that had felt underdeveloped and it works really well here. Them not letting Ethan know gives us insight into some of the troubleshooting on missions that he just can’t cover because of his skillset and it’s really good. Also banter 👌👌
The return of his sleight of hand is gorgeous. “Putpocket” is horrible and super silly.
The entire scene where Benji is interrogated by the bomb is so good, Simon pegg is as always excellent, being forced to admit that he fears death, that he loves his friends more than anything else, all without any stakes, it’s just so clearly meant to humiliate and tear him into bits and it works and then he goes back on the job because all the things he said are true and now the machine Knows.
Pom is flawless in this movie. As a character, she’s delightfully unhinged. As someone who’s attracted to women, it’s. It’s nice for me. But also genuinely from a narrative standpoint it would be so easy for her to be extraneous but her presence is so strong it just carries. Her monster truck and combat boots and small ponytail compel me deeply.
Running scene running scene running scene running scene
I fucking love his little lawyer outfit.
That car chase scene is maybe my favorite in the series. You can see McQ and TC’s commitment to stunts as a carrier for narrative and character, it’s visually stunningly, it has Paris who I’m obsessed with, everything Ethan does is just impeccable and Grace plays the perfect foil. His deep discomfort with not being the one who’s driving, repeatedly reassuring her after the crash, his getaway driving skills, his little looks to Briggs (again what the fuck is up there), wanting to be the protector and being deeply embarrassed with the fiat. Not actually knowing how to drive it is such a great comedy moment and also blue screening when he can’t do it immediately. That 5 minutes of him just being so embarrassed and frustrated with himself. I want to eat it. It’s so good. And then of course he’s doing stunt driving in it and that’s also glorious. Grace going in circles in the fiat is so fucking funny. Also Ethan’s the worst fucking backseat driver it’s amazing. He is losing his mind. He is actually scrunching up in the seat, which he can do even in a fiat because he is tiny. It’s just quality television.
I knew they would do the train thing the second I saw the tracks and I just hate it. It’s really good objectively but I hate it every time.
Him having to just carry this wheel around for a solid 5 minutes-it’s his new rock. It’s his sadness object and he’s holding onto it forever.
Ethan’s fucking despair every time he sees his friends during a mission for the first time because he knows they might be hurt, the fact that that is consistently his first thought beyond relief or gratitude makes me insane.
Also the tacit acknowledgement that Ethan has just been working his way through the mitsopolis family is so fucking funny. It’s also fairly uncomfortable for Alanna because he seems substantially less into it than he was with max, but I digress.
I cannot wait for his hair to be longer, I think somewhere between MI 1 and 2 is the ideal length, but I hold a deep fear of the potential bowl cut.
The repeating pattern of all of Ethan’s friends withholding information from him is really interesting.
We all know Ethan’s whole shtick with you’ve gotta get out of here it’s dangerous I can’t protect you is a testament to how much he loves them but it’s also just..so much a trauma response. Every time he does it you can see him panicking and trying to change an eventuality he can feel creeping behind his shoulder.
The quiet moments between Ilsa and Ethan in Venice are really good. Their initial reveling in being able to wordlessly communicate and talking to each other in the context of work and danger has given way to this very comfortable worn in curiosity about each other, and a willingness to give of themselves to satisfy each others curiosity. It feels like they’ve sort of grown up a bit in their relationships with other people by having their relationship with each other and it’s just really cool.
Pom’s outfit with the mask at the party in Venice is so fucking good. I tend to try not to linger on attraction to female characters because it feels more creepy than it does with male characters, likely due to some of my internalized nonsense, but she really does feel so much for the queer gaze. She also has a sword. I’m just really into all of it.
Some of the things Vanessa Kirby said about learning about projecting power make so much sense watching her move, there’s this artificiality and stasis to her that feels innately threatening.
The loop back from Gabriel’s religious overtones and the themes of sin in the first mission impossible movie is fascinating.
I love it when he vaults over railings and down floors. The easiness of it, it’s just good to look at.
Getting closer to Ilsa’s death scene is complicated. I understand why it had to be someone, and why that someone should be her. I understand that Rebeca Ferguson was done with the character. I’m just sad because I like her, and I’ve managed to separate that feeling from a reflexive anger at the narrative choices that were made, which I admit I sometimes have an issue with. Him finding her body and just sitting and breathing and looking at her is fucking brutal. Also the entity using Benji’s voice to misdirect him is A Lot.
The brutality of that back alley fight scene is such a good establishing look at Paris’s fighting style and a great character moment for both of them. We get her first moment of fallibility and we see what he’s made of when his back is literally against the wall.
I know either rogue nation or ghost protocol is supposed to be Ethan’s fever dream nightmare scenario, but dead reckoning feels so much more like that to me. An enemy he can’t hit, who has a better chance of predicting his insanity, who uses an almost literal ghost from his past to kill the people he’s built himself around in the present. He also is forced to jump off a cliff and be a passenger in a car. It’s all not coming up Ethan in this movie is what I’m saying.
For the rest of the movie we don’t see a lot of his grief, mostly his anger. Don’t get me wrong, the bit we get is very good and did make me cry a bit, and I know how much they’re packing into one movie, but I hope we get more of it in the next film. Anything else seems like a bit of a disservice to Ilsa’s character.
It bothers me every time that Grace doesn’t have contacts when she’s playing the white widow. She sits almost directly opposite her brother, they make full eye contact a lot.
Ethan’s “your life will always matter more to me than my own.” And Grace’s “you don’t even know me” and Ethan’s “what difference does that make.” Hm. I am having complex feelings, consisting mostly of distress. Her looking at Benji and Luther, and them both acknowledging the weight of Ethan saying that and confirming it’s the same for them, AUGH.
What the fuck is going on with the cryogenic tube/coffin Gabriel was in on the train?? I know he was probably using the mask to communicate with the entity and he had to do that convertly but the whole thing is just weird.
I’m gonna pick this up when it’s not about to be a Monday. Tune in shortly for a continuation of me losing my mind over some action movies, I guess.
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aajjks · 1 month
TC!JK As soon as they reach the horses Yn motions for him to hand the bottle to the guards himself.
He does as told. The guards, however, were shocked but nevertheless grateful for the thoughtful act. Bowing deeply to him and thanking him as they all drink some of it.
Jungkook goes back to her and they all start to head to their destination again. Yn was feeling satisfied now that she has pleased her man. That's the least she could do after all the pain he has gone through for her.
She doesn't register when she falls asleep and when her eyes open, the sun was rising and birds chirping. They were almost there.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning, beautiful.” Jungkook wakes you up, he didn’t get much sleep, but he’s OK because he’s used to staying awake four days when he is at war.
He smiles at you. Pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Baby don’t worry we’re almost home..”
You’re back in the territory right now and now basically one hour and you’ll be back home. “I know you’re so tired yn.. my poor baby.” He coos, still focusing on the road ahead of you both.
He Can’t wait to go back to the palace with you and sleeping in your arms the whole day
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marisatomay · 1 year
*watching tc do a bunch of emotionally resonant jaw clenching before gently caressing the nose of a fighter jet like it’s a big horse* this is Movie. to me
he’s a horse girl omg
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